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Treason at the Air Force Space Command at Schriever AFB, Colorado (Ebook by R. Lighthouse)

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I. Treason at the Air Force Space Command

Richard Lighthouse

Treason at the Air Force Space Command

Introduction: From

“Targeted Individual” refers to Hate Crimes that are being orchestrated and conducted by the CIA, Air Force, FBI, DHS, and Mossad; globally affecting millions of people, including their families. These Hate Crimes are a violation of fundamental human rights, International Treaties & the U.S. Constitution.

4 January 2018: We have learned that the Air Force Space Command in Colorado Springs, Colorado is the organization that operates the satellites that are targeting individuals all over the world. If you are a Targeted Individual, anywhere in the world, the person that “pushes the button” to hit you with microwaves, sits at a computer desk located at Schriever Air Force Base. The Air Force Space Command is the largest satellite operations center in the world, with more than 175 satellites under their control. If your family members are being hit with subliminal messages and turned against you – this is the organization that has their GPS coordinates and keeps track of them. General John W. Raymond is the Commander. More details in the TECHNICAL section.

6 February 2018: Based on statements by the FBI, it appears likely that the FBI lists all Targeted Individuals on the Terrorist Watchlist. The FBI refers to TI’s as “Non-Investigative Subjects (NIS).” This term can be used in FOIA requests. The Leidos Corporation in Vienna, Virginia has a government contract to support these operations – which makes them potentially liable in lawsuits. (Source: Wikileaks) The Handling Code for TI’s is “Code 4” or “Silent Hit.” This tells police what to do if they encounter you.

14 February 2018: The Air Force Space Command & US Strategic Command keep track of 1,400 active satellites and 22,000 pieces of debris. The satellite catalog is available on the web at We want to determine if the microwave attack satellites are included in this catalog.

According to an ABC News poll by Langer Research Associates, almost half of Americans believe the Deep State exists.

President Trump and his staff frequently comment on the criminal activities of the Deep State. For more information on the structure and activities of the Deep State, please see authors

“Article 32 of the Geneva Convention prohibits scientific and medical experiments, and torture of civilians. The United States has been in a declared state of war since October 2001, which invokes the Geneva Conventions. For more than 30 years, the U.S. Air Force Space Command has been committing Treason and War Crimes against civilians.
(Geneva Convention Prohibition of Genocide)

U.S. Whistleblower Protection Law, 1778: “(It is) “the duty of all persons in the service of the United States, as well as all other inhabitants thereof, to give the earliest information to Congress or any other proper authority of any misconduct, frauds or misdemeanors committed by any officers or persons in the service of these states, which may come to their knowledge.”

From Richard Lighthouse ebook: SKU: 9781370906369

Rev 2B – This short ebook provides the author’s opinions and accuses 12 military officers of High Treason against the United States (The Dirty Dozen). The Air Force Space Command, headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, is the primary organization that is using microwave satellite technology to track and attack civilians all around the world. These civilians are known as Targeted Individuals. Many of these civilians are political activists and whistleblowers – people that the Deep State would like to silence. Their family relationships have been destroyed through the use of subliminal messaging. Their careers, and finances can be ruined. It is a conspiracy of enormous magnitude, affecting 300 to 400 thousand people, by the latest estimates.

The original satellites for this illegal program were launched in the late 1980’s, as part of President Reagan’s Star Wars program or Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). The satellites were designed to track and attack ballistic missiles. Unfortunately, the Deep State decided to put these satellites to purposes that violate international treaties and the U.S. Constitution. Do not underestimate that these actions constitute Treason against the United States and its sovereign citizens, and this is the reason that the CIA and Air Force will go to great lengths to hide this program. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the source of this corruption, in my opinion, where David Rockefeller was the CEO and Chairman for many years.

General John W. Raymond is the current commander of this criminal enterprise.

The executive officers at Peterson Air Force Base and Schriever Air Force Base are listed below.

