The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
Four Estimates of the Size, Scope, Structure, Costs, and Personnel Requirements of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO (Global Organized Gang Stalking Neuro-Warfare Groups´ Electronic Slavery, Torture, and PsyOp Operations)
War On Terror
Articles & Interviews
Google Imports Ex-Israeli Spies (by Nate Bear)
March 20, 2025Part VI: Mind Control: History and Applications
February 3, 2025Part VII: Electronic Mind Control and Electronic Weapons
January 26, 2025Part VIII: Cult Connections
January 26, 2025“PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order:” Dr. Robert Malone Lecture
September 17, 2024Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 20249/11 “Hijackers” Were CIA Recruits (videos)
April 15, 2024Gray State (film)
February 19, 2024Appendix 42. Psychological Operations Blueprint (by Omnisense)
January 26, 2024365 Days of Chemtrails- The Christmas Carol Verson
January 12, 2024Appendix 63: NASA’s Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast- 1994
November 1, 2023Cognitive Warfare June-November, 2020 Francois du Cluzel
March 16, 2023Appendix 136: The New World Order Pope and Related Articles/Videos
December 9, 2022Boston Marathon (Un)Bombing Hoax & Crisis Actors; 14 Videos (2021-2022)
November 23, 2022Appendix 152. Excellent website!
November 17, 2022Comments on the Persian Gulf War I by Dr. Eric Karlstrom (April, 1991)
September 24, 2022Appendix 214: Gray State (Movie)
November 26, 2021Appendix 234: Maurice Strong and Tavistock (video)
July 17, 20219/11 preplanned; W/ List of Leading Suspects
May 14, 2021Quora Q & A On Gangstalking
March 14, 2021Timeline of United States Military Operations
December 25, 2020Gangstalking Photo Log (La Paz Area, 2019 – 2021)
November 27, 2020The MANY Methods of Mind Manipulation . . . a Worldwide Operation
October 22, 2020Stalkers, Perps, and Scumbags From their own CV’s
October 18, 2020Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
September 19, 2020Some Appropriate Graphics For Covid 19(84) & 5G N(J)ew World Order
February 20, 2020The War On Democracy (2007 Youtube)
March 19, 2019Counter Intelligence Series Youtubes (Parts 1 Through 5)
March 19, 2019Counter-Intelligence: (5) Drone Nation
March 19, 2019Gallup Poll: US is #1 Threat to World Peace
January 15, 2019Quotes on War
December 11, 2018The War On Iraq (Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, 11/16/2002)
December 9, 2018CIA Front Companies
December 1, 2018Iraq War Update (4/22/16): And the Winner is…. Greater Israel!
November 30, 2018The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s Is the Story of Our Times
November 14, 2018USA Freedom Act (2015 Update of USA PATRIOT ACT)
November 9, 2018You Are The Enemy (by Preston James of Veterans Today, 2014)
September 25, 2018Gang Stalking Photo Log (La Paz Area, 2019 & 2020)
July 22, 2018Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, CSUS, June 5, 2017
Epigraph quotes:
National Security is the largest institution in the world and also the most corrupt institution in the world in the sheer volume of plunder of America´s financial assets.
Cushman Cunningham, ¨Neocons Unmasked,¨ 2015
The use of mind hacking the greatest people of influence in a culture can accelerate the desired change of the whole. The process of finding the people of greatest influence in an organization is called ¨influence mapping.¨
…..In order to increase S.A.T.A.N.´s (Silent Assassination Through Adaptive Networks) kill capacity using behavior modification techniques; England and the United States use human subjects chosen from every social group around the world to converge on the best kill ratio statistics.
…. the CIA and DoD are testing maximum pain and torture to death weapons on random people all around the globe.
Dr. Robert Duncan, ¨Project Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed, Volume Two,¨ 2010
(Re: President Reagan´s ¨Star Wars¨ black budget programs in the 1980s) All the talk about death rays and charged particle beams has been little more than an elaborate smokescreen to hide the fact that the US is developing a directed energy weapon that uses a high-powered microwave pulse.
Brodeur (From ¨Neocons Unmasked¨)
Beginning with the enactment of the heavily intrusive Patriot Act (2001) and creation of the colossal bureaucracy of the Department of Homeland Security (2002), which was granted virtually unlimited police powers, America had taken a whole series of giant steps towards Absolute Rule, as in such communist countries as the USSR, Red China, North Korea and so on. The DHS alone constituted the largest federal expansion in more than 50 years, which literally took over the nation´s entire law enforcement apparatus in a treasonous move to nationalize U.S. police.
This new DHS monstrosity absorbed 22 massive government agencies, including Immigration and Naturalization, the Border Patrol, U.S. Customs, the Coast Guard, FEMA, and numerous others. It kicked off with no fewer than 177,000 personnel on board, and grows bigger, costlier and more threatening by the year….. We are speaking of the communization or Sovietization of America…. In all truthfulness, the Department of Homeland Security should be re-named the American KGB, American Gestapo, or the crypto-Judaic Department of Homeland Subjugation. Then at least people would have a better idea of where they stand.
…. Here is how one writer described the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012: ¨This is one of the most tragic events I have written about… the horrendous bill that would turn all of America into a battlefield and subject American citizens to indefinite military detention without charge or trial has passed the Senate.¨
Hugh Akins, 2012, ¨Synagogue Rising: A Catholic Worldview of Anti-Christian Judaism and Counterrevolutionary Resistance¨
The American ¨National Security¨-¨Anti-Terrorism¨ Complex is an enormous and highly profitable enterprise involving most sectors of society. Indeed, it is now one of the main engines of the economy. It is characterized by enormous waste of resources and duplication of effort (Shorrock, 2008; Priest and Arkin, 2011). The domestic ¨War on Terror¨ and ¨Global War on Terror¨ utilize secret, silent electronic weapons that are one distinctive feature of the ¨Revolution in Military Affairs¨ and Fourth Generation (4G), asymmetric warfare which comprise U.S. military doctrine and which deploy large segments of the domestic population as irregular forces.
The fact that there is only about a 1 in 20 million probability of being killed in a terrorist attack, about the same chance as being killed by your TV set, should alert Americans that the ¨War on Terrorism¨ is entirely fraudulent. However, sustained government propaganda spewed by the mainstream media keeps Americans in perpetual fear and ignorance and keeps America stuck at ¨Yellow Alert¨ – defined as ¨Significant Risk¨ of terror attack accompanied by no specific information.
Meanwhile, civilians designated as ¨adversaries,¨ ¨enemies,¨ ¨dissidents,¨ and ¨potential terrorist threats¨ are being covertly surveilled, harassed, tortured, terrorized, and killed in civil-military operations here termed, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO (for Global Organized Gang Stalking Neuro-Warfare Groups´ Electronic Slavery, Torture, and PsyOps Operations). Citizens are the new enemy in this ¨Fourth Generation¨ World War. GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, commonly termed ¨organized gang stalking,¨ appears to be a critical component of this covert ¨unconventional warfare¨ that pits military special forces, law enforcement, private contractors, local businesses, and civilians, indeed, society as a whole, against targeted individuals and groups, both at home and abroad. Just like the electronic weapons now being secretly testing on this unfortunate 0.1% (?) of the population, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is a scalable, ¨rheostatic¨ weapons system. Presumably, it can be ¨tuned down,¨ as at present, to covertly ¨neutralize¨ ¨enemies¨ not ¨ideologically assimilated¨ and test its many electronic weapons systems, or it can be ¨tuned up¨ to genocide entire populations.
Because this covert human-disposal and mind control system is highly profitable for the many segments of society that comprise the National Security Establishment, it is now ¨business as usual.¨ In other ways, as is demonstrated below, there are significant parallels between the United States today under GOG´S NeW GESTAPO and the Soviet Union during and after the Bolshevik Revolution. Indeed, the same international financial and revolutionary elite that orchestrated the Bolshevik Revolution a century ago now controls the United States. GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is designed to ensure the implementation of the fascist New World Order aka ¨Jewish Utopia¨/Jewish World Empire under the complete control of Judeo-Masonic-Satanists. Obviously, this situation has dire implications for the United States and the world.
I. Introduction
The following is my first approximation description of how the Global Organized Stalking Program (here named GOG´S NeW GESTAPO for ¨Global Organized Gang Stalking Neural Warfare-Groups´ Electronic Slavery, Torture, and PsyOp Operations¨) may function in America and around the world. GOG´S NeW GESTAPO has multiple functions, many of which are classified. Fundamentally, it is a command, control, communications, and computer war-weapons system capable of targeting and ¨neutralizing¨ individuals and groups designated as¨enemies,¨ ¨dissidents,¨ ¨non-combatants,¨ and/or so-called ¨terrorists,¨ designations that may be applied to anyone anywhere in the world at any time. The millions of designated ¨enemies¨/¨terrorists¨ and other unlucky souls who are ¨Targeted Individuals¨ (TIs) of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO are also utilized as non-consensual experimentees for testing classified military and neuro-weaponry, torture techniques, etc. GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is scalable and can be used to implement Martial Law and/or genocide against civilian populations.
Similar top-secret programs have been running since the 1950s in the United States; for example, the FBI´s COINTELPRO and the CIA´s MKULTRA, MHCHAOS, the Phoenix Program, etc. GOG´S NeW GESTAPO integrates technologies and methodologies derived from CIA´s top-secret mind-control experiments (MKULTRA; 1950´s to present) with psychological operations (PsyOp developed at the Tavistock Institute and affiliated institutions), top-secret electronic weaponry (electronic warfare/directed energy weapons (DEW)/nonlethal weapons (NLW), Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation (RNM) technologies, nano-technologies, robotics, and supercomputers. The fact that these for-profit civil-military operations are carried out by virtually all sectors of society helps to bestow a (false) legitimacy upon them even as it diffuses the blame for its myriad crimes against humanity.
According to Bryan Tew (see Tew interview on this website), this program functions very much like a MacDonald´s franchise in that it can be replicated, adapted and adopted by different users, including governments, governmental agencies, international agencies (such as the UN and NATO), corporations (such as Infragard and DynCorps), and very rich individuals- and for a variety of purposes. Different versions of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO that are operated by different users share many of the same command and control structures, technologies, and to some extent, personnel.
Arbitrarily, we can refer to the U.S. Government (military-intelligence-corporate complex)-run program as ¨GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 1.0,¨ the Israeli-Jewish-Mossad-sayanim-ADL-AIPAC-Mason-Mormon-led program as ¨GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 666.0,¨ and the British-MI5-MI6-run program as GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 2.0, etc. The fact that Jewish-Israeli and British groups control U.S. military-intelligence through funding, infiltration, past coups, think tanks, lobbyists, etc., however, ensures that U.S. corporate-military-intelligence plays a large supporting role in all versions of ¨GOG´S NeW GESTAPO.¨
My research and that of others indicates that GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is:
1) part of the Israeli-American-British-Corporate Terror Machine cum New World Order Global Military-Intelligence-Police State (MIPS).
2) the modern continuation of the CIA´s top-secret MKULTRA mind control, brain mapping, and psychotronic-brain hacking and weapons testing program. Today, this system comprises a secret neuro-warfare weapons system that can be deployed anywhere, anytime, against any target. What is often termed ¨research¨ is more accurately described as non-consensual testing and/or ¨disposal¨ of civilian ¨adversaries.¨
3) a vital component of the National Security Establishment´s fraudulent, multi-trillion dollar/year ¨Global War on Terrorism.¨ The phony ¨War on Terror¨ has been and is being used as pretext to:
a) prosecute a series of pre-scripted wars in the Middle East whose chief beneficiaries are Israel and the international banking and corporate sector, (the ¨Corporatocracy).
b) destabilize an additional 134 sovereign nations using Fourth Generation Warfare (4GW, aka ¨Irregular Warfare¨) conducted by US SOCOM (Special Operations Forces).
c) target, torture, and terrorize individuals and groups at home and abroad who have been placed on terrorism watch lists and/or who are otherwise designated as internal or external enemies and/or test subjects.
