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Part XI: Summary, Hypotheses (1 – 141), and Conclusions: What On Earth Is Going On In Crestone/Baca? (Part A)

New World Religion
Articles & Interviews

Part VIII: Cult Connections

February 19, 2024

Is Crestone/Baca the “Vatican City of the New World Order?” An Expose of the “New World Religion”

Part XI: Summary, Hypotheses (1 – 141) and Conclusions: What on Earth is Going On in Crestone/Baca? Part A

Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, California State University,

Resident, Crestone/Baca, December, 2014 (updated 1/3/18)

Figure 1. Sangre de Cristo Mountains viewed from Baca National Wildlife Refuge west of Baca subdivision. (Photo by Bill Ellzey)

Hypothesis #6: The world’s global elite, including Maurice Strong, Edmund de Rothschild, David Rockefeller, etc., profess to believe that Crestone/Baca and the “Refuge of World Truths” is the new paradigm for the entire planet and that the fate of the earth is at stake.

Hypothesis #7: Politics and the occult, the New World Order and the New Age, all merge in the Baca. The Baca area is a magnet for military attention and an active site for observing UFO’s and spiritual manifestations.

Hypothesis #12: “Operation Crestone/Baca” is meant to be a mass-mind control experiment/program and/or prototype of the New World Religion, which can be defined as the forced imposition of the “hive mind” and “collective consciousness” or “lostness of the mind” via mind control, cults and gang stalking (see my website: upon an unwary public in order to turn them into docile, obedient slaves of the New World Order.

Hypothesis #13: The 1992 Rio Earth Summit (UNCED) set the rules for who gets what in the future. This is to be implemented via Agenda 21, or “Agenda for the 21st Century,” and Local Agenda 21 documents, authored by Maurice Strong.

Hypothesis #21: Historically, religion and occultism comprise key elements of world control. Zealots and zombies, created by cults, lose their reasoning abilities and will do the bidding of their controllers. These “unconscious” zealot/zombies can be easily disposed of later because they often become disaffected with former family and friends.

Hypothesis #50: British and American intelligence agencies are integral to the implementation of the Luciferic New Age Plan.

Conclusions: Based on corroboration by many other authors quoted in this series, all above hypotheses are considered proven. Many authors and indeed, Freemasonic doctrine, indicate that Jerusalem, not Crestone/Baca, is to be the “Vatican City of the New World Order.”

1) “Millions have been deceived into supporting projects designed to eventually strip themselves of their civil liberties, much of their property, their preferred religion, and perhaps even their lives…. Sadly, the vast majority of New Agers are involved quite innocently. Their motives are often altruistic. They wish to help- not harm – their fellow human beings. Most of them lack knowledge of the ultimate goals of the Movement…..

… Let us not as Donald Keys and David Spangler, and others have, fall prey to “The Plan.” The tragedy is not that there is a plan for world domination. What they fail to recognize is that “The Plan” is for the capture of their souls.

….. There is absolutely no way one can competently research the New Age Movement and not discover that its major purpose is bringing in a New World Order headed by the Antichrist.

… The New Age Movement seems to qualify as a revival of Nazism.”

Constance E. Cumbey, “The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow;” “The New Age Movement and Our Coming Age of Barbarism” (1983) and “A Planned Deception; The Staging of a New Age “Messiah” (1985)

2) “Part of the indoctrination process sought for through the (New Age) “Aquarian Conspiracy” was not only to degrade morals and immerse the public in numerous diversions, but also to inculcate the basic principles of the New Age cult, towards establishing a one-world-religion. This movement was spear-headed by the Aspen Institute, who, together with the United Nations, the Club of Rome, the Tavistock, and other such organizations originating from the (British) Round Table; began propagandizing around the issue of nuclear energy…..

The chief individual in this agenda is director of the Aspen Institute, Canadian multi-millionaire Maurice Strong. Strong is being heralded as the “indispensible man,” at the center of the U.N.’s global power. He has served as director of the World Future Society, trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and Aspen Institute, and is a member of the Club of Rome. Strong is now Senior Advisor to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, Senior Advisor to World Bank President James Wolfensohn, Chairman of the Earth Council, Chairman of the World Resources Institute, Co-Chairman of the Council of the World Economic Forum, and member of Toyota’s International Advisory Board.

… Strong also heads the Golden Dawn (cult/secret society), operates an international drug ring, and is a top operative for British Intelligence. He was a founding member of both the Planetary Citizens….. Maurice Strong also sits on the board of directors, and serves as director of finance of the Lindisfarne Center. Lindisfarne was founded by New Age philosopher William Irwin Thompson, a former professor of humanities from MIT and Syracuse University. Thompson said:

“We have now a new spirituality, what has been called the New Age movement. The planetization of the esoteric has been going on for some time. This is now beginning to influence concepts in politics and community in ecology…. This is the Gaia (Mother Earth) politique…. planetary culture.” Thompson further stated that the age of “the independent sovereign state, with the sovereign individual in his private property, (is) over, just as the Christian fundamentalist days are about to be over.”…

Maurice Strong is also a member of the Bahai World Faith. With Haifa, in Israel as the site of its international headquarters, the Bahai movement now exercises a strong presence in the United Nations and its One-World-Religion agenda…

Thus, the environmental movement, while helping to advance the cause of the oil industry, is an extension of the Aquarian conspiracy, incepted by Alice Bailey, designed ultimately to foster the acceptance of a one-world-religion, based on the occult, or New Age, as it is called…. The environmental movement is being used as a cover to promote return to the creed of the Ancient Mysteries, in the form of the worship of mother-nature, a pagan notion that equates the goddess with earth, known among the ancient Greeks as Gaia. Originally, she is the Babylonian Ishtar known to the Bible as Astarte, or the Egyptian Isis. This pantheistic idea has its origins in ancient paganism, and central to Kabbalah and all Western occult tradition, including Freemasonry and the Illuminati.”

David Livingstone, “Terrorism and the Illuminati: A Three Thousand Year History” (2010)

3) “The progress made by the Rosicrucian Illuminati with their World Revolution was decisively influenced by the history of the European Jewish and Khazarian diaspora, which effectively established a ‘state within the state’ successively in Babylon, Judea (under the Romans), Galilee, Babylonia, Spain, and finally, Poland, in the 1500s, where a Khazarian population of millions came into being and the ‘centre’ of ‘Jewish’ diaspora governance (the Kahal) was settled. When Poland was partitioned in 1772, this ‘centre’ disappeared inside Russia. In the 19th century it re-emerged as the Jewish International, with two dialectical wings – Communism and Zionism (Fascism).

In other words, with no firm territorial ‘centre’, the Talmudic Kahal resolved finally upon internationalism, facilitated by the parallel Judaicization of Freemasonry consolidated through the merger of the Illuminati with the Lodges. This is The Synagogue of Satan, driven by ‘them which say they are Jews, and are not’, which equated the intended destruction of Christianity with global hegemony achieved by financial manipulation. Since nation states and private property (except for the ‘Chosen’) stand in the way of this agenda, they, along with the very foundations of society such as marriage and the family, are ‘legitimate targets’ and the ‘collateral damage’ of this World Revolution.”

Christopher Storey, “The New Underworld Order: Triumph of Criminalism, Dark Actors Playing Games; The Global Fantasies of the Geomasonic Illuminati” (2006)

A. Introduction

I began this investigative series over three years ago in order to determine if Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center was correct when he stated that “Maurice Strong believes that (Crestone)/Baca is the Vatican City of the New World Order.” During the past three years, I have compiled a significant body of research in Parts I through XII and Appendices 1 through 13 of this series, which is posted on my website. This information comprises an extensive data-base that, I believe, provides information necessary to answer the question that forms the title of this series- as well as many other related questions. Along with these concluding Parts X-A, X-B, XI, and XII, I am also posting additional appendices: Appendix 8 (“Quotes from The Trail of the Serpent (1936) by Inquire Within”), Appendix 9 (“Gang Stalking:” Organized and Electronic Targeting the “Domestic Enemy:” Notes from Books, u-tube Presentations, and Blogs”), Appendix 10 (“Truth, Lies, Double Binds, and Crestone/Baca”) and Appendix 11 (“On the Term Anti-Semitism”), Appendix 12 (“The Black Awakening,” “Nephilim Project” and Supernatural Realm from a Christian Perspective), Appendix 13 (“Biblical Precedents and Scripts”), and indeed, as of January 3, 2018, Appendices 14 through 44 as well.

Information presented in these appendices is especially critical in understanding how the global elite controls/manages the world, and also helps resolve seemingly countless previously unsolved crimes….. unsolved crimes committed by intelligence agencies and their myriad fronts and cut-outs that have shaped and continue to shape our culture and our lives. These include the assassination of JFK, RFK, and MLK, 9/11, a host of serial killings and false-flag,-state sponsored terror events, innumerable contrived revolutionary “mass movements”- from the race riots and various “isms” (feminism, environmentalism, multi-culturalism, etc.) of the past half century to the never-ending illegal drug, sex, and slave trades. Information provided in this series explains what was and is behind these contrived mass movements.

I moved to Crestone/Baca permanently in 2011 after a 30-year career as a geography professor. I had first visited Crestone/Baca in the middle 1980’s through my previous association with The Spiritual Life Institute of America (Carmelite Catholics). I bought land here in 1994 because of this area’s spectacular and pristine beauty and I built my home here 2001. An avid outdoorsman (hiker, climber, skier, etc), I was drawn to the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and surrounding landscape; indeed, it is one of the most pristine and beautiful mountain ranges in America. I was also attracted to Crestone/Baca because of my interest in spiritual matters. At various times in my life, I have joined the search for truth via nature/academics, Christianity, Buddhism, agnosticism, existentialism, etc. Thus, both my personal and professional backgrounds have hopefully prepared me to tackle this particular topic. This research project has primarily been an intellectual exercise. My initial assumption here is that we live in an objective, understandable world in which effects can be traced to causes. Hence, I have used standard academic research procedures and documented my findings by including innumerable references to others’ work. Hopefully, my dual perspectives of academic researcher and spiritual seeker provide me with the skills, tools, and experience necessary to try to sort out what is happening here in Crestone/Baca.

Still, I offer this caveat: Even after all I’ve learned, my understanding of the many topics addressed in this series remains partial. Critical pieces of information may still await discovery. Hence, although I’ve identified enough puzzle pieces to discern a coherent picture of what is happening here, other important puzzle pieces may still need to be discovered. The topics discussed herein range from the vast and complex, from rational to metaphysical, from mysterious to unfathomable… to downright weird and contrived to deceive. Topics explored here have great political, economic, psychological, spiritual, and perhaps even extra-terrestrial import and dimensions. Many are classified top-secret by our government.

Today, there are over 50 non-profit religions, spiritual groups, cults, educational groups, and retreat centers in Crestone/Baca, and due to the overabundance of self-appointed gurus, many more versions of the truth/reality are to be encountered here. Indeed, a large percentage of our small population of about 1500 subscribes to the New Age concept that we can choose our own reality. (This “law of attraction” principle is featured in the movie, “The Secret”). Hence, as in an amusement park, individuals here often believe that they can and should select whichever “truth” best suits their needs of the time. My bias as physical geography professor is that these kinds of worldviews, based on subjective criteria and in some cases, “revealed” (channeled “information”), can be quite delusional and even dangerous. Certainly, the plethora of different truths here seems to prevent any kind of community cohesion and coherence. (See Appendix 44: Shadow Government Agendas and New Age Mind Control Psyops).

The interfaith Shangrila (Shamballa) of Crestone/Baca features numerous Tibetan, Zen, and Bon Buddhist temples and stupas, a Hindu Ashram, a Catholic Carmelite hermitage, a Baptist church, a Moslem Ziggurat, a Native American church, and a variety of New Age spiritual groups, including Wicca. Interestingly, although this series has identified Jews-Freemasonic-occultists-satanists as world-controllers, there is no ostensible Jewish religious center here. However, it appears that Jews have infiltrated and control most of the spiritual centers present and the town itself. Our relatively sparse human population (about 1500) includes an ever-changing admixture of spiritual seekers, idealists, New Age gurus, genuine gurus, would-be gurus, fake gurus, yogis, swamis, old hippies, young hippies, “balding Boulder Buddhists,” “true believers,” “wolves in sheep’s clothing,” marijuana growers, drug dealers, alternative healers, pagans, shamans, drumming circles, and an unusually high percentage of “change agents” (aka spies, intelligence operatives, surveillance role players, etc.) of many varieties.

New Agers posit that Crestone/Baca comprises a special spiritual “vortex,” or “portal” that connects the physical and spiritual worlds, and perhaps may even be the “crown chakra of the planet.” Hence, some, at least, believe that discarnate, non-human entities are well represented here and this panoply of supernatural entities may be worshipped and summoned by members of different religions. We may surmise that the various supernatural entities worshipped or appealed to here includes God, Jesus Christ, Mary, Lucifer, the anti-Christ, thousands of angels and demons, a host of peaceful and wrathful Buddhist deities, a panoply of Hindu gods and goddesses, local nature deities, spirit guides, Hidden Masters, New Age Avatars, fairies, etc.

In addition to being a multi-faith spiritual Mecca, Crestone/Baca is also a magnet for enthusiasts and practitioners of natural agriculture, alternative and sacred architecture, alternative medicine, alternative energy and most recently, marijuana and various other types of chemical amusement aids and mind-altering substances. Our Shangrila also features crystal shops, crystal skulls, crystal meth, peyote, ayuhuasca (hallucinogenic drug from South America), wicca, rituals of all kinds, channeling, theurgy, spirit-possession, and who knows, a secret “theocratic-synarchic” (rule by religions and secret societies guided by discarnate masters aka demons) shadow government. We have been a special mecca for New Age groups who claim to channel entities from other star systems, such as the “Arcturians” and “Pleidians,”

In addition, because of our distinctive history and association with Maurice and Hanne Strong of the United Nations, Crestone/Baca also seems to be ground zero for the implementation of the New World Order, United Nations Agenda 21, the New World Religion, earth worship, Gaia, “sustainability,” and the Ancient Mysteries. Thus, we also share our “sacred space” with St. Germain, the Illuminati, the Machiavellian machinations of military/intelligence agencies and their private contractors, “UFOs,” the paranormal, remote viewing, “change agents,” foreign agents, spies, gang stalkers, and most probably, ongoing government mind-contol operations. My research into mind-control programs and cults (Part VI through IX) suggests that Crestone/Baca is a petri-dish of mind-control experiments and cults and the prototype for the future “lostness of the mind”/”hive mind”/”Fourth World Wilderness” planned for humanity by the world’s elite (See Parts I through III). These kinds of military/intelligence programs are extensions of the CIA’s MKULTRA program of the 1950s onward, the “Human Potential Movement,” and government remote viewing and gang stalking programs that may feature some admixture of pain-drug-hypnosis (PDH), occultism, theurgy (summoning of spirits), cognitive dissonance, double-binds, the double mind, secret societies, Enochian magic, and deployment of psychotronic (electronic, “nonlethal,” directed energy) weapons.

Even though the beautiful Sangre de Cristo mountains preside majestically over our “spiritual vortex,” it seems that psychic/spiritual confusion is quite common here. Even so, some of us have noticed that “aliens,” as in groups of outsiders and foreigners, control our local politics and periodically make concerted efforts to commandeer our trillions of dollars worth of San Luis Valley groundwater, close-off public access to local public trails and public lands, rig and steal elections, and implement various aspects of United Nations Agenda 21 that are designed to reduce property rights and property values and drive people out of rural areas, including our magnificent Shangrila. At present, one in seven homes in our small Crestone/Baca community is for sale. Prices are well below market value. And these homes are not selling well! Based on personal experiences, then (as related in Appendices 1 and 3), some of us wonder if whether, in, amongst, and through all the rhetoric of “love and light” and “community,” in actual fact, the cumulative effect of all the lies, deceptions, and propaganda to which we are continually subjected, is that we are witnessing the covert, step-by-step subversion of representative government and the implementation of One-World-Government. Or might this just be delusional thinking on my part? Fortunately, good, old-fashioned, academic-style research in this investigative series provides answers to these questions. And since I am herein basically just synthesizing the work of other researchers, we can rest assured that I am not crazy.

My major goals in this project, then, are to:

1) Assemble a large enough information-data base to distinguish truth from lies as they pertain to the question that forms the title of this series,

2) identify the larger (so-called “macrocosmic”) forces that impinge upon the Crestone/Baca “microcosm,:

3) identify the intended role, if any, of Crestone/Baca in the New World Order, and

4) through education and outreach, try to protect Crestone/Baca and San Luis Valley citizens from possible pernicious outside forces that might want to control our lives, our property, our natural resources (see my website:, and our destinies. I am hopeful that this effort will help at least some locals to wake up and perceive the extent of spiritual/political deceptions to which we are subjected.

