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Appendix 210: Jews Behind 9/11 & Covid Depopulation Cons: You Are Amalek Videos (Parts 1 – 3)

“The Jew cries out “Anti-Semitism” while he’s stabbing you in the face.”

Alexandr Solshenitsyn, Nobel Prize Winning Author

You Are Amalek: Part 1

Video Introduction: Many think they know what’s going on. Please let me tell you something … 95% don’t have a clue. The real head of the snake and the massive power behind everything from Wars to Covid and everything in-between and beyond, is one specific group. Everything that doesn’t make sense with our world is all connected and scripted. It’s to enrich them and pave the path for their global domination while diluting and ultimately eliminating the White European bloodline. The New World Order is their construct. I’m proving what few have the courage to admit.

…. I’ve always believed that the Jew is mentally ill, through genetics, through in-breeding mostly.  Also, it’s a congenital situation with them.   We are dealing with mental illness.   That causes their whole worldview to be skewed.   Basically psychosis, where they lose connection, either completely or partially, with reality.

Quotes From Part 1:

rabbi Ishmael Levitts:  It is in the Jewish interest, it is in humanity’s interest, that whites experience a genocide.   Until white children are burned alive, white women raped, mutilated, murdered, and all white men who have not been slaughtered watch powerlessly as their people are terrorized, only then will mankind be on a more equal footing, ready to discuss white privilege and the apparent chip on the shoulder that minorities have.

rabbi 2: It is a Mitzvah and a command to wipe out from among all the descendants of Esau, the descendants of Amalek, male and female, young and old… Therefore, our God tells us we should erase their memory and we should eradicate them from the face of the earth. The throne of God is incomplete until we destroy Amalek.

rabbi 3: Esau, the brother to Jacob.. in modern terms, certainly one of them is America… Esau became Edom, which became Rome, which is Christianity. Christianity became Western Civilization. So Esau today really is Western (Christian) Civilization.”

rabbi 4 (screaming): Their (i.e., Amalek’s) suffering will only be equal to that of the cursed one (Jesus). The Talmud says that the founder of Christianity has been sentenced to boil in feces! Excrement from the bowels of humans, cats, dogs, lions and tigers! Boiling and bubbling feces! That’s where he is right now! That’s how he’s punished every waking moment!  That’s the Talmud; you forgot to mention that, huh?  All the churches and all their crosses.. That big statue on the mountain in Brazil… blown to smithereens! For all the world to see!  

rabbi 5 (Touitou): You’ll pay dearly for it, Europeans.  To such an extent you have no idea.   You’ll have no place to run.  When Italy is gone, when Edom (America), Christianity’s headquarters, that comes from “Esau” is there, when that place is gone, that’s what Islam is going to do.  Islam is the broom of Israel.   You have to know it.  So instead of having us do the job, he sends Ishmael (Islam) to solve the problem.  When he cleans all this (i.e., kills all Americans), the wine will come back home, for the coming of the Maschiach…. 

This war, in the world we live in, is necessary… so that Israel does not enter the war… Why is it necessary?   Because one is going to use the other so that Israel does not enter the War.   Said the rabbi, Rafet Israim,  and this will cause Ishmael to rise against Islam.   What you’re going through in France and Europe, which is scary… for us it’s the most beautiful news of our Jewish history.  Finally, we begin to approach it.  Finally, we begin to realize what the sages had predicted before.  What I said, is in the Sanhedrin.  The Maschiach will only come when Edom (America), Europe, and Christianity fall completely…So I’m asking the question: Is it good news that Islam is invading Europe?  It’s excellent news, it’s announcing the arrival of the Maschiach. 

rabbi 6: Great carnage will be prepared in the country of Edom (Rome).   It’s a day of vengeance for the eternal, a year of retaliation for the cause of Tsion (Zion).   All of this is written in the Isaiha prophet.   

rabbi 7: And it will be the Jewish world that will grow and grow.   And it will be the nation that will manage the world.  The land of Israel, when (Hebrew) will stretch it, the whole world will be Israel.   And Israel will be Yerushalayem.  And the only person who will dominate the world will be Ezra Taschem, with the Maschiach, this rock will grow, it will be the people of Israel.     

Moderator: The Kalergi Plan is to destroy European, white and Christian culture by displacing millions of from Third World nations.   People don’t abandon their countries for now reason.   For that to happen, it takes WAR. 

rabbi 8 (Benjamin Benhaim): In the Zohar Hakadosh, you will find there an extraordinary information. There will be two big buildings in the land of Edom, which today we relate the word Edom to America. And those are the biggest, tallest buildings in the world. And they will be totally, they will be brought down completely. And that will be the sign of beginning of tremendous wars that will end only in the coming of the Moschiach (Jewish Messiah/Christian antichrist).

