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Appendix 88: Alan Watt on Long-Term “Plan” & Global Government “Matrix,” Maurice Strong, UN Global Privatization of Water Resources, and UN Agenda 21 (Interview on TruthQuest With Melodee, Oct. 30, 2007 with Dr. Eric Karlstrom & Melodee Hallet)

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Alan Watt on the Long-Term “Plan,” Global Government “Matrix” and UN Agenda 21 (“TruthQuest With Melodee” Melodee Hallet and Dr. Eric Karlstrom), Oct. 30, 2007 interview)

Webmaster Comment: This is an brilliant summary of the “big picture” behind Operation Crestone/Baca and Maurice Strong’s “water-play” in the San Luis Valley. I have re-listened to this interview on June 3, 2021. This is and excellent summation of what is going on.

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