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66 Interviews of Dr. Eric Karlstrom on the ACH Show (2016-2022), Summaries, and Related Posts

New World Order
Articles & Interviews


July 9, 2024

Gray State (film)

February 19, 2024

(Choose) Freedom In Christ

October 18, 2020

Oil politics 101

February 28, 2014

Eco-Politics and Economics

February 28, 2014

Alan Watt, Researcher

February 28, 2014

Charlotte Iserbyt, Author

February 27, 2014

John Taylor Gatto, Author

February 26, 2014

Dr. Steve Filling

February 25, 2014

Organized Gang Stalking Quotes

February 23, 2014

Webmaster’s Introduction:

The following 66 interviews of Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, on the Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show cover a variety of important topics which he has researched and exposed on his five websites:


These topics include:

1) “ganstalking”-electronic torture/terrorism as state-sponsored neurowarfare and Fourth Generation/hybrid warfare against individuals, groups, and entire societies. This component of the phony “Global War on Terrorism” consists of covert, cowardly, bullying and psychotronic abuse of the elite’s political enemies. I believe it is meant to be the military-intelligence-vigilante policing system of the satanic new world order. I call it, G5, for “Global Government Gangstalking-Genocide GESTAPO.”

2) the Coronavirus-Lockdown-Scamdemic fraud as means to implement the “Going Direct” Bankers Reset (to bio-robotic slavery) and the transhumanist agenda,

3) the phony Climate Change fraud and how it functions as cover for weather warfare/geoengineering (geoterrorism) and pretext to impose UN carbon taxes, UN Agenda 21 (now 2030), and world government,

4) the United Nation’s Agenda 2030’s satanic depopulation, transhumanist, and world government agenda,

5) the 9/11 staged, state-sponsored, false-flag terror event as pretext for the phony “Global War on Terrorism” and initiation of World War III,

6) history and applications of mind control and Mafia States’ development and use of weaponized psychology and science,

7) the New Age cult-One World religion as ploy to implement One World Government under Satan and post-human world,

8) the International Zionist Criminal Syndicate (IZCS) and Zionazi perpetrators behind these crimes against humanity.

I want to thank Andrew Carrington Hitchcock for his vital role in presenting this extremely important information. We are both proud of this effort and sincerely hope that these interviews will help awaken our deeply propagandized fellow-citizens in America, England, and throughout the world. Thank you, Andrew, for your courage and commitment to spreading the truth in these dark times.

This post includes the audio-files of the interviews themselves, interview summaries, links to related posts, and notes that I prepared for the interviews.

Dr. Eric Karlstrom-ACH Programs

2022 Programs:

66. Dr. Eric Karlstrom- Update On Gangstalking And Climate Change (March 1, 2022) (ACH 1724)

In today’s show originally broadcast on March 1 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “Update On Gangstalking And Climate Change.”

We discussed: More on the hi-tech gangstalking-torture-“disappearance” of Stephen O’Keefe (Canadian artist, truth-teller, freedom fighter, and Targeted Individual) that we focused our last show on; how to determine if you are a Targeted Individual (TI); the nucleus of the Global Gangstalking Network; how and why they are adding thousands/millions of innocent people to Terrorism Watch Lists in this expanding, for-profit enterprise; the use of Directed Energy Weapons on TIs, Australian protestors in Canberra, and in Operations Torch California and Torch Colorado; Eric’s open letter disproving the hypothesis of Man-Made Global Warming on his website (; how geoengineering/weather modification/weather warfare have supplanted nature with chemical spraying, man-made clouds, and electromagnetic (EM) zapping; the plan to kill the planet’s biosphere through energy policies that lead to a “post-carbon world”; the coming (bogus) Climate Lockdowns; the fraud of Scientism; who can we believe these days; and many other topics.

65. ACH (1699) Dr. Eric Karlstrom – The Revelations Of Canadian Targeted Individual Stephen O’Keefe (Jan. 25, 2022)

In today’s show originally broadcast on January 25 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “The Revelations Of Canadian Targeted Individual Stephen O’Keefe.”

We discussed: Eric’s recent summary article from his website which proves that gangstalking-electronic torture is neurowarfare, hybrid warfare, and state-sponsored terrorism against “dissidents” and other innocent civilians; his “Lifeline: Essential Insights and Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Civilians” project, that also attempts to explain and summarize this complex, covert military weapons system; we listened to 6 tracks from the “Lifeline Project” which feature testimony of brilliant Canadian Targeted Individual (TI), Stephen O’Keefe; how the brains of TIs are wirelessly monitored; how virtual telepathy (VT) works and what (crimes) it can make you do; Canada’s long history of re-patterning peoples’ brains; the benefits of staged, domestic terrorism events to the elites; how and why TIs are targeted; how these staged false-flag terror events/surveillance productions are used to take down society; what the huge data centers have been built for; how this “electronic battlefield” system is a probable source for “mass formation psychosis;” the revelations of former Mossad Agent, Victor Ostrovsky, including when an Israeli journalist called for his assassination on Canadian television; and many other topics.

Related Posts:

117 Posts Here PROVE Organized Stalking-Electronic Torture IS Neuro/Cyber/Hybrid Warfare & State-Sponsored Terrorism Against Targeted Civilians: Elements, History, Goals, and Perpetrators

‘Mafia States’ Targeting Innocent Civilians; 1) “Deceive and Hide- Jewish Mob Stalking Culture”; 2) “TI” As Lone-Wolf Terrorists;” Op Catalyst youtubes and text

Lifeline: Essential Insights & Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens Exposing and Defeating Organized Stalking, Electronic Torture, Mind Control, Illegal Human Experimentation, and Psychological Warfare Operations That Threaten Humanity

64. The New World War And The Second Fall Of Man: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on ACH Show (December 28, 2021)

We discussed: how articles and documents written by military and ¨targeted individuals¨ PROVE that so-called ¨gangstalking/electronic harassment¨ IS the NEW WORLD WAR of organized terrorism and torture against civilians via ¨neurowarfare¨/¨Neocortical Warfare¨/psychotronics. the Military Intelligence International Racketeering Network that profits from this endless form of unconventional warfare; how TIs (targeted individuals) are used as nonconsenting guinea pigs, for instance, in the project to map the human brain and make a silicon copy of it; the NSA Metadata that has been collected from everybody on the planet as an essential component of this ¨Necortical Warfare¨ against the domestic population; the revelations of Catherine Austin Fitts; how the mainstream media ridicules the victims of mind control; how this diabolical system actively works on turning us all into Cyborg Slaves; Dr. Rauni Kilde’s Warning To Humanity; Eric’s Lifelines Project for Targeted Individuals (TIs) that is available from his website; how TIs have also been the beta test for the Covid Tyranny being rolled out throughout the world today; why Christians are not immune from ignorance; and many other topics.

