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Discussion of Dr. Robert Duncan´s Mind Control/EEG Heterodyning Revelations (Dr. Eric Karlstrom Notes & Rense Program Interviews, 12/2 & 12/16/21)

Mind Control & Cults
Articles & Interviews

Part VIII: Cult Connections

February 19, 2024

Dr. Stan Monteith, Author

February 25, 2014

Dr. Eric Karlstrom

February 25, 2014

Organized Gang Stalking Quotes

February 23, 2014

Dr. Eric Karlstrom interview on Jeff Rense Program on Mechanics of Mind Control (December 16, 2021)

Dr. Eric Karlstrom interview on Jeff Rense Program on Mechanics of Mind Control (December 2, 2021 )

Relevant Posts on this website referred to in interviews and summarized in below notes:

1) Dr. Robert Duncan: The Science of Mind Manipulation: EEG (Electro-Encepholagraphic) Heterodyning Remote Mind Control (2014, PPT)

2) Neocortical Warfare, The Mind-Control State, Political Targeting, Secret Weapons Testing, Medical Abuse, and Guinea Pigs (3 Perspectives)


For most of the past 70 years, American taxpayers money has been used by the corporate-military-intelligence-police state (National Security Racketeering Network) to secretly and extra-legally torture and kill innocent American citizens. Do we care?

Since the breakup of the Soviet Union and establishment of a unipolar (US dominated) world order especially, most warfare has consisted of unconventional warfare, waged anywhere in the world against any designated enemies, foreign and domestic; major components include psychological warfare, neuro or neocortical, information warfare, electronic warfare, and of course bio-warfare. This IS the New World War- WWWIII. Any person or group or population can be watchlisted and targeted, tortured, and terminated covertly, extra-legally, with so called soft kill, slow kill, silent kill nonlethal- directed energy and neuro weapons. This program has been ramping up secretly for most of the past 70 years at least; the NSA developed its Signals Intelligence capacities during WWII. So called Targeted Individuals are targets and victims of this psywar-neocortical warfare weapons system carried out by the National Security Racketeering Network under the pretext of the Global War on Terrorism.

Cybernetics- man-machine integrations, has developed into a complete scientific technocratic slavery system (and UN Agenda 21/2030) that has been constructed over the past 70 years. It is now being imposed on humanity by the global central bankers-corporate/military-intelligence system in the Going Direct Reset occurring under cover of Covid 1984 Plandemic.. (CAF)

Information in posts on my website offers details and describes this long term plan to enslave humanity…. It has been carried out in top secret classified scientific and military projects from WWII to present. (Especially including Macy Conferences (1942-52), MKULTRA (1953 to present), etc.). Evidence indicates that American, British, Russian, and German governments, especially, were captured as early as 1916… by the dominant sect and have been manipulated like puppets to incrementally implement this long-term enslavement agenda. It coincides with the dual conspiracy (by the inventors of Communism-Zionism) to usher in the Antichrist Kingdom.

I. Epigraph Quotes
From: Resisting the Mind-Controlled State, Part II, Allen Barker, 2001 (A Targeted Individual´s View of Neocortical Warfare)

This (weapons system- WMD) is the technological equivalent of the atom bomb.

External nonconsensual mind control is Mengele-like torture. If someone came into your home and did this to or your family directly you would be completely justified in shooting them dead- and any jury in the country would agree with you. But when government agents do the same things, its Nazi pigs are protected and the victims are further smeared.

Webmaster´s summary of main points in first 12 pages:

1) ¨Mind control technology¨ is rooted in surveillance devices, such as audio and video bugs, through-the-wall and remote sensing devices, and biosensors both remote and implanted. This provides the feedback for influencing as well as any ëntertainment¨ value for voyeur/sadists and intellectual property theft for thieves. Coupled with surveillance is some sort of ëffector¨ or feedback path for influencing a TI. This could include spreading rumors and gossip based on surveillance. It can include acting out ¨street theater¨ to the individual, letting them know they are under surveillance and putting them in bizarre situations to see what they do or to cause trauma and disorientation. Hypnosis is sometimes used to condition certain reactions and behavior to be triggered by later cues. Technology includes harassing phone calls coupled with surveillance-based feedback to provide aversive stimuli in a person´s home, to using pulsed microwave beams to cause pain, anxiety, or heart palpitations, to the use of brain implants to record and affect the brain directly, to …..

