The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
Programmed To Kill; David McGowan On MKULTRA “Serial Killers”/Psychological Warfare/Domestic Terror Black Ops
War On Terror
Articles & Interviews
Part VI: Mind Control: History and Applications
January 23, 2025Part VII: Electronic Mind Control and Electronic Weapons
January 15, 2025Part VIII: Cult Connections
January 12, 2025“PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order:” Dr. Robert Malone Lecture
September 17, 2024Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 20249/11 “Hijackers” Were CIA Recruits (videos)
April 15, 2024Gray State (film)
February 19, 2024365 Days of Chemtrails- The Christmas Carol Verson
January 12, 2024Appendix 42. Psychological Operations Blueprint (by Omnisense)
December 12, 2023Appendix 63: NASA’s Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast- 1994
October 4, 2023Cognitive Warfare June-November, 2020 Francois du Cluzel
March 16, 2023Appendix 136: The New World Order Pope and Related Articles/Videos
November 28, 2022Boston Marathon (Un)Bombing Hoax & Crisis Actors; 14 Videos (2021-2022)
November 23, 2022Appendix 152. Excellent website!
October 21, 2022Comments on the Persian Gulf War I by Dr. Eric Karlstrom (April, 1991)
September 24, 2022Appendix 214: Gray State (Movie)
August 25, 2021Appendix 234: Maurice Strong and Tavistock (video)
June 27, 20219/11 preplanned; W/ List of Leading Suspects
May 14, 2021Quora Q & A On Gangstalking
March 14, 2021Timeline of United States Military Operations
December 25, 2020Gangstalking Photo Log (La Paz Area, 2019 – 2021)
November 27, 2020The MANY Methods of Mind Manipulation . . . a Worldwide Operation
October 22, 2020Stalkers, Perps, and Scumbags From their own CV’s
October 18, 2020Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
September 19, 2020Some Appropriate Graphics For Covid 19(84) & 5G N(J)ew World Order
February 20, 2020The War On Democracy (2007 Youtube)
March 19, 2019Counter Intelligence Series Youtubes (Parts 1 Through 5)
March 19, 2019Counter-Intelligence: (5) Drone Nation
March 19, 2019Gallup Poll: US is #1 Threat to World Peace
January 15, 2019Quotes on War
December 11, 2018The War On Iraq (Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, 11/16/2002)
December 9, 2018CIA Front Companies
December 1, 2018Iraq War Update (4/22/16): And the Winner is…. Greater Israel!
November 30, 2018The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s Is the Story of Our Times
November 14, 2018USA Freedom Act (2015 Update of USA PATRIOT ACT)
November 9, 2018You Are The Enemy (by Preston James of Veterans Today, 2014)
September 25, 2018Gang Stalking Photo Log (La Paz Area, 2019 & 2020)
July 22, 2018World Chaos Diagnosis: Acute Zionist Infestation
May 21, 2018Terrorism and War (Dr. E. Karlstrom Lecture Notes, ca. 2000)
March 17, 2018Truth has to be repeated constantly, because Error also is being preached all the time, and not just by a few, but by the multitude. In the Press and Encyclopaedias, in Schools and Universities, everywhere Error holds sway, feeling happy and comfortable in the knowledge of having Majority on its side.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Webmaster’s Introduction: I graduated from high school in 1967; university in 1971. Thus, I lived through the turbulent “psyop 60s.” Indeed, I’m still struggling to understand what actually happened during that decade of government-sponsored foreign and domestic wars, satanism, terrorism, and psychological warfare against the domestic population. Thus, I am very grateful to researcher, David McGowan (1960-2015), for his book, “Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops, & The Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream” (2013). This book, in my opinion, proves that the hippie counter-culture was a creation of the intelligence-military establishment in cooperation with the American Illuminati ruling families and that its primary function was to discredit and neutralize the anti-Vietnam War movement.
David McGowan’s other ground-breaking book, “Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder” (2004), explores generally unacknowledged aspects of the “serial murders” of the late 1960’s through early 1980s, a phenomenon which overlapped temporally with the intelligence-created and manipulated “counter-culture movement” in America.
Indeed, on close examination, we find so many parallels between government (military-intelligence agencies)-sponsored and contract “serial killer”-domestic black ops of the late 1960’s through 1980’s and the ongoing domestic gangstalking-electronic torture-terror block operations that they MUST both be part of the same larger operation and MUST be carried out by essentially the same entities.
After much research and reflection, I conclude that, aided and abetted by top-secret CIA MKULTRA mind control techniques and technologies, all this murder and mayhem over all these decades by America’s own covert operators against American civilians constitutes America’s BLACKEST SECRET. Considerable research on this website and elsewhere indicates this constellation of covert black operations includes the following:
1) secret, targeted political killings of designated “enemies of the state” carried out between 1958 and 1971 in the FBI’s COINTELPRO (Counter-intellience Program), which included the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, as well as Dr. Martin Luther King, black political leader, Malcom X, 28 members of the Black Panthers, civil rights activist-actress, Jean Seberg, author, Ernest Hemmingway, and many others.
2) covert surveillance, monitoring, harassment, terrorization, torture, and murder of “enemies of the state” (anti-war protesters, etc.) in the CIA’s Phoenix and MH-CHAOS programs in Vietnam and America, respectively,
3) covert targeting and execution of left-wing political opponents in Western Europe during the late 1960’s to early 1980’s by MI6, CIA, and NATO through “stay behind armies” and Operation Gladio (Italy).
4) creation and operation of secret torture centers and death squads in Latin America (the Salvador Option; Operation Condor, etc.), the Middle East, and elsewhere from the mid 1970’s onward using the Phoenix Program as model.
5) maintenance of extra-judicial torture centers at numerous locations globally, including at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Grhaib,
6) application of mind control technologies (and Manchurian Candidates, etc.) developed in top-secret CIA MKULTRA and DOD MONARCH mind control experiments and operations,
7) deployment of US military special operations forces (SEALS, Green Berets, etc.) and other undercover military and intelligence personnel against “domestic enemies” at home and abroad,
… all as means of destabilizing and terrorizing domestic populations to obtain their submission and compliance as well as to accomplish a wide variety of illegal and covert “intelligence” and other criminal operations.
Based on McGowan’s brilliant research, we can add to this list the phenomena of:
8) “serial killings” in America during the late 60’s to early 80’s, as another secret extension of the CIA’s Phoenix Program , i.e., as state-sponsored domestic torture-terror black ops and “hybrid warfare” against domestic populations,
9) targeted assassinations and human sacrifice (terror) in combination with the creation and manipulation of cultural movements by military-intelligence agencies, including the creation of the “counter-culture movement” of the 1960’s and 1970s,
and more recently, obviously, the creation, funding, and direction of domestic terrorist political groups such as “Black Lives Matter” and “Antifa.”
Finally, it logically follows that we must also add that to this list:
10) the mass shootings/bombings “terror attacks” of the past couple decades, including Columbine High School, Colorado, the Boston Marathon bombing, the 9/11 attacks, Sandy Hook, the Vegas shooting, and a host of other staged domestic “terror” events, etc., and
11) the ever-expanding global gangstalking-electronic torture program, which is the main subject of this website, and which in America is run mainly by the same entities; that is, the NSA, FBI, CIA, DHS, and US Air Force, and which I refer to as “G5″ for Global Government Gangstalking-Genocide GESTAPO.”
To confuse the public and conceal these crimes, the government-media-intelligence-media-propaganda complex continually changes the terms used to describe these targeted killings. However, all these ops, it turns out, are state-sponsored domestic terror and murder operations that target the domestic population. All are part of so-called “unconventional” or “hybrid” warfare waged by our own military-industrial-intelligence agencies against domestic populations. This is our tax dollars at work.
I believe this expose finally helps put 9/11 in it’s proper historical context, as a state-sponsored, synthetic, false-flag domestic terror operation. Indeed, one of the primary objectives of Operation 9/11, it seems, was to help the US military-intelligence authorities identify and “watchlist” as “potential terrorist threats” those American patriots such as myself who speak out against these crimes. Once on the unconstitutional DHS-FBI “terrorism watchlists,” innocent citizens are targeted, eliminated, and/or used as non-consensual human experimentees in the ongoing gangstalking-electronic torture-biomedical experimentation operations.
How does a free citizenry respond to despotic tyranny from its own captured, criminal government? If the rule of law is to be re-established, those guilty of murder and mass murder of innocent civilians and of high treason must be tried and punished.
Based on the overwhelming evidence of massive and systemic state-sponsored criminality against its own civilians, I suggest that restoration of the American Republic requires, at a minimum, that ALL Presidents, ALL CIA Directors, ALL Attorney Generals, and ALL Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States military since 1953 (the date of inception of top-secret CIA MKULTRA Mind Control operations) be tried, convicted, and publicly executed for high treason and “crimes against humanity.”
Similarly, ALL cooperating doctors, psychiatrists, psychiatrists, engineers and other academicians who participated in these diabolical programs should also be executed after being tried and convicted in Nuremberg Trials 2.0. As FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, stated:
“The individual comes face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind has not come to a realisation of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.
When morals decline and good men do nothing, evil flourishes. A society unwilling to learn from the past is doomed. We must never forget our history.”
Hoover and countless CIA directors, Presidents, and military generals have concealed America’s true history from us for over seven decades. It is now time that Americans acknowledge and try to rectify these horrific, ongoing crimes against humanity.
key words/phrases: nation-wide satanic cult contract murders, CIA’s Phoenix Program in Vietnam, domestic terror covert ops, MKULTRA and other CIA mind control operations; politically-motivated paramilitary murders, psychological warfare operations, targeted assassinations, military-intelligence ops, social control through imposition of fear via staged government terrorism events; police complicity; connections to both political parties, sex trafficking networks, pedophilia, “Murder, Inc.,” “atomization” of society through fear, divide and conquer, Synagogue of Satan
I. Programmed To Kill (David McGowan – Radio Gordo Interview)
II. Programmed to Kill Interview With David McGowan (2007)
III. Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 206
Quote: “Serial killers do on a small scale what governments do on a large one.” Richard Rameriz
IV. Dave McGowan on Music, Serial Killers and Psychological Warfare
V. Dave McGowan-Covert Ops & Dark Heart of Hippie Dream-Weird Scenes Inside Laurel Canyon
VI. Classic! Jay Dyer’s Analysis of Dave McGowan’s Programmed to Kill: MK Ultra Serial Killers – (Free Hour)
VII. CIA Hippie Mind Control: Inside Laurel Canyon with Dave McGowan (Feb. 23, 2015)
34.9K subscribers
The hippie movement of the 1960s, which began in Laurel Canyon, Los Angeles and peculiar military and political ties to prominent figures in the scene like Jim Morrison and Frank Zappa are looked at with Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon author Dave McGowan. We also discuss movement pioneer Vito Paulekas, Charles Manson and the Manson Family murders, and the theory that the CIA manufactured the hippie counterculture to undermine the anti war movement, in this uncensored Antidote interview, hosted by Michael Parker.
David McGowan was born and raised in Torrance, California, just twenty miles south of Laurel Canyon. He graduated from UCLA with a degree in psychology and has, since 1990, run a small business in the greater Los Angeles area. Currently single, he is the proud father of three daughters. He is also a lifelong music fan who still frequently keeps his radio tuned to classic rock stations. McGowan’s previous books include Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder, and Understanding the F-Word: American Fascism and the Politics of Illusion.
Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon
How did an uncanny amount of rock superstars emerge from the rustic Laurel Canyon scene of the mid 60s when the primary music centers of the US at that time were NYC, Nashville, and Detroit? Why were many of these future stars sons and daughters of the military/intelligence complex and extreme privilege who just happened to all arrive in LA at the same time? From the Lizard King Jim Morrison to Frank Zappa, the Mamas and Papas, the Byrds, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, even the Monkees, they all had conspicuous family heritages that did not exactly jive with what would become the free love, anti war soundtrack of a generation. Meanwhile, looming behind these musicians was a dark underbelly of Hollywood stars, young turks, the mob, shadowy intelligence assets, and charmers like little Charlie Manson who everyone liked at first.. How and why did this all happen? And what about that covert military installation on Lookout Mountain? Are you ready to have your rock and roll fantasies challenged? You may never listen to this music the same way ever again.
00:01 Welcoming author David McGowan to Antidote.
01:00 What Lookout Mountain Laboratories was designed for, and what it is now.
06:05 Jim Morrison’s father’s involvement in the Vietnam war.
09:25 Morrison as an anti-war idol and his surprisingly scarce background in music.
12:55 Hippie-era bands that all had connections to government intelligence.
15:30 Crosby, Stills and Nash’s connections to important historical figures.
18:45 Frank Zappa’s father as a chemical warfare engineer.
20:20 Jackson Browne born in post-war Germany.
23:30 Early history of The Byrds appears suspicious and possibly casted.
25:15 The rise of hippie culture and music clubs in Los Angeles.
29:10 How The Young Turks of Los Angeles contributed to the popularization of clubs.
32:00 The Hippie/Rockefeller connection.
33:25 Charles Manson as a leader and a member of the Los Angeles music scene.
37:05 The Wonderland Murders.
39:05 The surprising number of stars whose parents committed suicide.
41:10 Were these hippie musical figures groomed to undermine the anti-war movement?
46:20 Thank you and goodbye.
Barry M
2 years ago
The best way to control the opposition is to lead it.
2 years ago
It’s all Social engineering, all of it.
Dan Michaels
3 years ago
The U.S. has always been an experiment in progress but it has gotten much more twisted. Naming people by generation “Boomers” “X” and “Millennials,” is all the proof I need. Its like breeding cattle.
1 year ago
Relax’ said the night man,
‘We are programmed to receive.
You can check out any time you like,
But you can never leave!’
robert louis
4 years ago
I always suspected that is what Morrison was talking about when he melted down on stage yelling at the audience, “YOU’RE ALL A BUNCH OF SLAVES!”
Piotruś Scw
1 year ago (edited)
thank you Bryan Callen for being so agressive towards this conspiracy
it just made me more curious
5 years ago
many people refuse to abandon their long held beliefs/predilictions, smearing the messenger instead of the enemy. that’s why things are in chaos. great show.
rip dave.
anton hamilton
4 years ago
Controlled opposition via Mk ultra
Johnny X
2 years ago
It’s well know that the majority of these groups didn’t play on their own recordings.
The so called “Wrecking Crew” filled that role.
Hidden Hand
2 years ago (edited)
I saw this video on my homepage yesterday and wanted to watch it as I am interested in MK Ultra and live pretty close to Laurel Canyon. Anyway, I threw on a random Frank Zappa song 15 minutes ago, it was Platstic People – first song off the album Absolutely Free, and there were some lyrics that made me come back to this video. Frank said “And there this guy from the CIA and he’s creeping around Laurel Canyon”. It hit me then that i must watch this video.
Billy Bogart
4 years ago (edited)
I think the main thing people get wrong is that in order to conduct a pysop(psychological operation)you must have 100% willing participants. That’s exactly what you don’t need. A puppeteer doesn’t ask the dolls to move, he pulls their strings. The puppeteer sits back and manipulates the framework of a situation. Most people don’t have this much time. To put it in a pop culture perspective, imagine YOU were in the movie Ground Hog’s Day. You’d do or at least tempted to do exactly what Bill Murray did. By manufacturing the environment or in this case the music industry you are mostly herding the masses. You’re also planting seeds for the whole mechanism to come. If you own the music, film, print and TV industry you can manipulate everything a little at a time. You’re not going to do so well with adults but you’ll do fine with impressionable young people, especially at the onset of puberty. I forgot to mention the same people are heavily involved in psychiatry. You’re still going to herd the adults but in a different way. After all you want to pit one against the other to keep both distracted. What are you doing while everyone is preoccupied with your make believe society? For one thing you’re setting the middle east on fire. You get caught red handed allowing an attack on the USS Liberty but your media partners cover it up. Lot of turmoil in the world. The opiate business is shifting. Turkey is getting out of the trade. France doesn’t like israel’s 6 day war. Around this time you have the French connection which was opiates from Turkey brought into France and then off to America via Canada. Vietnam war shifted the opiate trade to the far east. Opiate and war go hand in hand. Opiate deaths rose sharply in the US after the war began ironically just like the invasion of Afghanistan. Opiates are a good way to keep large sections of the population under control if not dead. They also supply blackop funds just like they did for the iran contra affair only the drug of choice then was cocaine. Why did they all flock out to LA? I’d say movies, the Beatles going out there to meet the Byrds which automatically gave them credibility. Media sensationalized the region. Drugs attracted people too. So the musicians didn’t necessarily have to be clock punching employees of some psyop, all they had to be is be influenced by subversives. Jim Morrison’s father wanted israel bombed. Imagine a naval officer saying that today. Why in the 80’s when israel bombed Iraq most members of congress condemned the action. Imagine THAT today. Guess what? It’s about to start up again. Jerusalem. If that’s what the powers that handle presidents are going for EXPECT the worst false flag on US soil. Secret loans to foreign banks, turning a blind eye to israeli expansionism. You don’t have to look too much beyond that. They kill Kennedy and then the Brits invade who were the ones who gave palestine to the european jews and khazars.
GenX MamaBear
2 years ago
At 5:00 Rehab Centre ??? More like PREPROGRAMMING CENTRE
Maybe that’s where the CIA Actors are “trained”
Corpus Callosum
4 years ago
Elvis manager, ‘Colonel’ Tom Parker. Was ex- army right before connecting with Elvis. Parker had served honorably before, he went AWOL this time and was charged with desertion. He was punished with solitary confinement, from which he emerged ‘with a psychosis’ that led to two months in a ‘mental hospital’ and he was discharged from the Army due to his mental condition.
Soon after, he hooked up with Elvis. What a coincidence.
Sunny Profit
1 year ago (edited)
Very important to mention is who the Next Door Neighbour was to Laurel Canyon””””’
Well who else but the Founding Father of LSD the Good Doctor Himself Timothy Leary lived right across the street
Blue Eyes
2 years ago
May Musk (Elon Musks’ mother) had ties to Charlie Manson, and CIA as well.
unknown artist
6 years ago
McGowan’s work gives new meaning to some of the song lyrics, for instance,
“It ain’t me, it ain’t me — I ain’t no military son….” (Credence Clearwater Revival)
darrell lamb
3 years ago
so Jim Morrison’s dad scammed the U.s into the war insane
Rick Jones
2 years ago
“I’m a spy… in the house of love.” ~ Jim Morrison
3 years ago (edited)
commenting as someone who grew up through this period in the uk (born 1950). and as someone who could be described as a blue blood. i have heard these stories repeated over and over again down the years, so what? there is an old saying that goes ‘by their fruits you know them’, well we have some fantstic music, and i had a brilliant time growing through this period. jim morrison was very big with teeny bopper girls i remember, by the time la woman was released the freak scene had changed out of all recognition. i met someone not so long ago who was with me at the height in 1969, he asked me if i believed in global warming, i burst out laughing and he joined in, but we are both very environmentally minded. if you take fan worship to far and lose your quest for truthfull knowledge, you do loose yourself and some did. then again some people fall off cliffs, die of disease and are killed by cars. hippie mind controll? well what about straight mind control? is anyone saying here that they are unafected by psycologicale control tricks that played on everyone? even today? remember america did lose the vietnam war, and now they have lost the syrian war. and it was an american who said ‘you can’t fool all of the people all of the time’.
1 year ago
RIP David McGowan. TruthSeeker, Messenger and Warrior of the Light, you’re missed but Not forgotten.
Mr Bojangles
2 years ago
Very interesting how none of these guys were drafted….
2 years ago
This is one of the most fascinating videos I’ve seen lately. Freaking mind-blowing.
Space Alien Jesus
2 years ago
If this is true
Then the same can be said about the Seattle movement of the 90’s..
Look how fast that scene landed and faded…
4 years ago
eddie bravo sent me on this journey. 30 mins in and totally intrigued.
2 years ago
RIP Dave McGowan one of the best researchers ever
The Dying Rebel
3 years ago
Great Interview! Look up the tavistock institute
Jason Shoffler
4 years ago
Interesting that Jared Leto bought lookout mountain base. His bio on Wikipedia shows he would fit right in with the early laurel canyon seen. Military kid, moved around a lot, father committed suicide. Mother joined the “hippie” movement.
Shy M
4 years ago
pizzagate & snuff film connections, this rabbit hole is deep.
Forms In Space
4 years ago
the only part you left out was the “CIA / MKULTRA connecton to Timmothy Leary”
5 years ago
God bless you Dave McGowan! Such a great flash of illumination that you gave us! May you go down in history as a patriot who tried to save his country! May our tears of gratefulness cry out always for you and whoever follows in your brave footsteps.
The Emptys Response
4 years ago
This is terrific. The interviewer is superb!! There’s some great interplay with questions and answers here. The mutual respect is obvious. Rest In Peace Dave McGowan. A heroic person as far as I’m concerned though he’d probably disagree because of how humble he was. Legend!.
5 years ago
Much respect to Dave McGowan. I especially respect that Dave has done solid research and only presents facts, but he is honest about stopping short of claiming ‘as a fact’ that the whole scene was manufactured by the govt. With his vast research, we can draw our own concusion. Cheers.
heather diamondz
2 years ago
They did this same thing with gangster rap in the 90s
Monkey Boy
4 years ago
was just reading about Steely Dan, and holy cow was Dave right. Read, “JEFF ‘SKUNK’ BAXTER: FROM DOOBIE BROTHER TO TOP MISSILE DEFENSE ADVISER”. There is NO way, that just randomly, some guy can be a top music industry session player and advisor on missile defense.
A few days ago was just randomly reading about Guster (great band), and the drummer’s sister is a high level government insider.
All of these bands are magically able to move around in their early years (NY to LA, to HI, to northern Cali, etc) and it’s never quite explained how they afford to do it.
Mikka Shrednik
4 years ago
I always thought Jim Morrison was multi talented fella (being a film student) until I read Dave’s book… strange days…
Patrick Reilly
2 years ago
This is anything but new news…Jerry Garcia sang “I’m Uncle Sam, that’s who I am. Been hiding out, in a rock n roll band…!!!”
1 year ago
That explains why I never got into these bands, I felt they’re soulless.
5 years ago
It always gave me the creeps that the doors were produced by a Rothchild.
Bob Shackley LTD
2 years ago
I went to Timothy Leary’s memorial in Laurel Canyon and those who attended talked about his involvement in CIA and Hollywood.
Yeh Heh
5 years ago
dude writes a book about the CIA being all over Laurel Canyon and dies shortly after. “and there’s a guy from the CIA wandering around Laurel Canyon” – Frank Zappa, son of a chemical weapon engineer for the US Air Force, “Call Any Vegetable” from The Freak Out album.
troy j
2 years ago (edited)
What about all the British rockers did they have the same background ?!? The world we live in is very evil ! I believe everything has been a lie !?!
Tom Ripsin
5 years ago
36:31 I’m sure this is far from a unique observation, but it always struck me that there was an attempt in the 90’s music scene to recreate the 60’s. Both with the sound & lyric content of some of the bands, & the whole Lollapolooza thing. I look forward to alternative researchers revealing the military intelligence connections with that scene as well.
4 years ago
The Beatles had been frequenting the Sharon Tate murder house in 67 and 68. Sharon’s husband, Roman Polanski, directed “Rosemary’s Baby”, which was filmed on location at the Dakota, the site of John’s assassination 13 years later.
Adrian Healy
1 year ago
“You should know, how all the pros play the game, you change your name” – Steely Dan
2 years ago
Great interview on this subject! No mention of the presence and part of Alister Crowly , Ordo Templi Orientis in this Laurel Canyon community. Crowly was a major guiding influence. Why intentionally avoid this. It had to be intentional no doubt. Very strange!
Cq Christos
5 years ago
I always wondered if Joni Mitchell’s battle with Morgellon’s Disease was somehow connected with military covert ops and testing. It seems totally possible after listening to this interview.
Patricia Ducent
2 years ago
This really happened.
I was 19 and leader singer in a band called Storm.
I was the baby of the band and the leader thought it would be a good idea to take some “pink flamingos”, which is strong LSD.
I saw angels, but everyone else freaked out so bad, it was crazy!!!
In a desperate attempt to calm things down, I dat them down and told them I would take the dark out of them and toss out the window and the dark would not hurt them anymore.
That energy turned into a bright red first ball and I tossed it out the window.
We all watched it fly down and it went straight into the generation room which functioned the electricity for the entire block of flats.
Low and behold , that whole room exploded!!!
Not joking, a huge explosion.
Police, fire brigades, ambulance and other authorities arrived.
We ran out of that flat like bad people.
That drug opens you to other dimensions you don’t know exists.
It took us a while to recover and we never touched that stuff again.
So much for song writing.
Don’t touch that stuff, you never know where your going or if you’ll find your way back again!!!!
Miranda Howard
4 years ago
Love Dave. He will be missed. Just one more tragedy surrounding Laurel Canyon.
Paula Tuttle
2 years ago (edited)
Just bought the book! Thanks David & Michael! I was born in 1950, so I was in the thick of the hippie movement, although I never bought into it on the Woodstock level. Watched it mostly from the perameters. I’ve read much about the whole movement being a psyop, but Dave, you’re the 1st I’ve heard put the lineage of the ‘players’ into the picture. What in our lives HASN’T been staged & engineered I ask!??
#8472 CubeBuster
5 years ago
Great interview, subject and guest. I have listened to Dave McGowan on many interviews… it is a great book! Thanks Dave!
PhantomOf The Psy-Opera
5 years ago
Dave passed away on Sunday November 22nd 2015…….you will be missed greatly Dave!
2 years ago
That was one of the most interesting videos I have seen in a long.time. Well researched, well presented. You are a fantastic host allowing the presenter to actually present their topic without cutting them off all the time. Well done. Everything is connected, the trick is to follow the path without veering too far off.
Paddy O
2 years ago
Try being sane in an insane world..?
Front Roll
1 year ago
Dave McGowan is one of those researchers that come along once in a lifetime and blow the lid off things no man nor woman would ever even dream of touching, god rest him.
Kevin Smith
2 years ago
that was really interesting.I always wondered where the hippie movement actually came out of and their connection to the elite i gotta read the book
The Emptys Response
1 year ago
Dave McGowan. Beautiful human being. Rest in peace mate. And thanks for sharing this vital information.
michael theiss
2 years ago
They all played their parts really well. Mission accomplished.
