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Trump’s “Gifting” of Syria’s Golan Heights To Israel Allows Rothschild-Zionist Criminal Syndicate To Steal Its Oil and Gas

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Webmaster’s Notes on podcast (3/21/2019):

Who are the American and Israeli Robber Barons (aka IZCS- International Zionist Criminal Syndicate) on the Genie (Nephilim) Energy Advisory Board that will profit from the Trump Administration’s illegal claim that the (Syrian-owned) Golan Heights is part of Israel? Genie Energy will secure exclusive oil and gas drilling rights in the Golan Heights. (See podcast at 1 hour:06).

Major Names on the Advisory Board of Genie Energy include:

1) Howard Jonas: (Jewish-Zionist) Chairman of the Board for Genie Energy, former head of IDT Communications
2) Baron Jacob Rothschild, King of the Jews, Zionist, Investment Banker, Head; House of Rothschild, Honorary President of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research, net worth = $100’s of trillions
3) Ruppert Murdoch, Zionist Jew, Owner of NewsCorps, media mogul, networth= $19.6 billion
4) Richard Cheney, Zionist, former Vice President under George W. Bush, former U.S. Secretary of Defense, former Congressman, former CEO of Halliburton (Oil and Gas)
5) Lawrence Summers, Zionist Jew, former Director of National Economic Council, former US Treasury Secretary, former chief economist of World Bank, former Harvard President
6) James Woolsey, Zionist Jew, former Director of the CIA, CFR
7) Mary Landrieu, Zionist, former Senator from Louisiana, served on Committee of Energy and Natural Resources, sponsored and passed US-Israel Energy Cooperation Bill
8) Bill Richardson, Zionist, former Governor of New Mexico, Energy Secretary

Webmaster’s Comment: This is what is really behind the phony “Global War on Terrorism”: The theft the natural resources of foreign and domestic populations.

Rick Wiles’ Summation of show:

“The fact that Trump has recognized that the Golan Heights as part of Israel has no legal standing whatsoever. All other nations now insist that the Golan Heights is owned by Syria. However, it doesn’t matter; because of the dominance of the US military, what we are seeing here is that if you don’t go along with the US military, they will destroy you.

I used to think that America was Babylon, but the Bible makes it very clear that Jerusalem is Mystery (the whore of) Babylon. So I now see that America is the daughter of Babylon.

So we are watching Israel rise to power. I think the big story of the next decade will be how powerful and rich Israel becomes. I think they are going to go number one in the world, the supreme world power.

Israel (the Synagogue of Satan) controls AI (artificial intelligence) and hundreds of nuclear warheads on ICBM missiles that can reach all parts of the world. And they control a significant energy supply. And they control American culture. Our culture was taken over. We are no longer a Christian culture. We are a Jewish culture. The minds of the American people have been captured and we are part of the occupation.

Recently when we were in Palestine, I said the Israeli’s are going to globalize the occupation. We were talking about surveillance technology and we learned that everyone is under surveillance in Palestine. I said they are going to take it worldwide. When they globalize the occupation, they won’t need a soldier in your neighborhood, all they need is a drone. A drone will take you out. This is the 4th beast, this is the Synagogue of satan that will rule and terrorize the world. This what will make war on the saints.

…. The body of Christ will suffer… We will be at war with the beast system. There will only be a small remnant that will resist and not be conformed to the image of the beast. If you are not conformed to the image of the beast then you are going to be targeted because you will be seen as a resister. They are going to know who are the resisters because of the surveillance technology and the tracking software.

The good news is that Jesus Christ is coming back and he’s coming back for his Church- those who have the mark of the angels, the elect, chosen by God. He’s coming back suddenly. We know it will happen. In the meantime, we are commissioned to teach Jesus Christ and his Commandments.”

Viewer Comments:

Today on TRUNEWS we detail how President Trump’s endorsement of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights may be part of bigger plot, in coordination with an oil and gas company named Genie Energy, to make Israel the next great global superpower. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Air date: 3/21/2019.

