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Global Gangstalking And COVID-19 Scamdemic Are Both Unconventional War-Global Phoenix Program To Achieve “Great Reset;” “Go-Direct” To Digital Currency-Cyborg Slavery-AI Police State; UN Agenda 2030; & Antichrist Kingdom

New World Order
Articles & Interviews


July 9, 2024

Gray State (film)

February 19, 2024

(Choose) Freedom In Christ

October 18, 2020

Oil politics 101

February 28, 2014

Eco-Politics and Economics

February 28, 2014

Alan Watt, Researcher

February 28, 2014

Charlotte Iserbyt, Author

February 27, 2014

John Taylor Gatto, Author

February 26, 2014

Dr. Steve Filling

February 25, 2014

Organized Gang Stalking Quotes

February 23, 2014

I. Introduction

Epigraph Quotes:

1) “There is now a New American War. It is inside America. It is called the “War on Terror”. The enemy is YOU! It is a staged, phony war that has been created by the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS).

… This new War on Terror has been socially engineered to provide a continual stream of degradations and provocations against the average American, provoking many in a never-ending stream to resist, and causing them to be labeled dissenters.

Once they have been labeled dissenters they are put on a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Main Core Terror Watch List, which top insiders know is a targeted assassination list for later eradication of all Freedom-loving Americans who want to restore the American Constitutional Republic.”

Preston James, Ph.D., YOU Are THE ENEMY, Veterans Today (2014)

2) “The Israeli Government, working in tandem with the Chicago Jewish Mafia and Zionist-controlled Military-Industrial Complex, ordered the assassination of President John F. Kennedy which was actually carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency.”

The Hidden Powers Behind the Destruction of America, The Millennium Report, December 9, 2019

3) “Disobedience to tyrants is obedience to God.”

Thomas Jefferson

Webmaster’s Introduction: The three quotes above help us to understand the following:

1st quote: As Preston James, Ph.D., of Veterans Today points out, these frauds and provocations are perpetrated against we, the American people, because we are the principle enemy of the Zionist-Controlled US Government (ZOG).

2nd quote: The power structure outlined in the Millennium Report statement, I believe, is basically the same satanically-energized Zionazi-eugenicist power structure that has produced so many murders, mass murders (both JFK assassination and 9/11 were ritual, satanic human sacrifices), and colossal frauds over the past half century. These include the global warming fraud, 9/11, the phony War on Terrorism, the secret gangstalking-electronic torture-mind control program against civilians, and now the Covid-19 “plandemic” fraud. All these advance the communist-fascist-Illuminati Revolution designed to overthrow Western Civilization and indeed, humanity.

3rd quote: Thomas Jefferson, and the other Founding Fathers, were ever alert to the dangers of encroaching tyranny and the importance of resisting tyranny with force when required to preserve human liberty.

II. The Global “Phoenix Program:” Government Terrorism-Unconventional Warfare Against Civilians

The following question by journalist Whitney Webb to author, Douglas Valentine (“The Phoenix Program” and “The CIA As Organized Crime: How Covert Operations Corrupt America and the World”) in an April 28, 2020 interview, helps to clarify the connections between Operations 9/11, Global Gangstalking, and the response to the Covid 19 “Plandemic.” Here, Webb identifies the principle authors of all operations: US military-intelligence-corporate complex (MICC)! The ancient axiom applies here: “Same ol’ crap, different pile.”

Whitney Webb: “Things that have happened recently with this current (Coronavirus) crisis that really concern me are that since beginning in January (2020), at least, what we’ve been told, it’s been the National Security Council, the intelligence community and the Pentagon, who have been drafting still classified plans for Coronavirus response in the event that a certain number of cases is triggered. We’ve also heard mentions of “Continuity of Government,” which has been referenced in recent reports in Newsweek, and NORTHCOM (US Northern Command) having activated already a specific task force in Washington, D.C. Newsweek is even talking about the possibility of martial law and things of this nature. It’s all very disturbing.

Valentine: To give a little context of “Continuity of Government” programs for listeners that may not be familiar…, in the 1980s we had these Phoenix-style operations being implemented by the CIA in Latin America, in places like El Salvador and Nicaragua and other places. While that was going on, Oliver North and these other Iran-Contra conspirators were developing the foundation for another Phoenix-style program for use in the U.S. domestically that included one of these high tech databases of (so-called) “subversives” called the Main Core (list). And this was all under the guise of a “Continuity of Government” program whereby Americans were deemed unfriendly by the state. They could either be surveilled or detained if this plan were ever to be activated. And of course these plans still exist today. They were briefly activated after the attacks on September 11th, 2001. And as I just said, they’ve been coming back up now in relation to the Coronavirus crisis.


