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Appendix 133: Maurice Strong’s World of Illusions, THE BACA As “Vatican City of the New World Order,” & 1998 SNAPSHOT OF WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM’S PLAN FOR WORLD TRANSFORMATION THROUGH CRISIS

Friday, July 13, 2012

Maurice and Hanne Strong’s Baca Delusions – The New Unhappy Lords – World Economic Forum at Davos
Source: meta-religion


The information in front of us (though somewhat dated) illustrates the mindset of those whom G.K. Chesterton dubbed ‘The New Unhappy Lords’. He wrote of them:

“They have given us into the hand of new unhappy lords;

Lords without anger or honour; who dare not carry their swords.

They fight by shuffling papers; they have bright dead alien eyes;

They look at our labour and laughter as a tired man looks at flies.

And the load of their loveless pity is worse than the ancient wrongs;

Their doors are shut in the evening; and they know no songs.”

The Very Important Person is Canadian multimillionaire Maurice Strong, a former under-secretary general of the United Nations, executive director of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), chairman of the UN’s Rio Earth Summit in 1992, and a person who is working as diligently as he can with his mystic second wife Hanne [née Marstrand] to help create a New Earth-Friendly Religion.  It’s hard for FTM to tell who is more daffy and more dangerous ~ the UN official or his crystal-gazing consort ~ so you, reader, can make up your own mind.

Maurice Strong, you must know, is the earth’s self-appointed ‘Custodian of the Planet’, and from his 63,000-acre ranch in the San Luis Valley on the edge of the Sangre de Cristo (Blood of Christ) mountains, he entertains grandiose dreams about how only he can save the earth. And he doesn’t dream alone. Some equally high-powered and influential people come to his ranch to share his dreams and encourage more dreaming: people with names like Rockefeller, Kissinger, McNamara, Trudeau, Moyers, the Dalai Lama, Shirley MacLaine ~ along with countless other dignitaries, politicians, businessmen, media moguls, actors and actresses, New Age gurus, and even satanists. Truly. What? You didn’t know satanists are concerned about the fate of the world, too?

What Strong is doing out at his Baca Ranch in the desert, according to Canada’s prestigious national newspaper, The Globe and Mail (July 9th, 1990), is “laying the groundwork for what amounts to a new world order”. “Their plan,” wrote reporter Miro Cernetig, “is to be ready for the beginning of a new Dark Age, says Mrs. Strong [profiled by herself, in a companion article to Maurice’s], a self-styled visionary, whose apocalyptic vision of the future involves the earth’s population shrinking to about 400 million people in the next few years as the result of environmental degradation.” The Danish-born Mrs. Strong, who believes she has lived thousands of years in other lives, was inspired to settle in Colorado in her childhood dreams. She thinks that in a past life she was a Colorado Indian; and so she planned her life so that she could return to her ancestral home. About a decade and a half ago, she was site-hunting in Colorado, when a mysterious ‘prophet’ named Glen Anderson, who lived in the Colorado mountains, materialized on her doorstep. He pointed to the place where the Strongs were to build their ranch and conference center for world leaders.

Reporter Daniel Wood, writing in West magazine in May 1990, tells what happened next: “And so when she heard Anderson telling her about his voices, she took it as prophecy. She headed uphill into the mountains carrying an Indian pipe and a pouch of medicinal herbs and found a promontory on the Baca. For three days she stayed there, fasting, meditating, observing the land.”

And when she came down from the mountain, she was determined to do what Anderson directed ~ with the help of her husband’s international connections. Speaking to reporter Jack Levand of the (Colorado) Valley Courier, Hanne Strong prophesied: “It will not be too distant before the Baca attains its true potential. You will see more and more world leaders of various fields coming here to help the world community put into action proper enlightened plans that will eliminate problems… solving the political, social, and environmental difficulties of the world.” Her millionaire husband shares her dreams, and is financing the settlement of various religious houses: a Carmelite monastery where men and women live together, a $175,000 solar-powered Hindu Temple, a monastery for Tibetan Buddhists, temples for Sufis and Taoists, a center for the study of Jewish mysticism, a center for environmentalists from the Aspen Institute ~ all in the effort to create a New World Religion based on earth spirituality that will be more tolerant than the ‘ancient’ religions. Hanne calls it ‘The Valley of the Refuge of World Truths’, and FTM’s Colorado correspondent says the place is growing by leaps and bounds.