Related Links:

Dr. Rauni Kilde’s Warning To Humanity

Discussion of Dr. Robert Duncan´s Revelations on Mind Control/EEG Heterodyning (Dr. Eric Karlstrom´s Notes & 2 Interviews on Rense Program, 12/2 & 12/16/21)

Neocortical Warfare, The Mind-Control State, Political Targeting, Secret Weapons Testing, Medical Abuse, and Guinea Pigs (3 Perspectives & Karlstrom-Rense Interview, 11/5/21)

63) The H1N1 (Swine Flu) Conspiracy To Vaccinate/Depopulate The World As Drill For Covid-19 (Dr. E. Karlstrom on ACH Show, Nov. 23, 2021)

November 23, 2021 by achitchcock

In today’s show originally broadcast on November 23 2021, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “The H1N1 Conspiracy To Vaccinate The World And Its Influence Today.”

We discussed: Dr. Rauni Kilde’s revelations on the H1N1 vaccine and the plan to depopulate the planet at that time; how they wanted to get everyone vaccinated; the World Health Organization’s edict that they would have authority over all nations and there was no need to test the vaccine; the elites desire to eliminate people; why Finland stopped their H1N1 vaccination program and how the World Health Organization tried to prevent them from doing so; the revolting ingredients of the H1N1 vaccine; the scare tactics the powers that should not be employed in an effort to get the people to take their vaccine; how the FEMA Camps have been around since 1985; why our governments who should be protecting us from harm choose not to; the infamous 2009 “Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura – Secret Societies” show with Dr. Rima Laibow, that predicted what we are going through today; and many other topics.

62. Gangstalking in the Movies Part II (Oct. 26, 2021)

In today’s show originally broadcast on October 26 2021, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “Gangstalking In The Movies – Part 2.”

We discussed: how the Gangstalking Program is identical to the military’s Neocortical Warfare strategy and doctrine; mind control from a medical viewpoint; Project Monarch and the Phoenix Program; how the Targeted Individual (TI) Program has been the beta test for the targeting of the world’s population that we are witnessing today; no touch torture developed by the CIA; in depth analyses of the, “Enemy Of The State,” and “The Truman Show,” movies; the Five Eyes spy alliance; the Clinton Body Count; how the TI Program is designed to destroy the life of the TI whilst leaving them alive; the power of faith in God; and many other topics.

61) Gangstalking in the Movies: Part I (Sept. 28, 2021)

In today’s show originally broadcast on September 28 2021, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “Gangstalking In The Movies.”

We discussed: the Book of Ephesians; using the cover of drills during a false flag terror attack; why the number of Targeted Individuals (TIs) radically increased during the 1990’s, and in particular after 9/11; how Gangstalking is the New World War; the YouTube video, “Monarch The New Phoenix Program Pt 1 By Marshall Thomas,” that we played during the show; how thoughts that are not your own can be planted in your brain; how Satanism has been accepted as a religion in the U.S. Military; state sponsored domestic terrorism against the civilian population; how the high level Satanists are trans-humanists who want to destroy the planet via geo-engineering; examples of Gangstalking in the movies from – Gaslight, The Game, Enemy Of The State, The Hunger Games franchise, The Bourne franchise, The Truman Show, The Lives Of Others, Murder On The Orient Express, The Manchurian Candidate, and Control Factor; how the technology we have today is far beyond our wisdom as humans; and many other topics.

60) Technocalypse! Dr. Eric Karlstrom – Our 60th Show: ACH Show August 24, 2021

We discussed: how what we are experiencing throughout the world is not about a virus but about ushering in medical tyranny, technocratic fascism, and the Anti-Christ system; the ultimate dream of many scientists and elites to be able to transfer their minds to a device so that they can live forever and attain digital omniscience; transhumanism and post-humanism as the real story behind the “frankenshots”; how both the Targeted Individual program and the “response” to the covid plandemic are part of 1) unconventional warfare, 2) demicide (mass murder/depopulation by governments), 3) nonconsensual human experimentation (in violation of the Nuremberg Code), and 4) the “go-direct” plan for central banks and the military to remotely and electronically monitor all brain and behavioral functions and allot digital currency to those who behave properly as good slaves; why for us the truth will set us free, but as far as the elites are concerned, “the truth will get you dead;” the secretive revolutionary group that has been terrorizing humanity for centuries; the stark choice people have today, which is whether to serve God or Satan; the possibility that the nephilm have returned to the earth per Biblical prophecy; how the psychopathic elite gain sustenance off of other peoples’ blood and torture; interesting topics on the agendas of the last few Bilderberg Meetings; ways to proceed legally, including implementation of Nuremberg 2.0 trials, and many other topics.

59) “Climate Change” As Cover Story For Weather Warfare: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on ACH Show (7/27/21)

In today’s show originally broadcast on July 27 2021, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “Climate Change As A Cover Story For Weather Warfare.”

We discussed: the multi-decadal breakdown in honesty from our scientists and politicians regarding the climate change fraud; why, since “climate is average weather,” extreme weather events, now OFTEN geoengineered, cannot be accurately attributed to “climate change;” the history of weather modification, weather warfare, and geogengineering; how “he who controls the weather controls the world;” how the U.S. Air Force is the principal administrator of weather control and weather warfare; Chemtrails and HAARP as means of weather and mind/behavioral control; how Chemtrails plus the science of remote viewing allow for targeting of anyone anywhere as per “the NSA tracks ‘em (with SIGINT, signals intelligence) and the CIA whacks ‘em” (with HUMINT, human intelligence); Morgellons Disease as result of Chemtrails; the mass depopulation plan now being rolled out via these and other “unconventional warfare” modalities; why your next door neighbor could be spying on you; how morality and decency have become more and more rare since the West has abandoned Christianity and fallen to the Techno-fascist UN New World Order (antichrist system); a world without forgiveness; how the ruling elite is going for broke; how and why those who play God become devils; and many other topics.

