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Hoax, False Flag and False Reality: What Do They Have In Common? Fraud

War On Terror
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November 16, 2015 Nathan Bickel17 Comments

“……….You watch a film done by actors. When it comes to some sad part, REAL tears come from one’s eyes.The brain does not realize that you’re seeing ACTORS playing a fictional part while they’re covered with FAKE blood. Your BRAIN sees it as REAL.!!! Only your intellect can sort it all out with CRITICAL thinking and remind you what you’re seeing is DRAMA and not real life. When millions of people see these HOAXES their brain thinks it’s REAL…..when it’s not. People do not realize just how evil their government can be.” – Moralmatters reader

Hoax, False Flag and False Reality: What Do They Have In Common?

“Hoax:” 1. An act intended to deceive or trick. 2. Something that has been established or accepted by fraudulent means. – – Understand that a “hoax” may include fake or real blood; fake or real deaths. The common denominator in these “event happenings” is the perpetrated coordinated deception, motive, planning and purpose.

Understand that a “hoax” may include theatrical or real blood; feigned (fake) or real deaths. The common denominator in these “event happenings” is the perpetrated coordinated deception, motive, planning and purpose. A major “hoax” of 9/11 was “smoke screen” airplanes. They (by themselves) did not collapse the 3 high-rise buildings. Pre-planned sophisticated demolition explosives were employed and detonated. Pic source: Found on the web.

A Hoax is “a trick or a fraud.” – Webster’s New World Dictionary – 1953-’59 – The World Publishing Co

Hoax: 1. An act intended to deceive or trick. 2. Something that has been established or accepted by fraudulent means. –

Please note an excerpt from this Moralmatters website posting on “Hoax:” Definition:

“……………..A ‘hoax’ or ‘false flag’ is an elaborate pre-planned scheme and action introduced to deceive either the few or the many. Government contrived propaganda and / or violence events are intended to deceive the masses. Whatever these contrived practices are called, they are fraudulent in nature and are criminal. Fraud impedes a free society and American capitalism. It also is an assault upon this United States Constitutional Republic. Intentional and willful fraud needs to be met with vigorous prosecution and harsh punishments…………….”

False Flag:
Pic source: Found on the web.

Perhaps, the one person most responsible for today’s false flag events is modern-day Nazi, aka Barack Obama. Pic source: Found on the web.

False Flag is a term used to describe an action of deception (of which outcome) is designed to achieve an intended (targeted) result.

Historically these deception actions were prevalent in military battle. For instance: Pirates flying the same (replica) flag of a ship they desire to board and take-over (conquer). Such deceptive action (if all goes “well”) is meant to be bloodless. Although once on board the intended ship (to conquer), the deceiving pirates are quickly discovered. Hence, a bloody fight may ensue. Thus, a “false flag” event ends up, bloody with fatalities.

In more recent times, false flag deceptions are connived and pre-planned by governments, hell-bent upon achieving certain strategic propaganda and / or “regime change” goals. The contrived Sandy Hook “massacre” and the contrived Boston Marathon “bombing” are two ripe examples of attempts by government, certain law enforcement and mainstream media to deceive the populace. The propaganda goal of the Sandy Hook hoax was swiftly divulged with cat calls for further firearm control upon this nation which has been blessed with Second Amendment gun ownership rights.
False Reality:

“False realities” are staged actions and deceptive events. They are designed to assault the emotions and control the minds of those who react to them. False reality events are contrived, engineered and implemented as repeat deception practices of corrupt governments, world-wide. Especially note that government sponsored, law enforcement and media, enabled, false realities take place as real (genuine) events.
False realities are engineered and implimented to appeal to the emotions. Once a government contrived propaganda and / or violence event is imbedded within the sub-conscience, it is difficult for a person to recognize genuine reality. A historical example is the Sandy Hook Hoax. Pic source: Found on the web.

