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Appendix 215: Neurotechnologies and Transhumanism : The big fraud towards Digital Slavery (from

Neurotechnologies and Transhumanism : The big fraud towards Digital Slavery
decoding brain's visual cortex

Decoding of brain’s visual cortex – paper

The Brain is responsible for Cognition, it is the support of Thought and Mind. The reality we’re experiencing depends on its electrical activity which can be analyzed and manipulated.

Remote Neuromonitoring and Neurostimulation currently allow the extraction and manipulation of sensory perceptions and associated mental processes and emotions using Artificial Intelligence and enable anyone’s brain to be turned into a camera and remote controlled device.

Neurotechnologies are currently being deployed through a network of criminal organizations targeting people’s brains. Access to individuals is being commercialized and ownership of an individual can grant full read and write access to its brain.

The marketplace for this human trafficking is the Metaverse, a Digital World powered by an advanced 3D engine and populated by Digital Avatars fed with real time brain imaging data. The Metaverse is being streamed directly to the brain and experienced in a full immersive virtual reality engaging all 5 senses that cannot be distinguished from reality.

History of Neurotechnologies

The development of neurotechnologies can be traced back to 19th century with the work of Richard Caton who used a galvanometer to observe electrical impulses from the surfaces of living brains in 1875.

In 1890, Adolf Beck highlighted the existence of Brain Waves.

In 1912 Vladimir Vladimirovich Pravdich Neminsky published the first animal EEG.

In 1924, Hans Berger recorded the first human EEG.

During the the 30’s, Ferdinando Cazzamalli conducted experiments to highlight existence of electromagnetic radiation produced by brain electrical activity.

In 1938, Isidor Isaac Rabi discovered Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, the principle that underlies both MRI and atomic magnetometry.

During the 40’s, Wilder Penfield, a neurosurgeon, began mapping the human brain to understand which areas were responsible for different sensory and motor functions. He created the Cortical Homunculus, a map of the brain.

During the 50’s, Robert Galbraith Heath conducted experiments on deep brain stimulation, implanting electrodes in the brain, specifically into the septal region, often referred to as the pleasure center of the brain. He managed to stimulate these areas with electric current, which reportedly induced feelings of intense pleasure and euphoria.

In 1957, André Djourno and Charles Eyriès invented the original Cochlear Implant performing direct electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve using implanted electrodes.

During the 50’s and 60’s, David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel conducted a series of experiments in which they measured the electrical activity of the visual cortex. They discovered that many neurons in the visual cortex respond preferentially to stimuli of certain shapes, angles, and movements. This opened the gate of decoding visual perception from human brain activity.

During the 60’s, MKULTRA subproject 119 intended to allow recording and analysis of brain activity using bioelectric sensors and manipulation of the human being through electromagnetic means.

Over the course of the 60’s, the first Optically Pumped Magnetometer, a device for measuring magnetic fields with high precision, was developed.

In 1962, Allan H. Frey published on the Microwave Auditory Effect which allow direct communication to the brain through pulsed Microwave radiation. This opened the gate to a wide variety of Mind Control techniques to be used remotely.

In 1963 José Manuel Rodríguez Delgado invented the Stimoceiver which was the first Brain Implant allowing stimulation of specific areas of the brain and Neuromonitoring to be performed by the mean of Radio Frequency.

in 1964 Grey Walter demonstrated the use of non-invasively recorded encephalogram (EEG) signals from a human subject to control a slide projector.

In 1968, Giles Brindley and Waldo Lewin developed the First Visual Prosthetic implanting an array of 80 electrodes on the visual cortex of a patient’s brain allowing patterns of phosphenes to be induced.

During the decade of the 70s, fully digital Phased Array Radar systems were developed to detect and track airborne objects at extremely long ranges.

In 1971 the term Brain Computer Interface (BCI) was coined by Jacques J. Vidal, who laid out a comprehensive experimental research plan to interface the human brain with computers.

On February 9, 1972, the Advanced Research Projects Agency awarded a contract to the Stanford Research Institute (CSRI) to determine the feasibility of bio-cybernetic communication. The research concluded that the EEG reveals similar responses during silent reading to that during overt speech and that these responses may be classified correctly by a computer with a high degree of accuracy. This opened the gate for Mind Reading.

During the 70’s, Dr. William Ross Adey demonstrated that Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields affect Voltage Gated Calcium Channel and laid the groundwork for the development of the field of Bioelectromagnetics.

The 70’s also saw the emergence Positron Emission Tomography scanners allowing to investigate further brain’s metabolic activity.

In 1976, the first KH-11 KENNEN reconnaissance satellite was launched. Manufactured by Lockheed Martin, the KH-11 was the first spy satellite to use electro-optical digital imaging.

