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Organized Gang Stalking Quotes

War On Terror
Articles & Interviews

Part VIII: Cult Connections

February 19, 2024

Gray State (film)

February 19, 2024

Quotes on War

December 11, 2018

CIA Front Companies

December 1, 2018


OSI Organized Stalking Informers
January 3, 2013 ·
(Also see as an excellent summary of organized gang stalking)

“Organized Gang Stalking, is psychological warfare,and torture plus mind control they are getting discovered, easy to catch them, it calls psychological war, they use things that are hard to believe, but with evidences they are getting cut.most of them use the same car, but they switch drivers, or change plate #s, also they are hurting innocent peoples life’s. using helicopters, surveillance 24/7, cars missing hubcaps, to distract the victim,”

“Organized Stalking is a form of terrorism used against an individual in a malicious attempt to reduce the quality of a person’s life so they will: have a nervous break-down, become incarcerated, institutionalized, experience constant mental, emotional, or physical pain, become homeless, and/or commit suicide. This is done using well-orchestrated accusations, lies, rumors, bogus investigations, setups, framings, intimidation, overt or covert threats, vandalism, thefts, sabotage, torture, humiliation, emotional terror and general harassment. It is a “ganging up” by members of the community who follow an organizer and participate in a systematic “terrorizing” of an individual.” — Mark M. Rich

Country music star Carrie Underwood during an 2009 11 question celebrity interview
Interviewer: Why don’t you use Twitter ?

Carrie Underwood “It just sounds like organized stalking to me. I talk to my fan club members and I blog, and they know what’s going on. But as far as Twitter, I’ll be in a restaurant and I’ll get home and somebody tweeted and they talked about what I ordered and what I was wearing. In some cases, that could be dangerous, because you don’t want everybody to know where you are every second of every day. It’s a wee bit of an invasion of privacy.”


“We all know what it’s like to be told to see a Psychiatrist it’s not fun when you know this stuff is real”

AUTHOR DAVID LAWSON Author of ‘Terrorist Stalking in America’

” A common ruse used by these groups is that they are a citizens’ group which assists the police & the illusion is reinforced by the case files they carry which are complete with photos of the target. In order to establish bases of operation, they will enlist the assistance of neighbors. Those who do not cooperate can be targeted, which includes harassment of their families & damage to their homes & vehicles.”

AUTHOR DAVID LAWSON Author of ‘Terrorist Stalking in America’

“Groups begin their operations with a sensitization program…When they talk on their cell phones, they will ask if a target has been sensitized. Sensitivity tactics which are used to make sure the target knows he is being watched Groups will also communicate with the target. Most communication is done by group members who make statements as they rush away. Some statements involve threats against the target &/or his family.”

AUTHOR DAVID LAWSON Author of ‘Terrorist Stalking in America’

“The primary characteristic of cause stalking is that it is done by large groups of people. A target will always be followed, but he is unlikely to see the same stalkers very often. Many of these groups include hundreds of people. Group members will attempt to physically intimidate a target if they can, by standing very close. Swarming is a tactic which is also used. It involves totally surrounding a target so he cannot move. Staged events would included blockading a target’s vehicle so he cannot get out of a parking lot. Staged events are used in attempt to prove the superiority of the group & they control the target’s time. Teams will typically stand around a target, while he is paying for a purchase in a store, or sit near him in a restaurant.”

Terrorist Stalking in America, David Lawson

“The participation of firemen, city workers & utility company workers helps give group members an illusion of legitimacy & power. Groups take revenge, that revenge can take the form of assault on the target or damage to his property. Groups try to impose a system of rewards & punishments on their targets ”


“The above happens constantly in stores that are not crowded, & out in public. This Organized Stalking group will have their members follow me into restaurants. They’ll usually sit next to me & mention things about my personal life. This is done both to harass me & to try to evoke a sense of helplessness by not being believed if I were to tell someone about the harassment. This type of harassment is concealed to anyone else in the establishment. Some of the other patrons may recognize that something is not right with that group of people. This is probably because the tone, rhythm & volume of their conversations are not natural, they’re rehearsed & artificial. It’s almost like bad acting. Occasionally you’ll even see other patrons looking over at them with an expression of “what’s wrong with those people.” Personal information gathered by surveillance is used primarily for harassment. This has been well documented not only by countless targets, but also in books such as The War At Home, by Brian Glick, & Terrorist Stalking in American by David Lawson. These people also made their presence known while I was vacationing in Florida. This happened on both flights, as well as in several restaurants. The cult has met
me in any state I’ve visited so far.”


