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Appendix 131: Archbishop Vigano Calls Out the ‘Children of Darkness’s’ ‘Deep Church’/’Deep State’ Coup D’etat (aka Great Reset & UN Agenda 2030)

Epigraph Quotes: 

  1. Archbishop Vigano:
  2. “Once again, the deep church (*) and the deep state work together in unison…”
  3. “We know that the plan to infiltrate the Church with fifth columns of the enemy dates back to the 19th century:
  4. “The last element of continuity with the communist ideology is the digital transition that is the use of technologically advanced tools for complete control of the population, which has already been implemented by the Chinese dictatorship and (is) highly sponsored by the Great Reset, in line with transhuman thinking.”

2) Letter From The Alta Vendita (Masonic) Lodge, 1859:

“The Pope, whoever he is, will never come to the secret societies.  It is up to the secret societies to take the first step toward the Church with the aim of conquering both of them.  The task we are going to undertake is not the work of a day, or of a month, or of a year.   It may last several years, perhaps a century, but in our ranks the soldier dies and the struggle goes on.

You wish to establish the reign of the chosen ones on the throne of the prostitute of Babylon.(**)  Let the Clergy march under your standard, always believing that they are marching under the banner of the Apostolic Keys.

This reputation will put access to our doctrines into the midst of the young clergy, as well as deeply into the monasteries.  In a few years, by the force of things, this young clergy will have overrun all the functions; they will be called to choose a Pontiff who should reign.”*

I. From Interview with Archbishop Vigano from undisclosed location (from “The Greatest Reset” movie (2022)):

Webmaster Comment:  In the following brief interview statement, I believe Archbishop Vigano identifies the underlying raison d’etre of Operation Crestone/Baca (1970’s to present), which is now come to fruition in the world.  Please note that “The Plan” to subvert and destroy the moral order of society by subverting and destroying the Catholic church was outlined by the secret “Alta Vendita letter” intercepted from a powerful Freemasonic lodge in 1859.

From movie introduction:  On October 25, 2020, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano wrote an open letter to the President of the United States warning of a powerful cabal, who sought to utilize the Great Reset to install a global dictatorship.  The Archbishop (Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States) continues to expose the collaboration of what he calls the “Deep Church” with the Deep State. He has been in hiding since 2018.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano:  “The ongoing war waged by the children of Darkness seems to have reached a truly disturbing point. The Great Reset is a social tool with which the global elite intends to establish the new world order. Intended to radically change the entire social, economical, political, and religious systems of the nations, promoted principally by the World Economic Forum, whose president is Klaus Schwab, the Great Reset has been adopted by the United Nations with the name Agenda 2030.

This global coup d’etat was carried out by a very powerful minority with practically inexhaustible economic means. The principle architects are:

1) The families of the high world of finance like the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Warburgs.

2) There is the United Nations, the WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO, and the FAO.

3) There are a group of powers like the World Economic Forum, the Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome,

4) And obviously, the Masonic lodges all over the world.

5) Finally, the Catholic hierarchy is living through a moment of the most grave contradiction. Because for 60 years now, it has been completely aligned in a progressive and globalist sense. And under the pontificate of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, it has made the ideology of the New World Order its own. Proposing himself as a candidate for the presidency of the universal religion advocated by Freemasonry, the Argentine makes no secret of his role of prophet of the New World Order.(***)

I would not be surprised if he aspires to place himself at the head of the universal religion.”

(Movie Screen Statement Imposed Upon Artists’ Drawing of 3 Houses of Worship: “Higher Committee of Human Fraternity Abrahamic Family House (Abu Dhabi) will be a beacon of mutual understanding, harmonious coexistence between Islam, Christianity and Judaism: The Abrahamic Family House will have 3 houses of worship: a Synagogue, Mosque, and a Church.  Opening 2022”)

“And once again, the deep state and the deep church work together in unison….

We know that the plan to infiltrate the Church with fifth columns of the enemy dates back to the 19th century. And we understand how heavy suspicion that surrounds the forced abdication of (Pope) Benedict XVI and the election of the Jesuit Bergoglio find further confirmation here.

At the moment, the role of Francis is most over-exposed precisely because of the role he has carried out in supporting the pandemic narrative and promoting mass vaccination. It’s undeniable that he’s perfectly in tune with globalist ideology and that he considers his main task to be the dissolution of the Church of Christ, thus forming it into a philanthropic and ecumenical NGO that is subservient to the elite. The apostasy of the highest level of the Church permitted Bergoglio to be named as moral guide of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism, headed by Ms. Lynn Forester de Rothschild, in absolute contradiction to the divine mandate given by Christ to his Vicar on Earth.

