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Forty-One Interviews of Dr. Eric Karlstrom on the A.C.H. Show (2016-2020) and Related Links

War On Terror
Articles & Interviews

Part VIII: Cult Connections

February 19, 2024

Gray State (film)

February 19, 2024

Quotes on War

December 11, 2018

CIA Front Companies

December 1, 2018

Webmaster’s Introduction:

The Following 41 interviews of Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, on the Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show cover a variety of important topics which he has researched and exposed on his five websites (,,,, and

These topics include the phony War on Terrorism, the United Nation’s depopulation agenda (UN Agenda 2030), 9/11, mind control, “ganstalking”-electronic torture and terrorism of domestic populations (or G5; Global Government Gangstalking-Genocide GESTAPO), the global warming fraud as cover for weather warfare/geoengineering, Mafia States, weaponized psychology, the New Age-One World religion, the International Zionist Criminal Syndicate (IZCS), and electronic weapons and Fourth Generation Warfare.

I want to thank Andrew Carrington Hitchcock for his vital role in presenting this extremely important information. We are both proud of this effort and sincerely hope that these interviews will help awaken our deeply propagandized fellow-citizens in America and England. Thank you, Andrew, for your courage and commitment to spreading the truth in these dark times.

Eric Karlstrom

2020 Programs:

41) G5: Global Government Gangstalking Genocide Gestapo; February 11, 2020:

G5: Global Government Gangstalking Genocide Gestapo: ACH (1188) Interview w/ Dr. Eric Karlstrom – February 12, 2020

40) “”We Want To Map Your Brain:” A Musical Tour of Mind Control : January 2, 2020:

“We Want To Map Your Brain;” A Musical Tour of Mind Control; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on ACH Show (January 2, 2020)

2019 Programs:

39) A Thanksgiving Special On The Testimony Of Kay Griggs (TI, patriot, and ex-military wife); Dr. Eric Karlstrom on the A.C.H. Show (11/28/2019); November 28, 2019:

A Thanksgiving Special On The Testimony Of Kay Griggs (TI, patriot, and ex-military wife); Dr. Eric Karlstrom On The A.C.H. Show (11/28/19)

38) Case Studies Of Targeted Individuals And Their Families; November 7, 2019:

Case Studies Of Targeted Individuals And Their Families: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (11/7/2019)

37) The Protocols and The Black Intelligence Zionist Superstate: “From The Front Lines Of The War For The Soul Of Humanity;” October 1, 2019:

The Protocols and The Black Intelligence Zionist Superstate: “From The Front Lines Of The War For The Soul Of Humanity;” Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (10/1/19)

36) Mafia States’ Gangstalking, Torture, And Terrorism Part 4; September 12, 2019:

Mafia States’ Gangstalking, Torture, And Terrorism Of Civilians (Parts 1-4); Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (6/4, 7/5, 8/13, & 9/12/19)

35) Mafia States’ Gangstalking, Torture, And Terrorism Part 3; August 13, 2019:

Mafia States’ Gangstalking, Torture, And Terrorism Of Civilians (Parts 1-4); Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (6/4, 7/5, 8/13, & 9/12/19)

34) Mafia States’ Gangstalking, Torture, And Terrorism Part 2; July 5, 2019:

Mafia States’ Gangstalking, Torture, And Terrorism Of Civilians (Parts 1-4); Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (6/4, 7/5, 8/13, & 9/12/19)

33. Mafia States’ Gangstalking, Torture, And Terrorism Parts 1; June 4, 2019:

Mafia States’ Gangstalking, Torture, And Terrorism Of Civilians (Parts 1-4); Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (6/4, 7/5, 8/13, & 9/12/19)

32) Amerika: Global Totalitarianism; May 7, 2019:

Amerika: Global Totalitarianism- Dr. Eric Karlstrom on the A.C.H. Show (May 7, 2019)

31) Weaponized Psychology: The Milgram Experiment and Global Gang Stalking; April 10, 2019:

Weaponized Psychology, the Milgram Experiment, and Global Gang Stalking: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C. Hitchcock Show (4/10/19)

30) How Synagogue of Satan-Controlled Governments Wage Fourth Generation Warfare on We, the People: April 2, 2019:

How Synagogue of Satan-Controlled Governments Wage Fourth Generation Warfare on We, the People: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on AC Hitchcock Show; 4/2/19

2018 Programs:

29) The Phony War on Terrorism (PART 5): Oct. 29, 2018:

The Phony War on Terrorism (Part 5): Pretext for War Against Domestic Populations; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show

28) The Phony War on Terrorism (Part 4): Weather Warfare as State Terrorism (II); Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show (11/18)

The Phony War on Terrorism (Part 4): Weather Warfare as State Terrorism (II); Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show (11/18)

27) The Phony War on Terrorism Part 3; October 11, 2018:

The Phony War on Terrorism (parts 1- 3): Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (July, 9/11 & 10/11/18)

26) The Phony War on Terrorism; Part 2; September 11, 2018:

The Phony War on Terrorism (parts 1- 3): Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (July, 9/11 & 10/11/18)

25) The Phony War on Terrorism; Part 1; July, 2018:

The Phony War on Terrorism (parts 1- 3): Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (July, 9/11 & 10/11/18)

24) Structure is Strategy in Slow Motion (Part 6): July, 2018,

Structure is Strategy in Slow Motion: How the Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls the U.S. (Parts 3 – 6), Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show (4-7/2018)

23) Structure is Strategy in Slow Motion- How the Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls America; (Part 5)