Nice Guy
2 years ago
Don’t forget Sonny & Cher! EXPLAIN THAT.
5 years ago
Dave McGowan was a fine gentleman.
5 years ago
Sure wish Dave’s website was still up. 🙁
kevin D blanch
4 years ago (edited)
by the way i love DAVE McGowan s work fantastic INTERVIEW THANK YOU BOTH i am working on the nuclear part you helped me out with a few details today THANK YOU
1 year ago
I’m reading the book and it will definitely open your eyes.
Jason Lee !
5 years ago
The devil had the best music and the best dope apparently. The 60s was basically a major step toward one world order. The pied piper, down through the ages……
Matt Jones
1 year ago (edited)
Great book. Answers many questions of what is taking place today.
PBR Streetgang
5 years ago
Man, I feel so bad. Such a great interview, intelligent and entertaining. Then I look at the posts below, and want to cry because people can’t accept the facts presented in McGowan’s book. There is NO implication that the author published a book (which I have cross-referenced thoroughly. These are just the facts, and people can’t face the music because they have bought into the grass-roots facade of peace, anti-war protestors, and overall hippie / good vibes of the time. There was a lot of great music produced, and I don’t think many of the musicians knew what they were being used to fabricate a movement. Great interview, thoroughly enjoyed it.
Alice Wonderland
2 years ago
How ironic that Morrison’s “The End” opens the film Apocalypse Now.
Free Mind
3 years ago
Its awesome to reflect on all you watched and listeneded to all your life with a historical scientific and fair approach. Thank you guys for that
Alienbeing Take me to your dealer
3 years ago
Awesome research. Definitely one of the best of all time. Rip Dave McGowan
Joe Bauers
5 years ago
Just found out that Dave Mcgowan died. On November 22nd oddly enough. From a, heh hem… “fast acting rare form of cancer” if ya know what I mean. Huge loss… Damn. RIP
Trish Robinson
3 years ago
Still miss Dave. Recently read all his books. Again.
Christopher Esposito
4 years ago
It wasn’t like all the artists mentioned were born and bread in Laurel Canyon. Most artists listed were from different parts of the U.S. who all flocked to the scene that was booming in Laurel Canyon in the 1960’s. Just like Greenwich Village N.Y.C of that time. Or Even London or Paris…. In the 1960’s many kids came from a military backgrounds. If I even think about it….both my grandfathers were in the military during WWII. So I guess my mother was a secret operative too. Because she met many of the artists listed where she group up in the West Village. They all lived there too. These were kids who just rebelled. Regarding Jim Morrison not being that much into music before stardom is untrue. He loved the blues…during his adolescents he would sneak out of his house to go listen to some blues gigs…He also loved Elvis and Frank Sinatra. In addition‚ He began composing singing melodies as back as his senior year in highschool. They were all in the right place in the right time.
Historiane historiane
5 years ago
Brilliant show, I enjoyed it
Randy White
2 years ago
Yea when you dance with the devil it usually doesn’t end well.
Alanson Charles
2 years ago (edited)
Makes perfect sense. Let’s not forget Aldous Huxley the Doors of perception. Isla vista u.c.s.b. Crystal ships. And M K ultra. Experiment. And much more. A sacrificial lamb for sure.
Maria Frances
2 years ago
Just found your channel. This is pretty interesting. Looking forward to checking out your other videos
Razz Berry
5 years ago
Bravo! Good job! It was hard to learn all this because I was in the music business in LA, but it’s true. Back in ’69 it was a great scene. I lived 2 blks. from the Whiskey and it was my home. Dave McGowan’s book hit the nail on the head. These groups were put in place and so was the dress. I can’t remember who’s wife started the hippy look, but it was made to make us look bad so we wouldn’t be taken seriously. All with a motive, but it was OUR time and I still have fond memories.
Burn’em all FIREBALL
2 years ago (edited)
awesome vlog sounds like a great book ill look for it im a writer i like supporting writers !??? Yes but whos the puppet masters ??
Andrew Brunelle
2 years ago
I heard about his book from David Icke and he did a video on it. Great to see the author give an interview about the book. It’s amazing how much so many movements are orchestrated by military, CIA, and other influencers behind the scene.
2 years ago
I remember about 25 years ago some radio dj remarked about an Alanis morriset song..
” She has so much anger for a girl in her early 20s, more like its the words of a 45 year old angry guy!”
Cassie Henderson
4 years ago
Yup, the dots are joining up. Good stuff.
4 years ago
Just like there was like three different looking of Beatles in the 60s
Linda & Andy Springer
2 years ago
I had a dream 2 years ago – morrisons song was the back drop – riders on the storm – these – woke-up ; they are gods children – caught up. The Lord returns in gloom of darkness in clouds with his children
Forms In Space
4 years ago
great interview. I’ve also heard most of this stuff many years ago from “lenny bloom aka nelson thall”
Richard Rude
1 year ago
This story is the best Netflix miniseries waiting to happen ever! But it will never get made and we all know why
Peter Mueller Tunes
1 year ago
Wow awesome video, thanks for sharing, best wishes, Pete,
Lobster Gate
5 years ago
God bless this man for the truth he left us to help us crack the mystery of our mind controlled world.
Martin Lucky Bramah
2 years ago
+ The Wrecking Crew were the session band that actually recorded all the hit records for nearly all these bands and many other pop acts too.
John Fernandes – jfmax2000
4 years ago
Some Very Interesting Parallels I Must Say
Rudi Stade
2 years ago
What a great first episode! Very informative. R.I.P. David McGowan
Brian Holleran
4 years ago
Very Illuminating, thanks for the post.
Dave Gill
3 years ago
Here is one important piece the man left out of his book that will unlock a big piece of the Laurel Canyon Puzzle…a court case that started in 1963 and lasted until about 1972. It is this:
Doris Day and Terry Melcher Versus JEROME B. ROSENTHAL, Jay Sarno, CLifford Heinz, Dallas Cabana
Jerome Rosenthal was DOris’ Jewish boyfriend that was eventually disbarred for being a charlatan who stole all Doris’ and Terry’s money. See, the Dallas Cabana opened in 1961 with TEAMSTER money and Jay Sarno would go on to build Circus Circus and Ceasars in Las Vegas with TEAMSTER money. Terry Melcher who lived in the house Tate was murdered in with his mom knew about Cabana, Jack Ruby, the mob and was probably talking to all the friends he partied with in Laurel Canyon about it.
I think the Tate murders were a military hit in response to this court case to help keep things from getting out because this court case IS the Achillies Heel of the Kennedy Assassination! Look up a man named Nat Weiss, he is the BEETLES American Manager. The BEETLES playes the Cabana in 1964. Well Jack Ruby’s friend BARNEY ROSS lived with NAT WEISS in New York City! On 63rd Street! They were both Jewish, and gay. That’s not all, Jack Ruby’s other gay friend George Senator also stayed with Weiss and ROss after he lied to the Warren Commission. They knew he was lying. The reason I know these things is from a mistake these people made in publishing their real addresses for Jack Ruby’s Defense Fund in an Ad in the New York Times a few years after Kennedy was killed.
Is it not interesting that the Dallas Cabana is a pivotal point for TEAMSTERS, the JFK Assassination, and Jack Ruby’s friends having the BEETLES play there?
I also have a picture from the Chicago Tribune SHowing a picture of SOnny Liston, Harry Bloomfield(sonnys boxing manager for a time), Joe Glaser(from associated booking and the MCA), with Sammy Davis Jr.(rat packer and Satanist who converted to Judaism), with the musical group the Monkees. These men, Glaser and Bloomfield, were also in Ruby’s address book.
Main point here is Melcher’s court case was going to expose delicate things happening in Dallas! Perhaps not intentionally but the military could take no chances. Get this, Jim Braden was arrested in Dallas 11-22-63. Jim Braden worked out of the same offices in LA(los angeles) as Jerome B. Rosenthal ! You don’t think Doris Day or Terry Melcher knew a thing or two he may have told friends at all those parties in Laurel Canyon? All those military kids? How long until word got back that Melcher was blabbing? I discovered these angles from information right in front of our faces but never heard it from anyone else…..
Louis In Name Only
2 years ago (edited)
Glad you guys are tested when you did this, immmmm holding my breath for a toke , you guys are great…..Draft #
tom bennett
3 years ago (edited)
this is extremely eye opening. it looks like those in charge gave them young people a game to play so they wouldnt play their own game.
Rich Campus
2 years ago
I grew up in North Hollywood and I must admit that while I never knew about this inpartuclar, I must also admit that I feel that I have felt it’s effects all throughout my lifetime. ~●~
Greg Fuller
2 years ago
Great show! Big fan!
2 years ago
Amazing book. Great Interview. Sadly mr. McGowan is not with us anymore. God bless him.
danilko paskudnik
3 years ago
Wazoo Muffin Research Utility Kitchen .. also in Canyon
2 years ago
I read this book & also the one on serial killers, only to find out that he’d died a month or so earlier. A real shame; I think that he was on to something … which, o/c might explain his death.
2 years ago
You forgot about my good friend Neil Young. He really isn’t young that’s just a ironic joke. His real last name is Oldenberg and he is very very old. He actually played the Great Pyramid at their grand opening as Amen and the Hotsteps but they didn’t have drumsets back then so they had Professor Griff doing beatbox. The Professor is very very old himself but thats another story …
Rippin Around Everywhere
2 years ago
Great show man!!
3 years ago (edited)
I enjoyed Dave’s book, and love hearing about the Laurel Canyon story. For a time there was a multi-part blog series available for reading on the internet all about this story. Perhaps Dave was the blog author. In that series, he goes into much more detail on select topics that were covered in the book. Great reading, but much of it is not available anymore. If anyone knows what I’m talking about, and can clarify who wrote that blog, and where the complete series is, I thank you in advance.
That said, Dave’s account of The Byrds in this interview is not true. He said that the musicians were more or less “selected” as if from a central casting, and they didn’t have much musical experience prior (like the Monkeys, right?) to getting together. The truth is that the founding members – McGuinn, Clark and Crosby – were all part of known professional folk acts (McGuinn especially) prior to forming The Byrds. Hillman was a known talent in the bluegrass scene, and was recommended by the band’s music producer at the time. The only founding member whose music ability was suspect was the drummer Micheal Clarke. The issue of the Byrds not being “good” or not being able to play, comes from the fact that their live act did tend to be less than exciting. None of them were magnetic performers, and at the time they didn’t have a way to reproduce the lush sound of their studio recordings. There is a multi-part video series here on YouTube that documents their actual history, which is backed up by multiple sources and photos.
Tony M
2 years ago
when he talked of a transformation physically, he doesn’t talk about how Jim lost a ton of weight ,that Summer when he met Manzarek. he felt like a rock god the way he couldn’t before his body image changed. there aren’t too many Leslie Wests.
john johnson
2 years ago
Just ordered the book. Thanks. Great interview.
Nancy Kidd
2 years ago
Forgot to say ,l read that book and really enjoyed it .l get to see Dave l wondered about him.
Bryant Givens
2 years ago
Great work, keep it up!
6 years ago
holy fucking shit, 15 minutes into this thing and my jaw is on the floor. very very shocked & fascinated.
Floyd Grove
5 years ago
McGuinn and Crosby were both experienced folk musicians when The Byrds debuted. Both had recorded: McGuinn as a banjoist-singer, and Crosby as a member of Les Baxter’s Balladeers. Baxter was a veteran bandleader/arranger for Capitol Records. He was one of the Capitol stars to leave Capitol in order to go with Frank Sinatra’s new label, Reprise, in, I believe, 1961. He was also Roger Corman’s resident film composer for American International (Master of the World, The House of Usher, Beach Blanket Bingo). Floyd Crosby, David’s father, had been Corman’s long-time cameraman, so it’s not strange that David Crosby should meet Baxter and start a recording career.
4 years ago
I’ve been trying to find a photo of John Phillips’ at Annapolis without success. I wish Dave where here to point me in the right direction.
Baljit Narwal
1 year ago
Wow, so great secrets out.
Liked, TFS.
horst baur
2 years ago
Boy, am I confused right now? Excellent interview. Is anything real in the world? Don’t know why, but for some reason I keep on thinking of the lyrics from In The Court of the Crimson King.
Floyd Brennan
2 years ago
The 1960’s was actually inspired by two individuals, one good and one not so good. The good side of the 60’s (respecting the earth, peacefully protesting war, being non-materialistic) was inspired by good guy Henry David Thoreau. The dark side of the sixties (the violence, hedonism, Bill Ayers, Charles Manson) was inspired by bad guy Aleister Crowley. So, now one can see why there was all this darkness happening amid the so called “love and peace” movement. In fact, the expression of the 60’s “do you own thing” actually came from Crowley’s famous quote “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”
The Peace Maker
2 years ago
That was a very informative report I really thought that you were going to get into how these infiltrated rockstars operated for the government.
Nature Coast Of Florida
2 years ago
Great place to film a Moon Landing
5 years ago
Great stuff. Thanks much.
lion king
2 years ago
this was fascinating. loved it.thanks
David Evans
4 years ago
Truth be told, most of the people I ever knew as part of the hippie “peace and love” counter-culture turned out to be assholes.
Robert Estrada
2 years ago
There is a very practical reason for this. My Father was Army S-2 and my Mom worked at the ‘Top Secret’ Santa Susana Field Laboratory. My sister ended up working at NBC and I was a ‘roadie’ for many years, working for Clapton, Jackson, and Paul Simon. Thousands of families based in the Military Industrial Complex adjacent to Hollywood= Rock Stars
2 years ago
How did I miss this one? I thought I saw all of the LipTV videos before you shut down…you did shut down, right? Just ordered this book in Audible format.
Alejandro Ungaro
3 months ago
My biggest sincere congratulations to the intelligence community!!!Not only you deceived the world,you also created the whole pop culture!!!Superb supergenious you are!!!
G Mag
2 years ago
Aleister Crowley ” Doest what thou Wilt” was the mantra during this music explosion
Michael Alspach
4 years ago
the guy says it was little known about the CIA in laurel canyon in Los Angeles until recently BUT.. let me point out that Frank Zappa spoke about it openly on one of his albums… in the late 60’s.. meaning at the time..
2 years ago
It’s hard for most people to come to the realization that the movie and music industries were never meant for entertainment. The more I wake up and see it, the more I wake up and see it. ????????
Greg Ner
2 years ago
00:01 Welcoming author David McGowan to Antidote.
01:00 What Lookout Mountain Laboratories was designed for, and what it is now.
06:05 Jim Morrison’s father’s involvement in the Vietnam war.
09:25 Morrison as an anti-war idol and his surprisingly scarce background in music.
12:55 Hippie-era bands that all had connections to government intelligence.
15:30 Crosby, Stills and Nash’s connections to important historical figures.
18:45 Frank Zappa’s father as a chemical warfare engineer.
20:20 Jackson Browne born in post-war Germany.
23:30 Early history of The Byrds appears suspicious and possibly casted.
25:15 The rise of hippie culture and music clubs in Los Angeles.
29:10 How The Young Turks of Los Angeles contributed to the popularization of clubs.
32:00 The Hippie/Rockefeller connection.
33:25 Charles Manson as a leader and a member of the Los Angeles music scene.
37:05 The Wonderland Murders.
39:05 The surprising number of stars whose parents committed suicide.
41:10 Were these hippie musical figures groomed to undermine the anti-war movement?
46:20 Thank you and goodbye.
Froggy Frog 9000
3 years ago
McGowan has achieved some incredible original research with bringing the Hippie movement and the rock stars of the era and the connection with Laurel Canyon into focus. Big respect.
Coco Swimmer
2 years ago (edited)
IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS! Recall in 1860’s Bohemian culture that also had a counter culture revolution. Many Reverse gender musicians have also been exposed as well from these families. Just bought the book !
4 years ago
haha everyone has a brain freeze Dave…LOVE’s guitarist JOHNNY ECHOLS ! .. . a friend of mine. He lives with another friend, Georgianna Steel Waller, Daughter of Geofferry Steel, British Actor and Widow of Gordon Waller of Peter and Gordon. Had to cover that. Really enjoyed this btw.
Brigitte LM
2 years ago
I was there living in area and the Canyon and it all rings true. My Mom was friends with the players in the Monkees and The Beach Boys, Terry Melcher and Desi Arnez Jr. You would be amazed at who lived on my road in the a Canyon. I was young and played with their kids and hung with the adults. Can’t wait to read this book. I always had a weird feeling as an adult that the MKUltra, Brain washing thing had a hand in the Manson Murders more than the vendetta against Manson being slighted on his stolen songs. For those of you that may not know It was the house, not the actual people as to why the Mansin Murders happened and the loss if Sharon Tate, baby and friends that night.
Cali Blue 2
5 months ago (edited)
I read every book ever written about Jim and there are stories about him before his rockstar days liking to habituate seedy blues clubs on the edge of town. He would always insist on “pushing on to the fringe” for the greatest experience and pretty much kept that philosophy his whole life. The story was he resented his father who was mostly absent and his father basically disapproved of what he considered his disheveled appearance because any money they gave him for clothes and haircuts he would spend on books because he was a total intellectual – a prolific reader of writers like Rimbaud and Nietchze. He may not of been much of a musician but he was an amazing poet and thus lyricist. All of his writings still translate and perfectly describe now in prophetic terms. However It doesn’t surprise me if they groomed him from birth.
Creative Brunette
2 years ago
Lana del Rey mentions her love of Laurel canyon and the music that came from there a lot; she wrote a song called Heroin with these lyrics:
Topangas hot today, Manson’s in the air
And all my friends have come ’cause they still feel him here
I wanna leave, I’ll probably stay another year
It’s hard to leave when absolutely nothing’s clear
I’m flying to the moon again
Dreaming about heroin
Oh, writing in blood, on the walls and shit
My God, oh god
Jumping off from the walls into the docks and shit
There’s more to it, but Lana is definitely keeping that spirit of Laurel Canyon alive. Don’t get me wrong, I love her music but I also notice things she writes and says from time to time and it smells like the same influence that inspired the previous music that’s come from the LA music scene during the 60s. I just don’t know who her handler is – could be multiple people over the years. Everyone is interconnected in Hollywood and the govt/military/media.
2 years ago
John Barbatta, the never known drummer from the Turtles lol was actually an ace studio pro who played on many recordings by many bands. Maybe even the Byrds. 😉
5 years ago
Jim also starred in a video put out by the University of Florida but was probabl7 financed bye the pentagon… The video was intended to discourage men from pursuing a higher education and to prepare for their actual future in the army… So Jim was an agent.. He was also “Sheep dipped” in order to provide him street cred.. In his Paris photos he looked like a sweater wearing yuppie.. Going into something more like witness program was what most likely occurred.. That of course was the real reason for going to Paris.. So he was would be able to facilitate the event without media or witnesses present to see or tell… Jimmy Hendrix was also still a member of the 82nd airborne…
Green-Eyed Child
2 years ago
wow very interting guys!
2 years ago (edited)
They killed David, he dug too deep and was too good at making connections.
Davids words posted before his death on his own website…On 14 April 2015, I presented a lengthy video deconstruction of the 2013 Boston Marathon incident through the Caravan to Midnight radio show/podcast. About a week later (on 20 April of all days), the nearly four-hour video presentation was uploaded to YouTube. Not long after that, someone using the username Phoenix Archangel posted an interesting comment: “John [Wells, the host of the show] always signs off with some of the best advice ever. Speaking of advice: this David McGowan fella really ought to quit smoking. With all the elitist feathers he’s ruffling, he’s likely to come down with a spontaneous case of hitherto undiagnosed stage 4 inoperable Pancreatic cancer.”
he/she wasn’t too far off, though I’ve been told that it’s actually incurable small-cell lung cancer that has already spread to my liver and bones. And no, that’s unfortunately not a joke. It’s my new reality as of just a few short weeks ago, when my entire world was turned upside-down and I suddenly found myself being admitted to the oncology ward at Glendale Adventist Medical Center. Four days later, I was beginning my first round of chemotherapy infusions. The second round began on 15 June.
David died later that year.. 23 November 2015 (Age 55)… RIP Truthseeker
1 year ago
Long Live Dave McGowan, he passed 9 months after this was released. Only makes me curious to buy his book. Did they bump him off? Makes one wonder. Thanks for this interview. Good job.
Mike McGomer
2 years ago
Mind control was perfected after they found out that sexually abused children will split into multiple personalities with different names and atributes, like Billy Milligan( the minds of Billy milligan whose protector personality who wrote different languages and a karate expert. Like a Jason Bourne.
ghost rider
4 years ago
Apparently, there is some evidence that official narrative concerning the Tate murders could be inaccurate.
3 years ago
I scored some good LSD in Laural Canyon. Powerful stuff.
Kathy Jones
3 years ago
He said that Jim Morrison didn’t have any musical training whatsoever. I thought he used to sing with his family around the piano while his father played. Somebody posted that with another video.
2 years ago
The most epic movie in waiting that will NEVER be made.
2 years ago
When Yoko Ono told John Lennon that the Tavastock institute was controlling all of their music through producers and friends he left that beatles. He did one part of an interview about Tavastock but before he could do the second half he was shot!!!
Michael Ledford
3 years ago
I lived in Cali from 1955 until I joined the Marine Corps in 1965,when I returned from Vietnam In 1969 I returned to California in the midst of white college kids going berserk, not the freaks from the canyon scene.
carl hassell
4 years ago
missing Dave.Thanx,Sir!
Animal Black
2 years ago
Excellent thxu. Well layed out.
John Bozzi
2 years ago (edited)
Ray Manzarek was Army Security Agency as a prospective intelligence analyst in Okinawa and then Laos. This blew my mind after reading his bio. Ray claimed to be the first Doors member who actually knew Jim Morrison. Interesting, I never heard Ray ever mention this part of his bio,. Wonder If Jim & Ray actually met at Laurel Canyon. Fascinating!
ric david
1 year ago
great video thanks a lot
Bryan McCarthy
3 years ago
Roger McGuinn was a great guitar player before The Byrds.
Mathis Haglund
11 months ago
What I wouldn’t give to see The Doors and Frank Zappa play live… 🙂
Brandon Hardin
2 years ago
Great video.
Wayne Mickel
Wayne Mickel
2 years ago (edited)
Frank Zappa was famous there too and for longer since he was a conductor, The group Love said t he Doors won over Electra for a contract for a good tour
Michael J Schumann
Michael J Schumann
2 years ago (edited)
6% of separation means you can virtually connect anybody to anyone else hence 6% to Kevin Bacon. I have a former best friend who lives in Tucson where musicians like Alice Cooper and Paul McCartney have or had homes. Every year AC has a Halloween party even though he’s a devout Christian just for family, friends, and a few devoted fans. My former friend Tony who I still consider a friend made the invite because he’s a fan and amateur musician and therefore I’m one or two degrees separated from AC.
Of course there’s going to be a connection to all these people in Laurel Canyon because it was an obvious hub for all these assorted nefarious and not so nefarious groups because everyone was flocking to this area near LA where everything in Pop Culture was occurring. Following WWII you had all these Military Bases still in use, Hollywood, and the burgeoning Music Biz concentrated their where life was good, money abundant, and all the talented and beautiful people living in or hanging around so therefore all these divergent people came together to form a toxic soup. On top of that you have all the monied families moving up and down the California Coast because it’s the modern day Utopia or Shambhala, that’s why everyone wants to live there, and lives there that has the means and talent. They don’t call LA Sodom and Gammorah for nothing since anything goes and is tolerated. It’s the bastion for the current Progressive Liberal movement and full of lurking monsters like Manson and his family, or more currently the Harvey Weinstein who reigned in Hollywood for so many years…
I’m sure Dave and Michael this book probably almost wrote itself! ???????
Poor Man’s Preparing
Poor Man’s Preparing
4 years ago
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Into this house we’re born
Into this world we’re thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out on loan
Riders on the storm
I wonder what the line “actor out on loan” means? Anyone know?
Armenias Thunk
Armenias Thunk
2 years ago
Damn, I thought you might have something interesting to add, but I’m sure as Hell not going to sit through 6 commercials to hear you say it. Goooood luck wit dat.
Josh Strain
Josh Strain
2 years ago
Dave looks like a hybrid of half Beavis , half Butthead and sounds kinda like Norm McDonald . The perfect man .
John Kavanaugh
John Kavanaugh
2 years ago (edited)
My uncle was the coolest person you’d ever want to meet and knew everybody I Can’t Tell You Why but he was a Vietnam Vet and was a Medevac who saved a lot of lives and made it a lot better for a lot of Vietnam Vets who know all about it I’ll leave it at that peace in.
Kevin Surname
Kevin Surname
8 months ago
Dave’s write up on Laurel Canyon and the moon landings are some of the best so called conspiracy stuff I’ve ever read.
5 years ago
7:21 Scratch temple illuminati signal, then scratch his face to disguise it. He’s part of the problem, only re-releasing basic tid bits as his handlers approve. My Manson familty video “Secret Code of Jabberwocky 4” proves that The Doors hit: “Celebration of the Lizard” is an exact reference to the Manson Sharon tate murders, Eyes in their nipples = Stab wounds in breasts” as seen in autopsy.
2 years ago
Wow . 1:41 in ….. SUB …… light me up . I have empty head . Slice it properly , stack it . Shove it indair .
Richard Beam
Richard Beam
4 years ago
Jim Morrison had a rift with his father after entering college and realizing what bullshit his father was into. Whenever he was asked about his parents he said they were dead. In the song “The End” he even commits patricide. I always thought that it was likely his father had him killed. Jim may not have studied music but he was a natural. If you listen to the album American Prayer he says “I’ll always be a word man, better than a bird man.” So Jim considered himself a political poet with very dark overtones because he had very little faith that humans could avoid self-destruction. Looks like he was right!
4 years ago
Thank you Dave.
2 years ago
Loved the alternative facts, thanks for sharing the misinformation! Did KellyAnne help you write this?