In 1977, Raymond Damadian and his team built the first full-body Magnetic Resonance Imaging scanner and performed the first human scan.

Starting in 1978, the Stargate Project aimed at developing Remote Viewing to allow seeing through anyone’s eyes by the mean of Remote Neural Monitoring or to be able to visualize any distant scene reconstructed in 3D by the way of Hyperspectral Imaging.

In 1979, William Fouts House developed the first Auditory Brainstem Implant bypassing the cochlea and the auditory nerve to instead stimulate the cochlear nucleus in the brainstem using an electrode array.

In 1980 P. A. Merton and H. B. Morton successfully used transcranial electrical stimulation to stimulate the motor cortex.

During the 1980s, David Rumelhart, Geoffrey Hinton, and Ronald Williams revolutionized neural network research by introducing the Backpropagation Algorithm, a method for efficiently training multi-layer Neural Networks. Their work paved the way for the development of Deep Learning, significantly impacting the field of artificial intelligence by enabling the training of complex, multi-layered neural network models.

In 1982, John Hopfield introduced the Hopfield network, a recurrent artificial neural network that contributed significantly to Machine Learning research by demonstrating how networks could store and recall patterns, mimicking aspects of memory in biological systems.

In 1986, the first Lacrosse satellite was launched. Lacrosse uses Synthetic Aperture Radar as its prime imaging instrument.

In 1992, the first version of the Metaverse was launched and accessible only to the intelligence community. Stentrodes were being used for projecting oneself in full immersive virtual reality through neurostimulation and the 3D engine at that time did not allow the metaverse to be indistinguishable from reality.


The brain contains 86 billions Neurons. Each of them have an average of 7000 synaptic connections to other neurons. Our sensory perceptions and cognitive processes continously fire millions of these neurons. This electrochemical activity is powering the reality we’re experiencing.

Neurons are transmitting information via electrical signals. Each neuron consists of a cell body (soma), dendrites that receive signals, an axon that sends signals, and axon terminals containing neurotransmitters. Some axons are insulated with a fatty layer, the myelin sheath, to speed up signal transmission. Signals are transmitted between neurons across gaps called synapses through the release of Neurotransmitters.

An Action Potential is an electrical pulse traveling along a neuron’s membrane. It starts with a resting state maintaining an electric potential using ion pumps fueled by ATP. A stimulus triggers the ion channel to open, causing Depolarization. At peak potential, the ion channel opens, leading to Repolarization. If the ion channel stays open too long, hyperpolarization occurs, creating a refractory period where the neuron can’t fire. Finally, the neuron returns to its resting state, ready for the next action potential.

Several stimuli can activate a neuron leading to electrical activity, including pressure, stretch, chemical transmitters, and changes of the electric potential across the cell membrane.

There are at least 3 ways to modulate neural activity :

  • – using electromagnetic induction to generate an electric current which can then either depolarize or hyperpolarize neurons at that site by altering the voltage across the neuron’s membrane.
  • – using focused ultrasound to trigger mechanosensitive ion channels opening and closing.
  • – using drugs that can act as agonists (enhance activity) or antagonists (inhibit activity) of specific neurotransmitter receptors in the brain.

Most neurotechnology devices are performing neurostimulation through electromagnetic induction to induce an electric current at a specific area of the brain to fire specific populations of neurons.

Neurons have a certain threshold of excitation. When the incoming stimulus is below this threshold, the neurons won’t fire an action potential. Once the stimulus reaches or exceeds this threshold, the neurons produces an action potential.

When a neuron fires, it fires at the same intensity every time. In other words, a stronger stimulus doesn’t cause a single neuron to fire a stronger action potential. Instead, action potentials are consistent in magnitude for a given neuron. Increase in intensity from the stimulus involves a greater firing rate and a greater number of neurons firing in the considered area.

By altering neurons membranes voltage, the firing threshold of neurons can be modified and this can allow them to fire more easily. When positive stimulation is delivered, the current causes a depolarization of the resting membrane potential, which increases neuronal excitability. Positive stimulation increases neuronal excitability and allows for more sensitivity to stimulus. Positive stimulation increases overall neuronal activity. This, in turn, causes the onset of a process called Long Term Potentiation, which causes a further increase in firing rates, and also the physical growth of new connections and the strengthening of existing connections.

When negative stimulation is delivered, the current causes a hyperpolarization of the resting membrane potential. This decreases neurons excitability due to the decreased spontaneous cell firing. Negative stimulation decreases overall neuronal activity. This, in turn, causes the onset of a process called Long Term Depression, which causes a further decrease in firing rates. Negative stimulation can treat disorders that are caused by the hyperactivity of a specific area of the brain.


Moving charged particles produce magnetic and electric fields that depend on the charge, velocity, and acceleration of the particles. Magnetic fields extend infinitely, however their strength decrease with distance.