5) Finally, I also hope that by pursuing and exposing the truth, I am doing God’s will for me and for my community. It is not easy to discern the truth in a community where so many gurus proclaim different versions of reality.

…… As I conclude this lengthy series, I am still mostly grateful to live in Crestone/Baca, Colorado. Our rustic mountain town at 8,000 feet sits at the base of five 14,000-foot peaks in the Sangre de Cristo Range and overlooks the San Luis Valley (Figure 1). Crestone, our funky “Central Business District,” is a revivified mining town with picturesque 100-plus year old log cabins and still nary a stoplight. The sprawling Baca Grande (literally, “Big Cow”) subdivision adjoining Crestone to the south is sandwiched between spectacular, pristine public lands; including the Sangre de Cristo Mountains Wilderness Area, the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, and the Baca National Wildlife Refuge (Figure 2). In fact, 76% of our Saguache County is public land. A plethora of spiritual retreat centers line the “Old Mining Road” at the base of the mountain front granted to them by the Manitou Foundation (Figures 3 and 4). Our fifty-one-odd non-profit spiritual and educational groups attract spiritual seekers and teachers from all over the world. Local lore holds that we are a “protected area” where ancient wisdom traditions will be preserved in the event of any future cataclysms and apocalypse(s). If there are any shared beliefs in our little berg, these probably relate to our perceived mission as “sustainable” utopia and/or that we will survive a coming apocalypse. Of course, these same beliefs are common in many New Age cults as well.

Figure 2. A: Crestone/Baca and Manitou Foundation location in southern Colorado

Figure 2.B: Crestone/Baca, upper left middle, surrounded by public land administered by U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Park Service and BLM.

Figure 3. Location of Crestone (top), Baca Grande subdivision (center) and spiritual centers (right center in dark gray). (From “Manitou Institute: Spirit and Nature,” Crestone Eagle, 2005)

Figure 4. Manitou Habitat Conservation Program map showing location of spiritual centers and Manitou Preserve parcels (from 2005 Crestone Eagle, “Manitou Institute: Spirit and Nature”).

As noted, Crestone/Baca today has about 1500 permanent residents. Saguache County, with 3,170 square miles, has just over 6,300 people. As of 2010, then, the population density of our county was just 1.9 people per sq. mile. (By comparison, Alaska, the least densely populated state, has 1.2 people/sq. mile, and Wyoming, the next least densely populated, has 5.5 people/sq. mile). We who live here are certainly fortunate to live in an area with such spectacular hiking trails, beautiful mountain lakes and peaks, and abundant wildlife. In fact, I regard Crestone/Baca as a “poor man’s Tetons” – at least for now. Colorful Buddhist prayer flags adorn many homes, shrines, stupas, and buildings. In many ways, Crestone/Baca is indeed, an American “shangri-la;” a “Little Tibet.” But we should not forget that the San Luis Valley aquifer contains, quite possibly, trillions of dollars worth of groundwater and that water is gold in the 21st century! With our low population density, our high percentage of federal land, our geographic isolation, and our extraordinarily valuable groundwater and other natural resources, we may be ripe for colonization by more powerful forces. That such efforts have been and are being made by powerful national and international entities is documented in this series and in my and websites.

But there are “snakes” in our apparent utopia. As noted, out of some 750 houses in the Baca subdivision, about 110 are currently for sale and are selling for well below market value for Colorado real estate. A local realtor tells me our ratio of 1 in 7 homes for sale is four times higher than might be expected in a healthy community (1 in 28). Many other homes are in foreclosure. In 2013, Saguache County officials raised the taxes on about 140 properties by 1000% in just that year. As a consequence, many Crestone businesses are closing. Meanwhile, a local cabal relentlessly attempts to control nearly all aspects of our local politics and thwart economic growth. Are our self-appointed leaders trying to drive people out of their homes and out of our community? It would seem so. And who are these self-appointed leaders? Are they “the city mothers” of Crestone, representatives of various intelligence agencies who are covert “handlers,” or a network of members of our community who self-identify with a particular cult or cults?.

At a recent POA (Property Owner’s Association) meeting, it was announced that in the past several months, over one hundred marijuana growers/operations have moved into our Baca Grande subdivision and begun illegal (un-permitted) commercial operations. At the same meeting, it was reported that an angry ex-volunteer fireman, who claims to have developed PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) because the POA board did not approve a proposed “Special” Fire district (the Cresd), threatened to “go postal” with a machine gun at a future POA meeting. A local/transient drug dealer (probable “meth cooker” and possible gang stalker) is reported to have recently tried to physically strangle the much older (and smaller) President of our POA board in his own front yard, etc., etc., etc. Are these intentional intimidation tactics? Little wonder that a local minister recently noted that our town is decaying.

Over the past decade plus, I’ve learned a lot about how our town and county government really operates by engaging in various local issues/battles. In recent years, I joined forces with others in campaigns;

1) to protect our San Luis Valley groundwater from the potentially-polluting effects of gas and oil drilling (see and,

2) to get harmful chemicals, including OPP (ortho-polyphosphate) removed from our local drinking water,

3) to protect public access to our public trails on our public land from efforts by the Manitou Foundation to close public access to our public lands,

4) to prevent the proliferation of (Agenda 21-style) “special districts” (such as the proposed CresD Fire District) in our community, and

5) to prevent implementation of Agenda 21-style policies that would covertly depopulate rural areas by trying to educate other members of the community (, and Appendix 1 of this series).

In each of these campaigns I learned that our “peace, love and light” veneer is a fraud, a mere facade. In fact, our public persona as a “spiritual community” seems to belie a highly corrupt, highly controlled, and often intensely hostile local politics in which elections are stolen and our “elected” (or “selected”) representatives behave as if “possessed” (or simply bought or controlled) by outside influences.

Although the “non-profit” status of our local spiritual groups legally prohibits them from acting politically, they do, in fact, sometimes act through the “Crestone Spiritual Alliance” (“CSA-25”) to try and manipulate and control local politics. And this is despite the fact that they pay no property taxes or POA dues and contribute very little to the local economy. Might our often malicious, “tooth and nail”/“anything it takes” political battles here, some of which are documented in Appendices 1 and 3, represent coordinated influences from outside forces such as the Manitou Foundation, the Aspen Institute of Colorado, the United Nations, Maurice Strong himself, intelligence agencies such as the CIA, MI6, or Mossad, etc.? (See Part I of this series for a discussion of relevant NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) and other outside forces.) It often seems as if hidden outside forces exert undue influence over our local leaders and may be coordinating a group of locals that we sometimes refer to as “the cabal.” Our “Crestone/Baca Group Dynamics,” in which even opposition groups are controlled by the controllers, are explicated in my article of that name:;

Thus, my own experiences, confirmed by that of many others (many of whom have now left the community) suggest to me that Crestone’s carefully projected image as a peaceful, “love and light” spiritual community is a cover story that conceals very different realities. Some of these alternative possible realities are explored and evaluated in the following statements, observations, hypotheses, and tentative conclusions. My methodology here is to identify a series of reasonable hypotheses that are based on (hopefully) judicious selection of pertinent statements by other authors. From information provided in these statements, I derive pertinent hypotheses. Then I evaluate the hypotheses based on information provided in this series and offer tentative conclusions.

The following quotes include impressions, observations and pertinent information from many individuals that relate either to the Crestone/Baca “microcosm,” the global “macrocosm,” or both. Some of these statements are drawn from previous parts of this series and many are newly presented here. The most critical information/insights within the statements/observations are then re-cast as hypotheses and each hypothesis is evaluated, based on available evidence and information, to determine its degree of veracity. Altogether, 332 hypotheses are considered in the concluding Parts XI and XII of this series. It is worth noting that in these concluding chapters and throughout this series, I mainly reference the findings and insights of others. I do this in order to remain as objective and impartial as possible.

B. Quotes, Associated Hypotheses, Discussion and Conclusions

1) Research for this series was inspired by a statement a comment that Tom DeWeese (American Policy Center) made in a speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference in 1996 entitled: “The Most Dangerous Man in the World.” DeWeese was referring to billionaire Canadian businessman and UN potentate, Maurice Strong. DeWeese stated: “the Baca Grande, Strong believes, is the Vatican City of the New World Order” ( Here is the larger context of this comment:

“Maurice Strong is the number one force behind UN environmental policy. Maurice Strong is the leader of a radical contingent of environmentalists that believe that technology and modern industrialization must be stopped. Radical greens believe that all of man’s activities on earth are harmful and therefore not sustainable. They believe that man is a cancer on the earth. Their goal is to slowly cut back and finally reduce human habitat to specific areas while the rest of the world is turned into wilderness.

Maurice Strong and his buddies are the driving force behind a New Age pagan religion known as Gaia. And it is pure nature worship. The Strongs own a 63,000-acre ranch in Colorado known as Baca Grande… Baca Grande, Strong believes, is the Vatican City of the New World Order.

Maurice Strong is also a director of the Temple of Understanding in New York City, where pagan rituals and earth-worshipping ceremonies include escorting sheep and cattle to the alter for blessing.”
Upon re-considering this statement, this sentence particularly stands out:

“Their goal is to slowly cut back and finally reduce human habitat to specific areas while the rest of the world is turned into wilderness.”

Indeed, this plan is embodied in the “Agenda 21 Map of Death” which represents the plan of the Biodiversity Treaty presented at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit to place 50% of the coterminous U.S. off limits to human activity. The Secretary General of the Rio Earth Summit and the author of Agenda 21 (Agenda for the 21st century) is none other than Maurice Strong.

Figure 5. The “Agenda 21 Map of Death,” prepared by Dr. Michael Coffman, is an attempt to place 50% the U.S. as off limits to human activity.

Is “human habitat” in Saguache County now being reduced so the land can be turned to wilderness? DeWeese continued:

“What does Maurice Strong have to do with American property rights? Everything. The assault on property rights, the entire radical environmental agenda, is being driven by the United Nations. And Maurice Strong is the number one force behind UN environmental policy.”

DeWeese’s observations suggest the following hypotheses that are pertinent to our investigation:

Hypothesis #1: Maurice Strong is the number one force behind UN environmental policy. He and other radical environmentalists believe that technological progress and modern industrialization must be stopped. U.N. environmental initiatives and programs, including Agenda 21 (Agenda for the Twenty First Century), are designed to reduce technological progress and industrialization in First World countries.

Hypothesis #2: Under Strong’s (and his Rockefeller backers’) leadership, United Nations policy initiatives, including U.N. Agenda 21, are designed to slowly reduce the world’s human habitat to specific areas while the rest of the world is converted to wilderness. (More on “UN Agenda 21” later.)

Hypothesis #3: The UN and Maurice Strong have a specific mission for Crestone/Baca: It is to be the “Vatican City” of the “New World Order.” The “New World Religion” is based on pagan earth worship and worship of the divine feminine in the form of GAIA (Greek term for Mother Earth Goddess).

Hypothesis #4: Strong is also director of the Temple of Understanding in New York City, where pagan rituals and earth worship are common.

Hypothesis #5: Reducing the world’s human habitat requires reducing the world’s human population and the destruction of American property rights. Strong and the UN are committed to implementing both these objectives.

1) Conclusion: Each of the above hypotheses is verified in many sources, including:

a) Part I of this series, “Is Crestone/Baca the Vatican City of the New World Order; An Expose of the Occult New World Religion” (Part I. Is Crestone/Baca, Colorado, the Vatican City of the New World Order?),

b) Elaine Dewar’s “Cloak of Green; The Links Between Key Environmental Groups, Government and Business” (1995) (see Part X-A of this series).

c) Larry Olsen’s “The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World; From the Ancient Wisdom to the New World Order” (2007),

d) William F. Jasper’s “The United Nations Exposed: The Internationalist Conspiracy to Rule the World” (2001) and “Global Tyranny…. Step by Step: The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order” (1992).

e) William T. Still’s “The New World Order: the Ancient Plan of Secret Societies” (1990).

f) Jeffrey Grupp’s “Corporatism: The Secret Government of the New World Order” (2007).

g) My article Global Green Dictatorship and UN Agenda 21.

h) and many other references (see the references section in the above books and articles).

It appears that the destruction of American property rights is now being carried out, incrementally, by covert implementation of United Nations soft law policies, especially Agenda 21 (newly re-packaged as Agenda 2030). One aspect of Local Agenda 21 is the deliberate weakening of local democratic institutions by proliferation of intermediate-level corporate entities, including special districts and external management companies, that wrest control of local governments from citizens. This has occurred locally in several ways: management of the Baca Grande POA was outsourced to Hammersmith Management, Inc. in 2005, management of our Baca Grande Water and Sanitation District was outsourced to Special District Management Services in 2009, and there has been a fierce effort to create a “Crestone Special Emergency Services District (CresD)” over the past four years. However, although a board of directors for this proposed new district has been formed, voters have not approved funding for this district (more on this subject below).

2) The following is derived from

“The Strongs say they see the Baca, which they call ‘The Valley of the Refuge of World Truths,’ as the paradigm for the entire planet and say that the fate of the earth is at stake. Apparently, the Kissingers, the Rockefellers, the McNamaras, the Rothschilds, and other Establishment New World Order elites all agree as well, for they do their pilgrimage to the Baca- where politics and the occult- the New World Order and the New Age- all merge…..

Baca Grande also appears to be a magnet for military attention…. And reputedly is an active site for observing both UFO’s and spiritual manifestations.”

Hypothesis #6: The world’s global elite, including Maurice Strong, Edmund de Rothschild, David Rockefeller, etc., profess to believe that Crestone/Baca and the “Refuge of World Truths” is the new paradigm for the entire planet and that the fate of the earth is at stake.

Hypothesis #7: Politics and the occult, the New World Order and the New Age, all merge in the Baca. The Baca area is a magnet for military attention and an active site for observing UFO’s and spiritual manifestations.

2) Conclusion: Hypotheses 6 and 7 are proven correct in this series. The identities of many individuals within the global elite are revealed in Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.’s Who’s Who of the Elite: Members of the Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations & Trilateral Commission (1995) and Dr. John Coleman’s The Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Committee of 300 (2006). Regarding hypothesis #7, our Sangre de Cristo mountains and adjacent San Luis Valley area have an exceptional and well-publicized history of UFO sightings, cattle mutilations, and other paranormal activity (O’Brien, 1996, 1999, 2007). Former Baca resident, Christopher O’Brien’s biography on states:

“Since 1992, Christopher O’Brien has investigated over one thousand paranormal events reported in the San Luis Valley–located in South-central Colorado/North Central New Mexico. Working with law enforcement officials, ex-military, ranchers and an extensive network of skywatchers. From 1992 to 2002, he documented one of the most intense waves of unexplained activity ever reported from a single geographic region of North America. His ten-year investigation resulted in the three books of his “mysterious valley” trilogy, The Mysterious Valley, Enter the Valley, and Secrets of the Mysterious Valley. His meticulous field investigation of UFO reports, unexplained livestock deaths, Native American legends, crypto-zoology, secret military activity and folklore, found in the world’s largest alpine valley, has produced one of the largest databases of unusual occurrences gathered from a single geographic region.”

3) The late George W. Hunt was a Christian businessman who attended the Fourth World Wilderness Congress meetings in Colorado in 1987. In (1989 and 1992) videos posted on his website (, he relates the following:

“I attended The Fourth World Wilderness Congress. Maurice Strong, the convener, said it was called the Fourth World because it was the fourth one of these environment congresses that Edmund de Rothschild had created. I learned later that the World Order refers to the coming One World Government as the Fourth World, or world control by the World Order where there is no more First, Second, or Third Worlds, just a boundary-less planet which is called the “fourth world wilderness.” Yogis and shamans refer to it as the “fourth world wilderness,” the “lostness of the mind.” The” lostness of the mind” refers to the collective consciousness. Persons will be coerced through lies, drugs, fear, and pain to surrender themselves, their egos to the collective consciousness.

The Fourth World will be a return to a society much like the Caesar’s or Babylon or the Fourth Reich, within the fictionalized societies described in Huxley’s Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited and Orwell’s classic, 1984. We will flourish with only a whimper. The World Order wants to create a new society out of the ashes of chaos; a collectivist Fourth World complete with a collectivist religion, collectivist finance and unchecked world national socialism (fascism). The World Order will offer Gaia, mother earth, to the masses as the big brother image to worship in the Fourth World.

Maurice Strong has already set up a 140,000-acre project in Crestone, Colorado to develop this earth religion system. Projects are funded by the Rockefeller Fund among other foundations. The (1992 Rio) Earth Summit will link environment with industry. The Lords of the UNCED Conference will be the masters of who gets what and when if we don’t do something about it quickly.”