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TruNews is the world’s leading news source that reports, analyzes, and comments on global events and trends with a conservative, orthodox Christian worldview. Our vision is to build a global news network that provides a credible source for world news, events, and trends while giving respect and honor to Christians of all major denominations — Evangelical, Orthodox, Anglican, Catholic, and Protestant.

We believe Christians need and deserve their own global news network to keep the worldwide Church informed, and to offer Christians a positive alternative to the anti–Christian bigotry of the mainstream news media.

Like David vs. Goliath, Rick Wiles is a citizen reporter who decided to take on the Big News Media. Starting with a $7,500 donation in May 1999 to launch the first radio program, Rick’s faith in God and steadfast determination has overseen the growth and development of TruNews into an internationally recognized source of credible news and information in a world where nothing seems to make sense anymore. Rick’s professional career was in media marketing and advertising sales. Throughout his early years, God’s hand silently guided him to be in employed in the latest new media. While in his early 20’s, Rick’s first media job was with a new FM radio station in the days when AM was still king.

In 1980, he blazed a path as a pioneer in local cable television advertising when CNN and ESPN were new start-up channels on cable TV. As a sales manager, he launched one of the first cable advertising interconnects in the nation. He was hired in 1984 by the Christian Broadcasting Network as the first National Cable Marketing Manager for the new CBN Cable Network which later became the Family Channel. In 1995, Paul F. Crouch hired Rick as the Marketing Director for Trinity Broadcasting Network where Rick repositioned the TBN brand inside the cable industry — and played an important role in negotiating the early contracts to launch TBN on DirectTV, DISH, and the former PrimeStar DBS systems. Rick resigned from TBN in September 1998 after receiving a dramatic call from God to full–time ministry.


Kristie Hansen
2 hours ago
He signed the noahide laws. We are dieing every day i feel my christian brothers and sisters dieing crying out. I see their images in the clouds.

Gerry Stevens
2 hours ago
Trump is a treacherous zionazi. just another chump.

Janos Loerincz
3 hours ago
Who invited the Americans to Syria nobody so leave

el ave
3 hours ago
I have received Miraculous results from your prayers and can not find words to express my gratitude except God is our father that hears our prayers and cares about us.. By our faith we are healed. Glory glory to God almighty forever and ever..

George Washington
4 hours ago
Absolutely disgusting to see American officials go over there lay their hands on a damn wall and pray, with Zionist rabbis looking on with their approval. Treason!!! ?

Jim Younger
1 hour ago
Boy , the Book of Revaluations is becoming more clear day by day. JESUS told us not to worry in these days so ya know what. That’s exactly what I’m going to do. LORD I know you are in control and I will not worry about these days. Thank you JESUS our LORD and SAVIOR !!

Hurvey Lykems
3 hours ago

L chavez
2 hours ago (edited)
The oil field that “Genie” is going to suck from is named Leviathan, the Leviathan fields of Israel. Now, go do more research. Most of that oil field is in Syria. Why do you think the fighting is on in Syria?….Now you know. Good job guys.

Ster Ling
2 hours ago
Traitor Pompeo at the wall, while Zionists laugh all the way to the bank.

Charley Howard
1 hour ago
There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that Israel, Judaism, the New World order – the entire lot is tightening the noose around free people in every manner possible, in all corners of the world. The way I look at it, they are either going to get what they are want, or they’ll take the entire world down in Thermonuclear war! They’ve got to be resisted!

2 hours ago
I apologise you did mention Rothschild i just got to eager lol great job guys

Star Trekker
3 hours ago
I wonder if Jared Kushner construction is involved with the physical building of the actual temple?

3 hours ago
Well done, many great reports!! finally i have find my “News” channel. realy TRUE news,!! God bles you and keep up the great work! greetings from swiss

Starr Magh
1 hour ago (edited)
Demonic possession..Netanyahu ,wants to destroy Iran clearly. and he will not stop till he kills everything in middle east . unfortunately, middle east has always looked up to America as leadership but after all the destruction last 20year’s ,now the whole plant recognized that U.S. is helping Israel destroy middle east piece by piece. Because of the lies that Jewish political parties influence in government woefully one sided.