58) Dr. Eric Karlstrom – The Scientist, The Spy, And The Climate Change Fraud (ACH (1547); June 29, 2021)

In today’s show originally broadcast on June 29 2021, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “The Scientist, The Spy, And The Climate Change Fraud.”

We discussed: the Bible’s warning that God sends a strong delusion to those who reject his Son and the truth in the end times; the innumerable preposterous lies embedded in the UN’s man-caused global warming-climate change propaganda hoax; a brief history of natural climate changes over the past 2-3 million years (The Quaternary Period aka “the ice age”); how the age of agriculture and the rise of human civilization coincides with the last 10,000 of unusually warm, stable climate conditions (the Holocene Epoch); Eric’s father, Dr. Thor Karlstrom’s, lifelong and pioneering geologic research that documents and explains natural climate cycles of the past; how his “astro-climatic working hypothesis“ found disfavor with the CIA because it didn’t bolster their political-military objectives; why the truth is perceived as a threat to the CIA and political elite; how Eric’s father’s (and Eric’s) career and even health were sabotaged and suppressed; how the CIA, military, and their paid scientist and corporate contractors have manipulated the weather as a military weapon since World War II; how the man-caused global warming-climate change fraud serves as cover story to conceal and finance geoengineering-weather warfare operations; why the UN and New World Order push the climate change fraud as a means of: 1) controlling and taxing energy and resource usage, 2) strengthening their one-world global government, and 3) justifying their mass depopulation efforts via biowarfare (i.e., toxic injections aka “vaccines”), weather warfare; as well as electronic, economic, information, and psychological warfare, etc.; and many other topics.


57) 1960’s Rock Stars And Their Connections to Military Intelligence (Dr. Eric Karlstrom on ACH Show May 25, 2021)

In today’s show originally broadcast on May 25 2021, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “1960’s Rock Stars And Their Connections To Military Intelligence.”

We discussed: why we are now in jeopardy of losing our Christian Civilization; how the Transnational Military Dictatorship-NSA Global Spy Network running the world targets individuals, groups, regimes, and entire nations in fast– and slow-kill black ops; FBI’s Cointelpro and CIA’s MHCHAOS and Phoenix Programs as ongoing covert warfare against domestic “dissidents,” “activists,” truth-tellers, etc.; US military-intelligence “counter-insurgency doctrine” from 1950’s to present; the (provoked?) race riots of the 1960’s (as problem) and the military’s Operation Garden Plot and Cable Splicer (reaction) as the 1960’s government plan to impose martial law in America (solution); 1960’s rocks stars’ family connections to military intelligence and the ruling elite; the hippy movement as a social engineering project/psychological operation to discredit and dismember the anti-war movement; the 1970’s-80’s serial killer phenomenon as covert domestic Phoenix Program operation; Eric’s “Ode To Jimmy” song; drugs and the Vietnam War; military-intelligence operations to “divide and conquer” America along racial, gender, age, and political lines in the 1960’s and today, and many other topics.

From “Operation Garden Plot” To The Phoenix Program and CHAOS To “REX 84” To 9/11 To DHS To U.S. NORTHCOM: The Multiple-Decade DoD-CIA-DHS Plan For Perpetual War Against Dissidents (aka ”Counter-Terrorism” and “Gangstalking”), Totalitarian Military Dictatorship, and Martial Law

David McGowan Links MKULTRA Mind Control, Cults, Serial Killers, 60’s “Counter-culture,” Drug Importation, Phoenix Program, Pedophilia/Child Trafficking, Staged Terror Events, Fake Moon Landing, DHS Police State: All Are CIA Psychological Warfare/Terrorism Against American Public

Complete 10-Part Suzie Dawson Series: “Opening the Five Eyes: Exposing the Spies:” (Fall, 2019) W/ Transcriptions, Graphics, & Sample Quotes

“Signature Reduction” (SIGREDUX) = Dark State’s Undercover 60 K Spy Army = Unconstitutional Slow-Kill Torture and Murder of Law-Abiding Citizens = Counterterrorism = Gangstalking = Cyber Warfare/Cyberstalking/Cyber Torture = Psychotronic Warfare (Psychological Ops + Directed Energy & Neuro Weapons)

56) How “They” Are “Reinventing The World Through Satanic Science And Sorcery:” Dr. Eric Karlstrom on ACH Show (April 16, 2021)

We discussed: the worsening situation between America, Russia, and China; the push to take the “vaccine”-“Frankenshot;” the “Frankenshot” as global genetic mutation experiment so elites can isolate the “Lazarus Gene” and genetic sequences to permit them to live forever as gods (per Genesis 3:4-5); how the BEAST system, laid out and promoted by numerous elite writers (including Bertrand Russell, Jonas Salk, H.G. Wells, Arthur Koestler, Fritjof Capra, etc.) over the past 100+ years, uses the medical system to extend Satan’s hive mind to all humanity through “the New Technocratic Covenant” involving cyborg transformation enslavement through Smart Dust, AI, implants, satellites, supercomputers, big data, 5G, 6G, IoT, etc.); how the destruction and re-invention of God’s creation IS “the chosenites’” plan to escape the damnation of hell (per Matthew 23:33); the revelations of Pfizer VP and head scientist, Dr. Mike Yeadon re: the dire threat of the “vaccine” to humanity; the SPARS Pandemic document as script and war plan for rolling out SARS-COV 2, the mRNA-nanotech “Frankenshot,” and Covid passport between 2020 and 2023 that will track, trace, monitor, transform, and enslave us; how one third of vaccine recipients are having neurological problems, the “go-direct” (satellite-supercomputer-implants) plan to hook up digital currency to our bodies; the difficulties some people face in accepting what is really going on in the world; how the point of targeting individuals through psychological and electronic (psychotronic) warfare is to get them to kill themselves; why our leaders don’t regard us as humans; and many other topics.

