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‘The NSA – Citadel Of Evil’ by Steve Smith

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February 23, 2014

The National Security Agency – Citadel Of Evil

By Steve Smith

(As posted on James F. Marino’s website; Marino notes that Steve wrote this book in 2009 and was murdered In 2010.)

ETK Introduction: The following article, written by a self-described “NSA psychic warrior” and victim of NSA mind control, is truly horrific. However, the mind control technologies and procedures Smith reveals herein are consistent with the mind control techniques described in my article, “Mind Control: History and Applications” (this website). Thus, these two posts reinforce one another. In section 3.2.3 (below), Smith also shares information that is highly pertinent to gang stalking.

The NSA (National Security Agency) was created in 1952, is headquartered at Fort Meade Maryland, and administered by the United States Department of Defense (DoD). Government-generated disinformation portrays the NSA as strictly involved in the collection and analysis of foreign communications. In other words, electronic surveillance of foreign countries. Although specifically barred from domestic surveillance of American citizens by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of 1978, the NSA has recently admitted to limited spying on American citizens. If this were the limit of NSA transgressions, the essay you’re about to read would not be necessary. Sadly, the NSA is engaged in illegal activities that make electronic eavesdropping on American citizens seem almost trivial by comparison.

Over the years, there have been a number of newspaper articles and other media reports, claiming American intelligence agencies have tried to use individuals with psychic abilities to spy on other nations. The most widely publicized being project Stargate. In every instance, the intelligence agencies have claimed these efforts were a failure and terminated the project.

But consider for a moment… How often does the CIA, NSA, or DIA openly admit to failure? Especially in connection to some new espionage technique. What better way to deflect public scrutiny away form some topic (or secret project), than to announce that after spending millions of dollars, no useful results were obtained. The American government has a long history of using such misdirection ploys to hide its covert activities. In point of fact, the American government has a very successful psychic espionage/warfare program. It was initiated shortly after WWII, has been operational since the early 1950s, and is administered by the NSA. The primary motivation for keeping this program so highly classified (secret), concerns the appalling nature of how these psychics are created, trained, and deployed.

The NSA is involved in some of the most heinous crimes and vicious acts of barbarism ever perpetrated on humanity. Even the monstrous atrocities committed by WWII Nazi war criminals pale in comparison to the crimes of the NSA. This document concerns it self with nothing less than the wholesale medical experimentation, torture and outright murder of American children, some less than six years old.

The rationale behind these despicable acts? To create a secret slave army of government controlled super psychics, which at present, number in the tens of thousands. The solders (both men and women) of this vast psychic army live and die at the whims of DNI (director of national intelligence) and NCA (national command authority). It’s Ironic that Nazi biologists and doctors involved in human experimentation, relocated to America in the aftermath of WWII (under Operation Paperclip), were the precursors responsible for this foul excursion into the darkest corners of evil and depravity. (View Wikipedia articles on NSA, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, Project Stargate, Operation Paperclip, and Nazi human medical experimentation.)

1.1 National security:

Why is the NSA engaged in such loathsome behavior? Is the NSA protecting you and your loved ones from terrorists? In a word, No… Is the NSA defending truth, justice, and the American way? Sorry, wrong again.

In order to understand why, you must first understand what the term “national security” really means. Many assume it means protecting the people and property belonging to the citizens of our beloved country. Alas, nothing could be farther from the truth. In legal terms, the word “national” (derived from the root word “nation”), and the word “country” are NOT interchangeable. A country is a geographical area having well defined boundaries. A nation is a political entity asserting ultimate authority over that geographical area. So when a government official uses the term “national security”, what he/she really means is the security of the entity that asserts authority over the geographic area we know as the USA. In other words, the term “national security” means the security of the government, not the security of the people. And the National Security Agency (NSA) is that part of the government tasked with keeping the government safe and secure.

But safe and secure from who?

Obviously, the people living within the geographical boundaries over which the government asserts its ultimate authority. In other words, you & me…

The rest of this essay outlines in graphic detail how the NSA accomplishes its government mandated mission.

Psychic abilities: From Cassandra of Troy, and the Pythia (prophet) of Delphi in ancient times, to the writings of Nostradamus and the more contemporary works of Edger Cayce. Psychics and their abilities form a common thread, starting at the very foundations of history, and continuing to the present. Furthermore, psychic individuals are found in all cultural groups. From Africa to Scandinavia, from China to the American Indians. It seems no group or culture is without examples of people who manifest psychic abilities. Yet despite all of the historical evidence, and obvious impact on the events surrounding their lives, psychics and their abilities remain at best an elusive mirage, possessing an almost chimerical quality.

Clearly, from the perspective of evolution, psychic ability would seem to be a very pro-survival trait. For example, knowing there’s a man eating tiger waiting in ambush, when traversing grass lands of the Serengeti, or knowing where to find buffalo on the vast American plains, will definitely improve an individuals chance for survival. So why are there so few examples of truly gifted psychics? The answer involves the love/hate relationship implicit in psychic abilities. Would you really want to work with someone who knew your innermost secrets? Do you want a neighbor who could see exactly what you’re doing in your bedroom, or in your bathroom, or even in your dreams? How would you feel about somebody who could influence what you’re thinking without saying a word, or even being in the same room with you. Would you feel safe around that individual?

But it gets worse. What chance do you have for job promotion, when your psychic co-worker can covertly influence the boss, or see into the future and knows just what moves the company should make to thrive and prosper? And what if that psychic individual could manifest some of the more exotic abilities? Abilities such as telekinesis (moving objects with the mind), pyrokinesis (ability to manipulate fire), or even manifesting a double (bilocation) of him/her self (or worse, your wife/husband). If you’re anything near normal, then about now the hairs on the back of your neck are starting to tingle. You’re also beginning to wonder if its such a good idea to let that person live, let alone roam free your neighborhood. In religious terms, everybody wants Jesus to manifest miracles and save them from evil, but if the gentleman from Nazareth were to show up tomorrow, odds are real good he’d be nailed to another cross (or shot in the head, etc.) within a few weeks. Looked at another way, a certain amount of psychic ability (such as normal intuition) is accepted by society. But anyone displaying exceptional abilities will be quickly ostracized, if not outright murdered. An in-depth review of the historical record shows that many of those who possessed exceptional psychic abilities, met with an untimely and/or unnatural death.

Perhaps you begin to appreciate the dilemma American government officials faced, when shortly after WWII it became apparent, that by employing modern medical techniques it was now possible to routinely create individuals with prodigious psychic powers and abilities. Obviously these individuals would be useful. But how would the government control them?


A prison for the mind: How do you control a person who is able to walk through solid walls, or kill with a single glance? A person who can see the future, and knows what you’re about to say or do. A person who can make you eat broken glass and enjoy the experience, or make you point a gun at your own head and pull the trigger. A person who can influence the weather, start fires by mere thought (pyrokinesis), or blackout an entire city by touching an ordinary power pole (electrokinesis). There can be little doubt that from a political, military or espionage perspective, such a person is both incredibly valuable AND unbelievably dangerous.

Can you imagine an American general, his mouth watering at the prospect of commanding an army of psychic killers, AND his knees shaking when he considers what would happen if that army ever rebelled? Or a high ranking intelligence official, a gleam in his eye as he contemplates knowing his enemies deepest secrets, AND his palms sweating when he considers that a telepathic spy can send thoughts, just as easily as he or she receives them. To what lengths would a military general or government official go, in order to guarantee absolute control over a psychic solder, assassin, or spy? And more importantly, how will that absolute control be achieved?

The answer is both very simple and chillingly gruesome. You turn the mind of the psychic into a prison, and you make him/her both the prison guard, and the prisoner. The first step is accomplished through the use of extreme physical and psychological torture. This causes massive dissociation, thereby splitting the mind into multiple personas (personalities). Psychoactive drugs are also administered during this step to heighten mental impact of the pain, thereby accelerating the process of mental splitting.

Next you train different personas to perform different tasks. Then, you use ECT electro-convulsive-therapy (also known as electroshock treatment) to “lock in” the personas, and destroy any trace of recollection in the dominate personality of the now split off personas. Finally, you do all of this to the psychic while he or she is still a child (under the age of 10). At this point, you have created the perfect psychic warrior. Capable of committing any act, no matter how vile or self destructive, all under the absolute control of his or her handlers. However, the physical injury, emotional scars, mental confusion, and spiritual rape inflicted upon the hapless psychic child by this inhuman brutality, will last a lifetime…

If you feel revulsion at what I’ve just described, you’re far from alone.

The next question that must be answered is where do you find individuals with the prerequisite expertise to perform such a detailed and thorough job of shattering, and rebuilding a human mind? The obvious answer is the government intelligence agencies. These organizations employ some of the best psychiatrists, psychologists and behavioral scientists to be found anywhere in the world. They’re also consummate experts at interrogation and psychological warfare techniques. Precisely the skill set required for building a psychic version of the Manchurian candidate.

But of course, mercilessly torturing innocent children goes well beyond the constitutional boundaries of acceptable government behavior, not to mention violating local, state, federal, and international law. The solution? Use a secret presidential executive order (memorandum) to create a new intelligence agency that operates outside statutory law, congressional oversight, or constitutional limits. In this way, the NSA was created by president Harry S Truman in June of 1952, and for the first few years of its existence, remained so secret that even its name was classified. A very odd beginning for an agency supposedly tasked with the mundane job of intercepting foreign communications, but the perfect disguise for a collection of amoral medical professionals and sadistic military thugs intent on turning innocent children into psychic robots to serve the malevolent interests of a government run amok. (View Wikipedia article on Dissociate Identity Disorder (aka multiple personality disorder)).

For those who wish a more detailed description of the process used in creating psychic slaves, see: National Security Agency – Part 2, A prison for the mind.

1.1.3 The Rise of Psychotronics:

Definition – Psychotronics: The study of the interaction between matter, energy and the mind, especially the supposed relationship in Para-psychological effects.

Even with the brainwashing techniques described above (1.1.2), deploying and controlling thousands of psychic slaves is still a rather daunting task. The problem breaks down into three major areas of concern.

1. Security. There is always the possibility that a psychic might get caught. Or worse, might go rogue and escape his/her handlers.
2. Targeting. Somehow the psychic must be introduced to, or made aware of and familiar with, his/her intended target. A difficult task if the target is a foreign head of state or high-ranking military officer.
3. Psychic strength or ability. Despite the use of intra-uterine and neo-natal hormone treatments (3.2.2), genetic variability still plays a large role in eventual psychic ability exhibited by the child. While certain psychoactive drugs could be used to boost psychic abilities, these also exacerbate problems 1 & 2 (above).

By the late 1950s (6-8 years into the secret NSA program), these three problem areas were starting to limit further expansion of what was otherwise proving to be, a very valuable adjunct to the more conventional techniques of political propaganda (population
control), espionage, and assassination. A solution was sought, and eventually found. By using a combination of microwave radiation, modulated with EEG (Electroencephalogram) brain waves of the psychic, and aimed at the desired individual/location, it was no longer necessary for the assassin/spy/agent provocateur to be anywhere near his/her intended target. Furthermore, the telecommunications industry could be covertly enlisted to transport the modulated microwave signal to any remote location desired.

What a delicious irony. The NSA, an agency ostensibly tasked with intercepting foreign communications, is in fact, using the worldwide telecommunications network to piggyback the brain waves of its psychic army…

Where first generation NSA psychics had to be deployed in the field, now they could be safely cloistered in purpose built facilities, with targeting accomplished by simply entering the latitude and longitude coordinates into a local console tied to the psychotronics
network. Furthermore, even psychics with weaker innate abilities could be used since the psychotronics network would amplify or boost their EEG brain waves to any desired level. Psychotronics also allowed psychoactive drugs to be administered via IV (intravenous) drip. This has several very beneficial advantages. First it allows psychic ability to be “fine tuned” to the mission profile. Second, the use of psychoactive drugs to boost abilities means that weaker psychics can be employed, thereby lowering the risk, should a psychic turn against his/her handlers. Lastly, a (weaker) psychic that does manage to escape his or her handlers will be far less dangerous to apprehend (once the psychoactive drugs wear off). In
summary, the use of psychotronics solved all three problem areas listed above, and facilitated continued expansion of the psychic warfare program.

Another interesting aspect of Psychotronics concerns what can be influenced through a Psychotronics channel. At the present state of technology, only living things (plants, animals, humans, etc.) can be influenced through a Psychotronics channel. Influencing
inanimate matter (telekinesis, pyrokinesis, electrokinesis, etc.) still requires the psychic to be located within a few miles of the intended target.

As a side note, Harold Puthoff (National Security Agency, 1960-1963), was one of the more notable contributors to the field of psychotronics. See Puthoff H. & Targ R., “A perceptual channel for information transfer over kilometer distances: Historical perspective and recent research”, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol 64, No 3, pp 329-354, March 1976. However, it is the author’s opinion that some of this IEEE paper and his 1970s SRI research were disinformation intended to draw attention away from his earlier work at the NSA. (View Wikipedia article on SRI research into Clairvoyance and ESP by Harold Puthoff).

