The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
David McGowan Links Mind Control, Cults, Serial Killers, 60’s Hippie Rock Scene, Drug Importation, Phoenix Program, Pedophilia/Child Trafficking, Staged Terror Events, Fake Moon Landing, DHS Police State: All Are CIA Psychological Warfare/Terrorism Against American Public
War On Terror
Articles & Interviews
Part VI: Mind Control: History and Applications
February 3, 2025Part VII: Electronic Mind Control and Electronic Weapons
January 26, 2025Part VIII: Cult Connections
January 26, 2025“PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order:” Dr. Robert Malone Lecture
September 17, 2024Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 20249/11 “Hijackers” Were CIA Recruits (videos)
April 15, 2024Gray State (film)
February 19, 2024Appendix 42. Psychological Operations Blueprint (by Omnisense)
January 26, 2024365 Days of Chemtrails- The Christmas Carol Verson
January 12, 2024Appendix 63: NASA’s Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast- 1994
November 1, 2023Cognitive Warfare June-November, 2020 Francois du Cluzel
March 16, 2023Appendix 136: The New World Order Pope and Related Articles/Videos
December 9, 2022Boston Marathon (Un)Bombing Hoax & Crisis Actors; 14 Videos (2021-2022)
November 23, 2022Appendix 152. Excellent website!
November 17, 2022Comments on the Persian Gulf War I by Dr. Eric Karlstrom (April, 1991)
September 24, 2022Appendix 214: Gray State (Movie)
November 26, 2021Appendix 234: Maurice Strong and Tavistock (video)
July 17, 20219/11 preplanned; W/ List of Leading Suspects
May 14, 2021Quora Q & A On Gangstalking
March 14, 2021Timeline of United States Military Operations
December 25, 2020Gangstalking Photo Log (La Paz Area, 2019 – 2021)
November 27, 2020The MANY Methods of Mind Manipulation . . . a Worldwide Operation
October 22, 2020Stalkers, Perps, and Scumbags From their own CV’s
October 18, 2020Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
September 19, 2020Some Appropriate Graphics For Covid 19(84) & 5G N(J)ew World Order
February 20, 2020The War On Democracy (2007 Youtube)
March 19, 2019Counter Intelligence Series Youtubes (Parts 1 Through 5)
March 19, 2019Counter-Intelligence: (5) Drone Nation
March 19, 2019Gallup Poll: US is #1 Threat to World Peace
January 15, 2019Quotes on War
December 11, 2018The War On Iraq (Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, 11/16/2002)
December 9, 2018CIA Front Companies
December 1, 2018Iraq War Update (4/22/16): And the Winner is…. Greater Israel!
November 30, 2018The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s Is the Story of Our Times
November 14, 2018USA Freedom Act (2015 Update of USA PATRIOT ACT)
November 9, 2018You Are The Enemy (by Preston James of Veterans Today, 2014)
September 25, 2018Gang Stalking Photo Log (La Paz Area, 2019 & 2020)
July 22, 2018World Chaos Diagnosis: Acute Zionist Infestation
May 21, 2018ETK note: Author David McGowan (“Weird Scenes From the Canyon” and “Programmed to Kill”) brilliantly puts the pieces together in these powerful and essential interviews.
Carrying Out These Dark and Mostly Covert Operations Are Actual Human Beings:
Relevant Epigraph Quote:
“… I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape and pillage with the sanction and bidding of the All-highest?”
Col. George Hunter White, who oversaw “Operation Midnight Climax” (1953-1964), an illegal LSD/prostitution/entrapment subproject of the CIA’s Top-Secret MKULTRA Mind Control Experimentation Program
Dave McGowan on Music, Serial Killers and Psychological Warfare
Vyzygoth Interviews Dave McGowan About His Book “Programmed to Kill” – February 2007
Sofia Smallstorm Interviews Dave McGowan (about “Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon”)
186 Dave McGowan CIA & the Magic of Laurel Canyon –Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream
Dave McGowan Laurel Canyon and Apollo moon landing hoax SOT radio 6/3/11:
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