Once the religious component is in place, the Strongs think, corporate and political leaders will follow, making the Baca Complex the ‘Vatican City’ of the New World Order. Today, the area is booming, and there are plans for a complex of futuristic buildings, including a 300-foot pyramid.

Making His Mark on the World

Just who is Maurice Strong? West magazine reporter Daniel Wood spent a week with Strong and his wife Hanne in preparation for his story, and he found himself “wondering what dedication, what idealism compels them toward such an unlikely dream. And the more I learn, the more aware I become that I’ve entered a world of illusions, where the surface conceals things unfathomable.” That world sounds just like the United Nations!

Strong, we learn, was born dirt-poor in Oak Lake, Manitoba, in 1930 [his official bio says April 29, 1929]. He “decided one day in the early 1940s that he would make his mark on the world. At 25, he was vice president of Dome Petroleum. At 31, he became president of Power Corporation of Canada. He went on to found and head CIDA (the Canadian International Development Agency), and later, Petro-Canada. From there, through his subsequent friendship with [Lester] Pearson’s successor Pierre Trudeau, the millionaire energy-entrepreneur-turned-international-do-gooder found the cause that has come to dominate the past 20 years of his life. With the support of the Canadian government, he has participated in or directed practically every major environmental initiative that has come out of the United Nations from that time to this. He organized the first World Conference on the Environment, which produced the epochal 1987 Brundtland Report, the incendiary that has ignited the present global ‘green’ movement.”

Strong, wrote Wood, believes that one thing that might save the earth [from his cronies’ pathological criminality?] is a ‘worldwide spiritual awakening’ ~ and Baca is dedicated to that end. Strong, like his wife Hanne, has also had spiritual experiences, as Wood related. “He confesses that a few years ago, while walking with the famed author and journalist Bill Moyers in the desert nearby, something strange, something inexplicable happened. According to Strong, ‘We’d been walking, talking, heading back to my parked car. Suddenly, this bush ~ some sage-brush ~ erupted in flames in front of us! I was astounded. Moyers was, too. A bush bursting into flames….’ It is the most mystical experience he has had.” Wood concluded his profile of Strong with Strong narrating the novel he would love to compose if only he could write.


Each year, [Strong] explains as background to the telling of the novel’s plot, the World Economic Forum convenes in Davos, Switzerland. Over 1,000 CEOs, prime ministers, finance ministers, and leading academics gather in February to attend meetings and set economic agendas for the year ahead. With this as a setting, he then says: ‘What if a small group of these world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it?’ And Strong, driving as I take notes, looks at me. Then his eyes go back to Highway 17. The man who founded the United Nations Environmental Programme, and who wrote parts of the Brundtland Report, and who in 1992 will try to get the world’s leaders to sign just such an agreement, savors the question hanging in the air. ‘Will they do it? Will the rich countries agree to reduce their impact on the environment? Will they agree to save the earth?’


Strong resumes his story. ‘The group’s conclusion is ‘no.’ The rich countries won’t do it. They won’t change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about?


‘This group of world leaders, he continues, ‘forms a secret society to bring about an economic collapse. It’s February. They’re all at Davos. These aren’t terrorists. They’re world leaders. They have positioned themselves in the world’s commodity and stock markets. They’ve engineered, using their access to stock markets and computers and gold supplies, a panic. Then, they prevent the world’s stock markets from closing. They jam the gears. They hire mercenaries who hold the rest of the world leaders at Davos as hostages. The markets can’t close. The rich countries….’ And Strong makes a slight motion with his fingers as if he were flicking a cigarette butt out the window.


I sit there spellbound. This not any storyteller talking. This is Maurice Strong. He knows these world leaders. He sits at the fulcrum of power. He is in a position to do it. ‘I probably shouldn’t be saying things like this,’ he says.

“When the truth is finally told, Maurice and Hanne Strong fear the world will come to this. No secret societies. No hostage-taking at Davos. But it will come to the same conclusion: the global economy, sapped by credit and debt loads and environmental disasters, will simply come unstuck. And nothing ~ not even the dreams of Baca ~ can save humanity from itself. They fear that Baca will be, at best, an oasis in the desert of the future ~ and at worst, a place where dreams die.”