2) Several categories of mind control operations include covert druggings, hypnosis, and trauma conditioning, one shot EM type brain blasting, short term mind fucks, and ongoing feedback control setups for long-term torture and exploitation of victims. All are attacks against the mind of the victim. And all are deniable and denied.

3) These techniques violate almost every fundamental human right a person has.

4) The US is, for all practical purposes, a military/intelligence police state. This reality is hidden behind a façade of representative government and media psyops and lies. In reality we are living in a repressive, feudal state.

5) Citizens can be selected at random for horrible experimentation and abuse. Those who seriously challenge the corrupt system face covert harassment and abuse.

6) Great masses of people are kept blissfully ignorant of this system.

7) In reality, individuals are subject to evolved torture techniques, comprising a neutron bomb that effectively destroys the person from within while society ignores it.

8) Mind-control victims are very much like prisoners of war who have been tortured. The difference is that they generally do not know why they have been tortured, they do not have their own army or support system, and they been tortured by citizens of their own country. That, and the torture is generally ongoing land has not stopped. Rather than any sort of sympathy or respect for having ¨served their country¨ by being selected for exploitation and torture for the sake of what is billed as ¨National Security¨ or ¨freedom¨ these veterans of mind control abuse are subjected to ridicule and abuse. The psychological, and often physical, torture is ongoing.

9) The torture victims are supposed to second guess the reason for their torture. Why were they selected?

10) The primary method used to conceal and continue ongoing mind control operations is secrecy. The weapons are highly classified, and those who abuse them to torture American citizens benefit from a conspiracy- as defined in the dictionary- to conceal their crimes.

11) The psychiatric and psychological communities are also used as tools in the repression and torture of American citizens. The mental health community aids in repression by directly diagnosing and even institutionalizing against their will people who claim to be mind control victims.

12) The American press participate in cover-ups.

13) Contacting law enforcement, like the FBI, is a bad idea because it never helps and often hurts the cause of victims.

14) The Nazi Pig Theorem (NPT): Anyone who nonconsensually violates your brain/mind/mentation using Mengele-like methods is a Nazi pig. You do not care what a Nazi pig thinks. You do not care a Nazi pig’s opinions. You do not respond to a Nazi pig ridiculing you, threatening you, trying to distract you, or otherwise trying to manipulate you. You work to get a Nazi pig hanged.

Motives for MK (Mind Control), in no particular order.

1) Low-intensity warfare against the domestic population.
2) Ideas to mine/steal.
3) Statistical profiling of a population.
4) Interrogation for secrets.
5) To suppress technology they cannot control.
6) Hired harassment squad for billionaires.
7) Distributed concentration camps.
8) Vigilante groups.
9) To control a person, like a world leader or assassin (or any sort of leader).
10) To control a person, like a world leader or assassin (or any sort of leader).
11) Genocide
12) As a medical scam for money.
13) To predict and preempt actions.
14) To train agents to perform any of these actions.
15) To intimidate a population by making “examples” of people
16) To perfect the technology and techniques and make it less detectable.
17) Various unwitting spy scenarios
18) To steal negotiating strategies or information. Arms control, treaties, business negotiations.
19) To conceal scientific and philosophical insights into human existence
20) Human guinea pigs for medical or psychological research.

II. Dr. Robert Duncan: The Science of Mind Manipulation: EEG (Electro-Encepholagraphic) Heterodyning Remote Mind Control (2014, PPT)

Dr. Robert Duncan:

¨The most profound crime a government can do to an individual is peer into their minds without consent. The intelligence agencies have become a virus, a cancer, on all of humanity.

