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Who Are “They?”… Their Statements Say…. Starts with J….

New World Order
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(Choose) Freedom In Christ

October 18, 2020

Oil politics 101

February 28, 2014

Eco-Politics and Economics

February 28, 2014

Alan Watt, Researcher

February 28, 2014

Charlotte Iserbyt, Author

February 27, 2014

John Taylor Gatto, Author

February 26, 2014

Dr. Steve Filling

February 25, 2014

Organized Gang Stalking Quotes

February 23, 2014

ETK Introduction: To find out who “they” are, we can simply listen to “their” statements in which “they” typically refer to themselves in the first person plural as “we” or in the third person as “Jews.” The following quotes are in two principle sections. Section I is “What Jews Say About Themselves” and Section II is “What Others Say About the Jews.” Please note that I, the webmaster, do not state my own thoughts, opinions, conclusions, or feelings regarding these issues whatsoever.

Section I. What Jews Say About Themselves:

As for the final result of the Messianic revolution it will always be the same…. the nations will be converted to Judaism and will obey the law, or else they will be destroyed, and the Jews will be the masters of the world.

G. Batault, Le Probleme Juif, p. 135; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon de Poncins

There is a Jewish conspiracy against all nations; it occupies almost everywhere the avenues of power- a double assault of Jewish revolution and Jewish finance, revolution and finance. If I were God, I’d clean this mess up and I would start with cleaning the Money Changers out of the Federal Reserve.

Rene Groos, La Nouveau Mercure, Paris, 1917

“We (Jews) control America, and the Americans know it.” Arial Sharon, Israeli Prime Minister, October, 2001

Israel controls the Senate…. around 80 percent are completely in support of Israel; anything Israel wants. Jewish influence in the House of Representatives is even greater.

Senator William Fulbright, quoted by Paul Findley, in They Dare to Speak Out, p. 66

“Wars are the Jews harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet.”

~ Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn

The “Cult of Judah” viper, this time garlanded among the humanist ideology of “Communism,” revealed itself in wholesale massacres of priests, rapes and murders of nuns, and destruction of Churches, just like during the “Russian” (sic) Revolution in Russia, Ukraine, and elsewhere. All in keeping with the Cult of Judaism’s “laws and statutes,” both “Mosaic” and “Talmudic.”

The Russian Commissar for Public Instruction, (Jew) Lunatscharsky, stated publicly that: “We hate Christianity and Christians; even the best of them must be looked upon as our worst neighbors. They preach the love of our neighbours and mercy, which is contrary to our principles. Down with the love of our neighbor; what we want is hatred. We must learn how to hate and it is only then that we shall conquer the world.” This is pure Cult of Judah talk. Pure “ideology of Semitism.” This is “semitism.” And if you are not against it, not “anti-semitic,” then what are you?

It took 3000 years, and this strategy, for one cult (the Cult of Judah), to rule this world. Rule number one: Real power must always remain unobtrusive, invisible, unseen. Control enough of the means of mass communication that you can get to define ‘social reality’ for people, by determining what they see, hear, read, and will be taught, from cradle to grave. So that every form of communication, from television ‘programming’, to Hollywood films, to school textbooks, to facebook blogs, Youtube videos, and web posts, is ‘on message’, saying the same thing in different ways, with zero genuine ‘uncontrolled’ and thus authentically ‘alternate’ messages ever being seen or heard. Thus your carefully scripted and engineered ‘social reality’ will gain traction in the minds of most people. Any ‘dissent’ will be criminalized. Marginalised. Ridiculed. Extirpated. People will understand what ‘views’ are ‘acceptable’ and ‘required’ to ‘get ahead’. And remain out of prison.

Markus Rehbach, “The Cult” (2018)

We are interested in just the opposite… in the diminution, the killing out of the Goyim (non-Jews).

Reportedly spoken by a Jewish speaker in the Rothschild home in 1773

“Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Jew like a monkey to a human.” ~ Schene Luchoth Haberith, p. 250b

“Even though God created the non-Jew they are still animals in human form. It is not becoming for a Jew to be served by an animal. Therefore he will be served by animals in human form.” ~ Midrasch Talpioth, p. 255, Warsaw 1855

“The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts.” ~ Talmud: Baba Mezia 114b

“The Akum (Negro) is like a dog. Yes, the scripture teaches to honor the dog more than the Akum.” ~ Ereget Raschi Erod. 22 30

Use the courts, use the judges, use the constitution of the country, use the medical societies and its laws to further our ends. Do not stint in your labor in this direction. And when you have succeeded you will discover that you can now effect your own legislation at will and you can, by careful organization, by constant campaigns about the terrors of society, by pretense as to your effectiveness, make the capitalist himself, by his own appropriation, finance a large portion of the quiet Communist conquest of that nation.

Address of the Jew Laventria Beria, “The Communist Textbook on Psychopolitics,” p. 8

The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. it will attain world domination by the abolition of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this new world order the Children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state.

Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled , in which is said that when the Messianic time is come the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.

Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, La Revue de Paris, p. 54, June 1, 1928)

When Messiah returns, every Jew will have 2800 gentile slaves. The Jewish Talmud

We Jews have spoiled the blood of all races. We have tarnished and broken their power. We have made everything foul, rotten, decomposed and decayed.

Munzer, The Way to Zion

We are Jews and nothing else. A nation within a nation.

Dr. Chaim Weisman, Jewish Zionist leader in his pamphlet: “Great Britain, Palestine, and the Jews”

This intimate connection between the two powers (Freemasonry and Cabalistic Judaism) (writes R. Lambelin) is becoming so evident that there is no longer any attempt made to deny it. The Jewish lodges of B’nai B’rith, which originated in the English-speaking countries, have swarmed all over Europe, and even into Asia; and they assume the leadership of control in the whole Masonic organization. Under cover of Theosophy a new religion, which is specifically Jewish, though enveloped in a nebulous mist that obscures its character, is bidding fair to take the place of the traditional Christian belief which it flatters, and insensibly destroys.” ~

Les Victoires d’Israel, pp. 211-212; Freemasonry and The Anti-Christian Movement (1930), Edward Cahill, p. 92

We are not denying and are not afraid to confess. This war (WWII) is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry…. Stronger than all fronts together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not only giving this war our financial support on which the entire war production is based, we are not only providing our full propaganda power which is the moral energy that keeps this war going. The guarantee of victory is predominantly based on weakening the enemy forces, on destroying them in their own country, within the resistance. And we are the Trojan Horses in the enemy’s fortress. Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the principle factor in the destruction of our enemy. There, our front is a fact and the most valuable aid for victory.

Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Jewish Congress, in a speech on Dec. 3, 1942, New York City

When a Jew is America or South Africa speaks of “our Government” to his fellow Jews, he usually means the Government of Israel, while the Jewish public in various countries view Israeli ambassadors as their own representatives.

Israel Government Yearbook, 1953-54, p. 35

Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer. And we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.”

Harold Rosenthal, Jewish aide to Senator Henry Jackson, 1976 interview

Judaism is a secret Satanic cult posing as a religion…. Judaism is not Monotheistic but Luciferian. It’s goal is the replacement of God with the secret Jewish leadership. Both the Talmud and the Cabala are dedicated to the proposition that only Jews are human…. Modern history and culture reflect a Cabalistic (Satanic) spell cast on the human race. It is dedicated to the fulfillment of prophecy, the eventual enslavement of mankind by the “Jews” who in practice will be the crazed Illuminati Order.

Henry Makow, Jewish writer, 2009

The great ideal of Judaism is that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish teachings, and that in a Universal Brotherhood of Nations – a greater Judaism in fact- All the separate races and religions shall disappear.

Jewish World, February 1883

Jewish objectives as outlined in Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion:

1) Banish God from the heavens and Christianity from the earth.

2) Allow no private ownership of property or business.

3) Abolish marriage, family and home. Encourage sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, adultery, and fornication.

4) Completely destroy the sovereignty of all nations and every feeling or expression of patriotism.

5) Establish a one-world government through which the Luciferian Illuminati elite can rule the world. All other objectives are secondary to this one supreme purpose.

6) Take the education of children completely away from the parents. Cunningly and subtly lead the people thinking that compulsory school attendance laws are absolutely necessary to prevent illiteracy and to prepare children for better positions and life’s responsibilities. Then after the children are forced to attend the schools get control of normal schools and teacher’s colleges and also the writing and selection of all text books.

7) Take all prayer and Bible instruction out of the schools and introduce pornography, vulgarity, and courses in sex. If we can make one generation of any nation immoral and sexy, we can take that nation.