Chantal Exposé
Chantal Exposé
5 years ago
Dave appears just a tad nervous, as there was a LOT more to it all.. Hope he can stay safe..
dave kraft
dave kraft
3 years ago
fantastic work thank you
Rebekah Legion SundayGirlJournals
Rebekah Legion SundayGirlJournals
2 years ago (edited)
These clubs have always morphed & showcased the most popular bands, playing the hippest music of the Day. Originally many of these were Jazz Clubs. 1.) Max’s Kansas City Diner opened in 1933. 2.) The Troubadour opened in 1957. 3.) The LA Whiskey A Go Go opened in 1964 but had earlier branches in Chicago & Washington. The site where Whiskey is in LA used to House a Jazz Club called The Whiskey Club or The Go Go Club. 4.) CBGB’s was in New York & didn’t open until 1973. 5.) The Roxy didn’t open until 1973 either. 6.) The Rainbow Bar & Grill, where all these stars would hang out even after They were famous, opened under that Name in 1972 when it had new owners. However, the only thing that changed was the Name. The decor & scene has stayed the same since the 1920’s when it was called “The Villa Nova” from 1933-1972 & has always had an area for locals, an area for tourists, seating for show Girls & strippers, then a main area of pretty Young Women which surrounds a VIP area for music stars & their entourage plus famous actors. Prior to that it was “The Mermaid Cafe” in the late 1920’s when it was built. So back then, the 60’s stars would have visited the Rainbow as The Villa Nova.
But all the above were clubs before the 60’s & had changed hands & Names through the years. I just know about The Rainbow than the others as I watched a lot of stuff about it. Point is, these clubs did nit pop up in the 60’s & many of them were not in California at all.
John Kavanaugh
John Kavanaugh
2 years ago
I learned all this through my Uncle Mike Kavanaugh who died in phillipsville California in the Redwoods and was buried in Redway he told me all about it some crazy ass shit.
Kourtney Konspiracy
Kourtney Konspiracy
2 months ago
Music is mind control. ??
4 years ago
It was all a psyop. It’s still going on.
This Bull Rocks
This Bull Rocks
3 years ago
RIP Dave McGowan – he was right on!
Steve Lamb
Steve Lamb
2 years ago
If you read the last chapter of Langers “The mind of Adolph Hitler” You have already reached the conclusion that the Hippie movement was a CIA operation
Cara B.
Cara B.
1 year ago
This video was informative. I heard about Mr. McGowan and his book on another channel called Sage of Quay. Mr. McGowan didn’t go deep enough because he would have found that The Beatles were friends of the Laurel Canyon musicians and were actively involved in the larger Tavistock- Crowley Psy-Op. This so includes the victims of Charlie Manson’s Family murder spree. Charlie knew his victims and vice versa. His secrets died with him.
5 years ago
Dave, we had our differences about Paul McCartney, but I sure do miss you and value all the amazing research that you achieved! R.I.P. brother!
Dark Star King
Dark Star King
1 year ago
I dont know how people would call all these connections “coincidence” an still keep a straight face.
2 years ago
I am a simple man i see the lizard king Jim Morrison I click
Ace Aceoflords
Ace Aceoflords
2 years ago (edited)
Outstanding Book even with more detail of military
Icon construct that was connected at the hip to Tavistock British Mania Beatle & Rolling Stones Invasion. Wish he would write a book on today’s signing with the devil in Hip Hop Rockefeller label and Gaga, Britney Spears etc. Same contracting military agency. Studio 54 come to mind in NYC same clientele.
Me H
Me H
2 years ago
To answer the question, what were they filming…. This place is part of the American Intelligence Agency… Now BBG, under the department of state…
Would be interesting to see your take on how they’d influence media, beyond the music.
Emily Bryyson
Emily Bryyson
2 years ago (edited)
Most of them have claimed to be military brats and worship their false gods and try to push that crap on us. It’s never really been a huge secret. They know exactly what they are doing!! All of them!! They are fools.
gemini rose
gemini rose
2 years ago (edited)
my whole world just flipped upside down
everything we know to be
is total bullshit
Nick Mellick
Nick Mellick
2 years ago
Chuck Barris came to my mind… He had a few major tv shows in the 60s and 70s and hosting one of them: the gong show; his most popular and which he hosted himself. Another he had was the dating show, which mama cass appeared on.
In this youtube link you can watch her talk about her experience and confessing she has know Chuck Barris for a very long time and are friends. He was the creator of these shows and confessed he was also an assin for the C.I.A through the 60s and 70s.
tulayama lavenapi
tulayama lavenapi
2 years ago
I really hate LSD, heroine, cocaine, and such drugs.
I feel very sad to hear about these things.
Especially spiking drinks that innocent young (like very young) kids had no choice but to be victims of.
(I actually never listened to any of the so-called musicians mentioned, so now I know why there was no attraction to them.)
gemini rose
gemini rose
2 years ago
Tru Keesey
Tru Keesey
6 months ago
Zappa was given a national award in Germany as a composer in later years.
Racer X
Racer X
3 years ago (edited)
Ray Manzerick seemed like he was was a handler to Jim. Jmo
2 years ago
Mind = Blown
I am going to purchase this book immediately! I can’t wait to dive down the rabbit hole. The author is going to be messing with my mind.
Linda & Andy Springer
Linda & Andy Springer
2 years ago
[reminded]-To stop gods children from being birthed the dragon threw down 1/3 of his tale.. but the children were caught up anyway
Amanda Ponder
Amanda Ponder
2 years ago
W o w. The rabbit hole gets more and more fucked up. I used to be a HUGE fan of counter culture music: the dead, doors, Janis, Hendrix, Beatles, Quicksilver, Jefferson Airplane, Bob Marley, etc. As I’ve gotten older (now 32) it’s just not the same somehow. It was such a part of my identity for so long that it’s made me feel strange that more recently I can’t get into. The vibe is just different. I have been slowly waking up over the last 2 years and this is when my music tastes started changing as well. I almost can’t enjoy anything but classical or instrumental music. I always thought that it’s because I turned the dreaded 30 years old (remember they said don’t trust people in their 30s) but now I think it’s because I finally woke up and realized that what I thought I knew was all a lie. This video (among others) has validated that for me.
Steve B.
Steve B.
2 years ago
My neighborhood is Van Cortland park
Manek Millano
Manek Millano
5 years ago
Jan Irvin, of Gnostic Media, has also in-depth research of this topic….for anyone interested in this subject.
2 years ago
I just knew there was something sinister about the goodness of Joan Baez
New2day User
New2day User
3 years ago
the 1960s was a deeply scary decade!!
Michael Lantz
Michael Lantz
3 years ago
I heard Dave McGowan say that a lot of the bands in the 1960’s did not play on their own records.Does that include garage bands as well.Does that mean that The Gentrys,The Blues Magoos,Sam and The Sham and The Pharoahs,Count Five (Psychotic Reaction),The Beau Brummels and The 13th Floor Elevator did not play on their tracks.
Charles Marquardt
Charles Marquardt
2 years ago
I urge all to listen to the 2 album set of Frank Zappa’s “Joe’s Garage ” then “Thing Fish ” . Both album’s are a ” Rock Opera ” in my take . Both these works spelled out the reality we live today !
Sandra Ross
Sandra Ross
4 years ago
RIP Dave McGowan
Ass Ketchup
Ass Ketchup
2 years ago (edited)
Under doof grub and cq christos’ comments… There is a duplicate comment reply by think4yourself and in the case of Christos’ comment it is completely irrelevant. Think4yourself is a bot! Controlled opposition! These “things” are all over YouTube! Edit: furthermore… The only way I’ve ever been able to spot them is no profile pic + duplicate comments. And just look at all the comments on this page man!
Sean MacLeod
Sean MacLeod
2 years ago
Here is a link, for all interested, on a new Beatles book – the Religious, Esoteric and Occult World of the Beatles. ‘A must read for all Beatles’ fans’- Eoin Devereux, author of Morrissey : Fandom, Representation and Identity and David Bowie: Routledge Studies in Popular Music:
robpollard33 FLAT ALBION
robpollard33 FLAT ALBION
5 years ago
is this richard D Hall using a pseudonym lol 🙂 nice vid
Zetetik –
Zetetik –
2 years ago (edited)
Some FASCINATING potentially ‘significant coincidences’ in these life stories…
RIP Dave McGowan – Dead of a rare type of cancer, just months after releasing his book. ^ ^
Trish Robinson
Trish Robinson
4 years ago
I miss Dave.
2 years ago (edited)
Jim Morrison in 1967 looked exactly like Jim Morrison in 1961 after high school, all the way down to vinyl, not leather, clothes (sometimes), except that he was 6 years older. He was a serious, humorous, bohemian kid, who searched North Beach for the Beats when he lived in Alameda. At FSU and early UCLA, he was dressed according to dress codes. The point is, no way was he the “preppy” collegian who reinvented himself. In fact, that was the notable thing about Jim, that he refused so adamantly to become another person. That was his main theme: being yourself. In that short haired high school senior picture, having to have his hair cut for the picture is what he’s scowling about. He had not cut his hair for quite awhile, since he wanted those people to remember him as who he really was, or how he thought of himself.
2 years ago
1969-1970 LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN, CA: My husband was stationed Lookout Mountain after recieving the Airforce Commendation Medal for MORTUARY DETAIL (670 enemy bodies) January 31, 1968, the first day of the Lunar New Year, Vietnam’s most important holiday. My husband was just 19 years old!
Prior to the Tet, his commanding officer called all of his men in and asked their total life experience. My husband’s country doctor grandfather had taken him on horrific farm accidents and deaths. So, they knew it was coming and they didn’t even let them have weapons.
After Vietnam HE WAS STATIONED AT LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN photographic group. His job was to set with a panel of two other guys and view gunner videos from the helicopters.
They were to decide among them what was not fit for human consumption and CUT-N-DISPOSE of it.
He didn’t meet stars, but he did get to go to the musical HAIR and a Janice Joplin concert.
ONE ODD NOTE: While stationed there he was rushed to the Naval Hospital with thick tarry stool. He had been very healthy and recovered quickly. It remains a mystery what happened to him, but I suspect he was an unknowing Guinea Pig. He almost 72 now with dementia…Agent Orange issues (uncompensated).
IMHO the Agent Orange RANCH HAND STUDY was flawed. They compared men stationed in Germany and those that handled the barrels “wearing fully occlusive gear”, not the ones on the flight lines who were actually sprayed with Agent Orange.
2 years ago
The ties that bind WOW thanks
blues in g music
blues in g music
2 years ago
Now I know why it was so hard, to get a contract. I do know Steppenwolf were originally a Canadian band, Sparrow. John Kay, was from East Germany,(bio says he escaped with his mother, under gunfire to the West). I tried to get info from their keyboard player the late Goldy McJohn, but, he was really out there, by the time I became his fb friend. He was a bit, eccentric, if I may use that term.
2 years ago
“Everything you know is wrong. Even this.”
Christopher Esposito
Christopher Esposito
4 years ago
It wasn’t like all the artists mentioned were born and bread in Laurel Canyon. Most artists listed were from different parts of the U.S. who all flocked to the scene that was booming in Laurel Canyon in the 1960’s. Just like Greenwich Village N.Y.C of that time. Even London or Paris…. In the 1960’s many kids came from a military backgrounds. If I even think about it….both my grandfathers were in the military during WWII. So I guess my mother was a secret operative too. Because she met many of the artists listed where she group up in the West Village. They all lived there too. These were kids who just rebelled. Regarding Jim Morrison not being that much into music before stardom is untrue. He loved the blues…during his adolescents he would sneak out of his house to go listen to some blues gigs…He also loved Elvis and Frank Sinatra. In addition‚ He began composing singing melodies as back as his senior year in highschool. They were all in the right place.. in the right time.
Alabama Wyatt
Alabama Wyatt
2 years ago
This is incredible. One can only imagine any “grassroot” movement throughout human history engineered by the upper echelon disguised as organic. Nothing is ever what it seems.
2 years ago
very kool thx!!
2 years ago
Dug it??? MAN! That was Groovy!!
John Runion
John Runion
5 years ago
jim morrison wanted to be a poet, but he knew that times had changed. to get his message out he knew he had to become a rock star to reach a larger audience. he was an enigma. he was a great front man. he was a great performer. he was a great vocalist.
Joseph Campagnolo
Joseph Campagnolo
5 years ago
Around 44:50 “not one” had his musical career interrupted by the draft … NOT correct — Kenny Fukomoto of the Grass Roots : drafted. I am sure though that not many rockers of this period were drafted. I don’t know much about the “scene” of mid- to late 1960’s, and this was a truly interesting presentation.
Linda king
Linda king
2 years ago
thanks for this .
Reuben Kincaid
Reuben Kincaid
4 years ago (edited)
Awesome topic, and even as lifelong student of the music of that place & era, I learned quite a few things from this interview. I’ll have to read the Weird Scenes book. The Covert War on Rock is another interesting one. Undoubtedly the CIA/Rothschild hand was at work in L.A. in the mid-60’s. And suspected objective McGowan refers to is 100% hegelian dialect, which is telling. Ritual child abuse was happening at The Presidio base at the same time, we know that, and they were all intelligence people, too.
4 years ago (edited)
The U.S. Aircraft Carrier involved in the Gulf of Tonkin incident was the Ticonderoga, Not the Bon Homme Richard of Admiral George Stephen Morrison, father of The Doors lead singer Jim Morrison
6 years ago
Magic Mike…you better bring it dude. Magic Mike…you brought it dude.
2 years ago
I knew it was post beatnik LA. Height Ashbury & SoHo were way later in the game.
Micah Lee
Micah Lee
3 years ago
Waiting ….for some new information…
Up2 Me
Up2 Me
2 years ago
It doesn’t surprise me whatsoever… knowing how this society works and all the deceptions, psychedelics were a great tool indeed!
Hmoob Tub Fwj CHANNEL
Hmoob Tub Fwj CHANNEL
1 year ago
Pat M
Pat M
3 years ago
Fascinating interview. It all fits with the fact, the so-called anti-war hippy movement singers, songwriters, musicians, actors, etc., did almost nothing to advance the genuine anti-war agenda. For example, where are their great anti-war songs, anthems, movies, etc? Further proof is their deafening silence on the wars-for-profit in the Middle East, etc. – and on the vicious, inhumane Israeli regime. Many thanks for sharing!
Robert Bennett
Robert Bennett
3 years ago (edited)
Everyone in the US was involved in the military during WWII – It’s not surprising the musicians of the 60’s all had parents who were involved in the military. I grew up in the 60’s and my dad was in the army in WWII. Likewise, everyone I grew up with had parents that were in the military.
2 years ago (edited)
You don’t need musical training to be a great singer. Jim Morrison was a poet; that’s a strong calling card for making it if you can sing.
Rebekah Legion SundayGirlJournals
Rebekah Legion SundayGirlJournals
2 years ago (edited)
The Killer awoke before dawn, He put his boots on/ He took a face from the ancient gallery/and He walked on down the hall/He went to the room where his Sister lived,and then He/paid a visit to His Brother, and then He/He walked on down the hall, and/and He came to a door…and He looked inside/”Father?” “Yes, Son.” “I want to Kill You.”/” Mother I want to Fuck You”
Although He’s very obviously making reference to Fraud’s theory of the Oedipus Complex & even online there’s mention that He was playing out Greek drama & referencing Oedipus & Fraud, however I always wondered if there was an issue with His Father & these words immediately sprang to My mind when You mentioned His Father & in general, Jim.
Paul Dud , aka Daniel Thomson
Paul Dud , aka Daniel Thomson
2 years ago
McGowan’s book is a good read, held my interest on every page. In my opinion, most of the music, movie star and hippie scene was not planned , it just came together. The Beatles and European rock music had a lot to do with Americans and Californians competing, to keep our music just as good as theirs. Also, big bucks , fame and sex are the biggest motivation in music. Actually the generation gap was a good thing. Your parents should be parents and not your buddy, and beer drinking friend like today , today parents need to be parents and raise their kids as a boss etc.. Very scary, cops are like parents today ”shop with a cop” at Christmas etc..,,and that today, law makers turn misdemeanors into felonies as if to say, human rites and human life is cheap and worthless. Another can of worms is held back medical progress.
Rising Sun
Rising Sun
4 years ago
Dark occultist in action! More damage is done by smart phones these days! Will be interesting to see how holographic technology shapes society and art.
2 years ago
Very interesting talk.
no coat
no coat
5 years ago
Very good interview. I know a lot about this but I learned some new stuff. He’s right. The US was heavily into fighting progress in central and S. America with covert operations.
Allen Kracalik
Allen Kracalik
2 years ago
Actually, Dave, “some long forgotten drummer for the Turtles,” Don Murray, had to leave the band and enlist in the National Guard to avoid being drafted into the Vietnam conflict. Original bass player Charles Portis left the Turtles to return to college, and I think I can guess why. Nevertheless, I’ve often wondered why more of these band members weren’t drafted, like Gene Clarke, who was diagnosed with some uncommon ailment that generally affects children, and Jim Morrison, who told Doors drummer John Densmore, “They gave me a ‘Z’ classification.”
Susan Donahue
Susan Donahue
1 year ago
Interesting lyrics from Mamas & Papas song, twelve-thirty …
…. aka:Young Girls are Coming to the Canyon:
Young girls are coming to the canyon
And in the mornings I can see them walking
I can no longer keep my blinds drawn
And I can’t keep myself from talking
Cloudy waters cast no reflection
Images of beauty lie there stagnant
Vibrations bounce in no direction
And lie there shattered into fragments …
Josh Payne
Josh Payne
6 years ago
Of corse the bands had military ties!! It’s called WWII, look into it.
3 years ago
This should be on TV, like Dateline or some show like it. It’s an unsolved mystery. Haha.
ken britton
ken britton
2 years ago
Morrison never wrote any songs? He wrote ‘Wintertime Love’.There may be some other songs as well like ‘I Can’t See Your Face’.
James Mack
James Mack
2 years ago
Let’s face it….the partying never ends…..rock on
2 years ago
Is there any credible information to collaborate the story in an unauthorized bio of Manson gifting The Merry Pranksters with the bus, and engine that became Further?
S Smith
S Smith
4 years ago
RIP Dave.
Dave FromTheGrave
Dave FromTheGrave
2 years ago
In the beginning, Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon… The Doors The End, Weird Scenes Inside The Gold Mine”
DrBoogie Nobama
DrBoogie Nobama
2 years ago
Jim was never a “rock star” per se. Jim was the writer, the inspiration, the initiator, the agitator and the innovator for The Doors. I came from the same neighborhood.
ernestine maloy
ernestine maloy
2 years ago
Wow…more here than meets the eye..just…omfg…WOW…
Elizabeth Mapplebeck
Elizabeth Mapplebeck
2 years ago
sounds like Escape to Witch Mountain (1975) could have been some disclosure about “Lookout Mountain”
Barry Miller
Barry Miller
4 years ago
The Gulf of Tonkin/Admiral Morrison connection was clearly spelled out in the 1980 book No One Here Gets Out Alive. Wtf Dave?
Gerald Wallace
Gerald Wallace
5 months ago
I was thinking about this the other day before I saw this video. Country music is the most under the radar example of social behavior modification/reinforcement in the modern era. Country music has glorified/legitimized/normalized break ups, drinking habits, sports addiction, government subservience, materialism, military glorification, nationalism, broken families, calcification of critical thinking abilities and the list goes on. Its a genre within this “paradigm” of music that sends behavior modification messages exclusively (Like they all do). Have a problem in life? Its ok! Just drink it all away!! Tons of disinformation trolls too in this comment section…YIKES.
2 years ago
The music was brought to the 1960 teenagers, which then accelerated the movement to destroy the nuclear family in America.
Sherif El Kadi
Sherif El Kadi
2 years ago (edited)
For humans, there’s Orion. For birds, there’s Sygnus.
but a normal human either way has 2 eyes one for each that’s why they are many points grouped together.
but for the sun, there’s the moon. they both look like the same size … but are they ?
Any wonders about Mickey Mouse ? or the Simpsons ? <:P well … My Favorite corn Flakes ?!?!? 😛 Ancient Egypt is also very flattering. Lots of great peaceful corn flakes. We learn from around a campfire or around Tv … aka entertainment… Among us !!! O WOao ! Aliens !> hahahaha We are the Aliens … Can’t recognize ourselves as humans beings…
The question at 42:00 is like the double slid experiment.
It’s when the person is born and given name. He/she are given 3 things at once < A birthdate > A Name > & 2 Parents.
Only God knows Best
1 year ago
If the Lookout Mountain Film lab was such a well-kept secret, then I don’t understand the image behind them at 3:01. How secret could it have been?
Bob Dobalina
Bob Dobalina
3 years ago
Nice report. But. . . look at the studio background. What’s with the interlocked cubes logo? Anyone who studies iconography knows what it means (hint: inprisonment in space, in this dimension) Hmm.
They are not human
They are not human
2 years ago
RIP Dave.. Thank you so much for your dedication and motivation to uncover the truth, especially in this subject of music specifically music coming out of late 50s, 60s to present. wow. great interview and excellent subject matter. yet another huge piece of the puzzle.
Rik Ing
Rik Ing
5 years ago
The magician-look and the mise en scène makes the whole thing feel a bit suspicious.
James Fenton
James Fenton
3 years ago
Dave passed away just nine months after this interview. and this raises certain questions.
I am the same age as he was, and grew up in the same area, I don’t believe in coincidence.
Kelvin Smith
Kelvin Smith
2 years ago
Mariana Faithful has finally told what happened to Jim Morrison, he was given a heroin overdose..she was there and knows the full story.
Silky Johnson
Silky Johnson
1 year ago
This dude sounds just like Norm McDonald
Paul Frederick
Paul Frederick
2 years ago
I guess this guy never saw the Morrison biography? Because they covered Morrison’s Father being involved in the Gulf of Tonkin incident. At one point in the movie a reporter asks him about it.
stv jns
stv jns
2 years ago
I believe the TruthStream Media folks did a piece about this movie studio, its history and use.
Michael Parker Media
Michael Parker Media
4 years ago
Here’s a previous audio interview I did with Dave from 2014.
Dave McGowan: Laurel Canyon Conspiracy on The Electric Pyramid
Tyler Worrell
Tyler Worrell
4 years ago
Thank you!
Johnny Bee
Johnny Bee
3 years ago
I think that Charles Mason was nothing more than an actor.
John Kavanaugh
John Kavanaugh
2 years ago
Shit the main Highway into that area there is a list of missing people that is so long that if it ever came out I’ll just say it’s crazier than you could ever imagine a Colt influence in the area.
William Olsen
William Olsen
2 years ago
Chris Hillman said that they were all acoustic players, and electric instruments were very foreign to them.
2 years ago
You’ll find that most celebrities , musicians and politicians are all linked to the Luciferian bloodline.
Dennis OLeary
Dennis OLeary
2 years ago
In the movie “the doors” there’s a scene where a reporter finds out who his farther is and confronts him about it.
2 years ago
Jim Morrison illuminati mk ultra creation
Lucian V.
Lucian V.
2 years ago
Every time he caughed it seemed like he was pointing something out. Anyone else get that vibe??
pauline butcher bird
pauline butcher bird
2 years ago
If you take any group of people, say academics, and search their backgrounds, you will no doubt find military connections. Ditto architects, ditto lawyers, ditto surgeons, and so on. Most people have some kind of military connection in their extended families. Look around.
2 years ago (edited)
38:27 Lucky escape for the guy from Three Dog Night – guess his Mama told him not to come.
Lola Felana
Lola Felana
2 years ago
Jim Morrison was a sacrifice for his father’s involvement in the war.
AS Laing
AS Laing
4 years ago
Lana Del Rey. Totally paid for.
Alex Stein
Alex Stein
10 months ago
Great video
Steve Quizodlibumpbumpbump
Steve Quizodlibumpbumpbump
2 years ago (edited)
“He reinvented himself” — that presumed that he was actin alone. No A.
“Phillips” is a Sephardic name.
For a history of the van Cortlandts, van Rensselaers, and the van Schuylers, plus the Livingstons (Jackie Kennedy/Marylin Monroe) check out excellent American history book “America’s Secret Aristocracy” by Stephen Birmingham.
Remember Jack Parsons, one of the most notorious witches of ever.
Manson murders were fake. Sharon Tate still alive as some famous actress I forgot which one. Faked murders:
You can see on that page that one of the actors who was used as manson is obviously Dubya.
3 years ago
Children from military families sometimes flip 180 degrees from the discipline, strictness and rigor placed upon them. To become a musician is not a stretch to imagine.
Morrison was a poet who was able to seemingly effortlessly segway into writing lyrics. He was all about the poetry/ lyrics of the band while his bandmates handled the musical duties. Nothing seems strange or amiss there.
jeremie noel
jeremie noel
2 years ago
wow, this show looks professional
Trace 921
Trace 921
2 years ago
Rip Dave McGowan
Howard Kleger
Howard Kleger
5 years ago
Laurel Canyon antics; isnt this espoused on Were Only In It For The Money? and elsewhere?
2 years ago
Because sons never diametrically rebel against their fathers. Ever. re: Morrison
2 years ago
There is some really good information here however sadly there are some important topics left out…sadly.
l devine
l devine
2 years ago
WOW! Amazing
Mark Tulsa
Mark Tulsa
2 years ago
It’s doesn’t seem so odd that military brats would be rebellious.
William Schall
William Schall
2 years ago
Papa John was born at Cherry Point Marine air base and he went to Annapolis…. Naval Academy..
Laurie Gulde
Laurie Gulde
2 years ago
They might have fooled some but they didn’t fool all of us……
Stephen Hargrave
Stephen Hargrave
2 years ago
The internet’s has learnt me all I know. Rock and roll is the military true face. Genocide! We need a war
Tammany Fields
Tammany Fields
3 years ago
Very interesting .
6 years ago
Dave could have touched on a lot more pertaining to Manson it scared the interviewer I believe. He forgot to mention that possibly more people paid Tate a visit that night and it wasn’t all Charlie’s Angels either. The system had used the movement and now needed to cast a black eye on it as seen by the public. The hippie movement came to a end with this crime and the Altamont concert killing. Manson possibly used as a patsy to cast negativity towards the movement and was framed.
Peter Stone
Peter Stone
1 year ago
Thy Will be done!
There is not a mad wizard, that pulls the strings! That’s called psychosis!
citi ZEN
citi ZEN
2 years ago
alice in chains were a construct also – something most fans don’t know, and don’t want to know.
