The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
PROOFS That Organized Stalking-Electronic Torture IS Neuro/Cyber/Hybrid Warfare & State-Sponsored Terrorism Against Targeted Civilians: Elements, History, Goals, and Perpetrators
War On Terror
Articles & Interviews
Google Imports Ex-Israeli Spies (by Nate Bear)
March 20, 2025Part VI: Mind Control: History and Applications
February 3, 2025Part VII: Electronic Mind Control and Electronic Weapons
January 26, 2025Part VIII: Cult Connections
January 26, 2025“PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order:” Dr. Robert Malone Lecture
September 17, 2024Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 20249/11 “Hijackers” Were CIA Recruits (videos)
April 15, 2024Gray State (film)
February 19, 2024Appendix 42. Psychological Operations Blueprint (by Omnisense)
January 26, 2024365 Days of Chemtrails- The Christmas Carol Verson
January 12, 2024Appendix 63: NASA’s Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast- 1994
November 1, 2023Cognitive Warfare June-November, 2020 Francois du Cluzel
March 16, 2023Appendix 136: The New World Order Pope and Related Articles/Videos
December 9, 2022Boston Marathon (Un)Bombing Hoax & Crisis Actors; 14 Videos (2021-2022)
November 23, 2022Appendix 152. Excellent website!
November 17, 2022Comments on the Persian Gulf War I by Dr. Eric Karlstrom (April, 1991)
September 24, 2022Appendix 214: Gray State (Movie)
November 26, 2021Appendix 234: Maurice Strong and Tavistock (video)
July 17, 20219/11 preplanned; W/ List of Leading Suspects
May 14, 2021Quora Q & A On Gangstalking
March 14, 2021Timeline of United States Military Operations
December 25, 2020Gangstalking Photo Log (La Paz Area, 2019 – 2021)
November 27, 2020The MANY Methods of Mind Manipulation . . . a Worldwide Operation
October 22, 2020Stalkers, Perps, and Scumbags From their own CV’s
October 18, 2020Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
September 19, 2020Some Appropriate Graphics For Covid 19(84) & 5G N(J)ew World Order
February 20, 2020The War On Democracy (2007 Youtube)
March 19, 2019Counter Intelligence Series Youtubes (Parts 1 Through 5)
March 19, 2019Counter-Intelligence: (5) Drone Nation
March 19, 2019Gallup Poll: US is #1 Threat to World Peace
January 15, 2019Quotes on War
December 11, 2018The War On Iraq (Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, 11/16/2002)
December 9, 2018CIA Front Companies
December 1, 2018Iraq War Update (4/22/16): And the Winner is…. Greater Israel!
November 30, 2018The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s Is the Story of Our Times
November 14, 2018USA Freedom Act (2015 Update of USA PATRIOT ACT)
November 9, 2018You Are The Enemy (by Preston James of Veterans Today, 2014)
September 25, 2018Gang Stalking Photo Log (La Paz Area, 2019 & 2020)
July 22, 2018Epigraph Quotes:
The U.S. military recently added the ‘human domain’ as the sixth domain of war apart from land, sea, air, outer space, and cyberspace.
…. …with respect to noncombatant targeting… neuroweapons may be employed covertly without the target of the attack ever being aware of the attack…. Individuals may be driven insane and manipulated into random acts of violence. Societal subgroups may be manipulated into rising against their government, and whole societies may be thrown into political turmoil and chaos.
…. such methods of war… increasingly represent the current reality of ‘hybrid warfare’, ‘political warfare’, and other forms of societal destabilization that are being employed with great effectiveness by several major nations….. There is currently no legal protection against mind manipulation…
… Militaries seek to dominate ¨neurospace¨ by hacking the human brain and by: a) devising new technologies that harden their own personnel against neurowarfare attacks and b) attacking ENEMY biological cognitive systems.
This may occur through some neuro-cyber interface or BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) which aims to steer consciousness and/or create of an ‘Internet for minds,’ thereby creating a ‘noosphere’ that could one day form a super-intelligent hive mind. Combat in neurospace would become a struggle over the formation and direction of collective consciousness.
… Neurowarfare can be covertly conducted in peacetime or outside a declared armed conflict. Like cyber warfare, neurowarfare is difficult to define and regulate. Both warfare methods can be conducted covertly, are difficult to attribute, and often cause no visible effect or damage.