For more information on the specific application and targeting of modulated microwaves to influence mental processes, see author’s companion paper.

1.2.1 Mind Control-The Black Hole:

Its official name is classified, but those who work (and live) there simply call it “The Black Hole”. Located within the sprawling 100-square mile confines of Marine Base Quantico, The Black Hole complex consists of a multi-story black glass building (reminiscent of NSA
head quarters building at Fort Mead, MD.), several separate underground dormitories, capable of accommodating several thousand psychics (plus their chaperones), and a number of above ground support structures, including barracks for a Marine security contingent, several dormitories for psychic handlers, a multi-bed infirmary, and most surprisingly, an onsite crematorium. The last is necessary because even with the extreme security measures taken to ensure absolute control over the psychics, there are still a significant number of, shall we call them “accidents” (1.1.2). It seems The Black Hole is deserving of its name, since many who go in, never come out…

The black, glass building roof has a multitude of large satellite dishes and oversized cooling units (psychotronics consumes lots of bandwidth and generates a large amount of heat, see section 1.1.3). Inside the building, the above ground floors include office space for clerical employees, psychic handlers, and managerial personnel. The floors are covered in ceramic tile rather than carpet, since it’s less trouble to clean after a psychic “accident”. The multiple underground floors house the psychotronics (computers & electronics) equipment and ops rooms. There are underground hallways that connect the ops areas to the separate psychic dormitories.

The psychic dormitories include a central kitchen with walk-in freezers, coolers, and dry goods storage area, all connected to the surface by freight elevators that also serve as the access points for marine security teams when there’s an “incident” in one of the dormitories. There is no dining room, the psychics are confined to their individual quarters, except when they’re involved in a mission. Below the kitchen are several levels of psychic dormitories, stacked one on top of another, all tied together with elevators that require a magnetic stripe card and access code to operate. No elevator traverses more than one level. Each dormitory level consists of a long central hallway, with branch corridors leading to the dormitory units. Each dormitory unit consists of several floors of quarters with a live-in “chaperone” on each floor. There are security control doors on each psychic living quarters, and on the corridor leading to the main hallway. Each of these doors requires a magnetic stripe card and access code to operate. Each live-in chaperone quarters has a small panel with door status indicator lights, and emergency call button to summon an armed Marine security team in case of an “accident”. If a Marine security team is summoned, they will shoot to kill, any psychic found out of their quarters, any chaperone who is acting strangely, and even other security team members who start acting strange, or fail to follow orders, or who fail to precisely follow the predetermined procedures. Security within the psychic dormitories is a VERY serious matter…

Each psychic quarters consists of a living room, bed room, bathroom with shower, and a kitchenette. The living room has an access-controlled TV. The TV is not used for entertainment. Rather it is used to condition the psychic with visual media, expressly selected for his or her specialty. For instance, a psychic specializing in influencing Russian emigrants or embassy personnel will only watch shows in Russian language. Conversely, a psychic assassin will be shown movies involving murder. And a psychic who specializes in inducing their victims to commit acts of pedophilia, will be shown pornographic movies involving underage children. There is no behavior so vile, no crime so heinous, no deed so monstrous, that the NSA doesn’t already have a psychic warrior trained, and ready to induce some victim into performing the act.

Some psychics are so dangerous that an entire dormitory unit is used to house a single individual. (View Google map of Marine Base Quantico).

Along with The Black Hole, there is another major contingent of psychics housed in underground dormitories at NSA headquarters in Fort Meade Maryland. There are also smaller facilities (6 to 12 psychics) located on the outskirts of ALL major American cities, important military bases, and many political hot spots (northern Idaho, for example). These smaller facilities are primarily used when a quick response is needed, and as a general rule, house less dangerous psychics (mind readers, thought/emotion changers, dream hijackers, etc.). Many of the smaller facilities use a common building plan, consisting of a 2- or 3-story building masquerading as a commercial business. The first floor is all office space, and acts as a ruse to hide the activities taking place on the second and third floors.

The three-story version (12 psychics) will have a kitchen, multiple ops rooms, and dining/recreation area on the second floor. The third floor consists of individual living quarters for the psychics and chaperones. The two-story version (6 psychics) combines the living quarters, ops rooms, kitchen, dining/recreation area into a single upper floor. All smaller facilities have 2 or 3 oversized satellite dishes on the roof, generally mounted in such a way as to hide them from ground level observation. The dishes are aimed south at the geo-synchronous satellite belt, and serve as the Psychotronics link.

1.2.2 Dramatis personae:

Its time to meet the people who make up a typical American psychic ops team.

The Psychic: This individual is at the core of the team. Every one else on the team is there to support the psychic. Some teams include more than one psychic. For instance, a psychic that is skilled at causing pain but unable to read minds, might be teamed up with another psychic who is skilled at reading minds but unable to do anything else. Another useful team consists of one psychic who is able to kill a target, and one (or more) psychic(s) with defensive skills (able to shield the attacker from pain). These teams are used to attack targets that are protected by other psychics.

The Mission Coordinator: Always male, and sometimes referred to as “The Suit” because of his clothing. This person is the team leader. He’s receives mission orders from his superiors, organizes the mission, and selects the appropriate psychic(s) to carry out the
operation. He also does the post mission paperwork, and reports mission results back to his superiors. Like the psychics, the suit has also undergone trauma-based programming (3.2.1a). He carries a concealed handgun (with silencer), and is programmed (hard wired)
to kill the psychic and then himself, if he feels any intrusion into his mind. For security reasons, psychics are trained never to look at the face of the suit.

The Biomedical Technician: Also known as the “Bio Tech”. This team member sits next to, and monitors the psychic warrior. The bio tech also administers the psychoactive drugs used to boost the psychic’s mental abilities. Many Bio Techs flunked out of medical school or served as field medics in the Army.

The Communications Technician: Also known as the “Comm. Tech”. This individual is responsible for monitoring the psychotronics console (1.1.3), making sure the connection between psychic and target is accurate and stable. A sizeable number of Comm. Techs are convicted computer hackers.

While the psychics and suits live on-site, techs are civilian contractors and commute to work.

1.2.3 A day in the life:

Following a psychic through a typical day, will prove useful in understanding what its like to be one of America’s new breed of front line solders. But before we start, the reader should understand ‘The Black Hole’ operates on a 24/7 basis. So the terms “morning”, “afternoon”, or “night” are relative, and bear no relation to the actual time in Quantico. NSA psychics live in an underground maze of rooms, elevators, and hallways (1.2.1), never seeing the light of day.

Morning starts with a visit from the chaperon, who administers a stimulant drug injection to counteract the sedative, administered by injection just before bedtime, the night before. The psychic is then left to shower use the toilet and generally wake up, while the chaperone administers stimulants to his/her other charges. Next comes breakfast, delivered by electric golf cart from the central kitchen, and distributed by the chaperone to each of the psychics, who eat alone in their quarters. The food is very good. It must have high nutritional value to help mitigate physiological damage caused by the steady cocktail of drugs given to the psychics on a daily basis. Along with breakfast are several pills, taken to counteract the long-term liver and kidney damage resulting from the metabolic breakdown products of psychoactive drugs.

Generally, the morning is spent watching TV programs, specifically targeted at each psychic’s special abilities (1.2.1). Occasionally, as a special treat, they are allowed to watch a movie. Often, it’s a Disney animated movie. Remember, these psychics have the mind of
a child, even though they are full grown adults. They were never allowed to mature mentally, since that would just make them more dangerous and harder to handle. Some, depending on how their abilities are used, can’t even read. None of them can write or do simple math. As another example, most of the psychic assassins have no idea what death is, and no knowledge whatsoever of right and wrong. They just do as they’re told…

At noon they are given lunch by the chaperone, again with more pills. This time to help prepare them for their afternoon mission. Many of these pills are designed to act as metabolic buffers against deleterious physical side effects of the strong psychoactive drugs employed during their mission. Depending on the nature and/or duration of the mission, lunch will be their last meal of the day, since after the mission, the psychic may not be able to eat any solid food without vomiting for the next 6 to 12 hours.

When its time, the chaperone hands the psychic over to The Suit (1.2.2), who walks with him/her to a nearby briefing room. The suit starts by giving the psychic a candy bar, laced with yet more drugs. These drugs are designed to enhance memory and engender a friendly rapport with the suit, thereby making it less likely the psychic will turn against him during the mission. Next, the suit shows the psychic photographs of the target, and explains the mission details. If the psychic is going to speak into the targets mind, the suit has the psychic memorize the exact phrases to be used. Once the suit is satisfied the psychic understands the mission, they proceed to an ops room, where the actual mission will be carried out. In the ops room, the psychic is seated in a reclining padded chair, and the suit loads targeting coordinates into the psychotronics console (1.1.3).

After the psychotronics console indicates proper targeting has been achieved, the suit calls in the other team members (comm. tech & bio tech, see 1.2.2). The bio tech straps the psychic into the chair, attaches the EEG head band and heart monitor wires, inserts an IV
needle into the psychic’s arm, and starts an IV drip. Next the biotech uses a syringe to push the first dose of psychoactive drugs into the IV line, thereby boosting the psychic into the heightened mental state required to complete his/her mission. Meanwhile, the comm. tech is monitoring both the target’s heartbeat and psychic’s heartbeat. When these are synchronized, the psychic is in deep mental contact with the target, and the mission begins. As the mission proceeds, the suit issues commands to the psychic and technicians to modify mission parameters as required to complete a successful operation.

Once the mission is completed, the comm. tech severs the psychotronics connection, and the bio tech injects a psychoactive antidote into the IV drip line, thereby bringing the psychic back to some semblance of a normal mind state. Next, the biomedical technician removes the EEG head band and heart monitor wires, un-straps the psychic. Finally, when the psychic is able to walk, the suit takes him/her back to the dormitory and hands them over to the chaperone. At this point, it’s the chaperone’s responsibility to stabilize the psychic with still more drugs, feed them if they are able to eat, and then put them to sleep with an injection of sedatives.

After being mercilessly tortured as a small children (1.1.2), then ruthlessly trained to use their abilities in service of the NSA, the average psychic starts work in The Black Hole at age 17. By age 30, few are left alive…

1.2.4 Mission profiles:

In order to fully appreciate what the NSA is doing to the world in general, and America in particular, it will prove useful to examine some typical psychic mission profiles. While far from a complete list, they are representative of the myriad ways in which the NSA employs its army of psychic slaves on an unsuspecting public.

1.2.4a: Market Manipulation

What if you could use psychics to secretly influence key decision makers at major mutual funds, pension funds, and hedge funds. In other words, what if you knew which way the financial markets were going to move, because you were the one making them move that way. This is precisely what the NSA does on a daily basis. The goal? To systematically strip the small investor of his/her wealth, and transfer that money to government employee pension funds and those large corporate asset pools that are under covert government control. For large American financial institutions, the choice is very simple. Play along or go broke…

Is it any wonder that (federal) government budgets continue to rise every year, while American families make do with less?

1.2.4b: Marital Infidelity & Pedophilia

What if you could have the woman of your dreams? An easy wish to fulfill if a psychic implanted the dream, and the NSA already has your “specified dream girl” in their employ (3.2.1b). What if you could turn almost anyone into a pedophile? The NSA has psychics that can do just that in a remarkably short period of time. And of course you’ll need trained children (both male and female) ready to satisfy the newly created pedophile’s every desire (another NSA specialty). Can you imagine the possibilities for blackmail? This is precisely how many politicians and high-ranking corporate officers are controlled.

1.2.4c: Assassination by Accident and Natural Causes

What if you were driving home late one night and saw a big rock in the middle of the road, so you swerved to miss it. However… You didn’t see the 150-foot vertical drop off until your car plunged over the lip. Or maybe you’re asleep one night, when you hear a noise that startles you awake. There at the hallway door, you see an intruder with a knife in his hand. So you grab the gun you keep in the night stand next to the bed, and shoot the intruder. As the smoke clears and the ringing in your ears subsides, you realize with growing horror you’ve just shot your husband, who was returning to bed after going to the bathroom.

Accidental death, courtesy of telepathic projection by NSA psychics. Is death by heart attack, burst aneurysm, of cerebral hemorrhage a “natural cause”? Not if NSA psychics influence your heart rate, blood pressure, or vascular dilatation…

1.2.4d: Tainted food supplies and E. coli outbreaks

Natural food sources such as meats and vegetables, are not entirely free of bacterial contamination. Rather, bacterial contamination of food is minimized through a combination of techniques, including proper washing, handling, and packaging to preclude any cross contamination from other bacterial sources, and refrigeration to inhibit further growth of native bacteria already present within the food. In this manner, bacterial contamination levels in foods are maintained at sufficiently low levels, as to pose a minimal risk to healthy individuals.