Each one of these officers swore an oath of allegiance to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

This following accusation is an opinion of this author:

For aiding, abetting, or directing the use of microwave military weapons against U.S. citizens, in my opinion, these military officers are guilty of High Treason against the United States:

The Dirty Dozen:

1. General David. L. Goldfein, Air Force Chief of Staff

2. Dr. Heather Ann Wilson, Secretary of the Air Force

3. General John W. Raymond

4. Major General Stephen N. Whiting

5. Major General Robert J. Skinner

6. Mr. Scott M. Anderson

7. Colonel Todd R. Moore

8. Colonel Eric S. Dorminey

9. Colonel John L. Doucet III

10. Colonel Jennifer L. Grant

11. Colonel Jacob E. Middleton

12. Colonel Devin R. Pepper

My accusation is backed by the statements of 20 medical doctors, scientists, and former intelligence agents, that have stated these crimes are real and happening globally (see & Many thousands of citizens are being attacked using these satellites under the command and control of the United States Air Force.

It is difficult to believe these officers are unaware of the Treason and War Crimes that are occurring under their command, or that they are not involved. There are far too many logistical, support, and authorization issues for it to be hidden from the officers.

To those that feel Dr Wilson should not be on this list, I have the following:

While a Congresswomen from New Mexico, Dr Wilson experienced the constant bullying and threats from the American Israeli Political Affairs Committee (AIPAC), as all Congressmen do. She is fully cognizant of this criminal organization and whom it represents. She is fully aware of the Council on Foreign Relations, which is controlled by the Rockefellers, and the international private banks that control the Federal Reserve. Make no mistake – she knows.

While in Congress, she enjoyed a level of pretense, that she was unaware of the corruption and had no direct responsibility to solve it, even in contradiction to the oath that she swore. However, as an executive over the Air Force, she enjoys no such pretense. She is fully responsible for the activities and criminal acts under her leadership. I will grant her no quarter.

The home address for each of these persons is provided.


I. Schriever Air Force Base (Wikipedia)

Schriever Air Force Base (Schriever AFB) is a base of the United States Air Force located approximately 10 miles (16 kilometers) east of Peterson AFB near Colorado Springs in El Paso County, Colorado, United States.

This Air Force Base is named in honor of General Bernard Adolph Schriever, who pioneered in the development of the American ballistic missile programs. It is the home of the 50th Space Wing of the Air Force Space Command, and this base provides command and control for over 170[1] Department of Defense warning, navigational, and communications satellites. Also housed at Schriever AFB are the Missile Defense Integration and Operations Center and the U.S. Air Force Warfare Center. Schriever AFB is the main control point for the Global Positioning System (GPS).[2] Schriever AFB is manned by more than 8100 active duty and guard/reserve personnel, civilian employees, and contractors.[3]

Groundbreaking for what would become Schriever Air Force Base took place in May 1983. It was originally called the Consolidated Space Operations Center (CSOC) during the development phase, and was renamed Falcon Air Force Station upon becoming operational. In July 1985 the 2nd Space Wing was activated at Peterson AFB and in September 1985, the organization relocated to Falcon Air Force Station (now Schriever Air Force Base), and 230 Air Force members, civilian employees, and contractors moved into its 12 new buildings. This wing took operational control of the Air Force Satellite Control Network in a phased system turn over that began in October 1987 and lasted several years.[12]

In June 1988, Falcon Air Force Station was redesignated Falcon Air Force Base. On 30 January 1992 the 2nd Space Wing inactivated and the 50th Tactical Fighter Wing, redesignated as the 50th Space Wing, activated at Falcon AFB.

On 5 June 1998, Falcon Air Force Base was renamed Schriever Air Force Base in honor of the retired General Bernard Adolph Schriever, who pioneered in the development of the American ballistic missile programs. Schriever AFB is the only Air Force base that was named for an Air Force veteran who was living at the time. General Schriever died June 20, 2005.

50th Space Wing
some medical personnel from the 21st Medical Group[5]
310th Space Wing (AFRC)
U.S. Air Force Warfare Center
Missile Defense Agency’s Missile Defense Integration and Operations Center, formerly named the Joint National Integration Center (JNIC)[6]
25th Space Range Squadron, host of the Space Test and Training Range & geographically separated from the Nevada Test and Training Range
527th Space Aggressor Squadron, geographically separated from the 57th Wing
AFOTEC Det. 4[citation needed]
Space and Missile Defense Command-Space and Ballistic Missile Defense Forces (JFCC-IMD)[7]
U.S. Army 100th Missile Defense Brigade (GMD)[7]
Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 53rd Signal Battalion
Detachment 1, 392d Training Squadron
Detachment 11, Space and Missile Systems Center
Detachment 12, 1st Space Test Squadron[8]
11th Space Warning Squadron
U.S. Naval Observatory Master Clock [9][10]