Hypothesis #8: The world’s ruling elite refers to their planned, coming One World Government as the “The Fourth World” or “boundary-less Fourth World Wilderness,” which is to replace the First, Second, and Third Worlds (geo-politically speaking). Present nations would be abolished.

Hypothesis #9: According to yogis and shamans, “The Fourth World Wilderness” would be characterized by the “lostness of the mind.” The elite intends that individuals will be coerced through lies, drugs, fear, and pain (ETK and other forms of mind control) to surrender themselves and their egos to the “collective consciousness” (ETK: to be implemented by “brain-to-computer-interface” (BCI) networks/”hive-mind).

Hypothesis #10: The elite Plan is that the “Fourth World Wilderness,” created out of the ashes of chaos, will be a totalitarian, feudalistic society with a collectivist religion and collectivist finance to be governed by unchecked world national socialism (fascism). Gaia, the divine feminine, will be universally worshipped as the big brother image.

Hypothesis #11: Projects in Crestone/Baca are funded by the Rockefeller Fund, among other sources, presumably to help fulfill the above Plan. Hence, there may be some kind of behind-the-scenes “Project Baca” or “Operation Baca” which somehow supports the UN/Strong/Rockefeller/Rothschild agenda.

Hypothesis #12: “Operation Crestone/Baca” is meant to be a mass-mind control experiment/program and/or prototype of the New World Religion, which can be defined as the forced imposition of the “hive mind” and “collective consciousness” or “lostness of the mind” via mind control, cults and gang stalking (see my website: upon an unwary public in order to turn them into docile, obedient slaves of the New World Order.

Hypothesis #13: The 1992 Rio Earth Summit (UNCED) set the rules for who gets what in the future. This is to be implemented via Agenda 21, or “Agenda for the 21st Century,” and Local Agenda 21 documents, authored by Maurice Strong. (ETK note: Strong was also a primary organizer and Secretary General of the “United Nations Conference on Human Development” in Stockholm, Sweden in 1972 as well as the “Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development” in 2012.)

Discussion: According to Hunt, the elite intends to use “lies, drugs, fear, and pain” to coerce individuals to surrender their identities and egos to the “collective consciousness.” This scenario is consistent with the 140+-year history of mind control and social engineering research documented in Parts V through IX of this series, which reveals many of the methods and technologies by which “lostness of the mind” or “collective mind” can be covertly imposed upon the masses. Hunt’s testimony also resonates with my personal experience of living in Crestone/Baca. Residents here often seem to exhibit the characteristics of an uncritical “hive mind”/”collective consciousness.” And now that Colorado has recently legalized the recreational use of marijuana, production and sales of drugs here seems be one of our economic mainstays! Add to this, the local production and/or sales of “crystal meth” and the South American hallucinogenic drug, “ayahuasca.” Knowledgeable sources have informed me that use of crystal meth and ayahuasca, in particular, can lead to “possession” by demonic spirits. Meanwhile, the theme of Crestone’s Fourth of July parade this year was “Free the Zombies!”

Regarding the elite’s plan to usher in a “Fourth World Wilderness” to replace the First, Second and Third World, it is interesting to note that two years after the 1987 “Fourth World Wilderness Conference” in Colorado, the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Empire (Second World) dissolved. With that single event, the historic division between “First and Second Worlds” was radically changed. The timing of these events may not have been coincidental.

In Part IX of this series, we learned that the goal of Jewish/British/American/New Word Order psychiatrists has long been to create docile slaves of the New World Order through application of coercive “behavior modification” techniques to individuals and the masses. The unequivocally evil and psychopathic character of this project (and its advocates and implementers) is expressed in the following statements by internationally-renowned psychiatrists (from McClaughry’s blog;, see Part IX of this series):

“In 1945 (serial pedophile American psychiatrist, Harry Stack) Sullivan invited (British psychiatrist George Brock) Chisholm to lecture at the William Alanson White Foundation on “The Psychiatry of Enduring Peace and Social Progress.” Some statements made by Brock Chisholm: “What basic psychological distortion can be found in every civilization of which we know anything? …The only psychological force capable of producing these perversions is morality, the concept of right and wrong… (which is) the poison long ago described and warned against as “the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The re-interpretation and eventually the eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training… The pretense is made… to do away with right and wrong would produce uncivilized people, immorality, lawlessness and social chaos. The fact is that most psychiatrists and psychologists and many other respectable people have escaped from these moral chains and are able to observe and think freely.

The people who definitely do not want to fight any more wars must promise annihilation to any nation which starts to fight and must be prepared immediately and ruthlessly to carry out that promise without parley or negotiation. This involves the continual upkeep of widely dispersed atomic rocket stations covering the whole world and a continual high-pressure research program to discover ever more efficient methods of killing to keep ahead of any possible competition. This must go on until we, all the people, are re-educated to be able to live in peace together…”

(McClaughry comment): “How he can use the word “peace” anywhere in the above is just….unconcionable. Not to mention “re-educated”? Are you freaking kidding me? RE-EDUCATED by ruthless annihilation? But even more important in what Chisholm said above, is that there is the cause of wars on this planet, right there. This man just told you what their insane strategy and plan has been all along: WAR against ANYONE WHO RESISTS THEIR RULE. Chisholm says – Nuke Them! With what Chisholm just said in the above, now you see the white mask go down, and the Evil Mask behind it is exposed. Ruthless annihilation for those whose only real “crime” is they do not bend the knee. ALL hail the Gods of the New World Order!”

(From) the next fabulously insane lecture by Chisholm, “The Responsibility of Psychiatrists:”…

“Two, to watch carefully for signs that any individuals or groups are becoming potential enemies and to kill them all ruthlessly before they can become strong”… (we develop) shorter, more effective techniques of treatment. Shock, chemotherapy- group therapy… Hypno- and narco-analysis, psychodrama, even surgery, can all be used, and some of these methods may be employed by other than trained psychiatrists.”

 Chisholm now goes on again, at some length, on trying to figure out the logistics of zapping and drugging and surgerying everyone in the world should it become necessary, which he says that it is.

“If large numbers, additional thousands, of psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychiatric social workers, hypnotists, group therapists and general practitioners are to be produced within any reasonable number of years, a very extensive overhauling of the educational system will be necessary.”

(No Child Left Behind is a program ensuring federal control over education under UN guidelines. Most of these programs originated in the UN Joint Commission of Mental Health and were passed to the National Education Association. Many of these programs originated at the National Training Laboratories under the direction of G. Brock Chisolm, former director of the World Health Organization.)

The following excerpt from McClaughry’s blog timeline further documents: 1) the megalomaniacal mindset behind much of modern psychology/psychiatry, and 2) reveals its fundamental mind-control technique (from Part IX):

“1920 – The Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology (aka Tavistock Clinic) is formed (in London, England). Psychiatrists such as John Rawlings Rees were brought into the British Army during World War I to oversee Officer Selection and to treat battle neurosis in the soldiers. Their primary interest was in how to make people fight and how to choose men to lead and influence others to fight. Thus their interest in personality testing began. That grew into all manner of how to influence others to do what they “should.” After World War I ended, these psychs in the British Army formed the Tavistock Clinic. They and some of their colleagues engaged in horrifying experiments on soldiers and mental patients.”

According to the official history of the Tavistock Clinic:

“In 1920, under its founder Dr. Crichton-Miller’s leadership, the Tavistock Clinic made a significant contribution to the understanding of the traumatic effects of ‘shell shock’ and how it could be treated by talking, listening and understanding. The catharsis therapy that was initially developed by Josef Breuer and Sigmund Freud was widely used in the late 1800’s by Janet and Delboeuf Hoek and many others. Catharsis is the discharge of repressed emotional energy. The discharge was induced by the psychoanalytic technique of abreaction, first under hypnosis, and later by using the concentration technique. It was particularly used in the abreactive treatment of shell-shocked combatants in World War I.”

abreaction: the reliving of past traumatic experiences buried in the subconscious, in such a way that previously repressed emotions associated with it are released. Catharsis, abreaction and Dianetics are 3 words that all mean the same type of therapy – the reliving of past traumatic incidents to release repressed emotions.

Later in time, their research into abreactive therapy is really going to get ugly. It included reversal of the therapy by laying in traumatic incidents using drugs, electric shock and hypnotism combined as a behavior modification technique. That behavior modification technique is called PDH – Pain, Drugs, Hypnosis. The people using catharsis therapy, aka abreactive therapy and talking therapy, on the general population, constitute the first Dianeticists (Scientologists), they just didn’t call it Dianetics back then. The psychs at Tavistock Clinic directly exported it to Chestnut Lodge Sanitarium (in America) where Ron Hubbard received his final training in abreactive therapy. “Dianetics” was thus a Tavistock baby…..

Social psychiatry is a euphemism for “social engineering,” also called “reality engineering.”  Social engineering is a euphemism for behavior modification. They have one method for Behavior Modification:

Step 1: Changing who YOU ARE and WHAT YOU THINK. Various words are used to define actions undertaken in this direction, such as De-patterning, De-conditioning, De-aberrating (that one is Scientology), etc.

Step 2: (Illiciting/forcing) your consent to accept the NEW YOU with the NEW IDEAS that they want you to have. Various terms apply to this idea, such as “psychic driving”, “changing images of man”, Homo Novis (that one is Scientology), enlightened “education”, etc. The methods for accomplishing step 2 are drugs, torture of any and every kind including electric shock, re-training, “education”, all (of which are) forms of communication to present the ideas to the “social” (society) group that they are supposed to have.

As you can see, Behavior Modification is itself a euphemism for all of the methods and ideas covered above. It amounts to mind control – control over what you think and do. Key members of Tavistock Clinic decided to form a group of men that Alan Gregg was looking for – a group that would be committed to undertaking, under conditions of peace, the kind of social psychiatry that had developed in the army under conditions of war. They were given the Rockefeller grant which led to the birth of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, in London….”

Here, to re-emphasize the main point, McClaughry asserts that the main behavior modification method is: 1) “changing who you are and what you think,” and 2) re-programming you with ideas and an identity acceptable to the elite. These steps are synonymous with CIA-spychiatist Dr. Ewen Cameron’s two-fold process of 1) “de-patterning” or erasing the patients’ existing mind/memory/identity, and 2) “psychic driving,” or re-programming the mind. “Laying in trauma” via Pain-Drug-Hypnosis (PDH) is the technique that forms the basis of much of the social engineering and behavioral modification to which we all have been covertly subjected for most or all of our lives. I should note that whereas McClaughry focuses on the role of British and American psychiatrists in the “scientific” development of mind control/social engineering techniques, he omits mention of the foundational “contributions” of occult Judeo/Masonic/occultic/Satanic/Illuminati secret societies, including “Satanic Ritual Abuse,” and the related Nazi mind-control experiments and programs. However, I document these influences in Part VI of this series. PDH (pain, drug, hypnosis) was advocated by British psychiatry to bring about to trauma-based mind control of the masses. Post-WWII psychiatrists in America and Britain and elsewhere explored thousands of variants on this theme. One effective method advocated by UCLA’s Dr. Jolyon West is the combination of isolation, sleep deprivation and physical abuse (Storey, 2006).

Returning now to our Crestone/Baca scene: What better way to change someone’s identity than to “convert” them to an exotic eastern religion that encourages them to empty their minds, lose their egos, and adopt new names and identities?!!! Many here have adopted second names (or, indeed, a succession of names and identities). Three-syllable Hindu names are commonplace amongst Anglos. Several years ago, at least four individuals, three of whom were Caucasian American, went by the Tibetan name; “Yeshe Dorje.” By adopting new names and religious identities, of course, former “Christian names” and identities may be discarded. Doesn’t this accomplish, at least to some extent, the two main objectives of British psychiatry and Canadian/Scottish (Freemason) spychiatrist, Dr. Ewen Cameron?

Other methods by which Crestone/Baca residents may be subject to behavior modification by PDH (Pain-Drug-Hypnosis) are discussed below. Meanwhile, please note that the two groups that traditionally and commonly change their names; crypto- (marrano-) Jews and spies, can and do operate here with impunity and cover. My experience suggests that both these groups are vastly over-represented in Crestone/Baca and that there is considerable overlap between them. The million-strong, American network of Jewish spies and operatives, known as “sayanim,” commonly work with Israeli intelligence, Mossad. Our local spiritual groups may provide the perfect cover for these kinds of “change agents”/spies- including lodging, food, concealment in silent retreats, and even new aliases! And our Crestone/Baca community itself my provide them with free “safe houses” to live in for short-term and long-term operations. (More on these topics below.)

3) Conclusion: Hypotheses 8 through 13 are each confirmed in the previously-mentioned references. In particular, Parts V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX of this series address the history and technologies of mind control.

4) George W. Hunt made the following observations in his December, 25, 2011 “Where On Earth Are We Going?,” in News (

“Maurice Strong is called “the custodian of the planet” mainly because he IS the custodian of the planet. Strong was hired by David Rockefeller when Strong was only 18 years old. Rockefeller’s purpose was to make Strong the powerhouse of the UN to guide it to a place of absolute authority over all natural resources including water and food distribution. The food and water subjects will be presented at the forthcoming United Nations NCSE Conference in Washington DC to be held on January 18-20, 2012. The conference is set up to create recommendations and resolutions to place control of fresh water and other resources into the UN Environment Program (UNEP). The Rockefellers donated the land for the UN building so it gives us a large hint that they use the UN for their own destructive purposes.

The late Edmund de Rothschild created the United Nations Committee on the Environment and Development (UNCED—pronounced “Unsaid”) in 1972. His dynasty created the Committee and they are the Trustee of the UNCED meetings. I had the opportunity to attend his fourth UNCED meeting in September 1987. It was named the Fourth World Wilderness meeting and met at Estes Park and Denver, Colorado. I witnessed his cohorts create the ultimate New World Order banking program and the New World Order environment plans.

Bluntly put, the aims of Strong, Rockefeller, Rothschild and (Chairwoman Gro Harlem) Brundtland are to eliminate indigenous people by changing natural water patterns, cycles and water flows, and using EPA laws to reduce supplies of potable water to urban populations. Indigenous people and wildlife will suffer great harm. Another purpose is to make the UN the center of costly water projects funded by the international banking community. They plan to issue 25-30-year bonds to fund the tremendous costs of the blue-sky projects which will eventually become inoperative and technological nightmares. The Common People (you and me) will pay for the UN’s disastrous “mistakes.”

Yes, it sounds draconian but that is how some elite psychos think. Brundtland has been quoted to say that the world population should be 500 million people, not six billion people (the Club of Rome concurs). They will accomplish these goals by, among many devices, adding chemicals, “fracking impurities” and sewage into the world’s waterways plus other means such as famine, pestilence, civil wars, terrorism and poor food distribution. Please pass the word on to others about how the UN’s Pale Horse of Death will be set loose upon society.

Hunt identified the UN’s “Pale Horse of Death” strategy previously in his 1989 and 1992 videos (from This is discussed in a now-defunct website entitled “Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions.” (See Part I of this series):

In his 1992 video, Hunt showed a document, obtained from a friend, which has been taken from a UN-affiliated public hearing held at Iowa State Capitol in Des Moines on September 22, 1991. The last paragraph of this document reads:

“Therefore the following policy must be implemented…. All nations (should) have quotas for (population) reduction on a yearly basis… by military force, when required…. Security Council has complete legal, military, and economic jurisdiction in any region in the world…. Take possession of all natural resources, including the watersheds and great forests, to be used and preserved for the good of the Major nations of the Security Council… the UN will explain that not all races and peoples are equal, nor should they be. Those races proven superior by superior achievements ought to rule the lesser races, caring for them on sufferance that they cooperate with the Security Council…”

This worldview is the same as some British imperialists used to daydream about, like Cecil Rhodes and his gang. Coincidentally, the paper contains references to both leaders of the Round Table and their respective wills and credos:

“We are the living sponsors of the great Cecil Rhodes will of 1877, in which Rhodes devoted his fortune to: ‘the extension of British rule throughout the world… the colonization by British subjects of the entire Continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the islands of Cyprus and Canada, the whole of South America, the islands of the pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain the whole of the Malay archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire….”

We stand with Lord Milner’s Credo. We too are ‘British Race patriots’ and our patriotism is “the speech, the tradition, the principles, the aspirations of the British Race.’ Do you fear to take this stand at the very last moment when this purpose can be realized? Do you not see that failure now is to be pulled down by the billions of Lilliputians of lesser race who care little or nothing for the Anglo-Saxon system?”

“This is the time to save the Anglo-Saxon race and its most glorious production: the Anglo-Saxon system of banking, insurance, and trade.”