Cali Girl
Cali Girl
2 years ago
WOW … quite interesting to say the least.
Ryan Settani
Ryan Settani
2 years ago
anyone notice how coincidental it is that the 90s rock scene all came from Seattle, like what are the odds that all the 90s musicians organically came out of Seattle, population 1 mil?
Jesus’ BFF
Jesus’ BFF
3 years ago
everything is connected
Randal Turner
Randal Turner
2 years ago
I was one of the MkUltra CIA mind control victims from 1981-2013 I was in the house when Wonderland murders happened.
2 years ago
Grace Slick had access to Nixon for crying out loud. They were all unwitting players in social engineering just “doing their thing man”.
Pete Shields
Pete Shields
2 years ago
Monkey Boy
Monkey Boy
4 years ago
I wish he’d have lived long enough to discuss where the Eagles fit into the CIA’s LC scene.
The Eagles had numerous ties to LC. It’s almost like Frey or Henley could have been groomed to be executives, high level government lackeys, or musicians.
Wayne Deadder
Wayne Deadder
5 years ago
Dave, the interviewee, is very ill now. lets pull for his recovery
William Schall
William Schall
2 years ago
Phil Ochs father was Army Psychiatrist… his grandfather owned the New York Times and his cousin was an Army Colonel who fought in Vietnam…
Yourname Here
Yourname Here
2 years ago
very telling that Jim Morrisons music was chosen by certain film makers in their films depicting the horrors of the Viet Nam war.
They knew.
Seth Wolfe
Seth Wolfe
2 years ago
TV makes me sick. It has for so long
Buddy Silver
Buddy Silver
11 months ago
Petra Dollah
Petra Dollah
4 years ago
Tavistock – Soros – Bernays
5 years ago
I feel like Daniel Tosh from Tosh.0 is going to look just like that author in about fifteen to twenty years.
Archie Davis
Archie Davis
2 years ago
Try Shawn Phillips… DFW…….his dad and 1963’s dramas.
jim boccio
jim boccio
5 years ago
Big loss for all,along with William H Kennedy,R.I.P.
Willy Whitten
Willy Whitten
3 years ago (edited)
From Monterey Pop to Altamont
The CIA’s War Against the Sixties Counter-Culture
by Mae Brussell, November 1976
“American and British pop/rock music during the 60’s created an art form that has been described as one of the most important cultural revolutions in history.
Within a few years, between 1968 and 1976, many of the most famous names associated with this early movement were dead. Mama Cass Elliott (earlier with the Mamas and Papas), Jimi Hendrix, Otis Redding, Brian Jones (helped form the Rolling Stones with Mick Jagger and Keith Richards), Janis Joplin were all at the Monterey Pop celebration, summer 1967.
Duane Allman Berry Oakley (helped form Allman group with Duane and Gregg Allman), Tim Buckley, Jim Croce, Richard Farina, Donald Rex Jackson (road manager for Grateful Dead) Michael Jeffery (Jimi Hendrix’ personal manager), Brian Epstein (Beatles manager), Al Jackson (drummer for Wilson Pickett, back-up drummer for Otis Redding), Vinnie Taylor (Sha-Na-Na) Paul T. Williams (choreographer for the Temptations, and one of the original Temptations), Clarence White (Byrds), Robbie McIntosh (drummer Average White Band), Jim Morrison (Doors), Pamela Morrison (Jim’s wife), Rod McKernan “Pig Pen” (Grateful Dead), Phil Ochs, Gram Parsons (Byrds, Flying Burritos, International Submarine Band, singing with Emmylou Harris), Sal Mineo, Meredith Hunter (victim of ritual killing at Altamont Festival), Steve Perron (lead singer of Children, wrote hit songs for ZZ TOP), and Jimmy Reed (influenced many groups, combined harmonica with guitar) were a few possible victims.
Family and friends accepted the musicians depressions or accidents as having to do with alcohol, drug usage, or both. Was anything added to their beverages or drugs to cause personality changes and eventual suicides?
Almost every death was shrouded with unanswered questions and mystery.
Persons around the musicians had strange backgrounds and were often suspect.
All of these musicians were at the peak of a creative period and success at the time they were offered LSD. Their personalities altered drastically. Optimism and gratification were replaced with doubt and misery.
Why would young people with so much talent and influence as Phil Ochs, Janis Joplin, Gram Parsons, or Brian Jones wallow in suffering, self doubt, and despondency? They were all loved, doing important contributions to their concerts and compositions, cutting new records, recognized for their talent. It just doesn’t make sense.”
Igor St.George’s Butler
Igor St.George’s Butler
2 years ago (edited)
Being born in the early sixties, and having a brother and sister who were both teens by the time the whole ball got rolling, was for me a terrifying and dangerous period of my life. If I saw or heard something I wasn’t supposed to see or hear (I wasn’t supposed to see or hear much of anything that was really happening) could get me killed or at least badly traumatized. It seemed my sister was possessed by a demon. She would scream out repeatedly almost every night while sleeping, in a manlike voice, that she was going to kill me. (I did manage to survive at least three willful attempts on my life by my sister.) My brother would train his dog to be viscious and it would attack me if I did anything other than act like a scared child, and then go to my brother expecting to be rewarded.
All I ever saw were kids who became so confused by experimenting with any substance they could get their hands on that their whole lives revolved around getting high and nothing else mattered.
When it did seem like a fun expressive time and I was getting attention, it always turned out be be a bad joke being played on me.
My poor parents had no way of knowing how to handle the situation, especially after my sister pulled a false flag and had my dad arrested for child beating because he said she could not smoke cigarettes. My mother was an abused child, physically and psychologically, and never did anything to my siblings except give them pointers about how to abuse me without leaving incriminating evidence. My father stayed in the marriage because I begged him not to leave me with mom and older siblings, but he was just too traumatized himself from military experiences and the false arrest to avoid adding to my trauma.
So .. .. .. .. Peace and Love my donkey.
These are just some of the debris left at the opening of this rabbit hole. Family to me is just an “F” word anymore.
I blame the aliens?. My dad was an MP at white sands missile range in 1947… and not expected to survive Operation Crossroads as far as I can tell from comparing his story to what is publicly available.
I do not even know my mother’s real maiden name, as her father was a “refugee” from WWI who changed his name and never shared what it was or gave a convincing answer as to why. It may be he was part of a family syndicate that murdered spouses and made it look like natural causes to inherit property and valuables. (I have found opportunity, motive, circumstantial evidence, common behaviors, locales, and facial features with “refugees” from the same region, as well as the same surname that he chose when he arrived, just no direct proof.)
Now that both parents are dead (My mother finally did kill my father through cruelty and negligence as soon as she could force me to leave the farm and have him alone, and of course she ran to a lawyer with one of her siblings and my brother to try and defraud me of my inheritance.)
My brother and sister now appear to be trying to have me killed or to be so isolated I give up and kill myself.
There is clearly institutional collusion and protection occurring and probable connections to occult groups. There is no help offered to the widows son, only “for him”, which to me means there is only help to hide the truth if it dares raise itself in spite of all.
I do not expect anyone to see or read this except the usual suspects… I do not fear because I know well enough what scares them.
Basically I am just chiming in here to say, yeah there is probably a lot to what this video says and that the hippie culture is not your “friend”…nor is the social media culture for that matter.j
Joseph David
Joseph David
2 years ago (edited)
While at Saint Mary’s College, Moraga, Ca in 1967, my sophomore year and 20 years old, I attended the nationwide peace march, in San Francisco. A flyer flew down from the sky with 3 alternatives to the Vietnam War: 1. Flee to Canada; 2. Stop paying income tax; 3. Claim conscientious objector status: the latter I claimed but was denied by the local Selective Service Board. I entered a Jesuit run diocesan seminary in the Fall 1967. I had received a draft notice that Spring 1967, but never got drafted, although I almost went by Greyhound bus to the Los Angeles induction center, but stopped when in the mail on June 19, 1967 a postponement from the Selective Service came in our street box. The Draft Lottery of 1970 gave me a high number 317. Years later in mid February 1972 when joining a missionary group, I wept when I realized that Jesus saved me from that war and the draft by system mechanisms. Even though my dad’s family were 1600’s Virginia colonists, Revolutionary War and veterans in nearly all other New York banker Rothschilds-Jewish-American wars, that had no bearing on delivering me out of that God damned satanic Vietnam War. I pray all the warmongers be cast into the Lake of Fire in Jesus’ Name, a-men. God is about to destroy nations that forget God – Psalms 9.17. Make love, not war!
2 years ago
Morrison’s father said he never heard Jim sing at home.
Stacey Michaels
Stacey Michaels
2 years ago
Dear Dave McGowan is gone. A good writer. RIP.
Brenda Hines
Brenda Hines
1 year ago
Is everybody in? Is everybody IN? THE CEREMONY IS ABOUT TO BEGIN.
AS Laing
AS Laing
4 years ago
Did this guy die of cancer that they clearly injected since its just a fungus mold and just needs anti fungals not chemo which spreads fungus.
S.Kelly Woodrum
S.Kelly Woodrum
2 years ago
whats wild is after hearing this on morrison and then go to yt an find what his brother in law says about him and things that happen with GF PAM an how she acted an did..its possible he pulled this crap off of faking death..BRO N LAW SAID HE WOULD NOT TOUCH DRUGS WAS JUST DRINKER
Kirb Zdomper
Kirb Zdomper
2 years ago
MK ultra says it all. I already knew this but interesting to learn the details.
Tunnion Stilton
Tunnion Stilton
2 years ago
Just look at the “soft rebellion” via social can be unhappy with what you are told to be unhappy about and can have a say, as i am here,from your mobile surveillance device where your opinion can then be ploughed and sold back to you.. orwell’s 1984 was invited in by us all and carries on being softly sold to us..have you seen the advertisement for the new microsoft a.i? We’ve already been rounded up and the fema camps are virtual reality space in our own living rooms. The future isnt a boot stomping on a face forever, it’s a blue thumb which can barely be held up by atrophied limbs due to lack of actual physical movement and the brow is beaten forever by the “correct” mass opinion.
Charles Wundt
Charles Wundt
2 years ago
Joseph Mengala worked as Dr. Green in Southern California . Just a few miles from the Ranch Charlie Manson at ! Let me guess , they didn’t like Polanski movie , Rosemary’s Baby , so they killed his Baby ?
Ante Maćan
Ante Maćan
2 years ago
That’s where they filmed moon landing…
Mich ael
Mich ael
2 years ago
“Just happened to arrive there all at the same time” ??because that’s where it was happening. That’s where you got exposure, could cut a record and get endless gigs. Not everything is a conspiracy.
Russell Crawford
Russell Crawford
2 years ago
Howdy from Dallas Texas, always question authority, including this load of hogwash
Brian Britton
Brian Britton
2 years ago
All these people parents were drafted into WW 2 so it’s normal to have military ties at that moment in time.
Danny Weasner
Danny Weasner
2 years ago (edited)
Jim Morrison — my favourite ! Dead or Alive, I don’t blame him for leaving for France or Heaven ! Everything became to much for him to handle anymore ! Everything was getting out of control for him. God Bless Him ! He split from the Doors Scene for some reason ???? Peace Man ! Jim mission was over with the Doors to raise above to something else in life or Heaven ??? Blue Blood type of Families ???
4 years ago (edited)
What kind of film studio needs self sufficiency? Blood Sacrifice Film, Porn Film……Film showing someone being tortured to control someone else. Jim Morrison, sounds and looks possessed. Anger was always seen in him….some kind of internal fight, maybe with some ethereal being in him. Back in the days people were stupider and sold out, just possessed ego’s walking around. The performer’s job was to elevate drugs and free love (immoral bad sex)…To this day those still alive were and are still seeking free love, sex with random women they can ditch, but Morrison was in conflict, having one steady girlfriend, the cheating happened, it destroyed them both but they were hired in a state of ignorance to destroy the hippies and make them into drug and sex addicts and crazies which drugs and sex ruins everything in a life….It was all about infiltrating the back to nature movement with enough corruption to destroy the back to nature movement. They wanted people all corrupt in cities and using the money system not waking up to spiritual dimensions. Keep them on the grid….back before they had pager’s and cell phones and towers….the hippies had a chance to live off grid and eat organic. Part of it obviously was the nuclear power plant blowing plutonium so close to Laurel Canyon. John Wayne and other’s died of cancer from working there on a movie setup. They dropped dead like flies and still do of cancer out there….
Those one’s smart enough or capable to figure it out were somehow turned into addicts and sex freaks….the biggest tools of the god’s (rulers god’s of earth prison system that is). Back in the days they didn’t mind using liquor or heroin for the aches and pains of radiation, never knowing what it was in their bodies making them sick.
How could people be so stupid, to start a movement to counter nice hippies with stuff that is obviously destroying and would destroy any human being. Drugs, sex, and acting like it’s okay….It’s never been and never will be okay.
There’s a ton of underground activity and spaceships coming in and out of the coastline around there…that’s Malibu and surrounding areas…..Who was delivering the drugs? The bikers….Where did the biker’s get the drugs? Obviously given to them by CIA or Men in Black…Or Sometimes what looked like Nazi scientists in lab coats…After all who gave hospitals the protocal for the overdoses?…The whole thing was a set up…….Those buying the drugs that survived have talked already encountering both.
PJC Keith
PJC Keith
2 years ago
JPL. Jack Parsons Laboratory (add L Ron Hubbard + Alister Crowley). Sorry if you actually said it. I couldn’t watch much past six minutes or this shade.
2 years ago
Amazing transformation of Jim Morrison – you mean he grew his hair longer and wore leather pants?
Sound Gardener
Sound Gardener
1 year ago (edited)
Dave McGowan died in 2015; the year this video was published. Is it just me, or does he look & act very uneasy at the beginning of the interview…hrm, dunno.
Anyway, R.I.P. Dave McGowan and thanks for one of the most eye-opening exposes I’ve ever read.
Nancy Kidd
Nancy Kidd
2 years ago
Hey guy doing the interview ,,,,are you still involved with this site?
2 years ago
And I thought these guys were talented. Its almost like finding out that your favorite actress is a transgender..
Michael Bellinger
Michael Bellinger
2 years ago (edited)
See Miles Mathis article on the Tate murders. He talked about Lookout Mountain studios at length and what they were up to. he mentions a mansion where a number of the rock stars were all living together, including Zappa and others. Another video in here I saw yesterday claims Rush Limbaugh was actually Jim Morrison.
9 months ago
So air Force anti-aircraft lab changed into a self-contained movie studio assuming air Force still controlled it makes total sense.
2 years ago
“Inherent Vice”, Thomas Pynchon’s book turned P.T. Anderson’s movie is chalked full of references to the government’s (FBI, in the film) influence in the hippie / counter-culture movement. Well written, many layers and very accurately symbolic.
2 years ago
I outraced a cop car on Laurel Canyon Bl. in my 59HP MG Midget. I always wondered why. Now, listening to this masterful deconstruction of Dark Forces, I know why. Thank you. But please return my car.
MrsLizard King
MrsLizard King
4 years ago
What about the Seattle grunge scene?
5 years ago
This is quite interesting……
KB me
KB me
2 years ago
Dave McGowan you did not discover anything re: his father and the Gulf of Tonkin info. This info is in the Oliver Stone’s Doors movie.
Phil RIta
Phil RIta
2 years ago
Failed to mention the visits to Laurel canyon of two of the biggest of all time – The Beatles and Stones. Faul Mccartney met with Manson too.
2 years ago
weird the beatles were hangn out in la alot and kinda makes sense theyd come up w an album SGT Pepper. strange
Vincent S
Vincent S
3 years ago
He left out the fact that Jimi Hendrix was a paratrooper in the 101st Airborne Division, as well as the fact that Sharon Tate’s father, Lt. Colonel Paul Tate was an officer in US Army Intelligence.
darrell lamb
darrell lamb
3 years ago
Seems the Cia was able to build the 60’s then kill off the icons and get eveeryone to take acid.. wait thats crazy
Martial Arts
Martial Arts
2 years ago
One thing that struck me as odd is, Ray manzarek was commenting on Jim Morrison always “had money” – because his dad was a bigwig in the military. Makes you wonder..
2 years ago
Leto had a custom recording studio built into the property
Floyd Brennan
Floyd Brennan
3 years ago
The 60’s was basically made up of two types of people– one type that really wanted to change things for the better and the other type that just used it as an excuse to act all hedonistic and self-centered. And why is this? Because the 60’s was inspired by two individuals. The light and fluffy peace, love side was inspired by Henry David Thoreau and the dark, hedonistic side was inspired by Aleister Crowley.
Christopher Fontes
Christopher Fontes
4 years ago
Eddie Bravo.
2 years ago
Tarantino’s new picture will cover a lot of this… 😉
Cheef Cherokee
Cheef Cherokee
2 years ago
Dident notice as much back in the day , but there sure was a lot of anti war stuff going around back then , and a very large amount of it was coming from some very odd/ unlikely places .
Truth Matters
Truth Matters
2 years ago
And the fbi killed Martin Luther king that was proven in court a couple years ago
2 years ago
Dave McGowan died mysteriously after the popularity of this book.
2 years ago (edited)
When I lived in the San Fernando Valley in the mid to late 70s) I rarely drove Laurel Cyn to Hollywood. I prefered the fwy. Laurel Cyn always creeped me out. I always felt a heavy black energy around me when I drove it (maybe about 3-4x in my life) It made me nauseated.
Laura Powers
Laura Powers
3 years ago
Frank Zappa was a true son of patriot and one himself. His 5alent was founded pn his disciplined upbringing.
1 year ago
All the bands at Altamont had connections to Laurel Canyon. George Lucas is listed as a cameraman on Gimme Shelter documentary. So…was the stabbing planned beforehand?
2 years ago
Lookout Mountain Laboratories looks like the Lab from Stranger Things
2 years ago
Good ole’ Ronny Reagan
Christine Donley
Christine Donley
5 years ago
Mohammad Ali was drafted. Hmmm…. he was clearly not one of theirs. #theplotthickens
anthony russo
anthony russo
2 years ago
.75 speed = Norm Macdonald .5 speed = drunk norm Macdonald stay woke✊
Cognitive Spirit
Cognitive Spirit
2 years ago
Seems that to control the outcomes of a future is to create the means and ways of what will be considered the future situation of the moments of a time and age.
Dexter KBK
Dexter KBK
2 years ago (edited)
23:46 he says “it doesn’t really seem very organic” referring to the formation of these bands, but then refers to it as a “natural progression” lol I just figured I would point that contradiction out. Idk why I felt it was important but I’ve already typed the comment and now I’m going to press enter
Holly A
Holly A
5 years ago
I remember being a kid and thinking Jim Morrison couldn’t sing very well. But what did I know? I was 6.
3rd World Man
3rd World Man
4 years ago
Host becomes noticeably agitated and eager to move on when the subject of what happened to Jim after his “death”…wonder if they know who he became after his “death”? Why didn’t they mention these (Manson, Wonderland) were early psy-op hoaxes where no one died/no one got hurt?
2 years ago
So ,MK Ultra lab, then a rehab center for Hollywood, then Letto. …wow
debbie green
debbie green
3 years ago
reiteration at best but what can we really do about it
2 years ago (edited)
Actor Jimmy Stewart, former military/AF officer, was also known to frequent the Laurel Canyon movie studio. I’m guessing it was used to make pro-military propaganda flicks, and MKULTRA mind control films. Charles Manson was MKULTRA’d.
Russell Crawford
Russell Crawford
2 years ago
Golly gee I wonder if Paul Revere and the Raiders were part of the conspiracy. You know red white and blue
3 years ago
I think Zappa was the real deal. He never advocated or used any drugs or allowed people in his band to use them. True, he might’ve gotten a little help from somewhere initially but in the end they couldn’t control him, I think.
2 years ago
Well, all of this didn’t keep David Crosby out of a Texas prison on some minor coke charge.
10 months ago
” A celebrity rehab centre” Re programming after programming breaks down.
2 years ago
rest in courage Dave.
Rolla Coasta Ride
Rolla Coasta Ride
2 years ago
the pentagon is run by alien grey balloon heads, and they got smart shops all over Amsterdam too!!!!, they fucked my head up with LSD, and I’m gonna tell my mom
Victor Boucher
Victor Boucher
2 years ago
Killing Dave McGowan was the greatest endorsement of the accuracy of his theory … total psyop .
Flatearth Granny
Flatearth Granny
4 years ago
How sad this excellent author died 23 Nov 2015, hope the elite didn’t murder him for exposing.
2 years ago
as bizarre as manson was id be dissapointed as it gets w our govt if they jus were doin a mind control experiment w no great purpose for mankind… that is insane to think but our govt is dirty and has done some very un imaginable things
Colin Williams
Colin Williams
2 years ago
The effects of LSD as ever were unpredictable ,the dead were an ongoing experiment ,nobody knew what was going to happen ,is life better for this ?see how it feels in the end.
Marco Giordano
Marco Giordano
1 year ago
That airforce film studio was used to make propaganda films–there’s a film documentary on I, I believe.
4 years ago
All Baby Boomers had parents in the military during WWII. We baby boomers were more about rebellion from our parents than anything else. The WWII generation had a very antiquated mind set that we freshly emerging minds could not stand. That’s why things changed so fast, not because of a conspiracy but a very huge change in public opinions, because of the baby boomers.
5 years ago
Dave is kinda crazy, he was insisting there are no pictures of certain types of injuries at the Boston Bombing, and then ignored them when they were posted on his facebook.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
4 years ago
Line in Plastic People. There’s a CIA agent creeping around Laurel Canyon.
4 years ago
Who bought the facility? and for how much?
Dan Wilkinson
Dan Wilkinson
2 years ago
Obveosly the CIA has very good taste in music .
3 years ago
The Doors hmmmm…who wrote (light my fire) the song the made them a house hold name and first number 1 song?
FACT Robby Krieger….FACT Robby’s father was the head honcho at the RAND corporation look it up for yourself, look what the RAND corporation was delving into in the 1960’s.
And then tell me if Robby being in the band was a coincidence?
Steve Quizodlibumpbumpbump
Steve Quizodlibumpbumpbump
2 years ago (edited)
“Blue blood” refers to the method of distinguishin jews and Saracens from Visigothic Spaniards in Spain, by lookin at the veins in the wrist. It is a synonym for “white”.
Dave, Dave
He’s our man
If he didn’t do it
Then no one did!
(somebody please edit this so that it rhymes, thank you)
Zappa was given the highest awards in Germany, like whatever corresponds to the musical “Oscar” or so, for bein the top composer of the twentieth hundredyears.
“London Fog” is a Baltimore MD clothier, the maker of the trench coats formerly worn by FBI’s agents. Zappa was a Baltimorean.
“Hippies” a carryin over from the era of Jazz, derived from “hep cats”. “Hep” or “hip” = “in the knowin” (about trends). This song predates the era of hippies:
Hep hep — “seafood” refers to the smell of a vagina of a woman of coarse lust
Strange Foot
Strange Foot
2 years ago
Jim was a military program. Secret soldier.
2 years ago
You have to give Zappa credit for consistently mentioning the superficiality and contradictions of the hippies’ culture. Hey Punk, where you going with that flower in your hair?
4 years ago
How was Manson convicted of murders by remote control? He was never present at the scene, to my understanding.
Steve F
Steve F
3 years ago (edited)
Ali this shit makes even more sense when you consider that the Mansion murders might have been nothing more than an elaborate psy op and didn’t reality happen. there’s compelling evidence down the rabbit hole.
2 years ago
Jim said both his parents were dead. They were still alive.
2 years ago
i wish it had english is not that good
Adrian Lee
Adrian Lee
2 years ago
The “commentator” for this video looks suspiciously like the one for Rich Planet but with an American accent.
1000 mg.
1000 mg.
2 years ago
The guy being interviewed knows very little about the studio in laurel canyon.
cd mc
cd mc
2 years ago
Nikki Sixx from Motley Crue has made a mountain by saying he was a poor kid with no connections. He said he just walked off the bus with his guitar and that’s that. It’s silly. His uncle was the president of Columbia Records,,all lies
Abby Normal
Abby Normal
3 years ago
Still waiting for the dude to cough up that phlegm ball.
Bryan Prillwitz
Bryan Prillwitz
2 years ago
That’s kpussy, fave.
CastingThe Runes
CastingThe Runes
1 year ago
I read the book recently. First I was totally enthralled, but to the end I was more than fed up with murders, suicides, crazed drugheads and occult pedophiles.
Sacred Geometry Music
Sacred Geometry Music
2 years ago
don’t forget about Ken Kesey and the merry prankster!! Ken participated at CIA’s experiments!!
# Guiltless
# Guiltless
2 years ago
It’s all a sham.. Religion being the biggest of all..
Louis In Name Only
Louis In Name Only
2 years ago (edited)
Thanks for the information. Better Freek than Greek? Now not so sure………NOW
SpeakEasy DoorMan
SpeakEasy DoorMan
2 years ago
Almost everything in the world is a misdirection
An we are players on the stage
Rex. Georg III
Rex. Georg III
1 year ago (edited)
Surprise . . . . lol!!!!
Tru Keesey
Tru Keesey
6 months ago (edited)
East Coast hippies arose from contacts in Greenwich Village beatnik scene before the flower hippies arose in West Coast or maybe before they spread.
Gary Yeigh
Gary Yeigh
2 years ago
Look at all the old rock stars that are still alive today total globalist deep state supporters, Bruce Springsteen, Paul Mcartney,etc.
2 years ago
The interviewer is another version of Richard D Hall. Probably brothers
john house
john house
2 years ago
I think most of us adults who understand the constant reality we’re forced to enhabit, switch off the moment you open your gambit by referring to any epock in the past using the non word hippie. Nice try tho”, i was almost hooked there for about 1 12th of a nano second. Google Magog bromine chamber , you might just gleem a remote clue as regards what your truely up against.
Bren Besser
Bren Besser
3 years ago
Michael, you might want to reconsider using the “peace sign” at your sign-off. The peace sign was fashioned by Aleister Crowley for Winston Churchill to counter the mystical significance of the Nazi Swastika which originated in use by Madame Blavatsky.
I’ma Pizza!
I’ma Pizza!