8) Completely destroy every thought of patriotism, national sovereignty, individualism, and a private competitive enterprise system.

9) Circulate vulgar, pornographic literature and pictures and encourage the unrestricted sale and general use of alcoholic beverage and drugs to weaken and corrupt the youth.

10) Foment, precipitate and finance large scale wars to emasculate and bankrupt the nations and thereby force them into a one-world government.

11) Secretly infiltrate and control colleges, universities, labor unions, political parties, churches, patriotic organizations, and governments. These are direct quotes from their own writings ~ The Conflict of the Ages, by Clemens Gaebelein pp. 100-102

12) The creation of a World Government.

“The division of the United States into two federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War by the High [Jewish] Financial Powers of Europe. These bankers were afraid of the United States, if they remained in one block and as one nation, would attain economical and financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds predominated. They foresaw tremendous booty if they could substitute two feeble democracies, indebted to the Jewish financiers, to the vigorous Republic, confident and self-providing. Therefore, they started their emissaries to work in order to exploit the question of slavery and thus to dig an abyss between the two parts of the Republic.'” ~ La Vieille France, No. 216, March, 1921

Judaism was not a religion but a law. Moses Mendelssohn, The Jewish Plato

Judaism is a political program disguised as religion. Douglas Reed, The Controversy of Zion, 1956

We are neither German, English or French. We are Jews and your Christian mentality is not ours.

Max Nordau (German Zionist leader) in The Jewish World

Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward…. The Zionist Congress (of 1897-1903); the English Uganda proposition; the future world war (WWI); the Peace Conference where, with the help of England, a free and Jewish Palestine will be created.

Max Nordau, 6th Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland, 1903

The financial career of the Rothschilds is the key to the history of the Jewish Banking in the nineteenth century… The plan adopted by him of establishing branches in the more important European capitals, over which he placed his sons, was followed by other Jewish banking-houses… the influence of Jews on Banking. was due to the preliminary advantage given to them by their international position.

The other Jewish families that adopted the Rothschild plan of establishing local banking branches in European cities include: The Lazards, Sterns, Speyers, Seligmans, Warburgs, and Leob families.

The Jewish Encyclopaedia, 1902, Vol. 2

The Rothschilds introduced the rule of money into European politics. The Rothschilds were the servants of money who undertook the reconstruction of the world as an image of money and its functions. Maney and the employment of wealth have become the law of European life; we no longer have nations, but economic provinces.

Professor Wilhelm, German historian, The New York Times, July 8, 1937

The fact that: The house of Rothschild made its money in the great crashes of history and the great wars of history, the very periods when others lost their money, is beyond question.

E.C. Knuth, “The Empire of the City”

Under this roof are the heads of the family of Rothschild- a name famous in every capital of Europe and every division of the globe. If you like, we shall divide the United States into two parts, one for you, James (Rothschild), and one for you, Lionel (Rothschild). Napleon will do exactly and all that I shall advise him.

Disraeli (Jewish British Prime Minister) at the marriage of Lionel Rothschild’s daughter, Leonora, to her cousin, Alphoso, son of James Rothschild of Paris).

For the last one hundred and fifty years, the history of the House of Rothschild has been to an amazing degree the backstage history of Western Europe… Because of their success in aming loans not to individuals but to nations, they reaped huge profits… Someone once said that the wealth of Rothschild consists of the bankruptcy of nations.

Frederic Morton, The Rothschilds

Give me control the money of a country and I care not who makes her laws. Amshel Meyer Rothschild

“Jews are behind the whole thing (Organized Gang Stalking).” Jewish Targeted Individual (TI), 2015

“The net which Israel now casts over the terrestrial globe enlarges and extends. . . . Our power is immense. Learn to turn that power to our cause. The day is not far distant when all the riches, all the treasures of the earth, will become the property of the children of Israel.”

The Jew and high Mason, Cremieux, founder and president of L’Alliance-israelite-universelle (1860)

There is scarcely an event in modern history that cannot be traced to the Jews. Take the Great War (World War I)… the Jews have made this war! We (Jews) who have posed as the saviors of the world… we Jews, today, are nothing else but the world’s seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries, its executioners… We have finally succeeded in landing you into a new hell.

Oscar Levy, Jewish writer, “The World Significance of the Russian Revolution; The International Jew Vol. III (1921), pp. 184-187

Creative destruction is our middle name, both within our own society and abroad. We tear down the old order every day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law. Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity, which menaces their traditions (whatever they may be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace. Seeing America undo traditional societies, they fear us, for they do not wish to be undone. They cannot feel secure so long as we are there, for our very existence—our existence, not our politics—threatens their legitimacy. They must attack us in order to survive, just as we must destroy them to advance our historic mission.

Michael Ledeen, The War Against the Terror Masters, 2003

A holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown. Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.”

(“And indeed George Washington himself was a Mason, and he gave back through a false religion what he had won with his army.”)

Surrender Speech of British General Cornwallis to George Washington at Yorktown, Jonathan Williams, “Legions of Satan,” 1781

The fact is that the Jews were known only as destroyers in ancient history, not creators. They have developed no science, have produced no art, have built no great cities, and alone have no talent for the finer things of civilized life. The Jews claim to be the torchbearers of civilization, but through their parasitic habits have deteriorated or destroyed every nation in which they have existed in large numbers.

Charles A. Weisman, “Who is Essau-Edom?,” p. 28

The two internationales of Finance and Revolution work with ardor, they are the two fronts of the Jewish Internationale. There is (a) Jewish conspiracy against all nations.

Rene Groos, Le Nouveau Mercure, Paris, May 1927

(The world) forgets, in its ignorance and narrowness of heart, that when we sink, we become a revolutionary proteletariat, the subordinate officers of the revolutionary party; when we rise, there rises also the terrible power of the purse.

The Jewish State, New York, 1917

We see the Jew, then, in business, as promoter, money lender, salesman par excellence, the author and chief instigator of a system of credit by which a nation-wide usury rises like a Golem (a created monster) with a million hands on a million throats, to choke the honor and the freedom-of-movement of a hard-working people.

Samuel Roth, “Jews Must Live,” p. 123

World War II was a Zionist plot to make way for the foundation of the Jewish State in Palestine.

Joseph Burg, an anti-Zionist Jew

Even if we Jews are not bodily with you in the trenches, we are nevertheless morally with you. This is OUR WAR (WWII), and you are fighting it for us.

Les Nouvelles Litteraires, February 10, 1940.

“…. the Jews are a criminal people, and the Jews completely control the United States, and the Jews are using the United States as a vehicle to take over the world.

The US government is a facade, there is not US government as people think of it. It’s just a puppet in the Jews’ hands. It’s a plaything for the Jews.

Jews don’t like to work… they are parasites and they’ve been parasites for thousands of years.

….real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism. — Press Conference, September 1 1992

… I am being persecuted night and day by the Jews, for telling it like it is. They want to put me in jail, they’re robbing me of everything I have, they’re continuously lying about me. The latest thing they’ve done is I had some stuff in storage back in Pasadena for 12 years, spent a fortune on storage fees, a fortune on safes… and these God-damn Jews in America have just gone and grabbed it all. — Radio Interview, January 13 1999

They’re lying bastards. Jews were always lying bastards throughout their history. They’re a filthy, dirty, disgusting, vile, criminal people. — Radio Interview, March 10 1999

My main interest right now is to expose the Jews. This is a lot bigger than me. They’re not just persecuting me. This is not just my struggle, I’m not just doing this for myself… This is life and death for the world. These God-damn Jews have to be stopped. They’re a menace to the whole world. — Radio Interview, March 10 1999

Bobby Fischer, 11th World Chess Champion, of Jewish parentage

The most effective component of Jewish connection is probably that of media control. It is well known that American public opinion molders have long been largely influenced by a handful of powerful newspapers, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, owned respectively by the Sulzbergers, Meyers, and the Pulitzers. (all Jewish families)

Alfred Lilienthal, the Zionist Connection II, 1978, pp. 218-219

We Jews continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands. While the naïve Americans wait for Khrushchev to bury them, we have taught them to submit to our every demand…. It’s a marvel that the American people do not rise up and drive every Jew out of this country.

Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932. Roosevelt was our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man.

(Through our complete ownership of the press), We Jews have put issue upon issue to the American people. Then we promote both sides of the issue as confusion reigns. With their eye’s fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is behind every scene. We Jews toy with the American people as a cat toys with a mouse.

The blood of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of world victory.