We have been Borg’ed into ¨The Collective¨ since birth. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. We are the nodes of a larger hive mind living on the crust of this planet. The next stage of our technological evolution is accessing the internet and each other at the speed of thought.

Inherently, we value our humanity, individuality, and freedom. It appears that in the next 50 years we will have lost both. Increasing intelligence 100 fold, we may no longer be human. We may have more freedom of thought and not be constrained by the biological brain and its 100 billion neuron processors and its 100 trillion synaptic connections.

With all advancements, there is great potential for the improvement of life or the peril that we are enslaved or eliminated. We must stay vigilant and discuss the morality of what we do before it is too late.¨

Dr. Robert Duncan, CIA Neuroscientist, This Presentation and 2017 youtube interview.

¨Creative, intelligent, and educated people represent potential game changers to what would otherwise would be a predictable future for our masters.

In addition to targeting ¨talented minds¨ and the control group, they found it more productive to find the minds that have the most influence on social networks. The rest of the people just follow. So control the minds of about 10,000 people and you control the direction of that culture. Humans are not really that different from fireflies who synchronize their flashing rate.

They improve their techniques of manipulating the justice system and hacking politics during the process as well as the technical capabilities.¨

From JFK shortly before his murder in November, 1963:

I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds. JFK

Main Points from Dr. Duncan´s 1914 presentation: The Science of Mind Manipulation: EEG Heterodyning

1) EEG (Electro Encephalographic) Heterodyning is the mixing of brain signals of a ¨target¨ by a group of handlers or AI.

2) The brain is the ¨hardware¨ and the mind is the ¨software.¨

3) This ¨technology¨¨/program is used for remote creation and manipulation of ¨Manchurian candidates, remote controlled soldiers, ¨interrogation targets¨, politicians, and others.

4) The purpose of the ¨program¨ is to Interrogate (i.e., torture), spy, kill, disable target, practice, collect efficacy data, incorporate cognitive models of language.

5) Purpose of this slide show is to explore ways to block the technology: Defense ideas: interfere with signal, add noise, dampen (signal), (add) sensory stimuli, jam signal going into brain or jam return signal of sensors. Because the methods of attack can happen over an entire (EM) spectrum, no one countermeasure method blocks all energy.

6) EEG Cloning is a specific case of EEG heterodyning and is the term used when there is 100% control over victim, now transformed into a human robot, or bio-robot.

7) EEG cloning requires a live person to person interface (i.e., brain-to-brain or BBI interface) for now. This is why Tis say sometimes it is a real person and other times it is repetitive AI programs.

8) Brain components manipulated identified in power point: neurons, axons, dendrites, organelles, synapses, synaptic connections, axon terminals, neural receptor sites, Myelin Sheath, glial cells, neural networks, resonance networks, neural transmitters, micro and macro circuits, DNA protein generation, neural inhibitors, EM resonance, passive ion channels, active ion pumps, channel density,

9) Energy is applied through: ultrasonic pressure waves, microwaves, circular polarized beams (EM cyclones), gamma rays, 2-D and 3-D phased arrays, beam steering, forming, nonlethal weapons, neuroweapons.

10) Techniques used: Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral- Control) RHIC, Electronic Dissolution of Memory (EDOM), RNM, S-Squad, etc.

11) Only emotions, speech, smells, touch, and taste, hearing, and vision can be projected into the brain.
For example, EMF Brain Stimulation, Bioelectric Resonance Frequencies:

(From John Akwei St. Claire V. NSA lawsuit, 1992): The frequencies to which the various areas of the brain respond range between 3 and 50 Hz. Only NSA Signals intelligence modulates signals in this frequency band.

Biological Effects At Particular EM Frequencies

10 Hz: Motor Control Cortex/Motor Impulse Coordination
15 Hz: Auditory Cortex
25 Hz: Visual Cortex
9 Hz: Somatosensory Cortex. Fake sense of touch
20 Hz: Thought Center: Imposted Subliminal Thoughts

12) Trauma-based conditioning is another time tested way to indoctrinate a human robot into armies and such.

