The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
UN-NATURAL DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) FIRES in CA, Lahaina, Chile, TX Are Like At WTC On 9/11- Expert Analysis by Robert Brame
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MASER = MICROWAVE Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
Yes, he yust verified this was done by un-natural sources. Metals leaving wood un touched. Nailed it! Our own military complex C.I.A. OPERATIONS AGAINST ITS OWN TAXPAYERS! ! !
5,341 views Premiered 20 hours ago
TEXAS Fire coverage here: • Texas “WILDFIRES” — Here We Go Again!!
Pinned by The Healthy American Peggy Hall
TEXAS Fire coverage here: * Be sure to (re) SUBSCRIBE to this channel outwit the YT algorithim and get my messages out to more viewers!***
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Send checks, cards, letters here: Peggy Hall 205 Avenida del Mar, PO Box 681 San Clemente, CA 92674 I LOVE my HEALTHY AMERICAN audience. Thank you for being here.
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Second Channel is LIVING SWELL with Peggy Hall MONDAYS 11am pacific: @livingswellwithpeggyhall
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ABOUT PEGGY HALL Discerning truth from deception. This channel is for educational and entertainment purposes, often contains satire and should not be construed as legal, medical or financial advice.
Your cards, checks and gifts can be sent via SNAIL MAIL: Peggy Hall 205 Avenida del Mar PO Box 681 San Clemente, CA 92674 I LOVE Getting your cards, letters, and goodies, and I often share them on my shows!

These are sick people attacking homes, people and animals!
This isn’t a normal wildfire. I used to be a wildland firefighter.
He is a favorite guest of mine.
With this kind of devastation, does anybody believe the official casualty figures? I guess, they must be in the ten thousands.
I was trying to find a paperback book thst I had from back in the 1960s. I think it’s in a box in my storage room from when I moved 4 Years ago. Anyway this book was on masers, the maser was the predecessor to the laser. Laser is light amplification and the Maser was microwave amplification. They had this microwave amplification by stimulation way back in the 1960s before they ever created the first laser. Lasers are pretty much visible unless you get into the infrared or the very low ultraviolet frequencies. But masers are completely invisible. It’s like taking the energy from your microwave oven and focusing it into a tiny beam instead of it being spread all around the oven cavity. It can be transmitted over long distances, it’s invisible, and the energy is unbelievable. And like you said it can heat up water, and also cause metallic materials to spark causing ignition of other materials. But those Ferris materials could completely deteriorate or turn into a powder under high microwave radiation. Now considering they had maser’s developed first in the 1960s, think how far Advanced they are nowadays. They are very likely on satellite based platforms. I just thought I’d throw my two cents worth of knowledge in here for you since you had not looked into maser’s. I don’t know if that helps but it’s all I got. God bless you. I did a little research on the internet and Wikipedia gave some information, although I don’t know how much I trust wikipedia. And it says that the Maser weapon is not really too feasible because it requires a large amount of energy and very large antenna. And also the atmosphere will stop most microwave radiation at 40 km. But they said there are exceptions, the very low frequency microwave radiation and I’m thinking if the microwave radiation is in the tight beam like a laser perhaps it could destroy the water vapor in its path and burrow its way through the atmosphere and create the effects that we are seeing. As far as satellite-based I’m not sure, maybe they would have to be airplane mounted or some other type of vehicle which our government has which use anti-gravity to keep them at a certain level that we don’t quite see, and there is shielding from the eye type of tech that they have. So it’s all still up in the air so to speak. I hope this wasn’t confusing this last little bit of information but it’s the best speculation I can come up with.
Looks like the cars near the WTC on 9/11
Public defenders are not helpful for people. They’re just attorneys facilitating the commerce.
That’s it. im painting my roof blue now!!!