During Christ’s time, the Jews were seeking a material and earthly kingdom, but Christ offered the Jews a spiritual kingdom. This they couldn’t buy, so they rejected Jesus Christ and had him crucified.

To answer your question in Russia: There are two distinct governments one visible and the other invisible. The visible is made up of different nationalities, whereas the invisible is composed of ALL JEWS.

Harold Rosenthal, Ashkenazi Jew and aide to Senator Jacob Javits, another Ashkenazi Jew, 1976

We Jews have made the World War (WWI)! We, Jews, are nothing else than the world’s seducers, its incendiaries, its executioners! Our last revolution is not yet made! We, Jews, invented the myth of the “Chosen People.”

Dr. Oscar Levy, prominent London Jew

The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction, and by Jewish planning, shall also… become a reality all over the world.

The American Hebrew, Sept. 8, 1920

One can say without exaggeration that the great Russian social revolution has been made by the hand of the Jews. Would the somber, oppressed masses of Russian workmen and peasants have been capable by themselves of throwing off the yoke of the bourgeoisie. No, it was especially the Jews who have led the Russian proletariat to the Dawn of the International and who have not only guided but still guide today the cause of the Soviets which they have preserved in their hands.

We can sleep in peace so long as the commander-in-chief of the Red Army is Comrade Trotsky (real name: Bronstein). It is true that there are no Jews in the Red Army serving as private soldiers, but the committees and Soviet organization are Jewish. Jews bravely lead to victory the masses of the Russian proletariat. It is not without reason that in the elections for all the Soviet institutions, Jews are in a victorious and crushing majority….

The Jewish symbol which for centuries has struggled against capitalism (Christian) has become that also of the Russian proletariat. One may see it in the adoption of the red five-pointed star which has been for long, as one knows, the symbol of Zionism and Judaism. Behind this emblem marches victory, the death of parasites and of the bourgeoisie.

M. Cohen, in The Communist, 1919

“We Jews in Hollywood will be using the stupid, red-necked, non-Jewish American military as blind foot soldiers in our war against all things Arab, for the next 40 years. So suddenly, we movie land Jews, who did not really give a rat’s ass about the American military as a whole prior to 9/11 ~ in fact, we mocked it ~ now really feel the need to glorify the gentile military for our own racial purposes, just exactly like Dr. Kevin MacDonald has said. We know that we need the military, very badly. Our numbers are so small. We also know that the enlistment in the U.S. military of capable people is way down, due to the left-wing social environment that we created in that military, e. g., the multiculturalism and the large numbers of women found in the military these days. So, we will automatically, without really thinking about it, use these “patriotic” movies to rally stupid Americans into accepting further freedom-restricting “anti-terror” legislation, and to gain public support for further U.S. military adventures in Iraq, Iran, and other countries that Israel wants to put down permanently. Our people’s historic enemies are now America’s enemies. That is the message. We must stress this fact, and publicly question the patriotism of anyone who complains. Our shiny new ethnic cloak is ‘”patriotism.'” ~

J. Colson, translated from the Yiddish

The fight against Germany has now been waged for months by every Jewish community, on every continent, in all labour unions and by every single Jew in the world. There are reasons for the assumption that our share of this fight is of general importance…. We shall start a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany. Germany is striving to become once again a great nation and to recover her lost territories as well as her colonies. But our Jewish interests call for the complete destruction of Germany. Collectively and individually, the German nation is a threat to us Jews.

Vladimir Jabotinsky, giving an update on Samuel Untermyer’s boycott of Germany, 1934

Zionism was willing to sacrifice the whole of European Jewry for a Zionist State. Everything was done to create a state of Israel and that was only possible through a world war. Wall Street and Jewish large bankers aided the war effort on both sides. Zionists are also to blame for provoking the growing hatred of Jews in 1988.

Joseph Burg, The Toronto Star, March 31, 1988

Our major vice of old, as of today, is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor and the good nature of the rest of the world. But, despite our faults, we would never have done so much damage to the world if it had not been for our genius for evil leadership. Granted our parasitism!

Jewish writer Samuel Roth in his book, Jews Must Live, 1934

Germany is the deadly enemy of Judaism and must be pursued with deadly hatred. The goal of Judaism today is: a merciless campaign against all German peoples and the complete destruction of the nation. We demand a complete blockade of trade, the importation of raw materials stopped and retaliation towards every German, woman and child.

Professor A. Kulisher, a Jew, calling for the genocide of all Germans to be a priority of worldwide Jewry. 1937

We are not denying and we are not afraid to confess, this war is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry…. Stronger than all fronts together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not only giving this war our financial support on which the entire war production is based. We are not only providing our full propaganda power which is the moral energy that keeps this war going. The guarantee of victory is predominantly based on weakening the enemy forces, on destroying them within their own country, within the resistance. And we are the Trojan horse in the enemy’s fortress. Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy. There, our front is a fact and the most valuable aid for victory.

Chaim Weizmann, President of World Jewish Congress, 1942

Our race is the master race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet, and serve us as slaves.

Menachem Begin (Israeli Prime Minister, 1977-1983), excerpt from LEHI (the terrorist Stern Gang) training pamphlet, circa 1946, shortly before the organization began a series of murders of unarmed opponents of the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel.

“Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to transcend …. One-fourth is destructive [and] they are defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a ‘natural death.’ … Now as we approach the quantum shift from the creature-human to the co-creative human — the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers — the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body …. Fortunately, you are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death.”

– Barbara Marx Hubbard, Jew, presidential candidate, New Age channeller, U.S. Army’s 1st Earth Battalion, from her “Book of Co-Creation” (1980)

The League of Nations is a Jewish idea. We created it after a fight of 25 years.

Nahum Sokolow, Zionist leader, 1922, Carlsbad Conference

We Jews regard our race as superior to all humanity, and look forward, not to ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them.

Goldwin Smith, Jewish Professor of Modern History at Oxford University, October, 1981

We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.

Maurice Samuels, “You Gentiles” p. 155

We must realize that our Party’s mot powerful weapon is racial tension. By pounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. The terms colonialism and imperialism must be featured in our propaganda. In America, we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negroes will be able to inter-marry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.

Israel Cohen, “A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century,” 1912

There is a Jewish conspiracy against all Nations, but first of all against France, and the principle of order which she represents in the world. This conspiracy occupies almost everywhere the avenues of power; in France it is at present the actual reigning power. The Universal Jewish Conspiracy …. (this double assault of Jewish Revolution and Jewish Finance) … must be disrupted or France will perish as did Russia.

Rene Groos, a prominent Jew, “Le Nouveau Mercure,” June, 1922

We Jews, the destroyers, will remain destroyers forever…. Nothing that the gentiles will do will meet our needs and demands.

Maurice Samuel

We are a superior subspecies. We transcend humanity. We are Nature’s Supermen. We deserve the subservience and availability of everyone around us. Luckily, every year 100-million people are born throughout the world. We have 100-million new choices every year.

Sam Vaknin, Jewish psychopath, EGOMANIA

You shall have no pity on them until we shall have destroyed their so-called Arab culture, on the ruins of which we shall build our own civilization.

Menachim Begin, Oct. 28, 1956

Germany must be turned into a waste land, as happened there during the 30-year war.

(Das Morgenthau-Tagebuch, The Morgenthau Diary, p. 11)

Kill the Germans, wherever you find them! Every German is our mortal enemy. Have no mercy on woment, children, or the aged! Kill every German – wipe them out!

Llya Ehrenburg, Glaser, p. 111

All Jews worldwide- declared war on the Third Reich.

The London Daily Express, Front Page Story, 3/24/1933

The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchies and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship.

In this New World Order, the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state.

Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which it is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.

Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, printed by “La Revue de Paris, p. 574, June 1, 1928

The Jews are the aristocrats of the world…. Our campaign is…. the economic boycott against all German goods, shipping and services…. What we are proposing … is to prosecute a purely defensive economic boycott that will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends… Each of you, Jew and Gentile alike… must refuse to deal with any merchant or shopkeeper who sells any German-made goods or who patronizes German ships or shipping.

Samuel Untermyer, Ashkenzai Jew who blackmailed President Wilson, 1933

A Jew, by the fact that he belongs to the chosen people and is circumcised, possesses so great a dignity that no one, not even an angel, can share equality with him. In fact, he is considered almost the equal of God.

Pranaitis, I.B., The Talmud Unmasked, Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1892, p. 60

Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ Harvest: The Jew Banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars and the ened is not yet.

Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869

Wars are the Jews’ harvest, but no harvest is so rich as civil wars.

