The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
Appendix 103: Gangstalking/Cyber Torture in Flow Chart Diagrams
War On Terror
Articles & Interviews
Google Imports Ex-Israeli Spies (by Nate Bear)
March 20, 2025Part VI: Mind Control: History and Applications
February 3, 2025Part VII: Electronic Mind Control and Electronic Weapons
January 26, 2025Part VIII: Cult Connections
January 26, 2025“PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order:” Dr. Robert Malone Lecture
September 17, 2024Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 20249/11 “Hijackers” Were CIA Recruits (videos)
April 15, 2024Gray State (film)
February 19, 2024Appendix 42. Psychological Operations Blueprint (by Omnisense)
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January 12, 2024Appendix 63: NASA’s Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast- 1994
November 1, 2023Cognitive Warfare June-November, 2020 Francois du Cluzel
March 16, 2023Appendix 136: The New World Order Pope and Related Articles/Videos
December 9, 2022Boston Marathon (Un)Bombing Hoax & Crisis Actors; 14 Videos (2021-2022)
November 23, 2022Appendix 152. Excellent website!
November 17, 2022Comments on the Persian Gulf War I by Dr. Eric Karlstrom (April, 1991)
September 24, 2022Appendix 214: Gray State (Movie)
November 26, 2021Appendix 234: Maurice Strong and Tavistock (video)
July 17, 20219/11 preplanned; W/ List of Leading Suspects
May 14, 2021Quora Q & A On Gangstalking
March 14, 2021Timeline of United States Military Operations
December 25, 2020Gangstalking Photo Log (La Paz Area, 2019 – 2021)
November 27, 2020The MANY Methods of Mind Manipulation . . . a Worldwide Operation
October 22, 2020Stalkers, Perps, and Scumbags From their own CV’s
October 18, 2020Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
September 19, 2020Some Appropriate Graphics For Covid 19(84) & 5G N(J)ew World Order
February 20, 2020The War On Democracy (2007 Youtube)
March 19, 2019Counter Intelligence Series Youtubes (Parts 1 Through 5)
March 19, 2019Counter-Intelligence: (5) Drone Nation
March 19, 2019Gallup Poll: US is #1 Threat to World Peace
January 15, 2019Quotes on War
December 11, 2018The War On Iraq (Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, 11/16/2002)
December 9, 2018CIA Front Companies
December 1, 2018Iraq War Update (4/22/16): And the Winner is…. Greater Israel!
November 30, 2018The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s Is the Story of Our Times
November 14, 2018USA Freedom Act (2015 Update of USA PATRIOT ACT)
November 9, 2018You Are The Enemy (by Preston James of Veterans Today, 2014)
September 25, 2018Gang Stalking Photo Log (La Paz Area, 2019 & 2020)
July 22, 2018Appendix 103: Gangstalking/Cyber Torture in Flow Chart Diagrams
Compiled By Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, CSUS; August 2, 2021
Flow Charts-Diagrams are from MKULTRA and Intel community database and basically corroborate the conclusions I came to independently about ganstalking-electromagnetic harassment and torture in my website:
Webmaster Introduction:
As my proves, “gangstalking”-electronic harassment/torture, referred to in these diagrams as “Internet Trolling/Gangstalking/Cyber Terrorism,” is hybrid warfare waged against blacklisted “targeted individuals” by the US government/military-industrial-intelligence establishment, and NSA Global Spy Network/Five Eyes (English-speaking) nations. It is unconstitutional to deprive American citizens of their constitutionally-guaranteed rights. Hence, this “crime against humanity” amounts to TREASON as well as felony crimes up to and including murder.
My fellow Americans, do not be surprised now if the captured and entirely rogue, criminal US government and its military-intelligence-corporate minions proceed to radically ramp up their hybrid warfare against ALL Americans. Be strong and never give up…. America is now controlled by those that crucified Jesus Christ in collaboration with the British Empire and the global financial institutions/corporatocracy/secret societies.
This is a spiritual war. Good vs. evil. It is also a “Crown Operation.” Think… coronavirus equals “crown” and “crown” has three meanings: The British monarchy is referred to as “The Crown.” “The Crown” also refers to the “City of London,” or Greater London Authority, which is not a part of the UK but rather is controlled by the Rothschild family, the King of the Jews, who control world finance. And “Crown” also refers to the top “Crown” of the Jewish Occultic Tree of Life; The “Kether” (or “Keter”) refers to one of many Jewish gods, Ein Soph, who, they believe, is a distant and impersonal god. The Synagogue of Satan, the system in control of the world during the end times, according to the Bible, is a pagan death cult. Jews worship a multitude of gods, including Satan, the Serpent, and they are acting as his “hive mind” to do his bidding to try to replace humanity, the “crown” of God’s creation, and redesign God’s world.
The stakes are very high. I believe that if we Americans stay spiritually strong and don’t give up, we can prevail. Meanwhile, please get right with true God, Jesus Christ, and dig in for some horrific times in the very near future. God speed.