4) coordinated and spear-headed globally by the CIA/NSA/DoD/DIA ¨cryptocracy¨ (¨rule by secrecy¨) and their corporate surrogates, and by the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI´s Joint Terrorism Task Force fusion centers in cooperation with the military, other federal agencies, corporate contractors, police, business, and civilian sectors of society.
5) part of the U.S. military´s ongoing implementation of their doctrine of Fourth Generation Warfare (4GW), also known as Unconventional Warfare/Irregular Warfare/Asymmetrical Warfare/Civil-Military Operations/Military Operations Other Than War/¨Peace Operations¨/Psychological Warfare/Political Warfare/Information Warfare/Low-Intensity Conflict/Effects-Based Operations/Network Centric Warfare. To these official military terms, I would add the terms; ¨neuro-warfare¨ and ¨non-consensual testing of military technologies on civilian subjects.¨ These covert war-by-other-means operations involve all branches of the U.S. military and specifically target individuals and groups designated as ¨potential terrorist threats,¨ ¨adversaries,¨ ¨non-combatants,¨ etc., as well as those selected for neuro-experimentation and/or weapons testing purposes.
6) based on the integration, coordination, and deployment of all sectors of the military with other federal agencies, police, private sector corporations, and large segments of the civilian population. Global organized stalking operations (GOG´S NeW GESTAPO) are carried out by ¨the Interagency¨ in America and by the ¨Multinational Force¨ in the rest of the world. In this manner, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is a system designed to: a) diffuse blame and guilt amongst an unwieldy and disproportionately large segment of the civilian population and 2) create a new, growth sector of the economy that, in part, replaces the outmoded ¨war on communism.¨
7) dependent on the integrated use of high-tech stealth weapons, including directed energy weapons (DEW) aka ¨nonlethal weapons¨ (NLW), PsyOp (psychological operations), advanced GPS and GIS technology, remote neural manipulation/monitoring (RNM), computer-to-brain interface (CBI) and transcranial stimulation technology, nano-technology and robotics, and extremely advanced supercomputers. These operations are most effective when used in combination and when ¨TIs¨ and the community at large do not know that this targeting is occurring or understand the reasons for it.
8) a primary means by which government and private sector scientists conduct research and development of bio-nano-technology (smart dust) and bio-nano-robotics implants, etc. designed to control the human body and mind. TIs function as the human test subjects needed to test these weapons systems.
9) the modern version of earlier top-secret U.S. military, intelligence, and police programs that covertly targeted civilian ¨dissidents¨ and internal enemies. These include the FBI´s COINTELPRO (Counterintelligence Program, 1950s – 1970s), the CIA´s Phoenix and CHAOS programs in the late 60s, and the U.S. military´s Operation Garden Plot, Cable Splicer I, II, and III (1960s and 70s), and REX ´84 (1984 onward). Whereas COINTELPRO and CHAOS programs ¨neutralized¨/targeted domestic enemies, Garden Plot and Cable Splicer both targeted/¨neutralized¨ internal enemies and were preparations to impose Martial Law on the population as a whole. MKULTRA and related military and intelligence mind control programs developed techniques that can be used for a multiplicity of purposes, including the creation of assassins (Manchurian Candidates) and the neutralization of domestic enemies. (See my article: ¨Mind Control: History and Applications¨ on this website.)
These once top-secret programs are now well documented. Like GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, these previous programs targeted, neutralized, and killed American citizens ¨extra-judicially,¨ that is, illegally. The Phoenix Program, developed by the CIA and executed by the US military during the Vietnam War in the late 1960´s, was designed to ¨neutralize¨ (kill) the VCI (Viet Cong Infrastructure), that is, Vietnamese civilians thought to support the Viet Cong. This program was also secret but was partly exposed by the ¨My Lai Massacre¨ incident.
GOG´S NeW GESTAPO functions as a ¨global Phoenix Program¨ and also incorporates elements, techniques and methods developed and used by the East German Stasi police, the Soviet Cheka and KGB, the Nazi Gestapo, and similar ¨national security¨ forces in other totalitarian dictatorships.
10) is characterized by a series of protocols by which it can be recognized. These include:
a) The program is executed via coordination of numerous different agencies and personnel, termed the ¨Interagency¨ in the United States and the ¨Multinational Force¨ elsewhere in the world.
b) The use of Psychological Operations (PsyOp), including mind control and psychological destruction of targeted individuals and groups through use of coordinated ¨psy-acts¨and ¨psy-attacks¨ by ¨perps¨ (perpetrators), street theatre, gas lighting, workplace mobbing, etc.
c) Use of directed energy weapons (DEW; Electronic Warfare (EW)) for surveillance, attack, and monitoring. This includes remote neural manipulation and monitoring (RNM) and may involve implanted devices and computer-to-brain interface (CBI) technology used to control, monitor, modify, hinder, and manipulate the behavior of targeted individuals (TIs).
d) Use of implants, nano-technology, EEG ¨brain fingerprints,¨ and robotics.
e) Teams of professional psychologists (so-called ¨hive mind teams¨) work as subcontractors for the Pentagon/CIA/DIA/NSA and use supercomputers to ¨map¨ and control TI´s thoughts, perceptions, emotional, and nervous system responses, etc.
f) ¨Mercenary Stalking Cells¨ execute ¨psy-attacks¨ on TIs.
g) Use of ¨Satanic scripts¨ and/or the occult in various aspects of the program.
11) deemed by its developers to be an essential component of the fascist-totalitarian New World Order-One World Government-One World Religion system now being constructed.
12) perhaps the PRIMARY REASON why the NSA and other intelligence agencies go to extraordinary lengths to collect all manner of information and data about all aspects of everyone´s life.
13) unconstitutional, illegal, immoral, and criminal in all its aspects. The program degrades all who are involved in it. Even as it methodically and slowly tortures and physically and psychologically traumatizes its targets, it criminalizes, debases, and ¨satanizes¨ not only those who carry it out but also the portion of society that condones it.
14) a more accurate and descriptive term than ¨organized gang stalking¨ because it identifies the perpetrators, purposes, and high-tech weaponry utilized in this covert war system.
Targeting of individuals by GOG´S NeW GESTAPO results in their psychological and physical destruction (the East German term was ¨Zerzetzung¨ or ¨decomposition¨) through the covert and relentless application of hostile scripts (street theatre or ¨psy-attacks¨) and trauma-based ¨no-touch¨ torture via PsyOp, DEW, EW, and RMN. In combination, these ¨invisible¨ attacks result in the isolation and slow, soft, and silent murder of mind control victims (TIs). TIs typically die untimely deaths in these ¨terminal experiments.¨
Author, Gloria Naylor, wrote a brilliant fictionalized account of her first year of targeting in her book, ¨1996¨ (2005). She exposed many of the techniques and technologies deployed against her as well as the identities of her torturers. After some twenty years of sustained targeting, harassment, torture and physical and psychological trauma, Naylor died of heart failure (probably electronically-induced) in 2016. It is the opinion of this writer that over the 20-year period of her targeting, thousands of individuals were involved in her tracking, harassment, torture, terminal experimentation, and ultimately, murder. Estimates provided in this article suggest that many millions of perpetrators are involved in the systematic torture and murder of millions of other ¨TIs¨ worldwide in GOG´S NeW GESTAPO.
The U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence stipulate that government is servant to the people. All American politicians, soldiers and police swear an oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution. Government officials who treat American citizens as ¨the enemy¨ and who participate in the systematic torture and murder of their fellow citizens are guilty of the highest form of treason. In a nation governed by the rule of law, all criminal gang stalking ¨perpetraitors,¨ including the highest operatives responsible, would be tried, court marshalled, and punished for their complicity in these programs. Perhaps by restoring the rule of law, we can legally and now, legitimately, fill America´s 800+ FEMA internment camps with the criminal cabal now running the United States of America and their many minions. Otherwise, this covert ¨civil war¨ will result in genocide and/or the destruction of society.
The size and scope of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is ample proof that America has been overthrown by enemies, both foreign and domestic. Using GOG´s NeW GESTAPO, these criminal elites (identified here as Judeo-Masonic-Satanist-psychopaths) will be empowered to overthrow any and all functioning governments, institutions, groups, and individuals.
Thus, I strongly disagree with the British Lord who stated:
¨Treason doth never prospereth. Why? Because if treason prospereth, none dare call it treason.¨
No. Treason, when discovered and proven, MUST be punished to the full extent of the law. While many participants in GOG´S NeW GESTAPO are merely ¨useful idiots¨ who have been duped into believing they are helping to fight ¨terrorism,¨ the architects and controllers of this system do understand the scope and nature of the horrors they are committing. These people have names and addresses. They are committing treason against the American people and the U.S. Constitution and crimes against humanity. It is imperative that we prosecute these psychopaths to the full extent of the law for their crimes against America, the American people, the U.S. Constitution, and humanity.
The complexity, size and scope of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is mind-boggling. And yet this program is being conducted and even sanctioned by the majority of the population on the basis of lies, fraud, and financial incentives (bribery). GOG´S NeW GESTAPO apparently dwarfs previous top-secret U.S.G. programs such as the Manhattan Project, MKULTRA, CHAOS, COINTELPRO, Garden Plot, etc.
No doubt my scenarios will fall short of describing and encompassing the program in its entirety and my estimates of the number of people involved and costs of the program could be way off. Nonetheless, I offer these estimates as a first approximation and I welcome efforts by other researchers to help establish more accurate scenarios and numerical approximations.
Insights and information incorporated into the following scenarios is derived primarily from Rich (2011), Thomas (2011), Naylor (2005), a youtube interview with Bryan Tew (posted on this website), and my own research and experience.
II. Scenario-Snapshot #1: ¨Operation John Doe:¨ GOG´S GESTAPO (Version 1.0): The Targeting of An Innocent Civilian in ¨Smalltown,¨ USA
Scenario #1 begins with the local Terrorism Liaison Officer (TLO) of the Saguache County, Colorado police department, whose job is to collect and process all Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) generated by local Neighborhood Watch and police/fire fighter/first responder volunteer groups in the county. One small town in Saguache County is Crestone/Baca, with a population of 1500.
In October, 2010, Neighborhood Watch member and Volunteer fireman, Fred Jones, submits a SAR to the TLO which states that a local resident, John Doe, was seen walking two unleashed dogs in the woods on U.S. Forest Service land. While no laws prohibit walking dogs without leashes on Forest Service land, Jones filled out an SAR, adding that one of Doe´s dogs was earlier seen chasing a deer in the Baca neighborhood. Jones reasoned that two unleashed dogs in the woods could create the potential threat that one or both dogs would again chase a deer.
Upon receiving the SAR, and spurred by the need to meet Department of Homeland Security ´potential terrorist activity´ quotas, the TLO forwards the SAR to the Colorado Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Fusion Liaison Officer (FLO), who, in turn, is a part of the larger Statewide Integrated Intelligence System (SIIS). At the Colorado DHS fusion center, teams of analysts, including both federal employees and private contractors, review the massive electronic NSA ¨data base¨ (metadata) to determine if Doe has been involved in other types of suspicious activity. The data base reveals that Doe attended several political protests over the past 30 years and authored several articles critical of U.S. government policy that are posted online. While his record includes several parking and speeding tickets, there is no evidence of any criminal activity. Nonetheless, Doe´s file is reviewed by fifteen analysts, each of whom make notations on the file regarding any and all potentially suspicious activities.
