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Part XII: Summary, Hypotheses (142 – 333), and Conclusions: What On Earth Is Going On In Crestone/Baca? (Part B)

New World Religion
Articles & Interviews

Part VIII: Cult Connections

February 19, 2024

Is Crestone/Baca the “Vatican City of the New World Order?” An Expose of the “New World Religion”

Part XII: Summary, Hypotheses (142 – 332), and Conclusions: What on Earth is Going On in Crestone/Baca? (Part B)

Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, California State University, January, 2015 (updated January, 2018)

Introductory Quotes:

1) Once man gives over to false religion, he is no longer rational because he originates no thought. His life is controlled by whomever controls his religion. The veil of false religion is the sword of Damocles and its power to control humanity defies even the imagination of tyrants who use it.

Jonathon Williams (1781) “Legions of Satan”

2) There is absolutely no way one can competently research the New Age Movement and not discover that its major purpose is bringing in a New World Order headed by the Antichrist.

Constance E. Cumbey, “A Planned Deception; The Staging of a New Age “Messiah” (1985)

3) Hypothesis #39: The New Age, the New World Order, the Age of Horus, the Rising of Atlantis, the Resurrection of Osiris, the coming War of Shambhala, and the Christian Apocalypse all point to the same event: the reorganization of the world under totalitarian socialism by the followers of Lucifer sending messages through trance channeling to the Illuminati governing the world under the United Nations, the Club of Rome, the European Union, and similar internationalist organizations. Each of these worldviews provides a means for its followers to anticipate the New World Order, whether as utopia, tyranny, or catastrophe.

4) Hypothesis #81: Kabbalist/Luciferians control banking, media, culture, and the official version of history. They intend to create a global economic cataclysm and World War III by orchestrating a “Clash of Civilizations” between the West and the Muslim world. Following these man-man catastrophes, they plan to implement a global fascist state, to be governed by their expected “messiah.”

5) Hypothesis #83: The underlying basis or rite of Kabbalah is child sacrifice. Other rites include intoxication, black magic, theurgy (summoning of spirits), witchcraft, and other forms of human and animal sacrifice. These practices have been used by secret societies and occult groups for thousands of years.

6) Hypothesis #84: The entire human population is now being “Satanized,” that is, inducted, into this pagan cult. This Luciferic plot seeks to debase humanity, destroy all religions, and replace existing religions with the universal worship of Lucifer, the “New World Religion.”

7) Hypothesis #86: Kabbalah is characterized by the belief that humans are Gods and by the practice of contacting discarnate entities through rituals.

8) Hypothesis #89: Occult, intelligence and New Age groups are intertwined today such that MKULTRA, the “UFO phenomena,” and the channeling of jinn (demons) are basically the same phenomena.

9) Hypothesis #90: ‘Synarchism’ is the belief that society should be ruled by the mystics of secret societies who are in contact with the Gods of Agartha/Shambhala, who populate the “hollow earth.” These “gods” are discarnate entities always identified with the fallen angels and their leader, Lucifer. ‘Synarchism’ is the basis of Theosophy, Nazism, the New Age Movement, the CIA’s MKULTRA and remote view programs, and many other modern off-shoots of Kabbalah.

10) Hypothesis #123: The United States is the ‘enforcement arm’ of ‘The Order’ to be imposed by the New World. Sir Francis Bacon, protégé of spy/sorcerer/Cabalist John Dee, was the most influential proponent of Rosicrucian paganism from which Illuminism is descended. Bacon promoted the idea that the pagan ‘Ancient Mysteries’ would become the core in the New World (i.e., the New Atlantis, or America). The origins of this movement trace to 14th century Germany. ‘The Order’ manipulates America toward this end via penetrations of its intelligence services by the German ‘Black’ intelligence organization based in Dachau known as DVD (Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst).

11) Hypothesis #129: The Kabbalah is the secret Satanic theology of initiates. The Kabbalah is the Babylonian secret religion which has polluted Judaism and Freemasonry and teaches magic, or the art of intercourse with spirits and supernatural beings. When Masons reach the Kabbalistic Degrees, they become involved in Satanic invocations.

Highlights from Part XII of this series (this chapter):

12) …“paranormal activities” spun by (Ed) Dames (and others) of the CIA’s UFO “Working Group” could be a blind (or “cover”) for illegal mind control experimentation and the harassment of subjects or anyone falling into disfavor with the intelligence community. In other words, the paranormal activities could be a cover story that conceals pscyhotronic mind control and electronic harassment of political dissidents, enemies, etc. This suggests that many of the “scripts” being played out might be strictly of human rather than demonic origin. In this case, the “demon-possessed army” slated to kill billions of people might consist of the millions of already-programmed victims of MKULTRA, MONTAUK and other mind control programs who now walk amongst us as “sleepers,’ but who can be triggered by their human handlers to fulfill their role as programmed assassins and super warriors (see Parts VI and VII of this series)…. Clearly, the stakes are enormous, and involve the lives of billions of innocent people and the possible imposition of a Satanic, totalitarian New World Order. The convergence of many independent lines of evidence cited herein indicates that these hypotheses are most probably true- at the approximately 95+% level of certainty.

13) (Ex-government “psychic warrior”, William Dean) Ross’s comment that: “the deep-history of Psi-Tech is a story of a much larger movement, one that thrives on the spread of religious programming, “alien” invasions and other forms of irrational belief” reveals that these modern phenomena have historical antecedents that go far back in history… the “spreading of other forms of irrational programming,” “alien invasions” and other forms of irrational belief” (cults) is especially pronounced in Crestone/Baca. Thus, Crestone/Baca itself may somehow be a central focus of “black operations such as Projects Bluebeam and Stargate, among others.” Ross correctly notes that “the CIA’s UFO “Working Group” has a long history of involvement in mind control experiments, remote viewing, channeling, UFO’s, paranormal activity, religious programming, and “seemingly delusional quasi-mystical savants, etc… (Thus,) Crestone/Baca may play a critical role in the implementation of this “Second Coming Plan the Masters Know and Serve.”

14) Hypothesis #159: We may also speculate that the Trinity Foundation’s proposal is related to the two main CIA-related mind control groups identified by “psychic warrior” William Ross Dean, above. These include: 1) The electronics E.L.F. (Extremely-Low Frequency) mind control and hologram imaging known as “Project Blue Beam” and 2) the earth energy and spirit-manipulating group. The latter group combines occultism-black witchcraft with E.L.F. (extremely low frequency) radio-wave enhancement. According to Ross, groups such as the Trinity Foundation, that make spirit or UFO contact come under the title “Falling Star,” which symbolizes the effort to bring Lucifer to earth in the physical realm which would be accompanied by an alien invasion by the entire demonic realm and the establishing a new high-tech Babylonian World Empire.

15) Hypothesis #160: (Trinity Foundation’s Dr. Norma) Milanovich’s claim that the (proposed 396′ tall pink granite) pyramid would serve as an antenna to induce “a standing columnar wave of tachyon energy” to assist in moving the enlightened from the third into the fifth dimension, reportedly by changing the structure of their RNA and DNA, may also be suggestive of the kinds of high-tech operations that are either planned for or are ongoing in Crestone/Baca. (Thus,) Crestone/Baca may be critical in: 1) the implementation of “Operation Falling Star,” which is described as an alien invasion of earth by the demonic realm to establish a new high-tech Babylonian World Empire, 2) the development of the new super-race of humans known as ‘homo noeticus’ or ‘homo novis.’

(Webmaster Comment:  “Changing the structure of RNA and DNA” is apparently being accomplished worldwide by de facto “Covid vaccines” mandates under the auspices of the US military’s Operation Warp Speed in 2020 and 2021)

16) Hypothesis #203: Jonathon Williams (1781) prophesied that in two hundred years America would be the property of the British Crown, her churches would teach and preach Judaism, and that the whole nation would be working for divine (read: Satanic) world government; the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism and be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry (Lucifer):

17) Hypothesis #237: “Operation Crestone/Baca,” then, is, in part, designed to drive a target population “insane” via using mind control technologies, religious scripts, etc. The safeguard that protects the perpetrators/agents on the ground, of course, is that their group controls enough mental health and law enforcement professionals that victims of these programs can be labeled insane and then institutionalized.

18) Hypothesis #317: Most Crestone/Baca residents are unwitting participants/subjects of a government-sponsored, New Age, intelligence operation that is an extension of previous mind control operations (MKULTRA, MKDELTA, Project Stargate, etc.).

19) “Is Crestone/Baca the Vatican City of the New World Order?”

Webmaster:  No. The “Vatican City of the New World Order” is slated to be Jerusalem, from whence Jews expect to rule their one-world-government/“Jewish Utopia.” However, Crestone/Baca is also extremely important to the global elite. As per Hypothesis #6 in Part XI, “the world’s global elite, including Maurice Strong, Edmund de Rothschild, David Rockefeller, etc., profess to believe that Crestone/Baca and the “Refuge of World Truths” is the new paradigm for the entire planet and that the fate of the earth is at stake.”

Crestone/Baca appears to fulfill a number of essential functions for the elite. These include, but may not be limited to:

1) Constituting an occult, group mind control operation/experiment to help bring about out the “Fourth World”/shamanic/”lostness of the mind”/”collective consciousness” to accompany the Fourth World Wilderness/New World Order (George W. Hunt’s Terms, See Part I of this series) This “lostness of the mind”/”hive mind” is to be induced via theurgy (summoning of discarnate spirits), electronic mind control, and coersion through cults so that Crestone/Baca becomes “the new paradigm for the entire planet.”

2) Neutralize (eliminate) independent thought and domestic dissent via deployment of a suite of mind control tactics, including “gang stalking” and use of “nonlethal weapons,” in a small American town to ensure implementation of UN Agenda 21 goals, which include removing Americans from rural areas, controlling essential water and food resources, destroying national sovereignty, etc.

3) Establish a “continuity of government” safe refuge for elites in the event of global catastrophe, and/or

4) Be the locale from which the long sought Jewish Kabbalistic/Freemasonic/Rosicrucian/Theosophical/“Plan the Masters Know and Serve” aka “Jewish Utopia” is implemented. This plan could be realized through a staged or genuine apocalypse involving the return of Lucifer with his legion of demons and the enthronement of the Jewish Messiah and/or the staging of a phony “alien invasion” through the U.S. military’s “Project Blue.” These scripts are to be accompanied by mass genocide of humans on earth.

20) “Today the whole world has become a veritable hive of cabalistic and gnostic sects, and in each and all is found this same system of gradual mental absorption, as with the Dervishes, of the adept’s personality as he advances upward, successively by the official teacher of the Order, by a Teacher on the astral plane, in Rosicrucian Orders by its so-called founder Christian Rosenkreutz, and finally complete absorption by some unknown Central Power, still in the material body. Thus oracles are trained, apparently inspired, giving forth teaching, which in turn is passed down through the various grades of the order orienting the members. They finally go out among the people spreading the ideas, often in the name of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, leading them astray under the direct or indirect influence of these sects and their outside manifestations, international, universal, socialist, communist, and atheist….these controlling “Supermen” behind the scenes are, it would seem, past-masters in the knowledge and working of this Practical Cabala built up from cults of the remotest past. Is it not, therefore, justifiable to suppose that these Supermen are magic-working, cabalistic, and revolutionary Jews?

…. What is the result? A society unbalanced and demoralized, where crimes abound… from top to bottom of the social ladder there is no longer any but one motive, pleasure, but one agent, money.”

Is it not “the greater Judaism, gradually casting non-Jewish thoughts and systems into Jewish moulds,” as described by the “Jewish World” of 9 February, 1883?”

Christina Stoddard, “The Way of the Serpent” (1936)

20) This millennia-long project of ushering in a Jewish Utopia/messianic age accounts for the fact that the apparent “on-the-ground-caretakers” of “Operation Crestone/Baca” are Jews and/or their “agents of influence.” This explains why “Operation Crestone/Baca” is ultimately a Jewish operation that relates to the ushering in of their anticipated Jewish World Order.

L’Alliance-israelite-univerelle (The Universal Israelite Alliance)…. addresses itself to all religions….. It desires to penetrate into all religions as it has penetrated into all countries. How many nations have disappeared! How many religions will in turn vanish! Israel will not cease to exist…. The religion of Israel will not perish; it is the unity of God.

Archives-israelites, 1861

When the Messiah comes, every Jew will have 2800 slaves.

Jewish Talmud; Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D

What I have found is that the (gangstalking) perpetrators appear to belong predominantly to one particular religion whereas the targeted individuals do not belong predominantly to that particular religion.

Julianne McKinney, former intelligence officer and 40-year victim of gangstalking

Maurice Strong told me he was thinking about suing you.

Louis Jarvis, friend of Hanne Strong whose parents worked for the CIA, to this writer in Crestone, Baca in about 2012

I. Introduction

In this concluding Part XII of this series, we continue the process, begun in Part XI, of presenting selected statements by various experts and authors, and on the basis of the information provided therein, offer discussion, hypotheses, and tentative conclusions. This procedure allows me to reference authorities in a wide variety of fields and analyze their insights with respect to the question at hand: “Is Crestone/Baca the “Vatican City of the New World Order?” In conducting this research over the past nearly three and a half years, I have cast a very wide net across many topics (see previous Parts and Appendices of this series). In the process, I have ventured far beyond official “consensus reality” to consider many topics that might be considered “off limits” to the majority of academics. However, the information presented in this lengthy series (posted on not only provides an extensive data base that bears on the title question but also suggests answers to a host of other critical questions (dare I say mysteries?) as well.

To a large extent, this series is a compilation of others’ research and insights. In Part XI of this series, we examined statements and information provided by the following individuals, among others:

1) Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Committee
2) website
3) Businessman George W. Hunt (
4) Mike McClaury’s blog,,
5) David Livingstone (Terrorism and the Illuminati: A Three Thousand Year History, 2010, The Dying God; The Hidden History of Western Civilization, 2002), and Black Terror, White Soldiers; Islam, Fascism and the New Age, 2013).
6) Jim Keith (Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness,, 2003)
7) Larry Olsen (The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World; From the Ancient Wisdom to the New World Order, 2007)
8) Constance E. Cumbey (The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow; The New Age Movement and Our Coming Age of Barbarism, 1983, and A Planned Deception; The Staging of a New Age “Messiah”, 1985)
9) Hannah Newman “The Rainbow Swastika: A Report to the Jewish People about New Age Anti-Semitism.”
10) Christopher Storey (The New UnderWorld Order: The Triumph of Criminalization, Dark Actors Playing Games, Global Fantasies of the Geo-Masontic Illuminati, 2006)
11) Other authors quoted in other parts of this series.

In this final chapter, we continue to examine the underlying occult philosophy that underlies the New Age Movement, in particular, and shift the focus of the investigation from the larger “macrocosm” to the Crestone/Baca “microcosm,” in particular. We do so, again, by featuring other researchers’ statements and based these insights, generate hypotheses and conclusions that bear on the question at hand. Critical information, statements, and insights are provided by the following writers in this chapter:

1) “Stardove”/”Ashtar Command”
2) “Psychic Warrior” William Dean Ross
3) Researcher/author, Alex Constantine
4) British occultist and author, Christina Stoddard (aka “Inquire Within”, The Trail of the Serpent,1936)
5) Author, Texe Marrs (“Secrets of the New Age,” “Mystery Mark of the New Age,” “New Age Cults and Religion,” “Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star”)
6) Author and economic journalist, Christopher Storey (“The New UnderWorld Order: The Triumph of Criminalization, Dark Actors Playing Games, Global Fantasies of the Geo-Masontic Illuminati,” 2006)
7) Mark M. Rich (The Hidden Evil The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against the Civilian Population, 2008)

The following statement by “Stardove” of “Ashtar Command/ seems to reveal: 1) the specific worldviews being promoted by this and other UFO cults/religions, 2) the group or groups that is/are advancing this worldview, and 3) the primary objectives of the group(s) behind these cults/religions.

1) “On August 14, 1997, I was taken up in my Light body by Sananda/Jesus to the Mother Ship Sangre de Cristo, his star fleet headquarters for the Second Coming Plan the Masters Know and Serve.”

Stardove, Ashtar Command/, (

The above statement is taken from the Lightworkers website, one of innumerable New Age websites. Articles/topics listed on the homepage of this site include the following:

“Message from the Galactic Council of Light, Delivered through Commander Ashtar Blog entry – 9 Aug 2009 – 6:13pm. Greetings to all, the dear ones! We wish to speak through this channel on something of significance that is to be experienced by many on earth in the near future. We are a collective consciousness responsible for overseeing the evolution of star systems within this part of the universe and we have a special interest in the transition of earth from the current dimension to the designated 5th dimension. So we are choosing to say a few words on this day…

IMPORTANT Channeled Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 
Story – 1 Aug 2009 – 4:42am. This is a channeled message by a representative working for the Galactic Federation of Light through one of our chosen messengers. Dear Light Workers, We, of the etheric inter-dimensional forces of Light, under direction of the Lord Sananda and the Council of Twelve, come to assist as partners with you at this time, to see earth into the evolution into the fifth dimension. From the year 2007 until the present has certainly been a great period of awakening for all of you.

The Galactic Federation of Light / Ashtar Command 
Story – 7 Jul 2009 – 5:17am 7/6/09 12:41:58 AM. Michkael, Ariguli The Galactic Federation of Light Great Brotherhood of Light Ashtar Ashtar Command Greetings Jeremiah. These are both Ashtar and Michkael come to speak with you. I, Ariguli, shall be monitoring any health issues that may arise during our discussion. This is allowable? You, as a WHOLE, The All on Gaia, should begin to be able to see/view the actual solar flares begin by your mid-day around your “world.” There will be visible evidence of this in your skies…

Commander Ashtar Reiterates Channel 
Story – 4 Jul 2009 – 3:15pm Message from Ashtar Sheran Transmitted by Samara – Heidi Stadler on July 6th 2008 in Mount Shasta City. Is everyone on board and ready for take-off? One of my closest friends would like to speak. He has come here together with some other very happy Beings who make me laugh. Greetings my friends, I am Ashtar. I am right above this house with my “small” UFO, because this mothership is so large and is positioned near Pluto. It is far too large to bring it inside your solar system, because it is one…”

Discussion: The homepage of this Lightworkers website includes many familiar New Age terms and buzzwords: a channeled message through a “chosen messenger,” collective consciousness, evolution on earth to the 5th dimension, etheric, inter-dimensional forces of Light, ETs (“Happy beings who make me laugh”), UFOs, Gaia, an approaching apocalyptic event, Lord Sananda, the Council of 12, the Galactic Federation of Light Great Brotherhood, Ashtar Command, and a mothership, Wikipedia offers these clues as to the identity of Commander Ashtar and Sananda:

“1. Ashtar: name given to an extraterrestrial being or group of beings which some number of people claim to have channeled. UFO contactee George Van Tassel was the first to have claimed to have received a message, in 1952, from Ashtar. Since then many different claims about Ashtar have appeared in different contexts, and is studied by academics as a prominent form of UFO religion.”

From, we read:

“As galactic heavyweights go, few tip the scales as impressively as Ashtar, the commander of the 24,000,000 extraterrestrials involved in the Earth project. According to one of his Earth friends, Ashtar is sponsored by “Lord Michael and the Great Central Sun government of this galaxy. . . . Second only to the Beloved Commander Jesus-Sananda in responsibility for the airborne division of the Brotherhood of Light,” Ashtar beams his channeled messages from a colossal starship, or space station, that entered the solar system on July 18, 1952.

If we dig deeper, we find that there are Old Testament admonitions against the worship of the idol, Ashtaroth:

Judges 2:13-14: And they forsook the LORD, and served Baal and Ashtoroth.

Samuel 7:3: And Samuel spake unto all the house of Israel, saying, If ye do return unto the Lord with all your hearts, then put away the strange gods and Ashtaroth from among you, and prepare your hearts unto the Lord, and serve him only….

And the following comes from “The Ashtar Command” by New Age writer Elizabeth Joyce (

“According to “The Lemegeton of Solomon” (The Book Of The Spirits), which was considered to be the source for many occult works of the 17th and 18th Century, “Astaroth”(also called Ashtaroth) was a very interesting Demon indeed: Astaroth is another demon who appears in the form of an angel. Opinion is divided as to whether it is a good or bad angel, but an angel he is, that much is agreed. He is an important Duke, and is mounted upon a dragon, with a snake in his right hand. He will tell the sorcerer of the past, the present and the future. He will also teach every secret and science. (If you were going to “channel” a demon/spirit/angel/ whatever, what better entity to have in your midst than one who is conversant with science and is an all-seeing prophet?)

In the “Grimorium Verum – The True Grimoire”, another occult book dating back to the 17th century, there is a section about the three superior Spirits: Spirits do not always appear in the same shape. This is because they are not themselves of matter or form, and have to find a body to appear in, and one suitable to their (intended) manifestation and appearance. Lucifer appears in the form and figure of a fair boy. When angry, he becomes red. There is nothing monstrous about him. Beelzebuth appears sometimes in monstrous forms, sometimes like a giant cow, at times like a he-goat, with a long tail. When angry, he vomits fire. Astaroth (Ashtaroth or Ashtar) appears black, in human shape. Under the heading “Kinds of Spirits” in the aforementioned reference, we learn:

Names of the superior spirits are Lucifer, Beelzebuth and Astaroth.

2. Sananda (New Age): A name used by some New Age groups for the resurrected Master Jesus….. The Master Jesus is one of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom in Theosophy and is one of the Ascended Masters (also collectively called the Great White Brotherhood; with white being in reference to the light) in the Ascended Master Teachings, a group of religions based on Theosophy. The Master Jesus is regarded by Theosophists, was regarded by Alice Bailey and was later regarded by students of the “Ascended Master Teachings” as the Master of the Sixth Ray.”


“Master Sananda, the Cosmic Christ, was the Chohan of the Sixth Ray, the Ray of Brotherhood, devotion, peace and patriotism until December 31, 1959 when beloved Master Nada fully took on the office. Master Sananda has taken a new position as World Teacher and is in charge of reforming today’s religions and creating a Universal Church. According to Master St. Germain, ” . . . Master Sananda holds the office of the personal Christ as the great exemplar of each one’s own Holy Christ Self.” Master Sananda has the task of purifying the Christian Churches and removing the man-made dogmas and doctrines, which have corrupted the purity of His teachings.

In the occult lexicon, then, Ashtar, is a New Age name for Satan/Lucifer whereas Sananda is a New Age name for the anti-christ. Thus, we again discern the fundamentally Satanic nature of the New Age Movement. The above statements also contain many of the familiar New Age/Theosophical themes outlined by previous authors (Cumbey, etc.). We can thereby discern that modern UFO religions are simply a modern version of a much older religion that worships Satan.”

Continuation of hypotheses to help explain the questions: Is Crestone/Baca the Vatican City of the New World Order and what, exactly, is going on in Crestone/Baca, Colorado?

Hypothesis #142: Ashtar and Sananda are the modern New Age equivalents of Ashtar/Ashtaroth (one of three “superior spirits” of the Old Testament Bible, along with Lucifer and Beelzebub) and the Master Jesus (Cosmic Christ) of Theosophy, respectively. Most modern Christians would consider these entities to be equivalent with Lucifer and the Antichrist, respectively.

Hypothesis #143: Specific references to 1) the “Mother Ship Sangre De Cristo” as “headquarters for the Second Coming Plan the Masters Know and Serve)” and 2) “a giant cow,” (Spanish translation “Baca Grande”); “Beelzebub appears sometimes in monstrous forms, sometimes like a giant cow”) suggest that Crestone/Baca may play an important role in the implementation of the “Second Coming Plan the Masters Know and Serve.” (Ashtar Command/Light, This proposition, then, forms hypothesis #143.

Hypothesis #144: “The Second Coming Plan the Masters Know and Serve” refers to the coming of the Antichrist.

Conclusion: Hypotheses 142,143, and 144 are of critical significance for this study because they suggest that Crestone/Baca (Baca Grande = the “giant cow” of Beelzebub?) plays a pivotal role in the implementation of the “Second Coming Plan the Masters Know and Serve.” Information presented in this series up to this point tends to confirm these hypotheses. Recall Constance E. Cumbey’s statement from The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow:

“….. There is absolutely no way one can competently research the New Age Movement and not discover that its major purpose is bringing in a New World Order headed by the Antichrist.”

Nonetheless, additional information is required to positively confirm these hypotheses and to begin to understand how this plan might be implemented.

2) (From Part VII of this series: Electronic Mind Control and Weapons):

“In a series of fascinating and seemingly outrageous internet articles posted in the year, 2000, veteran “psychic warrior” William Dean Ross provides information which may be critical to understanding how “The Second Coming Plan the Masters Know and Serve” might be implemented. In “Riders in the Storm,” Ross describes some extremely covert government psychotonic programs (“black ops”) in which he directly participated. He identifies two major divisions in the United States Government’s Black Sciences Compartment of Black Operations:

“1) The electronics E.L.F. (Extremely-Low Frequency) mind control and hologram imaging known as “Project Blue Beam.” Mind control radio waves are transmitted from man-made saucers to the targeted individual or group. The so-called UFO has light-ray-bending capabilities to appear invisible or masked in a cloud. These hovercraft were developed by forward-not reverse-engineering over 50 years ago. Much of the hype about the crash at Roswell and the Alien Autopsy was fabricated because of the Cold War. E.L.F. mind control, man-made flying saucers, cloning, the atomic bomb, the Philadelphia and Montauk Experiments were what World War II was really all about.

2) The earth energy and spirit-manipulating group. This group uses a mixed bag of tricks combining occultism-black witchcraft with E.L.F. (extremely low frequency) radio-wave enhancement. Groups making spirit or UFO contact come under the title “Falling Star” which symbolizes the effort to bring Lucifer to earth in the physical. (An alien invasion of earth by the entire demonic realm and establishing a new high-tech Babylonian World Empire.)”

(ETK note: Numerous authors, including Dizdar, 2009, “The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos” refer to this event as the “Black Awakening,” The “Black Awakening” is probably another name for the “Second Coming Plan the Masters Know and Serve.” (See Appendix 11). Ross continues:

(Alex) Constantine (1995) remains skeptical of all the “alien”/UFO activity in particular:

“The paranormal activities spun by (Ed) Dames, a veteran of the CIA’s UFO “Working Group,” could be interpreted as a blind (or “cover”) for illegal mind control experimentation and the harassment of subjects or anyone falling into disfavor with the intelligence community. In fact, the deep-history of Psi-Tech is a story of a much larger movement, one that thrives on the spread of religious programming, “alien” invasions and other forms of irrational belief. The surface of the underground movement swarms with seemingly delusional quasi-mystical savants. Beneath, (there is) a hidden world of terror- with origins in the waste of war-struck Europe and the beating hearts of some of Nazi Germany’s most ruthless military scientists. From these cold chambers exploded many of the mysteries that have since riddled the postwar world.

One sector of the virtual government, the CIA-sponsored mind control and biocybernetics group, was born in academia. The goal of the research: to gain “control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against such fundamental laws of human nature as self-preservation.” (ETK note: This quote comes from a CIA Memo dated Jan. 25, 1952).

In “The Hidden Evil Agenda” (2000), William Dean Ross, former intelligence officer, states:

“Gorbachev and the Pope have been meeting for a decade with the men I mentioned in “Riders on the Storm” that are connected to CSETI. The idea is to bring the UFOs and the Ascended Masters to earth for all of humanity to see and worship. The project I was on was a “dry-run” for it. Remember, Barb Hubbard’s ‘New Ninja Army’ are the ‘Riders on the Pale Horse’ (of the Book of Revelations) that are ordained to commit mass murder and genocide.

Emile Frank’s book, (Mt. Shasta-California’s Mystic Mountain) claims “walk-ins” are demonic-possession and her statements that the E.T.’s are from the inner earth are identical to the Bible and Jewish Kabbala’s interpretation of the dwelling places of demons and evil spirits. Hence, a demonically-possessed army will kill billions of people inspired by the evil spiritual fallen angels type of UFO’s….

Oh yes, a world being “spirit-guided” by Ascended Masters and Aliens via government-paid High Psychics. Just take a surfing trip on some of the so-called UFO sites. Many of them have little to do with UFOs, but a whole lot to do about the New World Religion. You will also see that what the aliens want for us is exactly what the United Nations and Globalists want for us. What a coincidence? Confused? Oh, but the E.T.’s tell the Psychics what to say at their trance channeling sessions and the psychics tell the leaders what to do!”

William Dean Ross, psychic warrior and intelligence asset

Discussion: When I first read Ross’s accounts while researching the history of mind control, I thought they sounded ridiculous. However, the information in his narrative is supported by, and supplements, many other, independent, and seemingly legitimate authors. Thus, I now consider that Ross’ narrative is at least 95%, and possibly 100%, accurate. From this and many other sources cited in this series, we again glean that elements within U.S. military/intelligence are complicit in, and indeed, instrumental in implementing some the high-tech aspects of the New Age “Plan”- which includes the apparent appearance of the Antichrist as well as mass mind control using directed energy weapons. According to Ross, implementation of this “Plan” includes the following elements:

1) “Project Bluebeam:” Mind control and hologram imaging via electronics E.L.F. (Extremely-Low Frequency radio waves) emitted by man-made flying saucers (so-called UFOs) to targeted individuals and groups.

2) A mixed bag of tricks used by the government’s “earth energy and spirit-manipulating group” that combine occultism-black witchcraft with E.L.F. (extremely low frequency) radio-wave enhancement. Groups making spirit or UFO contact come under the title “Falling Star” which symbolizes the effort to bring Lucifer to earth in the physical. This event would consist of “an alien invasion of earth by the entire demonic realm and establishing a new high-tech Babylonian World Empire.”

3) “The paranormal activities spun by (Ed) Dames, a veteran of the CIA’s UFO “Working Group,” could (also) be interpreted as a blind (or “cover”) for illegal mind control experimentation and the harassment of subjects or anyone falling into disfavor with the intelligence community (i.e., a high-tech component of “gang stalking”- see Appendix 9). Ross notes that “the deep-history of Psi-Tech is a story of a much larger movement, one that thrives on the spread of religious programming, “alien” invasions, and other forms of irrational belief.” “Beneath the surface of seemingly delusional quasi-mystical savants is a hidden world of terror- with origins in the waste of war-struck Europe and the beating hearts of some of Nazi Germany’s most ruthless military scientists. From these cold chambers exploded many of the mysteries that have since riddled the postwar world.”

4) “Gorbachev and the Pope have been meeting for a decade with men that are connected to CSETI (Center for Study of Extra-terrestrial Intelligence). The idea is to bring the UFOs and the Ascended Masters to earth for all of humanity to see and worship. Remember, Barb Hubbard’s ‘New Ninja Army’ are the ‘Riders on the Pale Horse’ (of the Book of Revelations) that are ordained to commit mass murder and genocide.”

5) “Walk-ins” are demonic-possession…; the E.T.’s are from the inner earth (as per) the Bible and Jewish Kabbala’s interpretation of the dwelling places of demons and evil spirits. Hence, a demonically-possessed army will kill billions of people inspired by the evil spiritual fallen angels type of UFO’s….”

6) Our “world (is) being “spirit-guided” by Ascended Masters and Aliens via government-paid High Psychics. Many so called UFO sites have little to do with UFOs, but a lot to do about the New World Religion. What the aliens want for us is exactly what the United Nations and Globalists want for us. Thus, E.T.’s tell the Psychics what to say at their trance channeling sessions and the psychics tell the leaders what to do!”

Please note that the dynamics described here involve “theurgy” (or summoning of spirits) in which “psychics” channel demons and then instruct world leaders. This identical to the processes of progressive possession of individuals detailed by Christina Stoddard in her book, Trail of the Serpent (see below: section 4). Or, indeed, could the real sources of channeled “information” be the intelligence agencies, with messages being delivered through psychotronic (mind control) weapons?

Hypothesis #145: Black U.S. government projects, including Operation Bluebeam and Stargate, utilize electronic mind control, via ELF (extremely low frequencies) emitted by man-made flying saucers to suppress domestic dissent and target individuals and groups. (This would form a central component of what I’m calling “GOG’S NeW GESSTTAPO” (Global Organized Gang Stalking Neuro-Warfare Groups’ Electronic Surveillance, Slavery, Tracking, Torture, and PsyOp Operations). They also utilize remote viewing (for contact with spirit guide/aliens/demons, etc.) to instruct world leaders, and ultimately, to help foment an invasion of earth by aliens/demons/evil spirits/ninja warriors that will result in mass genocide of innocent civilians.

Hypothesis #146: The government’s “earth energy and spirit-manipulating group” uses a mixed bag of tricks combining occultism-black witchcraft with E.L.F. (extremely low frequency) radio-wave enhancement. Groups making spirit or UFO contact come under the title “Falling Star” which symbolizes the effort to bring Lucifer to earth in the physical. This event would consist of “an alien invasion of earth by the entire demonic realm and establish a new high-tech Babylonian World Empire.” Various Christians, including preacher Russ Disdair, term this event the “Black Awakening.”

Hypothesis #147: “The paranormal activities spun by (Ed) Dames, a veteran of the CIA’s UFO “Working Group,” could (also) function as a blind (or “cover”) for illegal mind control experimentation and the harassment of subjects or anyone falling into disfavor with the intelligence community (i.e., it could be a high-tech component of “gang stalking”- see Appendix 9). Ross notes that “the deep-history of Psi-Tech is a story of a much larger movement, one that thrives on the spread of religious programming, “alien” invasions and other forms of irrational belief.” “Beneath the surface of seemingly delusional quasi-mystical savants is a hidden world of terror- with origins in the waste of war-struck Europe and the beating hearts of some of Nazi Germany’s most ruthless military scientists. From these cold chambers exploded many of the mysteries that have since riddled the postwar world.” In other words, the alien invasion “cover story” may be a ruse to conceal “black” mind control-electronic warfare-gang stalking operations that could be used to genocide large segments of the populations.

Hypothesis #148: The CIA’s UFO “Working Group” may have a particularly strong presence in the San Luis Valley/Crestone/Baca area of southern Colorado where Christopher O’Brien and others have documented an unusually high incidence of UFO sightings and other paranormal activity. Other Psi-Tech activities conducted by this and other groups in the Crestone/Baca area may include experiments with various kinds of religious programming by “seemingly delusional quasi-mystical savants.” Based on Ross’s testimony we can postulate that at some, and perhaps all UFOs are man-made.

Hypothesis #149: Gorbachev and the Pope have been meeting for a decade with men connected to CSETI (Center for Study of Extra-terrestrial Intelligence). The goal is to bring the UFOs and the Ascended Masters to earth for all of humanity to see and worship. This apocalyptic event relates to Barb Hubbard’s ‘New Ninja Army,’ the ‘Riders on the Pale Horse’ who are officially ordained to commit mass murder and genocide. Demons/evil spirits are discarnate beings/spirits that can “possess” or “walk in” to a human body.

Hypothesis #150: “Walk-ins” refer to demonic spirits who take control of and possess individuals.

Hypothesis #151: “E.T.s” are demons from the inner earth (as per) the Bible and Jewish Kabbala’s interpretation of the dwelling places of demons and evil spirits.

Hypothesis #152: The “Plan” calls for a demonically-possessed army to kill billions of people. It is “inspired and could be carried out by the evil spiritual fallen angels type of UFOs….” Hence, another type of UFO that Ross identifies is the “evil spiritual fallen angels type of UFOs.” (This assertion is consistent with remarks made by Christian pastor Doug Riggs in Appendix 12).

Hypothesis #153: This version of the “Armageddon Script,” which would bring UFOs and Ascended Masters to earth for all to worship is largely right out of the Bible and the Jewish Kabbalah.

Hypothesis #154: The accompanying “Pale Horse” genocide operation is to be implemented by government operations/high tech means and is run to a large extent by post-WWII Nazis.

Hypothesis #155: As per Ross’s article, we live in “a world being “spirit-guided” by Ascended Masters and Aliens via government-paid High Psychics. This is why many so-called UFO websites have little to do with UFOs, but much to do with the New World Religion. And it explains why the aliens, the United Nations, and the Globalists want the same things for us. “E.T.s” (demons) tell the Psychics what to say at their trance channeling sessions and the psychics, in turn, tell the leaders what to do!”

Conclusions: Many independent lines of evidence and many sources cited in this series point to a looming “Pale Horse”/”Armageddon”/“Black Awakening”/”Second Coming Plan the Masters Know and Serve”/”mass genocide” event in which a “demonically-possessed army kills billions of people.” Ross’s information helps explain: 1) the high-tech/top-secret government black ops aspects of this planned world takeover, 2) the specific role of “walk-ins,” (demons that possess humans), ETs (“inner earth demons), and the channeling operations between these discarnate beings and humans, and 3) the critical contributing role played by Nazi and American intelligence cadres in the implementation of the plan. Part of the “Armageddon Script” is that UFO’s and Ascended Masters appear for all to worship, thereby ushering in, presumably, the New World Religion which is to accompany the New World Order.

Ross also suggests that “paranormal activities” spun by (Ed) Dames (and others) of the CIA’s UFO “Working Group” could be a blind (or “cover”) for illegal mind control experimentation and the harassment of subjects or anyone falling into disfavor with the intelligence community. In other words, the paranormal activities could be a cover story that conceals pscyhotronic mind control and electronic harassment of political dissidents, enemies, etc. (The phenomena of “gang stalking”/”organized stalking”/”cause stalking” is discussed in detail below and in Appendix 9). This suggests that many of the “scripts” being played out might also be strictly of human rather than demonic origin. In this case, the “demon-possessed army” slated to kill billions of people might consist of the millions of already-programmed victims of MKULTRA, MONTAUK and other mind control programs who now walk amongst us as “sleepers,’ but who can be triggered by their human handlers to fulfill their role as programmed assassins and super warriors (see Parts VI and VII of this series). Ross, however, seems to place primary importance on the role of “E.T.’s” (inner earth demons), “walk-ins” (demons who possess humans), and communication between humans and discarnate entities (demons). Indeed, he is of the opinion that today’s world is “spirit-guided” in the sense that world leaders take direct instructions from these entities which is passed along to them by channelers.

If these propositions are true, they certainly give new meaning to the phrase attributed to Henry Kissinger (German Jew and alleged triple agent of the US, Germany, and Russia, Storey, 2006), who, while visiting Crestone/Baca in the 1980’s(?), is reputed to have declared: “We will rule the world from here.”

Since Ross’ information dovetails so well with that of the many other authors cited in this series, it must be taken very seriously. Clearly, the stakes are enormous, and involve the lives of billions of innocent people and the possible imposition of a Satanic, totalitarian New World Order. The convergence of many independent lines of evidence cited herein indicates that these hypotheses are most probably true- at the approximately 95+% level of certainty.

Ross’s comment that: “the deep-history of Psi-Tech is a story of a much larger movement, one that thrives on the spread of religious programming, “alien” invasions and other forms of irrational belief” reveals that these modern phenomena have historical antecedents that go far back in history. These historical connections are well-documented in this series. Again, the “spreading of other forms of irrational programming,” “alien invasions” and other forms of irrational belief” (cults) is especially pronounced in Crestone/Baca. Thus, Crestone/Baca itself may somehow be a central focus of “black operations such as Projects Bluebeam and Stargate, among others.” Indeed, Ross correctly notes that “the CIA’s UFO “Working Group” has a long history of involvement in mind control experiments, remote viewing, channeling, UFO’s, paranormal activity, religious programming, and “seemingly delusional quasi-mystical savants, etc.” All these factors are abundantly over-represented in our small Crestone/Baca community.

Thus, the fact that Crestone/Baca is far more involved in these phenomena than most other communities in the world suggests that it has been and remains an essential locale for these kinds of top-secret Black Operations. The specific role Crestone/Baca in the implementation of such a catastrophic world takeover, however, remains to be determined. Nonetheless, considerable evidence presented below reinforces the conclusion that Crestone/Baca may play a critical role in the implementation of this “Second Coming Plan the Masters Know and Serve.”

