The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
9 Elizabeth Lepore Videos On Gathering Cyber-Hacking Evidence ( August 22-27 , 2020)
War On Terror
Articles & Interviews
Part VI: Mind Control: History and Applications
January 15, 2025Part VII: Electronic Mind Control and Electronic Weapons
January 10, 2025Part VIII: Cult Connections
January 2, 2025“PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order:” Dr. Robert Malone Lecture
September 17, 2024Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 20249/11 “Hijackers” Were CIA Recruits (videos)
April 15, 2024Gray State (film)
February 19, 2024365 Days of Chemtrails- The Christmas Carol Verson
January 12, 2024Appendix 42. Psychological Operations Blueprint (by Omnisense)
December 3, 2023Appendix 63: NASA’s Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast- 1994
October 3, 2023Cognitive Warfare June-November, 2020 Francois du Cluzel
March 16, 2023Appendix 136: The New World Order Pope and Related Articles/Videos
November 27, 2022Boston Marathon (Un)Bombing Hoax & Crisis Actors; 14 Videos (2021-2022)
November 23, 2022Appendix 152. Excellent website!
October 18, 2022Comments on the Persian Gulf War I by Dr. Eric Karlstrom (April, 1991)
September 24, 2022Appendix 214: Gray State (Movie)
August 21, 2021Appendix 234: Maurice Strong and Tavistock (video)
June 25, 20219/11 preplanned; W/ List of Leading Suspects
May 14, 2021Quora Q & A On Gangstalking
March 14, 2021Timeline of United States Military Operations
December 25, 2020Gangstalking Photo Log (La Paz Area, 2019 – 2021)
November 27, 2020The MANY Methods of Mind Manipulation . . . a Worldwide Operation
October 22, 2020Stalkers, Perps, and Scumbags From their own CV’s
October 18, 2020Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
September 19, 2020Some Appropriate Graphics For Covid 19(84) & 5G N(J)ew World Order
February 20, 2020The War On Democracy (2007 Youtube)
March 19, 2019Counter Intelligence Series Youtubes (Parts 1 Through 5)
March 19, 2019Counter-Intelligence: (5) Drone Nation
March 19, 2019Gallup Poll: US is #1 Threat to World Peace
January 15, 2019Quotes on War
December 11, 2018The War On Iraq (Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, 11/16/2002)
December 9, 2018CIA Front Companies
December 1, 2018Iraq War Update (4/22/16): And the Winner is…. Greater Israel!
November 30, 2018The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s Is the Story of Our Times
November 14, 2018USA Freedom Act (2015 Update of USA PATRIOT ACT)
November 9, 2018You Are The Enemy (by Preston James of Veterans Today, 2014)
September 25, 2018Gang Stalking Photo Log (La Paz Area, 2019 & 2020)
July 22, 2018World Chaos Diagnosis: Acute Zionist Infestation
May 21, 2018Terrorism and War (Dr. E. Karlstrom Lecture Notes, ca. 2000)
March 17, 2018Webmaster’s Introduction: Elizabeth Lepore states that she is a “Targeted Individual” residing in Florida who served in the military and is one year from obtaining her bachelors degree with a major in cyber security. Not being well versed in cyber security at all, I cannot determine if these videos are groundbreaking and/or important or just a rabbit hole that leads in the wrong direction. (Where is NSA whistleblower and math genius, William Binney, when we need him? He could easily confirm or deny…. but then he has paid a heavy price for his honesty and is also being targeted with directed energy weapons.)
Time will tell if this information is evidence targeted persons need or not. I include the videos and comments here because these techniques and insights could be very important for TIs to understand and to use in order to prove what is happening to them.
I note that Elizabeth Lepore strongly recommends that TIs watch the documentary, ShadowGate, and that a commenter to one of Elizabeth’s videos indicates that Tore of ToreSays blog (one of the two whistleblowers in that film) endorses Elizabeth Lepore’s work.
Who knows what that means.