A brief conference (10 minutes) ensues at the Fusion Center in which the FLO and FBI, CIA, and Infragard intelligence officers determine that Doe is to be added to the DHS Terrorist Watch List. Doe is not informed of this meeting nor of the alleged offenses he is charged with. So it is not possible for him to defend himself in the proceedings, either by himself or through legal representation. Because he has no criminal record, Doe´s inclusion on the list is considered ¨extra-legal.¨ But DHS quotas have not been met, so the panel determines that Doe presents a ¨potential terrorist threat.¨ He is put on the ¨terrorism watch list¨ for surveillance for a five year period, after which time, his case is to be reviewed. A check mark placed next to Doe´s name indicates Presidential Directive (5240-1-R) is to be applied. This Directive stipulates that individuals under government surveillance may also be used as non-consensual test subjects. Thus, Doe is now enrolled as a test subject in multiple experimental programs, including measuring the bioeffects of DEW weapons and RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation) on human subjects. Doe´s targeting by the ¨Interagency¨ now begins.
As a result of this and other selection mechanisms, some 2 million Americans are on the DHS ¨Terrorism Watch List¨ and are designated as ¨TIs.¨ The list is classified due to ¨national security concerns.¨ Hence, these individuals are not informed they are on the list and that they are TIs. Nor can they find out. (We may multiply this number by a factor of 10 to estimate the number of TIs globally at 20 million.)
All four branches of the U.S. military and hundreds of private contracting agencies, typically headed by ex-CIA, ex-FBI, ex-NSA, and ex-DIA employees, have representatives at the nation´s 76+ fusion centers. Each name on the Terrorism Watch List is assigned to a particular service branch and a private contracting agency and/or ¨mind research¨ subcontractor. In Doe´s case, the ¨lead agencies¨ are the U.S. Air Force and Infragard, who will work collaboratively to manage his ¨stalking protocols.¨ ¨Hive Mind¨ (psychology) teams at Northern Arizona University will coordinate Doe´s ¨brain monitoring experiments,¨ including RNM, using state-of-the-art supercomputers, which some consider to be ¨conscious¨ ¨artificial life,¨ with their own intellect, will, and emotions. Doe´s case, like all cases, is also referred to US SOCOM (US Special Operations Command).
Doe is now the target of a full-scale civil-military operation termed ¨Operation John Doe.¨ He will be tracked and surveilled 24/7 and will become the target of countless scripted ¨set-ups¨/scripts/hostile ¨psy-acts¨ and ¨psy-attacks¨ designed to create a perpetually hostile atmosphere and to force him to make responses that will be measured in real time and downloaded onto the supercomputer. Eventually, all these responses will be digitally correlated to form a digital simulation of Doe´s ¨soul¨ and ¨personality.¨ I.e., his will, intellect, and emotions will be mapped, replicated, and captured by the supercomputer.
During Doe´s first three years of targeting, he is not aware that all aspects of his life are being covertly surveilled, studied, and recorded, and that he is being profiled by teams of military, academic, and private sector psychologists/psychiatrists. These teams are termed PsyOp Task Forces, Tactical PsyOp Teams, Tactical PsyOp Detachments, Psychological Operations Groups, Tactical Product Detachments, PsyOp Assessment Teams, and academic ¨Hive Mind Teams,¨ etc.
Three years into ¨Operation John Doe,¨ the US Air Force and Infragard´s PsyOp teams have devised a strategy of stalking tactics designed specifically for Doe that will deliver painful ¨messages¨ to him via street theatre, gas lighting, workplace mobbing, etc. Doe´s friends, family, and co-workers are also targeted to receive negative messages (via defamation, concocted rumors, etc.) about Doe. These are messages, termed ¨products,¨ are designed to separate Doe from his entire support structure so that he will isolate himself and therefore be easier to monitor and manipulate. The leader of academic ¨hive mind team¨ is the ¨clone¨ (a psychiatrist or psychologist who injects his thoughts directly into Doe´s brain via transcranial stimulation, v2k (voice to skull synthetic telepathy), etc. This is accomplished via supercomputer, which sends a steady stream of electromagnetic energy which is relayed to Doe´s brain via towers, satellites and mobile platforms. A carrier frequency, specifically tuned to Doe´s unique EEG (electro-encephalogram) ¨brainprint¨ and incorporated into the supercomputer´s electromagnetic energy signal, sends the clones´ thoughts directly to Doe´s brain.
¨Psy-attacks¨ and ¨psy-acts¨ devised by the PsyOp teams are carried out by legions of ¨street perps.¨ Again, their purpose is to create a perpetually hostile environment for Doe in order to degrade and destroy all aspects of his/her life and break his/her will to resist, as per standard Psychological Warfare and Army Field Manual procedures. In combination, the PsyOp, directed energy attacks, and RNM are designed to eventually cause Doe to psychologically shut down, become dysfunctional in society, kill himself, and/or commit violent or insane acts that will result in his incarceration or being committed to a mental institution. Stated purpose of these civil-military operations is to ¨degrade, debase, deny, destroy, decompose,¨ etc. all aspects of the target´s life. This objective is facilitated by controlling ALL the channels of communication in Doe´s life (including all personal contacts, phone and email messages, and even internal thoughts via RNM).
The head psychologist of the TPOT (Tactical PsyOp Team) shares the teams´ assessments and recommended tactical strategies with the local field commander of the C4ISR ¨war room.¨ C4ISR stands for Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconaissance. The C4ISR which may be stationary, mobile, or virtual-digital. The commander implements the battle plan using his capability to continually locate the target through a) input from ¨spotters¨ on the ground, b) signals emitted from the target´s cell phones, c) implanted devices in the target´s/perp´s bodies, and/or d) satellite recognition of the TI´s EEG ¨brain fingerprint.¨ The commander´s C4ISR work station utilizes advanced GIS (Geographic Information Systems) technology in combination with satellite based GIG (Geographic Information Grid) information to continually update digital maps that show the locations of all TIs and perps in the ¨battlespace¨ in real time. Using these computer-generated maps and his computer-communications radio, the commander has the ability to coordinate all ¨psy-attacks¨ using available personnel (¨perpetrators¨).
…. After three years of experiencing bizarre and invariably hostile and/or unpleasant incidents (¨psy-attacks¨) carried out by thousands of strangers (the ¨perps¨), Doe realizes that he is being systematically tracked and harassed. In PsyOp lingo, he has become ¨sensitized¨ to stimuli devised and presented to him by GOG´S NeW GESTAPO.
All six phases of the GOG´S NeW GESTAPO system have now been activated against him: 1) selection, 2) surveillance, 3) defamation, 4) stalking, 5) electronic attack, and 6) monitoring.
Doe´s targeting, like that of all TIs, is executed by individuals who are organized in a military-style, hierarchical command structure that involves the coordination of numerous sectors of society, including civilian, police, local business, and military personnel.
In this scenario, it is estimated that ¨Operation John Doe¨ involves the following personnel components:
1) Twenty-five military and civilian personnel blanket Doe´s small community with 2R (¨receive and repeat¨) false rumors such as ¨Doe is a pedophile, has been incarcerated for numerous sex offenses with children,¨ or is a ¨white supremacist,¨ etc.). This is the defamation phase of targeting. The ratio of “2R¨ false-rumor specialists to TIs in the ¨battlespace¨ is about 2 to 1.
2) Two hundred ¨surveillance role players¨ (aka ¨perps¨) are each equipped with i-phone or i-pad apps that permit quick recognition of the target via photos as well as direct communication with the C4ISR commander. Perps assume the various roles of ¨spotter,¨ ¨data collector,¨ ¨actor,¨ ¨drive-by or walk-by perp,¨etc. Because Crestone/Baca has a small population (1500), perps are recruited from other areas and imported into the neighborhood to carry out these operations. There are currently 15 TIs in Crestone/Baca; these ¨perps¨ are on call to execute ¨psy-acts¨ against all of these targets. The ratio of ¨psy-actor¨ perps to TIs is about 13 to 1.
3) In order to maintain 24/7 coverage, 3 C4ISR commanders and 3 ¨Hive Mind¨ Team leaders (aka ¨clones¨) work 8 hour shifts and pass off their target/victims to other teams. Commanders X, Y, and Z are Air Force officers and they coordinate all activities in real time through computer link-ups with the Geographic Information Grid (GIG). Again, the commanders can ¨see¨ the locations of all ¨nodes¨ (TIs and perps in the area) via computer-generated GIS (Geographic Information Systems) maps that integrates data from the satellite-based Geographic Information Grid (GIG). The GIG tracks Tis and perps through their cell phone signals, their physical or nano-tech implants, and/or their EEG ¨brain fingerprints,¨ and local spotters (¨perps¨) reports. In this manner, commanders coordinate various attack-message-delivery strategies for TI Doe. The same information is shared with ¨Hive Mind¨ Team leaders whose neuro-warfare (RNM) programs are also coordinated by military commanders.
4) Over the next three year period, Commanders X, Y, and Z, the three Hive Mind Teams, comprised of of 3 or 4 individuals, as coupled with the (¨conscious?¨) supercomputer, record all operational events (attacks, responses to those attacks, etc.) against the TIs in Crestone/Baca. During each event, the commander maintains direct contact with as many ¨nodes¨ as possible in order to adjust to real-time TI responses in the field. In this manner, the C4ISR commander can change orders to street perps as he deems necessary to maximize the effectiveness of the operation. Details of these operations are recorded in real-time on computer hard drive and can be analyzed subsequently in the state fusion center, Washington DC fusion centers, FBI JTTF centers, and at the Utah data base center. Again, ¨psy-acts¨(PsyOp) are designed to create a continually hostile environment that will drive the TIs into solitude, fear, apprehension, etc. in order to effect trauma-based mind control-RNM programs on the victims.
The fifteen TIs in Crestone/Baca are in different phases of the targeting protocols. Currently, 50% of the Tis are only being physically stalked and 50% are being stalked and attacked via electronic weapons. Half of the latter group are test subjects for the calibration and tuning of the various directed energy weapons (DEW) systems and for the monitoring of their biological responses (bioeffects) to DEW attacks. The other half of this second subgroup of Targets are subjects whose brains are being mapped, manipulated, and monitored by remote neural monitoring-brain-to-computer interface technologies. Real-time recordings of their neurological, emotional, and nervous system responses to the various attacks is sent to research laboratories at some 114 participating universities throughout the United States and 100 cooperating corporations. Estimates for the number of personnel involved in the RNM research aspects of Operation John Doe is 400, including researchers and their support staff.
5) John Doe travelled extensively, in part, to escape the harassment he experienced in Crestone/Baca…. However, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO allows for this, and as Doe travels and when he arrives in new places, his case is ¨handed off¨ to local C4ISR commanders and perp networks. His location is continuously monitored and tracked via GIG and his targeting continues in the areas he travels to. In remote areas, where there is a paucity of perpetrators to call on, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO must temporarily suspend operations. However, as the system is refined and developed, these problems are rectified.
Progress Report on Operation John Doe:
After 20 years of sustained targeting harassment, and mind/brain/nervous system testing, mapping, manipulation, and torture, Doe has lost his friends, family, and livelihood. He dies of electronically-induced heart failure… some 20 years before he would have otherwise.