Discussion: The historic marriage between Jewry, Zionism, Freemasonry, the City of London, the British Royal Family, and the British Empire is a fascinating, important, and little understood topic. One common thread in all these entities, obviously, is the false religion ideology of racial superiority. Suffice it to say here that Cecil Rhodes, who expressed such extreme “Race patriotism for the British Race,” was a Jew. Lord Alfred Milner was a gentile, but he was a Scottish Rite Freemason, an agent of Rothschild bankers, and another staunch “British Race Patriot.” Milner was the key member of the Rhodes’-inspired “Inner Circle” that fomented the Boer Wars, in which British soldiers conquered South Africa on behalf of Jewish financial interests, including gold and diamond mining.

Hypothesis #14: The global elite, including Rockefeller, Strong, Rothschild, etc., intend that the United Nations Environmental Program, (UNEP), should control all the world’s natural resources, and control water and food distribution.

Hypothesis #15: The late Edmund de Rothschild created the United Nations Committee on the Environment and Development (UNCED) in 1972. He is the Trustee of all UNCED meetings. Rothschild, Rockefeller, Strong, and other attendees at the 1987 Fourth World Wilderness Congress created the New World Order banking program and the New World Order environmental plans.

Hypothesis #16: The global elite intend to eliminate indigenous people by changing natural water patterns, cycles and water flows, using EPA laws to reduce supplies of potable water to urban populations. Wildlife would also be damaged enormously.

Here, we might interject that changing natural water patterns is possible using existing geoengineering/weather modification/weather warfare technologies (see “Man-Made Climate Change in the Skies” powerpoint presentation on this website).

Hypothesis #17: The UN is to be the center of costly water projects funded by the international banking community. They plan to issue 25-30 year bonds to fund the tremendous costs of the “blue-sky projects” (aka UN-US-UK-sponsored geoengineering and chemtrails programs) which will eventually become inoperative.

Hypothesis # 18: The UN goal is to radically reduce the human population by adding chemicals, “fracking impurities,” and sewage to the world’s waterways, as well as instigating famine, pestilence, civil wars, terrorism, and poor food distribution. (These are some methods by which the UN could implement the “Pale Horse of Death” plan). UN Chairwoman Brundtland envisions reducing the human population by over 6.5 billion to 500 million.

Hypothesis #19: Under cover of New Age “love and light” inter-spiritualism in Crestone/Baca, international capitalists, including Maurice Strong and his UN and corporate associates, may be “colonizing” our county, much as European and American capitalists have colonized Third World “Banana Republics” in order to drive locals from their property and seize control of local resources, which include a multi-trillion dollar freshwater aquifer that underlies the San Luis Valley (see my website).

Discussion: The Christmas, 2011, article by Hunt provides many of the critical links we need to begin to understand what is going on behind the scenes in Crestone/Baca. To paraphrase former President Clinton: “It’s the water, stupid.”

a. More on Maurice Strong: Committee of 300 member, globalist insider, UN potentate, CEO of oil/gas/water companies, founder of Manitou Foundation, “Custodian of the planet” and/or “Hidden/Ascended Master?”

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

Maurice Strong

The extraordinary career of Maurice Strong reveals much about the m.o. of our Illuminati controllers, among whom Strong is certainly a prominent representative. A Jew and formerly a British intelligence agent, according to researcher and author, Texe Marrs, Strong wears many hats, including CEO of innumerable power and water corporations, founder of innumerable UN environmental programs, “custodian of the planet,” billionaire, member of the Committee of 300 (Coleman, 2006), organizer of three global environmental conferences in 1972, 1992, and 2012, etc. Strong’s extraordinary career is documented in Dewar’s “Cloak of Green” (1995) and in his own book; “Where on Earth are We Going?” (2001). The cover image of his book depicts the earth held aloft by a human arm (presumably his?).

The aquifer in the San Luis Valley may comprise one of the largest and most valuable groundwater sources in North America. Strong’s involvement with the Baca Ranch, American Water Development, Inc., and the San Luis Valley aquifer is documented in Sam Bingham’s “The Last Ranch: A Colorado Community and the Coming Desert” (1996) and in my article “Background on Lexam’s “drillplay” on the Baca National Wildlife Refuge (BNWR)” ( The following is taken from my article:

“AWDI (American Water Development, Inc.) was set up by Canadian billionaire, Maurice Strong, in order to make billions from selling the water underneath the Baca Grande ranch to the Denver area. Strong first became involved with the 132,000-acre Luis Maria Baca Ranch #4 in 1978 when he became Director of the Arizona-Colorado Land and Cattle Company (AZL). This agribusiness conglomerate owned a series of other companies active in feedlots, land, oil and gas, engineering, a commodities trading house and a bank. One of their properties was the Baca Grande Ranch. Interestingly, AZL invited Strong to be one of its Directors before he even owned any shares in the company. Over the next seven years, AZL was traded back and forth by numerous international corporations. In 1985, Strong’s First Colorado Corporation purchased the Baca Grande ranch and in 1986 he created American Water Development, Inc. (AWDI) to pump and transport San Luis Valley water to the Denver area…. His AWDI scheme was defeated by a coalition of local citizens, ranchers and environmentalists in the late 1980’s, and the surface and mineral rights of the Baca Ranch have subsequently each changed hands several times.

….The Nature Conservancy acquired the Baca Ranch from Gary Boyce’s Fallaron Corporation in 1998, and… the U.S. government acquired the Baca Ranch from The Nature Conservancy several years later for about $34 million, and shortly thereafter formed the Baca National Wildlife Refuge in 2003. (ETK note: Interestingly, since its inception in 2000, the Baca National Wildlife Refuge has always been off limits to the public! And as of 2014, Gary Boyce, who must have very wealthy backers, is now making a new effort to export groundwater from the San Luis Valley!).

… in 1978, AZL rolled out the red carpet for Strong so that he could help them solve their little problem, which was that the majority of shares were owned by Saudi sheik, billionaire, and arms, gold, and drugs dealer, Adnan Khashoggi. Khashoggi had purchased major shares of the AZL in 1973. (Incidentally, Khashoggi’s career was started by the Bin Laden family, he had strong connections with British Intelligence, and he was associated with the drugs/arms deals of the Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980’s*).

Strong wears many hats: Canadian industrialist, “environmentalist,” and globalist. He was a trustee of The Rockefeller Foundation and The Aspen Institute, has, at various times, been Vice President of Dome Petroleum, President of Power Corporation, head of Petro-Canada, Hydro Canada, Ajax Petroleums Ltd., Alberta Gas Company, Ontario Hydro (North America’s largest utility), Canada Development Investment Corportion, Baca Petroleum Corporation, Baca Resources Ltd., MF Strong Management, International Energy Development Corporation, and most relevant to this issue, American Water Development, Inc (AWDI), the company that tried unsuccessfully to export billions of dollars worth of water from the San Luis Valley to the Denver area in the 1980’s. A more complete bio for Strong can be accessed through the bio presented by “The Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions” under their article, “The People with the Endless Bios.” Although Strong’s bio is indeed nearly endless, one can see several key associations and themes run through his career (, which has apparently been removed from the internet).

Maurice Strong also founded and headed the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), an agent of the British Crown, was first Director of the U.N. Energy Program, chaired Canada’s International Development Research Centre (INRC) and the Canada Development Investment Corporation.

It is extremely noteworthy that Strong, as well as being one of the world’s wealthiest and most influential businessmen, has also been one the most powerful men in the United Nations. He was its undersecretary-general of the U.N. and Secretary General of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment (Earth Summit I) in 1972 and the Rio Earth Summit II in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. He was the first director of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), and served on the U.N.’s World Commission on Environment and Development (UNCED), as well as the U.N.-funded Commission on Global Governance. Strong also served on the Boards of International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Club of Rome, the World Resources Institute (WRI), and the World Wide Fund for Nature in Switzerland, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in Switzerland, and the Aspen Institute, all of which are international NGO’s that have developed and advanced the global, one-world government agenda since the early 1970’s.

Strong, who was appointed by Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney to the Privy Council of Canada, was also involved in a huge scheme, called the GRAND Canal, to divert water from Canada to the United States ( According to author Glen Kealey, one of the main purposes of this planned water diversion was to create a giant Chicago-Winnipeg food cartel, which was to be managed from Strong’s Baca Ranch here. Although this plan was never realized, it also was never cancelled. According to Kealey, some version of it could surface again, as the present political and economic climate under NAFTA/Free Trade agreements makes the project more viable.

Strong recently cut his ties with the UN after being associated with various UN scandals and conflicts of interest, such as the oil-for-food program and his secret dealings with North Korea (,2933,250789,00.html). And he is being sued by San Diego class-action shark Milberg Weiss for dumping his shares of Molten Metal Technology at around $31/share a month prior to the stock’s October, 1996 collapse (two years later they were worth 13 cents/share). Due to Strong’s and Molten Metal’s ties with presidential candidate Al Gore, this issue has surfaced in Senate hearings on corrupt campaign financing (FORBES, Jan. 22, 1996 and Apr. 21, 1997).

In “Maurice Strong: The New Guy in your Future!” (, Henry Lamb stated: “After establishing UNEP (the United Nations Environmental Program) and setting its agenda, Strong returned to Canada where he resumed chairmanship of both Petro-Canada and the IDRC (International Development Research Center). He was introduced to Scott Spangler, who ran a Texas company called ProChemCo. Strong’s partnership, Stronat, bought ProChemCo., and changed the name to Procor, which immediately entered into a complex $10 million deal to acquire AZL, also known as the Arizona-Colorado Land and Cattle Company. AZL’s major stockholder was Adnan Khashoggi. In the end, AZL acquired Procor, but Strong landed in control of the conglomerate that owned feed lots, land, gas and oil interests, engineering firms, and 200,000 acres which included the Baca Ranch in Colorado. Amid this multi-national deal making, Strong became President of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), a post he held until 1981.”

And Strong was one of a small group of capitalists who “opened up” China for exploitation by western corporations. Canadian Senator Jack Austin, President of Canada-China Business Council stated: “The Canada-China Council was organized in 1978, at the very beginning of the Den Xiaoping economic reform period. It was organized by a group of leaders, Paul Desmarais Sr., Maurice Strong, Paul Lin, and one or two others, to begin the development of a commercial relationship with China.”

In 1988, Maurice Strong and his Danish wife, Hanne, created the Manitou Foundation in the Crestone/Baca community. Seed money for the Manitou Foundation came from Laurance Rockefeller ($100,000), Robert O. Anderson, Director of ARCO ($20,000), sale of Strong’s shares of AWDI ($1.2 million), and from a charity set up to support Strong’s (Rio Earth) Summit office ($21,500). Hanne likes to relate the story that in 1978, a mystic informed them that “the Baca would become the center for a new planetary order which would evolve from the economic collapse and environmental catastrophes that would sweep the world in the years to come.” Supposedly, this prediction inspired Hanne, through the Manitou Foundation, to donate substantial and beautiful tracts of land from their Baca Ranch to numerous spiritual groups from around the world. Land and buildings once owned by the Aspen Institute were donated to the Crestone Mountain Zen Center, run by Baker Roshi. According to the PEHI website, their website read: “In the mid 1990’s, Manitou and specialists of the Conservation Fund, with generous support of Laurance Rockefeller and the Jackson Hole Preserve, devoted several years to extensive studies of Manitou’s mountain properties, culminating in the creation of the Manitou Habitat Conservation Plan (MHCP).” Perhaps to help fulfill the mystic’s purported prediction of 1978(?), Hanne Strong has developed plans for a Solar Eco-Village sited along the western border of the Baca Grande subdivision. Interestingly, this area is located within a mile and half of the Lexam’s proposed gas drilling.

Thus, we see some very confusing, disturbing, and recurrent patterns here. Maurice Strong has consistently used his insider business connections to personally profit from international development projects which often are disguised as environmentally beneficial. Simultaneously, he has been able to shape the rules and terms of global environmental policies through his influence in and behind-the-scenes control of the United Nations. Even a cursory look at his career reveals considerable corruption and many conflicts of interest. As chairman and principle shareholder of Arizona-Colorado Land and Cattle Company, Strong was sued for allegedly hyping the stock ahead of a merger that eventually failed. As head of AWDI (American Water Development, Inc.), Strong made an unsuccessful bid to export the water from San Luis Valley aquifers to the Front Range. As Secretary-General of the 1992 UN Conference on “Environment and Development” in Rio de Janeiro, Strong helped draft and usher into completion “The Earth Charter” and “Agenda 21,” both of which were adopted at the 1992 Rio Summit. Though Agenda 21 purports to protect the environment, it is in reality a way to secure control of natural resources for the benefit of a small group of extremely rich individuals (

Elaine Dewar, author of “Cloak of Green” (1995), states: “I was beginning to understand that the Rio (Earth) Summit was part of a Rockefeller-envisioned Global Governance Agenda that dated back before World War II.” In conclusion, even this cursory look at Maurice Strong’s career reveals that he is a central player in a global elite that includes the (multi-billionaire) Rothschild, Rockefeller, Bin Laden, and Bush families, has links to various intelligence agencies, and virtually controls the United Nations. Some of our Crestone/Baca locals have stated that Hanne has told them she believes Lexam (Canadian gas drilling company) is really after the water. Of course, it is hard to know for sure. But it may be inferred on the basis of his past record that Maurice Strong may retain an interest in the water and minerals of the San Luis Valley and may be in communication with Lexam CEO, Rob McEwen.

Abraham Lincoln best described democracy as “government of the people, by the people and for the people.” Democracy requires that elected officials and non-elected officials such as Maurice Strong conduct their affairs in a transparent and legal manner for the benefit of all the people. By contrast, a government run for the benefit of corporations and a small wealthy elite is “corporatocracy,” or the more familiar term; “fascism.” The twisted, convoluted and often secret land deals that lead to Lexam’s acquisition of mineral rights on the BNWR and its present “drillplay” seem to indicate government/corporate collusion typical of a “corporatocracy.” Alas, this pattern is typical and populist writer Jim Hightower (“Thieves in High Places: They’ve Stolen Our Country and It’s Time to Take it Back”) refers to our present system as a “kleptocracy” (rule by thieves.)

David Livingstone’s “Terrorism and the Illuminati: A Three Thousand Year History” (2010) offers further important insights relating to Strong’s political/occult connections as well as the New World Order/Religion that he and his cronies hope to establish in Crestone/Baca:

“Part of the indoctrination process sought for through the Aquarian conspiracy was not only to degrade morals and immerse the public in numerous diversions, but also to inculcate the basic principles of the New Age cult, towards establishing a one-world-religion. This movement was spear-headed by the Aspen Institute, who, together with the United Nations, the Club of Rome, the Tavistock, and other such organizations originating from the (British) Round Table; began propagandizing around the issue of nuclear energy…..

The chief individual in this agenda is director of the Aspen Institute, Canadian multi-millionaire Maurice Strong. Strong is being heralded as the “indispensible man,” at the center of the U.N.’s global power. He has served as director of the World Future Society, trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and Aspen Institute, and is a member of the Club of Rome. Strong is now Senior Advisor to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, Senior Advisor to World Bank President James Wolfensohn, Chairman of the Earth Council, Chairman of the World Resources Institute, Co-Chairman of the Council of the World Economic Forum, and member of Toyota’s International Advisory Board.

However, Strong also heads the Golden Dawn (cult/secret society), operates an international drug ring, and is a top operative for British Intelligence. He was a founding member of both the Planetary Citizens….. Maurice Strong also sits on the board of directors, and serves as director of finance of the Lindisfarne Center. Lindisfarne was founded by New Age philosopher William Irwin Thompson, a former professor of humanities from MIT and Syracuse University. Thompson said:

“We have now a new spirituality, what has been called the New Age movement. The planetization of the esoteric has been going on for some time. This is now beginning to influence concepts in politics and community in ecology…. This is the Gaia (Mother Earth) politique…. planetary culture.” Thompson further stated that the age of “the independent sovereign state, with the sovereign individual in his private property, (is) over, just as the Christian fundamentalist days are about to be over.”…

Maurice Strong is also a member of the Bahai World Faith. With Haifa, in Israel as the site of its international headquarters, the Bahai movement now exercises a strong presence in the United Nations and its One-World-Religion agenda…

Thus, the environmental movement, while helping to advance the cause of the oil industry, is an extension of the Aquarian conspiracy, incepted by Alice Bailey, designed ultimately to foster the acceptance of a one-world-religion, based on the occult, or New Age, as it is called…. The environmental movement is being used as a cover to promote return to the creed of the Ancient Mysteries, in the form of the worship of mother-nature, a pagan notoion that equates the goddess with earth, known among the ancient Greeks as Gaia. Originally, she is the Babylonian Ishtar known to the Bible as Astarte, or the Egyptian Isis. This pantheistic idea has its origins in ancient paganism, and central to Kabbalah and all Western occult tradition, including Freemasonry and the Illuminati. ”

Maurice Strong seems to have accomplished much, much more in his life than is humanly possible. And yet numerous sources declare that he never completed high school! Here we have a riddle wrapped in an enigma. Is Strong one of the “hidden masters” or “Ascended Masters” that covertly rule the world? What manner of person is he? More on this topic later.

b. The San Luis Valley groundwater is priceless!

