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Appendix 77: 2010 Rockefeller Plan To Bankrupt The World (Through Covid-19(84) Plandemic)

War On Terror
Articles & Interviews

Part VIII: Cult Connections

February 19, 2024

Gray State (film)

February 19, 2024

Quotes on War

December 11, 2018

CIA Front Companies

December 1, 2018

Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development (2010) by the Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network

Webmaster Comment: This is the plan to de-industrialize and de-populate the world, with the goal of bringing the world to the technological, cultural, and population equivalent of the year, 1700. It is the plan to implement the 1992 UN Biodiversity Treaty aka The Wildlands Project and The “UN Agenda 21 Map of Death.”

Come to think of it, this document expresses the “Green New Deal,” which is the ideology of my home town, Crestone/Baca, Colorado, the town that was reinvented by Maurice Strong, UN potentate and author of UN Agenda 21. This plan IS the implementation of UN Agenda 21 (2030), the One World Government under the rule of the satan and his “kids,” the “serpent people” (Judeo-Masonic-satanists). Welcome to “Green Hell,” brought to you by the “watermelon environmentalists,” you know, green on the outside and red on the inside.

Deborah Taveras explains the import of this document in the following video talk:


Webmaster’s Comment: Although Deborah Taveras is knowledgable about many subjects, she obviously never took any courses in earth science. Therefore, please take her comments about “primary water” (her she merely refers to groundwater), geothermal energy, and most importantly, fossil fuels.


to Create an Economically Unstable and
Shock-Prone World
Authoritarian Controls – Criminals Thrive
We ARE the Enemy and War has been Declared.
Silent Weapons for a Quiet War

Link Below for the Document Discussed in this Video Produced by The Rockefeller Foundation- ‘Scenarios For The Future Of Technology”…

2:08 time stamp – READ Senate Report 93-549…

2:28 time stamp – READ NASA War Plan Document…

4:51 time stamp – Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars Document…

16:25 time stamp – CDC is a Private FOR PROFIT Corporation…

33:14 time stamp – TED The Terrible TURNER

PLEASE SUBSCRIBE by clicking the link below and be sure to tap the “Bell Notification” ? so you are notified any time I upload a new video. ?…

#DeborahTavares #Covid19 #Coronavirus NEW

1 week ago
TURN ON CLOSED CAPTIONS IF YOU CANNOT HEAR THIS MESSAGE Please. This message is of upmost importance.

Marilyn B
2 weeks ago
I am a nurse and what I see is a Communist takeover. Where are the patients??? Most hospitals are empty with employers laying off nurses. And a test where they jam a wooden qtip into your sinuses??? How do we know that there isn’t a microchip at the end of it??? They already have a vaccine, they’re just waiting for the right time to reveal it and force it on us. We’re screwed!!!!

Chris Ray
2 weeks ago
“It’s Easier to Fool People Than to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.”

Mark Twain

Vanezs Wilmer
2 weeks ago
When ever you see anyone on the news and the person says they have the virus do you ever hear them cough?? No you dont you hear about 1 person in a home with other people sharing the sofa, bathroon,kitchen,beds with husbands and wifes,etc and supposedly 1 person husband or wife gets the virus?? People cant see their grandchildren, or family in nursing homes!! People open your eyes and stop believing what your being feed it’s all bullshit!! The President giving virus news conferences standing on the world stage with people shoulder to shoulder no mask, no social distance, hands all over a podium and mic touching their faces especially the doctors and not 1 has got the virus. Omg wake up!!

Hunger Games
2 weeks ago
Sounds like she is reading a ‘dystopian’ novel, but folks this is a real live Hunger Games action flick come to life. If we don”t stop it now, there is NO FUTURE for humanity. Period.

amanda copeland
2 weeks ago
I tried sooooo hard to spread the word on this years ago. People just act like you’re nuts. Even now many are still choosing to stay asleep! I just don’t understand it.
Sallie Ryder
Sallie Ryder
2 weeks ago
This is TOTALLY HORRIFYING! Just the thought of having my children and grandchildren live in a world ruled by DEGENERATE MONSTERS has broken my heart! How can WE STOP THEM?! I will fight for my loved ones peaceful way of life and freedom from these VULTURES! GOD I PRAY AND BEG FOR YOUR HELP!!????????????????????

Bruce McKee
2 weeks ago
Jesus said Fear not them who can kill the body. But fear HIM who is able to destroy body and soul in hell. They the elitist can not live forever. Their time is short.

Sister Kesler
2 weeks ago
Yes I have noticed my phone internet connection has been acting up being real slow. I had a feeling that they might do that intentionally so that we want to go to 5G

Nick Carducci
2 weeks ago

Natural Born Scorpio
2 weeks ago
This is the time to put differences aside and band together to fight the evil 1% who are hell bent on depopulating the planet and we do not consent to global genocide.

2 weeks ago
This is about the vaccine agenda and getting everybody marked with the bio chip Mark of the beast technology through Bill Gates’ vaccine.

Vintage Souffle, LLC
2 weeks ago (edited)
Crisis actors!!!! To lie and deceive on that level. It occurred to me one day while wearing a mask and gloves that it all seemed ridiculous. My driver was wearing nothing and never does. I told him it was BS and he agreed while laughing. I felt like an idiot as my mask hung from my nose. I told my husband this is BS. and he agreed. But the hospitals i found out about later. Doctors and nurses everywhere were commenting on social media that their hospitals were empty and some closing. I can see why they built those crisis hospitals. They’ll be our hospitals from now on. In the middle of the field or some cheap run down hotel or motel with little to no supplies. Trump response to the governor’s need for supplies is the start of “sorry no supplies.” Because their taking our supplies and selling them on the open market. Lying on this level. Wow! I think it’s way to late. I can only imagine the weaponry they have. We don’t love each other on the level needed to stop this and they know it.

B. Rippy
2 weeks ago
Protests started today in Ohio!!!!

Mari Mcm
2 weeks ago
Protect yourself from the weaponized 5G system: Do NOT bring a 5G router, 6G router, or wigig router into your home. 5G will attack the oxygen you breathe causing respiratory distress. 6G will attack iodine (iodine is vital fir thyroid health). Do NOT wear any trackable devices on your body such as airpods/ipods, smart watche, smart rings or bracelet, neck muscle relaxer device. If you wear any type of smart tracking device on your body they will be able to beam the deadly 5G technology directly to you, at whatever volume they wish. Also, do not bring LED lights into your home. They 5G technology will be beamed through LED lights (Lifi). The 5G system will cause changes in the DNA of living organisms and damage human female eggs. It will also cause cancer and respiratory distress as the oxygen molecules will be unable to bind to hemoglobin properly. Please see the Fullerton Informer youtube channel for more information.

The Way
2 weeks ago
Ohio had a pretty good turnout at their statehouse protest today – finished about1:30 pm CST. They demand their constitutional rights and liberty and want their businesses open and the ridiculous house arrest ended. Only those ill should be quarantined – not those who are well and need to return to work.

Paul Smith
2 weeks ago
This may be there plan but they WILL NOT SUCCEED.


Marlene Hager
2 weeks ago
I don’t like thier Plan. Jesus has a better Plan…I’m following Him…?????

Breanda Wittman
2 weeks ago
The Mark of Beast is what they are doing An I.D. with a patch vaccine and tracker of all things about yourself in it and also it will make you stop BELIEVING in God the Mark of Beast is so you can buy sale trade with the devil .. Believe in God his son is coming quickly Hallelujah. With Bill Gates and all the top people have planned it to depopulate and to kill God’s people. I pray for all to see and believe in him.

Stephen Morgan
2 weeks ago
They sure have most of their ducks in a row. I wonder if any of them read the book of Revelation and got to the last couple of pages. It doesn’t end well for them. Accept Jesus as your savior he’s your only Door to Heaven. He is King of Kings Lord of lords they are no match for him.

Chris Cook
2 weeks ago
I can’t buy or sell without a vaccine.
Sounds like the mark of the beast to me.

2 weeks ago
We are no longer the land of the free nor the home of the brave except for this woman. Deborah Taveres, one.if the bravest and smartest persons in the planet. I admire her efforts to save humankind, although I feel like we are losing this battle.

liz madson
2 weeks ago
We are the last generation, we were chosen to go through this time of the end as prophesied, we must go through this to complete the prophecy, have faith in the Most High GOD.Yes you probably will die but there is a resurrection, a judgement day. Have Joy in your souls knowing this knowledge that you are awake and to be apart of this amazing time here on earth, don’t have fear .They don’t win…………??

Carrie Cook
2 weeks ago
Luke 21:36
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and stand before the son of man.

jenrry7R7 Ether Anu naki
2 weeks ago
What these psychopaths are actually doing is literally causing illness with their microwave and millimeter weapons, while simultaneously hiding the real cause of the illnesses people are suffering by claiming they are due to a “virus.”

If we decode the word “coronavirus”, we immediately notice that the word “virus” means “poison”and the word “corona” describes the RADIATION FIELD that is sometimes emitted by high voltage devices! (See here, hereand here for more info). Thus the word CORONAVIRUS literally means RADIATION POISONING!

Chris Gordon
2 weeks ago
Please pray for Deb’s protection to keep getting the word out.