13) Trauma-based conditioning methods are the easy way to differentiate naturally occurring mental illness from government sponsored.

14) What Does it Feel Like? People under heterodyning or cloning do not experience a whole, gestalt, sense of self.

A) Demonic possession, the holy ghost, alien abduction, or a kind of disassociation. Imagine Spock and a mind meld.

B) Voice hearers represent 5% of the population but only about 1% are affected negatively.

C) Losing one’s senses, heterodyning, is exactly what we would expect from ESP.

D) MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) results of functional voice hearers and schizophrenics are nearly identical.

E) Targets have often described the experience as out of sync, multiple ideas and minds running on a single brain.

15) Effects on targets of lowering the threshold levels of all your neurons or similarly increasing the frequency of firing in the biasing neurons include: something like fibromyalgia (aka Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), mania, or schizophrenia and sleep deprivation to name a few.

16) It is difficult to prove EEG heterodyning because it requires some very specialized, expensive signal intelligence expertise. You must show across the entire power spectrum a correlation to brain state changes. You must look at narrow band, ultrawide band, and everything in between in the spectrum.

17) Using computer screens connected to supercomputers and satellites, handlers (¨cybernetic hive mind¨ operators) can observe brain wave activity of targets and electronically interject moods, thoughts, subliminal suggestions, images, and sounds to the targets´ brains. The mind of the target is no longer contained within his own brain.

18) The brain is both analogue and digital in its functioning.

19) Counter intelligence research has focused on cognitive deception and error induction. Sensory deception/Cognitive manipulation is often called PSYOPS, psychological operations.

20) How Can It Be Done?

a) Gamma knife,
b) Sony’s ultrasonic influencing systems.
c) intersecting circular waves would be directionally insensitive.
d) multiple 2-d phased arrays can steer, shape, and determine the intensity at the intersection. This is called synthetic apertures and beam steering.

21) Duncan´s opinion in side notes: Evil is a term used when one doesn’t understand the bigger picture. Is a lion evil for eating a deer? What you feel is betrayal of your own species.

22) Creating a Super Soldier: Heightened awareness and senses, Faster reflexes, Photographic memory, Hive mind organization, Synthetic telepathy, Hardened by SERE for psychics, Torture immunization, Compartmentalized communication networks.

23) With all advancements, there is great potential for the improvement of life or the peril that we are enslaved or eliminated. We must stay vigilant and discuss the morality of what we do before it is too late.

III. From: Neocortical Warfare, The Mind-Control State, Political Targeting, Secret Weapons Testing, Medical Abuse, and Guinea Pigs (3 Perspectives)

Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, CSUS, November 2, 2021

Epigraph Quotes:

1) What if we viewed war not as the application of physical force, but as the quest for metaphysical control?

Richard Szafranski, Neocortical warfare: The Acme of Skill, Military Review, US Army Command and General Staff College, 1994

2) The governments of the states party to this (United Nations) constitution on behalf of their people declare that since wars begin in the minds of men it is in the minds of men that the offensive of peace must be constructed.“
British woman speaking at the founding of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) on November 16, 1945

3) (From documentary: The Minds of Men: 1940’s Macy’s Cybernetics Conference Vision): “In the end, the whole of man can be controlled through his dependence on his environment…

At stake was the unveiling of an entirely new paradigm, one which encompassed a holistic view of control that could potentially govern the world and the mind… The system they came up with required that individuals and society be placed in a common communications network. It all centered around man-computer symbiosis (cybernetics)… an artificial nervous system.

At this point, we realize that reality itself is not a fixed thing, as our nervous systems interpret the symbols and signals of familiar patterns and changes, continuously revising our image of the world. Thus, an artificial matrix is inherent, indeed, unavoidable.

Man sought to control his own kind by way of understanding what governed his actions, starting with the neuron base unit of mind-body communications. Cybernetics denotes the science of government.

