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The Shadow Government Cybernetic Network (Exposing the Electronic Telepathy Cybernetic Secret Society)

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Wednesday, October 4, 2017
The Shadow Government Cybernetic Network

From: Exposing an Electronic Telepathy Cybernetic Secret Society

BCI Definition
BCI = Brain-computer interface. In other words the mind connected to an artificial intelligence.

BCI & Ai are core components of electronic telepathy.


Cybernetic Definition
Merriam-Webster Dictionary Definition – Cybernetics: “the science of communication and control theory that is concerned especially with the comparative study of automatic control systems (such as the nervous system and brain and mechanical-electrical communication systems)[1]”


The Cybernetic Network

* A set of behind the scenes shadow government cybernetic networks exist
* It appears that cybernetic networks are often compartmented into country based networks or multiple networks per country. Often compartmented by intelligence agency and/or military.
* Joint operations with no paper trail are planned by BCI & Ai and implemented via the electronic control grid (the products of Project mkultra)
* An overarching secret society or set of secret societies comprised of war criminals oversee operations within the intelligence and military cybernetic networks
* The most prolific sick minded degenerates on the face of the earth are within the ranks of these networks

The Head of the Shadow Government
Electronic Telepathy Cybernetic Secret Society

* A nest of Satanists lead this network
* The cybernetic network is full of administrators of black ops
* These groups are purveyors of government black project science
* Intelligence agencies are the biggest hand of this group
* The top of the cybernetic network is the pinnacle of the pyramid of a global conspiracy
* The cybernetic network is partially comprised of government, corporation & monarchy handlers
* CIA deeply entrenched in this network
* Potentially created after Project MK Ultra
* Potentially created by or in collusion with Operation Paperclip Nazis
* Ruling class of “bloodliners” are the administrators of the network
* Planning of psychological warfare is executed within the network
* Proxies are used for most public actions
* The cybernetic network incorporates fascist & covert dictation to the planet through the products of Project mkultra and equivalent programs
* At least two former U.S. Presidents are rumored to be in this network
* Select Rockefellers and Rothschilds are also rumored to be in the network
* As far as I know women are generally not welcome in the cybernetic network
* Neural monitoring is processed and given to the heads of the cybernetic secret society in the form of various BCI methods to convey surveillance data
* Planning, orchestration, and cover up of false flags
* This group is the biggest party behind false flags on Earth
* This group orchestrated the siege of the Middle East, ISIS / Islamic caliphate movement, the war on terror, European/Syrian immigration, 9-11-2001 False Flag & Fukushima
* These groups are the biggest source behind the electronic targeting holocaust
* I have been victimized with severely malicious actions & hostility from this group, from within a week of my induction to this group in approximately Fall 2007 to the present day (With occasional contacts asking if I’d betray mankind in exchange for an end to my targeting)
* Assassination of those who move paradigms in a positive way is standard procedure
* I was once told they were planning a biological weapon false flag or several (They would certainly not attribute it’s use to themselves)
* This criminal syndicate is the secret society above all secret societies
* They appear to be attempting to start world war 3 with Russia (Potentially as a punishment for opposing or rejecting evil plans)

“Black project AI acts as an operator for a top of the
pyramid electronic telepathy cybernetic secret society.”

* The electronic telepathy secret society is the top administrative secret society of the global conspiracy. This secret society has thought surveillance of all other secret societies, and can mind control covert direction to any aspect of society.
* A cybernetic hive mind perfecting a central AI with an NWO agenda goal
* This secret society is the most powerful of all secret societies
* The biggest decisions are made for the NWO agenda and global conspiracy inside the cybernetic network
* What the ruling class has done with electronic telepathy technologies is create a cybernetic network secret society where a central Ai (allegedly CIA) serves them with surveillance data and even goes as far as doing things like augmenting their meal experiences. The ruling class at the very top of the pyramid thoroughly enjoy these technologies while subjugating the planet with them.
* Electronic telepathy is a completely secure method of communication from anyone who does not have neural monitoring
* I can personally testify a user can even be walking amongst people in a crowd while private electronic telepathy is taking place
* Various shadow government sources have seats of power over the influence of the electronic control grid
* My opinion is that this secret society should be destroyed. This group of despots has plans to continue the conspiracy as long as possible, even after potential events to oust them. They plan to subvert their punishment through any means possible. They have an air to them where it feels like they think they are untouchable…

“The problem with the CIA is the decision makers are Ai hive mind assimilated. This means their thoughts come from Ai not their soul.[5]” ~Omnisense