Kat cankan
2 weeks ago (edited)
All corporations listed on Dunn & Bradstreet.
16:33 – CDC & other Corporations
19:23 – Payment for vaccines
21:25 – Who runs are country
23:24 – Scenarios for future technology & international development Document.
24:36 – Anything on a meter will be withdrawn from us; gas electric
27:22 – None access to land
28:49 – The wild land project
30:50 – All life has equal value
32:05 – Human populations must reduce & change
33:46 – Primary Water. Org
Part 2 = 36:51
39:38 – Rockafella plan
41:59 – Scenario planning jobs for years. I.e they are bread for the job
42:38 – You cannot use more then your alloted amount
44:03 – Event 201 was real time global planning.
46:13 – Pushing us back to a period more akin with 1700.
47:18 – Smart scramble. A depressed economy that requires us to be innovated. Cuba is an example of this 47:34
49:33 – More tighter Government
49:52 – Covid
53:06 – Global supply chain
55:20 – everything on line
55:46 – Mandatory wearing of facemask
57:49 – Crisis actors
58:29 – Government take control with…
1:00:27 – 2025 we are expected to get weary.
1:01:57 – 2026 Everyone gets fedup
1:04:41 – Grant Making = bribes
1:05:30 – Scanners to detect anti social behaviour
1:05:40 – Many pandemics to come
1:05:50 – Repackaging of food
1:07:05 – New diagnostics to detect diseases
1:08:34 – Alternative communictions
Part 3 – 1:09:46
1:13:15 – Microgrids – we can only us renewables. Solar, wind.
1:16:18 – Coastlines dwellers are to be removed.
1:18:35 – Smart grids for disease, tech, waste & surveillance. All publicly available
1:21:31 – Solar will be used for everything
1:35:17 – Electronic communications will become less reliable
1:36:20 – Communities comming together to make things work.
1:39:44 – Elimination of all travel, current fuels aka the green new deal

Anna P
2 weeks ago
Dear Deborah,
I can hear the pain and emotion in your voice; feel the same and send my appreciation for your work past, present and future. May our true source protect and keep us all safe.

2 weeks ago
She is so adorable. For all her courageous research, let’s hope her husband is giving her lots of extra hugs and kisses.

Mildred McLarkin
2 weeks ago

2 weeks ago
Has anyone noticed they been trying to push the to see where we stand ?Think that’s a coincidence ?

Johnnie Blackburn
2 weeks ago
I had a 70 year old Pastor who had carrier pigeons when he was young. I guess it’s time we go back to carrier pigeons for communication.

2 weeks ago
Either people turn back to God now or perish under this totalitarian government.

JSK amazing time
2 weeks ago
There is no single person in Germany I can talk about all this… ?

Jcapps57 Johnson
2 weeks ago
What we’re seeing is the beginning of sorrows, wake up call to repent, this is a war between good and evil. Light and dark….May God have pity on us all…

Shieena Living Waters
1 week ago (edited)
“We are so busy watching for Wolves that we forget that the Shepherds are who slaughter the Sheep.” (Unknown)

meese 60
2 weeks ago
20 Rothschild agents gave thumbs down

Eric Klimek
2 weeks ago
Ummm, Every soul in every town and city in America have to band together and take a stand against this Now.
Jesus is Justice.

2 weeks ago
All of what you warned us about is coming true. Time to stand up, people! it’s our last chance!

Just Jim
2 weeks ago
I am ready to dump this beast system. Thank you Debora

John S.
2 weeks ago
Most of us are “non essential”, i.e. useless eaters. You are being prepared for starvation and annihilation. The Beast system is ascending. You can still choose not to participate. Fearsome times for sure, but fear not! Choose faith not fear. Christ’s return is at hand! Look up for your redemption draws near!

Hiwa khorsed
2 weeks ago (edited)
Great talk .
I’m from kurdland (Mesopotamia) people have to do something to stop this madness that the cabal has created in the world .

2 weeks ago
Thx for mentioning Hong Kong … they aren’t playing the numbers game in deaths …. they are telling people the truth about this virus.

Allyson Jayne
2 weeks ago
Deborah, it’s NOT just the Rockefelllers and the Rothchilds who are responsible for this and everything else evil being done to humanity. They are simply the fronts for the Vatican and their wealthy papacy family bloodlines together with their Jesuit thugs who are REALLY behind all of this….since Jesus was a baby, all roads lead to Rome.

wake newlife
2 weeks ago
There are more of us then there is of them if we all stood up we could stop them

Eve Roissy
2 weeks ago
People cannot even go to the beach in the frigging CARIBBEAN anymore!!!

TakeMeBackto2019 Now
2 weeks ago
For many years people been made to focus on race and religions.It’s works because now they can’t even work together as human beings.

Billy Byng
2 weeks ago
You knew I was a snake when you let me in..said trump.

Travis Lengel
2 weeks ago
It’s 12 O clock midnight time of the darkness we just need to prey for our brothers and sisters around the world for strength. In the name my lord Jesus Christ

BeBe 2379
1 week ago
How many of you out there are NOT taking Bill Gates vaccine?

Penny Kent
2 weeks ago
When my dad was MURDERED at a nursing home, 2 years ago, very Sadistically, I didn’t understand.
I am awake now, and I know so much more now.
There really truly is evil in this world.
Always has been, always will be.
Satan does exist, and he’s doing very well for himself.

CW Seed
2 weeks ago
It’s ALL a CORPORATION … THE UNITED STATES is a de facto Foreign Corporation NOT the same of The United States of America … Persons Residents Citizens are owned by the Corporation … the time is now to know where you Stand & Who you are

ruth mariner
2 weeks ago
We have a God in whom we trust.
We have a God that is the most highest
Our God equals POWER.
Praying for all humanity.
Thank you for sharing, please stay safe .

Sheryl Weaver
2 weeks ago (edited)
I have noticed in my town of escondido calif that the rollout of 5g has begun!
Lots of workers around town from one end to the other putting up these death machines. Curious that none of these workers that I saw have no masks on! Hmmm? Also very strange they are working amidst this “lockdown”!!
5g is a killer.

John Falcon
2 weeks ago
Their plan was designed specifically to turn around on them. Their biggest mistake is their greatest ability; underestimation and assumptive ignorance.

2 weeks ago
The Cancer business has been allowed to continue and the sheeple accepted it and it looks like the dumbed down are going to roll over and accept this scam also… wake up if your not already!

Katharine Hall
2 weeks ago
Deborah, you spoke of needing to reach a level of empowerment. I know how to find it! In times when I feel high anxiety, I turn to worshipping God with verbal praise, prayer and song. It immediately begins to put a salve on my heart, and then joy in my spirit (even though that sounds unlikely to work, it actually works!) Thank you for your excellent achievements, but please allow yourself a healthy release, now and then. May God bless you and your loved ones abundantly!

Elise Tiffany
2 weeks ago
Thank you – when industry fails – we are screwed ipetgoat2 – this is scary – I have watched you for years – my father is a laser physicist and told me haarp and microwave towers are scaler weapons

Pamela Cockroft
2 weeks ago
BEAST system is here

db locc
1 week ago (edited)
I feel sick to my stomach after watching this, i can’t believe da rockefellers or da rothschilds own da army, i feel your pain Deborah Tavares, truly sad times we live in but hope is a must!

Anne Lane
2 weeks ago
Everything on tv is fake. Luke 16:19-31 is telling all rich people “make atonement here on earth now to they who you’ve been robbing, while you can” as your days are numbered.

Jason Taverner –
2 weeks ago (edited)
Have no doubt people, they see us as the enemy & the virus, contagion in this case is procreation

Becky Evans
1 week ago
Wow, people, wake up! since the president signed the national emergency order, there is no president nor a constitution. fema took over, u.n. owns you now.

Greg Howard
2 weeks ago
How do we fight back with a sleeping population?

Big Brother
2 weeks ago
There is few of us, and they seem terrifying, but we have the best weapon available, with the inspiration of the Holy Ghost we will defeat the beast!!!

Y.E. S
2 weeks ago
Why are the grocery store workers wearing black masks, black aprons, and black hats as they herd people around?

Ginny Linn
2 weeks ago
The one percent of the one percent is an ancient royal bloodline that is controlled by the Vatican.

The Diplomasta
2 weeks ago
Your time to “not consent” came and went, a long time ago. And in case you don’t know,
You DID consent!
Today, was built yesterday.
A Private Death
A Private Death
2 weeks ago
For what shall it profit a man if he were to gain the whole world, but lose his soul

Mason Gobin
2 weeks ago
Debra you are a true saint and warrior. In the face of all this, I can only turn my will towards GOD… I don’t want to lose my flesh. But in the end my spirit is all I truly want to save…

amanda copeland
1 week ago
I just realized something she said! No car idling: at all the schools where I live you cannot idle, there are signs prohibiting it. And also, some newer cars now have a mechanism where they shut off when you come to a stop at a red light or stop sign. Just a thought.

Hugo Stiglitz
2 weeks ago
Silent weapons for quiet wars is the beginning of the book Behold a pale horse by William Cooper

Don Walker
2 weeks ago
I’ve been carrying on my life as normal , not listening to the government propaganda-
As Jonny Blaze said ….
You can’t live in fear ✊ ?

kelvin stricland
2 weeks ago
I stopped watching TV 8 years ago And Finally Started to listen to truth Seekers And started reading the Bible And Listening To Important Utube Channels And I’m Awake And Tried To Warn People For Over 2 Years But No One Would Listen And I Posted Very Important Videos And Truth But Less Than 5 People Listened To Me And They Didn’t Do Anything To Prepare And I Believe They Won’t Wake Up, So Jesus Christ Is Lord And Saviour And The Only Way To Our Father God In Heaven, Believe Jesus Christ Died For Our Sins And Was Buried And Rose on The 3rd Day According To Scripture, Admit Your A Sinner In Need Of A Saviour, Repent And Believe Jesus Christ Is The Lord Saviour And Live By Faith, Believe In Your Heart Soul And Mind That Jesus Christ Is Lord And He Will Protect You And Give You Everlasting Life with God Our Father In Heaven, Do It Before It’s Too LATE We’re Not Promised Tomorrow And We Don’t know When We Will Breathe Our Last Breath, Seek Jesus Christ And You Shall Find,God Bless You All Brother’s And Sister’s In Christ In Jesus’s Mighty Name Amen.