It is often repeated that water is the new gold in the 21st century (Solomon, 2010; Gelnnon, 2009; Reisner and Bates, 1990; Glennon, 2002; Barlow, 2007). As noted, the San Luis Valley aquifer may be one of the largest and most valuable in North America! In The Last Ranch (1992), Bingham notes:

In 1986, AWDI applied to the Colorado State Engineer for the right to pump from under the Baca 200,000 acre feet of water annually, which considering some Western cities were paying from $6,000 to $10,000 per acre foot, worked out to a gross cash flows approaching $2 trillion a year.

(ETK note: Now that some municipalities are reportedly now paying well over $20,000 per acre foot, the value of the San Luis Valley aquifer is increasing yearly.)

My article “Geology of the San Luis Valley: What priceless treasures are buried here?” ( states:

“Geologic/hyrdrologic studies from the mid-1970’s conclude that sediments underlying the San Luis Valley contain one of the largest freshwater aquifers in North America. Indeed, the confined aquifer here is estimated to hold 140+ million acre-feet of recoverable water that is worth an estimated 770+ trillion dollars! Indeed, this may be the largest untapped aquifer in North America!

Does the interfaith Crestone/Baca spiritual community act as a front for activities meant to control and re-capture our priceless San Luis Valley groundwater? Underwriting the costs of our spiritual community, comprised almost entirely of non-profit organizations, for this purpose would be cheap relative to the potential monetary returns of the water.”

c. Hegelian dialectic, corruption, and insider deals

George W. Hunt supplies more important details about how: 1) a small coterie of individuals believe they own all the resources of the world, 2) how they maintain control, and 3) how they were contriving to control the priceless San Luis Valley groundwater as of 1987.

“Who leads the environmental movement? The Convener of the (Rio Earth) Summit, Maurice Strong, identifies Baron Edmond de Rothschild as the creator of the environment movement. Strong states that Rothschild is the positive synthesis of environment on the one hand (that’s the thesis) and growth and development on the other (that’s the antithesis). Strong very clearly admits that the Rothschild combination, including the Rockefellers and most world capitalists, aim to control the environment and development movement as the synthesis (of the thesis and anti-thesis in the Hegelian dialectic). Power will converge into their hands through the (1992) Rio Conference. The synthesis, the head of the power, merges into the hands of the House of Rothschild.

Another speaker at the Fourth World Conference was David Rockefeller, world energy capitalist and banker. He was named “Mr. Growth and Development” at the meeting. His counterpart, William Ruckelshaus, organizer of the EPA and creator of its laws under Presidents Ford and Reagan, was dubbed “Mr. Environment.”

“Mr. Environment,” Ruckelshaus, is the CEO and Chairman of the Board for BFI, Browning-Ferris Industries, one of the largest private environment companies in the world. The hypocrisy is that Ruckelshaus as EPA chief, made the very laws by which his waste company, BFI, is becoming rich. Hypocrisy number two is that Ruckelshaus and Maurice Strong were key investors in American Water Development, a company which tried to circumvent Colorado water laws and gain control of one of the largest underground reservoirs of water in the world…..

I did a survey of the people down in the San Luis Valley. And I asked what will happen when Maurice Strong and William Ruckelshaus and others will pull 200,000 acre feet of water/year out of the San Luis Valley? It was unanimous that their land will turn into a wasteland, will turn into a desert. So here we have people at an environment congress that are waltzing 200 miles south that want to suck the aquifers dry and turn it into a desert. The hypocrisy is so deep.

What kind of madness are these World Order Caesars afflicted with? They hope to run the lives of people for generations to come. They are the same crowd who created a Hitler, arranged the assassination of Lincoln and Kennedy, and have indicated elsewhere that they want to drastically reduce the population of the world to make environment and development more “sustainable.”

d. “Blue skies projects” = Geogengineering/weather modification/Operation Cloverleaf

In Hunt’s “”Where On Earth Are We Going?” article of December 25, 2011 (in News), he states: “They plan to issue 25-30-year bonds to fund the tremendous costs of the blue-sky projects which will eventually become inoperative and technological nightmares.” Based on my own research and experience as a physical geography and climatology professor (, I believe the “blue-sky projects,” in true Orwellian fashion, refer to covert global (UN and NATO) geoengineering/weather modification/environmental warfare projects that have been in operation since the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. In my power point presentation, “Man-Made Climate Change in the Skies,” posted on this website (, I refer to one probable component of these “blue sky projects:”

Project Cloverleaf (aka “The Shield Project”). 1994-present. Global covert military (?) project, coordinated effort to block (scatter) sunlight, involves military and commercial jets spraying of particulates into atmosphere, “global dimming” in order to militarize the atmosphere- so that it behaves as an electrified plasma… in conjunction with addition of directed energy from HAARP and GWEN (towers), probable connection with scalar weapons…

Proposed political solutions to the NON-problem of global warming (the contrived “problem” so heavily promoted by the UN):

Plan A- Kyoto protocol-style rollback of energy supplies. These schemes derive from and would strengthen United Nations. “Global problems require global solutions.” (British P.M., Gordon Brown). It would also cost trillions and needlessly cripple first world economies.

Plan B- Geoengineering- (weather warfare and weather modification) which has a nearly 70-year history- mostly unkown to the public.

If this is true, the United Nations, Strong, and all cooperating parties may be guilty of unspeakable crimes against humanity and the entire biosphere. I believe that they are guilty of these crimes and justice requires that they are prosecuted to the maximum extent of the law as soon as possible.

e. Saguache County as a colonized “Banana Republic?”

Hypothesis #19 posits that the Strongs, their corporate capitalist and UN colleagues, and their many “agents of influence” have now “colonized” Saguache County and Crestone/Baca. A similar scenario is portrayed in Peter Matthiessen’s book (and movie), “At Play in the Fields of the Lord.” In this story, well-intentioned but naïve American Christian missionaries attempt to convert pagan rainforest tribesmen in South America, unaware that their efforts comprise the first wave of a foreign invasion that will ultimately kill off the natives and result in the theft of their land and resources. Might this story be an analogy for what is being played out today in Saguache County, Colorado? Is it really about the groundwater and other resources after all? This hypothesis is entirely compatible with all other hypothesis.

4) Conclusions: The above discussion confirms hypotheses 14 through 19.

5) In Part II of this series, I include a flowchart/diagram entitled “The Conspiracy to Rule the World” by an anonymous intelligence agent (Figure 5). This chart identifies some of the principle families, transnational groups, societies, and secret societies, etc. that evidently act in concert to try to direct the course of world events and human history.

Figure 5. “The Conspiracy to Rule the World.” Note relative positions of House of Rockefeller (middle left) and House of Rothschild (top right).

A now-defunct website entitled “Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions” identified more players of the “invisible government” in a diagram entitled “The West’s Transnational Oligarchy” (Figure 6). Note that the Manitou Foundation is included in the below figure under 1001 Nature Trust/Club. Here is the diagram and accompanying text:

Figure 6: Institutions of “The West’s Transnational Oligarchy.” Manitou Foundation is listed under 1001 Nature Trust/Club. (from Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions (PEHI)).

“An old boys network of low profile, privately-funded, and intelligence-ridden institutes exercise a huge amount of influence over local governments, the media, universities (science), and the policies of the multinational corporations (who fund the networks). The names of about 150 have been listed in Appendix A and about 14000 names plus biographies, ranging from the most complete available to the very basic, are available in the different membership lists.

At this point, I consider The Pilgrims, Le Cercle, and the 1001 (Nature Trust/Club) the umbrella organizations (don’t take this too literally) because together they encompass all aspects of the globalist movement: the leadership of all other private globalist institutes, Anglo-American business and banking, Paneuropean Catholic families, multinationals worldwide, old blue blood family lines, Western and Middle-Eastern intelligence, the illegal arms trade, and the environmental movement. Taken together, there’s little doubt these organizations form a privatized, permanent, and transnational government which exercises a huge amount of direct and indirect influence over many parts of the world….

In any case, it’s abundantly clear than many roads lead to London. The Pilgrims and the 1001 have been set up and are managed by a combination of Anglophiles and radical Zionists. The Pilgrims Society was set up by the British aristocracy, many of them Privy Council and Garter families. The British monarch became the official head of the Pilgrims Society and members of the royal family have always attended the London meetings. The 1001 Club was mainly created by Prince Phillip and the South African billionaire Anton Rupert. Officially, the 1001 only coordinates the Word Wildlife Fund. Le Cercle was set up by interests tied to the Hapsburgs and radical elements in the Vatican…

Zionism and the interests of the British Empire were informally merged no later than 1891, the year that, according to professor Carroll Quigley, the Rhodes secret society was created. Robert Cecil, the 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, represented the British Empire and was the primary coordinator of the later Round Table, the group the Rhodes secret society evolved into. The Zionists were represented by Baron Nathan de Rothschild, whose French cousin, Baron Edmond, started to buy up land in Palestine in 1882.

….. In the 1960’s and early 1970’s, the Rothschilds, British Royals, and Rockefellers set up their ‘sustainable development’ movement with the creation of the WWF, the Club of Rome, the World Wilderness Conferences, and the WWF-affiliated 1001 Club.”

5) Hypothesis #20: The above diagrams and statements identify the principle families, groups, societies, and secret societies that comprise and support “The Conspiracy to Rule the World” and “The West’s Transnational Oligarchy.” Primary among these are the “House of Rothschild,” the “House of Rockefeller,” the United Nations, the Bilderbergers, the Royal Institute for International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, and numerous banks, businesses, societies and associations that can be grouped under three main headings; 1) The Pilgrims Society (US and UK), 2) 1001 Nasture Trust/Club, and 3) Le Cercle (European Union-US-Middle East). The locus of power is traced primarily to Judaism and England, which joined forces no later than the inception of the Rhodes Secret Society in 1891.

5) Conclusions: Numerous books confirm hypothesis #20. These include Spingola (2012), Livingstone (2010), Olsen (2007), Makow (2011), Coleman (2006a, 2006b, 1993), MacDonald and Rowan (2009), Slezkine (2004), Reed (1956), Knuth (1983), Ford (1920), Still (1990), Jasper (2001, 1992), Grupp (2007), Cherep-Spiridovich (1926), and Marrs (2011, 2010), among many others.

6) “It is difficult to overestimate the role of religion and occultism in the history of world control. This is one means by which zealots are molded who are unable to evaluate effectively, and who thus can be turned to the purposes of their controllers. In many religious or occult groups, the zombieism of the mind-controlled is the entry fee, and the “disposal” problem for getting rid of the victims of mind control is not so formidable since cult members have often become disaffected with their former friends and family.” (Jim Keith, “Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness,” 2003_

Hypothesis #21: Historically, religion and occultism comprise key elements of world control. Zealots and zombies, created by cults, lose their reasoning abilities and will do the bidding of their controllers. These “unconscious” zealot/zombies can be easily disposed of later because they often become disaffected with former family and friends.

Hypothesis #22: The practice of “disposing” of (i.e., killing) zealots/zombies indicates the fundamentally malevolent, even diabolical, nature of the “world system.”

5) Conclusions: Keith’s horrific insights are confirmed by previous parts of this series, including Parts VI, VII, VIII, and IX, and Appendices 3 and 9. Clearly, our government does the bidding of the global financial elite, and it has been proven time and time again that it routinely but covertly tortures and murders American citizens. Hypotheses #21 and 22 are thus confirmed.

7) Of the many books I have run across in conducting this research, Larry Olsen’s “The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World; From the Ancient Wisdom to the New World Order” (2007) perhaps best ties in the widely-disparate topics covered in this series. Here are some pertinent excerpts:

“The world environmental movement has now inserted itself into a leading position in this corrupt scheme of control of nations under the United Nations. The Club of Rome was founded by Aurelio Peccei, an Italian Freemason who felt himself to be the reincarnation of Adam Weishaupt. In The First Global Revolution, Peccei admitted inventing threats of global warming, water shortages, and famines. This strategy was designed to support the false idea that natural resources are in scarce supply and population reduction is needed to protect the environment. The Club of Rome is one location of the illuminated leadership of the no-growth environmental movement, issuing position papers to the United Nations and its affiliated agencies such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to coordinate international economic policies under the guise of environmentalism as a superior moral practice.

In 1972, The Club of Rome’s researchers at MIT published “The Limits to Growth,” which predicted environmental disaster in the year 2000. Aurelio Peccei later confessed that the Club’s computer had been programmed to deliver the desired prediction of catastrophe to get the nations of the world to adopt environmental control and population control. The Carter administration fell under its control and also issued false reports of future shortages based only on phony computer modeling and ignoring sound economic statistics. (ETK: The “man-caused global warming” fraud is also perpetuated by computer models pre-programmed with false assumptions. As the computer saying goes, “Garbage In, Garbage Out”;

The hidden master coordinating illuminized environmentalism at the UN is Maurice Strong. Strong has a long history as an insider wheeler-dealer coordinating UN programs, private funding for quasi-UN agencies, private investments, and UN aid programs. This involves setting up shell agencies staffed with cronies, which are tapped for funding, then dissolved and reformed when charges of corruption arise. Strong spends time in Communist China, where he has an office at a Chinese-sponsored diplomatic compound running a carbon-credit trading scheme.

Strong operates under the concept of public-private partnerships for the avowed purpose of improving consultation between the UN and business. This set-up has enabled Strong to form agencies or partnerships that are off the UN organizational chart but often funded with UN grants as well as grants from individual nations and businesses. This avoids official UN oversight and any necessity to account for finances, policies, and activities. It is, in short, a global shell game that sits at the top of the world’s power pyramid coordinating environmental initiatives….

The point is, global development schemes and global environmental initiatives are mixed with energy policies in a shell game of coordinated agencies and friendly insiders who move from organization to organization to avoid oversight of their corrupt activities, then hire their friends to investigate any charges of corruption that might leak out. Maurice Strong is the power behind the global environmental movement, which is a for-profit criminal enterprise as well as a Communist program attempting to regulate the world’s economies and peoples from the top of the pyramid of the UN. These people are accountable to no one and are informed by pseudo-sciences and propaganda campaigns supporting their grab for power. Unfortunately, this propaganda favoring environmentalism as control of the world economy, put forth as the solution to the problems of economic development, overpopulation, and environmental degradation, is now mandated as the curriculum in government schools around the world under the control of the UN-sponsored education initiatives such as No Child Left Behind….. Environmentalism is communism under a different name, and it carries the same program of reducing population and eliminating culture that inspired the rolling Communist genocides of the twentieth century…

The whole of American culture from the 1960’s has been dominated by Cultural Marxism and New Age Gnosticism- philosophies, academic studies, novels, art, film- along with a more explicit magic traditional dealing with witches, vampires, black magic, and encounters with dark spirits…

The New Age idea of liberation complements Alice Bailey’s idea that a new type of man was about to be born and its spiritual leader would soon appear. Alice Bailey urged her theosophical disciples to become change agents in anticipation of the appearance of the hidden masters and a new race. Bailey’s program “The Plan” mimics the agenda of Cultural Marxism under the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory and surrounds these subversive strategies with a cosmos and a spiritual purpose. The left-wing media and the forces of progressive education have promoted a mix of these two subversive programs while hiding their origins, histories, and fallacies.

Nesta Webster, James Billington, and James Webb are three writers who have traced the illuminist language of one-world government from Adam Weishaupt’s Illuminati through international Communism in the nineteenth century, then to Fabian socialism, the Theosophy of Annie Besant and Alice Bailey, and into the United Nations, the Marxist media, and the public school system under control of Marxist elites. Weishaupt’s plan for an international revolution that eliminates the family, nations, private property, money, religion, and monarchy and reduces the world’s population through mass murder was essentially the program of Marx and Lenin’s Communism. It is the agenda behind the “egalitarian” society. The true believers in Theosophy and Communism are following Adam Weishaupt’s vision, even if they have never heard of him. Alice Bailey’s vision of the United Nations as the world government under the guidance of the hidden masters from Shambala is Communist internationalism with the occultism restored. The occultism was there all along, at least from the time of Caglistro, just not well publicized and not expressed in every illuminist front organization. In the 1960’s, occult Theosophy became known as New Age mysticism, and Communism got repackaged as Cultural Marxism to continue the work of cultural subversion.

A key clue to Bailey’s illuminism comes from her point that Communism, Nazism, and Fascism have in common that the community counts for more than the individual, and the individual can easily be sacrificed for the so-called general good. Bailey believes that Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler were all expressing the Shambala force and had engineered great and needed changes. But none of these ideologies can live up to the coming era, for it is the goal of the Hierarchy that the world be governed by a single government…. according to the model of Atlantis, where the whole world was governed by spiritual forces…. The world center for spirituality is Shambhala, and the energy that comes from it is now called Shambhala energy…..