Valentine: “This was ideological, psychological warfare, just as is happening in America today, from 1954 to 1967, when the Phoenix Program was created. At that point, they (CIA and USG) decided to just go out and kill these people. They are tired of trying to talk and convince anybody to join their side.

They set up an entire government apparatus that enabled this to happen. They created a judicial system in South Vietnam in 1966 that allowed for the indefinite detention of anybody considered a threat to national security. There was a secret government decree by the President of South Vietnam and indefinite detention became the legal nail on which this program hung.. These people targeted in the Phoenix Program were free civilians in Vietnam. They had a right to preach their beliefs, such as land for the landless, low rent, economic cooperatives.

But the Phoenix decided that the way to make all of this go away was the “final solution” – to be able to arrest them without any criminal charges. Now they could be arrested and hunted down simply because they are designated as a threat to “national security.” And I would remind your audience that under Barak Obama indefinite detention laws were created in the United States.”

All these things were incrementally put in place, just as in America today. Military courts were set up outside the regular judicial system to try the people under these administrative detention laws. If you found your name on a Phoenix blacklist, you were arrested without a charge, brought to a court without a right to a lawyer, and without the government having to present evidence. I should mention that all of these things are in place in the United States now too. And you were at the mercy of the state.”

…. (Under Phoenix) all of a sudden they were arresting people who are political opponents and torturing them…. And this turns into the greatest blackmail scheme ever created. Pretty soon, all Vietnam was flooded with networks of informants and everyone was afraid they were going to be put on these blacklists. It became a blanket way of oppressing and intimidating everyone; of “pacifying” the country and making sure that everyone did exactly what they were told to do.”

Two main components of Phoenix were:

1) interrogation (torture) centers were built in all the provinces.
2) “counter-terror PRU teams” (equivalent of modern stalking perpetrators) were small groups of 7-10 who comprised death squads who would target blacklisted individuals. They would capture or kill the targets and anyone associated with them. They would terrorize everyone in that area. It was a way of organizing a society through terror. This is what we see today in the United States.”

… Everybody who was a suspect throughout all of Vietnam had their name put in a computer program. Once your name was in that computer your life was ruined. The Phoenix Program’s “Management Information System” was the first computerized system for law enforcement and national security. And pretty soon Mitre Corporation developed a similar program which became the National Criminal Information System in the US. You can be sure that the FBI and CIA (which simultaneously ran simultaneously COINTELPRO and MHCHAOS) and DEA were also compiling on their own computer systems anyone who could be considered anti-war, “subversive,” or in the civil rights movement, the Black Panthers, etc. All this was really for political rather than criminal purposes. And they cooperated with police “red squads.” All this began in 1967.” These kinds of things have been going on forever. People were considered “subversive” for purely ideological purposes.

This (system of domestic terrorism) is the reason why people in the US are so incapable of stepping out of this locked box that we’re in. Or of effecting any real social or political change.

George Bush created an Office of Homeland Security within weeks of 9/11. I said this is Phoenix come home to roost. The DHS totally reorganized law enforcement in the US. Northcom (US Northern Command) became part of Homeland Security.

Now through the DHS, the CIA could operate in every state in America under Homeland Security. The official purpose was to protect the critical infrastructure of the US, which includes the power grid, hospitals, the internet, Google, Microsoft. The people recruited to work of DHS are selected through psychological tests to make sure they will enforce the party line. They create a network of informants who blanket the US and who inform on everyone who is considered anti-American, anti-war… This creates this whole parallel secret society of people who can be counted on to toe the line (the perpetrators).

DHS has set up detention centers all over America, especially on military bases, so that people can be put on indefinite detention there when this is activated in a time of crisis. This has been incrementally expanded since 9/11.

Then, lo and behold, in 2020 there is a virus attack and a national emergency which activates this and this apparatus goes into high alert. There are secret decrees and executive orders out of the DHS Fusion Centers, that are modeled exactly on the Phoenix Program. They can reach into civil society to create militias of people who are ideologically atuned and when Donald Trump says liberate Michigan or Maryland or whatever blue state he chooses, this is controlled out of the White House, and guys with guns and flags will go into the streets.