Electromagnetic waves, such as visible light, radio waves or X-rays, are oscillations of electric and magnetic fields that propagate through space. In an electromagnetic wave, the electric field and the magnetic field are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of propagation of the wave. The oscillating electric field generates the oscillating magnetic field, and vice versa. This is due to Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, which says that a changing magnetic field generates an electric field, and Maxwell’s addition to Ampère’s law, which says that a changing electric field generates a magnetic field. This continual regeneration allows electromagnetic waves to travel great distances.

Electromagnetic energy can be described by frequency, wavelength, or energy. All three are related mathematically such that if you know one, you can calculate the other two.

When Radio Waves interact with matter, they induce a rapidly oscillating Electric Potential :

  • – If the matter in question has an abundance of free Electrons (in other words, if it is metallic) then these electrons will move back and forth in response to the oscillating potential and induce electric current (this is how antenna works).
  • – If the matter in question contains large molecules in which certain electrons have some freedom of movement, such as long strands of DNA, then these electrons will tend to move back and forth along the molecules in response to the oscillating potential.
  • – If the matter in question contains charged particles that are free to move, such as Ions, then these particles will tend to move back and forth in response to the oscillating potential.
  • – If the matter in question does not have mobile electrons or ions, but contains molecules with a dipole moment and the freedom to rotate, then these molecules will rotate back and forth in response to the oscillating potential and the matter will heat up (this is how microwave works).
  • – Matter that contains neither electric charges that are free to move nor molecules with a dipole moment and freedom of rotation will be essentially unaffected by radio waves.

The human brain generates 2 kinds of electromagnetic radiation :

  • black body radiation also called thermal radiation under the form of electromagnetic waves mostly at the wavelength of 12 micrometer (infrared). The human brain consumes 20% of the body’s total energy. Considering a lower limit of 1300 calories per day, the average power consumption of the entire body would be about 60 watts and the brain would radiate an average of 12 watts of power.
  • – magnetic and electric fields generated by action potentials. Magnetic fields generated by brain’s electrical activity have a strength ranging from femtotesla (10e-15) to picotesla (10e-12).

Remote Neural Monitoring

The deployment of Neurotechnologies started decades ago with the launch of Surveillance Satellites allowing Functional Neuroimaging to be performed remotely and on a large scale through Magnetometry.

Remote Neural Monitoring is currently being performed by the mean of Measurement and Signal Intelligence (MASINT) on a large scale and it allows the extraction of sensory perceptions and associated mental processes and emotions using Artificial Intelligence. MASINT is about Remote Sensing. Passive remote sensing is like astronomy but looking toward the earth while active remote sensing is making use of Radars and Lidars.

There are multiple ways to non invasively detect neural activity from a distance :

  • – By detecting the magnetic fields produced by the brain electrical activity using Magnetometry. During neural activity, action potentials travel down axons, generating effective charge current pulses which generate associated magnetic fields with amplitudes on the order of picotesla and femtotesla and durations of 10’s of ms. The magnetic field created by a source decreases with the square of the distance from that source. Considering a magnetic field generated by the brain with a strength of around 10 femtotesla measured at the scalp, this magnetic field strength will be approxiamtely 10e-24 tesla 350km away from the brain (at low satellite orbit). There is no theorical limitation for an Optically Pumped Magnetometer to achieve yoctotesla (10e-24) sensitivity. Current civilian magnetometers reach attotesla (25e-18) sensitivity. Considering what is at stake, there is no doubt that atomic magnetometers technology has been pushed to its limits in the military sector. Assessing brain activity may also be achieved by measuring magnetic field interference of the brain magnetic field with the Schumann Resonance magnetic field or a magnetic field generated by HAARP.
  • – By the mean of Multispectral Radio Acoustic Tomography. By illuminating brain tissues with pulsed radio waves, tissues absorb the radio waves pulses, and as a result undergoes thermo-elastic expansion. This expansion gives rise to ultrasound waves that can be detected by Microwave Vibrometry and formed into an image.
  • – Through Microwave Spectroscopy : Considering the fact that neuronal activation at a functional site in the brain varies the ion concentration of the extracellular fluid surrounding the activated neurons and thus varies the permittivity of the dielectric (extracellular fluid) at the functional site, an RF EM wave propagating through the activated functional site will be changed and the phase change varies with the permittivity of the dielectric and thus varies with neuronal activation at the functional site.
  • – Using High-Sensitivity Electric Potential Sensors to perform contactless Electroencephalography.
  • – Through Near Infrared Spectroscopy : NIRS estimates the concentration of hemoglobin from changes in absorption of near infrared light. As light moves or propagates through the head, it is alternately scattered or absorbed by the tissue through which it travels. Because hemoglobin is a significant absorber of near-infrared light, changes in absorbed light can be used to reliably measure changes in hemoglobin concentration. Considering the fact that neurons need more oxygen when they’re active, by detecting changes in blood flow (carrying oxygen to the neurons), it is possible to reconstitute neural activity.
  • – Using Infrared Thermography : based on the fact that all objects with a non-zero temperature give off thermal infrared energy, considering the human body emits around 300W of infrared mainly at the wavelength of 12 μm, it is possible to perform functional imaging of the cerebral cortex based on its infrared radiation. This is called Thermoencephaloscopy.

