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6.93 Million Disappeared American Civilian Citizens Murdered by U.S. Government Death Squads ~ Blacklisted News February 10, 2019 ~ Tracy Turner

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6.93 Million Disappeared American Civilian Citizens Murdered by U.S. Government Death Squads ~ Blacklisted News

February 10, 2019 ~ Tracy Turner

6.93 Million Disappeared American Civilian Citizens Murdered by U.S. Government Death Squads ~ Blacklistednews Blacklisted News

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6.93 Million Disappeared American Civilian Citizens Murdered by U.S. Government Death Squads ~

Blacklistednews Blacklisted News before it’s news uncensored world news truth news breaking uncensored news blacklisted news what really happened underground news truth uncensored news real uncensored world news true news uncensored

Birth Remain Silent Consume Buy Consume Make Soldier-Babies Work Slave Die. How do you know, both from history and from today, that a “democracy” has failed completely? The answer is always the same, the government is killing its own citizens/civilians to maintain dissentless, dissidentless “law and order” with no justice of any kind.

Democide is a term proposed by R. J. Rummel, who defined it as “the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command”. According to Rummel, this definition covers a wide range of deaths, including forced labor and concentration camp victims; killings by “unofficial” private groups; extrajudicial summary killings; and mass deaths due to the governmental acts of criminal omission and neglect, such as in deliberate famines, as well as killings by de facto governments, i.e. civil war killings. This definition covers any murder of any number of persons by any government. ~ from wikipedia…

If you Google “nsa gang stalking mind control”, you get about 345,000 results. This is after Google has protected you from yourself and coughed up the filtered results. Of far more interest is search for: “nsa gang stalking mind control targeted individuals department homeland security cops”.

But we are ahead of ourselves. For a government to conduct murder, torture, human e-torture, they need a Judao-“News”-smokescreen, aka the “News Jews”. As long as the Government exempts Jews from NSA/DHS/DoJ Gangstalking, the Jews will be silent accomplices to thousands of U.S. Gentile high-tech corpseless murders and the human e-torture.

Raptores orbis terrae regimen nostrum diabolus mendax occulto tacito clam milia animarum interfectoribus

Our Government are devilish liars rapers of the land and silent secret murderers of thousands of secretly departed souls

Corporate and political Oligarchs have replaced freedom, democracy, rights, liberty, opportunity and equality with slavery, a voting-dictatorship (choose one, both are ‘our guy’) and thuggery enforcers. Opportunity, rights and ‘equality’ are the sole possessions of the Global elitists.…/missing-persons…/16110709/

Sep 23, 2014 – On average, 90,000 people are missing in the USA at any given time, according to Todd Matthews from the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System, or NamUs, a national database for missing people.

According to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), 355,243 women were reported missing in 2010 compared to 337,660 men (for a total of 692,903). If you round off 692,903 to 693,000 and multiply by a decade, 6.93 million American men and women go missing every 10 years.

Habeas corpus, show me the corpse.

Think about it. The mafia disappeared Jimmy Hoffa, leaving no visible corpse behind. Can the mafia disappear 6.93 million Americans per decade, with no mass graves being discovered?

Perhaps random serial killers made 6.93 million Americans vanish with no trace? Again, Habeas corpus, show me either a video of these people from CCTV/NSA Facial Recognition Software, or show me their dead corpse…

Could Alzheimer’s coincidentally make 6.93 million Americans dematerialize each decade, with neither any living trace nor any bones, skulls, wallets, purses, etc.?

There is also the small matter that Reuters, AP, CNN, NBC, Fox, et al have not noticed 6.93 million missing persons per decade. Somehow, they “just ignore” 6.93 million persons of “the disappeared”… The same with the FBI, the DoJ, the NSA, Police, Sheriffs, State Police, etc., somehow, they just don’t have any time or energy to notice 6.93 million missing people.

If no one, anywhere on CCTV, cell phone cameras, etc., can see them, they are probably, after all, probably dead. So, who killed them, and where are the corpses?

Where’s the beef? The government should do one of two things:

1) Show me the body of the person, alive or dead. Missing how, as in their bones will soon be found, or as in they were baked to ash in a government (proverbial) oven?

2) The government needs to account for how many corpseless missing persons there are.

[PDF]STS-80 – Johnson Space Center – NASA

Nov 8, 1996 – STS080-S-001 – The STS-80 insignia depicts the space shuttle Columbia and the two research satellites its crew will deploy into the blue field of space. …. of the Shuttle, creating a super vacuum in its wake in which to grow thin film wafers … The Space Experiment Module (SEM) flying on STS-80 is a NASA …

Around 1996 the Government asked NASA if it could use the vacuum of space, brought down here on Earth (like a small “aerosol” device) to turn a human cadaver into de-materialized plant fertilizer in under 3 minutes. NASA responded with STS-80. NASA created a vacuum-de-moleculizer as an anti-personnel device and atomizing portable gravesite rolled into one.

So, from 2008 to 2018, there are essentially seven million missing persons and the FB I remains silent about it? The Department of Homeland Security does not issue a press release about 7 million missing bodies? The NSA engages in Prism psyops while 7 million people the Homeland Security / NSA cannot see or seem to take an interest in? One would think that the Government Accounting Office would notice that 6.93 million Americans are “missing” in the past decade?

The lamestream Jew media is too preoccupied with Rosatom and Russian Collusion to notice 6.93 million Americans cease to exist in a decade (over and above the normal death rate).

There is a why to the story. The U.S. Government has become Satanic, bent solely on evil and death. Why would the government murder 6.93 million of us per decade? Why, for the Satanic Ritual Abuse / Death Cult of it. Just like the Organized Harassment. to “maintain order” in an unjust society.

See Yandex: Gangstalking Organized Harassment Targeted Individuals NSA DHS FBI DoJ COPS Fusion Centers Satan Worship Satanic Abuse Death Cult.