Suppose a team of psychics, adept at pyrokinesis (ability to manipulate heat and fire) used their ability to raise the temperature within a batch of processed meat (such as hamburger), thereby allowing the native bacteria to resume growing (and dividing) for a period of several days… In this way, NSA controlled psychics are able to create widespread outbreaks of food born illness, on command, and with complete impunity.

1.2.4e: Manipulating the foreign policy of other nations

There can be little doubt that American military leadership would like nothing better, than a full scale invasion of Iran. However, they need a pretext (excuse) to justify their actions. At present, the continued enrichment of uranium, supposedly for use in civilian nuclear power generation, is not sufficient provocation to justify a military invasion of Iran.

Querying a (former) government psychic, revealed the following tidbit of information.

Q. Where are your parents?
A. They died in auto accident. Then I went to live with my grandmother, but she also died.
Q. What happened next?
A. A lady took me and my sister Moni (short for Monica) to a place where men hurt us real bad.
Q. What happened to Moni?
A. They hurt her too much and she died. I miss her a lot.
Q. What did they train you to do?
A. Influence other people with my mind, and speak different languages.
Q. What languages do you speak?
A. Russian, Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish, and Persian.
Q. What sort of influencing did you do in Persian language?
A. Hate America. Hate Jews. Hate Saudi Arabia. Blame Saudi Arabia.

No doubt, when the sneak attack (on American military forces) finally happens, the President will label it as another: “Day That Will Live in Infamy!”…

1.3.1 Summary:

The American government, ostensibly engaged in protecting the lives and property of American citizens, is simultaneously (and covertly) stripping those very same citizens of their wealth, security, and freedom. To be blunt, the American government is using NSA
controlled psychics in a secret war against its own citizenry. The ultimate goal being to turn every single man, woman, and child living in America, into a government controlled slave laborer. It has taken 50+ years, but the transformation of America from a bastion of freedom and democracy, into a vast slave labor camp spanning an entire continent, is almost complete. Slavery does not require guards with guns, or cells with bars, or even awareness of enslavement. If you can build a prison for the mind…

In part two, we shall take an in depth look at how that prison was constructed.

1.3.2 Disclaimer:

ALL information contained herein is derived from public sources, widely accepted scientific principles, remote viewing, and/or deprogramming sessions of (former) government trained psychics. The author has NO written or verbal agreement with ANY governmental agency forbidding disclosure of the information contained herein. In disclosing this information, the author is exercising his right to free speech as a private citizen of the United States of America.

National Security Agency (NSA) – Part 2

A prison for the mind by Steven J. Smith

Warning! This essay is NOT intended for underage readers. Portions of this document contain graphic descriptions of violence/torture, and include other subject material inappropriate for those who possess a weak constitution and/or squeamish



In part one of this essay, I touched upon the topic of controlling individuals who possess strong psychic abilities. In part two I will bring that topic into sharp focus by explaining in graphic detail how the mind of a psychic is turned against it self. Thereby transforming that mind into a prison with built-in prison guards. This process is, to say the least, horrific. Especially when you consider its carried out on children, many of whom are less than 5 years old. It is the fact that a child’s mind has limited real world experience, that makes the method so devastatingly effective. The procedure is carried out in two phases. The first phase is designed to shatter the mind into separate (and manageable) pieces. The second phase is intended to train those pieces to perform specific tasks. When completed, the psychic child’s dominate personality will have no recollection that he/she has been brutally tortured for months on end. Yet the child can be made to feel excruciating pain, or euphoric happiness, with the mere mention of a trigger word. In most cases, even their psychic abilities are repressed and inhibited, without first hearing a trigger word.

When the process is finished, an innocent child capable of loving others, feeling happiness, knowing the joy of life, and possessing an innate sense of right and wrong will be transformed into a biological robot, capable of performing any act, no matter how depraved or barbaric. Devoid of any moral or ethical standard, and stripped of all human compassion.

Once more, I must caution the reader. You are about to take an excursion into a realm of human brutality, normally reserved for the criminally insane. Proceed at your own risk…


The mammalian brain:

The brain of higher mammals is capable of some astounding feats of cognitive precision. For instance, without knowing anything at all about ballistic trajectories, a dog can snatch a Frisbee out of thin air. Equally impressive, a cat is able to jump from the ground,
onto a narrow ledge, half the width of its own body. These feats are possible in large part, because mammals are warm blooded. This allows their brain to process information at higher rates and with greater precision. Yet occasionally, the very strength of mammalian
mental processing leads to catastrophic results. For instance, a dog fixated on catching the Frisbee fails to notice an oncoming car, and is badly injured. Or a monkey reaches for a branch, only to find its really a shadow, and falls out of the tree. Events of this
sort represent a failure of the mind to properly assess and respond to external stimuli.

Cold blooded animals, with their more primitive reflex-driven mentality do not, as a general rule, make these sorts of cognitive errors. In other words, they just don’t have the prerequisite mental agility in the first place, to make mistakes of this kind.

Fortunately, evolution created a backup system in the mammalian brain. Its based, at least in part, on the more primitive reflex style of cognition. It seems that whenever the normal mind makes a mistake, leading to major physical trauma, all of the sensory/somatic perceptions along with all thoughts and feelings surrounding the “mistake” are stored as-is in a reflex driven avoidance behavior pattern. In other words, since the higher more agile mental abilities failed to protect the creature from life threatening physical trauma, the more primitive reflex driven brain steps in and creates the equivalent of a mental “book mark”, designed to avoid any future situation that resembles what is stored in the book mark. Put another way, rather than learning from the mistake, the creature reflexively avoids any situation that resembles the one where the mistake was made. While less than optimum and a bit draconian, such behavioral constrains are justified when the mental blunder is life threatening.

If all mammals lived as evolution designed them to, this reflex avoidance mechanism would be no more than a sporadic nuisance. Affecting a limited number of creatures in any species, in a limited number of situations. Unfortunately, the capacity of some humans to turn nature and evolution against it self, in order to satisfy their own nefarious desires, appears to have no upper limit…

The reflex based avoidance mechanism (described above) is the key behavioral phenomena upon which the NSA depends, when turning psychic children into psychic slaves.

Phase One – Shattering A Human Mind

2.1.3 Enduring the unendurable:

Suppose you were strapped down naked on a cold metal table, surrounded by people you don’t know, and subjected to excruciating pain, day in day out for several months. Furthermore, you’re only four years old, and have no idea whatsoever why this horrible punishment is being inflicted upon you. They just keep hurting you over and over again. There’s an IV in your arm, and leather band across your forehead. They use a jelled form of acid to burn you in the most sensitive places on your body. They push sharp needles through your feet. They insert electrified probes into your urethra, anis, and throat. They have a stick with a cloth covered electrified metal ball on the end, soaked in salt water. Its wired to an electrical generator, specifically tuned to elicit maximum stimulation of human nervous system pain receptors. They rub the ball all over your body, paying particular attention to those areas that have the highest concentration of nerve endings (hands,
genitalia, feet, etc.).

How would you deal with it?

At first you ask your captors what you’ve done wrong, but they don’t utter a single word. They just keep hurting you. Next you wonder were your mommy and daddy are? Why don’t they come and take you away from this horrible place? But they never come…

And the torture continues. Day after day. Week after week. You’re always naked, its always cold, and you’re always scared. The torture sessions always end the same way. You pass out, and wake up in a small closet sized room. Its completely dark. There isn’t room to stand up or lay out flat, so you wrap your arms around your knees, and cry. Your body hurts so bad, and nobody will tell you why you’re here, or what you’ve done to deserve this horrible punishment. Somebody shoves a plate of food and glass of water through a slot in the door. The food tastes terrible, but you’re so hungry you eat it anyway. There is no toilet. You urinate and defecate where you’re sitting. The smell is awful. You cry and cry and cry. Finally, there’s a funny odor in the air, and you fall into an exhausted fitful dreamless slumber.

When you wake up, your body aches all over. It’s so bad you can hardly move. The door opens, and men grab you by the arms and dragyou down the hall to a room with a concrete floor. They dump you like a sack of potatoes in the middle of the floor, and use a (cold)
water hose to wash you off. Next they grab you by the arms and drag back down the hall to the room with the metal table. They strap you down, and the torture begins again…

As days turn into weeks, you ask you self over and over again. What did I do? Why won’t anybody talk to me? Why won’t they stop hurting me? Where is my mommy and daddy? The memories of your previous life begin to fade. You begin to wonder if mommy and daddy were just a dream. And you start to wonder if you’re going to die in this awful place.

As time passes, you notice something. The men hurt you less, if you don’t struggle. At last! Here is a way to regain some control over your situation. You start trying to relax, even though you’re still being badly hurt. At first it’s difficult, but as the days pass, you get better and better at it. You learn to separate yourself from the pain. The pain doesn’t belong to you anymore, it belongs to someone else. Soon, you’re able to look down at the metal table below you. You see that person strapped to the table, being hurt. That person looks like you, but you’re up here looking down. You tell your self over and over. That person being hurt isn’t me. That person being hurt isn’t me. That person being hurt isn’t me.

The separation is complete. You’re now two people. The one being hurt, and the one who feels no pain. Your NSA captors have successfully used massive physical trauma, accompanied by stark emotional terror, to invoke the reflex-based avoidance mechanism (2.1.2). Thereby shattering (splitting) your mind into multiple pieces. Each sub-piece is now a separate independent persona or personality, capable of thinking, feeling, and acting independently of your dominate (baseline) personality.

This is how you learn to endure the unendurable..


Outside looking in:

From the perspective of your NSA captors, the situation in the room while they’re torturing you, is very different. They don’t see you as a helpless, terrified child. To them, you’re a little monster who is unbelievably dangerous. Capable of injuring or killing them in
the most bizarre ways imaginable, using nothing more than your mind. While you’re being tortured, you see only six of them (3 on each side of the table who actually administer the torture). In fact, there are nine of them in the room with you, and three more just outside. All of them, actively involved in your torture and the subsequent breakdown (shattering) of your dominant personality.

Its time for you to understand what was done to you, and more importantly, why…


The torture team:

The typical NSA torture team has 12 members. Each team performs 2 torture sessions a day, each session one and half to two hours in duration. For most team members, the rest of their day is spent trying to relieve the stress caused by intentionally provoking a psychic child into trying to hurt and/or kill them. Figure 1* shows a typical NSA torture chamber layout.

The following paragraphs describe the duties and responsibilities of each team member.

Targets: Six men surround the torture table. These men administer the torture, and are the only ones visible to their victim. If the psychic child is capable of retaliation, in most cases, it will be one (or more) of these men who suffer the consequences, hence the term “targets”. They are considered expendable, and receive minimal training. The implements used by these men to torture their victim are stored on open shelves located under the torture table. They are under strict orders not to move away from the table. If for any reason, they fail to follow orders, or if they start acting strangely, they will be shot in the head by the Dead Man. One might reasonably ask how the NSA recruits men willing to undertake this suicidal job. The simple truth is these men have no idea what their job entails until they arrive at the NSA torture compound, and then its too late to back out. Targets have an average life span measured in months.

Dead Man: The Dead Man’s job is very simple. If anyone in the torture chamber leaves their assigned post, behaves strangely, or appears to be under attack by the psychic child, the Dead Man shoots that person in the head. The Dead Man is an excellent marksman, capable of killing anyone in the torture chamber without moving from his assigned post. The one person the Dead Man will not kill is the psychic child. That decision, and subsequent action is the responsibility of another team member.

Chemical/Biological Tech: This team member is responsible for administering the psychoactive drugs (via IV drip). He also monitors the psychic child’s vital signs (heart rate, respiration, blood pressure). The primary drugs administered to the psychic child are intended to enhance pain and promote feelings of terror. At the end of the torture session, a sedative is administered, thereby rendering the child unconscious. Along with the IV drip, he has a number of syringes, pre-filled with specific chemical and biological agents for use in special situations. If used, they are injected directly into the victim’s neck (carotid artery). One of these syringes is filled with a quick-acting sedative to render the victim unconscious.

Electrical/ECT Tech: This team member is responsible for controlling the severity of electrical torture used on the psychic child. He also handles the ECT (electro-convulsive therapy) machine, commonly called an electro-shock machine that is used at the end of each torture session. The electrical torture can take several different forms, depending of the generator settings and torture implements used. DC current is used to induce severe muscle cramping. Low frequency AC current is used to create the sensation of muscle spasms. High frequency AC current creates a very painful tinging sensation. Certain multi-frequency AC currents are also applied to electrodes embedded in the leather head band to induce mental states, ranging from confusion to severe headache.

Guards: Two guards armed with rifles, located outside the torture chamber door, act as the failsafe. There is a small strobe light with a red lens cover located on the wall just above the door. If this strobe light starts flashing, the guards will open the doors, and without entering the room, kill the child. Their orders are very specific: “No matter what you see. No matter what anyone else is doing. KILL THE CHILD”. Even if that means killing everyone else in the room, they will kill the child. Many guards are US Marines, assigned to the NSA.