False realities are engineered and implemented to appeal to the emotions. Once a government contrived propaganda and / or violence event is embedded within the sub-conscience of an unsuspecting and gullible individual, it is difficult for that person to recognize genuine reality. A historical example is the Sandy Hook Hoax. The majority of the public refuse to allow their minds to be exposed to connect logical doubts. Their emotions overrule that practice. Pic source: Found on the web.

The term, “False Reality” does not suggest that contrived events don’t happen (actually take place) and that people are not injured and / or killed. False realities are designed to be propaganda driven. They often use theatrical blood. Thus they can be correctly called, “hoaxes.” And, even a hoax can end up having people (actually) killed. A 2,000 year-old example, was Nero setting Rome on fire and then pinning the blame on Christians. Many perished in the smoke and conflagration. Following that diabolically inspired (false reality / hoax / contrived) event, Christians were rounded up and persecuted by imprisonment and state sanctioned murder.

False realities are events inspired by the malevolent “powers that be” to strike terror into the hearts and minds of the populace and to alter public perception; ultimately for the purpose of “social engineering” and complete government (state) control. False reality perpetrated upon the people is all about lies and deception as those elite, in control, refuse to accept reality and trust the citizens of a nation. It’s government at its worst; its “holier-than-thou” worst; all designed to manipulate the masses so that the enslaved, will willingly respond to government as captives. And as history relates, captives have often been known to sympathize with their captors, of which practice (phenomenon) is commonly known as the Stockholm Syndrome.
Short Summary Of “False Reality”

Understanding “false reality” is not to suggest that actual violence and killings do not occur. What makes these (type-of) events, false realities, is the contrived status and those who are insidiously behind (instigating) these pre-planned (crimes against peace and humanity) events.

Author and aka Obama investigative researcher, Martha Trowbridge, aptly states on a Facebook comment reply:

“‘False’ meaning: what happened was contrived, not by the actors, but by GOVT AGENTS to achieve a political purpose. WICKED.”
Fraud is what is common among 3 effective methods of trickery and deception. The 3 are hoax, false flag and false reality. Pic Source: Found on the web.

Fraud is what is the “common denominator” among 3 effective methods of trickery and deception. The 3 are hoax, false flag and false reality. Pic Source: Found on the web.
What Do Hoaxes, False Flags And False Realities Have In Common?

Hoaxes, False Flags And False Realities:

(1) Are all naturally deceptive.

(2) They constitute connived and pre-planned actions accompanied with a corresponding event and geographical location.

(3) Hoaxes, false flags and false realities are intended and designed by their perpetrators, to trick and to deceive the many or the few. Most often the hoax, false flag and false reality fraud is successful upon an unsuspecting people target.

Please note: A “Psyop” (as this Moralmatters author understands) can also be included in the aforementioned list. “Psyop” operations are government contrived propaganda and / or violence events carefully planned, in which the principal crisis actors are more directly involved. Rather than only a session of instructions, a signed “confidentially agreement” and “get lost,” psy-op operator personnel are “trained” by either hypnotism, drugs and / or other forms of mind control to perform their part in the false reality event. Psyop events are more likely to be the real thing. “Real thing” as in actual blood, injuries and death, occurring.
Events & Reported Events. Intellectually And Non-Emotionally Distinguishing Between The Two:

It must be noted that hoaxes, false flags and false realities all are “event” related. That is essential for the “success” of the malevolent conniving perpetrators. The human mind (which is initially emotionally driven) cements events to the deceptive actions of hoaxes, false flags and false realities. Initially, the human mind doesn’t distinguish between the deception (false reality) and genuine reality.
People (aka, “sheeple”) are like a heard of sheep. They blindly follow whomever attracts their attention. Wise, honest and intelligent people will always question, examine and evaluate what propaganda mainstream media proliferates. Pic source: Found on the web.

People (aka, “sheeple”) are like sheep. They blindly follow whomever attracts their attention. However, wise, honest and intelligent people will always question, examine and evaluate what government, corrupt law enforcement and propaganda mainstream media proliferate. Pic source: Found on the web.

