The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
Proof Of Treasonous Military and Corporations Testing Directed Energy Weapons On Innocent Civilians in America and Worldwide (Ramola D Tweet Thread 4/19)
Directed Energy Weapons
Articles & Interviews
Part VII: Electronic Mind Control and Electronic Weapons
January 15, 2025Part VIII: Cult Connections
January 12, 2025Books and pdfs by Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist
October 7, 2024Appendix 7: Human Experimentation in America
August 15, 2024The Intra-Body Nano-Network Compilation (Sept. 5, 2023 video)
October 27, 2023Cognitive Warfare June-November, 2020 Francois du Cluzel
March 16, 2023Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
September 19, 2020Sign Petitions Against Electronic Harassment and Gang Stalking’
February 8, 2020Counter Intelligence Series Youtubes (Parts 1 Through 5)
March 19, 2019The Truth About 5G- Dr. Graham Downing youtube
January 4, 2019Electronic Warfare Weapons Of Northrup Grumman
December 5, 2018Truth In Quotes and Images: Freedom Fighters Help Yourselves
January 5, 2018Microwave Weapons Explained by Barrie Trower and Others
February 16, 2017Radio Frequency, Active Denial & Psych Weapons, By Ted Twietmeyer
December 5, 2016Laws, Military-Intelligence Papers, and Media Reports re: the New War
December 2, 2015The Invisible War: 21st Century Targeting (youtube)
November 14, 2015Man-Made Climate Change in the Skies
February 28, 2014Persistent Jet Contrails and HAARP
February 27, 2014Weather Modifications / Geo-Engineering
February 26, 2014Hurricanes, Tesla Coils and Field Effects
February 25, 2014Dr. Nick Begich on HAARP
February 25, 2014Jerry Smith on HAARP
February 25, 2014Bruce Gagnon, Researcher
February 25, 2014Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Researcher
February 25, 2014Scientific evidence exposes chemtrail spraying as crime against humanity
February 25, 2014Notes from Four Chemtrail DVDs
February 25, 2014Invisible Energy and Nicola Tesla
February 25, 2014What’s Behind the Global Warming Fraud?
February 24, 2014Organized Gang Stalking Quotes
February 23, 2014From: April, 2019 Thread Showing Record of Military Testing DEW Weapons On Americans
Post 1: Remember, no-one in the world can be harmed, can have their basic human rights, their civil rights, natural rights removed from them without a group of absolute MERCENARIES ensconced in government ACTIVELY CONSPIRING to make $$$ off their bodies. #HardlyAmerican
Apr 5
Post 2/ That kind of hubris, well-shielded by #Secrecy could grow only in Secrecy. Would anyone believe that extreme-stealth weapons could be used on you in your own home, your neighborhood, your community by OTHER AMERICANS while your so-called “Peace Officers” looked the other way?
Post 3/ I highly doubt that Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne said that publicly without a planned, organized strategy behind him. He was the public face of that strategy, the Hiding in Plain Sight face, announcing PERFIDY by US GOVERNMENT against its own citizens openly to the world in 2006.
Post 4/ Air Force Secretary, Michael Wynne, has a background in military and business, with 7 years in the USAF and 23 years in General Dynamics, 3 years at Lockheed Martin, working on space systems and battle tanks….and International Development for General Dynamics. In 2010, Gen Dyn & Metal Storm got $3 million & $1.5 million contracts…
5/…to develop counter-personnel non-lethal weapons for the US Marine Corps — to incapacitate humans with lasers, sonics, pressure stimuli–which sounds like nanotech/MEMs. In other words, Stealth Assault Weapons to remotely access & burn up the human body.
Marine Corps non-lethal weapons to be developed by Metal Storm and General Dynamics
April 20, 2010 Posted by John Keller
QUANTICO MARINE BASE, Va., 20 April 2010. Systems designers at Metal Storm Inc. in Arlington, Va., and General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems in Orlando, Fla., are developing prototype non-lethal weapons for U.S. Marine Corps combat vehicles under terms of research contracts awarded Monday.
Apr 14
6/ The Marine Corps houses the Joint Non Lethal Weapons Program at #Quantico. Set up 1997 post-Somalia, and working with Departments of State, #DHS & #DOJ/others, and used in “military exercises” around Earth, new NLWs are constantly being created, tested, and operated. Universities are in on it.