Henry Ford, The International Jew, The World’s Foremost Problem, Vol. III, p. 180

Greetings, my children! You have been called here to recapitulate the principal steps of our new program. As you know, we had hoped to have twenty years between wars to consolidate the great gains which we made from World War II, but our increasing numbers in certain vital areas is arousing opposition to us, and we must now work with every means at our disposal to precipitate World War II within five years.

The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a King, and every gentile a slave! (applause from the gathering).

You may remember the success of our propaganda campaign during the 1930s, which aroused anti-American passions in Germany, at the same time we were arousing anti-German passions in America, a campaign which culminated in the Second World War. A similar propaganda campaign is now being waged intensively throughout the world. A war fever is being worked up in Russia by an incessant anti-American barrage, while a nationwide anti-Communist scare is sweeping America. This campaign is forcing all of the smaller nations to choose between the partnership of Russia or an alliance with the United States.

Our most pressing problem at the moment is to inflame the lagging militaristic spirit of the Americans. The failure of the Universal Military Training Act was a great setback to our plans, but we are assured that a suitable measure will be rushed through Congress immediately after the 1952 elections. The Russian as well as the Asiatic peoples, are well under control, and offer no objections to war, but we must wait to secure the Americans. This we hope to do with the issue of anti-Semitism, which worked so well in uniting the Americans against Germany.

We are counting heavily on reports of anti-Semitic outrages in Russia to whip up indignation in the United States, and produce a front of solidarity against the Soviet power. Simultaneously, to demonstrate to Americans the reality of anti-Semitism, we will advance through new sources large sums of money to outspokenly anti-Semitic elements in America to increase their effectiveness, and we hall stage anti-Semitic outbreaks in several of their largest cities. This will serve the double purpose of exposing reactionary sectors in America, which can then be silenced, and of welding the United States into a devoted anti-Russian unit.

Within five years, this program will achieve its objective, the Third World War, which will surpass in destruction all previous contests. Israel, of course, will remain neutral, and when both sides are devastated and exhausted, we will arbitrate, sending our Control Commissions into all of the wrecked countries. This war will end for all time our struggle against the gentiles. We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping out interracial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with whites. The white women must cohabit with members of the darker races, and the white men with black women. Thus, the white race is disappear, for missing the dark with the white will be the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We will embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, thePax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the earth. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples.

Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich, speech before Emergency Council of European Rabbis, Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952.

Question to Rabbi Rabinovich (above): Rabbi Rabinovich, what about the various religions after the Third World War?

Rabinovich: There will be no more religions. Not only would the existence of a priest class remain a constant danger to our rule, but belief in an afterlife would give spiritual strength to irreconcilable elements in many countries, and enable them to resist us. We will, however, retain the rituals and customs of Judaism as the mark of our hereditary ruling caste, strengthening our racial laws so that no Jew will be allowed to marry outside of our race, nor will any stranger be accepted by us.

We may have to repeat the grim days of World War II when we were forced to let the Hitlerite bandits sacrifice some of our people, in order that we may have adequate documentation and witnesses to legally justify our trial and execution of the leaders of America and Russia as war criminals, after we have dictated the peace. I am sure you will need little preparation for such a duty, for sacrifice has always been the watchword of our people, and the death of a few thousand Jews in exchange for world leadership is indeed a small price to pay.

To convince you of the certainty of that leadership, let me point out to you how we have turned all of the inventions of the white man into weapons against him. His printing presses and radios are the mouthpieces of our desires, and his heavy industry manufactures the instruments which he sends out to arm Asia and Africa against him. Our interests in Washington are greatly extending the Point Four program for developing industry in backward areas of the world so that after the industrial plants and cities of Europe and America are destroyed by atomic warfare, the whites can offer no resistance against the larger masses of the dark races, who will maintain an unchallenged technological superiority.

And so, with the vision of world victory before you, go back to your countries and intensify your good work, until that approaching day when Israel will reveal herself in all her glorious destiny as the Light of the World.

We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves.

Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee to Re-elect General Shlomo Lahat as mayor of Tel Aviv, 1983.

1) “The union which we desire to found will not be a French, English, Irish or German union, but a Jewish one, a Universal one! Other peoples and races are divided into nationalities; we alone have no co-citizens, but exclusively co-religionaries”.

2) “A Jew will under no circumstances become the friend of a Christian or a Moslem before the moment arrives, when the light of the Jewish faith, the only religion of reason, will shine all over the world! Scattered amongst other nations, we desire primarily to be and remain immutably Jews. Our nationality is the religion of our fathers and to recognize no other nationality.

3) We are living in foreign lands and we cannot trouble about the ambitions of countries entirely alien to us.

4) “The Jewish teaching must cover the whole earth! No matter, where fate should lead – though scattered all over the earth, you must always consider yourselves members of a chosen race. If you realize that the faith of your forefathers is your only patriotism, – if you recognize that; notwithstanding the nationalities you have embraced, you always remain and everywhere form one and only nation, – if you believe that Jewry only is one and only religious and political truth, – if you are convinced of this, you Jews of the Universe, then come and give ear to our appeal and prove your consent”.

5) “Our cause is great and holy, and its success is guaranteed”
6) “Catholicism, our immemorial enemy, is lying in the dust, mortally wounded in the head. The net which Jewry is throwing over the globe of the earth is widening and spreading daily”

7) “The time is near, when Jerusalem will become the house of prayer for all nations and peoples, and the banner of Jewish mono-deity will be unfurled and hoisted on the most distant shores”.

8) “Let us avail ourselves of all circumstances. Our might is immense – learn to adopt this might for our cause”.

9) “What have you to be afraid of?”

10) “The day is not distant when all the riches and treasures of the earth will become the property of the Children of Israel”.
“The day is not far distant when all the riches, all the treasures of the earth, will become the property of the children of Israel.”

James Rothschild III: Manifesto to all the Jews of the Universe published in “The Morning Post” of London, on Sept. 6, 1920, reproduced his Manifesto to all the Jews of the Universe:

The Jew is the anti-Christ; was in St. John’s day; is today and will be.

Reverend Meryon Smith, a Jew

There is a plan “of hell” to disorganize at one blow Christian society and the beliefs of the Jews, then with this double organization to bring about a state of things where, religiously speaking, there will be neither Christian nor Jew, but only men stripped of divinity, and where, politically speaking, the Christian will become, if not the salve, at least the inferior of the Jew, the MASTER…. At the hour in which we hold the pen, we see this plan unrolling itself in somber horizons and great funeral lines.

Abbe Joseph Lemann, a Jew, 1886

On ‘the schemes of the International Jews’…. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all of them, have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstituition of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.

There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus, Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krasin or Radek–all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses. The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially in Bavaria), so far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people. Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers is astonishing.

It may well be that this same astounding race may at the present time be in the actual process of producing another system of morals and philosophy as malevolent as Christianity was benevolent….. Which, if not arrested, would shatter irretrievably all that Christianity had rendered possible. It would almost seem as if the gospel of Christ and the gospel of Anti-Christ were destined to originate among the same people.

Winston Churchill (Churchill’s mother was Jewish), “Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People,” Illustrated Sunday Herald, Feb. 8, 1920

America is full of businesses bearing old Christian names, but which are really owned and run by Jews. Most of them have been acquired in the manner I have just described, the way the Jew creates something out of nothing (slow strangling). The Jew, better than anyone else in the world knows how to dispossess the poor and the members of the middle classes. To fit this case, the old P.T. Barnum adage needs only a little changing. A gentile enters business every minute, with two jews waiting to take him out of it.

Samuel Roth, “Jews Must Live”

The Christians are always singing about the blood. Let us give them enough of it! Let us cut their throats and drag them over the altar! And let them drown in their own blood! I dream of the day when the last priest is strangled on the guts of the last preacher.

Gus Hall, Jewish Chairman of the American Communist Party

Israrel won the war (WWI); we made it; we thrived on it; we profited from it. It was our supreme revenge on Christianity.

Count Mensdorf, Jewish Ambassador from Austria to London. 1918

Why should we believe in God? We hate Christianity and Christians. Even the best of them must be regarded as our worst enemies. The preach love of one’s neighbor, and pity, which is contrary to our principles. Christian love is a hinderance to the revolution. Down with love of one’s neighbor; what we want is hatred.

We must know how to hate, for only at this price can we conquer the universe…. The fight should also be developed in the Moslem and Catholic countries, with the same ends in view and by the same means.

Lunatcharski, The Jewish Assault on Christianity, Gerald P. Winrod, p. 44

No gassing took place in any camp on German soil.