The prevailing mentality behind These Extraordinary Crimes Is This:
State Superior To Individual (a violation of the US Constitution)
My Pertinent Websites Include:,, and
The prevailing mentality behind These Extraordinary Crimes:
State (As Collective) Superior To Individual (Violation of US Constitution)
A. Gangstalking/Cyber Terrorism/Internet Trolling Program
1. Mind Control
2. Psychological Operations (PsyOp)
3. Psychological Warfare
4. EMF/Mind Control
5. Body Control
6. Internet Trolling/Gangstalking/Cyber Terrorism
7. Microwave (Weapons) Effects (aka Gangstalking): Barrie
8. Trower Speaks With Targeted Individuals\
9. Remote Influencing
10. Psitech
11. Neural Engineering System Design
12. Slavery
13. Shock From Simultaneous Angles
14. Personal Attack (Ad Hominem Abuse)
15. Sock Puppet
16. Honey Trap
17. Preemptive Strike
18. Ad Hominem Tu Quoque (You Too Fallacy) False Cause
19. Character Assassination
20. Catfishing
21. Gaslighting
22. Ambiguity
23. Rapid Fire Technique
24. Sophism
25. Internet
26. Black PsyOp
27. USA Patriot Act
28. Terrorism
29. Covert PsyOp
30. Psychological Operations Committee
31. Cybernetics
32. New (CIA) Phoenix Program
33. Disinformation Corporation
34. Geoengineering (Chemtrails)
35. Counterintelligence/Alternative Media
36. Transhumanism (Mind Op. v.06)
37. Demonology
38. Satanism
39. Black Magic
40. Black Arts
41. Black Psyops
42. Blood Sacrifice/Ritual Sacrifice
43. Battle For the Mind by William Sargeant
44. Brainwashing
45. Eugenics And Population Control Flow Chart
46. Transhumanism (Mind Op. v.06)
47. Satanism
48. Blood Sacrifice/Ritual Sacrifice
49. CIA’s Project MKULTRA
B. Agencies often involved in these crimes against humanity
45. UK’s JTRIG (Joint Threat Response Intelligence Group); a part of GCHQ (General Communications Headquarters; Britain’s NSA)
46. 4th Psychological Operations Group
47. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
48. Sabbatean Judaism
49. Sayanim
50. Freemasonry
51. Scientology
52. CIA
53. CIA Special Access Division
54. NSA (National Security Agency)
55. MI6 (British Intelligence)
56. Mossad (Israeli Intelligence)
57. Intelligence Agencies
58. The Intelligence Community
59. Military-Industrial Complex
60. Illuminati
61. Secret Societies and Mystery Schools
62. Venetian Black Nobility
63. British Empire
64. British Israel World Federation
65. State of Israel
66. Third Reich/Nazism
67. Zionism
68. Cabala/Kabbalah/Quabala
69. Cabal/Conspiracy
70. Organized Crime
A. Main Topics
1. Mind Control
2. PsyOp Psychological Operations
3. Psychological Warfare
4. EMF/Mind Control
5. Internet Trolling/Gangstalking/Cyber Terrorism
6. Body Control
7. Microwave (weapons) Effects (aka Gangstalking). Barrie Trower Speaks With Targeted Individuals
8. C4- Command, Control, Computers, Communication
9. Remote Influencing
10. Psitech
10. Neural Engineering System Design
11. Slavery
12. (CIA) Project MKULTRA
13. Shock From Simultaneous Angles
14. Personal Attack (Ad Hominem Abuse)
15. Sock Puppet
16. Honey Trap
17. Preemptive Strike
18. Ad Hominem Tu Quoque (You Too Fallacy) False Cause
19. Character Assassination
20. Catfishing
21. Gaslighting
22. Ambiguity
23. Rapid Fire Technique
24. Sophism
25. Internet
26. Black PsyOp
27. USA Patriot Act
28. Terrorism
29. Covert PsyOp
30. Psychological Operations Committee
31. Cybernetics
32. New (CIA) Phoenix Program
33. Disinformation Corporation
34. Geoengineering (Chemtrails)
35. Counterintelligence/Alternative Media
36. Transhumanism (Mind Op. v.06)
37. Demonology
38. Satanism
39. Black Magic
40. Black Arts
41. Black Psyop
42. Blood Sacrifice/Ritual Sacrifice
43. Battle For the Mind by William Sargeant
44. Brainwashing
B. Agencies are often involved in these crimes against humanity
45. UK’s JTRIG (Joint Threat Response Intelligence Group); a part of GCHQ (General Communications Headquarters; Britain’s NSA)
46. 4th Psychological Operations Group
47. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
48. Sabbatean Judaism
49. Sayanim
50. Freemasonry
51. Scientology
52. CIA Central Intelligence Agency Flow Chart
53. CIA Special Activities Division (SAD)
54. NSA National Security Agency
55. MI-6 Military Intelligence Service 6 Flow Chart
56. (Israeli) Mossad (Institute For Intelligence And Special Operations)
57. Intelligence Agencies
58. The Intelligence Community
59. Military-Industrial Complex
60. Illuminati
61. Secret Societies and Mystery Schools
62. Venetian Black Nobility
63. British Empire
64. British Israel World Federation
65. State of Israel
66. Third Reich/Nazis
67. Zionism
68. Cabala/Kabbalah/Qabala
69. Cabal Conspiracy
70. Organized Crime
ref=””>MKULTRA and Intel community database
Conclusions: Clearly, these diagrams reveal a control matrix that has been long in the planning and making. These anti-democratic institutions are designed to take down humanity and are now doing so.
I also take these diagrams as total confirmation of my hypothesis that Crestone, Colorado is a multi-faceted intelligence operation. There are so many connections embedded in these graphs that it will require another post to innumerate them. Bottom line is that Crestone/Baca has been invaded and captured by the agents and agencies of the Satanic New World Order. These institutions and operations are amply exposed in both my (Toto Enterprises, Inc.) websites and in the “MKULTRA And Intel Community Database” website. These data sets corroborate one another.
The Russian proverb is: “Pray to God but keep rowing to shore.” Bible believing Christians know the Truth: Jesus Christ is Lord and He and His people are victorious in the end.
I include “Men Who Stare At Goats” because of the presence of the First Earth Battalion there.
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