The number of missing/dead in the United States sounds exorbitantly large, 6,930,000. But if you divide the number 6,930,000 by the number of days in a decade, you get 1916.49 disappeared/killed persons per day. There are 3,007 counties in the U.S., dividing the number of missing/killed per day (1916.49) by the number of counties in the U.S. (3,007), you get 0.637. So, less than 1 person per day (average), per the 3,007 U.S. Counties can quickly add up to the U.S. Governments domestic kill list totaling 6,930,000 missing/dead persons per decade. Please note that the missing persons are not a “theory”; they are, in face, truly missing persons and/or truly deceased. Dead and missing American are not “theory”..

Ask your U.S. Representative about the U.S. Government and 6.93 million missing/dead Americans in the last decade: House and Senate: (202) 224-3121. Ask them why they and the news are so silent about gangstalking torture and 6.93 murdered disappeared Americans?

There are dozens, hundreds, perhaps thousands of Government Officials and NASA employees who mass-murdered. What do you do with mass-murderers, execute them thrice?

There is a reckoning that is of God, not of man. Try to imagine someone who promulgated the execution of millions of Americans with no trials, no juries and no do process… …nothing but summary execution by Corporatist/Government henchmen. Try to picture these people explaining themselves to God Almighty. What could they possibly say?

Nobody has “gotten away with murder”; they culprits will always, always face God’s judgment inevitably. If what they have done, what they are doing is “so righteous”, why is it kept so secret? Even if their husbands and wives live in ignorant conjugal felicity, God knows what you all have done. God knows.

Try to imagine, U.S. Government Political Hacks and their paid Death Squad Stooges, petitioning God for forgiveness for their killing of 7,000,000 unarmed American Civilians in the last decade. You, you in particular, cannot petition the Lord for forgiveness… You may not be able to explain the permanent disappearance of 7 million Americans with no bone pile to us… but you can bet all of that Feinstein wealth that you will have to explain it to God (According to a recent Roll Call survey, Feinstein’s net worth is $45.3 million and husband Blum’s net worth is more at least $1 billion).

To the Political Hacks of the “Intelligence World” (Senator Feinstein), you have American blood on your hands. To the Death Squad Goons who carried (continue to carry) out the will of murderous Senators and Congresspersons: read Ecclesiastes in the Bible. You are nothing but God’s dust and wind and your own vanities. If you want God’s forgiveness, blow the whistle on the NASA/NSA buckeyball death vacuum shells. Your days of false “miracles and wonder” and being false prophets are over. The Lord God sees through your thin veneers of “righteousness”.

Missing Persons of America – News about and for the missing

Missing Person Abilene, Texas – Patricia Ford Patricia Ford AKA Patricia Smith Ford went missing on September 9, 2016 from Abilene,Texas. On June 24, 2018, the Abilene Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Division set up crime scene

By the numbers: Missing persons in the USA – USA TODAY

Sep 23, 2014 · Among missing persons in the U.S., African Americans are overrepresented. They make up 33 % of overall missing persons while they represent 13% of the total U.S. population. They make up 33 % of overall missing persons while they represent 13% of the total U.S. population.…

Kidnappings & Missing Persons — FBI

Select the images to display more information. …

National Missing and Unidentified Persons System

Missing person records can be entered into NamUs by anyone, including the general public; however, all cases are verified with the appropriate law enforcement agency prior to publication in NamUs. Unidentified and unclaimed person records are entered into the NamUs database by medical examiners, coroners, and other criminal justice designees.

Vanished Forever: 10 Oldest, Unsolved Missing Persons …

This is one of the oldest unsolved missing persons cases in U.S. history. Alan and Terry Westerfield The two Fayetteville, North Carolina, brothers disappeared in 1964. According to police reports, their stepfather dropped them off at a theater and they were never seen again. It is the oldest unsolved missing persons case in North Carolina.…

America’s Missing Persons by Age, Race and Gender – …

New York Times Reassigns Reporter Whose Records Were Seized by the U.S. SEC, FBI Question Facebook Over User Data Dell Confirms Deal That Would Mark Return to ……

64,000 Missing Women in America All Have One …

The numbers: Despite representing 12.85% of the population, black Americans accounted for nearly 226,000 — or 34% — of all missing persons reported in 2012.…

Missing – The official website of Telco Productions …

” Missing ” is a nationally-syndicated weekly television series featuring actual cases of missing persons, both children and adults, from across North America.

Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains: The Nation’s …

U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice … NIJ’s missing persons training reached professionals from all 50 States.

How Many People Go Missing Each Year? |

According to Todd Matthews of the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System, or NamUs, most cases of missing persons are quickly cancelled. Of the 661,000 cases in 2012, only 2,079 were still unresolved at the end of the year, and the number of cases generally decreases each year.…

States with Most Missing Persons Cases – YouTube

Nov 14, 2014 · States with Most Missing Persons … National Missing and Unidentified Persons System and the most recent U.S … AIR All Across America …

Missing Persons of America – Google+

Most of them are still missing persons from the United States. Some have been found recently but the majority have family members desperately waiting for them to be found and for them find home again.

America’s Missing Persons by Age, Race and Gender – …

Children and blacks make up a disproportionate percentage of missing persons reported each year. In 2013, people under 18 made up nearly three-quarters of missing persons reported, but only made up 23% of the population.…

At-a-glance: Missing persons in the U.S. – CNN

Thousands of people are reported missing every day in the United States. Below are the faces of a few that have been the subject of recent media coverage.

In These States, Missing Persons Cases Are Piling Up

People disappear in America all the time. But in these states, the missing persons cases keep piling up more than any others. People disappear in America all the time.…

Category:Missing person cases in the United States – Wikipedia

Pages in category “Missing person cases in the United States” … Missing persons cases along U.S. Route 29 in Virginia; … (missing person)…

Missing Persons | HuffPost – HuffPost – Breaking News, U.S …

To Be Young, Missing And Black By Curtis L. Todd, Guest Writer We must treat missing black women and girls as America’s problem, instead of an issue relegated to the margins of the black community.