2 years ago
David Crosby father descendant of the Van Rensselaer family.
Death Larsen
Death Larsen
2 years ago
yeah the CIA were the songwriters of all the 60s tunes.
5 years ago
Life pysop channel did a video on this
Red Tide
Red Tide
2 years ago
“Never trust a hippie” Sex Pistols, 1976.
James Metalarc
James Metalarc
2 years ago
music soothes the Savage beast.
Joe Taraxacum
Joe Taraxacum
2 years ago (edited)
here in Germany, this story has a long gray beard, also in 2015
4 years ago
these coincidences aren’t that strange, a certain type of person is drawn to being a performer, not surprising they would have similarities in childhood, everyone knows military kids rebel. also his time lines are kinda whack haight ashbury did happen before the laurel canyon scene, alot of the people in laurel canyon had left the haight after getting bored with it.
steve zirkle
steve zirkle
5 years ago
Very good now do something import who is blind blake? Why do people not know this guitar player?
Roby babe
Roby babe
2 years ago
RIP David McGowan
Matt Bonneville
Matt Bonneville
2 years ago
Show Biz Kids.
2 years ago
Music & Mind Control… Changing the Youth for future Agenda …re Society.
Brash Cracker
Brash Cracker
4 years ago
I thought this was a sat night live skit at first … too much 420.
Frank Carmack
Frank Carmack
5 years ago
Hendrix’ was a member of 101st Air Assault Airborne Div
Tru Keesey
Tru Keesey
6 months ago (edited)
“Phillips” is sometimes an Ashkenazic surname. Look at Denny’s ashkenose. Cass’s real name was “Cohen”.
3 years ago (edited)
close your eyes and listen to the guy on the left he sounds just like norm McDonald lol
Nermin Odkan
Nermin Odkan
2 years ago
2 years ago
I’ve watched 20 minutes of this and given up – a lot of American 1960s rockstars, whose fathers were of working age during WW2 and the height of the Cold War..had jobs in the military. SO WHAT???
LAR-0SA for Western World
LAR-0SA for Western World
4 years ago
is this kind of an ironic release, like after they did it to our parents now they are telling us to feed the void and kill us faster?
Owen Lucas
Owen Lucas
2 years ago
Since reading the book I’ve been thinking about Doors lyrics. Some telling and numerous references to murder and pedophilia…
Dee Zimmo
Dee Zimmo
2 years ago
In the mid 1970’s, I gave one of my sisters and one of my brothers a gift..pick a local upcoming concert and I shall get you tickets for it. My brother picked Frank Zappa & the Mothers of Invention (I stood in line for hours to get tickets as soon as the ticket office opened. The Zappa concert sold out in hours). My sister picked the almost exact opposite..Marcel Marceau. Both concerts were great and after the Marcel Marceau “concert” my ears didn’t bleed.
Robert Cubinelli
Robert Cubinelli
2 years ago
I have been reading the many interesting comments below and I have come to this conclusion as well: I was right when I thought the Ramones were a CIA – funded and connected band all along…..their logo even has the CIA symbolism in it!!!! Ok, I’m waiting for all your bullying on this concept now :):):)
2 years ago
I grew up with musicians who lived in Laurel Canyon, which was the epicenter of music in the sixties. Everyone of them were totally against the Vietnam War, like the Bryds, Jim Morrison, and Crosby, Stills, and Nash, so I’m a little bit doubtful of some of the claims of this guy. I’m also a friend of Mickey Dolenz of the Monkees and Frank Zappa, who are and were great guys. Every new generation is looked upon with disgust, just like Elvis in the fifties, but does that mean he was a CIA operative?? Please. The next thing you’re going to do is claim that Joanie Mitchell and Bob Dylan were FBI plants.
I’m not saying that CIA aren’t involved in a lot of things, but war is a totally neocon creation, and George HW Bush (who helped coverup the Kennedy assassination) was the head, giving these stories even less credence. And to compare CHARLES MANSON, a total psychopath and social outcast, with these brilliant musicians, proves your total ignorance. You didn’t know any of these people, you just write about them. Any slob with a pencil can do that.
Leedoe Glo
Leedoe Glo
5 years ago
Chief Keef New Song is Called Laurel Canyon ?
3 years ago
Topanga Canyon had a hippy scene as early as 1964
Jay33 goodwin
Jay33 goodwin
2 years ago
What about Stanley wonders if he did some of his work there.hmm!
Julie Lea
Julie Lea
2 years ago
Jim Croce & Jimi Hendrix were in the military.
3 years ago
Their comments about Frank Zappa show just how completely out of touch these guys are with the social environment of the time. They talk like him as if he was a musician, like the other musicians they talk about. While they praise him, and mention that he helped others achieve fame, they completely miss what he really was all about. What makes it all the worse for these guys is that there are plenty of millennials who get Zappa’s message. These guys don’t, because they’re of the ilk Zappa directed his subtle barbs at: Those types we now call “hipsters”. Phony and shallow.
2 years ago
Question…then did David Crosby really spent 10 yrs. In a Texas prision for cocaine as we were all told? Then came out on tour with keep on rockin in the free world!
Lauren Blaine BAM
Lauren Blaine BAM
2 years ago
That guy is like Beavis as an adult, man. haha
kevin D blanch
kevin D blanch
4 years ago (edited)
Let me help you two out can you say Santa Susana Field Laboratory it blew up
4 years ago
R.I.P. Dave Mcgowan
Sheila Aliens
Sheila Aliens
4 years ago
Dude looks like an older version of Tosh.0
Seth Wolfe
Seth Wolfe
2 years ago
Jim had no musical background and didn’t look like he would ever be the type 2B a musical celebrity. We all know the drugs did it
2 years ago (edited)
Many intelligence officers,stars world leaders etc are reincarnated freaking reptilians !
2 years ago
i’ve hurd b4 ppl sayin tu mi n discoveries i made muself aswell(like the origin of the peace symbol) that de “whole peace movement” is just psyop(think thats the right word 8|) i dont mind, peace & love can nvr b rong?✌️? ??❤️ ? ? ? ?
1 year ago
This is SHOCKING information. WOW! I’m spreading this everywhere I can! Just imagine how corrupted TODAY’S music industry is. CRAZY!!
4 years ago (edited)
“How did an uncanny amount of rock superstars emerge from the rustic Laurel Canyon scene of the mid 60s when the primary music centers of the US at that time were NYC, Nashville, and Detroit?”
Oh please…..Los Angeles has always been a primary entertainment (including music) center as well.
Nor is the military background of so many of these 60’s people a surprise. 20-25 years earlier, it was WW2, and just about every young adult then–the parents of these people–was caught up in *that*.
And right after Pearl Harbor, a massive defense industry was built up around Los Angeles (and the West Coast in general) in order to win the war. That defense industry persisted all the way through the Cold War and only began to wind down in the 1990s. So the military and defense industry parentage of these people isn’t really surprising either.
2 years ago
key word – Macy Conferences
who was there? e.g. Tim Leary.
Doves, Crows, Dragons
Doves, Crows, Dragons
2 years ago
The host of the show has a “military intelligence,” sort of vibe to him.
Alanson Charles
Alanson Charles
2 years ago
Wow there are no coincidences. I came to find this at just the right time.
11 months ago
If they are signed to contracts and played on the radio, they are CIA. Period. Listen at your own risk.
Stephen Hargrave
Stephen Hargrave
2 years ago
You just tried to summarize the greatest most intelligent most productive most prominent generation in this countries’ history in five minutes? Masterfully floundered in nonsense hypothetical garbage
“They never got arrested they must be working for the he govt.” Wow what depth and introspection in the most complicated time in cultural histoey
2 years ago
That’s crazy, tearing down the moral infrastructure of society from the inside
2 years ago
Thank God for Bill Monroe and the bluegrass boys…I used to listen to rock till I heard that mandolin. Never went back.
pete chau
pete chau
2 years ago
I read somewhere that Morrison was drafted and prior to his report date he starved himself and didn’t shower. His draft classification was lowered and avoided induction. John Fogerty served as a Army reservist. Great American patriot Ted Nugent did the same thing Morrison did and didn’t see active duty.
Mohammed Omer
Mohammed Omer
5 years ago
thumbs up if chief keef brought u here. He has a song called “laurel canyon”
Pablo Malaga
Pablo Malaga
4 years ago
To discredit the anti-war movement and transform society from capitalism to socialism
Ed Sanford
Ed Sanford
5 years ago
Need help,is there a free app to block ad’s,thx’s in advance.
Randy L
Randy L
1 year ago (edited)
I’m hearing this in the voice of Norm MacDonald
Micah Lee
Micah Lee
3 years ago (edited)
Key word “Entity”..Hmmm “celebrity rehab”
tom catt71
tom catt71
2 years ago
I can tell by the music Jim had no musical background.
6 years ago
This is complete nonsense. The anti-Vietnam War movement was tiny and marginalized in 1965. At that time, most of the musicians mentioned had already became well-known and the scene in LA was already happening and the “hippies” were everywhere. It wasn’t until late 1967 that the anti-war counterculture had gained enough supporters to be enough of a threat to suggest to the CIA that a domestic social engineering plot might be a good idea.
These is no evidence presented here of anything. People, use your heads.
3 years ago
Rebelled against there parents, parents took advantage.
Andy Matteo
Andy Matteo
2 years ago (edited)
I gotta say, what is going on now is so fucked up, at least from a perspective that doesn’t know, but the human technology happening now, organic and synthetic, is massive. An engineered and organic evolution is happening and it personally can terrify me in the way it hits the pain/pleasure “threshold” because it can be so powerful or atrocious.
Mickey Da Pikey
Mickey Da Pikey
2 years ago
Fogarty threw up his hands saying it ain’t me I ain’t no senator’s son I ain’t no fortunate one
2 years ago
This is a way out must see!
5 years ago
This is dumb as hell. The guy takes a few rock stars who have dads who worked in the military and makes some bizarre connection. What about all the others in L aural Canyon, or the majority who lived and hung out there, who had no military connections. This guy’s just trying to find a way to make money off rock stars. Waste of time. Idiocy.
3 years ago
Manson said …”Kill your parents…” and they did it I bet
Jason Hickerson
Jason Hickerson
2 years ago
We are 6 people away from everyone in the world.
Chaz Nonya
Chaz Nonya
2 years ago
I met Janis Joplin @ 2002. No joke.
jerry s
jerry s
2 years ago
At 23 min into this they are still just naming bands, do they ever get around to the mind control part of the title?
3 years ago
Man, Daniel Tosh is getting old. But, it’s good to see him doing something other than comedy. Go Tosh!
Alonso del Río G.
Alonso del Río G.
3 years ago
Perhaps if you tried to draft a prominent figure like Jim Morrison or Brian Wilson, they would have denied, and a highly mediatic controversy would have arisen that would not have ended being favorable for the military state.
John Kavanaugh
John Kavanaugh
2 years ago (edited)
This is Rocky nephew of Mike Kavanaugh. Yes I said all the things I said below and their facts not open for discussion because I was told not to talk anymore about it, then I already have.
Terence Boris
Terence Boris
2 years ago (edited)
I certainly concur with McGowan’s findings. Military people were definitely at the forefront of the hippie culture. Not sure if it’s coincidence or just a matter of entitlement. That being said, the raw talent of many of these individuals is undeniable.
Rebekah Legion SundayGirlJournals
Rebekah Legion SundayGirlJournals
2 years ago
There’s a clause in the Law that says You do not have to go to war & fight if You are a significant artist whether it be fine art, cultural art, cultural photography, Journalism, photo journalism, acting or music. I agree with much of this but there are holes in it.
Nancy Kidd
Nancy Kidd
2 years ago
Actually they used it for popagranda in the second world war .deepstate had a movie to make.
Uncinematographable Screenshot Cinema
Uncinematographable Screenshot Cinema
2 years ago
whoa. I wuz thinking about returning to America but after reading this comments section I changed my mind.
Psycho retards for Trump
Psycho retards for Trump
2 years ago
You guys fail to mention the Gulf of Tonkin Incident has been deemed a false flag event in which the US claimed that the Vietnamese attacked American ships in the Gulf which has been found to be untrue.
5 years ago
18:53 Zappa
2 years ago
Geffen Records is behind most of the music artist that have ruined our culture.
American Voyager4912
American Voyager4912
3 years ago
Duff Baker
Duff Baker
2 years ago
I wonder if this has some relation to Punk/New Wave?
Graham Pratt
Graham Pratt
3 years ago
I didn’t think people did LSD anymore!
Steven Simmons
Steven Simmons
1 year ago
Successful people in music have a magic ability to “recreate themselves” to fit whatever they need to do at the time. Hell, look at Bon Scott and his career/looks before he started in AC/DC.
2 years ago
why everyone on street knows i got books 25 cents . susan the street gossip dont like me “ you gonna clean house till dead. getting nowhere . house worth 90k. developer will buy it cheap cut down all trees even those i brought 4 japanese msples 20 feet tall cuz got as 1 inch babies on fathers day from parents home. grew in yard north jersey put in storage 6 months. cuz dad died december same yesr. i cleaned house for him cuz mom keeps meds 10 yrs. he takes to trash. she brings back inside. got double pnumonia cuz packed car with crap. clean getaway cuz mom is in san diego
cuz nj spokesperson for mental health. dad very sick.
10 yrs cancer. following month she said “ hold cat he needs pill . was uk july 4 ie july 11. had no idea till aug 28 . phone call “ dad in hospital intensive care cuz we gave cat pill. cat tried to run- dads arm shattered?
yes. shd go see him hes really in bad shape. just occurred.
bullshit. truth of love child and dad date arm shattered?
mom and dad teetotalers. no drink. but when go out mexican she drinks a marguerita.
oh. i was born late or was early. hmm
oh i remember so well dad arm shattered cancer to bone spread. dead dec 4. 2000. but this was sept, “ remember so clear cuz it was uk 4th of july!!!
wow. im oldest favorite dad thinks i dont care till in intense care near death?
“dad how bout all photos. 4 yrs volunteer ww2 drew maps. heavy photos as a kid cant remember anything hardly- i take rent storage so not lost- ppl family can access but gotta call me sign stuff out like library. u know i think mom sux but in return i be sure shes ok will take care of her- tho bitch”. please sign paper saying this is your wish not under duress in right mind. we know mom.
oh gosh, this is best news ive had since arrived! signs. next day back upstairs out of intensive cuz cdnt deal with coocoo who needed assistance.
oh no.
here come mom in hospital- got 8 attys- is on the march.
paper ripped up. told dad sorry, aint helping lady no more. cdnt visit same times. i held mask said please go its ok. held hand moved mask. left arm breaking aint gonna stop . mom and youngest sib hold wall of hospital yelling dont go oh no.
quite shocking. he met her 1957 met me 1958.
Supremes formed in 57 in 58 called no- hit Supremes. Mary Wilson Flo best friend- no Flo no Supremes. thrown out cuz treated like shitte had attitude not patient like Mary. oh well. Mary stayed Detroit in 1970- tho moved LA 1967 cuz of riots real bad eo newark/detroit was worst- july 13-19. began newark spread to detroit. Diane left group when had #1- like lemming. someday i not be together with Diane. hey since im writing screenplay of life called GIRL. mary said u want photo is 10$
no want all 3.
huh? ok 30$ . got only 40$ .
keep change.
mary: GIRL!!! kept change lol
me: GIRL!!!!
then robocops came for me cops 2. drag me off but performers know me or like Mary was very special.
she said cindy didnt finish signing can u wait till line over. to robocops heard down dressed in gown- see photo on left? doesnt look at robos just says “ its cool not done signing moved my stuff to left. its ok. gotta finish signing next please”.
ha ha
told mary she like me but i got a bit of rebel like chaka khan.
ooh chaka great out there ..
yeah, but that voice..
yes agree she great.
well think u got a bit of rebel 2
Jay33 goodwin
Jay33 goodwin
2 years ago
Good news.even tho the poor chap crnt really say what he feels
Christian Smith
Christian Smith
2 years ago
Art official is better then artificial
Petra Dollah
Petra Dollah
2 years ago
John Houston – Angelica Houston – Jack Nicolson…
James Woods
James Woods
2 years ago
Hey Jim..
Yeah dad
I’ve got some bad news son..
Ok…what is it?
I’m sorry but you’ve been chosen to be a rock star son..
What?? But I wanted to join the Navy…and follow in your footsteps, we talked about this. Besides, I don’t know anything about music, hell I don’t really even like music. How am I just going to become some rock star overnight, nobody would believe it.
Well son you’ll still be of service to the country and we have some fine fellas who will help train you and get you up to speed. Listen son, it won’t be all that bad, you’ll probably get lot’s of girls..maybe even some fans. Anyways It’s already been decided, I’m sorry son.
Dad I’ll never forgive you for this, I can’t believe you’re forcing me to do this, I don’t want to be a stupid long haired, spaced out, drug taking, promiscuous rock star! I just wanted to be like you, join the Navy and have a family…arg!
Sorry son.
A short time later: I am the lizard king…I can do anything. LOL
Tone Fingerz
Tone Fingerz
2 years ago
GenerationRX! Whi0o0o
Rick H
Rick H
2 years ago (edited)
Amazing how many stars had connections to military intelligence etc etc- well their own tangential or actual involvement may have been true in SOME cases- but whoaa! The world had just come out of WW2- 20-25 yrs previously. Almost everyone would have had some relation involved in the Navy , Military or even possibly some minor role in signals intelligence say.
I was a kid back then in 60’s- my grandfather played some role I believe, in military signals intelligence in WW2 North Africa, he knew and occasionally sang back up with Sir Harry Secombe +WW 2 troop entertainer, singer/comedian (The Goons). Another Uncle I believe played a higher role in general intelligence. In a still militarised nation (US re Vietnam etc) it’s not surprising some links may have remained. Intelligent people tend to breed intelligent people on average.
Actors, musicians, artists (as well as scientists, mathematicians linguists etc ) seem to cohabit the intelligence milieu- unsurprisingly!
I agree however that subtle and not so subtle mind control/propaganda may have been a major player in this period-as it still probably is!
2 years ago
Frank Zappa had a great distain for hippies.
2 years ago
I knew Gordie Hormel 🙂
Zarathustra Boppalomynous
Zarathustra Boppalomynous
3 years ago
RIP David McGowan
2 years ago
ST.John Green, The Boston Tea Party
Ricky Shaw
Ricky Shaw
2 years ago (edited)
We’re just dooin the will of the CIA for God n Country…! Amen!
Van Gogo
Van Gogo
2 years ago
I remember Roger McGuinn, was a good musician but now I would have to question his motives too I guess, it seems like the ones who held on for years are the ones used by mind control or satanic sellouts,ie:They Sold Their Souls For Rock Grill “at al.
Chris Roseblock
Chris Roseblock
2 years ago
What if information like this is manufactured as like a reverse psychology? All meant to make us distrust all the figures that taught us to be unique and to think for ourselves and to rebel against the system, the slavery.
Truth Matters
Truth Matters
2 years ago
The fbi was investigating jimmy Hendrix
Nic Parker
Nic Parker
2 years ago
Strange I never noticed anything on Laurel cyn.
Anglo Dutch
Anglo Dutch
2 years ago
Seems logical that being so closely related to ‘the enemy’, these hippies would rebel harder and louder than others, just to prove it to themselves and the world: I’m on the right side.
2 years ago
Meanwhile across the pond in England a Satanist is heavily influencing the next British Invasion.
AS Laing
AS Laing
4 years ago
Bill Hicks Alex Jones
Jim Morrison Rush Limbaugh Biometric Matches
2 years ago
The largest intelligence operation in history… you shoulda been there!
Jared Lynch
Jared Lynch
2 years ago
A psyop of a psyop of a psyop is a tiring thing.
1 year ago
Was in FSU promotional commercial for new students.
Andrew Glover
Andrew Glover
2 years ago
2 years ago
Kant, the leading modern philosopher, the dude behind Laurel Canyon, said, “I have denied knowledge therefore, in order to make room for faith.” Now THATS a conspiracy that makes Lookout Mountain look like a…a…a…something. You know what I mean. Kant’s Critique Of Pure Reason makes acid look like aspirin. And what did sweet little Marianne Faithfull mean when she sang, “We’ve been trying to get high without having to pay?” Who’s high? Who’s not paying?
Spartan.F Albion
Spartan.F Albion
2 years ago
Come on, give Jim a break: 99 percent of pop stars don’t have musical training.
The Bicycle Chronicles
The Bicycle Chronicles
2 years ago
Amazing how many rock stars who have military fathers.Frank Zapps’s dad was chemical warfare scientist who worked for the military in the chemical warfare division.Has to be something more to that fact than meets the eye.
2 years ago
Lookout Mountain Lab now owned by Jared Leto. ???
Sarah Lunafire
Sarah Lunafire
2 years ago
Dyl Bre
Dyl Bre
2 years ago
Tavistock institute
J Lee
J Lee
3 years ago
Jim did NOT die. He faked his death and went on to be the radio personality Rush Limbaugh.
brad starkey
brad starkey
3 years ago
jim grew up singing family
John Allen
John Allen
2 years ago
C’mon. It was the 60s, man. That’s why things just happened, because of the times. Free love and some great drugs, too much to go into really.
Mr. Augie
Mr. Augie
3 years ago
They weren’t drafted because they were there vs Nam-they werent drafted- like maybe 70%
Da Gawd
Da Gawd
4 years ago
2 years ago (edited)
Many back in the day had parents in the military it was not uncommon so all these people he is mentioning that have a father that was in the air force etc doesn’t necessarily meant they was a part of this. I am sure on Jim for sure. Also just because some of them lived Laurel Canyon doesn’t mean all were as well,. Once you get a group of musicians moving to an area like that whatever the reason there will be more to come. I would say a lot of them were a part but not all. Some were just drawn for the musicians and the drugs
Mathis Haglund
Mathis Haglund
11 months ago
It’s called rebelling against your parents, and the more controlling a parent: The more violent the rebellion once they escape their parents grasp. And who is stricter and more controlling than an army official? This is why Jim Morrison reinvented himself as soon as his dad was gone off to duty. Because he was free.
john house
john house
2 years ago
3 years ago
The grunge movement was a CIA they ether operated from Fort Lewis or One of the many Naval installations around Puget Sound. Seattle is Virginia west..
2 years ago
Very cool show. It all kinda fits doesn’t it ? Controlled counter-culture CIA mind control from the Priests of R & R.
PID & other hot potatoes
PID & other hot potatoes
2 years ago (edited)
@2:32 He ask’s “if it is a film studio for the air force; what were they developing, what were they shooting, what was the point?” Dave’s answer: “to process the raw film stock from the early atomic tests.” I’m sure this is both the textbook answer and actually true. Such a great example of a truth being hidden in plane sight. All one has to do is to watch enough of that early atomic test footage. Does anyone else find it strange that it looks as if it was “produced” by someone in a film studio? So; yeah, Dave, it does actually make perfect sense that the Air force is said to have produced that early footage. Watch the footage, and tell me it does not look like it took an entire movie studio to create those shots.
AS Laing
AS Laing
4 years ago
better explain your ‘cubism’ back drop.
2 years ago
The guest sounds like SNL comedian Norm Macdonald. Just listen to the audio and visualize. Anyway, there’s interesting info here but I don’t buy the conspiracy “CIA mind control” angle at all. A lot of the people you’re talking about had WWII era dads (as I did). The military was given huge govt contracts and many parents worked in the related military industries. Southern California was full of military contractors, etc. I get it, you need to pay your bills and straddling the conspiracy industrial complex is an excellent pathway, especially when the presentation includes a set worthy of CNN. Also the government studio in Laurel Canyon may have had the full production chain to produce films from start to finish but what you conjur is something being on the order of superior to any Hollywood studio, simply because of consolidated facilities. That’s just rubbish. They did handle classified atomic tests and other footage. There is an interesting story behind it all but you’re making suggestions with a flourish of cia involvement in getting the hippie movement going . You’re forgetting that the voices of god so-called Beat Generation had also helped to kick all that in gear. Go watch old episodes on Crossfire with Bill Buckley debating the Vietnam war with those guys. So shut up. This shit is all up for grabs. I’m sure a lot of people will buy the book. Cha-ching! Don’t forget to mention that those conservative fathers of the hippies thought all their ideas were communist inspired!!!. Everyone had their pet conspiracy to nurse because life is just that weird. Bottling it and selling it is genius.
Marco Giordano
Marco Giordano
1 year ago
It’s known what they did in Laurel Canyon–they made propaganda films–lots of them—-Hollywood stars starred in them.