Dr. Hall is author of, “A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America,” a book in which he boldly describes his personal experiences of being a target of the domestic terrorism covertly sweeping through the nation’s communities.

KENS 5’s Conger quotes Hall saying that “targets are all voicing the same complaints organized stalking, weird, electronic disturbances going on in their homes” “This isn’t stalking that’s done by former spouse, or former boyfriend or someone you know is disgruntled at you, but stalking that’s done by total strangers in an organized fashion”

Dr. Hall said.

“learning what TIs throughout the nation and beyond report when trying to learn why they are being precision targeted with military grade weapons and kept under what constitutes extremist foot soldier “surveillance.” Dr. Hall alleges to have been targeted by the same groups as Verbeff including fellow doctors and the Texas Medical Board for blowing the whistle on the criminal activity. He then faced the standard white-coat bogus diagnoses of “probable delusional disorder” and ordered psychiatric treatment that whistle blowers consistently report”.


“They have performed all manner of hoaxes and tricks in attempt freak me out and have me make outlandish reports to the police and have me diagnosed as mentally ill. I have experienced various types of Gang Stalking where perpetrators organized with cell phones are always in visual contact with me at all times of the day and night this is done conspicuously when I’m alone and more subtle when others are with me thus making it appear to them if i am imaging it another persistent technique that they have used is to cough, spit or bring their hand to their face in my presence in effort to sensitize me to these behaviors and have me diagnosed as mentally ill. Stating to a mental health worker that people you don’t know are making gestures to you is diagnostic criterion for Paranoid Schizophrenia. I have written many letters to authorities and received absolutely no response this is probably because many mentally ill people make very similar claims and the perpetrators know this and exploit it to avoid investigation. It is also clear on the basis of their cooperation in Gang Stalking activities that some law enforcement people and neighbors are cooperating if not overtly colluding making it impossible to enlist their assistance.”


“My neighbors participate in this harassment and stalking. They have been bribed with home repairs. Those who cannot be lied to or bribed are threatened or blackmailed. I experience noise campaigns such as horns, fire truck & ambulance sirens, & alarms going off the instant I walk out of my house and down my street. Typically there are convoys of vehicles driving down my street a side street playing loud music, yelling & revving their engines as they pass my house day & night. Also, there has been ongoing noise harassment campaign/construction on the houses surrounding mine.”


“Other forms of harassment I’ve noticed include sensitivity operations. These operations are a very big part of the harassment campaigns as reported by hundreds of targets across the nation. They are designed to capture the target’s attention, & let them know they’re being harassed and followed.”


“The goal is to get the target sensitized to very subtle “triggers” so that once they are sensitized they can be harassed openly in a public place. These sensitivity programs are based on a science called Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Used ethically, NLP dissolves phobias, sometimes in a single session. These cults use this science in a destructive format. See the Tactics section for a description of how groups use this science. People who participate in Organized Stalking will walk by me & say things such as “fiddle you, fiddle-up, fiddle-head, scum-bag,” or they’ll mention something about my personal life. Of course this happens to many people, once in a while. Frequency & duration is the key.”


It is likely that prior to the harassment campaign, these perpetrators used citizens (informants) to help frame me in situations I was not aware of (pictures, testimony, complaints, etc) in an attempt to represent me in a very negative manner. I believe this because they’re currently generating pressure on me via acquaintances, & family, so these lies must be potent. I think a combination of lies & intimidation is at the heart of recruitment strategy. It is my belief that many of the people in my personal life are cooperating out of fear & have been given an illegal gag order during the so called “investigation.” Some of these agencies have a documented history of including friends, family, & places of business in these in harassment programs. See The War at Home, Brian Glick. This is basically a legal, mafia-style criminal network that operates outside of the law & has little accountability.