64,000 Missing Women in America All Have One …

The numbers: Despite representing 12.85% of the population, black Americans accounted for nearly 226,000 — or 34% — of all missing persons reported in 2012.…

48 Interesting Missing People Facts |

48 Interesting Facts About Missing … One of the first missing children in America was … There are as many as 100,000 active missing persons cases in the U.S. at …

Missing Children in America: Unsolved Cases – ABC News

U.S . International … regarding the baby’s whereabouts to please call their missing persons hotline at … on people missing in America or to ……

How Many People Go Missing Each Year? |

According to Todd Matthews of the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System, or NamUs, most cases of missing persons are quickly cancelled. Of the 661,000 cases in 2012, only 2,079 were still unresolved at the end of the year, and the number of cases generally decreases each year.…

States with Most Missing Persons Cases – YouTube

Nov 14, 2014 · States with Most Missing Persons … Missing and Unidentified Persons System and the most recent U.S … THAT IS GOING TO SWEEP AMERICA …

How 1,600 People Went Missing from Our Public Lands …

How 1,600 People Went Missing from Our Public Lands … and missing persons “the nation’s silent mass … the number of people missing in America’s …

List of unidentified murder victims in the United States …

Of the thousands of people murdered every year in the United States, some remain unidentified. Many victims are not identified for years or even decades after they were killed—as in the case of Tammy Jo Alexander, who was murdered in 1979 and remained unidentified until 2015.…

U.S. Citizens Missing Abroad – State

U.S. Citizens Missing Abroad. If you are concerned about a U.S. citizen relative or friend who is traveling or living abroad, you can call us at 1-888-407-4747.…

ViCAP Unidentified Persons — FBI

The Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (ViCAP) maintains the largest investigative repository of major violent crime cases in the U.S. It is designed to collect and analyze information about homicides, sexual assaults, missing persons, and other violent crimes involving unidentified human remains.

At-a-glance: Missing persons in the U.S. – CNN

Thousands of people are reported missing every day in the United States. Below are the faces of a few that have been the subject of recent media coverage.

Vanished Forever: 10 Oldest, Unsolved Missing Persons …

These unsolved missing persons cases … Vanished Forever: 10 Oldest, Unsolved Missing … This is one of the oldest unsolved missing persons cases in U.S ……

Report and Identify Missing Persons | DOJ | …

Report and Identify Missing Persons. Missing children . ACT IMMEDIATELY if you believe that your child is missing. … FBI’s Kidnapping and Missing Persons …

Missing Persons At National Parks Remain Mystery …

The phenomenon of missing persons near National Parks in the U.S. is becoming more prominent of an issue as unexplained disappearances of children and adul

Missing People in U.S.A – Home | Facebook

Missing People in U.S.A. 108 likes. TO FINE THE MISSING. The decedent is believed to have been between 17 and 24 years old. He was approximately 5’10” and estimated to have weighed 155 lbs.

Help Us Find Someone – Missing People

116 000 Our Free 24 Hour Helpline; I Am A Young Person OR AM CONCERNED ABOUT A YOUNG PERSON; I Am An Adult Missing or thinking of going missing. Are you thinking about going missing? Are you missing right now? What happens when you call us? What we can do to help you

Without a Trace: Acknowledging the Epidemic of Missing …

Thirty-five percent of Black missing persons are minors whose disappearance may not fall under the Amber Alert, an emergency response system that’s initiated for (a) children under 17 and (b) when a vehicle was involved in the kidnapping. This system doesn’t account for the remaining 65% of missing Black Americans, however, who happen to …


Author David Paulides has written the books Missing 411-Western U.S., Missing 411-Eastern U.S. and Missing 411-North America and Beyond to tell the little-known story of these disappearances dating back at least 125 years in this country. The year 2013 saw more national park disappearances than in the past 27 years combined. Paulides has …

How many children go missing every year? – Slate Magazine

Jan 17, 2007 · When the categories get conflated, the statistics can become confusing. Take the number 800,000: It’s true that 797,500 people under 18 were reported missing in a one-year period, according to a 2002 study.…


Tracing Missing Persons via U.S. Government Agencies The Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will attempt to forward correspondence to missing persons, but only when a considerable…

Doe Network: International Center For Missing and …

Doe Network is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to bringing awareness to missing persons and unidentified persons throughout the U.S…

How Many Missing? – MIA Facts Site

The document is entitled U. S. Personnel Missing, Southeast Asia (and Selected Foreign Nationals), Alpha, Chronological and Refno Reports. The document is not classified and is available by writing or calling the Defense Prisoner of War and Missing Persons Office.

Vanished Minnesotans: 147 missing persons –

The Minnesota missing persons list includes 147 names dating back to 1963, and includes Gloria Rieken, who was 19 on Nov. 16, 1970, the day she left for school at the U of M and was never seen again.