I. I am a Targeted Individual Under Illegal Electronic Surveillance by the US Government Org’s
Elizabeth Lepore statement (from video):
“I know Princeton University is on the network that I’m assigned to by the government. And I fell upon this page:
SAT 2 or Satellite 2 is used by the Air Force. I’m an experiment to my society. My local community is involved as well. I have a bunch of Department of Defense private contractors living around me from different states. I have presented a lot of details and collected a lot of information to make such claims.
But here as you can see, when I use, for example, I tried to go to If I google it on this network, I can’t get to it. My network is hacked and it’s literally placed on a BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) type network. And that’s so they can keep track of me, surveillance me, experiment on me.. point their satellites at me. Utilize beacons and drones, and they are in the air and they have lasers and beams. This sounds all sci fi and futuristic. But no, it’s here. And I am a human test subject.
This is program that has been going on for years. I don’t want to go against my government. I don’t want to be a whistleblower. But they are literally experimenting on me and killing me. So how can I not?”
Emerald Anonymity
4 days ago
I think this is part of their Depopulation agenda they been hurting me for a long time
Emerald Anonymity
4 days ago
Wireshark is good I had a copy of Kali before I was interested in Penn testing before but seems like the more I got into it the more targeted I would get so I stopped.
Millio Smiles
5 days ago
Kinda makes a mockery of using duck duck go!
II. Using Web Pages (Source Code) to gather Cyber Evidence – FBI.Gov Page Source Quick Tutorial (August 27, 2020)
4 days ago
I appreciate the honesty at the start of this video! One thing that you may find interesting. Instead of ‘right-click’ view page source, you can ‘right-click’ inspect element. This will allow you to view the source code in a more readable manner. It will also allow you to highlight portions of the website and see which part of the code is generating the objects. In addition, when in the inspect element view, you can click the small tab at the top ‘Network’, then refresh the page. This will show you the network connections made during the loading of the web page. Keep learning!
III. Excel File – Domestic (US) and International List of Approved Incorporating Agencies
DigiCert was founded by Ken Bretschneider in 2003. … In 2015, DigiCert acquired the CyberTrust Enterprise SSL business from Verizon Enterprise Solutions, becoming the world’s second-largest certificate authority for high-assurance or extended validation (EV) TLS/SSL certificates.
DigiCert is trusted by a veritable “who’s who” in the online world. It is being used by multinational companies such as IBM, Verizon, and the majority of the Fortune 100. They offer up to 4096-bit SSL certificates at very reasonable prices.
Gathering Data for Evidence as a Targeted Individual, this excel file was located in Page Source off of a Public Government Website.
Portion of Windows Command Prompt: Nslookup -debug
Got answer:
opcode = QUERY, id = 7, rcode = NXDOMAIN
header flags: response, want recursion, recursion avail.
questions = 1, answers = 0, authority records = 1, additional = 0
QUESTIONS:, type = AAAA, class = IN
ttl = 3600 (1 hour)
primary name server =
responsible mail addr =
serial = 8
refresh = 7200 (2 hours)
retry = 300 (5 mins)
expire = 604800 (7 days)
default TTL = 3600 (1 hour)
Got answer:
opcode = QUERY, id = 8, rcode = NOERROR
header flags: response, want recursion, recursion avail.
questions = 1, answers = 2, authority records = 0, additional = 0
QUESTIONS:, type = A, class = IN
internet address =
ttl = 277 (4 mins 37 secs)
internet address =
ttl = 277 (4 mins 37 secs)
Non-authoritative answer:
Got answer:
opcode = QUERY, id = 9, rcode = NOERROR
header flags: response, want recursion, recursion avail.
questions = 1, answers = 0, authority records = 1, additional = 0
QUESTIONS:, type = AAAA, class = IN
ttl = 1200 (20 mins)
primary name server =
responsible mail addr =
serial = 1515
refresh = 3600 (1 hour)
retry = 600 (10 mins)
expire = 604800 (7 days)
default TTL = 1200 (20 mins)
Trace Route for
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 4 ms 3 ms 3 ms
2 16 ms 24 ms 18 ms
3 17 ms 14 ms 12 ms
4 23 ms 23 ms 42 ms []
5 20 ms 20 ms 21 ms []
6 44 ms 50 ms 40 ms []
7 42 ms 43 ms 47 ms
8 45 ms 47 ms 41 ms
Trace complete.