In the end, cybernetic modification of the human being makes information and its communication the key to control, making reality itself malleable and our interaction with the technology at hand has created its own feedback derived from our interpreted reality. As this technology captures, measures, and analyzes the world around us, man is programmed and re-programmed through continuous updates provided by this intermediary and conditioning comes with it along with new reflexes.

Ultimately, the underlying natural matrix is supplanted by an artificial one born with the collective consciousness of mankind’s total intent, goals, and purpose.”

(Webmaster: i.e., ¨hive mind¨)

IV. Main points from: ¨Neocortical warfare: The Acme of Skill¨ by Richard Szafranski, 1994, Military Review, US Army Command and General Staff College

1. The Cold War is over but permanent cold war is the objective.

2. Neocortical warfare strives to control or shape the behavior of enemy organisms without destroying the organism. It does this by influencing, even to the point of regulating, the consciousness, perceptions, and will of the adversary´s leadership, which is the neocortical system. Neocortical Warfare seeks to penetrate adversaries¨ recurring and simultaneous cycles of observation, orientation, decision, and action.¨

It strives to present the adversaries´ leaders- the collective brain- with perceptions, sensory and cognitive data designed to result in a narrow and controlled range of calculations and evaluations. It seeks to influence leader´s perceptions of patterns and images, and shapes insights, imaginings, and nightmares. It tries to redefine and reorganize phenomenological designators to lead the enemy to choose not to fight. The goal is to cause the enemy to choose not to fight.

3. we may have to introduce shock, surprise, and terror in the adversary´s external world through ¨the exemplary use of our military capabilities to fuel the nightmare´s and disorientation sought in the enemy´s internal world.

4. The enemy is the ¨customer¨ and society is the ¨workplace¨of neocortical warfare/gangstalking/security services stalking/electromagnetic warfare. In other words, these are for-profit operations. And the National Security Racketeering Network wages ¨full-spectrum surveillance¨ and ¨full spectrum dominance¨ everywhere. The ¨battlespace¨ is everywhere, including in the neighborhoods, workplaces, and bodies and minds of the population.

Webmaster: How ¨Neocortical Warfare¨ is Identical to Gangstalking/Electronic Control! Both rely upon:

1) Mental attacks, nightmares, illusions, character assassinations, and smear campaigns used as weapons to subdue others.

2) Shock, terror, and surprise used to influence and disrupt the target´s external world.

3) Nightmares and disorientation used to degrade target´s internal world.

4) Principle object of operations is ¨psychological warfare.¨

5) All armed military forces must be or become elite forces (Special Forces).

6) Acquisition of tremendous information data-base (NSA ¨metadata¨) about target using NSA, CIA, and DIA SIGINT and HUMINT (Signals Intelligence and Human Intelligence).

7) Domestic intelligence effort works in partnership with foreign ¨counterparts¨ AND private sector companies.

8) Space and satellite systems (i.e., Air Force and Space Force) are essential.

9) Operations that deploy great numbers of ¨field agents¨ (spies) and intelligence analysts.

10) Extensive and well-integrated civilian-military national security control force with both armed and unarmed elements.

V. Neocortical Warfare (Szafranski)

1. Military power resides in the domain of the mind and will (i.e., the province of choice, thinking, valuing, attitude, insight, imagination)

2. Air and space force operations help establish the essential preconditions for meeting national security political objectives without force…. That is, via Neocortical Warfare.

3. ¨The laws of biology are the fundamental lessons of history.¨ (Will and Ariel Durrant, The Lessons of History).

4. The object of war is to subdue the hostile will of the enemy, make him comply with our will, i.e., to force or encourage him/it to make the choices we want him to make.

5. We believe ¨will¨ is brain centered, therefore we must enter the brain.

6. We should view war not as the application of physical force, but as the quest for metaphysical control.

7. ¨To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill¨… Sun Tzu.