List of people who disappeared mysteriously – Wikipedia

The girl was never located, and the case remains the oldest unsolved missing-persons case of this nature in the files of the Chicago Missing Persons Bureau. A California woman’s belief that she was Mary Agnes has subsequently been disproven by …

Missing & Unidentified Statistics | Missing & …

In a phone interview, Pasqualini said a breakdown of the 48,000 cases reveals the democratic nature of America’s missing persons. Slightly more than half—about 25,500—of the missing are men. About four out of 10 missing adults are white, three of 10 black and two of 10 Latino. statistics

The Murdered and the Missing: Unsolved Crime Stories …

Dec 17, 2010 · The Murdered and the Missing: Unsolved Crime Stories Their stories have stumped investigators, agonized families and captivated the American public. Following are the names of some of ……

Missing children in U.S. nearly always make it home alive …

Each year, 800,000 children are reported missing in America, including some who are lost, injured, have run away from home or are abducted, according to the center, the nation’s leading clearinghouse of information about missing children.…

Majority Of Missing Persons Cases Are Resolved : NPR

May 07, 2013 · Majority Of Missing Persons Cases Are Resolved Audie Cornish talks with Todd Matthews, director of communications for the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System, about how many people go missing ……

6.93 Million Disappeared American Civilian Citizens Murdered by U.S. Government Death Squads ~ Blacklistednews Blacklisted News before it’s news uncensored world news truth news breaking uncensored news blacklisted news what really happened underground news truth uncensored news real uncensored world news true news uncensored

The Deep State, Gang Stalking and Zersetzung – …

Cyber-harassment, destruction of families, non-lethal weapons deployed by the NSA, the FBI and DHS engaged in a sadistic and sociopathic gang rape session with hundreds of thousands of Americans — and yet neither the mainstream media …

FBI and NSA outsource their harassment of Targeted …

This corporation is right down the street from several acronym agencies, has developed special tools for the FBI and is tasked to hack into computers and phones of watch-listed individuals (WLIs) and Targeted Individuals (TIs).…

FBI harassment | stoporgangstalking

National Security Agency Whistleblower William … Organized Stalking, synchronized harassment, Targeted Individuals, … Organized Gang Stalking, FBI harassment, …

Under heavy surveillance by Law Enforcement, LAPD FBI …

Jun 07, 2017 · Under heavy surveillance by Law Enforcement, LAPD FBI CIA NSA. Gangstalking, targeted Individuals … Gang Stalking Police Agents harassing me at …

Gang stalking, DHS, and law enforcement – Research …

Feb 28, 2017 · One thought on “ Gang stalking, DHS, and law enforcement ” Pingback: Gang stalking and sex trafficking and moral panic industrial complex – Research and data about organized stalking, gang stalking, multi stalking, community mobbing, and community policing.…


Feb 13, 2015 · WHAT IS GANG ORGANIZED STALKING???(FBI,DEA,USM … For individuals targeted for gang stalking, … “The term Deep State aptly conveys how the ……

What is “Gang Stalking?” | Fight “Gang Stalking”

Articles published by CBS, the Daily Mail, RT, Tech Dirt, and Courthouse News Service in December 2013 reported that a U.S. government contractor filed a lawsuit against multiple federal agencies for gang stalking him (the complaint refers to gang stalking as such).

NSA harassment | stoporgangstalking

UK Targeted Individuals Activism & Safety Watch … NSA harassment Organized Gang Stalking/ Electronic Harassment is … (FBI, CIA, DOD, DOJ, NSA, DHS, IRS, DEA, …


The Surreptitious Reincarnation of COINTELPRO with …

The Surreptitious Reincarnation of COINTELPRO with … targeted groups and individuals that the FBI … COPS state sanctioned organized gang-stalking ……

The Surreptitious Reincarnation of COINTELPRO with the …

In 1975 Senator Frank Church convened a joint senatorial/congressional inquiry into the egregious human rights and civil liberties violations of the Central Intelligence Agency (“CIA”), National Security Agency (“NSA”), as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) against people both foreign and domestic.…

Organized gang stalking and DHS HSI Investigations …

Mar 04, 2017 · Mental health, organized gang stalking, and targeted individuals. Naming Names-for the serious researcher, or legal counsel: my seven years of research, and the inter-related connections. Get your calculator out.…

Targeted Individuals: testimony of current government …

My first frantic attempts to research what was happening–regarding the stalking, the tracking, the irradiation–led me to the discovery of electromagnetic neuroweapons being used on civilians, to the terminology and phenomena of Covert Harassment, Organized Stalking, Electronic Harassment, and Targeted Individuals.…

Gang Stalking, Mind Control, and Cults – Exposing and …

Privacy Rights; GOG’S NEW GESTAPO = Global Phoenix Program; FBI and NSA Outsource Stalking to Private Security Firms; New World War Against All Humanity; ; ; Military Weapons and Terms Used In the War Against Civilians; Organized Gang Stalking = Modern FBI COINTELPRO; Laws, Military Docs Behind New War on Civilians; Bryan …

Tactics for Fighting Back | Fight “Gang Stalking”

US President Barack Obama looks down as he speaks to the press in Washington, DC on November 13, 2015, after being informed about a series of deadly attacks that rocked Paris. At least 35 people were killed as multiple shootings and explosions hit Paris, police said. Police also said there was an ongoing hostage crisis in the Bataclan a concert hall in the French capital.AFP PHOTO/ JIM WATSON (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)

For most individuals targeted by organized stalking, it is probably not practical to invest a lot of time trying to master the “tradecraft” of the intelligence and security industry; however, it is worth taking a look at some of the concepts.


TARGETED INDIVIDUALS … com Mr Sosbee confirms that the FBI is involved with organized gangstalking and … selected by the Deep State (usually FBI …

The “Deep State” Hides in Plain Sight: Organized Covert …

The “Deep State” Hides in Plain Sight: Organized Covert … Electronic Harassment and Surveillance and Gang Stalking. … The EveryDay Concerned Citizen on ……


FBI ORGANIZED STALKING … In the majority of cases I suspect targeted individuals are being targeted … FBI ORGANIZED STALKING ACCOUNTABILITY FBI,NSA,DOD …

The psychology of gang stalking, and the difference …

Many people who claim to be victims of gang stalking (search YouTube for a reasonably representative sample) allege more exotic stalking methods – in particular, “electronic harassment,” the use of advanced technology to torture, annoy, or even control the mind of the target from afar.…

United States of Paranoia: They See Gangs of Stalkers …

Jun 11, 2016 ·…

FBI Hoovered Up Two Years Of A Journalist’s Phone And …

Jun 08, 2018 · Because there are high correlations between left and rightwing religious fanaticism and gang stalking. WHAT, do you work in corrections? There are high correlations between police nd prison guard unions,and organized gang stalking victimization of targeted individuals.…

Organized Stalking – My House In Virginia

When a narcissist can no longer control a victim, he or she must maintain a sense of dominance by controlling how others perceive these individuals. This is often accomplished by initiating smear campaigns.