This was possible because there was a conscious and active cooperation by the Catholic hierarchy. The pandemic emergency and the vaccination campaign have given greater importance to the community to the detriment to the individual citizen, to the point of de-legitimizing and criminalizing those who reject the gene serum or question the Covid narrative. The proponents of the Great Reset are intrinsically Anti-Christian and Anti-Christic.

The last element of continuity with the communist ideology is the digital transition that is the use of technologically advanced tools for complete control of the population, which has already been implemented by the Chinese dictatorship and (is) highly sponsored by the Great Reset, in line with transhuman thinking.

It is dismaying to see how the Bergoglian Church welcomes this inhuman project, even to the point of hosting conferences on transhumanism and the metaverse in the Vatican.   Transhumanism consists in the hybridization of man with machine, in the implantation of subcutaneous chips of the internets of things and people and even in the diffusion of the virtual reality on Metaverse, the subject of the next rebranding of Facebook.

The very words of the book of the Apocalypse concerning the reign of the Antichrist:   No one could buy or sell unless he had the mark.

When we speak about the greatest reset, we are referring to the manifestation of the omnipotence of God to the bearing of his mighty Arm, to the defeat of his enemies.  May this be the beginning of the true Greatest Reset.”

Archbiship Carlo Maria Vigano

II. Movie Commentary and the 1859 Secret Plan of the Alta Vendita:

A) Vigano: “Once again, the deep church (*) and the deep state work together in unison…”

From Silverado Abbey, Silverado, California, May 2, 2021:

1) “As Archbishop Vigano has said: “The interests of the “deep church” to subvert the interests of the real church and the interests of the “deep state” to subvert the authority of the “real state”…  They are ideological partners.    One thing is for certain.  And that is: The battle against people of faith is heating up and it is real.  Scripture gives several indications of what is going to be happening on the earth before Christ returns.  One of them is “the great Apostacy.”  There will be a falling away of faith all over the world. 

In early 2020, I realized we are being lied to on a scale I’ve never seen before.   This not liberal vs. conservative.   This is way upstream from all those traditional paradigms.  That’s all broken.   This is true vs. false, good vs. evil. 

The forces behind the Great Reset are ultimately demonic.   They are anti-human, they are anti-Christian, they are anti-human being.   The use of the Papal office for the powers of Hell has no precedent in anyone’s lifetime living today… where the message against globalism, against collectivism, individual rights, all that has been destroyed.  This Papacy does not resemble any previous Papacy.  It is unlike anything in history.”

Patrick Coffin, podcaster, author, and speaker

B) Vigano: “We know that the plan to infiltrate the Church with fifth columns of the enemy dates back to the 19th century:”

“So this all makes sense in the context of a source document known as the Alta Vendita, which is an intercepted letter.   It was intercepted by the agents of Pope Pius IX, who is a favorite of traditionalists.  His Cardinal Secretary of State intercepted this letter from Italian Carbonari, one of the very highest lodges of Freemasons in Italy and in all the world:

“The Pope, whoever he is, will never come to the secret societies.  It is up to the secret societies to take the first step toward the Church with the aim of conquering both of them.  The task we are going to undertake is not the work of a day, or of a month, or of a year.   It may last several years, perhaps a century, but in our ranks the soldier dies and the struggle goes on.

You wish to establish the reign of the chosen ones on the throne of the prostitute of Babylon.* Let the Clergy march under your standard, always believing that they are marching under the banner of the Apostolic Keys.

This reputation will put access to our doctrines into the midst of the young clergy, as well as deeply into the monasteries.  In a few years, by the force of things, this young clergy will have overrun all the functions; they will be called to choose a Pontiff who should reign.”

The Alta Vendita, 1859

“Pope Pius X was writing against Freemasonry and against the secret societies which had with plotted to infiltrate the Catholic church with these ideas and even with personnel, essentially plants, who would infect the priesthood morally and intellectually with ideas such as we’re seeing everywhere today in the Francis pontificate.

The popes at the turn of the 20th century and a few decades before it, the 1880s and 1890s, were all talking about an infiltration of the Church by Masonic-Marxist-leftists.  The men, the clerics, behind the popes were talking about this group called the Sanct Gallen Mafia.  This group is comprised of very, very powerful northern Europeans mainly.  There is Cardinal Martini who is the Don of the group.  This Sanct Gallen Group met from 1996 to 2004 with the expressed goal of avoiding a Pope Benedict Papacy.   And the man they wanted to put in the chair of Peter at the 2005 conclave was none other than Jorge Maria Bergoglio, who is a left-leaning, trained by the Jesuit formators in South America.