2 hours ago
@trunews. You guys are forgetting to mention two big names in this … Rothschild owns genie it’s a part of there line of companies…2nd big name Rockefeller who owns shell energy….& they’re both related thru marriage and also have partnered up in the oil & gas market… Rothschild runs Israel and America with Rockefeller… They’re the ones behind these wars and deep state military complex they been using our military to steal oil and use our blood for thier gains same thing they’re trying to do to maduro these families still control us and thier plan is succeeding in full force by the gun grabs breaking Americans in to socialism Trump is fast tracking all of us and democrats to they’re all in on this nwo agenda

Ster Ling
2 hours ago
They’ve already given the U.S. to Israel, might as well throw in Golan Heights.

Joe Morales
2 hours ago

Nikki Burris
3 hours ago
⚠True News
Urged to Inquire into the Extraordinary Incidents occurring in Historical Shelby NC following North Carolinas largest Inheritance & Estates settlement in History involving the Only Child of Former SC State Representative James Sherwood Burris Sr & Annie Ruth HUNT granddaughter of Billionaires Johnny & Johnny Bryan Hunt founders of J.B Hunt transportation…
Mayor Anthony & City Manager notified of the City & States usage of Private Estate property …

1 hour ago (edited)
Wailing Wall in SODOM 55:35 “I don’t have to take my prayers to an old wall and stick them in a rock. I can go boldly to the throne room of grace in the Name of Jesus Christ and pray in His Name and whatever I ask in His Name is given to me by my Father.” Amen!

Moderate Rebel
1 hour ago
I wish America has gotten as many wins as Israel has. Seems like our government is working overtime to ensure Israel triumphs as a nation while abandoning their own.

Nikki Kelley
38 minutes ago
I don’t know the laws of NZ but I hope you don’t turn in your weapons! They would be foolish to force them out! Get your ammo because without ammo you only have an expensive club!!! Id be asking that woman to resign immediately!!! Godspeed! Remember the criminals will not give up their guns and neither will your law enforcement!!!

Clifford Loraine
3 hours ago
No comments? cmon YouTube, cut the obvious crap.

George Washington
3 hours ago
A roomful of heretics such as Pat Robertson, Ralph Reed and others “praying” for the Brazilian President, an Israeli puppet who will do the bidding of the devil Netanyahu, which includes war with Venezuela. Unbelievable.

1 hour ago
American officials are self serving mammon devils who have sold their souls because they serve their master and not God! So yes they are disgusting in deed!!! Thank you Tru News! May God bless you and you have my support!

1 hour ago
They already know about me but my Lord, My Savior, knows about me too! Jesus Christ says Fear Not! For He has Overcome the WORLD!✝️??

Hick Shaw
53 minutes ago
Three Cheers for Jacinda Ardern. May God protect her and destroy the American Evangelical Nexus of Evil, the puppets of the Israel lobby, brandishing weapons to commit genocide of minorities. Rick! Stop singing the praise of the biggest stooge of the Israel Lobby in the history of American Presidency: Donald Trump.

Joe Morales
1 hour ago

omnicopy Notfooled
3 hours ago
Rick since you see the evangicals are false concentrate on looking for the real church

michael cooper
2 hours ago

Marty Champlin
1 hour ago
That so called synagogue was obviously nor recently built; it is part of Solomon’s original temple structure.
And yes they are going to run the New World Order out of Jerusalem which is also called Sodom and Egypt I believe.
We are so close to a cashless world and the mark of the beast and most of the church still buys new pillows and curls up in their luxury apart from Jesus.
I am scared for all the people that are soon to perish.
Yehovah bless you Rick in Yeshua’s holy name! Stay strong.

Jim Younger
2 hours ago
We are so in bed with Israel !!

2 hours ago
World war 3. The unstoppable war

don’t trust joos
1 hour ago
I’m starting to think all this power the chosen ones of lucifer have might be because they’ve got the a highly prized arc of …….