Level 3 Net – Portion of Trace Route:
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 3 ms 4 ms 4 ms
2 13 ms 29 ms 18 ms
3 22 ms 13 ms 11 ms
4 21 ms 17 ms 15 ms []
5 18 ms 35 ms 25 ms []
6 * * * Request timed out.
7 60 ms 59 ms 51 ms
Level 3 Net IP Address:
Rediredted to:
Title: IIS7
OrgName: Level 3 Parent, LLC
OrgId: LPL-141
Address: 100 CenturyLink Drive
City: Monroe
StateProv: LA
PostalCode: 71203
Country: US
RegDate: 2018-02-06
Updated: 2020-08-11
Comment: For subpoena or court order please fax 844.254.5800 or refer to our Law Enforcement Support page…
[email protected]
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Elizabeth Lepore
Pinned by Elizabeth Lepore
Elizabeth Lepore
4 days ago
Factors to Consider in Web Page Forensics Investigations
1. Analyze the domain associated with web page content. Collect information on:
a. Owner of the domain – WHOIS database lookup.
b. Domain registry company – e.g., GoDaddy.
c. Location of domain – IP address and location of web server.
2. Conduct a search using a search engine such as Google, Yahoo or Bing. Review the first page of search results and then review an additional 2 to 10 pages.
a. Depending on the scope of the content, it may be worth filtering search results by date or other criteria.
b. It may be worth using specialty search tools that focus on blogs or social media.
c. Consider searching sites that track plagiarism.
3. Examine the impact of geo-location filtering. Many companies filter individuals by location in order to provide targeted content.
a. Searches may need to be carried out in different countries.
b. Consider using a proxy server account to facilitate international searches.
4. Use caution when examining server-side metadata. Website files are frequently updated, and the updates change file metadata. A limited number of file types such as image files, may provide some degree of historical metadata.
5. There is a small possibility that archival sites, such as The Wayback Machine, may contain web page content. However, archival sites may be limited in the number of historical records, unless a paid archiving service is used.
Emerald Anonymity
4 days ago
I love the wayback machine thats where all the things that disappeared end up.
Elizabeth Lepore
4 days ago
“Depending on the type of investigation (e.g., a computer hacking investigation), a forensic examiner may search for evidence on servers.
Server-side content may be composed of stored files such as log files, software code, style sheets and data sources (e.g., databases).
Server-side content may directly or indirectly relate to web pages or files on a user device.
If a user downloaded an Adobe PDF file, for example, the file on the server is likely to match the downloaded file on the user’s device. If the evidence on a user device is a dynamic web page, however, there may be a number of individual files that collectively relate as evidence, including: images, scripts, style sheets and log files.
The individual server-side files are component parts of a web page. A forensic examiner would analyze server-side files by investigating the relationship between the web page content on a user device and related server-side files.
A forensic examiner may also review server logs for artifacts such as IP address and user account activity.”
-Kivu Consulting
Kivu is a licensed California private investigations firm, which combines technical and legal expertise to deliver investigative, discovery and forensic solutions worldwide.
Emerald Anonymity
4 days ago
@Elizabeth Lepore you are facisnating. I love computers and phones and all that but I’m nowhere near as smart as you. I’ve duel booted Ubuntu and windows onto computers and simple stuff like that cpu mining Bitcoin mining ect. I just got a server the first I’ve ever owned it’s a dell poweredge 2950 it’s old..and loud asf but I love it just need to find a decent place to use it. I actually have 3 servers but only able to get one to work rn the other is a Dell 2850 and a thin one a Dell 1950 I wanted to get the 1950 to work because it would probably be not as loud.
4 days ago (edited)
Elizabeth, could geiger counter readings give you more proof on yourself being attacked?
Elizabeth Lepore
4 days ago
Yes, Geiger Counters detect and measure ionizing radiation. I’ve purchased one recently.