Simon Wisenthal, in his Books and Bookment, p. 5

The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution, the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism

Harry Waton, “A Program For the Jews and Humanity”

What of the big newspapers of all countries, controlled directly or influenced indirectly by the great Jewish capitalists, through intermediaries, editors, information agencies, or publicity! Try to advertise in the big Press, or even in so-called national journals of Paris, London, New York, Vienna or Rome, a publication which clearly shows the action of Israel and its imperialism, and you will see what kind of welcome it will receive.

Roger Lambelin, Les Victoires d’Israel

Anti-Semitism is nothing but the antagonistic attitude produced in the non-Jew by the Jewish group. The Jewish group has thrived on oppression and on the antagonism it has forever met in the world.’ ~ Albert Einstein, Collier’s Magazine, November 26, 1938

“Anti-Semiticism is a disease carried by Jews and transmitted to non-Jews. It is characterized by a severe dislike of being cheated, swindled, defrauded, maliciously abused, slandered, murdered, raped, and poisoned. This dislike often turns into a hatred directed towards Jews. This is why the Jewish lawyers, in an attempt to halt the disease, have made hatred of Jews a ‘hate crime.’ The Jewish idea is to incarcerate anyone who becomes anti-Semitic and to treat them with neuroleptic drugs, shock treatment and solitary confinement as if they are insane or are criminals. But this, typically, is the wrong approach. The proper method to prevent this disease is to eliminate the disease vector, itself. Just as preventing the spread of malaria is achieved by eliminating the mosquito; so too, is preventing the spread of anti-Semitism achieved by eliminating the Jew.” ~

Dr. Chen Da-Ying, Medical Researcher and Philosopher

“We Jews regard our race as superior to all humanity, and look forward, not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them.” ~ Goldwin Smith, Jewish Professor of Modern History at Oxford University, October, 1981

“We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” ~ Jewish Banker Paul Warburg, February 17, 1950, as he testified before the U.S. Senate

“Your people are so paranoid; it is obvious we can no longer permit you to exist. We cannot allow you to spread your filthy, immoral, Christian beliefs to the rest of the world. Naturally, you oppose World Government, unless it is under your Fascist Christian control. Who are you to proclaim that your Christian American way is the best? It is obvious you have never been exposed to the communist system. When nationalism is finally smashed in America, I will personally be there to firebomb your church, burn your Bibles, confiscate your firearms and take your children away. We will send them to Eastern Bloc schools and reeducate them to become the future leaders of a One World Government, and to run our Socialist Republic of America. We are taking over the world and there is nothing you can do to stop us.”

~ Letter from a Spokane, Washington Jew to Christian Pastor Sheldon Emry

“World War II was a Zionist plot to make way for the foundation of the Jewish State in Palestine.” ~ Joseph Burg, an anti-Zionist Jew

“Let us recognize that we Jews are a distinct nationality of which every Jew, whatever his country, his station, or shade of belief, is necessarily a member. Organize, organize, until every Jew must stand up and be counted with us, or prove himself wittingly or unwittingly, of the few who are against their own people.”

~ Louis B. Brandeis, Supreme Court Justice, 1916 – 1939

What non-Jews (goyim) say about the Jews

Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them.

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed, 2003

“Israel was behind all four fronts in 9/11, that momentous event in our nation´s history: 1) The actual terror attacks themselves; 2) the subsequent cover-up; and both 3) ¨the U.S.-led military invasions overseas¨ and 4) the ¨domestic security state apparatus.¨

(Hugh Akins, “Synagogue Rising,” 2012)


From “YOU Are THE ENEMY,” Veterans Today, 2014, by Preston James, Ph.D.

England is no longer controlled by Britons. We are under the invisible Jewish dictatorship- a dictatorship that can be felt in every sphere of life.

Nesta Webster, Germany and England, 1938

The final goal of (Jewish) world revolution is not socialism, or even communism. It is not a change in the present economic system, it is not the destruction of civilization in a material sense. The revollution desired by the leaders is moral and spiritual, it is an anarchy of ideas in which all the bases established nineteen centuries ago shall be overthrown, all the honored traditions trodden under foot, and, above all, the Christian ideal finally obliterated.

Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, p. 334; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 143

The genius of the Jew is to live off people; not off land, nor off the production of commodities from raw material, but off people. Let other people till the soil; the Jew, if he can, will live off the tiller. Let other people toil at trades and manufacturers; the Jew will exploit the fruits of their work. That is his peculiar genius.

Henry Ford, The International Jew, The World’s Foremost Problem, 1921

“I fear the Jewish banks with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America. And use it to systematically corrupt modern civilization. The Jews will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos that the earth should become their inheritance.” ~ Bismarck

The core of Judaism, like the core of Gnosticism and Egyptian Hermeticism, is magic, the manipulation of the universe, contra (against) God’s creation; i.e., against nature. Gershom Scholem, Professor of Kabbalah at Hebrew University wrote that Kaballa embraced a great deal of “black magic… a wide realm of demonology and various forms of sorcery that were designed to disrupt the natural order of things.

Michael Hoffman, Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition, and Deceit

One of the spectacles which the next century (20th) will invite us to witness is the decision regarding the fate of the Jews. It is quite obvious now that they have cast their die and crossed the Rubicon; the only thing that remains for them is either to become masters of Europe or to lose Europe, as they once centuries ago lost Egypt, where they were confronted by similar alternatives…. Europe may some day fall into their hands like ripe fruit, if they do not clutch it too eagerly.

Frederich Nietche, “The Dawn of the Day”

(Following last quote). Now this is exactly what the Jews have done, and so have saved Europe: they have been too eager. The first clutch was the Boer War (in South Africa) which put the World’s chief gold supply into their hands. The Great War was their next eager clutch. The “Bolshevising” of Russia followed. Then came the clutch at Hungary, under Bela Kun, which lasted 100 day, then the clutch at Bavaria, which lasted three weeks. By this time, the world is beginning to awake and the fiat of the White Race has gone forth: The Jews must lose Europe, as centuries ago they lost Egypt. They are on trek to Zion once more. They are Zionists this time, as they were when they trekked out of Egypt.

Frederich Nietche, The British Guardian of London

“Israel has used America as a whore…. They control our government, our media, and the finances of this country…. Through their lobby, Israel has manifested total power over the Congress of the United States… We’re conducting the expansionist policy of Israel and everybody’s afraid to say it… They are controlling much of our foreign policy, they are influencing much of our domestic policy. They control much of the media, they control much of the commerce of the country, and they control powerfully both bodies of the Congress. They own the Congress… Israel gets billions a year from the American taxpayers, while people in my district are losing their pension benefits…. and if you open your mouth, you get targeted. I was the number one target of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee… We have investigated and found 2 separate incidents of AIPAC spying on America….

My concern is the taxpayers and the citizens of the United States should control their government, not a foreign entity… But if you deal with the real problems in America, YOU GET TARGETED.”

James Traficant, Jr., U.S. House of Representatives (Ohio) (1941-2014), who was expelled from the House and served 8 years in prison for representing the interests of the United States rather than those of Israel and the Jews, in FOX News interview below
9) “Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them.” Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, 2003

“I can pay one half of the working class to kill the other half.” Jay Gould, 19th century (Jewish) robber baron

If the Czar would hang 300 criminal Jews, he would save 30,000,000 innocent Russians and his family.

Urbain Gohier, Frenchman

Wherever revolution breaks out, it is managed by the Jews. Ch. Wibley

At Wilhelmsbad, in 1782 it was decided to remove the headquarters of ‘Illuminated” (i.e., re-judaized or re-satanized) Free-Masonry to Frankfurt-on-the-Main, which ‘incidentally’ was the stronghold of Jewish Finance, controlled by such leading members of the race as Mayer Amschel Rothschild. At the head lodge of Frankfurt, the gigantic plan of world revolution (practically, murdering) was carried forward and it was there, that at a large Masonic Congress in 1786, the deaths of Louis XVI and Gustavus II of Sweden were definitely decreed. (And also of Emeror Joseph II of Austria).

Charles d’Hericault, La Revolution, p. 104

No obstacle discourages them; they persevere throughout the world, throughout the centuries, the unity of their race. The Talmud has given them a powerful organization which modern progress has been unable to change. Deep, ineradicable hatred of everything that is not Jewish stimulates them in war which they wage against Christian Society, which is too divided to be able to fight with the necessary energy.

F. Trocase, in Jewish Austria,

“The Jews form a state, and, obeying their own laws, they evade those of their host country. The Jews always consider an oath regarding a Christian not binding. During the Campaign of 1812 the Jews were spies, they were paid by both sides, they betrayed both sides.”

