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Overview of how the FBI, CIA, DHS, DOD/USAF are running Stealth Targeting, Torture, Repression, Assault, Field Testing operations on innocent Americans w. Radar, Spectrum, Sonic Weapons (Ramola D, 1/27/19)but won’t ‘fess to use/testing/operation.

Directed Energy Weapons
Articles & Interviews

Part VIII: Cult Connections

February 19, 2024

Dr. Nick Begich on HAARP

February 25, 2014

Jerry Smith on HAARP

February 25, 2014

Bruce Gagnon, Researcher

February 25, 2014

Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Researcher

February 25, 2014

Notes from Four Chemtrail DVDs

February 25, 2014

Organized Gang Stalking Quotes

February 23, 2014

Overview of how the #FBI, #CIA, #DHS, #DOD/#USAF are running Stealth Targeting, Torture, Repression, Assault, Field Testing operations on innocent Americans w. Radar, Spectrum, Sonic Weapons but won’t ‘fess to use/testing/operation.

Ramola D
14 days ago, 24 tweets, 23 min read Read on Twitter

#DisclosureOnTargeting Overview of how the #FBI, #CIA, #DHS, #DOD/#USAF are running Stealth Targeting, Torture, Repression, Assault, Field Testing operations on innocent Americans w. Radar, Spectrum, Sonic Weapons but won’t ‘fess to use/testing/operation.

Targeted Individuals

The U.S. Government is “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. TARGETED INDIVIDUALS

#DisclosureOnTargeting That the #FBI is at the heart of these illegal, extrajudicial, atrocious, criminal, unethical programs is well-known to FBI whistleblower @GeralSosbee who has just published a new report on this subject. Tragic ROT in high places.


This paper by ex-FBI agent, Geral Sosbee, presents an historical perspective on the profound corruption of law and society of the USA by J. Edgar Hoover and his offspring, the fbi.

#DisclosureOnTargeting Targeting Americans openly w. anti-personnel neuro bioweapons, trafficking into non-consensual Military/Intel Trauma-Based Mind Control Projects was kicked off in 1994 w. this #DOD/#DOJ MOU, returned on FOIA last yr to H. Krasna:…

#DisclosureOnTargeting This MOU was first discussed by Dr. Nick Begich, and points to that moment in time when @DARPA and @FBI came together to share “advanced technologies” and “conduct a program” to enhance Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW) & Law Enforcement Ops.

#DisclosureOnTargeting Although cagily worded, it is clear that this program of sharing & joint dev. of “technology and systems applicable to both” DOD & DOJ, ie Law Enforcement was Planned at the Highest Level. This MOU was signed by Janet Reno, Att-Gen and John Deutch, Sec Def.

#DisclosureOnTargeting MOOTW as “CounterTerrorism” & “Peacekeeping” conjoined w. Law Enforcement because “recent tech advances suggest a current ability to enhance the effectiveness of both OOTW and LE.”Thus, DOD entered CONUS brandishing Spectrum Sonic Neuro Bio Tech, ditto DOJ.

#DisclosureOnTargeting This MOU was referred to, via Dr. Nick Begich’s reportage, in my Oct 2015 article exploring secret programs run by #DOJ to target Americans with undisclosed radiation bioweaponry:

Is the US Department of Justice Secretly Permitting Local Law Enforcement & the Military to Assault American Citizens Using Covert Directed-Energy “Non-Lethal” Weapons?

Is the US Department of Justice Secretly Permitting Local Law Enforcement and Fusion Centers (With a Covert CIA/DoD Presence) to Deliberately Assault American Citizens Using Covert Directed-Energy …

Is the US Department of Justice Secretly Permitting Local Law Enforcement & the Military to Assault American Citizens Using Covert Directed-Energy “Non-Lethal” Weapons?

#DisclosureOnTargeting Secret Policing was further discussed in my follow-on article exploring non-lethal weapon dev/use:

How Secret Policing With Deadly “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, & Globally

How Secret Policing With Deadly, Mis-Named “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US: Secret DoD/DoJ Memos, Targeting “Domestic Adversaries”(“Targete…

How Secret Policing With Deadly “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, & Globally

This 1994 MOU was preceded by the 1986 Att-Gen Non-Lethal Weapon Conference & Closed Military/DOJ1993 Los Alamos Conf.