1 hour ago
God is pretty clear about having no other gods before Him, so whether or not Islam or Judaism accepts, it YAHUAH is the only God in existence

George Washington
2 hours ago
Did anyone notice how the 3 stooges at the Wailing Wall and the underground synagogue were all wearing 3 matching blue ties?

Michael Ray
1 hour ago
Another good one Rick and company. I support you and appreciate the truth that you are sharing! Thank you and I am going to pray for you all and send a gift. Shalom

Richard Wendling
2 hours ago
58:14 notice the giant sphere has a door on the front so you can climb in there and pray, or well, what ever!

Riatsila Ttibsen
2 hours ago (edited)
So, does that mean that every country that borders israel, the US can just for the hell of it say at any time, that that country is now part of Israel? Which means Israel owns the world? One world government, one world religion and one world currency, sound familiar? #czjwo! LOL.

Omega Man
50 minutes ago
Rick, you finally figured it out ! Amen brother….

14 minutes ago
the bible says that Israel will be blessed in the last days its not the devil blessing them its God he is making it all happen the good and the bad the bible tells us what is going to happen before it happens so you know that Jesus is Lord come on guys all eyes should be open the Kingdom of God is coming

Last Hour Revelation
55 minutes ago (edited)
Do you have any proof that King Abdullah, a puppet of US, is a descendant of Prophet Muhammad? Did he help any Muslim country against foreign invasion all around him! Did he help any at all in Palestinians cause? Did he help Yemenis? Any kind word at all in their favor? He was very keen to overthrow president Asad who resisted the foreign invasion. And stop preaching those worthless claim that he is the guardian of Jerusalem. Jerusalem was there under Islam for thousand of years – only righteous are its protector. Whoever wanted to take it away could not survive except a while. Because it is a divine decree. The Hosts of Heaven are always guarding it.

Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone/rock (Dome of the Rock – Haram Al-Sharif) the builders were forbidden (i.e. Haram) has become the foundation stone. This is from the Lord (i.e. Al Sharif – of an esteem origin), and it is wonderful in our eyes’? Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. He who falls on this stone/rock will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed.”

Joe Morales
2 hours ago

Jamal Abdul Wahid
2 hours ago
That wall may just very well come toppling down on their heads if they continue this rubbish.
Moseh Freeman
9 minutes ago (edited)
Doc: Will they ban sledge hammers Kerry..?

Kerry: Hope not…

Gerry Stevens
2 hours ago
and so is treason may.

16 minutes ago
I think the Genie energy oil that’s in the Golan I believe is the hook in the Jaw and that it is the spoil they come for we maybe on the verge of the Gog war and the rest of the prophecies coming to pass we may very well be coming upon the tribulation with the peace plan we may very well be close to seeing the jews getting the mount an the temple being built with the peace plan may very well be the deal with many all eyes should be open and watching close the next few weeks with the early elections in Israel taking place on the 9th of April

Luis G
49 minutes ago
I’m thinking God is not very happy about us digging out oil and gas to fuel machines that do work for us.. I don’t picture oil and gas run machines being used when Jesus returns.

1 hour ago
It’s all about Greater Israel and how Jew S Nazionist’s can help collapse the Mid East.

Brian DeMers
2 hours ago
Just stole from syria?

Joe Nieroski
8 minutes ago
Does all of this mean that the Shekel will become the world’s new reserve currency?

twin turbo
2 hours ago
We must not forget The GPE is coming to spoil the party before Christ return.

jennifer pillot
19 minutes ago
Wow so we are in the Bible but NOT in a good way UGH the way you guys think ? amazes the think take that was a movie come on bring we need to hear it THANK YOU TRUNEWS GODCAST :)!!! HALLELUJAH PRAISE THE LORD.?????!!!

Kay Engle
16 minutes ago
Rick, did you notice the sun god logo over the genie.? The lucerferians show us their logo symbols in plain view.

35 minutes ago
Some earn money blessings by blessing Israel.
Some earn money by cursing Israel.
Some make comedy shows by saying they are Christians while they are completely disagree with the Bible.