What the public has a difficult time separating, is the ability to divorce (detach) the propaganda mainstream media reporting from the time-in-space trickery actions and geographical location of the (hoax) event. People readily know something has happened. But rather than question, examine and evaluate, they then go hog-wild listening to the first source that reports the false reality events. They don’t distinguish between the initial news, the source that is spoon-feeding it to them, their emotional perceptions versus genuine reality.

Human emotions are manipulated by the conniving (hoax) perpetrators to instantaneously convince the populace of the contrived propaganda and / or violence acts (events). For instance: innocent children learning at school, minding their own business; all-of-a-sudden, haphazardly being blown-away by some freaky loner. Immediately propaganda mainstream media hauled out a barrage of interviews with perpetrator crisis actors. They seized upon the emotions of unsuspecting Americans, gullible and glued to their fat asses, (mindlessly) viewing their big screen propaganda monitors, all gulping and swallowing the Anderson Cooper CNN-type pummeling propaganda Network news coverage.
All Hoax, False Flag And / Or False Reality Events Require Actors To Carry Out The Criminal Fraud:
Pic of alleged father of one of the alleged Santa Barbara victims. Anguishing pics make great propaganda fodder to sell contrived violence events. “Richard Martinez” crisis actor crying antic was much better better than his poor press conference performance. Pic attribution:

Pic of alleged father of one of the alleged Santa Barbara “victims.” Anguishing false reality appearances and pics make great propaganda fodder to sell contrived (false reality) violence events. “Richard Martinez” crisis actor crying antic, was much better better than his poor press conference performance. Pic attribution:
The following is an excerpt from:

False Flag Alert: Craigslist Ad Asking for CRISIS ACTORS in Houston For July 4th
“In a Craigslist ad posted about 17 days ago, our Federal Government is looking for crisis actors for July 4th through July 6th.

“We are looking for crisis actors for a government emergency drill between July 4-6th. Actors will be responsible for portraying different emergency scenarios in a simulated government terror drill. No experience is needed. Confidentiality agreements are required. Pay is $200. Please message for details. ………………. –

— Houston Craigslist“
Editor’s Note:

This Moralmatters author realizes that the aforementioned commentary may not be totally agreeable to those who (also) whistle-blow corrupt government, (certain enabling) law enforcement / military and complicit mainstream media, contrived propaganda and / or violence events. For instance, one excellent youtube author distinguishes false flag versus hoax by defining hoax as having no bloodshed and fatalities. His distinction is noteworthy and clear. I have no problem with his corruption exposition and admirable efforts. The important thing is that he, like Moralmatters, Peekay22 and others are “calling-out” the hoax, false flag and false reality (crimes against peace and humanity) criminal trickery and fraud.
Related to the above:

Operation Mockingbird, CIA, NSA, Media Whores And Hoaxes –

San Bernardino And Other False Reality Events: Legalized By Immoral Bastard U.S. Legislation –

San Bernardino Fake Funerals And False Reality Stiffs –

Learn How the World is Controlled “False Flag Terror. A Historical Overview” –

False Flag Terror. A Historical Overview – Never Forget …Your Country Admits to “False Flag Terror” –

US Intelligence Officer: “Every Single Terrorist Attack In US Was a False Flag Attack” –
Featured pic source of “False Reality” with TV sets in the background:

“False Reality” with TV sets in the background:

Why People Believe Government Contrived Propaganda And Violence Events: AKA Hoaxes –

Telltale Signs Of Government Contrived Events –

Government Contrived Violence Events –

Events & Reported Events –

Crisis Actors: Fraud Exposed –

Addiction To Mainstream Media–

Pernicious Mainstream Media –

Americans Foolish & Gullible To Believe Gov’t Contrived Events:

Successful Government Contrived Propaganda And Violence Events: Necessary Communication Mechanics –

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