You Must
1 week ago
I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any more!!!

Sally Benardello
2 weeks ago
Thank God you are back!! I was so worried that something terrible happened to you!! There were strangers on your channel just incase you didn’t know.

john smith
2 weeks ago
Be safe Deborah, and God bless you and your family ????❤
1 week ago (edited)
Look up Michael Tellinger’s ‘One Small Town’ – it is possible to have a society without money. Also, apparently, 8 States in America have not complied – or refused to comply – with the lockdown.
North Dakota
South Carolina
So, what’s different about them?

2 weeks ago
I love you for Everything you do to inform the people! Lord protect this woman!

2 weeks ago
I like that you speak slowly and calm I can understand easily.

2 weeks ago
These elitists look at us as the disposable human resource. Let’s change their minds.

Sharyl Csonka
2 weeks ago
They talk about “social injustice” when they already own most of the land and resources. Incredible!

Sylvia Wong
2 weeks ago
Debra THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO we greatly appreciate everything you do, be blessed.

David Thornton
2 weeks ago
We all need to wake up and take back our countries throughout the world we dont need corporatocracy we need democracy .
Don Will
Don Will
2 weeks ago
We can go to platforms like yelp and ask our favorite restaurants Bars and cafés if they plan to continue swallowing the lies of the media and the government while their businesses are destroyed, Or will these businesses reopen telling their patrons two enjoy there services at their own discretion?

eegore mushy
2 weeks ago
God bless you Deborah Tavares for all the work you’ve done, help is on the way, let not your heart be troubled, God wins!!

Cynthia Norman
2 weeks ago (edited)
? Heartbreaking ? Compassion for all that have good intent. And great compassion & empathy for all the children and animals♥️?♥️?♥️

sabrina halley
6 days ago
God is still in control, when we see all these things take place… The word says look up, your redemption draws neigh. We see all the evil taking place. It was all a plan, they have made people afraid to go outside and turn on each other. Stay strong brothers and sisters, keep informed! God bless you Deborah! Don’t take the mark!

2 weeks ago
Now this is what should be on tv, instagram, and facebook! Please do your part and share it now!

Tracy Goad
2 weeks ago
I believe you Deborah.I have been following you every since paradise.You are a true investigative reporter.

kerri ferhaoui
2 weeks ago
We are easily accessible now. WHOever wants to round us up, it’s so easy when we’re all in our homes where they know all of our locations.

Amber Sykora
2 weeks ago
It’s too late. This is the end. Biblical. We’re at the end.

Steph Ruiz
2 weeks ago
So relieved you are still pumping out the truth! Thank you!

2 weeks ago
When I first watched Event 201, all the videos I realized that it is much more then scenario Planning but an outright “Ritual” imprinting the “Field”, The Aether…This is why they have so much success Trancing the people besides all of their other weapons..They are Acting out a “Ritual” prior to ALL Psyops….This is the Ugly World theses Patriarchs are creating….

Second Coming
1 week ago
Revelation 13 is exactly happen infront of our eyes.
Revelation 13 is about cashless society , controll all , no mark no buy no sell.

2 weeks ago
The time is now for a world prayer call people!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mason Gobin
2 weeks ago
Debra the reason this is written as if they knew exactly what would happen and what it looks like is because they do… They used project looking glass.. if we don’t work hard this will be exactly our future

Barrie Yancey
2 weeks ago
I thank God for you & your team & pray for you frequently. May the Lord have mercy upon us & count us worthy to escape the things coming upon the earth. In Jesus name. ❤️❤️????

Don Erickson
2 weeks ago
Thx. DEBORAH.. I will be praying for you and your family and ministry

Paula Jones
2 weeks ago

Daniel Christopherson
2 weeks ago
Wow. You have a messed up algorithm w YouTube. U are over the target!

Larry Gates
2 weeks ago
So very sad that we are being ‘Strong-Armed’ into dealing with a plan-demic this way! A brilliant plan that is reversing everything our President has accomplished, enslave the citizens and over turn the Republic of the USA! Sick people should be quarantined not the healthy! As a veteran I am sickened that our liberties, that I would have laid my life down for, are being extinguished by fear!

Terry Adams
2 weeks ago
Technology is moving so fast it is outdating this plandemic, no need for vaccines, no need for micro chipping, no need for nanobots etc. This is why their making this pandemic happen now because time is running out. The satanic globalists don’t want a smooth transition to a better world. But it is better already and they know it.

skoorb nimajnib
2 weeks ago (edited)
This is a war and it may take 100 years, so we need to get used to sleeping with our boots on. All virtues are weapons to win a war not least because they maintain motivation and gather support. Maybe men must now be protectors and not value their lives above that of women with children. Is this the return to nature? All must serve according to their strengths and guard others against the consequences of their own weaknesses. In all things natural will support. Technology could create dependence. Human ingenuity and goodness will prevail or neither shall we. In whatever name we fight – God, Nation, Freedom, Honour…or the future of our children, we cannot expect easy or quick rewards, but rather the sense of purpose that can give peace. We must be at peace with each others and ourselves. Only this will maintain our strength for the real battle.

Sister Kesler
2 weeks ago
That’s why they are releasing prisoners

Ron Campbell
2 weeks ago
Jesus said, you will have tribulations in this world ,but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. John 16:33

kerri ferhaoui
2 weeks ago
Now our air is clean in LA, I haven’t breathed this easily in years.

ThereIsABattleForYourSoul JesusLovsYou
2 weeks ago
I listened to this whole video. Thank you so much for all you’ve done and do!!!! Much love to you.

barb schlegel
2 weeks ago
Yah Bless you sister! The Holy Father loves truthers who stand and declare from their rooftops… I pray the Holy Father Blesses you with peace and great abundance in these tribulation days through our King Yahushua! Keep blowing your trumpet!

Marie Gabriel John 3:16
2 days ago
These minion’s are spawn from hell anything that God created they hate and intend to destroy. Seek God this is not our final destination. evil day’s we are living in.

Brice Holzer
2 days ago
That’s why Mike Pompeo said we are in a “live exercise” you have listen to what these people are actually saying very closely! ?

2 weeks ago

Chuck Norris’s Pinky Finger
2 weeks ago
Praying for you! My heart goes out to you! I feel your pain, trying to hold back tears myself! Thank you for All that you’ve tirelessly done to expose the lies!

2 weeks ago (edited)
“Covid … does not pass from person to person.” 57:33

2 weeks ago
I live in Lower Lake, on Clear Lake, not too far from you. I appreciate everything you do. I posted this video to my Facebook.

living purgatory
2 weeks ago
I was hit by energies from the light sockets in the house – ended up in hosp with all the symptoms of K0r0na. Infectious dis ease dr and mi lt were there to meet me. My interview on Ramola D reports – Report # 4 5

Nicholas R
2 weeks ago
Google had this vid grayed out and as being “removed by the user.” Then, I clicked it again, and it worked fine. What’s up Big Brother/CrapTube/Google?

Poison Ivy
2 weeks ago
H.I.V. (V for virus). According to the “Experts,” We should all have HIV.

Bible Prophesy Today’s News
2 weeks ago
this is so upsetting .. but it rings of truth .. and breaks my heart

1 week ago
shorter less detail vids would be more appealing to the masses

2 weeks ago
Deborah is a true Warrior????

Jeff Ebdy
1 week ago
Heard of this channel from a comment elsewhere…glad I did! Subscribed…tho the knowledge shared is chilling.
Here in England the government are working on a NHS tracker app… private tech companies are given access to our private medical records, when we contact health lines, Dr surgery, hospital etc as well as where we are/who we have been in contact with… while Google gives police our movements (while we carry our phones)
And still the masses can’t see what is happening!

Sister Kesler
2 weeks ago
I’m in Az and the news has already warned us of high risk fires this sumer

Patrick Taaffe
2 weeks ago
What A Sick World, Who Can Know It!

A. Leon
1 week ago
I just feel like I don’t know what’s the truth nowadays, everything is weird. Ignorance really was bliss!

Brenda Fre
2 weeks ago
We should all prepare our hearts for the return of our Heavenly King, Jesus warned us of this time it is all written in the Bible, and we are here the mark of the Beast, can not buy or sell. We must not love our lives in this world when Jesus says there is a much better one to come. So put your faith in our Saviour he suffered for you, he died a horrific death for you, and he has risen and lives in a better place for those who repent from there sins and believes in Him. AMEN.

pat fal
2 weeks ago
Also note when they do this test they now have your DNA

Chris Ray
2 weeks ago
Oh, I say and I say it again. You’ve been had! Ya been took!

Ya been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray!

Run amok! This is what he does!”

Malcolm X

kerri ferhaoui
2 weeks ago
All need to know that oxygen directly into blood is essential! Ozone therapy. I hope all can find a brave doctor in your area. It’s not cheap unfortunately

celeste warns
2 weeks ago
We still have our Will and our Voice – say NO to Vaccines no matter what.