Targeted Individuals – Andy lewis – New Article by Ex- …

R.B.Ross defines Predatory Gang-Stalking as: “A criminal phenomena referring to a group of loosely affiliated people who, in an organised and systematic manner, relentlessly invade an individuals life on a continuous basis, to …

Stop Oceanside and Carlsbad Police From Gang Stalking …

Americans are being put under surveillance or harassed by police in at least 36 states, said the ACLU. I have personally been GANG STALKED by police in Oceanside, CA and Carlsbad, CA for four years.

6.93 Million Disappeared American Civilian Citizens Murdered by U.S. Government Death Squads ~ Blacklistednews Blacklisted News before it’s news uncensored world news truth news breaking uncensored news blacklisted news what really happened underground news truth uncensored news real uncensored world news true news uncensored

The psychology of gang stalking, and the difference …

The psychology of gang stalking, and the difference between conspiracy theory and delusion Posted on June 11, 2016 by Mike Wood If you’ve spent enough time on the Internet (or read the New York Times yesterday), you might have come across the phenomenon of gang stalking – the alleged stalking of particular individuals by ……

The Surreptitious Reincarnation of COINTELPRO with the …

… targeted groups and individuals that the FBI … harassment, COPS Gang Stalking is … COPS state sanctioned organized gang-stalking program ……

JTRIG/NSA/CIA/FBI/DHS/FiveEyes and gang stalkig and …

Posts about JTRIG/NSA/CIA/FBI/DHS/FiveEyes and gang stalkig and … Research and data about organized stalking, gang stalking … and enabled most targeted, ……

What is “Gang Stalking?” | Fight “Gang Stalking”

For individuals targeted for gang stalking, … communications with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security can be kept hidden … on the deep state …

COINTELPRO With The COPS Gang-Stalking Program

… targeted groups and individuals that the FBI … by an organized program of gang-stalking harassment. … COPS state sanctioned organized gang-stalking ……


fbi organized stalking accountability targeted individuals 5w I live in North America and being gang stalked by a military officer out of the coast guard base in Warrenton oregon it all started in 2009 after I lost my brother Steve neva in a crabbing accident.

Deep State Treason–NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart …

… NSA & FBI Programs of Organized … Targeted Individuals” Worldwide. Deep State … Abuse of Innocent Americans, Civilians Worldwide Beyond ……

Gang Stalking, Mind Control, and Cults – Exposing and …

References on Gang Stalking, Mind Control and Cults. … DHS/corporate Organized Gang Stalking … ; FBI and NSA Outsource Harassment of Targeted and … – 21st Century Targeting

• National Security Agency (NSA) … • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) … Gangstalking Targeted Individuals – …

Organized Stalking – My House In Virginia

When a narcissist can no longer control a victim, he or she must maintain a sense of dominance by controlling how others perceive these individuals. This is often accomplished by initiating smear campaigns.

REPORT ON FBI’s CRIMINAL ACTS against targeted individuals …

Apr 01, 2011 · REPORT ON FBI’s CRIMINAL ACTS … the tactics deployed by the FBI against targeted individuals, … eye to the crimes of cops because the fbi itself is …

Targeted Individuals – The FBI harassment nightmare.

Jul 04, 2010 · If you would like to read more about the tactics deployed by the FBI against targeted individuals, … harassment and gang stalking the … Deep State ……

Wal-Mart And Surveillance Of Employees And Activists

Jan 21, 2016 · Wal-Mart And Surveillance Of Employees And Activists … -Organized stalking and harassment aka ‘gang stalking’ … -Targeted Individual-Terrorist gang ……

Targeted Individuals: testimony of current government …

Targeted Individuals: testimony of current government covert … as a paid NSA/DHS/FBI informant … The “Deep State” Hides in Plain Sight: Organized Covert ……

TI (Targeted Individual) Statements

I am targeted individual that is being gang stalked and a victim of, electronic harassment, direct energy weapons part of psyop deep state program. The crime for organized gangstalking is a criminal racketeering psychological operation ran by criminal elements of the United States Air Force, CIA, Lockheed Martin, NSA, DHS and FBI…

targeted individual – TI=HT –

In 24/7 surveillance, Activism, mind control, organized stalking, scalar energy, Second By Second Surveillance, surveillance, targeted individual, Targeted Individuals, torture 06/18/2018 Asset stripping is repurposing assets like my driveway […],Torture,bioethics,DEW,directedenergy,electronics-harassm…

Gang Stalking is Torture Funded Through Entitlements …

The COPS Gang-Stalking Program, as all other state sanctioned/approved gang-stalking programs, have always been funded by the Government. They are the only ones with enough money, coordination, and power to keep such a system in place. These coordinated efforts then join hands with others for this systemic form of control and harassment.…

The Organized Stalking Program – targeted-individuals…

Original Article from Sister Site There are a couple main targeted individual demographics, the two major demographics of targets are directed energy weapons and implants (e.g. electromagnetic weaponry), and organized stalking also commonly termed “Gangstalking” by victims.…

Targeted Individuals’ 24/7 Nightmare – GAP Client & NSA …

Sep 28, 2014 · The European Parliament recently got a glimpse of the life-threatening living nightmare that thousands upon thousands of targeted individuals (TIs) experience daily. A high-profile NSA whistle blower’s testimony to the lawmakers included what surveillance really means, far more than government watching every move and ……

The “Deep State” Hides in Plain Sight: Organized Covert …

The “Deep State” Hides in Plain Sight: Organized Covert Harassment Points to Overreach and Abuse of Powers by Out-of-Control Intel Agencies…

targeted individual – Page 2 – TI=HT

Categories Activism Tags activism, bioethics, cast iron target, electronic harassment, electronic surveillance, gang stalking, targeted individual, TI, torture 9 Comments How Secret Policing With Deadly “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, and Globally,Torture,bioethics,DEW,directedenergy,electronics-harassm…

Former FBI Chief’s Affidavit | gangstalkingismurder

I am a targeted individual, my only son was murdered due to corruption of law enforcement, fbi, state and local , mostly gang stalked , work mob stalked. All sort of people recruited to stage and murder my son. I was a whistle blower and this is why we are targeted. I would appreciate a copy , some how I can’t print the affidavit .