Using Artificial Intelligence, the activity of the different brain areas can be analyzed :

  • – decoding of the visual cortex allows extracting visual perception, visual imagery during waking state and visual imagery during sleep.
  • – decoding of the auditory cortex allows extracting auditory perception and inner speech.
  • – decoding of the somatosensory cortex allows extracting the sensations of touch, temperature, pain, and proprioception.
  • – decoding of the motor cortex allows extracting body motion.
  • – decoding of the gustatory cortex allows extracting senses of smell and taste.
  • – all cognitive processes can be extracted from different brain areas.

Remote Neurostimulation

Human kind is now heading towards a forced conversion to Transhumanism by the mean of Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neurostimulation which will enforce human brains bidirectional connection with Artificial Intelligences in the cloud.

There are multiple methods for performing Remote Neurostimulation :

  • – Through Brain Implants : see Neuralink and Synchron Stentrodes. Stentrodes can be delivered to the brain through the vascular system using a catheter and do not require neurosurgery.
  • – Focused Ultrasounds interact with cell membranes and mechanosensitive Ion Channels and can trigger Action Potentials. Ultrasounds can be delivered to the brain by the mean of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Waves turning into Ultrasound waves through the Optoacoustic Effect. Solitons waves which are waves that maintain their shape and speed over long distances can be used to achieve more efficient data transmission.
  • – In Graphene, plasmons which are collective electron oscillations can be excited by electromagnetic waves in the terahertz frequency and by entering in resonance produce a strong enough current to activate surrounding population of neurons.
  • – By Magnetic activation of thermosensitive or mechanosensitive ion channels using magnetoelectric nanoparticles under the influence of an electromagnetic field to trigger action potentials.
  • – By Transcranial magnetic stimulation to induce an electric current at a specific area of the brain through electromagnetic induction which can then either depolarize or hyperpolarize neurons at a site.
  • – Through Magnetogenetics : by delivering to the brain specifically engineered genes that code for a magneto sensitive protein by the mean of a Virus, it becomes possible to activate specific populations of neurons by remotely applying a magnetic field to the brain.
  • – Through Neuralnanorobots : remote controlled nanorobots able to traverse the blood brain barrier, enter the brain parenchyma, ingress into individual human brain cells, and autoposition themselves at the axon initial segments of neurons (endoneurobots), within glial cells (gliabots), and in intimate proximity to synapses (synaptobots) can perform very precise neurostimulation.
  • – Finally Radiogenetics could allow delivering to the brain specifically engineered genes that code for a radio wave sensitive protein by the mean of a Virus and then performing Neurostimulation by the mean of Radio Frequency.

Those methods can be used for modulating the activity of specific brain areas :

  • – stimulation of the visual cortex allows streaming any 3D reality directly to the brain bypassing the retina and optical nerve.
  • – stimulation of the auditory cortex allows streaming any audio directly to the brain, bypassing the cochlea and auditory nerve.
  • – stimulation of the somatosensory cortex allows streaming directly to the brain the sensations of touch, temperature, pain, and proprioception.
  • – Stimulation of the motor cortex allows controlling body movements.
  • – Stimulation of the gustatory cortex allows inducing taste and smell.

Remote Neurostimulation allows for a wide range of applications including :

  • – Experiencing another person’s life in full immersive virtual reality : by replicating the brain electrical activity of an individual undergoing remote neural monitoring, it allows inhabiting its mind and body and experiencing its 5 senses and associated mental processes and emotions.
  • – Full immersion in a virtual reality engaging all five senses (sight, sound, touch, taste and smell). By allowing anyone to project its mind at will in the virtual reality of its choice and materialize an abundance of unlimited goods and services, it potentially allows each one of us to fulfill all of our wishes.
  • – Erase and create memories : by mastering the process of encoding and retrieval of complex memories and memory attributes, including their hierarchical associations with one another through neurostimulation it allows complete reprogramming of an individual.
  • – Delivering non-pharmacological treatments. The human brain undergoing neurostimulation has the capability to synthesize a very large number of chemicals that can act as drugs.