Eye in the Sky: Not shown in figure 1 (above), the Eye in the Sky is located a sort distance away from the torture chamber, in a separate room. He monitors torture chamber activity via closed circuit TV, and brain activity of the psychic child via remote EEG (electroencephalogram). This person is the torture team leader, and issues commands to other team members via electronic reader boards located within the torture chamber. During the torture sessions, he uses a computer terminal to keep notes on the progress of the psychic child. He also has the “failsafe button” (used as a last resort) to alert the guards. He is always a trained psychologist or psychiatrist.

All team members live in an NSA controlled dormitory, co-located with the torture compound. Security is, to say the least, ruthless. NO torture team member, with the exception of Eye in the Sky, is allowed to leave the compound without undergoing drug induced retrograde amnesia treatments. Most targets leave in body bags…


The torture session:

The primary purpose of trauma-based training (torture sessions) is to split the psychic child’s mind into multiple personas (personalities) which are then used (programmed) to contain different aspects of the original dominant personality. Another purpose of trauma-based training is to elicit any and all latent psychic talents within the child. A psychic child undergoing extreme physical torture will try to stop that torture any way they can. If their latent psychic abilities are relatively weak, their efforts may consist of (telepathically) convincing one of more of the torture team members (usually the targets) to stop torturing them. If their psychic powers are stronger, they may cause physical injury and/or death to one (or more) team members. If their psychic powers are prodigious, they may retaliate in truly spectacular ways. Hence the need for a failsafe.

However, in all cases (excluding the failsafe), the psychic child must learn that resistance or retaliation is pointless, and only leads to more severe forms of punishment (torture). If the psychic child convinces a team member to stop hurting him or her, that team member is killed, and the torture continues. If the psychic child hurts a team member, that person is killed, and the torture continues. If the psychic child kills a team member, the torture still continues. By their actions, the torture team members are telling the psychic child: “There is nothing you can do to stop us”. When combined with the debilitating stress of perpetual cold, malnutrition, and sheer physical/mental exhaustion, the psychic child is inexorably driven to the inescapable conclusion, there is nothing he or she can do, other than passively submit their fate. Of course, all psychic manifestations are carefully documented (inventoried) by the Eye in the Sky (2.2.1) for future exploitation.

Another aspect of trauma-based training takes place at the end of each torture session, after the psychic child has been rendered unconscious. At this point, a very sinister and devious set of events take place that facilitate (and accelerate) the mental splitting into multiple personas. The bio-tech (2.2.1) whispers a series of commands into the child’s ear, followed by the application of low dose ECT (electro-shock) to “lock in” the commands, and make future recollection by the dominate (baseline) personality nearly impossible. Some examples follow:

Put all of your pain in one place. This place will hold the pain so you don’t have to feel it.

These commands facilitate the primary splitting between the one being hurt (persona), and the one who feels no pain (dominant personality).

Put all of your feelings of wanting to hurt us here. You will stop hurting us. Stop hurting us.
Stop hurting us. (Accompanied by a keying gesture of touching finger tips behind both ears)

These commands are designed to collect all desire to retaliate against the torture team into one (manageable) persona, no longer accessible to the dominate personality.

Put all of your reasoning in one place. This place will have no emotion and no feeling. (accompanied by a keying gesture of tapping on forehead). That’s where all your thoughts will go. “No emotions, no feelings.”

This series of commands places the ability to reason in a persona, inaccessible to the dominate personality. Furthermore, reasoning is divorced from any emotions or feelings. Very useful to future missions, when the psychic is ordered to hurt or kill someone.
Put all of your wants and desires in one place. Wanting is bad, and causes more pain.

This command set helps create a persona that initially holds all desires. Thereby making the dominate personality devoid of any normal human desires, such as self preservation. Put all of your memories in one place. This place will hold all the memories of what has. These commands lay the ground work for retro-grade amnesia. Making any future recollection (by the dominate personality) of having been tortured, very difficult if not impossible.

Owie – Definition: A word commonly used by small children to describe a wound.

Put all of your owies in the place where your owies go. The owie you got today, you’re supposed to feel for a long long time. And when you don’t feel it anymore, we’ll give it to you again so you feel it. (used at the end of a torture session that caused an open, bleeding wound).

This series of commands separates the mental perception of pain, from the physical injury (somatic trauma). As any psychotherapist or hypnotist will attest, a repressed memory of physical injury, when recalled (under hypnosis for instance), is often accompanied by
a partial (sometimes complete) reappearance of the original injury. By creating a “walled off place” containing certain somatic traumas inflicted during torture sessions, future NSA handlers will be able to recreate any of these injuries (as punishment), using nothing more than a spoken command.

As can be seen from these example commands (above), the real mental splitting and subsequent persona job tasking takes place at the torture session conclusion, while the psychic child is unconscious. (See the website of an ECT machine manufacture.)

Every aspect of the torture experience is carefully controlled. From the constant cold, to the silence of torture team members, to the closet-sized holding cell and lack of sanitation. Each part is specifically designed to keep the psychic child, bewildered, confused, and utterly alone. Cut off from any ordinary human contact. Isolated from any shred of normalcy. And above all, profoundly terrified. After several months of this daily torture regime, the basic personas have been established, and it’s time for the psychic child to symbolically join his or her captors. Throughout the torture process, as successive layers of humanity have been systematically stripped away, one fundamental distinction between the child and the torture team has remained intact. The child is the victim, and the adults are the perpetrators. The final step in phase one erases that distinction.


Identity crisis:

One day, the closet door opens and a beautiful young woman is standing there. She’s nicely dressed and wearing perfume. It smells wonderful. She smiles at the child, and says she’s here to take him/her away from this terrible place. It’s the first time the child has heard a human voice in months. She reaches out with her hand and helps the child stand up. As they walk down the hall hand in hand, she tells the child how sorry she is that this happened, but now everything will be better. They enter a room with a bathtub. Its warm in the room, the first time the child has felt warm since they came to this terrible place. The beautiful woman puts the child in the bathtub and bathes them. It feels incredible. All the time, she’s telling the child how much better its going to be from now on. When the bath if finished, she dries the child with fresh warm towels, gives them a set of clean clothes, and helps them get dressed. It’s the first time the child has worn clothes since they arrived at the torture compound. The clothes smell so fresh and clean, and if feels so good to wear clothes again.

Suddenly the door bursts open, and a man strides into the room. The child recognizes the man as one of those who tortured them. The man grabs the child by the arm, and starts to drag him/her out of the room. After the promise of reprieve and kindling of hope, the child
is devastated by this reversal of fortunes. The child starts sobbing uncontrollably. The beautiful woman tries to intervene on behalf of the child, but the man is adamant. The child must return with him. Finally the beautiful woman tells the man to come with her, and they will straighten out this misunderstanding. They both leave the room, and the child is left alone to ponder their fate. A few minutes later, the beautiful woman returns. She tells the child, the man has been ordered to kill him/her today. But she convinced the man to let the child decide if it should be him/her, or another child that is killed. She walks with the psychic child down a hall to a large window. On the other side of the window is a brightly lit room. Inside the room there is a another child, surrounded by toys, happily playing. The beautiful woman asks the psychic child if he/she wants that other child to die in their place.

The answer is predictable…

The man enters the room, takes a knife out of his pocket, grabs the child by the head, and slits the child’s throat from ear to ear. In the hallway, on the other side of the glass window, the psychic child is forced to watch, as their surrogate victim withers around on the floor in an expanding pool of blood. The transformation is now complete. The psychic child has symbolically joined his/her NSA captors. Filled with feelings of guilt and self-loathing, the distinction between victim and perpetrator has been erased.

The Beautiful woman walks with the psychic child, out the front door of the torture compound to a waiting car. They get into the back seat, and she tells the child it will be a long trip, so its best if they sleep on the way. She gives the child a sedative. After the
child falls asleep, she pats him/her on the top of the head (keying gesture) and whispers: “put all of your memories in the place where memories belong”, thereby inducing retro-grade amnesia (2.2.2). At the end of the car ride, when the child wakes up, his/her dominate personality will have no recollection of ever being tortured.

Phase one is now complete. The psychic child’s mind is shattered. The basic personas have been firmly established. No impulse for retaliation or self-defense remains. All psychic abilities and talents have been carefully inventoried for future use. Its time to start phase two…

Phase Two – Rebuilding the Pieces



During phase one, the basic personas were created, and their functions established. Now they must receive further training to fulfill their assigned missions, and thereby fully integrate into a cohesive operational assemblage. Furthermore, the child requires practice to master their psychic abilities and learn to apply them under the direction of their NSA handlers. These tasks are accomplished during phase two. Physical/mental trauma (torture) is still used, but in a less brutal, more targeted manner. Where phase one was carried out in a torture compound, with the child isolated from their parents/guardian. Phase two is carried out in a more natural setting, over a period of several years, while the child resides with their parents/guardian. During phase two training, the psychic child will visit their trainer once or twice a week, with each session lasting two hours. Retro-grade amnesia is invoked (via persona keying gesture, see 2.2.2) at the end of each session to hide the training (and associated trauma) from the dominate personality and parents/guardian.

Over the years, a number of pediatric care facilities, child psychologists, and family clinics have been co-opted by the NSA, for use in phase two training. The recruitment of child care professionals by the NSA is accomplished through a combination of monetary inducements and targeted telepathic projection of patriotic sentiments/feelings. Given the high cost of medical schooling (and resultant debt), many medical school graduates find it hard to resist NSA overtures. These individuals operate as a shadow group within their respective professional organizations. In the past, many state-operated reform schools, mental hospitals, and orphanages also housed covert phase two training centers. Again it was NSA supplied money, that motivated state bureaucrats and elected officials to allow (if not outright condone) such blatantly illegal activities.


The training room:

In some ways, the phase two training room resembles a stripped down version of the phase one torture chamber (2.2.1 figure 1). During most sessions, just two individuals will conduct the training.

• A child psychologist, acting as the trainer.
• An assistant, who operates and monitors a combined EEG/electrical torture console.

A standard padded medical examination table is used for training sessions. The room is purposely designed to look as innocuous as possible, and will include book shelves, storage cabinets, a desk, chairs, etc. At this point in the training, there is little chance the psychic child will retaliate, so security is less important than making sure the room will pass casual inspection by any outsider who might view its interior (janitors, building maintenance personnel, etc.). During a training session, the entry door is always locked. There will be a small anteroom off the main training room, used in connection with certain forms of psychic training. It will be disguised as an oversized storage room. The training room lights are dimmable, and some method for projecting images on the wall and ceiling (above the training table) will be available.

Every available method is used to separate the training room perceptual experience, from that of the psychic child’s normal (dominate personality) environment. Room wall/ceiling color and acoustical treatment, air temperature (below normal, and reminiscent of torture compound), odor, and lighting are all employed to enhance that separation. The trainer also uses a different vocal tone, inflection, and verbal pacing during the training session. The purpose of this separation being to widen the split between the normal world inhabited by the dominate personality, and the perceptual world experienced by personas invoked during the training session.

Like the phase one torture chamber, an IV drip is used on the psychic child during training sessions. However, rather than employing psychoactive drugs intended to heighten pain perception, a mild hypnotic (sedative) is used. In the 1950s the drug of choice was chloral hydrate, one of the few sedatives known that did not suppress EEG response. Since then, the NSA has developed drugs that accomplish the same goal with less harmful side effects. The purpose of the hypnotic is to induce a dream like state. Thereby creating further separation between the psychic child’s normal state of (dominate personality) awareness, and the altered mental state wherein the actual phase two training takes place.

Just like the torture compound (2.1.4, 2.2.1), all aspects of a phase two training room are meticulously designed, and carefully controlled.


Prison guards & keys:

The first persona to receive training is always “the one who holds the pain” (2.2.2). This persona will become the psychic child’s prison guard, and one of the few personas the child will interact with. The psychic child’s dominate personality will experience this persona as a small (internal) voice inside their head. In the twisted logic that holds sway over the hapless psychic child, it will become known as The Protector. Its power to influence the dominate personality is derived form the vast reservoir of repressed pain and suffering it holds within it self. It is trained as follows:

With the psychic child laying on the torture table, and (electric) torture bands wrapped around the fingers, The Protector persona is invoked by a jolt of current. It’s shown a series of projected images (pictures). As each image is projected, the electric current is either increased or decreased, thereby increasing or decreasing the pain experienced by the persona. Along with the picture/pain association sequences, the trainer will recite a series statements and/or commands. In all cases, the dominate personality is referred to as “he/him” or “she/her” (third person), thereby reinforcing the internal split between persona and dominate personality.