1 hour ago
Syria needs to sue Israel and the Company

Tom B
1 hour ago
top notch presentation as always. ?✌

Happy Times
48 minutes ago (edited)
I’m surprised Bibi doesn’t run for President in America, he’s running it already. I’m sure Trump & Pence would be happy to rig the election for him. Much as Bibi helped rig it for Trump & Pence. It’s why God gave em two hands, one’s always washing the other. The only problem is both forgot about the populations they left behind. You know, the goyim.

Nikki Kelley
5 minutes ago
Kanye West said him and Trump both have Dragon Energy! Wt..does that mean!!!???

Robert Bouchee
1 hour ago
I don’t like suggestive witchcraft!!!!!!!!!!!

Joe Morales
1 hour ago

huma tariq
1 hour ago
whats happening in NIGERIA? can true news shed light?

Joe Morales
2 hours ago

Lien Trinh
35 minutes ago
Why are they standing kissing the falling wall and praying to who, Jesus?

Wayne Thomas
37 minutes ago
Rupert Murdoch’s father was also a wealthy Australian journalist whose name was {Sir} Keith Murdoch. So he inherited his fathers first name. Interestingly both his father and his grandfather were ministers of religion

Linda Moses
1 hour ago
Trump needs to confiscate Citi group gold as it belongs to the people of Venezuela.

Lien Trinh
11 minutes ago
I just feel most Americans today be brainwashed by all the stuff they have enjoyed and they forget or careless what the us government or Israel did to the countries of the world!

Charley Howard
2 hours ago
What a mistake it is to GIVE IN to ANYTHING that Israel wants! There seems to be nobody who will stand up to these tyrants and tell them that you can’t do everything you want to do! I fear if we push Iran into a war at the behest of Israel we will possibly confront Russia and then all hell will break loose.

Joe Morales
1 hour ago

Joe Morales
1 hour ago
911 SOS Revelation 3:9

Athanasius Contra Marxism
1 hour ago
Turn (((circles))) into rectangles.

Mr. S
2 hours ago
Hey Google! I’m a resister.

Lien Trinh
38 minutes ago
First they pushed Jerusalem capital of the Israel now Golan High, what is next?

camp parson’s sunday school
20 minutes ago (edited)
At 59:52 minutes, the menorah has 8 rather than 6 branches.

Tim Moore
53 minutes ago
As has been noted, the so-called Western Wall is as phony a relic as the three empty suits standing in front of it. That’s the wall of an ancient military Roman fort, you idiots! Aren’t you even ashamed?

jennifer pillot
1 hour ago
Goodness Gracious too many similar people over the same businesses huh what only those folks have money or an opinion humm TOO interesting to me

3 hours ago
TRUNews recognizes the Evangelicals pretend to be Jews, but TRUNews has not yet grasped that the Devil leads these Evangelicals. The Elitist Evangelicals push for inalienable rights for the Unborn — don’t you “SEE”?
Once they secure inalienable rights for their unborn, Genetic Engineering by the Billionaires will begin in earnest — hello Donalds and Ivankas.
These Devil-led Evangelicals have infiltrated and polluted ALL of your issues. You should probably stop calling yourselves Evangelicals so True Believers can differentiate you. REMEMBER, the Christian Coalition Political Movement was brewed up with an Eye of Newt (Gingrich — another thrice-divorced Cheat).

Alan Lee
51 minutes ago
You guys are always full of laughter and good spirit when you are not supporting Trump. And love the old school ‘Question’ intro.

