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Appendix 23: “Fight Gang Stalking Action Pack:” Fliers and Educational Information Packet

War On Terror
Articles & Interviews

Part VIII: Cult Connections

January 23, 2025

Gray State (film)

February 19, 2024

Quotes on War

December 11, 2018

CIA Front Companies

December 1, 2018

Appendix 23: Fight Gang Stalking Action Pack: Information Pamphlet

Webmaster (ETK) Introduction:

The practice of “gang stalking” (aka “organized stalking” and “counterintelligence stalking”) is so widespread and it so radically threatens to destroy our personal liberties and our national sovereignty that I have assembled the following brief “Fight Gang Stalking Packet” as a means of educating the public on these odious programs. I am mailing this packet to political leaders and friends and am distributing them and/or the included fliers from locally. As I note in previous posts on organized stalking, “targeted individuals” (“TIs”) who are now widely being surveilled, harassed, and tortured typically include whistle-blowers, dissidents, Christians, and government critics. In true Orwellian fashion, TIs are typically labeled by the security establishment as “domestic terrorists.” Perpetrators (“perps”) include vast “counter-terrorism” or “counterintelligence” networks comprised of public intelligence agencies (NSA, CIA, DIA, FBI, etc.), U.S. military counterintelligence agents, private intelligence-security contractors, cooperating police agencies (Law Enforcement Intelligence Units or LEIUs), cults (Judaism, Masonry, etc.), criminal informants, and vigilante citizen spies and snitches (aka “surveillance role players”/”brown nosers.”) As former intelligence officer and 40-year target, Cynthia McKinney notes (See my Appendix 9), one religious/ethnic group (Judaism) is over-represented amongst the perpetrators; Judaism. The reasons for this become abundantly clear below.

For self-defense and to preserve our nation and our liberties, we must find and share ways of combating these programs. The author of the website asserts that “the program” comprises covert warfare and a “Technological Holocaust” directed against its victims, the “TIs,” whom the gang stalking establishment commonly refer to as “terrorists.” In her article “Covert War: Recruiting Process: ( she posits that an important aspect of “the program” is that it also tries to recruit its targets. She states:

“I feel that the general numbness, the growing lack of care and growing levels of discord in the world are mostly due to the criminal use of radio wave technologies (ETK: from HAARP, GWEN towers, cell phones, etc.) and their aiding psychological pharmaceuticals. I also feel that technological mind control plays a HUGE role in the recruiting/enslavement of citizens into the covert program that is used to help target people.

…. It appears that heavily targeted victims are physically and psychologically tortured and then “rescued” after forced isolation from loved ones. This “rescue” is really an abduction. I believe that some “deaths” are even staged during abductions. I have experienced repeated attempts to rescue me directly after experiencing severe rounds of electronic and psychological torture. And I strongly felt that the “rescue” was from perpetration and not a good source, although they seem to sometimes use good people in the foreground of this operation. Apparently, once the rescue takes place we become a slave to the rescuers. Victims of this ARE NOT the enemy. Those who torture, abduct, brainwash and enslave people are the enemy…

On the darker side of recruitment; it appears that some join “the occult” and participate in the gang stalking part as if it is a cool game.”

The topics and techniques of torture, isolation, drugs, abduction, military abductions(?), cults, (UFO cults anyone?), “the occult,” slavery…. are now familiar to me. Recall from my other articles on this website that as early as the 1930’s and 1940s, British psychiatrists defined the basic modus operandi of British mind control as “pain, drugs, hypnosis” (PDH). Add to this toxic blend, electronic torture, greatly refined chemical poisoning, neuro-linguistic programming, and Satanic Ritual Abuse and other occult elements developed in the CIA’s Bluebird, Artichoke, MK-Ultra and other mind control programs, and you have the elements of modern gang stalking. Thus, the cultic and occult aspects of “gang stalking” operations herald back to the very earliest work of British psychiatrists. These were later “refined” by British, Canadian, and American “spychiatrists,” principle among whom were:

1) “Sir” John Rawlings Reese (Englishman; Head of the British Army’s Psychological Warfare Division and founder of the Tavistock Institute for Human Development),

2) George Brock Chisolm (Canadian; First Director General of the World Health Organization and President of the World Federation of Mental Health),
3) Dr. Ewen Campbell (American, CIA cooperating spychiatrist and President of the Canadian, American and World Psychiatric Associations),
4) L. Ron Hubbard, (American; Office of Naval Intelligence officer, author, and founder of the Church (cult) of Scientology, which itself puts into practice the principles of mind control devised by British, Canadian, and American psychologists), etc. etc.