What love, unity, and the Risen Christ have to do with handing over power to the United Nations is beyond our comprehension, but that is the New Age plan. The Christ in Theosophy is Maitreya, not Jesus….. Bailey’s Lucis Tust (formerly Lucifer Publishing Company) is located at the UN Plaza in New York, next door to the headquarters of Planned Parenthood. The Lucis Trust has been recognized as an official UN nongovernmental organization, and it is linked in a network with well over 200 New Age activist groups. Its principles of groupthink form the basis if the World Core Curriculum project as well as the Outcome Based Education program in the United States. The goal of Outcome Based Education is to replace all self-centered objectives with group consciousness, meaning group conformity under the control of lluminism. The program has been given various names such as conflict resolution, the integrated curriculum, the child-centered classroom, values clarification, and sensitivity training. The latest version to infiltrate the United States is the International Baccalaureate (IB) program promoted by President George W. Bush.

All of these mind control programs are based on the idea of collective racial, class, or gender guilt requiring self-criticism. These programs are based on Communist self-confession techniques perfected in small groups. Such self-criticism campaigns attempt to destroy individual identity and replace it with a collective identity. Individual identity is a crime under Marxism- collective identity is the only identity that is allowed to exist. A chief aim of these programs is to eliminate competitiveness and feminize young boys so that they will lose any warrior consciousness and become easier to control. Under the UN Global Governance Commission, the assertion of a particular individual identity is defined as “intolerance.” The Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose and the State of the World Forum are devoted to creating world citizens devoted to “tolerance.” In the United States, the educational establishment is controlled by Marxists, and Marxist educational psychologists receive educational initiatives from the United Nations and repackage them as various educational fads. No Child Left Behind is a program ensuring federal control over education under UN guidelines. Most of these programs originated in the UN Joint Commission of Mental Health and were passed to the National Education Association. Many of these programs originated at the National Training Laboratories under the direction of G. Brock Chisolm, a former director of the World Health Organization. (See below for references to Chisolm taken from McClaughry’s blog).

Andrew Tomas’ (1971, 1977) rationale for handing power over to the United Nations is that one-world government ruled by a scientific elite will provide the salvation of mankind….. Tomas quotes Mahatma Morya in the Agna Yoga series that the hidden brotherhood wants to save the earth from pollution. According to Tomas, the masters believe that negative thoughts from selfishness and greed are polluting the atmosphere around the planet, and only emanations of compassion can dispel these clouds. The masters are more concerned with maintaining the integrity of ecosystems than with the continuance of the human race. Tomas believes the collective karma of mankind is so bad that half of the world’s population needs to be eliminated to clear the planet of mankind’s poisonous vibrations. The large cities in particular are blamed as degrading man to a beastlike level. Here we have the opening for a program of mass murder based on Theosophy and the New Age doctrines. Occultist’s promoting scientific dictatorship and population reduction for the cause of environmentalism are signaling their allegiance to Illuminism. Bailey also suggests that some “negative Shambhala energy” is needed to weed out those with negative thought patterns. So much for “emanations of compassion. Tomas also warns that great destruction will reign upon the earth if the people of earth are not purified. Under Theosophy, Shambhala has been enlisted as the justification for thought control, mass murder, and world domination, Weishaupt’s New World Order under the control of hidden masters from Shambhala.

Tomas also offers a history of hidden masters that includes the Sufis, Dervishes, the Knights Templar, the Rosicrucians, and the Freemasons. He links an invisible society in the Himalayas pursuing science, compassion, moral behavior, and the brotherhood of man with Pythagorus, Apollonius of Tyana, Plato, Socrates, Plutarch, Euripedes, Aristophanes, Marcus Aurelius, Heraclitus, Cicero, and Virgil. Tomas also names Paracelsus, Saint-Germain, and Madame Blavatsky as agents of the advanced brotherhood. Tomas notes approvingly that Lafayette, Franklin, Rousseau, and Voltaire were all members of Saint-Germain’s Masonic Lodge of the Nine Sisters in France before the American Revolution. But Tomas does not claim that these revolutionaries were hidden masters from Shambhala or Agartha. With Tomas’ list of hidden masters we see a shift from hidden masters as advanced spiritual beings passing messages to world religious leaders to the third definition of hidden masters, hidden masters as secular change agents and revolutionaries. If Lafayette and Franklin were hidden masters, then so were Marx, Engels, Holbeck, Mesmer, Weishaupt, Francis Bacon, Robespierre, Lenin, Darwin, Freud, Bertrand Russell, Annie Besant, H.G. Wells, Aldous Huxley, Alice Bailey, Carl Jung, Antonio Gramski, Aleister Crowley, Erich Fromm, Herbert Marcuse, and Maurice Strong.

The genius of Alice Bailey was to educate young occultists and organize them as New Age change agents as part of the program of world domination under the United Nations. Those who dismiss belief in the hidden masters of occultism as fantasy or dismiss these spiritual teachers as carriers of deceptive dogmas should not ignore the third definition of hidden masters as political and cultural change agents dedicated to overthrowing cultures and nations and placing everyone under the control of a New World Order that is both occultist and socialist.

Tomas claims that Nicholas Roerich was an agent of the Mahatmas sent to bless Lenin’s revolution. The blessing of Lenin’s revolution by Theosophy indicates the fundamental compatibility of Marxism and Theosophy as Illuminism. (ETK- All these movements are mainly of Jewish origin, as we shall soon see.) Further evidence supporting this point is the 1973 Humanist Manifesto, which was written by a Communist, Corliss Lamont, and signed by the leaders of Findhorn, the International Cooperative Council (which links over 200 New Age groups,) Amnesty International and the World Council of Wise Persons (linked with Alice Bailey’s Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose). “Humanism” today is a deception, a front for Communism and New Age Illuminism. The updated Humanist Manifesto 2000 promotes abortion, euthanasia, homosexual families, and wealth redistribution under the control of the United Nations.

The genius of the New Age is its organization in a decentralized network so that it is able to recruit members ignorant of its history and its true aims and its links with occult and socialist organizations worldwide. Does this type of deceptive organization sound familiar? The New Age not only carries Adam Weishaupt’s values and plans, it also carries his idea of elite leadership manipulating naïve followers to work for their own enslavement under the guise of surrender to one’s hidden spiritual master….

New Age thinking is a mix of incompatible worldviews- scientific, mystical, occult, and psychological. New Age doctrines today mix Darwinian evolution, philosophical interpretations of quantum physics, Eastern religions, Enlightenment rationalism, scientific progress, Sufi Gnostic Oneness, philosophical idealism, and the occult sciences of astrology, Gematria, alchemy, and numerology. The New Age synthesis of so many realms of human knowledge is achieved through the fallacy of reasoning by analogy and the collapse of logical categories. The claim of any presumed unity to these various doctrines is fallacious.

Madame Blavatsky’s Theosophy combined Spiritualism, magic, racial superiority, worship of Lucifer, belief in Atlantis, and the authority of ascended masters in Tibet with Grand Orient Illuminism. In the twentieth-century, Alice Bailey made Shambhala the hidden power center of the New World Order, and the United Nations brought her version of The Plan into the service of world government.

In the 1960’s, the Lucis Trust produced an offshoot called the Temple of Understanding, which is the official religious organization of the UN. It is located at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, under the Episcopalian Archdiocese of New York. Its sponsors included John D. Rockefeller IV, Robert McNamara, Margaret Sanger, IBM president Thomas J. Watson, and Socialist party leader Norman Thomas. The Temple has sponsored the Interfaith Movement under the World Parliament of Religions. Alice Bailey’s disciples include Benjamin Crème and Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the Earth Summit, sponsor of Female Planet, and a chief advocate of the new world religion and the world environmental movement (Jasper, 1992).

The leadership of the UN has adopted Bailey’s Lucis Trust as a non-governmental organization and intends to follow the plan of the New Age leadership, using the euphemism “global governance” for the plan of the New World Order….

Why should Freemasons wish to elevate Jewish Gnosticism as an authentic tradition, even to the point of calling their members Jews and all non-masons Gentiles? The answer may lie in an obscure history that we shall now outline, an occult history of the “authentic tradition” underlying European occultism written by a believer in Gnosticism and Neoplatonism as a supreme wisdom. This history begins by locating the origin of the Cabala among paganized Jews during the “Babylonian Captivity.” In Babylon the Jews had used numbers instead of letters in writing the names of their gods for magical invocations. These Jews learned Chaldean magic and took up divination and soothsaying, then brought their magic with them to Pergamun in Phyrigia…..

A question that remains from our investigation is whether the New Age, the New World Order, the Age of Horus, the Rising of Atlantis, the Resurrection of Osiris, the coming War of Shambhala, and the Christian Apocalypse all point to the same event, the reorganization of the world under totalitarian socialism by the followers of Lucifer sending messages through trance channeling to the Illuminati governing the world under the United Nations, the Club of Rome, the European Union, and similar internationalist organizations. We are not able to judge whether such visions are specific to particular cultures or something more, prophecies of predetermined events. We do not endorse any particular apocalyptic scenario, we only note that the development of superweapons has made the world a more dangerous place, and the people who are promoting an international order are the intellectual heirs of genocidal tyrants who intend to subvert all nations and cultures and reorganize all societies. What is most interesting about these prophecies is that every worldview provides a means for its followers to anticipate the New World Order, whether as utopia, tyranny, or catastrophe.”

Discussion: Above, Olsen synthesizes a tremendous amount of information. He identifies the Illuminati Plan of Rothschild/Weishaupt as “instigating an international revolution that eliminates the family, nations, private property, money, religion, and monarchy and reduces the world’s population through mass murder.” He traces this Plan through international Marxist communism, Fabian socialism, the Frankfurt School, cultural Marxism, and occult Theosophy and the New Age movement to modern environmentalism and the United Nations and its myriad spin-off globalist organizations. Olsen’s findings closely parallel and confirm my own findings, as put forth in this investigative series, as well as that of many other researchers. Olsen’s analysis suggests the following hypotheses:

Hypothesis #23: The UN plan for global population reduction is promoted by many elite agencies and think tanks, including the Club of Rome, the World Bank, and International Monetary Fund.

Hypothesis #24: Dire environmental predictions put forth in UN and Club of Rome publications are supported by computer models that were pre-programmed to deliver those predictions in order to coerce the nations of the world to adopt environmental controls and population control measures. The erroneous, alarmist predictions of environmental catastrophe published in The Club of Rome’s First Global Revolution (1991) and Limits to Growth (1972) as well as in many UN documents predicting catastrophic man-caused global warming (The First through Fifth Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; 1990; 1996; 2001; 2007, 2014) are based on computer models with fallacious assumptions that ensure predetermined conclusions. (ETK note: This is overwhelmingly demonstrated in my website.)

Hypothesis #25: Maurice Strong is the power behind the global environmental movement, which is a for-profit criminal enterprise as well as a Communist program to regulate the world’s economies and peoples from the top of the UN pyramid. The UN-sponsored-environmental movement is a corrupt global shell game that allows members of the global elite to coordinate environmental initiatives and energy policy in such a manner that they receive maximum personal profits….

Hypothesis #26: Environmentalism is communism under a different name. It carries the same program of reducing population and eliminating culture that inspired the atrocious Communist genocides of the twentieth century…

Hypothesis #27: United Nations Agenda 21 is at least partly advanced, covertly, through creation and use of “public-private partnerships,” or partnerships between government and business that exclude citizens from decision-making process.

Hypothesis #28: American culture since the 1960’s has been dominated by Cultural Marxism and New Age Gnostism. These philosophies underpin our academic studies, novels, art, and film- along with a more explicit magic tradition dealing with witches, vampires, black magic, and encounters with dark spirits…

Hypothesis #29: Theosophist and New Age leader, Alice Bailey, promoted the idea that a new type of man was about to be born and its spiritual leader would soon appear. She urged her disciples to become ‘change agents’ in anticipation of the appearance of the hidden masters and a new race. Bailey’s program, aka “The Plan,” mimics the agenda of Cultural Marxism under the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory and surrounds these subversive strategies with a cosmos and a spiritual purpose. Left-wing media and the forces of progressive education have promoted a mix of these subversive programs while hiding their origins, histories, and fallacies.

Hypothesis #30: In the 1960’s, occult Theosophy became known as New Age mysticism and Communism and got repackaged as Cultural Marxism to continue the work of cultural subversion.

The illuminist language of one-world government from Adam Weishaupt’s Illuminati can be traced through international Communism, to Fabian socialism, to Theosophy, to the United Nations, the Marxist media, and the public school system now under control of Marxist elites. Weishaupt’s plan for an international revolution that eliminates the family, nations, private property, money, religion, and monarchy and reduces the world’s population through mass murder is essentially the program of Marx and Lenin’s Communism. Alice Bailey’s vision of the United Nations as the world government under the guidance of “hidden masters” from Shambhala (Tibet) is Communist internationalism with the occultism restored. The occultism was there all along, but was not well publicized and not expressed in every illuminist front organization.

Hypothesis #31: Bailey’s Illuminism includes her belief that Communism, Nazism, and Fascism share the view that community counts for more than the individual (i.e., the collectivist ideal). Her philosophy holds that the individual can easily be sacrificed for the so-called general good.

Hypothesis #32: Alice Bailey’s New Age Plan is to hand over power to the United Nations. The Christ in Theosophy is Maitreya, not Jesus…..

Hypothesis #33: Under Theosophy, Shambhala is used as justification for thought control, mass murder, and world domination. Thus, Weishaupt’s New World Order is to be implemented under the control of ‘hidden masters’ from Shambhala.

Hypothesis #34: Andrew Tomas’ history of “hidden masters” includes the Sufis, Dervishes, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, and Freemasons (“We Are Not the First: Riddles of Ancient Science” (1973) and “The Home of the Gods: Atlantis from Legend to Discovery,” 1974). Tomas’ list of hidden masters represents a shift from hidden masters as advanced spiritual beings passing messages to world religious leaders to hidden masters as secular change agents and revolutionaries. This latter type of hidden masters includes Lafayette, Franklin, Marx, Engels, Holbeck, Mesmer, Weishaupt, Francis Bacon, Robespierre, Lenin, Darwin, Freud, Bertrand Russell, Annie Besant, H.G. Wells, Aldous Huxley, Alice Bailey, Carl Jung, Antonio Gramski, Aleister Crowley, Erich Fromm, Herbert Marcuse, and Maurice Strong. Thus, we may postulate that the “hidden masters” may include a) non-corporeal spiritual beings, b) humans controlled by non-corporeal spiritual beings to be “revolutionary change agents,” and c) “revolutionary change agents” who are normal human beings.

Hypothesis #35: “New Age thinking is a mix of incompatible worldviews- scientific, mystical, occult, and psychological. New Age doctrines today mix Darwinian evolution, philosophical interpretations of quantum physics, Eastern religions, Enlightenment rationalism, scientific progress, Sufi Gnostic Oneness, philosophical idealism, and the occult sciences of astrology, Gematria, alchemy, and numerology.” The New Age synthesis of so many realms of human knowledge is achieved through the fallacy of reasoning by analogy and the collapse of logical categories.

Hypothesis #36: Madame Blavatsky’s Theosophy combines Spiritualism, magic, racial superiority, worship of Lucifer, belief in Atlantis, and the authority of ascended masters in Tibet with Grand Orient Illuminism.

Hypothesis #37: In the twentieth-century, Alice Bailey made Shambhala the hidden power center of the New World Order and the United Nations brought her version of The Plan into the service of world government.

Hypothesis #38: Freemasonry is based on Jewish Gnosticism, a system of Chaldean magic that involves Satanism, sorcery, demonology, divination, and soothsaying, numerology, etc. which was learned by paganized Jews during their “Babylonian captivity” (605 to 539 BC). This system was incorporated into and is the basis of the Jewish Kaballah.

Hypothesis #39: The New Age, the New World Order, the Age of Horus, the Rising of Atlantis, the Resurrection of Osiris, the coming War of Shambhala, and the Christian Apocalypse all point to the same event: the reorganization of the world under totalitarian socialism by the followers of Lucifer sending messages through trance channeling to the Illuminati governing the world under the United Nations, the Club of Rome, the European Union, and similar internationalist organizations. Each of these worldviews provides a means for its followers to anticipate the New World Order, whether as utopia, tyranny, or catastrophe.