7/Citing (aka Projecting/Fabricating) Need, & suggesting DE NLWs are lovely weapons for “peacekeeping” (as per the CIA’s Phoenix Program during the Vietnam War that targeted civilians for elimination- ETK comment), US DOD plans to keep researching, testing, “fielding” or using these Energy Weapons. Guess on who? Americans & allies & partners: Europeans, Asians, Australians, New Zealanders
8/NATO, US DOD, and other countries’ militaries have been running “military exercises” to showcase non-lethal weapons. Russian companies are included. See video at …. “Defense Against Terrorism” Weapons to use on “terrorists”/”protesters”. See DAT POW: …
9/ While the Flash Bang Grenades & Paint Splatter & Glue Guns (weapons) are emphasized in demonstrations, some digging reveals the Much Darker side of Non Lethal Weapons, including millimeter wave weapons (such as 5G- ETK comment), skin penetration weapons, electroshock weapons, acoustic “Voice of God” weapons, etc.
10/ It’s a Fact that the @US Air Force and @US Marine Corps have been testing Millimeter Wave Weapons (that’s #5G) in the US, on Americans. #NATO has been as interested — and probably testing in Europe as well. (On Europeans.) …
11/ SMOKING GUN: #NATO is testing anti-personnel non-lethal weapons for “Future Peace Enforcement” when their Creating-Chaos operations let them swoop in and label people terrorists. Oops, sorry, they’re doing that already….with Radio Frequency Pulse weapons here. …
12/ Lasers, acoustic, stun and vortex devices here. #NATO’s official listing of Non-Lethals being tested for “fielding.” Anti-Personnel Weapons to ENFORCE Peace. …
13/Testing is necessary they say, legal and ethical. Public acceptance is needed to convince folk effects are not lasting (!) Sensors are needed to discriminate targets from non-combatants…Here’s where implants and nanotech and Remote Sensing/Tracking divs. (diversions?) come in. #C4ISR…
14/ It’s a global industry, & it’s growing. Michael Wynne knew it wd. back in ’06 when he told us Americans wd be attacked by their own military, within US, w. new weapons, for purposes of “testing.” No-one’s forcing govts to fund Body-Torture Weapons/Less Lethals, this is SPIN.
15/ But they’ve merged it now with Law Enforcement, expanding the market, and both building on post-Patriot-Act false-narratives of terrorists around every corner in order to criminalize ordinary people and further establish their “fear-the-police state,” “we-have-Radio Frequency-weapons now High Threat.
16/ Returning to Wynne & his GenDyn connections: In 2013, General Dynamics snagged a $49 million contract to test #DEWs on Americans - RF and microwave radiation - and poke them for “bio-effects” (given the Industry term “Bio Behavioral Research”) over a period of 7 years.
Apr 22
17/ Earlier, in 2010, General Dynamics had been granted another $49 million contract to support the @usairforce’s DGCS — Distributed Common Ground System & Project Liberty. The primary function of DGCS is ISR: “Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance.” Liberty planes are contracted to train in US.
18/ Also in 2010, GenDyn was granted $60 million to provide 24/7 support for DCGS. Spy planes, drones, ground vehicles, and SENSOR tracking for ISR mark DCGS. Covert systems of implants & body organ sensors reported by #TargetedIndividuals are being tracked by this programm, as per my experience.
19/ The US Air Force and General Dynamics are using this network of spy planes, killer drones, SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) and sensor tracking, with ground crew, in DCGS to intimately track, send radar signals, lock on to, and penetrate the skin, nerves, muscles, and organs of #TargetedIndividuals.
20/ While this may be compartmented (as) SCI/SAP Top Secret, etc., viscerally tracking sentient, thinking, analyzing human targets inside USA was never a smart plan. Further: DCGS, a Sentinel weapons system involves Sensor Tracking for ISR with training in CONUS (Continental United States) as well as in sites worldwide.
21/ This is the NEXT PHASE of #Biometric Surveillance where a woman’s or man’s intimate body parts can be tracked from miles away. Bio-hacking that’s becoming increasingly “granular.” This is NO LONGER SECRET because those being so inhumanely tracked are speaking out. (Therefore, the #National Security lie is dead in water).