“Gang stalking comprises a network of people focusing on a targeted individual (TI). All sectors of society are involved ranging from the neighbours, to the media. A targeted individual (TI) is under surveillance and harassment 24/7. I believe the surveillance includes satellite, as I’ve written and drawn things in the privacy of my home which have been mimicked by the media (T.V and Internet). Personal info has been accessed from my computer and used in the same way. My mind is being read. Snippets of conversation I’ve had and things I’ve done are directed back at me. Radio also gets involved, jeeringly. Vandalism of my clothing. My car and home are accessed while I’m away. A helicopter rears its head whether I’m on my way back from another city, or in a Game Reserve. At one stage it flew over my home practically everyday, but that seems to have stopped now. Once it circled overhead my home more than 17 times. This is an “open secret” where “everybody knows” that a person is being targeted and everybody contributes towards the persecution, but nobody will admit it to the targeted individual. These are a few examples of things which have happened to me. Repeated snippets of conversations aka (Directed Conversation) and mirroring. I had bought a hair piece with the label “Pretty Woman”. When I got home, a message appeared on my cell phone sporting Pretty Woman with a big smile. She then morphed into Pretty Woman with no teeth. It was sent by a private number. A father and son were working at a conference. They both had very similar bags to mine. The son say’s to me “I like your bag”. I get to my drama class that evening and as I get out of my car, I overhear “I like your bag”. I was looking up vegan recipes. Saw some taco ones. At guy at work slowly walks past me eating his taco. He stops in front of me and keeps eating. I pace my stall at one point. Guy with a pram comes out and starts pacing alongside me. At my Metaphysical class, one of the women spoke about her daughters flat burning down and the tenant saying it was an electrical fault. This was at the exact same time I had asked the landlady about getting an earth leakage unit installed in the cottage because the guy who looked at the geyser had said it was very unsafe, the place could just burn down”.


“My stalking experiences involve numerous repetitive tactics, some of which have been receiving constant and frequent “wrong number” phone calls and spoofing caller ID calls [not really coming from the number that shows up on the caller ID…Research Spoofing phone calls] trying to make me think that everyone is out to get me. Also by receiving calls that claim to be from local police, state police and fire fighters asking for donations. My privacy has been severely invaded by the perps through eavesdropping on my conversations in my own home [wireless bugging], as well as on my conversations from my ground wire telephone and cell phone. The perps always make it a point to let me know that they have eavesdropped on other people’s conversations that I am associated with as well… [AKA roving wire tapping]. The perp’s sadistically taunt me by letting me know what they’ve heard in my conversations by various methods. One method is by having lots of junk mail and spam e-mail sent to me with my conversation-related subject matter in them. Another method is by making sure that I am within ear shot of their acquaintances, “hired strangers” or passersby that are quoting words and even complete exact phrases derived directly from my private conversations [AKA street theatre]. Other measures of harassment have included suppressing my efforts to make and keep friends, or to hold a job by causing those efforts to fail through mobbing or lies.

This always makes those failed efforts appear to be self imposed. They have even screwed up appointments or service calls that I’ve arranged by phone and always manage to make it look accidental or as if it were screwed up by worker incompetence. Shadow surveillance [not so shadowy] has been one of the main tactics of harassment. Different perps will either follow me to my destinations or are already there ahead of me and make no effort to stay hidden…[obviously having been alerted by eavesdropping or some neighbor perps because when they are there ahead of me, then they must know that I was going there]. It is also very obvious that the perps have spread lies about me, causing people who were once friendly toward me to suddenly turn against me. They’ve managed to isolate me from family and old friends by causing tension, disagreements, suspicion and doubt between us. They have weaseled their way into the lives of my family and friends [unbeknownst to most of them] in order to orchestrate the wedging”.