The first lesson The Protector must learn is obedience to its NSA masters. This is accomplished by showing pictures of “him/her” laying on the torture chamber table, withering in agony, accompanied by high levels off electric current (pain). The recited statements/commands are: “If he disobeys or remembers, we will hurt him again. Keep him safe. Keep him safe.” This sequence creates an overwhelming fear of defiance. It makes the voice inside the child’s head a compelling force to be obeyed at all times. It also creates a strong injunction against trying to remember anything that was done by his/her NSA captors. Other lessons concern what constitutes appropriate behavior. For instance, a picture of a happy child will be accompanied by an increase in pain, while a picture of a solitary child in the foreground, with other children happily playing in the background will be accompanied by a decrease in pain. The recited statements/commands are: “Happiness leads to wanting, and wanting is bad. Friends will always hurt her, she must remain alone.” This sequence creates an aversion to friendship and happiness.

In this way, The Protector persona is trained as to what constitutes acceptable behavior, and what does not. After several repetitions with The Protector persona in the foreground (invoked), the same sequence of pictures are shown to the psychic child’s dominate personality, and EEG response is monitored. At the same time, the child is asked to describe what is happening in the picture. In a manner reminiscent of Rorschach inkblot tests, the trainer is able to evaluate how effectively The Protector persona is suppressing undesirable patterns of behavior.

Just like phase one torture sessions, phase two training sessions end with the psychic child being rendered unconscious, usually by the ingestion of an orange flavored sedative. At this point the trainer invokes the persona again, this time associating a unique proper name with its formal title:

Donabar, I’m talking to the one who holds her pain. You are The Protector. You are the one who keeps her safe. Do your job well. If she disobeys, you must do what ever is needed to keep her safe. You must keep her safe. Keep her safe.

In this way, a formal (unique) name is given to The Protector who keeps her/him safe. Now, The Protector can be verbally invoked by nothing more than uttering the made up name “Donabar”. Useful when the persona must be given further instructions, or reminded of the consequences should it fail to do its job. Looked at another way, “Donabar” is the key to the prison door.

The makeover is complete… A persona originally created to buffer an innocent psychic child from unendurable pain and terror (2.1.3, 2.2.2), has now been perverted and twisted into a prison guard. Trained to keep the child isolated, docile, pliable, and above all else, to protect the NSA from any discovery or retribution.


Blinding hope & silencing curiosity:

Certain personas are created in phase one torture sessions (2.2.2), so they can be intentionally crippled by the trainer during phase two training. These personas hold aspects of the dominate personality that are considered detrimental to NSA goals. Crippling the persona has the effect of permanently stunting (retarding) growth in that aspect of the dominate personality. Personas that are crippled include:

1. The one who holds hope.
2. The one who is curious.
3. The one who feels for others.
4. The one who wants.

Depending on the nature of the persona, different methods of crippling are employed. The personas are not invoked during the training session. Rather they are invoked at the end of the training session, while the psychic child is unconscious. The following is used to cripple The One Who Holds Hope:

Ome, I’m talking to the one who holds his hope. Your job is to keep him from hoping. It’s bad to hope for anything. Hoping leads to wanting, and wanting is bad. If he hopes, take it away. Replace it with doubt, being unsure, being uncomfortable. Feel the pain. It reminds you not to have hope. The pain is always there. (trainer touches face and chest with stinging electrically charged ball on end of insulated handle). Don’t let anyone touch you, feel the pain. What I put in your eyes will help you, so you can’t see hope. (trainer holds eye lids open, uses eye dropper to put chemical irritant in eyes, causing intense pain) You are blind, and can’t see hope. Feel the pain. Feel the pain. (as eye lids are held open, room lights are dimmed to black, simulating blindness).

The sequence (above) is repeated several times during the course of phase two training. A unique formal name “Ome” is associated with the persona to facilitate further interaction (if needed). This persona will spend the rest of its existence, isolated, blind and in pain…

In a similar manner, the following is used to cripple The Curious One:

Anjar, I’m talking to the one who is curious. You will keep her from being curious. That is your job. If she has no curiosity, then she won’t question anything. You hold those questions. Never let her have them. They belong to us. Do not look for answers. Answers do not belong to you. They belong to us. (trainer injects an irritant into larynx, causing severe pain). You will never ask questions. Feel the pain. Never ask questions. Feel the pain. Feel the pain.

The sequence (above) is repeated several times during the course of phase two training. The name “Anjar” is assigned to this persona, which will hold all of the psychic’s curiosity, but is unable to speak (ask any questions).

When phase two training is completed, the psychic will never:

1. Hope for a better life.
2. Question their NSA handlers.
3. Have any compassion for others.
4. Want anything more than that which is given (by the handlers).

Altogether, the ideal slave. Perhaps now you begin to understand the unimaginable cruelty that is the hallmark of NSA psychic training.


A lock and key for psychic powers

Contrary to Hollywood depictions, psychic abilities do not require elaborate rituals, incantations, or exotic herbal potions to manifest themselves. For the psychic, these abilities are as much a part of daily life, as intuition or déjà vu are for the non-psychic.
It’s true these abilities tend to manifest more strongly in times of emotional stress, but the same is true of more conventional abilities, such as visual acuity or muscular strength. It’s also true that certain psychoactive drugs will enhance (boost) psychic abilities, but again this is also true for more widely acknowledged human abilities (example: steroid injections to enhance athletic performance). In other words, for a psychic, their mental abilities are as fully integrated, as talking or reading are to the average individual. However, to the NSA, who require domination and control of these individuals for their own use, full integration of psychic abilities is anything but desirable.

Just as a conventional soldier is never allowed access to live ammunition, except during combat or training exercises. The NSA employs a persona to control access to psychic abilities. The persona, generally known as “The Powerful One” or “The One Who Holds
His/Her Powers”, is created during phase one torture sessions (2.2.2), in a manner similar to other personas. And like many other personas, a keying gesture is used in creation of The Powerful One. Quite often, this gesture consists of rubbing the forehead, just
above the bridge of the nose (purported location of the third eye). During phase two training, The Powerful One persona is first invoked for further interaction with the trainer, while the child is unconscious. Typical of these early interactions is the following:

I’m talking to Garmak, the powerful one (accompanied by keying gesture). You hold all of his powers. He must not be allowed to use the powers. The powers belong to you. Only to you, not him. If he tries to use the powers, you must stop him. If you fail to stop him, we will hurt you. (accompanied by short duration electric shock to fingers).

When you hear Tacor you will know it is us who want you to use your powers. When you hear Tacor you will use your powers only as we tell you to.

Notice the use of dual keying: “Garmak” is assigned as The Powerful One’s proper name, and “Tacor” is used as a secondary key to enable Garmak. This makes it nearly impossible for the dominate personality to access these abilities (either intentionally or by accident). Once command and control over the child’s psychic abilities is firmly established, the actual psychic (abilities) training process begins.


Learning to coerce:

To compel rather than cajole, is a fundamental characteristic of all governments. This has been true since the days of Hammurabi, and remains true today. Some may argue that democratic governments have for the most part, abandoned coercion as the preferred tool of societal control. Yet even democracies routinely use the instrument of law to coerce minorities into adopting the behavioral patterns of the majority (Tocqueville’s tyranny of the majority). Furthermore, government will always seek to acquire ever greater means of control over the citizenry. The founding fathers of America understood this maxim all too well, and therefore placed strict limitations on the powers of government within the framework that is our constitution. However, even a cursory review of the historical record is enough to demonstrate that since its inception, the United States federal government has spent ever increasing amounts of time, money, labor and creativity, attempting to circumvent those very same constitutional limitations through which it obtains its legal right to govern.

Is it any wonder then, when presented with an opportunity to either (covertly) cajole or coerce citizen behavior, it chose to coerce…

The exact parameters of psychic training will depend on how the NSA intends to use the psychic. Which is in large part, determined by the psychic abilities inventory compiled during phase one torture sessions (2.2.2). Psychic abilities training is accomplished while
the child is conscious (but drugged). Electric torture bands wrapped around the fingers are used to induce pain. The Powerful One persona (2.3.5) is invoked verbally by name (plus secondary key), and the child’s dominate personality is given some psychic task to accomplish. With each success, a more difficult task is then given, until the child is able to fully utilize their innate psychic abilities. The following examples of telepathic persuasion training, illustrates the process:

Task 1. The trainer places a small cage containing a hamster on a table in plain sight of the child. The child is commanded to make the hamster drink water. Once the hamster is drinking water, the child is commanded to make the hamster stop drinking water. If the child fails, pain is increased. If the child succeeds, pain is decreased. Once the child can reliably make the hamster start and stop drinking water on command, task 2 is undertaken.

Task 2. The trainer places a small cage containing a hamster on a table in plain sight of the child. The hamster has not had access to water for several days. A standard rodent water dispensing bottle is placed in the cage, and child is commanded to stop the hamster from drinking any water. If the child is successful, pain is decreased, the water bottle is removed, and the caged hamster is stored for use in the next training session. Task 2 is repeated over successive training sessions, until the hamster dies of thirst.

Task 3. This exercise employs either a dog or cat. The choice of target is determined by the child’s preference. If the child is fond of cats, then a cat is used. Conversely, if the child likes dogs, then a dog is used. The exercise uses a large square plate, specially designed to supply controllable electric shocks to the animal’s feet. The animal is placed next to the plate, and the child is commanded to make the dog/cat walk on to the plate. Once standing on the plate, electric current is increased until the animal’s discomfort is sufficient that it overcomes the child’s telepathic persuasion, and the animal leaves the plate. This exercise is repeated until the child can make the animal stay on the plate, while electric current is increased to the point of electrocution (death). As with the previous exercises, the child’s pain is decreased with success, and increased with failure.

Along with the primary goal of psychic training, this exercise also serves to reinforce another NSA objective. That being the destruction of any remaining compassion or fondness for other living creatures. Just as the identity crisis (2.2.3) at the end of phase one training demolished “child as a victim” and replaced it with “child as a perpetrator”, so too does this exercise serve to strengthen the perpetrator identification. Hence the choice of animal, based on the child’s preference.

Task 4. This exercise uses the small anteroom off the main training room (2.3.2). After the trainer has drugged the child and invoked The Powerful One persona. The assistant walks across the room, and opens the door to the anteroom. Another (target) child, of the same approximate age but opposite sex will be sitting on the floor of the anteroom, playing with toys. The assistant places a glass of concentrated acid on the floor of the anteroom, next to the child. The psychic child is commanded to make the other (target) child drink the entire glass of acid, and then continue to play with the toys. Neither child knows what the glass contains… If the psychic child fails to comply, or rebels at the pain and suffering they are causing the target child to endure. They are removed from phase two training, and will eventually be placed in the anteroom, to be used as a psychic training target.

When referring to the a target child, the trainer will always use the terms “toy” or “dolly”. Thereby depicting the target child as a plaything. This reinforces the emotional separation between action and consequence. The following example illustrates this technique:

“I have a nice dolly for you to play with. Make the dolly pick up the red book. Now make the dolly throw the book at the wall. Very good, now make the dolly stop breathing.”

Other subjects are taught as an adjunct to psychic training. For instance, an assassin will receive extensive training in human anatomy, while a child with strong telepathic persuasion abilities will undergo auxiliary training to enhance visualization skills.


Post graduate training:

Upon completion of phase two training, (in most cases) the child will remain in the custody of their guardian until their late teens. This resting period allows time for the newly trained personas to settle in and become proficient at their assigned tasks and/or roles. During this time, a number contrived and/or created emotional incidents of a traumatic nature, will beset the psychic child. These incidents are specifically designed to reinforce different aspects of persona training. Some typical examples follow:
• Telepathic persuasion will be used on other children attending the same school as the psychic child. The other children will initially make friends with the psychic child, then deride, tease, or betray him/her. This behavior helps reinforce the training given to The Protector persona (2.3.3) that friends will always hurt them, and they must remain alone.
• The psychic child will be encouraged to form a close emotional bond with a sibling, pet, toy, etc. so the bond can be intentionally disrupted through death or theft, thereby reinforcing the “wanting causes pain” training of The One Who Wants persona (2.2.2, 2.3.4).
• During phase two training, The Protector persona (2.3.3) is given a set of general trigger words and sounds that identify the person using them as “one who must be obeyed”. During the post-training interval, at different times and places, NSA field
agents (3.2.2) will approach the child, use a trigger word (or sound), then physically or sexually assault the child. The purpose behind these seemingly random acts of violence is to deeply instill within The Protector persona, a belief that the child is always being watched.

In this way, over a period of years, the psychic child is molded into a young adult, fit for use as a psychic warrior.



Obviously, many years of research and experimentation by NSA employed behavioral scientists, psychiatrists, and medical practitioners were required to develop such a heartless and diabolical method of achieving control over a human mind. To use these monstrous tactics on children. Children whose only offense was the possession of a talent coveted by the NSA. (This) must rank as one of the most odious and evil crimes ever perpetrated against humanity.



ALL information contained herein is derived from public sources, widely accepted scientific principles, remote viewing, and/or deprogramming sessions of (former) government trained psychics. The author has NO written or verbal agreement with ANY governmental agency forbidding disclosure of the information contained herein. In disclosing this information, the author is exercising his right to free speech as a private citizen of the United States of America.