Source: Daniel Wood, “The Wizard of the Baca Grande,” West magazine (Alberta, Canada), May 1990.


by Charles Overbeck 
Matrix Editor
[email protected]

They were flown in by helicopter to a heavily guarded Alpine resort in Davos, Switzerland on January 29, 1998.  A thousand representatives of the world’s largest corporations. Two hundred and fifty key political honchos. Two hundred and fifty top academics. Two hundred and fifty of the world’s most formidable news pundits and media players. And when they left on February 3, the destiny of the world and everyone in it had been altered once again.

Every year, the World Economic Forum (WEF) hosts its annual meeting in Davos, bringing together the heaviest of the heavy hitters to reinforce and propagate the global elite’s vision of the dawning New World Order. The WEF’s 1998 meeting, “Priorities for the 21st Century,” was certainly no exception. Indeed, the WEF’s home page states outright that these leaders “come together to shape the global agenda” — an agenda they carry back to their respective boardrooms, political offices and newsrooms.

These leaders include Newt Gingrich, Hillary Clinton, controversial financier George Soros, and hundreds of representatives of the world’s biggest transnational corporations, banks and media conglomerates, from Chase Manhattan to GM to Siemens to AOL. (Note: ParaScope maintains a site on America Online and has an ongoing business relationship with AOL. Naturally, we were heartbroken when our invitations to Davos didn’t show up.) Microsoft monopolateur Bill Gates, the richest man in the entire world, returned to Davos in 1998 after being celebrated at the 1997 annual meeting as a “digital revolutionary.” A top British investment banker told Forbes, “I could spend a year circling the globe and I would not get to see one tenth of the important people I meet in Davos.”

As one might imagine, it takes some doing to stage a shindig of this magnitude. Each Davos forum costs more than $10 million and requires a conference staff of 500. A sophisticated, secure intranet/multimedia system called WELCOM allows fluid visual communication among all attendees (perhaps coordinated with the WEF home page’s private member area?).

Conference expenses are easily covered by membership dues and attendance fees. Each Davos forum now nets approximately $12 million, which is re-invested in the “non-profit” WEF Foundation. Membership in the WEF costs around $12,000 ($15,000 for banks), and attendance fees for the 1997 Davos forum came in at $7,200. Fees for the 1998 forum were higher than ever, although journalists and politicians were invited free of charge. (And any journalist knows the implications of a free lunch, let alone a free ticket to hobnob at Davos. Don’t expect to find any critical coverage of the event from the establishment media.)

Business membership in the World Economic Forum is strictly reserved for the largest corporations on the planet. Companies must tally at least $1 billion in annual sales just to qualify for membership, and banks must control at least $1 billion in capital. There is a total membership ceiling of 1,200 members.

The Davos agenda is determined by an 8-person “program development team” which is drawn from the WEF’s permanent professional staff of 80. These eight high priests of hegemony spend every day of every year tracking and identifying the issues they deem worthy of including in the Davos agenda, and they work just as hard to find exactly the right “experts” to present these issues for discussion at the forum. Topping the slate at Davos 98:

*Global monetary policy on investments and the flow of capital worldwide, focusing on the “Asian crisis”;

*Internet regulations;

*The supposed “threat” of Islamic fundamentalism;

*Resistance to Europe’s single currency system;

*The ongoing debate between neo-liberalism (clearly Davos attendees’ #1 preferred brand of global domination® product) and the European statist model of economics, the only alternative recognized by the Davos agenda. Davos attendees also debated the future of the city-state, genetic ethics, the future and power of art, and “educational issues.”

Obviously, this is not a conference that focuses on the concerns of your average maquiladora worker or corporate wage slave. Davos is a meeting of, by and for the global aristocracy. This elite has a very consistent perception of what is “good” for humanity, with themselves perched securely at Earth’s helm. And they are working harder than ever to turn their vision into our reality.


We live in savage new times, where economic ruin can strike whole populations like a bird of prey dropping on a field mouse. This uncertainty begins and ends with the elite’s propagation of a pseudoUtopia which they pompously refer to as the “New World Order.” The future as they envision it lies in transnational corporatization, unburdened by the restraints of governments which remain to some extent accountable to the citizenry.