Doe´s assets are then seized by the legal branch of GOG´S GESTAPO to be included in black budget slush funds to continue the program. Five lawyers and 20 support staff are involved in sequestering Doe´s assets.
From the military viewpoint, Operation John Doe was a success. John Doe, ¨potential terrorist threat¨ and ¨adversary,¨ has been neutralized. The military U.S. Air Force now moves Doe from the ¨active Operation¨ column to the ¨successful kill¨ column. Such military successes help guarantee future military funding.
Scientific aspects of the Operation, however, were only partly successful. Whereas testing the bio-effects of DEW yielded important and positive results. In addition, nano-technology, nano-robotics experiments on Doe´s body and mind also yielded positive results. However, Doe´s mind, will, and emotions (collectively, the ¨soul¨) were not completely mapped and replicated via supercomputer. This is because Doe spent much of his time was spent ¨off Grid,¨ so to speak, hiking in the woods, listening to music, taking unscheduled trips, multi-tasking, and engaging in un-pre-planned (spontaneous) activities, etc. The ¨psy-attacks¨ failed to drive Doe into complete isolation and Doe was able to repeatedly break the electromagnetic connection between the ¨clone,¨ the supercomputer, and his brain. Hence, the scientific teams will need to acquire other subjects to complete their brain mapping-monitoring weapon system.
Government analysts and accountants at the General Accounting Office (GAO) justify the expenditures for the operation on the basis of the fact that although Doe´s 20-year targeting operation cost $40 million ($2 million/year), the government saved about $20 thousand in uncollected social security benefits.
Total expenditures and personnel involved in Operation John Doe:
Total costs of John Doe´s targeting and RNM experimentation include $40 million, or $2 million/year. Extrapolating to the U.S. as a whole (multiplying by 3 million), we can estimate the cost GOG´S NeW GESTAPO at $6 trillion/year, which seems much too high. If we divide this figure by 15 (the number of TIs in Crestone/Baca handled by the same personnel, we derive the slightly more reasonable figure of $400 billion per year.
Assuming the various personnel teams continue working for the entire 20 years of Doe´s targeting (a very conservative estimate), 732 personnel were actively involved in Operation John Doe. However, as these individuals could also track and process the other 14 TIs in Crestone/Baca, this number is reduced by dividing by 15, yielding 49 perps to one TI. Scaling this number up to cover the personnel requirements to handle all 3,000,000 American TIs, we arrive at the figure of 9.8 million perpetrators.
However, because Doe travelled more than most TIs, we can estimate that the cost of his targeting, in dollars and in personnel were several times higher than they otherwise would have been. In this scenario, we discount these unusual factors.
III. Scenario-Snapshot #2: ¨Operation Jane Doe:¨ ¨GOG´S NeW GESTAPO (Version 666.0)¨ In Cleveland, Ohio
Again, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is a system that can be replicated and adopted by different governments, agencies, groups, and individuals. This second scenario features GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 666.0 as is run mainly by Israel, the Israeli Mossad, Jewish lobby groups such as the ADL and AIPAC, Jewish ¨sayanim¨ (secret agents), businesses, etc.
Version 666 here refers to Biblical prophecy, for this is the number of the Antichrist, who is also identified as GOG. (See Part X below for an explanation for the use of this term). Jewish groups have perhaps the greatest means, motive, and opportunity to carry out GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, for the New World Order being created is, in fact, the Jewish Utopia/Universal Jewish Empire that has long been sought by the leadership of this tribal-religious group. (This is well documented on this website under the subheading, ¨The Controllers¨).
A few statements from Akins (2012) should suffice to make this point:
1) ¨Citing remarks by Senator Jack Tenney, Congressman Rarick continued exposing the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) for what it is: ¨The ADL has become the world´s most powerful Gestapo; the brain center of a vast spy network and the intelligence unit of a myriad of Jewish organizations. Their secret agents spy on American citizens. Extensive files and dossiers are compoled on those whom they dislike…. Throughout their multitudinous controls of the media…. They are capable of destroying reputations and silencing all rebuttal. Our imagination is staggered by its apparent control of the avenues of communication. (Congressman John Rarick, ¨The ADL Gestapo,¨ U.S. Congressional Record, 1971.)
2) The Israeli lobby has been described as ¨beyond dangerous¨ (Ambassador Edward Peck, in ¨Spy Trade: How Israel´s Lobby Undermines America´s Economy (2008)). This lobby is unlike any other. It has no equal in all of Washington, probabl no equal in the entire world. Not only is it the most powerful of lobbies; it is ¨above the law. The lobby´s illegal and sometimes treasonous behavior…. (is) only possible because of their ability to corrupt U.S. politics at every level of government.¨ (Michael Scheuer, Forward to Grant Smith´s ¨Spy Trade¨).
3) Former Congressman James Traficant of Ohio is well versed on the AIPAC-Israel control of America. AIPAC (America-Israel Political Action Committee), he says, is ¨the single most powerful lobby in the world. So powerful that Washington politicians carefully weigh each and every vote they cast based on the approval of this lobby. Yes, a foreign lobby has that much clout, power and control over American leaders and thus, the American people. AIPAC has become so overpowering that they have risen above government investigations and mainstream media scrutiny. So powerful that the following statement was NEVER reported in America´s newspapers, magazines, or electronic media:
4) (Then Israel Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, stated, regarding 9/11): ¨Every time we do something you tell me that America will do this and America will do that. I want to tell you something very clear: don´t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.¨
These short quotes should suffice to make the point. Israel and World Jewry control America. Oh, and they worship Satan! And their goal is to conquer the world for their master, the Holy Serpent (Marrs, 2016). That said, let´s visit our second scenario:
Jane Doe was born in the Washington, DC area in 1962 and was ¨enrolled¨ as an experimentee in the CIA´s MKULTRA program at 2 years of age. She was selected based on the fact that her father was in military-intelligence in the U.S. Army and was a Freemason. As recompense, her parents were awarded $50,000 and her father´s career was ¨expedited¨/¨fast-tracked.¨ (Many hundreds of thousands of other MKULTRA (and related mind control programs) experimentees are still alive and are typically selected for inclusion in GOG´S NeW GESTAPO programs. Hundreds of thousands of MKULTRA victims have died prematurely as a result of the torture/trauma-based mind control programming they were subjected to as children.)
As an MKULTRA victim and experimentee, Jane Doe was shuttled to a cooperating hospital in the Washington, D.C. area three or four times a week when she was a child between the ages of 2 and 6. Her trauma-based mind control programming involved physical rape and other forms of torture. As intended, the trauma programming caused Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD, today referred to as Dissociative Identity Disorder, or DID). Jane´s 150+ sub-alter personalities were assigned names and skills as per standard MKULTRA procedures. Amnesia barriers placed between the sub-alter personalities remained in place throughout her adult life, so Jane never realized that she was an MKULTRA victim/experimentee. Her programming allowed her handlers to use ¨triggers¨ (words, colors, sounds, etc.) that would cause Jane to ¨switch¨ from her core personality to any one of her 150+ sub-alter personalities. This was also accomplished using RHIC-EDOM (Radio Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control and Electronic Dissolution of Memory) and other techniques. In this way, Jane Doe, the autonomous human being, was converted into Jane Doe, the weapons platform for U.S. military-intelligence.
However, Jane was dis-enrolled from MKULTRA at the age of 13 for various reasons. The Church Senate Committee hearings were then in the process of exposing a multitude of illegal CIA operations, including MKULTRA, and MKULTRA projects were commensurately scaled back at that time. Thereafter, Jane was allowed to live a fairly normal life; and became a wife, mother, and legal assistant. She divorced at age 39 and remained single thereafter.
Jane Doe was placed in GOG´S NeW GESTAPO (Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation Section) in 2002, immediately after passage of the USA Patriot Act. The CIA ¨handed her case off¨ to Mossad, Israel´s top spy agency, as per routine intelligence agency policies. Since the 2002 initiation of Operation Jane Doe, Jane has been the victim/target of ongoing stalking, harassment, physical and psychological torture via PsyOp and DEW, and RNM experimentation and manipulation conducted by GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 666.
In this scenario, as Naylor´s book, ¨1996¨ (2005) aptly portrays the gang stalking operations being used against her as been controlled primarily by Jews. GOG´S New GESTAPO Version 666, then, is under the direct control of the elite global power structure that rules America and the world through finance. The ¨King of the Jews,¨ in this regard, has long been the Rothschild Dynasty. This explains why GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is a primarily Jewish operation.
In GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 666.0, perps include mostly Jews and their extensive networks of ¨sayanim¨ (Jewish secret agents), and other aspects of the program are carried out by the ADL and AIPAC, Mossad, Jewish psychologists, and rank-and-file Jews hoping to receive their ¨portion of the world to come,¨ the Jewish Utopia. Innumerable Jewish-front groups, including Masons, Satanists, Mormons, Jehovah´s Witnesses, New Age cults, and innumerable Jewish-owned corporate subcontractors and private mercenary stalking cells, are also involved.
While GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 666.0 is capable of operating completely independently from other versions such as GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 1.0, the same command and control structure, weapons, and advanced technologies are employed in each version. In practice, the Jewish-Masonic-run version 666 of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO shares about 50% of personnel and 90% war and neuro-weapons technologies with the U.S. Government (military-intelligence)-run program, ¨GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 1.0.¨ These overlapping and complex relationships are managed via supercomputer. However, because Jewish groups control U.S. military-intelligence-corporate sectors, U.S. military-intelligence plays a supporting role in ¨GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 666.¨
Generally speaking, the U.S. government and Pentagon-CIA black budget funds cover expenses of most versions of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO and the costs of the various different versions is about the same.
Progress Report on Operation Jane Doe:
Because Jane lived in a much larger city (Cleveland, Ohio) than John Doe (Crestone/Baca, Colorado), she was unable to escape the continual stalking, harassment, humiliation and torture inflicted by mercenary stalking cells as well as the continuous brain entrainment (termed ¨brain entertainment¨ by the Hive Mind Teams) carried out by GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 666.
Thus, Operation Jane Doe was a complete success, from the target neutralization, military weapon´s testing, and mind-science experiment aspects of the program. This success is characterized as follows:
1) ¨Influence mapping¨ and PsyOp-DEW targeting of Jane´s immediate family and friends caused her to become completely estranged from her son and two daughters and her entire support system.
2) As a result of sustained harassment, humiliation, etc., Jane retreated to the complete isolation of her home, where her electronic trauma, pain, and RMN were incrementally increased until she experienced both physical and psychological breakdowns.
3) She was diagnosed with ¨delusional disorder¨ and schizophrenia¨ and committed to a psychiatric hospital in June, 2016, where she committed suicide in May, 2017.
4) Suicide resolved the ¨disposal¨ problem of a former MKULTRA test subject.
5) Jane´s targeting yielded useful measures of the bio-effects of extreme pain from several different directed energy weapons systems.
6) Jane´s will, intellect, and emotions (collectively, the ¨soul¨) were successfully mapped, digitally simulated, and downloaded onto the supercomputer.
7) Jewish operators of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 666: Operation Jane Doe threw an office party in which they consumed several bottles of champaign in celebration of Jane Doe´s suicide.
IV. Scenario-Snapshot #3: GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 1.0 in Hobokan, USA
We can get another glimpse of the structure and functioning of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, by examining its operations in the city of Hobokan; population, one million people. Scenario-Snapshot 3 estimates the personnel structure and costs required to manage all GOG´S NeW GESTAPO operations in this average American city.