Structure is Strategy in Slow Motion: How the Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls the U.S. (Parts 3 – 6), Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show (4-7/2018)

22) (9/11: Israel’s Masterpiece) Structure is Strategy in Slow Motion (Part 4): July 3, 2018

9/11: Israel’s Masterpiece; Structure is Strategy in Slow Motion; How the Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls the U.S. (Part 4); Dr. Eric Karlstrom on the A.C.H. Show

Structure is Strategy in Slow Motion: How the Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls the U.S. (Parts 3 – 6), Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show (4-7/2018)

21) Structure is Strategy in Slow Motion: How the Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls the U.S. (Part 3)

Structure is Strategy in Slow Motion: How the Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls the U.S. (Parts 3 – 6), Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show (4-7/2018)

20) Structure Is Strategy In Slow Motion: How the Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls the U.S. (Part 2) 5/2/2018

‘Structure Is Strategy In Slow Motion:’ How The Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls The United States – Parts 1 and 2 (Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show ; 4/17 and 5/2/2018 interviews and notes)

19) Structure is Strategy in Slow Motion: How the Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls the U.S. (Part 1) 4/17/2018

‘Structure Is Strategy In Slow Motion:’ How The Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls The United States – Parts 1 and 2 (Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show ; 4/17 and 5/2/2018 interviews and notes)

18) “Manchurian Channelers:” Fake Voices of God; April 3, 2018:

“Manchurian Channelers:” Fake Voices of God: Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show (4/3/2018)

17) Mind Control and the New Age (Part 2); March 8, 2018:

Mind Control and the New Age (Part 2): Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. (3/8/2018)

16) Mind Control and the New Age (Part 1); February 24, 2018:

15) One World-New Age Religion (Part 2): February 13, 2018:

One World-New Age Religion Parts 1 and 2: Dr. Eric Karlstrom and A.C.H. Show (1/13 and 2/13/18)

14) One World-New Age Religion (Part 1); January 13, 2018:

One World-New Age Religion Parts 1 and 2: Dr. Eric Karlstrom and A.C.H. Show (1/13 and 2/13/18)

13) January 2, 2018: United Nations Agenda To Steal Our Water

United Nations Agenda To Steal Our Water: Dr. Eric Karlstrom Interview with A.C. Hitchcock (1/2/18)

2017 Programs:

12) Agenda 21 and the Global Warming Fraud (499); December, 2017:

UN Agenda 21 (2030) and the Global Warming Fraud; Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show, 12/2017

11) “Ode To Jimmy” – Casualty of the 1960’s Sex-Drugs-Rock-n-Roll Intelligence Psy-War PsyOp; November 18, 2017:

“Ode To Jimmy” – Casualty of the CIA-Tavistock-MI6’s 1960’s PsyWar-PsyOp-Mind Control Attack on America (Dr. Eric Karlstrom on ACH Show, 11/18/17, With Song, Lyrics, and Backstory)

10) Weather Warfare as State-Sponsored Terrorism (I): November 7, 2017

Weather Warfare as State-Sponsored Terrorism (Focus on Hurricane Harvey)(I): Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. (11/7/17)

9) Political Correctness (Part 2); 12/19/17

Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism (Part 1) and Political Correctness (Part 2); Dr. Eric Karlstrom & A.C. Hitchcock Interviews, 10/18/17; and 12/19/17

8) The Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism (Part 1); October 18, 2017

Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism (Part 1) and Political Correctness (Part 2); Dr. Eric Karlstrom & A.C. Hitchcock Interviews, 10/18/17; and 12/19/17

7) The Links Between 9/11 and Gang Stalking (Part 2); October 3, 2017

The Links Between 9/11 and Gangstalking: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (Oct. 3, 2017)

6) U.S. Military/Intelligence (“The Interagency”) AND “the Jews” Are Behind 9/11 (Part I.); September 11, 2017:

U.S. Military/Intelligence (“The Interagency”) AND “the Jews” Are Behind 9/11, the Fraudulent War on Terrorism, and Organized Stalking Operations; Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show, Parts 1 & 2 (9/11 & 10/3/17)

5) Gangstalking As Part Of Project Lucifer; (423) September 6, 2017

Gangstalking As Part Of Project Lucifer; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (9/6/17)

4) The Gang Stalking of a Targeted Individual (413); August 27, 2017:

The Gang Stalking of a Targeted Individual; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (8/23/17)

3) Update on Gang Stalking; Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show (357); June 6, 2017:

Update on Gang Stalking; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A. C. H. Show (6/6/17)

2016 Programs:

2) 9/11, Mind Control, Gang Stalking, and Targeted Individuals; December 20, 2016:

9/11, Mind Control, Gang Stalking, and Targeted Individuals; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (12/20/16)

1) Natural Climate Change, Weather Wars and HAARP (220); November, 2016

Natural Climate Change, Weather Wars and HAARP: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on ACH Show (11/2016)

Other Important Interviews on ACH Show: Michael Walsh on Radical Population Reduction and Brendon O’Connell on How to Fight the JWO (Jew World Order)

2) Strategies to Fight The JWO (Jew World Order)- Brendon O’Connell & Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (358)

Strategies to Fight The JWO (Jew World Order)- Brendon O’Connell & Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

1) Is Gangstalking Prelude To A Radical Population Reduction Program? U.S.A. Population Projected To Decrease 81% By 2025 (Hitchcock and Michael Walsh interview) 347

Is Gangstalking Prelude To A Radical Population Reduction Program? U.S.A. Population Projected To Decrease 81% By 2025 (Hitchcock and Walsh interview)

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