… Because their impact is greater under conditions of secrecy, there are few incentives for any nation to openly declare that they have neuroweapons and might use them…. Currently, arms control agreements do not cover neuroweapons.
These programs are worldwide along with worldwide tracking. To end these programs, the New World Order has to be taken down and destroyed along with their minions. We are lab rats for what they want to unfold on the rest of the world. At this point, winning the Covid battle is a big part of stopping this.
Astra Miglane Stanwyck (from: Quora Q & A On Gangstalking: How The Stalking Perps Operate
The groups and key people leading the Targeted Individual program (From
David Rubenstein –,
Dick Cheney – USAP programs (Black Projects), TI Program Director
David Cohen – CIA Operations,
General John Raymond – US Space Force,
Avril Haines – ODNI,
Merrick Garland – DOJ,
General Scott Berrier – DIA,
Melissa Smislova – DHS Intelligence & Analysis,
Steve Vanech – NCTC,
Jill Sanborn – FBI, National Security Branch
Charles Kable – FBI, Terrorist Screening Center
Stefanie Tompkins – DARPA
Michael Lauer, MD – NIH Extramural Division
Mossad – Israeli Intelligence
Owners of the Federal Reserve
Webmaster Introduction: “Crime Against Humanity” Solved! Secret, Global Black Operation and High Treason By The “National Security Racketeering Network” Criminal Syndicate Now Exposed and Explained!
Of the 117 posts from this website listed here, 28 military-academic professionals’ documents, presentations and documentaries and 44 articles, interviews, and testimonies by “targeted individuals” (TIs) in Sections I and II PROVE that “organized stalking-electronic torture” IS neurowarfare, hybrid warfare and state-sponsored terrorism waged by the corporate government-military-intelligence-academic complex against innocent citizens! The US government AND society operate as a criminal syndicate.
Five posts in Section III document the history of military-intelligence-science mind control experiments and operations over the past century. Nine posts in Section IV describe the highly dystopian, transhumanist future now being implemented by a rogue elite class through the New World Order-UN-Federal Reserve-WEF-Rockefeller Foundation “Great (Going Direct) Reset” through which they plan to take over humanity. The plan allows them to technologically “augment” themselves and attain “digital immortality” and eliminate and/or convert the rest of humanity (goyim) into bio-robot slaves to serve them. Twenty-nine posts in Section V reveal the identify and modus operandi of the perpetrators. Finally, I present conclusions in Section VI.
(“But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.”
Declaration of Independence)
I. Academic-Military Papers And Presentations on Modern Neurowarfare
1. Dr. James Giordano, neuroscientist, “neuro-weaponologist,” “neuro-ethicist,” DARPA Neuroscientist, author, Georgetown University Dept. of Neuroscience:
A) 2017 lecture; “Brain Science: From Bench to Battlefield: The Realities and Risks of Neuroweapons”
C) Weaponized Brain Science Videos (Dr. James Giordano lectures and weird compilations)
D) Dr. James Giordano lecture: The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future (2018 youtube)
2. Dr. James Canton: CEO and Chairman of Globalinc; runs Institute For Global Futures; Advanced S&T Futures; advises Fortune 1000 companies and governments; formerly worked at Apple.