Linda & Andy Springer
Linda & Andy Springer
2 years ago
riders on the storm lyrics are scriptures all metaphors
Ben-Laden Bernanke
Ben-Laden Bernanke
3 years ago
Well there is no doubt why that when musicians, actors and the big names of the entertainment industry leave it (the few that ever want to for obvious reasons) they say I’ve returned to “civilian life.” As opposed to being “militarized.” Because in the USO tours, the actors from the earliest days in the late 40’s and early 50’s all had automatic security clearance by being signed with a major movie studio or record label. The older actors or the deceased ones now all had family members connected to the OSS and CIA as it was converted over into it mainly after WW2. And the baby boomer, Gen Xer and Millenial ones you see today have UN family members, those in the secret societies like Skull and Bones and CFR, Bilderbeger, and Trilateral Commission. I was wondered how in the hell did Chris Pratt become a blockbuster star? His grandfather in the UN in NYC big connections to Brussels. Like what Dave said about the groups that didn’t know how play an instrument or read music, Les Paul made that easy with overdubbing machine in the early to mid-50’s. If you’re an American you can be a star too…I mean a CIA or military branch higher-up’s son or daughter then you can… know. One thing you see is how fake all the industries of this country are and all the people running them and “performing” in them. The elites were so brilliant they used the wars they created and perpetually funded to fund the movements against them and watch everybody duke it out (Kent State in 1970 was the worst example of that) and use movements from their globalist foundations to fund movements (Hippie, Jesus Movement) and all of these counterfeit movements distracted people totally away from the bastards who created and funded all of it with all the new music and cultural icons and lifestyle to go with the new political in-fighting to boot. Here is where the drug culture came into being. If you make drug use cool and thus get people addicted (the military began shipping in cocaine, heroin, hashish by the cargo load to the inner city) and the musicians and performers got a lot of this even on the set of their shows and at all the big parties in Hollywood, New York, Chicago and the beaches (Miami not so much until the 70’s. Then use the same people allowing it to come in or helping to bring it in criminalize it for the poor underclass right down to the recreation user you can help build tons of prisons and make money off of people not in the working class and make even more people dependent on the government (who’s family members are behind bars instead of being a piece of machinery or behind a desk working 5days/40 hours to earn a paycheck). Their is a Tom Cruise movie, AMERICAN MADE that celebrates a CIA-drug runner Barry Seal because they are so damn proud of the work they’ve done to essentially gut the country financially and leave most of the populace addicted to a drug or drugs in one form or the other. And the Clintons are so powerful they had the movie ready for a fall of 2016 release moved to this year because Bill and Hillary were responsible for Mena, Arkansas’ drug running and all the people they had murdered to cover it up using the Triad mobsters from China, Pres. GHW Bush’s leg-breakers and people disappearers to help keep the lid on the unprecedented corruption they were undertaking. The US gov even at the local level doesn’t give a crap about the drug problem on the populace. They created it. They only go after those that don’t pay them their cut. They don’t like competition they have no problem with most of the country being in a drug-induced haze. That has paid too good for them to let that cash cow run out. America is really as dirty and sick as nearly every other nation (even the ones we have been told by the banker-run media is the bad guys). Proof of that is the constant chemtrailing of the entire country by our own Air Force. Up, Up and Away In That Ole Blue Yonder Ready To Soar. It’s just the blue isn’t as blue as it used to see because you can’t hardly see the sky much less the blue of it anymore because of them. The American people are like a county or state fair shooting target and they are standing five feet away from us with guns and ammo that can’t miss. We’re on the receiving end of their amusement in the matrix they created in other words. We have freedom but its like one of their movies, The Hunger Games what Donald Sutherland’s character as one of the governor’s who said, “give them freedom but none too much.”
Samuel Little
Samuel Little
2 years ago
Sounds like Norm McDonald at times.
2 years ago
if i had to bet on it id say manson was no CIA mind control experiment
2 years ago
3 years ago
“Graham Parson’s”? Allan Parsons Project?
2 years ago
yeah idk this was a different country then a lot of these peoples parents didn’t have many options especially during WORLD WARS
iDECLINEGoogle UserAgreement
iDECLINEGoogle UserAgreement
2 years ago
Any thought that the apollo missions were filmed there? hmmm
inessa armand
inessa armand
3 years ago
Yeah, he was broke. And was making money off that book, so whenever I’d provide statistics in contravention, of what he was spouting. HE’D NEVER ANSWER. It is impossible also for him to have been raised when demographics radically changed after Regan, to where only yuppies can live in Venice. Then Jim and Ray rented beach front for 70 bucks. Everyone knows this too from LA.
steve keays
steve keays
2 years ago
No wonder I was never a big fan of the Byrds even though they put out a lot of singles
joh rathbun
joh rathbun
2 years ago
Here’s a thought–instead of talking about those photos–how’s about you show us those photos?!
Stephen Dawe
Stephen Dawe
3 years ago
C,A lot of that age group now running the world.Especially from that part of the world.
Neil Roberts
Neil Roberts
3 years ago
1 year ago (edited)
They shut him up…. @ 55 ..!! .OCULT numerology!!
2 years ago
hmm. lookout mountain (station, studio, laboratory) was right up the street from the house where the ‘four on the floor’ murders took place…
timothy lines
timothy lines
2 years ago (edited)
chevy chase?and,danny tomas ??
john house
john house
2 years ago
Don’t dare to speculate about about Jim & his family, how would you like it.
Tru Keesey
Tru Keesey
6 months ago
“Blue blood” was a way of testin who was a genuine Spaniard in Spain and who was fakin it. You look at the wrist for the blue veins.
2 years ago
Also check out Preston Nichols’: Music of Time
Ms BeachLizard
Ms BeachLizard
1 year ago (edited)
39:16 Family members who “committed suicide” were sacrifices for the one who gained the fame. Look at the hottest stars in the music industry today and look at family members, or significant others — or very close friends — who are dead. They were required to do it to make it to the next level. Kanye. P Diddy. Hudson. Mars. Examples of those who shot to extreme fame after a death in the family. They signed on the dotted line in blood.
gemini rose
gemini rose
2 years ago
jayne mansfield ?im trippin ballssss
Thierry Herreman
Thierry Herreman
2 years ago
36:32 Oh dear .. he can’t understand why people would ware T-shirts with Manson’s face on it ,bla bla bla…
He wouldn’t even understand that Manson was denied his rights in circus court.Let alone that he would question Manson’s part in this mysterious case. 2018 and still so much stupidity,it is frightening.
karma bad
karma bad
4 years ago
Cointelpro… mkultra…
9 99
9 99
4 years ago
..I’ve showed how they want to shut us .
Stephen Hargrave
Stephen Hargrave
2 years ago
You don’t believe the people’s common history, but you believe the internet… Anonymously
Bubba DooM
Bubba DooM
2 years ago
3:08 PM 11/3/2018
1 year ago
so who of all these rock stars might have had the intelligence, the charisma and the lyrical and musical ability to bring so much of this mind games stuff into the open – John Lennon – and look what happened to him….has anyone looked into the background of David Chapman ?
Simon Simon
Simon Simon
2 years ago (edited)
When the twenty-something rock stars of the late sixties were born, there had just been a world war. Lots of people of that generation would have had fathers in the military. And a lot of successful musicians tend to come from middle class university-educated backgrounds. So sixties rock stars having fathers in officer ranks in the military isn’t at all surprising or unusual. And as for Jim’s transformation: pretty much every kid in America in the mid to late sixties transformed from a short back and sides clean cut American into a grubby long-haired hippy. It started with the Beatles, and progressed, it’s called fashion.
Turner Rooney
Turner Rooney
2 years ago
United we stand, divided we fall
2 years ago
jimmy page was in the byrds playing bass
John Cothes
John Cothes
2 years ago
tavistock institute
Truth Matters
Truth Matters
2 years ago
I still don’t see how Manson had a cult
Robbie B.
Robbie B.
2 years ago
How the F@%k does Jared Leto have ‘a cool 5 million’?
2 years ago
It’s also quite reasonable to accept that they were the progeny of military and establishment people, and reacted to the political position of the generation that went before them and became what they became as a result.
rd hawk
rd hawk
2 years ago
The 2 US Naval vessels involved in “Gulf of Tonkin”, were the C TURNER JOY, and The Maddox, the Bonhomme Richard, was not.
arlet wyant
arlet wyant
5 years ago
Moonfire Louie<<>>
Mike Cox
Mike Cox
2 years ago
Jim Morrison wasn’t involved in mind control.
Sam Axe
Sam Axe
2 years ago
Eddie Bravo got me here too
MADD Art44
MADD Art44
2 years ago
Suicides are part of the MK mind control programming and a blood sacrifice
Ryan N
Ryan N
2 years ago
13:00 Joni Mitchell?
Peter Lynch
Peter Lynch
2 years ago
Does anyone else feel like you are being told what to think. I’m calling it, “counter intelligence “.
Stephen Hargrave
Stephen Hargrave
2 years ago
It’s no wonder peoples in is dropping off with all the shit between their ears
Crump’s Brother
Crump’s Brother
2 years ago
This guys sounds like Norm McDonald.
Tracy Dailey
Tracy Dailey
2 years ago
Alamont concert more or less ended the 60s.
doug bull
doug bull
2 years ago
i thought jim was murdered myself.
2 years ago
Where their same kind of thing in the art scene? I’m thinking about Andy Warhol?
808 Dylan
808 Dylan
3 years ago
Wasn’t everyone a kid of someone who was in the military? The draft and all remember that?
2 years ago
So basically they all came from money .
john miller
john miller
2 years ago (edited)
The Hippies mind controlled themselves. Like most humans they were going to turn out phony no matter what. Like always there are just a few percent that are the real deal and the rest are along for the ride hoping to gain status with the other kids in junior high. And IMO McGowen is just another phony too.
Matt Holland
Matt Holland
2 years ago
The water is RIGHT THERE!!!! DRINK IT!!!!
chuck connor
chuck connor
3 years ago
What is plane view?
Adolf Noise
Adolf Noise
2 years ago
Hagbart Celine calling…
Eric Fernandez
Eric Fernandez
2 years ago
Well uh, I’m Johnnnn Waynnnne!
Pete Fessenden
Pete Fessenden
2 years ago
I love you all
Stefan Frisk
Stefan Frisk
1 year ago
R I P ! ?
Stephen Hargrave
Stephen Hargrave
2 years ago
The beauty and misanthropic greatbess of the most highly advanced piece of technology known to vulgar man, the smart phone, can be summarized in one word… FOLLOWERS… Ide be surprised if half the “YouTubers” can even read. Talk about the man and government control
Dr. Ronald Wellman
Dr. Ronald Wellman
2 years ago
Nobody thought about them shooting the moon landing from this studio They speak about in the beginning?
timothy lines
timothy lines
2 years ago
empire plants narks every where.
2 years ago
The “Lizard” King.
Truth Matters
Truth Matters
2 years ago
There’s foia documents out on Hendrix
4 years ago
So was the CIA ran government responsible for promoting “Hippy” jam bands and record producing popularity in la?
just the tip? band
just the tip? band
2 years ago (edited)
super advanced military film studio? now we know where moon landing was filmed ?
Barbara Warwick
Barbara Warwick
2 years ago
Maybe there was an agenda? PLEASE ! There is an ongoing agenda.
Rabbi’d Anti-Kenite
Rabbi’d Anti-Kenite
2 years ago
No mention of: Church of the FinalProcess??
Steve Dalriada
Steve Dalriada
2 years ago
Dave. RIP
Navy XA
Navy XA
3 years ago
Wonderland Ave………………………………
2 years ago
and Young! Young!! why does always everybody fuggeddabout Young!? 😉
Kimberly Paul
Kimberly Paul
2 years ago
What book.
.my mind went in too many directions
Mike Knife
Mike Knife
2 years ago
The FBI used COINTELPRO to destroy African Americans who were Black Panthers.
george wood
george wood
2 years ago
Turn on tune out pretty controllable masses while the Elite profit wildly. Beserkely!
2 years ago
Jim Morrison was not an overtly anti-war guy. He certainly should not be held up as one. He was into his own experience not much more.
Dan Hamilton
Dan Hamilton
2 years ago
20 min in. This guy says everything three times.
3 years ago
The Gulf of Tonkin Incident never happened. Johnson lied to us. The Gulf of Tonkin Incident lie was used as an excuse to escalate the war.
2 years ago
Jim Morrison is now Chevy chase
Thomas Kauser
Thomas Kauser
2 years ago
Battelle memorial institute
Jonas Pettersson
Jonas Pettersson
3 years ago
A nice counterpoint to the history put fourth here is by academic culture-critic “Zarahustra´s Serpent” here on youtube, and his series a History of Psychedelics.
For further info on Laurel Canyon and CIA look up Jan Irvin and his Gnostic Media & Publishing, basing his finding in prime sources – documents interviews etc.
Jodie Hawthorne
Jodie Hawthorne
3 years ago
Very good program, gosh the music industry/Hollywood, The Young Turks and the freaks + the military geeze not very surprised 🙁 ffwd to 2017 and we experience Ariana Grande… say no more!
kevin b
kevin b
2 years ago (edited)
I am curious about something. In the late 70s and early 80s I got into the punk rock scene, and music.
Does anyone have any take or information, if punk rock and the whole anarchist movement was started by the government? Kind of reminds of the fake hippie, anti war movement. In the sense that all of a sudden tens of thousands of punks pop up and show a face, and the punk scene being anti hippie- odd. Thanks for any help.
Vera Scroggins
Vera Scroggins
3 years ago
Life is full of coincidences / synchronicities…….cosmic movement of energies and doors opening that seem miraculous…..doesn’t mean it’s some kind of conspiracy…..
Alanson Charles
Alanson Charles
2 years ago
Wasn’t 27 the year that these folks die? Of course 2+7 = 9. 9= completion.
3 years ago
So Mr. McGowan had already become ill at this point? If anyone knows I would appreciate some confirmation. This is fascinating
Barbara Warwick
Barbara Warwick
2 years ago
We live in a Matrix
2 years ago
I don’t know, I have kind of looked at a lot of backgrounds of famous people and most of them don’t come from Joe Schmo average backgrounds. Stevie Ray Vaughan did come from nothing I can guarantee that.
Cindy Tepper
Cindy Tepper
2 years ago
I can’t watch any Hollywood stars because their political views piss me off, and my list of music is growing. Next I’ll hear something bad about Lynyrd Skynyrd
elizabeth *
elizabeth *
1 year ago
this is very fascinating and i appreciate the connection between the military and laurel canyon musicians, however the hippie/counterculture movement was much broader and more significant than music (although music certainly provided a very meaningful soundtrack). it was political, intellectual, social, and spiritual. it covered all facets of our culture. it did NOT originate in laurel canyon, it started at universities like berkeley in the very early 1960’s (my parents graduated from college in the bay area in 1963 and it was already going on). it then spread to the haight ashbury and then on to laurel canyon. still, very interesting.
Patricia Drummond
Patricia Drummond
1 year ago
He looks just like richard d hall.
2 years ago
Why was Marilyn Manson to the left of the singer of The Doors
William Schall
William Schall
2 years ago
Jim Morrison,s father was Admiral for the entire Vietnam War…. his father reported to John McCain,s father who was Admiral for the entire Pacific Fleet………
2 years ago
RIP Dave
Dean Martin
Dean Martin
2 years ago
2 years ago
I’ve discovered dates, names, events and social trends which link the original American Woodstock festival of 1969 and at least one of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The DSS were discovered near the Dead Sea in 1947, after being hidden for 2,000 years.The original author of about 100 B.C. interpreted several Bible verses in this particular scroll, one of those verses interpreted is Micah 2;11. In my modern Catholic translation Bible(Although I grew up in a Catholic family, I do not believe in every Catholic teaching), Micah 2;11 reads, “If one acting on impulse should make the futile claim: “I pour you wine and strong drink as my prophecy,” then he would be the prophet of this people.”(When prophets are referred to in the Bible, they are not necessarily true prophets from God.) Concerning this verse, the scroll author writes, “The serpents are the kings of the peoples and their wine is their ways. And the head of asps is the chief of the kings of Greece who came to wreak vengeance upon them. But all these things the builders of the wall and those who daub it with plaster (Ezek. 33; 10) have not understood because a follower of the wind, one who raised storms and rained down lies, had preached to them(Mic. 2;11), against all whose assembly the anger of God was kindled.” At Woodstock Joe Cocker sang, Lets Go Get Stoned, and then, With A Little Help From My Friends. Just seconds after Joe was finished singing, it began to rain. A witness recalled that there was no rain forecasted for that day. The two songs give a negative and a positive message and therefore constitute a following of the wind.
christina cure
christina cure
2 years ago
Most young men in the 40’s signed up in one branch or another in the military to fight the Japanese or Nazi’s , therefore any children born 1945
and later came from a military background.
Ara Cod!? Ara Cod!?
Ara Cod!? Ara Cod!?
2 years ago
Ha the 66th comment ara ;))
Thomas Valentine Holick
Thomas Valentine Holick
2 years ago
Geoff Dein
Geoff Dein
2 years ago
And the sale of drugs and the drug culture grew exponentially during the same period. So the military drug marketing and popularisation was a well oiled machine. Vietnam did pay off after all
Joseph Valle
Joseph Valle
1 year ago
1 year ago
Michael Ralston
Michael Ralston
3 years ago
I don’t need McGowan’s excellent research to engender hatred for the hippie lie. But it helps.
1 year ago
3 years ago
Jimi Hendrix was drafted
I Drink Therefore I Dram
I Drink Therefore I Dram
5 years ago
What a load of twaddle of absolute zero importance this proves to be. x
2 years ago
Lot of blind Morrison fans on here. I was among one the biggest “fans,” back in my hayday, and even I, can see all this for what it is. “Weird scenes inside the gold mine.” “Wake up!”
Meteorologist Mike
Meteorologist Mike
2 years ago
wasn’t everyone in the military back then during and after WWII?
Steve Quizodlibumpbumpbump
Steve Quizodlibumpbumpbump
1 year ago
Dave was a man with a proper haircut. “Sherlock” means “haircut”. Shear lock.
3 years ago
most people born at that time were children of army personnel it was just after the war.
K. Chris Caldwell
K. Chris Caldwell
3 years ago
The key to understanding the Laurel Canyon counter-culture psyop is understanding that this supposedly troubling to power and tyranny group of people did not have one draft age man drafted or any other deported.
An American citizen, not US subject.
Rebekah Legion SundayGirlJournals
Rebekah Legion SundayGirlJournals
2 years ago
Both Axl Rose & Trent Reznor donated a percentage of proceeds from their albums to one of the surviving Family members of one of Manson’s victims. Both of them have spoken out against what Manson did & Axl has said He is not a Manson fan in any way. But You cannot detract from His musical talent. He was talented enough for a Beach Boy to steal one of His songs, Manson did not make a penny out of those bands covering His music. Not from any of them.
Regarding the 60’s, What People don’t realise is that Charles Manson had a huge hold over People. When They first met Him, They made them think He was some kind of Buddhist new messiah & all about free love. He talked about a Utopia & He quickly turned on People once He had a huge hold over them. He then controlled them with fear. He was a mind controller who was probably under mind control Himself. Probably part of an MK Ultra experiment before being released from Prison, Himself.
WW3Revelation6 and13
WW3Revelation6 and13
2 years ago
Dave McGowan died the year this was on youtube. hmmmm
Infinite Plane and Beyond
Infinite Plane and Beyond
3 years ago
Rush Morrison Jim limbo
Mark Lewen
Mark Lewen
2 years ago
Many think the whole Mandon thing was a psy’op…the one queszion that naysayers cant answer is this : If Manson was such a hippie guru,who loved and wrote music, WHY WASNT HE AND HIS HIPPIE FAMILY HEADED TO THE BIGGEST HIPPIE GATHERING IN HISTORY,WOODSTOCK, 4 days later? Instead,they were running around committing random murders,totally destroying the hippie message that would emanate from Woodstock.
2 years ago
Great channel with no current content. Bummer.
2 years ago
True this isn’t new information, but it seems to be a good compilation. I haven’t drawn any conclusions, but think it’s a bit sophisticated for the government of that era just to draw the attention away from more legitimate anti-war sources. I don’t give the government that much credit. I think it was something more deep rooted and sinister, though I wouldn’t want to live in a world where the 60s never happened. Especially, having been born in the 50s.
2 years ago
How has nobody mentioned that this is obviously where the moon landings were filmed
michael nixson
michael nixson
2 years ago (edited)
Uncanny how this guy looks just like the presenter of “” are my senses deceiving me? Is Michael Parker …..Richard D. Hall??
H Q Music Productions H Q Music Productions
H Q Music Productions H Q Music Productions
2 years ago
Paul Allen Rothchild The Doors producer is he part of the Rothchild banking family ?
Debra Soileau
Debra Soileau
4 years ago
lady heart
Stephen Dawe
Stephen Dawe
3 years ago
America as you know it was an experiment. It didn’t work,did it?
joey scranton
joey scranton
2 years ago
see his work on manufactured serial killers
3 years ago
good video and kudos to the author but, and not to be critical…yes there definitely was a lot of weirdness going on at that time, but I am skeptical, and find it hard to believe, that the whole hippie movement was fabricated, created, etc to undermine the whole budding (latent?) war movement (41:59) or as the interviewer says at the end, “a put on”…why can’t it be coincidental that all these musicians ended up there at the same time? not all these great musicians were from L.A., many migrated there ’cause rumor got around of the vibrant music (and drug) scene. Didn’t David Crosby find Joni Mitchell in Florida and wasn’t Frank Zappa from Maryland?, Graham Nash from England?…Eddy Nash was from the middle east…L.A. might have been the original “hippie” movement but the brand equity went to San Fran which had a big hippie movement, no mention of Jerry Garcia?…., in the comments it mentions the primary music scenes were NYC, Nashville, and Detroit, okay but what about Canada (Toronto, very close to the states) huge music scene there during that time period, and what about Memphis? i could keep going…
Thomas Kauser
Thomas Kauser
2 years ago
Opium from the east was predicated by LSD from Switzerland?
grant Diggs
grant Diggs
5 years ago
daniel tosh in a few years on the left
Ryen Mcfarlane
Ryen Mcfarlane
10 months ago
Tom Crockett
Tom Crockett
2 years ago
Spooks,please just leave us alone.
Ea beck
Ea beck
2 years ago
Fascinating theories, but there is also a chance that the children of military families tend to protest it…. Maybe the artists success wasn’t cause they worked for the government but because they were talented? Just food for thought, everyone’s got their own opinions lol
11 months ago
Where is his coin.?
Jason Litherland
Jason Litherland
2 years ago
Shame that this channel died pretty much. Seems like it would have been a good one
Rippin Around Everywhere
Rippin Around Everywhere
2 years ago
The intrigue here is absolutely unending!!….I’ve met, and smoked a fat joint with Steven Stills, on a sale boat in Honolulu in 1991-2ish…My mother and Step Father (world renowned criminologist) all sat there, smoked, drank, and ate..Very memorable event I was 18 years old at the time..I was so overly exited I drank one to many micky’s widemouths, along with the absolute fire weed I got the spins and barfed pretty hard over the side of the boat about 2a.m. or so…EVERYONE on board got to wake up to my huuuuuurrrrling noises…Was embarrassed as hell, the next day was suuuuper rough.., but everyone, including Steven got a good laugh on my account…Not one bit of barf got on the boat I’m proud to say, I recall while gaggling to try above everything else to at least not get puke on the man’s boat..!! Pointed this fact out the next day to save a bit of story!
Takie Dela
Takie Dela
2 years ago
LoL “filming facility where hollywood stars would go”, “celebrity rehab center” “the celebrities never mention it”. If you still don’t believe in cloning you’re a-u-t-i-s-t-i-c
Waters Breedlove
Waters Breedlove
3 years ago (edited)
RIchard Hall is made from the same clone.
Barbara Johnson
Barbara Johnson
2 years ago
But Joni Mitchel was Canadian… and Neil Young….
Southern Cross
Southern Cross
2 years ago
Raising dental floss.
gemini rose
gemini rose
2 years ago
i cant believe my fkn ears !
4 years ago
Go look into the Pilgrim Society…
J Grizz
J Grizz
2 years ago
All you need to observe is in the last 5 minutes. Not a single one of them got drafted or hassled by the law. Also, notice that this same music is being shoved down our throats on the radio and TV even children’s clothing to this day. Ask yourself why.
michael theiss
michael theiss
2 years ago
All that music ended at the end of Vietnam. No good music until the punk band era.
Michael Edwards
Michael Edwards
2 years ago
my boy Jarred Leto owns that air force building now…his music and acting has gone down hill since he turned
The Drew Magoo
The Drew Magoo
4 years ago
3 months ago
It all makes sense
Lady Pamela
Lady Pamela
2 years ago
Look up last being given out. And let in comic books.
5 years ago
timothy lines
timothy lines
2 years ago
one of their fathers was c.i.a.
steve jaubert
steve jaubert
3 years ago
It was pretty much a given that great many of those “making it” at the time were at least partially motivated opportunists so most of what they sang about made their lives seem quite hypocritical. Ironically the motivation supposedly of the movement in the 60s at least in part was break free of the decadence and corruption and blah blah blah “badness” of the status quo.
2 years ago
J. Edgar Hoover
Em Gee
Em Gee
2 years ago
If you enjoyed reading this great book — ‘Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon” Try “Transformation of America ” By Cathy O Brian even MORE mind blowing..You will find out that Bob Hope was a sick sadistic “Slave Handler” in the CIA’S Mk ULTRA program…SO MANY famous actors and Politicians are well documented doing HORRIBLE things. It is STILL going on…Country Music was a REAL hot bed of Trauma based mind control.
John Q
John Q
2 years ago
Also look at country Joe McDonald of country Joe and the fish
David Jerome Putnam
David Jerome Putnam
2 years ago (edited)
Were Jim Morrison, Frank Zappa (and lots of ’60s artists) all MK-Ultra agents?
Vera Armstrong
Vera Armstrong
2 years ago
yeah and chas manson too
5 months ago
Dave died 9 months later of “cancer” on 11/22/2015. What other event happened on that date in American history? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
David Akers
David Akers
2 years ago
Loop Garoo
Loop Garoo
2 years ago
Slow down, let us see the cover.
Owen Denchy
Owen Denchy
2 years ago
Jim Morrison reinvented himself as Val Kilmer and played himself in a movie about the Doors.
Tru Keesey
Tru Keesey
6 months ago
Manson killins were fake. Several sundry men were presented to the camera as Manson. One was the same as Geo.W. Bush, whose family was linked to Mothman location, where “Manson” was raised.
Jason Matthews
Jason Matthews
2 years ago
Yet the Rock n’ Wrestling connection from the 80’s gets a pass. Talk about uninformed.
Thomas Kauser
Thomas Kauser
2 years ago
What came before RAND?
vincent zito
vincent zito
2 years ago
Well it must have backfired because most of these people helped to end the war…
timothy lines
timothy lines
2 years ago
how many had blue/eugenics eyes???
Robert Therob
Robert Therob
1 year ago
That did it to create what we call mandella affecta.
Static Adamah
Static Adamah
2 years ago
Cubes huh
David Murphy
David Murphy
2 years ago
Tru Keesey
Tru Keesey
6 months ago
Jonathan Winter was an army ‘s officer under Hitler.
3 years ago
Comment #667
jcm 800
jcm 800
2 years ago
Fortunately the Ramones saved us from the hippies and their music
4 years ago
and then this guy with a full head of hair died from cancer
rly makes u think
timothy lines
timothy lines
2 years ago
doris day,and her son??
5 years ago
I don’t agree with his idea that the war movement had two distinct camps early on. I believe the war movement grew off the back of the civil rights movement . Towards the end is where the split happened when the group known as the Weathermen gave up on peaceful and decided violence was the only thing the “man” understood and I’m not so sure they were wrong.
marcus mcfarland
marcus mcfarland
2 years ago (edited)
Holly is the tree of witches ie hollywood for casting spells ?