Urban Dictionary: gang stalking

Gang stalking is an extreme form of community based harassment that encompasses non-consensual human experimentation and has every hallmark of domestic terrorism. With the help of technology, a single family or individual is targeted with 24/7 tracking and surveillance that can go on for decades. It is psychotronic warfare as the target … stalking&page=3


FBI ORGANIZED STALKING is a forum of exposing Corruption, Police Torture and Misconduct to the Nation, and a non profit that needs your support and word of mouth and media to expose what we’re so use to in The United States, dirty Cops & Politicians…as our essential Duty as Americans fighting the forces of suppression by Tyrant …

Targeted Individuals – Are They Really Crazy?: Targeted …

Dec 02, 2009 · Organized Stalking aka Gang Stalking in Chennai, India started as Cyberstalking for me in 2008. The second paragraph in this article describes exactly what i am going through every day. Every TI should have a blog or a website and post in forums other than Gang Stalking forums like Cyberstalking forums or posting comment on articles on Stalking.…

Gunderson on Gang Stalking – mind control slave – Google

A former senior official of the Federal Bureau of Investigation says “rogue” military intelligence and law enforcement units of the federal government oversee a nationwide network of community-based “gang stalking” harassment, intimidation and domestic terrorism directed at thousands of U.S. citizens who have been extrajudicially targeted …

Targeted Individuals Association Gang Stalking Page …

The term Corporate Stalking refers to a particularly severe form of Gang-Stalking, where a corporation actually provides funding toward the harassment and abuse of a targeted individual, usually someone who is a whistle-blower, a perceived problem employee, or else an employee who has witnessed illegal activity occurring within the corporation …

Gang stalking America courtesy of DHS | The PPJ Gazette

ppjg corruption, Police State armed drones in America, biometric markers, DOMESTIC TERRORISM, Edward Snowden a hero, Fusion Center data mining, gang stalking America, Homeland security terrorism, national security” secrets., NSA a threat to America, Snowden blew the whistle, whistleblower 17 Comments

6.93 Million Disappeared American Civilian Citizens Murdered by U.S. Government Death Squads ~ Blacklistednews Blacklisted News before it’s news uncensored world news truth news breaking uncensored news blacklisted news what really happened underground news truth uncensored news real uncensored world news true news uncensored

Is the United States a Fascist Oligarchy? | Extinctverse’s …

Apr 26, 2014 · There are two points that need to be clarified in the article. First, the “government” in a republic is the people. Second, the national government has to be considered part of the “businesses” that have subverted the public sector.…

Fascism in North America – Wikipedia

Fascism in North America is composed of a set of related political movements in Canada, the United States, Mexico and elsewhere that were variants of fascism. Fascist movements in North America never realized power, unlike their counterparts in Europe.

The fascist state of America – Personal Liberty®

The United States was founded on the republican principles of federalism and representative government. Today’s government is “constitutional” in name only.

Fascism vs Oligarchy Definition –

Comparison of Fascism and Oligarchy Definition. Definition is the most distinguishing factor for any type of government. Comparison of Fascism and Oligarchy definition provides you with the exact difference between the meanings of ……

Neo-fascism – Wikipedia

Neo-fascism is a post–World War II ideology that includes significant elements of fascism. Neo-fascism usually includes ultranationalism, populism, authoritarianism, nativism and opposition to immigration, as well as opposition to liberal democracy, parliamentarianism, Marxism, Communism and socialism.

Oligarchy in America –

Naming the System. In democracies, the demos, the people, rule; not social or economic elites. This was the understanding of philosophers in Athens twenty-five centuries ago, and it remained the consensus view well into the modern era.

7 Fascist Regimes Enthusiastically Supported by America …

The fascist regimes of Mussolini in Italy and Franco in Spain became the blueprint for a long list of fascist dictators in Latin America, from Juan María Bordaberry in Uruguay to Tuburcio Andino in Honduras to Fulgencio Batista (another U.S. ally) in Cuba.…

Is the US an oligarchy? – Quora

May 29, 2018 · Also keep in mind that the United States of America is constituted as a Republic, NOT a Democracy. The U.S.A. was NEVER a democracy The U.S.A. was NEVER a democracy 2k Views · View Upvoters

An oligarchy has broken our democracy. It must be …

The result is that middle class incomes have continued to stagnate even as America saw its first hundred-billionaire family.Income inequality has reached crisis proportions. Today, hedge fund managers often pay a lower federal tax rate than public school teachers or firemen.. Greed is the prerogative of American elites.…

Can we agree that America is an oligarchy with a police state?