The US has 800 military bases throughout the world. After being transplanted into Central and South America and Africa in the 1980s, the Phoenix Program model is now being used everywhere around the world. It is crucial to understand that American military forces no longer view these kinds of operations against civilians as violating the laws of war. The CIA infiltrated the US military and now the US military has been politicized and is now more geared toward warfare against civilian populations around the world. This is how the US military polices the world.”

Webmaster’s Comment: What Webb refers to above as a “Phoenix-style program,” I refer to as G5 (Global Government Gangstalking-Genocide Gestapo). “The Program” is also often called organized stalking-electronic torture-(OS/ET) mind control or simply “counterterrorism.” In “MONARCH: The New Phoenix Program” (2011), author Marshall Thomas demonstrates that the CIA’s civilian assassination program in Vietnam (Phoenix) now also deploys CIA’s MKULTRA-MONARCH mind control technologies. In fact, this program has been ongoing and ramping up over the past 70 years. It is obvious that this massive black and BLACK MARKET operation, currently run through DHS-FBI Fusion Centers in cooperation with US military-intelligence, their private subcontractors, the “Interagency,” and innumerable civilian sector players, is about to radically expand under the auspices of the global response to Covid-19.

III. From the (Phony) Global War on Terrorism To the (Phony) Bio-Security State

It is clear to me, as a retired professor and as a TI (Targeted Individual) myself, that the war against Covid-19 is the new face of the (phony) “War on Terrorism,” and as such, it will be used to justify commission of all manner of new atrocities against and covert genocide of innocent civilians. Comparison between these mutually-self-reinforcing operations affords an important means of understanding what they are really about.

In “The Hidden Evil, The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against the Civilian Population” (2011), Mark M. Rich describes the global gangstalking program as follows:

“According to former intelligence officer, Julianne McKinney’s 1992 report, the pattern of directed-energy attacks and gang stalking is the same all over the world. I’m certain that this program is being used to silently neutralize all people that the New World Order believes will be troublesome to their rule. In particular, this includes intelligent, independent, freethinking, incorruptible, nonconformists.

The US and other NATO countries are covert socialist states with a democratic/republic frontage. Although we’ve been led to believe that communism and fascism are opposites, both are on the same end of the spectrum, which is a socialist totalitarian rule. (In practice,) socialism consists of a military/police state, heavy surveillance, persecution, and concentration camps. Germany and Russia are prime historical examples.

The control mechanisms in Russia, which included the targeting of the civilian population, was only made possible by the citizens who stalked and harassed people in public. The KGB’s success, added McKinney, “depended on the extensive use of informant networks and agents provocateurs….”

Based on her research and observations (as a “targeted individual” or TI), former intelligence officer McKinney stated: “I think that once full control is established over a major percentage of the population, and enough of the population is silent and unwilling to stick their necks out, that we inevitably would be heading toward a holocaust.”

IV. 49 Commonalities Between Global Gangstalking Operations (G5) and Operation Covid-19 Reveal They Are “Nested Operations” In a Larger “Hybrid War” Against Humanity:

Thesis: Both MASSIVE OPERATIONS (G5 and Covid-19 Response) are part of “hybrid warfare” conducted by duly constituted governments, as controlled by the “Deep State” (intelligence-military-corporate sector) of the Five Eyes Nations (US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) and Israel and most other nations against their civilian populations.

A) Both operations involve deployment of:

1) Unconventional warfare technologies and the NSA Global Spy network. Military-grade technologies surveille, track, target, torture, neutralize, and eliminate citizens. These technologies include A.I., conscious supercomputers, satellite GPS systems, cell phone stalking apps, psyops, and electronic (directed energy and neuro) weapons (5G, microwave attacks, etc.) and use of SIGINT, HUMINT, NEURINT, etc.

2) The unacknowledged agenda includes suppressing and/or eliminating all political opposition (“dissents”) and “nonesssential” “useless eaters” through chipping and mind controlling (MK) “targets” (both individual and en masse) for slow-kill, no-torture, dramatic population reduction with toxic injections, and targeted population reduction.