Take the United States, for instance. The citizens of the very nation which spawned much of this New World disOrder are no longer willing to play along, after feeling the scathing effects of NAFTA. Stock prices skyrocket; the corporate Brahmins get rich as the corporate media reinforce the delusion of mass prosperity; workers get shafted; workers start to organize. Clinton’s “fast track” legislation was bludgeoned in Congress, denying the president the unconstitutional powers he sought to negotiate trade agreements without the consent of the American people. And the Multinational Agreement on Investment, which would create a one-world system for investment capital, faces a rising mountain of international grassroots opposition.

Hence, to those forging the New World Order, it is vital to remove government from the power equation and establish total, unquestioned dominance before the common folk get together and figure out a way to short-circuit their plan. It is bitterly ironic that globalist politicians and pundits toss around “democracy” as their buzzword for the transformational effects of neo-colonialism. Indeed, a recurring theme at Davos was the need to “transform” existing governments to suit the new economic order. This generally requires government to take a subservient role to the will of international finance.

Much of the discussion at Davos centered around the “Asian banking crisis” that has wreaked crippling economic effects from Hong Kong to Java. The banking houses of New York, London and Paris all had big investments in the rapidly-expanding “Asian tiger” economies. We are told that one of the key factors in the Asian crisis was that production of goods outpaced the public’s capacity to consume them. But many of these “overproduced” goods were manufactured in shiny new factories funded by Western banks — factories which had an obligation to pay back their investors. Hence, the explanation of what exactly caused this “overproduction” becomes somewhat murky. In spite of this, Western financiers blamed the whole situation on “bad judgment” by Asian governments, even as they ran to the International Monetary Fund demanding a multi-billion dollar bailout to cover their losses. Many of those billions will be drawn from U.S. taxpayers’ coffers.

The Asian banking crisis is an economic Rubik’s Cube; but for Davos attendees, the key factor is that a crisis exists which must be solved. For only during cataclysm can an entire society be transformed. And if you happen to be the one offering the solution, there are hefty gains to be made. As Federal Reserve Chairman and Davos regular Alan Greenspan recently stated, “Events in Asia reinforce once more the fact that, while our burgeoning global system is efficient and makes a substantial contribution to standards of living worldwide, that same efficiency exposes and punishes underlying economic imprudence swiftly and decisively.”

In other words, economies which allow themselves to be smoothly integrated into the New World Order will receive “substantial” (but unspecified) contributions to their standards of living; those who seek to maintain their old ways will be punished “swiftly and decisively” by the electronic infrastructure of finance and control that the elite is constructing as its vehicle of global governance in the 21st century.

And what is the proposed solution for Asia’s problems? Crack open your ancient history textbooks and flip waaaaay back to 1995, when a similar crisis struck Mexico on a slightly smaller scale. Mexico was at the point of total collapse under the weight of massive debts to foreign banks. The ever-reliable U.S. taxpayer ended up bailing out the bankers as usual through the IMF, and Western finance leaned heavily on Mexico to drastically alter government expenditures, allotting tremendous sums of money to job training programs. Needless to say, the jobs that people are being trained for are jobs designed to improve conditions for foreign investment capital. Economic dissidents, such as the Zapatistas in Chiapas, are massacred by paramilitary death squads as an example to others of how desirable it can be to just shut up and get a job.

In his remarks during the 1998 Davos forum, Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo was quite frank about this fundamental shift ordered at economic gunpoint by foreign banks: “We have refrained from trying to pick winners and losers in our trade policy. We have regained credibility in our economic policies because we have done the right things, and these things are respected. It’s as simple as that.”

The general welfare and organic prosperity of the citizenry, therefore, is no longer the goal of a nation’s economy in the New World Order. The goal of an economy is simply to make money with no regard for the social and environmental ramifications; and anything which perpetuates that goal is good for the people by default. “It’s as simple as that.”

Japan has been somewhat reluctant in embracing the dictates of Western finance, and has grumblingly challenged the World Economic Forum’s relentless criticism of Japanese monetary policy. Eisuke Sakakibara, Japan’s vice finance minister for international affairs, pointed out at a Davos panel discussion that even though Japan had engaged in vigorous reforms to accommodate the shifting realities of the global economy, many factors in the Asian crisis were rooted within global capitalism itself.