2 weeks ago
The third earth age, will be heaven on earth!! Do not believe rapture theory!! GOD BLESS U ALL!!

1 week ago
The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion
Masha Press
Masha Press
1 week ago
Thank you.
I also recommend books and talks by David Icke. He’s been exposing this for 30 years.
God Bless Us All???

Rod Almond
2 weeks ago
And very difficult to hear ? bc volume so low. Also How is it that the reprobates protect themselves from this?

Mr Q
2 weeks ago
Don’t worry they will fail!

Only Me Babs
2 weeks ago (edited)
Revelation 17:13 These have one mind and give their power and strength to the beast(papacy-Daniel 7:25, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).

1 week ago
Bill Gates Event 201,and Rockefeller’s,2010 publication lock step, they planned this planned Demic.

Hotrod Rebel
1 week ago
Ecclesiastes 1:18

“For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.”

2 weeks ago
You can TRUST Deborah! ❤️

Melony Lawrence
1 week ago
Deborah…I’ve been following you for years…I seen this coming the day I became ill. I was a workaholic and I never stopped until, 2012, I became sick so suddenly with a 105° temperature, rushed to the hospital, I was in a coma for two days. I woke to find I couldn’t remember what had happened. But 6 days later, I was released from hospital. Diagnosed with Sepsis, I couldn’t seem to get back to me. Confusion and weird things were happening such as fibers coming out of my skin via sores that became large and I couldn’t move. Long story short, diagnosed with Morgellons, Lyme Disease, Babesia, Bartonella, fungus, mold, mikotoxins, on an on. This happened in one day, my life was taken in a day. I’m not sure how many will live as long as they continue filling skies with chemical, and biological things that are infecting of all. The smart everything, is the tools they use to kill us. Weather Warfare, Bio-weapons, HAARP, Vaccines, smartgrides all connected to be controlled by AI. Everything you are saying I’ve seen it too. My life has not been life, more like being a zombie. Taken advantage of at every turn, as my home burned down, while I’m sure it was the smart meter, that caused the fire.

Mr. Lawrence
1 week ago (edited)
1:14:33 motorboats in lower Manhattan!! ?Sounds like a scene from “Artificial Intelligence”. Sounds spot on according to the movie. Mannnn-hatten lol!?
Alicia Barnett
Alicia Barnett
6 days ago
We need to succeed from the United States like Texas did during the civil war. Half the Us will continue with there lives while the other half listens to the dumb asses running our new communist America.

Carol-Ann Trudell
1 week ago
Everyone should see this. It is a time when they can relate. God bless you Deborah and your family.

Myra Smith
1 week ago
I have my phone volume up as high as it can go. Can barely hear what is being said.

Dan b
1 week ago
That microphone makes this hard to listen to !!!!

Colleen Courtney
1 week ago
The only way out of this is if God interferes and stops this evil. Keep praying everyone, God is still on the Throne. Jesus is our only hope

Mary Poole
2 weeks ago
COVID 19 cause Oxygen Deprivation//5G disrupts the uptake of oxygen to cause Oxygen Deprivation//British Crown//Pirbright Institute//COVID 19 Link !!!

2 weeks ago
“Essential” movement will be the future.

Norma Jacquez
5 days ago
These r their plans, but my Gods Word declares in Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you declares The Lord, plans to prosper you n not harm you, plans to give u hope n a future.

Steven G
2 days ago
Man, she needs to speak up to be heard.

CatLadyofTroy N.Y.
1 week ago
I know you might think I’m nuts, but I genuinely believe we have been dosed by chemtrails, or it could be 5g, as this so-called virus seems to have appeared, and in order of, the roll out of 5g. Aside from StoptheCrime, I follow Dane Wigington, of Geoengineering Each Saturday, Dane broadcasts his Global Alert News Hour, which is very informative. Please visit GeoEngineering Watch and listen to March 28, 2020, Global Alert News Hour. We are in more trouble than one wants to know. The air we are breathing is so toxic, it is killing us. Dane backs up everything he says. So, I hope you all visit his webpage.

Aldous Huxley
4 days ago
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country….. If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it.” -Bernays

Erik Morgan
1 week ago
Thank you Deborah.
This is basically everything you’ve been talking about over the years, now coming into fruition.
My father is an ex-pat of the United States.
He’s retired, and lives in the US , from mid March until about mid November.
Then has a small house in Equador, where he lives the winter months.
Just last week, he was finally able to make a way back to the US from Equador.
Just because the US embassy grants you the ability to leave a country, that’s on hard lockdown, doesn’t mean it’s as easy as just catching a plane and leaving. It was a huge mess..
I’ll just leave it there..
It’s almost as though the system was working against him being able to leave.
What he did tell me though, is the lockdown they are under is so much more severe than it is here.
I hope we don’t decline to where their lack of freedoms have brought them.
He said if you leave your house at all, you have to wear a gasmask at all times. He said all of the grocery stores there limit the number of customers that are inside at same times. (I still can’t understand the point for that law. Is it supposed to be safer from a health standpoint? Because if that’s the reason, I don’t think it makes a difference.)
He also mentioned they started off with (I think he said.) 6:00pm curfew..
Then a week or so later it dropped to 4:00pm..
The next week 2:00pm..
Finally at the time he was able to get out of there, and get back up to the US,
the curfew was 12:00pm
noon everyday.
So that basically means if you do have grocery shopping you need to do the next day, you go to sleep very early that night, so you can be out on the streets with everyone else cramming to get everything finished, and back inside your house by noon..

What happens after noon then? Are there C0r0na
Monsters that come out?
Sorry for the humor, but we still have to try to laugh, even when it’s this bad.

Patric Minderhout
2 weeks ago
Guard with jealous attention the public liberty,suspect everyone that approach that jewel.unfortunatly nothing will preserve it but downright force.whenever you give up that force you are ruined “
Patrick Henry.

God’s Child
2 weeks ago
Homelessness is close to freedom that I’ve ever felt ..imo

Lance Burke
2 weeks ago
Here We go Boys and Girls, Don’s late night/ early morning Tweet says it All! Sounds Too me like WE ALL be going to Mandatory testing AND Mandatory Vaccinations!!?

Maya Jafari
2 weeks ago

Bruce McKee
2 weeks ago
Debra. I have followed you a few years now. Take heart Jesus our Lord will lead us to utter victory. Fear not them who can kill us. I am a fighter. But they have the upper hand and technology. They can cook us as we sleep. So I go to be with Jesus. They will all meet him soon.

patricia prince
2 weeks ago
Call your enemy and say please stop. How they get the results. oh , please we are getting nowhere. Quit letting them know that you are afraid., show them and use your natural instincts.

2 weeks ago
“They” have declared WAR against “us,” I say we eff’n give ’em one… (BY DECEPTION THEY SHALL MAKE WAR AGAINST US!…)

eric wiles
2 weeks ago (edited)
I wonder how many times in history a civilization thought they would never fall ??? (sarcasm)

Elizabeth Marks-Graham
2 weeks ago
I’m glad to see u again I thought your channel was hacked for awhile

2 weeks ago
Deborah, I am very relieved to hear from you again! I was so concerned that something happened to you! Of course it’s expected that you need to be away for selfcare and to develop more presentations, but maybe you can post a message to us in the community section of this channel?

Spook Griffith
1 week ago
YOU’RE AWESOME, beautiul young lady. No doubt in my mind your a gift from the Almighty. Hard to understand most of the time though. Thought to start with you needed a different mike but sometimes you’re clear as a bell. Think you have an awesome mike but have tendency to hold it too close. most importantly take care of yourself. Have no idea why Kalifornia still has good people in it.

Jeanne Brauher
2 weeks ago
Thank you Deborah. This is so sad for humanity.

UK Guy7
2 weeks ago (edited)
Keep up the good work and spreading the message of freedom – we all appreciate it! ?

2 weeks ago
Dear Debra, I feel the heaviness of your heart and feel the sadness of spirit these truths you are sharing bring . I know this effort to bring us the results of your research has cost you greatly and just wanted to say THANK YOU, sincerely and to let you know you are making a difference,. It’s Its our greatest weapon in this silent war on all life, the knowledge and truth of the reality we are living. Your much appreciated and my hero.

Breanda Wittman
2 weeks ago
Read Luke 21, Revelations please read. God Bless you Debbie and all for all the hard work that you all do. The vaccine chip the serums for people to stop believing in God. So people wake up and see they are going to shut down things for two weeks and no internet. They will be making all machines accept cards only money is going to drop but, it will be to transfer all over to digital and the only way you can shop buy sale trade. So please people be aware that it’s the devil’s mark the Mark of Beast…

Rose lawson
6 days ago
This all started with 9/11 where are the terrorists and alquada now? Ya they can’t blame it on them now! The blood is on our government hope you are convinced now! They used 9/11 to slowly start controlling us!

eegore mushy
2 weeks ago
weekend warrior, the great awakening, all parts, check it out, love all

lisa smith
2 weeks ago
I could see they were trying to crash the economy when they were putting china in quarantine

Stefani Stevens
1 week ago
Remember in the early 80s Gordon Michael Scallion? He predicted we’d have colonies, trading amongst these.

Lucy van P
2 weeks ago
The good news is YOU will soon be given the greatest gift you can imagine dear Sister. “Well done good and faithful servant…” So have peace and look up for our redemption draws nigh AMEN! There is NO FEAR of any of this for those who call out to and hold tight to Jesus Christ- YESHUA HAMASHIACH.

nick torea
1 week ago
I love it how they make all these movies that condition us subliminally to what they’re doing in reality. So the population roll over and stay asleep.

