9/11 & Electronic Warfare – Operation Crimson Mist (Rwanda) And Possible American Civil War? (Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Jeff Rense Program, Oct. 24, 2024)
9/11 & Electronic Warfare – Operation Crimson Mist (Rwanda) And Possible American Civil War?
9/11 & Electronic Warfare – Operation Crimson Mist (Rwanda) And Possible American Civil War?
How Gangstalking is Administered, How To End Gangstalking RISS: Regional Intelligence Sharing System ATIX: Automated Trusted Information Exchange Excerpts/highlights from video: Video Maker/Moderator: "Who’s really behind the gangstalking? I know there are a lot of theories about it. The government…
How Gangstalking is Administered, How To End Gangstalking RISS: Regional Intelligence Sharing System ATIX: Automated Trusted Information Exchange Excerpts/highlights from video: Video Maker/Moderator: Who’s really behind the gangstalking? I know there are a lot of theories about it. The government…
“PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order:” Dr. Robert Malone Lecture Webmaster Comment: Here is an email exchange that occurred between another TI and myself: TI (Sept. 15, 2024): Please share (this video). Those still in doubt will finally…
Webmaster Introduction: Spanning the period from 5/28 to 8/31 2024, I received four emails from Josh, who believes he has found the technical explanation for our electronic targeting-remote neural monitoring/manipulation. How did he figure this out? Josh is a computer…
Webmaster Introduction: Spanning the period from 5/28 to 8/31 2024, I received four emails from Josh, who believes he has found the technical explanation for our electronic targeting-remote neural monitoring/manipulation. How did he figure this out? Josh is a computer…
By Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography January 30, 2023 Toto Enterprises, Inc. (Websites of Professor Eric T. Karlstrom) gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com naturalclimatechange.org 911nwo.com sanluisvalleywaterwatch.com erickarlstrom.com Contents: I. Introduction II. Timeline of advances in mind control and torture technologies (1920-1979)…
Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Professor of Geography, California State University, August 8, 2024 I. Epigraph Quotes: 1) From the “NASA WAR Plan” (2001) document: p. 7: The world is undergoing triple/exponential (IT/Bio/Nano) Technological Revolutions; these technological changes are exponential, rapid,…
Epigraph Quotes: 1) “The most profound crime a government can do to an individual is peer into their minds without consent. The intelligence agencies have become a virus, a cancer, on all of humanity. We have been trying to concentrate evil…
Signature Reduction Technician at Core One (View all jobs*, see below) Washington, D.C. Signature Reduction Technician Job Announcement at Core One (Washington, D.C.) The nature of these jobs is discussed by Sabrina Wallace in: Medical healthcare body security: how quantum…
The Intra Body Nano Network Compilation September 5, 2023 This is by far the best video about the intra body Thz network that has been deployed into the injected population. The Thz networks are based in nano devices constructed using…
Interview (July 19, 2023): Re-interpretation of Post-WWII American History in Light of MK Black Ops with Dr. Eric Karlstrom Excerpts from interview: I. Ruby Ridge: Military Mind Control (Track I08 from Dr. Karlstrom’s “Lifeline: Essential Insights And Healing Music For…
Introduction: The U.S. government and other governments have been captured by 5th column enemies and are waging hybrid/unconventional war against their own citizens. “High value targets” are typically activists, “dissidents,” whistleblowers, patriots, intellectuals, people of conscience and integrity, Constitutionalists, Christians,…