As in Scenarios 1 and 2, domestic enemy, ¨potential terrorist threats,¨ TIs, and mind control victims are selected at America´s 76+ DHS fusion centers by individuals such as the Terrorism Liaison Officers (TLO), Fusion Liaison Officers (FLO), and FBI Terrorist Task Force personnel. Selections are made based on CIA criteria, information supplied by NSA metadata, and SAR reports submitted by local police, citizen-vigilante groups, etc.
Again, we accept journalist George Webb´s assertion that about 2 million Americans are on the Terrorism Watch List. However, if we arbitrarily ¨round this number up¨ slightly to 3 million, we will have about 3 million TIs, which amounts to about one percent of the American population being targeted by GOG´S NeW GESTAPO.
Extrapolating, we can estimate that one in a thousand Hobokan residents, or 1000 civilians, are ¨Targeted Individuals.¨ Again, using a ratio of 3 commanders for every 25 TIs, some 120 military ¨field commanders¨ are required to operate the C4ISR command and control stationary, mobile, or virtual ¨war rooms¨ in Hobokan. Military personnel from the four main military branches and/or US SOCOM coordinate the organized stalking, street theatre, mobbing, ¨psy-attacks,¨etc. as well as the electronic surveillance, attacks, ands monitoring, etc. Again, commanders manage about 25 targets and all available ¨perps¨ (perpetrators) and ¨mercenary stalking cells¨ from their mobile ¨war rooms,¨ the C4ISR stations. Perps include full-time and part-time professionals, volunteers, cultists, covens, ex-criminals, criminals, ex-drug addicts and alcoholics and drug addicts and alcoholics, etc. These individuals and cells comprise the ¨nodes¨ on the C4ISR computer screens deployed by the field commanders. Again, street ¨perps¨ are commanded and coordinated through their cell phone apps and ipads and possibly by other mechanisms of communication such as mind control via RHIC (Radio Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control) or other methods.
About 40 Tactical Psyop Teams, each comprised of 12 military and civilian professionals, profile and develop ¨psy-attack¨ and ¨psy-act¨ strategies that involve ¨delivery¨ of ¨messages¨ and ¨triggers¨ to the ¨targets.¨ Again, each team of 12 is responsible for about 25 TIs. (Total personnel: 300 psychologists). On-the-ground operatives, both military and civilian, prepare the ¨battlespace¨ (your city) so that the devised messages can be easily transmitted to the TIs. (Reflecting a 2:1 ratio, this adds up to 2000 ¨battlespace preparers¨ in Hobokan.) And again, teams of military-civilian 2R (¨receive and repeat¨) specialists spread fabricated, derogatory rumors about the TIs amongst the neighbors, friends, and family of the TIs in order to defame, discredit, and isolate the TIs. Since there is 2 to 1 ratio of ¨2R¨ specialists to TIs, there are 2000 ¨2R¨ specialists in Hobokan. Personnel described thus far include military-intelligence, subcontractors, and civilians.
Then, assuming there is about a 50:1 ratio of street perps to TIs, as in Scenario 1, there are perhaps 50,000 active street perps from the civilian sector who are utilized to carry out the ¨psy-acts¨ and ¨psy-attacks.¨ This group includes Neighborhood Watch volunteers, ex-military and police-vigilante-volunteers, full time and part time government employees, employees of private contractors such as Infragard, and innumerable ¨mercenary¨ and ¨non-mercenary¨ stalking cells comprised of satanists, covens, occultists, members of religious groups, cults, criminals and ex-criminals, the underemployed, etc.
Again, the commanders use real-time computer radios and satellite information from the geographical information grid (GIG) to maintain TIs´ locations at all times on their C4ISR computer screens. They coordinate the actions of street perps in like manner to execute the psychological operations. Again, individual operations are specifically designed for each TI, based on his/her unique psychological characteristics, in such a way as to create a perpetually hostile environment and to ¨break the TI´s will to resist. The TI is the designated enemy in this is ¨war by other means.¨
In order to maintain ¨full-spectrum dominance¨ of the entire planet, the U.S. military must be ready and able to conduct all types of warfare, anywhere and anytime. Indeed, since most nations of the world are already conquered through military and/or restrictive economic measures, it is essential now, in order to maintain present levels of military spending, to expand the ¨battlespace¨ to the entire world, and to redefine the ¨enemy¨ to include individuals and groups anywhere in the world. Without enemies, of course, enormous military expenditures cannot be sustained.
So in¨4G¨ ¨asymmetrical war,¨ the military has found a way to create perpetual enemies and defeat them. The formula is tried and true and was perfected during the Phoenix Program in Vietnam in the late 1960s, for example. First, individuals or groups are designated as enemies, ¨terrorists,¨ etc. by intelligence agencies, and then the military attacks them. If the enemies don´t surrender, the military continues by attacking using¨ counter-terrorism¨ (aka ¨counter-insurgency¨) measures.
(Of course, there is no difference between terrorism and counter-terrorism. Strip away the jargon and the United States military-intelligence is conducting terrorism against its own citizens; killing them softly, so to speak, using PsyOp and NLW (nonlethal weapons). GOG´S NeW GESTAPO operations are conducted with the cooperation and support of local DHS fusion centers, local police, the private-corporate sector, local businesses, the legal community, the press, as well as many members of the academic, psychiatric and medical community, etc. (Their numbers are difficult to estimate, but let´s say that some 5,000 are involved.)
Field commanders coordinate the collection and dissemination of experimental ¨neurological¨ data on the emotional states, thoughts, etc. of the TI´s as well as their physiological and psychological responses to electronic attacks from directed energy weapons (DEW). DEW include microwave, radiofrequency, millimeter wave, acoustic, and lasers as well as brain manipulations using remote neural manipulation (RNM), etc. These mind control programs add several additional layers of (academic and corporate) personnel, including both researchers and their support staff. Assuming a ratio of 25 researchers and support staff to each TI, we here estimate that 25,000 individuals associated with academic and corporate research projects are associated with GOG´S GESTAPO in Hoboken.
Operation Hobokan:
In sum, in order to execute this invisible, top-secret program designed to: 1) discredit-defame-neutralize and/or 2) hack into and reconfigure the brains of about 1000 TIs designated as ¨adversaries,¨ ¨terrorists,¨ non-combatants,¨ etc. in the city of Hobokan:
1) Approximately 84,300 individuals have been enlisted, coordinated, and deployed. Extrapolating to the United States as a whole, we multiply by 300 and derive an estimate of 25.3 million citizen-spy perps.
2) Additionally, we have created a covert citizen-military army of over 15 million secret soldiers in the process. This secret army can be deployed in the future to put down any possible insurrections.
3) Total costs of targeting of the 1,000 Hoboken ¨civilian enemies¨ (TIs) is here estimated at between $200 million and $2 billion. If we extrapolate these costs to America as a whole (multiply these figures by 300), we get between $60 and $600 billion.
Recall that under the East German Stasi (Secret Police) regime, one in 6 civilians were enlisted as citizen spies to help maintain ¨national security.¨ And recall also that a 2003 Boston Globe story reported that DHS hopes to enlist 1 in 3 Americans as citizen spy-collaborators in order to ¨protect the homeland.¨ That would amount to over 100 million citizen spies in America.
Priest and Arkin (2011) document that the ¨New American Security State¨ is characterized by incredible duplication of effort and waste of money. Thus, it is possible that my figures, as outrageous as they seem, may actually radically UNDERESTIMATE the number of people involved and the amount of money spent on GOG´S NeW GESTAPO.
As caveat, many, perhaps most, individual ¨perps¨ involved may not understand the true scope and purposes of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO. With the exception of satanic groups that may relish inflicting pain on others, most ¨perps¨ are probably simply ¨useful idiots¨ who have been coopted by lies and financial incentives and/or are just ¨following orders.¨
V. Scenario-Snapshot #4: GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Versions 1.0 through … in America and the World
To recap, the following sectors of society formulate and implement GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, these ¨Global Organized Gang Stalking Neuro Warfare-Groups´ Electronic Surveillance, Torture, and PsyOp Operations:¨
1. Think tanks such as CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and RAND Corporation generally set the policies that are to be implemented by military and intelligence agencies in cooperation with the three official branches of government. These think tanks essentially serve the international financial and corporate sector, led by the Rothschild Dynasty. (The estimated fraction of total think tank personnel devoted to GOG´S NeW GESTAPO = 5%. Total personnel = 10,000; human resources devoted to GOG´S NeW GESTAPO = 500. Total expenditures guesstimated at $3 billion/year with expenditures devoted to GOG´S NeW GESTAPO estimated at $150 million.
2. The CIA/NSA/FBI/DIA/DHS/Mossad/MI6/MI5 (collectively known as the ¨cryptocracy¨ or ¨rule by secrecy¨) work cooperatively and in secret to develop and implement GOG´S NeW GESTAPO. They set the criteria for the selection of the individuals and groups that will be targeted. In terms of the yearly budget and number of personnel in these groups devoted to projects directly or indirectly related to GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, these can be estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars+ (for example, $200 billion/year) and 4 million persons.
3. DHS alone has over one quarter million employees and a budget of $60 billion/year. A 2003 article in the Boston Globe stated that DHS hopes to enlist 100 million American civilians, or nearly a third of the U.S. population, as ¨citizen-spies¨. In terms of personnel and budget, NSA may have the highest numbers of all. Percentage of man-hours devoted to GOG´S NeW GESTAPO = 2%. Percentage of total budget devoted to GOG´S NeW GESTAPO = $2 billion. Personnel devoted to GOG´S GESTAPO = 2% of 4,000,000 = 20,000.
4. Military/US SOCOM Personnel: Military and Special Operations Forces personnel include:
a) C4ISR Field Commanders,
b) Tactical PsyOp Team, PsyOp Task Force, Psychological Operations Group, PsyOp organizations, Tactical PsyOp Detachments, PsyOp Assessment Teams, Tactical Product Development Detachment,
c) US SOCOM teams
d) Electronic Warfare technicians (microwave, acoustic, laser, millimeter wave, radar, satellite, etc.)
e) Global Information Grid technical support teams, corporate and military
The number of military personnel involved is here conservatively estimated at 5 million worldwide. Yearly expenditures are estimated at $50 billion (although again, much of this funding may derive from off-books ¨black-budget¨ sources.
5. Private Contractors: Shorrock (2008) estimates that some 50 to 70% of military-intelligence work, including, of course, research and development of high tech weapons systems and actual implementation of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, is now carried out by many 100s, even thousands, of private subcontractors. Some of the most prominent of these include Raytheon, Northrup Grumman, Bechtel, SAIC, BAE Systems, ManTech International, General Dynamics, Booz Allen Hamilton, The Analysis Corporation (TAC), Westinghouse Electric, Kama Corporation, Ashland Oil, RAND Corporation, Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR), Halliburton, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, the Defense Logistics Agency, SI International, MTC Technologies, Inc., CACI, Blackwater, Titan, Essex Corporation, Armed Forces Communications Electronics Association (AFCEA), AT&T, Global Crossing, UUNet, and E-Systems.
We can guesstimate the number of individuals directly or indirectly involved with this program at well over 5 million. And the yearly budget may be estimated at approximately 1/5 of the annual military budget of $800 billion…. or $160 billion/year. (Although, presumably much of the program is paid through the off-books ¨black budget¨ and many of the programs serve multiple purposes.)