22/ The enormous, CRIMINAL invasion of privacy and bodily intrusion that #BIoHacking ISR programs like DCGS represent is being HIDDEN by classified/Secret covers and labeling the reporting victims of @US Air Force CRIME Delusional & Schizophrenic, and WATCHLISTING them with the help of #FBI #DHS (Fusion Centers). #QAnon
23/ Like Blinding Lasers, the q. of #NatSec Covers for #BioHacking Tracking, Sensing-Radar/Scalar Technologies being tested on writers, journalists, activists, innocents in the US/UK/EU/Oz/NZ via ISR must be weighed against their Extreme Intrusion, Inhumanity, Barbarism (and the enormous criminal liability of the perpetraitors in the public and private sectors- ETK comment). @GenFlynn @warkin
24/ In 1997, Doug Pasternak of US News reported that the Bio-effects of anti-personnel NLWs were being researched by #DOD. @DARPA consulted @NIH (National Institutes of Health) for CNS incapacitators. The Pentagon planned the Human Tests. Metz foresaw “public uproar” when @usairforce got microwave weapons. #SecrecyStoppedThat
25/ In 2002, (journalist) William Arkin outlined Rumsfeld’s dive into Black Operations to win the (phony) War on Terror. Today the same Global Hawk & Predator drones mentioned here … are being deployed inside CONUS, via AF and DCGS, to track, radar-hit, and remotely heart-hit Americans. #IKnow
Apr 23
26/ Calling it “Intelligence,” the #ISR #DCGS maestros & missies at #USAirforce (note, current Secretary is a woman) are using Above Top Secret/Compartments to use Radar Sensing & Tracking from #Drones to effect blunt force trauma on private parts aka sexual assault on Americans, #IKnow
27/ Ground vehicles & engines pumping ELFs (extremely-low frequencies) & vibratory frequencies to Target seats inside their homes or in public to facilitate Precision Radar Sensing & Tracking from #Drones are involved in #DCGS. #FullSpectrumInvasion #RemovalofHumanRights Also, GPS satellites. #CityGovsKnow
28/ As #USAirforce continues to contract out Testing, Tracking, Development of Non Lethal Weapons, Precision Sensors, & #ISR missions, lines between Battle Management and NLW tests, Tracking Enemy and Tracking Americans, Surveillance and Assault, Stopping Enemy and Stopping Americans begins to blur. (I.e., Air Force and cooperating corporations target “blacklisted” individuals anywhere in the world, as per the CIA’s Phoenix Program during the Vietnam War- See Douglas Valentine’s “The CIA As Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World.”)
29/ Interestingly, Secretary Wilson, who is NO DOUBT FULLY AWARE of Air Force DCGS & ISR missions using Precision Radar Sensing/Tracking on private parts of Americans inside CONUS “spearheaded” talks on Sexual Assault recently… a little before she apparently resigned and moved through the “Revolving Door” into Academe
30/ Answering questions a couple months ago on budget allocations, Secretary Wilson said #ISR was still a major part of the focus since much had to be fine-tuned in terms of #ISR Precision Tracking. #IKnow efforts to disrupt us at Root Chakra from publishing evidence of NLW Tests aren’t working 😉
31/ Let’s be clear though: Privacy invasion into home or body–particularly forceful privacy invasions–with Non Lethal Radar/Scalar/Sonic/Micro/MM Weapons is a crime against the US Constitution and Humanity. Assault & Battery with #StealthAssaultWeapons is still Assault.
32/ To hide these Ongoing War Crimes & Crimes Against Humanity, an army of War Criminals are deployed to discredit all reporting victims of Wynne’s blithe NLW Tests (& #DOJ NLW Tests) on citizens, such as this one eager to confabulate Paranoia Tales from the Crypt: @NeilSteinberg
Apr 24
33/ The Air Force Research Lab Human Effectiveness Directorate has long been handing out juicy contracts to test DEWS on humans, even before Wynne said publicly NLWs shd be tested on Americans. #RemovalofHumanRights #OnlyWarCriminalsAttackTheirOwnCitizens
34/ And they’re still at it, as this recent call for contractors to pick up $ millions to burn people anew for the next 6 years with lasers & micro/millimeter waves in #Stealth indicates. Interestingly, moving DEWs from Research to Operation doesn’t stop them “researching”- read Operating.
35/ Further, @Air Force RL posits itself as prime leader in all sorts of Next Generation Invasive-Intrusive Technologies and is meshed with Universities & Industry in its quest to weaponize everything from electronics to biology to brains at nano, quantum, meta levels. Contracts & grants conveyor out routinely.
36/ One more note on that Precision Radar Track on private parts that spy planes, drones, DCGS vehicles like FEDEX/USPS/UPS/DPW/construction/NatGrid trucks, & screaming sedans run with #US GOVERNMENT $$: While I successfully shield, WHY MUST I SHIELD inside my home to stop Drone/DCGS hits?
37/ There is NO earthly or heavenly reason whatsoever for #USGOV to invade MY BODY OR YOURS, at ANY time, whether in Peace or War. Certainly not to use RADAR or SONICS or SCALAR to ENTER our bodies. Despite Cover Ops discussion on “Legality” of NLWs, it’s both ILLEGAL & TORTURE.
38/ The BASE Illegality of these War Crimes must also be shouted from the rooftops. #USGOV permits Crime via Non Lethal Weapons contracts run by #USAF #USMC #AFR etc. & NeuroTech Testing Ops run by #CIA/@OJPNIJ on people Wrongfully Watchlisted on #MassFISAAbuses & #MassFMJAbuses by #FBI and #DHS (Fusion Centers).
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