8. The human brain includes three major parts:

a. Reptilian brain comprises the brain stem, the mid brain and the basal ganglia. It controls recticular activating system, breathing and heart rate.

b. The limbic brain, or paleomammalian brain, surrounds the reptilian brain, and is the source and regulartor of basic mammalian survival activities: feeding, fighting, fleeing, and sexual reproduction. It registers rewards and punishments, and emotions. It maintains a hierarchy of dominance and submission within species. It is used to gang up on the weak, and the new, defending territory, hunting, bonding, nesting, greeting, flocking and playing.

c. The neocrotex, the human brain, comprises 80% of total brain matter and allows us to think, organize, remember, perceive, speak, choose, create, imagine, and cope with or adapt to novelty. It has 180 billion neurons or nerve cells that interact without any physical connections- electronically.

The possibilities for interconnections between neurons in one human brain are ¨greater than the number of atoms in the universe.¨

d. Within neocortex, the left brain hemisphere is the site of cognition and the right brain is better at registering images, patterns, sounds and movement. It conceptualizes, hypothesizes, and maintains intuitive sense of the whole.

e. Hypothesis: Each brain and the triune brain probably evolved or were naturally selected in response to some massive, catastrophic environmental change.

9. As analogy to the triune brain, might there be 3 approaches to making war?….

Reptilian brain warfare would be animalistic fighting, Limbic brain warfare would be hunting and ganging up to make the kill. The Neocortical brain approach would be more about organization, integration, and conceptualizing time and space, calculations, logic and sequential thinking.

Also, we could distinguish left brain approach: a campaign that applies physical force to particular nodes, as targets, using a presumed calculus that assesses effects on the whole system. A right brain approach would be to reframe conflict as warfare against minds and envision weapons as any means used to change the enemy´s will.

10. To accomplish, we have to understand the adversaries´ habits, patterns, communication style, etc. (via psychological profiling.)

11. Neocortical Warfare has four characteristics:

a. It recognizes that competition, conflict and conflict resolution are permanent features of the human condition. The target of all conflict, the battleground of all conflict resolution, is the human mind. All conflict is one form of warfare or another. Thus, warfare is not an aberration. It will always be with us. Thus cold war is the goal. Therefore, military forces must envision themselves not just as ärmed forces¨ but as elements of the larger national security forces in neocortical warfare.

b. NW theory accepts that adversaries will wage’ and are waging NW against us. Leaders are critical nodes, the targets of NW who must be prepared for adversary´s assaults.

c. We need to devote the most effort and resources to the deliberate and continual pursuit of nonviolent influence over adversaries. By using the adversary´s lexicon, syntax, and representational systems, this allows the Neocortical warrior to lead the adversary through the cycle of observation, orientation, decision and action.

d. Lean, fast-reacting, violent, force of arms must be created or preserved to support NW. In some cases, we need to introduce shock, surprise and terror in the adversary´s EXTERNAL WORLD to fuel the nightmares and disorientation sought in the enemy´s INTERNAL WORLD. We may need to use small, tremendously violent demonstrations in the future. All future military operations will be ¨special operations¨ and the goal of these will be ¨psychological warfare.¨ Thus, all armed military forces must be or become elite forces.

12. To öperationalize¨ neocortical warfare….

a. Acquire most robust comprehensive intelligence-gathering and information disseminating apparatus in the world. (I.e., NSA metadata collection.) In NW, understanding is power. This requires better integrated intelligence and information agency (DHS) that would combine best capabilities and analysis of the CIA, NSA, DIA, etc. at a level below the senior interagency. This new agency (DHS) would partner with foreign service partners, private sector field agencies, and deployed training and educational facilities. We need MORE field agents, intel-collection capabilities and systems to support intel analysts.

Greater reliance on information systems means greater reliance on the use of space. (Vice Admiral Jerry O. Tuttle´s space and electronic warfare Sonata envisions one architecture that could prepare us to fight Neocortical Warfare indefinitely.

b. NW requires better integrated, joint civilian and military national security control force (ak a National Security Racketerring Network) with both armed and unarmed elements. This must be capable of sustained cooperative and nonlethal presence everywhere we have interests (i.e., the entire world).