A) Presentation for US Special Operations Command and SOFWERX: “The NeuroFuture: Emerging Technologies, Actors, and Geopolitics”
3. Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist, author of “Project Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed” (2010) and “The Matrix Revealed” (2006):
E) Ex-CIA mind control scientist and author, Dr. Robert Duncan, youtube interviews
I) Escaping the Matrix video: Dr. Robert Duncan
J) The Matrix Deciphered by Dr. Robert Duncan
4. Dr. Charles Morgan, neuroscientist, University of New Haven; lecture: “Psycho-neurobiology and War,” presented at Westpoint in April, 2018
5. Col. Richard Szafranski, RAND Corporation, “Neocortical Warfare?: The Acme of Skill,” 1994, Military Review
NEOCORTICAL WARFARE? THE ACME OF SKILL: By Col. Richard Szafranski (1994)
6. Armin Krishnan, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Security Studies, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC
7. Robert MCCreight, Pennsylvania State University
“Brain Brinkmanship In Neuroscience and National Security” By Robert Mccreight (2014)
II. Published Research, Presentations, Interviews, and Testimonies of Targeted Individuals (TIs)/Mind Control Victims
1) Suzie Dawson, New Zealand journalist, politician, & activist, series of 10 podcasts (fall, 2019)
2) Dr. John Hall, M.D., author of “Guinea Pigs: Technologies of Control” (2014) and “A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in the United States” (2009):
A) The Six Phases of Organized Stalking: From Dr. John Hall’s “Guinea Pigs: Technologies of Control”
B) Dr John Hall Interview: Illegal Surveillance, Mind Control, Remote Neural Monitoring
3) Cheryl Welsh, lawyer and psychotronics researcher
A) US Government/CIA/Pentagon Mind Control and Torture Of Innocent Civilians: Cheryl Welsh; 13 Articles
B) “The Secret 1950’s Discovery Of The Code of the Brain,” by Cheryl Welsh (1998)
C) Electromagnetic Radiation (emr) Weapons: As Powerful As The Atomic Bomb (Cheryl Welsh, 2001)
F) Microwave Mind Control Symptoms & Published Evidence (by Cheryl Welsh, 2003)
4) Stephen O’Keefe, Canadian artist
5) Dr. Allen L. Barker
C) Mind Control” Part II. Resisting the Mind Control (Mass Enslavement) State (Dr. Allen Barker, 2001)
D) Mind Control; Part III: Mental Firewalls; Psychic Powers and Mind Control (Dr. Allen Barker, 2001)
E) The Truth (Dr. Allen Barker, TI)
F) Excuses and Manipulations in Mind Control (Dr. Allen Barker)
G) State of the Union (Dr. Allen Barker, TI, 1996, 1997)
6) Dr. Rauni Kilde, MD, former Chief Medical Officer of Northern Finland, author of “Bright Light on Black Shadows” (2015)
B) Mind Control Articles by the late Dr. Rauni Kilde (1939-2015)
C) “The Organization” And Its Methods and Goals Exposed by Dr. Rauni Kilde (M.D.)
7) Harlan Girard
B) Bio-Electromagnetic Weapons (by Harland Girard)
8) Julianne McKinney, ex-US Army Intelligence Officer
A) Microwave Harassment and Mind-Control Experimentation: by Julianne McKinney
B) VIDEO on Gang Stalking: Julianne McKinney on Microwave Harassment and Mind Control
9) Gloria Naylor, author of “1996” (2015)
10) Robert Naeslund
11) William Binney, ex-NSA whistleblower
12) Mark M. Rich, author of “The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against Civilians” (2008) and “New World War: Revolutionary Methods For Political Control” (2011)
B) Psychopath’s ‘New World War’ Against All Humanity; Comments by author, Mark M. Rich
13) Kay Griggs, M.A., former wife of Marine Corps assassin and political insider, Col. George Griggs
14) Stephen Shellen, Canadian actor
Stephen Shellen (Canadian Actor)- TI Statement (July 31, 2020)
15) Patrick Knowlton, material witness in Vince Foster murder case
16) Ken Rhodes
III. How Did We Get Here? The History of Weaponized Brain (Neuro) Science:
1) Mind Control: History and Applications (Prof. Eric T. Karlstrom, 2012)
3) Monarch: The New Phoenix Program (Marshall Thomas)
A. Monarch: The New Phoenix Program
IV. The UN and World Economic Forum’s Planned Post-Human Dystopia of “Digital Gods” and Bio-Robot Slaves
4) Catherine Austin Fitts Interviews on bankers´ ¨Going Direct Reset,¨ The Great Poisoning, The ¨Magic Virus,¨ & The Global Enslavement Coup:
V. The Main Perpetrators and How The “Global Spy Network” Works
5) Groups and Key People Leading the Targeted Individual Program (From
8) Treason at the Air Force Space Command at Schriever AFB, Colorado (Ebook by R. Lighthouse)
11) Gangstalkers Are Police, Military and Intelligence Agents
15) Quora Q & A On Gangstalking: How The Stalking Perps Operate
17) Gang Stalking is the Freemasonic Secret (Silent, Slow) Dagger AND Scientology’s “Fair Game” Policy!?