3) “Civilian-military operations” that utilize citizens as “irregular forces” (“surveillance role players,” citizen-snitches, citizen-spies, crisis actors, spotters, trackers, cooperating businesses, members of private security firms, “counter-terrorism” specialists, etc.) and secret armies. Many sectors of civilian society track, target, torture, and terrorize “watchlisted” “targeted individuals” (TIs) and will be used to “contact trace,” and terrorize the new major DHS “threats to the homeland,” including the unvaxxed, those who question the Covid-19 narrative, so-called “white supremacists,” people who question 9/11, etc. In this sense, these operations criminalize, weaponize, and arguably, satanize entire societies.

4) MASSIVE criminal frauds, deceptions, “information warfare,” “cyber warfare,” and psychological and propaganda manipulations, no-touch torture techniques as per the CIA and US military’s MILDEC (“military deception”) protocols, and standard mafia practices.

5) Weaponized psychological techniques including carefully-scripted defamation, abuse, and degradation of individual civilian “targets” as well as the entire population that are designed to induce “learned helplessness,” “exploitable alterations of personality,” dissociative states, and guilt designed to drive “targets” (individual and group) to commit suicide and/or crimes against others and/or to go insane and/or display symptoms that mimic insanity. (In this manner, “the G5 program” has created increasing numbers of “Manchurian Candidate-type” shooters over the past decades.)

6) Domestic terrorism aimed at the civilian population designed to:

a) systematically abuse, degrade, deceive, and break the will of targeted individuals and populations,
b) create the symptoms of mental illness so that “targets” can be diagnosed as crazy and institutionalized, and/or
c) and/or induce suicide in targeted individuals and populations.

7) US Special Operations Command (US SOCOM), defense and intelligence contractors, and MAJOR racketeering (including mafia) organizations which involve private-corporate profiteering by the International Zionist Criminal Syndicate and the (Israeli-American) Bi-National Security Racketeering Network.

8) Neuroweapons and directed energy weapons (so-called “nonlethal weapons) as part of “hybrid warfare” and the “man-hunting business” (gangstalking/electronic torture) and are supported by the global mafia, black projects, dark money, and “dark network supply chains.” (See: As per Dr. James Canton’s presentation to Softwerx (See: Neuroweapons, “Dark Network Supply Chains,” “Man-Hunting Business” (aka GANGSTALKING) & “Hybrid Warfare;” Presentation By Dr. James Canton (Video, Transcription, and My Commentary)), n).

Regarding the burgeoning Covid-19 industry, Jared Kushner (Jew), President Trump’s son-in-law, and several allied corporations are among many those now poised to profit from a “Coronavirus Surveillance System.” (See: Meet The Companies Poised To Build The Kushner-Backed “Coronavirus Surveillance System”)

9) “Shock-and-awe” psyops techniques involving “slow-kill,” “soft-kill,” “silent-kill” “no-touch torture” techniques, technologies, and weapons systems that largely derive from the CIA’s infamous MKULTRA mind control programs. However, whereas the G5 (OS/ET) program especially targets “dissidents” and “whistleblowers,” Operation Covid-19 targets much larger segments of the population, currently including the elderly, blacks, “white supremacists,” “anti-semites,” and Trump supporters.

10) Psychological degradations and disruptions of civilians’ lives, per the East German Stasi police state’s “Zersetzung” (literally “decomposition” or “disintegration”) tactics. These long-term “slow-kill” operations degrade the health, professional success, quality of life, financial status, and duration of civilians’ lives. In this manner, both operations amount to a covert “stealing”/”taking”/murder of civilians’ lives, relationships, and property. In fact, they constitute high TREASON because they deprive citizens of constitutionally-guaranteed civil liberties. Incorporated into these programs are weaponized techniques and technologies developed by the medical and psychological professions (such as in the CIA’s MKULTRA program and others) over the past 70+ years.

Indeed, as Mark M. Rich states regarding organized stalking in “The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against the Civilian Population,” both operations amount to “very cleverly disguised programs of torture and murder.”

11) Massive human trafficking and biomedical experimentation and extermination-assassination programs designed to reduce targeted individuals and populations to bio-robot slave status.

12) Silent depopulation, mass murder, and mass purge of political undesirables and political enemies that have been watchlisted on Department of Homeland Security (and other nations’ equivalent agencies) Terrorism Watch List.

13) Implementation of UN Agenda 2030 as carried out with full support of the United Nations and its member states.

14) Removal of citizens’ civil liberties without due process of law and in violation of the US Constitution.