The “contributions” of these and other “leading” psychologist/psychopaths towards the ushering in of a “New World Order” of genocide and slavery are detailed in several of my articles on this website:

1) Part VI. Mind Control: History and Applications (
2) Part VII. Electronic Mind Control and Weapons (
3) Part VIII. Cult Connections (
4) Part IX. From UFO Cults to 9/11 (

The practice of gang stalking represents the convergence and indeed, the practical culmination of many topics that I address on this website.

We can now conclude that the primary purpose of Operation 9/11 is help to usher in the Universal Jewish Empire/Jewish Utopia/United Nations-led One World Government-Economy-Religion. The Operation itself, a case of state-sponsored, false-flag, synthetic terror event designed to traumatize Americans and people of the world and to function as pretext for:

a) prosecuting a series of wars of aggression in the Middle East that benefit the interests of “greater Israel,”
b) merging military, intelligence and police forces of the U.S. and other nations to form a super Stasi/SS “intelligence/counterintelligence” state with truly global reach,
c) targeting and neutralizing non-cooperating individuals and groups via the “weaponization of psychology” and through employing CIA/Nazi mind control technologies in gang stalking-type programs, and
d) injecting vast sums of money, all justified to fight this phony “war on terror,” that enrich the military/industrial/intelligence/security/corporate conglomerates that now control governments.

Throughout, the m.o. and methods of the New World Order reveal the Luciferian, occultic nature and identity of its authors.

Gang stalking is so dangerous to the future of our Republic and to humanity in general that we citizens must fight back in order to preserve our lives, our freedoms, and our nation. As Sun Tsu reminds us in “The Art of War,” our chances of success in war improve dramatically if we understand our enemy. Hence, the information I present on this website and in the innumerable books I reference is meant to help identify the nature and identity of our true enemy- who are the planners and perpetrators of Operation 9/11 and gang stalking many amongst other crimes against humanity.

On this post, I offer an initial strategy to counter “gang stalking.” This involves disseminating basic information to help make others aware that these diabolical programs exist. Daniel Estulin notes in “Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses” (2015) that propaganda and mind control techniques don’t work when people understand them!

I encourage others to also use the materials below as a template which each individual can modify as desired. This is what I have done- by utilizing and expanding on the information and materials provided on www.fightgangstalking.

(Please also refer to other websites/articles on the internet such as and my two posts, Appendix 20. What is “Gang Stalking?” ( and Appendix 9. “Gang Stalking:” Organized and Electronic Targeting the “Domestic Enemy.” Notes from Books, youtube Presentations, and Blogs. (

My “Fight Gang Stalking Action Packet” includes the following pages, held together with a paperclip. I am distributing the fliers and the packets by mailing them to local, state and county officials and other persons of influence and interested parties. I am also placing about 12 of these pamphlets in a “Pendaflex Reinforced Expanding File Jacket” and passing these out to local merchants to be freely disseminated to their customers. The purpose is to educate the public regarding these top-secret and ongoing projects. Hopefully, some people will become interested in the topic and will also Xerox the fliers and distribute them.

The “Fight Gang Stalking Action Pack”

The “Fight Gang Stalking Action Pack” consists of the following pages:

Front of pamphlet and the file jacket have a small strip of paper that states:

If you love your country, your family, your life, and your liberties, please copy, circulate and/or post these fliers.