3) The McMartin mind control experiments (and L.A. pre-school pedophilia scandal) were reportedly the work of Subud, a religious sect with roots in Indonesia and the UK, according to confidential informants (active members who submitted to injections of sodium pentathol before questioning). The cult is a cut-out of the American security elite’s mind control fraternity.

(Alex) Constantine,

Hypothesis #156: According to researcher, Alex Constantine (1995), Subud is primarily responsible for the McMartin mind control experiments and L.A. pre-school pedophilia scandal in the 1980’s. Constantine asserts that this cult is a cut-out of the American security elite’s mind control fraternity. (

As noted in this chapter (below), members of Subud who live in the Baca Grande subdivision were/are behind the formation and promotion of the Crestone/Baca Emergency Services District. Indeed, the Crestone/Baca “cabal” has made repeated, concerted efforts to push this Special District through. To date, voters have not approved funding for the Cresd. Based on the colossal dimensions of the deceit, trickery, and treachery employed by the Cresd and its backers (including Subud members and others), we may speculate that members of the Crestone/Baca Subud group are similarly affiliated with, part of, or answer to, the American security elite’s mind control fraternity.

Conclusion: Again, this seemingly outrageous hypothesis is confirmed by copious quantities of information/data presented in this series. The importance of this particular passage is that the Subud group, as one of the 51 non-profit religious/education groups in Crestone, took a leading role in the formation of the Crestone Emergency Services District (CRESD), that has until now been stymied by local opposition (See Appendix 3 of this series). Evidence strongly suggests but does not prove the veracity of hypothesis #156. The utterly Satanic and heinous nature of the McMartin mind-control, child-sex scandal should be emphasized in this regard.

(ETK note: Skeptics might appropriately argue that the above three statements (1 through 3) may be unreliable, because, with the exception of the the information on Subud, they were obtained from internet sources. However, they are included because information from these sources corroborates and extends that provided by innumerable authors cited in this series.)

4) A few years prior to Stardove’s purported “ascension” in 1997, above, Martha Quillen of Colorado Central Magazine described a major (attempted) New Age, and possibly alien(?!), invasion of Crestone/Baca. Quillen’s article, printed in the March 1, 1994 issue, was entitled: “The Great Pyramid of the Arcturians” and states:

“… Last spring, the perceived threat to the (Crestone/Baca) community didn’t come from a big water developer, an impersonal mining operation, or the U.S. government… The Trinity Foundation, based in Albuquerque, is not Crestone’s favorite topic. Several years ago, the Trinity Foundation identified the San Luis Valley as the sacred site chosen by their Celestial advisor, Kuthumi, for the building of a monument — which, they maintain, is necessary to save mankind.”

According to the Trinity Foundation, Dr. Norma Milanovich has been in contact with both Celestial Beings and extraterrestrials for years. A former home-economics teacher and college professor, who also happens to be the Trinity Foundation’s mentor and primary spokesman, Milanovich claims that Arcturians began channeling with her, and many others throughout our world, because the Arcturians want to save mankind from destruction.

As Milanovich explains it, the universe sounds like a Star Trek episode unaccountably mixed with a PBS lesson on comparative religions. But her primary message is basic Christian millenialism inspired by the Book of Revelation — which isn’t surprising, since Milanovich claims that the Celestial Beings and the Arcturians are all under the command of “Jesus, the Christ, who is also known as Sananda on the higher realms.”

But before our world can be saved, the Trinity Foundation has to build a pink granite pyramid 396 feet high. The finished pyramid can’t be just another pyramid like those in Egypt, either.

Milanovich claims the Trinity Foundation’s pyramid will serve as an antenna to induce “a standing columnar wave of tachyon energy.” And thus eventually, the pyramid will assist in moving the enlightened from the third into the fifth dimension, reportedly by changing the structure of their RNA and DNA.

Kuthumi, the Ascended Master channeling plans to Milanovich, says that this pyramid will be the Twelfth Wonder of the World.  Although old blueprints have been withdrawn and new ones aren’t available, initial plans called for a lower floor 30 cubits high, a capstone of obsidian imported from Jericho, seven levels, four entrances, and thirty chambers, including a crystal chamber. Preliminary plans also specified carved ceilings and pillars and numerous sculptures to depict all of the major religions of our world and the six golden ages of man, and also 12,000 pictures to detail the building of this great wonder, and to honor the 144,000 spiritual warriors who will work on it.

Milanovich arrived in Crestone last spring with an architect named Simon to explain Kuthumi’s plans….. The meeting progressed peacefully, however, and Milanovich gave her presentation. Her style is conservative. Although the Arcturians are supposedly short and gray-green (aliens), Milanovich is an attractive woman in her late forties who dresses like Nancy Reagan and looks like a Mary Kay representative. She channels by typewriter, not onstage, and while her material is unusual, her method of presentation is ordinary. Milanovitch is neither an actress nor a story-teller at heart. Instead, her tapes reveal a former teacher who still loves overhead projectors. On one tape, Milanovich calls herself “average” — which is definitely not true — but if the ideas presented by Milanovich make you imagine a garish gypsy, a ’60s-era hippie, or a thundering revivalist, try again.”

Discussion: From the above mainstream press account by journalist Martha Quillen, we discern that the Trinity Foundation is another UFO/New Age/Theosophical cult, similar to the Ashtar Command/Lightworkers website above. Trinity Foundation’s 1994 proposal to build a 396’ high pyramid in Crestone/Baca, ostensibly to save mankind, is promoted by Dr. Norma Milanovich, who appears sane. Terms used in Quillen’s article reveal the same basic New Age/occult/theosophical/ancient mystery school philosophy and agenda as outlined by “Stardove,” above. This agenda (aka “The Plan”) dovetails conveniently with elite plans to exterminate a large portion of humanity. In the above, we are also introduced to Arcturians (short, gray-green aliens) and to Kuthumi, the Celestial Being/World Teacher who advises and directs Ms. Milanovich and the Trinity Foundation. Other specific aspects of the Trinity Foundation’s proposal also indicate their affinity/identity with the New Age Movement and global power structure: 1) Note that the construction costs of the 396’ high granite pyramid would be enormous, and hence we can deduce that the Trinity Foundation has very, very deep pockets. 2) Terms used to describe the pyramid, including measuring room dimensions in cubits, referencing “144,000 spiritual warriors” and “six golden ages of man” indicate that the Trinity Foundation is spiritually aligned with Theosophy and Kabbalistic Judaism.

Spiritlibrary ( has this to say about the Celestial Being/World Teacher, Kuthumi:

“Formerly Chohan of the Second Ray of Divine Illumination, Master Kuthumi (also called Koot Hoomi and K.H.) now serves with Master Jesus/Sananda as World Teacher. One of his earlier incarnations was as Pythagoras, (circa 582 – circa 507 BC) the Greek philosopher and mathematician. He also incarnated in the first century as Balthazar, one of the three Magi (Wise Men) who journeyed from the East to pay homage to the Christ Child. Master Kuthumi also incarnated as Saint Francis of Assisi in 1182 in Italy, during which lifetime he founded the Franciscan Order of friars.

Master Kuthumi led an extremely secluded life, affording a public record of him that is at best somewhat fragmented. Born in the early nineteenth century, Mahatma Kuthumi was a Punjabi whose family had settled in Kashmir. He attended Oxford University in 1850. His remaining years were spent at his lamasery in Shigatse, Tibet.

Ascended Master Kuthumi was one of the first Masters to bring forth to our planet the knowledge of the Great White Brotherhood of Masters. It was Master Kuthumi who gave the sacred teachings to Madame Blavatsky that resulted in the establishment of the Theosophical Society in the late nineteenth century. “Isis Unveiled,” dictated to Madame Blavatsky by Master Kuthumi (who worked with Beloved Master El Morya and Master Jesus/Sananda) was one of the first occult works that publicly revealed the ancient mystery school teachings. It was followed by “The Secret Doctrine” and other profound works channeled by Madam Blavatsky with the assistance of Master Kuthumi. (For more information about Master K.H., I refer the reader to C. W. Leadbeater’s book “The Masters and the Path”).

The Ascended Master Kuthumi is the door-keeper of the ancient Occult Mysteries, and is also the co-protector of the Holy Grail – the ancient quest for self-awareness. Master Kuthumi will be instrumental in the re-emergence of knowledge that has been lost to mankind for so long. He also endeavors to assist those who participate in religious instruction, encouraging all concerned to open the Heart Charka in order to express Unconditional Love to all. Master Kuthumi currently shares the role of World Teacher.”

Hypothesis #157: Ms. Milanovich’s Trinity Foundation is a UFO/New Age/Theosophical cult/front for the Illuminati that purports to channel Celestial Beings and extraterrestrials. They claim that their “advisor,” Ascended Master Kuthumi, directed them to build a 396’ pink granite pyramid in Crestone/Baca to serve as an antenna to induce “a standing columnar wave of tachyon energy.” This pyramid, they claimed, would assist in moving the enlightened from the third into the fifth dimension, by changing the structure of their RNA and DNA. These New Age concepts are identical to ideas advanced by theosophists, Helen Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, both of whom claimed to have channeled ascended master Djwal Khul, aka “The Tibetan.” (ETK note: However, whereas the Spiritlibrary account above claims that Kuthumi was Blavatsky and Bailey’s main spirit guide, most accounts, including accounts by Blavatsky and Bailey themselves, indicate that “The Tibetan”/D.K./Djwal Khul” was their spirit guide/Ascended Master. Yet indicates that Kuthumi is a different Ascended Master than “The Tibetan,” if that makes any sense. Confusion abounds in the New Age Movement and in Crestone/Baca.)

Hypothesis #158: Because it has been abundantly demonstrated in this series (especially in Part X) that the United Nations and Maurice and Hanne Strong, in particular, are intimately involved with these New Age themes/philosophies/activities, it may be postulated that the Trinity Foundation’s bid to build a 396’ pink granite pyramid is connected with the mission of the Manitou Foundation to usher in a New World Religion and/or Maurice Strong’s recent efforts to control the water resources of the San Luis Valley. Hence, the attempted “Arcturian invasion” of Crestone/Baca may have served several functions relating to Strong’s/Manitou/New Age agenda for Crestone/Baca.

Hypothesis #159: We may also speculate that the Trinity Foundation’s proposal is related to the two main CIA-related mind control groups identified by “psychic warrior” William Ross Dean, above. These include: 1) The electronics E.L.F. (Extremely-Low Frequency) mind control and hologram imaging known as “Project Blue Beam” and 2) the earth energy and spirit-manipulating group. The latter group combines occultism-black witchcraft with E.L.F. (extremely low frequency) radio-wave enhancement. According to Ross, groups such as the Trinity Foundation, that make spirit or UFO contact come under the title “Falling Star,” which symbolizes the effort to bring Lucifer to earth in the physical realm which would be accompanied by an alien invasion by the entire demonic realm and the establishing a new high-tech Babylonian World Empire.

Hypothesis #160: Milanovich’s claim that the pyramid would serve as an antenna to induce “a standing columnar wave of tachyon energy” to assist in moving the enlightened from the third into the fifth dimension, reportedly by changing the structure of their RNA and DNA, may also be suggestive of the kinds of high-tech operations that are either planned for or are ongoing in Crestone/Baca.

These possible connections suggest that Crestone/Baca may be critical in: 1) the implementation of “Operation Falling Star,” which is described as an alien invasion of earth by the demonic realm to establish a new high-tech Babylonian World Empire, 2) the development of the new super-race of humans known as homo noeticus or homo novis. Far out, as they say.
Conclusions: Hypothesis #157 is amply proven by the record. Hypothesis #158, while a reasonable inference, requires additional proof. Hypotheses #159 and 160, if true, are truly calamitous and apocalyptic. Hence, significantly more evidence is needed for confirmation. So read on, dear reader.

5) In her 1936 book, “The Trail of the Serpent.” British occultist and author, Christina Stoddard (pseudonym: “Inquire Within”) confirms and greatly extends the information already provided in this series (also see Appendix 8). According to an book review, Stoddard was “a ruling chief of the Mother Temple of the Stella Matutina and the R.R. et A.C.”. Her book explains the phenomena of “theurgy” (“summoning spirits via channeling, meditation, etc.) and the progressive dynamics of “spirit-possession” via contact with “Hidden Masters.” Her book also explains who wields these powers and toward what purpose.

Stoddard’s “insider” insights into occultism, theurgy, and the identity of those who wield these hidden powers corroborate and extend insights already provided by Cumbey, Livingstone, Storey, Ross, and others cited in this series. These insights may be critical for understanding the kinds of spiritual activities that might be ongoing in Crestone/Baca. The following quotes from Stoddard’s book give both the overview (“macrocosm”) and details (“microcosm”) of these occult activities. First, the “macrocosm:”

“As de Poncins has justly said, the secret forces of subversion which must be fought and overcome in order to return to world sanity are: “Freemasonry, Judaism, and Occultism, whose alliance and reciprocal interpretation no longer require demonstration.” By means of these the mentality of the Western world has been for long and still is being Judaized in all departments of life, producing Socialism, Communism, and Bolshevism, which if successful would inevitably lead to Jewish domination and the destruction of Western and Christian civilization….

Here we must note that there has always been among the Arcane societies, a dual movement- on the one hand mystical, on the other, political. Such esoteric bodies as the Fraternity of the RosyCross, the Martinists, the Swedenbogians, and Theosophists have consisted no doubt largely of harmless enthusiasts to whom mysticism or magic appealed. But they have also been used as the cover for political intrigue, and as a net wherein to catch, test, and select persons who could be used for subversive ends. For it is one of the methods of the revolutionary directorate to use, wherever possible, harmless bodies as their cloak, and innocent people as their unconscious agents…

In England, we are not without our quota of exploiting and proselytizing Swamis and Yogis, and what we would emphasize is, that such a crude form of Eastern Yoga, when applied to Western mentality, whether in the form of Indian or Tibetan systems or the Magical Cabala of the Jews, merely results in a hypnotic passivity or unbalance, through an overcharge of astral light, and is destructive to Western virility and mental power, which will end in submerging Western and Christian traditions, leaving the nations an easy prey to domination by their ever-watchful and secret enemies. Also we must never forget that these cosmic and vital forces can both slay and make alive, bodily and mentally, and in the hands of ambitious and unscrupulous men, “Supermen,” “Elder Brothers,” or the whole gamut of those who astrally control these sects and cults which have eaten into the life of the Western World today, this Yoga teaching can be a deadly weapon of power for evil domination or vengeance, under the masquerade of soul-development or religious attainment….

Further, de Poncins writes: “Occultism has more important repercussions than one thinks. A wave of occultism preceded and accompanied the two great revolutionary movements of 1789 and 1917. The Theosophists and Illumines of the eighteenth century, Jacob Boehme, Emmanuel Swedenborg, Martinez de Pasqualis, Cagliostro, the Comte de Saint-Germain, etc., had their counterparts in the numerous Russian sects and in the magi and occultists of the Imperial Court, Philippe, Papus, the Tibetan Badmaev, and above all, Rasputin, whose extraordinary influence contributed directly to the unchaining of the revolution.”

Looking back over history, it seems to be evident that the spread of secret societies, illuminism, theurgy, and spiritism has always been a sure precursor of revolutions and the fall of Crowns. From its commencement the reign of Nicolas II of Russia was one long succession of mystics, prophets, and Illumines-instruments of the “Hidden Hand “who, by their strange practices and sometimes scandalous lives, contributed not a little to bring discredit upon the Court of Russia, eventually led to its downfall, and through death and destruction initiated the Jew-led Soviet rule with its dream of World Revolution and World Domination- the dream of Grand Orient Illuminized Masonry.”

The Jew and high Mason, Cremieux, founder and president of L’Alliance-israelite-universelle, said in his manifesto, 1860:

“The net which Israel now casts over the terrestrial globe enlarges and extends. . . . Our power is immense; learn to turn that power to our cause. The day is not far distant when all the riches, all the treasures of the earth, will become the property of the children of Israel.”

L’Alliance-israelite-univerelle (The Universal Israelite Alliance)…. addresses itself to all religions….. It desires to penetrate into all religions as it has penetrated into all countries. How many nations have disappeared! How many religions will in turn vanish! Israel will not cease to exist…. The religion of Israel will not perish; it is the unity of God.

Archives-israelites, 1861

(Alliance-israelite-universal) hopes to Judaize the world and open the way for Judaic expansion and development, penetrating all religions and all nations. According to Leon de Poncins, 1928, the Jewish Masonic Order B’nai B’rith was founded in New York in 1843:
“It divides the world into eleven districts, of which seven are in the United States. The number of Lodges is about 500, with nearly 100,000 adherents. . . . According to well-informed sources, there is in the B’nai B’rith a super-position of secret societies ending in a single governing power. Above the B’nai B’rith are the B’nai Moshe, then the B’nai Zion, and finally the hidden centre of supreme command.”

“…. We must therefore conclude that the first aim of the Fraternity (of Inner Light), like all illuminized groups, is to unite the Creative Principle within to the Creative Principle without, attracting and drawing down the Cosmic Christ or (kundalini, serpent) Fire- the illuminizing force- thus forming the magnetic link with the dominating minds of their Masters, for as she again explains: “By thinking of the Masters we attract their attention, and it is unbelievably easy to establish a magnetic link with those who are always more ready to give than we are to receive.” As the Masters said to the present writer, “We have need of thee and all thy gifts!

Finally, these controlling “Supermen” behind the scenes are, it would seem, past-masters in the knowledge and working of this Practical Cabala built up from cults of the remotest past. Is it not justifiable to suppose that these Supermen are magic-working, cabalistic, and revolutionary Jews?

Today the whole world has become a veritable hive of cabalistic and gnostic sects, and in each and all is found this same system of gradual mental absorption, as with the Dervishes, of the adept’s personality as he advances upward, successively by the official teacher of the Order, by a Teacher on the astral plane, in Rosicrucian Orders by its so-called founder Christian Rosenkreutz, and finally complete absorption by some unknown Central Power, still in the material body. Thus oracles are trained, apparently inspired, giving forth teaching, which in turn is passed down through the various grades of the order orienting the members. They finally go out among the people spreading the ideas, often in the name of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, leading them astray under the direct or indirect influence of these sects and their outside manifestations, international, universal, socialist, communist, and atheist.

Of the Jewish power in these secret societies, (Jewish writer) Bernard Lazare, in L’Antisemitisme, 1894, writes: “It is certain that there were Jews at the cradle of Freemasonry-cabalistic Jews, as is proved by certain existing rites; very probably during the years which preceded the French Revolution they entered in still greater numbers into the councils of the society, and themselves founded secret societies. There were Jews around Weishaupt; and Martinez Paschalis, a Jew of Portuguese origin, organized numerous groups of Illumines in France.”

Freemasonry, originating and organized in England, where the Judaizing cabalists of the Rose-Croix had grafted it on to the old Corporations of Mason-workers, was introduced everywhere into Europe from 1725 to 1730. And as de Poncins writes: “In France, where minds were in open ferment, Freemasonry found a favourable soil and under the double influence of the Encyclopadists and the Illuminati of Bavaria it evolved quickly to the point of being one of the preponderant elements of the great revolutionary movements of 1789.”

Finally, Vulliaud concludes:

“To sum up, Rosicrucianism is composed of mystic illuminism, in combination with alchemy, astrology, magnetism, and communication with spirits [astral!], if not with the Word itself; it is composed of sometimes one, sometimes several of these forms of the marvelous and occult . . . . In certain lodges, they ardently practice theurgy.”

… Today it is not merely a state within a state ruled by secret sects, but a Universal World State ruled by unknown “Supermen.”

…. It is therefore, reasonable to ask: (Is there) any real proof that these so-called Masters and Brethren of the so-called Great White Lodge are not unscrupulous and ambitious occultists and magicians, using and abusing these subtle powers of minds of men in order to bring about their own mad and fanatical world ambitions, overturning the social, religious, and political systems, not of one nation but of all?….

Who, then, are these Masters? And what is their Great Work? Have these things changed since de Luchet wrote in 1789:

“There was formed in the heart of thickest darkness a society of new beings, who knew each other without being seen, who understood each other without explanation, who served one another without friendship. Their society aims at governing the world, appropriating the authority of sovereigns, usurping their thrones by leaving them the mere barren honour of wearing the Crown. It adopts the Jesuitic regime, blind obedience, and the regicide principles of the seventeenth century; from Freemasonry the tests and exterior ceremonies; from the Templars the subterranean evocations and incredible audacity. It uses the discoveries of physics in order to impose upon the ignorant multitude.”

Today, in these numerous sects, cabalistic and illuminati, much the same methods as with the Ismailis (assassins) are used, and the same doctrine taught. It is always a gradual re-orientation, first an attempt to adapt these doctrines of the Magi, Manes, and the philosophers to Christianity, destroying the very essence of Christian beliefs, leading to pantheism, dualism, and materialism, often ending in pantheistic mysticism. Through mystical meditation and yoga they achieve magnetic but controlled union with their sinister masters, from whom they receive the universal teachings necessary for their master’s “Great Work,” unification- and world control -religious, political, and intellectual.

The Kundalini-Yoga in one form or another is found in all these sects; it is the basis of their attraction and power. Without it they could not exist, there would be no mysterious Overmasters pouring out suggestive and intriguing teachings, giving directions and seemingly wise advice; there would be no seeing of visions and hearing of voices, there would be no going out into the profane world orienting minds by means of these insidious teachings, drawing into the nets the unwary and sometimes genuine seeker after truth, but more often the craver after excitement, looking for something to enhance or give interest to an otherwise colourless life, enticed by the promise of awakening hitherto unsuspected and mysterious powers-but always under control and ostensibly for the betterment of collective Humanity. Binding the members together with an oath of secrecy and blind obedience- the secrecy of their contact with these Masters or Elder Brethren who, through these pseudo-mysteries and their dupes, would govern the world and usurp authority.

The Masters never take the pupils on trust, they test them, they shape and hew them, until they are humbly and blindly obedient, ready to do their appointed work in the Great Plan of these “Supermen.” And thus we see the Western world permeated with leaders in Yoga cults, only a little less ignorant than the men and women they would instruct, all preparing the way for the “Masters,” whoever they may be…..

The result of Yoga, meditation and processes for awakening the kundalini, whether Western or Eastern, is the same in all groups working under unknown Masters; it means that gradually the Master takes possession of the adept’s mind and impresses his own will upon it, so that an advanced initiate, such as (Dr. Rudolf) Steiner, would work under the impetus of the hidden Master and for his ends alone. As the so-called Tibetan Master of Mrs. Alice Bailey, theosophist and occultist, explains, contact with the Master is recognized by peculiar vibrations (1) at the top of the spine; (2) in the forehead (pineal gland, where the adept’s kundalini unites with the Master’s forces from without, it is the seat of controlled knowledge) ; (3) at the top of the head (pituitary body). He continues: “In time the student comes to recognize the vibration and to associate it with some particular `Great One,’ for each Master has his own vibration which impresses itself upon his pupils in a specific manner.” The forces are “these magnetic currents of the universe, that vital fluid, those electric rays, the latent heat in all bodies.” Cold and calculating, “a Master is only interested in a man from the point of view of his usefulness in the group-soul and his capacity to help.” The individual is as nothing to him; he is only a part in his world revolutionary machine, to be thrown aside when no longer an asset in their game!

…. Under the mask of initiation (the disciple) becomes diabolically possessed.

The whole is just another form of Mazzini’s “Associate, associate!” or Mrs. Alice Bailey’s “World State” by means of “unification” under the control of some mysterious ” Supermen.”

Further, (M. Guyot states): “Students will have to adopt a religion to sustain and help them during their psychic training (to give them an uplift)…. For the moment it is not a matter of believing but of acting as though you did believe… The mythical entities of the religion chosen will play a considerable practical part in the various psychic exercises…. We think the best religions are the Jewish religion, as set forth in the Cabala, the Roman Catholic religion in its esoteric aspect, “Buddhism, and especially Hinduism. Finally, Freemasonry can very adequately take the place of a religion, but it must be based on Martinism, which is its source.”

Finally, these controlling “Supermen” behind the scenes are, it would seem, past-masters in the knowledge and working of this Practical Cabala built up from cults of the remotest past. Is it not, therefore, justifiable to suppose that these Supermen are magic-working, cabalistic, and revolutionary Jews?

George Sand also wrote: “There are moments when the history of Empires only nominally exists, and when there is nothing really alive but the sects hidden within them.” The mother of all these secret societies is Judaeo-Masonry, whose principles are identical with those realized with Revolution. As Claudio Jannet says:

“It extends itself throughout the entire world, covering itself with mystery, acting in all parts of the social body within it, by secret links, individual societies apparently most different. Its doctrines are everywhere the same universality thus explains the unity and universality of Revolution.”

The mixture of rationalist and materialistic ideas….. “places all religions on the same equality: that is to say, recognizes no religion. . . . What is the result? A society unbalanced and demoralized, where crimes abound, all the more so that the provocation of the Press more often remains unpunished, where general materialization accentuates itself day by day. From top to bottom of the social ladder there is no longer any but one motive, pleasure, but one agent, money.”

Is it not “the greater Judaism, gradually casting non-Jewish thoughts and systems into Jewish moulds,” as described by the “Jewish World” of 9 February, 1883?”

Hypothesis #161: “Freemasonry, Judaism, and Occultism” are the principle subversive forces with which all nations, religions, and cultures have to contend to return to sanity. These subversive forces, together, have the effect of “Judaizing” the mentality of the Western world in all departments of life. These subversive forces produced Socialism, Communism, and Bolshevism. If successful, these forces will inevitably lead to Jewish domination of and the destruction of Western, Christian civilization….” Implicit in this hypothesis are the already proven assumptions that Freemasonry, socialism, communism, and Bolshevism are primarily Jewish inventions. (Stoddard’s book, written in 1936, did not record that another 20th century totalitarian system, Nazism, is another subversive offspring of “Freemasonry, Judaism, and Occultism.”)

Hypothesis #162: Arcane societies are characterized by a dual movement- one mystical, the other political. Esoteric groups such as Rosicrucians, Martinists, and Theosophists have mostly consisted of harmless enthusiasts to whom mysticism or magic appealed. These groups are also used as cover for political intrigue, and as a net wherein to catch, test, and select persons who could be used for subversive ends. Thus, one method of the ‘revolutionary directorate’ is to use, wherever possible, harmless bodies as their cloak, and innocent people as their unconscious agents…” These archane societies reflect the character of the “master cult,” Judaism. Author Douglas Reed rightly pointed out in The Controversy of Zion that “Judaism is a political program disguised as religion.”

Hypothesis #163: Waves of occultism preceded and accompanied the two great revolutionary movements of 1789 (French Revolution) and 1917 (Russian Revolution). “Theosophists and Illumines of the eighteenth century, Emmanuel Swedenborg, Martinez de Pasqualis, Cagliostro, the Comte de Saint-Germain, etc. (of the French Revolution) had their counterparts in the numerous Russian sects and in the magi and occultists of the Imperial Court, Philippe, Papus, the Tibetan Badmaev, and above all, Rasputin, whose extraordinary influence contributed directly to the unchaining of the (Russian) revolution.”

Hypothesis #164: When applied to the Western mentality, Eastern Yoga, whether in the form of Indian or Tibetan systems or the Magical Cabala of the Jews, results in a hypnotic passivity or unbalance and is destructive to Western virility and mental power. This could end in submerging Western and Christian traditions, leaving the nations an easy prey to domination by their ever-watchful and secret enemies. This information leads to the further speculation/hypothesis #165:

Hypothesis #165: Eastern yoga of the Indian and Tibetan systems is fundamentally similar to the magical Cabala system of the Jews because their effects are fundamentally the same.

Hypothesis #166: In the hands of ambitious and unscrupulous men, “Supermen,” “Elder Brothers,” or the whole gamut of those who astrally control these sects and cults, this Yoga teaching can be a deadly weapon of power for evil domination or vengeance, under the masquerade of soul-development or religious attainment….

Hypothesis #167: The historic goal of Jews/Satanists is the destruction of all religion except Judaism/Satanism. Mid 19th century statements by “Alliance-israelite-universal” indicate that the goal/hope of the Jewish International is to “Judaize” the world and thereby open the way for Judaic expansion and development, penetrating all religions and all nations.” This Plan, sometimes referred to as “The Work of All Ages,” may include implementation the “Black Awakening,” etc.

Hypothesis #168: The first aim of all illuminized groups, is to unite the Creative Principle within to the Creative Principle without. By attracting and drawing down the ‘Cosmic Christ’ (kundalini, serpent Fire, or “illuminizing force”) the disciple establishes a magnetic link with the dominating minds of their ‘Masters.’

Hypothesis #169: The controlling “Supermen” behind the scenes seem to be past-masters in the knowledge and working of the Practical Cabala built up from cults of the remotest past. These Supermen are magic-working, cabalistic, and revolutionary Jews.

Hypothesis #170: (As of 1936), the world was “a veritable hive of cabalistic and gnostic sects, and in each and all is found this same system of gradual mental absorption, as with the Dervishes, of the adept’s personality as he advances upward, successively by the official teacher of the Order, (or) by a Teacher on the astral plane. In Rosicrucian Orders, founder Christian Rosenkreutz (aka St. Germain) draws the student and finally there is complete absorption of the student’s identity by some unknown Central Power. In this manner, oracles are trained and inspired and give forth teachings, which are passed down through the various grades of the order to other members. These members finally go out among the people spreading these ideas, often in the name of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, leading them astray under the direct or indirect influence of these sects and their outside manifestations, international, universal, socialist, communist, and atheist.

Hypothesis #171: Jewish power and theurgy are central to all the various Masonic and other occult lodges’ rituals and political activities.

Hypothesis #172: The numerous cabalistic and illuminati sects use much the same methods as with the Ismailis (assassins) and the same doctrine is taught. It is always a gradual re-orientation, first an attempt to adapt these doctrines of the Magi, Manes, and the philosophers to Christianity, destroying the very essence of Christian beliefs in the process, which leads then to pantheism, dualism, and materialism, and often ends in pantheistic mysticism. Through mystical meditation and yoga, students achieve magnetic but controlled union with their sinister masters, from whom they receive the universal teachings necessary for their master’s “Great Work,” which is unification and world control based on religious, political, and intellectual control.

Hypothesis #173: Kundalini-Yoga in one form or another is found in all these occult sects and is the basis of their attraction and power. Without it they could not exist and there would be no mysterious ‘Overmasters’ pouring out suggestive and intriguing teachings, giving directions and seemingly wise advice; and there would be no seeing of visions and hearing of voices. Students are enticed by the promise of awakening hitherto unsuspected and mysterious powers, but they always stay under their ‘Master’s’ control. Members are bound together by an oath of secrecy and blind obedience to these ‘Masters’ or ‘Elder Brethren’ who, through these pseudo-mysteries and their dupes, would govern the world and usurp authority.

Hypothesis #174: The ‘Masters’ never take pupils on trust. They test, shape and hew them until they are humbly and blindly obedient and ready to do their appointed work in the Great Plan of these “Supermen.” Thus, the Western world is permeated with Yoga cult leaders who are only a little less ignorant than their students. And all are preparing the way for the “Masters,” whoever they may be…..

Hypothesis #175: Yoga, meditation and other methods for awakening kundalini, both Western and Eastern, conducted in groups under unknown ‘Masters,’ are always the same. Gradually, the ‘Master’ takes possession of the adept’s mind and impresses his will on it so that the student then works for the ‘Master’s’ ends alone. I.e.: “Under the mask of initiation, the disciple becomes diabolically possessed.”

Hypothesis #176: Contact with “the Master” is recognized by peculiar vibrations, either at the top of the spine, in the forehead, or at the top of the head, as the adept’s kundalini unites with the Master’s forces from without.

Hypothesis #177: The ‘Master’ only cares about the student insofar as the student is useful to the ‘group-soul.’ The individual means nothing to him; he is only a cog in his world revolutionary machine, to be discarded when no longer useful.

Hypothesis #178: Students need to adopt a religion to sustain them during their psychic training. The best religions for this purpose are Cabalistic Judaism, some forms of esoteric Roman Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Freemasonry.

Hypothesis #179: Ultimately, these many kabbalistic and Gnostic cults and societies recognize no religion. Hence, synarchy (rule by secret societies) leads to unbalanced and demoralized nations and societies fraught with crime. Ultimately, societies at large are re-oriented towards pleasure via accumulation of money.

Hypothesis #180: The controlling “Supermen” behind the scenes are past-masters in the knowledge and working of this Practical Cabala built up from cults of the remotest past. These Supermen are magic-working, cabalistic, and revolutionary Jews.

Hypothesis #181: “Greater Judaism is gradually casting non-Jewish thoughts and systems into Jewish moulds” (as described by the “Jewish World” of 9 February, 1883).

14) Conclusions: Stoddard’s insights, based on her “insider” experiences, support and greatly expand upon those of other researchers above. She asserts that the dual historical movements of secret societies, combining occult mysticism with revolutionary politics, is the Jewish modus operandi. This explains why waves of occultism have preceded past revolutions. In this manner, mystical forces are deliberately harnessed to advance political purposes. Note also, that other subversive movements, including the New Age Movement, Freemasonry, etc., also combine occult mysticism and revolutionary politics.

Hypotheses 161, 162, 167, 169, 172, 180, and 181 are confirmed by Parts IV and Appendix 6 of this series. Another recent book that confirms the hypothesis that Kabbalistic Jews are historically bent on and are now poised for world conquest, is Peter Christian’s “The Work of All Ages; The Ongoing Plot to Rule the World From Biblical Times to the Present” (2010). Based on the close affinity for occultism and revolutions in the past, the current wave of occultism imposed (by intelligence agencies and other criminal and secret societies) on America and the Western World since the 1960’s is evidently designed to set the stage for a major “global” revolution.

Hypotheses 163 through 169, in particular, may shed light as to the possible particular function of “Operation Crestone/Baca,” which may be to: 1) combine mystical and political activities by providing cover for political intrigue, and 2) as a net wherein to catch, test, and select persons who could be used for subversive ends. In this manner Crestone/Baca would provide an excellent opportunity for the “revolutionary directorate” “to use harmless bodies as their cloak, and innocent people as their unconscious agents…” And “Eastern Yoga, in the form of Indian or Tibetan systems and Jewish magical Cabala, results in a hypnotic passivity or unbalance in Westerners that could destroy Western and Christian traditions, leaving the nations an easy prey to domination by their ever-watchful and secret enemies (the “Hidden Masters” of the Jewish Cabala). Thus, “this Yoga teaching can be a deadly weapon of power for evil domination or vengeance, under the masquerade of soul-development or religious attainment….”

As noted, the historic goal of Judaism is to destroy (or irrevocably transform/“Judaize”) all nations and religions. This historic goal has been acknowledged in recent books such as “Christian’s” “The Work of All Ages.” It may also include the implementation of the “Black Awakening” as per the “Armageddon script.” Crestone/Baca may have special importance for the implementation of these goals, which are often referred, in New Age Terms, as “The Plan” to “Externalize the Hierarchy,” which is to say, usher in the reign of Lucifer.

Stoddard’s descriptions of how the controlling “Supermen”/”Hidden Masters” gain control of their disciples through their knowledge and working of the Practical Cabala is consistent with these facts and thus, previous information here and therefore is tentatively confirmed. Her assertions that these “Unseen Masters” incrementally and gradually gain control (i.e., “possess”) the minds of their initiates through the “kundalini” or Serpent Power force seems entirely reasonable given her “insider” experiences. I cannot confirm this proposition from direct experience, but it seems likely that Crestone/Baca is an ideal setting in which to carry out these kinds of activities. These insights may have particular bearing on the Crestone/Baca scene, where it may be presumed that most disciples involved in these kinds of activities are sincere spiritual seekers who are unaware that their minds and souls can be co-opted (“possessed”) by Unseen Masters in this manner. In this way, naïve and well-intentioned individuals can be transformed into “Useful Idiots,” to borrow Vladimir Lenin’s phrase.

Stoddard describes the possession process as such: “Yoga, meditation and other methods for awakening kundalini, both Western and Eastern, conducted in groups under unknown ‘Masters,’ are always the same. Gradually, the ‘Master’ takes possession of the adept’s mind and impresses his will on it so that the student then works for the ‘Master’s’ ends alone. I.e.: “Under the mask of initiation, the disciple becomes diabolically possessed.”

She concludes that the ”Supermen” behind the scenes are masters in the knowledge and working of the Practical Cabala built up from cults of the remotest past who are magic-working, cabalistic, and revolutionary Jews. In this way, “Greater Judaism is gradually casting non-Jewish thoughts and systems into Jewish moulds” (as described by the “Jewish World” of 9 February, 1883).

Recall from Livingstone’s information above that three types of “Hidden Masters” were identified, of which two (demons and possessed humans) were discussed. Stoddard primarily identifies these Masters/Supermen as possessed humans, that is, living Jews adept in Kabbalah, who presumably, are possessed by demons. Are there other kinds of “Hidden Masters?” Perhaps demons themselves or secular humans who are not possessed? Is Maurice Strong himself a “hidden master?” If so, what kind? Given the extraordinary scope of Strong’s activities, influence, and wealth, it seems reasonable to speculate that he is a “Hidden Master” in some manner(s). But this assertion is not proven at this time.

Crestone/Baca today is teeming with gurus, masters, yogis, meditation retreats, kundalini activities, cults, etc. Hence, it is reasonable to suppose that theurgy (summoning of spirits and spirit possession) occurs here and that it may comprise Crestone/Baca’s main “function,” from the point of view of the New World Order elite. It may be particularly significant, that as per Hypothesis #178, successful “possessions” require that “students… adopt a religion to sustain them during their psychic training (and that) the best religions for this purpose are Cabalistic Judaism, some forms of esoteric Roman Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Freemasonry.” All these traditions are represented in Crestone/Baca today.

Thus, all the above hypotheses (#161 to 181) are tentatively confirmed here.

6) Texe Marrs is an authority on both Judaism and the New Age Movement. His pertinent books include: “Secrets of the New Age,” “Mystery Mark of the New Age,” “New Age Cults and Religions,” “DNA Science and Jewish Bloodline,” and “Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star.” The following is a paraphrase of Marrs’ comments in his September 10, 2014 radio broadcast (

All the New Age cults and religions are run by Jews. If we want to understand the New Age Movement we need to understand Judaism and the Kabbalah. The “holy” Kabbalah is the root of all New Age false religions. The language used in these New Age religions is found in the Kabbalah. Many times, Jews change their names and adopt Hindu names. When Jews preach there is a God, they believe it’s them.

I have researched these issues for many years and have been called the greatest New Age expert in the world. I certify to you that Judaism is the ultimate New Age Religion. It is the umbrella that covers all the other cults and religions. But New Age practitioners or believers usually do not understand that they have been fed a bunch of Judaic nonsense.

Judaism is more than a religion…. It is a parasite on the world. Judaism will have its sway, as it is intermixed in all the nations and religions. It owns the capitalistic system. Lord Rothschild owns the banks and the oil resources. In 2003, Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad stated: “Today Jews rule this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them.”

The Jewish religion is not the religion of the Old Testament. A Jewish man told me: “We (Jews) have a different concept of the Messiah than you. He’s not God…. We (the Jewish people) are going to become the Messiah.” Yes, the Jews expect to be lead by a man-God… but they’ll all be Gods. In researching for my books on the New Age Movement, (“Dark Secrets of the New Age,” “Ravaged by the New Age,” New Age Cults and Religions,” “Mystery Mark of the New Age”), I discovered that Jews were at the forefront of every cult and New Age religion. New Agers also believe that man can reach a state of Godhood and be his own God. The New Age religion is Judaism.