15) Expansion of draconian, totalitarian military-intelligence-police state that essentially divides our nation into two groups. a) Predators, including “Irregular forces,” perpetrators, contact tracers, surveillance role players, etc.), and 2) Prey (targeted victims).

15) Deep-seated cruelty and mocking contempt of and heightened targeting of “goyim” (non-Jews) and Christians in particular. (Christian churches are now deemed “non-essential” and singing has been banned in some states, etc.)

16) A whole suit of hybrid-, information-, civilian-military-, unconventional-, net-centric-, psychological-, cyber-, information-, and Fourth Generation warfare and “low-intensity conflict” against civilian populations. These terms describe official US military policy and involve the full complicity of the NSA Global Spy Network, NATO, NASA, and our Zionist-Occupied-Government (ZOG) and Zionist-controlled military and intelligence forces.

17) Pretext/justification by DHS and agencies conducting the phony “Global War on Terrorism” aka “National Security Enterprise.” Justification for these operations are the staged, false-flag, synthetic terrorism or bio-terrorism “trigger events” created by these National Security Racketeering Network itself. Just as 9/11 served as major trigger for watchlisting of civilians under the phony “War on Terrorism,” the manufactured Covid-19 hoax is the trigger for the government elimination of political enemies under the phony “war on Covid-19.” These pre-scripted responses are typically activated when military drills or “exercises” just happen to “flip live.”

Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, recently stated that the Covid-19 operation was a “live exercise.” Thus, we should view “Operation 9/11,” the Jade Helm-15 and UWEX-16 mega military drills of 2015 and 2016, Covid-19 Medical Martial Law, and Israel’s Talpiot Program (combining A.I., 5G, the Internet of Things, Silicon Valley-Silicon Wadi high tech) as “nested operations,” all managed and overseen by the same traitorous groups in order to accomplish their One-World-Government-New World Order agendas.

18) Directed energy and neuroweapons, psychological, and biological weapons systems are tested on non-consenting human test subjects (aka victims/”targeted individuals”). Developed over many decades with taxpayer money, these technologies continue to garner enormous profits for corporations and the military. Technologies include directed energy and neuroweapons (so-called “non-lethal weapons”), satellites, AI, conscious supercomputers, sensing technologies for surveillance, tracking and targeting, bio-telemetry, remote neural monitoring and manipulation, brain-to-computer and brain-to-brain interface, collection of “meta-data,” and mind control (MK) and influencing, etc.

19) The main principles of CIA “no-touch torture,” including: 1) self-inflicted harm (voluntary self-sheltering, social distancing, wearing masks and gloves, allowing oneself to be tracked and “contact traced” with your cell phones, spying and ratting on your neighbors, etc.), 2) sensory deprivation (self-quarantine, self-isolating, wearing masks and gloves, social distancing), and 3) anyone can be coerced, tricked, or enticed into torturing others (based on Jewish psychology professor, Dr. Stanley Milgram’s, highly unethical “obedience to authority” experiments of the 1970s).

“Social distancing,” now widely required as response to the “threat” of Covid-19, for example, is a CIA torture protocol devised in the 1950s (See: [WATCH] Social Distancing is a “CIA Protocol” That Amounts To Torture;

Social Distancing Is A “CIA Protocol” That Amounts To Torture (Video)

20) The more or less classified information that Coronavirus (flu/cold) symptoms mimick those produced by microwave radiation sickness and microwave radiation syndrome- 5G and the Havanna Syndrome.

Furthermore, the incidence of Coronavirus sickness is particularly concentrated in areas where weaponized 5G millimeter wave (GHz) frequencies have been rolled out. These electromagnetic, acoustic, and scalar weapons have been tested and deployed against millions of non-consensual human test subjects (Targeted Individuals) in “terminal experiments” since World War II. Now these “nonlethal” directed energy and neuroweapons will be rolled out against general populations.

The recent electronic attacks on American diplomats at the Cuban and Chinese embassies provide additional “proof of concept” (their term) for investors in the military-corporate sector. These same weapons systems are now used to “dispose” of human test subjects and/or other watchlisted individuals (TIs). They will likely now be MUCH MORE WIDELY deployed against “non-essential” citizens under global Covid-19 Medical Martial Law.