6. University ¨Scientific¨ Research: The CIA´s MKULTRA mind control project had 149 sub-projects and thousands of actual programs. This current version is the continuation of MKULTRA and is termed GOG´S NeW GESTAPO here and MONARCH by Thomas (2011). This program has undoubtedly expanded to include many hundreds of sub-projects and millions of actual operations. The number of scientists and their support staff who are involved in these government-related subcontracts is here estimated at one million with the total value of contracts estimated at approximately $10 billion/year.
7. Civilian Personnel: (including street actors, data collectors, spotters, TI location reporters, community and religious teams (mercenary stalking cells), 2R (receive and repeat) rumor purveyors, etc.,
a) Full-time professional government surveillance role players¨ (street perps)
b) Part-time professional government surveillance role players (street perps)
c) Volunteers (Neighborhood Watch, retired military, volunteer police, fire, first responders)
d) Active police personnel (Terror Liaison Officers)
e) Other police, fire-fighter, ambulance, and first responder teams
Whereas DHS stated in 2003 it wanted to recruit approximately one third of all Americans as citizen spies, we here estimate the number at a more conservative 50 million individuals and $40 billion/year.
Total guesstimate thus far in Scenario-Snapshot #4 yields over 66 million individuals and over $465 billion/year as involved in these programs…. in America alone. To extend the program to all cooperating nations requires that these numbers are multiplied by at least a factor 10….. Yikes!….. So, now we are talking 660 million people and 4.65 trillion U.S. dollars annually, much of which is probably funded by the United States government. Of course, the international bankers, Federal Reserve, City of London, etc. can print money as they need it. (Perhaps not coincidentally, these outrageously high figures could help explain why the Pentagon is currently over $6 trillion in debt!)
On The Plus Side?:
The ¨good news,¨´ from an economist´s perspective, might be that the National Security Establishment now comprises one of the dominant growth sectors of the American economy. And from the perspective of the ruling elite who have been described as a ¨break-away civilization¨ intent upon world conquest (Jewish Utopia), these programs are deemed essential to eliminate all ideological opposition. The program might also be justified on the basis of the fact that scientists will learn how to download the human brain-nervous system onto silicon chips, and in the process, discover secrets that could ensure some rich people´s future immortality. This latter prospect could be also related to the much-anticipated ¨singularity¨ event, in which computers will supposedly to take over the world in the next few decades, according to Ray Kurzweil and other Jewish ¨visionaries.¨
VI. Summary of Scenario Guesstimates
Scenario-Snapshots #1 and #2 (¨Operations John Doe and Jane Doe¨): About 50 perps are required for each TI. Assuming 1% of the US population are TIs, the system can function with about 10 million perps. Total costs of Operations John and Jane Doe over a 20 year period were $40 million, or $2 million per year. However, since the various teams are equipped to handle about 20 TIs simultaneously, this figure amounts to about $100,000 per TI per year. Extrapolating to the U.S. as a whole (multiplying by 3 million), total expenditures for GOG´S NeW GESTAPO in America alone are estimated at $300 billion/year. (If this estimate is remotely close, a considerable portion of this expenditure must come from ¨black budget¨ military-intelligence sources such as profits from illicit drugs, sex and child trafficking, etc.)
Scenario-Snapshot #3: (Snapshot of Hoboken) Assumptions: 1000 TIs, Estimated: 84,000 ¨perps,¨ (For America as a whole, by extrapolation: 3 million TIs and 24.4 million perpetrators).
Estimated costs to neutralize ¨potential terrorist threats¨ in Hoboken are $200 million to $2 billion; estimated for America as a whole: $60 to 600 billion spent/year. Over 25 million civil-military warriors committed to GOG´S NeW GESTAPO.
Scenario-Snapshot #4: For the US as a whole, an estimated 66 million people and $465 billion/year are committed to the program. By multiplying this figure by 10 we can estimate the total human and financial resources devoted to GOG´S NeW GESTAPO at 660 million people and $4.65 trillion.
Thus, estimates in the four scenarios of the total personnel involved in the U.S. range from 9.2 million to 66 million persons and $60 to 600 billion/year.
These Figures May Seem Prepostereous…. But…
Consider These Facts:
1) The US military budget is about $800 billion/year. The US military is currently involved in 5 or 6 ¨hot 3 wars¨ and US SOCOM (US Special Operations Command) is currently involved in ¨irregular wars¨/4GW/destabilization in 134 other nations.
2) Over the past 7 or 8 decades, military-intelligence activities have included:
A) Top-secret development of weapons of mass destruction such as the Manhattan Project, in which 30,000 personnel kept classified secrets during the entire project.
B) Top-secret mind control projects including Projects Bluebird, Artichoke, MKULTRA, MKOFTEN, MKNAOMI and a host of others. Facts and scope of MKULTRA would have been lost forever had not numerous boxes of files miraculously escaped the official shredder in 1973.
C) Earlier programs to neutralize/destroy domestic enemies, include: the Phoenix Program, MHCHAOS, the FBI´s COINTELPRO, Operation Garden Plot and REX ´84, Cable Splicer I-III.
D) A sordid history of performing harmful and fatal ¨experiments¨ on non-consenting citizens during the Cold War. (The Clinton Administration admitted the figure was around half a million. Certainly, it is much higher.)
3) The American military-íntelligence and political elite have been trying to move the nations toward ¨one world government¨ since the end of World War II, according to Fletcher Prouty (¨The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World,¨ 2008.)
4) The sordid and well-documented history of the ¨Chosen People´s¨ secret and yet incredibly violent drive for world conquest includes the orchestration of all major wars and depressions of the last three hundred years,
5) The importance of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO in the fulfillment of the long-term goal of ushering the New Fascist World Order/Judeo-Masonic-Satanic-One World Empire aka the ¨Jewish Utopia.¨
VIII. Conclusions
To recap: Organized stalking-civil-military operations (GOG´S NeW GESTAPO) are directed by the ¨cryptocracy¨ (DoD, CIA, and DIA, DHS, NSA, and FBI, etc.) on behalf of the U.S. government and other participating governments, international agencies, corporations, and individuals. Money drives the whole National Security Establishment system, of which GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is an important component. The U.S. government and allied ¨public-private partnerships¨ as per UN Agenda 21, serve the interests of the international financial elite (Wall Street, City of London, ¨the corporatocracy,¨etc.).
Primary goals of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO are to:
a) covertly neutralize/destroy internal enemies of the state (read New World Order), both foreign and domestic, designated as ¨potential terrorist threats,¨ ¨non-combatants,¨ ¨adversaries,¨ etc. The program inflicts secret, no-touch torture via psychological operations (PsyOp) and nonlethal weapons (NLW) on targeted civilians in order to isolate and neutralize those individuals and groups considered ¨not ideologically assimilated¨ and capable of influencing public opinion and/or inspiring or leading opposition movements. In addition to ¨extra-judicial targets¨ (those with no criminal records), targets may be selected based on previous criminal activities (judicial targets), or may be ¨targets of opportunity,¨ or ¨lucrative targets.¨ Targets may also be selected based on having histories of drug and/or alcohol abuse or based on the motivation of revenge. Presumably, many are foreign political and military targets, including politicians, military personnel, and targets of influence and importance in those nations.
b) provide (unwitting and non-consensual) test subjects (TIs and TAs, targeted individuals and targeted audiences) for secret research and development of directed energy weapons/electronic weapons/psychotronic weapons/mind control and remote neural manipulation/monitoring (RNM) technologies. Many ¨targeted individuals¨ are non-consenting subjects of ´terminal experiments´ conducted by U.S. military-intelligence in cooperation with some 114 universities, hospitals, clinics, etc., and many corporations.) This aspect of the program is the continuation of the CIA´s top-secret MKULTRA mind control programs and involves application of state-of-the-art as well as trauma-based mind control technologies.
c) One may also speculate that another goal of this program is to form and develop a secret New World Order (United Nations?) civilian-military-police-corporate army that could be deployed to quell insurrections if and when Martial Law is imposed or under other ¨emergency¨ conditions.
IX. Message to Targeted Individuals
Welcome to hell. You have been selected as ¨enemy-non-combatant¨ and/or non-consensual experimentee of the New World Order and are now targeted by GOG´S NeW GESTAPO. Your Constitutional rights no longer apply and you are being attacked by an invisible system that regards itself as above the laws of God and man. (One may get a sense of how this functions by watching the movie, ¨The Skulls,¨ a fictionalized treatment of Yale´s Skull and Bones Secret Society).
As a ¨targeted individual¨ (TI), your life is now subsumed by a nether world of lies and spies, PsyOps, and high-tech soft-, silent-, and slow-kill murder weapons (nonlethal weapons). You are now being subjected to interminable ¨set-ups¨ (¨psy-attacks¨) instigated by ¨mercenary stalking cells¨ which are designed by clever psychologists/psychiatrists to destroy your life. GOG´s NeW GESTAPO wants to isolate you from your support structure and henceforth, you will find it difficult to distinguish friend from foe and will probably find it difficult to succeed at anything.
You have been placed in one of the most diabolically evil programs in history by perhaps the most evil government in human history which now appears ¨hell bent¨ on world conquest for its masters. That´s the really bad news… and it is terrible indeed.
The good news is that knowledge is power. The more we can learn about this insidious program, and the more we share this information with others, the better are our chances to survive personally and collectively and hopefully, to ¨neutralize¨ GOG´S NeW GESTAPO by exposing it. Nothing comes from nothing. This diabolical program reflects the diabolical ambitions of our criminal ruling elite who are amply identified on this website. Thus, we must make every effort to expose these people and bring them to justice. In 1926, Maj.-Gen. Count Cherep-Spiridovich articulated a strategy to bring down the ¨Hidden Hand,¨ which he identified, as I have, as the Jews/aka Judeo-Masonic-Satanists/the ¨Synagogue of Satan.¨ His solution is to bring any one of ¨the 300¨ (aka Learned Elders of Zion and the ¨Committee of 300¨) to trial for just one of their myriad crimes. In honest proceedings, their whole criminal syndicate would be exposed for the world to see.
By contrast, most of the ¨perps¨ we encounter on a day-to-day basis are probably merely ¨useful idiots¨ with little or no understanding of GOG´s NeW GESTAPO as a whole. So please try not to let them push your buttons. Most of them are probably just dupes and many of them believe they are helping to ¨get the bad guy.¨
If you have solid religious beliefs, and particularly if you are Christian, it is probably advisable to continue to grow in your faith in the goodness of God, Jesus Christ, the Trinity, the creation, and human nature. It would seem that, in their own perverted way, through the wicked teachings of their holy books, the Talmud and Kabbalah, our (Jewish and Masonic) leaders are using the Bible as a geo-political road map and we have entered the last days predicted in the Bible.
X. On the New Acronym- GOG´S New GESTAPO* For ¨Global Organized Gang Stalking Groups´ Neuro-Warfare- Electronic Surveillance, Targeting and PsyOp Operations¨
ETK note: I have made several attempts to devise an apt acronym for the odious global program that we commonly refer to as ¨Organized Gang Stalking.¨ This most recent iteration, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, is appealing because, in my opinion:
1) the name, ¨Global Organized Gang Stalking Groups´ Neuro-Warfare-Electronic Surveillance, Torture and PsyOp Operations,¨ describes the nature of the program, and
2) the acronym, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, reveals the identity of the main authors and sponsors of the program, who are principally Jews and Nazis. This power elite is also well described by the term, ¨Zionazis.¨ Gog, of course, is a Biblical term that refers to the Antichrist in the last days, whereas GESTAPO was the draconian Nazi secret police of Hitler´s Germany during the Second World War.