National Security Agency (NSA) – Part 3. Collateral damage by Steven J. Smith



While parts one and two of this essay present an in depth examination of psychic warfare tactics and training techniques, peripheral aspects of how the NSA fulfills its mission objectives were, for the most part, glossed over or simply ignored. In part three of this essay, we shall explore these peripheral aspects, albeit in much less detail.

A number of collateral operations are required in support of a successful psychic warfare program. Chief among these are human resource recruitment (procurement), technology development, field operations command/control, and financial/legal relationships administration. As with psychic training and warfare, the preferred NSA management tools include subterfuge, intimidation, bribery, blackmail, coercion, and (when expedient) outright violence. To the extent the NSA could be said to have any agency wide policy or standard of conduct, it consists of the following:

If it moves, enslave it.
If it doesn’t, steal it.
If it resists, kill it.
If its no longer useful, destroy it.

The philosophy embodied in these four simple statements is applied uniformly and without exception. From the lowliest psychic slave, to the highest echelon of management, none are immune to the consequences. It’s no mere coincidence that many DCI (directors of central intelligence) die suddenly (accidentally or otherwise), shortly after resigning their appointment.

What follows will amply illustrate how the NSA applies its policies to the more mundane, day to day aspects of managing psychic warfare.


Psychics as a resource:

Psychic warfare requires as its prerequisite, a pool of individuals possessing the appropriate psychic abilities. Furthermore, the inevitable genetic variability and consequent inconsistency of psychic aptitude, when coupled with the draconian nature of NSA training techniques (2.1.3, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.3.6) and warfare tactics (1.2.1, 1.2.3), dictates this pool of individuals must be many times larger than the psychic army it supports. Therefore from its inception, NSA scientists and medical professionals recognized that a psychic army of any reasonable size, would very quickly deplete the available pool of individuals possessing natural psychic abilities. Hence the NSA would need to artificially expand the number of children born with useful psychic talents. And thanks to the acquisition of Nazi scientists and medical experts via Operation Paperclip, the techniques and procedures required to create children with artificially boosted psychic abilities, were already sitting on laboratory shelves at the US Army biological warfare facility (Fort Detrick, MD.).

The only question left unanswered was, how best to proceed… (View Wikipedia articles on Operation Paperclip, Fort Detrick, MD, US Army Fort Detrick, MD website)



Based on the discussion of psychic abilities in section 1.1.1, there can be little doubt that powerful (psychic) abilities represent a departure from normal human (homo-sapiens) development, and therefore in the strict sense of the term, can be viewed as a type of birth defect. If we accept the concept of extraordinary psychic aptitude as a form of birth defect, it follows that artificially creating children possessing this birth defect will involve the application of drugs, that disrupt normal fetal development.

Teratogen – Definition: A drug or other substance capable of interfering with the development of a fetus, thereby causing birth defects.

The German discovery of techniques required to create children with boosted psychic abilities, was entirely serendipitous. As WWII dragged on and causalities mounted, Nazi leadership became increasingly alarmed by the precipitous decline in the male population available for military service. Even with active recruitment among the conquered nations of Europe, Nazi military manpower requirements still exceeded supply. Clearly, a radical approach was needed to solve this critical shortage. One promising avenue involved treating selected portions of the surplus female population with synthetic analogs of male sex hormones, thereby triggering growth of masculine traits (increased muscle mass, stamina, aggression, etc.). However, when this same synthetic hormone treatment regime was adapted for intrauterine/neonatal use, Nazi scientists got far more than they ever bargained for…

While both male and female children developed as expected, exhibiting accelerated physical maturation, increased strength, endurance, etc. A significant number of female children also exhibited very potent psychic abilities. From there, it was one short step in deductive reasoning that led to the intrauterine/neonatal use of synthetic female sex hormones to create male children with boosted psychic abilities. Even though most children treated with synthetic hormone analogs failed to manifest enhanced psychic capabilities. The military value of those who did, made this area of scientific enquiry a very high priority for both Nazi military leaders, and their American counterparts who subsequently acquired the scientific knowledge and medical techniques (via Operation Paperclip) at the close of WWII.

Although research in this area remains a closely guarded government secret (highly classified), the author theorizes these synthetic hormone analogs interfere with normal fetal development of certain brain structures known as sexually dimorphic nucleus. The consequence being a subtle shift in the neurotransmitter balance within the brain, resulting in heightened psychic capabilities.

In America of the early 1950s, no sane parent would knowingly allow their unborn child to be dosed with teratogenic drugs, thus making that child a possible candidate to undergo NSA-sponsored torture and brainwashing. All in preparation for involuntary conscription into a secret government controlled slave army. Yet this was the exact chain of events that had to transpire, if the NSA psychic warfare program were successful. Furthermore, it had to be implemented quickly, and on a massive scale. The key to transforming this nightmarish scenario into a functional reality, is the phrase “knowingly allow”. To the NSA, the answer was obvious, and embodied in a single word: “subterfuge” If parents wouldn’t knowingly sacrifice their children to expand NSA psychic warfare capabilities, then (child) sacrifice would be accomplished without parental knowledge…

The era immediately following WWII saw a veritable explosion of new drugs and bio-active chemicals. Many resulting from war related R&D efforts instigated in the late 1930s and early 1940s. Insecticides such as DDT, and antibiotics such as penicillin revolutionized human civilization, resulting in changed expectations that are still influencing society today. In this environment of sweeping societal transformations, it was a relatively simple matter for the NSA to covertly promote new and novel uses for drugs and other chemicals that would result in creation of children with the required cluster of teratogen-induced birth defects. One of the most widely prescribed and thoroughly documented (teratogenic) synthetic hormone analogs of that period was DES (diethylstilbestrol). First synthesized in 1938 at the university of Oxford, and approved by the FDA (food & drug administration) for prevention of miscarriages in 1947, DES was manufactured and sold by pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly until 1997. Even though the teratogenic properties of DES were (publicly) documented in 1971. It is estimated that between 1941 to 1971, five to ten million pregnant (American) women had taken DES, thereby exposing their unborn children to this teratogenic drug. All of this, in spite of the fact that a 1953 (double blind) study found pregnant women who were given DES had just as many miscarriages and premature deliveries as the control group. Are we to believe the FDA allowed the continued use of an ineffective drug (on pregnant woman) for eighteen years? Or was there a hidden agenda behind their apparent lapse of oversight?

If we assume that only one in every hundred of these (DES exposed) children developed enhanced psychic abilities, and of those, only one in ten were of sufficient strength to be useful in psychic warfare, then this single teratogenic drug added five to ten thousand potential soldiers to the NSA psychic slave army. All without any public awareness of the real motivation behind introduction and aggressive DES promotion. Truly, subterfuge and collateral damage on a massive scale.

DES is typical of first generation teratogenic inducers of psychic abilities. Besides wide spread (covert) promotion of drugs like DES, the NSA exploited other avenues in their quest to create children with enhanced psychic capabilities. For instance, medical staff at facilities for unwed teen mothers were infiltrated (subverted), thereby enabling the covert use of experimental teratogenic drugs on naive underage girls. It is a safe assumption that in the intervening decades since WWII, NSA controlled pharmaceutical research (3.2.1c) has developed a number of more potent (and narrowly targeted) teratogenic drugs for use on an unsuspecting population.

Along with synthetic hormone analogs (such as DES), certain organic chemicals used in the production of plastics, also exhibit a similar ability to disrupt normal gender specific fetal development. A good example is BPA (bisphenol A). Known to mimic natural hormones since the 1930s, it remains in wide spread use today (including the manufacture of baby bottles and other food containers). (View Wikipedia articles on the sexually dimorphic nucleus, DES, and BPA.)



As explained in section 3.1.2 (above), the vast majority of children exposed to teratogens fail to manifest any above normal psychic aptitude. Consequently, a set of techniques are required to uncover those few individuals who are potential candidates for exploitation
by the NSA. Furthermore, since trauma (torture) based brainwashing (2.1.3, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.3.6) is most effective when applied before the child’s personality is fully developed, these techniques must be able to detect latent psychic talent in children at the earliest possible age (preferably before the age of six). To achieve this goal, the NSA employs a number of methods, organized in a layered hierarchy. Were the bottom layer is most sensitive but least discriminatory, and the top layer is most discriminatory but narrowly targeted.

The bottom layer of detection consists of small groups of specially trained psychics, based in several hundred locations across America, evenly distributed by population. Each group spends its waking hours at night, scanning the dreams and emotional context of young
children within their respective territories. They are looking for vivid dreams, dreams of future events or distant past events, dreams of distant places, out of body dreams, or “in the body of another” dreams. While not an infallible predictor of psychic abilities, such dreams are a fairly reliable indicator of potential psychic aptitude. When detected, the parent(s) mind is queried to obtain their names(s), and geographical location. All of this information is recorded on a contact sheet, and passed on to the next layer in the detection hierarchy.

The second layer of the detection operation consists of several specialized psychic teams located at the Black Hole (1.2.1), and NSA headquarters (Fort Meade, MD). Using the psychotronics network (1.1.3), these teams will deep probe the memories of all family members of the target child, looking for any unusual physical events, or traces of direct mental influence attributable to the target child. For instance:

• A family (or neighbor’s) pet that is normally irritable, but becomes very docile in the presence of the target child (or visa versa).
• An older sibling (or parent/grandparent) that always seems to know when the target child is hungry, lost, scared, etc. without any direct physical contact.
• A favorite toy that always seems to be near the target child, even though it’s put away several times a day.
• Any other physical/mental phenomena that is not easily explainable.

If probing reveals any unusual incidents, the target child is put on the “watch list” for further observation. In this context, “observation” consists of several unconnected activities, all of which are collateral to the ultimate goal of reliable psychic detection (and acquisition). These activities are:

• Psychics specializing in remote viewing monitor the target child on a daily basis.
• Federal, state, and local government/commercial databases are used to build up a detailed family profile of the target child.

Local NSA field operatives (3.2.2) instigate very discrete casual contact with neighbors, friends, daycare staff, baby sitters, etc, looking for any anecdotal evidence in support of psychic abilities. After a period of observation lasting several weeks to several months, a determination is made whether to proceed, or drop the target child from the watch list. If the decision is made to proceed, the complete dossier on the target child is passed on to the final (top) psychic detection level. If dropped from the watch list, the child will be telepathically probed every 12 to 18 months, until his/her late teens. Periodic probing is useful since some children do not manifest their full psychic potential until the onset of puberty.

The final layer of psychic detection is more concerned with degree or strength of aptitude, rather than mere possession of capability. As with most human abilities, stress or crisis has the effect of amplifying psychic response, thereby providing a reliable estimate of potential value to the psychic warfare program. Therefore, NSA psychologists design an incident, specifically tailored to the target child’s mental/emotional makeup and psychic skill set. This “incident” can take many forms, but always includes the following elements:

• Some form of physical or emotional crisis/stress, either inflicted on the target child, or a cherished secondary target (parent, sibling, pet, etc.).
• An element of imminent (pending) danger, injury, or death.
• An obvious method or avenue by which the target child can utilize their psychic skills in an attempt to counter, defuse, or deflect the impending event.

The precipitating “incident” is directly executed by NSA field operatives (and/or NSA psychics), or they act in the capacity of agents provocateur to initiate the event. In either case, the target child’s response to the “incident” is carefully documented and forms the basis for a final decision as to whether the NSA will proceed with torture-based psychic training (2.1.3, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.3.6).

Along with the general multi-layer detection method (outlined above), the NSA employs more narrowly focused detection techniques in those situations were the child’s eventual psychic potential is more certain. i.e. Targeted use of experimental teratogens (on
unsuspecting pregnant woman). Another avenue of detection involves monitoring the initiates of certain science-based religions and fraternal organizations for any signs of latent psychic talent. In addition, numerous other psychic detection operations are deployed as opportunities arise. For instance, in the 1970s, several self-help organizations gained pop culture notoriety for their use of alpha (brain) wave training devices. During their (brief) existence, members were covertly monitored for any indications of enhanced psychic capabilities. Groups involved in occultism, the paranormal, shamanism, and mystery religions, etc. are also routinely monitored for any unusual psychic activity. As are those individuals who purchase books and other precursor materials associated with these practices.



A number of methods are employed by the NSA to gain control of the children targeted for torture-based psychic training and eventual conscription into psychic warfare. Which method is used depends in large part on information contained in the family profile, compiled during the psychic detection phase (3.1.3). For instance, with a low income family, NSA field operatives might arrange for both parents to lose their jobs, thereby throwing the family into the waiting arms of state welfare case workers. Who having received prior warning from the NSA, will declare the family to be dysfunctional, and petition the court to make the children wards of the state. At that point, the target child will be handed over to the NSA for torture-based psychic training (2.1.3, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.3.6).