21) Psychological warfare “reward and punishment” systems. The mayor of Los Angles recently promised “rewards” to citizens who snitch on their neighbors. This communist-style, Soviet and E. German Stasi tactic, is also used extensively by DOD-FBI-CIA-NSA-Department of Homeland Security, Neighborhood Watch, Citizens on Patrol, Infragard, and cooperating private security firms in global gangstalking operations. Under auspices of the Covid-19 response, citizen spies and snitches are termed “contact tracers.”

Zionist Jew Israeli, Rahm Emmanuel, former President Obama Chief of Staff, has stated on TV that a system of rewards and punishment must be used to get everyone in America vaxxed.

22) “Domestic terrorism” (use of violence or threat of violence to subjugate domestic populations) against civilians.

23) DHS’s secret army of citizen-spies and gangstalking perpetrators already includes many millions of individuals, all of whom operate under a military-style chain of command. This secret army of civilian spies and operatives is critical for carrying out harassment, abuse, and street torture of TIs. These same secret armies will now be deployed under Operation Covid-19 and supplemented by another army of “contact tracers” who will track movements of just about everyone.

24) Techniques on “TIs” (the Beta tests for the Covid operation), including intimidation, no-touch torture, isolation in homes, 24/7 tracking and surveillance, and attacked using sophisticated computer programs, phone apps, cell towers, satellites, psychological warfare tactics, CIA no-touch torture, and invisible directed energy/neuroweapons that convert cities, and even nations into “electronic concentration camps.”

25) (NSA) big data to help determine which individuals to suppress, neutralize, and/or eliminate via targeting with these soft-kill, silent-kill, slow-kill weapon systems.

26) “Big data” is used in conjunction with AI algorithms, surveillance and microchipping to connect all, or at least most, human brains with AI, the Pentagon cloud-hive mind.

27) Emergency “COG” (continuity of government) protocols that give wartime powers to political leaders and the military command structure. These unconstitutionally-assumed war powers remove citizens’ 1st, 4th, and 5th amendment protections, among others. Like the “Terrorism Watch List,” Covid-19 medical martial law is completely unconstitutional and eliminates all civil liberties going back to Magna Carta.

28) “Soft-kill” unconventional warfare techniques that cause targeted individuals and populations to lose their jobs, livelihoods, privacy, civil liberties, dignity, relationships, access to due process of law, and the ability to function.

29) Systems that profit from destruction “targets” and “liberation” of their assets, including their biometric data, their property, their lives, etc. (In a recent presentation at a Softwerx convention, military consultant and CEO, Dr. James Canton, proclaimed that from an investor’s viewpoint, “neuro (warfare) is the new cyber (warfare)” and would prove immensely profitable.)

30) Directed energy and neuroweapons (so-called “non-lethal weapons”) that produce a variety of symptoms that mimic a variety of illnesses, cause mood changes, incapacitation, and premature death. Electronically-induced symptoms can be diagnosed in whatever manner authorities desire so that individuals can be diagnosed with Coronavirus or as a “potential health threat,” or as criminal, delusional, paranoid, schizophrenic, mentally ill, etc.

31) “Dark network supply chains” (including use of bitcoin, mafia and banking money laundering, etc.) used to support the illegal, global “man-hunting business” (gangstalking aka “counterterrorism” operations) may soon supplant traditional economies as depopulation proceeds under Covid Martial Law.

32) Technologies currently deployed by Israel’s Israel’s Operation Talpiot. That the “Man-hunting business” (gangstalking operations) is continuing through the Coronavirus “plandemic” manufactured crisis, indicates that both operations are nested operations within a larger unconventional war prosecuted by the same entities. These ops are meant to support each other and run concurrently.

As of August 24, 2021, the “secret army” of “irregular forces” (gangstalking spies, trackers, spotters, harassers, and perpetrators) still functions to “police” the streets and track and intimidate civilian targets. These groups act in concert with psychological operation groups, special operations forces, military and non-military counterterrorism specialists, private military and intelligence subcontractors, crisis actors, surveillance role players, and street thugs, private sector security contractors, etc., all of whom operate within military-style chains of command. These “secret armies” are now pre-positioned to carry out selective and/or radically expanded attacks against civilians under Medical Martial Law.

Thousands of private subcontractors in the “National Security Racketeering Network” are affiliated with the FBI (example; Infragard), Mossad (for example; Blackcube) CIA (including Raytheon), and the U.S. military (Lockheed Martin and Northrup Grumman).