Joe Morales
1 hour ago

Athanasius Contra Marxism
23 minutes ago
Make Anatolia Greek Again!

ttt zzz
7 seconds ago
Doc and Edward are good detectives

J Hollyroller
2 hours ago
And not all of us Christians In America are Zionist I never even heard the stuff they believe about rapture an Jesus Christ I’m a true Christian an I believe the bible you have to read it yourself God says don’t listen be afraid of man .you better fear him are Lord father he be here soon to collect the elect after Antichrist is here an I’ve seen signs from God it’s happening now we’re I live in fort Smith Arkansas it’s feeling really strange an spiritual even my pastor acting strange but good strange people Jesus Christ is real I talk to him all time he is the voice in your head that tells you right from wrong when you sin if you truly believe in Jesus he will connect with you I promise he’s saved me from the opite epidemic for 24yrs I was struggling finally I got saved an reborn again Amen Jesus Christ is the king

achristians illuminosity
2 hours ago
the asswipey left want to lower the voting age because they already have control what is being taught in schools and they already have plans on how to brainwash these young people to vote social asswipey

Stephen Good
2 hours ago
Awesome graphics… Sorry I’m always listening… Not watching…

Brian DeMers
1 hour ago

Dan Sparks
1 hour ago
You don’t live on a spinning ball, you live in enclosed system with the firmament separating the heavens above from the earth. Being men of God who study the gospel you really should know this.

Robert Bouchee
1 hour ago
An what is.that image?

Joe Morales
2 hours ago

Joe Morales
2 hours ago

Brian DeMers
2 hours ago
Nothing jumped out

S. Kertanguy
1 minute ago
Sickning .

Lien Trinh
32 minutes ago
The Israel Jews try to resurrect their temple so they can worship their god but not God!

Izzy Mae
3 hours ago
FYI, babies can develop “fluid on their brains” and seizures as vaccine reactions. I hope that the baby’s father is not being falsely accused of abusing his child.

pecker wood
1 hour ago
This makes me sick!!

Joe Morales
2 hours ago

Charley Howard
1 hour ago
Honestly, until I saw this video of our Secretary of State with Netanyahu going over a model of some type of bizarre Temple and some old Jew actually explaining it like there’s some kind of reality behind it – until that time I never actually believed that there was an ENTIRE COUNTRY composed of nothing but Chosen CRACKPOTS who actually believed what they were saying! This is some kind of national derangement! And this nation has nuclear weapons ?!?

Brian DeMers
2 hours ago
Trump had bodyguards

Richard Wendling
3 hours ago
Donald Trump is a rubber suit, look closely. all those Doctor Who episodes were correct

Jim Younger
2 hours ago
When Trump was running , I was a total supporter. But one thing I was a little concerned was his friendship with Larry Silverstein. For one , his involvement in 9/11. But anyways , Trump really has , and continues to do so , make good progress when it comes to building up our military so we can continue wars of conquest , and progress for Israel. I don’t see a lot of progress anywhere else. And both of Trumps noted accomplishments benefit our society. We are hurting in many ways , and our president is completely unaware of any of it please tell me why we should vote !! Please someone , give me a reason !!
Joe Morales
2 hours ago

Anas Shuaib
2 hours ago
There is no such thing as Islamic demon

J Hollyroller
2 hours ago
I thought we are not to show vilance towards are neibors so why do these guys always seem angry an violent I don’t understand I’m a newborn Christian grew up babtist an I thought Jesus Christ doesn’t want us to fight or show anger towards people these guys do just asking a ?so I don’t go to hell for listening to wrong Christian bible says to watch out for false church just watching my back I love Jesus Christ so much I never had a physical father but God Jesus Christ he was my dad

The Pen IS Mightier
9 minutes ago
The brainwashing is so deep among Christians in America. God is waking people up slowly but surely. Thanks to you guys and chuck Baldwin among others.

36 minutes ago
TruNews what can we, Americans, do to combat this tyrannical regime. Should we email the White House? We can no longer send our boys to die fighting their wars. They will never stop, they want Eretz Israel. We cant just sit and do nothing

Craig Martin
16 minutes ago
They are of satins seed thats why they can shoot inocent kids & laugh about it , wast of time praying for the 1%

Brian DeMers
2 hours ago
Wasn’t the temple built for Christ.