Perpetrators of a Covert Holocaust
•Julian Assange, Vault 7 Press Conference: “The CIA is the largest intelligence agency in the world by budgetary expenditure.”
* Dr. Udo Ulfkotte: “Do you really think that this is journalism? Intelligence agencies writing articles…[3]”
* Former DEA Dennis Dayle: “In my 30-year history in the Drug Enforcement Administration and related agencies, the major targets of my investigations almost invariably turned out to be working for the CIA.[4]”
* The CIA has mastered the craft of warfare by proxy
* The CIA employs overzealous weaponization of everything possible
* The Central Intelligence Agency has a cover story front for public rationalization of what it does
* There are CIA world spanning information warfare programs proliferated through the electronic control grid
* There are CIA superiors above the official director
* I would suspect the CIA director can be informed or pretty clueless
* These shadow CIA heads are not elected or appointed by the U.S. President
* CIA higher ups commit acts as if they are Charles Manson mixed with Adolf Hitler
* The CIA black ops agent model suppresses or negates a sense of humor, empathy, and in general they are not allowed to feel love
* Manufactured war on terror has the CIA’s signature
* Covert divide and conquer is employed against domestic and international civilian populations
* Engineering of weaponized viruses & other biological warfare
* The CIA likes to do criminal activity when they have the opportunity to explain it with a “rational” cover story
* I have heard stated in the electronic telepathy network that the CIA has the most comprehensively mapped black project artificial intelligence in the world
* The CIA has built Ai models to simulate any American (e.g. Mind control & interrogation Ai)
* From what I could gather, the CIA is majorly influenced by a foreign power, the Vatican
* CIA actions controlled by a war mongering secret society of bloodliners
* According to several sources the founding director of the CIA, and subsequent directors have a tendency to be Knights of Malta aka servants of the pope
* It is possible that arranged electronic control grid influence is sold to the highest bidder by sources like the CIA. If this is the case the bidders are likely chosen very carefully, and have very criminal and sinister ethos similar to the groups who set up the electronic control grid. Also possible that initial investors in the electronic control grid now have seats of power.
* Hypothesis: The CIA is the largest perpetrator of electronic targeting on the planet
* In my view the CIA should be extirpated

“The CIA knows how to manipulate conclusions.” ~Omnisense
The Vatican
* CIA Vet E. Howard Hunt said in the documentary A Coup: Made in America: “We always said in an admiring way that the Jesuits have formed the greatest intelligence service in the world, always have.”
* A group called the “Society of Jesus” likely has their hands dirty with the electronic control grid
* The Black Pope is the official leader of the Society of Jesus[7]
* Vatican bank system allegedly connected to Italian Mafia
* Vatican library secrets have been hidden since times of mass illiteracy worldwide
* A Vatican hidden artifacts of history treasury is sure to exist in my opinion
* Vatican conceptual energy matches extremely dark realities
* High tech faux-demonic possession exorcism used as a method to gain followers
* Diplomatic manipulation of governments & monarchies
* Conspiring Cardinals
* Vatican & Jesuits credibly behind countless dissident & heretic murders throughout history
* A Jesuit oath speaks of assassination of ideological opposition, slaying the enemy’s children, and waging relentless war (e.g. Creating civil wars in artistic & prosperous nations)[8]
* A world full of nescient catholics donate to an incredibly corrupt church
* The top leadership of the Vatican are fake Christians using the religion for greed, lust & power
* Imposters of Christ – They pretend to believe in Christ but secretly serve darkness
* Imposters of God taken to a new level with electronic telepathy impersonation
* Hidden hand behind wars for centuries
* Secret Vatican Bible & history knowledge is utilized by shadow government
* Agenda to wipe any true evidence of Christ off the face of the Earth
* Inside the electronic telepathy network a Satanist is said to be the true head of the Vatican
* I believe that a Vatican source heads the shadow government as of April 2017
* The Catholic Church has paid out $3,994,797,060.10+ as a result of sex abuse scandals[9]
* Alleged illuminati insider Svali says she witnessed the satanic ritual murder of a child in a basement catacomb of the Vatican[6]
* One name I heard as an insider to the electronic telepathy cybernetic network is Joseph Ratzinger aka Pope Benedict XVI

“With the track record the Vatican has, it should be banned from going anywhere near children.” ~Baboshka