When you read and understand the Babylonian Talmud (the Jews’ book of law) and Kabbalah (Jewish system of magic and witchcraft)- and the two are totally related- you realize that Judaism is the chief New Age cult. Show me a New Age cult group of any size at all and I’ll show you that Jews founded it, sponsored it, and/or teach it, etc. Judaism is the New Age Movement.

Christian bookstores are not Christian anymore. Judaism is now thoroughly mixed into Christian doctrine. The “Jews for Jesus” website says Christians should study the Kabbalah. These self-described “Messianic Jews” have led Christianity into the cesspool of Kabbalah and are now turning Christianity into Judaism. In my video “Thunder over Zion,” a rabbi says:

“Christianity will be folded back into Judaism from whence it came. We are not worried about Christianity, for as the people come to understand Judaic principles, and accept the Judaic religion, they will realize they have been wrong about Jesus, and they will accept our doctrines. They will no longer be Christians, they will be Jews.”

Of course, the gentiles will still be the servants as the Jews- forever- as spelled out in the Talmud and Kabbalah. In Christian bookstores, there are now many books proclaiming that we need a Christian Talmud and a Christian Kabbalah. In these bookstores, I saw so-called Christians wearing the Star of David, the satanic symbol of 666, around their necks. I first observed this trend of the Judaizing of Christianity some 20 years ago. Even then, they said Judaism is exploding within Christianity.

In a letter to Karl Marx in the late 1800’s, Jewish financier, Baruch Levy wrote: “The Jewish people as a whole will become it’s own Messiah. Thus will the promise of the Talmud become fulfilled.” Jews believe that in the coming “Masonic Age,” or “Age of Utopia,” which they call “Tikkun Olam,” the world will be “repaired” and everything will be made perfect as the Jews become Gods on earth. Make sure you are not led off into some spiritual wasteland by these Jewish and New Age teachers.

In the book of Genesis, the serpent said: “Ye shall not surely die, ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” Sabbatean Judaism, in particular, holds that man is supposed to know good and evil and thus, become like Adam and Eve (i.e., re-enact “the fall.”). Lucifer tempts Adam and Eve and they accept Lucifer’s promise that, having tasted evil, they will become just like God.

Their symbols are the (Kabbalistic) Tree of Life and the circle of life which depicts the serpent encircling the entire world and biting its own tail (Figure 1). Their highest God, Ein Soph, the all-seeing eye, is an impersonal God. So the serpent, also called Leviathan or Behemoth in the Bible, represents God and serves the Jewish people by guiding them on their circular journey toward godhood. First, they descend into the pit of hell, the great abyss, where there are millions of devils led by Abaddon.

In addition to the serpent, many other deities also help the Jews. The Tree of Life shows the serpent encountering Malkuth, the great mother goddess. In middle of the circle, there is Yesod, the phallus God, who is similar to a god in the ancient Egyptian religion. Judaism is a sex cult/religion. As the serpent leads Jews into the abyss, they become completely evil. Then the serpent rises up out of the abyss and reaches the stage of crown or Kether in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life- the all-seeing eye.

Figure 1. Clockwise from top: The serpent and the 10 Sephiroth of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the Tree of Life, and the Oroborus serpent-“divine” guide of the Jews.

“The serpent, known as Leviathan and Behemoth, has both male and female aspects. When the Jew completes the cycle of life, he becomes his own God. He then becomes “the Earthling: “Among all the creatures, the Jew is chosen to be god.” “Ein Soph” is the unknowable, the ineffable, and is not a loving personal god. So the Jew becomes his own messiah and the great serpent is his guide. Leviathan is mentioned in the book of Job. However, the Bible tells us that only God can direct the serpent and eventually He will destroy the serpent and his people.

In “What you Need to Know about the Kabbalah, Rabbi Yitzak Ginsberg points to the doctrine of an ancient rabbi who said that “All is All,” “God is All,” and “God is in everything, and thus the Jews are God.” This ridiculous logic is similar to the book, “Animal Farm,” wherein all the animals are equal, but the pigs are more equal than the others. Ginsberg asserts that the “Shekinah” presence is the divine spark and is a bit like “the force” in the ‘Star Wars’ movies. They claim that this force is only found in spiritually-advanced Jews and not in gentiles. What’s more, the Talmud and Kabbalah state that God only gave the gentiles a resemblance to humans so that Jews would not be repulsed when gentiles serve them. The aggregate of the Shekinah, or the sparks of divinity, then, is the Jewish Messiah: the collective, sanctified Jew who will usher in the ‘Masonic Age’ on earth. Their heaven, you see, is the earth. They want it right here, right now.

Today, Jews control the whole world; they have never been so powerful. The Jewish lobby runs the U.S. They own the capitalist, communist, and Nazi systems; and they use whatever systems work best for them. They believe they will become the “Planet of God,” as the United Nations’ Robert Mueller stated. The Jews will become conscious God-men who will rule and reign over the earth.

On his website, Kabbalist, Billy Phillips, says: “the Borders of the Land of Israel will extend across the planet. Only then will the global Messiah appear, as a seal and not a Messiah.” Their Messiah, then, is a seal that certifies the Jewish people as God. After the condition or state of Messiah is achieved, they believe a millennium; a “super-earth,” or “Tikkun Olam,” will be achieved. Those gentiles who do not accept the (Jews as) Messiah will be beheaded, as per their ‘holy scripture.’ That’s why the Talmud and Kabbalah state: “The best of the gentiles will be killed.” “The nations will be converted to Judaism or else they will be destroyed and the Jews will be masters of the world.” Meanwhile, the serpent shall ascend to the crown, or Kether in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The Jews will then have achieved “Order Out of Chaos,” or “Ordo Ab chao.” They create chaos on earth (ETK: which some of their spokesmen such as neo-con Michael Ledeen call “creative destruction”) so that they can triumph over it. Those who reject God must become their own God. They become the deity. This is wildly insane, narcissistic garbage. This is the profoundly intoxicating “Mystery of Iniquity” in the Bible. When Christian Zionists say the Jews are God’s only “chosen people,” they are really saying they believe in the Jewish “Tikkun Olam” – that the Jews will collectively become God on earth. Thus, Christian Zionists are worshipping a religion they do not understand.”

Hypothesis #182: Jews created and control the New Age Movement, which is based on the Jewish Kabbalah. The New Age Movement is merely Judaism in a different guise. As Marrs asserts: Judaism is the New Age Movement and the New Age Movement is Judaism.

Hypothesis #183: The Jewish people intend to be their own Messiah.

Hypothesis #184: Jews believe that in the coming “Masonic Age,” or “Age of Utopia,” which they call “Tikkun Olam,” the world will be “repaired” and everything will be made perfect as the Jews become Gods on earth and establish their Jewish utopia. Their script calls for non-Jews to either be slaves of the Jews or be killed.

Hypothesis #185: Again, Jewish leaders have long been working to enfold Christianity back into Judaism. Christianity will become Judaism.

Hypothesis #186: Christians who insist on worshipping Jesus Christ as Lord will be beheaded, as is spelled out in the Kabbalah. That’s why the Talmud and Kabbalah state: “The best of the gentiles will be killed.” “

Hypothesis #187: In Sabbatean Judaism, in particular, man is supposed to know good and evil and become like Adam and Eve (i.e., re-enact “the fall.”). Lucifer tempts Adam and Eve and they accept Lucifer’s promise that, having tasted evil, they will become just like God.

Hypothesis #188: The Kabbalistic Tree of Life and Circle of Life are symbols that chart the Jews’ “journey to Godhood.” These symbols depict the Serpent, as guide to the Jewish people, leading the Jews into the abyss of evil, where they encounter millions of devils and their leader, Abaddon. Then the serpent and the Jews travel back upwards, encountering Malkuth, the earth goddess, and on to the top of the tree where they are united with Ein Soph, the all-seeing eye. After completing this cycle, Jews expect to be Gods and their own Messiah. (This philosophy is just the reverse of what is presented in the Book of Genesis, wherein Adam and Eve “fall” and are condemned to spiritual death due to their original sin.)

Hypothesis #189: Jews worship many gods who aid them in their journey. These include Yesod, the phallus God. Thus, Judaism is actually a pagan sex cult.

Hypothesis #190: An ancient rabbi proclaimed that “All is All,” “God is All,” and “God is in everything, and thus the Jews are
God.” This ridiculous logic is similar to the book, “Animal Farm,” wherein all the animals are equal, but the pigs are more equal than the others.

Hypothesis #191: Another rabbi asserts that the “Shekinah” presence is the divine spark, like “the force” in the ‘Star Wars’ movies and is found only in spiritually-advanced Jews and not in gentiles. Of course, this concept justifies the Jew’s extreme sense of “race pride” and “racial supremacy.

Hypothesis #192: The aggregate of the Shekinah, the sparks of divinity, then, is the Jewish Messiah, the collective, sanctified Jew who will usher in the Masonic age on earth.

Hypothesis #193: We may speculate that the “Shekinah” (spark of divinity) may relate to the Serpent/kundalini energy by which Hidden Masters gradually Satanize their disciples.

Hypothesis #194: The Jews’ most holy scriptures, the Talmud and Kabbalah, state that God gave the gentiles a resemblance to humans so that Jews would not be repulsed when we gentiles serve them.

Hypothesis #195: The Jewish notion of heaven is the achievement of the “Jewish Utopia” here on earth. They want it all, right here, right now.

Hypothesis #196: Today, Jews control the whole world. They have never been so powerful. The Jewish lobby runs the U.S. They own the capitalist, communist, and Nazi systems; they are in control of all cults/false religions. And they use whatever system works best for them. They believe they will become the “Planet of God,” as the United Nations’ Robert Mueller stated. The Jews believe they will become conscious God-men who will rule and reign over the earth.

Hypothesis #197: Prior to the appearance of the global Messiah, according to Kabbalist/Jew, Billy Phillips, “the Borders of the Land of Israel will extend across the planet. Only then will the global Messiah appear, as a seal and not a Messiah.” They regard their Messiah as a seal that certifies the Jewish people as God. They believe that after the condition or state of Messiah is achieved, a “super-earth,” or “Tikkun Olam,” will be achieved. Again, those gentiles who do not accept the (Jews as) Messiah will be beheaded. The nations will be converted to Judaism or else they too will be destroyed. The Jews will become masters of the world.

Hypothesis #198: Jews believe that when their serpent guide ascends to the crown, or Kether of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, Jews will have achieved “Order Out of Chaos,” or “Ordo Ab chao.” And they, collectively become the deity.

Hypothesis #199: This wildly insane, narcissistic garbage is the profoundly intoxicating “Mystery of Iniquity” in the Bible.

Hypothesis #200: When duped and brainwashed Christian Zionists say that the Jews are God’s only “chosen people,” they are unwittingly saying they believe in the Jewish “Tikkun Olam” – that the Jews will collectively become God on earth. Thus, Christian Zionists are not Christian at all; they are worshipping a religion, Judaism, that they do not understand.

Hypothesis #201: These dynamics explain why the “on-the-ground caretakers” of “Operation Crestone/Baca” are Jews and/or their “agents of influence.”

6) Conclusions: Based on information presented throughout this series (particularly Part IV and Appendix 6), all these hypotheses are confirmed. The apparent fundamental difference between Constance E. Cumbey, who maintains that the New Age Movement is identical in its underlying philosophy to Nazism, and Texe Marrs, who holds that the New Age Movement is recycled Judaism is resolved by Storey (The New Underworld Order, 2006), who demonstrates that German Nazism and Jewish Zionism are basically identical. In this sense, the information provided in Storey’s book is essential for understanding the true dimensions of the “Synagogue of Satan.” Deluded and highly narcissistic Messianic Jews’ believe that they alone are gods on earth and that they alone will inherit all the earth’s wealth.

This millennia-long project of ushering in a Jewish Utopia/messianic age accounts for the fact that the apparent “on-the-ground-caretakers” of “Operation Crestone/Baca” are Jews and/or their “agents of influence.” This explains why “Operation Crestone/Baca” is ultimately a Jewish operation that relates to the ushering in of their anticipated Jewish World Order.

7) “Our founding fathers would surely be turning over in their graves if they were to witness the treasonous and murderous cesspool that the U.S. federal government has become since the 9/11 false flag operation took place, and how the Patriot Act’s overtly communist ideology has become the de facto rule of law for a dystopian nation whose free society is long gone, and whose once proud name is now simply used to masque the most evil shadow government ever created.”

James F. Marino, Target of MK-Ultra Mind Control (

Discussion: This website ( provides overwhelming evidence to corroborate the above statement. Christopher Storey’s “The New Underworld Order” (2006) significantly extends the information provided in this website. Senator Joseph McCarthy’s 1956 speech is also pertinent here. McCarthy noted that when British General Cornwallis surrendered to George Washington at the close of the American Revolutionary War he stated: (as recounted in

“The confession of General Cornwallis (left) to General Washington at Yorktown (Oct. 17, 1781) has been well hidden by historians. History books and textbooks have taught for years that when Cornwallis surrendered his army to General Washington that American independence came, and we lived happily ever after until the tribulations of the twentieth century.

Jonathan Williams recorded in his “LEGIONS OF SATAN,” 1781, that Cornwallis revealed to Washington that “a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown.

Cornwallis went on to explain what would seem a contradiction:”

“Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.”

And indeed George Washington himself was a Mason, and he gave back through a false religion what he had won with his army.

Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was only the beginning of world catastrophe that would be universal and that unrest would continue until mind control could be accomplished through a false religion. What he predicted has come to pass. A brief sketch of American religious history and we have seen Masonry infused into every church in America with their veiled Phallic religion.

“Darby and the Plymouth Brethren brought a Jewish Christianity to America. Masons Rutherford and Russell started Jehovah Witnesses’ Judaism which is now worldwide with their message of the divine kingdom. Mason Joseph Smith started Mormon Judaism with its Jewish teaching of millennialism.

Millennialism is the belief that there will be a Golden Age or Paradise on Earth in which “Christ will reign” prior to the final judgment and future eternal state (the New Heavens and New Earth). In fact, this will be the rule of the Masonic Jewish (Illuminati) bankers fronted by the Luciferian Anti-Christ. ed.]

At the turn of the twentieth century there appeared the Scofield Bible with a Jewish interpretation of the prophecies. With wide use of this “helpful” aid, all the American churches have silently become synagogues. We now have Baptist Jews, Methodist Jews, Church of God Jews, apostate Catholic Jews, and many Protestant Jews throughout America. We are aliens in our own country because of false religion. All are praying for divine deliverance into that “Divine Government” which Cornwallis knew to be the British Empire.

A false religion has been used to deceive us into allegiance to our enemies of Yorktown and Bunker Hill. No! Not a gun has been fired but the invisible and malignant process of conquering America with the Jew’s religion has gone on unabated.

The Union Jack has been planted in our hearts with religious deception. All has happened “legally,” “constitutionally,” “freely” and completely within our most sacred trust — our churches. Religious deception is painless inoculation against truth. It cannot be removed from the conscience with surgery, yet it is the motivator of our actions and directly controls our lives.

“Once man gives over to false religion, he is no longer rational because he originates no thought. His life is controlled by whomever controls his religion. The veil of false religion is the sword of Damocles and its power to control humanity defies even the imagination of tyrants who use it. This is not to say that George Washington was a traitor willingly, or knowingly. He was beguiled into a Satanic religious order that insidiously controls men’s minds. So have American statesmen and military leaders down through the years given aid and allegiance to the enemies of the United States because they did not have knowledge of the invisible subterfuge that stalks this land. My eyes were opened the day my colleague from Ohio handed me Wagner’s “FREEMASONRY AN INTERPRETATION.” If every American would read it, they would no longer ask why and how it has happened.” –

See more at:

Hypothesis #202: Since 9/11, the American government has been entirely hijacked and now fronts for perhaps the most evil shadow government in the history of the world.

Hypothesis #203: Jonathon Williams (1781) prophesied that in two hundred years America would be the property of the British Crown, her churches would teach and preach Judaism, and that the whole nation would be working for divine (read: Satanic) world government; the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism and be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry (Lucifer):

“Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.”

Here, we see a late 18th century (immediately following the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati (1776) prediction that America will come under the dominion of Judaism/Freemasonry/Satanism/the British Empire (that is, the “Synagogue of Satan”).

Hypothesis #205: Man’s “life is controlled by whomever controls his religion. The veil of false religion is the sword of Damocles and its power to control humanity defies even the imagination of tyrants who use it.” We may here speculate that a major purpose of Crestone/Baca is to experiment in the control of humans through promoting (syncretic) false religion, (a long-term project of Freemasonry, Jews, myriad cults, etc.) and more specifically, perhaps, to “beguile (people) into a Satanic religious order that insidiously controls men’s minds.” Additionally, Crestone/Baca may also be intended to play a central role in the actual implementation of the so-called “Black Awakening.”

6) Conclusion: Hypothesis #203 is confirmed by this series and this website. The Satanic nature of the “shadow government/secret government/double government” is here fully exposed. Hypotheses #204 and 205 may explain the hidden mission of Crestone/Baca. However, since the project of hooking naïve people into false religion is a global project and has occurred throughout history, this is probably not the only mission in Crestone/Baca. Nonetheless, Crestone/Baca certainly appears to be the direct inheritor of the “UN Rio Earth Summit New Age religious syncretism/GAIA earth worship/environmental takedown” strategy.

8) Again, Christopher Storey (2006) provides essential historical insights that further explain when, how, and why America succumbed to these dark forces. In his section; “English and German Kabbalism in Early America” (p. 284), Storey writes:

“Sir Francis Bacon’s Kabbalistic secret Society of the Rosie Cross “was set up (by Jews, as documented by Storey, ETK) in America before the middle of the 17th century,” according to Manley P. Hall, so that by the time of the American Revolution, the True Christian basis of the Colonies had been severely compromised by this Babylonian-occult infusion. “Bacon himself had given up all hope of bringing his dream to fruition in his own country, and concentrated his attention on rooting it in the New World (HENCE the slogan-phrase: “New World Order”)… Hall elaborated:

“Bacon’s secret society (the Rosicrucians- Ed.) was not limited to England; it was most powerful in Germany, in France, and in The Netherlands, and most of the leaders of European thought were involved in the vast pattern of his purpose. They mystic empire of the wise (sic, i.e., of sorcery) had no national boundaries and its citizenry was made up of men of good purpose (sic! Remember: the Devil turns everything upside down: this should read “bad purpose” of course- Ed.) in every land. The Alchemists, Kabbalists, Mystics and Rosicrucians (i.e., soothsayers and sorcerers- Ed.) were the incisive instruments of Bacon’s plan. Representatives of these groups migrated to the Colonies at an early date and set up their organization in suitable places.

…. The German branch of Kabbalistic sorcery and Illuminism was engaged in America from the late 17th century onwards.”

To bring this covert, suppressed history to the present, Storey continues, under the heading; “Triumph of A Covert Nazi Disinformation Operation:”

“It was already thus the case, immediately following the Second World War (and indeed previously) that the US intelligence community was driving and determining U.S. policy, not the other way round, although the intelligence cadres were always meticulous about making sure that, for public perception purposes, the Executive and Legislative branches appeared to remain in charge. Today, that process has gone so far beyond the point of no return that the disconnect between what the American public perceives to be the White reality- that the Republic has a Constitution and a Government that abides by it and serves the people- and the Black actuality, is complete. Nor can members of Congress do their job properly: all their Capitol Hill and private office telecommunications are permanently bugged by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI).

For the reality was that the US intelligence and official structures fell victim to a massive German disinformation and strategic deception operation, the effect of which was to confirm the transfer of the mentality and certain of the structures of Hitler’s Third Reich across the Atlantic (through Operation Paperclip, etc.- ETK), where it is flourishing as never before, and where it threatens- and this is no exaggeration- a repetition of the Nazi population reduction and control atrocities on a far larger scale. The Author believes that he may live to see this happening in his lifetime, unless exposure can thwart this catastrophe.

The resulting Cold War, fostered by (German Nazi) Richard Gehlen’s lies and leveraged by the American/Nazi agent (and traitor, CIA-director, Allen) Dulles, which lasted for almost 50 years, cost US taxpayers alone approximately $8.0 trillion…. The careful reader will have noticed that, since the US intelligence community knew, from the outset that a) the Soviet military capabilities were greatly inferior to US and Western capabilities, and b) that nuclear war was out of the question for the technical reason cited above, the CIA, DIA, NSA, ONI and the rest of these intelligence organizations were deceiving the American public on this crucial issue for half a century.

They were doing this, in part, because they had become hooked on mind-control operations and on searching for the ultimate technologies of political control, ideas which were first developed in both Germany and in Britain, where an early pan-German penetration had taken place into the Tavistock Institute. And the targets of this nefarious endeavor are the innocent American people themselves.”

Hypothesis #204: Based on Storey’s (and others’) findings, we must now re-evaluate American history, finally taking into consideration the importance of the Kabbalistic/occult/Illuminati/secret societies and the reality of synarchy (rule by secret societies). We must acknowledge the fundamental importance of Francis Bacon’s (Kabbalistic/Rosicrusian) vision of an American-based “New World Order” based on sorcery and Satanism, wherein “Alchemists, Kabbalists, Mystics and Rosicrucians (i.e., soothsayers and sorcerers, “Hidden Masters” and “Supermen”) were the incisive instruments.” Storey abundantly documents that “representatives of these groups migrated to the Colonies at an early date and set up their organization in suitable places.”

Hypothesis #205: German and British secret societies, including “The Order” (i.e., the Bavarian Illuminati, The Order of the Quest, Yale’s Skull and Bones, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, and a host of spin-off organizations) have played an essential, albeit covert role in American history. Storey documents that: “The German branch of Kabbalistic sorcery and Illuminism was engaged in America from the late 17th century onwards.”

Hypothesis #206: Since before WWII, intelligence agencies have controlled American politics and cultural life on behalf of the Illuminati, even while they meticulously protected the lie that America is a Constitutional Republic.

Hypothesis #207: Pan-German penetration of America occurred after World War II via Operation Paperclip, etc., as American intelligence agencies were taken over by Nazis. Specifically, the Nazi (Richard) Gehlen Organization, which operates within the CIA, co-opted and now controls American intelligence. The Gehlen Organization is the DVD (German Black Intelligence). The DVD, in turn, is the East German Stasi secret police. They execute the policies of the modern equivalents of the Bavarian Illuminati (“Jewish/Freemasonic/Occultic elite”).

Hypothesis #208: American intelligence agencies, in cooperation with German (DVD), British (MI5 and MI6), and Israeli (Mossad) and other intelligence agencies have for decades utilized mind control techniques to target and control the American people. The true enemy of these intelligence agencies, American and otherwise, is the innocent American civilian population.

Hypothesis #209: The mentality and certain of the structures of Hitler’s Third Reich have so infiltrated America (through secret societies, Operation Paperclip, etc.- ETK), that a repetition of the Nazi population reduction and control atrocities could be enacted here on a far larger scale.

7) Conclusions: All the above hypotheses are well documented and are entirely consistent with information presented throughout this series and hence, are confirmed.

9) The United Nations is the Trojan Horse of the International Conspiracy and the spearhead of the World Revolutionary Movement.

William Guy Carr, Pawns in the Game, 1954

Hypothesis #210: “The United Nations is the Trojan Horse of the International Conspiracy and the spearhead of the World Revolutionary Movement.”

9) Conclusion: Hypothesis #210 is abundantly confirmed in this series (in Part X in particular) and in numerous books cited herein. Reed (1956) identified the specifically Jewish nature of this “world instrument.”

10) With the above as context, let us consider some possibly pertinent statements of residents in the Crestone/Baca area. Our purpose, again, is to try to determine if, indeed, “the Baca Grande (“giant cow”) is the Vatican City of the New World Order.”

The following are statements (or paraphrases of statements) and email communiqués made/sent to this author and statements featured in a recent (2013) movie entitled, “The Flame; Searching For Gold In Crestone, Colorado.”  The hypotheses below will evaluate these statements.


a) Hanne Strong (from Denmark), Manitou Foundation co-founder (“The Flame,” 2013):

“I went up in the mountains and meditated for four days and four nights. Then I was told by spirit, “you are not leaving until you get the map.” I said, “What map?” So I got a little piece of paper and… I drew pictures and put all the world religions in and (then) I was allowed to go. I was basically told that all the great spiritual traditions, the mystical traditions, not the business people, the cultures of the world, would gather here.

…. The old man stood outside the door and he said, “I’ve been waiting for you to arrive.” I said, “what?” Then he spent the next four days telling me everything that was going to happen here. All the great religions of the world would gather here. It was quite lively here. Aspen Institute received a large parcel of land. Aspen Institute was on the world map. And the kind of people that came in with the Aspen Institute….you know, (British Prime Minister James) Callahan, Bill Moyers, along with (Robert) McNamara who was Secretary of Defense, you know, endless incredible elders, you know we had seven (Navajo) sweat lodges up the stream, seven different tribes that would come in and run the healing lodges.”

(ETK note: Other locals tell a different version of this story in which “the old man” of the story is identified as “Preacher Bo.” According to two locals, Hanne Strong visited Preacher Bo, not the other way around. In this version, Preacher Bo did not make the predictions he is credited with. In fact, to Hanne’s disappointment, he predicted that her part in future dramas here would be minimal. Thus, one of the very foundational myths behind the creation of “The Valley of the Refuge of World Refuge Truths” may simply be a fabrication. The local version of this story has it that Preacher Bo was found dead at the bottom of a mine shaft near the Valley View Hot Springs. However, many other Crestone/Baca residents also commonly refer to “Spirit” as if in communication with such.)

b) Michael Bertin, Architect for Dharma Ocean Buddhist retreat center, from “The Flame” (2013):

(Crestone/Baca) is a profound power spot on the planet. And it seems to draw in this energy. We could say Hanne’s vision created these spiritual centers but I go and say that the mountains called Hanne here to do that.”

c) Paraphrase of Maurice Strong (Canadian, United Nations potentate, Committee of 300, billionaire capitalist, MI6, then-owner of Baca Ranch) to one of his employees in Crestone/Baca in late 1970’s (from the Crestone “rumor mill”):

We want you to look like you are selling real estate, but we don’t really want people to come here.”

d) Local resident, Marvin Mattis, comment to this author when I moved to Crestone/Baca full time in 2011:

“We don’t want people to move here and live here full time.”

e) Crestone/Baca realtor’s (Jillian Klarl) remark to a prospective home buyer in 2013, as reported to another realtor (W.E.) by the prospective home buyer:

“We want you to buy homes and land and invest here but we don’t want people to live here year round.”

f) Baca resident (Janey Thomas), 2014:

“When I moved here, I was told that I could live here if I didn’t make waves.”

g) Overheard remark by British Buddhist, Mark Elliot, to Danish Head of Manitou Foundation Hanne Strong at a local café in the mid-1990’s:

“Mr. and Mrs. X” (people’s names) are moving to Crestone/Baca. They are “the sort of people we want.”

h) Former Baca resident, (E.M.), 2012:

“When the Strongs took over AZL (Arizona Land and Cattle Corporation), they should have stopped “development.” They did stop development to a certain extent. Hanne still thinks she owns all the land and water. And then there are a surprising number of “poor Hanne-ites.” Maybe they think she will give them money. NOT! Baca is still a “company town.”

i) Hanne Strong (from Denmark, “The Flame,” 2013):

“You have to do “the work.” And everything is amplified by the energy here. So it helps you with your retreat. And most people, you know, if they do not do their spiritual work… you better take a hike out to the road and get out of here.”

j) Cheyenne Mendel, Crestone acupuncturist (from “The Flame”):

“Crestone is a vortex. And it used to be that the “crown chakra of the planet” was in India. And now it’s in Crestone. And people just get brought in here. They just kind of get sucked in here. And there’s a saying here: ‘You either get embraced by Crestone or you get spit out.”

k) Local resident or visitor in Moffat, CO, 2014:

“A New World Order needs a New World Religion.”

l) Resident of Saguache, Colorado, Peter Horn, in 1994:

“The CIA is very interested in (Crestone/Baca).

m) Baca resident (Sue Vaughan), ca. 2004:

You can’t throw a stick around here (Crestone/Baca) without hitting a “change agent” (aka spy).”

n) Martin Maccauley, Scottish/Baca politico and probable “change agent” in a second hand comment reported to this author by two sources:

“The most important thing is to keep things stirred up.”

o) FBI counter-intelligence expert on NPR radio interview, May, 2013:

“You can’t trust anybody if you live in a “targeted community.””

p) Long-term visitor to Crestone and possible “change agent” (Bruce Polock) 2013:

“Crestone/Baca is a “continuity of government” site.”

q) Local Baca resident and medical professional (Marcia Huested):

“Crestone/Baca has the highest percentage of mental illness I’ve ever seen.”

r) Visitor, observer (possible ”Change agent”/ “fifth-columnist”/spy?) in Crestone (Bruce Polock), 2013:

“Crestone/Baca is an open-range asylum.”

s) Crestone local at grocery store (Helena Wright), 2013:

“All the crazy people around here?! Holy Crap!”

t) Visitor/observer/agent(?) in Crestone, 2013, (Bruce Polock):

“Most people around here are afraid to come out of their houses.”

u) Baca resident, 2012 (Sue Vaughan, whose father was a 32nd degree Mason):

“Jews created the world.”

v) Visitor/observer/agent(?) in Crestone, 2013 (Bruce Polock)

“Judaism is a magical cult. Jesus came to set them straight.”

w) Ex-Baca resident, (apocalyptic) predictions made to this author in successive years (Woodora Eisenhower.):

“Don’t go back to California. California will be completely destroyed by earth changes before the end of this year.”

x) Ex-Baca dome builder at community meeting in mid-1990’s (“Avalon”).

“We’ve got to save the children (in the coming apocalyse).”

y) Several Baca area residents in the past several months: (10/14 to 1/1/15) (D.R., B.M., and resident of Moffat):

“A financial meltdown will occur in the next (month, year). California has been completely destroyed.”

z) Several Baca area residents (Sue Vaughan, “UPS Dave,” Sandy, books by Chris O’Brien on “The Mysterious Valley”):

“I have seen/encountered UFOs.”

2-a) Several Baca residents and locals over the past 15 years (including Kate Steichan and Paul Shippee):

I am enlightened.”

2-b) Various local residents, 2014:

“I am god/We are gods.”

2-c) Bobbie Troutman, late, former Crestone/Baca resident artist and sacred architecture builder, with a huge grin after taking shamanic/ayuhuasca (hallucinogenic drug) trip to Peru, shortly before he died, about 2004:

“Enlightenment! It is just chemical!”

2-d) Local Baca resident/Charismatic Christian (J.T.), 2013:

“God told me directly: “I want that Valley” (referring to the San Luis Valley.)”

2-e) Paraphrase of Baca property owner who had changed her name four times (most recently, Aurielle Xanthia Andhara), ca. 2008:

“I died and came back to life. It was unbelievably painful and difficult to learn to speak and use my body again!”

2-f) Avowed mind-control victim of Jewish parentage who says he was implanted in his youth and is constantly harassed by microwaves, Crestone visitor (Alan Landis), 2012:

“They make psychopaths.”

2-g) Several locals claim they suffer from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) (Tessa Bielecki., B.B.).

2-h) Crestonian, now an ex-Baca resident, 2014 (Woodora Eisenhower):

“I’m afraid that “a shooter” might do something crazy here.

2-i) Anonymous email message to the author, 2008:

“Are you going to stay in “Illuminativille?”

2-j) William Howell, one of many self-proclaimed gurus in Crestone, speaking at a post-9/11 community meeting, 2001:

“The Hindu god, x, teaches that sometimes you have to do evil in order to do good.”

2-k) K.G., Baca resident, 2014:

“We all know that the earth is heating up.”

2-l) Ruth Pulver, long-time Baca resident from Switzerland, speaking to this author, 014:

“Now Crestone is going to take you down.”

2-m) Sue Vaughan, Baca resident, speaking to this author, 2014:

“You can’t criticize Jews or even use that word. That’s why no one around here wants to know you.”

2-n) Dr. Holly Hector, Ph.D. psychologist and author of book about Satanism:

“If there is Satanism going on in your community, you probably don’t understand over 1% of what’s going on there.”

2-o) Ex-Baca resident, 2014 (Kiffany):

“I couldn’t stand the enormous spiritual hypocrisy of that place. That’s what drove me out of there.”

2-p) Ex-Baca resident (Kiffany), 2014:

“Laurance Rockefeller was paying my sister-in-law, a psychic in Crestone, to channel a spirit guide for him.”

2-q) Ex-Baca resident (Kiffany), 2014:

“(UFO researcher) Christopher O’Brien’s computer was wiped clean by a beautiful blonde who appeared briefly in Crestone and who (briefly) fulfilled his wildest dreams.”

2-r) Baca resident employee at Crestone Mart, Jessie, 2015:

“Some local “conspiracy nut” told me they were spraying clouds in the sky and that he is sick from mercury poisoning.”

2-s) Baca resident, 2015:

(Re: the aerial spraying/persistent contrails/chemtrails)- “I prefer not to let that be my reality.”

(The movie, “The Flame, Finding Gold in Crestone, Colorado” (2013) features interviews with members of the following Crestone/Baca spiritual centers:

1) Haitakhandi Universal Ashram (neo-Hindu);
2) Sacred Passage, the Way of Nature Fellowship;
3) Dharma Ocean (meditative practice center of Great Tibetan Buddhist Chogyam Trunpa Rinpoche),
4) Home of the Singing Stone (Native American Church),
5) Shumei International Institute (New Religious Movement from Japan, “it’s mission is to help people people of the world realize they are world citizens”),
6) Shakti Sharanam (an Ashtanga yoga meditation and retreat center dedicated to “sustainable living”),
7) Vajra Vidya (Tibetan Buddhist Temple), The Ziggurat (a Middle Eastern architectural structure/portal dedicated to the divine feminine)
8) Carmelite Catholic Spiritual Life Institute of America (Nada Hermitage Retreat Center)
9) Chamma Ling Bon Tradition (Tibet’s Oldest Spiritual Tradition)
10) Crestone End of Life Project (a non-denominational, community based group promoting informed end-of-life choices)

Perhaps ominously, the epigraph quote in the movie is: “The only alternative to co-existence is co-destruction.” (Jawaharial Nehru, 1954).)

Comments 2-q through 2-x are from “The Flame” interviews with local spiritual group members:

2-t) Ramloti, Primary Teacher, Haitakhandi Universal Ashram:

“Babaji (Our guru, Haitakhan Indian saint and physical embodiment of the divine feminine) said that the new kingdom begins here. He was speaking about the Ashram in India. But I feel differently. That this is where the new kingdom of justice and love and compassion begins. I honestly believe that’s happening and that it will begin from this place.”

2-u) Chris Long, Roadman and Yuwipi Man, Home of the Singing Stone:

“We facilitate the Native American Church teepee meetings…. so we do half moon ceremony using the seven arrows. It honors the divine feminine. As a roadman, of course, I’m there to set the stage for the spirits to do “the work.” During the ceremonies I act as kind of a referee… I make sure I stay out of the way and let the spirits do their work. (As the film shows the ceremony in progress, the roadman states): “So this is the Grandfather Peyote, just bless yourself with that.”

So as a Yuwipi man, my hands would be tied together behind my back, my fingers would be tied together, and I would be wrapped up in a special scarf quilt, in a blanket, and tied up seven times and placed face down in the middle of this Hotchuka, the rectangle, and the lights would be extinguished. So the spirits enter the room as the singing begins. So the singers sing very loudly and very specific songs to call the spirits. So the spirits come from very far distances so we have offerings there for them. So it’s their task to heal the patient or to find the lost or stolen objects. So they begin by shaking rattles or moving objects about the room. We use round rocks that we call Yuwipi rocks- and so specific spirits come to move the rocks around and they usually light up and a lot of times they move a lot of other things out and around through the room, even people.

On the vision quest, you’re up there by yourself without food and water. You’re there to get a message from the spirits, that’s the bottom line. I’ve learned I need to dedicate my life to the spiritual path. That means I need to be a sacrifice for the whole world, for consciousness, for sentient and insentient beings, to really be able to lay myself down for the spirits.”

2-v) Alan Imai Sensai, Director: Shumei International Institute (Japanese):

“One of the core activities of Shumei is giving and receiving Jorei. It’s a very simple technique, takes about 5 minutes, using our hands and the focus on the person’s head or top of the head. They receive light from God or higher source and both giver and receiver are purified.

When I first went to Kobe Center, I was introduced to a lady, her name is Mrs. Okada, and this Sensai, without knowing anything about Shumei philosophy, I was sitting in front of her, greeting her. In that moment, something very warm, invisible, an energy, came out of her.”

2-w) Moira Forsyth, Shumei International Institute:

“Shumei’s philosophy as I understand it is around creating a harmonious peaceful world in which we all take on the responsibilities of world citizenship and in that take on this responsibility we connect with one another in a very loving, caring, sustainable way.”

2-x) Matthew Crowley, Baca Manager, Shumei International Institute:

“On the level of vision, our founder, Mokichi Okada, foresaw a future that, through the three fundamental tenants of our philosophy; natural agriculture, art and Jorei, that Shumei would help bring about a world free of poverty and strife, heaven on earth, if you will. So on a visionary level that is clearly what we are working toward.

We’re beginning to really ask the question: Is there something here that can benefit the world? And to me, simply all these people with different beliefs, different traditions getting along with each other is a profoundly important thing in the world.”

2-y) Geshe Denma Gyaltsen, Chamma Ling, (Tibetan) Bon Tradition:

“…. Also, we give three sweets, sugar, honey, burnt sugar, also three white ones, yogurt, butter, and milk…. we are giving to countryside deity.”

2-z) Peter May, Member, Chamma Ling Council:

“The Three Doors takes the most quintessential parts that the Western person could connect with of Dzogchen and Tantra and presents them in this Three Doors format. And through that format, it’s based on the 18,000 year-old teachings of the Yungdrung Bon tradition and makes it available to the Western person. In a very, very personal way, and as Tenzing Wangyal Rinpoche would say, you know, we often say when I get enlightened it’s all going to be good, well, in the meantime, what’s going to happen? And so these teachings are designed to make your life better.

Oftentimes you’re guided to connect with the nature of mind while you are doing the so-called shamanistic practices. And I think that’s for a number of reasons. One is to protect yourself. Because you don’t want to hurt yourself or anyone else. And two, so you can have the most perfect thing happen with the assistance of divine energy.”

3-a) Gerry Heikes, Caretaker, Chamma Ling Retreat Center:

“We recognize that there are sentient beings all around us. There are beings that live within the roots of a tree or under a rock. We respect the earth itself because that’s their home. So we try not to violate that without asking for permission. So a lot of times, it resembles what we are familiar with, called Shamanism.”

The following are collected and composite internet comments from community members:

3-b) Christine Chandler, former Baca activist, ex-psyhologist, ex-Buddhist, ex-Baca resident, and author of “Entralled: The Guru Cult of Tibetan Buddhism,” (2012):

“I have come to believe that Crestone is an umbrella “Utopian Cult,” with many New Age cults subsumed under this umbrella cult… (Officially, we are) a “special spiritual community of harmony and bliss” (important for the tourist industry)… and groups in the “Crestone Spiritual Alliance’… are all working together. We are the petri-dish of cults in America… (Meanwhile), the Baca citizenry would rather let a small group hijack all Baca assets and property and, eventually the citizen’s property taxes in perpetuity, than be seen as confrontational or aggressive or ‘not nice and kind” at all times……

Studies have shown that as ‘cognitive dissonance” gets more extreme (in this case, the cognitive dissonance of ‘what is the reality of Crestone and what is the fantasy?’), then people in cult-like situations actually go into greater denial about the facts of the situation to maintain their fantasy “at all costs.” They also would rather blame the messengers rather than deal with the pain of the reality of what is happening. This will happen (again) as (our) history will be subsumed again into the fantasy of Crestone being a ‘utopia.” I would imagine this cognitive-dissonance-denial cycle has occurred many times here. It has enabled the Baca to remain the ‘cash cow” for the rest of Saguache County and the Town of Crestone. They definitely don’t want the Baca to wake up and protest being the cash cow forever. The powers in control will do everything in their power to ensure the status quo remains the same.