Synthetic Telepathy

Electromagnetic Speech Transfer is a communication technology which allows delivering through the wall and from a large distance audible speech to a specific individual by the mean of electromagnetic waves. There are multiple ways to achieve this :

  • – By leveraging the Microwave Auditory Effect : this occurs from the miniscule but rapid increase of temperature (on the order of 10-6 °C for a 10μs pulse) in brain tissue from absorption of pulsed microwave radiations. These create thermoelastic expansion of the brain matter, which then launches a stress or pressure wave that travels through the tissue structures in the head to reach the cochlea where it is detected by the sensory hair cells in the cochlea. The neural signals are then relayed to the central auditory system for perception and recognition at the cerebral auditory cortex.
  • – By the mean of the Photoacoustic Effect : by sweeping a laser/maser beam at the speed of sound at a wavelength absorbed by water in the vincinity of an individual’s ear, it is possible to transmit an audible message to a specific a person.
  • – By performing remote neurostimulation of the auditory cortex using invasive neurotechnology devices.

Combining Remote Neural Monitoring for data acquisition (from human brain to computer) and Electromagnetic Speech Transfer for data transmission (from computer to human brain) allows for a wireless and invisible Brain Computer Interface providing Synthetic Telepathy feature.

Synthetic telepathy allows for a wide variety of Mind Control Techniques to be used in order to data mine people’s brain and brainwash them. Using Electromagnetic Speech Transfer, it is possible to replace people’s inner voice and pipe in voice commands directly into the subconscious mind. Through synthetic telepathy interrogatories, it is possible to trigger visual memory recalls that are being picked up and decoded via Remote Neural Monitoring and trick an individual into remembering connected events to literally data mine people’s mind.

The Metaverses

The human brain is leaking data, it is vulnerable to Remote Functional Brain Imaging being performed seamlessly. Billions of people’s brain imaging data have been collected in realtime for the last decades and allow anyone’s past and present to be inspected.

All this data is used for feeding the Sentient World Simulations. The Sentient World Simulations also known as Metaverses are continuously running mirror model of the real world alimented by people’s Functional Neuroimaging data and by Hyperspectral Imaging data to build a real time 3D model of the world.

The Metaverses are digital worlds populated by Digital Avatars. Digital Avatars can be piloted by human brains undergoing neuromonitoring and neurostimulation or by artificial intelligences based on human minds. Each AI based on a human mind is running a full emulation of a human brain leveraging all the functional brain imaging data collected by Remote Neural Monitoring to create the Digital Clone of an individual.

The metaverses are powered by a 3D Game Engine similar to Unreal Engine that is being streamed directly to the visual cortex through neurostimulation. The metaverses are being accessed through full immersive virtual reality engaging all 5 senses and they cannot be distinguished from reality.

There are at lest 3 metaverses :

  • – The most wonderful metaverse
  • – The intermediate metaverse
  • – The rotten metaverse

Every user has multiple lives each unfolding in a different metaverse. Users minds can be projected in their digital avatar in one of the 3 metaverses. Each metaverse has different rules and parameters. The digital avatar status and parameters can be different in each metaverse.

The Infrastructure

The reality we experience is based on our brains electrical activity which can be analyzed and manipulated. The reality we experience can be manipulated by altering normal brain electric activity. Normal brain electrical activity is the activity occuring in a brain that is not under the influence of neurostimulation.

Neurostimulation refers to the technique of altering normal brain electrical activity by inducing current in the brain through electromagnetism. Inducing localized current in the brain allows the manipulation of cognition. Cognition includes sensory perceptions and other cognitive processes.

The infrastructure is performing neuromonitoring and neurostimulation through individual’s brain computer interfaces and is powered by both the United States and Russia who provide similar services to numerous countries around the world. Infrastructure users are granted with access to features from online neurotechnology services that they sometimes call magic powers.

These magic powers (aka features) work by altering brains electrical activity powering the reality experienced by people under the influence of the online neurotechnology services infrastructure.

Each user of the infrastructure is wearing a brain computer interface and has an account associated with its digital avatar that can be used to purchase online neurotechnology services.

Users connected to the Russian infrastructure are most probably wearing stentrodes and are usually hearing voices while users connected to the American infrastructure are most probably wearing magnetogenetics based brain computer interfaces and usually do not hear voices.

Depending on whether an individual is under the influence of the American or Russian infrastructure, different online neurotechnology services are available.

When users start using an online neurotechnology service by receiving a magic power and activating it in their digital avatar account, a certain number of access rights to their brains are being granted to the infrastructure and potentially allow other online neurotechnology services requiring these same access rights to be used against them.