#DisclosureOnTargeting Charles Swett’s 1993 Strat Assessmt. details how Non-Lethal Weapon dev. was actively pursued in public domain #DOD from the ’80s on. Ray Cline, CIA and Dick Cheney, DOD played public-domain ball over it. Neurotech was contemplated.…

#DisclosureOnTargeting A Defense News article in 1993 notes that the US studied Russia’s acoustic psycho-correction & other neurotech, planned US use, talked abt “bilateral/multilateral” controls on Mind/Psyche affecting weapons. Globalist moves evident:

#DisclosureOnTargeting Vital also to note in this 1993 Def News article– Mention of Portable Hand-held Weapons for Special Ops & Anti-Personnel Actions, Russian “Health-Care technologies” & Russian demos of same in the US, integration into Psy Ops.

#DisclosureOnTargeting @SAIC and International Healthline Corp are named in this 1993 Def News article as contracting to study Russian “health care tech” and acoustic beam tech. Russian demos and further evaluation of acoustic psycho-correction tech in the US were planned.

#DisclosureOnTargeting The #CIA has been closely involved in this publicly-reported collaboration with Russian military & medical officials, incl. the Department of Psycho-Correction at the Moscow Medical Academy, via Ray Cline, Global Strategy Council, Janet Morris, & @SAIC. 13/

#DisclosureOnTargeting Very openly therefore, in 1993, #CIA & #DOD w. US private corpns. were working w. Russian & KGB groups to actively eval, demo in US, & tech-transfer psycho-correction tech to alter behavior and correct psyche of humans “despite their will & consciousness.”

#DisclosureOnTargeting The Los Alamos Conference held at Johns Hopkins App. Physics Lab in Nov 1993 on Non Lethal Weapons was classified, not-public–Secret, US Only. Janet Reno, John Alexander, Dick Trefry, US Army & Navy & Air Force scientists, commanders, NIJ, spoke. 15/

#DisclosureOnTargeting An interesting article by Dick Morris, author & eco journo, offers glimpses of that secret 1993 Los Alamos conference… & other secret US Intel/Russian meetings in ’96, poss use of MK tech in Waco Massacre by Reno, #FBI Spring 1993.16/

#DisclosureOnTargeting That David Koresh was subjected to Voice of God tech or Synthetic Telepathy during the April ’93 Waco siege was hinted at in a letter from Julianne McKinney, Assn of Nat Sec Alumni to Janet Reno in Oct 1993. Covered at
Mongoose: “Non-Lethal” Directed Energy Acoustic Weapons in the USA — Words in Your Head, Words in Your Mouth… The Ultimate False Flag Scripting

Alert Reader says: This was the technology being released and in current use in 1992 timeframe. What is now used is incredibly advanced and best described as remote induction (soft-style) no voices h…

Mongoose: “Non-Lethal” Directed Energy Acoustic Weapons in the USA — Words in Your Head, Words in Your Mouth… The Ultimate False Flag Scripting


#DisclosureOnTargeting A 2nd letter from J. McKinney to Reno, Oct 1993 expressed concern abt impending Law Enf. use of DEW tech and stated flatly these were already being tested on US citizens experimentally, qualifying as “govt-sponsored terrorism,” used to perpetrate crime. 18/

#DisclosureOnTargeting Andrei Puharich spoke about ELF warfare among countries with Russia bombarding US with ELFs from 1976 on, and into the ’80s:
Open Mind with Bill Jenkins : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Open Mind with Bill Jenkins an extremely rare and good precursor to Coast to Coast A.M. from the 1980’s.

. He spoke also on ELF warfare on S. Africa, covered by “Max” in Report #101: 19/

#DisclosureOnTargeting My point is that brain- and psyche- and body-affecting ELFs as weapons of war were known to US, Russia, and other countries well before that 1993 Los Alamos conference and were being used on domestic populations bef. 1993. See 20/

#DisclosureOnTargeting In fact, pulsed microwave & infrasound weapons to induce voices, incapacitate, isotropically radiate & generally brain and body-damage humans had been explored by US Army researchers in the ’70s, & by #CIA from the ’50s on. See… 21/

#DisclosureOnTargeting Post-#LosAlamos93, in that 1994 MOU betwn Reno & Deutch (who later ran #CIA ’95-’96), open plans to test & evaluate “tech of interest” most prob. both US & Russian “psycho-correctives” as per #DefNews93 on US citizens via OOTW & LE joint ops were aired. 22/

#DisclosureOnTargeting The latest from Richard Lighthouse on his analysis of how the crim. wrongful-watchlisting, targeting-with-ELF/neuroweapons pgm is being run is at
Targeted Individuals

The U.S. Government is “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. TARGETED INDIVIDUALS

. #CIA, #FBI, #DHS, #USAF all involved. Death-Warrant Pgms, Crimes Against Humanity. 23/

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