“People are going to watch this and not understand:
THE PEOPLE BEHIND THIS USE SOPHISTICATED PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE PROGRAMS AND METHODS. They have access to intelligence on the Target or at least the designers do- access, resources and lots of money.Gang Stalking program is tailored to the individual Target and the Target’s reactions also enter into the gang stalker’s following moves against that Target. These programs are connected to Black Projects, there is more than just what meets the eye”.


“I have often wondered how these people can live with themselves and what it’s like to have other people dictate the color shirt you should wear that day, when you should walk out of your house, mow your lawn, take a drive, and where you should go. It seems that those engaged in the low level stalking have very low self-esteem, lack critical thinking, and have_ relinquished their own personal freedom an incredible degree. In general, they appear to suck at life. Perhaps that is why they are comfortable attempting to ruin another person’s.”


“Some people should be aware that this criminal enterprise might also be benefiting financially in other ways other than just the vigilante business. The victims also might be placed in non consensual human experimentation programs which is also financially beneficial. Also sole hires to estates, or land also might be targeted in this program. Targets are pushed to “act out” by the program which is beneficial not only for possible “false flag” terrorism ( in extreme cases) but also benefits the prison and mental health industries. The program hides itself behind the double bind_ theory & hides beings making it’s victims testimony appear as crazy or outlandish. I pray everyday that we can shed light on holocaust that so many people in the world are experiencing.”


“One becomes aware of the stalking via a process known as “sensitization.” The stalkers will act strangely for a given period of time such that their target will notice their odd behaviors. The odd behaviors may include but are not limited to odd or inappropriate facial expressions, body movements, bizarre or inappropriate utilization of various common objects (cell phones, laptop computers, pens, pencils, etc.) in such a manner so as to cause the observer of these behaviors to know that these behaviors are not normal and appropriate for the situation and are in fact done just for them. Collectively, these behaviors are known as “street theater.” It is believed by many in the community of targeted individuals that this “sensitization” process is derived from neurolinguistic programming (NLP) practices developed by John Grinder and Richard Bandler and made famous by such people as Anthony Robbins. Once they have sensitized a target to assorted odd behaviors, then their fun really begins. While you are around town, they will express a toned-down version of these behaviors such that you the target can see that they are following you while those around you simply see normal everyday types of behaviors. If you were to inform others around you as to what is happening, a likely response would be something on the order of, “you’re crazy, I don’t see anything, just people acting like their normal selves.”


“Is destroying the life of_ a person murder? I believe that in a court of law you can prove that gang stalking is about murder. The aim is to cause the physical or mental death of a person. The attackers do not care what happens to the target. It is fine with them if the target commits suicide or dies in a constructed car accident. Neighbors do not know all details and are certainly not told that any death is ok.”
KC native Californian stalked in AZ, CA & amp FLDec 22, 2011 09:52 PM


“My stalking experiences involve numerous repetitive tactics, some of which have been receiving constant and frequent “wrong number” phone calls and spoofing caller ID calls [not really coming from the number that shows up on the caller ID…Research Spoofing phone calls] trying to make me think that everyone is out to get me. Also by receiving calls that claim to be from local police, state police and fire fighters asking for donations. My privacy has been severely invaded by the perps through eavesdropping on my conversations in my own home [wireless bugging], as well as on my conversations from my ground wire telephone and cell phone. The perps always make it a point to let me know that they have eavesdropped on other people’s conversations that I am associated with as well… [AKA roving wire tapping]. The perp’s sadistically taunt me by letting me know what they’ve heard in my conversations by various methods. One method is by having lots of junk mail and spam e-mail sent to me with my conversation-related subject matter in them. Another method is by making sure that I am within ear shot of their acquaintances, “hired strangers” or passersby that are quoting words and even complete exact phrases derived directly from my private conversations [AKA street theatre]. Other measures of harassment have included suppressing my efforts to make and keep friends, or to hold a job by causing those efforts to fail through mobbing or lies.