The only thing that would have stopped this hijacking of our property (and eventually our property taxes) by the systematic collusion of this co-opted POA Board, the town of Crestone, Saguache County, and the (proposed special) Fire District would have been righteous outrage. If ever there was a time for legitimate ‘righteous outrage” it was this time. This window is almost past, and will seal over. Then there will be no chance to protest any more. There will be a choice to leave or stay in a community that would rather live in a fantasy reality, a bubble of willful narcissistic withdrawal, calling this ‘spirituality,” than actively participating in saving our democracy.

Crestone/Baca is fast solidifying into a New Age theocracy, surrounded by the most corrupt governmental bodies, with the most passive citizenry, in the state of Colorado, perhaps in the nation. (This pattern is) aiding and abetting the downfall of our liberal classical democratic values, (even) while (we are) maintaining the pretense that we are ‘liberal and open” and an “unusually spiritual community.” And while doing this, Crestone is fast becoming the model for corporate-entity takeovers and how to ‘manufacture consent” by inculcating ‘sheepdom’ on a whole populace in the name of a pseudo-harmony as a religious/spiritual value, (even) while modeling how easy it can be to corporatize our government, one village at a time.

A real community, spiritual or otherwise, is willing to allow informed dissent. In fact, all healthy systems allow and encourage alternative views of reality; they are open to opposition. The group supporting this (proposed CresD) Fire District has been closed to all feedback and has prevented it from the beginning. Their enablers included the County Commissioners of Saguache, that ignored the criteria for forming a district, the Judge who ignored that the County Commissioners did not do their job with due diligence, and the POA (Property Owners Association) Board, that is ignoring the fact that property owners voted not to transfer the assets or to fund this district. In other words, this Pro-Fire District group simply “ignores” all feedback and carries on to ‘contract” the property to get what they want, no matter what.

Once the (CresD) contract is signed, then of course it will be too late to dissolve it or stop this district from forming. The real financial suffering and pain of this will be felt, not right away, but probably in a few years, when the cost of living here will become too great for most people to continue to maintain their fantasies. The cost will be too high, even for the most die-hard fantasist here.

To those with the ability to think outside the ‘New Age love and harmony’ box, (those) intelligent persons who can still inform themselves about what is going on in this tiny town that has 51 non-profit, tax-exempt Churches or religious New Age and educational organizations: I REPEAT, (Crestone/Baca) has 51 tax exempt 501 3c organizations with assets of multi-millions, and income in the millions, that are ‘tax exempt.” For every 15 people in Crestone/Baca, there is one non-profit church or religious or educational organization that pays no taxes to Saguache, or dues to the POA. And many of them take all their income and send it overseas, keeping this (San Luis) Valley dirt poor. Millions and millions of dollars of taxes not going to the Valley to benefit the citizens of the Valley. Take the time please to really look out on this Valley and really SEE the economic suffering that has resulted from this. But this benefit is not enough for some of these tax-exempt groups. They now want to control our government. Or as Matthew Crowley, representative of a local spiritual group-tax-exempt entity (Shumei International) says, in his recent email to the “Crestone Spiritual Alliance” group:

“One of the early ideas that arose when we entered the process of identifying what vitality means for the Crestone Spiritual Alliance was for us to consider being more involved in community issues, particularly as an example of consensus and to promote peaceful resolution. I feel the particular issue of the fire district became and important catalyst for the CSA, and in all of us understanding the importance of our decision making process and what authority we, as individuals who represent our groups, actually have and when a decision is one that requires a board of directors or other authority beyond our own to make. I for one am sincerely grateful for this important learning experience;” M. Crowley.

In other words, the (proposed CresD) Fire District was only an experiment, to him and others, in how much control they had over other boards of directors or other authorities beyond their own. Glad it has been a ‘learning experience” for him.

Or Hamilton Brannon (President of the Board of the proposed Fire District) who has influenced the POA Board against our very covenants and bylaws, and who is encouraging this “peace and love moralizing fundamentalism” that wants to prevent any critical intelligence or independent thinking. Religious groups here are actively interfering in the democratic process and trying to override the elections and support an illegal contract to hijack our property. H. Brannon (is also) a director of another tax-exempt organization (SUBUD), that pays no taxes or POA dues. Many of (these groups) have been growing exponentially in influence, thanks to co-opting of the rest of the ‘spiritual centers” who were here to practice, NOT to be involved in politics as a New Age theocracy (that) controls the Baca.

This co-opted POA Board has ignored the membership and the general vote and ARE IGNORING THE ELECTION PROCESS AND ITS OUTCOME (in order) to hijack, with an illegal contract, millions in our assets and property to fund this unneeded district.

For those of you who still believe in liberal democratic principles and do not want a New Age Theocracy informing and controlling our governmental bodies here, and those who still believe in the separation of Church and State: A phoney-crony cabal has spread their version of moralizing peace and love (here), and (meanwhile) special interest groups control our governmental bodies, and are making ALL decisions for us now, exerting their power and influence, despite how we VOTED. If we continue to remain ignorant and apathetic and too lazy to deserve a representative government in the Valley and (if we) don’t mind this place becoming a New Age theocracy, where all dissent, critical thinking and opposition has been censored and where consent has been ‘manufactured,” then we deserve what we get.”

3-c) From e-mail correspondence from concerned activist/citizens and ex-citizens of Crestone/Baca and Saguache County, Colorado, 2012 and 2013:

Christine Chandler: “I think there are several components at work with the cults…. a main one is to separate oneself from one’s individual and cultural identity, through manipulation, abuse, dissociation (extensive meditation, re-programming, recitation of nonsensical words), etc. This is what I see happening wholesale here in Crestone….. and it just about happened to me and you! But now hopefully, we, and other North Americans who are ex-Tibetan Buddhists, are back in our bodies, our country, our century and our culture and are able to see the pernicious aspect of these cults that would like to separate us from our identities and our money….. (and then, presumably, swipe all the resources, etc.)

One can see much more clearly when one is free from cult city and its influences. Crestone is on the road to serfdom. There will be no ‘middle class’ left, just as Agenda 21’s goal is to destroy the middle class, no middle class person will be able to afford the taxes and fees that these (special) districts will create, to get you out of your houses, at very low prices, so the wealthy ‘illuminati’ and their world wisdom council can come and enjoy the scenery a few weeks a year.

Crestone is the Petri-Dish of Cults being used as ‘thought reform’ in a little town, probably with the approval of the same people that brought us MKUltra (i.e., the CIA). They learned they don’t need drugs; they have the Lamas now as a front for “peace” and ‘social harmony” (it’s really working well in Crestone, isn’t it?) and other cult Hindu/Buddhist New Age groups, and how it works when they take over a whole group of people and make them passive, non-participating citizens. It would take every sane citizen there to rise up and fight that “Spiritual Alliance”…. (and) that is probably never going to happen.

If the C.I.A., through the ‘Mind-Life Institute,’ is conducting experiments and these Tibetan Rinpoches and the Dalai Lama and the psychology profession are deeply involved, then… I think we have found the vortex of the power configuration. (It is) the same one that is always configured in totalitarian states. You don’t need the ‘devil’ and demons to see the same loop, again and again. You always get the traditional religions to go along. I bet it was Catholic New Agers that got rid of the Pope because of the sexual abuse. Can you imagine what these New Ager Catholics, that so admire Tibetan Buddhism, would do if they knew that sexual abuse in all forms is much worse in Shangri-la (Tibet)?

It’s the POA (Property Owners Association) they want to destroy. If they destroy the POA, there is absolutely no local voice left.

These corrupt Buddhists and Buddhist teachers have hooked up with Theosophy, Agenda 21, and the whole panoply of the United Religious Initiative that is going to become the (new) World Religion. We can only hope that their long-standing sectarian fighting amongst themselves (because they all really believe that they are the best path to whatever) will cause them to devour each other.

People don’t realize that these Lamaist (Tibetan Buddhist) and Hindu groups do not have a concept of ‘separation of Church and State.’ They are all modeling a caste-system culture. The corruption due to these ‘guru’ influences has kept India mired in poverty for a millennium and more. And that is the culture that is being foisted on young people through seemingly innocent Hindu ‘yoga” and Tibetan Lamaist/Buddhist mediation centers. Tibetan Buddhism IS Hindustani Guru Worship and Sexual Tantra. It has nothing to do with what the Buddha taught. And they are trying, all of them, to destroy western values. They have had about 30 years to ‘infiltrate ‘ academia, the psychology profession, and the medical profession and fool them with this bullshit Lamaism posing as Buddhism, and with their Yoga Tantra Hinduism. All those ‘spiritual centers’ (in Crestone/Baca) are trying to destroy democracy in the San Luis Valley, and are instituting ‘communitarianism.’ These CULTS have brainwashed practically everyone in town.

To be fair, unless you were very strong, we were all made ‘crazy’ in Crestone…. being perfect, romantic idealists who came to Crestone, so person X’s and person Y’s craziness is their own style, but this Agenda 21 crowd wants to keep everyone disassociated, to a lesser or greater extent, in Crestone. Perhaps what you are experiencing with X and Y is years of disassociating?

Do you know how many people in Crestone are on the bandwagon of this New Age movement to make a living? Probably about 60% of the Baca/Crestone population. So you will never get them to bite the hand that feeds them.

Much of the ‘double binding’ that has gone on in the spiritual scenes here first prepared the way for acceptance of the extreme ‘double binding’ that is going on in the community as a whole. The secondary and tertiary double binding is also interesting, so that double binding occurs on many levels.

How do people deal with this double binding? They withdraw. Which is exactly what rats made crazy in double-binding situations do. I am surprised we are all not catatonic by now.

That is what is operating here for sure, and now these control agents, like J. Odea, can swoop in, and with little resistance turn the whole place into “accepting the unacceptable,” such as now giving up our freedom of speech, and our voting rights, and even promoting the POA itself to be dissolved! The POA (is) the last place where (we have) a citizens’ vote and an ability to recall a board. (And yet POA members) now accept the “delphiing” (Rand Corporation’s “Delphi Technique) without a whimper. It’s called “learned helplessness.” Because some of us here have already been programmed to be double-binded for decades.

The sad thing about this systems’ socio-cognitive programming, that has morphed now into mind control of whole groups, is that systems theory regarding groups was first used to help schizophrenics and their families and other ‘stuck systems.” Now the body of knowledge about groups that has accumulated over the last 60 years is used to put people to sleep.

Most who are supporting this Fire District and the ‘peace and love fantasy’ of Crestone (when it is really one of the most contentious, divisive places I have ever lived in) have come here with ‘sustainability as their religion.” And they have taken over all the other groups and inserted sustainability into these groups. The new BIG Agenda 21 person, who has moved here, and is taking over the Crestone Spiritual Alliance of 25 now is James O’Dea, (who) was director of the DC office of Amnesty International and past Director of the Noetic Sciences Institute. He is ”facilitating meetings” with the CSA-25, and it is all about how they can ‘insert themselves” into community and have control. He brags about how he is going to be involved in going to Rome and meeting with the Dalai Lama and influential people for the big planning of the GREAT SPIRITUAL PEACE AND HARMONY FASCIST MEETING! I wonder if this is the Club of Rome bunch meeting. So this James O’Dea is the representative here to really suppress and implement the plan with the help of the Spiritual 25.

The cognitive dissonance in Crestone/Baca will be profound. People here have built their whole lives around ‘sustainability,” they have been programmed for years, and this is their ‘religion.” This is, in fact, the new religion of the whole place, including all the so-called more traditional religions who have been totally co-opted into this greening of their minds and hearts.

Besides, this is the hidden industry here; just call yourself a ‘sustainability” organization and you will get a tax-exempt status. One in 15 people have a tax-exempt status because of getting aboard the sustainability train.

The only people in the religious contingency I have found who can be reached are those that were on a genuine spiritual path. Some of these people are outraged to see how the spiritual community has been co-opted by Shumei and all these green fanatics and their agenda.

This is a global movement of GAIA, a Hindustani/Brahmin movement of World Hindus. Crestone is a multi-Theocracy of cults that are running the town into the ground. They corrupt everyone, fool everyone who gets elected; and everyone becomes their puppets, either unwittingly or consciously. They are the power, and they will never let a democracy happen here.

Destroying Christianity (through New Age Christianity, idiots within the ‘liberal’ Christian Church, and the United Religious Initiative) is their goal because Christianity is the foundation of many of our western democratic values. So it has to go. Tibetan Lamaism and Hindu Guru worship is truly an evil influence on freedom and western values. While pretending to bring peace and harmony, they create chaos and disharmony everywhere they have influence. How could this NOT be so? Lamaism is the most evil of all of them. That is the foundation of all that is happening in Crestone, which is based on the Red Shambhala, the left-wing of Totalitarianism coming our way, and of all the corruption that is happening there. The rest of the New Age Hindu-based groups are small potatoes compared to the Dalai Lama and Company and their evil Tantric Lamaism…. Goldman Sachs is connected to Aspen Institute and to Colorado College, which IS Aspen Institute – Club of Rome. Goldman Sachs is all over the Tibetan Lama scene.

The dharma and meditation are good, (but) too much mediation, like anything, is not good. And (they are) using meditation and Dzogchen to lure in westerners who don’t want the lama trip and/or are SICK of the lama trip, and then (they) do a ‘classic bait and switch” so that they convince the students to take ‘samaya’ into vajrayana practices, which are NOT Dzogchen, but are used to create a mind-controlled slave, and a group of mind-controlled slaves, who then spend their whole lives working and giving their money and time to this Lamaist system to perpetrate its abuses and turn a blind eye to the abuses. Now they are in the ‘cult of lamaism” and ‘deity worship’ of these confused, neurotic lamas. And the lamas, I believe, are just ‘shills” of the labrangs or the regents and handler lamas of these tulkus, who are taken , often from poor families, as a son to be raised in this system. They had NO CHOICE. They are often sexually abused and the dirty little secret of the rampant sexual abuse in the monasteries is kept VERY SECRET. Thus, the young Kalu exposing it was almost murdered by his tutor, as he was NOT going to be a good little tulku shill for the monasteries.

There are some good things about Buddhism, but about 90% is not (good), and it is dangerous to critical intelligence and freedom…. When you start mixing Buddhism and Hinduism with politics it is ALWAYS disastrous. Hinduism has kept India in a Caste System. Buddhism creates an “Atomic-Bomb of Dumbing” tool to create passive citizens. I watched “They Call in Myanmar” last night, about Burma and its 48-year old dictatorship, and they are all DEVOTE BUDDHISTS. (ETK note: CIA spy and mind-control pioneer, Gregory Bateson, worked in Bhurma during WWII: See Part V). Really, they are devote Lamaists, passive people now, that are completely in a military dictatorship, turning away from this life to create a ‘better karma” in the next. Buddhism makes everything karma.

That is why it is such a perfect religion for these Globalist elitists! Because Buddhists will naturally and easily ‘blame themselves for “carbon footprint,’” because Buddhists blame themselves for everything that happens, never the social structure around it. Buddhism systematically makes people turn away from this world, to cope with the suffering, AND to perpetuate it because it makes passive populations. Look at Crestone. That’s why the social structure always gets worse when it is a Buddhist/Lamaist culture. Whether it be Theravadin (So. East Asian, N. Korea, Pol Pot’s Cambodia), Tibetan Lamaism, or Zen Buddhism, it nicely fits with Fascism and creates poverty around it.

They are so brainwashed in Crestone, that even the lesbians don’t blink when they read (about) this sexual abuse by these lamas. Many lesbians have been sexually abused themselves. And you can bet that this whole stinking mess comes out of the sexual abuse in those monasteries. It is well known that those that are sexually abused as children will more than likely act it out. Usually men become the perpetrators, i.e. the pedophiles, and women become the victims. Lesbians in town (Crestone) like Tantric Buddhism; they think it gives them justification for free sexuality. They don’t know that it is a Trojan horse for women….

Dan Coleman, psychology darling of the right-wing neoliberal New Agers, and cult slave of various Tibetan Rinpoches and the Dalai Lama, was on the Board of the “Mind-Life Institute” and helped organize the first “Mind-Life Institute” gathering at M.I.T. The Mind-Life Institute is composed of those ‘academic and scientific professionals’ that are actually IN the cult of Lamaism. That is, many of them are students of this or that ‘rinpoche,’ which means they are mind-controlled slaves of these lamas, which means they are slaves to recruiting others into the cult of Lamaism and are lobbying for Tibetan Lamaism in every thing they do. They are in a CULT with authoritarian leaders who they totally believe are ‘living deities.” Those that cynically are in the group for their own power needs are sociopaths or psychopaths. It’s hard to separate these types of cult members. But most are ‘true believers,” as you can tell by looking at the ‘blissed-out faces” of Sharon Salzberg and Dan Coleman.

Why bother with drugs when you can have LAMAISM, a cult whose religio-politico propaganda kept the longest-lasting serf and slave system going right into the 21st century. And that has (now) converted the American Psychological Association, which is colluding in the cover-up of pedophiliac monks in Tibetan monasteries. THE PSYCHOLOGY PROFESSION has endorsed Buddhism. That is how powerful these lamas and their mind-control tactics are. They have a line-up of psychologists, anthropologists, and sociologists, the whole academic illuminati of soft sciences, that are leading science down the tubes, and into global tyranny. IDIOTS to a one, mind-controlled zombies supporting and endorsing black, while calling it white, these students of these Tibetan Lamas, who are still out in the world now recruiting people into their cult of Lamaism…

America is already far, far down the road to totalitarianism. They are going to prepare this Eco-Karmapa to be the Savior, the new ‘Avatar” to save the West. All these New Age Theosophists are ‘waiting ‘ for a ‘charismatic SAVIOR’ for their Gaia (earth) Religion, what a complete JOKE that they are going to choose the most repressive, misogynistic religion (that is) right up there with fundamental Muslimism. Talk about a Trojan Horse! It will be the ECO-KARMAPA! And when that Chinese Karmapa comes to Crestone? That will be the final takeover, I predict, and it will become a full-blown theocracy.

Who founded the Noetics Institute (where James O’Dea heralds from)? Paul N. Temple; another crank billionaire who made his money in oil, just like Maurice Strong. He is also heavily involved in “The Fellowship,” a crank organization of Christian fanatics who want to save the world. So we have a Japanese apocalyptic GOD cult (Shumei International), pretending to be an educational facility for sustainability, whose head cultist is manipulating the Crestone Spiritual Alliance of 25, who may or may not know that their new hero, James O’Dea, has connections to this” Fellowship” of Missionary Christian soldiers that has wanted a Global theocracy since the 40’s. And it has connections with the Noetics Institute that James O’Dea used to head up. Can there be a more willfully ignorant place than Crestone? I don’t think so.

It is the “Crestone Spiritual Alliance,” with the head honcho Hanne Strong/Manitou Foundation, that has been behind this Fire District from the beginning. It is why the County Commissioners ignored the ‘critical evidence’ of why to form a district or why to reject it…. i.e. criteria such as “does the area have the density to support a special fire district?” “Will it be of economic benefit to the community?” “Are the existing services adequate already?” These are all critical criteria in Title 32 having to do with Special Districts that should have caused the County Commissioners to immediately reject this District. (But) I doubt the County Commissioners have read Title 32, and the Judge who passed their decision on to the voters had a grave conflict of interest, since his son-in-law was to be on the Executive Board of the proposed Fire District.

So this group of ‘spiritual’ entities has their hands all over this unneeded district getting as far as it did. This is why they are determined to continue to brainwash the community with their ‘spiritual credentials” of harmony and peace, so that a majority in the Baca would just uncritically ‘accept” this District as a good thing. (The) Crestone Spiritual Alliance has been up at the Shumei Japanese-God-apocalyptic-cult that is on the U.N. Economic and Security Council. This is just one among thousands of ‘new religious movements’ that are deciding the world’s future. They sit around now and ‘dialogue” together about how they can go out and be ‘active peace ambassadors’ for saving the world and ending the sovereignty of our nation, destroying the electoral process, individual citizenship, and our rights to a healthy debate, by censoring us at our own property association meetings! The first thing the global utopianists want to do is destroy property rights and make a grab at our property. These people are all Global Corporate CAPITALISTS that want a Global Theocracy, writ big…. disguised as peace and love ambassadors.

Alice Bailey and her Lucis Trust (formerly Lucifer Publishing Company) saw the U.N. as the next world government. Barbara Marx Hubbard and David Icke are certainly part of this Theosophy belief system. We are experiencing it’s influence ‘on the ground” in Crestone. People here now believe that they are part of a new evolutionary shift and have been totally influenced by this ego-inflated b.s. by these ‘channelers,’ who, to me, are very weak people, not too bright, that are easily fooled by their own thoughts and perceptions. They are actually quite narcissistic and their spiritual path seems to be one of increasing ‘ego inflation” rather than the opposite. Because our educational system has been so ‘dumbed down” over the last 25 years or so, these are the new “gurus.” The new generation of spiritual seekers don’t seem very discriminating and prefer to have something spoon fed to them that inflates their egos (such as you are all GODS!). I believe that this ‘dumbing down” has been intentional; to bring us back to a more “magical and mystical, superstitious mind set” so we don’t use our critical intelligence anymore. Therefore we will easily accept a new world order, with Gaia (or the GOD of the Dominionists) as the one religion. Who knows who will win out. It seems like a toss up, and who is using whom?

The “ayahuoska” (hallucinogenic drug from South America) connection is also very interesting, as people who live in Crestone will tell you. Think Volunteer Fire Department (aka “Kundalini Fire Department”) and their delusions and their “ayahuoska”- influenced ego inflations and pushing this (new) Fire District on us. I remember thinking some of them on this fire department had become quite influenced by their taking this drug. And, our Mayor of Crestone, who, among his many career incarnations, was leading spiritual “ayahuoska-guided trips” to the land of the Shamans of the Amazon before he became Mayor. He was very open about that and was advertising his Shaman led trips in the Crestone Eagle. Then suddenly he runs for Mayor of Crestone, and since then, Crestone has become more aggressive and delusional. So all of this has made people open to being influenced by forces that they don’t understand and catapulted to the Middle Ages again into being more ‘interested” in superstition and magic belief systems, therefore more easily herded into neo-feudalism.

Here is Barbara (Marx Hubbard, Jewish New Ager, author, and member of “Earth First Battalion” of the U.S. Army) channeling “Christ:”

“It is like watching a cancer grow…Now, as we approach the quantum shift from creature-human to co-creative human—the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers—the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body. We have “Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to transcend…One-fourth is ready to so choose, given the example of one other…One-fourth is resistant to election. They are unattracted by life ever-evolving. One-fourth is destructive. They are born angry with God… They are defective seeds… There have always been defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a ‘natural death’…We, the elders, have been patiently waiting until the very last moment before the quantum transformation, to take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity, choice, dearly beloveds. Fortunately you, dearly beloveds, are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death. We come to bring death to those who are unable to know God…The riders of the pale horse are about to pass among you. Grim reapers, they will separate the wheat from the chaff. This is the most painful period in the history of humanity…” (From the “Revelation:, Barbara Marx Hubbard’s channeled guide streaming to her, her own interpretation.)

J. Odea was recently at the Unity Church in Portland. (Unity like the Institute of Noetic Sciences is also funded by the Fellowship). He can be heard in his talk extolling the word “Apocalypse” in a talk he gave. These people want an apocalypse to usher in a New World Order to cleanse out the Old (particularly those that don’t agree with their New World Order) and usher in the new. ( Go to archives to hear him waxing on about Apocalypse. These people WANT an apocalypse, they are hoping for it. They are no different than the apocalyptic Christians that are hoping for the ‘rapture”.

Shumei, a.k.a. Church of World Messianity sect (‘messianity’ should be a clue) is disguising itself as simply an ‘educational facility” for sustainability, but has been declared a cult by the French Parliament. They too believe that there will be an apocalypse that will usher in the New World Order of themselves as ‘seed people” i.e. those that are left that have been purified by the divine light. Those that don’t heed the call will be annihilated. They (Shumei) are calling themselves a ‘sustainability,’ natural organic farming community, but their real goal is to proselytize, particularly young people into their sect. They have had a very influential effect on the New Ageism frenzy recently in Crestone, even seducing the more traditional, non-proselytizing spiritual centers, into their ‘world plan of saving the world” and ushering in a new Dawn of Global Consciousness. Shumei’s ‘religion” is a mix of distorted Christianity, Buddhism and Shintoism. Shumei’s director has been hosting J. Odea in dialoguing sessions with the Crestone Spiritual Alliance and has been directing the CSA to become more “active” in interfering in the democratic processes here, and in stifling free expression and democratic debate. They were active in gagging the POA members from speaking at their own meetings, couching this in ‘bringing peace and harmony” to the meetings. They have been supporting this co-opted POA Board in breaking the covenants, breaking the Colorado Statutes and continuing to divide this community by forcing them to accept this District. Their agenda is not the District per se, but to usher in another entity where there is no more local control or democratic process in what happens in this community. Their propaganda has been to twist the truth, and use the rhetoric of ‘more local control” more community unity, when in fact their goal is the exact opposite. Democracy is considered a sin of pride by the Dominionists such as the Fellowship and the New Age Futurist globalists want to end national sovereignty, and the electoral process to usher in a global government. Democracy is to be replaced with ‘consensus building;” this is also a technique of Agenda 21, a way of getting groups of people to form a ‘consensus” with limited choices that channel all decisions into preconceived outcomes so that people only believe that they had a choice.

These Futurists who all had ‘visions” or have channeled guides are Utopianists, who believe that they are superior beings, avatars, who know best for the rest of us. That is why they affiliate with the powerful and the wealthy who also believe that they can rule the world. They are actually operating from a very narrow agenda while appearing ‘open,” peaceful, and benign, that is, until you disagree with them. Then you are demonized and dismissed as the ‘negative seeds”- the people that are at a lower level of awareness and have to be destroyed. They are pretending to be ecumenical but in reality are part of the United Religious Initiative which is an interfaith organization whose goal is One World Religion for all of us. This is a New Age ‘jihad” that includes amongst it’s members, Ted Turner, media mogul, George Soros, George Bush, Sun Jyung Moon, and The Fellowship. It is a ‘contingency ideology” of the globalist elitists to fool us into believing that this is about ‘peace and harmony” when it is about ‘control.” Just disagree with them and you will soon see how open they are.

Here is another very similar Utopianist view expressed by Adolf Hitler! People forget that most totalitarian movements are utopian at first to appeal to the masses:

“Creation is not finished. Man is clearly approaching a phase of metamorphosis. 
The earlier human species has already reached the stage of dying out….
All of the force of creation will be concentrated in a new species… 
[which] will surpass infinitely modern man…. 
 Do you understand now the profound meaning of our National Socialist movement?”

(Adolf Hitler, quoted by Hermann Rauschning, Hitler ma’a dit [Hitler Speaks] p.147, 
translated in The Occult and the Third Reich, Jean & Michel Angebert, p.178.)

I have been sleeping like a baby since I left (Crestone/Baca) and I don’t hear those underground, weird electronic sounds. I was sleep deprived for about 10 years.”

Hypothesis #212: In comment (211:a), Hanne Strong, co-founder of the Manitou Foundation, relates Crestone/Baca’s central modern myth: that “spirit” directed her to make a map of international spiritual centers in the Baca. If this is true, what was the nature of this “spirit?” Was it a “Hidden Master” as in a god/fallen angel/demon or was it a “Hidden Master” as in a human spiritual adept? Was it the “voice of God” or “V2K (voice to skull)” kind of “synthetic telepathy” of modern remote mind control microwaves? Or was it a human voice, as in that of her husband, Maurice Strong?

Hypothesis #213: (Comment a): Or was the central Crestone/Baca myth- that “spirit” told Hanne Strong “you are not leaving until you get the map” simply a lie; a fabrication to support the Crestone/Baca myth and cover story. In either event, numerous other Crestone/Baca residents commonly refer to “spirit.”

Hypothesis #214: (Comment a): An “old man” came to Hanne Strong when she arrived at the Baca ranch and directed her to invite spiritual groups from around the world to the Crestone/Baca area.

Hypothesis #215: (Community commentary on Comment a): Or was the “old man” actually Preacher Bo, whom Hanne approached and who informed Hanne that her mission was not central to the future of Baca, but rather that her role would be quite minor? In this case, then, the second foundational myth of Crestone/Baca is also a lie conjured for public consumption, i.e., a “cover story.”

Hypothesis #216: (Comment b): Crestone/Baca is a profound power spot on the planet. The special energy that permeates this place comes from “the mountain.”

Hypothesis #217: (Comment b): Alternatively, hypothesis #212 may simply be another New Age cover story; and the “special energy” that permeates Crestone/Baca may be related to a government-sponsored occult, mind control operation, such as Findhorn, Scotland (the so-called “Vatican City of the New Age Movement”) apparently was. Or there may be no special energy that permeates the place.

Hypothesis #218: Based on purported statements by Maurice Strong and other locals (comments c through g), there is a group, a self-described “we” that lives in Crestone/Baca that does not want certain types of others to live in Crestone/Baca. We can speculate that the “we” that wants to control Crestone/Baca consists of on-the-ground representatives of one of the core political/mystical groups/cults identified in this series that has directed the New Age “Plan” for centuries; that is, some combination of Jews, Kabbalists, theosophists, Freemasons, British/UN imperialists, Nazis, Illuminati, Satanists, myriad secret societies, New Age cadres and their minions, and/or the British/American/Israeli/German intelligence agencies and front groups, etc. that execute their bidding. Among the members of the on-the-ground-group that wants to make sure that Crestone/Baca is populated by the “right sort of people” and that others “don’t make waves” are Maurice and Hanne Strong, British Buddhist (and agent?) Mark Elliot, local Marv Mattis, and the realtor quoted above. Other members of the “local control team” are identified as well here. Scottish politico and probable agent, Martin McCauley’s, comment that “the important thing is to keep things stirred up” (and indeed, his activities and behavior) strongly suggests he is an “agent of influence” in Crestone/Baca. Others are identified elsewhere in this series.

Hypothesis #219: Alternatively, the “we” that wishes to control Crestone/Baca could represent a (paid/coerced?) group that represents a wealthy group of investors who wish to control the enormously valuable groundwater resource in the San Luis Valley. In this case, the “absentee overlords” could include wealthy individuals such as Strong, Rockefeller, Rothschild, etc., as well as their corporate affiliates, including corporations such as Goldman Sachs.

Hypothesis #220: The “we” in the above hypotheses that wishes to control Crestone/Baca may (also?) be doing so on behalf of “Ascended Masters,” “Hidden Masters,” i.e., that is, discarnate entities (demons).

Hypothesis #221: “The sort of people we want” (comment g) may include a mixture of: a) New Age “useful idiots” to be controlled, manipulated, screened, “possessed” (“Satanized”) and/or b) members of a wealthy, international ruling elite/secret society/cabal for whom Crestone/Baca is intended to provide cheap second, third, fourth homes, etc. for vacation or in the event of some (contrived future) international emergency. This latter possibility might explain the commonly advanced notion that Crestone/Baca is a “protected area” and a “Refuge of World Truths.”

Hypothesis #222: As per the second possibility identified in hypothesis #221: Several attempts to close Cottonwood Trail in recent years as well modern signage suggest that the Cottonwood Creek drainage is of particular importance to the elite. This may relate to Hanne Strong/Manitou Foundation’s proposed “Solar Village” or to the Manitou Institute and Conservatory goal of altering existing land use and laws in this part Saguache County as per Local UN Agenda 21. Another idea I’ve heard put forth in Crestone by a knowledgeable local, is the Cottonwood Creek might be a locale to be utilized by U.N. troops in the event of an American take-down. Finally, this drainage could have special significance for the execution of “Operation Falling Star”- i.e., “the Second Coming Plan the Masters Know and Serve.” The Ziggurat (portal) is located near the mouth of the Cottonwood Creek where flows across its alluvial fan to the plains.

Figure 2: No trespassing signs that may soon cut off all public access to Cottonwood Creek Trail and Cottonwood Creek watershed in the Sangre de Cristo Wilderness area.

Hypothesis #223: Comment (h) by a Baca property owner E.M. that “When the Strongs took over AZL (Arizona Land and Cattle Corporation), they should have stopped “development.” They did stop development to a certain extent,” suggests this individual was aware that a hidden elite agenda was being implemented which was not compatible with the development of a normal American town. Identifying the nature of this (these) agendas is, of course, the central question at issue in this research.

Hypothesis #224: Comment (h) also includes the insight that “Hanne still thinks she owns all the land and water.” Presumably this is due to Hanne’s association with Maurice Strong and the Manitou Foundation. Thus a key part of the elite’s hidden agenda for Crestone/Baca and the San Luis Valley relates to UN and/or private, foreign control of local resources, including our multi-trillion dollar aquifer.

Hypothesis #225: The same Baca property owner (comment h) observes that a) Baca is a (Manitou Foundation) “company town,” b) a surprising number of “poor Hanne-ites” in Crestone/Baca act on the premise that Hanne Strong will pay/give them money, and c) Hanne generally does not pay/give these “poor Hanne-ites” much or any money. This comment suggests that Hanne pays (bribes?) locals to do her bidding.

Hypothesis #226: In Comment i, Hanne Strong, co-foundress of the Manitou Foundation, states that a fundamental purpose of Crestone/Baca is that local residents do “the work.” She instructs/admonishes locals who do not do “the work” to “get out of here.” This comment indicates that Hanne Strong feels she owns/manages the Crestone/Baca community. We may postulate that “the work” involves: a) engagement with some spiritual practice, that b), for some, it involves gradually disengaging from their previous lives and identities and from local and global politics, and c) for others it might involve initiation into occultism, and re-programming of their identities through contact with Hidden Masters, and/or “theurgy,” i.e., summoning of and communication with disincarnate entities, possibly leading up to complete “possession.”

Hypothesis #227: Alternatively, “the work” may simply be a euphemism for unwitting participation in a top-secret government-sponsored, occult mind control program by committing to one or more spiritual paths.

Hypothesis #228: (Comments i and j): Thus, the commonly repeated statements that: 1) Crestone is a vortex and “crown chakra of the planet.” 2) “People get sucked in.” 3) “Crestone either embraces you or spits you out,” may be New Age parlance or a cover story used to conceal that Crestone/Baca is part of a military/intelligence mind control/remote viewing operation/experiment. The CIA-sponsored MKULTRA, STARGATE, and BLUEBEAM programs may be operating here. Or these programs may be antecedent programs to “Operation Baca.” The phrase “Crestone either sucks you in or spits you out,” may refer in some manner to manipulation of unwitting participants in the Crestone/Baca experiment who tend to be idealists/spiritual seekers/”the profrane” (i.e., non-Satanists). These kinds of manipulations maybe by exerted by imposing positive and negative rewards by on-the-ground-managers of Operation Crestone/Baca and/or via low- and high-tech mind control technologies, including gangstalking and electronic harassment (See Appendix 9).

Hypothesis #229: Comment k suggests that at least one local in Crestone/Baca, in this case an avowed Jew, is aware that a “New World Order needs a New World Religion” and that this New World Religion is being prepared in Crestone/Baca.

Hypothesis #230: As per comments by locals (l and m), the CIA is very interested in Crestone/Baca. Hence, it may be speculated that a) there are many “change agents” (aka spies) here and b) it is a “targeted town.” Based on information provided in this series, the list of groups that might be actually doing the spying is quite extensive. Chief among suspected groups, however, are Jews, British intelligence, the CIA and cooperating intelligence services, Freemasons, the United Nations, Nazis, and the New Age Movement; all of which have been shown to have common objectives and modus operandi. Also, Dewar (1995) revealed that Maurice Strong himself controlled a public-private spying operation that covered the continent of Africa in the 1970’s! Hence, a single billionaire could possibly underwrite most of the spying activity in Crestone/Baca.

Hypothesis #231: As per second hand comment (n), probable British change agent and covert “handler” of Crestone/Baca, Martin Macaulay, has stressed the importance of keeping things stirred up and chaotic in Crestone/Baca. One may speculate that the purpose of this kind of activity (at which this particular Scottish (probable) change agent excels) is to prevent and circumvent any genuine peace/spiritual advancement or sense of community that might occur and, of course, to maintain control of group perceptions and local politics. One may speculate that this individual is an agent of the British government (MI6?) and/or the United Nations and is a Scottish Rite Freemaso

(Macaulay currently serves on the Baca Water and Sanitation Board. In the fall of 2014, when I had agreed to run for the nonpaid position of POA (Property Owners Association) Bord of Diretorts, he wrote a letter to the local newspaper (Crestone Eagle) that attacked and defamed me and admonished Baca residents not to vote for me. His letter referred to me as “Dr. Karlstrom and Mr. Hyde,” and labeled me an “anti-semitic, conspiracy theorist.” The terms “anti-semitic” and “conspiracy theorist” are clearly pejorative phrases that are designed to stop rational thought and to impugn/insult anyone who dares to speak the truth (Appendix 11).

Here is McCAuley’s letter to the editor of the Crestone Eagle (Oct., 2014)

Dr. Karlstrom & Mr. Hyde

Dear Editor,

Eric Karlstrom, candidate for the POA board in the forthcoming election, may present himself well as an articulate, reasonable person. However, his public persona shields a quite different person in the blogosphere. A website of his, “9/11 New World Order”(, reveals the visage of an acolyte of most of the current conspiracy theories. These include: 9/11 was a hoax; Holocaust denial; man-caused climate change denial; and the threat of Agenda 21. Underlying many of these conspiracies are, Karlstrom claims, the forces of Jews acting covertly to enslave us (“I believe that behind the Buddhocracy in Crestone is the Judocracy of Crestone . . . and well, the world.”) See 12.September 22,2013:

Karlstrom in a blog writes about modern Judaism ritual blood sacrifice of humans and animals. See Part 9: From UFO Cults to 9/11:

Please check out these websites. This is not the stuff of someone we’d like to think of as our leader.

In shame,

Martin C Macaulay

By referring to me as “Dr. Karlstrom and Mr. Hide,” McCauley here tried to create the impression that I was crazy, schizophrenic, etc. (This is the age-old strategy that intelligence agencies and governments use to discredit “Targeted Individuals” “enemies of the state”, mind-control victims, etc. See my website Thus, it may be part of the on-the-ground agent’s job to try to reinforce the impression of insanity in a designated “enemy.” This incident, in particular, suggests that Macaulay was not only aware that I was a “targeted Individual,” he is shown to be complicit in the defamation/discreditation phase of my stalking!!!!!).

After reading my written reply to Macaulay’s letter in the November, 2014, Crestone Eagle, one community member congratulated me for “outing” Macaulay. Macaulay’s letter also suggests he is a key figure in Crestone/Baca’s self-appointed “managerial class” because it employs several familiar elite tactics, including mocking the truth and “shooting the messenger.” His attempt to ensure victory for the “local cabal’s” “approved” POA slate of candidates by discrediting me was successful. I lost the election and the cabal’s approved candidates won. The context for this POA election contest is that between October, 2013 and Oct. 2014, the local “cabal” lost control of the POA board. During that time, the “cabal” frequently packed the POA hall with more than 100 individuals of their choice. Their m.o. and apparent goal was to make the conducting of normal POA business impossible. After the October, 2014 election, after they had regained control of the POA board, the number of “cabal” members attending the board meetings dropped precipitously to just a handful. The point is, that if I had won the election, control of the POA would have remained out of their hands, so this could not be tolerated.