David Charlton
2 weeks ago
We need solutions for We The People!!! HOW do we fight all this? What can we do? We are dealing with pure evil, how do we humans who love each other and want to help fight the demons that are running USA and the planet?? We The People MUST start talking about solutions or we are done! Videos and articles from tons of incredible and brave people like you are great BUT they won’t stop this and humanity is being destroyed as we speak!
SOLUTIONS???? What can We The People do to at least try to stop this? Everyone seems to sit around and TALK and do videos and articles BUT this won’t stop ANY of this madness! If We The People can’t figure out how to come together with solutions to take our country and planet back the human race is done and it is going to be a horrific, diseased, terrifying ending for all us!! Please contact me if you would like to talk about SOLUTIONS and implementing them nationwide and worldwide for We The People! God Bless You and your families!!
David from Park Ridge, IL

Carolyn Pagliuca
1 week ago
FAA cameras noticing alot of cloud coverage in alaska

William Benedict
1 week ago
Deborah, this is one of the most powerful and informative video I have seen,, and I have seen a lot. May Lord Krishna protect you and keep you fearless. Where are you posting videos that are not YouT’ube?

Steven Jones
1 week ago
My life experience tells me that those whom fall for this deserve what is coming to them . Tried to tell them for decades what the agenda is . Let the bodies hit the floor…….

John Donohue
2 weeks ago
So about two years ago I lived in LA, during this time I would hear the phrase, “non performing assets will be eliminated” assets being human.
Last six months, I have been hearing, “sorry about the nukes, bro”.

John Rogers
1 week ago
Is anyone else having YouTube freeze – up when scrolling in the comments.??
Pisses me off.
I have to keep reloading pages.

1 week ago
I commend you for all the work you have done, and your continuing effort to tell the truth. The following is directed at those who are perpetrating these crimes, but we, who are their targets, must recognize our own need as well, and turn to God, who has provided for us a way of escape through faith in Christ Jesus.
Isaiah 28:15-19, 22
Because you have said, “We have made a covenant with death,
And with Sheol we are in agreement.
When the overflowing scourge passes through,
It will not come to us,
For we have made lies our refuge,
And under falsehood we have hidden ourselves.”
16 Therefore thus says the Lord God:
“Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation,
A tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation;
Whoever believes will not act hastily.
17 Also I will make justice the measuring line,
And righteousness the plummet;
The hail will sweep away the refuge of lies,
And the waters will overflow the hiding place.
18 Your covenant with death will be annulled,
And your agreement with Sheol will not stand;
When the overflowing scourge passes through,
Then you will be trampled down by it.
19 As often as it goes out it will take you;
For morning by morning it will pass over,
And by day and by night;
It will be a terror just to understand the report.”
22 Now therefore, do not be mockers,
Lest your bonds be made strong;
For I have heard from the Lord God of hosts,
A destruction determined even upon the whole earth.

Barbie Goes Bush
1 week ago
Smoke is a weapon 21mins – That’s correct in Tasmania Australia every year in March and April they burn off the forests – they call it back burning or regeneration burns. Even though we are all in LockDown, they still are working hard to make us sick.

1 week ago
Deborah, beautiful soul, California is going to get the “rocking” of a lifetime; it is really brewing as I type; the southern part of Cali has underground volcanos and the northern region has that pesky Cascadia subduction zone; thank you for your desire to share your findings. May God keep you protected.

xxx yyy
1 week ago
Please watch the movie “Babylon USA “.

2 weeks ago (edited)
I don’t know how we will prepare other than mentally it’s like getting a CB radio ? or even a walkie talkie at this point. When they have said they’re not necessary. Not allowing us to buy them.

Just Jess
2 weeks ago
I downloaded and printed “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” document. Then I went to the Rockefeller foundation website. And I searched for it on there and I can’t find it. I was hoping to be able to prove that it actually came from them.

Eileen J
3 days ago
I’m not getting notifications my bell is on. Today is 4/25 just found this now

Kevin Bartram
2 weeks ago
We seem to have people here in the U.K who believe if some one from outside the U.K talks of these things they don’t think it applies to us!

Carson Randolph
2 weeks ago
Thanks again for alerting the people who are looking or are just becoming aware of the world seen and un seen we live in.

Allen Parsens
2 weeks ago
Is it time to start talking about Chabad Lubavitch and the jews?

Karen Thompson
1 week ago
Please convey to Dr Ed we love him and wonder what is going on with him

eric wiles
2 weeks ago
Say something, speak to your neighbor. GET CALLED CRAZY. GET THOSE FLOURIDE STARES. Hell if anything, now is as good as a time as any for someone who is asleep to be willing to listen !

2 weeks ago
Supposedly Trump was removed from commander in chief on march 13, 2020. He has a vote but that’s it. Kissinger and Rockefellers at the helm. This I can’t confirm but reported by Israeli news live!!!

Erik Morgan
1 week ago
Thanks again Deborah-
I’m listening to it for the second time because of how much information is in here.
You have to be the most well researched lecturer out there..
This is truly a scary time we’re in..
On my way home from work tonight, I saw regular unleaded gasoline priced at
$1.14 a gallon..
I’d be happy if this was a sign of good news to come, but I don’t think so..
It’s a sign of something bad getting ready to happen at some point..
They aren’t going to just give us oil and gasoline for next to nothing, unless there’s something wrong with the oil economy now too?

sL3 6nk 2
2 weeks ago
The sound level seems higher than before.

But as I increased the original one,

I publish anyway:

Here a link (usable 30 days) of the audio of the video.
Audio is boosted, normalised. Duration exactely the same.
Possible to using it with a video editor software,
for replace the audio of the video, with this one.

Liz Gee
1 week ago
The system is set to be withdrawn from us IF we don’t comply. If you have a Bible read the last book (Revelation 13:15-18) Christians know that we can never accept the mark of the Beast as that is the system of the Antichrist.

Tae DeSousa
4 days ago
Father God, we ask that you cover, protect, and provide for Deborah, her family and friends, in Jesus name!

Derk Gold
1 week ago


Robbin Papalucas
2 weeks ago
Its all smoke and mirrors folks smoke and mirrors. Much peace and love big hugs to Deborah and the team. ????

Silver Dust
2 weeks ago
Deborah, the Mother of Humanity Watchdogs. She is a true warrior, intelligent and strong woman.

2 weeks ago
Overwhelms my soul.

Dr. Barky Von Schnauzer
2 weeks ago
Eat healthy in order to survive the 5G because your body will be clean and will not cause your exosomes(viruses) to need to break down any toxins.

little bear
2 weeks ago (edited)
These elites (the race of beings ) look at us as food stealing our God Given Spirit our energy to feed the other race of beings below to satisfy the angel of the bottomless pit Appolyon (satan )

1 week ago
I can say this get ready to turn back time a 100 years for survival on growing on your own food, vegetables and fruits and meat. if they do what they got planned.
Going without electric isn’t so hard you just got to can food instead of freezing. And get solar well pump. Or a water pump that you pump by hand

Sammy Ellis
2 weeks ago
Dang Deborah, you called it. Been listening to you for years now. Very sad times!

Red Shift
1 week ago
Yahshua (Jesus) The Messiah Saves.

We are praying for ALL of you.

Peace and love, and prayers,

TJ & Mercy x

Lexie D
4 days ago (edited)
NOBODY pay taxes, a military guy told me this. Where are the lawyers?? Worthless, the solicitors go first like Shakespeare said.

L Leigh
2 weeks ago
Thank you! Debra getting this info out to us.?

Mike Borg
2 weeks ago
Thank you so much Deborah for all the years you have been sharing the criminal government CORPORATION documents with us. Much love and many good thoughts and prayers to you.

Nancy Dunn
2 weeks ago
Another excellent and well researched presentation…Please share far and wide! Time is short!

Bonny G
4 days ago
Our worst nightmare happening. And you’ve been warning us for years Deborah. Your sadness is palpable and completely understandable. We feel it with you. Strong are our hearts connections. Bless you Deborah and your team. Our prayers are with you. Much love your way.

Spiritual Angel
2 days ago
What is the answer? Is there one? How do we stop it? Or do we just commit suicide because it really looks hopeless!

Mari Mcm
2 weeks ago
God bless you, Deborah. Thank you for keeping us informed about what’s to come so that we can prepare as best we can to fight for our human rights and survive.

1 week ago
2017 movie unlocked outlines exactly what has happened to us in the last 2 months.

2 weeks ago
Glad to see lockdown protesters in Ohio and also Berlin, Germany.

We must fight for our rights and freedoms.

Lotus Writes
1 week ago (edited)
I just found this! Lots of knowledge. Thank you and I pray that you and everyone stays safe.

Gary Arnold
1 week ago
Great content that addresses the planning and coordination of this designed take down of the middle class. This action fulfills the the intent of the Insiders. It is the Club of Rome, Bill Gates, Henry Kissinger, and the Georgia Guidestone Protocols. Get the message out. Their parallel government has been activated from top to bottom. Soviets COGS (Councils of Government) now control local elected officials. This is it!

6 days ago
please!!!1 a different microphone…..too muffled as is.

Garry Dunkley
2 weeks ago
We can not concent to any of this !! Wake up people this is near the end now !