This always makes those failed efforts appear to be self imposed. They have even screwed up appointments or service calls that I’ve arranged by phone and always manage to make it look accidental or as if it were screwed up by worker incompetence. Shadow surveillance [not so shadowy] has been one of the main tactics of harassment. Different perps will either follow me to my destinations or are already there ahead of me and make no effort to stay hidden…[obviously having been alerted by eavesdropping or some neighbor perps because when they are there ahead of me, then they must know that I was going there]. It is also very obvious that the perps have spread lies about me, causing people who were once friendly toward me to suddenly turn against me. They’ve managed to isolate me from family and old friends by causing tension, disagreements, suspicion and doubt between us. They have weaseled their way into the lives of my family and friends [unbeknownst to most of them] in order to orchestrate the wedging”.

Anonymous Feb 16, 2012 11:02 AM

“I am “Mud Flap” the TI from D.C., va.. I have identified my handler! What do I do???? Please email me at [email protected] ASAP! I have an extreme case and proof!”
Anonymous Feb 17, 2012 03:20 PM

“Gangstalking is a myth. But its still happening. You have to ask yourself how? How does it work? Are you being stalked, harassed, chemtrailed or mind controlled? Can’t figure out what is going on? This is what they are doing, and this is how they do it. Open your eyes.”


“I agree this bull is being done beyond a personal vendetta. It’s being done for conditioning. Conditioning of targets and conditioning of the public to accept these illegal technologies, to accept the illegal procedures/programs they are_ implementing, and controlling public opinion and acceptance. The targets I believe are not the only ones being mind f*cked. I think the device is used on the perps as well to gauge it’s usefullness in manipulation & control over all w/o any one being the wiser”.


“Weapons experimentation, PSYOPS, use gang stalking to control the victims, eliminate their credibility, and make way for a risk free playing field that will end in the termination of the victim through induced suicide. Of course these enterprises are used for revenge services, to take out people who have won large settlements from major corporation’s in courts. These targets become practice tools for direct non-lethal weapons, implantation’s, PSYOPS, psychological warfare etc. It just so happens that the target will, in my experience, have much of his or her communications controlled. This is done in extreme cases, where the target;’s exposing of the crimes done to him or her will jeopardize participants, who, are not directly related to the operations. Actually this is protocol for most targets. Protection is what they are after. Security of e-mails, blogs etc. will be compromised”.


“Suggesting that Gang Stalkers only assault criminals. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Many of the duped citizen stalkers I have encountered obviously have no idea who I am and appear to believe I am a criminal or crazy. I’m sure this is part of what they are told along with their standard “brainwashing” treatment. Some “professional” stalkers I see behave like a cult from hell, others have had overt mafia-like qualities”.


Gang stalking is being exposed every day. The perpetrators in many instances are also being duped because they are told that what they are doing is authorized by the so-called “Government” which is a total lie. The perpetrators usually have no idea what they are doing, why they are doing it or who is the person who is initiated the gang stalking of the targeted individual. There are government employees (lower level) involved, but they are not authorized by the legitimate government; it would be the rogue, shadow or criminal element of the government that would be involved in gang stalking and any other racketeering activities and it would all be done covertly. Gang stalking is a money making racket just like human trafficking, drug trafficking, porn production and distribution, and the list of illegal rackets could go on and on. A very criminally minded person is contracted to hire people who will gang stalk an innocent person in their community. The community contractor then either hires people who are unable to get jobs for whatever reason, bribes, coerces, black mails, bullies, and gets his gang stalkers, and then trains them to terrorize the targeted individuals. These criminals use lies, bullying, bluffing and intimidation in their community to manipulate and control the people in the community. These criminals use businesses, corporations, institutions of every kind as their “fronts”. In my area; the contractor pretends to be a Christian Elder, and he uses a large church group on the property as a “front” to whitewash all of the illegal activities.


“This kind of information is exactly what needs to get out and I am grateful that it is. I have had a similar experience in that an assistant pastor in a local church is behind illegal activities including gang stalking. His being a “cpastor”is a front. The entire “church” is involved in racketeering”.