Also, some elements of this force must be capable of fast, noncooperative, violent combined arms intervention. These include elite guards superior to all forces that surround leaders of the groups of the world.

Space-based capabilities could provide these forces with information and vision. Air forces, provide the reach and the ¨¨touch¨ (i.e., SIGINT and HUMINT) needed for armed portion of this force.

c. Nonlethal elements of National Security Force penetrate the perceptions of the target country. The lethal elements are structured as cross-functional teams and networks. These can execute covert or overt violent operations. They understand that the enemy is the ¨customer¨ and the enemy´s society is the ¨workplace¨ of neocortical warfare. Global reach is essential.

These lethal forces should be small.

13. Space allows us to overcome the limitation of range and cyber war, electronic warfare and radio-electronic combat change our understanding of weapons.

VIII. Excerpts from ¨Neocortical warfare: The Acme of Skill¨ by Richard Szafranski, 1994, Military Review, US Army Command and General Staff College

¨The object of war is to subdue hostile will of the enemy. …. Or make the opponent comply with our will…. Weapons are a means to coerce an adversary´s will.

What if we viewed war not as the application of physical force, but as the quest for metaphysical control?

Remember it was Sun Tzu{s assessment that ¨To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.¨

We must accept that the will is existential and brain-centered and enter the human brain.

The capstone of the brain is the neocortex or neo-mammalian brain… which comprises 80% of total brain matter. It enables us to think, organize, remember, perceive, speak, choose, create, imagine and cope with or adapt to novelty. Within the neocortex 180 billion neurons or nerve cells interact without any physical connection. The possibilities for interconnections between neurons in one human brain are ¨greater than the number of atoms in the universe.¨

Neocortical war is warfare that strives to control or shape the behavior of enemy organisms, but without destroying the organism (Webmaster: Hence, so-called ¨nonlethal weapons¨). It does this by influencing even to the point of regulating, the consciousness, perceptions and will of the adversary´s leadership, the enemy´s neocortical system. Neocortical warfare seems to penetrate adversaries´ recurring and simultaneous cycles of [observations, orientation, decision, and action.

Toward developing a theory of Neocortical Warfare: Examine cases where nonviolence, mental attacks, nightmares, illusions, character assassinations, or smear campaigns subdued hostile will, brought the mighty low or rendered the powerful impotent.

A. Four characteristics/principles of Neocortical Warfare:

1) It assumes that competition, conflict, and conflict resolution are permanent features of the human condition. The target of all human conflict, the battleground of all conflict resolution, is the human mind. In reframing all conflict as one form of warfare or another, neocortical warfare rejects the notion that warfare is an aberration. It accepts that conflict will never end and that we must invest resources to win its endless engagements. The Cold War may be over, but cold war must be the goal. Hence, military forces must envision themselves not just as ärmed forces¨ but as elements of larger ¨national security forces¨ in neocortical warfare.

2) Assumes that adversaries will wage ´- are waging – neocortical warfare against us. NW uses language, images, and information to assault the mind, hurt morale, and change the will.

Leaders are critical nodes, the targets of neocortical warfare and they must be prepared for an adversary´s assaults.
(Webmaster: These are the ¨targeted individuals¨).

3) The object is to understand the enemy well enough to condition or determine the choices the adversary makes. Using the adversaries´ lexicon, syntax, and representational systems allows the neocortical warrior to lead the adversary through the cycle of observation, orientation, decision, and action. Mastery is the result.

(Webmaster: This is a perfect description of gangstalking/electronic torture protocols, including profiling, mapping the brain, and RNM, remote neural monitoring. The goal of RNM is insert thoughts into the targets´ brains in a manner that the target believes these are their thoughts.).

4) Lean, fast-reacting, violent, almost ¨limbic forces¨- the stiletto held in readiness to coerce with force of arms – must be created or preserved to support neocortical warfare.