21) Part IV: The (Jewish) “Controllers” and Their Destructive Mission
22) Part V: How The “Controllers” Control Us: The Cooption and Corruption of Culture and Institutions
25) Jewish Gangstalking & Murder of Palestinians In Palestine On Video (May 13, 2021)
26) Protocols of Gangstalking (aka Jewish Mob Stalking)
29) Know Your Enemy: Gang Stalking, MKULTRA, Scientiology are “Zionazi” (Luciferian-Illuminati-Jewish-Masonic-German/Soviet-Nazi-UK-US-Israeli) “Psycho-Political Warfare”/”Psycho-Terrorism”/”Intelligence Operations” (From Story (2006))
VI. Webmaster Conclusions:
Sections I and II.
The documents and testimonies presented here reveal multiple layers of the National Security Racketeering Network-Total Control-Organized Stalking Criminal Syndicate commonly referred to as our national government.
The backbone of this global criminal system is provided by the structure and technologies of the corporate military-intelligence-academic system. Here’s how it works.
1. “The Minds of Men” (2018) and “Monarch: The New Phoenix Program” document the long (nearly a century) history of the military’s weaponization of brain science as well as deployment of these technologies against innocent victims (including “targeted individuals”) both domestically and globally.
(2-9 are from Armin Krishnan, “Attack on the Brain, Neurowars and Neurowarfare,” US Air Force “Space and Defense,” 2016)
2) The U.S. military recently added the ‘human domain’ as the sixth domain of war apart from land, sea, air, outer space, and cyberspace.
3) Militaries seek to dominate ¨neurospace¨ by hacking the human brain and by:
a) devising new technologies that harden their own personnel against neurowarfare attacks and
b) attacking ENEMY biological cognitive systems.
This may occur through some neuro-cyber interface or BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) which aims to steer consciousness and/or create of an ‘Internet for minds,’ thereby creating a ‘noosphere’ that could one day form a super-intelligent hive mind. Combat in neurospace would become a struggle over the formation and direction of collective consciousness.
4) Neurowarfare bypasses the state altogether and targets individual civilians (political leaders or domestic ¨enemies¨), societal subgroups, or entire societies. Thus, the traditional distinction between combatants and noncombatants becomes meaningless. Regarding noncombatant targeting, neuroweapons can be employed covertly without the target of the attack ever being aware of the attack. Individuals may be driven insane and manipulated into random acts of violence. Societal subgroups may be manipulated into rising against their government, and whole societies may be thrown into political turmoil and chaos.
5) Neuroweapons increasingly represent the current reality of ‘hybrid warfare’, ‘political warfare’, and other forms of societal destabilization that are being employed with great effectiveness by several major nations.
6) There is currently no legal protection against mind manipulation.
6) Neurowarfare can be covertly conducted in peacetime or outside a declared armed conflict. Like cyber warfare, neurowarfare is difficult to define and regulate. Both warfare methods can be conducted covertly, are difficult to attribute, and often cause no visible effect or damage.
7) Because their impact is greater under conditions of secrecy, there are few incentives for any nation to openly declare that they have neuroweapons and might use them.
8) Currently, arms control agreements do not cover neuroweapons.
(9-18 are from Richard Szafranski’s “Neocortical Warfare?: The Acme of Skill,” Military Review, US Army Command and General Staff College, 1994)
9) Shock, terror, and surprise are used to influence and disrupt the target´s external world.
10) Nightmares and disorientation are used to degrade target´s internal world.
11) The principle object of operations is ¨psychological warfare.¨
12) All armed military forces must be or become elite forces (Special Forces).
13) The system requires acquisition of tremendous information data-base (NSA ¨metadata¨) about targets using NSA, CIA, and DIA SIGINT and HUMINT (Signals Intelligence and Human Intelligence).
14) These domestic intelligence efforts work in partnership with foreign ¨counterparts¨ AND private sector companies.
15) Space and satellite systems (i.e., Air Force and Space Force) are essential.
16) These operations deploy great numbers of ¨field agents¨ (spies) and intelligence analysts.
17) These operations require extensive and well-integrated civilian-military national security control force with both armed and unarmed elements.
18) The enemy (targeted individuals) is the ¨customer¨ and society (TI’s environment) is the ¨workplace¨of neocortical warfare/gangstalking/security services stalking/electromagnetic warfare.
(In other words, these are for-profit operations. And the National Security Racketeering Network wages ¨full-spectrum surveillance¨ and ¨full spectrum dominance¨ everywhere. The ¨battlespace¨ is everywhere, including in the neighborhoods, workplaces, and bodies and minds of the population.)