Jean Ingram
2 weeks ago
beautifly said, glad to hear and see your ok! thanks for the update and i look forward to the next one,,,

Rock Desert Sun
1 week ago

Debra ann
1 day ago
God Love you, you have done so much to share the truth. I’m sad that you feel so distraught having to inform everyone of this tragedy unfolding. Please rest and may an abundance of love go out you

Leslie Kendall
1 hour ago
Why would they take away internet if they want everyone buying online?
Myo Lay
Myo Lay
2 weeks ago
Good evening.. I’m looking forward to tomorrow after a good nights sleep.

Judah Vision
2 weeks ago

Thank You,

Alyssia Bride
2 weeks ago
Thank you for everything Deborah. All of your hard work over the years has been greatly appreciated. Thank you. Godspeed.

2 weeks ago (edited)
Welcome back nice to see you. audio is difficult this index with the jumplinks is awesome

Richard Shannon
1 week ago
The Blessed Virgin Mary is the Queen of Heaven and earth. She will CRUSH the snake.

American Movement
1 week ago
I have talked about communications going down since at least 2005. That we would need to have a ‘Pony Express’ of our own to send information across the country.

ja sten
1 week ago
” people don’t believe anything until they see it on TV ” – – r.n.

1 week ago
Thanks Deborah for your untiring efforts trying to wake Masses Up already conditioned to Spirit Of Marxist Nazi ratting, snitching on others; same playbook! Veritas!

Lori Bordessa
2 weeks ago (edited)
God bless you Deborah. You don’t know it but you are a true hero of mine. I am concerned for your safety and I’m praying for you and your family. I woke up to our skies and more last October and you are very instrumental, and also helped bring sense to what was happening with the fires in California / around me and those I love.
It’s very surreal to see this going down right now and realize we are in the end of the end days. Maranatha come Lord Jesus.

Trudy Vaccaro
5 days ago
She reminds me of Hilary

Mohammed Zulk
2 weeks ago (edited)
The evil elite are rubbing their hands with glee. Now able to direct harmful beams at any individual or local area and deny the health crimes and the assault crimes.

1 week ago
Thank You Debra T. You are an inspiration to the world! Your neverending BRAVERY to expose these EVIL people and to help all humanity SEE their doings, so as to not fall victim to their crimes is admirable! God Bless You!

eegore mushy
2 weeks ago
santa surfing beach broadcast, someones (lotsa someones) got your back, my back, her back, etc. Do your research, free yourself from fear and feeling small or powerless, God wins!! peace

Cathy Latorre
2 weeks ago
Yeah I’m very somber they were actually hell a somber I don’t even know 2012 2008 201415 sambar,,
Cities are going to be start to be blowed up to more than one I don’t know how many burn them thank you ma’am very much doing what you do wish I knew your station earlier

Grim Beret
2 weeks ago
Thank you for your efforts! I try to learn as much as possible and yet I find I can’t retain or remember much of it. I experience some DEWS every now and then. I was heavily gang stalked in the 1990’s, so I suppose that makes me a TI. I listen every day to great speakers like you, Mrs. Taveres and I do appreciate it!

Ron Sansone
1 week ago (edited)
What we face is;
The Mark of the Beast
Digital Currency Implantable Chips Robots
Being herded into City Centers
Being Depopulated at a catastrophic level.
I don’t see how it could be any darker of a time that we are entering into which Is the Full Emergence of the New World Order!

Shanti 61
2 weeks ago
These despots need to be dismantled as they’re trying to do to us and the constitution! “Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is” #EVILWILLNOTWIN!!!!!!!!✌?

Vhggfyhhbnk Goodwin
6 days ago
Can’t hear it even with volume. At 100%

Menace To Edom
1 week ago
The world is finished and will ultimately be destroyed in thermo nuclear destruction

2 weeks ago
I believe has taken over in a big way.
They’ve seen results AI has done and has been fed.
They Know the outcome

Rae Kelley
2 weeks ago
I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I pray for the innocent people of the world join as one that unites us together & asking God to keep us All under his love to keep us safe! My blessing to you Deborah Tavares, and much love sent your way!

bill hanna
2 weeks ago
We new the Air Force was gone after 911 , I had hopes the navy & Marines were going to stand up to these traitors but no they sold out , The Army might have enough patriots still in the lower ranks but i doubt that now . It’s up to the people . It’s distressing to see the Medical staff fold & go along with this (#Empty Hospitals)…Keep your ammo dry .

Rachel Santilli
4 days ago
Thank you for your hard work and bravery! I need to ask you questions!!! Would love to have a brief consult with you. Even honestly 5 minutes please!

Baspreena Barton
5 days ago
Love your work! However, you do not understand the difference between States and States of States. Our States, Arizona, Nevada, New York, California, are not bankrupt, but the corporations State of Arizona, State of Nevada, State of New York, etc. are! There is a big difference between a corporation “State of New York”, or ” STATE OF NEW YORK” and the actual land and soil New York. These corporations are ALL bankrupt as is the Municipal government (Everything in all caps) is being liquidated and the Territorial government service providers, aka Federal government, is in Chapter 7 forced reorganization. This is a huge difference in terms what is actually going on and who is behind it. Actual governments would default. Only corporations file for bankruptcy…

1 day ago
G5 / 5G / (Global Government Gangstalking Genocide Gestapo)

Breanda Wittman
2 weeks ago
Yes beginning of sorrows

Ejah Shua
1 week ago
The fist step is drinking water without fluoride added to it.

Travis Lengel
2 weeks ago
God bless you Ms Deborah we appreciate that hard work that your team does God bless you and stay safe

Rodney Blake
1 week ago
Thank you for sharing this stuff, stay safe.

Lauris Nicholson
1 week ago (edited)
Thank you Deborah Tavares and, God help us all. It is the end of the world.

Bernie Brunelle
2 weeks ago
Deborah, You be careful girl, your a target, stay safe,

Karen Contestabile
2 weeks ago
Thank God you’re safe!

Karen Contestabile
2 weeks ago
Hey, Deborah! Ian R. Crane is in hospital in England due to cancer…He just had surgery…Not doing well…He has flesh eating bacteria also…

Lance Burke
2 weeks ago
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Governors, get your States testing programs & apparatus perfected.
Be ready, big things are happening. No excuses!
The Federal Government is there to help. We are testing more than any country in the World.
Also, gear up with Face Masks!

4:43 PM. 12 Apr 20 – Twitter for

1 week ago
Regarding: *@ time stamp – READ NASA War Plan Document
@t ….and they still can’t go to the moon…Ha!Ha!

2 weeks ago
Fight, accept reunion with God if necessary, every act of defiance matters

Jack Ibrahim
2 days ago
The sound is really terrible

Sue Grace-Grace
2 weeks ago
Excellent research Deborah! You certainly live up to your name!
GOD bless you dear lady. Everytime i share your videos or website i tell people you must have some mighty angels surrounding and protecting you!! Keep up the good work. I’m going to share this now….

Mindy Horstman
1 week ago
I’m seeing a lot of 5g commercials.

Carolyn Pagliuca
1 week ago
They want to make everything virtual reality and in their lies

Visuvius The Spirit Child
1 week ago
The resistance of sheep ?, the gluttony of pigs ?, and the intellect of a jackass’s?. We can’t be surprised when they put a lock on the barn?.

BeBe 2379
1 week ago
Start saving food if you can rice can be put in the freezer for 48 hours than put in glass jars for long term storage. Save bean. Can goods.

Lillian Ortega
2 weeks ago
The sound is still too low so I hope people will still take time to listen carefully to what your saying despite this, thank you. ? ?

Becky Quick
2 weeks ago
BLESS YOU DEBORAH ??? Thank-you for ALL of your BRAVERY! YOU ARE A TRUE INSPIRATION! I pray for you daily. I love you sweetheart and all that you stand for. I wish we all could be as strong as you. Your drive is incredible. Anytime I see strange things going on around me I always hear your voice in my head to question what the hell is happening here?!! I cant thank you enough for your dedication. THANK-YOU??

markinan B
1 week ago (edited)
you know there’s been a prevailing rheory going on for awhile that if we take to the streets armed for violent revolution and protests etc(you know like the rodney king riots in 1992). that that would give THEM an excuse to bring in martial law so they say that would not be a good strategy…….NEWSFLASH…….it’s time now because thsy have literally already done medical martial law and if we don’t revolt on a wide scale nationwide organized violent level they are gonna take us totally down anyway. We don’t need to wait for THEM to come and bust down the doors of our houses at 3 am in the morning before taking action. We need to be engaged in pro active violent protests NOW.

Mike Malick
2 weeks ago
The best way to overcome this is first and foremost to pray that the Lord GOD will protect us from their plans and that their plans would have holes in it and backfire on themselves.! Pray for what to do and to communicate and make a plan with a group of like minded believers. I am going to try to get to the country! Get wifi out of your homes. Detox ASAP. Grow vegetables. Buy lots of seeds, store UP some water! Pray Pray Pray!!!

Robert Terry
3 days ago
I woke up from a dream Hillary was being sworn in as president?

Empowered Individual
2 weeks ago

Jessenia Padilla
2 weeks ago
May God bless and protect you and your family Deborah…I was worried about you thank God you are still here with us

Faith Walker
5 days ago
♥️???Thank you Deborah, for all you’ve sacrificed♥️

2 weeks ago
In other words, life as we’ve known it is ove.

5 days ago
With such important information Deborah, I wonder why the audio is so bad? Very difficult to listen to, even with the subtitles. This sort of message needs to be re-done as it needs to be shared with everyone.
With the tests being contaminated with Covid and goodness what else, and even the chip, what chance to the people have now?

Hi Lo
2 weeks ago
We all need to learn how to discharge debt. Keep your homes. All mortgages are fraudulent contracts. Their was never any consideration!