2 years ago (edited)
CAN WE ALL AGREE……ILLUMINATI & REPTILIAN is the basic answers for all these curious anomalies.
Delhi Delirium
Delhi Delirium
2 years ago
The dude who has written the book should lay off the Oxys … just saying .
Matthew Ronson
Matthew Ronson
2 years ago
I’m surprised such a normally trite and skanky channel would post this.
six strings
six strings
2 years ago
paranoia will destroy ya
James Murphy
James Murphy
2 years ago
Not so much minded controlled or entertain more like distracted or preoccupied today like yesterday the individual more important over civilization
Alex’s bookclub
Alex’s bookclub
1 year ago
Milton Hershey had no kids
Augustus Berg
Augustus Berg
3 years ago
There is also some information that Jim Morrison’s dad was tied to the U.S.S Liberty that was attacked on by Israel!!
timothy lines
timothy lines
2 years ago
Brian Rapp
Brian Rapp
5 years ago
1966 BRIAN RAPP 6 WILD ANGEL OF HOLLYWEED July 28 Th JE NY MAXWELLS Blonde Wounderland Schiller SURF KID WAS THE Blue Hawaii Waterbaby in thé Opeaning scean of Paul RAPP s My USC Burton Drive Live Benedict Canyon DAD s movie THE WILD ANGELS euthanasie Dick Miller and My Héro Péter Fonda smoking à Joint wé Had My Birthdays at THE LAUA bamboo bar Canyonlocalfilmscom Dave THE RAMS
Chris Mckinney
Chris Mckinney
2 years ago
Both Jim and his dad were actors and believe me I know it sounds crazy but it’s ironic how they say Jim May have not died in Paris and just retired that role? Well he has been playing another role for years and his name is Rush Limbaugh. Not even joking. The put the truth in some of there songs knowing that the drunk and stoned sheep wouldn’t figure it out if it literally smacked them in the face.
STO888 888
STO888 888
2 years ago
Same thing was going on in comunist Yugoslavia and soviet union
Jonathan Kosyjana
Jonathan Kosyjana
2 years ago
Call any vegetable!
Occult Priestess
Occult Priestess
3 years ago
Micheal is hot 🙂
Petra Dollah
Petra Dollah
4 years ago
Grateful Dead were VERY organic????????
Fran AV
Fran AV
2 years ago
Charles not Hippie, he was skinhead
Dawn Cantagallo
Dawn Cantagallo
2 years ago
Dave Mcgowan is dead now,why did you not talk about that.
stewart hart
stewart hart
2 years ago (edited)
McGowan didn’t make a connection between the CIA & Laurel canyon musicians in this interview. Parents didn’t do it. We all were rebelling against establishment including parents.
2 years ago
The “conspiracy community”? Jesus….
MADD Art44
MADD Art44
2 years ago
Wonder why he only had one good song
casey noll
casey noll
1 year ago
Is this the real Eddie Bravo?
Mike Rotchburns
Mike Rotchburns
1 year ago
Richard D Hall’s doppelganger?
silky johnston
silky johnston
2 years ago
There is so much mis information in this. Don’t buy it. ” If you get confused listen to the music play”
Petra Dollah
Petra Dollah
4 years ago
mcgowan “intimated” that the CIA were involved or even created the hippies. I’d like to see conclusive evidence.
teresa elliott
teresa elliott
4 years ago
manson wasnt blood. used as a patsy. actors used in later “interveiws”.
Katherine Inaction
Katherine Inaction
4 years ago
don’t forget Glenn Danzig and Heart…their dad’s are marines.
Lindsay Espinosa
Lindsay Espinosa
1 year ago
This guy died shortly after this interview, right? Anyone know if that’s correct?
Cindy Dufala
Cindy Dufala
2 years ago
Adam Schiff, Kamala Harris, look at spouses…get the DEMOCRAT ideology our of our lives.
1 year ago
Drugs? Rat line ?
2 years ago
Misleading thumbnail.
LunaChick Fringe
LunaChick Fringe
2 years ago
It makes sense that their parents served in the military because…who didn’t? It was WW2.
The Beach Boys & surf rock — both based in LA. It’s no wonder why the hippie movement began there.
Not seeing anything here but coincidences.
John Burman
John Burman
2 years ago
Life is crazy, the mind tries to find a thread to connect seemingly random events. There is a “they” who cause all our problems, or a “god” who will save us. Sorry, but we have to go deeper to get to source.
Gary Christopher
Gary Christopher
2 years ago
Its funny i have known most of this information for nearly 10year and think the writer comes across very badly without any real unique insight on the subject.
Christian Smith
Christian Smith
2 years ago
The need for a companion of a women I’d my only real requirement to stop me from trying to talk until someone kills me
Anderson Slade
Anderson Slade
5 years ago
I’ve trie to listen to this guy’s rap before but maybe I just zone out too quick. All I’ve ever gotten from it is that a lot of kids of the WWII generation had parents and relatives in the military (ya don’t say?) and that Jared Leto lives in an old military film studio. My father was in the army too but that doesn’t mean I have friggin’ ties to the intelligence community. I guess Jim Morrison was programmed from birth to be a hippie Manchurian candidate? Manson and the Hell’s Angels were MK-Ultra experiments and not just drugged out criminals? Pretty sure that the swiss discovery of LSD was mostly responsible for the counter culture, as well as this crazy nonsense.
Janna Lorette
Janna Lorette
2 years ago
More imput
Michael Furia
Michael Furia
2 years ago
a lot of this is probably fairly true, but I smell some conspiracy theory nonsense here…
Stephen Dawe
Stephen Dawe
3 years ago
It always seems to be pissed off ex wanna be popstars/failed musicians with a bug to bear.It all got too serious…. Money.
2 years ago
Pretty convincing… the world is staged…
4 years ago
hippies …counterculture proggraming…like the way conspiracy nuts are portrayed today
joe 5D
joe 5D
2 years ago (edited)
The Hippie culture never really did resonate with me and im happy for that lol.
Todd Boboz
Todd Boboz
2 years ago
when your speaker mentioned lookout mountain processed atomic bomb footage, bang diddly, I’ve known that shit was fake for years! Moon landing mumbo jumbo
Tru Keesey
Tru Keesey
2 years ago
“Blue blood” has been misused here. It means “white”. In Spain, Spaniards were differentiated from intruders by the veins in their wrists.
Roberto Valero
Roberto Valero
2 years ago
cine pobre
cine pobre
2 years ago
iconic bollocks
2 years ago (edited)
There’s nothing here. A non-story. Good luck with the book. You’ll need it.
Jeremy Freeman
Jeremy Freeman
1 year ago
So, we should just forget about the British wave, that initialized the hippie movement? Yeah, we should
Crystal Lee
Crystal Lee
3 years ago
A lot of people have ties to the military. Try and find someone in your life who doesnt have at least one family member that has served. However, its not something that you wouldve wanted to advertise back then.
Mrs.MojoRisin Alcazar
Mrs.MojoRisin Alcazar
2 years ago (edited)
Just because Jim Morrison choose to break away from his father or any relation to him (“KILL THE FATHER” – in his song ‘”The End’) does not make him a CIA weapon… If anything that gives him more credibility as a great influencer or leader of the anti-war movement and most importantly the establishment. He promoted change and a different point of view for those times by rallying people against the authority, against people like his very father.
Dáithí Ó Pléimeann
Dáithí Ó Pléimeann
2 years ago
SIMPLE Salvation message, If you want to get SAVED today, read the message BELOW
Most people have heard such terms as being born again, converted, or saved. There are even many people who have had a personal experience of salvation through Jesus Christ. However, there are still multitudes of people who never have accepted this free gift from God. Often people do not understand the purpose of salvation or how it can be obtained. Hopefully the following will help answer some of the most commonly asked questions about salvation.
What is salvation?
Salvation is the free gift of eternal life that is made possible only through Jesus Christ. John 3:16-17 KJV states, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” The apostle Paul tells us in Romans 6:23 KJV, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Salvation is not limited to any denomination, race, gender, or age, but it is available for everyone. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13 KJV).
Why do you need salvation?
Mankind needs salvation because it is the only way to get to Heaven. Jesus said in John 3:3 KJV, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Everyone will stand before God after death has occurred. “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment”
(Hebrews 9:27 KJV). Those who have not been saved will spend eternity separated from God. “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:15 KJV). The penalty of sin that is passed on to all of mankind is death. Jesus Christ became the atonement for all sin. He took our place and died on a cross. Those who accept this plan, which is made possible only by Jesus, will receive forgiveness for their sins and obtain salvation.
How do you obtain salvation?
In order to be saved you must first realise that you are a sinner and that you cannot make it to heaven on your own good merit. “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one” (Romans 3:10 KJV). “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23 KJV). Secondly, you must recognize that salvation is made possible only by the grace of God. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast”
(Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV). Finally, you must believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died for your sins and that he was raised from the dead. In Romans 10:9-10 KJV, Paul gives specific instructions for salvation. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” In the sixteenth chapter of Acts, the Philippian jailor asked Paul and Silas what he must do in order to be saved. Their response to him still applies today. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31 KJV).
Every Person Must Know That…
Romans 3:10 – As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
I John 1:8 – If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
Isaish 64:6 – But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
Ecclesiastes 7:20 – For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not.
Romans 5:12 – Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Revelation 20:14 – And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
John 3:36 – He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
Romans 1:18 – For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Ezekiel 18:4b – the soul that sinneth, it shall die.
Titus 3;5,6 – Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour;
Romans 3:20 – Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
Ephesians 2:8,9 – For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Romans 11:6 – And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.
Galatians 2:16 – Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
I John 5:11 – And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.
Hebrews 2:9 – But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.
John 14:6 – Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
I Timothy 2:5 – For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
Acts 4:12 – Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Hebrews 7:25 – Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.
Hebrews 10:10 – By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
Hebrews 10:19 – Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus,
I John 1:7 – But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
John 10:9 – I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
John 12:46 – I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.
John 8:24 – I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.
John 6:51 – I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
Acts 16:31 – And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:18 – He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
John 3:36 – He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
Galatians 3:26 – For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
John 1:12 – But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
Romans 10:9 – That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Romans 3:28 – Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.
…this is the witness of God
which he hath testified of his Son.
He that believeth on the Son of God
hath the witness in himself:
he that believeth not God hath made him a liar;
because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.
And this is the record,
that God hath given to us eternal life,
and this life is in his Son.
He that hath the Son hath life;
and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
These things have I written unto you
that believe on the name of the Son of God;
that ye may know that ye have eternal life,
and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
I John 5:9b-13
If you have not seen the simplicity in Christ in the above verses by now, I must tell you that you are trying to make your salvation much more difficult than you need to. There are no works such as baptism, church membership, sacraments, walking ‘clean’, wearing the right clothes, talking the right talk, giving money or thinking clean that will open the door of heaven.
Contact us at “Eternal Security Defended,” facebook…
San Mcnellis
San Mcnellis
2 years ago
Sounds like he stole this info from Joseph Atwill.
Terje Rypdale
Terje Rypdale
2 years ago
This is nothing but the BS! LOL ?
Norris Pulliam
Norris Pulliam
2 years ago
What is the point!?
5 years ago
I don’t know if I am buying this. You have to remember that the generation gap was prevalent in the late sixties.
3 years ago
Fascinating! However, he’s wrong that the Hippie Movement started in Laurel Canyon. Contrary to what he said, the movement started in the Bay Area. San Francisco’s well-known Beats (or Beatniks) engaged in the ‘San Francisco Renaissance’ that led to the counterculture movement of the early ’60’s. Granted, it spread to Laurel Canyon rapidly with cross-pollenation of musical influences between LA and SF. But the start was arguably located in La Honda where the Merry Pranksters started their legendary road trip in a bus, connecting Bay Area’s emerging scene of psychedelic voyagers before heading to LA. I remember those events well because I was a teenager who was fascinated with Beatniks whose transformation was chronicled in local Bay Area media. By the time of the Summer of Love, many young locals were already hippies like me.
Stephen Dawe
Stephen Dawe
3 years ago
Just like Totnes.A mixture of crustys and rich wanna be’s&money to be made.
2 years ago
We’re all living in a truman show getting recycled over and over. The only way out is higher consciousness which Jesus teaches.
AS Laing
AS Laing
4 years ago
40:00 or a hoax, as so many many many are.
2 years ago
Give me a flippin’ break! The only mind control there was acid the chose to take! BS!
frequency flux fandango
frequency flux fandango
3 years ago (edited)
I am trying to understand exactly WHY the CIA would have people installed within the hippie scene. I have almost watched this thru, and asides from lots of 60’s anecdotal
freak stuff -and ‘family relations’ to military/political/VIP’s. (Important daddies) I don’t understand… What was the intention of the CIA’s clandestine involvement with these rock stars was supposed to achieve ? Yes there were murders but I don’t understand this at all.
Yourname Here
Yourname Here
2 years ago
Sharon Tates father was a military intelligence clown. I think he was stationed in Italy when MK-ultra produced assassins killed Tate and her entourage.
She was also married to Roman Polanski, the serial child molestor and rapist.
Glenda McGee
Glenda McGee
4 years ago
Almost 6 minutes in and I have no idea what this is about.
Joey D
Joey D
2 years ago
Cocaine …
2 years ago
The moon landing was filmed there
2 years ago
Umm… This is getting weird.
2 years ago
7 months ago
The Zombies are responsible too, after all they proclaimed themselves as zombies! what a waste of 47:32…
2 years ago
Laurel Canyon was cool back 1n the 70s, now its the worst Canyon road to the beach on a motorcycle, chuck holes big enough to hide a Buick in.
2 years ago
This makes sense cause Jim Morrison In ratio to his popularity- sucked; hard.
2 years ago
All user controls of this video have been disabled and this show is interrupted with a very long commercial that we cannot stop. Just so you know…this is a major turnoff. I will not finish this video.
Nobody YouKnow
Nobody YouKnow
4 years ago
McGowan acts like a Junkie
mike wilbur
mike wilbur
4 years ago
he lays a lot of presumptions which are inaccurate but never,i say never does he say who were the gov’t agents that were procuring the agenda.
Larry Wheels
Larry Wheels
3 years ago
how about that, the hippies that the rightwing hated so much were after we pull back the covers, were right wingers themselves. talk about self hate. LOL
Robert Gantry
Robert Gantry
2 years ago
I’m not convinced Charles Manson had anything to do with the killing of Sharon Tate and the others. I’m more inclined to believe that Roman Polanski conspired with Tex Watson to murder his wife and then blame it on Manson. I think they didn’t expect the cops to find out who actually did the killings. I believe Manson was convicted on his crazy behavior, as there was no real evidence linking him to the murders. They convicted him, supposedly, because those dumb women said that Tex Watson said that Charlie said to do it. A clear case of hearsay, and yet Manson went to prison.
Seth Wolfe
Seth Wolfe
2 years ago
So this was mind control experimentation? By using music movies Hollywood kind of shit?
4 years ago
like everything these days this is oversimplified and full with wrong conclusions
Lilo Faoa
Lilo Faoa
4 years ago
Do I believe this? yes. Do I care? No. Not in the slightest.
Short Quick
Short Quick
2 years ago (edited)
Texas Ray
Texas Ray
3 years ago
On the question “Why did the establishment actively and intentionally create the hippie movement?” As he states it was partly to take over, disrupt, and neutralize the growing antiwar movement. That’s true. But it’s much more than that.
The dialectic method of mass thought control requires a conflict that will polarize the population forcing people to align themselves with one group or another. It doesn’t work if people aren’t concerned enough to take sides. So it has to be emotional.
Peaceful anti-war protesters don’t generate much fear or opposition, but freaky looking drug addict cults who murder innocents without reason are a different story. And at the same time,, troops firing live ammunition at unarmed college students on campuses generates genuine fear and hatred as well.
Both poles of the issue attract genuine, well intentioned people and set them against each other with genuine fear and loathing. And both groups can be manipulated. The antiwar counter culture is told how to dress, what drugs to use, who to vote for, etc etc by the control agents who created the movement in the first place. And the establishment is already totally controlled by the establishment media. Everything is done to increase tension and to perpetuate the conflict.
It sells records and drugs and magazines and guns and military hardware, and body bags.
The resulting drug culture decimates birth rates for minorities, disrupts efforts to promote social justice, impoverishes entire populations, etc etc etc. Meanwhile the war goes on, unnoticed, supported more than ever by those who feel like their nation is under siege by crazy radicals.
There must always be a monster to keep people afraid.
Or even better, two monsters, opposing each other, each one followed by “true believer” idiots and both controlled by the same group of hidden puppet masters.
Roger R.
Roger R.
2 years ago
All of this is so very disappointing to know and realize. Is there any aspect of the “modern day” life that is not controlled? Is there nothing or no one left in which to put any hope in? This sucks
Rare Animal
Rare Animal
2 years ago
Everything is a lie.
Steve Quizodlibumpbumpbump
Steve Quizodlibumpbumpbump
1 year ago
Manson killins were fake. On camera, Manson was played by several men. One of them was the same man who played “Geo. W. Bush” on camera. Bein a character and not a real person, “he” was never in prison.
Beauty Bulletin
Beauty Bulletin
2 years ago
David Cassidy lived in Laurel canyon
kevin st.andre
kevin st.andre
2 years ago
Get to the point!
2 years ago
Of course hippies had military parents. Children rebel. That’s what counter cultures all about.
1 year ago
Operation Paper Clip was anything BUT “de-Nazification”. See Von Braun & NASA. See Joe Rogan on this issue and Hitler / Germans in South America.
2 years ago
this makes me wonder about any link/existence of satanism between the music/movie industries and the intelligence communities
2 years ago
The only mind controlling aspect about the hippies was that it was a generation who did the same thing. It was trendy to freak out. But that’s how young people or even people in general are. We must all have short hair and wear dress, and if not, everyone must do the same. Fuh you all. DIE.
Daniel Gaughan
Daniel Gaughan
2 years ago
Interesting how Jim Morrison was three profoundly
Different people within five-or-so short years and now, it’s argued, he’s Rush Limbaugh!
3 years ago
Conspiracy theories are the diseases of this generation.
Ålîçě Whîţě ĻHPW
Ålîçě Whîţě ĻHPW
2 years ago (edited)
NO!!! I’m not watching these guys. If they had put their faces in the cover picture for the video instead of Morrison; NOBODY WOULD CLICK ON IT!!
5 years ago
Serious delusions being peddled here. Pareidolia run amok.
T Mst
T Mst
2 years ago
Nearly an entire generation manipulated to protect the lucrative military-industrial complex. Chalk up another one for the despicable history of post-WWII America and its esteemed intelligence services.
Jack 36
Jack 36
3 years ago
Sounds like SJW’s today
willow bell
willow bell
2 years ago
Why didn’t you two go around with your fathers, and do what they said til you made up your own minds?
He sounded good to me anyway. Loads of musicians didn’t read music then, they played by instinct.
They weren’t replaced, they complemented each other, if you really believe in what you are protesting about you can do it in any way you want, with anyone you want to. People are so caught up in themselves now they have to be right, it is getting worse than ever
The marriage age in America, at least in parts, was 13, so what was under-age sex anyway. What are you implying? I don’t understand. We were, as hippies, over optimistic foolishly, but not govt agents. How were they duped? by speaking out against war, America’s favourite hobby.
You are a very destructive country in all sorts of ways, not least by throwing out a lot of unfounded ideas. Look after your infrastructure, it’s now 2018 and America seems to be drowning or burning.
Kebraraw RasJa
Kebraraw RasJa
5 years ago
I can hear Hendrix from grave lol at these fools. Young middle class Americans fought peacefully against their warmongering parents with arts. The parents won.
2 years ago
Coincidences are not causes. Ideas ,not conspiracies, are the basic cause of politics. Ideas come from intellectuals, not musicians or govt. Modern Intellectual rejected the rational culture of America’s founding. Rock is part of that rejection.
happy gilmoor
happy gilmoor
2 years ago
Click bait
Mantric Caravan
Mantric Caravan
2 years ago
3 years later not even a million hits….thats telling of how Americans are just clueless to the level of manipulation that goes on with their society. Popular culture is nothing but toxic sludge and everything happens for a reason…..
Iain McMullan
Iain McMullan
2 years ago
Richard D Hall wannabe – joke, Rich’s set is made of shutter-ply and black paint.
Jeff Thornton
Jeff Thornton
2 years ago
this is all so far fetched. A lot of people were in the military in the 40s when most of these people were born. The argument that these bands popped up out of nowhere is ridiculous too. When there is nothing before it there is so much room for innovation. If you can’t play you figure out how to play and there you go a new style of music.
Nina Jefferson
Nina Jefferson
3 years ago
no way.
Tru Keesey
Tru Keesey
2 years ago
Jim Morrison was photographed fat toward the end of his character’s existence. After the death of his character, he was made into a new character Rush Limbaugh.
2 years ago
I’ve pissed off many people by pointing out that Morrison was a talentless hack.
Linda & Andy Springer
Linda & Andy Springer
2 years ago
Nobilities – great merchants, [cannanites] deceived the whole earth by their spell casting/sorceries revelation 18;23,b
Christian Smith
Christian Smith
2 years ago
I’m lonely now because my entire life was destroyed an all family and friends lost for I imagine forever. Mms have in years I can maybe forgive a couple of th poo ad 240 list long term friends. I’ll never trust my family ever again. Not one of them
Oh! Thank G-d for the bourgeoisie!
Oh! Thank G-d for the bourgeoisie!
1 year ago (edited)
So wat was the PURPOSE of all these hippie “operatives”? Were they just experimental subjects? Was social corruption the goal? (If so, ☑️)
jimmy johnston
jimmy johnston
4 years ago
It was a hoax, shills.
Eric Anderson
Eric Anderson
5 years ago
Anyone see these connections as a bit weak? The whole entire human condition of the counterculture was the fact that the boomer generation found a problem with the generations that fathered them. If you come from wealth its also about 100 times easier in this country to become successful and famous at whatever you want to do. Its easy to make a band and rebel. You don’t have to “get a job” and grind your way to the top. These are not examples of some master-minded event, its called “life”.
tDennis Gallagher
tDennis Gallagher
2 years ago
Jim Morrison denounced what his father did.He would burn the checks his dad gave him.The last time he talked to him was when his dad made him get a haircut when he came on his ship.I wasn’t there but it’s what was written.This guy sounds like he wants to get some “jack”to sell his book.The book may be good,I don’t know but why do the Bullshit salesman ploy?
2 years ago
2:41 what was the purpose of the film studio? Probably the faked moon landings. I’d put money on it.
Shana Tinnin
Shana Tinnin
3 years ago
Making moon landing videos.
Parsifal Von Vaterland
Parsifal Von Vaterland
2 years ago
Uh…the artists mentioned are all boomers. Most boomer’s parents were in the military. They are really stretching it here. But are their subverts in entertainment? Of course.
Leslie Beckwith
Leslie Beckwith
2 years ago
this is a nice story 🙂 BUT, all these people are actors, the manson murders were fake, most of this story is fae, they are only telling us what is already known. where is the ‘truth’
1 year ago
It’s all scripted nonsense, nothing is genuine anymore, if it ever was. Even whistleblowers are controlled opposition, it’s all fucked.
2 years ago
When or where did not intelligence agencies try to play a part and manipulate? It is it`s job !!
doug bull
doug bull
2 years ago
the so called counter culture was the first wave to start taking away innocence with sex and drugs freely.its been around alot longer but not in huge changed took that wholsome baby boomer downhome america wich was also just bullshit and turned into a circus.and all his starts with one persons idea good or bad
Tom Tapp
Tom Tapp
5 years ago
Siddons does not sit right with this Paris burial thing for me….Hes more into this then he will admit. Apparently he never marries UNTIL 2007 and his wife is a Jewish comic
John Hanks
John Hanks
2 years ago
Notice the fake honesty and sincerity with these creeps. More conspiracy crap.v
Varlon Lalosa
Varlon Lalosa
1 year ago
charles manson revealed on audio record that government and holywood do such bad in the world cover up such the killing on vietnam war massacre ? kill all the hippies cooperation not the music ✊????️
Nigel Geiger
Nigel Geiger
2 years ago
I think it’s funny that you site these musicians not having previous experience in music and not being skilled at their instrument as evidence when this actually describes like 99% of bands from that period and even to today. Conspiracy theories can be fun but you guys aren’t even giving anyone anything to work with here. Also Joni Mitchell was from Canada and Frank Zappa wasn’t part of the anti war movement. He was more anti commercialism and actually pretty damn anti hippie.
Eve Marise
Eve Marise
2 years ago
Dave you lost me when you talked about the Manson murders as a real happening. They were a psyop! Do the research! Nobody died Nobody got hurt
elijah caballero
elijah caballero
1 year ago
All these guys say is “this is weird”
2 years ago
2 years ago
Very long winded and not showing any evidence of what’s being claimed……have to switch off before I fall asleep!
Church Vs State
Church Vs State
2 years ago
Not everything is what you think. Look up a guy named Boyd Grafmyre. I can tell you a history of music in the 60’s and the Mob money in the 70’s as far as Gov getting to involved that did not happen until the late 70’s.
A. R.
A. R.
2 years ago
The European bands were no difrent (Pink Floyd et al.). They always seemed to be surrounded by a groupie that would keep them on acid.
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Ğřvįmvįmvįh6h6h6 M3ŤR0P0ŁĮŞ
4 years ago
this dude repeats himself alot
William Myers
William Myers
5 years ago
You are not old enough to understand this in the cultural context. Go away from my window…. leave at your own chosen speed!
Death Larsen
Death Larsen
2 years ago
just bc the failed wannabe actor host “has lived here 20 years and never heard of it” is meaningless. Are you supposed to hear about things (that are no secret btw) by osmosis simply bc you live in LA County? Don’t confuse your lack of knowledge for conspiracy. You probably can’t balance a fundamental chemical equation of know what one is yet you went to school (presumably). This doesn’t make it a conspiracy. Ignorance isn’t conspiracy.
Robert Chamberlin
Robert Chamberlin
2 years ago
Tate was a hoax!
Erik Trimble
Erik Trimble
4 years ago
I’d like the 47:32 minutes of my life back please…. Rubbish.