55) The Neuro Hacking Brain Invaders: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on ACH Show, 1475; March 19, 2021

We discussed: the law-abiding citizen who asked his City Council to stand up for the majority; how more people were killed via “democide” (murder by their own governments, as in covert gangstalking-electronic torture ops) than in wars during the 20th Century; the tattoo applied remotely via 5G; Jesse Lee Peterson’s reasons for starting White History Month; government control of populations through propaganda, fear, domestic terrorism (again, gangstalking-electronic torture), and “divide and conquer” tactics (fomenting racial, political, gender divisions, etc.); Dr. Karlstrom’s recent updates to his homepage, including statements by experts that neuroweapons and neuro-biotech can hack into human brains, destroy our free will, kill and enslave us, and that these technologies are incorporated in the Covid-19 “vaccines” (more accurately, “frankenshots”); the top exponential technologies of our age; Eric’s “Lifeline Project;” the elite’s plan to replace carbon-based life forms with inorganic (silicon-based) life; Bill Gate’s 060606 cryptocurrency-body data-total enslavement patent; and many other topics.

54) Putting The Pieces Together… From Covid Vaccines to Cybernetic Slaves; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on the ACH Show (2/19/21)

We discussed: why now is the time to put on the armor of God and resist the implementation of total technological tyranny; the 80-year plan to turn us into cybernetic (man-machine hybrid) slaves now coming to fruition; the simultaneous strategies being used against us, including economic, psychological, biological, cyber, and weather warfare and state-sponsored domestic terrorism against individuals and groups; how the so-called “vaccines” (actually a cybernetic population management and reduction system) fit in to the plan; the enemy who lives among us; the blackouts in America; the UN’s draconian plan to eliminate fossil fuel use entirely (which would cause radical population reduction); how the U.S. Government is trying to slither out of their financial obligations to the American People by having CIA, FBI, and DHS foment civil war to fragment and destroy America; the keynote address at the 2020 World Economic Forum by Prof. Harari (Jerusalem University) announcing our immanent transformation into “hackable animals;” the Anti-Christ/bio-robot slavery system that they are trying to bring in; some practical solutions to our problems; and many other topics.

53) What Really Happened At Jonestown? Dr. Eric Karlstrom on the ACH Show, Jan. 22, 2021

We discussed: the official version of what happened at Jonestown; the intelligence background of “Reverend” Jim Jones; the overwhelming evidence that the Jonestown mass murder event (by lethal injections) occurred after a U.S. Government covert intelligence operation (mind control, slavery, money laundering, political de-stabilization) was exposed; the Abraham Accord between Israel and U.A.E. and the “Symbols in the Scimitar” coin commemorating that agreement which depict the technologies of the “Go-Direct” – vaccine-digital enslavement system now being rolled out globally; how the same people that planned 9/11 “war gamed” America’s recent post-election chaos, how, at the behest of ADL, the MegaGroup billionaires, and other Jewish organizations, DHS and FBI target Israel’s critics as “domestic terrorists” (i.e., the gangstalking program), why the Trump Presidency is increasingly looking like an intelligence operation (Operation Trust 2.0) designed to identify Americans who will not accept the Globalist agenda; and many other topics.

2020 Programs:

52) The CIA, Gangstalking, And The COVID-19 Vaccine: Dr. Eric Karlstrom On ACH Show (12/18/20)

In today’s show originally broadcast on May 25 2021, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “1960’s Rock Stars And Their Connections To Military Intelligence.”

We discussed: why we are now in jeopardy of losing our Christian Civilization; how the Transnational Military Dictatorship-NSA Global Spy Network running the world targets individuals, groups, regimes, and entire nations in fast– and slow-kill black ops; FBI’s Cointelpro and CIA’s MHCHAOS and Phoenix Programs as ongoing covert warfare against domestic “dissidents,” “activists,” truth-tellers, etc.; US military-intelligence “counter-insurgency doctrine” from 1950’s to present; the (provoked?) race riots of the 1960’s (as problem) and the military’s Operation Garden Plot and Cable Splicer (reaction) as the 1960’s government plan to impose martial law in America (solution); 1960’s rocks stars’ family connections to military intelligence and the ruling elite; the hippy movement as a social engineering project/psychological operation to discredit and dismember the anti-war movement; the 1970’s-80’s serial killer phenomenon as covert domestic Phoenix Program operation; Eric’s “Ode To Jimmy” song; drugs and the Vietnam War; military-intelligence operations to “divide and conquer” America along racial, gender, age, and political lines in the 1960’s and today, and many other topics.

51) Operation Warp Speed: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on ACH Show (11/20/20)

In today’s show originally broadcast on November 20 2020, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “Operation Warp Speed.”

We discussed: why we are on the precipice of losing Western Christian Civilization to a technocratic and electronic mass slavery system aka The Great Reset; how the British government are expecting a high volume of negative reactions to the Covid-19 vaccine – yes the one they are telling us is safe; the U.S. Military’s highly secretive Operation Warp Speed to deliver the vaccine to all Americans; why the ingredients of the six (?) or so Covid-19 vaccines are classified; Bill Gates’ 666 patent for a cryptocurrency using body activity data (the “go direct” system); the plan for Google and Oracle to track and trace all vaccine recipients 24/7 for two years, the plan to merge man with machines (transhumanism); the Fourth Industrial Revolution of the World Economic Forum; how to thwart the totalitarian technocracy by starving the Beast of your personal data; and many other topics.

50) ACH (1373) Dr. Eric Karlstrom- The Lifeline Project (Lifeline: Essential Insights and Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens)

In today’s show originally broadcast on October 28 2020, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “The Lifeline Project.”

We discussed: Eric’s new Lifeline Project for Targeted Individuals (TIs) entitled “Lifeline: Essential Insights and Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens” now available at; the genesis and multiple facets of organized gangstalking; numerous Biblical passages referencing gangstalking; the full contents of The Lifeline Project explained in detail; Eric’s musical narration “The Global Gestapo – Professor Karlstrom’s Introduction”; and many other topics.

49) ACH (1358) Dr. Eric Karlstrom – We Are All Targeted Individuals Now! (Oct. 7, 2020)

48) ACH (1335) Dr. Eric Karlstrom – The Mark of the Beast System Part 2 (Sept. 4, 2020)

In today’s show originally broadcast on September 4 2020, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “The Mark Of The Beast System – Part 2.”