A power elite consisting of Jews and Nazis? Huh? These are strange bedfellows indeed. And yet, Cambridge-educated author, Christopher Story, in his book, ¨The New Underworld Order,¨ also concludes that ¨Zionazis¨ are behind the ¨Geo-Masonic¨ New UnderWorld Order.¨ To understand this apparent riddle, we need to recall that the Bavarian Illuminati, a very powerful Jewish German secret society, developed a plan for world conquest in 1776, which they have been implementing ever since through their secret societies, including Freemasonry. May 1, 1776, also marked the birth of the Rothschild Dynasty, as selected by the so-called ¨Learned Elders of Zion¨ (the Sanhedrin) to lead World Jewry in their historic mission of world conquest in order to establish their Universal Jewish World Empire or ¨Jewish Utopia.¨ It is a matter of record that many, many of the top Illuminati agentur who have subsequently guided the nations have been German Jews. That story requires another entire article, or perhaps several….
GOG: Biblically, Gog is the Antichrist and Magog is the land where Gog originates. Magog is now identified by some authors as the ancient, pagan kingdom of Khazaria, located south of Russia in the Causcuses. Pastor, author, and former Air Force officer, Texe Marrs, in ¨The Destroyer; the Antichrist is At Hand¨ (2016), concludes: ¨The Antichrist will be a Jew and his religion a form of Kabbalistic Judaism.¨
Marrs and others demonstrate through modern DNA studies that the modern Jewish ¨race¨ is comprised of about 95% Khazarians of Turkish-Mongolian stock, who converted to Judaism in the 8th through 10th centuries. The Khazars were conquered by Czarist Russia in about 1020 AD, at which time they migrated from Khazaria into what is now Poland, Germany, Latvia, Czechoslovakia and other nearby countries. DNA studies now prove that the ¨Jews,¨ including the modern ¨Israelis,¨ are, in fact, the descendants of these Khazars. Patrick Henry´s book, ¨The Matrix of Gog,¨ confirms that almost all modern Jews are of Khazarian and Turkish DNA and that these ¨Jews¨ will fulfill the Bible´s prophecies regarding Gog and Magog.¨
Ezekial 38 is a Biblical reference to Gog and Magog:
¨Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophecy against him. And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against Thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal…¨
Marrs and others affirm that the Jewish ¨Messiah¨ is the Christian Antichrist and that the Jewish people as a whole may be their own Messiah. The 1888 letter of Jew, Baruch Levy, to Karl Marx underscores this latter point:
¨The governments of people will pass with the formation of the universal republic effortlessly into the hands of the Israelites… Then the personal property of the rulers will be suppressed by the rulers of the Jewish race, who will everywhere govern…. Then the promise of the Talmud will be fulfilled, and when the time of the Messiah has come, the Jews will have the goods of all the peoples of the world in their possession.
…. The Jewish people as a whole shall be their own Messiah…. Its Kingdom over the universe is obtained through the suppression of frontiers…. In this new organization of mankind, the Sons of Israel, who at present are scattered over the entire earth´s surface, will all be of the same race and of the same traditional culture without, however, forming another nationality… successful in laying upon the masses of workers a permanent leadership by Jews.¨
Marrs (2016) summarizes:
¨Gog and Magog, then, are Jews (converts from ancient Khazaria) who first conquer the ¨mountains of Israel¨ and then go on to ¨deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth.¨ Here we see prophesied a militant, reinvigorated land of Israel- today´s nation of Israel, complete with nuclear bombs and other high tech armaments- amply supplied and supported by its global allies- the United States, Europe, and others- deceiving the nations throughout the earth. Through this deceit, Gog and Magog are able to gather them together to battle ¨the Camp of the Saints.¨ This is the remnant of God, the very elect who are not deceived, the people known everywhere as Christians.
This is the momentous, last days battle of planet earth, pitting the evil and mighty Gog and Magog and all their alli1es against the few who are in the Camp of the Saints and the beloved city. (The Saints are citizens of heavenly, not earthly, Jerusalem). This battle culminates in the destruction of the combined forces of evil as fire comes down from God out of heaven. Then the devil is cast into the lake of fire and brimstone (hell) where he shall be tormented forever and ever.¨
Why should we care about Biblical prophecy? Among other reasons, it appears that our Jewish ruling elite themselves believe in Biblical prophecy, or more accurately, they believe in their Talmudic and Kabbalistic perversions of Bible prophecy. And history reveals that they have been working for millennia to bring these prophesies to fruition!
GESTAPO: GESTAPO, of course, refers to the Secret Police of the Nazi Regime in Germany under Hitler. Thomas (2011) employs a metaphor from mythology to describe the totalitarianism of the Nazis.
¨In Greek mythology, King Minos received a gift from the gods, a perfect white bull. Instead of sacrificing the animal to the gods, as agreed, he substituted an inferior one, and usurped for himself that which came from the gods. Poseidon placed a curse upon the land and Minos´ wife gave birth to a monster, the body of a man and the head of a bull…. Minos creates the monster by usurping power for himself and placing himself above the law. Minos created fascism, the Minotaur nightmare that survives on human sacrifice, the beast that feasts on human flesh- dictatorship. The hero, Theseus slays the beast, destroys fascism and the tyrant, and frees the land from its curse.
What face has the Minotaur assumed in the twentieth century that we would recognize? Nazi Germany personifies the technological totalitarian state and serves as a model. The subjugation of the Weimar Republic began with the creation of private militias, which were used as a springboard to infiltrate the German military, and finally the police forces. The Reichstag fire (like 9/11) was an excuse to seize power and kill those that might stop them. The Night of the Long Knives refers to the creation of hit lists of enemies, and the hunting down and execution of hundreds of internal political rivals, opponents, and potential threats. Once Hitler had crossed the Rubicon of mass assassination, he publically declared his actions above the law. This was the moment of the birth of the Minotaur in the twentieth century. The pseudoscience of eugenics and the dogma of German racial superiority and the theoretical subhuman level of other races was the rationale for wars of annihilation.
Alexis de Tocqueville… perhaps the greatest historian of the age…. Identified the US and Russia as the two emerging world powers and, in effect, predicted the Cold War 120 years before it began. Tocqueville wrote about how the Minotaur would manifest itself in this country (America)… The racial dogma would be replaced by super patriotism and religion. If such a dictatorship, a new Minotaur, should arise here, how would we recognized its form? If the US intelligence services are using state-of-the-art microwave weapons to commit war crimes and are actively subverting the constitutional authority of the Republic and foreign governments, it is logical that a previous pattern of behavior or similar crimes would have been exhibited by these personalities and organizations and by their forbears.¨
(ETK: These patterns were established decades ago with the FBI´s COINTELPRO, the CIA´s MKUTLRA, CHAOS, and the Phoenix Program, the U.S. military´s Operation Garden Plot, Cable Splicer, REX ´84, etc. etc.)
For all these reasons, I believe this new term, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, may be the best acronym to describe this diabolical program. We TIs might derive a ray of hope from the story of the Minotaur too. For the hero, Theseus, found a way to slay the Minotaur and save the kingdom. Perhaps that´s our job. Indeed, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain by wielding the power of perhaps the greatest of all weapons…. the truth.
XI. Post-Script
America has had a war economy, propped up by the ¨military-industrial complex,¨ since World War II. Today, having discarded the shibboleth-boogey man of communism, our intelligence agencies have adopted another shibboleth ¨boogey man;¨ ¨terrorism.¨ The purportedly endless ¨War on Terrorism¨ is our new national-organizing principle. But today, the ¨military-industrial complex¨ has morphed into a yet larger Behemouth, the ¨military-industrial-petroleum-academic-media-telecom-hollywood-homeland security complex¨ (Turse, 2008).
(Of course, to be glib and cynical, we do need some way to keep the American economy going now that the industrial, manufacturing, and farming sectors have been decimated and outsourced. So, perhaps TIs can console themselves with the realization that our participation in GOG´s NeW GESTAPO is helping to support our national economy.)
The atrocious news here, of course, is that our nation is now basically cannibalizing and destroying itself. We are now living through a ¨second civil war,¨ a ¨silent holocaust,¨ that is imposed from above in which most sectors of society are waging war upon disenfranchised individuals and groups designated as ¨enemy.¨ In the process, American citizens are being transformed into psychopaths, hateful monsters, and ¨useful idiots.¨ Indeed, we have been and are being ¨Satanized.¨
The symbol of the Oroboros, that of a snake eating its own tail, is quite appropriate here and seems to represent America and its roll in the world today. And there is a greater significance to this symbol. Historically, the Oroboros is an image both of Satan AND his ¨Chosen People.¨ The symbol of the Oroboros, according to Marrs and others, is also used by occultists of various Judaic cults, including Theosophists, Masons, New Age groups, etc., to represent the 3,000 year quest of the Jewish people to encircle the world and crush it in order to bring in their Jewish Utopia; Satan´s kingdom on earth.
In ¨Holy Serpent of the Jews: The Rabbis´ Secret Plan for Satan to Crush Their Enemies and Vault the Jews to Global Dominion¨ (2016), Marrs proves from the rabbi´s own writings that the Jewish people actually worship the ¨Holy Serpent,¨ aka Satan. This tribe has long been referred to as the ¨people of the Serpent¨ and their religion, Judaism, as the ¨Serpent cult.¨
Before Hitler there was Hertzl, the Jewish father of Zionism. Long before the toxic notion of German racial superiority was the far greater and more toxic belief in Jewish supremacy. And, of course, the serpent, aka Satan, Moloch, etc., now, as ever, demands human sacrifice. And he and his minions get great pleasure from torture and in winning new souls for their eternal kingdom, Hell.
As revealed in Lina´s ¨Under the Sign of the Scorpion¨ (1999), Jewish Bolshevik revolutionary and first Prime Minister of the U.S.S.R., Vladimir Ulyanov (aka Lenin), stated:
¨May 90 percent of the Russian people perish if 10 percent will experience the world revolution,¨ and
¨The people must be taught to hate. We shall begin with the young. The children will be taught to hate their parents. We can and must write a new language which sows hatred, detestation and similar feelings among the masses against those who do not agree with us,¨ and
¨Dictatorship is a state of intensive warfare,¨ and
¨We must utilize all possible cunning and illegal methods, deny and conceal the truth.¨
Lina (1999) states that (Ulyonov/Lenin)… ¨introduced logocracy (power through the use of barefaced lies), which became a political weapon.¨
Aren´t these very same hateful notions being applied in the United States of America today and in the New World Order´s GOG´S NeW GESTAPO? Certainly, Lenin´s (Ulyanov´s) statements accurately reflect the ¨logocracy¨ (of lies and ¨Jewish fables¨) that now controls the United States under Jewish rule.
People must understand that the Bolshevik Revolution was a revolution designed and carried out by World Jewry aka Judeo-Masonic-Satanists aka the ¨Synagogue of Satan.¨ We need to remember that, as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn documents in ¨The Gulag Archipelago,¨ the Jew-controlled Soviet government is responsible for the brutal murder and torture of some 66 million white Christians, at least! We need to understand that ¨Satan´s Chosen People,¨ the Jews, are now implementing similar goals in America and throughout the world.