Here was my response to Macaulay’s letter in the November, Crestone Eagle:

Macaulay cabal

Dear Editor,

In response to Martin Macaulay’s attack on me (October 2014 Eagle): Martin and I agree on a couple things. We both prefer, though for different reasons, that I not be elected to the POA board. We both use words as our tools—though in different ways for different purposes. As a former professor of geography who has written many scientific papers for scholarly journals, I use words to educate; to discover and share truth. I follow Jefferson’s view that democracy only works when citizens are informed. Hence, please visit my websites (,, and and read some of my many articles posted there. In contrast, Martin uses words to smear, intimidate, inflame, manipulate, mislead, and scare . . . presumably in order to control, and perhaps, to fulfill unspecified political/intelligence agendas. This Scottish fellow already sits on our Water and Sanitation District Board. Why does he also presume to tell us how to vote in our POA election? And of the five candidates running, why does he single me out for attack?

My sense is that our POA and other local political bodies in Saguache County are either controlled by or else are relentlessly opposed by Martin Macaulay and his “team”/”cabal.” This group obstructs and manipulates our politics using an “anything goes” modus operandi. His letter is a case in point. It combines propaganda tactics of both the extreme right and extreme left; that is, respectively, applying the “politics of personal destruction” and censoring opposing views via enforcing “political correctness.” Our national politics have been hampered by similar operatives: Karl Rove (Bush’s Brain); Reagan’s attack dog, Roger Ailes (“I have two speeds: attack and destroy”); and Nixon’s dirty tricks specialist, Donald Segretti. Do these kinds of Machiavellian tactics have a place in a spiritual community? Buddhists teach: “The means are the ends.” Clearly, when all positive values are sacrificed so that the few can control the many, we are reduced to the law of the jungle (“might makes right”). If elected, then, I will try to serve the interests of the larger POA membership and restore a sense of fairness, civility, rationality, and professionalism to our POA

In a sense, Martin and I have a de facto wager going. He is betting, with history as his guide, that people can be cajoled, manipulated, fooled, and intimidated by propaganda and thereby subjugated by a determined, coordinated minority. As an American patriot who understands that “necessity is the mother of invention,” I am betting that citizens here will wake up and take back our “company town” from those who presume to control our destiny.

Dr. Eric Karlstrom

Hypothesis #232: Comment (o) was made by an FBI counter-intelligence agent on NPR radio: “You can’t trust anyone in a “targeted town.” For all the above potential reasons, we may speculate that Crestone/Baca is “targeted” by US counter-intelligence operations (FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.), British/UN/German/Israeli spies, or corporate spies, and therefore, has extreme importance in some top secret, possibly black, government/corporate/military intelligence programs..

Hypothesis #233: Comment p, to the effect that Crestone/Baca is a “continuity of government” site might explain the intense intelligence/spying activities that seems to be directed at our small community. ). As caveat to this hypothesis, the individual who made the commment, Bruce Polock, is himself a probable change agent/spy/visitor to Crestone who claims to have met David Rockefeller and to know Barbara Marx Hubbard amongst others. During his extended visit to Crestone/Baca (over a year), his main activity seemed to be hanging around the streets of Crestone, in restaurants, etc. and observing and/or talking to people. He volunteered this particular “information” (disinformation?) to me in a phone call which he initiated and during which he delivered a one-hour monologue of information (disinformation?).

Hypothesis #234: In statements q through 12-g locals and visitors suggest and seem to reveal that there is an unusually high incidence of mental illness/delusion in Crestone/Baca. For example, “Crestone/Baca has the highest incidence of mental illness I have ever seen;” “Crestone/Baca is an open-range asylum;” “All the crazy people around here?! Holy Crap!” and “Most people around here are afraid to come out of their houses,” etc.). This impression seems to be reinforced by numerous, seemingly grandiose and/or delusional comments that this author has heard from locals (comments u through 2-e). These include “Jews created the world,” “I have seen UFOs,” “I am enlightened;” “We are Gods,” “Enlightenment is just chemical!” “God told me directly: ‘I want that Valley’,” “California will be completely destroyed before the end of this year.” “We’ve got to save the children;” “There will be a complete financial meltdown this month,” “I died and came back to life;” “They make psychopaths” and “I have PTSD.” This hypothesis posits that Crestone/Baca has an unusually high incidence of mental illness and that the specific kind of mental illness here is often associated with spiritual delusions. Common themes in the above statements include 1) grandly inflated self-concept/spiritual egotism (I am enlightened, I am a god), 2) doomsday/millennial expectations, 3) perception of communication with spirits/UFOs, and 4) perception of being victimized (PTSD).

Hypothesis #235: An alternative explanation to hypothesis #234 is that the locals quoted above are not mentally ill per se. Rather, they have been brainwashed/mind controlled to believe propositions/religious scripts which those in the health professions and others might consider insane. Hence, hypothesis #235 is that each of these individuals is, in one way or another, a victim of some sort of orchestrated, intense brainwashing/religious mind control programming/demonic “possession” and that these kinds of programs and programming are part of “Operation Crestone/Baca.” We here speculatively refer to this/these program(s) informally as “Operation Crestone/Baca” or “MK-Crestone/Baca,” because it/they could be an extension of the CIA’s MKULTRA and remote viewing/UFO mind control experiments.

Hypothesis #236: If the above is correct, then comments q through t (and possibly u), in which it is asserted that Crestone/Bacans are crazy (“Crestone/Baca is an “open-range asylum)” may be coming from the “asylum guards,” the “on-the-ground operation managers,” so to speak. These on-the-ground-managers seem to commonly include Jewish “sayanim” and other “agents of influence.” We can speculate that they say these things to reinforce the perception that locals are crazy. If so, the individuals that made comments q through t are part of the group that oversees, manages, and controls perceptions in and of “Operation Crestone/Baca. “

Hypothesis #237: “Operation Crestone/Baca,” then, is, in part, designed to drive a target population “insane” via using mind control technologies, religious scripts, etc. The safeguard that protects the perpetrators/agents on the ground, of course, is that their group controls enough mental health and law enforcement professionals that victims of these programs can be labeled insane and then institutionalized.

Hypothesis #238: Thus, comment 2-e, to the effect that “I died and came back to life” may be viewed as the confession of a “walk-in” or alternatively:

Hypothesis #239: Comment 2-e may be viewed as a statement of someone who has been victimized (re-programmed) by mind control programs.

Hypothesis #240: Alternatively, comment 2-e could be regarded as a statement by an agent/on the ground manager who is trying to create the impression of insanity in order to create the impression that another individual (me, in this case) is crazy. Clearly, this issue bears further scrutiny.

Hypothesis #241: Comment 2-f, that “they make psychopaths” is a potentially valuable insight, as it comes from a man with Jewish parentage who claims to have been implanted in his youth (presumably with some version of Delgado’s “stimoceiver”) and to have been harassed by microwave radiation ever since. (Information presented in Part VI and following parts of this series also indicates that Kabbalistic Jews (see Stella Katz’ testimony), the Illuminati, and government spychiatrists all place a very high priority on and possess the technologies to create psychopaths.) As per the range of possibilities expressed in hypotheses 239 through 241, this individual’s claims may or may not be true.

Hypothesis #242: Various mind control techniques/experiments/operations may be being applied to our community as the means to help accomplish other objectives, including population reduction in Crestone/Baca, to help implement:

a) secret “continuity of government” plans,
b) Agenda 21 goals of removing of humans rural areas to “habitat zones” and preserving wilderness status of core areas as per the Wildlands Project, etc.
c) removal of undesirables (regular American citizens) so as to create a “safe area” for elites in the event of national or international emergency. This latter may relate to H. Strong’s proposed “Solar Village” in the Cottonwood Creek drainage.
d) formulation of the syncretic “New World Religion,” aka “lostness of the mind,” “collective consciousness”/communitarian “hive mind” as per testimony of George W. Hunt in Part XI.
e) other kinds of mind control/cult experiments.
f) worst case scenario: usher in the “Black Awakening”/Operation “Falling Star”/demonic invasion/return of the anti-christ as per the Biblical “Armageddon script” (Appendices 12 and 13). This would entail mass genocide of over half of the human race.

Hypothesis #243: As per comment 2-i, Crestone/Baca is so heavily infiltrated by Illuminati figures and operatives that it can accurately be described as “Illuminativille.”

Hypothesis #244: Comment 2-j, made by one of Crestone/Baca’s many self-appointed gurus to assuage the concerns of local residents at a community meeting following the 9/11 attacks, exhibits several features possibly related to “Operation Crestone/Baca:” 1) the speaker claimed spiritual authority and special esoteric wisdom/insight to prevent local residents from actually trying to do or learn something about the 9/11 terrorist attacks, 2) the speaker exhibited “double-mindedness,” that is, one must do evil to do good, 3) the speaker was evidently encouraging his listeners to also adopt a double-minded worldview and thereby, to stay dissociated.

Hypothesis #245: (comment 2-k): Another aspect of “catapulting the propaganda,” to use George W. Bush’s phrase, is to have agents on the ground reinforce “official” cover story myths to the effect that “the earth is heating up,” “Osama bin Laden carried out 9/11” or a host of other officially contrived cover stories at street level. This hypothesis can be broken down to two hypotheses: Hypothesis #245 would be that these individuals are “catapulting the propaganda” because they are part of the local on-the-ground-management group. In this case the phrase consists locally purveyed “disinformation.” Alternatively:

Hypothesis #246: These individuals may be innocently repeating the prevailing cultural myths, in which case they are passing on “misinformation.”

Hypothesis #247: Comment 2-l, made to me over the phone, to the effect that “Crestone is now going to take you down,” indicates this individual has insider knowledge of how and why the Crestone community can and does destroy local dissent and dissenters. Since until that time, I believed I was on friendly terms with this individual, it may be postulated that the (occult) m.o. in Crestone involves having perceived friends become your foes or at least, warn you of impending destruction. This introduces the concept, reality, potentially harmful impact of “frenemies,” or “false friends”. It also supports comment o (hypothesis 232) that posits that you can’t trust anyone if you live in a “targeted town.”

Hypothesis #248: Comment 2-m (that “nobody” in Crestone wants to know me,” that is, the author, because of my research/remarks re: Jews), was made by another person that I thought was a friend. This dynamic reinforces Hypothesis #247 above. It also suggests that for many locals, and many in our culture, the issue of “the Jews” is the single issue that one cannot broach. In other words, the local power structure absolutely forbids political debate and action that relates to this, and only this issue. This hypothesis also supports comment hypothesis #232 that “you can’t trust anyone if you live in a targeted town.”

Hypothesis #249: (Comment 2-n): The Illuminati (“The Order of Death”) and their many spin-off organizations are Satanic/Luciferian, We may therefore postulate that the religious system that underlies Crestone/Baca is Judaism/Satanism. This expert on Satanism posits that: “If Satanism is occurring here, non-Satanists probably don’t understand over 1% of what’s going on.

Hypothesis #250: As per comment 2-l, the obvious and overwhelming spiritual hypocrisy in Crestone/Baca result from the fact that the hidden goals/objectives/modus operandi of this community, as steered by intelligence agencies, the UN, and other entities, are fundamentally at odds with those publically advertized by (false front) spiritual groups. This dynamic in and of itself can cause dissociation, denial, withdrawal, and possibly schizophrenia, based on comments below of a psychologist who is an ex-resident.

Hypothesis #251: As one ex-local claims (comment 2-p), the billionaire, Laurance Rockefeller, who financially contributed to the Manitou Foundation and various spiritual groups in Crestone/Baca (and thereby, “Operation Crestone/Baca?”) paid a psychic here to contact a “spirit guide” and channel information from the spirit guide(s) to him. This is an example of the practice of theurgy.

Hypothesis #252: (Comment 2-q): This vignette, told to this author by a former Baca resident, relates that UFO researcher and former Baca resident, Christopher O’Brien, met a beautiful woman who suddenly appeared in our small Crestone/Baca town, and just happened to fit his ideal of female perfection. Apparently, she quickly made herself available to him and soon thereafter, while in his home alone, wiped his computer clean and then disappeared. “Spooky” coincidences like this are common in Crestone/Baca and suggest that spies (“spooks”) operate here with impunity and regularity. This lends credibility to the term and concept; “Operation Crestone/Baca.”

Hypothesis #253: In comment 2-r, a local dismisses the chemtrails hypothesis as “conspiracy” and a local who claimed that he was suffering from the effects of chemtrails as a “conspiracy nut.” This is the same technique that Martin McCauley used in his letter to the Eagle (Oct., 2014) in that it tries to discredit (i.e., shoot) the messenger. We may speculate that on-the-ground agents work hard in Crestone/Baca to denigrate “conspiracies” and “conspiracy-nuts” so as to maintain the false reality construct that has been constructed here and in America and the world at large by intelligence agencies.

Hypothesis #254: (Comment 2-s): Part of the “magical thinking” that pervades Crestone/Baca is that we can all choose our own reality. There may be some element of truth to this. However, the statement, “I prefer not to let (chemtrails) be my reality” is delusional in the sense that many things, and many harmful things, exist, whether or not we want them to exist. The person who made this statement disregards objective reality with mistaken idea that reality is subjective.

Hypothesis #255: As per comment 2-t, Babaji, the late guru of the Haitakhandi Universal Ashram (Hindu) and representative of the divine mother, is thought to herald a new kingdom of justice and love and compassion, i.e., utopia on earth. (Babaji is also purported to have entered and left his body at different times in his adult life.) We may speculate that many spiritual seekers in Crestone/Baca are dedicated to helping realize this utopian vision and that this utopian vision might provide a “cover story” that conceals the implementation of entirely different missions here.

Hypothesis #256: Comment 2-u: The Native American Church is maintained in the Baca by Caucasian Americans who run the “Home of the Singing Stone” and conduct rituals that honor the divine feminine. During rituals and ceremonies, members imbibe the hallucinogenic drug, peyote, and summon spirits (“theurgy”). “Spirits” come “from very far distances” and heal, move rocks and other objects, make rocks glow, and give messages to members of this group. Hence, not only are channeling and “theurgy” ritualistically practiced in the Baca, but members of this group regard the relaying of messages from the spirit world to the collective human consciousness as their primary “work.”

Hypothesis #257: Comment 2-v: Alan Imai Sensai, director of Shumei International Institute, reports having received “something very warm, invisible, an energy” from the Mrs. Mokichi Okada, leader of Shumei International Institute. We may hypothesize that this energy was/is spiritual/psychic in nature and that Mrs. Okada may be one of the “Hidden” or “Ascended Masters” who is capable of influencing the minds of disciples with her mind. The invisible (“magnetic”?) energy could be the “serpent/kundalini” energy that Hidden Masters use to connect with their disciples, as per Stoddard (1936).

Hypothesis #258: We may further speculate that this “magnetic” kundalini serpent energy is the real nature of the special Crestone/Baca energy that is often attributed to the mountain. Alernatively, the special Crestone/Baca energy may be generated by electronic/psychotronic weapons as perhaps was common at Findhorn community in Scotland, the so-called “Vataicn City of the New Age Movement.”. (Comment b and hypothesis #209).

Hypothesis #259: If hypothesis #259 is correct, we may speculate that “the work” to which Hanne Strong refers in comment I (hypothesis 227) is to meditate/do yoga/pursue some spiritual practice in order to help arouse the kundalini energy that makes “possession” of disciples’ minds by Hidden Masters possible, as per the discussion by Stoddard above.

Hypothesis #260: Comments 2-w and 2-x: Members of Shumei International Institute, including Morya Forsyth and Matthew Crowley, express Shumei’s utopian vision: That Shumei is dedicated to creating a harmonious peaceful world, marked by world citizenship, and free of poverty and strife… “heaven on earth, if you will.” Again, we may postulate that this utopian vision is one “religious script” that draws many sincere and naïve practitioners to Crestone/Baca.

Hypothesis #261: Comments 2-y, 2-z, and 3-a: Bon tradition practitioners at the Chamma Ling retreat center in the Baca make offerings to countryside deities (“spirits”) and do ancient Tibetan shamanistic practices that “make your life better” with the assistance of divine energy. Thus, members of the Chamma Ling Bon group in the Baca also practice “theurgy” (connect with divine energy) via shamanistic/animistic practices.

Hypothesis #262: The practitioners who made comments 2-y, 2-z, and 3-a articulate a shamanistic/animistic worldview that is entirely consistent with Gaia worship, as per the United Nations/New Age Movement, and is also consonant with the practice of “theurgy,” or summoning of spirits.

Hypotheses derived from comment 3-b:

Hypothesis #263: The health/mental health professionals who authored comment 3-b in an open letter to Crestone/Baca residents suggest that Crestone is an umbrella “Utopian Cult,” under which many New Age cults are subsumed. (“We are a “petri-dish of cults in America”). This statement is consistent with the theory that “Operation Crestone/Baca” is an intelligence/mind control operation, among other things.

Hypothesis #264: Rampant “cognitive dissonance” in Crestone/Baca is due to the radical disparity between our “fantasy reality” and the very different “real reality.” People in cult-like situations go into greater denial of facts in order to maintain their fantasies. They tend to withdraw into a “bubble of willful narcissism,” which they mistake for spirituality.

Hypothesis #265: An organized minority exploits this cognitive-dissonance-denial cycle, controls our local politics, and systematically robs the local people by increasing taxes, creating unneeded and expensive special districts, steals our resources, etc. In this manner, the Baca Grande (“Big or giant Cow”) remains the “cash cow” for Saguache County and the town of Crestone.

Hypothesis #266: Crestone/Baca is becoming a New Age theocracy characterized by passive local citizens and corrupt government bodies. This pattern aids and abets the downfall of classical democratic values and institutions even as locals assert that we are “liberal and open” and an “unusually spiritual community.”

Hypothesis #267: In the above manner, Crestone/Baca is becoming the model for corporate-entity takeovers of local governmental institutions.

Hypothesis #268: A main purpose of the Crestone/Baca operation/experiment is to separate people from their individual and cultural identities, through manipulation, abuse, dissociation (which can occur via extensive meditation, re-programming, recitation of nonsensical words), etc. The pernicious aspect of the cults is that they separate people from their identities and money, etc. This allows those who control the cults to then control local politics, swipe all the resources, etc.

Hypothesis #269: With local “quasi-democratic” institutions now being controlled by the “local cabal” and “the populace turned docile by cognitive dissonance/religious programming,” Crestone is on the road to serfdom. In this manner, United Nations Agenda 21 can be implemented with no resistance from concerned and informed citizens. There will be no ‘middle class’ left because no middle class person will be able to afford the taxes and fees that these (special) districts will create to get people out of their houses. Empty foreclosed and “for sale” homes will be available to the elite rich at very low prices, so the wealthy ‘illuminati’ and their world wisdom council can come and enjoy the scenery a few weeks a year.

Hypothesis #270: Even while our Saguache County is now the poorest county in Colorado, many of the 30+ spiritual groups here are making large amounts of money and sometimes sending this money overseas. These non-profit organizations do not pay county taxes or Property Owner’s Association dues. And yet, in violation of their 501-c-3 status, they attempt to influence local politics and politicians, even to the point of trying to exert control over our local government. Specifically, members of local spiritual groups, including the Crestone Spiritual Alliance (CSA-25) and Subud, in particular, were instrumental in the formulation and illegal promotion of the unneeded Crestone Emergency Services District (CresD). The Saguache County Commissioners, POA Board of Directors, and Board of Directors of the Baca Water and Sanitation District have ignored the input of local citizens. Our local Crestone/Baca cabal has a pattern of stealing local elections (as per comments of ex-Baca residents).

Hypothesis #271: The 51 tax-exempt 501-3-c organizations in Crestone/Baca have assets of multi-millions and income in the millions that is not taxable. For every 15 people in Crestone/Baca, there is one non-profit church or religious or educational organization that pays no taxes to Saguache, or dues to the POA. Many of these “nonprofits” send their profits overseas, thereby helping to keep the San Luis Valley dirt poor. Thus, we may see the Crestone/Baca phenomena as an example of colonization of a resource-rich, population-poor county by the U.N., aliens, and foreign invaders.

Hypothesis #272: Hamilton Brannon, the President of the Board of the proposed Fire District, has influenced the POA Board to ignore/break our covenants and bylaws. He has encouraged this “peace and love moralizing fundamentalism” that wants to prevent any critical intelligence or independent thinking. Religious groups loosely united in the Crestone Spiritual Alliance are actively interfering in the democratic process and trying to override the elections and support an illegal contract. Brannon (is also) a director of another tax-exempt organization (SUBUD), that pays no taxes or POA dues. Some of (these groups) have been growing exponentially in influence and have co-opted the rest of the ‘spiritual centers” who were originally here to practice, NOT to be involved in politics as a New Age theocracy (that) controls the Baca.

Hypothesis #273: The (cabal-) controlled POA Board conducted an illegal election in 2012 in order to: 1) ensure the formation a new special district (Crestone Emergency Services District), 2) hijack POA assets for the new special district, and 3) perhaps eventually dissolve the POA.

Hypothesis #274: This phony-crony cabal has spread their version of moralizing peace and love here. (Meanwhile), special interest groups have gained control of our governmental bodies, and are making ALL decisions for us now, despite how we VOTED. If locals remain ignorant, passive, and lazy, Crestone/Baca will become a New Age theocracy wherein all dissent, critical thinking and opposition is censored and where consent is ‘manufactured.”

Comment 3-b yields the following hypotheses:

Hypothesis #275: Although (Crestone/Baca) cults tend to separate people from their individual and cultural identities, through manipulation, abuse, and dissociation (via extensive meditation, re-programming, recitation of nonsensical words), etc., many North American ex-Tibetan Buddhists have “come back in their bodies, country, century and culture” and are now able to see the pernicious aspect of these cults: that they separate people from their identities and money.

Hypothesis #276: One can see much more clearly when one is free from (i.e., leaves) “cult city” (Crestone/Baca) and its influences.

Hypothesis #277: As Agenda 21’s goal, the destruction of the middle class, is fulfilled by proliferation of special districts, increased taxes, etc., “middle class” people will be forced out of their houses, which will then be available at very low prices, for second, third, or fourth homes for wealthy ‘illuminati’ and their world wisdom council.

Hypothesis #278: Crestone is the “Petri-Dish of Cults.” This system is being used as a method of ‘thought reform’ in a small town, probably with the approval of the same people that brought us MKULTRA, the CIA. They learned they don’t need drugs; they have the Lamas now as a front for “peace” and ‘social harmony.”

Hypothesis #279: Assuming that the C.I.A., through the ‘Mind-Life Institute,’ is conducting experiments in Crestone/Baca and that the Tibetan Rinpoches, the Dalai Lama and the psychology profession are involved, then… this is probably the vortex of the power configuration. (It is) the same one that is always configured in totalitarian states. You don’t need the ‘devil’ and demons. Traditional religions always go along.

Hypothesis #280: “The cabal” wants to destroy the POA (Property Owners Association). If they destroy the POA, there is no local (democratic) voice left. (ETK note: Recall from Martha Quillen’s article above that it was the POA that blocked the Trinity Foundation’s proposal to erect a 396’ pink granite pyramid in the Baca Grande subdivision in 1994.)

Hypothesis #281: Corrupt Buddhists and Buddhist teachers have hooked up with Theosophy, Agenda 21, and the whole panoply of the United Religious Initiative- that will become the (new) World Religion.

Hypothesis #282: Lamaist (Tibetan Buddhist) and Hindu groups lack a concept of ‘separation of Church and State’ and are modeling a caste-system culture. The corruption due to these ‘guru’ influences has kept India mired in poverty for a millennium and more. This is the culture now being foisted on young people through seemingly innocent Hindu ‘yoga” and Tibetan Lamaist/Buddhist mediation centers in Crestone/Baca.

Hypothesis #283: Tibetan Buddhism is Hindustani guru worship and sexual tantra and has nothing to do with what the Buddha taught. These influences are destroying western values.

Hypothesis #284: “They” have had about 30 years to ‘infiltrate ‘ academia, the psychology profession, and the medical profession and fool them with Lamaism posing as Buddhism, and with their Yoga Tantra Hinduism.

Hypothesis #285: Similarly, all the ‘spiritual centers’ (in Crestone/Baca) are effectively destroying democracy in the San Luis Valley by instituting ‘communitarianism.’ These CULTS have brainwashed practically everyone in town.

Hypothesis #286: The “Agenda 21 crowd” (UN/Britain/British Israel) wants to keep everyone disassociated, to a lesser or greater extent, in Crestone/Baca.

Hypothesis #287: About 60% of the Baca/Crestone population makes its living, one way or another, on the New Age movement bandwagon. These people will never bite the hand that feeds them.

Hypothesis #288: Much of the ‘double binding’ that has gone on in the spiritual scenes here prepared the way for acceptance of the extreme ‘double binding’ that is going on in the community as a whole. Double binding occurs on many levels and includes secondary and tertiary double binding. People deal with double binding by withdrawing. Lab rats that are made crazy in double-binding situations do the same thing.

Hypothesis #289: POA members now accept the “delphiing” (Rand Corporation’s “Delphi Technique) without a whimper. It’s called “learned helplessness.” Some of us here have been programmed to be double-binded for decades.

Hypothesis #290: Systems theory regarding groups was first used to help schizophrenics and their families and other ‘stuck systems.” Now this systems/socio-cognitive programming has morphed into mind control of whole groups. Now the body of knowledge about groups that has accumulated over the last 60 years is used to put people to sleep.

Hypothesis #291: ‘Sustainability’ is the de facto religion of most of those supporting the Crestone Fire District and the ‘peace and love fantasy’ of Crestone (even while it is really one of the most contentious, divisive places anywhere in America). Even the more traditional religions have been totally co-opted into this greening of their minds and hearts.

Hypothesis #292: “Sustainability” is the hidden industry in Crestone/Baca. If you call yourself a ‘sustainability” organization, you will get tax-exempt status. (If you count non-profit organizations as people), one in fifteen people has a tax-exempt status because of getting aboard the sustainability train.

Hypothesis #293: James O’Dea, the Agenda 21 person now taking over the Crestone Spiritual Alliance, was director of the Washington, D.C. office of Amnesty International and is past Director of the Noetic Sciences Institute. He is now ”facilitating meetings” with the CSA-25 and encouraging them to ‘insert themselves” into the community and to control it. O’Dea is the representative here to implement ‘the plan’ with the help of the Spiritual 25.

Hypothesis #294: The only people in the religious contingency in Crestone/Baca who have not been brainwashed and who can still be reached are those on a genuine spiritual path. Some of these people are outraged at how the spiritual community has been co-opted by Shumei.

Hypothesis #295: The global GAIA movement is a Hindustani/Brahmin movement of World Hindus.

Hypothesis #296: The multi-theocracy of cults in Crestone/Baca is running the town into the ground. They corrupt everyone, fool everyone who gets elected; and either unwittingly or consciously, everyone becomes their puppet. They are the power, and they will never let a democracy happen here.

Hypothesis #297: Destroying Christianity is their goal because Christianity is the foundation of many of our western democratic values. So it has to go. Christianity is being destroyed by New Age Christianity, as represented by idiots within the ‘liberal’ Christian Church, and the United Religious Initiative.

Hypothesis #298: Tibetan Lamaism and Hindu Guru worship are extremely negative influences on freedom and western values. While pretending to bring peace and harmony, they create chaos and disharmony everywhere they have influence. ‘Lamaism’ is the foundation of all that is happening in Crestone. It is based on the Red Shambhala, the left-wing of Totalitarianism. Goldman Sachs is connected to Aspen Institute and to Colorado College (which IS Aspen Institute) and to the Club of Rome. Goldman Sachs is all over the Tibetan Lama scene.

Hypothesis #299: Mixing Buddhism and Hinduism with politics is ALWAYS disastrous. Hinduism has kept India in a Caste System for centuries. Buddhism creates an “Atomic-Bomb of Dumbing” tool to create passive citizens. That is why it is such a perfect religion for globalist elitists. Because of their belief in karma, Buddhists blame themselves for everything that happens; and never critically examine the larger social structure. Buddhism systematically makes people turn away from this world to cope with suffering. It also perpetuates suffering because it makes passive populations. Whether it be Theravadin Buddhism (as in Southeast Asian, North Korea, Pol Pot’s Cambodia), Tibetan Lamaism, or Zen Buddhism, Buddhism nicely fits with Fascism and creates poverty around it.

Hypothesis #300: Behind-the-scenes-cult-connections: Dan Coleman, psychology darling of the right-wing neoliberal New Agers, and cult slave of various Tibetan Rinpoches and the Dalai Lama, was on the Board of the “Mind-Life Institute” and helped organize the first “Mind-Life Institute” gathering at M.I.T. The Mind-Life Institute is composed of those ‘academic and scientific professionals’ that are actually IN the cult of Lamaism. Many of them are students of this or that ‘Rinpoche,’ which means they are mind-controlled slaves of these lamas, which means they are slaves to recruiting others into the cult of Lamaism and are lobbying for Tibetan Lamaism in everything they do. They are in a CULT with authoritarian leaders who they believe are ‘living deities.” Those cynically in the group for their own power needs are sociopaths or psychopaths. It’s hard to separate these types of cult members. But most are ‘true believers,” as you can tell by looking at the ‘blissed-out faces” of Sharon Salzberg and Dan Coleman.

Hypothesis #301: Why bother with drugs when you can have LAMAISM, a cult whose religio-politico propaganda kept the longest-lasting serf and slave system going right into the 21st century. This cult has (now) converted the American Psychological Association, which is colluding in the cover-up of pedophiliac monks in Tibetan monasteries. THE PSYCHOLOGY PROFESSION has endorsed Buddhism. These lamas and their mind-control tactics are so powerful that they have the allegiance of psychologists, anthropologists, and sociologists, the whole academic illuminati of soft sciences. that is leading science down the tubes and mankind into global tyranny. These people are IDIOTS and mind-controlled zombies supporting and endorsing black, while calling it white. The students of these Tibetan Lamas are out in the world now recruiting people into their cult of Lamaism…

Hypothesis #302: All these New Age Theosophists are ‘waiting ‘ for a ‘charismatic SAVIOR’ for their Gaia (earth) Religion. They will prepare the “Eco-Karmapa” (Buddhist teacher) to be this Savior, the new ‘Avatar” to save the West. This is a Trojan Horse. When that Chinese “Eco-Karmapa” comes to Crestone, that will be the final takeover, I predict, and Crestone/Baca will become a full-blown theocracy.

Hypothesis #303: Oil billionaire, Paul N. Temple, founded the Noetics Institute, where J. O’Dea heralds from. Temple is also heavily involved in “The Fellowship,” a crank organization of Christian fanatics who want to save the world. So the new leader of Crestone/Baca’s Japanese apocalyptic GOD cult (Shumei International), that pretends to be an educational facility for sustainability, and who is manipulating the Crestone Spiritual Alliance of 25, has connections to this” Fellowship” of Missionary Christian soldiers that has wanted to institute global theocracy since the 40’s.

Hypothesis #304: The “Crestone Spiritual Alliance,” headed up by Hanne Strong/Manitou Foundation, has been behind this (proposed) Fire District from the beginning. This why the County Commissioners, headed up by former Manitou employee, Linda Joseph, ignored the ‘critical evidence’ that state law requires to determine if such a district should be formed in the first place…. I.e. they ignored the criteria such as “Does the area have the density to support a special fire district?” “Will it be of economic benefit to the community?” “Are the existing services adequate already?” Title 32 law, which identifies these as critical criteria for formation Special Districts, should have caused the County Commissioners to immediately reject this District. (But) I doubt the County Commissioners have read Title 32, and the Judge who passed their decision on to the voters had a grave conflict of interest, since his son-in-law was to be on the Executive Board of the proposed Fire District.

Hypothesis #305: (The) Crestone Spiritual Alliance has been meeting at the Shumei Japanese-God-apocalyptic-cult that is on the U.N. Economic and Security Council. This is just one among thousands of ‘new religious movements’ that are deciding the world’s future. They sit around now and ‘dialogue” together about how they can be ‘active peace ambassadors’ for saving the world and ending the sovereignty of our nation, destroying the electoral process, individual citizenship, and our freedom of speech! The first thing the global utopianists want to do is destroy property rights and make a grab at our property. These people are all Global Corporate CAPITALISTS that want a Global Theocracy…. And they are disguised as peace and love ambassadors.

Hypothesis #306: Alice Bailey and her Lucis Trust (formerly Lucifer Publishing Company) saw the U.N. as the next world government. Barbara Marx Hubbard and David Icke are certainly part of this Theosophy belief system. We are experiencing its influence ‘on the ground” in Crestone. People here now believe that they are part of a new evolutionary shift and have been totally influenced by this ego-inflated b.s. by these ‘channelers,’ who, to me, are very weak people, not too bright, that are easily fooled by their own thoughts and perceptions. They are actually quite narcissistic and their spiritual path seems to lead to increasing ‘ego inflation” rather than the opposite. Because our educational system has been so ‘dumbed down” over the last 25 years or so, these are the new “gurus.” The new generation of spiritual seekers doesn’t seem very discriminating and prefers to have things spoon fed to them that inflates their egos (such as “you are all GODS!”). I believe that this ‘dumbing down” has been intentional; to bring us back to a more “magical and mystical, superstitious mind set” so we don’t use our critical intelligence anymore. Therefore we will easily accept a new world order, with Gaia (or the GOD of the Dominionists) as the one religion.

Hypothesis #307: People who live in Crestone associate “ayahuoska” (hallucinogenic drug from South America) with the Volunteer Fire Department (aka “Kundalini Fire Department”) and their delusionary “ayahuoska”- influenced ego inflations. I remember thinking some of them on this fire department had become quite influenced by their taking this drug. The Mayor of Crestone, among his many career incarnations (including drug dealer), led “ayahuoska-guided spiritual trips” to the land of the Shamans of the Amazon. He advertised these Shaman-led trips in the Crestone Eagle. Since he became Mayor, Crestone has become more aggressive and delusional. All of this has made people open to being influenced by forces that they don’t understand and has catapulted them into the Middle Ages. They are now more ‘interested” in superstition and magic belief systems and are therefore more easily herded into neo-feudalism.

Hypothesis #308: At a recent talk at the Unity Church in Portland (Unity like the Institute of Noetic Sciences is also funded by the Fellowship), James O’Dea extolled the word “Apocalypse.” ( These people want an apocalypse to usher in a New World Order and to cleanse the Old (particularly those that don’t agree with their New World Order). These people WANT an apocalypse, just as apocalyptic Christians are hoping for the ‘rapture”.

Hypothesis #309: Shumei, a.k.a. Church of World Messianity sect (‘messianity’ should be a clue) is disguising itself as simply an ‘educational facility” for sustainability, but it has been declared a cult by the French Parliament. This group also believes an apocalypse will usher in the New World Order in which they will be ‘seed people,” i.e., survivors that have been purified by the divine light. Those that don’t heed the call will be annihilated. Shumei calls itself a ‘sustainability,’ natural organic farming community, but their real goal is to proselytize and bring young people into their sect. They have had a very influential effect on the New Ageism frenzy recently in Crestone, even seducing the more traditional, non-proselytizing spiritual centers, into their ‘world plan of saving the world” and ushering in a new Dawn of Global Consciousness.

Hypothesis #310: Shumei’s ‘religion” is a mix of distorted Christianity, Buddhism and Shintoism. Democracy is considered a sin of pride by Christian ‘Dominionists’ such as The Fellowship and the New Age Futurist globalists want to end national sovereignty, and the electoral process to usher in a global government. Democracy is to be replaced with ‘consensus building;” by using Agenda 21 techniques as a way of getting groups of people to form a ‘consensus” with limited choices. These techniques, such as the Delphi Technique, channel all group decisions into preconceived outcomes so that people are fooled into believing that they had a choice.

Hypothesis #311: Our would-be leaders are Utopianists and futurists who have all had ‘visions” or have channeled spirit guides. They believe that they are superior beings, avatars, who, along with the extremely wealthy, can and should rule the world. While appearing ‘open,” peaceful, and benign, they are actually operating from a very narrow agenda

Hypothesis #312: If you disagree with these people, you are demonized and dismissed as the ‘negative seeds”- people at a lower level of awareness that have to be destroyed.

Hypothesis #313: Our would-be leaders pretend to be ecumenical but in reality are part of the United Religious Initiative, an interfaith organization whose goal is One World Religion for all.

Hypothesis #314: This New Age ‘jihad” includes amongst it’s members; Ted Turner, media mogul, George Soros, George Bush, Sun Jyung Moon, and The Fellowship. It is a ‘contingency ideology” of the globalist elitists to fool us into believing that this is about ‘peace and harmony” when it is actually about ‘control.”

Hypothesis #315: Adolf Hitler and New Ager, Barbara Marx Hubbard, expressed nearly identical utopian views! (Most totalitarian movements are utopian at first to appeal to the masses). Both the Nazi and New Age Movements advocate mass extermination of inferiors and the ushering of a millennial age/New World Order to be controlled by a master race of gods/supermen (i.e., them).

Hypothesis #316: New Age author and leader, Barbara Marx Hubbard, promotes the same view- that the elite are an emerging “enlightened” species, homo noeticus, and that inferior homos sapiens, i.e., everyone else, are to be exterminated.

Hypothesis #317: Most Crestone/Baca residents are unwitting participants/subjects of a government-sponsored, New Age, intelligence operation that is an extension of previous mind control operations (MKULTRA, MKDELTA, Project Stargate, etc.).

10) Discussion and Conclusions: Crestone/Baca is unique in the world. Here, an extremely wealthy and highly-connected elite who represent the world’s financial and political power structure, United Nations, etc., deliberately arranged, through their government/ business/NGO connections, to set up a “Refuge of World Truths” wherein many, radically different, often conflicting religions/worldviews/cults were to be placed in close juxtaposition in a beautiful, resource-rich, sparsely populated region in Colorado’s Rocky Mountains. The many, closely-juxtaposed, religions and cults in this “Refuge of World Truths” comprise an extreme form of “religious syncretism,” which has long been a principle goal/strategy of Freemasonry and the United Nations. The salient point here, of course, is that while covert global objectives and/or government experiments may be occurring in Crestone/Baca, a majority of the residents of Crestone/Baca, Saguache County, and the San Luis Valley are unaware of these objectives and operations. And since the U.S. Constitution guarantees that the citizens of the United States have sovereignty over their government and country, any covert international activities being conducted here are most likely illegal.

Hypotheses #213 through 317 above raise many critical issues and questions and suggest many, sometimes contradictory answers. The most critical issues, it seems to me, are:

A) Who is the self-described “we” that apparently wants to limit population growth of and economic development in Crestone/Baca and seems not to want Crestone/Baca to develop into a normal American town?

B) What is the nature of “the work” which Hanne Strong requires residents of Crestone/Baca to do? (And if they fail to do this work, she admonishes people to “hit the road.”)

C) What specific entities/movements control our town (“Operation Crestone/Baca”)?

D) For what (official, unofficial, or occult) purposes are Crestone/Baca being controlled?

E) What (covert?) strategies are being utilized in “Operation Crestone/Baca?”

Information in this series provides probable answers to these questions. As per locals’ comments above, it seems that intelligence agencies such as the CIA, are not only very interested, but are also actively conducting “Operation Crestone/Baca.” Considerable evidence suggests that many “change agents” (aka spies) are here and that our town is a “targeted town.” Some tentative answers to the above questions are as follows:

A) Who is “we?” Based on information provided in this series, the list of (“fifth columnist”) groups that could be doing the spying and the overseeing of “Operation Crestone/Baca” is extensive. Chief among suspected groups are Jews and British intelligence (aka British Israel), the CIA and cooperating military/intelligence agencies and their private cut-outs, Freemasons, the United Nations, Nazis, the Illuminati, and the New Age Movement. All of these groups have been shown to have common objectives and modus operandi. As caveat, Dewar (1995) revealed that billionaire Maurice Strong himself controlled a public-private spying operation/network that covered the continent of Africa in the 1970’s! Hence, a single billionaire could theoretically underwrite the spying activity in Crestone/Baca. Based on the potentially enormous value of the San Luis Valley groundwater and Strong’s previous attempt to sell our SLV groundwater, this or similar scenarios cannot be ignored. However, considerable information provided herein suggests that Strong is probably just one of the major players in “Operation Crestone/Baca.”