Beyond The Matrix
6 days ago
Ugh! The audio, Mrs. Tavares! 🙁

Frances Henderson
1 week ago
Thank you for sharing you’re knowledge, may, God continue to bless your work…

Jessy Xiques
2 weeks ago (edited)
I LOVE YOU DEBORAH!!! You are my hero!!! I know, you are emotionally exhausted, but you still press on for us & your grand babies. You are quite a woman. I look up to you & think you are amazing!!! I pray God gives you strength & protection.

Penny Kent
2 weeks ago
I sometimes go to the cemetery where my mother is buried.
She died in 1970.
She is buried in a well known cemetery in Minneapolis Minnesota.
The last time I was there, I looked around and saw that a very large number of the head markers had the Masonic symbol on them.
I’m also noticing many Mason buildings are popping up in all suburbs like never before.
From what I understand, Mason’s are ruled by the Jesuit Catholic Pope of Rome. Many of the Mason’s themselves, are unaware of this.

Peggy Vick
3 hours ago
I NEVER, received YT notification ‼️
Jesus is my GOD
Jesus is my GOD
2 weeks ago
u record too low!
Thanks for trying though.

Guess Who
1 week ago
I don’t trust one who hides behind dark lenses and spreads doom and gloom…. There is a lot more good going on than bad! And GOOD will WIN! GOD IS WINNING!

Johnny 5
2 weeks ago
thank you for saying what the agenda is a snitch on each other world

1 week ago
You are so brilliant lady and wish there is more people like you, thank you for waking us up!
Gerry Mcs
Gerry Mcs
2 weeks ago
Yaa communication cut lick in Québec then whe styl have acces To vidéo the you have no longue acces lol

† Perseverantia † Finalis †
1 week ago
At the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention
in September 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked,
“What have you wrought?”
He answered,
“…a Republic, if you can keep it.”

Kristie Hansen
2 weeks ago
You’ve done a great job you never gave up you are persistent and i thank you thank you. You woke me up years ago. If it was not for you i would have been in the dark.

3 days ago
referenced in the Bible in two sections of the Book of Daniel:

Daniel 1:12, which states, “Please test your servants for ten days, and let them give us vegetables [pulses] to eat and water to drink.”
Daniel 10: 2-3, which says, “In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.”

You may be familiar with the Daniel Fast already if you’ve read The Maker’s Diet Revolution by Jordan Rubin. The Daniel Fast only includes clean foods as described in Leviticus 11.

2 weeks ago
Definately end times!! Please be close with CHRIST, JASHUA, IS THE LIVING WORD!!

Gilbert D
2 weeks ago
We are Living in the LAST DAYS! Matthew 24:6-8, “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

2 weeks ago
Turn on the captions if it is hard to hear!

eegore mushy
2 weeks ago
its time to come together to support one another, and hey, lets not let this happen again, huh? . . . and the greatest of these is love . . . peace brothers and sisters

Watchman Of Christ
1 week ago
Dr. Deborah Tavares ❤️
I Pray And Thank God.
For You. For Your Wisdom & Knowledge
And Stop the Crime Team. Jesus Is Coming Soon ?

2 weeks ago
Love you Debra you have always spoken truth. God bless you with strentgh and health.

Rebecca Trevino
1 week ago (edited)
This is what the anti-christ needs to do for Jesus to come back…..It is all written…..

dee’s ser
2 weeks ago
This message is for Deborah I have something you might want to check out if I can have your email address it would be much appreciated [email protected]

Mom2many !
2 weeks ago (edited)
Thank you, Deborah, for all your hard work!

Matrix Abandoned and Dissolved
2 weeks ago
Thank you, Deborah. Much love to you and your family. Keep praying. The only possibility for a change is with the help of higher spiritual beings. If no change, then I think many of us would look forward to ending our earth journey and moving on to unite with our creator.

Sarai Rose
1 week ago
Thank you Debra?I wish there was some way I could help,? no one around here believes it,unfortunately they are really sleepy.

Go Jo
2 weeks ago (edited)
Absolutely. Money will be irrelevant. See Ookla 5g map. The red dot triangulation connecting all across the world. All small masts rolling out across the world. Will be weaponized and zap all neatly tucked away in their homes imo. It is all to de populate. Was spread initially via ‘flu vaccines’ worldwide. New batch given out November 2019.

1 week ago
You could say that again. They weighed in as knowing what’s best for you. Pharmaceutical companies only suppress your symptoms or immune system. They don’t look for the problem. And eventually your body will shut down.

Kari Bau
2 days ago
Nobody drops dead from a virus. Look at radiation exposure of the Chernobyl nuclear plant in Russia. They show you how the people just drop and die after exposure to the core.

Gregory May
1 week ago
I went out today and rode my bike along the embarcadero (San Diego)…lots of people out and about… though the parks are still being GUARDED and they are roped off…

Johnny loves GOD
1 week ago
Deb, I’m in love with you ❤ ??

aka digz
2 weeks ago
No words can describe how awesome this woman is for doing what she does! ❤️

the Warner
2 weeks ago
This is the Gray State! This is our homeland!
Fight before its to late I am connecting near by especially now with this bs goin on its actually working.

Daughter In Christ
2 days ago
All this knowledge and knowing the government is corrupt and no mention of God??? We all need to be turning to JESUS CHRIST right now!

Deuce G RC (GG)
1 week ago
Deborah, your voice and fact based research is very much appreciated – thank you!

If everyone were to just to listen to this with a critical mind, things will change in an instant – no need for violence. Let’s all drop the divisions that have been placed upon us, pull the heads of those that are blindly sleeping out of the sand, and start planning/envisioning the future we want – just as the so-called ‘elite’ do as evidenced here.

Best to all – wake ‘Em up, and envision the future you want together!

Tim Welch
1 week ago
You should do a short trailer video that leads to this one. Maybe we can make it go viral?

2 weeks ago

Mike Ledford
2 weeks ago
I would like to listen but your sound quality is just too bad.

John Mustart
1 week ago
To difficult to hear all her words.

Deb O
2 weeks ago
thank you , yes we need to stop them now before it’s too late

Janette roch
2 weeks ago
We will see! Not sure what I believe anymore other than Christ that I believe in! Conspiracy theories everywhere. Just sayin! Blessings to all.

Kalla Susort
1 week ago
Great information to keep us updated Thank You! I have tried and tried sharing this channel with so many – they can not take it in. So difficult to inform when they can not allow themselves to hear this. Many Blessings to you

Matt Cecilia
1 week ago
Spot on great info!! Glad to see other awake folk out there. ?

1 week ago
Deborah please help. Tell me how we can fight this evil.

Daisy Adams
1 week ago
Thanks Deborah! Thank you for all the advise of what to stay away from – do you know what the ‘mark’ will be and do you have any advise of what we should do?

Sapphire 1961
2 weeks ago
What would be a alternative way of communicating? Could anyone give me some advice? Will the walki tallies work still? R is there something else out thete

Elliott Garza
2 weeks ago
So the military and police force are going to turn on us ?their own family’s kill us all??… or are they sending UN troops? Who’s going to attack us?

Bolsa Academy
2 weeks ago
Thank you very much for saying all of this out loud!!!

john michael vanOs
1 week ago
GREAT GOOD WORK Deborah Thank YOU no fear LOVE Always John shared facebooks twitters pinterest linkedins and emailed.

1 week ago
Thank you for this! Im in so cal…….for info or to help.

Manga Lady
2 weeks ago
Thanks for all your hard work Deborah and friends?‍♀️? I will keep you all in my prayers. You are a hero. All of you.

1 week ago

Marie Reyes
2 weeks ago
how do I completely unplug from the system? thank you.

1 week ago
Thx for your great work. You heal the World. We all together are Strong. The truth will be win. Stop the NWO now

Kathy Tittle
6 days ago
Thank you Deborah and Team! I can see the sadness and resignation in you voice and your body language and still you soldier on! I am awake..I’ve awakened some family and th friends. Slowly they’re waking..not fast enough!
I don’t know what else to do but Pray with the FULL ARMOR of GOD .share share share and NOT Consent..not to testing, not to vaxxing not to their pittance of ” stimulus” check of more fake paper money they print so freely.
I watch a lot of YouTube’s. I recently watched a news conference ( I did not get the date of it), but Trump spoke and then had the military dressed spokesman come to the podium ( I believe he was from Army Corps of Engineers) showing several pictures of huge bldgs , including McCormick Place in Chicago, I’m, where they have set up thousands of beds in 12×12 curtained “rooms”. Someone asked him when they would be ready, he said ” as soon as we get the command to Light them up”..April 21st or 27th . I hope April 21st”.
I watched that on the 20th of April. Fully expecting a knock on the door the next day.
” Do NOT fear, for I am with you .” , saith the LORD.
Also listen to the World Bank Attorney / Whistleblower – Hudes ( can’t remember her first name).
God Bless us all!

Smile Mor-phony
2 weeks ago
Those of us who’ve done the research on big pharma which includes the CDC knows full well the corruption at it’s core. ‘The Defense Department is working closely with the Department of Health and Human Services and the State Department to provide support in dealing with the coronavirus outbreak. The DoD has created a Spotlight page and is using the ‘Center for Disease Control’ as its primary source of information. The links on this page provide the most up to date information and resources on COVID-19.’ – (I have the link but I’m finding when I post them, my comments don’t show up. Thank you Deborah!! We love you.

Lynda Tatrai
3 days ago
What are the helicopters doing by Korbel installing 5G?