Under the subheading ¨Lenin´s Terror,¨ Lina (2002) states:
¨In 1975, a collection of documents was published in Moscow, ¨Lenin and the Cheka,¨ which explains that Lenin had adopted the terror methods of Maximilien ¨de¨ Robespierre (a leader of the French Revolution)… The Vice Chairman of the Cheka, Martyn Lacis (actually Janis Sudrabs, a Latvian Jew) wrote the following in his book ¨The Cheka´s Struggle Against the Counter-Revolution¨ (Moscow, 1921, p. 8): ¨We Israelites must buid the society of the future on the basis of constant fear.¨ Lenin wrote a letter in 1918, in which he commented upon the critical nature of the situation. It is apparent that Lenin managed to mobilise 1,400,000 Jews, the majority of whom worked for the Cheka. They were given free rein.
Here are some examples of Lenin´s ¨mild¨ telegrams in 1918: ¨A troika of dictators should be established and mass-terror should be begun at once… Full speed to the mass arrests. Execute weapons owners! Begin the mass deportation of the Mensheviks and other suspects.¨ The executions should be increased! (Collected Works, Vol. 35, p. 275.)
….. Lists of those shot and otherwise executed were published in the Cheka´s weekly newspaper. In this way it can be proved that 1.7 million people were executed during the period 1918-1919. A river of blood flowed through Russia. The Cheka had to employ body counters. According to official Soviet reports from May 1922, 1,695,904 people were executed from January, 1921 to April 1922. Among these victims were bishops, professors, doctors, officers, policemen, gendarmes, lawyers, civil servants, journalists, writers, artists, nurses, workers and farmers…. Their crime was ¨anti-social thinking.¨
Here it must be pointed out that the Cheka was under the control of the Jews, according to documents now available. Much of this was known already in 1925. The researcher Larseh wrote in his book ¨The Blood-Lust of Bolshevism¨ (Wurttemberg, p. 45) that 50 percent of the Cheka consisted of Jews with Jewish names. 25 percent were Jews who had taken Russian names. All the chiefs were Jews.
Lenin was well informed about all those serious crim ¨Put more force into the terror…. Shoot every tenth person, place all the suspects in concentration camps.¨… Lenin incarcerated people without any sentence.
Lenin and his accomplices did not arrest just anyone. They executed those most active in society, the independent thinkers. Lenin gave orders to kill as many students as possible in several towns…. The role of Russian intellectuals in society was taken over by the Jews.
The terror was co-ordinated by the Chekist functionary Joseph Unschlicht. The Jewish Chekists flavoured murder with various torture methods. In his documentary, ¨The Russia We Lost,¨ the director Stanislav Govorukhin told how the priesthood in Kherson were crucified. The archbishop Andronnikov in Perm was tortured: his eyes were poked out, his ears and nose were cut off.
Compare these crimes with the Old Testament account of King David´s massacre of the entire civilian population of an enemy (¨thus did he unto all the cities of the children of Ammon.¨) He ¨cut them with saws and with harrows of iron¨ and ¨made them pass through the brikkiln.¨ … The Jewish extremists´ serious crimes in Russia were committed in the true spirit of the Old Testament (King James´ Bible):
– The god of the Israelites demands the mass murder of gentiles (i.e., goyim = non-Jews), including women and children (Deuteronomy, 20:16)
– Yahweh wishes to spread terror among the Gentiles (Deuteronomy, 2:25).
– Yahweh demands the destruction of other religions (Deuteronomy 7:5).
– The Jews may divide the prey of a great spoil (Isaiah, 33:23)
– The Jews may make Gentiles their slaves (Isaiah, 14:2).
– Those refusing to serve the Jews shall perish and be utterly wasted (Isaiah, 60:12)
– Gentiles shall be forced to eat their own flesh (Isaiah, 49: 26).,
….. In Deuteronomy 20:10-17 we are informed that all other nations must work for the Jews if they come into the Jews´ dominion. If they resist, they must be killed and their property robbed. All goyim must be exterminated where the Jews already live. In Deuteronomy 7:16 (King James Bible), one can read the following: ¨And thou shalt consume all the people that the LORD thy god shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity on them.¨
…. As can be seen, Judaism is an extremely racist doctrine. This is confirmed time after time in both the Talmud and the Torah. ¨Humanity is blessed soley for the sake of the Jews.¨ (Talmud, Jebamot 63a.) ¨All Jews are born the children of kings.¨ (Shabbat 67a.) ¨The Jews are more agreeable to God than the angels. (Chullin 91b.)… ¨Only the Jews are called human, the goyim are called animals.¨ (Baba Batra 114b,Jebamot 61a, Keritot 6b and 7a).
Returning to the Bolshevik terror…. In the beginning of the 1920s there were already 70,000 prisoners in 300 concentration camps, according to ¨The Russian Revolution¨ by Richard Pipes at Harvard University, though in reality there were probably many more. It was in this manner that Lenin built his GULAG archipelago.
….. Lenin´s primary goal was to exterminate the most intelligent part of the Russian population. When the giants are gone, the dwarves may revel. The Chekists usually invented the charges against the intellectuals…. Lenin began the persecution of intellectuals immediately after his rise to power. He made them starve to death or forced them to emigrate, or jailed or murdered them. Thus he gave orders to murder hundreds of thousands of intellectuals…. In this way, Lenin drained the country of its finest minds. Eventually, Lenin managed to purge Russia almost entirely of educated, wise and free-thinking people. The worst began to rule the best of those who were still left. What had been regarded as wrong for centuries now became a virtue…. And Russia was turned into a bandit state.
….. The great author Mkhail Bulgakov… stated… ¨All has been forbidden. I am crushed, persecuted and totally alone,¨ he wrote in a letter to Gorky. 13 of Bulgakov´s 15 critics were Jews.
…. The Bolsheviks began manipulating history precisely as it suited them in order to hide their crimes. They presented their ¨history¨ precisely as they wished the world to perceive it. That was why the greatest threat to Communism, which was entirely based on lies and fear, were tose who bravely dared to speak the truth. Speaking the truth was regarded as anti-Soviet agitation and punished accordingly. During the Glasnost period 1986-1991, such truthfulness pierced the very ¨heart¨ of Communism and destroyed it.
Does this hellish environment not sound a lot like the hellish environment that has been created for America today? And for ¨TIs in particular?
There is a good reason why these words and ideas are considered ¨politically incorrect¨ ¨hate speech.¨ The reason is that our Jew-controlled American ¨totalitarian democracy,¨ just like the Jew-controlled Communist system of the Soviet Union, cannot withstand the light of truth. Thus, our Jew-own government-propaganda system must criminalize any and expressions of the truth and criticism, just as they did during their criminal Soviet regime.
I believe it is imperative for TIs and people of good conscience everywhere to understand this larger historical-spiritual picture. It should now come as no surprise that former intelligence officer, Julianne McKinney, observed that one particular religious group is vastly over-represented amongst organized stalking perpetrator groups, whereas TIs generally tend to belong to other religious groups, particularly Christians. Indeed, for millennia, Jews have worked collectively to destroy their enemies, that is, all non-Jews, and have reserved their most intense hatred for Christians and Christianity. Today, their system of ¨sayanim¨ (Jewish secret agents) blankets the world and is supported by rank and file Jews everywhere. The New Testament provides numerous examples in which Jews were involved in the organized stalking of Jesus and the Apostles. Indeed, it appears that this kind of stalking is basically a Jewish phenomena that is now refined and augmented by high technology!
Once we understand that the intelligence agencies (the ¨cryptocracy¨), the corporatocracy, the United Nations, Masonry, Mormonism, Jehovah´s Witnesses, many New Age cults, and major sectors of mainstream Christianity, the Christian Zionists, all function as surrogate fronts for the ¨serpent cult/World Jewry…¨ And once we understand the incredible power of the (Jewish) purse, that Jewish international bankers print money out of thin air, and that usury and ¨funding controls everything,¨ as per the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,¨ only then can we begin to grasp the true dimensions of our present challenge.
Akins (2012) puts our modern dilemma in its proper historical context, in my opinion, when he states:
¨Jewish Masterplanners were behind the five most destructive revolutions of the past 500 years…. These were the revolutions in England of 1688, in America of 1775-76, in France of 1789, in Russia of 1917, and in Rome with the Second Vatican Council of 1962-65….. There are strong indications of yet another universal revolt underway… What is the Final Phase revolution? Our best research has it that it´s characterized by an international coalition of well-organized… forces deployed on a multiplicity of fronts and all converging as a single mass-mobilization for the construction of the New Tower of Babel…. Crypto-Judaic Totalitarianism and the Universal Satanic Republic…. In a word, their ultimate objective is Jewish World Domination.
…. As we saw in the chapter on 9/11 and the phony War on Terror, Israel was behind all four fronts of that momentous event in our nation´s history: 1) The actual terror attacks themselves, 2) the subsequent cover-up, 3) and both ¨the U.S.-led military invasions overseas¨ and 4) the ¨domestic security state apparatus.¨
And let us not forget that the ¨neoconservative¨ faction that has formulated the main foreign and domestic policies of the Clinton, Bush II, Obama and now, the Trump Administrations is mostly comprised of Jews and dual Israel-American citizens. Their intellectual and spiritual ¨godfather¨ is Leo Strauss, the German Jewish-Nazi University of Chicago professor! His main mentors, in turn, were crypto-Jew Nicolo Machiavelli, author of ¨The Prince,¨ and the German Jewish philosophers Hegel, Frederich Nietche, and the Nazi, Carl Schmidt.
Thus, the term ¨Zionazi¨ seems to be an apt description of our psychopathic, criminal leadership and that GOG´S NeW GESTAPO (Global Organized Gang Stalking Neuro-Warfare Groups´ Electronic Slavery, Torture, and PsyOp Operations) is an accurate description of their criminal global organized gang stalking system.
As for the duped and complicit ¨useful idiots´ who comprise most of our neighbors, friends, and family, our job is to try to wake them from their deep slumber before the kind of mass killings of Russia of a century ago are visited upon America and the entire world.
XII. A Ray of Hope
As a retired geography professor, I maintain five websites:,,,, and Three of these websites, including,, and disprove lies and propaganda which are foundational to the establishment of the New World Order. So there can be little doubt just how and why I was originally included on the ¨Terrorism Watch List.¨ I would be considered one of the ¨extra-judicial¨ variety of TIs.
Finally, I´d like to share the lyrics of a song written by Phillip P. Bliss around the time of the American Civil War (1860´s). While these lyrics indicate how far we have fallen as a nation, they also add a measure of hope and may articulate a viable counter-strategy to GOG´S NeW GESTAPO. The song is entitled
¨Let the Lower Lights Be Burning:¨
1) Brightly beams our Father´s mercy, From his lighthouse evermore.
But to us he gives the keeping, Of the lights along the shore.
Chorus: Let the lower lights be burning, Send a gleam across the wave.
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman, You may rescue, you may save.
2) Dark the night of sin has settled, Loud the angry bellows roar.
Eager eyes are watching longing, For the lights along the shore.
Chorus: Let the lower lights be burning, Send a gleam across the wave.
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman, You may rescue, you may save.
3) Trim your feeble lamp my brother, Some poor sailor tempest tossed.
Trying now to reach the harbor, In the darkness may be lost.
Chorus: Let the lower lights be burning, Send a gleam across the wave.
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman, You may rescue, you may save.
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Cunningham, C., 2015, Conspiracy Facts: Neocons Unmasked, Critical Thinking Institute, Fort Myers, FL, 355 pp.
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Spiridovich, Maj.-Gen. Count Cherep-Spiridovich, 1926, The Secret World Government Or ¨The Hidden Hand:¨ The Unrevealed In History, 100 ¨Historical Mysteries¨ Explained, The Book Tree, Escondido, CA, 203 pp.
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