FYORDOR DOSTOYEVSKY, Russian novelist, 1877:

The Jews look forward to world domination. This requires them to maintain their own close-knit identity. If the Jews are given equal legal rights in Russia, but are allowed to keep their ‘State within a State,’ they would be more privileged than the Russians. The consequences of this situation are already clear in Europe.

“It is not for nothing that everywhere in Europe the Jews are reigning over the stock exchanges, not for nothing that they control capital, not for nothing that they are masters of credit, and not for nothing, I repeat, that they are the masters of all international politics.

What is coming is the complete triumph of Jewish ideas, before which, sentiments of humanity, the thirst for truth, Christian feelings, and the national and popular pride of Europe must bow.

And what will be in the future is known also to the Jews themselves: Their reign is approaching, their complete reign!

What if there were only three million Russians and there were eighty million Jews? How would they treat Russians and how would they lord it over them? What rights would Jews give Russians?

Wouldn’t they turn them into slaves? Worse then that, wouldn’t they skin them altogether? Wouldn’t they slaughter them to the last man, to the point of complete extermination?

It is impossible to conceive of a Jew apart from his religion. They are all waiting for their messiah, all of them, from the lowest Yid to the highest and most learned philosopher and rabbi-Kabalist. They all believe that their messiah will unite them in Jerusalem and bring by his sword, all nations to their feet.

The Yid and his bank are now ruling over everything: over Europe, education, civilization, socialism, especially socialism, for he will use it to uproot Christianity and destroy its civilization. And when only anarchy remains, the Yid will be in command of everything.

For while the Jew goes about preaching socialism, he will stick together with his own, and after all the riches of Europe have been wasted, the Yid’s bank will still be there.”

Bismarck, Beaconsfield, the French Republic, Bambetta, etc., all this as a force are nothing, a mere mirage. It is the Jew alone with his Bank, who is their master and who rules all Europe (is it only Europe?). The Jew will suddenly profer “VETO” and Bismarck will fall as grass cut by a scythe. The Jew with his Bank is master of Education, of Civilization, of Socialism, above all, by means of which the Jew is going to TEAR UP Christianity by its roots and destroy it’s civilization. And when nothing but Anarchy remains, the Jew will put himself at the head of ALL. For, while propagating Socialism among all the Nations, the Jews will remain united among themselves; and when the wealth of Europe is dissipated, the Jew’s Bank will remain.

Foyodor Dostoievsky, 1880

“Jews may adopt the customs and language of the countries where they live; but they will never become part of the native population.”

~ The Jewish Courier, January 17, 1924

“We shall drive the Christians into war by exploiting their national vanity and stupidity. They will then massacre each other, thus giving room for our own people.”

~ Rabbi Reichorn, in Le Contemporain, July 1st, 1880

GOLDWIN SMITH, Professor of Modern History at Oxford, wrote in Nineteenth Century, October 1881:

“The Jew alone regard his race as superior to humanity, and looks forward not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them all and to its final ascendancy under the leadership of a tribal Messiah.”We French believe that we know all about the forces of our planet. But we know nothing about the most terrific of them. These are in the hands of 7 men, whose names our masses could not even rightly spell. These men, more powerful than Caesar or even Napoleon, rule the fate of the Globe. These men rule the Chiefs of States, control and subdue the governing personages, manipulate the exchanges and incite or suppress revolutions.

Stephane Lausanne, Editor of “Matin”, Paris, 1923

The House of Rothschild was (and is) the ruling power in Europe, for all the political powers were willing to acknowledge the sway of the great financial DESPOT, and like obedient vassals, pay their tribute without murmur.

J. Reeves, The Rothschilds, p. 105

Nominally we govern ourselves; actually, we are governed by an oligarchy of the American branch of the International Bankers’ Plunderbund. The British Government is the camouflage behind which the money kings of the world have hitherto hid their economic warfare upon the masses of the world.

Philip Francis, ex-Editor of The New York American: in his “The Poison in America’s Cup,” p. 45-59

Whoever is in power in Downing Street (British Foreign Office), whether Conservatives, Radicals, Coalitionists, or pseudo-Bolsheviks, the International Jew rules the roost. Here is the mystery of the Hidden Hand, of which there has been no intelligent explanation.

Leo Maxse, Editor of National Review, 1919

Beyond the Masons and unknown to them, though formed generally from them, lay the deadly secret conclave, which nevertheless used and directed them for the ruin of the world and their own selves.

George F. Dillon, The War of Anti-Christ with the Christian Civilization

One of the spectacles which the next century (20th) will invite us to witness is the decision regarding the fate of the Jews. It is quite obvious now that they have cast their die and crossed

the Rubicon; the only thing that remains for them is either to become masters of Europe or to lose Europe, as they once centuries ago lost Egypt, where they were confronted by similar alternatives…. Europe may some day fall into their hands like ripe fruit, if they do not clutch it too eagerly.

Frederich Nietche, “The Dawn of the Day”

(Following last quote). Now this is exactly what the Jews have done, and so have saved Europe: they have been too eager. The first clutch was the Boer War (in South Africa) which put the World’s chief gold supply into their hands. The Great War was their next eager clutch. The “Bolshevising” of Russia followed. Then came the clutch at Hungary, under Bela Kun, which lasted 100 days, then the clutch at Bavaria, which lasted three weeks. By this time, the world is beginning to awake and the fiat of the White Race has gone forth: The Jews must lose Europe, as centuries ago they lost Egypt. They are on trek to Zion once more. They are Zionists this time, as they were when they trekked out of Egypt.

Frederich Nietche, The British Guardian of London

History proves, and the Jewish Encyclopaedia confirms it, that the so-called “German, Russian, Polish and Eastern Jews” are Mongols, who accepted the Jewish Talmud, which is not the creed given to Moses. The Talmud seems more like the by-laws of a gang of murderers than a religion, yet it is strictly followed by so-called “Jews.”

Maj. Gen. Count Cherep-Spiriodich, The Secret World Government or the “Hidden Hand”

“The Jews were destroying both Greeks and Romans. They ate the flesh of their victims, made belts for themselves out of their entrails, and daubed themselves with their blood… In all, 220,000 men perished in Cyrene and 240,000 in Cyprus, and for this reason no Jew may set foot in Cyprus today.” (Roman History)

MOHAMMED, in the Koran:

“Whoever is a friend of a Jew, belong to them, becomes one of them, God cannot tolerate this mean people. The Jews have wandered from divine religion. You must not relent in your work which must show up Jewish deceit.”

AQUINAS, THOMAS, Saint. 13th century scholastic philosopher. In his “On the Governance of the Jews,” he wrote:

“The Jews should not be allowed to keep what they have obtained from others by usury; it were best that they were compelled to worked so that they could earn their living instead of doing nothing but becoming avaricious.”

POPE BENEDICT XIII. His Bull on the Jewish issue (1450) declared:

“The heresies, vanities and errors of the TALMUD prevent their knowing the truth.”

REV. MARTIN LUTHER, Table Talk of Martin Luther, translated by William Hazlet:

“But the Jews are so hardened that they listen to nothing; though overcome by testimonies they yield not an inch. It is a pernicious race, oppressing all men by their usury and rapine. If they give a prince or magistrate a thousand florins, they extort twenty thousand from the subjects in payment. We must ever keep on guard against them.”

REV. MARTIN LUTHER, sermon at Eisleben, a few days before his death, February, 1546:

“Besides, you also have many Jews living in the country, who do much harm… You should know the Jews blaspheme and violate the name of our Savior day for day… for that reason you, Milords and men of authority, should not tolerate but expel them. They are our public enemies and incessantly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ, they call our Blessed Virgin Mary a harlot and her Holy Son a bastard and to us they give the epithet of changelings and abortions. Therefore deal with them harshly as they do nothing but excruciatingly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ, trying to rob us of our lives, our health, our honor and belongings.”

REV. MARTIN LUTHER, 16th century German religious reformer:

“They are the real liars and bloodhounds, who have not only perverted and falsified the entire Scriptures from beginning to end and without ceasing with their interpretations. And all of the anxious sighing, longing and hoping of their hearts is directed to the time when some day they would like to deal with us heathen as they dealt with the heathen in Persia at the time of Esther… Oh how they love the book of Esther, which so nicely agrees with their bloodthirsty, revengeful and murderous desire and hope.