33) House break-ins and other violations of constitutionally-guaranteed civil liberties.

34) These criminal operations are covered up by the complicit mainstream media (MSM), which misrepresents what is happening according to dictates of the government (CIA-Deep State), which is part of the Mossad-Israeli-Rothschild-International Zionist Criminal Syndicate.

35) Tracking, surveillance, and mind/behavior manipulation technologies perfected over decades of covertly attacking “targeted individuals,” will now be extended to the vast majority of the population under Coronavirus Medical Martial Law. Key technologies involved include cell phone apps, satellites, GPS, cell towers, and portable devices, in conjunction with directed energy and neuroweapons and a variety of software programs such as Jade Helm II, PROMIS, PRISM, Palintir, Carbyne911, etc. which are private sector versions of military grade C4-ISR (Command, Control, Computer, Communications-Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance).

36) Various components of the “electronic battlefield” that deploy AI in conjunction with “big data,” 4G, 5G, satellites, the Internet of Things, satellite GPS, Gwen Towers, C4ISR systems, and conscious supercomputers to control populations. US military and intelligence services have been perfecting the “electronic battlefield” since the late 1960s.

37). Similar technologies and similarly garner enormous profits for the “National Security Racketeering Network” – “International Zionist Criminal Syndicate,” which includes the mafia, Pentagon, FBI, CIA, DHS, local police, private security firms, etc. We may equate that with the “asset forfeiture” which will radically increase across the world as businesses and homes undergo bankruptcy and foreclosure in the Covid-19 “mother of all debt traps.”

38) Citizen-spy-informer-perp-contract tracer armies. For example, the millions of citizen-spy-gangstalking perpetrators currently deployed in global gangstalking operations may now ALSO be deployed in Operation Covid-19-Partial Martial Law. And, as noted, the same military-grade technologies are used in both operations.

39) Implanted biosensors that can transmit and receive data remotely and electronically so that body data and mental states of targets can be monitored and manipulated. When everyone is hooked up to the Pentagon or Microsoft Cloud, all behavior can be monitored and manipulated through satellites, supercomputers, EMF sending and receiving devices, and AI.

40) TIs and all vaccine recipients will be automatically enrolled in various global biomedical engineering and control programs.

Both operations share these attributes:

41) Both programs target undesirables: commonly termed “dissidents,” whistleblowers,” “useless eaters,” potential terrorist threats, white extremists, etc. that are typically identified and placed on secret kill lists through the DHS-JTTF (FBI) system, often at recommendation of Jewish groups such as ADL (Anti-Defamation League) and SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center). Now this same system, complete with contact tracers, will be mobilized to target upwards of 100 million citizens.

42) Planned in think tanks, universities, etc. by the global Judeo-Masonic-satanist psychopathic elite and executed by the Mossad-CIA-controlled “Interagency,” these operations are designed to usher in a uber-fascist, police-surveillance state more draconian than the one’s envisioned by Orwell and Huxley AND to usher in one-world government-antichrist kingdom. As such, these operations are ultimately run by Satan and his psychopathic human agents and are thus deeply satanic at their core.

43) Parts of the larger eugenics program to reduce the human population that has been waged against humanity by psychopathic elites for generations.

44) Both programs can be scaled and tailored to torture, murder, enslave, and/or transform human targets. Some can be converted into intelligence assets (Manchurian Candidates, mass shooters, etc.), bio-robot slaves, etc.

45) Just as many TIs have been secretly implanted with microchips and foreign surveillance devices since the 50s onward, so recipients of Covid injections will also be implanted with tracking and monitoring devices. Elon Musks’ Neuralink will also provide implants to a dumbed-down public. And his SpaceX satellite system will help governments track anyone anywhere on the planet. The goal of all these cybernetic efforts is to connect and ultimately control humans with AI.

46) Elon Musks neuralace and other DARPA technologies are designed to connect minds to AI and to each other, thereby creating the AI “hive mind.” The end result, of course, will be the digital enslavement of the masses and “enhancements” – up to and including digital immortality and omniscience- for the elite.

47) Currently, with global injection programs, we are seeing rollout of Bill Gates 060606 patent which would bring the digital currency and Smart City technocracy actually into human minds and bodies, thus changing humans into cyborgs, or bio-robot slaves.

48) Currently, we are seeing the rollout of “the Internet of Bodies” by the corporate-medical-arts establishment. In my opinion, this amounts to “technological demonic possession.”