Page 1) “Gang Stalking” Primer:

“Gang Stalking” Primer

Gang Stalking, or more accurately, “counter-intelligence stalking,” involves covert surveillance, stalking, harassment, torture, and murder of Americans designated as “targeted individuals.” These programs constitute extra-judicial psychological and electronic warfare against private citizens waged by private groups, utilizing the power of the State. Gang stalking is illegal, unconstitutional, and immoral. It is “used as a weapon to assassinate the characters of those who expose (these and other illegal) practices” (Rich, 2008). Use of citizen informant networks date as least as far back as the Roman Empire and has been employed in communist or fascist dictatorships, including the Soviet Union (Cheka), East Germany (Stasi), Poland (PIDE), Czechoslovakia (StB), Hungary (AVH), Portugal, and the United States (FBI’s Cointel-pro). Today, gang stalking combines these methods with mind control technologies developed by CIA “spychiatrists” that include the use of drugs, chemicals, and (invisible) directed energy weapons, aka “non-lethal weapons.” In other words, a potential Hell has been constructed on earth.

This pamphlet includes basic information about this global program. Federal, state, and local agencies and private contractors are now receiving billions of dollars in funding to execute these programs under the pretext of combating terrorism. Millions are targeted worldwide. In order to preserve our nation and our liberties, citizens need to stand up for their rights and those of others and fight these diabolical programs.

A main purpose of the U.S. Constitution is to protect the personal liberty of citizens from intrusions by the government. These programs are completely antithetical to our Constitution: They are characteristic of totalitarian dictatorships. Unless American citizens oppose and dismantle these programs, their implementation could result in the loss of our personal liberty and national sovereignty. This may well be the battle of the 21st century.

This is not a “theory.” It’s a fight for our lives. Its not a matter of if you “believe it” or not – it’s a matter of if you are aware and if you can care enough to help restore our safety and freedom. (From Also see

Page 2: Public Safety Notice: Gang Stalking:

Public Safety Notice: Gang Stalking

This neighborhood has ongoing “gang stalking” activity (also known as “organized stalking”). The
crime is not related to street gangs; rather it involves illegal surveillance and harassment of targeted
individuals by multiple perpetrators (called “perps” or “brown-nosers”) working together. Often the
stalking is done for vengeance or to silence potential whistle-blowers.

Perpetrators who manage organized stalking operations are usually associated with private security-
intelligence firms or they are corrupt members – or former members – of the law enforcement
community, or criminal informants.

Tactics include threats and abusive comments, breaking into the victim’s residence, slander (lying
about the victim), harassment by noise (sometimes from nearby residences), criminal invasion of
the victim’s privacy – for example, by tapping phone lines and hacking computers (the crime of
eavesdropping (a violation of California Penal Code sections 630 – 638), and other serious
violations of state and federal law.

Beware of persons who might be falsely impersonating law enforcement personnel (in violation
of California Penal Code section 538d) to recruit participants for gang stalking operations (as
distinguished from legitimate “neighborhood watch” programs). If you are in doubt about the
identity of such persons, contact your local sheriff’s office or police department.

Stalking (maliciously following, harassing, and threatening another person) is a violation of
California Penal Code section 646.9 and may be punishable by up to three years in state prison
for a first offense. Some of the tactics – such as entering a victim’s residence or conducting certain
types of surveillance without a search warrant, or punishing an American without a trial – are also
serious violations of federal law.

To inquire about criminal prosecutions for gang stalking crimes:

Call the California Attorney General’s office at this toll-free number: (800) 952-5225

An ABC TV show demonstrated how gang stalkers can impersonate law enforcement personnel to
recruit unsuspecting citizens. You can view it on YouTube.

Search for: “Gang stalking + ABC + John Quinones + Comply or Question Authority”

Crime survey statistics from the U.S. Department of Justice indicate that in 2006 there were an
estimated 445,220 stalking incidents involving three or more perpetrators stalking an individual.

History of organized stalking:

Tactics employed by gang stalkers were used extensively by communist East Germany’s Stasi (state
police) as a means of maintaining political control over its citizens. In the U.S., the tactics were
famously used by the FBI during its secret illegal counterintelligence program (“Cointelpro”) from
1956 until the program was exposed by civilian activists in 1971. The program mainly targeted
political activists. Multiple news articles (which can be found at the website below) indicate that a
more sophisticated and larger-scale use of counterintelligence crimes is now taking place.