7) Conclusions: Olsen’s wide-ranging and brilliant observations are born out by many researchers and indeed, are confirmed throughout this investigative series! I am grateful to all the investigators who have had the courage to shed light on these esoteric and confusing matters! Hypotheses #23 through 26 are verified. The fraud of environmentalism and “climatism” has now been exposed and disproven by Carter (2010), Goreham (2010), Gerondeau (2010), Plimer (2009), Murray (2008), Hoffman and Simons (2008), Bell (2011), Horner (2007, 2008, 2010), Spencer (2010), Alexander (2009), Michaels (2011), Montford (2010), Singer and Avery (2007), Ball et al. (2011), my own website (, and many other sources.

Hypotheses #27 is confirmed in my article “Green Global Dictatorship” that is posted on my websites:,, and Hypotheses 28 through 39, concerning, the Illuminati/Freemasonic/New Age/Theosophical Plan for world takeover, are confirmed by the research presented throughout this series and by many other authors (see references throughout this series.).

8) Constance E. Cumbey’s “The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow;” “The New Age Movement and Our Coming Age of Barbarism” (1983) and “A Planned Deception; The Staging of a New Age “Messiah” (1985) provide important insights from which we can derive further hypotheses. From The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow:

“Millions around the globe awoke to a great surprise on April 25, 1982. They opened their newspapers only to be greeted with full-page display ads brazenly proclaiming “THE CHRIST IS NOW HERE.” From Rome to Jerusalem, from Kuwait to Karachi and from New York to Los Angeles- in more than 20 major cities….. the $500,000-plus ad campaign featured the following copy:


Throughout history, humanity’s evolution has been guided by a group of enlightened men, the Masters of Wisdom. They have remained largely in the remote desert and mountain places on earth, working mainly through their disciples who live openly in the world. The message of the Christ’s reappearance has been given primarily by such a disciple trained for his task for over 20 years (ETK: Benjamin Crème). At the center of this “Spiritual Hierarchy” stands the World Teacher, LORD MAITREYA, known by Christians as the Christ. And as Christians await the Second Coming, so the Jews await the MESSIAH, the Buddhists the FIFTH BUDDHA, the Moslems the IMAM MAHDI, and the Hindus await KRISHNA. These are all names for one individual. His presence in the world guarantees there will be no third World War.

The ads went on to list four information centers strategically scattered throughout the globe: Amsterdam, London, New York City, and North Hollywood, California…

“THE CHRIST IS NOW HERE” ad campaign was preceded by an incredibly sophisticated public relations campaign including a worldwide speaking tour by one Benjamin Crème- an aging esotericist who happened to be a disciple of several occult pioneers including Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey. Touring the globe since 1975, Crème had managed to win the support of influentials ranging from U.N. officials through Methodist Ministers; from Belgian nuns through Elizabeth Kubler-Ross; from the Hunger Project through holistic health leaders; and from mind-control trainers and trainees through astrologers….

Crème’s front organization was the Tara Center- based in New York, Los Angeles, Amsterdam, and London. Spin-off “transmission groups” were left behind in every city where Crème lectured…. Also involved were religious leaders, including many Unity and Unitarian leaders, educators, cooperating New Age networking groups who turn their members out to submit themselves to Crème’s bizarre hypnotic powers, occultists of every shade and description, political activists, opportunists, and those who had a sincere and genuine concern for the world’s poor and labored under the mistaken impression that they were lending their support to a remedy for the world’s numerous wrongs. They were unsuspecting that they were supporting a movement that parallels Nazism in every grotesque detail, including a teaching that a “blood taint” rested on those of Jewish extraction and another being that of a planned new “super-race.”

Many did not know that this movement planned the eventual extermination and replacement of these very peoples they labored to help with a “new root race” and even the violent extermination of themselves should they persist in orthodox religious beliefs. And many, for certain, did not know that they were actively involved in the very same movement that was proud to claim Jim Jones as its own prior to his Guyana murder/suicide fiasco.

And you may further be certain that many of these sincere but deluded people did not know that they were actively participating in a movement which gives Lucifer the status of a divinity and plans mass planetary Luciferic “initiations” for those wishing to enter this “New Age” alive. Yet despite the naivete in a movement which traffics in ignorance and despair they were involved. They are often sucked in by good intentions and held in by sophisticated forms of mass hypnosis and mind control. Those participating in Crème’s lecture audiences as well as thousands upon thousands of New Age activities designed to program participants to unquestioningly accept this new “Christ” were unwittingly and unsuspecting victims in the largest, best financed con job this world has ever seen…

The Lucis Trust- formerly Lucifer Trust- ran ads in the Reader’s Digest, which displayed the Great Invocation to Maitreya. The Great Invocation refers to The Plan. It says, “Let Light and Love and Power restore The Plan on Earth.” It includes the installation of a “New World Messiah,” the implementation of a new world government and new world religion under Maitreya. They have numerous political, social, and economic goals, including the following:

A universal credit card system.
A world food authority which would control the world’s food supply.
A universal tax.
A universal draft.

But there is more to The Plan– they intend to utterly root out people who believe the Bible and worship God and to completely stamp out Christianity.

Another New Age leader is David Spangler who is right at the top of Planetary Citizens which is the Secretariat for Planetary Initiative. Spangler says that in order to enter the New Age we must take a Luciferic initiation. He says we’re heading into a vast planetary initiation, a mass initiation of people. They intend to give us our “mark” or number in the Luciferic initiation ceremony. No wonder God told us if we take the mark, we go to hell- no “ifs,” “ands,” or “buts” about it. It is literally a choice between God and Lucifer…

I believe the New Agers will attempt to give the impression to Christians that the emergence of Maitreya is actually the return of Christ. Revelations 13:13-15… says:

“And he (the anti-christ) had the power to give unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would worship the image of the beast should be killed.”

That prophecy puzzled me until I studied the New Age Movement in depth. I have learned that the Movement has devoted a great deal of research and attention to the use of holographic images. These are three-dimensional images created in space by use of laser beams. David Spangler said in a meeting in Southfield, Michigan, February 1, 1982, that laser beam projectors had been installed for use on top of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Episcopal, in New York City…. Of course, we also know that lasers can be used as weapons.

(Of the New Age Movement, Marilyn Ferguson states (in “The Aquarian Conspiracy”):

“There are legions of conspirators. They are in corporations, universities, hospitals, on the faculties of public schools, in factories and doctors’ offices. In state and federal agencies, on city councils and the White House staff, in state legislatures, in volunteer organizations, in virtually all arenas of policy-making in the country.

I (Cumbey) explained (to Marilyn Ferguson) that my research combined with Bible studies had convinced me that this was the Movement of the antichrist. To my surprise she agreed…

The universal proclamation of the Movement is that man is God and “Man created God in his own image…” The Movement worships pagan deities from Pan to Buddha and Shiva. They even worship Lucifer himself…

A vast organizational network today, the New Age Movement received its modern start in 1875 with the founding of the Theosophical Society by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. A basic teaching of this organization was that all world religions had “common truths” that transcend potential differences. Strongly propounding the theory of evolution, they also believed in the existence of “masters” who were either spirit beings or fortunate men more highly “evolved” than the common herd. This was a doctrine which was to have a substantial impact on the development of Hitler’s Nazism several decades later….

Proudly drawing their inspiration from “spirits: or “elementals,” the leaders of the Theosophical Society believed they were under the direct supervision of “adepts” and “initiates” belonging to a branch of “The Great White Brotherhood.” Following written orders from these spirit beings, the New York-based leadership moved to India in 1875…

The year 1962 was another landmark year, for that was when the Scottish community of Findhorn- the Vatican City of the New Age Movement- was founded. The life work of Peter and Eileen Caddy and their friend Dorothy McLean, the role of Findhorn was to help anchor “The Plan” on earth. Again, their work was performed by following meticulously the Bailey writings and “guidance” Eileen was receiving from spirit beings and what she calls the voice of God.

Findhorn received an important new member in 1970- David Spangler. Although many young people showed up daily at Findhorn, none received quite the royal welcome as did Spangler. Eileen Caddy had received “guidance” that David had the “Christ energies.”….. Spangler went into frequent transmission from demonic beings, including Mitreya, Rakoczi, and many others. Esoteric lore, from Tibetan Buddhism through UFOlogy, was actively pursued by the Findhorn initiates and would-be initiates…

The year 1975 was a banner year for the New Age Movement. That was when its disciples had permission from the deceased Alice Bailey to “come out of the closet,” and spread the New Age message to the world….

Besides the writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey, the bulk of New Age doctrine is derived from the works of George Gurdjeff, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, P.D. Ouspensky, H.G. Wells, Nicholas Roerich (the Agni Yoga teachings), and David Spangler….

(New Agers) fail to see that point for point the program of the New Age Movement has complete identity with the programs of Hitler….

Organizations as diverse as Amnesty International, Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, Children of God, and Zero-Population Growth openly and proudly bill themselves as “New Age.” So do another approximately 10,000 organizations within just the United States and Canada- not including the branches of these organizations- many of which are located in every major city…. Sociologically described as “Segmented Polycentric Integrated Networks” (SPIN), Marilyn Ferguson says that the “organizational chart of a SPIN would look like a “badly knotted fishnet with a multitude of nodes of varying sizes, each linked to all the others, directly or indirectly….”

Jim Jones was an excellent case in point. Prior to the Guyana suicide/murder fiasco, the New Agers were most proud to claim him as their own. In fact, they gave his organization the label of New Age “spiritual center.”

Spiritual Community Guide (Handbook for the New Age) listed People’s Temple as a “center” in their 1972 and possibly later editions. According to them, Jones’ role was to “teach Christian socialism in preparation for the New Age.”

… Most of the participants in these New Age networks are quite innocently involved. Either they do not know the true aims and intents of its leadership or, more often, they are operating under the influence of extremely sophisticated forms of mind control. Classes such as TM, Silva Mind Control, EST, Life-springs, Arica and dozens of other such “psychotechnologies” help the trainers induce the desired trance-like state in the would-be initiate….

The New Age teachings are the same old lies that have been “about since the snake beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden: “Thou shalt not surely die…. And thou shalt be as gods.” Combine that line together with the an attack on God’s Word and understand the reason why Lucifer was originally expelled from Paradise and you will perfectly understand the philosophies and goals of the New Age Movement…. They propose to establish gigantic global agencies such as a World Food Authority, World Water Authority, and an authority to administer a universal draft and a universal tax. They have pointed to such legislative proposals as the Peace Academy as proof of their success in advancing towards the New World Order. They intend to give us a “Universal Credit Card” not to mention a “New World Religion….”

In fact, New Agers claim they are a “new species.” They have “evolved” into homo noeticus. They evolved by employing mind-expansion techniques such as meditation and the “other disciplines.” Such talk is chillingly reminiscent of Hitler’s “master race” theories. And it should be for it is identical. Both theories- Nazi and New Age- are based on a fable of “Aryanism,’ a belief that out of the mists of Atlantis emerged Aryan man. Other “sub-races” also survived the Atlantis cataclysms, however, the Aryans were the most highly “evolved.”

The Movement teaches the Law of Rebirth or reincarnation. This is basically a teaching that man does not really die but that he instead is endlessly reborn into new life cycles until such time as he perfects himself sufficiently to qualify for endless rest (Nirvana). Of course, this just happens to match one of the lies of the serpent in the Garden of Eden in telling Eve “you shall not surely die….

Despite their current talk of need for “religious freedom” from the “persecutions” of the Moral Majority, the Movement advocates just the opposite. Its views are reiterated frequently by prominent New Age spokesmen such as Gregory Bateson, David Spangler, and Foster Bailey: that religious freedom and the separation of Church and State must end in the New Age…

New Agers have stated that we will soon enjoy a “New World Order” that will be a synthesis of the parliamentary /Commonwealth of Nations system of Great Britain, the socialism of Russia and the heterogeneous mixtures of the United States…. It is safe to say that the New Age Movement is identical in both belief systems and cosmology to the Nazism of Hitler- which I believe is the beast that was dead and came back to life. It is also interesting to note that Nazism was commonly referred to as “the beast” and according to Trevor Ravencroft in The Spear of Destiny, Hitler knowlingly tried to invoke the spirit of the “beast from the pit.”…

Similar to Nazism, the New Age Movement is organized like a giant corporation. Also, like Nazism, the Movement is based upon a structure of initiates, adepts, and masters… Both Nazism and the New Age Movement are political/spiritual entities based on the same esoteric foundations, the “Secret Doctrine” which has been at the base of all pagan religions and at the base of esoteric “Christianity.” … The Secret Doctrine glorifies Lucifer and all the practices condemned in the Bible. The Secret Doctrine also glorifies the pre-flood world, a world that, according to both the Bible and the Secret Doctrine, was alive with demonic contact and psycho-spiritual power…

Both Nazism and the New Age Movement are programs for expediting the “path” to “transcendental consciousness,” for the transformation of the masses through initiation into the “mysteries.” Occult teachings and pagan practices were injected into the mainstream of a nation during Hitler’s reign. For example, Hitler’s crack SS operation under the direction of Heinrich Himmler was forced to undergo group initiations in the pagan mysteries. Shrouded in Aryan grail esoterics, the initiate’s goal was to gain psychic abilities and superhuman strength.

….. Nazi esotericists, including Hitler, believed in an occult doctrine known as the “Macrososm/Microcosm” theory of the universe. This is a standard New Age belief as well.”

… As the translator stated in the preface of Jean-Michel Angebert’s “The Occult and the Third Reich:”

“The significance of these findings is that there is thus as much reason to speak of a neo-Pagan continuum or tradition in the West as of a Judeo-Christian one. The first, like the second, has its dogma, ritual, symbols, prophets, and adepts. As in all major religions, it is through the priesthood (as exemplified in the Nazi strain by the esoteric Vril Society, Thule Society, Society of Seekers of the Grail, and seminaries of the Ordensburgen) that it perpetuates itself, by means of a concentration of occult power located in its initiatory centers, whose knowledge and symbols are as inaccessible to the masses as to the enemy.”

Many New Agers believe they are dealing with “white magic” or the “light side of the Force.” They would probably recoil in horror at any suggestion that they might be devil worshippers…. However, the New Agers will often admit they are worshipping Sanat Kumara, Pan, Venus, Shiva, Buddha, and other pagan deities.

The heart of the New Age Movement is old-fashioned Hindu occultism, which embodies the ancient lie of the serpent right out of the Garden of Eden. This promise of godhood that so captivated Eve continues to have an amazingly strong appeal for humanity today.

Apart from the New Age-oriented theologians who have deliberately infused our churches and seminaries with New Age concepts- the vast majority of those in the New Age Movement are there innocently. The lonely, the confused and bewildered, the young and naïve- these are the prime targets for New Age organizers…..Until proven otherwise, we should consider each of them to be a victim rather than a villain.

The New Age Movement has the characteristics of a well-thought out military operation patterned after Hitler’s organization of his “Third Reich.” The Nazis featured a pagan style battalion known as the SS. Similarly, there is a United States Military/private hybrid equivalent to this: The First Earth Battalion headed by Lt. Colonel Jim Channon.

Frustratingly, most of the participants in these New Age networks are quite innocently involved. Either they do not know the true aims and intents of its leadership or, more often, they are operating under the influence of extremely sophisticated forms of mind control.

Millions of human beings are involved with the New Age Movement in all its phases and levels of activity. The hierarchy of the Movement has successfully managed to draw from a full spectrum of society to implement eventual aims that can only benefit a small percentage- if anyone at all. Millions have been deceived into supporting projects designed to eventually strip even themselves of their civil liberties, much of their property, their preferred religion, and perhaps even their lives. Sadly, the vast majority of New Agers are involved quite innocently. Their motives are often altruistic. They wish to help- not harm- their fellow human beings. Most of them lack knowledge of the ultimate goals of the Movement.”

From Cumbey’s “A Planned Deception; The Staging of a New Age “Messiah”:

“There is absolutely no way one can competently research the New Age Movement and not discover that its major purpose is bringing in a New World Order headed by the Antichrist.

From (noted pyramidologist/occultist/New Age author) Peter LeMesurier’s The Armageddon Script (1982):

“Their script is now written, subject only to last minute editing and stage-directions. The stage itself, albeit as yet in darkness, is almost ready. Down in the pit, the subterranean orchestra is already tuning up. The last-minute, walk-on parts are even now being filled. Most of the main actors, one suspects, have already taken up their roles. Soon it will be time for them to come on stage, ready for the curtain to rise. The time for action will have come.”

If his (LeMesurier’s) plan – clearly part what the New Agers call “The Plan” – were executed as written, it might be enough, as Jesus said, to “deceive the very elect.” What is the proposed agenda that this “subterranean orchestra” is “already tuning up” for “down in the pit?” It is truly a startling one. First, it calls for having their new “messiah” in the Holy Land by 1985 or no later than the arrival of Halley’s Comet in early 1986. (8) The new leader is to carefully prepare for his role by studying scriptures and the Dead Sea Scrolls, current Jewish messianic expectations, familiarizing himself with prophecies of other major world religions and “the best in New Age religious thought.” (9)

8): Bailey, Alice, The Unfinished Autobiography, Lucis Publishing Company, New York, 1951.
9): Webb, James, The Occult Establishment, 1976, Library Press Book, LaSalle, Illinois.