One week before (9/11), one of the great rabbis in Israel, Hasidi Shobai, he came with some people, some of his disciples in a car, and they were coming towards the evening… the time of Mincha, the prayer of the afternoon. He said “Please can you stop right here? I want to doven, to pray Mincha here.” They prayed Mincha with minyani in front of everybody passing in Manhattan… near the World (Trade) Center. After he finished the dovening (the prayer), he said… “Say ‘bye bye’ to those buildings because you are not going to see them no more.”

(Francesco Cosiga, President of Italy, 1985-1992: “It’s common knowledge, Israeli Mossad and the CIA are behind the 9/11 terror attacks.”)

Webmaster’s comment: These maniacal rabbis are diabolically possessed and psychotically insane and must be dealt with accordingly.

Webmaster correction: Presidents Bush I and II, Clinton, Obama, AND Trump were/are all crypto (secret)-jews. The Bush (originally spelled, Busch) crime family are a 3rd-tier German Jewish Illuminati family (whereas the Rockefeller and Rothschild families are 2nd- and 1st-tier Illuminati Jewish families, respectively). Clinton, apparently, is the illegitimate son of a Rockefeller.

You Are Amalek: Part 2

Epigraph Quote from Video 2:

“You want to talk about power. You get close to offending a Jew, you lost your job. You get close to saying something that a jew might not like, you need me to be re-trained and re-programmed. I’m a grown man and/or woman, you don’t need to re-program me, you dick. The fact that Jews think they have that much damned gravitas to where I need to be re-programmed and sit down with one of them mother-fuckin’ rabbis? Fuck you and your rabbi….. Who’s your real master, black folks?

You got Jews telling you how bad whites are. But whites don’t have as much power as jews.”

Tommy Stomayer, (Black) Producer, Lecturer, Activist

You Are Amalek: Part 3

Comments To: You Are Amalek: Part 1

42 weeks ago

It really is quiet stunning that the MAD don’t understand that they will be eventually sacrificed as a whole burnt offering yet again. Already many of them are dead from the Vaccine poiosn, ooppppsss…..they poisoned themselves by mistake. Russia thir olde nemesis will survive as will the 100 MILLION unvaxxed Americans. Somebody did a bait n switch on them. ps the secret culprit you did not name is SCOTT GOTTLIEB & NOAH HARIRI.
42 weeks ago

This is superb! Thank you for having the cajones to produce this! The music is a bit too loud in some parts when dubbed over the voices but overall the vid tells it like it is. Well done!
42 weeks ago

It sure is rediculous that in a world of plenty, that an ancient evil still exists today.
36 weeks ago

These Jewwws are sick! The way they treat animals wow. I knew they were in control, but this film opened my eyes. Thank you
32 weeks ago

USA is clearly a jew puppet. We are all jewish slaves.
37 weeks ago

Cynthia McKinney posted a link on twitter. Watched all three parts today. You did a good job. Thanks.
39 weeks ago

The snake is described in Ezekiel 28, Satan is king and men who accept his offer of power and riches are his princes. Yahshua rejected Satan’s offer in Matt 4: 1 to 11, as we all must also to inherit the kingdom of heaven.
41 weeks ago

Are all Jews the same???
34 weeks ago

I’d say it’s The Zionists that are the problem. I think it’s a mistake to just say it’s the Jew, painting them all with the same brush. They aren’t all evil. It’s the ones that follow this long running political agenda called Zionism where they think they are superior to everyone else and feel they deserve to live more than everyone else and think all others should serve them. It’s much like Nazism and Maxist-Leninism. It’s pure evil.
40 weeks ago

Excellent podcast! A true eye opener to say the least.
This cleared up many misconceptions I had.
Thank you!
42 weeks ago

The most asthonishing is, that this channel is still not restricted and/or videos removed like so much Bitchute channels/videos:


The parent channel of this video is unavailable at your location due to the following restrictions:
Contains Holocaust Denial
Contains Incitement to Hatred
40 weeks ago

The truth is rasist
That’s why being called a rasist is so horrible and should be avoided at all costs.
37 weeks ago

I am interested in the narrator, Alexander Life Phd Author, where can I access his work, does anyone know, please?
36 weeks ago

What a SUPERB documentary. It would be wonderful if it could be in theaters, where normies might see it just because they’re normies.
28 weeks ago

the way that doctor just matter of factly admits to horrible crimes on humanity. makes me sick.

Comments to You Are Amalek: Part 2

40 weeks ago

This entire documentary is both terrifyingly accurate and made in a way that would change the world if they seen it. Play it on every station, where is ANONYMOUS ?
40 weeks ago

watching again because I haven’t been able to stop thinking about this . I’ve been waking up for the past 3 years now but …. man I am sharing with family and friends for sure
40 weeks ago

part 1
“most jews are mentally ill”
do you think it’d from the inbreeding?
40 weeks ago

fk the jews
40 weeks ago

observe the recent crypto crunch, jews regulating jews
40 weeks ago
32 weeks ago

So called Jews the Ashkenazii in particuler have passed themselves off as white and white europeans on both sides of the atlantic and beyond were ALL down with this fact and still are. Everyone wants to have their cake and eat it. Everyone claims descent from Jacob while Hollywood played a white Abraham when the bible tells you he was black. What kind of mental illness is that.