Pagrator Tersot
30 minutes ago (edited)
Rick and team, it is important to your audience that you clearly express whether or not you are preterists. We need to know your views on this. You are not Dispensational Zionist, and if not Preterism, is there another view you support? I personally don’t think you are Preterists, but many things you say may, to some, seem to point in that direction. There are also some aggressive, critical “Christians” who accuse you of it. Can you please clarify.

18 minutes ago
Damn where is the world going to the world is hot right now and the most got nukes very dangerous times ! how can trump do this all with the world looking …Iran must shoot nuke on israel clean them up !

Nikki Kelley
20 minutes ago
If Donald Trump was America First hed be concerned about our drinking water not Israels!!! Gimme a break

2 hours ago (edited)
My opinion may not be as humble as it should be, but Human eyes and ears did NOT see or hear God tear down the Temple in 70 AD. They saw the Romans do it — and slaughter many Jews, too. Yes, Jesus said, “not one stone will be left standing” but ONLY those with Spirit “Eyes” and Spirit “Ears” saw or heard.
Many Christians believe in these Physical manifestations — but there won’t be any.
Unless you exercise Faith to get in shape for the Awakening, you will “see” and “hear” nothing.
Many, “weak” Christians will take this as a sign that there is no Jesus, nor God the Father, and they will Accept the BEAST (who will be physically visible to men) as God — and thus be MARKED.
There will be no Jesus nor New Jerusalem coming down in the clouds, there will be no physical manifestation of the Ancient of Days setting final judgement. “Caught up in the clouds” means SPIRITUAL VISION (like John’s. Like Daniel’s). Please help the weaker ones of your flock to understand. They believe they will SEE Physical Manifestations.
Even the Jewish Speculations that the Earth will be destroyed by Fire, have been accepted as Gospel — even in the days of Jesus. But God NEVER said that he would destroy the Earth by fire — only that he would never again destroy it by flood. Fire was pure speculation and was ingrained into the Jewish beliefs and accepted as Gospel — but it is Not.
There’s an Epochal Eclipse April 8th 2024. Exercise FAITH to get in shape for the Awakening because only those with Spirit Capacity will “SEE”. And even though it has been said that ALL will “SEE”, it means Only those whose names are found in the Book of Life.
Haven’t you “heard” and understood? He is the God of the Living.

Petr Tsioma
2 hours ago
Weird thing, people who live thousands of miles away from Israel are bashing it, but those who live in Israel (know very good, trustworthy ones) are saying completely different things… Anti Israel bias has poisoned some capable minds

desalegn Mengistu
4 hours ago
God bless usa

3 hours ago
You guys should face the fact that it is Drumph who is a traitor. He is not being pressured this was the plan all along.

1 hour ago
GOD BLESS ISRAEL and Donald Trump ,, Pray for the peace of Jerusalem MAGA

desalegn Mengistu
4 hours ago
God bless israel

desalegn Mengistu
4 hours ago
Israel belong to God

Brian DeMers
2 hours ago
Rick I’m pretty sure you’ll burn in hell.

Tammy 2trueblue
3 hours ago
Btw, I love the Jews, and Jesus loves the Jews too.

2 hours ago
Terrorist Sunni arabs are the most cowards people in the world

Charles Moscowitz
3 hours ago
Israel defeated and destroyed the Nephilim, the Canaanites in ancient times.

Tyler Greer
57 minutes ago
I think there’s a fine balance in praying and supporting Israel to a degree then just saying their evil and wicked or being like Jhon Hagee in full blown idolatry , we Christians need to seek more of a balance in all of Christianity did not the lord declare in romans 11:25 that Israel has been temporarily blinded until the fullness of the gentiles comes in , people who constantly bash the Jews and Israel never quote that I’ve noticed , do I support Israel unconditionally absolutely not , do I say that Israel is a satanist Rothschild nation with a secret plot to take over the world absolutely not, what I do is to quote the late chuck missler in recognizing that the Jews untimely have a separate destiny than the church as far as accepting Jesus god is clearly
Not done with the Jews and will ultimately fulfill his prophecy of the Jews calling out for Jesus while their under satans wrath , do not be fooled Christians God is not done with the Jews he’s only
Beginning to fulfill his plan to draw the hearts of the fathers mothers and kids of Israel back in his sweet marvelous light praise and glory to
The only king the king of kings Jesus the Christ

Mike Gyver
3 hours ago
As plain as night (satan) and day (Jesus).
(Flat earth is a division Sy-op).
Isaiah 40:22 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: ?