The sun never did shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people as they, who imagine to be the people of God, and who desire to and think they must murder and crush the heathen. And the foremost undertaking which they expect of their Messiah is that he should slay and murder the whole world with the sword. As they at first demonstrated against us Christians and would like to do now, if they only could; have also tried it often and have been repeatedly struck on their snouts…

Their breath stinks for the gold and silver of the heathen; since no people under the sun always have been, still are, and always will remain more avaricious than they, as can be noticed in their cursed usury. They also find comfort with this: “When the Messiah comes, He shall take all the gold and silver in the world and distribute it among the Jews. Thus, wherever they can direct Scripture to their insatiable avarice, they wickedly do so.

Therefore know, my dear Christians, that next to the Devil, you have no more bitter, more poisonous, more vehement and enemy than a real Jew who earnestly desires to be a Jew. There may be some among them who believe what the cow or the goose believes. But all of them are surrounded with their blood and circumcision. In history, therefore, they are often accused of poisoning wells, stealing children and mutilating them; as in Trent, Weszensee and the like. Of course they deny this. Be it so or not, however, I know full well that the ready will is not lacking with them if they could only transform it into deeds, in secret or openly.

A person who does not know the Devil, might wonder why they are so at enemity with the Christians above all others; for which they have no reason, since we only do good to them.

They live among us in our homes, under our protection, use land and highways, market and streets. Princes and government sit by, snore and have their maws open, let the Jews take from their purse and chest, steal and rob whatever they will. That is, they permit themselves and their subjects to be abused and sucked dry and reduced to beggars with their own money, through the usury of the Jews. For the Jews, as foreigners, certainly should have nothing from us; and what they have certainly must be ours. They do not work, do not earn anything from us, neither do we donate or give it to them. Yet they have our money and goods and are lords in our land where they are supposed to be in exile!

If a thief steals ten gulden he must hang; if he robs people on the highway, his head is gone. But a Jew, when he steals ten tons of gold through his usury is dearer than God himself!

Do not their TALMUD and rabbis write that it is no sin to kill if a Jew kills a heathen, but it is a sin if he kills a brother in Israel? It is no sin if he does not keep his oath to a heathen. Therefore, to steal and rob (as they do with their moneylending) from a heathen, is a divine service… And they are the masters of the world and we are their servants – yea, their cattle!

I maintain that in three fables of Aesop there is more wisdom to be found than in all the books of the Talmudists and rabbis and more than ever could come into the hearts of the Jews…

Should someone think I am saying too much – I am saying much too little! For I see in [their] writings how they curse us Goyim and wish as all evil in their schools and prayers. They rob us of our money through usury, and wherever they are able, they play us all manner of mean tricks… No heathen has done such things and none would to so except the Devil himself and those whom he possesses – as he possesses the Jews.

Burgensis, who was a very learned rabbi among them and by the grace of God became a Christian (which seldom occurs), is much moved that in their schools they so horribly curse us Christians (as Lyra also writes) and from that draws the conclusion that they must not be the people of God.

Now behold what a nice, thick, fat lie it is when they complain about being captives among us! Jerusalem was destroyed more than 1,400 years ago during that time we Christians have been tortured and persecuted by the Jews in all the world. On top of that, we do not know to this day what Devil brought them into our country. We did not fetch them from Jerusalem!… Yes, we have and hold them captive, as I would like to keep my rheumatism, and all other diseases and misfortunes, who must wait as a poor servant, with money and property and everything I have! I wish they were in Jerusalem with the other Jews and whomsoever they would like to have with them.

Now what are we going to do with these rejected, condemned Jewish people?… Let us apply the ordinary wisdom of other nations like France, Spain, Bohemia, et al., who made them give an account of what they had stolen through usury, and divided it evenly; but expelled them from their country. For as heard before, God’s wrath is so great over them that through soft mercy they only become more wicked, through hard treatment, however, only a little better. Therefore, away with them!

How much more unbearable it is that we should permit the entire Christendom and all of us to be bought with our own money, be slandered and cursed by the Jews, who on top of all that be made rich and our lords, who laugh us to scorn and are tickled by their audacity!

What a joyful affair that would be for the Devil and his angels, and cause them to laugh through their snouts like a sow grinning at her little pigs, but deserving real wrath before God. (From THE JEWS AND THEIR LIES)

Maybe mild-hearted and gentle Christians will believe that I am too rigorous and drastic against the poor, afflicted Jews, believing that I ridicule them and treat them with much sarcasm. By my word, I am far too weak to be able to ridicule such a satanic brood. I would fain to do so, but they are far greater adepts at mockery than I and possess a god who is master in this art. It is the Evil One himself.

Even with no further evidence than the Old Testament, I would maintain, and no person on earth could alter my opinion, that the Jews as they are today are veritably a mixture of all the depraved and malevolent knaves of the whole world over, who have then been dispersed in all countries, similarly to the Tartars, Gypsies and such folk.”

STYVESANT, PETER. 17th century Dutch governor in America:

“Mrs. Van Hyning, I am surprised at your surprise. You are a student of history and you know that both the Borgias and the Mediciis are Jewish families of Italy. Surely you know that there have been Popes from both of these houses. Perhaps it will surprise you to know that we have had 20 Jewish Popes, and when you have sufficient time, which may coincide with my free time, I can show you these names and dates. You will learn from these that: The crimes committed in the name of the Catholic Church were under Jewish Popes. The leader of the Inquisition was one, de Torquemada, a Jew.”

~ Woman’s Voice, November 25, 1953

GEORGE WASHINGTON stated (from Maxims of George Washington, by A. A. Appelton & Company):

They [the Jews] work more effectively against us, than the enemy’s armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in… It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago, has not hunted them down as pest to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN is reported to have stated at the Constitutional Convention in 1789 (notes held at Franklin Institute in Philadelphia):

I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration. The menace, gentlemen, is the Jews. In whatever country Jews have settled in any great numbers, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation is founded by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within a state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially, as in the case of Spain and Portugal.

For over 1700 years the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland, they call Palestine. But, Gentlemen, should the world today give it to them in fee simple, they would at once find some cogent reason for not returning. Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only among themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of their race.

If you do not exclude them from these United States, in this Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land, and change our form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives, our substance and jeopardized our liberty.

If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them sustenance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, Gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves. Jews, Gentlemen, are Asiatics; let them be born where they will, or how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an Americans’, and will not even though they live among us ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots.

JEFFERSON, THOMAS, 18th century American statesman:

“Dispersed as the Jews are, they still form one nation, foreign to the land they live in. ” (D. Boorstin, THE AMERICANS)

“Jews ate the English nation to its bones.” ~ John Speed, British Historian, in Historie of Great Britaine

“Those who labor in the earth are the Chosen People of God, if ever he had a chosen people. ” (NOTES ON VIRGINIA)

DIDEROT, DENIS, 18th century French scholar. His famous ENCYCLOPEDIE, the bible of the pre-revolutionary French “enlightenment,” has often been complained of by Jewish writers as ‘anti-Semitic.’ Some of Diderot’s other writings are likewise unfriendly:

“And you, angry and brutish people, vile and vulgar men, slaves worthy of the yoke [Talmudism] which you bear … Go, take back your books and remove yourselves from me. (LA MOISADE)

[The Talmud] taught the Jews to steal the goods of Christians, to regard them as savage beasts, to push them over the precipice … to kill them with impunity and to utter every morning the most horrible imprecations against them. (JUIFS)

MARIA THERESA, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia (1771 – 1789):

“Henceforth no Jew, no matter under what name, will be allowed to remain here without my written permission. I know of no other troublesome pest within the state than this race, which impoverished the people by their fraud, usury and money-lending and commits all deeds which an honorable man despises. Subsequently they have to be removed and excluded from here as much as possible.”

HERDER, JOHANN GOTTFRIED, 18th century German philosopher:

“The Jewish people is and remains in Europe an Asiatic people alien to our part of the world, bound to that old law which it received in a distant climate, and which, according to its confession, it cannot do away with… How many of this alien people can be tolerated without injury to the true citizen?

A ministry in which a Jew is supreme, a household in which a Jew has the key of the wardrobe and the management of the finances, a department or commissariat in which Jews do the principal business, are Pontine marshes which cannot be drained. (Bekehrung der Juden)

For thousands of years, since their emergence on the stage of history, the Jews were a parasitic growth on the stem of other nations, a race of cunning brokers all over the earth. They have causeD great evil to many ill-organized states, by retarding the free and natural economic development of their indigenous population. (“Hebraer,” in Ideen)

VOLTAIRE (Francois Marie Arouet) 18th century French philosopher, writer:

“Why are the Jews hated? It is the inevitable result of their laws; they either have to conquer everybody or be hated by the whole human race…”

“The Jewish nation dares to display an irreconcilable hatred toward all nations, and revolts against all masters; always superstitious, always greedy for the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous – cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity.” (Essai sur le Moeurs)

“You seem to me to be the maddest of the lot. The Kaffirs, the Hottentots, and the Negroes of Guinea are much more reasonable and more honest people than your ancestors, the Jews. You have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables in bad conduct and in barbarism. You deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny.” (From a letter to a Jew who had written to him, complaining of his ‘anti-Semitism.’ Examen des Quelques Objections… dans L’Essai sur le Moeurs.)