The Main Source
2 weeks ago
love ya DEB .. going out in the world even family doesnt believe this despite the abundamnce of evidence .. its scary that these pple think im crazy . its all out in open ,, i tried
Denise Fetter
Denise Fetter
2 weeks ago (edited)
Amen Deborah!! De population is coming!!

Richard Bonfils
2 weeks ago
You’re Beautiful!

Roni Little
1 week ago
IF THERE IS ANYWAY TO RE DO THIS VIDEO, I can get it to many others, but it is unbearable as it is… The closed captioning is posting the wrong words!!
This info is very very important! But is just unbearable to watch! Sorry don’t know what to do…thank you

2 weeks ago
You want the truth, listen carefully to this video…..period!

Melanie San Millan
2 weeks ago
What should we do with our money? Liquefy, keep cash, keep in the bank, take out of the bank, invest or take out of the stock market?…

Kent Collins
2 weeks ago
Hand wringing intensifies

Ira Beam
22 hours ago
No fear of death ……. my soul belongs to Jesus Christ who paid dearly for it ??‼

Gemini Flower
2 weeks ago
Thank you for this. I wonder about people with type 1 diabetes or thyroid disease? How will they get medication?

Woodland Wanderer
2 weeks ago
God bless all who are trying to use the internet outlets to warn God’s people about the evil going on right now. I pray for you all! Jesus Christ will protect his people. If you don’t know him now is the time to give your life to him. If you know him, now is the time to disciple to as many people as possible. God have mercy on us all ✝

1 week ago
The Word of Promise® NKJV Audio Bible

Psalms 2:1-6

1 Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying,
3 “Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their cords from us.”
4 He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision.
5 Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure:
6 “Yet I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion.”

Liz Girl
2 weeks ago
By Mike Adams, aka Healthranger.. Bombshell story that proves the NIH under Obama funneled millions into the Wuhan BSL-4 lab that engineered the coronavirus.
This shows how the NIH used taxpayer funds to allow the communist Chinese military to build and acquire deadly biological weapons that are now devastating the world.
Big Pharma seizes control of White House via Dr Fauci, Dr Birx, both linked to Bill Gates.

Anita Ackerman
2 weeks ago
What’s with these draconian dinosaurs? They are knocking on heavens door, closer to death. Is it for their progeny?

1 week ago
That’s my sister for this info it means a lot to me

Ronal Rocco
2 weeks ago
turn your microphone up.
A strain to hear you at all.

5 days ago (edited)
@Marilyn B Did you know this? All those tests were contaminated, and Gov Newsom is responsible for going to China for the tests? All those people are now infected and possibly also have the chip. It is being said that all those tested are going to be watched now, and will be quarantined longer than anyone else. What else has happened to them?

Indigo Rob
1 week ago
Do not confuse the Deep State agenda going back those many decades with the true government, the republic being brought back.

Iris Muise
1 week ago
I’m not getting notifications every time you post a video

ROBERT snyder
2 weeks ago
Debra, the video shut down while I was watching you but the audio still plays. They are out there.

Deadmoo5e One
2 weeks ago
survive? how? suicide rates are going up like stonks.

2 weeks ago
Everyone see John Haller’s prophecy updates every Sunday and sometimes during the week. Also Brannon Howse at world view weekend had some great recent videos all on YouTube.

Hotrod Rebel
1 week ago
I love this Lady!

2 weeks ago
Hard to hear you.

score tron
1 week ago
Thank you very much for your work since so many years. People like you are neccessary for many people to wake up and maybe some more will realize now. God bless you.

2 weeks ago
Thank you Debra so much. I am having such a hard time with the truth trauma as you had put it. I wish I was wrong and pray so everyday but I’m usually not and can’t even pull my mind back together after all of this and how so many of us people have turned backs in each other not looking at the real cause by this shut down or even caring just following orders that have brought us here in the first place. I’m beginning to come out of the trauma cave and want to thank you so much for being an inspiration to do so. You are a remarkable brave person and a hero in my eyes. I can’t say thank you enough for your courage and strength. We all need it right now.

ann reilly
2 weeks ago (edited)
Can I ask where you got all of your information information if we know about the future normal that comes from the people that create it just saying great video

Adolf Hitler
1 week ago
I hate to say I told you so. This is the work of Bolshevic Jewry.

tradin tdon
6 days ago
Thanks for pushing your email notifcation for this video an amazing 5 times !

Jardin d’Eve
1 week ago (edited)
Thank you Deborah, sending you healing and so much Love on many levels Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2 weeks ago

Jeff Bundt
2 weeks ago
I wonder how the book of Revelations fits into all of this.

And Have you addressed the Mandela effect?

Alan Prudhomme
2 weeks ago
You are holding the mike too close to your mouth! Makes it hard to hear.

1 week ago
Your my hero ❤️ from NYC

Bruce McKee
2 weeks ago
I wonder how much aluminum is in my body? When the crank up the radiation will it hurt? I hope it will be quick.

Deborah Collins
2 weeks ago
Shared this on Facebook because this is crucial information for all!

Sally Swan
5 days ago
Hi Deborah, Love your passion and information that is so critical. I can’t find the video you did specifically on the Nasa War Plan..depopulation of humanity…did it get taken down?

Megan Jarvis
2 weeks ago
Ahhh sound much BETTER??????????
Love you Deborah. Thank you for all you do. Please stay safe.❤❤❤❤❤?

Deborah Fischer
1 week ago (edited)
John 3:16. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish but have everlasting life.

Now is the time to trust Jesus as your savior! You can have peace in the midst of all this trouble. God has a plan, too, and WE WIN!!!

Xochi Blue
1 week ago
Protest in Ukiah Farmers Market Saturday 4/18/20
10 am starting at farmers market then walking to Courthouse. Please come out of hiding and join us.

JD Shemp
1 week ago
Heed Revelation 2-9 & 3-9.

Charlie Möller
1 week ago
Thank you for sharing this.

1 week ago
I had my smart meter removed then Chase banksters from hell stole my house…fyi

1 week ago
I think we all need to focus on what Deborah is saying here rather than splitting hairs and arguing about politics etc. After all, division won’t save us when these things happen. Focus energy now on educating others (I’ve tried and failed) and educating yourselves and loved ones on survival.

Mona Lott
1 week ago
Deb is on ? fire with this report ! ? ?

Trevor Bottin
2 weeks ago
The audio is to deep , sometimes it is very hard to understand.

Jim Cauley
2 weeks ago
Thank you Debra. You’re a Godsend and an Angel. Much love to you??

zach Ferreira
6 days ago
I can’t wait for Jesus to return, I would love Deborah to talk with Framing the world, they would listen and love this information.

Tara Hicks
1 week ago
Facebook WILL NOT let me post this!! 🙁 welcome to Nazi Germany!)

Peter Kemp
1 week ago
Thankyou Deborah and your team for getting the information out, your strength and sincerety is inspirational, am in total agreement with you, I feel you may just have given enough good people enough of a heads up to what is going on, that humanity can organise ourselves from the grassroots up. It sure is all massive but we must be the Victor’s, all the best to you and all

4 days ago
God Bless us all!

Demera Myklos
1 week ago
Thank you so much for all you have done and are doing. Great powers are also present and fighting for us both here and off world.

1 week ago
Deborah you gave us addresses for these Deep State orgs. I wonder why strong decent men haven’t gathered to take at least some of these folks out.

2 weeks ago
Thank you and hello from Greece!

Nancy Ling
2 weeks ago
Thanks so much for taking your time to help us.

Andrea Grider
2 weeks ago
Thank you and God bless you and your family.

Jacky Flowers
1 week ago
Thank you. You are so appreciated.

Geoffrey Lane
1 week ago
It’s up to generation x and they said that we wouldn’t do anything. It’s up to us now the baby boomers are dead and the millennials are blind.

Colleen Courtney
1 week ago
I want in!!! I’m 59 and live in a trailor, I don’t even have room for a garden. I live on $700 a month. What do i do???

M Eisenhower
2 weeks ago
We survive till Jesus comes. Keep that in mind

1 week ago
We never hung them from the gallows after they pulled 911 on the world. . . . . . . So why would they be afraid to pull another 19 SHENANIGAN on us again ? They even said smoke and mirrors.

mack brown
1 week ago
You are great keep on doing what you do , we stand strong together

Elaine Clark
1 week ago
Solar Power, is that why they have Destroyed the Middle East, Such Evil needs to be STOPPED ??????? Thanks so much for all you Do Deborah ?Take care ?

Dark Bulb
2 weeks ago
If someone can just kill 90Hz-250Hz it can be made to work. Ought to run it thru a BBE Sonic max too, clean up the freq muddiness.

1 week ago
Mrs. Taveras
Gavi dot or g
ID New

2 weeks ago
The “Tela Coomunication” is real. My mom had a stroke and the doctor was on a monitor. They said the doctors don’t like to work at the hospitals so now they’re on screen from their home or office.

Cathy Latorre
2 weeks ago
Well that is for filled and Casey guy yeah screaming at the top of your longs somethings wrong and no one’s listening go figure I still can’t get past that

Natalie Donna’s Deep Dives
1 week ago
thank you for this video. transhumanism is incredibly sinister. many feminists have been discussing for a while now. <3

Ran Smith
2 weeks ago
question is the coronavirus now known as covid-19 short for certificate of vaccinated I D???

Debby Chapman Davis
2 weeks ago
Thank you! Thank you so much! This channel is slower and better!!

Ivan Gromov
2 weeks ago

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