4 days ago
@Elizabeth Lepore great, now document the readings and get it to the authorities. You are so brave, I wish the best. I will pray for you.
Sh P
4 days ago
Can you post the file on targeted justice? We’re there Canadian entities listed?
Emerald Anonymity
4 days ago
So idk if this is true but this is what I think. I think they have something that has a broader range then DEWs that affects like entire city’s. What I think is that alongside mainstream news everyone’s staring in their screens ect. They use these GWEN Towers is mess with ppls minds like for example the riots I think they are provoking them…like for example they turn the frequency on the towers up then everyone in the area get more…Excited..or irritated Maybe?
Anxiety Fear Frequencys ect.
Elizabeth Lepore
4 days ago
I think it’s just the MSM provoking them…. If the government had a reliable capability to weaponize frequencies against your mind, we’d see more than just riots from blue-haired idiots. Occam’s Razor.
Emerald Anonymity
4 days ago
@CasperHxRwell if I was the military I wouldn’t want to make it obvious I’d just turn up the frequency sometimes whenever inwanted to further my agenda. The technology is real and does exist tho so I wouldn’t be surprised if they are playing with it. It is after all a…Toy..for them.
4 days ago
@Emerald Anonymity The tech you are referring to is not real. I’m open to being corrected. If you have sources I’ll gladly read them.
With that said, I’m well aware of MK-ULTRA, the CIA heart attack gun, electromagnetic radiation effects on the body, and more. I love conspiracies, but many are not real. I do believe that the government is up to no good, at least from a citizens perspective. All this to say that it’s not ignorance that has me doubting these capabilities, but lack of evidence. I’m a huge fan of electromagnetic waves, and I read everything I can on the subject. I could talk about the concept endlessly. However, there is no substantial evidence that humans can be controlled through frequencies alone. I know that frequencies can have an effect on our moods, but not in a subversive subliminal way. It’s mostly a placebo effect.
Emerald Anonymity
4 days ago
They mentioned all the big scientist and sources you need here if you want to look into it
4 days ago
Elizabeth, you know just enough to look foolish. Most people say, what is this? Not flat out lie about you’re looking at. Digicert should sue you for defamation. I’ve saved your video and sent it to them.
“I’m not great at reading the source code” — you don’t say? And here I thought you were an expert… Let me help tell you what the source code says, it’s simply detailing the elements that make up the website. Webkit is a utility tool that allows html5 and other newer tech to work with older or opensource browsers such as firefox. But, you wouldn’t know that would you.
Cyber evidence in the source code? Cyber torture? Get a life. Nothing what you’ve shown is useful or related to your inflammatory statements. Your incompetency is off the charts. Straight up moronic. Quit lying to people to make money.
Emerald Anonymity
4 days ago
You do realize you cannot even begin to make ad revenue on YouTube until you’ve reached one thousand subscribers. Even if you do happen to get the watch hours AND the subscriptions your not going to make more than about ten American dollars a month. You just sound like a Narcissistic Psychopath.
4 days ago
@Emerald Anonymity I didn’t realize that about ad revenue, because I’m not a youtuber. I only mentioned the monetary element because I’m lost as to why Elizabeth would continue to purport such nonsense. She continues to claim that she is in “cyber security”, and she continues to make nonsensical claims about the info she’s showing. I’m commented on several of her videos taking the time to kindly explain that she is wrong and to explain exactly what she is looking at and better ways to use the tools she’s using. However, despite my attempts to offer sound advice these crazy videos still show up. I’ve never seen anything so blatantly false. If you don’t know, that’s fine, ask and find out. But, you should never guide people astray because of your ignorance, in my opinion that is criminal. Elizabeth should not be pushing fallacies, this is wrong. Since, I’ve received no response from her, or seen a correction on her videos, and the videos still keep coming out with nonsense I’m left to assume that there must be some other motivation at play. I assumed it would be for money, but as you mentioned she isn’t really getting any money, what other reasons can you think of that would commit a person to such persistent misrepresentations.