Regarding the question of who is “we,” one vignette stands out in my memory. This a conversation I heard between British Buddhist, Mark Elliot, and the Danish, Manitou Foundation co-founder, Hanne Strong, to the effect that two individuals (whose names I can’t recall) are “the sort of people we want here.” Here, a British man (whose parents purportedly worked for British intelligence, MI6) and a Danish woman (the wife of a member of the Committee of 300 that rules the world!) basically declare their right and their intention to control a small American town. By just about any measure, an invasion of Crestone/Baca by powerful, well-connected foreigners had already occurred at that time (1994), but without ever having fired a shot. The obvious invaders are Maurice Strong/Rockefeller/Rothschild interests, the United Nations, British Israel (Brits and Jews), American, German DVD(?), and Israeli intelligence, American military operatives, Theosophy and New Age agents, and elite capitalists interested in controlling the San Luis Valley groundwater resource. Whether or not Crestone/Baca is also the focus of supernatural activity as well is the question addressed below..

B. What is “the work?” One major component of “the work,” it seems, is to maintain the conditions, through encouraging particular kinds of spiritual practice, including meditation, kundalini yoga, etc., for “theurgy” (communication with spirits via channeling) to occur. Information channeled from “Hidden Masters” or “Supermen” can be shared with world leaders (Stoddard, 1936). This gives a new potential meaning to Henry Kissinger’s purported comment in the 1980’s that “we will rule the world from here.”

In this regard, Stoddard’s (1936) insights may have direct bearing:

de Luchet wrote in 1789:

“Today, in these numerous sects, cabalistic and illuminati, much the same methods as with the Ismailis (assassins) are used, and the same doctrine taught. It is always a gradual re-orientation, first an attempt to adapt these doctrines of the Magi, Manes, and the philosophers to Christianity, destroying the very essence of Christian beliefs, leading to pantheism, dualism, and materialism, often ending in pantheistic mysticism. Through mystical meditation and yoga they achieve magnetic but controlled union with their sinister masters, from whom they receive the universal teachings necessary for their master’s “Great Work,” unification- and world control -religious, political, and intellectual.

The result of Yoga, meditation and processes for awakening the kundalini, whether Western or Eastern, is the same in all groups working under unknown Masters; it means that gradually the Master takes possession of the adept’s mind and impresses his own will upon it, so that an advanced initiate, such as (Dr. Rudolf) Steiner, would work under the impetus of the hidden Master and for his ends alone. As the so-called Tibetan Master of Mrs. Alice Bailey, theosophist and occultist, explains, contact with the Master is recognized by peculiar vibrations (1) at the top of the spine; (2) in the forehead (pineal gland, where the adept’s kundalini unites with the Master’s forces from without, it is the seat of controlled knowledge) ; (3) at the top of the head (pituitary body). He continues: “In time the student comes to recognize the vibration and to associate it with some particular `Great One,’ for each Master has his own vibration which impresses itself upon his pupils in a specific manner.” The forces are “these magnetic currents of the universe, that vital fluid, those electric rays, the latent heat in all bodies.” Cold and calculating, “a Master is only interested in a man from the point of view of his usefulness in the group-soul and his capacity to help.” The individual is as nothing to him; he is only a part in his world revolutionary machine, to be thrown aside when no longer an asset in their game!

…. Under the mask of initiation (the disciple) becomes diabolically possessed.”

Further, (M. Guyot states):

“Students will have to adopt a religion to sustain and help them during their psychic training (to give them an uplift)…. For the moment it is not a matter of believing but of acting as though you did believe… The mythical entities of the religion chosen will play a considerable practical part in the various psychic exercises…. We think the best religions are the Jewish religion, as set forth in the Cabala, the Roman Catholic religion in its esoteric aspect, “Buddhism, and especially Hinduism. Finally, Freemasonry can very adequately take the place of a religion, but it must be based on Martinism, which is its source.”

Finally, these controlling “Supermen” behind the scenes are, it would seem, past-masters in the knowledge and working of this Practical Cabala built up from cults of the remotest past. Is it not, therefore, justifiable to suppose that these Supermen are magic-working, cabalistic, and revolutionary Jews?

Alternatively, the presence here of the “Refuge of World Truths” could be merely be a cover story to conceal government-sponsored mind control projects/experiments involving remote viewing, the paranormal, UFO’s, etc. as per William Ross Dean’s testimony above. These two possibilities are not mutually exclusive. It is characteristic of “archane societies” (and the cult of Kabbalistic Judaism, in particular) to combine the spiritual/mystical/occult with political objectives. Potential political operations here may relate to control of groundwater resources, implementation of U.N. Agenda 21 (i.e., depopulation of rural areas), mind control experiments, and/or possibly, developing a “New World Religion” (Satanism/“lostness of the mind”/”collective consciousness”/”hive mind”/”religious syncretism/formation of One Universal Church”) to accompany a New World Order. In Crestone/Baca, especially, mystical/occult and political operations seem to have both overt and covert aspects.”

C. The on-the-ground-managers/agents of “Operation Crestone/Baca” clearly represent the interests of the group(s) identified in A (above). They seem to include spies, change agents, “sayanim,” Jews, Freemasons, United Nations and private business affiliates, and their hirelings.

Thus, getting “embraced or spit out by Crestone” “by the mountain” may actually refer to various techniques applied by intelligence agents, change agents, and/or locals-on-the-ground who harass and/or isolate those not deemed suitable for the Crestone/Baca project/experiment. Harassment can range from being socially “shunned” to being victimized (up to and including murdered or “suicided”) by coordinated “gangstalking,” which includes both low-tech (staged events, street theatre, harassment by citizen-spy perpetrators, etc.) and high-tech (harassment via directed energy weapons) means (see Appendix 9). Or, if one subscribes to a supernatural worldview, one must consider the possibility that disincarnate entities could participate in “embracing” or “spitting out” individuals depending on their suitability for the project/experiment.

D. To what purpose(s) is Crestone/Baca controlled? Based on various ideas proposed above, Crestone/Baca may be ear-marked by the elite to be a:

1) site for secret mind control experiments/operations,

2) secret “continuity-of-government” site,

3) retirement center for Maurice Strong and his financial partners,

4) critical, strategic locale for ushering in the New Age “Plan”/Agenda 21/Millennial age/New World Religion (Satanism)/Jewish Utopia/apocalypse/“Black Awakening”/end times scenario promoted by the New Age Movement and others.

5) Crestone/Baca may be now being controlled as a means to control the nearly priceless San Luis Valley groundwater supplies.

In any event, local input into Crestone/Baca’s governance is assiduously crushed, for reasons which are never specified.

E. Covert strategies, operations possibly being implemented in “Operation Crestone/Baca” then might include remote viewing, theurgy, mind control via religious scripts, directed energy, gangstalking, UFO/paranormal activity, etc.

Thus, the seemingly “crazy” notions expressed by some locals (above) may simply be learned religious scripts. And/or, these comments could be the result of application of PDH (Paid, drug, hypnosis; the formula for mind control of British psychiatry) and/or (ISDA; isolation, sleep deprivation, and physical abuse; the formula for mind control of American psychiatry) by spychologists/intelligence cadres. Specifically, the idea expressed in comment u, that “Jews created the world,” is, in fact, promoted by Jewish Rabbis and Kabbalists and high-level Freemasons. The grandiose, ego-inflated delusions that “I am enlightened” and “I am god,” etc. are basic tenants of all Satanic religions, including Kabbalistic Judaism, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, and the New Age Movement, etc. The notion that “Enlightenment is just chemical” is advanced by the New Age and Illuminati philosophy (read Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World). The comment “God told me: ‘I want that Valley’” could possibly refer either to synthetic telepathy (Voice-to-Skull communication via radio waves) or alternatively could be explained as some kind theurgy, or communication with demonic spirits or Hidden Masters. (I very seriously doubt that the Creator of the Universe would bother to make such a proclamation!).

A.X.A., the individual who made the statement; “I died and came back to life,” could be a: a) demon-possessed “walk-in,” b) someone who has been reprogrammed with a new identity via mind control technologies, or c) some kind of New Age change agent promoting the above religious programming scripts. Re-programming of her identity, if this occurred, could have been voluntary or involuntary. Indeed, we learned in Parts VI, VIII and IX that the goal of erasing and re-programming the mind has long been central to British psychiatry as well as British, American, and German mind-control operations, in particular. Similarly, the claim by certain locals that they suffer from PTSD could indicate that the British Army of Psychological Warfare/Tavistock Institute has now partially succeeded in implementing their 1921 goal of applying the methods of trauma-based mind control to the population at large. The claim by some locals to have seen UFO’s could also be related to government-sponsored black operations, as per Ross’s testimony above. Given what we learned in Part VI about the history and methods of mind control, the statement that “they make psychopaths” is not controversial; indeed, it seems patently obvious.

Another personal vignette: Until recently, a commonly-seen figure around Crestone/Baca was a Jewish, former New York cop named Roy, who ostensibly spent every day “patrolling” Crestone/Baca in his blue SUV in his tan “Laurence of Arabia” hat. Several years ago, Roy worked hard to convince me of the existence of UFO’s (even loaning me DVD’s on the subject) and to purchase a $500 automatic rifle. Bruce Polock (B.P.), the Easterner who spent over a year here and who volunteered the “information” to me over the phone that Crestone/Baca is a “continuity of government” locale, became Roy’s room-mate for a time. In my opinion both were spies/change agents.

Appendix 9 reveals that the perpetrators of gang stalking operations are generally not prosecuted. This is because gangstalking is perpetrated by such powerful forces that health professionals and police are often “in on it.” For this reason, gangstalking victims who appeal to police or psychologists are often diagnosed as mentally insane and sent to jail or mental institutions. Indeed, as per the quotes on gangstalking below:

Every tactic at every stage (of gangstalking operations) corresponds to and mimics some aspect of mental illness. This is quite deliberate. (Thus) in mind control technology, a very small number of people can effectively hop into a person’s body and make him act out.

If this dynamic is operative here, and I am quite certain that it is, the individuals, above, who are calling other Crestone/Baca residents crazy may actually be part of the operation: It is their job as on-the-ground agents to reinforce the perception that their neighbors are crazy. Is this a means of discrediting and de-humanizing Crestone/Baca residents so they can more easily be “disposed of” in the future? Could a shooter emerge here, or if the “Operation” goes south, could para-military forces conduct as mass murder of innocent civilians here as they did at Jonestown when that operations faced exposure?

Let us now return to the case of the person who claims to have died and come back to life, that is, essentially, to be a “walk-in.” Her assumed name (her fourth, it seems) is Aurielle Xanthia Andhara, which is a thoroughly New Age name. I knew “Aurielle” briefly and initially found her to be intelligent and articulate. I learned through our brief and platonic friendship that she was previously a member of the “Sufi circle” in Crestone/Baca. Like other locals who have done “the work,” Aurielle made/makes her living as a “life coach.” That is, she advises others via phone on how to live their lives. I got to know Aurielle briefly through our mutual involvement with the “Lexam issue” in 2008.

I first met Aurielle while hiking up South Crestone Creek trail on a summers’ day. Coming up the switchbacks at about 9500’, I noticed a blond-headed lady sitting in a patch of flowers along the trail. She seemed almost to be waiting for me. As she had no home in Crestone, I lent her the use of my house computer on a couple occasions. In 2008, Aurielle and I were among four who comprised the “steering committee” of Water Watch Alliance, our local citizens group that opposed the Canadian gas exploration company, Lexam’s, gas drilling activities on the newly designated Baca National Wildlife Refuge (see my website, One evening, after arriving two hours late to a steering committee meeting at my house, and when only she and I were present, Aurielle grew angry and began screaming at me in a deep, throaty, almost masculine voice and slapped me on the face. I carefully ushered her out the door, scrupulously avoiding any contact or violence. Soon thereafter, she became the leader of the “counter-group” to Water Watch Alliance, the “San Luis Valley Citizen’s Alliance.” Curiously, nearly the entire Water Watch Alliance membership (some 30 or so) defected to this new (counter) group, led by Aurielle. Again, we seem to have an individual here who is involved in a confusing admixture of New Age mysticism and political/intelligence activity.

It may or may not be significant that Urbandictionary and Wikipedia give the following definitions of the names Aurielle (Ariel), and that these names are loaded with New Age/occult significance:

Urbandictionary: Aurielle: A mulatto Goddess that fell down from the above onto this earth.…

Wikipedia: Ariel (angel) (Hebrew: אריאל, Ari’el, Arael or Ariael‎) is an archangel found primarily in Jewish and Christian mysticism and Apocrypha. The name Ariel, “Lion of God” or “Hearth of God,” occurs in the Hebrew Bible but as the name of an angel the earliest source is unclear.

In the Hebrew Bible the prophet Isaiah uses Ariel as a personification of Jerusalem. Harris Fletcher (1930) found the name Ariel in a copy of the Syncellus fragments of the Book of Enoch, and suggested that the text was known to John Milton and may be the source for Milton’s use of the name for a minor angel in Paradise Lost.[1] In Paradise Lost, Ariel is a rebel angel, overcome by the seraph Abdiel in the first day of the War of Heaven.

In the Coptic Pistis Sophia (MS. Add. 5114.), Jesus bids the apostles preach that they “be delivered from the rivers of smoke of Ariel.”[3] Because of the association of Jerusalem with the name “Ariel”, it is likely that this is an allusion to the fires of Gehenna or Gehinnom, a valley near Jerusalem deemed cursed[4] because of its association with early pagan religions (Ba’als and Caananite gods, including Moloch) where children were sacrificed by immolation.[5] In later Jewish, Christian and Islamic scripture, Gehenna is a destination of the wicked and often translated in English biblical versions as “Hell.”[6] According to tradition, fires located in this valley were kept burning perpetually to consume the filth and cadavers thrown into it.[7]

In Occult and Mysticism: According to the German occultist Cornelius Agrippa (1486–1535): “Ariel is the name of an angel, sometimes also of a demon, and of a city, whence called Ariopolis, where the idol is worshipped.” “Ariel” has been called an ancient name for the leontomorphic Gnostic Demiurge (Creator God). Historically, the entity Ariel was often pictured in mysticism as a lion-headed deity with power over the Earth, giving a strong foundation for Ariel’s association with the Demiurge. It is possible that the name itself was even adopted from the Demiurge’s Zoroastrian counterpart Ahriman (who is likely the predecessor of the Mithraic “Arimanius”).

“Ariel” is sometimes associated with the better known Judeo-Christian Archangel Uriel, as for example some sources claim that the Elizabethan court astrologer John Dee called “Ariel” a “conglomerate of Anael and Uriel,” though this is not mentioned where the name Anael appears in the only conversation of Dee with Barnabas Saul.[8]

In Thomas Heywood, Hierarchy of the Blessed Angels (1635) Ariel is called both a prince who rules the waters and “Earth’s great Lord.” In several occult writings, Ariel is mentioned with other elemental titles such as the “3rd archon of the winds,” “spirit of air,” “angel of the waters of the Earth” and “wielder of fire.” In mysticism, especially modern, Ariel is usually conjured as a governing angel with dominion over the Earth, creative forces, the North, elemental spirits, and beasts. Other entries in angelologies to Ariel are found in Jacques Collin de Plancy, Dictionaire Infernal (1863) and Moïse Schwab Vocabulaire de l’Angélologie (1897).

Thus, potential connections include the fact that Urbandictionary states that Aurielle refers to “a Mullatto goddess who fell down from the above onto this earth.” This description is very similar to Aurielle’s own description to me of what happened to her. Wikipedia states that “Ariel” is an angel or demon referred to in the Hebrew Bible, the Book of Enoch, John Milton’s Paradise Lost, the Coptic Pistis Sophia, and by Elizabethan court astrologer and theurgist John Dee in his only recorded conversation with (“skryer” or channeller) Barnabas Saul. Aurielle herself claims that she died and came back to life…. But is she a “walk-in,” (i.e., a completely possessed human), a New Age fakir, a New Age change agent, or some admixture thereof? When I had a conversation with Aurielle at a crowded local restaurant months after she slapped me, she screamed at me once again with the gutteral masculine voice, at which point I replied: “You are an agent.” For once, Aurielle was silent.)

The following is my account of the orchestrated political chaos we experienced in Crestone/Baca during the “Battle of Lexam” (from my 2008 article; “Crestone/Baca Group Dynamics” ( Arielle’s name is mentioned:

Have “Intimidation Tactics” Been Used?

Some in our community believe that subtle and overt tactics of manipulation and intimidation have been deliberately used here from the beginning. WORC’s (Western Organization of Resource Councils) pamphlet “How to Deal with Intimidation” identifies five intimidation tactics commonly used by energy companies, corporations, and government agencies to “neutralize” local groups. These tactics include: 1) refuse to deal with leaders, 2) isolate the group, 3) divide and conquer, and 4) promote fights within groups. Most intimidation is subtle; “such as name calling, covertly organizing a “counter group” to polarize your community, trying to weaken your group by making you respond to rumors and lies about your group, and “divide and conquer” tactics to split you from your friends and allies.” Certainly, it appears that each of these tactics has been used here, as indicated in the history outlined above. Formation of “counter-groups” certainly seems to have been done to “divide and conquer,” and thereby weaken the opposition to the Lexam project. Numerous individuals, most notably Ceal Smith, Chris Canaly, Aurielle Andhara, and Kathryn Van Note, seem to have promoted fighting within the groups. These two tactics alone seem to have confused and discouraged many members from our community from participating in the effort. And polarization of the community, in turn, has led many to isolate the group and refuse to deal with leaders, etc.

It may be pertinent to note that Jesuit priest and author, Malachi Martin, in Hostage to the Devil, does not distinguish between diabolically-possessed individuals and those who are victim of trauma-based mind control (Satanic ritual abuse, government MKULTRA-type programs, etc.) Indeed, these phenomena may be synonymous (Storey, 2006).

As noted above, possible covert objectives of “Operation Baca” include:

A) Create favorable conditions, via group meditation, yoga, drug imbibement, and various kinds of rituals, for summoning of spirits (“theurgy”) whereby discarnate entities are summoned and the received channeled information is relayed to world leaders. The implementation of this goal would involve maintaining conditions optimal for progressive spirit (demonic) “possession” of local spiritual seekers, as per the techniques described in Stoddard’s (1936) Trail of the Serpent (above). Since, presumably, optimal conditions for “theurgical” activity would not be compatible with normal economic development, this scenario might explain the fact that the “cabal” has been so determined to limit economic activities and opportunities in Crestone/Baca.

B) Create group dissociation, schizophrenia, and perhaps mass psychosis in a small community of mostly white Americans by subjecting them to some combination of: 1) closely juxtaposed but radically different worldviews/philosophies/cultures, 2) application of PDH (pain, drug, hypnosis) as per British, German, and American psychiatric techniques, 3) application of isolation, sleep deprivation, and physical pain, as per the Korean/American formula for mind control/brainwashing identified by the Jew CIA spychiatrist, Dr. Jolyon West (Storey, 2006), 4) application of directed energy weapons (DEW) and gangstalking techniques, and 5) paranormal experiments. Again, if this kind of operation/experiment is ongoing here, this could explain the fact that local economic growth is so consistently thwarted.

One precedent for the above kind of operation may be the Pont-Saint-Sprit-incident. From the Wikipedia incident on MKDELTA:

In his 2009 book, “A Terrible Mistake; The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Cold War Experiments,” H. P. Albarelli Jr. concludes the CIA’s Project SPAN involved the contamination of food supplies and the aerosolized spraying of a potent LSD mixture in the village of Pont-Saint-Esprit, France in August, 1951. The Pont-Saint-Esprit incident resulted in mass psychosis, 32 committals to mental institutions, and at least seven deaths. Paranormal author John Grant Fuller comes to similar conclusions about the incident in his book The Day of Saint Anthony’s Fire.

C) Help implement the New Age “Plan” of Alice Bailey, the Theosophical Society, The Great Invocation, and “the Great Work of the Ages” (Christian, 2010). As per Cumbey (1983, 1985) and Smith (2011), this plan calls for the return of the anti-christ.

D) (Assuming that the above “Plan” could be a possible “blind” or cover story): Help implement the high-tech government plan described by ex-“psychic warrior,” William Dean Ross above. (Black U.S. government projects, including Operations Bluebeam and Stargate, utilize electronic mind control, man-made flying saucers, and remote viewing for contact with spirit guide/aliens/demons, etc. to suppress domestic dissent, instruct world leaders, and ultimately, to fabricate an invasion of earth by aliens/demons/evil spirits/ninja warriors that will result in mass genocide of innocent civilians. This version of the “Armageddon Script,” which would bring UFOs and Ascended Masters to earth for all to worship, is largely right out of the Bible and the Jewish Kabbalah. This “Pale Horse” genocide operation would be implemented by government/high tech means and run to a large extent by post-WWII Nazis.

Considerable evidence suggests that Crestone/Baca is highly important to the global elite and may play a pivotal role in elite plans to usher in the (Satanic) New World Religion designed to accompany the (Satanic) New World Order. This series demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt the direct connections between the Jewish Kabbalah, British psychiatry, occult secret societies, German, British and American intelligence mind-control operations and the ancient (Jewish) plan for world conquest (Christian, 2011).

The salient question that remains for this author is this: Do Satan and his legion of demons exist or are demonic activities/possession somehow mimicked in and by brutal mind control operations conducted by Kabbalists, the Illuminati, and their government-sponsored spychiatrist/military/intelligence minions? Information presented here strongly suggest (but do not prove) that: 1) such evil discarnate entities do exist, 2) they currently “possess” large numbers of human beings, and 3) through their human agents, the discarnate entities control much, but not all, of the present world system. Evidence presented here overwhelmingly demonstrates that occult elites are fiercely determined to gain control of everything and everyone. The plan they hope to implement is detailed throughout this series.

Here, I include the comments and hypotheses in this section to help characterize the Crestone/Baca scene. Many of these statements/comments yield important insights. Some are obviously delusionary. Here, I would specifically refute two hypotheses. I would like to refute and dismiss the comments that postulate that the driving force behind this diabolical plan is Tibetan Buddhism/Hinduism. Evidence overwhelmingly indicates that Buddhism/Hinduism, like Christianity and other religions, cults and political movements, are thoroughly infiltrated, co-opted, and controlled by the much more financially-powerful forces of “Judaism/Freemasonry/occultism.” The history is complex and fascinating, indeed, but suffice it here to say that Talmudic/Kabbalistic Jews, not Tibetan Buddhists or Hindus, control the world’s monetary, governmental, media and intelligence systems (and hence, virtually all other systems). The reality, as shown in Stoddard (1936), is that the boasts of the 1860 manifesto of L-alliance-israelite-universelle have come to pass:

The Jew and high Mason, Cremieux, founder and president of L’Alliance-israelite-universelle, said in his manifesto, I860:

“The net which Israel now casts over the terrestrial globe enlarges and extends. . . . Our power is immense; learn to turn that power to our cause. The day is not far distant when all the riches, all the treasures of the earth, will become the property of the children of Israel.”

L’Alliance-israelite-univerelle (The Universal Israelite Alliance)…. addresses itself to all religions….. It desires to penetrate into all religions as it has penetrated into all countries. How many nations have disappeared! How many religions will in turn vanish! Israel will not cease to exist…. The religion of Israel will not perish; it is the unity of God.

Archives-israelites, 1861

(Alliance-israelite-universal) hopes to Judaize the world and open the way for Judaic expansion and development, penetrating all religions and all nations.

Likewise, hypothesis # 295, which states that the global GAIA movement is a Hindustani/Brahmin movement is also way off the mark. Indeed, my website ( demonstrates that the global Gaia/environmental movement is the product of the Western military/intelligence/occult establishment.

That said, hypothesis #297 is overwhelmingly proven in this series. Hypothesis 297 posits that “destroying Christianity is their (main) goal because Christianity is the foundation of many of our western democratic values,” so it has to go.” It is also a valid insight that destruction of Christianity is partly accomplished “through New Age Christianity, as represented by idiots within the ‘liberal’ Christian Church, and the United Religious Initiative).”

As a concrete example of the above, the 2008 issue of Crestone magazine (p. 35) features an add by the Spiritual Life Institute (Carmelite Catholics) which states: “Experience the beauty, stillness and peace of the San Luis Valley from your own private self-contained hermitage. Non-directed retreats for people of all faiths.” In this add, we see that our local Carmelites have discarded some 1800 years of Catholic doctrine based on John 3:16:: “I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no man shall come to the father but through me.” Another related personal vignette: A couple years ago, I attended community breakfast at the Carmelite Catholic Spiritual Life Institute after Sunday mass. The potluck was held to honor C. and B.W., who had operated the Crestone Store for decades. I couldn’t help but notice that many, perhaps most, of the community members who offered their tributes and remembrances were Jews who rarely, if ever, attended Catholic mass. Two alternative explanations seemed to present themselves: 1) Either C.W., who has been going to Catholic mass for as long as I’ve known him, is a crypto-Jew, or 2) the self-appointed (Jewish) “managerial” class in Crestone/Baca had come forward to declare their “political and spiritual sovereignty” over our community.

11) In “The Hidden Evil The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against the Civilian Population” (2008), Mark M. Rich states:

“If you want to witness the madness of a civilization under psychopathic rule, you need not visit the state capital or a major city, because the smallest village will exhibit these traits….”

Dr. Lobaczewski (in Political Ponerology; A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes, 2006) described it this way: “The actions of this phenomenon affect an entire society, starting with the leaders and infiltrating every village, small town, factory, business, or farm. The pathological social structure gradually covers the entire country, creating a “new class” within the nation. This privileged class of deviants feels permanently threatened by the “others.””

Discussion: Lobaczewski is one of several social scientists who conducted a covert study of evil while living under the communist regime in Poland during the Cold War. It should be emphasized that as in America today, communist Poland had essentially been captured by the “fifth column” minority of Talmudic, Kabbalistic Jews. Lobaczewski’s study uses academic terms and concepts to describe “Macrosocial Evil, or large scale evil that overtakes whole societies and nations.” The study concludes that throughout human history, this phenomena occurs over and over again. The implication is that this process is now overtaking or has already overtaken the United States of America. In his book, People of the Lie; Hope for Healing Human Evil, Dr. M. Scott Peck’s also attempts to make a scientific analysis of evil. After witnessing and documenting actual exorcisms, he concludes that, metaphorically speaking, America’s institutions also need to be exorcized. Data presented here suggest that some of the most powerful and influential Jews act as Satan’s ambassadors on earth. It also appears that this international cabal is amply supported by rank and file Jews throughout the world. Such secret Jewish operatives are termed “sayanim.”

How does the New World Order attempt to enforce its control at the street level? One top-secret and important mechanism is termed “gangstalking” (see below and Appendix 9). Who ultimately is behind the global gangstalking programs and what are its chief objectives?:

Blogger: “Jews are using gang-stalking to silence anti-Zionists. FYI I am of Jewish Descent and you’re correct that some of the worst perps are those who claim to be Jews.

Here’s the reason for that: The cult that has penetrated government and is organized crime goes back to Babylon. While not all in the cult are Jewish, the leadership is. This is the same cult responsible for MK ULTRA and other mind control programs. All they did was integrate ancient cult bullshit into mainstream institutions of government, academia, SPYchiatry, the military-industrial complex, etc. That said, the Jewish part is not so apparent because these are Satanists. This cult has infiltrated ALL sectors of society, including “Christian” churches.

I know from first hand experience, Masons engage in gang stalking, it is how they keep from being exposed publicly, and they have a long reach. Jews do the same thing; their targets are exclusively ‘gentile’ intellectuals. First, they’ll try to drag you into the sewer and if that fails they simply slander you systematically.

Based on the above evidence, as well as my own personal family history, I believe that thousands of families in the U.S. have been targeted by militant Judaism for their families having had a history of known or believed anti-Semitic beliefs. Groups that have conducted hate campaigns against Gentiles perceived to be “Amalek”, meaning the Gentiles who are anti-Semitic and must be destroyed in every generation according to Talmudic Law, are led by militant Judaic factions. These factions include the Jewish Task Force, Jewish Defense Organization (formally Jewish Dense League) followers of the late fanatical rabbi Meir Kahane, Chabadniks and their sympathizers, and front groups for criminal Zionism such as the ADL (Anti-Defamation League).

I know from first hand experience, Masons engage in gang stalking, it is how they keep from being exposed publicly, and they have a long reach. Jews do the same thing; their targets are exclusively ‘gentile’ intellectuals. First, they’ll try to drag you into the sewer and if that fails they simply slander you systematically.

Many (gangstalkers) are part of Satanic covens or witchcraft covens.

Make no mistake, they target Christian teachers, patriots, and speakers of truth. They are extremist villains working the cause of Satan. They will lie and make up stories about victims. The gang stalkers are having fun at the expense and sorrow of laws and having fun at breaking laws. Gang stalkers are cowards. There is a price for dealing with the devils. And they will find that out.

The people involved with gang stalking activities may not always be piloting their own wheel, to put it in a straightforward manner. Other “stuff” may be manipulating them, working through them. There definitely seems to me to be a hyper-dimensional component to it all – hyper-dimensional, as in, non-physical realms and entities, whether positive or negative, that exist outside our own 3rd density physical reality, unconstrained by space-time, manipulating reality and working through people, like puppet masters from behind the scenes.

… So what’s labeled as “gang stalking activities” may actually be cases of Neg entities working through people, or, regular people that are not involved in gang stalking but who are being “nudged” by other stuff, completely unknown to them, to do something at a particular moment for the benefit of/effect on somebody else around them.

According to Brian Desborough ( (“STOP MISLEADING the CHILDREN, MR. JENNINGS”):

Wiccan covens are covertly controlled on behalf of the Illuminati by means of a United Nations organization called Women’s International Collectives (WICCE); it interfaces with the Russian-directed Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom and is associated in America with the Revolutionary Communist Party.

Christian author, Texe Marrs’s statement is germane here:

“America is under demonic oppression….. We have set up a global gulag.”

Texe Marrs, Power of Prophecy program, August 8, 2014

Hypothesis #318: Psychopathic rule, or rule by psychopaths, is characterized by vertical integration of all aspects of society and thus, affects all communities, large and small, within a nation. The new class that is created in such a society is a privileged class of deviants, who do not feel constrained to obey the law.

Hypothesis #319: Street-level discrediting and destruction of “whistle-blowers” and “truth-tellers” is conducted by Jews and Freemasons and related groups of their minions in order to destroy their only real opposition, honest citizens, and especially, Christians who speak out.

Hypothesis #320: Thus, the function of “street level psychopaths” (Jews, Freemasons, occultist wiccans, etc.) is to police and control “the streets” to protect the upper-level psychopaths (also Jews, Freemasons, occultists) who control the entire “pathocracy.”

Hypothesis #321: If, as Christian radio host, Texe Marrs, suggests, “America is under demonic oppression,” and if, as is well documented, Jews control America, we may posit that Jews as a group are also under demonic oppression.

Conclusions: Evidence presented in this series and on this website indicate that Crestone/Baca and America, itself, today are examples of “pathocracies” and that the “pathocratic” structure is vertically integrated from large to small scales. This conclusion is abundantly proven in Christopher Storey’s book: “The New Underworld Order: Triumph of Criminalism, Dark Actors Playing Games, The Global Fantasies of the Geomasonic Illuminati” (2006). The fundamentally Talmudic/Kabbalistic Jewish nature of the “pathocracy” is indicated in Storey (2006) and in Christian’s (2011) “The Work of All Ages.” These and many other works document that the “privileged class of deviants” is comprised largely by psychopathic Jews, who now boast that they control America and the world (see Slezkine’s “The Jewish Century” (2004)). Jewish “sayanim” in Crestone/Baca apparently support the agendas outlined herein. Hypotheses #313 through 316 are confirmed.

12) From McClaughry’s Blog: “Brigadier General John Rawlings Reese, 1940, Founder of Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, and Head, Psychological Warfare Division of British Army made the following statement. (‘Fifth column” is a group of secret supporters of an enemy that engage in espionage, sabotage, and other subversive activities within the borders of a nation, i.e., the “Trojan Horse.”)”

“If we are to infiltrate the professional and social activities of other people I think we must imitate the Totalitarians and organize some kind of fifth column activity! Let us all, therefore, very secretly be “fifth columnists”.

Discussion: In this statement, British Brigadier General John Rawlings Reese, founder of the “world’s brainwashing center,” The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, succinctly expressed the fifth columnist/Trojan horse strategy, which is to covertly infiltrate societies and communities in order to subvert and destroy them. This strategy has historically been implemented in America and other countries by Jews, who always form a “nation within a nation” in order to subvert and destroy their host nations, and also by their many allied movements, including British Israel (the Jewish-run British Empire), the New Age Movement, communists, the United Nations, Freemasonry, Nazis, etc.

Hypothesis #322: Crestone/Baca has been and is covertly and heavily infiltrated by “fifth columnists” most probably comprised of members of the groups named above: Jews, British Israel, Freemasonry, representatives of the United Nations, the Aspen Institute, the Noetics Institute, the New Age Movement, and British/American/Israeli/German intelligence operatives, etc.

12) Conclusions: Information provided in this series proves this hypothesis to be correct. Due to the proliferation of private contractors, the exact identity and number of “fifth columnist” groups involved is unknown. It remains to be seen if these groups/individuals will succeed in their objectives here. It is quite possible and it is my hope and determination that Crestone/Baca will survive their collective covert activities and grow into a normal, functional American town.

13) (Excerpts from Appendix 9 of this series: Notes On “Gang Stalking” (electronic harassment of innocent citizens)

The truly diabolical character of the New World Order is especially revealed in the following quotes and notes on the topic of “gangstalking.” Citizens-spying-on-citizens, aka “gangstalking” programs integrate and utilize many elements through which the “invisible government”/New World Order/Judeo-Masonic-Babylonian-Satanic cult rules the world. Below, Rich (2008) documents that NATO and worldwide gangstalking programs are a synthesis of programmatic elements previously used in the Roman Empire, in totalitarian dictatorships in the Soviet Union, East Germany, Poland, Czechoslavakia, Portugal, and in the U.S. under the FBI’s “Cointelpro” of the 1960’s and 1970’s. These programs now integrate technologies and methods developed in government mind control programs such as MKULTRA, MKCHAOS, etc. Hence, gangstalking, as currently practiced worldwide, is comprised of two principle elements; 1) surveillance and organized harassment (street theatre, synthetic reality, staged episodes, etc.) of “targeted individuals” (TIs) by perpetrators, as indirectly and directly shown in movies such as “The Game,” “The Sting,” and “The Lives of Others,” and 2) high-tech, electronic harassment of TIs by directed energy weapons (aka “non-lethal weapons”):

a) Notes from Gang Stalking (

“Gang Stalking is a systematic form of control, which seeks to destroy every aspect of a targeted individuals’ (TIs’) life. A target will be flagged by the community for various reasons, their information is sent out to the community at large, and they are followed around 24/7 by the members of the various communities that they are in. Gang Stalking is experienced by the Targeted Individual as psychological attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying them over time. The covert methods used to harass, persecute, and falsely defame the targets often leave no evidence to incriminate the civilian spies.

It’s similar to workplace mobbing, but takes place outside in the community. It is called Gang Stalking, because groups of organized community members stalk and monitor the targets 24/7. Many targeted individuals are flagged, harassed and placed under surveillance in this way for months or even years before they realize that they are being targeted by an organized protocol of harassment.”

b) From the back cover of The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against the Civilian Population by Mark M. Rich, 2008 (

“Mark (M. Rich) provides compelling evidence that wealthy Satanist-psychopaths are waging a covert war right in your neighborhoods as they establish a global dictatorship known as the New World Order…. Their potential enemies are placed under constant surveillance by the security forces and attacked with silent and traceless directed-energy weapons that leave no visible injury. These attacks are combined with psychological warfare used to inflict recurrent emotional pain…. To enforce their rule on the street-level they have recruited a major portion of the civilian population to stalk and harass targeted individuals…… In order to install a dictatorship the streets must be controlled. Your cities have been turned into a covert war zone, and multinational corporations hold the high ground. The Hidden Evil is their strategy for secretly neutralizing their civilian enemies. Many are targeted- most are unaware of it.”

From Rich’s book: “The “Hidden Evil” is also called gang stalking, cause stalking, Public Mobbing, Electronic Concentration Camp, Covert War, and a variety of other names (organized stalking, etc.)….. Organizations from the federal level downward participate in the harassment, which includes local stores and restaurants. This program is not in the process of being created, it is already here. It is thoroughly embedded in most major communities. It is happening in all NATO countries. The program has been operational in some form since at least the early 1980’s, when families of people with connections to federal agencies were targeted.

A significant amount of time was obviously spent designing it and influential people have ensured its survival. It is also almost invisible and traceless. The pretext for this program is presumably to identify and track potential threats to “national security” and to rid communities of undesirables. As I’ll demonstrate, citizen informants have been used to stalk and harass people in other countries for the same reason. US, German, and Russian intelligence agencies have all used these tactics. The Hidden Evil appears to be the culmination of them which has been fine-tuned by think-tanks.

Most of these methods have been used in former Cointelpro operations by governments in the United States, Russia, and Germany against their civilian population. The Hidden Evil’s genesis is obviously derived from known tactics such as: perpetual bogus investigations, surveillance, rumor campaigns, noise, thefts, break-ins, staged accidents, framings, sabotage and vandalism, communications interference, blacklisting, citizen informants for gang stalking, poisoning, drugging, incarceration, and directed energy weapons.

It is a historical fact that the US Government has officially targeted its civilian population on multiple occasions. Programs such as MKULTRA and Cointelpro can’t be denied. “The methods reportedly employed in these harassment campaigns,” explained McKinney, “bear a striking resemblance to those attributed to the CIA and FBI during Operations MKULTRA, MKCHAOS, and COINTELPRO.”

In Germany these methods were contained in two programs, Zersetzung and Directive Perceptions. They were basically German versions of Cointelpro. Zersetzung was developed to psychologically destroy a targeted person…. Dr. Munzert explained… “Zersetzung… means the dissolution or disintegration of the targeted person.”

“In her 2004 book, Stasiland, author Anna Funder described Zersetzung as a concept that involved the annihilation of a targeted person’s inner-self, by engineering recurrent problems in their personal and professional lives, in order to induce hysteria and depression. Directed Perceptions was a similar program intended to destroy an individual’s life by creating perpetual crises in their career, social life, and health. It is intended to prevent the individual from using their talents while instilling feelings of hopelessness and fear. (The Hidden Evil) has been refined and deployed globally…. It is likely an indication of an impending worldwide dictatorship.

There is a basic protocol that they begin with which is consistent in all NATO nations. It starts with the surveillance of the TIs to obtain information that is used for the attacks. This is done so their personality traits can be catalogued. After they are singled out for preliminary stages of harassment, gang stalking ensues, which McKinney describes as part of the “softening-up process.” Then directed energy weapons (DEW) are introduced. The DEW attacks gradually increase to extreme conditions. (Dr. Munzert) describes this as a dual strategy used by the East German Stasi. This includes attacking a person with directed energy weapons while running psychological warfare to portray them as insane.

This protocol includes elements of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), which is a type of mind control used by behaviorists to cause change. Some of the tactics are described as street theatre or staged events….. These are psychological warfare tactics that are designed to make an individual suffer a nervous breakdown…. McKinney states that medical doctors, as well as psychiatrists and psychologists appear to be providing cover for this program.

Microwave DEWs will produce: dizziness, burning, headaches, eye problems, damaged nervous system and internal organs, heart attacks, strokes, aneurysms, cancer, and inability to concentrate…. The use of the term non-lethal to describe these weapons is misleading because the energy can be used for torture that leaves no visible damage. They can also be tuned to kill.