For more information, visit this website:

Page 3: ACLU Flier: Warning: Domestic Terrorism

Warning: Domestic Terrorism

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has received reports of a serious form of illegal harassment in your community, and is seeking information which can help lead to criminal prosecution of the perpetrators – as well as possible civil litigation against any government agencies which might be complicit.

“Organized stalking” – also known as “gang stalking” – is a crime in which individuals are subjected to psychological terrorism by corrupt members of law enforcement agencies such as Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIUs), the FBI, intelligence-security contractors, and criminal informants.

Organized stalking tactics include threats, abusive comments, entering a victim’s residence without a search warrant, slander (lying about the victim), interference with employment opportunities, systematic harassment using noise (sometimes from nearby residences), thefts, vandalism, and criminal invasion of the victim’s privacy by methods such as unauthorized wiretapping and computer hacking.

Organized stalking violates multiple laws, including the U.S. Constitution’s prohibition against extra-judicial punishment, the U.S. Constitution’s prohibition against searches without warrants, the federal law against stalking (18 U.S. Code § 2261A), and anti-stalking laws in all fifty states and the District of Columbia.

We want to hear from you.

If you are aware of any suspicious activity that might be related to organized stalking, please tell us about it. You can contact the main ACLU office at the address listed at the top of this flyer, or you can contact one of our local affiliates. This webpage has a list of the local ACLU affiliates:

Please support the ACLU Campaign to Expose and Stop Illegal Domestic Spying. For more information, visit this webpage:


This is not an official ACLU notice; it is a suggestion for what the ACLU should be doing. History will not be kind to the ACLU and others who have turned their backs on the victims of serious crimes perpetrated by local and federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies.


Page 4) Gang Stalking Definitions (from and

Gangstalking Definitions (from and

“Gang Stalking” refers to the intense, long-term, unconstitutional surveillance and harassment of a person who has been designated as a target by someone associated with America’s security industry. Official domestic counterintelligence operations of this type are perpetrated by federal agents and contractors, sometimes with the support of state and local law enforcement personnel. The goal – in the parlance of counterintelligence agents – is to “subvert” or “neutralize” an individual deemed to be an enemy (or potential enemy) of clients or members of the security state. Arguably, the most accurate term for this form of harassment is “counterintelligence stalking.”
Perpetrators: The major perpetrators of organized stalking in the U.S. are the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. military counterintelligence agencies, state and local Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIUs), and private security contractors. All of those groups – and other federal intelligence agencies, such as the CIA and NSA – have well-documented histories of abusing their powers.
Citizen Spies and ”Surveillance Role Players:” Perpetrators of gang stalking crimes rely upon support from citizen spies who are “useful idiots,” vigilantes, and sadists. These street-level perps (aka “brown-nosers”) include a type of person used by East Germany’s Stasi – the civilian snitch (Inoffizielle Mitarbeiter) or unofficial collaborator. Although street-level thugs used in gang stalking harassment are sometimes recruited from the ranks of criminal informants, many are just un-paid civilian minions who will do almost anything to please someone in a position of authority – for example, under the guise of assisting a “neighborhood watch” program or an “investigation.” A job announcement posted in San Diego and advertised on Craigslist – was for a part-time position with an intelligence/security contractor firm as a “Surveillance Role Player.” These job listings are numerous and are mainly found on the websites of defense contractors. You can locate them easily by performing an online search for “surveillance role player job.” There is also a long history of non-governmental organizations perpetrating very serious crimes against their fellow citizens. Such organizations – for example, the Ku Klux Klan and Freemasons – have historically included members of the political and law enforcement community.
Targets: Gang stalking targets are American citizens deemed to be dissidents or whistle-blowers (and perhaps potential dissidents and whistle-blowers). It should be remembered that for over two decades the CIA performed secret illegal experiments on U.S. and Canadian citizens (the infamous MK Ultra program). Those experiments included physical and psychological torture.
Gang stalking Tactics: Include Perpetual Stalking, Invasion of Privacy, Threats, Electronic Harassment, Sleep Deprivation, Blacklisting, Mobbing, Black Bag Jobs, Gas-Lighting, Abusive Phone Calls, Computer Hacking, Framing, Threats, Blackmail, Vandalism, Baiting, Mimicking, Street Theater, Blocking/Cutting-Off/Invasion of Personal Space, Sensitization (using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Synchronization, Financial Ruin, Public Slander, Sabotaging of Relationships, Noise Harassment, High-Technology Noise Harassment: Hypersonic Sound, and Very High-Technology Noise Harassment: the “Voice of God Weapon.”