Can we agree that America is an oligarchy with a police state? … we all know that the United States is indeed an oligarchy. … Is America a true democracy?…


Gang Stalking, Mind Control, and Cults – Exposing and …

References on Gang Stalking, Mind Control and Cults. … now Targeted Individual: NSA Gang … involved in this crime through DHS Fusion Centers, FBI Joint …

FBI and NSA Outsource Harassment of Targeted Individuals …

Home » Gang Stalking » FBI and NSA Outsource Harassment of Targeted Individuals and … to the FBI, Homeland Security and NSA. … Organized Gang Stalking ……

Gang Stalking, Mind Control and Cults – Stop White …

Gang Stalking, Mind Control and Cults. … (Department of Homeland Security’s) 78 fusion centers. … organized stalking, Satanic Ritual Abuse, ……

Homeland Security – Organized Stalking and Militant …

Homeland Security – Organized Stalking and … Day Homeland Security and the Police State … families in which the entire family was targeted for gang stalking.…

Satanic Ritual Abuse | stoporgangstalking

This is a blog is about Organized Gang Stalking and electronic … Satanic Ritual Abuse, FBI Cointelpro … Fusion centers; Gang Stalking; Harassment of single …

The four primary branches/divisions of Gang stalking …

… page on Gang-stalking, Targeted individuals, … FBI and NSA outsource their harassment of Targeted … primary branches/divisions of Gang stalking ……

stoporgangstalking | Stop Organized Gang Stalking | …

– I don’t worship Satan or participate in Satanic ritual abuse. … up to the top brass in DHS, FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ, … Fusion centers; Gang Stalking; Harassment …

Targeted/Persecuted Individuals (Saints) / Organized …

… / Organized Stalking & Harassment Campaigns / FBI COunterINTELligence PROgram / CIA … Gang Stalking Organized Harassment: … Targeted Individuals, Gang Stalking.

What is “Gang Stalking?” | Fight “Gang Stalking”

… network of data “fusion centers” … individuals targeted for gang stalking, … with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security can be …

Gang Stalking, Mind Control and Cults – The Truthseeker

Feb 22, 2012 · … (Department of Homeland Security’s) 78 fusion centers. … now Targeted Individual: NSA Gang Stalks … organized stalking, Satanic Ritual Abuse, …

Organized stalking and the occult – Research and data …

Feb 27, 2017 · … Fusion Centers, … the suffering of targeted individuals of organized … criminal defense organized stalking and database abuse organized ……

Targeted Individuals – Mind Control at work 24-7 Cult …

Targeted Individuals … MIREILLE TORJMAN Plaintiff V. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION … The term “bloodline” refers to the practice of satanic ritual abuse ……

Liberty And Justice United – Org – Peter Manso’s …

… America is but an arm of the Satanic ZIONIST CULT, … in a long list of FBI CoIntelPro TARGETED INDIVIDUALS that … RUNS ‘GANG STALKING’ VIGILANTISM, SAYS EX …

On_GangStalking: September 2012

This is why First Responders are involved in the gang stalking of Targeted … Show ‘Gang Stalking’ Or Organized Harassment Is … or the Satanic cult …

TradCatKnight: Big Squeeze now on Khazarian Mafia

Jan 18, 2016 · Big Squeeze now on Khazarian Mafia. … site for DHS to disappear Targeted Individuals … at their fusion centers to send to local police with ……

The Justice of God: Satanism, the Occult, Espionage and …

Aug 04, 2012 · … which seeks to control every aspect of a Targeted Individuals life. Gang Stalking has … in a Satanic cult … FBI is viewed as acting on Satan ……

Extra-judicial Punishment | All Star Activist

Posts about Extra-judicial Punishment … The stalking and harassment of targeted individuals serves both … sanctioned “organized stalking” or “gangstalking …


ALL TI’s MUST REPORT THEIR TARGETING TO THE FBI AND DEPT OF JUSTICE, … GangStalking & Targeted Individuals … counseling victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse, ……



The Justice of God: Gangstalking – the cowardly low …

Mar 01, 2013 · Not all victims experience both gang stalking and technological harassment, … We are a group of targeted individuals living … Satan) – its worship ……

The Hidden Evil (State Sponsored Terror Campaigns …

The Hidden Evil (State Sponsored Terror Campaigns) … (Organized Stalking, Gang Stalking, … related agencies and local police forces. The targeted individual will ……

Americas – FREEDOM SOS

Some TARGETED INDIVIDUALS have been … 2/help-cease-gang-stalking-and-electronic-harassment … of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment …

The Faithful of God and the Judgement of God | Espionage …

Sep 05, 2015 · Salam al Maseeh. The first Palestinian above all others is Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Let be accursed any gospel other than that which was preached at the beginning, recei…

6.93 Million Disappeared American Civilian Citizens Murdered by U.S. Government Death Squads ~ Blacklistednews Blacklisted News before it’s news uncensored world news truth news breaking uncensored news blacklisted news what really happened underground news truth uncensored news real uncensored world news true news uncensored

Gang Stalking, Mind Control and Cults – The Truthseeker

Feb 22, 2012 · Behind the headlines – conspiracies, cover-ups, ancient mysteries and more. Real news and perspectives that you won’t find in the mainstream media.

The Hidden Evil (State Sponsored Terror Campaigns …

To be sure, the Association of National Security Alumni, a public interest veterans group opposed to clandestine ops, considers it a Primary issue of concern that the Department of Defense has a perceived role in Satanic cult activities, which qualify in & of themselves as very damaging exercises in mind control.…

Counter Darkness: List of Shadow Government …

* Zersetzung psychological warfare – organized stalking & harassment campaigns * Targeted harassment as a punishment for exposing corruption * Remote influencing technology based entrapment of individuals…

Americas – FREEDOM SOS

targeted individual and a member of the worldwide campaign against electronic torture, abuse and experimentation over 700 electronic torture, abuse and experimentation, and organised stalking, cases from the americas

Secret Docs Reveal: President Trump Has Inherited an FBI …

Let us remember Obama’s use of Homeland Security and their fusion centers to crush the Occupy movement. Trump has claimed the opposite in one of his 140 character essays: “Peaceful protests are a hallmark of our democracy. Even if I don’t always agree, I recognize the rights of people to express their views.”…

I bet I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking #1 has …

I bet I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking #1 has simply GOT to be Area 51 right? Well, it will probably come as a big surprise, however Area 51 did not even make the

Page 169

The network is run by contractors and by DHS’s (Department of Homeland Security’s) 78 fusion centers. The propaganda is that they are fighting terrorists (and that is what they tell these vigilante suckers). The truth is that they are constructing a nationwide GPS/cellphone-directed prison system that now contains ALL Americans.