We discussed: Eric’s new Lifeline Project to support Targeted Individuals; we played Eric’s musical narrations “A Race Of Cybernetic Slaves” and “Dr. James Giordano” and Eric’s “We Will Stalk You” song; the work of Amazing Polly and Dr. Peter Hammond; the technocracy of the slave masters and how what is now unfolding before our eyes is “Fourth Generation” or “hybrid” warfare against civilians to usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (“technocracy”) ; Eric’s transcripts and summary of three of Catherine Austin Fitts’ recent interviews; why the economy was shut down; how the Global Elite are very worried about being exposed based upon the recent Jeffrey Epstein and Pizzagate scandals; the chip and gene altering material they plan to inject us with via a vaccine; Elon Musk’s Neurolink (enslavement) Chip; CIA Entrainment Mind Control; why now is the time to establish our connection with God; the late great Texe Marrs; the French Army report on COVID-19 and 5G; and many other topics.

47) ACH () Dr. Eric Karlstrom – The Mark of the Beast System Part 1. August 7, 2020

In today’s show originally broadcast on August 7 2020, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “The Mark Of The Beast System – Part 1.”

We discussed: why we need to know our enemy and how they function; Maurice Samuel’s message that, “We are the world’s destroyers, we want a world of our own,” in his 1924 book, “You Gentiles,”; the recent simultaneous attacks against Lebanon, Syria, and Iran; Catherine Austin Fitts’ message that, “if we can face it, God can fix it,”; how big banks and corporations are massively enriching themselves during the worldwide, “plandemic/scamdemic,” lockdowns; the plan to hook our bodies and brains up to AI and the DOD Cloud; the links the enemy has to Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express; how the U.S. Government merged with organized crime following WWII; the choice we have between liberty or slavery; how the masks are puppy training for the “vaccine”/”toxins” – Mark of the Beast technology; Eric’s, “Let’s Get Together,” song that we played on the show; why now is the time to stay strong in our Christian faith and evangelize others; and many other topics.

46) ACH (1300) Dr. Eric Karlstrom – A Mind Controlled World That Has Gone Mad (July 17, 2020 by achitchcock)

In today’s show originally broadcast on July 17 2020, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “A Mind Controlled World That Has Gone Mad.”

We discussed: The increasing use of neuroweapons on Targeted Individuals and groups as a part of “hybrid warfare” against domestic populations; CIA “no-touch torture” techniques now illegally applied to civilians under COVID-19 Martial Law; why class action lawsuits and petitions by Targeted Individuals have never succeeded; Pat Shannan’s research into how the CIA groomed two Lee Harvey Oswalds as mind-control operatives/patsies; Eric’s “Ruby Ridge – Military Mind Control” musical narration showing how military psychiatrists, special operations forces, and intelligence agencies create and deploy human bio-robot slaves as war weapons; the post World War 2 secret programs to control humanity through electromagnetic frequencies (neuroweapons); how it appears our governments have chosen to depopulate large portions of the world through psyops, covert torture, and murder; Eric’s “The Human Brain Project” musical narration on the history and goals of medical mind control; how the U.S. and the Soviet Union were actually cooperating with each other during the Cold War; and many other topics.

45) ACH (1278) Dr. Eric Karlstrom – Who Are The They In They Live?

June 17, 2020 by achitchcock

In today’s show originally broadcast on June 17 2020, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “Who Are The “They” In “They Live?”

We discussed: Eric’s musical narration, “Laws Of God And Man Violated By Global Stalking Operations,” that we played on the show; how, in a lawless society, societies themselves can become psychopathic; how Roddy Piper said the movie “They Live,” in which he played the leading role, was actually a documentary; Dr. Karlstrom’s four hypotheses concerning the identity and m.o. of “they,” the Biblical doctrine of the two seedlines; Israel’s Operation Talpiot- planned world technocratic and transhumanist takeover; the Rothschilds and the City Of London; ongoing “Tikkun Olam” (Hebrew word meaning “reinvention of the world”); the planned New World Religion of Luciferianism; how the duty of a Christian is to preserve Christian Civilization; the book, “Christ Was Not A Jew,” by Jacob Elon Conner; how governments are “the playthings of the elite;” and many other topics.

44) ACH (1253) Dr. Eric Karlstrom – The Satanic Takeover Of The World, May 13, 2020 by achitchcock

In today’s show originally broadcast on May 13 2020, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “The Satanic Takeover Of The World.”

We discussed: the five and a half hour video of The Synagogue Of Satan that someone has just put up on Before Its News; how the world is currently under a Bolshevik style assault; Eric’s “Behind The Lies That Blind” musical narration; the plan to re-invent the world; the Holodomor (“murder by starvation”) that killed millions in the Ukraine in 1932-33 under Stalin, and how this could be about to repeat itself in the West; the bogus Carbon Footprint of UN Agenda 21 as an attempt to control and limit energy use; Melinda Gate’s upside down cross; Bill Gates’ WO2020060606 human enslavement patent; Eric’s “Bio-Electromagnetic Weapons” musical narration; Harlan Girard’s (TI), and the International Committee On Offensive Microwave Weapons’ 1998 lawsuit against the United States government for illegally targeting and torturing innocent civilians; the patched up and controlled scientists in the CIA; Eric’s “Dr. James Giordano-“neuroweaponologist” musical narration; the torture and murder of millions of illegally Targeted Individuals (TIs) throughout the world by criminal governments-mafia states; how the same satanic weapons systems developed over 6 decades on nonconsensual human test subjects (TIs) are now being rolled out on humanity, and many other topics.

43) Covid-19 Medical Martial Law: Interview of Dr. Eric Karlstrom on ACH Show (April 15, 2020)

In today’s show originally broadcast on April 15 2020, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “The COVID-19 Medical Martial Law.”

We discussed: Gilad Atzmon’s article, “A Viral Pandemic Or A Crime Scene,” that Andy read from on the show; how COVID-19 is part of a hybrid war against civilians; Eric’s musical narration, “Structure And Goals Of The Hidden Evil,”; Eric’s musical narration, “Soldier’s Lament,”; General Smedley Butler’s belief that the US military should only be used to defend its borders; the vast army of citizen spies now deployed throughout the world; Eric’s song, “Stalkin’ USA,”; and many other topics.