IT IS A SLOWLY-SLOWLY-KILL-Sometime most neighbors are involved for one reason or another-mostly are an organize-crimes that run by real criminal or Russians-organize-crime-that mobbing and rip people off from houses or belonging They make a lot of money from sick-people – even net-working – globally”


“The missing hubcaps is part of cause stalking “trade-craft” as are certain identifying stickers displayed on their cars or trucks. A car with a missing hubcap (usually off the same wheel) or other identifying characteristics are used repeatedly so the targeted Individual will be “sensitized” and know that they are being stalked. It’s intended that an untrained observer won’t see their actions as an organized assault. Read a review of “Cause Stalking” or what used to be called “Terrorist Stalking in America”.

“Most of these stalking cults (and they are cults) are connected to organized crime groups, are hired by criminals and stalk innocent targets for pay. They also attack targets to steal their money and property. They will try to set up a situation where they can sue the target. They often commit insurance fraud, But they will pick people at random for practice and stalk a few real criminals to try to justify their own highly criminal activities. Some targets are: Witnesses to certain crimes Sexual assault or rape victims that can identify the perp. People who threaten to sue certain corporations People who have sued certain corporations and won Isolated people with money and property Anyone who opposes or interferes with them There is not a limit on who can be targeted for any reason These groups will even target certain public officials and law enforcement officers. They will target Judges that preside over the trial of one of their members. These criminal groups ignore the rule of law and violate all the basic principals of human rights.”


“The goal is to create a nationwide system of “vigilantes” who do not think for themselves but follow orders — the Evildoing, US-Gov-paid “defense” contractors’ private army of “shooters” (not thinkers). The network is run by contractors and by DHS’s 78 fusion centers. The propaganda is that they are fighting terrorists (and that is what they tell these vigilante suckers). The truth is that they are constructing a nationwide_ GPS/cellphone-directed prison system that now contains ALL Americans.”


“According to Dr. John Hall author of ‘Satellite Terrorism A New Breed’ most of the gang stalking vehicles in the San Antonio, TX area have plates leading back to defense contractors. We are talking about Boeing Company with its Narus systems that is a domestic version of Echelon used by FBI, NSA and DARPA.”


“I have been harassed and targeted by these criminal thugs for over 8 years, and I can tell you for a fact that it has nothing to do with the excuses they are telling people! and These barbaric criminal thugs using Remote Neural Monitoring are NOT doctors! they are criminal members of the United States Air Force DoD and Boeing Aircraft using Remote Neural Monitoring in a illegal criminal manner to violate and terrorize people for years, with ulterior motives and an agenda! and the ones out Harassing people on the street are not doing so because of “wife beating” or domestic violence, those are the lies and covers that they so desperately want you to believe”


“I was and am still in a similar situation this information is correct Organized Gang Stalking has NOTHING do do with “wife beating” or “abusers” this is done and used for just like the video says for CONTROL or REVENGE just like the video says A few years ago me my wife and her brother had a loud verbal altercation in which i had to defend myself from her brother…. and the police was called, shortly after this trash began being perpetrated against me and i started thinking maybe this is friends of her brother taking revenge on me or has something to do with the altercation we had or someone is just keeping and eye on us and all of this is because of that, a couple of months later i heard from a buddy i had not seen in a while that he was told by a stranger that i had beaten my wife and that was why i was being constantly followed and harassed in public and at home which was a complete malicious slanderous rumor that some idiot had started. 7 almost 8 years later me and my wife are still living together and never fight,and the brother still comes around…. but yet this trash continues to this day! everyday! its simple folks these individuals want to piggyback onto individuals problems and use reasons and excuses like this to cover themselves and keep their system of terrorism alive so they can continue to do this to other people…. this trash hasn’t_ even gained full public or media exposure and they are doing anything they can to condition your mind and keep it that way! the words out! they are desperate and are being destroyed. WAKE UP!!! and ADJUST your mind!!!”