Schriever Air Force Base
Air Force Space Command
Part of Air Force Space Command (AFSPC)
Located near: Colorado Springs, Colorado
2 SOPS space systems operator 040205-F-0000C-001
Senior Airman Nayibe Ramos runs through a checklist during Global Positioning System satellite operations in 2004.
USA Colorado location map
Airplane silhouette.svg
Schriever AFB
Type Air Force Base
Latitude: 38.80163
Longitude: -104.52651
Area: 9.34 km²
Built 1983
In use 1985-present
Controlled by Flag of the United States Air Force.png United States Air Force
Garrison 50th Space Wing 50th Space Wing
File:Schriever AFB.jpg

On November 21, 2011, an airman from the 50th Security Forces Squadron surrendered to authorities after barricading himself in a building with a personal handgun. No injuries were reported.[11]

See also:

Communications satellites
Satellite navigation systems


↑ Schriever AFB Fact Sheet
↑ “Schriever Air Force Base – Global Positioning System”. US Department of Defense. July 28, 2007. Retrieved July 28, 2007.
↑ 50 Space Wing, Public Affairs. “50 Space Wing Fact Sheet”. Retrieved 20 September 2012.
↑ USAF Schriever AFB Units Official Site
↑ 21st Medical Group of the 21st Space Wing, Peterson AFB
↑ Missile Defense Agency JNIC Official Site
↑ 7.0 7.1 Space and Missile Defense Command
↑ Space Development and Test Wing – Kirtland Air Force Base Official Site
↑ Schriever AFB Fact Sheet Official Site
↑ Housing construction offers historical glimpse of Schriever’s growth from Schriever official site
↑ Elliott, Dan (November 21, 2011). “Air Force Base Gunman Pleaded Guilty To Sex Charge”. Huffington Post.

II. Schriever AFB, Colorado

Schriever Air Force Base, the newest base in the United States Air Force, is located approximately 10 miles east of Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colo.
The 50th Space Wing is headquartered at Schriever Air Force Base. Satellite operations are conducted from the Jack Swigert Space Operations Facility. After announcing in early 1981 that a military space systems control facility would be built, Falcon Air Force Station became that facility. The base was built primarily as a backup to Onizuka Air Force Station, Calif., where all Department of Defense satellites were being controlled.

Groundbreaking took place in May 1983, and Falcon Air Force Station became a reality. Two years later 2nd Space Wing was formed, and mission capability from Onizuka Air Station began transferring over to Falcon. The wing took operational control of the Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN) in October 1987.

In June 1988, Falcon Air Force Station was redesignated Falcon Air Force Base.

Due to Air Force-wide restructuring, 2nd Space Wing was inactivated and the 50th Space Wing activated on January 30, 1992, taking on the heritage of the 50th Tactical Fighter Wing which was deactivated at Hahn AB, Germany.

On June 5, 1998, Falcon Air Force Base was renamed Schriever Air Force Base in honor of retired General Bernard A. Schriever, who pioneered the development of the nation’s ballistic missile programs and is recognized as “the father of the United States

Satellite operations are conducted from the Jack Swigert Space Operations Facility. The Jack Swigert Space Operations Facility was dedicated in June 1986 in memory of Jack Swigert who was born and raised in Denver, Colo. Swigert was an astronaut and command pilot on Apollo 13 mission. Upon leaving NASA he ran for Congress from Denver, and was elected, but died one week prior to accepting office in December 1982. He was 51 years old.
The base acreage is 3,840 and its population is approximately 4,000 military, DoD civilians, and contractors.

Tenant organizations at Schriever Air Force Base include the Joint National Test Facility; Ballistic Missile Defense Organization; Space Warfare Center, 17th Test Squadron; 576th Flight Test Squadron; 55th Space Weather Squadron; Operating Location, Space and Missile Systems Center, Detachment 11; 11th Space Warning Squadron; Cheyenne Mountain Training and Simulation System; 2nd Command & Control Squadron; 18th Intelligence Squadron; Detactment 46, Air Force Technical Applications Center; Detachment 807, Air Force Office of Special Investigation; and the 310th Space Group.

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