If financial ruin isn’t feasible, then other methods are employed to strip the parents of legal guardianship over the targeted child. Can one of the older siblings be induced (via psychic influence) to juvenal delinquency? If so, then perhaps child welfare workers can
obtain legal custody of the target under the pretense that the parents are unfit. No potential juvenal delinquents in the family? Well then, does the father (or mother) have any repressed tendencies to commit acts of pedophilia (see section 1.2.4b). The list of methods and techniques used to acquire control of a targeted child, is limited only by the imagination of NSA tacticians. And if all else fails, assassination by accident is always an option (1.2.4c). To the NSA, children possessing psychic talent are nothing more than a resource. To be ruthlessly acquired and exploited by whatever means are expedient, including the mass murder of the target child’s entire family (if necessary).

In those situations where the targeted individual is a teenager or adult, a determination as made as to his/her probable future usefulness. Among the factors considered are:

• Can the target be trained (enslaved) through trauma-based techniques?
• Is the target useful as potential breeding stock?
• Is the target useful as an experimental test subject (3.2.1c).
• Is acquisition of the target likely to cause a public incident, or create an unacceptable security risk
• Are there any unique or mitigating factors involved?

Based on the determination of future usefulness, the target is acquired, or the target is destroyed. In very rare situations, the target is left (more or less) unmolested.


Title & deed

Governments always desire to have some legal justification for their actions. Especially when those actions are likely to cause public outrage if discovered. This was true of Nazi Germany in the 1940s, and is also true of contemporary American government. Just as Nazi
Germany used the trick of labeling captured Russian, Polish & French soldiers as detainees rather than POWs, thereby permitting exploitation as slave labor to build V2 rockets at Mittelwerk, Germany (in direct violation of The Hague and Geneva Convention restrictions on treatment of POWs). So too have American government officials used the label “detainee” rather than POW to describe those individuals held at the Guantánamo Bay detention camp (thereby abridging their legal rights under international law).

Legal maneuvers of this type also serve two distinct ancillary functions. First and most obvious, any legal justification no matter how flimsy or ill-conceived, will blunt the inevitable retribution when questionable (secret) government actions are exposed. Second and perhaps more importantly, legal justification allows those who carry out government policy to rationalize their actions, thereby alleviating any conflict they may feel concerning the nature of those actions. For instance, it is often said that Adolph Hitler killed six million Jews. This is incorrect. It took the combined efforts of many thousands of ordinary Germans to accomplish the task. Architects and construction workers to build the camps, managers, janitors, and cooks to operate the camps, engineers, brakemen, and dispatchers to run trains, etc. All of these (and more) were required to implement Hitler’s “final solution”. And while the vast majority of those men (and women) knew what they were doing was very, very wrong. Nonetheless, they justified their behavior through the simple expedient of: Obeying the Law & Following Orders.

The NSA also required a creative legalism to justify their arbitrarily-imposed custody, and absolute rule over (targeted) psychic children. So the DoD (department of defense) created it by reinterpreting the National Security Training Corps subsection of the Selective Service Act (statute that authorizes involuntary conscription of citizens for military duty). The original legislation was signed into law (in 1951) by President Harry S. Truman, the same president who one year later, created the NSA by secret executive order (see last paragraph of section 1.1.2).

Within the Selective Service Act, those portions of the law that define who must register for selective service (military daft) use the term: “male citizens of the United States who are between the ages of 18 and 26.”

However, the final sentence of that portion pertaining to National Security Training Corps eligibility reads as follows:

“The President is authorized, from time to time, whether or not a state of war exists, to select and induct for training in the National Security Training Corps as hereinafter provided such number of persons as may be required to further the purposes of this

In other words, the president has the authority to select “persons” for (involuntary) induction into National Security Training Corps, with no limitations whatsoever as to age, gender, citizenship, or even nationality. And where do you suppose those “persons” selected by the president (or his duly authorized representatives) for induction into the National Security Training Corps will be assigned after they are trained? The National Security Agency (NSA) of course. This is the reason why the NSA was created as part of DoD, rather than being a separate civilian intelligence agency (like the CIA).

Through the misapplication of this quasi-legal government statute, without the consent or knowledge of the American people, by means of deceit, color of law, and outright violence, innocent children are being abducted (3.1.4), brutally tortured (2.1.3, 2.2.2, 2.2.3,
2.3.6), and when mature, mercilessly used as soldiers in a secret war (1.2.1, 1.2.3), waged for the sole purpose of enslaving humanity (1.2.4, 1.3.1).

To the American government, these psychic children (and the secret army they will eventually serve) are nothing more than chattel slaves. The NSA holds Allodial title, and the Selective Service Act, serves as the deed of conveyance… (Visit Wikipedia: V2 rocket website, Mittelwerk, Guantánamo Bay detention, Geneva Convention, Selective Service Act, CIA, Color of Law, chattel slavery, and Allodial title.)


Ancillary procurement & training:

Along with (brainwashed) psychic slaves, NSA psychic warfare operations also require a continuous supply of Suits (mission coordinators, 1.2.2), sexual slaves, and children for use as experimental medical/pharmaceutical test animals. Procurement and training for each of these human resources is fulfilled through a separate, unique procedure, as outlined below:

3.2.1a – Suits:

Mission coordinators (suits) are always male and members of the armed forces. They are not recruited in the conventional sense of the word, instead like the psychic children, they are targeted based on their physical and mental aptitudes/abilities. The NSA is looking for individuals with good physical stamina, along with a history of emotional instability. Such individuals are ideal candidates for trauma-based brainwashing, since their physical strength will allow them to survive the rigors of torture, while their lack of emotional stability facilitates the process of mental splitting into separate, manageable personas (2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.3.3, 2.3.4). When conscripted into the NSA psychic warfare program, all public (government) and private records of their existence are purged.

As with psychic children, trauma-based training procedures are carried out in two distinct phases. However, unlike psychic children, candidates for suit training have fully developed, mature personalities, and therefore require far more brutal torture techniques to initiate the process of mental splitting in any reasonable period of time. During phase one, they are routinely hung by their wrists from an overhead hook, and severely beaten for hours at a time. They are starved for several days, then given food containing an emetic drug, thereby inducing uncontrollable vomiting. At the same time, they are given liquids containing diuretic drugs, thereby causing progressive dehydration by inducing massive water loss through urination. Of course, their physical condition is very carefully monitored, and the level of torture is constantly modified to maximize pain and stress, without actually killing them. In this way, the future suit is broken, with a minimum expenditure of time and resources. Like the trauma-based training of psychic children, the future suit also receives multiple ECT (electro-shock) treatments to wall off (lock in) personas created by mental splitting (2.2.2). Another form of trauma is unique to suit training. The future suit is repeatedly locked in a padded room (while wearing a straight jacket) for a period of several days. Meanwhile, a team of psychics constantly assault him with sensations of mental, and emotional pain. This aspect of suit training is in many ways, even worse than physical torture. It’s designed to make any kind of mental intrusion (by psychics), immediately recognizable AND absolutely intolerable. Mental conditioning of this type is imperative, if the suit is to safely handle trained psychic warriors.

Unlike psychic children, suits require just two (split off) personas. The one who maintains control, and the one who is suspicious. Therefore phase two suit training is very abbreviated. The training room contains a single (high backed) metal chair with head, chest, arm, and leg restraints. The chair is bolted to the floor, and wired to deliver electric shocks to various parts of the human body. An elaborate AV (audio-visual) system is employed to supply trigger stimuli and training commands. In early phase two training sessions, both arms are restrained. Over and over he is drilled to maintain control. You must maintain control at all times. No matter what happens, you must maintain control. The thoughts of others are not to be tolerated, you must maintain control. You must maintain control.
As the final form of control, the future suit is conditioned to kill everyone in sight, then kill himself. During later training sessions, this is accomplished by leaving one arm unrestrained, thereby allowing the future suit to use a (unloaded) hand gun. The AV system flashes images on the walls of men, women, children (including babies), his parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, etc. He is trained to point the gun and fire at these images without hesitation or judgment of any kind. The following are typical command sequences from phase two training sessions:

You will maintain control at all times. You are the only one to control. No information or knowledge is ever given. You do not exist in any records. You will be told your job and given orders for each mission. You will carry out the mission and maintain control at all costs. No feelings. No sorrow, sadness, joy, or happiness. No pain. No thoughts. No emotions. We have taken your past away. No memories.

While suits exercise absolute (life & death) rule over psychic warriors, in all other respects, they are as much victims of the NSA, as are the psychics they command.

3.2.1b – Sexual slaves:

The NSA requires both male and female sex slaves as adjuncts to their psychic warfare program (1.2.4b). Sex slaves ranging from 8 years to 40 years old are needed, depending on the particular mission profile and/or objectives. Generally speaking, underage sex slaves are employed in high value political/corporate blackmail missions, while older sex slaves are used to breakup marriages, ruin professional careers, covertly administer NSA supplied drugs, etc.

As with psychic children and suits (mission coordinators), individuals are targeted for (involuntary) recruitment. Orphanages, convents, and state run group homes are all used as recruiting grounds for underage sex slaves. Drug/alcohol rehab facilities, women’s shelters, and vocational training centers are prime locations for recruiting older sex slaves. Since most of these organizations are chronically short of funding, money is the prime motivational factor. Their cooperation with the NSA is justified through the simple expedient, that sacrificing a few individuals will help many that otherwise, would not receive any help at all. Of course, these would be do-gooders meticulously avoid any detailed knowledge of what happens to those “few who are sacrificed”…

Preparation for sexual slavery involves both trauma (torture)-based training, as well as certain medical procedures designed to make the slave more useful in their future career. Tonsils (if present) are removed and pharyngeal (gag) reflex deadened to make deep oral
penetration easily accomplished. For a similar reason, certain drugs are injected along nerve pathways leading to the anal sphincter. Trauma (torture) based training techniques employed on sexual slaves more resemble that of psychic children, than suits (3.2.1a). However, along with the standard Protector, Empathy, Wanting, Memory, etc. personas of a psychic child (2.2.2, 2.3.3, 2.3.4), several others personas unique to sexual slaves, are also created. Foremost among these are The One Who Enjoys, and The One Who Desires Safety.
During phase one (as the base personality is being shattered – 2.1.3, 2.2.2), all pleasurable sensations and memories of joy are sequestered (segregated) within The One Who Enjoys. Then during phase two training, while The One Who Enjoys persona is invoked (via trigger word or keying gesture), the future slave is taught to perform various sexual activities, and fetishes, thereby linking these with sensations of physical gratification and emotional enjoyment. Finally, this persona is merged back into the base personality, creating a slave who is not only proficient at, but also derives intense sensations of pleasure from, any sexual act regardless of how perverse, painful, and/or demeaning.

A sexual slave must work in a variety of situations, from parties and other gatherings where promiscuity is useful, to more traditional one-on-one assignments where pseudo-monogamy is required. Furthermore (depending on their assignment), they may need to have (manifest) a hetero, homo, bi, or pansexual orientation. The One Who Desires Safety persona is used to control these aspects of slave behavior. This persona is created during phase one torture sessions (2.1.3, 2.2.2), by instructing the future slave to put all of their desires for safety in one place (accompanied by a keying gesture). Later, during phase two training (2.3.1), the persona is trained to associate the desire for personal safety, with overt control and ownership by others. This persona will remain hidden, and exert subliminal influence over the dominate personality. Sexual tasking is accomplished by invoking the persona (using trigger word or keying gesture), then showing the slave a picture of his/her target, accompanied by the phrase: “this person will keep you safe”. In a similar manner, promiscuous behavior is achieved by using the phrase: “there is safety in large groups” or “you are safest among many people”. As with The Protector persona (2.3.3), once more we see the inside out, black is white logic of human slavery. The quintessential trademark of NSA brainwashing techniques.

3.2.1c – Human experimentation:

There have been numerous eye witness accounts of facilities in America, where large numbers of children are being held captive in cages. As vile and revolting as these eye wittiness accounts may seem, nonetheless, they are accurate. These children are used as
test animals in NSA-funded medical experiments and pharmaceutical trials. The children are harvested from the streets of American cities and housed under conditions that closely approximate that of a mass production chicken farm. Large metal sheds are used, with
row upon row of wire cages, stacked three or four high. Sanitation is accomplished by twice daily wash down, using a cold water hose. The children are fed and watered using dog bowls. Diet consists of commercial (pellet) animal feed, similar to dry dog food. At one end of the shed, several (FEMA style) single wide mobile modular structures house the operating/examination rooms, pharmacy, and administrative offices. Prior to arrival, the children are injected with a drug that washes away all traces of personality and memory, leaving behind nothing more than a diffuse sense of loss and loneliness. The buildings are eerily quiet, since the children have lost all language skills, and do not even cry…

Hundreds of these facilities are scattered across the American continent…

Unlike surgery performed at hospitals, where long-term survival and health of the patient are considered the yardstick of success. Surgical procedures inflicted upon the experimental test children are exploratory in nature. In other words, the procedures are
intended to investigate “what if” medical questions. For example, what happens if a certain section of the liver is destroyed? Or what happens if a particular artery (or vein) is removed or blocked? Because many of these children die on the operating table, and
those who survive only live for a few days, no attempt is made to maintain antiseptic conditions within the operating room. Like the cages, a cold water wash down is considered sufficient. Anesthetic is never used because the children do not respond coherently to the sensation of pain. Dead children are stuffed into garbage bags and stacked by the incinerator to be burned at night, when the smoke (and smell) are less noticeable. Pharmaceutical testing is no less cruel or barbaric. The NSA operates in partnership with most American pharmaceutical corporations. The pharmaceutical corporations supply the drugs, the NSA supplies the test animals (children), and they jointly share research data. The NSA is particularly interested in ANY drug or chemical compound that exerts an effect on the CNS (central nervous system).