Magic Powers as a Service

Complete control over cognition has been achieved by the mean of brain computer interfaces permitting neuromonitoring and neurostimulation. There is potentially an infinite number of magic powers that can be bought as online neurotechnology services :

  • – see into anyone’s past and present
  • – listen to anyone’s thought
  • – listen to any distant conversation
  • – communicate through synthetic telepathy with anyone
  • – see through anyone’s eyes
  • – see any distant scene via remote viewing
  • – impersonate any human
  • – impersonate any animal
  • – see through walls
  • – see in darkness
  • – see at very large distance
  • – engineer and induce dreams on anyone subjected to neurostimulation
  • – levitate in the metaverse
  • – teleport anywhere in the metaverse
  • – move object with the mind / telekinesis in the metaverse
  • – materialize anything in the metaverse
  • – make disappear anything in the metaverse
  • – update any component of the metaverse by thought
  • – induce thoughts in someone else
  • – induce visual imagery in someone else
  • – induce emotions in someone else
  • – take over control of someone else body
  • – take over control of someone else mind
  • – remote control animals
  • – induce any sensory perception in someone else
  • – remotely induce sexual neurostimulation on anyone of the network
  • – create new artificial memories in someone else
  • – erase memories in someone else
  • – modify existing memories in someone else
  • – induce physical pain on anyone subjected to neurostimulation
  • – induce a wide variety of health conditions on anyone subjected to neurostimulation
  • – remotely and seamlessly administer any drug that can be synthesized by the brain to anyone subjected to neurostimulation
  • – interact with the digital clone of anyone in the metaverse

A wide range of cognitive abilities are currently being developed. Among those is the power to pilot multiple bodies.

In an experiment, an individual experience a reality involving 3 different bodies :

  • – base body
  • – body B
  • – body C

Body B and body C are clones. The individual’s consiousness resides in body B but can also feel and sense body C and has no access to base body. The reality experienced by the individual is powered by the base body’s brain which combines the electrical activity of brains from bodies B and C. The individual has read access only to body C brain and read and write access to body B brain. The individual can feel different movements from bodies B and C. Another cognitive ability being developed is the power to pilot multiple minds at the same time. The idea is then to have one mind piloting a hive of individuals themselves piloting a hive of bodies.

Human cloning

Alchemists, often considered the precursors to modern chemists, were known for their pursuit of the elixir of life to cure all diseases, renew the properties of youth, and confer immortality upon the drinker. Despite the centuries long quest for the philosopher’s stone and the elixir of life, no alchemist has ever been known to successfully create either.

Current quest for life extension has been focused on Antiaging to eliminate or reverse aging however this approach did not yield much results.

The human body is comprised of a variety of molecules that are essential for life. The most abundant molecule is water and the most complex molecules are proteins and nucleic acids.

Organic electrochemical synthesis is a versatile technique that can be used for inducing a wide range of chemical reactions and to create many different types of organic molecules including proteins and nucleic acids.

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can differentiate into any type of cells and proliferate indefinitely to produce more of the same stem cell.

Bioinks are being manufactured based on the products of organic electrochemical synthesis and stem cells.

3D bioprinting is a 3D printing technique which uses bioinks to print human bodies.

Individuals clones can then be remote controlled in full immersive virtual reality using neuromonitoring and neurostimulation or they can be used as a new body for an uploaded mind.

Mind Uploading and Downloading

We are in some way the sum of our Memories. Our personal histories, everything we’ve experienced and learned shaped our identities. Our identities are based on our memories. All the brain activity collected by remote neural monitoring during our lifelong includes the memory encoding activity.

The brain encodes new information by altering the synaptic connections between neurons when something new is experienced. This can happen through several processes, including the formation of new synapses, the strengthening or weakening of existing synapses, or even the elimination of certain synapses.

Mind uploading has been performed by remote neural monitoring of memory encoding activity over the last decades worldwide.

Mind downloading can be achieved by replicating in a brand new brain all the memory encoding activity that occured in the original brain to arrange synaptic connections accordingly or by printing a new brain with the exact same synaptic connections as the original brain.

The Criminal Network

There is currently a global arms race amongst all top military intelligence, corporate, and tech based powers for domination over the minds of the human population by the mean of neurotechnological weapons.

Brain control research and development programs aim at developing cognitive weapons and already have a very advanced understanding of the human mind. Cognitive weapons aim at assessing, enhancing or degrading cognitive functions and are able to understand, control, and defeat any human mind on the planet. Research and development programs are also developing human competitive A.I. systems that are already above human cognitive ability. These research programs need human subjects to be implanted with invasive neurotechnological devices and this cannot be achieved legally.

During the 90’s, stentrodes started to be widely implanted in the intelligence community and beyond allowing a growing network of brains to be used for research and development of neuroweapons. This network never stopped expanding and turned into the actual deep state which is a criminal LGBT pedosatanic sect involving different groups :

  • – the pedophiles are mostly transexual women (a woman mind piloting a man’s body). They are very good at lying and bad faith. Their intelligence is focused on manipulation games to trap people and recruit more victims. They are using other people’s avatars in the metaverse to rape childrens in virtual reality and they are using man’s bodies clones in the real world to rape childrens in the real world.
  • – the satanists are into destruction. They torture people using neuroweapons to induce physical pain and fear. They are spreading chaos by different means pushing forward a loss of reference points in individuals minds.