Yahkema J
Yahkema J
2 years ago
This so boring the dude is avoiding all the questions that he is being asked about the connection between the rock stars and the military it’s like he want to sell his book but he don’t want to say anything about these people to revealing he is a sell out
Pete Shields
Pete Shields
2 years ago
Spooky entity alright
Soni Cee
Soni Cee
1 year ago (edited)
LMFAO…talking about maybe JIm Morrison faked his death and came back as someone else..; Billy Idol….he was Billy fucking Idol ! lololololol !! Said it for years…
4 years ago
Thankfully, the true legends of progressive rock and dissident political culture, from King Crimson to Pink Floyd to Yes to Gentle Giant to ELP, were not involved in this interesting theory.
P Heresy
P Heresy
2 years ago
Who sowed the original seeds for the “Hippy” movement? Dr Leary said that it was Dr Spock. He wrote a book on parenting that changed Western culture forever. An amazing new idea called “permissive parenting” which replaced the idea of “spare the rod” with “encouraging creativity”.
Then the American “Military Industrial Complex” betrayed the heroic image of the Armed Forces (after WW2) by initiating useless, cruel wars in Korea, then Vietnam. The kids started questioning…. Why are we getting drafted? Why are we burning people alive in their villages?
Then…. the CIA bought a large quantity of a proven therapy drug called LSD to see if it could be weaponized… WOW… what a MASSIVE fail! Now the kids can see CLEARLY, the whole horrible game being played on THEM. Disdain and distrust of all authorities ensued. Families are torn apart because of parent’s misguided notions of patriotism, encouraging their sons to die in said conflicts. The term “Generation Gap” became very real.
It was the clean cut, clean shaven, military look of conformity is what became the “clown suit”. The “Hippy” look was not just a product of performers in LA clubs, maybe it can be traced to those events, but it caught on for good reason. There was potency to it…riding along with that look came harsh reaction from “straights”.
Blue collar guys wearing “hard hats” felt obliged to gang beat anyone with long hair. I witnessed several of them in my suburban town.
The “Hippy” look expressed many things. It showed alignment with nature and respect for life. It expressed a break from the commercial culture machine that would make you pay to have your hair tortured, body hair shaved, chemical perfumes and colognes, synthetic bra cups, back breaking high heeled shoes. There was a suggested reference towards Bibical images, or spiritual seekers in India or China. Seek beauty in what nature shows you. Idealistic and naive and rebellious… and smelling like patchouli.
There are some amazing coincidences pointed out in this book, I’ll give it that. But the conclusions drawn are ridiculous. It relies on major selection bias along with exaggerated claims distorting the importance of situations and events.
For instance…Manson wasn’t adored by anyone except his own group. People put up with his shitty personality because he always showed up to parties with drugs and woman who aimed to please. I could go on and on…. but
Laurel Canyon wasn’t the only music scene that fed the “Hippy” movement. What about the British invasion. The mop topped Beatles came over in 1964 along with the shaggy haired Rolling Stones… then Jimi Hendrix, Cream, and eventually the peace-nic progressive rock including YES, Moody Blues, and ELP. What did the CIA have to do with them?
CIA taking credit for the Doors.. and Jim? Yeah… right, they wish! I have a MUCH more believable story to tell than that one…. Dionysus desired a little romp on Earth… took birth as Jim… and…. before making his quick exit, was able to offer up a painful slap in one Admiral’s face.
The End.
Chris Dragotta
Chris Dragotta
2 years ago
Nonsense. The kids with time and money to do this were the sons and daughters of men who had good paying jobs in the industries that were out there, the military industrial complex.
2 years ago
Couple quick points. Couldn’t watch it all, got tired of holding my nose. 1) Morrison was told to cut his hair before he got on the ship in that pic with his father on his ship. He didn’t have much choice as his father was paying for UCLA at the time of that photo. But it’s not just that photo, to claim that Jim was a clean cut college kid is absurd to anyone that knows anything about him. 2) To claim that Steven Stills was the biggest star that came out of Buffalo Springfield is ridiculous. I love Steven’s work but Neil Young takes that title hands down. Gulf of Tonkin ship is intriguing if true, I’ll find out soon enough.
NewSherriff InTown
NewSherriff InTown
2 years ago
You guys have no idea how much being a military intelligence army brat influences your creativity… it doesn’t surprise me in the slightest that a bunch of military brats created a wave of music. A lot of the stuff argued in this is speculative business btw. Opening clubs and recording contracts.
Chris W
Chris W
2 years ago
Morrison is Chevy Chase and Manson is George Bush JR.
Light Bright
Light Bright
2 years ago
This is a totally inconclusive interview. Nothing is offered by the author that can even come close to construing the premise of his book. Plenty of evidence is available to indict the CIA of illegal drug experiments carried out on citizens. The latest book to report on this, Blowing America’s Mind, is surely a solid and conclusive piece of research.
The National Razor
The National Razor
3 years ago (edited)
Your background information is fascinating. But your conclusion is ridiculous.
Why should anyone be surprised that the offspring of the very rich would be
1. talented 2. rebellious and 3. protected by their rich and connected families?
2 years ago
sküll düggery
sküll düggery
5 years ago
i don’t really care for the byrds much, but this guy is clueless about their talent. they weren’t conditioned by the government to get good….lol.
Selim B
Selim B
6 years ago
I love the antidote! Yes – You are…, I am…, We are the antidote!!! – can’t wait for the next episode on AI….
6 years ago
Love it already Dave! And I haven’t even watched it! Haha!
John Runion
John Runion
5 years ago
the doors always played their own instruments. ray was a classically trained musician. john was a jazz drummer. robbie was a blues guitarist. when they did bring in outside musicians (usually to play bass) they gave those musicians credit.
Richard Storelee
Richard Storelee
6 years ago
good info, I thought the movement started with Kesey & the pranksters… the prelude.
6 years ago
That has always bugged me about Morrison and his old man.. Did they stay in contact with each other? Did Jim know his dad was about to partake in a major war? Did they possibly watch newspapers or news broadcasts to give each other coded messages? One hot one cold from a family is not something new but these 2 and the positions they held? both with their actions influenced thousands if not millions of people and still effect some to this day.
Tommy Glick
Tommy Glick
6 years ago
Good interview. I’ve read around 3 or 4 of his books, also read ‘Operation Mind Control’. What he’s saying is true: when your government-compliant mass media is constantly foisting and glorifying these ‘anti war’ ‘counter culture’ activists, you can rest assured that they’re not really anti-war, they’re not really ‘counter culture’, but rather are being deployed to derail and destroy any actual anti US policy movements.
John Runion
John Runion
5 years ago
david crosby’s father was floyd crosby. he was also a director of photography for many films including the screaming skull, high noon and many, many american internation pictures.
John Runion
John Runion
5 years ago
david crosby was the inspiration for dennis hopper’s character in easy rider.
Sally Singer
Sally Singer
6 years ago
I first read about this in John Colmans book ‘Committee of 300′ makes a lot of sense doesnt it
Josh Payne
Josh Payne
6 years ago
This guy claimed to have uncovered the fact that Cpt. George Stephen Morrison was at the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, when Oliver Stone covered that in his 1991 film The Doors.
John Runion
John Runion
5 years ago
jim morrison stated that his parents were dead.
Igor Kay
Igor Kay
6 years ago
this is bizarre!
John Runion
John Runion
5 years ago
rothchilds??? paul a. rothchild produced all except for the last jim morrison doors album.
5 years ago
The melodrama about Morrison’s transformation from straight arrow kid to rock star in the space of a year is no stretch at all. His manager bought Jim a pair of leather pants, paid Jay Sebring fifty bucks to style his shaggy hair and “WA-LAA,” an image is born. It’s Hollywood, for cryin’ out loud; no mystery there.
That Jim could sing in key is THE STRETCH; plotters just don’t manufacture iconic vocal artists to further their plots, not even in comic books. Footage I’ve seen of The Doors live substantiates Jim wasn’t a showman either, as a performer he usually leaned on the mike stand like a crutch. I know Jimbo would sometimes fall down and roll around onstage, but I’ve seen Mick Jagger do that too. The only difference is Jagger wasn’t drunk. The night I saw The Doors, Mr. Mojo Risin’ sat on the drum riser drinking beer (PBR) most of the set.
All the other Laurel Canyon coincidences are so overwhelming to not think something was going on. But what? A plot to discredit hippies, psychedelic music and the anti-war movement? As I recall that plot fizzled like a popcorn fart.
thirdworldassassin masterpieace
thirdworldassassin masterpieace
2 years ago
21 minutes in and im not really hearing any potent information which pertains to the title of the video , i wish people who talk about conspiracy would use portent information instead of creating an ocean of opinions which invalidates real conspiracy like what william cooper talks about , because of this type of nonsense the common person will not even give real truth like what william cooper promoted a chance , they dismiss it as conspiracy and im sick of bullshit artists everywhere just trying to be cool and popular or whatever and not really havent any good verifiable information , quote things , give bibliographies , quote people , quote books i dont hear anything but opinions on this video
10 months ago
I want to believe this is all a true conspiracy but, this guy isn’t giving me enough evidence. He’s just saying things and leaving it up to our imagination in quite a rhetorical way.
2 years ago
Lookout Mountain was never “secret,” and the people weren’t “tight lipped” about it. There’s a documentary called “The Atomic Filmmakers” that’s about Lookout Mountain and the people that filmed the nuclear tests during the atmospheric test years. It’s an entire film about the place. It was made way back in the late ’90’s. People lose credibility when they make mysteries out of things that aren’t mysterious, and it makes it hard to take them seriously about anything else they have to say. This guy is being intentionally dramatic when he says there’s no reason for the military to have a studio in Southern California “just processing raw bomb footage.” What nonsense. Lookout Mountain made entire productions. You can watch the film called “Operation Ivy” here on YouTube. It’s a documentary about the first thermonuclear test ever conducted. It was filmed and produced by Lookout Mountain. All of the bomb films on YouTube like “Operation Que” were done by Lookout Mountain. It’s no damn secret! Gee, why would the military base a FILM STUDIO in the Hollywood area? Gee, I wonder. Maybe because Hollywood is the hub of all film making in the US? Why was it in Laurel Canyon? Well, the guy admitted that it was previously a US military anti-aircraft site, so it was land that the military already owned.
samantha ferrell
samantha ferrell
1 year ago
The comments were more interesting than the video..
Cathy S
Cathy S
2 years ago
The Bon Homme Richard aka “the Bonny Dick” was an aircraft carrier, nearly 1000 feet long.
It was incapable of navigating the coastal shallows where the incident was claimed to have taken place.
It was NOT even the ship allegedly fired on in “the Gulf of Tonkin incident”.
The ship that reportedly came under attack by NV Coast Guard Komar missile boats was the USS Maddox, a destroyer that was about 400 feet long and being much smaller and lighter was well capable of negotiating the coastal shallows of North Vietnamese territorial waters.
False flag ops go back to the days of Achilles and of Sun Tsu; but at least try to get your facts straight.
Scott Meyer
Scott Meyer
2 years ago
Sorry, this is way off the mark. Look at pictures of the Stones; they dressed preppy – just like ALL of us before we turned on, tuned in, and dropped out. This is a real stretch… sorry. I usually embrace conspiracy stuff, not this time.
2 years ago
This is astonishingly stupid.
Gregory Moran
Gregory Moran
4 years ago
“The hippie movement of the 1960s, which began in Laurel Canyon, Los Angeles” is total bull sh*t. Kesey was living on the bus in 1963. Get your facts together …
Amy Harvey
Amy Harvey
2 years ago
JIim Morrison most certainly wrote the music and the lyrics to all of The Doors songs. (Robby Krieger wrote “Light My Fire.)
Jim was a Renaissance Man… singer, poet,, musician, and entertainer bar none!
Why would you say anything different?
Chris Gavito
Chris Gavito
5 years ago
Bailed after the listing of Bands that he says came from such a tiny geographical place. Beach Boys and Brian Wilson – Hawthorne CA, with no military intelligence background. The Monkees were from all over the world. The Eagles were from North Texas, Joni Mitchell is Canadian as is Neil Young, Zappa is from Salinas, CA. LA is were the business is if it ain’t NY. High military presence, particularly Navy is obvious in California Coastal Cities – mobilization of Pacific Borders and Cities after Pearl Harbor and WW2. Finally- MOST baby boomers had Military Parents.
Shanti Songwriter
Shanti Songwriter
2 years ago
Jesus was a hippie.
Mathis Haglund
Mathis Haglund
2 years ago
I was young and suggestible and fell for the propaganda of popular youtube “psychedelic proponents”, giving off the image of being freedom fighters and handing out the way of liberation from cultural indoctrination, freeing us. From our own culture. I notice overarching similarities between the “philosophy” of psychedelic promoters and new age gurus like Eckhart Tolle, and in some sense Alan Watts.
Do you have a problem? Your thinking creates the problem. Bad working conditions? No power over your life? Shh, just appreciated the little things. Focus your gaze on your navel. Stop thinking. Speakers like Terence McKenna would claim extraordinary but vague things about the psychedelic experience. Cover it up with charm. Calculated manipulation so as to portray taking psychedelics as both the thing morally superior for the sake of the planet and giving supernatural abilities for the user. Accessing dormant functions of the brain. Literally breaking your way into another matemathical dimension of reality, speaking with higher beings.
So I was seduced into doing it. It was portrayed as the thing that the government had hid from us and kept for themselves. But banning something is a sure way to get people to use it.
In the high I was disenabled and hyper-suggestible, everything appeared to me as profound truth, and I accepted without critical judgement. I also had access to YouTube. This is the crazy part. The message of these psychedelic guides changed. It became way more blunt and straightforward. “It’s all neurons, don’t you see? There are hundreds of hallucinogens on the market and the future is bright! I used to get them delivered straight to my door, poar them in to my mouth and go whiiiou!!” So they would tell me to stay at home and do more drugs, and people would tell me what to think, or to stop thinking, and if there where some shred of me left to object, they would attack me and psychologically break me into submission to keep pouring in more stuff.
Later I found out that all these psychedelic gurus, who I made my idols worked in propaganda departments with connections to the cia.
T. Leary, T. McKenna, G. Wasson, A. Huxley.
Of course all of this sounds absolutely crazy, and I have a hard time accepting what I suspect is the reality. Somehow even the “self transforming machine elves” seems more credible.
But i experienced how lsd broke my spirit, and I feel like a big part of me is missing. How do I make sense of that?
In any case, goddamn, I’m coming back full force bold and self-empowered again. I think what I want and no-one has agency over my brain.
Susan Santorelli
Susan Santorelli
2 years ago
I’m sorry but you’re wrong. Jim Morrison wrote a lot of songs for the Doors. He was ashamed of who his father was. That’s why he once said his parents were killed in a car crash. Stop trying to connect him to some sort of a conspiracy.
Tammy Bettiga
Tammy Bettiga
3 years ago
Stephen Hargrave
Stephen Hargrave
2 years ago
There was no one organized group. Nobody called themselves “hippies.” The term was manufactured afterwards. What you are talking about… After the fact
People were more intelligent and yes the CIA was in everything. Doesn’t mean they started it. Drugs sex rock and roll. Who does time now that’s an artist? Y’all obviously weren’t there
Gg Allin
Gg Allin
2 years ago
TRUMP 2020
Blue Bird Jay
Blue Bird Jay
2 years ago
All Actors/ All a bullshit story…thanks but no thanks.
BIG Wayne Gee
BIG Wayne Gee
2 years ago
Most know this. But there’s something one needs to look into with time And money. The ties between these Rock stars up to today and their high level parents plan linked to anarctica and the plan to live beyond the ice walls. See admiral bird 1950. This crap was new when he discovered land beyond the ice. That’s the reward
jack rohde
jack rohde
2 years ago
John Phillips was a high satanic Priest!
Dana Moonfire
Dana Moonfire
2 years ago (edited)
If you write a book, you need to do some research. Jim famously stated his parents were dead. The story of his picture on the bridge of his father’s ship looking clean cut was because as soon as he got on board, his dad took him to the barber. I could go on. There several books written about everything Dave McGowan seems to nothing about on top of the obvious reality that he knows little or nothing about the 60’s or Jim Morrison. I had to quit watching 15 minutes in. Crap fun piece with no real journalistic integrity.
NoFoo LingUs
NoFoo LingUs
5 years ago
So his facts are accurate but his correlation of them is totally absurd! Big surprise as many comments below state that the parents of these people were military after a second WORLD WAR! My girlfriend’s mother was a WAC and met her husband in the military and disowned her daughter for going to ART SCHOOL instead of wasting her life in the military! we all have parents but we do not become our parents. Some of us rebel and become our own person and choose our own path. These kids were privileged and did not have get real jobs. So what? Good for them! The most important fact he does make is that the CIA fed them the LSD but does not mention that the scheme backfired! Ever hear TURN ON, TUNE IN, DROP OUT? That’s exactly what they did! And so what if the anti- war movement started years earlier when everyone was clean cut? … the clean cut got “freaky” when everyone got fed up WITH THE “ESTABLISHMENT”…
Mark Tulsa
Mark Tulsa
2 years ago
Jim Morrison played a mean harmonica.
2 years ago
The hippies ruined America
Buddy Silver
Buddy Silver
11 months ago
Satan is a Zoroastrian myth
Jeremiah 17:9
“The human heart is the most deceitful of ALL things, and desperately evil. Who really knows how bad it is?
Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempts he any man:
But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away OF HIS OWN LUST, and ENTICED.
Then when LUST HAS CONCEIVED it brings forth SIN: and SIN, when it is finished, brings forth DEATH. [James 1:13-15]
Stop with the Flip Wilson theology: “The Devil made me do it”!
YOU TUBE: Flip Wilson on The Ed Sullivan Show
• The Pilgrims Society: A Century of Rockefellers, Rothschilds …
The Pilgrims Society: A study of the Anglo- American Establishment; Rockefeller, Mellon, Luce, Rothschild, Cecil, Windsor, the Federal Reserve, WWII, the CIA, and So Much More
• The Pilgrims Society – Enemy of Humanity – American ……
Aug 07, 2019 • The Pilgrims are dominated by a small group of families including Rockefeller, Kissinger, Rothschilds, Rhodes, Milner, Woolsey (self-styled “British and American Aristocracy” modeled on Cecil Rhodes’ British-American federation dream
• The Pilgrims Society: A Study of the Anglo-American …
Jan 07, 2020 • The Pilgrims Society: A Study of the Anglo-American Establishment; Rockefeller, Mellon, Luce, Rothschild, Cecil, Windsor, the Federal Reserve, WWII, the CIA, and so much more Wife of NSA Inspector General helped him plot Trump coup in Ukraine
• PROOF! British-American Pilgrims Society Behind Lenin and …
Oct 03, 2019 • The Rockefellers were also founding members of the Pilgrims Society and financial backers of the Tavistock Institute (for psychological propaganda). In 1909, P.W. Wilson was a member of Parliament as well as parliamentary correspondent for the London Daily News (1907-1917).
ANSWER: THE PILGRIMS SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP + PEDOPHILE EPSTEIN. The Pilgrim Society’s Kissinger and Prince Andrew are well known, but Soames, Black and Summers less so. Rupert Christopher Soames OBE. The Pilgrim Society’s Soames is the CEO of SERCO Limited, a global conglomerate that has its fingers in many pies in the US.
This Is “A Moment When The Opportunity To Build A Constructive, Peaceful World Order Is Very Great”
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date October 10, 2017
The president spoke to members of the press ahead of his Tuesday morning meeting with Dr. Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State and foreign policy luminary:
Kissinger said that the Trump administration is overseeing
“a moment when the opportunity to build a constructive, peaceful world order is very great.”
“And the President is leaving on a trip to Asia, which I think will make a big contribution to progress and peace and prosperity,” Kissinger also said.
The president commented: “We’ve made a lot of progress in the Middle East with ISIS and so many other things. It’s a much calmer place. But, Henry, I say often, I inherited a mess, but we’re fixing it.”
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Henry Kissinger has been a friend of mine. I’ve liked him, I’ve respected him. But we’ve been friends for a long time, long before my emergence in the world of politics, which has not been too long.
But we have been really in, I guess you’d say, the New York scene a little bit — but we got to know each other very well. He’s a man I have great, great respect for. He’s also somebody — usually I say, “Have you ever been in the Oval Office?” And with Henry Kissinger, I didn’t bother asking that question because he has been in this office many, many times.
But it’s an honor to have Dr. Kissinger with us, a man of immense talent, and experience, and knowledge. And I’m going to talk to him for a while, and we’re going to learn a lot. But I can say from a world standpoint and with many of the countries that Henry and I would talk about before the election — because I would talk with Henry before the election — we’ve made a lot of progress with many of them. We have some outstanding, and we’ll handle that as we have to handle it.
But we’ve made a lot of progress in the Middle East with ISIS and so many other things. It’s a much calmer place. But, Henry, I say often, I inherited a mess, but we’re fixing it.
So you may want to say something. And thank you for being here, Henry. Thank you very much.
DR. KISSINGER: Mr. President, I didn’t expect this opportunity. It’s always a great honor to be in this office, and I’m here at a moment when the opportunity to build a constructive, peaceful world order is very great.
And the President is leaving on a trip to Asia, which I think will make a big contribution to progress and peace and prosperity.
Thank you for inviting me.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Henry. I appreciate it.
Robert Livingstone
Robert Livingstone
1 year ago
Morrison’ s father was totally against his music career. This stuff is a joke.
Steve Sandwich Productions
Steve Sandwich Productions
2 years ago
I shut this off at 08:30 when the guy said Jim Morrison, son of Admiral Morrison, was “a leader of the anti-war movement immediately after” the Gulf Of Tonkin Incident. That was 1964. The anti-war movement didn’t exist until a few years later. And, Jim Morrison wasn’t an anti-war leader. He isn’t even associated with the anti-war movement. The Doors were a band, and a great band. I’m no expert, but nobody associates them with political or social unrest. This guy is just making stuff up.
Brer Rabbit
Brer Rabbit
2 years ago
Stay off the grass Sam….
D.J. Thorb
D.J. Thorb
2 years ago (edited)
Duh …. Neil Young emerged as the biggest figure out of Buffalo Springfield … not Steven Stills. …As for the rest of this conspiracy hypothesis … [its not a theory] … thumbs down … Just pushing a book full of correlations …. and they mean squat.
2 years ago
This is the most lame shit I ever heard. A country full of militaires and intellegence people – and musicians. And you manage to find connections – ..SO ??
Jarret Jordan
Jarret Jordan
2 years ago
McGowan’s just pissed he couldnt get into a band. his first love in high school ran off with a hippy and got into drugs. He’s just bitter.
3 years ago (edited)
How many times can this guy repeat the same points? And he doesn’t seem to understand the period very well. Hippies weren’t “invented” in LA. They capitalized on something happened all over. Etc.
Rob Weissman
Rob Weissman
2 years ago
Rob Weissman
1 second ago
I don’t care man…. OUR SECRET AGENTS rock harder than anybody else’s secret agents!..
James Bond?.. BAH!.. Eat your heart out! …. ‘MURICA!
Christian Smith
Christian Smith
2 years ago
I had the greatest wealth of info ever accumulated by one man’s self teaching beyond any others capabilities with not one penny recovered. They can’t give back info stolen. Without monetary compensation then there is zero recovery. Killing all would be s mms art but not a recovery but a blaze of glory good bye
star gazer46&2
star gazer46&2
2 years ago
jim morrison was a horrible singer. couldnt carry a note.
Christian Smith
Christian Smith
2 years ago
500 m is prob fair but the galactic whole is my fathers gift to my children as he intended so that humans be free from total death of our biological wellspring around 9 billion years ago on the second gen star in our local trade unison. As far as after two giant stars combined for the first star is just part of its growth. But after that one blew its cascaded down to many. Ours is gen 4 but gen 3 for our direct source of spark of the dimension 5 direct to us unbroken. Obviously. . Not to hurt anyone’s feelings who get stuck at 6000 years out of perhaps frustration in interpretation gifts. . I know I’m slightly off to but relatively close within tolerance
Scott Davis
Scott Davis
2 years ago
Read this book. Garbage. Junque
5 years ago
You had me up until you began to talk about the Manson murders as though they were real. They werent…more staged lies!
John John
5 years ago
I can smell someone talking utter bollocks somewhere……
martin derry
2 years ago
a whole lotta CRAP to me .. “I´m the slime oozing out of your TV-Set ..” (FRANK ZAPPA) …
Sean A. Garrison
5 years ago
Great stuff, but the idea that the 60’s are the most written-about decade in history is total hogwash.
Eddy Brown
2 years ago
Who cares?
a silent service
2 years ago
waste of time
Anthony Monaghan
2 years ago (edited)
Seven minutes in and I am completely lost, John Wayne, Jim Morrison, The Tonkin Bay incident…please someone, tell me where this guy is going with this gibberish, because he (the author) doesn’t seem to know where he is going with this himself. It seems like they are simply talking about coincidences…or are they? Cue music from The Twilight Zone. Surely he could have squeezed in the ‘Paul is dead bullshit’ somewhere. No mention of Hendrix or Elvis?!! Come on, these guys were in the army! You missed the chance to drag them into all this hokum. Doh…
DTOM, ¿eStamos?
2 years ago (edited)
This guy did not scoop the gulf of tonkin admiral morrison thing. It was reported at the time and since. This guy sucks
Jon Bain
2 years ago
Vague. Poor presentation.
Bathtub Books
2 years ago (edited)
Never have I seen so many straws grasped at and missed. This futile, save for its amusement value, attempt to make an ordinary process of events seem somehow sinister in order to sell a book to the tin-foil hat crowd is a perfect example of artificially contrived “coincidences” used to promote an illogical theory.
Darren Diaz
2 years ago
This is sorta dumb!
Phish Phood
2 years ago
my god …. what a tediously boring monotone interview ….!!!! i’m outa here….!!!!
the Upsetterer
5 years ago
This dude has all the information, but his conclusions are erroneous. You kinda had to be there.
June Rosa
2 years ago
This is dragging on……. Saying nothing. Especially when we know the truth of all this. He was used. Total mk ultra. Dad is not a good guy. He was a Mason no doubt.
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