Gang stalking is criminal and unconstitutional. Please do whatever you can to help expose the rot. Ending this cowardly and illegal practice by law enforcement agencies, intelligence agencies, and their parasitic corporate contractors will require exposing what is happening to the public. Anyone reading this can assist with that exposure by simply sharing this information with others.

Page 5: Gang Stalking Images:

Gangstalking Images (from

America’s Post-Constitutional Nazis Invading Poland Sieg Heil!
Law Enforcement Paradigm

The National Security Agency (NSA) CIA LEIU E. German STASI

U.S. Military Counter- Intelligence-Security Contractors Target (You) When they Miss
intelligence Agents

Hypersonic Sound Device Surveillance Role Players Wall of Silence
(aka “brown-nosers”) Surrounds Gang Stalking


Page 6: Public Safety Warning

Public Safety Warning: Organized Stalking

The corrupt police officers and their vigilante minions who are manipulating members of this community are exactly the same type of people who psychologically tortured and murdered the civil rights activist Jean Seberg.

Organized stalking and harassment is not just illegal; it’s cowardly and evil.

You should give some serious thought to what kind of person you are – and whose example you should follow. Such choices define you as a human being, and they can inspire you or haunt you for the rest of your life.

Jean Seberg J. Edgar Hoover

Page 7: Gang Stalking References (from

Gang Stalking References (from &

Aaronson, T., 2013, The Terror Factory, Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism, lg Publishing.
Altemeyer, B., 2006, The Authoritarians, paperback and CD.
Bailey, GmB., 2010, Closing the Gap, Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 187 pp.
Balko, R., 2013, Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces, PublicAffairs, 400 pp.
Behnke, K., and Fuchs, J., 1995, Zersetzung der Selle, “Decomposition of the Soul:” Psychology and Psychiatry in the Service of the Stasi.
Borjesson, K., Ed., 2002, Into the Buzzsaw, Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press, Prometheus Books, 462 pp.
Bowart, W., 1978, Operation Mind Control, The CIA’s Plot Against America, Dell Publishing, 317 pp.
Burghardt, T., Ed. 2002, Police State America; U.S. Military “Civil Disturbance” Planning, Arm the Spirit/Solidarity.
Donner, F., 1990, Protectors of Privilege; Red Squads and Police Repression in Urban America, University of California Press, 496 pp.
Douglass, J.A., 2008, JFK and the Unspeakable; Why He Died and Why It Matters, Touchstone, 560 pp.
Estulin, D., Tavistock Institute: Social Engineeering the Masses, Independent Publishers Group, 239 pp.
Felton, G., 2005, Enemies by Design: Inventing the War on Terror; Tree of Life Books, 415 pp.
Guck, B., 1989, War at Home; Covert Action Against U.S. Activists and What We Can Do About It, South End Press Pamphlet Series, 90 pp.
Hall, J, Dr., 2009, A New Breed Satellite Terrorism, Strategic Book Publishing, 132 pp.
Harris, S., 2010, The Watchers, The Rise of America’s Surveillance State, Penguin Books, 432 pp.
Kah, Gary H., En Route to Global Occupation, 224 pp.
Lockshin, A., and Lockshin, L., 1988, Silent Terror, One Family’s History of Political Persecution in the United States, Novosti Press Agency.
Marks, John, 1979, The Search For the Manchurian Candidate, The CIA and Mind Control; the Secret History of the Behavioral Sciences, W.W. Norton & Company, 288 pp.
Martinez, B, 2014, Grand Deceptions: Zionist Intrigue in the 20th and 21st Centuries, Progressive Press, 177 pp.
O’Toole, G., 1978, The Private Sector, Rent-a-cops, private spies and the police-industrial complex, W.W. Norton & Co., 250 pp.
Orwell, G., 1945, Animal Farm, Rupa, (2013), 124 pp.
____, 1948, 1984, Signet Classics, 328 pp.
Piper, M.C., 2013, False Flags; Template for Terror; An Analytical Critique of the Covert Model Utilized by the Conspirators Who Orchestrated 9-11, the Oklahoma City Bombing, the JFK Assassination, Sandy Hook, and Boston, Seward Square, 328 pp.
Pittman, R.M., 2012, Remote Brain Targeting: A Compilation of Historical Information Derived from Various Sources, Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 280 pp.
_____, 2013, Covert Technological Murder: Big Brother Approved! (Mind Control Technology Book Series), Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 294 pp.
Priest, D., and Arkin, 2011, W. M., Top Secret America; The Rise of the New American Security State, Back Bay Books, 368 pp.
Redden, J., 2000, Snitch Culture; How Citizens are Turned Into the Eyes and Ears of the State, Feral House, 320 pp.
Rich, M.M., 2008, The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against the Civilian Population, Lulu Enterprises, Morrisville, N.C., 247 pp.
Rothmiller, M., and Goldman, I.G., 1992, L.A. Secret Police In the LAPD Elite Spy Network, 226 pp.
Scahill, J., 2007, Blackwater; The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army, Nation Books, 560 pp.
Shorrock, T., 2008, Spies For Hire; The Secret World of Intelligence Outsourcing, Simon & Shuster, 464 pp.
Storey, C., 2006; The New Underworld Order; Triumph of Criminalism, Dark Actors Playing Games, The Global Fantasies of the Geomasonic Illuminati, Edward Harle Limited, London and New York, 740 pp.
Sullivan, E., 2008, My Life Changed Forever: The Years I Have Lost as a Target of Organized Stalking, Infinity Publishing Company, West Conshohoken, PA, 154 pp.
Turse, N., 2013; Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam, Picador, 416 pp.
Whitehead, J.A., 2013, A Government of Wolves, The Emerging American Police State, SelectBooks, 288 pp.
Wood, P.M., 2015, Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, Coherent Publishing, 274 pp.
Yeadon, G., and Hawkins, J., 2007, The Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a Century: Wall Street and the Rise of the Fourth Reich, Progressive Press, 660 pp.
Websites: and