42) Mind Control: The Technology, March 11, 2020

In today’s show originally broadcast on March 11 2020, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “Mind Control: The Technology.”

We discussed: Eric’s new archive of all his 41 shows with Andy since late 2016; Eric’s musical narration, “Dr. Kilde’s Warning,” which explains the resources being deployed to mind control the population; the 5G antennae appearing on the top of streetlights throughout the world; the complementary G5 (Global Government Gangstalking Genocide GESTAPO) system; Eric’s song, “Mama Don’t Allow,” which is an anthem exposing Gangstalking, the targeting and non-consensual human experimentation affecting all of us; the American psychologist Milton Klein’s 1957 statement that through hypnosis he could turn someone into a patsy in 3 months and an assassin in 6 months; British military microwave expert, Barrie Trower’s, recent statement to an interviewer that with microwaves he could turn her into an assassin in less than 3 days; Eric’s musical narration of Dr. Rauni Kilde’s 2000 professional abstract, “Electromagnetic Telecommunications And Cybernetics,” that exposes the mind control technology used against people all around the world; and many other topics.

41) G5: Global Government Gangstalking Genocide Gestapo; February 11, 2020:

40) “”We Want To Map Your Brain:” A Musical Tour of Mind Control : January 2, 2020:

In today’s show originally broadcast on January 2 2020, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “A Musical Tour Of Mind Control.”

We discussed: How philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer’s, “three stages of truth” have been modified to the “three stages of killing the truth” by modern authoritarian states; Eric’s musical-narration of excerpts from mind-control victim, Robert Naeslund’s, lecture, “The Human Brain Project,”; the CIA’s and psychiatry/psychology professions’ historic role in mind control research and development and the CIA’s historic subversion of the sovereignties of nations and the civil liberties of citizens; Eric’s song, “I Want To Map Your Brain,”; mind control aspects of pop and rock music; the Pentagon’s historic quest to win “the battle for the minds of men” through mind control; cybernetics as the merger of man and machine; the United Nations Rio Earth Summit of 1992 as template for global governance through (Hegelian dialectic) synthesis of capitalism and environmentalism; Eric’s track, “Fourth World Wilderness Of The Mind,”; how the Elites expected to have full control of humanity long before now and appear to have thrown caution to the wind in recent times in order to achieve this; how the United States can now be called NSU, the New Soviet Union; and many other topics.

2019 Programs:

39) A Thanksgiving Special On The Testimony Of Kay Griggs (TI, patriot, and ex-military wife); Dr. Eric Karlstrom on the A.C.H. Show (11/28/2019); November 28, 2019:

In today’s show originally broadcast on November 28 2019, EuroFolkRadio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “A Thanksgiving Special On The Testimony Of Kay Griggs.”

We discussed: Eric’s tribute to the late, great, Christian Pastor, former Air Force officer, radio host, and author, Texe Marrs; the insights of political insider, ex-military wife, and TI (Targeted Individual), Kay Griggs, regarding the true nature of the “Secret Government ”(aka “The Brotherhood/The Firm/The Syndicate)“ which involves an unholy alliance of Jewish Mafia, Masons, and top military and ex-military profiteers that runs the world and executes domestic terrorism operations against honest civilians like Kay Griggs herself; how Eric’s “Lifeline Project for Targeted Individuals” is evolving; Eric’s song, “Let’s Gang Stalk Each Other,” that we played on the show which sheds light on the phenomenon of governments’ covert targeting and torture of “domestic enemies” (often called “terrorists”); the Civil War and coup in America now being orchestrated by the powers that should not be; Kay Grigg’s personal “TI” testimony; Eric’s “Voices Of Hope And Inspiration” musical narration that we played in honor of Thanksgiving; and many other topics.

38) Case Studies Of Targeted Individuals And Their Families; November 7, 2019:

37) The Protocols and The Black Intelligence Zionist Superstate: “From The Front Lines Of The War For The Soul Of Humanity;” October 1, 2019:

In today’s show originally broadcast on October 3 2019, EuroFolkRadio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “Life On The Front Lines Of The War For The Soul Of Humanity.”

We discussed: how the work we do is designed to defend ourselves and our civilization; man-caused global warming-climate change as a “make-believe” psychological warfare operation; parallels between The Red Terror of The Soviet Union (1918) and today’s G5 (Global Government Gangstalking-Genocide GESTAPO) torture and murder operations; how, over a century ago, Protocol 17 of The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion called for one third of the population to spy on their neighbors, just as is now occurring in the U.S. with the DHS-FBI-Fusion Center-Neighborhood Watch-National Security Racketeering system; why the enemy are now censoring the truth as “hate speech” like crazy; how the Pentagon’s Sentient World Simulation, digital immortality movement, and transhumanism now offer the same false promise of immortality and godhood as Satan, the serpent, offered to Eve; the goal of the Elite to mind control the world into a global “hive-mind” (“brain-net”); the importance of Vatican II (1962-65) in radically altering 1700 years of Catholic-Christian doctrine to exonerate Satan’s children from the ultimate crimes of deicide and other crimes; the seminal work of Christian pastor and author, Texe Marrs; and many other topics.

36) Mafia States’ Gangstalking, Torture, And Terrorism Part 4; September 12, 2019:

35) Mafia States’ Gangstalking, Torture, And Terrorism Part 3; August 13, 2019:

The addendum of Naylor’s novel 1996 included this description of some of the most commonly reported mind control symptoms:

“Victims are subjected to various kinds of harassment and torture, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, for years on end. Most believe that some type of technology can remotely track, target, and control every nerve in their bodies. Heart and respiration rate can speed up and slow down, and stomach and bowel functions are regulated. Illnesses and all types of pain can turn on and off in an instant. Microwave burns are reported.

“Sleep deprivation is common and dreams are manipulated. Victims say, “They [whoever is targeting them] can see through my eyes, what I see.” Sometimes victims describe seeing the images of projected holograms. Thoughts can be read. Most victims describe a phenomenon they call “street theater.” For example, people around the victim have repeated verbatim, the victim’s immediate thoughts, or harassive and personalized statements are repeated by strangers wherever the victim may go.