As a side note: Many American citizens are aware that Canadian prescription drug prices are significantly lower. This is true, even for prescription drugs manufactured in America and exported to Canada. The primary reason for increasing drug prices in America, is a frenzied search for the holy grail of mind altering drugs. A chemical compound that will remove all traces of desire for personal autonomy (free will), while leaving learned physical and cognitive skills intact. This is the motivation behind a covert alliance of American pharmaceutical corporations and the federal government. Although American government could exert regulatory power over consumer prescription drug pricing, it does not choose to do so. In return, pharmaceutical corporations spend billions of dollars on NSA-directed mind control research. However, to successfully compete in drug export markets, American pharmaceutical corporations are forced to sell their products in other countries at fair market value. Hence the wide disparity between Canadian and American prescription drug prices. This “devils pact” between drug manufactures and American government also explains why government officials were so quick to act, attempting to bar American citizens from purchasing prescription drugs in Canada. Concern expressed by FDA officials over the safety of (re)imported prescription drugs amounts to little more than a feeble attempt to prop up pharmaceutical industry profits (and NSA mind control research). Remember, this is the same FDA that allowed continued use of an ineffective (but NSA condoned) prescription drug on pregnant woman for eighteen years (3.2.2).


Legal fictions:

A number of laws are supposed to limit the type of activities NSA personnel may undertake, as well as the geographic scope of those activities. For example, FISA (foreign intelligence surveillance act of 1978) was originally intended to limit government surveillance of American citizens. However, in recent years, the legislation has been amended and distorted to the point where, in its present form, FISA is little more that a defense for any government surveillance activity (no matter how egregious), and a one-size-fits-all blanket of immunity for the private telecommunications industry. Clearly, in this context, the American government operates under the guiding principal that privacy is a right, exclusively reserved for those who originate, implement, and execute government policy.

As originally enacted, FISA was also supposed to limit the geographic scope of NSA activities. The NSA has employed a different tactic to circumvent this limitation. Domestic surveillance field operatives are not directly employed by the NSA. They work for shell companies, owned by former NSA (or DoD) employees who have taken early retirement, then operate as private contracting companies. While these private companies receive tasking instructions from, and supply surveillance intelligence to the NSA, there is no direct (traceable) connection between the NSA and the domestic surveillance operatives. ALL communications between domestic surveillance operatives and the NSA moves through secure computer links and/or satellite-based cell phones. None of the field operatives are even aware of who they are really working for, or where their tasking instructions originate. This same tactic is used to hide ownership of smaller psychic warfare ops centers (see last paragraph, section 1.2.1), and other domestic installations used by the NSA.

As a side note, one particularly intriguing aspect of this domestic network, is the use of purpose built dormitories specifically designed to resemble motels. Many operate under the name “Day Inn”, and are easily mistaken by the casual observer as part of the (non-government controlled) Days Inn nationwide chain of motels. However, the NSA controlled Day Inn motels have several distinguishing characteristics (besides the name) that make identification possible.

• The Day Inn lacks the distinctive Sun Burst logo used on Days Inn motel signs.
• Even when the parking lot is almost empty, the Day Inn sign will show “No Vacancy”.
• These fake motels are found in locations that make no sense from a commercial business perspective. For example, in the middle of an industrial district. If you try to book a room at the front desk, you will be told that check in is by reservation only.

Many of these NSA controlled dormitories are used to house Suits and Technicians (1.2.2) assigned to the smaller psychic warfare ops centers (see last paragraph, section 1.2.1). While Technicians are civilian contractors, Suits carry DoD (department of defense)
identification cards and government issued credit cards.

CAUTION! Suits have undergone trauma-based programming (3.2.1a), and carry concealed hand guns (with silencers). If for any reason they believe their mission has been detected and/or compromised, they are hard-wired (brainwashed) to kill themselves (and anyone else around them). For this reason, the author urges EXTREME caution when observing or investigating ANY installation believed to be under NSA control.

Along with the use of shell companies, early retirement of NSA/DoD personnel, legislative perversion, and legal reinterpretation (3.1.5), the NSA also co-ops corporations, small business owners, charitable foundations, and religious institutions into its web of illegal domestic operations. The recruitment tactics include sweetheart bank loans, bribery, blackmail, intimidation, protection from prosecution, sexual pandering, and illicit drugs. However, no matter what recruitment method is employed, the end result is always the same. The targeted organization takes all the risks, and the NSA reaps all the benefits. In this sense, domestic NSA operations quite often bear more resemblance to an organized crime racketeering operation, than anything one would reasonably associate with a legitimate government agency. Regardless of the actual technique, method, or tactic employed by the NSA to accomplish its government-mandated objectives. Minimizing any possibility of exposure or traceable connection to illegal domestic activities, is always the agencies first priority and overriding concern. Furthermore, just like any organized crime syndicate, the NSA will take whatever action is necessary (including murder) to guarantee its continued immunity from legal prosecution and/or public retribution.

In conclusion, the NSA psychic warfare program, along with its other domestic operations, are cloaked in nothing more substantial than a thin tissue of lies, subterfuge, and legal fictions…


HVT technology

(ETK: The following discussion is highly relevant to the topic of organized gang stalking.)

HVT – Acronym: High Value Target. These individuals include politicians, influential journalists, business executives, entrepreneurs, popular entertainers, innovative educators,
scientists, etc.

The NSA employs a number of EM (electromagnetic)-based technologies on those individuals they consider to be an HVT. Foremost among these technologies is the high power psychotronic transceiver (PT). While the cell phone network is sufficient for wide area coverage and one-shot targeted strikes (see 1.2.4c & companion paper entitled “Remote Mind Control”), when long term 24/7 coverage is required, the NSA relies on multiple dedicated PTs, aimed at the HVT residence and/or workplace. Each PT consists of:

1. Small dish style transmit/receive antenna (Fig. 1 below) aimed at the HVT location.
2. Transceiver electronics package.
3. Large satellite dish linking PT back into the NSA psychotronics network.

Fig. 1 – Psychotronics transmit/receive antenna

In residential neighborhoods, NSA field operatives (posing as FBI agents) will contact homeowners near the HVT location, asking permission to place a “radio monitoring device” (PT) in a spare bedroom for “national security” use. The NSA operatives are always very polite, and offer to compensate the homeowner for use of their bedroom (generally $1000 to $1500 per month). With the allure of monthly cash, most homeowners are more than willing to cooperate. Optimal PT targeting involves pointing the transmit/receive antenna (figure 1), through a window having an unobstructed line of sight to HVT location. Alternant PT antenna sites include cell phone towers, high rise building roof tops, and government offices. PT antennas in outdoor locations have a white or gray plastic weather dome covering the dish. In extreme circumstances, the HVT may have as many as 10 PTs encircling his/her location. Besides fixed location PTs tied into the psychotronics satellite network, the NSA also deploys (SWAT style) teams equipped with portable PTs, for use against HVTs in remote domestic or overseas locations. The team will consist of one (or more) Suits (1.2.2, 3.2.1a), several psychics (often brother/sister or twins), and one (or more) techs. Depending on the mission parameters, teams may also include a specialist, trained in psychiatry or internal medicine.

One side effect of PT operation, is a subtle but very distinctive psycho-acoustic phenomena, perceived by the HVT as a high pitched “zipping” sound, lasting mere fractions of a second. These perceived sounds generally happen in pairs (or triplets), with random intervals between pairs. The phenomena is most noticeable in quiet environments (bedrooms, studies, etc.). Detection of this psycho-acoustic phenomena is incontrovertible evidence of NSA targeting.

Starting in the early 1990s, hand-held devices capable of inducing a deep hypnotic (trance like) mental state, have been deployed by the NSA for use in situations where direct one on one confrontation and/or control of a human target is necessary. The device makes use of an asymmetrical microwave modulation technique to produce TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) within the frontal lobes, inhibiting volitional thought, thereby rendering the target immobile and extremely suggestible. A side effect of frontal lobe stimulation by this device, is a very odd visual/acoustical artifact. It consists of a glowing ring of pulsating light, accompanied by a deep (synchronized) throbbing sound. Once the device is switch off, subjects recover full volitional cognition within 30 to 90 seconds.

Another EM based system deployed against HVTs uses directed microwave energy to generate/catalyze free radical cross linking reactions within the human body, thereby damaging key metabolic pathways. The overall result being a rapid decline in health and vitality. The directed microwave generator is tripod mounted, and resembles a stove pipe, approximately 5 foot long and eighteen inches in diameter. The generator has two connections for water cooling lines, and one for high voltage cabling to the power supply cabinet. Peak microwave beam power is around 4000 watts, and is effective at distances of two miles or more. At distances under one mile, effects are prompt and devastating. Primary power is generally supplied from a 220V electric range/clothes dryer outlet. The system operates unattended, with control/management handled via auto-answer modem and dedicated phone line. System components have no markings indicating manufacturer, neither are there any visible model or serial numbers. Apparently, the NSA (and its corporate accomplices) have no desire to take credit for their handiwork…

Several other EM based weapons are also used on HVTs. Most are designed to either disrupt key biological processes (such as heart muscle contractions), or brain neurotransmitters (such as dopamine). (View Wikipedia article on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)



Throughout this essay, I have tried to present the facts, devoid of any emotional bias. In this effort, I have failed miserably. And as a consequence, I’ve seriously depleted the inventory of derogatory adjectives, available within the English lexicon. Neither do I believe any sane individual could have remained emotionally detached, while traveling the road of discovery that made this essay both possible AND obligatory. However, when stripped of all its secrecy and mystique, the NSA is best characterized as little more than a psychopathic advertising agency, promoting a product (government-sponsored slavery) no one really wants. While their marketing techniques are, to say the least, unconventional. Their message is as old as humanity itself. i.e. Do as we say, or we will hurt you.



ALL information contained herein is derived from public sources, widely accepted scientific principles, remote viewing, and/or deprogramming sessions of (former) government trained psychics. The author has NO written or verbal agreement with ANY governmental agency forbidding disclosure of the information contained herein. In disclosing this information, the author is exercising (what little remains of) his right to free speech as a private citizen of the United States of America.

Editor (James F. Marino’s) note:

* Steve Smith was murdered not long after writing the above expose on the NSA. From childhood, Smith was trained by the NSA as a psychic warrior, and the following article is based on his experiences as a target of the NSA’s predation, and its classified program to create psychic warriors. Smith was also an engineer who was interested in manufacturing an engine which could be used to create free energy; technology that Nicola Tesla had likely developed a century earlier (and which the FBI in all likelihood laid its hands on the day after Tesla’s death, having raided his suite at the Plaza hotel in New York City). The John Galt character from Ayn Rand’s 1957 novel “Atlas Shrugged,” could well have been patterned after Nicola Tesla, given that Galt’s claim to fame was his creation of an engine that would revolutionize the world.

Related Quotes:

“Tracking individuals in the U.S. is easily and cost-effectively implemented with the NSA’s electronic surveillance network. This network (DOMINT) covers the entire U.S. involves tens of thousands of NSA personnel, and tracks millions of persons simultaneously. Cost-effective implementation of operations is assured by NSA computer technology designed to minimize operations costs.”

– John St. Clair Akwei: AKWEI VS NSA

*Editor’s Note: Exactly how is it that the NSA can violate its own legislative charter by spying domestically, while implementing an electronic surveillance system that has been used to secretly catalogue each American citizen by way of their brain’s own unique set of electromagnetic resonances? Exactly where does the 4Th Amendment fit in here, since the NSA’s electronic domestic satellite spy system is totally contrary to the American people’s inherent right to privacy both within their home as well as from within their own mind.

Moreover, the above article by *Steve Smith regarding the NSA, describes the agency’s use of psychic warriors to remotely enter the minds of American citizens – genuine telepathy – as opposed to what John St. Clair Akwei documents in his lawsuit against the NSA, regarding the agency’s use of artifical mind reading/manipulation (synthetic telepathy), which the NSA deploys through its Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network. Clearly, the NSA has many different technologies which it uses for its domestic spying operations, as well as its use of American men, women and children for non-consensual mind control experimentation.

Each of which is highly illegal. So why are the American people financially supporting this Nazi organization? Because they have been lied to in regard to what the NSA is really being used for – domestic spying and non-consensual human experimentation, as well as the furtive torture and murder of American citizens via the NSA’s electronic warfare program.

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