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“Your Body is the Battlefield” and ‘Expose Warp Speed’ With Whitney Webb, Chips Gels And Sensors On The Way & The Trump COVID Psyop (10/8 and 10/6/20 video interviews)

New World Order
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February 23, 2014

1) ‘Your Body Is The Battlefield’ In The War On COVID & NIH, DARPA Focus On Digital/Predictive Health

‘Your Body Is The Battlefield’ In The War On COVID & NIH, DARPA Focus On Digital/Predictive Health

2) ‘Expose Warp Speed’ With Whitney Webb, Chips Gels And Sensors On The Way & The Trump COVID Psyop

The Last American Vagabond


a day ago

@13:54 when i was on the Mexican border, in San Luis, i witnessed 1st hand a portable device, used by US Govt, which scans a target & enables them to read a person’s thoughts. sounds crazy but i saw the read outs. it’s real. it might be connected with this Israeli organization mentioned by Whitney.

a day ago

FYI: i’ll divulge a bit more info. it was used on me. that’s how i know it’s real. they read out my thoughts in real time. as soon as i switched thoughts, they read it out loud to me. it was crazy. the agents were young, trendy hipster types. and what’s crazy.. they looked Jewish but were fluent in Spanish & English. take it for what it’s worth.


“Gone by November.. ” Trump. ….POTUS gets the Lurgy, >[guinea pig] > Miracle cure > Gives cure/treatment away free. > BOOM mass wake up. > Shut lame Stream > Round up the panperpertraitors. Oh, and its not a vaccine… see the 5D now?
Edited a day ago

2 days ago

Whitney Webb makes a profound point, if this had been going on under the Obama Administration the right would be up in arms. It’s always been in a back closet in my mind that Trump was just playing a role. Playing to the worst caricatures of an old white man with the media playing his foil in excess & with overkill.

2 days ago

Duh: That’s why we have a Surgeon General.

2 days ago
Freedom Farmer


2 days ago

WATCH: Pro-Israel groups air ads for Trump & Biden

The Republican Jewish Coalition and the Democratic Majority for Israel are both airing ads in Florida claiming that their presidential candidate
will do the most to help Israel. Both groups hope to swing the
presidential election to their candidate in Florida, the nation’s most
populous swing state, and in other contested states. [show less]
2 days ago

Operation Jew Speed ?

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