Emerald Anonymity
4 days ago
@CasperHxR for one you shouldn’t be rude to people..esp if they done nothing to warrent it. And two if you don’t even believe it’s real why the hell are you soooo concerned about it. Seems more like your a spook yourself. Why else would you be so obsessed and fixated on such a small channel that can’t even be found in YouTube easily. Just Because you don’t believe in something doesn’t mean it should be criminal either lol that is like litterally the definition of psychotic.
Elizabeth Lepore
4 days ago
Which is why I stated “I’m not great.” I’m a student and still have a lot to learn about Cybersecurity. Thank you for your input. If Digicert has an issue with my video, I’ll be more than happy to take it down.
4 days ago
@Emerald AnonymityThat is not the definition of psychotic. I didn’t say that disbelief is criminal, I said that intentionally misinforming people is criminal, and I still hold that belief. Obsessed is not the word I’d use. I work in infosec, I’ve taught students how to hack, and I make a living defending networks and doing digital forensics. What caught my attention was that Elizabeth claims to be involved in cyber security yet everything she says is incorrect. I literally mean everything stated is false. I’ve never seen such misinformation. I wouldn’t blame anyone for not knowing what these things are, but a person should be held accountable if they tell others that they know, when they don’t. I don’t like being rude, but I also believe that inaccuracies ought to be highlighted or risk a contagious form of stupidity.
4 days ago
@Elizabeth Lepore I appreciate the honesty in your comment. You should continue your education in security, we need more people on the defense side. However, the information you are sharing with others isn’t correct. I would encourage you to find a mentor at your university to help show you the proper way to use the tools you’re using and to explain the things you are finding. Most of what you show is normal stuff and not nefarious. I wish you well in your path through education and I hope you get to be certified infosec professional. There are also some really good hacking classes you can take, as well as watching some of the defcon videos. Good Luck!
Emerald Anonymity
4 days ago
@CasperHxR okayyy sure your a cyber security expert lol whatever I think your more like a cluster B personality disorder. Your clearly obsessed and to normal ppl it’s creepy and Disturbing. You come off as edgy and psychotic.
Elizabeth Lepore
4 days ago
You seem to have more knowledge about Digicert than I. Does everyone have access to this downloaded excel file dated 12/6/2019 which lists Domestic and International Government organizations? If not, can you explain why I do?
Before you post rude comments on my video, you need to get your head out of your ass before you start to educate me on Source Code off of a Webpage.
Webpages (Page Source – Code) are utilized during Cyber Forensic Investigations.
According to Kuvu Consulting,
“Internet technology provides a substantial challenge to the collection and preservation of data, metadata (data that describes and gives information about other data) in particular. This blog post from Kivu will explain the factors to consider in using web pages in forensics investigations.
The challenge stems from the complexity of source-to-endpoint content distribution. Originating content for a single website may be stored on one or more servers and then collectively called and transmitted to an endpoint such as a laptop or tablet. For example, a mobile phone in Germany may receive different content from the same website than a phone in the United States. As content is served (e.g., sent to a tablet), it may be routed through different channels and re-packaged before reaching the final destination (e.g., an online magazine delivered as an iPhone application.)
From a forensics perspective, this dynamic Internet technology increases the difficulty of identifying and preserving content that is presented to a user through a browser or mobile application. To comprehend the issues concerning forensics and Internet technology, we need to understand what web pages are and the differences between the two types of web pages: fixed content (static web pages) and web pages with changing content (dynamic web pages).”
Check out the Full Article here:
Emerald Anonymity
4 days ago
@Elizabeth Lepore ignore him he’s clearly in love with you and will never admit it. Anyyytning to get you attention. ? He’s probably a gangstalker himself so angry he cannot have a real life haha. Oh and I doubt Digicert cares about you making a video mentioning them.
Elizabeth Lepore
Emerald Anonymity
4 days ago
@CasperHxR okay so if you don’t believe it’s real and you have no proof of it either then how you know anyone is being misinformed. That’s just your opinion. That’s why just shut up already cuz you just sound like annoying asshat ik Elezabeth is awesome but if you want her attentions then maybe try being nice??? ?