Yabba Dabba Dew
Thank you Peggy and Robert
Hello Peggy, from Tampa, great work. We’ve seen two hurricanes headed our Way, and exactly turn in the same exact place twice. I believe they were headed for Tampa but remember we have macDill Air Force Base here. they can’t afford to take it down. Seems like we have some type of climate change insurance. We’re living in the days of absolute evil. I got a feeling when they rated Teslas notebooks I think they found something they really liked.
I posit that the cars at Ground Zero on 11 Sept 2001 (911) looked exactly the same as in all of these sunsequent ‘wild fires’; and We all know how many forest/wild fires they have in New York City.
We need to get copies of this
20.20 in What a bunch of This guy should fire his lawyer and have you as his representative. But they wont allow him to do that. Aka family courts
Yes, am always interested in what Robert Brame has to say about fires
Hope some one is old school archiving this video.
The lawyers, the judges, poor guy who is in jail Lawyer is in on it too. Your guy help this man.
There may be more here than meets the eye, and some may say I’m cherry picking from the scriptures or grasping at straws and we are talking about a future time that has yet to be fulfilled, but I think there are similarities that need to be looked at. Revelation 9:4 states. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men who have not the seal of God in their foreheads.
Thank you for covering this! Thank you to this arborist who has studied trees and actual wildfires for the last 49 years. And exposing that these are not all natural fires!
Time to 3D print a house and car from plastic
maui loves this guy !!!
Thank you both!
Wow. Just wow. Such good info!
Proof N Pudding Must be why Lahaina was fenced off and no drones allowed to view (although by now what few local citizens shared) and the community/ property owners etc. weren’t allowed to go to homes, absolutely not one person. Gotta clean up much evidence as possible first. So much yet going on there. My sister is in Texas, she knows the No’s
EXCELLENT REPORT!!! Thanks so much for educating me!!! WTHeck are these evil demons doing to us???? Chills throughout the video…
God bless you both and cover you with his hands of love and protection, in Jesus name!
Thanks Peggy. Following you since Covid. Glad he brought up Dr Judy Wood. 9/11 photos look frighteningly similar. Sharing this video!
Dew’s for sure!
Excellent informative video. Thank you.
The same twisting of the mobile home metal is comparable to the twisted beams of the towers that were allegedly destroyed by “planes”.
Im near San Bernardino. They let them go, idk why. Also Columbia Gorge, was reported immediately, became huge.
* Be sure to (re) SUBSCRIBE to this channel outwit the YT algorithm and get my messages out to more viewers!***
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Send checks, cards, letters here: Peggy Hall 205 Avenida del Mar, PO Box 681 San Clemente, CA 92674 I LOVE my HEALTHY AMERICAN audience. Thank you for being here.
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Second Channel is LIVING SWELL with Peggy Hall MONDAYS 11am pacific: @livingswellwithpeggyhall
RUMBLE: Resources:
ABOUT PEGGY HALL Discerning truth from deception. This channel is for educational and entertainment purposes, often contains satire and should not be construed as legal, medical or financial advice.
Your cards, checks and gifts can be sent via SNAIL MAIL: Peggy Hall 205 Avenida del Mar PO Box 681 San Clemente, CA 92674 I LOVE Getting your cards, letters, and goodies, and I often share them on my shows!

Peggy, on the day before the Lahaina fire, we had haze in the sky, the kind of haze we see when the volcano is erupting. Our volcano was not erupting so I think the haze was caused by them sprinkling accelerants in the sky.
Peggy, in many cases these cars are turned upside down.
Many thanks for your contributions Robert and Peggy! Excellent discussions and very telling analysis, love listening to your information Robert about this stark reality of deliberate_abuse. Media won’t talk this as public_disclosings and it makes yourselves the public_disclosings of our planetslave_abusers…..alienvisitingcreatures are not eternals! Keep going 

I cant get over the cars melted down with pine needles hanging right over them and all around on the ground. Anyone who has ever been camping or burned their Christmas tree knows those needles go up like gasoline!