Answer is its unbalanced as the current left/right deception operated by the same Amalek that includes the Ashkenazi… Do u not know that the Ashkenazi are the direct fruits of Esau’s rebellion against Jacob and the House of Judah. Hence the carefully crafted assault on the real and true people put into effect during the 14th century that developed into the transatlantic slave trade so they could be eradicated from the world leads me to the madness that is ‘the so called Jew’
30 weeks ago

My favorite channel. I usually watch on my tv.
32 weeks ago

I’m pretty sure Voltaire didn’t say that.
30 weeks ago
18 weeks ago

We’re living in a sea of lies and deception. I watched part 1 earlier, very informative. It just blows me away how much they’ve gotten away with. The U.S. gov’t just keeps handing over billions each year to Israel and nobody questions it, at least officially. Not sure how much the crazy Canadian gov’t hands out each year but it’s probably in the millions. Thanks for the video series.
4 weeks ago

jews don’t like it when the goyim expose there bullshit.
26 weeks ago

All you have to do is put it on TV-LAND?
The American people won’t believe anything until it’s on TV-LAND! President Nixon!
Too Tell Your Future TV!
1 like
23 weeks ago

W Tommy Soyomayer
1 like
6 weeks ago

Who is Alexander Life? I’ve tried doing a basic search to find out if he’s actually a psychologist and can’t find anything on him. Any info on him would be great. I’m not looking to contact him, I just want to verify that he is who he says he is. Though i agree with everything that I’ve seen so far, It will delagitamise the documentary to the average person watching if he’s a nobody that is pretending to be a psychologist.
1 like

Comments to You Are Amalek: Part 3

40 weeks ago

Thanks for compiling all of this information, footage, clips, etc. Most will never understand the amount of time, energy and resources that went into it but I do, and I appreciate what you did, very much.
40 weeks ago

I appreciate this video so much. Wow. I’m shaken up and stressed out but feel like I’ve always known something wasn’t quite right…
40 weeks ago

I appreciate this video so much. Wow. I’m shaken up and stressed out but feel like I’ve always known something wasn’t quite right…
40 weeks ago

WOW! Just WOW!
My mind is blown!

Thank you for all of these amazing truths. I will research and verify as I never take anything on its face, yet I know deep down everything you presented is truth as it actually rings true unlike the chit that we hear today.
The good news is I ditched the Telly years ago, which helps tremendously.
My eyes are even more wide open and I will spread this everywhere I can.
Thank you so much for your time and effort in getting the truth out here.
God bless you!
Stay safe, again thank you!
40 weeks ago

this part is really hard hitting. thanks for putting this series together
37 weeks ago

Obadiah 8: Shall I not in that day, saith the LORD, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau?
18: And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.
Amalek was Esau’s grandson Gen 36:12
Esau married 2 Canaanite women.
God hated Esau. Mal 1:3. Unholy seedline.
Three excellent, in-depth videos.
John 8:44 (Jesus speaking) Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
37 weeks ago

One of the best documentaries I’ve watched on this. Thank you sir, we need more like you.
31 weeks ago

Just finished the series. Well done and thank you for all your time and effort. As a writer and editor for a truth newspaper, I truly understand just how much work you put into this project. Bravo!
38 weeks ago

Thank you for putting this series together ? I knew a lot about it but also learned a few new things about our current situation. Where can I find the book Mein Rampi The New Ford Translation?
35 weeks ago

wow – I believe this one to be the best of the Trilogy – so darn informative – it would have been easier to listen to without the word Jews and maybe the words Deep State/ Jewish Oligarchs. I think it’s so revealing though how many of the oligarchs are actually Jewish decent
So – Trump = bad guy? or playing the role? – which will it end up to be? Is there any truth to the idea that he is a direct descendant from General Patton?
31 weeks ago

Excellent interview with Dr. Cowan. I follow him here on Rumble. There is no such thing as a pathogenic virus.
30 weeks ago

The tremendous amount of work is much appreciated. The best channel online, I intend to watch all the videos. I am now on Part Three of You are Amalek and I look forward to watching the other videos as well as to watching any new videos, But seriously just with the You are Amalek your work is complete, Bravo!!!!
31 weeks ago

Your last message, I CAN RELATE…alone, ostracized, etc…BUT there’s a purpose, a reason for it!! I have to tell myself that every, single day.
29 weeks ago

I want you to know I respect you.. my understanding is that for decades we sat back and allowed these things to happen and these individuals got richer than they git scarred they would not live so they decided to end everyone lives to maintain their own. in my thoughts, I believe this information was known for years and nothing was done until it started to effect others with money
8 weeks ago

Anyone wanting more information on this topic, I suggest you check out Europa: The Last Battle. If you’re having trouble finding it, it’s also on

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