“This is real, they have a watch group monitoring you 24/7, (ILLEGAL ELECTRONICALLY) they harass you and watch you even in your home, they interfere with phone and tv reception. Send you noises only you can hear via frequency. Listen to all you conversations, wake you up at night, pin drop with stings or vibrate to your body. Try to destroy your computer and electronics. Follow you outside everywhere you go with street theater and gang stalking. They tell lies about you_ to others, follow u from work to all public place”


I presently believe that gangstalking aka “organized stalking” is part of a larger program involving experimental body surveillance technologies on involuntary subjects. This includes some type of neural decoding that can effectively know what a person is thinking. The “gangstalking” is secondary to the neural monitoring. I suspect the purpose of gangstalking is to provoke the target to a reaction resulting in institutionalization. This would give complete control over the subject/target.


(Author) Renee Pittman M:

”Let me take this opportunity to tell everyone who receives my post on what is happening to me THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. I have learned that the last thing these covert, malicious, self-serving, cowardly individuals, want is exposure. It is probably the only reason I am still alive right now as they have isolated everyone from around me with the daily 24/7 harassment. Those in your environment can easily become pawns in the subliminal warfare and PSYOPS. Make no mistake about it. That’s okay. Warriors walk alone (smile.) When I post what they are doing, such as just now after feeling the intensity of the radar laser painfully targeting my lower back building with intensity, it immediately stopped.
I thank you ALL for putting up with me. You might just be saving my life especially as they watched my friend’s list grow in just over a year ago from 340 to over 4,000. They do not like the fact the over 4,000 people are receiving this information.

However, the reason I live fearlessly is because I do not fear them nor do I fear death. The threat of death to some is a powerful manipulation tool. My spiritual beliefs are that I am just passing through here. I believe that there is another side and when it is my appointed time, it will be by divine order. Until then, I continue to walk my path. I’ve got work to do here. I am but one little light of many!”


I presently believe that gangstalking, aka “organized stalking,” is part of a larger program involving experimental body surveillance technologies on involuntary subjects. This includes some type of neural decoding that can effectively know what a person is thinking. The “gangstalking” is secondary to the neural monitoring. I suspect the purpose of gangstalking is to provoke the target to a reaction resulting in institutionalization. This would give complete control over the subject/target.


Organized Gang Stalking BOGUS “Investigations” Victim

“I have been placed on a watch list. This means that I am under constant surveillance by your everyday people “citizen informants”. Citizen informants are not a new phenomenon, but the organized stalking era has defined them as slightly different way.

Usually law enforcers, agents, and etc. have people they go to for information. Slang word for these people are “snitches,” these snitches or citizen informants are their eyes and ears. On a watch list, you are a target for what may be a covert investigation. In my particular case I have heard some comments that people are being told that I am dangerous and a harm to others. THIS IS A LIE. And this maybe their justification for what they are trying to do.

You are being told what you need to, much like in classic interrogations, where the interrogator tells any lie they can to get your cooperation. This is no different, in fact, there is a name for this technique used by law enforcement and it plainly states that interrogators will tell you ANYTHING to get your cooperation.

Now investigations are necessary. I would not want anyone who could harm me around myself or my children. But years have passed and they are still at it. What gives? The information they have gotten, they use to harass me. Or let me rephrase that; they use you to harass me. And tell you whatever lie is necessary to accomplish it.

I have been a victim of Work mobbing. I have walked into the cafeteria at work and had a coward say to me but not at me ” She better not start no trouble here.” or ” You shouldn’t have went to Florida.” (After a year or so of this it gets to be detrimental to my overall well-being). The list of comments and actions go on and on. I have had acquaintances start conversations with me about my personal life that they should not have any know about, no thanks to the handy investigator/ interrogator getting and giving information about me (sometimes humiliating).

People have been told that I am a prostitute, drug dealer, a thief, a terrorist, stripper I have even had ” friends” put their purses around me to see if I would steal it? Also, the ridiculous one that I have lost my memory? My memory is perfectly in tact and has always been. I had a nice interrogation style conversation with a girl I was friends with for more than half my life, about a matter concerning custody of my children. No doubt she has been “talked” to.

Change cities, move I have- they came with me. Change jobs I have- they came with me. I went out with a friend that had been very dear to me since about 7th grade and there we had a conversation about an ex, no doubt he was sent to have this particular situation. If you read this you know who u are and that is why you did not return my calls. I hope whatever you got from this was worth losing my friendship.