I hope that guy is getting a different lawyer
the blue gum eucalyptus tree produces also beautiful therapeutic essential oil 

I am very curious about the fires in CO both Louisville in 2021 and right outside of Colorado Springs about 7 years ago seemed very weird not normal at all. The planes flying over Weld County for months spraying the poison very heavily everyday I’m wondering if they will be setting Weld County on fire here soon too….CO legislature wants the oil and gas industry gone and the ag business gone and Weld County is heavy in both I for see Weld County burning up soon just like TX fire
Seen on “redacted “for one podcast.
I hope you I’ll review the Texas fires. I have been looking for the tell tale images.
Following this subject since the Paradise fire. How to avoid moving to a targeted area?
If they are spraying metals like aluminum, wouldn’t some stick to the pine needles, causing them to burn? I know that they are spraying, so just confused as to why the pine needles wouldn’t burn.
Maybe sprays protect some trees and not others? Seems like terra forming what they want gone.
Normally when cars are cleared from a roadway they are simply pushed to the side. Overturned cars?
What about the fires currently in the Texas Panhandle?
Yes, he yust verified this was done by un- natural sources. Metals leaving wood un touched. Nailed it! Our own military complex C.I.A. OPERATIONS AGAINST ITS OWN TAXPAYERS! ! !
With the picture of the car there is an unburnt pine cone by the back wheel.
This gentlemen has a nice tan , do jails have sun lamps ?
Perfectly normal in this type of fire Trees do burn, eventually, but initially, the tree has a lot of liquids inside, namely water. Ever noticed if you just chop off a live tree’s branch or even leaves that just freshly fell of the tree, they don’t burn well for your campfire?
Were gonna have to have plastic play houses outside our homes for cover if this is to happen where u live, if u can make it.
What do you mean by refusing to burn ? Not responding to DEW ? Why did some of the needles turn black ? But not ignite.
Microwave. DoD worked on that for decades.
Some of us knew, others refuse to ever know, but this gov. has been BLANK to the American people since 1913. Isn’t it time we hold all politicians responsible by at least stop giving them attention, food, and water. Isn’t that the least we can do???
Just more mysterious and unexplained destruction of animal grazing, processing and packaging facilities. It’s almost like someone out there doesn’t want us to eat the proper human diet and get healing from so many of our diseases and mental health issues.
Can someone explain how this microwave tech works and how it avoids trees and only burns near screws but not the whole wood plant
The only recourse we may have is to paint everything blue???
So some are saying that cloud seeding is causing these fires, but that doesn’t explain why the plastic isn’t burning but houses are burning to white ashes. So with microwave ovens you have to cook on plastic or glass because they don’t burn in microwaves. So it doesn’t appear to be Mother Nature, so who is ordering these fires to be begun and why?
Is that lady walking a baby like a fun stroll look at the blue in all the photos
In jail since June ..Nice tan
How is this possible? Can he explain how this happen? Was it from meters in installed or the towers ? The cell towers
We know what they’re DEWing.
The trees r so dry and brittle from the CT’s, u think they shoulda burned? The inside of the trees are hollowed out, so strange.
15,000 homes lost in Paradise!
Because they are not magnetic, but the glass takes me out. I don’t get it.
Ms Peggy… scroll to 21:10 through 21:15 … Do you hear the GAP in him speaking on the blue umbrellas? Was that intentional? .. Was something he said TAKEN OUT on purpose? It’s hardly noticeable but did “they” remove his few words there? Just wanted you to be aware….. Seemed FISHY to me… What say you?
I do not want to see Chili fire pics. I want to see Texas fire pics but you will not show them. Where is the logic?
Of course temperatures in fires change.. sheesh..and min can have babies! Not sure what planet YOU’RE living on.
OK, we have a lot of questions but where are the answers on what is causing this to happen!?
I am uncomfortably listening to him laugh. I understand he may be happy to share the info but I know the people responsible will not be laughing
REVELATION 13:13 The beast was able to perform great miracle and to bring fire down from the sky in the sight of men. ???