Elizabeth Lepore
4 days ago
@Elizabeth Lepore Elizabeth, with respect; webpage source code is seldom used in forensics because there typically isn’t any viable information there. The forensics is done on the backend database, the server, and perhaps the client pc if they are available. The limited scope that Kivu highlights is true, but not normally the forensic part, but typically the information gathering stage of the investigation. If it helps to think of that as forensics then by all means, it’s semantics anyway. If you’d like to learn more about forensics I’d highly suggest learning Linux. Not Kali linux, that stuff is for noobs. Learn actual linux and download the tools you need. Also, look into OSINT as this will get you the opensource tools to fit your needs.
Digicert is great company. I have several friends who work there and the company has always been kind to me. Here is a link to file you mention, it was easily found on the web:
@Emerald Anonymity I’m not sure what belief has to do with anything right now… Also, I can’t prove a negative, no one can. I can, however, show what is correct and it’s not an opinion.
Elizabeth is not on a government network, she is on a private network connected to a public network. Government networks are separate from the internet for obvious security reasons. They have their network with their own set of protocols. If you look at government network jobs that require a security clearance they often include the requirement that you need experience with these different types of networks.
The ASN of Elizabeth’s network is assigned by IANA which assigns IP addresses. The ASN is not assigned to Elizabeth, but to her service provider. This is why when she is on a different network the ASN changes, because it belongs to ISP. The IP is connected through a protocol known as BGP. This protocol typically isn’t seen by the consumer because the ISPs handle it. Unless you’ve directly purchased an IP from IANA you wouldn’t need to know about BGP. You would use a different protocol for routing in the private network.
The code that Elizabeth pulled up and said that there was “cyber evidence” was a common javascript api for a vimeo video player. “” The code shown is the actual javascript code that allows embeded video players. If you think it’s doing something else, you’ll have to show the snippet of code that does whatever you’re claiming it does. The code is difficult to view, but that is on purpose to save save space. If you download the code to a text editor you can beautify the code to make it more readable.
IV. Department of Defense Cyber Data Targeting Illegal Surveillance Cyber Torture Experimentation (August 24, 2020)
Rebeca Zavala
5 days ago
Thank you for your digging and your time into doing this video.
John Contractor
5 days ago
Great work Patriot. Thank You for digging and bringing out this info. Thank You for Your Service.
Emerald Anonymity
4 days ago
They have been torturing me for years with Electromagnetic weapons. I think it’s because of my website I have.
Emerald Anonymity
4 days ago
Your the first person taking about this I’ve ever found that is normal
Sh P
6 days ago
Delete the troll below, I think they spam us as a form of trqcking
Emerald Anonymity
4 days ago
My dad works at the oak ridge National Security complex I think maybe he might have something to do with it
Edward VP
5 days ago
Carefull young ladie its a very untrusting world ✌
Emerald Anonymity
4 days ago
My dad works for the oak ridge National Security complex my aunt works for Google my grandfather worked for NASA I’m pretty sure they put my into some testing program for electronic harassment and torture they discard me as a family member from my whole life that’s why I want to expose these ppl so badly ugh it drives me insane
Big Hair Tsunami
4 days ago
ToreSays sent me here
Emerald Anonymity
4 days ago
What they do is horrible it’s pure evil and no I’m not one of those crazy ppl that talk about gangstalking like and sound like a manaic I’m normal like you
IV. Army Navy HPC DISA Cybercom and MUCH MORE. Cyber Evidence of Targeting and Illegal Surveillance. (August 22, 2020)
V. DNS and BrowserLeaks Hacked under Illegal Electronic Surveillance and Targeting. Kansas and Cancer (August 24, 2020)
As I am being hammered and tortured with Military Grade Weapons, my health is declining at a exponential rate. As my hair falls out in chunks, teeth deteriorating, skin burning, and organs aching, I do not know how much longer I’ll be here on this Earth.
With Cyber Evidence, I hope for the best in regaining my life back in good health.
Thank you for watching.