In this regard, we may now understand the secret global gangstalking (“man-hunting business”) program as the prelude to today’s fascist-communist-technocratic lockdown of societies which itself is prelude to the long-planned transhumanist transformation of our species. In Christian terms we can view the gangstalking program as “pre-tribulation” practice for the satanist “powers that be” and the Covid-19 fascist-communist dictatorship as the tribulation itself.

49) Considerable evidence links the global gangstalking (Phoenix) program, and Covid-19 biowarfare operations with Operation 9/11. Indeed, these are all New World Order “nested operations” carried out by essentially the same players.

The larger picture is that this is a global Bolshevik (communist-fascist) and French-style revolution as per the historic designs of the “master cult” of extremely wealthy and powerful Jewish and Masonic (Illuminati) satanists, the Black Nobility, etc. This event has extraordinarily dire implications for all civilization and humanity itself as we are now being shepherded into a post-human caste system comprised of cyborg geniuses (the elite) and cyborg slaves.

V. Spiritual Component To This Modern War Against Civilians and Civilization

As a “Targeted Individual” and observer of the modern Covid-19 Fraud Scandal crisis, I believe another major commonality between these programs is that both are animated with the spirit of Satan. This World’s Secret Religion is explained in this 5-hour video by ex-Mason, Altiyan Childs. Certainly, both these programs are Satanic to their core. Here, I believe, is the Masonic core. And please recall that all the secret degrees of Masonry are based on the Jewish Kaballah, the world’s darkest system of satanic black magic. Hence, Masonry is merely one gentile front for Judaism.

X Factor Winner – Altiyan Childs – Exposes this World’s Secret Religion

VI. Recommendations/Solutions:

1) Outlaw Masonry and other Satanic secret socieities.

2) Repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which gave control of the U.S. economy to Jewish- international bankers, and the National Security Act of 1947, which gave these satanists their own private army. In addition, per Madison V. Marbury (1803) that “all laws repugnant to the Constitution are null and void,” the USA PATRIOT ACT of 2001, the Military Commissions Act of 2006, and the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, among many others, must also be repealed.

3) Shut down the United Nations and all plans to fulfill UN Agenda 21 (2030).

4) Place the NSA, CIA, DHS, FBI, Congress and the US military on lockdown and set the American people free. The US military has “misplaced” $21 trillion over the past couple decades and, in the past 5 years, has ignored nearly 100,000 reports of corruption from its own personnel.

5) Hang all spies as traitors to America.

6) Hang those authority figures who are complicit in perpetrating this communist-fascist revolution upon America and the world.

7) Most importantly, expose and purge the Israeli-Jewish organized crime syndicate which controls America. The Jewish Neoconservatives at PNAC (Project for the New American Century) in coordination with Israeli Mossad and the CIA carried out 9/11 and their planned subsequent wars of aggression in the Middle East primarily advance Israel’s interests. These groups, in concert with Israel’s leadership, the Jewish lobby in America, millions of American “sayanim” (secret agents), and the “Mega” Group of Jewish billionaires must soon be “strongly encouraged” to exercise their “right of return” (Aliyah) to Israel.

This group of Jewish billionaires, including Bill Gates (who wants to chip and vaccinate us all), George Soros, Elon Musk (humans must merge with A.I., Neuralink and Neuralace & some 22,000 satellites in low orbit to track us all), Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg (“They believed us. Dumb fuckers.”), Jeff Bezos ( and Washington Post), Ray Kurzweil (proponent of “the singularity”- the point where computers take over humans), Peter Thiel (carbyne911 software), and Jared Kushner (Bibi’s buddy and Trump’s son in law) were never elected to public office and deserve no voice whatsoever in American politics.

The bottom line is this: TIs such this author have a basis for comprehending the radically evil modus operandi of these clever and despicable “intelligence operations.” In fact, the goal of these Judeo-Masonic-eugenicist-satanists is to usher in a “post-human” world, sometimes referred to as “Tikkun Olam” (“reinvention of the world”) as per the desires of their god, Lucifer. America, once a Christian nation and the “land of the free and home of the brave,” is now a very fragmented and divided nation as a result of the steady diet of propaganda, mind control, and lies to which we have been subjected for decades. Can we awaken and unite in time to fend off this most grievous threat to our humanity and civilization?

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