The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
‘Poland Blames Jews For Crimes of Communism’ and Related Articles
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May 21, 20181) Poland Blames Jews for the Crimes of Communism
Addendum: Jewish communists terribly persecuted and killed thousands of Polish people after World War II. The best example was the history of our war hero, General Emil Fieldorf Nil. He was the highest officer of the anti-Nazi resistance; he organized the attack on Frank Kutchera, the cruel Nazi SS man responsible for the death of thousands of Warsaw people. But after WWII, Jewish communists like Helena Wolinska, Maria Gurowska, and others accused him of betrayal and had him killed. After WWII, thousands Polish patriots were persecuted and killed as a result of the ‘red terror’ lead by Jewish communist, Jakub Berman, who was a de facto dictator as influential minister of Home Affairs. He had the help of many other important cruel Jewish communists like Salomon Morel, Helena Wolinska, Stefan Michnik, Jozef Swiatlo, and plenty of others. Morel was one of the biggest killers and he was accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity. As the commander of the Zgoda camp, he was responsible for death about 1500 to 2000 people. Izzak Flejcharb vel Jozef Swiatlo organized the kidnapping of 16 Polish leaders of the anti-Nazi resistance and as a result of his provocation, they were kidnapped and deported to Moscow where the totalitarian Soviet regime organized trials against them using false accusations. After WWII, many Jews took part in installing communism against the will of 95 percent of the Polish population. A Jew, Hilary Minz, was the economical dictator responsible for imitating the Soviet economy in Poland and for confiscating private property. In his battle of trade, plenty Polish private businessmen were arrested and locked up in communistic jails. Other Jewish persecutors included Jewish viceministers of Ministry of Public Safety (called in Polish Ministerstwo Bezpieczenstwa Publicznego(MBP)) Mieczyslaw Mietkowski, Moses Bobrowicki and Roman Romkowski (real name Grunspan Kikiel), and the director of the investigation department of MBP, Jacek Rozanski (real name: Goldberg), and the director of ‘5 Departament’ MBP, Luna Brystiger. Called “bloody Luna,” she was famous for her sadism; she used to crush genitalia of political prisoners. Others included the Director of 10 Departament, MBP, Anatol Fejgin and the Main Chief of the Commission of Information in the Polish Army, Stefan Kuhl, who was called “bloody Kuhl.” There were plenty of Jewish prosecutors and judges who were hunting Poles who fought the anti-Nazi and anticommunist resistance. These included Benjamin Wajsblech, Paulina Kern, Emil Merz, Jozef Feldman, Maksymilian Litynski, Marian Frenkiel, Nachuma Lewandowski, Stefan Michnik, the brother of the main journalist of Gazeta Wyborcza, Adam Michnik (real name Schechter), Helena Wolinska (real name Faigla Mindla Danielak), and Maria Gurowska (the Jewish daughter of Moritz and Frajda Sand). Polish people did not want communism after the war because they experienced communistic terror during 2 years of Soviet occupation in eastern Poland when the Soviets terribly persecuted the Polish people between 1939 and 1941. For instance, the Soviets, with Jewish help, deported about 1 million Poles to Soviet camps in Siberia and killed thousands of Polish officers who were victims of war in Katyn, Piatichatki, and Miednoje. One of the NKWD officer responsible for crimes at Katyn was Jewish communist, Leonid Reichmann, who was called “the Eichmann of the East.” Therefore, most Poles did not want communism in Poland after the war; they wanted a free and democratic country. Unfortunately, their will and rights were raped by the international gang of mostly Jewish communists which installed this regime using terrible terror against the will of 95 percent Poles. The ‘Red terror,’ again, with big role of the Jews, had 25,000 – 50,000 victims. According to historian, Maria Stanowska, in Poland directly after 1944, about 10,000 people were killed during investigations by institutions of the “Red Terror (including courts and the UB, or Urzad Bezpieczeństwa, where Jews had influential positions) and about 518,000 Polish farmers were arrested by the communists because they were against collectivization. In Poland, there were 150,000 Polish political prisoners in the period 1944 to 1956. About 100,000 Poles were deported to the Soviet camps (gulags) after 1944. According to the Polish historian, Marek Jan Chodakiewcz, Jewish people denounced 3128 to 6238 Poles. As a result of this Jewish activity, between 2,408 and 6,625 Poles were arrested. In total, as a direct Jewish of activity, denunciation, crimes after 1944, about 5,794 to 13,443 Poles were killed, arrested, or locked up in jails or camps.
II. Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia’s Early Soviet Regime
III. Homolodor: Jewish Ethnic Cleansing of Europeans
IV. A Straight Look at the Jewish Lobby
V. Report on Article 55A of the Act Amending the Act on the Institute of National Remebrance (Poland)
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