The United Nations has a logo of flat earth. You have to be a 33% Freemason or higher (illuminati) to be involved in the UN. Also [(See 33.33° longitude and 33.33° latitude on Google earth) funny how it’s 33°].
The UN has a military base on Mount Herman to try to stop the coming of Jesus. Matthew 16:18. Authorized King James Version
18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Amen.
The rock is Mount Herman. At the foot of Mount Herman is supposedly a tunnel, to the gates of hell. This is where Jesus stood with the apostles at this spot and said what Jesus said to the apostles. Especially directing the words to Peter who had the correct answer.
“You are the son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:16). This is also the area where the fallen angels supposedly landed. Biblically Mount Herman is VERY important. That is why more than one military base is on Mount Herman.
Meditate on Genesis 1:2, 1:‪6-11, 1:20‬ and Genesis 7:11.
Hebrews 11:16 But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city.
Revelation 21:22-27 (AKJV). 22 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. 23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. 24 And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it. 25 And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there. 26 And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it. 27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life.
Revelation 22:16 (AKJV). 16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
There’s no reason to believe flat earth. A masonic teaching. ?
If you have read the excluded book out of the Bible “The book of Enoch” this is were flat earth comes from. It is “after” Jesus comes with his bride. Revelation 19:7-9 (AKJV). 7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. 8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. 9 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.
(and there’s more)
Mark 13:2. (AKJV). 2 And Jesus answering said unto him, Seest thou these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
After” the world has been destroyed by God “the creator’s” wrath. Satan is bound in the middle of the earth until he is let loose.
Why else would The Vatican (the pope), NASA and these high ended, tax collecting and the spending elites that work together with telescopes and space projects. The covering up of Nibiru (Warmwood in the Bible). The leaders of the One World Government movement are spoken of in the Bible are assembled in the United Nations. Please Read; Revelation 13:1-9 (AKJV). 13 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. 2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. 3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. 4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. 6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blasphemous me his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. 7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. 8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
9 If any man have an ear, let him hear. The interpretation. (Daniel 7:16-24, Daniel 2:41-42). See Silver Gateway masonic teachings. Also Jinns. ?
If you believe the Freemasons, the U.N., The Vatican, the One World Order or the flat earth theory then you believe Jesus has already come for his thousand year rain in Revelation 22. The Silver gateway masonic teachings with jinns, is the new wage enforce religion with A.I.. Plain and simple.? please don’t believe me. I am a wolf in sheep’s clothing or are the flat earthers. ? Do the homework. Please ?????
Mike Gyver. See FB page God’s truth 1611. ? pinned at top right.

Lien Trinh
8 minutes ago (edited)
80% Americans call themselves Christians but they don’t know about god words or what the Bible teach so they listen to those Zionist Israel and those sellout preacher$ in America whom support the Zionist Israel. They preached god give these lands for the Jews so they ok to killing and stolen Middle East countries

Happy Times
39 minutes ago
Trump gives ‘$500,000,000 to the Government of Jordan, $150,000,000 to Ukraine, $38,000,000,000 to Israel, but there’s just no damn money to build a wall here in America. Now that’s what I call ‘Nationalism.’

49 minutes ago
this is real news..Fraud Globalist Media control USA 99%, how many watch TruNews??Wish every one dumps globalist media and Watch Tru-News

2 hours ago (edited)
Get ALL the Gold
Make ALL the Rules
Never grow old
Suffer no fools Do what you will
Guess who said that?

Silver4Life 1230
2 hours ago
Trump has no say-so he is bibi slut. The rest of the world needs to drop the dollar and sanction the US.. Because one day they will be on the US cross hairs.

3 hours ago

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