Page 8: Public Safety Notice: Gang Stalking:

Public Safety Notice: Gang Stalking

This neighborhood has ongoing “gang stalking” activity. The crime is not related to street gangs; rather it involves illegal surveillance and harassment of individuals by multiple perpetrators (called “perps” or “brown-nosers”) working together. Often the stalking is done for vengeance or to silence potential whistle-blowers.

Perpetrators who manage organized stalking operations are usually associated with private security firms or they are corrupt members – or former members – of the law enforcement community, or criminal informants.

Tactics include threats, abusive comments, breaking into the victim’s residence, slander (lying about the victim), harassment by noise (sometimes from nearby residences), illegally tapping phone lines, hacking computers, and other serious violations of state and federal law.

An ABC TV show demonstrated how gang stalkers can impersonate law enforcement personnel to recruit unsuspecting citizens. You can view it on YouTube if you search “Gang stalking + ABC + John Quinones + Comply or Question Authority”

For more information – including news reports on this issue – visit this website:


Public Safety Notice: Gang Stalking

This neighborhood has ongoing “gang stalking” activity. The crime is not related to street gangs; rather it involves illegal surveillance and harassment of individuals by multiple perpetrators (called “perps” or “brown-nosers”) working together. Often the stalking is done for vengeance or to silence potential whistle-blowers.

Perpetrators who manage organized stalking operations are usually associated with private security firms or they are corrupt members – or former members – of the law enforcement community, or criminal informants.

Tactics include threats, abusive comments, breaking into the victim’s residence, slander (lying about the victim), harassment by noise (sometimes from nearby residences), illegally tapping phone lines, hacking computers, and other serious violations of state and federal law.

An ABC TV show demonstrated how gang stalkers can impersonate law enforcement personnel to recruit unsuspecting citizens. You can view it on YouTube if you search “Gang stalking + ABC + John Quinones + Comply or Question Authority”

For more information – including news reports on this issue – visit this website:

Good luck!

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