A4 thehiddenevilbo by ARIO – Issuu

Gang stalking is a well-organized, occult form of covert harassment used against an individual. It is done by large groups of people who systematically and repeatedly harass individuals. The people who participate are usually under the impression that they need to keep an eye on a targeted person or drive them out of town for wrongdoings. It …

Current News from

Department of Justice Defends Targeted Killing of Non Combatant U.S. Citizen Without Trial (June 26, 2014) Police State USA: Shocking, Mindnumbing Articles on Unbridled Police Terrorism in America (June 26, 2014)

Neurotechnological Mind Control –

• Did federal agents or homeland security- directed fusion center operatives falsely and pejoratively infer that veteran reporter Vic Livingston — who has exposed U.S. government microwave radio frequency weapon assaults on so-called “targeted individuals” — posed a threat to the personal safety of the president of the University of ……


Department of Homeland Security “Government-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism against U.S. Citizens:” Gang Stalking, Fusion Centers, and the Post-9/11 Corporate Police State The Invisible War: 21st Century Targeting (youtube)

Insights from ¨The World Order¨ (Mullins, 1992) …

Insights from ¨The World Order¨ (Mullins, 1992) Pertaining to GOG´S OP (Global Organized Gang Stalking- Operation Phoenix

Government – Pinterest

When an individual has been “watch-listed”, rogue factions within the FBI will feed false information to fusion centers across the country. And, if you become a threat, due to activism, whistleblowing, Heaven help you. Untold numbers of human beings report that victims in these vicious operations are then targeted for high level corruption in …


neighborhood, okay, so we have all these military people ganged up with the police, now through the DHS, to Department of Homeland Security fusion centers and what they’re doing is they’re going through massive amounts of data, that’s provided by NSA on every

Wake Up New Zealand | What Does The Globalist …

The Khazarian Mafia is now cornered and you can bet that Homeland Security (DHS) is busy at work creating smear reports at their fusion centers to send to local police with the instructions to increase the harassment of suspected domestic terrorists.

Current News from

[Special Note for readers who are reading this page from an electronic translation in your native language. Since you are already reading this page within the electronic translator, when you click on any of the articles linked below, the article will go to a translated page, allowing you to read the article in your native language.

Devil Worship Witchcraft and Sodomy Among Blacks! …

Devil Worship Witchcraft and Sodomy Among Blacks! (Viewer Discretion Advised)….

Electromagnetic Stalking Dr John Hall Incredibly …

Electromagnetic Stalking Dr John Hall Incredibly Important EDGEAM Interview with Daniel Ott…


The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery. There is far more to this world than taught in our schools, shown in the media, or proclaimed by the church and state.…

Illuminati Archives – Page 2 of 6 – Auricmedia – …

There are lots of evidence, that people have been programmed to be sex slaves tot the elite. It’s sad how lives are destroyed, because these monsters can’t get laid.

Military projects Archives – Auricmedia – Blogman’s Wonderland

If a targeted individual decides to educate themselves and figures out the gangstalkers are nonsense and everyone is being mind controlled the targeted individual gets elevated again to a final step/level. Sometimes a targeted individual is elevated to this step just for kicks.

Neurotechnological Mind Control –

Mass shooters are typically C.I.A. mind control subjects being used by the C.I.A.-controlled mass media for the purpose of terrorizing the public into eventually consenting to the surrender of privately owned firearms and other individual ……

Lisa’s leaks – ‘Madness in the Magnolias’

Agenda 21 is the UN plan to inventory and control every aspect of human activity. ‘The substance of these stratagems for the weakening of the United States so it can be more easily merged into a global government based on the model of collectivism can be traced to a think-tank study released in …

ConspiracyRevelation | Seite 5

Kandy Griffin Vandawalker attempts to show the connection between Morgellons and targeted individuals, the connection between artificial intelligence and the mind control, digital grid system and how that system is being used to carry out the operations of targeting/gangstalking human beings.“

Stew Webb, Federal Whistleblower-Activist

However, as already mentioned, his account does dovetail with the claims of many “targeted individuals,” individuals who also often claim that they have been subjected to electromagnetic harassment and torture.

Insights from ¨The World Order¨ (Mullins, 1992) …

The targets of gang stalking (aka GOG´S OP for Global Organized Gang Stalking: Operation Phoenix and GOG´S NeW GESTAPO for Global Organized Gang Stalking Neuro Warfare Groups´ Electronic Slavery, Torture and PsyOp Operations) are the victims of a system of extreme psychological warfare designed to discredit/destroy/dispose of …

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U.S. Missing Persons
U.S. Missing Persons List
U.S. Missing Persons Act
U.S. Missing Persons 2017
U.S. Missing Persons Bureau
U.S. Missing Persons Database
U.S. Missing Persons Statistics

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What Is Oligarchy? Documented Government Black Ops Fortune 500 Impeachment China’s Economic “Miracle”

United States America Kleptocracy Oligarchy Fascist Fascism Corrupt Criminal States Feudalism-Federalism Police State Junta Myth Farce Perverted Democracy Imperialist Corporatism Locust Scorched Earth Government-Sponsored Corporatism / Corporate-Sponsored Voting Kleptocracy Global Elite U.S. Deep State Gangstalking Organized Harassment Targeted Individuals NSA DHS FBI DoJ COPS Fusion Centers Satan Worship Satanic Abuse Death Cult

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