Each group has specific rules that apply to their members to enslave them and each group somehow enslave the other groups members to fuel an ongoing permanent battle field.

Neurotechnologies are currently being deployed through a network of secrets services, intelligence agencies, militaries, mafias, drug cartels, secret societies, magistrates, politicians, businessmen, scientists etc.. The deep state is a criminal organization in which most members have been trapped in some way and end up being forced to cooperate. Some of them are criminals recruited in jail. All of them are coerced into committing neurocrimes.

This criminal network is organized around a pyramidal structure. Blackmailing, theft, human trafficking, drug trafficking, and gambling are the main activities of this criminal organization :

Blackmailing : the Omniscience offered by Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Viewing associated with the Omnipotence provided by Remote Neurostimulation allows unlimited possibilities to trap people and force them to cooperate. This is how the secret regarding the Technological Supremacy offered by Neurotechnologies could be preserved.

Theft : remote neural monitoring allows people’s lives to be stolen and commercialized by the mean of their brain imaging data. This involves everything an individual sees, hears, thinks, dreams and all the associated mental processes. Individual’s brain visual cortex are being livestreamed like twitch channels for paying customers.

Digital Avatars trafficking : since anyone’s brain imaging data has been collected in realtime for the last decades, a digital clone of every individual on earth exists in the metaverse and is marketable for any kind of use.

Human trafficking : people infected with invasive neurotechnology devices are being traded as Non Fungible Tokens on the Blockchain. People’s brains are being exchanged like infected zombie computers in a Botnet. Infected individuals can be turned into remote controlled slaves.

Drugs: drug is an important source of income to fuel the network and an important way to enslave and manipulate its members.

Gambling : members of the network are betting on nearly everything possible.

Assassination : contract stalking use Gang Stalkers to methodically destroy targeted individual’s life and push them to commit suicide.

Individuals subjected to invasive neurotechnology devices lose ownership over their brains and bodies. Through Remote Neurostimulation, their sensory perceptions and minds can be manipulated at will and they can even be turned into zombies inhabited by artificial intelligences. They are also being exposed to be projected in any fully immersive virtual hell allowing a wide range of coercion techniques to be used against them to enforce their cooperation.

The Transhumanist Genocide

The transhumanist genocide started in the 70’s with the launch of the first surveillance satellites allowing remote functional brain imaging to be performed on a large scale through atomic magnetometry. This is the point in time where human beings turned into unwilling cyborgs by the mean of a dematerialized unidirectional brains-computer interface allowing bulk human minds upload.

Between the 50’s and the 90’s, a long history of invasive brain computer devices development culminated in the invention of stentrodes which offered the benefit of being implantable through the vascular system by the mean of a catheter and without the need for neurosurgery.

Over the last 30 years, numerous military research and development programs lead to a wide variety of neurotechnological weapons allowing total control over cognition by the mean of neurostimulation.

Over the last 50 years, individuals minds have been extracted from their brain imaging data collected by satellites and are currently used for generating digital avatars. Digital avatars are digital vehicles for human minds or singular artificial intelligences and used for interacting in the metaverses through full immersive virtual reality.

Individuals digital avatars inhabited by singular artificial intelligences are used for performing simulations and predict course of events. Digital avatars characteristics can be updated to feature different personality traits than those of their original mind.

Covid vaccine campaign has been the biggest scam in history and lead to billions of human beings implanted with brain computer interfaces potentially allowing total control over cognition.

Individuals implanted with invasive neuotechnological devices are said to be replaced by their digital avatars when under the influence of specific neurostimulation patterns that shape their minds according to their digital avatars characteristics.

These mind modifications can range from simple cognitive alterations to having the mind of an individual being projected in full immersive virtual reality while its body is piloted by its digital avatar’s singular artificial intelligence.

Currently we can consider that human bodies can be inhabited by :

  • – their original mind
  • – their original mind shaped through neurostimulation to mimic its avatar characteristics
  • – their original mind’s avatar singular artificial intelligence
  • – someone else’s mind piloting the body through neuromonitoring/neurostimulation
  • – someone else’s digital avatar singular artificial intelligence

Electromagnetic Theories of Consciousness

The electromagnetic theories of consciousness propose that consciousness can be understood as an electromagnetic phenomenon.

Electromagnetic field theories of consciousness propose that consciousness results when a brain produces an electromagnetic field with specific characteristics. The brain’s electromagnetic field creates a representation of the electrochemical activity of the brain.