In 1973, the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) discovered that pulsed analogs of spoken words could be sent directly into a person’s cranium, causing them to hear voices…. Microwave hearing is used to taunt people. TI’s have reported hearing doors slamming, voices, sexual and religious degradation, screaming, etc.

Alex Constantine was aware of these weapons and their intended use, which he described in his 1997 book, “Virtual Government.”

“The intelligence agencies are capable of transmitting voices and images directly to the cranium’s sensory pathways. Anyone who falls into disfavor with this elite can be condemned to interminable physical and psychological torture. The victim is often murdered without a trace.”

“Guided by their handlers, multiple prominent informants may work in unison to jacket or otherwise discredit targets, who the security forces believe are a hazard to the system. Jacketing was often used during Cointelpro, and involves the use of informants within an organization to discredit certain effective individuals.

The use of citizen informant networks dates at least as far back as the Roman Empire. ‘Delatores’ were recruited from all classes of society, including knights, freedmen, slaves, wealthy families, philosophers, literary men, court officials, lawyers, etc. Similar to the Terrorism Information and Prevention System (TIPS), it was an “all hands on deck” approach to empire security. Framings were routine, and informants sometimes received a portion of the land that belonged to those who they helped destroy.

More recently, the fascist dictatorship of Portugal used the International and State Defense Police (PIDE) as the main instrument of political oppression. It consisted of secret police and a vast network of ‘Bufos’ (plain-clothed citizen informants), who were apparently on every block. Money and the need for recognition motivated them. Second only to the Stasi in its thoroughness, the PIDE used these civilians to neutralize opposition to the dictatorship. Other countries have used massive citizen informant networks for the same reason. In Czechoslovakia they served the Czechoslovak State Security (StB), and in Poland they worked for the Ministry of Public Security (MBP). Citizen informants of the State Protection Authority (AVH) ensured the survival of the Hungarian dictatorship. TIs were harassed, threatened, confined to mental institutions, tortured, blackmailed, and framed. Even their friends and families were co-opted to persecute them.

Probably the best example of a citizen gangstalking network is the former East German Communist regime. In East Germany the plain-clothed citizen informants were called IMs, or unofficial collaborators. Unofficial means that they unofficially worked for the Ministry of State Security (MfS), also called the Stasi. If part-time informers are included, some estimate that 1 out of every 6.5 citizens were handled by the state.

People have reported that everyone from the homeless to white-collar workers are stalking and harassing them in public. This also includes neighbors, friends, co-workers, and family of TIs. Federal, state, and local governments are complicit, such as local police, fire departments, EMT personnel, city workers, utility companies, taxi drivers, security guards, and stores and restaurants.”

The April/May 1996 issue of ‘Nexus Magazine’ revealed that “tens of thousands of persons in each (Metropolitan) area,” are now “working as spotters and neighborhood/business place spies.” These spotters are charged with “following and checking on subjects who have been identified for covert control.” This explains the mobbing and gang stalking accounts in the workplace and in public.

In May of 2003, the ‘Boston Globe’ described how a national informant program was poised to recruit 100 million citizens! That would be about 1/3 of the population, which means it surpassed the percentage of the population used by the East German government. The program will “dwarf the citizen informer programs of the most repressive totalitarian states, making them appear amateurish by comparison,” they wrote.

Children are participating in gang stalking of TIs. Reportedly, entire families are now participating in gang stalking. Entire families were recruited as IMs in East Germany as well.”

c) Whistle-blowing authorities on gang stalking include Julianne McKinney, a former intelligence officer, an expert on gang stalking, and a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers. She is author of “Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Experimentation” and has been on the receiving end of electronic weapons harassment for 40 years. In a utube interview ( entitled “Julianne McKinney on microwave harassment and mind control,” she claims it is difficult to establish causation…. And that most of the targeted individuals (“TI’s”) have never been a threat:

McKinney: “With these weapons systems, individuals can be singled out by electronic means and destroyed. Capabilities of weapons are to inflict great pain, change mental states, and the frequencies have capacities to kill. The Department of Defense calls them “less than lethal weapons”- now they are called “electronic weapons.””

These are global (gang stalking) operations. The patterns and protocols are virtually identical on the global scale. Someone is overseeing the entire program. Ultimately, these weapons and systems suggest there might be a holocaust in the offing.

Victims are often called “targeted individuals” (TIs). There is a perception, even amongst TI’s, that our government would not do this. There have been thousands of complaints to Congress over the last ten years. Congress took the position that the complaining individuals were imagining things. But Congress does know they exist, and they know the effects, but have not passed any laws that would regulate the use of these weapons systems. For whose bidding is the US government allowing these operations to take place?”

McKinney’s publication, “Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Experimentation,” describes the technologies of “gang stalking” or “organized stalking,” including entry into homes, systematic harassment and then ultimately electronic harassment, that involves V2K, or “voice to skull” synthetic telepathy. Initially, a targeted person is put under surveillance…. There is tremendous capacity for corruption and non-corruption, religion, then they are singled out for gang stalking, entry of homes, and this is followed by intensified electronic harassment.

“Many thousands (ETK: millions) are being targeted. Only a small number realize what’s happening… Those who are complaining are just the tip of the iceberg.

What is the major goal? They are establishing a harassment protocol that will follow each individual for the rest of their lives. The program is designed to “capture” a certain percentage of population. They know that 20% or so will willingly comply and eagerly join the effort to destroy the rest of the population. Part of the reason is to control on the dispensing end, for example, the perpetrators; whereas those being targeted are simply viewed as disposable objects….. (i.e., “the domestic enemy”). Once full control is established over a major percent of the population, and enough of the population is silenced- via programs such as these- then we would be heading for a holocaust.

Part of the objective is testing the latest and greatest in electronic weaponry and other forms of technologies.

What I have found is that the perpetrators appear to belong predominantly to one particular religion whereas the targeted individuals do not belong predominantly to that particular religion.”

d) Dr. Terry Robertson and Hall, anaesthesiologist, at Sonoma State conference on gang stalking on October 2, 2010:

“Who are “they?” The “Neocons,” Lockheed Martin, the government, Northrup Grumman, SAIC, the lethality of EM weapons. There is an overlap with 9/11, the power elite and the agents that work for them, public and private. Who has access to this technology? It probably covers the whole gamut. There are 800,000 private citizens (in America) who have top-secret government clearances. John Alexander’s company, “Psy-tech,” bought the rights to Smirnoff’s technology. Another company is “Man-tech.”

e) Chris ( ) states:

“Gang stalking” is a poor term for what is a system that disposes of people that the system no longer wants…. You might call it: “Societies garbage disposal for people.” Especially for people who speak out. And for people that have been used as sex slaves, pedophile rings, mind-control victims, human experimentees, people used in MKULTRA, MKDELTA, MKALPHA programs.

The program is there to discredit, then destroy people. It follows a pipeline architecture. People are isolated from their friends using a variety of tactics, then they become prime candidates for gang stalking. Perpetrators are men on the ground that do the gang stalking.

You are normally shoved into homelessness. Then they can kill you or destroy your life. You have no protection then. They will push you to suicide. It is a network of people that work to get rid of social dissent. It is a system to eliminate the waste of society. It works exceedingly well. Most don’t make it out of it. The system will give you opportunities to exit, for instance, to become a perp. If you join them, you can get out of the program.”

f) From “The Gangstalking Program Explained” (

You (the TI) need to see through the magicians’ tricks. Adopt a certain mindset. You think it is objective reality; your attention has been drawn to these things. There is going to be a distraction that involves showmanship. This keeps you distracted while the real trick happens elsewhere. How much of this are you doing to yourself? Focus on how you are being manipulated. Look at the messages you are getting. Focus on the message. You are being manipulated. People referring to your private activities; this is a form of public humiliation. Street theatre. Hints are part of the performance- it is an act, a show. They are creating synthetic reality. Staged episodes assist with your brainwashing. But it’s largely in your head. Those messages you internalize help the brainwashing.

Every tactic at every stage corresponds to and mimics some aspect of mental illness. This is quite deliberate. In mind control technology, a very small number of people can effectively hop into a person’s body and make him act out.”

g) From: Gangstalking Depopulation Program- From a Christian’s Perspective (

“People are being recruited from all walks of life to be the eyes and ears of the state. The program is funded by the government. A TI (Targeted Individual) is harassed 24 hours a day and seven days a week. There is no way out. Targeting can happen to anyone in society. In the past, primary targets in programs such COINTELPRO were confined to minorities. Now, TIs include outspoken, whistleblowers, dissidents, anti-war proponents and other innocent individuals. The majority of targets are not aware that they are being targeted. The objective of the campaign is the total destruction of the target. This program is hell on earth.

It is one of many depopulation programs. The program is an extension of COINTELPRO, which was used to destroy groups like the Black Panthers, etc. Programs are still funded by the government. They use felons, children (training programs), bikers, they use all kinds of people who are in the natural environment that the target is in. It is all designed to break the target and make the target go off and assault someone.

People who home school their children are potential targets as well as 911 truthers and activists, and whistle-blowers. You are targeted if you speak out about injustice. It even happens at church. White supremacist groups, skinheads, these people are demonic. If you are Christian, you will probably will get it even worse. From subtle harassment, gang stalking, electronic harassment. Most of society takes part in these harassments in some way or another. We are up against a system of control and conformity. They recruit people, they swear them to secrecy. No one will ever tell you they are in this program.

New World Order, the Illuminati, that’s what this is. Notice hand gestures of the perps. You will feel their spirit, they have a demonic spirit. What is happening to TIs is similar to what happened to many innocent citizens in E. Germany and Russia. They will recruit anyone- including your mother- to monitor and harass you. Once you become an enemy of the state, their goal is to see you dead. In Russia, it was used against activists and dissidents. Many were institutionalized. If you are in jail or institutionalized- your harassment will not stop.

It is funded at a high government level. Many local groups take part. They spend thousands if not millions on targets. The goal is to isolate the target from all forms of support. Sets up target for arrest, institutionalization, or suicide. They have meetings about how to get you to commit crimes, commit suicide, and they have people in jails and institutions waiting for you. They are constantly trying to eliminate you and make you look crazy.

The goal is to isolate the target via slander, smear campaigns, and lies. People are told that the target is a thief, into drugs, a prostitute, crazy, a pedophile. False files are produced and shown to friends, family and store-keepers.

They will mimic the target to let you know, that you are being stalked. And they hope you lash out and say something or do something. Some targets experience sleep deprivation, their house is broken into, their car stolen, you see a lot of rude behaviors, people flip you the bird on the road, all day long. This is an extension of childhood bullying. You may get cut off on the highway.”

McKinney says: “The objective is to force the TI to commit a crime- murder, suicide, or make an outburst, from which they can be jailed or institutionalized.”

God is the only one that can get you through this. Once you get that inner peace, you don’t have to worry about what they are trying to do with you. You have to know where your soul is going. You will get through this. Your soul is going to almighty God. Accept what is going on in your life. These stalkers cannot kill your soul. Their soul is going to hell for what they are doing to you.

Ask God to help you to accept. You can’t change the situation.”

“The bigger picture here is the New World Order. People from all walks of life are being recruited. There is no way out. You are stalked from the day you are put in the program until the day you die.”

h) From: “CIA Using Mind Control Technology via E L F Microwaves on Targeted Individuals” FEB 2012

Brice Taylor, author of “Thanks for the Memories: The Truth Has Set me Free,” born 1951:

“Many thousands if not larger numbers of victims of people have been used as mind control subjects- as well as being used by our own government as operatives who have been under mind control used as a slave labor force without their knowledge or awareness.

Man: “Electronic harassment and electronic surveillance turns the target, like myself, into a walking, talking piece of surveillance equipment. They have the ability to see through my eyes in real time, hear through my ears, everything that’s said.”

“It would almost be the perfect way to implement the man-machine interface. If you can stimulate the brain, you can stimulate vision, stimulate auditory cortex, stimulate movement, passions, basically address the brain directly. Intelligible speech is “heard” by the brain.

Hispanic man: “They definitely do try to get me to commit suicide or retaliate so they could get the upper hand.”

White woman: “They do want me to commit suicide, there’s absolutely no question about that.”

Black woman: “My abusers are trying to force me to commit suicide.”

Young white woman: “In the end you will find that people who are targeted are always whistleblowers.”

Aluminum thermal blankets reflect microwave radiation. They can be used to help protect you when you sleep. Scientists can now connect your brain to a computer.”

i) From: Re: Gang Stalking: New DOJ FOIA Documents Prove DOJ Knows The Truth

Blogger: “Jews are using gang-stalking to silence anti-Zionists. FYI I am of Jewish Descent and you’re correct that some of the worst perps are those who claim to be Jews.

Here’s the reason for that: The cult that has penetrated government and is organized crime goes back to Babylon. While not all in the cult are Jewish, the leadership is. This is the same cult responsible for MK ULTRA and other mind control programs. All they did was integrate ancient cult bullshit into mainstream institutions of government, academia, SPYchiatry, the military-industrial complex, etc. That said, the Jewish part is not so apparent because these are Satanists. This cult has infiltrated ALL sectors of society, including “Christian” churches.

Susano: The one thing these people doing this can’t have is exposure, so take pictures of them and put them on the internet. As for these ‘people’, they bleed and die just like anyone else. Showing a gun at an opportune time with a little wink will let them know you’re on to them.

I know from first hand experience, Masons engage in gang stalking, it is how they keep from being exposed publicly, and they have a long reach. Jews do the same thing; their targets are exclusively ‘gentile’ intellectuals. First, they’ll try to drag you into the sewer and if that fails they simply slander you systematically.

Masons and that strain of Jews I was talking about all serve the cult. You know, that one with the all-seeing eye. Catholics are in on it, too (very few). It’s about Satanic/Luciferian Freemasonry. Like the mafia only bigger.”

j) From: Gang Stalking, Militant Judaism and Organized Crime By Organized-Stalking-And-Mind-Control on 20. April 2013. Posted In: Organisiertes Stalking

“In researching the gangstalking program I have been in communication with well over a hundred gang stalking targets. I have personally met with about a dozen gang-stalking targets, and, have spoken on the telephone with over a dozen targets for a total of well over 100 hours.

Based on the above evidence, as well as my own personal family history, I believe that thousands of families in the U.S. have been targeted by militant Judaism for their families having had a history of known or believed anti-Semitic beliefs. Groups that have conducted hate campaigns against Gentiles perceived to be “Amalek”, meaning the Gentiles who are anti-Semitic and must be destroyed in every generation according to Talmudic Law, are led by militant Judaic factions. These factions include the Jewish Task Force, Jewish Defense Organization (formally Jewish Dense League) followers of the late fanatical rabbi Meir Kahane, Chabadniks and their sympathizers, and front groups for criminal Zionism such as the ADL (Anti-Defamation League).”

k) from Gang Stalking by “ShieldoftheSon:”

“Now, 3.2 million people in the United States per year are gang stalked in one form or another. The government has instituted policies in violation of our privacies, so that pretty much the whole country is being gang stalked. The object is to nullify their efforts or relationships with family and friends to vilify them in an insane effort to destroy their lives. Remember this always: Jesus Christ was the first gang-stalked victim. His enemies stalked him and slandered him everywhere he went. He called them hypocrites and children of the devil. Many are part of Satanic covens or witchcraft covens. Many come from extremist groups and their tactics are a form of terrorism. These are bullying and illegal actions. Sadly, gang stalking groups have government agents behind them. Even firemen, ambulance workers, teachers, and police officers, community watch groups, some of them, work for gang stalking groups. Many of them knew 9/11 was going down months before it went down. Make no mistake, they target Christian teachers, patriots, and speakers of truth. They are extremist villains working the cause of Satan. They will lie and make up stories about victims. The gang stalkers are having fun at the expense and sorrow of laws and having fun at breaking laws. Gang stalkers are cowards. There is a price for dealing with the devils. And they will find that out.”

l) From Christopher Storey’s “The New Underworld Order; The Triumph of Criminalization, Dark Actors Playing Games, Global Fantasies of the Geo-Masontic Illuminati” (2006):


“The former Chairman of the Republican National Committee, Ed Gillespie, boasted in February 2006 that he had already reached his objective of recruiting at least three million ‘spies’ for the Neighbourhood Watch Association, who will operate Soviet-style ‘neighbourhood committees’ and will sit in bars and coffee shops across the country, listening for hints of prospective sedition, making notes and finding out people’s names and addresses. The organization he had put together on instructions evidently issued by Republican Party cadres has received funding from the American Freedom Association, which must not be confused with a legitimate organization of the same name. The Foundation was said to be providing an initial $5.0 million annually to finance this ‘free-standing’ embryonic domestic spying network. The objective is to establish a ‘private’ Gestapo in the hands of the globalist criminalist Illuminati cadres who have long since siezed control in the United States, but whose decisive grip on permanent power is not yet (as of 2006) ‘irrevocably’ cemented into place. The spy network is to be ‘privatized’ in order to separate it from any question of official control, and from any restrictions, in terms of what kinds of people are employed to man this sinister ‘fifth column’ network, such as gangsters and operatives from the criminal underworld with which the organizers are very familiar. Whether these new ‘brownshirts’ wearing civilian clothes will mushroom to become a free-standing Interior Ministry in Leninist competition with the Department of Homeland Security, a.k.a. Ministry of State Security, remained, in 2006, to be seen. Under the Patriot III omnibus spending legislation, the Department of Justice was expected to restart its previously suspended ‘Inform on Your Neighbor’ program, upgraded to form the nucleus of parallel para-militarized and politicized Neighborhood Watch Association and Civilian Defense Force structures, the outlines of which were only emerging as this book was being finalized. Whatever the outcome, the models for all this frenetic secret activity are the Illuminati’s Nazi and Communist formulae.

The choice of Bulgaria as the location for the ‘Trans-Global Security Consulting Group Limited’ was suspicious. Bulgaria is a small, poor, and totally corrupt country and, since the 1980s, has been the primary external seat of Russian, Turkish and other organized criminal enterprises, of which Bulgaria’s own KINTEX is a notorious example. The country is an important transit link between ‘Heroin Number 4’ exports from Afghanistan to Europe – greatly boosted as a direct consequence of the American invasion, which resulted in heroin production soaring from a ‘negligible’ 100 tons under the Taliban in 2001, to over 4,500 tons in 2004, in conformity with the Illuminati’s greed for drug-related ‘pipeline’ funding – to Europe and the United States. Deals are usually arranged between the Turkish Mafia intermediaries and Italian Mafia traders, who buy heroin from the Turks and ship it to Europe. They also make extensive use of the Polish port of Gdansk, assisted by Italian Mafia operatives resident in Poland. For any Soviet-US ‘security consulting’ group to be located in Sophia therefore smells of further intelligence preparations for the proliferation of New Underworld Order corruption, even suggesting that the real purpose of the intended Neighborhood Watch Association arrangements is actually to provide cover for unimpeded drug-trafficking, and pre-emptive precautionary structures against any official operations designed to disrupt this burgeoning criminalist activity. For make no mistake: the hegemony of the Illuminati, which is still not inevitable and which, in any case, will fail, after wreaking historically unprecedented death, chaos and destruction, presupposes the unhindered primacy of open-ended criminalism in every corner of governmental and ‘free-standing’ components of society. Why else was the corrupt British ‘New Labor’ Government engaged, in 2006, in establishing gambling houses in British provincial cities, if the intention was not to provide a bridge into Britain for US organized criminal gangs and further outlets for drug- and organized crime-related money-laundering? The point here is
that the new US Reich is built and motivated by corruption, which means that the structures that its progenitors develop will corrupt themselves, as happened in Nazi Germany.”

m) Gang Stalking vs. Hyperdimensional Matrix Attacks by Carissa Conti

(ETK note: I include excerpts from this last internet article because it makes reference to “spiritual realities” or “potential spiritual realities” that are discussed in Appendix 8 of this series:


“Gang stalking, in my opinion, actually involves a mix of several things that have been mistakenly lumped into the same category: 1) Hyperdimensional attacks from non-physical entities outside this realm who hone in on individuals over the course of their life either because the target poses a threat to the Negs, and/or, because the target is a guaranteed disempowered, low frequency food source, and then 2) Physically-based groups and syndicates who often times have government ties, targeting people who pose a threat to the negative elements in charge of this reality and the establishment. Both can overlap in my opinion, as it seems that the non-physical demonic Negs can also work through these syndicates and gang stalkers, using them to do their bidding. And finally, 3) a person’s personal frequency and the way they interface with reality, especially if they’ve gotten into habitual mindsets of fear, paranoia and disempowerment, can help perpetuate and escalate harassment by drawing more of it to themselves due to conscious and unconscious expectation.

Based on much of what I’ve read of people’s accounts online, so much of what is being labeled as “gangstalking” is, in my opinion, actually a case of synchronicity. Amazing coincidence, but where the person(s) involved are not knowingly trying to perpetrate something on the supposed target. I encounter synchronicity in my own life on a regular basis, as evidenced by other write ups on this website including comments made by people around me and general situations that match up uncannily to thoughts I’ve had. But this does not mean “people are reading my mind” or “everybody’s watching me and are in on it.” Unfortunately that mindset runs rampant within much gangstalking material that’s out there as I’ve seen. The reason for this I think is because the proponents of the “strictly physical-based gangstalking” theory have no knowledge of hyper-dimensional stuff, neg entities and so on, and have never researched the subject of synchronicities. They’re working with a puzzle that’s missing most of the pieces, so you really can’t blame them for coming to wrong conclusions about things. They don’t have the full story. Sometimes their effort to make everything fit into the physical-based gangstalking explanation becomes totally silly, with the explanations getting increasingly more far fetched in order to try to pound that square peg into a round hole. And sometimes those who are told about this aspect of reality refuse to accept it, as I’ve experienced firsthand, having people try to argue with me in emails about it. For them it was easier to believe that everybody around them is knowingly “in on the plot!” reading their minds with special technology and tapped phones, coordinating together in a mass effort, etc. than it would be to consider the idea of hyper-d reality, synchs and so on. (And to the skeptics both sides sound equally as crazy, which I understand. 😀 )

Both the idea of physical based targeting and hyper-d happenings and synchs/glitches have validity in my opinion. The key is for the target to be aware of both, and then be able to differentiate what events fall into which category. The most important thing I can possibly stress in this write up would be to change one’s internal reaction to it all and no longer be affected. Change your personal frequency. That’s essentially asking a person to change who they are at the core level……..but, it has to be done if one desires complete change in the way their personal reality is operating….

(Components of gang stalking):

1. Actual physical-based government and network groups: There can be no doubt that physical people are involved, acting on their own volition, whether everyday people who’ve been “recruited” or, those within higher organizations and government groups. So apparently this is definitely one factor in the equation, and first and foremost on this list. But I don’t believe this is the only thing going on here…..

2. Hyper-dimensional matrix reality: The people involved with gang stalking activities may not always be piloting their own wheel, to put it in a straight forward manner. Other “stuff” may be manipulating them, working through them. There definitely seems to me to be a hyper-dimensional component to it all – hyper-dimensional, as in, non-physical realms and entities, whether positive or negative, that exist outside our own 3rd density physical reality, unconstrained by space-time, manipulating reality and working through people, like puppet masters from behind the scenes.

Gang stalking targets have cited instances where their harassers are involved in synchronous happenings, or have been able to preemptively beat them to the punch, to the point where it seems impossible…….by human standards. Uncannily timed interference with activities that the stalkers couldn’t have had any advance knowledge of. Appearing in a place before the target gets there, but how could they have known that the target was going? For some people it can really send them into obsessive tailspin trying to figure out how it’s possible that “they” can consistently know things beforehand and preemptively strike like that.

Well again, one explanation is that we’re dealing with a phenomenon that’s not entirely human. When reading various websites and summaries on gang stalking along with people’s first hand accounts what I’m seeing (in my opinion) are two separate things being mixed up in the same category: The concept of “hyper-dimensional matrix attacks,” and physical 3rd density harassment by people/groups. They’re separate, yet often times intertwined, concepts. So what’s labeled as “gang stalking activities” may actually be cases of Neg entities working through people, or, regular people that are not involved in gang stalking but who are being “nudged” by other stuff, completely unknown to them, to do something at a particular moment for the benefit of/effect on somebody else around them. For the latter, that means any one of us, myself included, could be used in this way. But this is a subject not mentioned in most gang stalking material I’ve read thus far. Which is understandable since many people aren’t aware of hyper-dimensional worlds, the non-physical entities that reside in them, the scope of their power over people and this reality, and the fact that they’re not limited by space-time. Reading the writings of Montalk for instance, is a good place to go for those who are unfamiliar with the idea of hyper-dimensional “matrix agents.” The book “Practical Psychic Self Defense” by Robert Bruce is another good source, an in-depth first hand account of Neg entities, what they are, how they operate, and how to remove and rid them.

1. Personal frequency, inadvertent reality manipulation/synchs and glitches, coupled with hyper-dimensional matrix happenings. Several related things rolled into one here, so let’s start at the top: Your personal “frequency” has to do with your personality. It encompasses the way you react and respond to everyday life situations, people, and the world around you, your general emotional state, how sensitive you are, your thoughts, beliefs and expectations whether conscious or unconscious, how strong your ego is, etc. Which means your overall personal frequency can change throughout your life, if you learn and grow and alter thought and behavioral patterns. It’s not fixed in stone. Typical “low” frequency traits that most of us experience at some point are fear/terror, paranoia, anger, hate, being critical/judgmental, wishing or inflicting harm, violence, destruction on others, bitterness/resentment, guilt, shame, sorrow/despondency, self-absorption/narcissism, etc. Basically anything that doesn’t come from a place of love, wisdom, higher understanding, service, and connection to All. Again, we’ve all experienced items on that list, myself included, so, not to come across as “holier than thou.” 😉

Lower astral entities, some aliens/non-humans, and Neg entities in general are known to feed on the energies created by lower frequency emotions, since that’s what they resonate with, farming us for them in the same way we farm animals for their meat, milk, eggs and parts. Farmers do what they have to do to ensure an ample production of milk, eggs and meat, and Neg/hyper-d entities are also deliberately manipulating us and our lives to ensure an ample production of low frequency thoughts, behaviors, reactions and emotions, not only for their food, but for their personal amusement as well it seems.”

Discussion: Most people are not familiar with the phenomena of gangstalking. I was also largely ignorant about the program until just a few months ago. Hence, we first need to review the facts as presented above:

A) What is gangstalking? (aka cause stalking, Public Mobbing, Electronic Concentration Camp, Covert War, organized stalking, etc.)

Gangstalking is the organized use of covert methods designed to harass, persecute, falsely defame, and ultimately destroy “targeted individuals.” Targeted individuals (TIs) who are victims of the program undergo constant surveillance by security forces, continuous harassment by “surveillance role players” aka “perpetrators,” and are psychologically attacked with silent and traceless directed-energy weapons that leave no visible injury. These DEW attacks are combined with psychological warfare used to inflict recurrent emotional pain. Organizations from the federal level downward participate in the harassment, which includes local stores and restaurants. US, German, and Russian intelligence agencies have all used these tactics. Modern gangstalking appears to be the culmination of previous programs that are now fine-tuned by think-tanks.

Dr. Munzert describes gangstalking as a dual strategy, as used by the East German Stasi, that includes 1) attacking a person with directed energy weapons while 2) running psychological warfare to portray them as insane. These programs especially target people who criticize “the system.” Hence, it is a way for the system to systematically identify and neutralize their “domestic, civilian enemies.” The program also typically targets those who have been used as sex slaves, in pedophile rings, mind-control victims, human experimentees, people used in MKULTRA, MKDELTA, MKALPHA programs, etc.

The program follows a pipeline architecture, is global in scope, and hence is controlled “internationally.” People are typically isolated from friends and family using a variety of tactics; at which point they become prime candidates for gang stalking. TIs are typically shoved into homelessness first and later pushed into suicide. Perpetrators include a network of people that work to get rid of social dissent. Most TI’s are not aware they are being targeted and most don’t survive the targeting.

The program is derived from known tactics such as perpetual bogus investigations, surveillance, rumor campaigns, noise, thefts, break-ins, staged accidents, framings, sabotage and vandalism, communications interference, blacklisting, citizen informants for gang stalking, poisoning, drugging, incarceration, and directed energy weapons. Methods reportedly employed in these harassment campaigns bear a striking resemblance to those attributed to the CIA and FBI during Operations MKULTRA, MKCHAOS, and COINTELPRO. Protocols include elements of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), which is a type of mind control used by behaviorists to cause change. Some tactics are described as street theatre or staged events….. The program uses psychological warfare tactics designed to make an individual suffer a nervous breakdown. Medical doctors, psychiatrists. and psychologists are providing cover for this program.

Microwave DEWs (directed energy weapons) produce dizziness, burning, headaches, eye problems, damaged nervous system and internal organs, heart attacks, strokes, aneurysms, cancer, and inability to concentrate…. These electronic/psychotronic weapons, commonly referred to in military-intelligence circles as “nonlethal weapons,” can be used for torture that leaves no visible damage. They can also be tuned to kill. Microwave hearing is used to taunt people. TI’s have reported hearing doors slamming, voices, sexual and religious degradation, screaming, etc.

Guided by their handlers, multiple informants may work in unison to jacket or otherwise discredit targets, who the security forces believe are a hazard to the system. Jacketing, often used during Cointelpro, involves the use of informants within an organization to discredit certain effective individuals.

The best example of a citizen gangstalking network was that utilized by the STASI secret police of the former East German Communist regime. There, plain-clothed citizen informants were called IMs, or unofficial collaborators, who unofficially worked for the Ministry of State Security (MfS), aka Stasi. If part-time informers are included, some estimate that 1 out of every 6.5 citizens were handled by the state.

Gangstalking patterns and protocols are virtually identical on the global scale. Someone is overseeing the entire program. Ultimately, use of these weapons and systems suggest there might be a holocaust in the offing.

In “Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Experimentation,” McKinney describes the technologies of “gang stalking,” including entry into homes, systematic harassment and ultimately electronic harassment involving V2K, or “voice to skull” synthetic telepathy. n A targeted person is first put under surveillance…. then they are singled out for gang stalking, entry of homes, and this is followed by intensified electronic harassment. Many thousands are (now) being targeted. Only a small number realize what’s happening… Those who are complaining are just the tip of the iceberg.

B) Who are the perpetrators? Gangstalking perpetrators includes wealthy Satanist psychpaths, Jews, Jewish “Sayanim,” Freemasons, Satanic witches and covens, intelligence/government cadres, the “Neocons,” Lockheed Martin, the government, Northrup Grumman, SAIC, intelligence agencies and their private cut-outs, the lethality of EM weapons, and many millions of recruited “citizen spies.” There is an overlap with 9/11, the power elite, and their public and private employees. Many have access to these technologies. 800,000 private citizens in America have top-secret government clearances. John Alexander’s company, “Psy-tech,” bought the rights to Smirnoff’s technology. Another company is “Man-tech.”

Gangstalking expert (and victim) Julianne McKinney has stated: “What I have found is that the perpetrators appear to belong predominantly to one particular religion whereas the targeted individuals do not belong predominantly to that particular religion.”

Evidence provided in this series proves that Judaism is the particular religion involved. Furthermore, victims report that:

“Masons engage in gang stalking, it is how they keep from being exposed publicly, and they have a long reach. Jews do the same thing; their targets are exclusively ‘gentile’ intellectuals.

People are being recruited from all walks of life to be the eyes and ears of the state. The program is funded by the government. People have reported that everyone from the homeless to white-collar workers are stalking and harassing them in public. This also includes neighbors, friends, co-workers, and family of TIs. Federal, state, and local governments are complicit, such as local police, fire departments, EMT personnel, city workers, utility companies, taxi drivers, security guards, and stores and restaurants.

One victim concludes that ultimately the New World Order, the Illuminati, are the perps.

Notice hand gestures of the perps. You will feel their spirit, they have a demonic spirit….. White supremacist groups, skinheads, these people are demonic. If you are Christian, you will probably will get it even worse. From subtle harassment, gang stalking, electronic harassment. Most of society takes part in these harassments in some way or another.

The cult that has penetrated government and is organized crime goes back to Babylon. While not all in the cult are Jewish, the leadership is. This is the same cult responsible for MK ULTRA and other mind control programs. All they did was integrate ancient cult bullshit into mainstream institutions of government, academia, SPYchiatry, the military-industrial complex, etc. That said, the Jewish part is not so apparent because these are Satanists. This cult has infiltrated ALL sectors of society, including “Christian” churches.

… thousands of families in the U.S. have been targeted by militant Judaism for their families having had a history of known or believed anti-Semitic beliefs. Groups that have conducted hate campaigns against Gentiles perceived to be “Amalek”, meaning the Gentiles who are anti-Semitic, and must be destroyed in every generation according to Talmudic Law, are led by militant Judaic factions. These factions include the Jewish Task Force, Jewish Defense Organization (formally Jewish Dense League) followers of the late fanatical rabbi Meir Kahane, Chabadniks and their sympathizers, and front groups for criminal Zionism such as the ADL (Anti-Defamation League).

Many (perps) are part of Satanic covens or witchcraft covens. Many come from extremist groups and their tactics are a form of terrorism. These are bullying and illegal actions. Sadly, gang stalking groups have government agents behind them. Even firemen, ambulance workers, teachers, and police officers, community watch groups, some of them, work for gang stalking groups.

Republican National Committee Chairman, Ed Gillespie, boasted in February 2006 that he had already reached his objective of recruiting at least three million ‘spies’ for the Neighborhood Watch Association, who will operate Soviet-style
‘neighborhood committees’ and will sit in bars and coffee shops across the country, listening for hints of prospective sedition, making notes and finding out people’s names and addresses.”

C) Who are the targeted individuals? Anyone who falls into disfavor with this elite can be condemned to interminable physical and psychological torture. Victims (TIs) are often “murdered without a trace.” One informed estimate is that today, some 3.2 million people, or about 1% of the American population is targeted. This group typically includes dissidents, whistle-blowers, Christian teachers, patriots, and speakers of truth.

“Many are targeted- most are unaware of it. People who home school their children are potential targets as well as 911 truthers and activists, and whistle-blowers. You are targeted if you speak out about injustice…. even at church.

(Today, much of) the spy network is ‘privatized’ in order to separate it from any question of official control, and from any restrictions, in terms of what kinds of people are employed to man this sinister ‘fifth column’ network, such as gangsters and operatives from the criminal underworld with which the organizers are very familiar.”

D) How extensive is program?: The program is global and is basically identical in all NATO countries: “In May of 2003, the ‘Boston Globe’ described how a national informant program was poised to recruit 100 million citizens! That would be about 1/3 of the population, which means it surpassed the percentage of the population used by the East German government. The program will “dwarf the citizen informer programs of the most repressive totalitarian states, making them appear amateurish by comparison,” they wrote.

These government programs “use felons, children (training programs), bikers, and all kinds of people who are in the natural environment that the target is in. It is all designed to break the target and make the target go off and assault someone.  The program has been operational in some form since at least the early 1980’s, at which time families of people with connections to federal agencies were targeted.

To enforce their rule on the street-level they have recruited a major portion of the civilian population to stalk and harass targeted individuals…… (one out of six in East Germany, potentially one out of three in America).

E) What are the goals of the program? Once an individual is targeted, i.e., becomes an enemy of the state, their goal is to kill/destroy you. In Russia, it was used against activists and dissidents and many were institutionalized. Harassment of targets who have been jailed or institutionalized does not stop.

The goal is to isolate the target from all forms of support (and) set up the target for arrest, institutionalization, or suicide. They are constantly trying to eliminate you and make you look crazy.

The goal is to isolate the target via slander, smear campaigns, and lies. People are told that the target is a thief, into drugs, a prostitute, crazy, a pedophile. False files are produced and shown to friends, family and store-keepers.

McKinney: “The objective is to force the TI to commit a crime- murder, suicide, or make an outburst, from which they can be jailed or institutionalized.

The program is designed to “capture” a certain percentage of the population. They know that 20% or so will willingly comply and join the effort to destroy the rest of the population. Part of the goal is to control the perpetrators. Those being targeted are simply viewed as disposable objects… (i.e., “the domestic enemy”). Once full control is established over a major percent of the population, and enough of the population is silenced- via programs such as these- world-wide dictatorship accompanied by global holocaust/genocide is made possible.

Another objective is to test the latest electronic weaponry and other technologies.

Jews are using gang-stalking to silence anti-Zionists. The objective is to establish a ‘private’ Gestapo in the hands of the globalist criminalist Illuminati cadres who have long since siezed control in the United States, but whose decisive grip on permanent power is not yet (as of 2006) ‘irrevocably’ cemented into place.”

“(Another possible) purpose of the intended Neighborhood Watch Association arrangements is to provide cover for unimpeded drug-trafficking, and pre-emptive precautionary structures against any official operations designed to disrupt this burgeoning criminalist activity.”

Hypothesis #323: Gangstalking is occurring in Crestone/Baca. Targeted Individuals may include those who are not “the sort of people we want” as per comment g, section 10, above. More intensive targeting operations might be directed towards those who pose a political threat to the local power structure of “Operation Crestone/Baca,” “9/11 truthers,” etc.

Hypothesis #324: As per the above information, perpetrators would dominantly include Jews, Freemasons, occultists, wiccans, and their civilian hirelings, whereas targets would consist mostly of non-Jews, especially truth-tellers, dissidents, and Christians.

Hypothesis #325: Most perpetrators in Crestone/Baca would themselves have been fooled into participating in the program.

Hypothesis #326: We may postulate that individuals who have committed suicide, disappeared, and or voluntarily left the community may have been (unsuspecting) victims of this program.

Hypothesis #327: Individuals who may act crazy or say ostensibly crazy things (comments u through 2-g, section 10, above) may be victims of this program.

13) Conclusions: My own personal observations and experience tend to confirm all these hypotheses. The research that I have done for this section of this article may be the most important aspect of the project for me personally, in terms of understanding the larger dimensions of “Operation Crestone/Baca,” for in 2013, while I was engaged in writing this series of articles, I realized that I was too was a “Targeted Individual.”

14) “We have exterminated the property owners in Russia. We are going to do the same thing in Europe and America.”

“The Jew,” December, 1925, Zinobit

Discussion: Information provided in this series confirms this extraordinary claim. That Jews historically have tried to overturn existing power structures by covert, criminal methods is amply demonstrated in history and by their own scriptures and admissions (see Part IV and Appendix 6). For example: the Jewish Talmud: Sanhedrin, 57a states:

Jews may rob and kill non-Jews.

Jewish Talmud: Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L:

Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.
Jewish Talmud; Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D:

When the Messiah comes, every Jew will have 2800 slaves.

Old Testament precedents and “commandments” for extreme Jewish racism, chauvinism, aggression, violence, and arrogance include (Deuteronomy: 20:10-16), wherein the “chosen people” are commanded by God to enslave or kill all non-Jews:

When you come to a city to fight against it, then first proclaim peace toward it. If it answers for peace, and opens its gates to you, then all the people found therein shall be your slaves, and they shall serve you. If it won’t make peace, but will make war against you, then you shall besiege it. And when the LORD thy God has delivered it into your hands, you shall kill every male inside with the edge of your sword. But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the fortunes inside, shall you take for yourself; and you shall eat all the good things of your enemy, which the LORD thy God has given you. Thus you shall do to every city even faraway which are not among your chosen nations. In these cities, which the LORD thy God gives you for an inheritance, you shall leave nothing left alive …

(Note: McClaurey’s Blog commentary on the above quote from Deuteronomy in the Old Testament is as follows:)

“Remember: it was the Israelites that were the aggressors, it was the Israelites that invaded Canaan with the clear intention of dispossessing and displacing the rightful owners. Any city or tribe or nation that dared to defend itself against these marauders – sorry “God’s Chosen People” – was wiped out. If they surrendered without a fight they were granted the privilege of becoming slaves. Now isn’t that extraordinarily merciful and generous of our ”Chosenites?” P.S. The successors of the Israelites are at it again! Look at what is transpiring in Palestine! You really can’t miss the parallels!