“You will only find in the Jews an ignorant and barbarous people, who for a long time have joined the most sordid avarice to the most detestable superstition and to the most invincible hatred of all peoples which tolerate and enrich them.” (“Juif,” Dictionnaire Philosophique)

“I know that there are some Jews in the English colonies. These marranos go wherever there is money to be made… But whether these circumcised who sell old clothes claim that they are of the tribe of Naphtali or Issachar is not of the slightest importance. They are, simply, the biggest scoundrels who have ever dirtied the face of the earth.” (Letter to Jean-Baptiste Nicolas de Lisle de Sales, December 15, 1773. Correspondance. 86:166)

“They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race.” (Lettres de Memmius a Ciceron, 1771)

The ‘popular’ revolution was only the camouflage of foreign conspiracies.

Saint Just, executed companion of Robespierre

Witnesses to History: Nineteenth Century

We must look at the Jews not only as a distinct race, but as on aliens. It would be a most awful humiliation to be ruled by this, the most base race on earth.

Napoleon, La Vieille France, N-305.

One cannot improve the character of the Jews by arguments. For them must be established special exclusive laws. Since the time of Moses the Jews were oppressors or usurers. All the talent of the Jews is concentrated on predatory acts. They have a creed which blesses their thievings and misdeeds. The Jews ought to be forbidden to make trade, as are forbidden the goldsmiths, who forge a lower kind of gold things, to continue their work. The Jews are locusts or caterpillars which are devouring France.


“The Jews provided troops for my campaign in Poland, but they ought to reimburse me: I soon found that they are no good for anything but selling old clothes…”

“Legislating must be put in effect everywhere that the general well-being is in danger. The government cannot look with indifference on the way a despicable nation takes possession of all the provinces of France. The Jews are the master robbers of the modern age; they are the carrion birds of humanity… “They must be treated with political justice, not with civil justice. They are surely not real citizens.”

“The Jews have practiced usury since the time of Moses, and oppressed the other peoples. Meanwhile, the Christians were only rarely usurers, falling into disgrace when they did so. We ought to ban the Jews from commerce because they abuse it… The evils of the Jews do not stem from individuals but from the fundamental nature of this people.” (From Napoleon’s Reflections, and from speeches before the Council of State on April 30 and May 7, 1806.)

“Nothing more contemptible could be done than the reception of the Jews by you. I decided to improve the Jews. But I do not want more of them in my kingdom. Indeed, I have done all to prove my scorn of the most vile nation in the world.” (Letter to his brother Jerome, King of Westphalia, March 6, 1808)

(1) Every big and small Jew is the peddling trade must renew his license every year.

(2) Checks and other obligations are only redeemable if the Jew can prove that he has obtained the money without cheating. (Ordinance of March 17, 1808. Napoleonic Code.)

BONAPARTE, NAPOLEON, French statesman, general

GRANT, USYSSES S. 19th century American general, politician. While in command of the 13th Army Corps, headquartered at Oxford, Mississippi, he became so infuriated at Jewish camp-followers attempting to penetrate the conquered territory that he finally attempted to expel the Jews:

From Scripture:

You (Jews) belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies…. The reason you do not hear me is that you do not belong to God.

John, 8:44-47

Woe to you teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are.

Matthew: 23:15

Who ever is a friend of a Jew, belongs to them, becomes one of them. GOD cannot tolerate this mean people. The Jews have wandered away from divine religion (given by Moses). They are usurpers. You must not relent in your work which must show up Jewish deceit.

Mohammed, The Koran, 7th century

From the Talmud (Zohar):

How must we fight against (the enemies of Israel)?

Rabbi Jehuda: …. By deceit and trickery wherever possible. They must be fought against without ceasing, until proper order is returned….. We shall free ourselves from them and rule over them. Zohar I, 25b

So when God reveals Himself, they (Gentiles) will be wiped off the earth. But withal redemption will not be complete until Amaleh (Gentiles) will be exterminated…. When they shall be exterminated, it shall be as if God had made heaven and earth on that day… but before they are exterminated, the rain of the Torah will not descend, and Israel, who are compared to herbs and trees, cannot shoot up.

Zohar I, 47a:

Gentiles are not men but “beasts of the earth.”

When Messiah returns, every Jew will have 2800 gentile slaves. Talmud

On the Jewish Character:

Adamantine materialism, a flair for assuming mysticism outwardly, a supreme contempt for other races, a complete disregard for other people’s rights, cleverness in imitation and improvisation, contempt for all labor not associated with high profits, great energy in the cause of money-making, a hatred of all nationalism but their own, a high degree of loyalty to their family and their own community, an implicit faith in the power to corrupt gentiles, a brilliant capacity for intrigue, and a pathetic inability to keep pace with any deeper thought or higher idealism are the chief characteristics of the Jewish race. On all these attributes, volumes could be written; but it should suffice to express the resultant of these forces very simply in the following tendencies:

1) An inability to avoid forming a state within a state.

2) Complete inability to view their Gentile hosts as possessing equal rights with their own.

3) Predetermined specialization in all those processes which bring high profit. Hence, in capitalism, almost exclusive preoccupation with finance, distribution, and exchange as distinct from productive industry. Professional work undertaken either for profit or for the sake of social advancement.

4) A natural tendency to utilize social and economic advancement for the purpose of gaining political power.

5) An unholy dread of nationalism as a factor which would draw attention to their racial nature and expose their operations.

6) The deliberate debasement of the standards of culture in the land of their sojourn.

7) The elimination by competition of the Aryan who merely wants to get enough for himself and not more than anybody else.

These resultants seem to manifest themselves in every land that the Jew inhabits.

William Joyce, Twilight Over England, 1940. (Joyce was executed 1/3/1946)

“In whatever country Jews have settled in any great Numbers, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its Commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and have not Been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation is founded.

Objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within a State; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to Death financially, as in the case of Spain and Portugal.

For over 1700 years the Jews have been bewailing their sad Fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland, they Call Palestine. But, gentlemen, should the world today give it to them in fee simple, they would at once find some cogent Reason for not returning. Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires.

They cannot live only among themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of their race. if you do not exclude them from these united states, in This constitution in less than 200 years they will have swarmed In such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the< Land, and change our form of government [which they have done; they have changed it from a republic to a democracy], for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives, our Substance and jeopardized our liberty.

If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our Descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them Sustenance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands.

I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves. Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatics; let them be born where they Will, or how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise.

Their ideas do not conform to an American’s, and will not even though they live among us ten Generations. A leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are Asiatics, they are a menace to this country if permitted entrance and should be excluded by this Constitution.” ~ Benjamin Franklin, Founding Fathers, designated to draw up the declaration of Independence. He spoke before the constitutional congress in May 1787, and asked that Jews be barred from immigrating to America.

The above are his exact words as quoted from the diary of General Charles Pickney of Charleston, S.C.

“The Bolsheviki have employed every form of cruelty it is possible to devise, and gloat over the sufferings of their victims. The movement is run almost exclusively by Jews. Nearly every commissary is a Jew, and nearly all speak English, most of them with an American accent.” ~ ‘Henry Pearson, in The Nineteenth Century and After (London), January 1919, p. 65

“All religion must be destroyed, particularly all forms of the Christian faith…by the Bolsheviks…” ~ Rev. R. Courtier-Forster, in The Nineteenth Century and After (London), March 1920, p. 521

“The control of Russia by Bolshevik Jews, with the eclipse of Christianity in that country which it has brought about, was an indispensable preliminary to the accomplishment of the Zionist aims in Palestine.” ~ Lord Sydenham of Combe, in The Nineteenth Century and After (London), April 1921, p. 628

“They are the carrion birds of humanity…[speaking of the Jews] are a state within a state. They are certainly not real citizens…The evils of Jews do not stem from individuals but from the fundamental nature of these people.”

~ Napoleon Bonaparte, Stated in Reflections and Speeches before the Council of State on April 30 and May 7, 1806

See also: Completed: Quotes By, and About, the International Jew

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