In some cases, we may have to introduce shock, surprise, and terror in the adversary´s external world through ¨the exemplary use of our military capabilities to fuel the nightmare´s and disorientation sought in the enemy´s internal world. (Quote from Arguilla and Ronfeldt, ¨Cyber Warfare Is Coming¨).

(Webmaster: These ¨hostile interventions¨ are what we generally refer to as ¨gangstalking-electronic harassment¨) and include ¨street theater,¨ ¨psy-acts¨, ¨psychological actions¨, gaslighting, home break-ins, assault via ¨nonlethal and neuroweapons¨, Voice-To-Skull or microwave hearing, images and nightmares inserted into dreams, random thefts and acts of vandalism, threats, systematic smearing and rumor mongering among family, friends, neighbors, employers, staged automobile accidents, etc.)

We should not and cannot foreclose on the possibility that small, tremendously violent demonstrations will be necessary in the future.

(Webmaster: Such as destruction in major cities caused by Antifa and BLM?).

Evolving constraints will cause us to characterize all lethal military operations as ¨special operations¨ and that the principal object of these operations will be ¨psychological warfare.¨ As a consequence, all armed military forces must be or become elite forces.

B. To operationalize neocortical warfare…..

1) Acquisition of most robust intelligence gathering and information disseminating apparatus in the world is essential. In Neocortical Warfare, understanding is power.

(Webmaster: I.e. NSA collects all ¨meta-data¨ and stores in NSA supercomputers. ).

This apparatus would be a better integrated intelligence-gathering and information agency or a network of agencies.

(Webmaster: This describes the Department of Homeland Security which would be formed in 2002 in response to the (self-inflicted) ¨synthetic terrorist¨ attacks on 9/11.)

It would combine the best capabilities and analysts of the CIA, NSA, DIA, at a level below the senior interagency group (National Security Council and Director of National Security). (Thus) we need more field agents, more intelligence collection capabilities and systems to support the work of intelligence analysts. This network would work in partnership with our foreign service, private sector field activities and deployed training and education entities. It is an urgent requirement to resist any attempt to reduce our global collection and analysis capability. If we are to subdue enemies without fighting, we need more field agents, more intelligence-collection capabilities and systems to support the work of intelligence analysis.

Inevitably, greater reliance on information systems equates to greater reliance on the use of space (satellites). Space systems provide a panoramic ¨view¨ of the earth across the electro-magnetic spectrum. The technological exploitation of space can allow us to see, hear, and sense the adversary, to recognize patterns and changes, to ask the right questions, to send the right messages.

(Webmaster: Yes, gangstalking involves many kinds of surveillance of TIs, including satellite surveillance Please see Dr. John Hall´s ¨Satellite Terrorism,).

2) Neocortical warfare requires a better integrated, joint civilian and military national security control force with both armed and unarmed elements. It must be capable of sustained, cooperative and nonlethal presence in every area we have interests. The lethal elements of this force, although small by today´s standards, must be morally, mentally and technologically superior to the elite guards that surround the leaders of the groups of the world. Space-based capabilities (satellites) could provide these forces with information and vision. Air forces, as a category of force and not necessarily as a military department specific force, provide the reach and a large share of the ¨touch¨ necessary for this armed portion of the force.}

(Webmaster: It has been demonstrated that the US Air Force plays a critical role in many facets of gangstalking-electronic harassment, even including providing SIGiNT and HUMINT (signals intelligence and human intelligence) aspects of operations.)

(Regular, Irregular/Civilian, and Special) Forces could execute both violent and nonviolent operations.

(Our nonlethal and lethal forces) will understand that, in the lexicon of the ¨quality¨ movement, the enemy is the ¨customer¨ and the enemy´s segmented society is the ¨workplace¨ of neocortical warfare. Since adversaries may abound, global reach will be an important requirement in the world that is emerging.

3. Those lethal forces we possess should be small.

Today space allows us to overcome the limitation of range, and cyberwarfare, electronic warfare and radio-electronic combat begin to change our understanding of weapons. We can operate at the speed of light.¨

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