Rudiger Dornbusch, a prominent economist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, barked a vehement, exaggerated response to Sakakibara’s critical remarks. “This crisis surely has nothing to do with global capitalism. It’s a crisis of crony capitalism, a crisis of very, very bad government. These are places where the government knows everybody’s shoe size but doesn’t know how much they have borrowed offshore.”

But naturally, if overseas labor exploiter Nike keeps a database of all their customers’ shoe sizes, that’s okay.

Dornbusch utterly refuted the idea that Western finance had anything to do with the crisis. The problem as he sees it isn’t with the elite who gather at Davos every year to exploit shifts in the global economy — it’s with those pesky nations who just aren’t willing to completely alter their ways of life in order to “fit in” with the new economic order. So, what better way to herd everyone into the global stockyard than with a worldwide economic crisis?

Klaus Schwab, the German professor who founded the World Economic Forum, has concluded that the world will face a severe capital shortage “around the year 2000.” In an interview with Forbes magazine (whose editor-in-chief, Steve Forbes, is a regular Davos attendee), Schwab relayed his prediction of a massive global run on capital. According to Forbes, “This is bad news for many of the politicians who attend the forum. In a capital-short world they will have to avoid policies that scare capital away. This makes it hard for them to stay in power by pandering to special interests.”

“Special interests” such as labor unions, environmental groups, the voting public, and anyone else who opposes the transformation of their society in order to adhere to the coercive demands of foreign investors.


Call it a global conspiracy; call it the inevitable result of the blind, amoral ambition of capitalist greed; call it whatever makes sense to you. Every year, this Beast lunges forward, thrust by meetings such as the Davos conference. And every year, the grip of global capital tightens around the throats of the world’s governments, converting them into more efficient instruments for the enrichment of the elite at the expense of the governed.

It would seem that the deck is very much stacked against us. But grassroots opposition to neo-colonialism continues to rapidly organize. As the 1998 conference opened in Davos, “People’s Global Action Against ‘Free’ Trade and the WTO,” a group of 192 organizations from 54 countries with an aggregate membership of 20 million, released their “Declaration Against the Globalisers of Misery,” a statement denouncing the Davos meeting.

“We oppose the accelerating centralisation of political and economic power caused by globalisation,” the People’s Global Action manifesto states, “and its gradual shift to unaccountable and undemocratic institutions, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO). We denounce the role of “informal” business groups (such as the World Economic Forum) in this process, which only benefits multinational business elites, while increasing numbers of people are going hungry, unable to afford basic health care and education, and forced to cope with environmental destruction.”

Three weeks after the release of this statement, 600 representatives of People’s Global Action met in Geneva to work together “as a tool for coordination, exchange of information and mutual support for the struggles of all those hit by neoliberal globalisation.” This first PGA conference, the people’s answer to the elitist Davos gathering, was pocketed between intensive roundtable discussions and seminars on the World Trade Organization, the Multinational Agreement on Investment, and “free” trade agreements, as well as issues concerning food production, culture and economics.

A week of intensive activity drew to a close with a number of coordination and planning sessions which combined small groups of individuals to take action on the knowledge attained at the conference. And on February 27, the PGA sponsored a European meeting to launch a continent-wide movement of civil disobedience against the “free” trade policies of the elite:


[Globalisation] spreads through the fabric of societies and communities of the world seeking to integrate their peoples into a gigantic system whose sole purpose is the extraction of profit and the accumulation of capital. In this sense therefore, globalisation implies the further dismantling of barriers to the free movement of capital.


People’s Global Action calls for:

*A clear rejection of the WTO and other trade liberalisation agreements (like APEC, the EU, NAFTA, etc.) as “active promoters of a socially and environmentally destructive globalisation.”

*A confrontational attitude, “since we do not think that lobbying can have a major impact in such biased and undemocratic organisations, in which transnational capital is the only real policy-maker.”

*A call to non-violent civil disobedience and “the construction of local alternatives by local people, as answers to the action of governments and corporations.”

*An organisational philosophy based on decentralisation and autonomy.

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