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The CIA’s Phoenix Program as Model for Global War on Terror and Gang Stalking/Assymetric Warfare

War On Terror
Articles & Interviews

Part VIII: Cult Connections

February 19, 2024

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In this Corbett Report interview (January, 2017), Douglas Valentine, author of “The Phoenix Program” and “The CIA as Organized Crime; How Covert Operations Corrupt America and the World” details the history of the CIA’s top-secret Phoenix Program in the Vietnam War. This same covert program has been utilized to destabilize, terrorize, and destroy civilian infrastructures in numerous targeted nations, including El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Indeed, the Phoenix Program is the template for today’s 1) “Global War on Terror,” 2) “global gang stalking” operations (aka civilian-military operations/assymetric warfare), and 3) Department of Homeland Security fusion centers.

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