VI. Evidence, URL, etc. (August 22, 2020)
VII. Evidence of Targeting and Illegal Surveillance (August 24, 2020)
VIII. Wi-Fi Scanner Application revealing MAC Addresses and More. Targeting and Corruption (August 29, 2020)
Elizabeth Lepore
507 subscribers
Dennis McMurtrey
22 hours ago (edited)
Great info, keep the tech tyranny alerts coming.
Doom on them all, for their assault on our lives,
liberty, freedoms, privacy.
Emerald Anonymity
20 hours ago
At around 6 mins 20 Seconds it’s talking about antenna beams remind me of the GWEN tower
Vita Leonis
20 hours ago
Thank you so much for all you’re doing – not only to show what’s happening with you, but helping others with understanding what we all need to do.
Be well
Americas Quilt
5 hours ago
Everyone reading this message – who still has a PC or Laptop. . . .
Should change your “network” name to SHADOWGATE
20 hours ago
So now they see through the VPN and Hotspot
Emerald Anonymity
20 hours ago
I try the Bluetooth app I didn’t get red targets tho idk if that means I am safe or not that’s scary that there is red targets on your head I wonder if they directed the beams at you need emf hoodie to protect your head. My wifi Exposure is so high but I didn’t get the red targets.
Kevin Callahan
18 hours ago
Excellent research, and thank-you for your hard work, ….I have been targeted for nearly a decade, and I often wondered how they get payed, and where it comes from, international, federal and local levels
Americas Quilt
13 hours ago
Goggle mobil hotspot security. I typed in “can mobil hotspot be traced”.
I had a cricket phone & service. The cartel uses this service because it’s hacked into easily. Now that your in a new location I’d get rid of that carrier & purchase a new phone. Ask some one close you can trust, pay them & let them order it in their name
All a perp needs is the phone number.
Emerald Anonymity
20 hours ago
Oh also Nmap is a good program for finding specific networks and marking them.
Americas Quilt
6 hours ago
Network Chuck has an excellent Nmap tutorial.
Wish I would’ve had this tool before MS13 hacked me paranoid from ever using a PC or my laptop
I was so hacked
I’ll never have another PC
Emerald Anonymity
6 hours ago
@Americas Quilt idc if they hack me they inside All our devices already but Nmap is great and I think I’m gonna get myself Kali Linux again and throw it onto another laptop so Incan fuck with their signal when I see them on the network cuz it’s my networks I can Penn test on my own network
Americas Quilt
6 hours ago
@Emerald Anonymity There were days I swore they were selling reality TV of me going wankers in my apartment close captioned.
I had fantasies of jokers on the other side of the world laughing their asses off at how technically ignorant I am.
My boyfriend slipped a datastick inside my apartment (Ya they bribed him with ?) Needless to say I got rid of him the instant I plugged this unfamiliar data stick into my laptop & both my cell phone & the laptop went ape shit bonkers.
Ran out my front door to catch this chickvremoving something from a parked car across the street (that never moved) jumped in another car & hauled ass.
That when I realize the hacking was remote via translators or transducer relays.
Then I searched everything I owned got rid of all datasticks , devices, etc. The PC wound up in a dumpster 2 counties away. The laptop smashed with a hammer went 2 counties in the opposite direction.
And all 8 hacked cell phones, batteries removed. SIM cards flushed at a public toilet. And phones smashed with my murdered mother’s hammer in a park directly in front of my local Sherriffs dept.
Americas Quilt
6 hours ago
Bear in mind they had been taping, hacking, gang stalking me for over 2 decades. By the time I reached this point……My privacy had been violated to an insane degree.
It was so bad they knew the foods I ate, watched me in bed masturbating & even knew how I wiped my own ass.
I had no privacy. Had forgotten what it was
Emerald Anonymity
20 hours ago (edited)
I want to get Kali Linux again but idk if I used that program to wifi jam if that’s illegal or not but wouldn’t that stop the beams maybe? Maybe can legally wifi jam own network and use a Ethernet cable to hardwire to laptop. I’ve used the Kali Linux before the programs are all script kiddie style so you don’t need know how to code to signal jam
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