“Emotions can be manipulated. Microwave hearing, known to be an unclassified military capability of creating voices in the head, is regularly reported. Implanted thoughts and visions are common, with repetitive themes that can include pedophilia, homophobia and degradation. Victims say it is like having a radio or TV in your head.

Less frequently, remote and abusive sexual manipulation is reported. Almost all victims say repetitive behavior control techniques are used and include negative, stimulus-response or feedback loops.”

34) Mafia States’ Gangstalking, Torture, And Terrorism Part 2; July 5, 2019:

Mafia States’ Gangstalking, Torture, And Terrorism Of Civilians (Parts 1-4); Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (6/4, 7/5, 8/13, & 9/12/19)

In today’s show originally broadcast on July 5 2019, EuroFolkRadio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “Mafia States’ Gangstalking, Torture, And Terrorism Of Civilians – Part 2.”

We discussed: That since terrorism is itself a form of warfare (definition: states’ use of violence or threat of violence to subjugate domestic populations), the phony “WAR ON TERRORISM” (i.e., war on war) leads only to perpetual war; how the American Security Agencies, such as the NSA, and their corporate partners, such as AT&T, are joined at the hip with the Israeli Mossad; the history of the US military’s “Monarch” mind control program and how people today are completely oblivious to the number of people in their respective societies that are mind-controlled through these secret CIA-military-university psychology programs; the CIA’s Phoenix Program (1967-72) that tortured and killed some 50,000 Vietnamese civilians during the Vietnam War; the US government and military’s historic and ongoing perception that dissent against any of their wars is “treason”; how the enemy reveal what they have planned for us in their movies; how there is no limit in what the enemy will spend on taking out so-called “dissidents” and “whistleblowers”, who are actually the truth-tellers and true Patriots; the persecution of Tim Rifat and other Targeted Individuals (TIs) in the UK; the deployment of 5G, microwaving, AI, and electromagnetic weapons as part of the secret global “electronic war” against civilians; how a main goal of gangstalking perpetrators is that their “targets” commit suicide, which they regard as a victory; the Satanization of society and how the enemy now includes many so-called Christians who have been duped by bad Bible translations such as the Scofield Bible; and many other topics.

33. Mafia States’ Gangstalking, Torture, And Terrorism Parts 1; June 4, 2019:

Mafia States’ Gangstalking, Torture, And Terrorism Of Civilians (Parts 1-4); Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (6/4, 7/5, 8/13, & 9/12/19)

In today’s show originally broadcast on September 12 2019, EuroFolkRadio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “Mafia States’ Gangstalking, Torture, And Terrorism Of Civilians – Part 4.”

We discussed: the architects of the 911 attacks; Operation Talpiot; the movies, “the Game,” and, “Enemy Of The State,”; how the full force of the State is being used to torture and kill their own citizens; the secret arms race between the Soviet Union and the United States; how a critical mass of Americans are waking up to who their true enemy is and the reported consequences of this; the House Of Congress bill designed to unite Israel and American directed energy weapons against the American People; the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion; how those who whine about Hate Speech have absolutely no problems with the hateful contents of the Talmud; Juri Lina’s book, “Under The Sign Of The Scorpion,” which reveals what happened to the Soviet Union; the strange suicides of Marconi workers in 1980’s Britain; the testimonies of a Targeted Individual (TI); how Chemtrails link up with 5G; and many other topics.

32) Amerika: Global Totalitarianism; May 7, 2019:

Amerika: Global Totalitarianism- Dr. Eric Karlstrom on the A.C.H. Show (May 7, 2019)

31) Weaponized Psychology: The Milgram Experiment and Global Gang Stalking; April 10, 2019:

Weaponized Psychology, the Milgram Experiment, and Global Gang Stalking: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C. Hitchcock Show (4/10/19)

In today’s show originally broadcast on April 10 2019, EuroFolkRadio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “Weaponized Psychology, The Milgram Experiment, And Global Gangstalking.”

We discussed: Eric’s article on the Stanley Milgram experiment which tested how far individuals will go to injure others in obedience to an authority figure; how the principle ingredients of the Milgram experiment – deception, manipulation, and use of actors, are also used to dupe people into participating in global gangstalking operations today; the weaponization of psychology/psychiatry/neuroscience as a means of population control in totalitarian states; the Pavlov’s Dog Experiment; how many Targeted Citizens (aka Targeted Individuals) and perps there are in the world; the various manifestations of gangstalking and covert electronic targeting; how in 2003, DHS (Department of Homeland Security) set a goal of recruiting nearly 1 in 3 Americans to be citizen-spies (aka “perpetrators”); the use of military, intelligence agencies, police, private security firms, citizen vigilante groups, and Artificial Intelligence in gangstalking; gangstalking as a method of totalitarian state control; is the modern world – a world comprised of cover stories, lies, crisis actors, surveillance role players (perps), mind-controlled politicians, and military targeting and elimination of innocent civilians, beyond human redemption; the satanization of gangstalking perpetrators and society itself; how we have become Babylon; how top-secret, post-World War II CIA mind control programs gave certain elites the means to build a “state within the state;” and many other topics.

30) How Synagogue of Satan-Controlled Governments Wage Fourth Generation Warfare on We, the People: April 2, 2019:

How Synagogue of Satan-Controlled Governments Wage Fourth Generation Warfare on We, the People: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on AC Hitchcock Show; 4/2/19

2018 Programs:

29) The Phony War on Terrorism (Part 5): Weather Warfare as State Terrorism (II) (“Big Brother Vs. Jesus Christ”); Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show (11/18)

The Phony War on Terrorism (Part 4): Weather Warfare as State Terrorism (II); Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show (11/18)

28) The Phony War on Terrorism (PART 4): Pretext for War Against Dissenters, Oct. 29, 2018:

The Phony War on Terrorism (Part 4): Pretext for War Against Dissenters aka gangstalking aka “counterterrorism”; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (Oct. 29, 2018)

27) The Phony War on Terrorism (Part 3); October 11, 2018:

The Phony War on Terrorism (parts 1- 3): Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (July, 9/11 & 10/11/18)