The point of me saying this all is I want you to know that what they are doing is WRONG and ILLEGAL and they are lying to you about me and YOU are the ones who are doing their dirty work for them. If it was not dirty work and i was really suspected of ANY of these things they would have brought ME in to be interrogated and NOT be using you to do. Because they will not do this something in the process is unfavorable, illegal, false, or someone is undercover”.


Bernd Werner Rojahn: “How many gang stalkers does it take to change a light bulb? Three! It takes at least three of them to do anything at all”.


‪”I really hate stalkers, this started happening to me after i backed out of the Air force… do i think they might be involved? yeah i do, maybe not directly though, they are responsible for the towers and the grid of electromagnetic energy… and personally if we had top notch security. Don’t you think these institutions would be AWARE of someone using their towers or satellites for this purpose? which honestly is enough of a deduction for me to pinpoint my position..”‬


‘I have experienced many of tactics mentioned. I pissed off someone that is using people on me constantly. Instead of coming to me and resolving whatever their issue may be………they follow me, tailgate, swerve at me while driving…….my cars and house are bugged, cell phone too…… I go outside my home and there’s NO TRAFFIC…….by the time I open a car door vehicles traveling in pairs go by………this isn’t random traffic. They are on my time reacting to when I move.


Hey Guys,

We have each other. There is crap out there all the time. There are apparently more than a Million people under similar programs (i.e., that is the official stat. Who knows what the unofficial number is?) They cannot take away our freedom. They can try all they want.
That is the greatest gift of all. All the perverted bastards can do is try. Try till they fucking give up one day. That is the end result. Something has to surface, something or someone who brings enough awareness to stop this shit on a global scale.

There are many stupid people out there and the rest are ignorant. There will be a day when people will be profiled and executed according to profiles by robots. Who knows what the future holds. I will keep the faith and have my little moments of joy each day. Whenever I have a doubt that they are trying to read my mind I deliberately imagine having intimate sex with one of the offenders. I imagine with great detail and depth and suddenly it stops. Great way to stuff these people. But as for the rest of the convoys and the social conditioning is concerned, my message to preps, wait till they come for you, you are backing an evil that will finally turn against everyone including you.

My Message to T.Is ——just don’t give a crap. We will grow and fight each and every day. We will win. We will rein supreme. Pay no heed and do not see what they are trying to show you. (That is the key.)

A target from Sydney, Australia.

Jun 16 13 5:26 AM:

This is one more terrific tip. Think of stalkers as trained dogs. Whenever I see a stalking dog walker, I think: Dog walking dog. It doesn’t help sometimes as the stalking really drives me up the wall but it does at times. I have been harassed in different countries for years now. More than ten years I should say. I was a victim of a terrifying power trip by a group of individuals in India. I had moved to another country, Australia, as a businessman. Little did I know that they have a greater network and more resources in Sydney. All they had to do was pass malicious information about me to people here. They had stolen my phone when I went to India (one year after I had migrated to Australia) and that was it, the day I came back it started. Surprisingly they took down a company that I jointly owned in New Zealand. They are stalking me relentlessly, I tried to contact the government, the police, the Federal Police and many international organizations but to no use. Everyone says it is not in their jurisdiction.

It is surprising that a few individuals / low in character/ working in government agencies have powers over a large group of educated and civilized individuals across continents. I put up ANTI-Gang Stalking posters and Signs outside my Sydney retail outlet. I even have wallpapers on my Point of Sale system. Surprisingly, many people ask about them but the stalking and harassment still continue on a daily basis. They have hired apartments all around my unit and there is a funny noise in the night that produces palpitation and fast heartbeat in the night. Very bad at times. Sometimes I wonder if I will make it through the night. Hope things change as I have a young baby at home. I am using as posters for my retail outlet.

I am trying to hire a company to create good posters for my store. Most of the material on this site has helped me heaps. I try to brush it off and live a normal life but it is hard. Those bastards. At times I wonder if there is god.

Thank you guys.
Keep Fighting.

A target from Sydney, Australia.

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