19) Lectures by Dr. James Giordano (Georgetown University Neuroscientist), Dr. James Canton (Globalinc. CEO), and Dr. Charles Morgan to USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command) soldiers prove that neuroscientists are training special forces to deploy these neuroweapons “in the field” (i.e., against domestic and foreign “enemies.”)
20) Lectures by Dr. James Giordano and Dr. James Canton indicate that these directed energy and neuroweapons (neuro S/T) were deployed against against American and Canadian diplomats in Havana (the so-called “Havana Syndrome”).
21) Books, lectures, interviews and powerpoint presentations by Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist, describe some of the exotic aspects of neuro technologies and how they are used to obtain remote electronic control over mind control victims, up to and including the creation of “EEG (electro-encephalographic) clones,” who are 100% controlled.
22) Citizen targets are selected by the Department of Homeland Security and FBI Fusion Centers based on input from various sectors of society, including Neighborhood Watch, local police, powerful lobby groups such as the ADL and other Jewish and Masonic groups and societies, and rich and powerful individuals.
23) After “targets” are actively surveilled by the NSA Global Spy Network using satellites controlled by the US Air Force and psychologically profiled by military or outsourced paramilitary “psychological operations groups” in secret for an extended period, their reputations and activities are subverted by coordinated teams of “perpetrators” who slander targets within their communities.
24) Testimonies by 16 brilliant and courageous TIs (targetd individuals/mind control victims) describe the deadly and destructive nature of this military neurowarfare program. These victim/witnesses include William Binney (ex-NSA counter-terrorism expert and whistleblower), Julianne McKinney (ex-Army intelligence officer), Dr. Rauni Kilde (former Chief Medical Officer of Northern Finland and author), Dr. John Hall (author and medical doctor), Suzie Dawson (New Zealand politician/activist) Mark M. Rich (author), Marshall Thomas (author), Gloria Naylor (author), Cheryl Welsh (lawyer and researcher), Robert Naeslund (Swedish TI), Harlan Girad (American TI), Stephen O’Keefe (Canadian artist), Kay Griggs (political insider), Stephen Shellen (Canadian actor and filmaker), Patrick Knowlton (victim of FBI stalking), and Ken Rhoades.
25) Whereas the research and testimonies of Cheryl Welsh, Robert Naeslund, and film makers Aaron and Melissa Dykes confirm the long-term criminal conduct of medical doctors, psychiatrists, and institutions that partner with militaries and intelligence agencies, that of William Binney, Suzie Dawson, Dr. John Hall and Gloria Naylor highlight the essential role of the NSA Global Spy Network and the “5 Eyes” in these domestic operations.
26) Marshall Thomas and Mark M. Rich document the central and historic roles played by the US military and intelligence establishment as well as the civilian sector.
27) Kay Griggs, Dr. Rauni Kilde, Stephen O’Keefe confirm that a global mafia (aka “the organization”/”the firm”) that includes Masonic and Jewish groups, is directly involved various aspects of “the program” and that these are “for profit operations” comprise a growth industry.
28) Patrick Knowlton describes how the FBI itself stalked/intimidated him through their operation.
29) Finally we may speculate that this global system currently fulfills a number of functions for the ruling elite and that these include:
A) The “Global Government Gangstalking-Genocide Gestapo” (G5), including both organized stalking and neurowarfare components, comprises the core of the New World Order military-intelligence police state.
B) The goal of the new Monarch/Phoenix Program is to eliminate political adversaries (dissidents, whistleblowers, undesirables, “non-essential” persons) and/or convert them into bio-robot slave assets.
C) “Targeted individuals”/mind control victims of secret government black programs extending back to the middle 1950s provided the nonconsensual human guinea pigs through which ruling elites and their puppet governments developed the technologies they now employ to “transhumanize” and “post-humanize” humanity through brain-brain, brain-computer, and other neuro technologies.
30) In this manner, innumerable TIs over 7 decades have been the beta test non-consenting guinea pigs for the present rollout of the Federal Reserve-UN-WEF-Rockefeller Foundation “Going Direct Reset” and Bill Gates 060606 total enslavement patent.
31) Undoubtedly, these operations have caused hundreds of thousands to many millions of murders and induced suicides.
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