26) The Phony War on Terrorism (Part 2); September 11, 2018:

The Phony War on Terrorism (parts 1- 3): Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (July, 9/11 & 10/11/18)

25) The Phony War on Terrorism (Part 1); July, 2018:

The Phony War on Terrorism (parts 1- 3): Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (July, 9/11 & 10/11/18)

24) Structure is Strategy in Slow Motion (Part 6): July, 2018,

Structure is Strategy in Slow Motion: How the Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls the U.S. (Parts 3 – 6), Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show (4-7/2018)

23) Structure is Strategy in Slow Motion- How the Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls America; (Part 5)

Structure is Strategy in Slow Motion: How the Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls the U.S. (Parts 3 – 6), Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show (4-7/2018)

22) (9/11: Israel’s Masterpiece) Structure is Strategy in Slow Motion (Part 4): July 3, 2018

9/11: Israel’s Masterpiece; Structure is Strategy in Slow Motion; How the Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls the U.S. (Part 4); Dr. Eric Karlstrom on the A.C.H. Show

Structure is Strategy in Slow Motion: How the Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls the U.S. (Parts 3 – 6), Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show (4-7/2018)

21) Structure is Strategy in Slow Motion: How the Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls the U.S. (Part 3)

Structure is Strategy in Slow Motion: How the Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls the U.S. (Parts 3 – 6), Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show (4-7/2018)

20) Structure Is Strategy In Slow Motion: How the Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls the U.S. (Part 2) 5/2/2018

‘Structure Is Strategy In Slow Motion:’ How The Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls The United States – Parts 1 and 2 (Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show ; 4/17 and 5/2/2018 interviews and notes)

19) Structure is Strategy in Slow Motion: How the Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls the U.S. (Part 1) 4/17/2018

‘Structure Is Strategy In Slow Motion:’ How The Jewish Criminal Syndicate Controls The United States – Parts 1 and 2 (Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show ; 4/17 and 5/2/2018 interviews and notes)

18) “Manchurian Channelers:” Fake Voices of God; April 3, 2018:

“Manchurian Channelers:” Fake Voices of God: Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show (4/3/2018)

17) Mind Control and the New Age (Part 2); March 8, 2018:

Mind Control and the New Age (Part 2): Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. (3/8/2018)

16) Mind Control and the New Age (Part 1); February 24, 2018:

15) One World-New Age Religion (Part 2): February 13, 2018:

One World-New Age Religion Parts 1 and 2: Dr. Eric Karlstrom and A.C.H. Show (1/13 and 2/13/18)

14) One World-New Age Religion (Part 1); January 13, 2018:

One World-New Age Religion Parts 1 and 2: Dr. Eric Karlstrom and A.C.H. Show (1/13 and 2/13/18)

13) January 2, 2018: United Nations Agenda To Steal Our Water

United Nations Agenda To Steal Our Water: Dr. Eric Karlstrom Interview with A.C. Hitchcock (1/2/18)

2017 Programs:

12) Agenda 21 and the Global Warming Fraud (499); December, 2017:

UN Agenda 21 (2030) and the Global Warming Fraud; Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show, 12/2017

11) “Ode To Jimmy” – Casualty of the 1960’s Sex-Drugs-Rock-n-Roll Intelligence Psy-War PsyOp; November 18, 2017:

“Ode To Jimmy” – Casualty of the CIA-Tavistock-MI6’s 1960’s PsyWar-PsyOp-Mind Control Attack on America (Dr. Eric Karlstrom on ACH Show, 11/18/17, With Song, Lyrics, and Backstory)

10) Weather Warfare as State-Sponsored Terrorism (I): November 7, 2017

Weather Warfare as State-Sponsored Terrorism (Focus on Hurricane Harvey)(I): Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. (11/7/17)

9) Political Correctness (Part 2); 12/19/17

Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism (Part 1) and Political Correctness (Part 2); Dr. Eric Karlstrom & A.C. Hitchcock Interviews, 10/18/17; and 12/19/17

8) The Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism (Part 1); October 18, 2017

Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism (Part 1) and Political Correctness (Part 2); Dr. Eric Karlstrom & A.C. Hitchcock Interviews, 10/18/17; and 12/19/17

7) The Links Between 9/11 and Gang Stalking (Part 2); October 3, 2017

The Links Between 9/11 and Gangstalking: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (Oct. 3, 2017)

6) U.S. Military/Intelligence (“The Interagency”) AND “the Jews” Are Behind 9/11 (Part I.); September 11, 2017:

U.S. Military/Intelligence (“The Interagency”) AND “the Jews” Are Behind 9/11, the Fraudulent War on Terrorism, and Organized Stalking Operations; Dr. Eric Karlstrom On A.C.H. Show, Parts 1 & 2 (9/11 & 10/3/17)

5) Gangstalking As Part Of Project Lucifer; (423) September 6, 2017

Gangstalking As Part Of Project Lucifer; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (9/6/17)

4) The Gang Stalking of a Targeted Individual (413); August 27, 2017:

The Gang Stalking of a Targeted Individual; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (8/23/17)

3) Update on Gang Stalking; Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show (357); June 6, 2017:

Update on Gang Stalking; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A. C. H. Show (6/6/17)

2016 Programs:

2) 9/11, Mind Control, Gang Stalking, and Targeted Individuals; December 20, 2016:

9/11, Mind Control, Gang Stalking, and Targeted Individuals; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on A.C.H. Show (12/20/16)

1) Natural Climate Change, Weather Wars and HAARP (220); November, 2016

Natural Climate Change, Weather Wars and HAARP: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on ACH Show (11/2016)

Other Important Interviews on ACH Show: Michael Walsh on Radical Population Reduction and Brendon O’Connell on How to Fight the JWO (Jew World Order)

2) Strategies to Fight The JWO (Jew World Order)- Brendon O’Connell & Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (358)

Strategies to Fight The JWO (Jew World Order)- Brendon O’Connell & Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

1) Is Gangstalking Prelude To A Radical Population Reduction Program? U.S.A. Population Projected To Decrease 81% By 2025 (Hitchcock and Michael Walsh interview) 347

Is Gangstalking Prelude To A Radical Population Reduction Program? U.S.A. Population Projected To Decrease 81% By 2025 (Hitchcock and Walsh interview)

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