Humanity 2.0.  The Internet of Things.  It’s all part of Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

Timothy Gordon, J.D., PH.L., Catholic author

3) We have to go back to the time of the early 1700’s.   The world looks a lot different.  There was a moral order that was governed and controlled by the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Church.   The Grand Lodge system (of Masonry) begins in 1717.  This has to be an early version of the Great Reset. 

The ultimate goal of Freemasonry is to deconstruct Christian rule.   There are two ways you can deconstruct that.    One, you could weaken the church from the inside.   Or two, you can take away power from the Church through government.  Freemasonry does both.”

David L. Gray, former 32nd degree Mason, theologian

4) “The disciples asked Jesus what it’s going to be like in last days.   The first thing he said was:  “Let no man deceive you.”  But then later he says that the last days would be like the Days of Noah.  Now that begs the question: What differentiates the days of Noah from any other time in human history?   Genetic manipulation.   You get what I call the Genesis 6 experiment.   And that’s when 200 watcher class angels, according to the Book of Enoch, landed on Mt. Hermon in the days of Jared.  And this is Genesis 6:1-4, where the sons of God came down to the daughters of man and they had children that became known as the Nephilim, who were giant offspring of the angels.  And it gets so bad, all flesh had become corrupted, that the Creator had only one choice and that’s to wipe out everything and start over again.   He did so with Noah, who was “found righteous in his generations,” the Hebrew word used there is tamim, that’s “pure in his genetics,” like a pure red heifer, the same word is used there. So I believe that the genetic years tampering that was taking place there, specifically in the 120 years leading up to the flood, was the reason for the flood.   And that’s what Genesis 6:12 said.   The earth and all flesh had become corrupted.   How had it become corrupted?    It became corrupted through genetic manipulation.   Genetic manipulation is what we now refer to as transhumanism.”

Rob Skiba, author, Christian filmmaker

5) “We are all created in the image of God.”  But that poses a serious limitation to the Fourth Industrial Revolution-Great Reset-New Normality agenda.   Because what we want now, not we, but what they want, the elites, who you can see with faces and names and surnames in all these meetings around the world, is that they want a new humanity.   A more perfect humanity.   Transhumanism is defined as a process of human enhancement through the application of technologies into human beings and enhancement in terms of intellectual, physical, cognitive, and even moral enhancement.   Transhumanists will say that this is positive eugenics.   That this is not negative eugenics.    Hitler was mean because that was (about) negative eugenics.  He (im)posed on people against their will.   This idea is being pushed and deconstruction of reality of human beings, the nature of human beings denied.   The Fourth Industrial Revolution is transhumanism turned into global public policy.

At some point, decision-making powers from individuals will be outsourced to algorithms. So, in the future we might not even need elections because the algorithms will decide.   The gradual transition of decision-making powers from humans to algorithms.    People might think, oh, that’s science fiction.    It might not be science fiction because the algorithms that are being developed are so powerful that they might replace human decision-making powers.

What I see is the gradual outsourcing of human reproduction, in all its stages, to technology.   (This) means that (they) have full control of the numbers and full control over the type of human being that is going to come out.   To get a glimpse of this world, it’s a world which is fully automatized, where everything is measured, where emotions are replaced by numbers, and rankings, and indicators,.  We live as units.”   

Dr. Miklos Lukacs, Ph.D., Professor, historian, philosopher

6) They openly state it: they are heading towards the extinction of the human race and changing it into something else, something that is more of a computer…

Johnny Vedmore, researcher and podcaster

(*) In this website, drawing upon the work of many others, I identify the “deep church” as Judeo-Masonic-satanists.

(**) There it is in black and white.   The 1859 secret letter, The Alta Vendita Masonic lodge, proclaims it the mission of Freemasonry to establish the reign of the “chosen ones” (i.e., the Jews) on the throne of the prostitute of Babylon!!!!!   And they also outline the primary strategy by which they intend to accomplish this goal!  Infiltrate, subvert, and destroy the Catholic Church and the moral order of society!

(***) Vigano defines the powers behind the “deep church”-“deep state” coup as 1) the Illuminati banking families, 2) the United Nations and associated agencies, 3) World Economic Forum, Bilderberg Group, and Club of Rome think tanks, 4) Mas

Webmaster Comment:  it is interesting and curious to me that Vigano does not mention the group that the Masons have pledged to help to “reign on the throne of the prostitute of Babylon”- the chosen people themselves (aka Jews and “Synagogue of Satan”) .  However, based on information presented on this website, this core group (the Synagogue of Satan, Rev. 2:9 and 3:9) clearly directs the above mentioned 5 groups of co-conspirators.  Furthermore, it should be noted that the conjoined “deep church” and “deep state” is most definitely conjoined with corporate, military, academic, medical, and organized crime sectors of society. 







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