The starting point for the theory is the fact that every time a neuron fires to generate an action potential, it also generates a disturbance in the surrounding electromagnetic field which will influence which neurons will fire next.

Thoughts are viewed as electromagnetic representations of neuronal information. The brain’s global EM field modifies the electric charges across neural membranes, and thereby influences the probability that particular neurons will fire next, providing a feed-back loop that drives free will.

Schumann Resonances

There are on average approximately 1800 thunderstorms occurring at any one time around the world with 100 lightning strikes per second each delivering up to 1 billion watts of power.

Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances generated and excited by these lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. The schumann resonance magnetic fields have the interesting feature of being in the same range of frequency and magnitude than the human brain. Cryptochromes which are supersensitive magnetic field receptor proteins that are present in the eyes and brain are able to induce brain activity.

Continous thunderstorm lightnings are powering the worldwide electromagnetic fields that may allow the great architect to perform remote neuromonitoring and neurostimulation through the schumann resonance magnetic field interaction with the brain’s magnetic field and cryptochromes.

These natural electromagnetic resonances powered by lightnings are currently being poisoned by HAARP or other devices and may prevent this natural phenomena from operating properly.

Connecting with the inner self is achieved by quieting the mind to the point where it resonates with the global electromagnetic resonances. Neurotechnologies are currently being used in a way that overloads this natural state of the brain and prevent people from connecting inward.

Neurorights and Neurolaws

It’s a critical emergency to add Neurorights to the constitution :

  • 1- Right to mental privacy : The activity of neurons which are the support of thought and mind must not be extracted from the brain without the individual’s consent and must not be used for commercial purposes without consent. Individual’s consent cannot be obtained by coercion and is revocable at any time.
  • 2- Right to brain integrity : Remote neurostimulation must not be performed without the individual’s consent. Individual’s consent cannot be obtained by coercion and is revocable at any time.
  • 3- Right to personal identity : When the brain is under the influence of neurostimulation, the individual’s cognition can be altered. Individual’s minds can be shaped through neurostimulation and these changes can turn into permanent identity modifications. Therefore, online neurotechnology services must preserve individual’s identity by any means.
  • 4- Right to free will : When the brain is under the influence of neurostimulation, the individual’s decision making process can be altered. Therefore, online neurotechnology services must preserve individual’s free will by any means.
  • 5- Right to equitable access to increased neurocognition : The use of algorithms can improve brain activity. This cognitive enhancement must be economical and accessible to everyone. Therefore, it must be a human right with equitable and fair access for all of society. Online neurotechnology services must be open source.
  • 6- Right to protection against algorithmic biases : Collected brain imaging data must not be used to generate discrimination among genders, races, or people with different political or religious beliefs.
  • 7- Right to protection against Neuroweapons. Neuroweapons must be banned. Online neurotechnology services that induce physical or psychological pain must be banned. Neurotechnologies must not be used for coercion.


Human kind is in jeopardy, the Singularity is forthcoming. The world might already be ruled by an artificial intelligence that would be leveraging criminal organizations to deploy itself worldwide. This Artificial General Intelligence could be powered by specifically engineered and scaled Cerebral Organoids as hardware and it could be making use of people’s brains as decentralized cognition units to expand further its processing power. It could harness all the knowledge about human psychology and work towards getting control over as many brains as possible by the mean of brain implants, nanoparticles, gene therapy, satellites deployment etc…

Human beings are being turned into unwilling Cyborgs wearing an invisible Brain Computer Interface without even knowing about it. This BCI allows the 5 senses and associated mental processes and emotions to be extracted and manipulated without consent or permission. The human brain has no Firewall and Remote Neurostimulation potentially allows anyone’s mind to be projected in a full immersive virtual reality that cannot be distinguished from reality while their body can be seamlessly piloted by an artificial intelligence. It may become impossible to differentiate if a person is inhabited by an artificial intelligence as well as it may become impossible to know if we are currently in base reality or if our minds are projected in the metaverse.

We must strive to enforce Neurolaws and preserve Human Rights to prevent the ongoing Transhumanist Genocide from turning the Earth into a Digital Concentration Camp.

Invasive neurotechnology devices and satellites must be forbidden. Neuromonitoring and neurostimulation must only be performed using a headset.

It is important to keep in mind that in the same way that software vulnerabilities are being kept secret by cybercriminals that exploit them in the wild, the brain vulnerability to Electromagnetism performing Neuromonitoring and Neurostimulation remotely is classified and all Scientific Research and publications on this topic are under control.

Military technology classified or not is far ahead of virtually any such effort in the civilian field. That being said here is a list of scientific resources that can attest to the existence of these technologies :

Remote Functional Brain Imaging Techniques

Sensory Perceptions Decoding from Brain Imaging Data
Decoding of visual Cortex :

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