Many statements of modern Jewish rabbis verify this extreme Jewish racism, chauvinism, and exceptionalism, and their claim to be the “master race,” and prove that this attitude is not a thing of the past. Chabad-Lubavitcher, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson stated:

“We have a case of the Jew…a totally different species. The body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of members of all other nations of the world. Bodies of the Gentiles are in vain. An even greater difference is in regard to the soul… A non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.”

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Israeli Sephardic leader, JERUSALEM ( 10/18/2010, stated:

“Goyim (non-Jews) were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world: only to serve the People of Israel…. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi (master) and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”

The late Israeli Prime Minister and former Irgun terrorist Menachem Begin (Israeli Prime Minister, 1977-1983) stated in a training pamphlet for the Jewish terrorist Stern Gang, excerpt from LEHI, 1946:

“Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.”

Rabbi Yaacov Perrin declared:

“One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.”

(The above quotes are from Part IV of this series; Bernard Weckman, “The God of Judaism is a Psychopath,” 2013; and Texe Marrs, “Carter Reveals Begin Viewed the Jews as the Master Race: All Hail the Jewish Master Race”).

The historic Jewish plot for Jewish world supremacy is summarized succinctly in the introduction to The Work of All Ages: The Ongoing Plot to Rule the World from Biblical Times to the Present (Christian, 2011):

“”The Work of All Ages” is a brief history of the Jewish people, from the days of Abraham to the present….. From ancient times, they have had a vision of Jewish world supremacy, based on the belief that they are God’s “chosen people.” Today they look forward to the coming of the Jewish messiah, who will lead them to rule the world from Jerusalem. The state of Israel—in Jewish eyes the reincarnation of the legendary kingdoms of Solomon and David—however, has no problem with targeting the great Christian and Muslim centers of the world with nuclear weapons if it is threatened with destruction before this comes about, i.e., “the Samson Option.”

In 33 chapters, this book reviews some of the things the Jews have done over the centuries—often in great secrecy—to advance this agenda. Included are the following: the conquest of Canaan; unity in dispersion; development of the Talmud and Kabbalah; conversion of the Khazars to Judaism; support of the Protestant reformation; development of Freemasonry; institution of central banking systems; the Rothschild Protocols; the creation of Order of the Illuminati; the creation of the Sabbatean sect—worship of Lucifer; the development of Communism and Zionism; the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion; the Bolshevik overthrow of the Christian czar in Russia; the creation of the Frankfurt School in Germany and the foisting of Cultural Marxism on the peoples of the Western world; control of the media; formation of the state of Israel; the infiltration and undermining of the Vatican; the globalization movement; and the institution of the so-called “New World Order.”

These and countless other Jewish crimes against humanity are documented in this book, in this series and in many other books. Other Jewish (genocidal) crimes include the instigation of most wars and revolutions and the creation of innumerable cults/false religions. Jews themselves boast of these nefarious achievements. In 1893, Msgr. Leon Meurin, S.J., Franc-Maconnerie-Synagogue de Satan:

History will not fail to recount one day that all revolutions of the past centuries have their origin in the Masonic sect, under the supreme direction of the Jews. Those who enter into the Lodge participate knowingly or unwittingly in the war of the modern Synagogue against the thrones and altars of our countries.”

Dr. Oscar Levy, prominent London Jew, stated:

“We Jews have made the World War (WWI)! We, Jews, are nothing else than the world’s seducers, its incendiaries, its executioners! Our last revolution is not yet made! We, Jews, invented the myth of the “Chosen People.”

Chaim Weizmann, President of World Jewish Congress, stated in 1942”

“We are not denying and we are not afraid to confess, this war (WWII) is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry…. Stronger than all fronts together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not only giving this war our financial support on which the entire war production is based. We are not only providing our full propaganda power which is the moral energy that keeps this war going. The guarantee of victory is predominantly based on weakening the enemy forces, on destroying them within their own country, within the resistance. And we are the Trojan horse in the enemy’s fortress. Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy. There, our front is a fact and the most valuable aid for victory.

Jew, Maurice Samuel declared in “You Gentiles” p.155:

“We Jews, the destroyers, will remain destroyers forever…. Nothing that the gentiles will do will meet our needs and demands.”

Jewish Professor Werner Zombart (cited in ‘The Secret World Government Or ‘The Hidden Hand’, The Unrevealed in History):

Wars are the Jew’s harvests.”

In this series, we have identified the ideas/ideologies/religious scripts that underpin this “permanent revolution”/”world revolutionary movement” of the Jews. Kabbalistic, occult witchcraft is central to these ideas/ideologies/religious scripts. Apparently, “theurgy” (summoning of spirits) is involved, just as it was in the “work” of British sorcerer John Dee. In Dr. Stanley Montieth’s article; “Machiavelli, Leo Strauss, Michael Ledeen and the Coming War with Iran” (2008;, we get further insights that help explain America’s current role in several Middle Eastern wars:

“(Jewish neoconservative, Michael) Ledeen quotes Machiavelli approvingly on what makes a great leader. ‘A prince must have no other objectives or other thoughts or take anything for his craft, except war.’ . . . ‘the virtue of the warrior are those of great leaders of any successful organization.”

Who was Niccolo` Machiavelli, and why is his political philosophy important today? Machiavelli was a member of the revolutionary government that ruled Florence from 1494 to 1512, and Machiavelli was forced to leave Florence after Pope Julius II helped the Medici family regain control of the city. In the years that followed, Machiavelli wrote The Prince, which established his place in history. What did Niccolo` Machiavelli believe? He believed people are inherently evil, people cannot rule themselves, and a successful State needs an authoritarian ruler (a Prince). To succeed, the “Prince” must wage war, he must be willing to use deceit and cruelty, and he must believe “the end justifies the means.” Where did those concepts originate? [5]

In a letter that Machiavelli wrote to a friend at that time, he stated:

“When evening comes, I return home . . . and go to my study. On the threshold I strip naked . . . and put on the robes of court and palace, and in this graver dress I enter the courts of the ancients and am welcomed by them, and there I taste the food that alone is mine, and for which I was born. And there I make bold to speak to them and ask the motives of their actions, and they, in their humanity reply to me . . . I pass indeed into their world.” [6]

Was that statement an allegory, was it a figment of Machiavelli’s imagination, or did his spirit pass into the supernatural realm and encounter the teachings of “the ancients”? [7]

Why is Niccolo` Machiavelli’s political philosophy important today? Because the neoconservative movement that controls the Bush administration is implementing Machiavelli’s totalitarian plan in the United States and throughout the world.

Who was Leo Strauss, and why is his philosophy important today? (German Jew) Leo Strauss created the neoconservative (Trotskyite) movement when he was professor at the University of Chicago during the middle decades of the twentieth century, and the Neo-cons control the Bush administration today. What did Leo Strauss teach? He convinced his students they were a “special few” who could change the world, he taught his students Plato and Niccolo` Machiavelli were correct, and he taught them that the use of deceit and cruelty are acceptable. He also he taught his students that mankind must be controlled by a ruling oligarchy or a “philosopher king.” Where did those ideas originate? They come from the occult teachings of the “ancients” and the Mystery religions. Leo Strauss also taught his students the secret of esoteric writing, and the difference between exoteric and esoteric concepts.

Exoteric information is disseminated to the masses, esoteric (occult) information is reserved for the “special few.”

Who is Michael Ledeen, and why are his ideas important today? Michael Ledeen is a prominent leader of the Neoconservative movement that is promoting an authoritarian regime in the United States, and totalitarian regimes throughout the world today.

The article, “Flirting with Fascism, “Creative Destruction is Our Middle Name” provides more information on neocon Michael Ledeen, the “total war” advocate:

Quotes from Ledeen’s works reveal a peculiar set of beliefs about American attitudes toward violence. ‘Change — above all violent change — is the essence of human history,’ he proclaims in his book, Machiavelli on Modern Leadership: Why Machiavelli’s Iron Rules Are as Timely and Important Today as Five Centuries Ago. In an influential essay in the National Review Online [4] he asserts, ‘Creative destruction is our middle name. We do it automatically … it is time once again to export the democratic revolution.’

Ledeen has become the driving philosophical force behind the neoconservative movement and the military actions it has spawned. His 1996 book, Freedom Betrayed; How the United States Led a Global Democratic Revolution, Won the Cold War, and Walked Away,” reveals the basic neoconservative obsession: the United States never “won” the Cold War; the Soviet Union collapsed of its own weight without a shot being fired. Had the United States truly won, democratic institutions would be sprouting everywhere the threat of Communism had been rife.

Iraq, Iran and Syria are the first and foremost nations where this should happen, according to Ledeen. The process by which this should be achieved is a violent one, termed “total war,” a concept pioneered by the 19th century Prussian general, Karl von Clausewitz in his classic book “On War.”

Here is Ledeen’s “creative destruction” quote from his book, “The War Against the Terror Masters:

“Creative destruction is our middle name, both within our own society and abroad. We tear down the old order every day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law. Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity, which menaces their traditions (whatever they may be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace. Seeing America undo traditional societies, they fear us, for they do not wish to be undone. They cannot feel secure so long as we are there, for our very existence—our existence, not our politics—threatens their legitimacy. They must attack us in order to survive, just as we must destroy them to advance our historic mission.”

Clearly, the Jewish “neoconservative,” Michael Ledeen, declares that America has become, the leader of the (Jewish) “permanent revolution,” aka “The World Revolutionary Movement” (Carr, 1954). Thus, America itself is now controlled by the (Jewish) “revolutionary directorate.”

In 9/11 Synthetic Terror Made in USA (2005), Webster Tarpley provides more insight into (German Jewish) neo-fascist professor Leo Strauss of the University of Chicago. Again, Strauss was “guru” of the (Trotskyite) neocons who constituted and wrote position papers for the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) think tank which resulted in the 9/11 attacks, the associated wars in the Middle East, and increased police state measures at home (Figure ). The fact that many of the necons themselves are dual citizens of the United States and Israel helps explain why American policy has served Israeli over American interests.

Figure 4. The “Neocon Family Tree” (from Tarpley, 2005).

Tarpley offers these insights on Strauss’s political ideology:

“… Leo Strauss was the product of three main intellectual and political influences. First among these was the proto-Nazi Friedrich Nietsche, who was designated, by Nazi ideologist Alfred Rosenberg as one of the four precursors of Hitlerism. A second was the card carrying Nazi Martin Heidegger, who praised Hitler in his inaugural speech as rector of the University of Freiburg. Finally, there was the card-carrying Nazi Carl Schmitt, the main legal theorist of the Third Reich.

At the heart of Strauss’ philosophy is an open apology for terrorism….. This idea is illuminated in Strauss’s exchange of comments with Alexandre Kojeve, a neo-Hegelian official of the French finance ministry, in the 1950s. At the heart of the debate is the question of the universal and homogeneous state, and how philosophers should react to its existence. The universal homogeneous state means something like a world where war and underdevelopment have been eliminated, and in which leisure time and well-being are rising. For most people, the universal homogeneous state would look like a world of peace, progress, and prosperity, man-made heaven on earth.

But for Strauss and Kojeve, peace, progress, and prosperity mean the end of history because they wipe out the “higher” human values, which depend upon politics, and thus upon war. (Implicit also is the idea that peace, progress, and prosperity are bad for oligarchal domination, a cause dear to Strauss and Kojeve…. George Orwell understood this aspect well when he suggested in 1984 that the endless war among Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia was really a war waged by each of these states against its own population, for the purpose of perpetuating a hierarchical society.)… Strauss sums it up thus: “This end of History would be most exhilarating, but for the fact that, according to Kojeve, it is the participation in bloody political struggles as well as in real work, or generally expressed, the negating action, which raises man above the brutes.”

For Strauss and Kojeve, “unlimited technological progress and its accompaniment, which are indispensable conditions of the universal and homogeneous state, are destructive of humanity…. If the universal and homogeneous state is the goal of History, History is absolutely “tragic.”

“LEO STRAUSS: BACK TO THE STONE AGE: (ETK: So Strauss advocates “nihilist revolution” against the universal and homogeneous state.) Strauss writes: Someone may object that the successful revolt against the universal and homogeneous state could have no other effect than that the identical historical process which led from the primitive horde to the final state will be repeated.” The primitive horde or primal horde refers to the human communities of the Paleolithic hunting and gathering societies, to the foragers and cave people of the Old Stone Age. Strauss is endorsing a nihilistic revolt that will have the effect of destroying as much as 10,000 years of progress in civilization, and in hurling humanity back to its wretched predicament in the Paleolithic. Here Strauss finds a momentary common ground with Rousseau, who also had a liking for the Paleolithic; here we are close to the ideas which animated the reign of terror in the French Revolution.

(Strauss’s ideas echo those of Marx and Engels:) “Warriors and workers of all countries, unite, while there is still time, to prevent the coming of the ‘realm of freedom.’ Defend with might and main, if it needs to be defended, the ‘realm of necessity.’” … Strauss’s goal here is to argue that peace, progress, and prosperity are destructive to oligarchy, and anything must be preferred to such an outcome. Here we have a blanket endorsement of forms of violence and mayhem, including terrorism and war, in doses large enough to send world civilization back to the Stone Age. This implies genocide on a scale far beyond Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. Today’s world population is about 6.25 billion, and barely subsists on the basis of realized technological and industrial progress. But under hunting and gathering conditions, the demographic carrying capacity of the earth would be reduced to 25-50 million. If implemented today, Strauss’s program for dismantling the universal homogeneous state would mean a genocide of something approaching 6 billion victims, two whole orders of magnitude beyond Hitler and Stalin together.

(Therefore)… The most urgent anti-terrorist measure of them all would thus appear to be a purge of neocons from all branches of government and a general quarantine of necons as what they really are, neo-fascists and neo-Nazis…

…. A storm cellar for neocons and failed pols in the Rumsfeld Pentagon has been the Defense Policy Board, chaird by Richard Perle, the virulent neocon warmonger whom British Labour Party Foreign Secretary Dennis Healey dubbed the “prince of darkness” back in the 1980’s. On September 19, 2001, Perle used the Defense Policy Board as the springboard for the neocon war drive against Iraq that produced and unprovoked and aggressive war in March 2003. Other members of the Defense Policy Board included: Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, Helmut Sonnenfeldt, Fred Ikle, James Schlesinger, Dan Quayle, Harold Brown, James Woolsey, and Newt Gingrich…. This board of unelected and unaccountable extremist ideologues, known as the Wolfowitz cabal, needs to be urgently and permanently dissolved”.

Hypothesis #328: The above confessions/statements regarding the long-term plan for Jewish dominion over the world, combined with the work of many distinguished authors such as Douglas Reed (The Controversy of Zion) allow us to postulate that the Jewish plot to control the world has, over the millennia, resulted in construction of the “world revolutionary movement,” i.e., the “permanent revolution” orchestrated primarily by international Jews that has resulted in innumerable wars.

Hypothesis #329: This same dynamic, outlined in “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” as influence/control over politicians by agentur/advisors (Strauss and the neocons, Henry Kissinger, Maurice Strong, etc.) explains the origin of “Operation 9/11” and the current wars in the Middle East.

Hypothesis #330: Because “Operation Crestone/Baca” is probably controlled by the same (occultic) forces that organized “Operation 9/11” and the panoply of modern wars in the Middle East, it may be surmised that these operations are designed to serve/implement a common purpose.

Hypothesis #331: We may further postulate that the common purpose served by “Operation Crestone/Baca” and “Operation 9/11” relates to the implementation of the New Age Plan/The Work of Ages/ushering in the Millennial age/bringing in the anti-christ Jewish messiah. In this regard, Revelations 9:11 may provide critical information as to the goal of these operations:

And they had a king over them, which is the Angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. Revelation 9:11

Hypothesis #332: We may further postulate that, given the fact that so many modern organizations, cults, religions, etc. are controlled by these same “managerial” forces, that United Nations Agenda 21, the global aerial spraying/chemtrails/geoengineering programs, and the global warming fraud are among the innumerable “war by other means” strategic programs by which the international “Judocracy” is now exterminating (gentile, goy) property owners in the United States and elsewhere.

Discussion: Since the “chosen people” also describe themselves as the “people of the book,” their own statements abundantly confirm their extreme racism, arrogance, psychopathology, and megalomania. Jewish rabbis have, on occasion, claimed that they invented God and thus, they are more powerful than God! Statements from Jewish political/religious leaders as well as from Jewish “holy scripture” (the Talmud, Kabbalah, etc.), demonstrate the extreme psychopathy of this group of racists, criminals, terrorists, murderers and thieves. Examples include:

God is absorbed in the nationalism of Israel. He becomes the national ethos…. He creates the world in the Hebrew language. He is the National God.

Rabbi Solomon Goldman

We and God grew up together… We have a national God… We believe that God is a Jew, that there is no English or American God.

Maurice Samuel

It was not God who willed these people and their meaning. It was this people who willed this God and this meaning.

Dr. Josef Kastein

The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchies and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship.

In this New World Order, the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state.

Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which it is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.

Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, printed by “La Revue de Paris, p. 574, June 1, 1928

We are a superior subspecies. We transcend humanity. We are Nature’s Supermen. We deserve the subservience and availability of everyone around us. Luckily, every year 100-million people are born throughout the world. We have 100-million new choices every year.

Sam Vaknin, Jew, EGOMANIA

Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel and world Jewry: It aspires to become the spiritual center of the world.

David Ben-Gurion, First President of Israel, London, Dec. 16, 1949

All continents will become united in a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international police force. All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more war…. In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a shrine of the prophets to serve the federated union of all continents: this will be the seat of the supreme court of mankind, to settle all controversies, as prophesied by Isaiah.

David Ben Gurion, First President of Israel, Look Magazine, Jan. 16, 1962

We must look at the Jews not only as a distinct race, but as on aliens. It would be a most awful humiliation to be ruled by this, the most base race on earth.

Napoleon, La Vieille France, N-305.

It was hard for Satan alone to mislead the whole world, so he appointed prominent rabbis in different localities.

A Chasidic saying attributed to Nahman of Bratzlav, early 19th century. In: Leo Rosten “The Joys of Yiddish” (Washington Square Press 1968)

Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong- essentially wrong- a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.

President John Quincy Adams, Letters on Freemasonry

Conclusion: Information provided in this series overwhelmingly confirms hypothesis #323 through 332.

Hypothesis 333. Maurice Strong was the rich and powerful individual that enrolled me in “the program” (gangstalking) and he did so for the purpose of obtaining revenge against me for my outing/critiquing the UN Agenda 21-mind control operation in Crestone, Baca on this website.

Discussion: This hypothesis is speculation and will be difficult to prove. As noted in the epigraph quotes above, Louis Jarvis, long-time friend of Hanne Strong whose parents were apparently both CIA and who regularly bounced back and forth between Crestone and the East Coast, told this author that Maurice Strong was considering suing me for my work but decided against it. Might he instead have decided to destroy my life by enrolling me in the gangstalking program? My gut tells me this is a real possibility.
Maurice Strong, friend and associate of the Rockefeller and Rothschild families and perhaps the single most powerful figure in the United Nations for over four decades, certainly had enormous power and influence, both globally and locally.

Furthermore, A.K. Forwood, author of “Gang-Stalking And Mind Control: The Destruction of Society Through Community Spying Networks,” and other authors note that at Illuminati satanists occupy the very top rungs of the structure behind gangstalking operations. Certainly, Maurice Strong is/was one of the top Illuminati satanists of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Maurice Strong reportedly passed away in November, 2015. I read several accounts of his passing at that time. But these accounts were contradictory. It was impossible to determine from the reports just where he died, when he died, or how he died and the cause of death. Furthermore, months after Strong officially died, I believe I saw him driving a new, cream-colored Cadillac SUV near my home in Chalet 1 of the Baca. To be specific, I was driving up and he was driving down Palomino Way. The man I saw behind the wheel appeared quite old, stern, had a small, very round head and, if recollection serves, a thin gray mustache. I had seen Maurice Strong on various occasions over the past decades and this man certainly looked like Maurice Strong to me. I believe the stories of his death in 2015 may have been faked.

Discussion and Final Conclusions:

Throughout this investigative series, I have applied standard academic research procedures in order to try to penetrate the veil/matrix of cover stories fabricated by our intelligence/military/industrial/media propaganda/Congressional complex.

As Storey (2006) observed accurately:

What most Americans believe to be ‘Public Opinion’ is in reality carefully crafted and scripted propaganda designed to elicit a desired behavioral response from the public.

The rational, objective, academic methodology affords us perhaps the best means to distinguish “real reality” from the false reality/mind control/propaganda matrix in which most Americans dwell and that keeps most in the dark. Using these academic tools, I have already proven that “Operation 9/11” and “Operation Global Warming” are important elements of this false reality matrix and serve as “cover stories” that conceal other programs and objectives (see and Speaking personally, my research into the so-called “New World Religion” over the past 3.5 years has been the most challenging, important, and odious project I have yet tackled. However, based on this effort, I can now assess Tom DeWeese’s claim that “(Crestone)”/Baca, Strong believes, is the Vatican City of the New World Order.”

My conclusion is that:

No, Crestone/Baca is not the “Vatican City of the New World Order.” The “Vatican City of the New World Order” is slated to be Jerusalem, from whence Jews expect to rule their one-world-government/“Jewish Utopia.” However, Crestone/Baca is also extremely important to the global elite. As per Hypothesis #6 in Part XI, “the world’s global elite, including Maurice Strong, Edmund de Rothschild, David Rockefeller, etc., profess to believe that Crestone/Baca and the “Refuge of World Truths” is the new paradigm for the entire planet and that the fate of the earth is at stake.”

It appears to fulfill a number of essential functions for the elite. These include, but may not be limited to:

1) constituting an occult, group mind control operation/experiment to help bring about out the “Fourth World”/shamanic/”lostness of the mind”/”collective consciousness” to accompany the Fourth World Wilderness/New World Order. This “lostness of the mind”/”hive mind” (G.W. Hunt’s terms) is to be induced via theurgy, electronic mind control, and cults so that Crestone/Baca becomes “the new paradigm for the entire planet.”

2) neutralize independent thought and domestic dissent via application of a suite of mind control tactics, including “gang stalking” in a small American town to ensure implementation of UN Agenda 21 goals, which include removing Americans from rural areas and controlling essential water and food resources, etc.,

3) establish a safe refuge for elites in the event of global catastrophe, and/or

4) be the locale from which the long sought Jewish Kabbalistic/Freemasonic/Rosicrucian/Theosophical/“Plan the Masters Know and Serve” aka “Jewish Utopia” is implemented. This plan could be realized through a staged or genuine apocalypse involving the return of Lucifer with his legion of demons and the enthronement of the Jewish Messiah and/or the staging of a phony “alien invasion” through the U.S. military’s “Project Blue.” Each of these scripts would be accompanied by mass genocide of humans on earth.

I have undertaken this study, in large, part because of my abiding affection for Crestone/Baca, the San Luis Valley, Colorado, and the United States. I built my home in the Baca in 2000/2001 and I intend to stay here to enjoy my home, this magnificent environment, and the mostly-well-intentioned people who live here. My purpose here is not to defame any individual but rather to protect my neighbors through helping them to understand how things really are. My opinion is that Crestone/Baca will only succeed in becoming the kind of spiritual community it aspires to become if and when the “aliens” identified herein which subvert our community are exposed and deposed.

My sense, based on living in Crestone/Baca, is that a minority of “change agents” aided and abetted by an organized local cabal (root of this word is ‘Kabbalah’) controls our local politics, economics and spiritual groups. This same group actively tries to manage perceptions of local residents in order to maintain their power and control. Change agents I can live with; they are phonies and liars but at least they are usually friendly. The gangstalkers and “frenemies” are considerably more odious. However, one must accept reality as it presents itself and hold onto one’s values and integrity.

The Crestone/Baca “microcosm”

This research has unequivocally demonstrated that Maurice and Hanne Strong’s Manitou Foundation gave Crestone/Baca its present identity as interfaith “Refuge of World Truths.” The Manitou Foundation was formed immediately after businessman, Maurice Strong failed in his bid to make billions (trillions?) by exporting the groundwater underlying Colorado’s San Luis Valley in the late 1980’s. ( We have also shown that billionaire Canadian industrialist, Maurice Strong, has been the most powerful single force behind the United Nation’s environmental programs and that he and his wife, Hanne, are intimately connected with U.N.’s New Age pagan/earth worship religion. We have shown that Strong is intimately connected with the world’s ruling elite, and indeed, is a member of the “Committee of 300,” the “supra-governmental” organization that rules the world (Coleman, 2006a). We have documented that many high-powered groups and individuals, including the Aspen Institute, The Lindesfarne Foundation, David Rockefeller, Edmund de Rothschild, Henry Kissinger, British Prime Minister James Callahan, the 17th Karmapa (Tibetan Buddhist Leader) and other luminaries have visited our small village of Crestone/Baca (population ca. 1500) in the past several decades.

These facts indicate that Crestone/Baca has been and remains a major focus of the U.N. and the world’s ruling elite. The (international) forces that impinge upon our small community seem to involve a confusing admixture of economics (relating to our priceless water resource!), environmentalism, politics, and a broad range of (mostly New Age) religions, cults, and spiritual traditions. Numerous authors/researchers cited herein, working independently and quoted herein, have already outlined Crestone/Baca’s role in the planned New World Order/New World Religion.

The personnel, objectives, and especially the timing of Rothschild/Strong/Rockefeller’s “Fourth World Wilderness Congress” in Colorado in 1987 and the 1992 U.N. Rio Earth Summit reveal much about the nature of elites’ plan for global domination as well as Crestone/Baca’s probable role. Proceedings of these meetings suggest that “Operation Crestone/Baca” is intimately related with elite plans to establish a New World Religion that is supposed to accompany their intended New World Order.

Other important revelations of this series are:

– The “world system” is based on “synarchy” (rule by secret societies) and “theurgy” (summoning of spirit guides/demons). To maintain its control over the masses, the world system heavily relies upon intelligence agencies and criminal networks that utilize top-secret mind control technique developed by British, Nazi, and American “spychiatrists” in the 20th century. These programs/experiments overlap with and “scientifically” expand upon Illuminati methods of creating mind-controlled slaves. It appears that for millennia, Jews, Freemasons, Illuminati, and other occult groups (and more recently, intelligence “spychiatrists”) have applied torture-based mind control/aka “Satanic Ritual Abuse” methods, upon children, including their own children, to create slaves who can be controlled to fulfill special functions. Victims of these occult, demonic programs suffer from “Dissociative Identity Disorder”/“Multi-Personality-Disorder” and are utilized as sex slaves, “super-soliers,’ super-spies, couriers, and many other functions. Sub-alter/ego states (i.e., personalities within mental structures implanted into the minds of these victims) may include innumerable installed demons as well as human and animal identities. Experts estimate that as many as 20 million of such mind-controlled slaves now live in America alone and they note that these individuals can be “triggered” at any time to fulfill their intended functions.

– Beginning at the end of World War I, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London, England, began developing the techniques of mass brainwashing and applying “trauma-based mind control” methods to civilian populations.

-An important aspect of controlling the masses is to “push them into a false reality.” This can be accomplished through propaganda, mind control, and creation of false religions/cults.

-Thus, a host of (Jewish-spin-off) false religions and cults, including Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, Theosophy, Scientology, and other occult secret societies/intelligence agencies, practice “theurgy,” or the summoning/channeling of spirits (aka demons), from whom they take direction. These kinds of secret societies gradually “Satanize” their members through rituals and initiations associated with a series of degrees.

-These operations are apparently fundamentally Satanic in their nature and are intended to help usher in Satan’s Plan for the earth. This Plan seems to involve the destruction of authentic religions, and Christianity in particular, so that a One World Religion can emerge. Elites intend that this “New World Religion” would entail the universal worship of Lucifer.

– Diabolical possession of humans seems to occur in various ways. These include Satanic Ritual Abuse of children, “possession” of spiritual seekers via incremental takeover of disciple’s minds by “Hidden Masters” through the kundalini/serpent power, deliberate selling of one’s soul, etc.

-Communism, Nazism, and the New Age Movement are simply modern versions of this ancient Jewish/Babylonian occult system and as such, they share its methods and its totalitarian goals. The United Nations, the British Empire (British Israel), German black intelligence (the DVD), and the American Fourth Reich also share these objectives.

-Working covertly on behalf of this “world system,’ American, British, German and Israeli intelligence agencies, etc., have scientifically refined “mind-control/propaganda sciences” in order to control individuals and the society as a whole towards the realization of these goals.

-Most individuals who work for this system are unaware of its goals.

– The ultimate goal includes high-tech implementation of the apocalyptic predictions of the Book of Revelations, emergence of an anti-christ, mass genocide of a large percentage of humanity, and implementation of a despotic, global Jewish/Satanic theocracy.

-Toward realizing the above objectives, British, American, and probably German intelligence agencies have been and are complicit in the formation and manipulation of New Age cults at Findhorn, Scotland (“the Vatican City of the New Age Movement”), Jim Jones’ “Jonestown” in Guyana (a slave-labor camp controlled by the CIA and allied criminal groups), Paul Schafer’s “Colonia Dignidad” in Chile, and many other locales, most probably including Crestone/Baca, (the “Vatican City of the New World Order”).

Final Conclusion: “Is Crestone/Baca the “Vatican City of the New World Order?”

No, Jerusalem is the Vatican City of the New World Order. But “Operation Crestone/Baca” is most probably a group mind/control operation of extreme importance to the global elite because the New World Religion (i.e., imposition of the “lostness of the mind”/Satanic possession) possibly accompanied by the return of the Antichrist (Operation Falling Star) and implementation of “the Plan that the Masters Know and Serve” may be scripted to occur here.


This investigative series is dedicated to helping the citizens of Crestone/Baca and the San Luis Valley, Colorado continue to live good lives, make a decent living, and own property. It is also my hope that by pursuing and exposing these truths, I am doing God’s will for me and for my community. It is not easy to discern the truth in a community such as Crestone/Baca where so many official and self-appointed gurus proclaim different versions of reality. Which of the many, many gurus and prophets and false gurus and false prophets here are telling the truth? It now seems to me, that, since we Americans are products of Christian/Western civilization, and since this civilization is now threatened with confusion and chaos, that perhaps the Christian scriptures offer the best guide to the Truth and toward collective as well as individual “salvation.” The following quotes from the New Testament seem especially pertinent here and now:

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. (Matthew 7:15)

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. (1 Timothy 1:4)

Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. (Ephesians 5:11)

But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. (2 Peter 2:1)

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds. (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)

And they shall turn away their ears from the truth. (2 Tim. 4:3)

And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep. (1 Peter 2:3)

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. (Matthew 24:24)

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. (1 Timothy 4:3-4)

While evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. (2 Timothy 3:13)

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1)

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. (2 Timothy 3:15)

Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false. (2 Thessalonians 2:11)

For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ. (Galatians 1:10)

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6)

I write to you, not because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and because no lie is of the truth. (1 John 2:21)

He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. (1 John 3:8)

At least some in Crestone/Baca are now realizing the extent to which all of us have been drugged/duped/enticed by the siren song of false religions and false promises of utopia and enlightenment. The scene in “The Wizard of Oz” comes to mind, wherein the protagonists fall asleep in a poppy field. Cold, wet snow finally wakes them up. As a group, it seems to me that Crestone/Bacans are bright but naïve. As a group, we have traded our rational skepticism for the security of the collective hive mind, the appealing lie. I can only hope that the “virus” of rational skepticism, perhaps aided by this investigative series(?), will allow people here to “wake up,” individually and collectively. As ex-Baca resident, Christine Chandler, observed:

“But now hopefully, we, and other North Americans who are ex-Tibetan Buddhists, are back in our bodies, our country, our century and our culture and are able to see the pernicious aspect of these cults that would like to separate us from our identities and our money….. (and then, presumably, swipe all the resources, etc.)

One can see much more clearly when one is free from cult city and its influences. Crestone is on the road to serfdom. There will be no ‘middle class’ left, just as Agenda 21’s goal is to destroy the middle class, no middle class person will be able to afford the taxes and fees that these (special) districts will create, to get you out of your houses, at very low prices, so the wealthy ‘illuminati’ and their world wisdom council can come and enjoy the scenery a few weeks a year.

Crestone is the Petri-Dish of Cults being used as ‘thought reform’ in a little town, probably with the approval of the same people that brought us MKUltra. They learned they don’t need drugs; they have the Lamas now as a front for “peace” and ‘social harmony.”

It is amply documented throughout this investigative series that our real enemy is not the United States government. Our real enemy is the “secret international government,” the “World Revolutionary Movement” (Carr, 1954), the “Secret Government of the World or “Hidden Hand” (Cherep-Spiridovich, 1926) that has infiltrated, contaminated, subverted, and appropriated our American government. The “Trojan Horse”/”fifth columnists” that have accomplished this gradual, covert takeover, as they have done in so many other nations throughout history, consists of the coordinated powers of Judeo-Masonic/occultism/Satanism, aka “British Israel.”

There it is in a nutshell. What is probably at stake here is nothing less than the survival of Western, Christian civilization and perhaps the human race as we know it. Many genocides orchestrated by the “secret” power elite over the past centuries have specifically targeted Christians, Moslems, Buddhists, and other (non-Jewish) peoples of faith. Christianity has always been the principal target of the (Jewish) ruling elite. This series has allowed me to develop this primary “working hypothesis:” The “Plan” calls for Judaism, working through the “World Revolutionary Movement” (Carr, 1954), and myriad occult secret societies, false religions and cults, etc., to penetrate and destroy all religions as well as all nations of the world in order to establish their “Universal Jewish Empire”/”Synagogue of Satan.” The strategy, as I observed earlier, has been to “infiltrate, appropriate, contaminate, and eliminate” nations, institutions, and religions until only the Jewish nation and the Jewish religion (Satanism) remain. This strategy involves the coordinated efforts of the “chosen people” and involves systematic lying, spying, and control of the press, politics, and especially, the money system. Thus, as nations, religions, and institutions are progressively “Judaized,” they are destroyed via internal corruption and a suite of introduced foreign “viruses,” including mass schizophrenia, terrorism, fear, imposition of “hive mind” of collectivism, and the loss of all racial and religious identity except Judaism, etc.

This hypothesis, then, posits that this is now happening to all nations and religions today and that Crestone/Baca has an important role to play in this process. There is probably no way to “sugar-coat” these facts, as the facts themselves are repugnant, frightening, and considered to be politically incorrect in the extreme. But I suggest that an understanding of these facts and insights are critical to understanding what is happening to the Crestone/Baca “microcosm” as well as the larger “macrocosm.”

If this “working hypothesis #1” is correct, the 50-odd (pun intended) spiritual and educational centers in Crestone/Baca have been or are now being infiltrated, contaminated, and appropriated by “the Controllers.” Various authors have equated the “controllers” with a “serpent race” or “serpent people.” What may really be happening, then, in Crestone/Baca is that a host of mainstream religions initially brought together by the Manitou Foundation, United Nations, and Maurice and Hanne Strong, are now losing their separate identities and are being merged into a single “New World Religion,” which is Judeo-Masonic-Satanism. By various accounts, the “plan” calls for a Luciferic New World Religion to emerge concurrently with the long-awaited “Jewish World Empire”/”Jewish Utopia” after the coming (planned and implemented) chaos. The mythical Phoenix bird (Satanism) is then supposed to rise out of the ashes of chaos and destruction, etc.

It is conceivable that “working hypothesis #1” is wrong. How I wish it is! However, evidence presented in this series strongly supports this unpleasant conclusion.

In retrospect, then, it seems that some of the “old-timers” and locals featured in interviews in the 2013 movie, The Flame, were justifiably suspicious of the “invasion” of their town by foreign dignitaries, think tanks, spiritual groups, swamis, yogis, and elite global players. Certainly, there are stark contrasts between the native “cowboy” and “Hispanic” ranching and agriculture culture of the San Luis Valley and the exotic, eclectic mix of gurus, yuppies, hippies, Buddhists, Hindus, and Sufis, etc. that, have established a presence (“beach-head”?) in Crestone/Baca and Saguache County through the Manitou Foundation. Thanks partly to the corruption and mismanagement of our Manitou-dominated Commissioners, our sparsely-populated Saguache County is now the poorest county in Colorado. And yet the groundwater beneath the San Luis Valley floor may still be worth trillions of dollars (see my website). Hmmm……

So what is really going on in Crestone/Baca? Christine Stoddard (1936) suggests that occult groups such as Rosicrucianism, Theosophy, Swedenborgianism, and Freemasonry, etc. are international in scope, combine mystical methods with political goals, and provide occult mechanisms through which anonymous Masters psycho-spiritually manipulate their “disciples.” She identifies a universal creative force, or kundalini/serpent energy, through which unseen masters connect with and manipulate compliant disciples. Crestone/Baca certainly has an unusually high concentration of gurus, yogis, and spiritual practitioners.
Stoddard’s (1936) comments to the effect that occultism and theurgy become more pronounced and widespread prior to major revolutions suggest that America could be headed for a major revolution/catastrophe. Likewise, Jualianne McKinney’s suggests that the global expansion of gangstalking presages a mass genocide. Thus, the Crestone/Baca “interfaith project” may have implications that go far beyond our water resources or our local politics and economics. What can we citizen/residents of Crestone/Baca do to help divert these major calamities? We can expose and expunge the perpetrators of “Operation Crestone/Baca,” gangstalking, theurgy, and occultism.

Stoddard concludes that occult societies are historically united in their purpose of creating a “Universal World State,” and that this revolutionary political cause, again, is advanced when “unseen Masters” guide the minds of “passive yet gifted” pupils. Thus, we can posit our second major “working hypothesis;” that the Crestone/Baca spiritual community has some kind of supernatural function and may provide the context in which Ascended Masters/”Supermen”/”Elder Brothers” of the “revolutionary directorate” are somehow “astrally” guiding “passive yet gifted” students.

We know from the statements of members of Crestone/Baca’s spritiual groups that the practice of summoning spirits, aka “theurgy,” is now occurring in Crestone/Baca. Various groups of Buddhists, Bon practitioners, and members of the Native American Church, do indeed summon spirits. Does the Crestone/Baca project/experiment somehow relate to harnessing of occult forces that might help topple America and usher in a “Universal World State?” Is the process of “theurgy” have something to do with the possession of human bodies by “walk-ins”?

As I complete this research project, I now see our community and our world with new eyes. I still see our rustic, picturesque, mining village set at the foot of one of the America’s most spectacular mountains fronts. I am still even a little swept up with the myth/idealism of Crestone, as portrayed in the 2013 movie, The Flame. However, whereas I previously embraced the “mythical” ideal of ‘Crestone as interfaith “Shangri-la,” I now begin to perceive that darker subsurface realities may belie and contradict the official story.

The problem of distinguishing myth and fantasy (or “cover stories”) from reality is very challenging in our modern society. It is even more challenging in this New Age “vortex”/”crown chakra of the planet,” where people tend to think ‘magically.” Even relatively well-educated locals have expressed to me their belief that, as per the movie, The Secret, reality is malleable and we can choose to believe whichever reality best suits our wants and needs. Of course, iit is well known that groups, especially cults, may become delusional. Indeed, in operations such as 9/11 and the “man-caused global warming fraud,” government/media propagandists seem determined that the entire world “buy into” these kinds of fabricated delusions. Unfortunately, these operations have the cumulative effect of eroding our ability to think critically.

I’m not a psychiatrist. But I did spend 30 years as a university professor of geography and 40 years in higher education, during which time I learned something about rational thinking. I have vicariously learned a bit about psychology from my personal experience and from doing this research project. My sense is that many forms of maladaptive thinking/dissociation/mind control and “spirit possession” may be occurring in Crestone/Baca today. But I also believe that most residents here are good-hearted, smart people. My hope is that we will wake up and reclaim our identities, our town, and our country.


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