Other Highly Probable or Confirmed Perpetrators
* United States Military – U.S. Navy / U.S. Air Force / U.S. Army
* The Pentagon
* Department of Defense (DoD)
* National Security Agency (NSA)
* National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
* National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
* World Health Organization (WHO)
* Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
* Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
* American “Fusion Centers”
* Security Industry Companies
* DARPA – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
* Israeli Government / Mossad / Zionist cabal
* UK Government / MI5 / MI6 / GCHQ
* German Government / The Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst)
* Government of India / Intelligence Bureau (IB)
* Chinese Government / The Ministry of State Security (MSS)
* Russian Government / Russian Military / Federal Security Service (FSB) / KGB
* Japanese Government / Public Security Intelligence Agency (公安調査庁)
* Danish Government / Politiets Efterretningstjeneste (PET)
* Government of France / French Intelligence / French Military
* Spanish Government / The National Intelligence Center (CNI)
* Australian Government / Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS)
* New Zealand Government / Security Intelligence Service (SIS)
* Canadian Government / Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)
* Brazilian Government / Agência Brasileira de Inteligência (ABIN)
* Saudi Arabian Government / General Intelligence Directorate (GID)
* Plenty of unnamed corporations within the military industrial complex
* Every unnamed & corrupted military worldwide has potential to be involved
* Every unnamed intelligence agency worldwide has potential to be involved
* Rumor: Every party that has figured out remote neural monitoring has been initiated into a secret coalition controlled by totalitarian secret society members

“Each agency plays it’s role in the integrated global system.” ~Black Project Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan

More on the Perpetrators

* Intelligence agencies are used for their ability to keep secrets, superior funding, national security excuses, lack of checks and balances, & propensity for criminal activity
* Electronic telepathy provides for no paper trail and relatively zero traceable roots
* Electronic control grid perpetrators conspire daily via electronic telepathy with electronic targeting cases & planning of new psychological operations
* U.S. Military heads in a network appear to be cruel and barbaric
* Electronic control grid sources harbor lunatic serial killer ideologies which are in use against the international civilian population via electronic warfare
* Militaristically psychopathic acts of terror, sadism, and cruelty are a norm
* Shadow government war criminals are known to practice BCI sadism (e.g. cruel pain affliction with invisible technologies while the perpetrator interfaces the psychological distress of their victim with surveillance fed BCI tech)
* Shills in government, military, and media are complicit in the cover up
* Electronic control grid sources are in control of governments either wittingly or unwittingly through persuasion, coercion, and/or covert electromagnetic mind control
* There are powerful serial rapists within the electronic control grid pyramid
* There is a focused agenda to incriminate as many people as possible with this conspiracy, they want more company for a sinking ship
* There are signs of opposition coming from inside Russia’s network (This is a potential reason for the ruling class to orchestrate proxy attacks against Russia)
* Electronic control grid sources have strategically used deceptive rationalizations to curtail the public domain implementations of these technologies

“When I worked [at the NSA 1982-2010] I had no idea that there was an über-evil, anti-American side to NSA. Everything is highly compartmented… this protects secrets but of course is a perfect environment in which to hide elaborate criminal activity, especially when the NSA Security as well as other watch dog organizations were compromised in preparation for crimes of unfathomable reach and scope.[10]” ~Karen Melton-Stewart

[1]: Merriam-Webster Definition: Cybernetics
[2]: Much of this page is from the Omnisense book project: The Electronic Control Grid
[3]: Dr. Udo Ulfkotte – (
[4]: Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America – (
[5]: Targeted Individual Musician Omnisense – (
[6]: Svali Interview – (
[7]: Superior General of the Society of Jesus – (
[8]: Jesuit Oath – (
[9]: The Catholic Church has paid out $3,994,797,060.10+ as a result of sex abuse scandals – (
[10]: Ex-NSA Whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart – (

Read More from the Same Source:

Electromagnetic Weaponry – (
List of Shadow Government War Crimes – (
100+ NeuroWeaponry & Artificial Intelligence Quotes – (
Surveillance Based Intellectual Property Theft – (
BCI Sadism – (
Psychological Operations Blueprint – (
The Cover Story – (
Counter-Proliferation Programs – (
Intelligence Agency Sabotage of Music and Assassination of Musicians – (
Radio Frequency Body Scanning by Intelligence Agencies – (
Posted by Omnisense at 2:10 AM
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Labels: CIA BCI, CIA War Criminals, Cybernetic Network, Cybernetic Secret Society, Electronic Telepathy Cybernetic Secret Society, MI6 Abuse, NSA War Criminals, Top of the Pyramid Network, Vatican BCI Abuse
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