The science of earthquake prediction (ETK note- and earthquake triggering) would then be employed for the remainder of the initial scenario. (9) LeMusurier coolly details some of them as follows:

a) The restored Messiah must appear on Jerusalem’s Mount of Olives at the time of a great earthquake.
b) He must enter Jerusalem from the east, escorted by a procession of rejoicing followers dressed in shining white.
c) Visiting the tomb of his spiritual ancestor, King David, he must emerge in suitably-perfumed royal robes as the great monarch returned.
d) Supported by a popular rising, he must proceed with his followers to the Temple Mount, there to be enthroned, anointed, and crowned the King of the New Israel.

New Age inter-organization did not start with Alice Bailey, or even with Helen Blavatsky. Such activities were well in progress at the time of the American Revolution. One American general, Ethan Allen Hitchcock, was deeply involved in Rosicrucian activity. He also worked to “build bridges” with other occult organizations. A “Supreme Initiate,” he was a member of the Council of Three for America, the Council of Three of the French Order of Eliphas Levi; and a co-worker and co-member with Albert Pike of the Scottish Rite. Three more early networkers were “Gutmann, Weigel, and Studion.” These were known to other initiates as “the three.” Hermetic, “Christian” initiates, they were also members of the World Council. As do modern-day New Agers, these men also referred to their efforts as “The Great Work.” Swinburne Clymer discusses their networking in frank detail:

“While von Suchten was engaged in the Great Work in Switzerland and Holland, Nicholas Bernaud, the French Alchemist, Hermetic Initiate and member of the World Council was active in France. Bernaud was of an entirely different type from that of the Philosophic Initiates in that he was frankly and openly engaged in trying to harmonize their desires for a world Confederation. For this purpose he travelled extensively and met many, if not almost all, of the Initiates and even the Acolytes engaged in the Great Work. Because of his activity in this direction, he became known among the Brethren as the “Door,” and through his efforts many entered the “Portals” of the Confederation then forming.”

… Nazism- as well as Jonestown- dramatically illustrate the “final solution” offered by occultism!

(The Aquarian Society, an English New Age federation of occult organizations, published a magazine entitled The Aquarian Path). The magazine issues show that at least as of 1952, the following New Age organizations among many others were harmoniously networking:

Theosophical Society (Corresponding Fellows’ Lodge)
The Rosicrucians (AMORC), San Jose, California
World Spiritual Council (Conseil Spirituel Mondaiale)
Society of Friends (English Quakers)
The Buddhist World Publications
The Voice (Editor, Joseph Busby)
Scientology (L. Ronald Hubbard)
World Goodwill/Lucis Trust
Pasadena Theosophical Society
The School of Hermes
Midland School of Self-Knowledge
Universal Association of Affiliated Brotherhoods
The Institute of Pyramidology
Rosicrucian Fellowship (Max Heindel, Oceanside, California)
Anthroposophical Society (Rudolf Steiner founded)
Working Mosque

Discussion: Information presented by Constance Cumbey in her two books about the New Age Movement is corroborated by material presented earlier in this series and by many other authors of this series. Based on this work we can trace this New Age influence to the United Nations, the Rio Earth Summit, and to Crestone/Baca in particular. The many associations between a multitude of networking organizations are incontrovertible.

Hypothesis #28: Cumbey refers to a 1982 ad that simultaneously ran in 20 different cities around the world makes the extraordinary claims that The Christ, aka “the World Teacher” has arrived. He is identified as Lord Maitreya, the fifth Buddha.

Hypothesis #29: The ad makes the claim that: “Throughout history, humanity’s evolution has been guided by a group of enlightened men, the Masters of Wisdom. They have remained largely in the remote desert and mountain places on earth, working mainly through their disciples who live openly in the world. The message of the Christ’s reappearance has been given primarily by such a disciple trained for his task for over 20 years.”

Of course, Crestone/Baca fits the description of a “remote desert and mountain place.” So we may speculate that “Masters of Wisdom”/”Hidden Masters” and their disciples are operating here. One particular disciple, apparently trained for more than 20 years in a remote desert or mountain locale, has given the word that the Christ is to reappear. The ad does not specify who or where this disciple is.

Hypothesis #30: The ad further proclaims: “At the center of this “Spiritual Hierarchy” stands the World Teacher, LORD MAITREYA, known by Christians as the Christ. And as Christians await the Second Coming, so the Jews await the MESSIAH, the Buddhists the FIFTH BUDDHA, the Moslems the IMAM MAHDI, and the Hindus await KRISHNA. These are all names for one individual. His presence in the world guarantees there will be no third World War.” These premises, then, constitute hypothesis #30.

Hypothesis #31: Other aspects of the “Christ is Here” campaign include: a) The announcement/ad was preceded by a 7-year worldwide speaking tour by esotericist, Benjamin Crème, whose backing was from the Tara Center, with centers in New York, Los Angeles, London, and Amsterdam. “Transmission groups” were formed and left behind in each city in which Crème lectured.

Hypothesis #32: Most New Age followers have a sincere and genuine concern for the world’s poor and other worthy causes. The cadres that support Crème’s “Plan” also include religious leaders (Unity and Unitarian leaders), cooperating New Age networking groups, political activists, and opportunists. The New Age Movement received its modern start in 1875 with the founding of the Theosophical Society by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Today, it is a vast organizational network that contains “legions of conspirators… in corporations, universities, hospitals, on the faculties of public schools, in factories and doctors’ offices, in state and federal agencies, on city councils and the White House staff, in state legislatures, in volunteer organizations, in virtually all arenas of policy-making in the country.”

Hypothesis #33: Most deluded followers of New Age leaders are unaware that the movement they support has planned that they will be exterminated and replaced by a “new root race.”

Hypothesis #34: Esotericist Crème’s has “bizarre hypnotic powers.” Followers are often sucked in by good intentions and held in by sophisticated forms of mass hypnosis and mind control. (“Classes such as TM, Silva Mind Control, EST, Life-springs, Arica and dozens of other such “psychotechnologies” help the trainers induce the desired trance-like state in the would-be initiate…”).

Hypotheses #35: The New Age Movement parallels Nazism in every detail, including teaching of a “blood taint” on Jews, a planned new “super-race” (“root-race”), and the planned, violent extermination of inferior races- including those who persist in orthodox religious beliefs.

Hypothesis #36: New Age followers who accept this new “Christ” were/are unwittingly and unsuspecting victims in the largest, best financed con job this world has ever seen…Most New Age followers don’t know that they are participating in a movement which gives Lucifer the status of a divinity and plans mass planetary Luciferic “initiations” for those wishing to enter the “New Age” alive. New Age “spiritual philosopher,” David Spangler has stated that in order to enter the New Age people must take a Luciferic initiation. Spangler says we’re heading into a vast planetary/mass initiation of people. People must accept a “mark” or number in this Luciferic initiation ceremony. New Age author (The Aquarian Conspiracy), Marilyn Ferguson, agreed with Constance Cumbey that the New Age Movement is the Movement of the antichrist.

Hypothesis #37: Ads run in Reader’s Digest by “the Lucis Trust- formerly Lucifer Trust- displayed the Great Invocation to Maitreya. “The Great Invocation” refers to “The Plan,” stating, “Let Light and Love and Power to restore The Plan on Earth.” “The Plan” includes the installation of a “New World Messiah” and implementation of a new world government and new world religion under Maitreya. Other political, social, and economic goals include: a) A universal credit card system, b) A world food authority which would control the world’s food supply, c) A universal tax, d) A universal draft, e) extermination of Christians and eradication of Christianity.

Hypothesis #38: The New Age Movement has devoted a great deal of research and attention to the use of holographic images, or three-dimensional images created in space by use of laser beams. Lasers can also be used as weapons. This suggests that the New Age Movement is using Biblical prophecy as a script.

Hypothesis #39: The NAM (New Age Movement) universally proclaims that man is God and “Man created God in his own image…” (“The New Age teachings are the same old lies that have been “about since the snake beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden: “Thou shalt not surely die…. And thou shalt be as gods.””) The Movement worships pagan deities from Pan to Buddha and Shiva, and Lucifer himself…

Hypothesis #40: NAM also believes in the existence of “masters” who were either spirit beings or fortunate men more highly “evolved” than the common herd. This same doctrine had a substantial impact on the development of Hitler’s Nazism.

Hypothesis #41: Leaders of the Theosophical Society drew inspiration and instructions from “spirits: or “elementals” and hence, believed they were under the direct supervision of “adepts” and “initiates” belonging to a branch of “The Great White Brotherhood.”

Hypothesis #42: In 1962, the Scottish community of Findhorn- the “Vatican City of the New Age Movement”- was founded. The life work of Peter and Eileen Caddy and their friend Dorothy McLean and the role of Findhorn was to help anchor “The Plan” on earth. Their work was performed by following meticulously the Alice Bailey writings as well as the “guidance” Eileen was receiving from spirit beings and what she calls the “voice of God.”

Hypothesis #43: “Eileen Caddy had received “guidance” that David Spangler had the “Christ energies.”….. Spangler went into frequent transmission from demonic beings, including Mitreya, Rakoczi (aka St. Germain), and many others. Esoteric lore, from Tibetan Buddhism through UFOlogy, was actively pursued by the Findhorn initiates and would be initiates…”

(In Part IX of this series, we learned from McClaughry’s blog that Dorothy MacLean, Sheena Govan, Andrew Combe (Eileen Caddy’s first husband) and Peter Caddy (Eileen Caddy’s second husband) had ties with British Intelligence and that the “voice of God” was provided by modern mind-control methods, including synthetic telepathy, “voice-to-skull” or V2K aka microwave hearing.):

1940s – Sheena Govan and Dorothy Maclean, who will in the following decades help Eileen Caddy start Findhorn, a New Age community in Scotland, are actually working for British Intelligence while ostensibly employed as secretaries at the British Embassy in New York. The two are present there when the OSS (Office of Strategic services, the forerunner of the CIA) was formed in New York with the help of British Intelligence.

1950s (early) – Eileen Caddy, later the primary channeler of Findhorn, leaves her five children and her first husband (Andrew Combe, who is both Peter Caddy’s Commanding Officer and a member of Moral Rearmament, a religious organization which has been linked to the CIA, for (British) Royal Air Force Officer, Peter Caddy (who was at the time married to “former” British Intelligence operative Sheena Govan — see, 1940s), and it will not be long until Eileen begins to hear a “voice” claiming to be “God”. Before it is over she will fill some thirty thousand notebook pages with the “voice’s” dictation to her.

1956 – Peter Caddy installs Eileen Caddy with Sheena Govan on the Scottish island of Mull. It is populated largely in the south by Duart Clan Maclean. Sheena subjects Eileen to what appears to be nothing less than a case study of classical (Chinese technique) brainwashing, according to Paul Hawken (see, 1962), who interviewed her for his book, “The Magic of Findhorn.” It includes isolation, sleep deprivation, prolonged maintenance of painful positions, ego-devastating disparagement, etc. Previously to this she had refused to believe that the “voice” she was hearing was actually that of “God”, as it had claimed. (By this time, after having returned to and again left her first husband, Eileen has married Peter Caddy. She has also tried to kill herself during another, earlier, less intense apparent attempt at “brainwashing” by Sheena Govan.)

1962- Led by Eileen Caddy’s “voice”, Findhorn is begun in an old house trailer pulled up near the beach on a bleak section of the northern Scottish coast adjacent to Kingloss Royal Air Force Base. Eileen’s husband, Peter Caddy, is a former RAF officer and recently the husband of Sheena Govan, who worked for British Intelligence during WW II. The Caddys are accompanied by Dorothy Maclean, who was formerly employed by British Intelligence under Govans’ supervision. Later Govan became something of a recognized spiritual teacher and cult leader with ex-underling Maclean and husband Caddy as, at least, two of her “disciples”. She apparently continued to direct Caddy after he had left her bed for that of Eileen’s, and she played a direct role in Eileen’s earlier “brainwashings.”

[NOTE 5: Author Paul Hawken, who later visited Findhorn, will write in “The Magic of Findhorn,” about the “thick, vibrant energies” felt in the house trailers and gardens. “Whatever it is, it seems to be the physical stuff of the place. If you walk across the road to the bay, it is not quite there. . . the intense energy field is lacking. Everybody here talked about it, knew about it, referred to it as ‘the energies’. It was a ‘buzz’ which was more felt than heard”. No one seems to have thought to ask whether or not the Kingloss RAF Base next door might have been somehow responsible, even though on the base immediately adjacent to Findhorn was a posted secret, fenced-off area protected by guard dogs.]

Hypothesis #44: Based on the above information from Part IX of this series, British Intelligence has been and is instrumental in helping usher in the New Age (Alice A. Bailey/Luciferic) “Plan.” American Intelligence (OSS and CIA) sprang from British Intelligence and was involved in the same kinds of activities at Columbia University (that is, inserting “voice of God” messages into the mind of psychologist Dr. Helen Schucman, who channeled “A Course In Miracles.” Hence, American (military/)intelligence is also involved in this Luciferic project.

Hypothesis #45: “The year 1975 was a banner year for the New Age Movement. That was when its disciples had permission from the deceased Alice Bailey to “come out of the closet,” and spread the New Age message to the world….”

Hypothesis #46: “Besides the writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey, the bulk of New Age doctrine is derived from the works of George Gurdjeff, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, P.D. Ouspensky, H.G. Wells, Nicholas Roerich (the Agni Yoga teachings), and David Spangler….

Hypopthesis #47: “(New Agers) fail to see that point for point the program of the New Age Movement has complete identity with the programs of Hitler…”

Hypothesis #48: “Organizations as diverse as Amnesty International, Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, Children of God, and Zero-Population Growth openly and proudly bill themselves as “New Age.” So do another approximately 10,000 organizations within just the United States and Canada- not including the branches of these organizations- many of which are located in every major city…. Sociologically described as “Segmented Polycentric Integrated Networks” (SPIN), Marilyn Ferguson says that the “organizational chart of a SPIN would look like a “badly knotted fishnet with a multitude of nodes of varying sizes, each linked to all the others, directly or indirectly….”

Hypothesis #49: “The Spiritual Community Guide (Handbook for the New Age) listed People’s Temple as a “center” in their 1972 and possibly later editions. According to them, Jones’ role was to “teach Christian socialism in preparation for the New Age.”
(Part VIII of this series reveals that Jonestown was a covert CIA operation and that the form of “Christian socialism” practiced at Jonestown was, in fact, slave labor, torture, mind control and ultimately, mass execution.)

Hypothesis #50: Based on the above information/hypotheses 44 and 49, we may posit that British and American intelligence agencies are integral to the implementation of the Luciferic New Age Plan.

Hypothesis #51: “Among the goals of the New Age Movement…. “ establish gigantic global agencies such as a World Food Authority, World Water Authority, and an authority to administer a universal draft and a universal tax…. They intend to give us a “Universal Credit Card” not to mention a “New World Religion….”

Hypothesis #52: New Agers claim they are a “new species” and that they have “evolved” into homo noeticus. They evolved by employing mind-expansion techniques such as meditation and the “other disciplines.”

Hypothesis #53: The above ideas coincide with “Hitler’s “master race” theories…. Both theories- Nazi and New Age- are based on a fable of “Aryanism,’ a belief that out of the mists of Atlantis emerged Aryan man. Other “sub-races” also survived the Atlantis cataclysms, however, the Aryans were the most highly “evolved.”

Hypothesis #54: The Movement teaches the Law of Rebirth or reincarnation…. This matches one of the lies of the serpent in the Garden of Eden in telling Eve “you shall not surely die….”

Hypothesis #55: New Age spokesmen such as Gregory Bateson, David Spangler, and Foster Bailey teach that religious freedom and the separation of Church and State must end in the New Age… Recall that CIA/British intelligence agent, Gregory Bateson, also did pioneering work on mind control and artifical creation of schizophrenia and also was a key organizer of the post WWII Macy Conferences (Part V).

Hypothesis #56: “New Agers have stated that we will soon enjoy a “New World Order” that will be a synthesis of the parliamentary /Commonwealth of Nations system of Great Britain, the socialism of Russia and the heterogeneous mixtures of the United States…. The New Age Movement is identical in both belief systems and cosmology to the Nazism of Hitler….”

Hypothesis #57: “Similar to Nazism, the New Age Movement is organized like a giant corporation… (and is) based upon a structure of initiates, adepts, and masters… Both Nazism and the New Age Movement are political/spiritual entities based on the same esoteric foundations, the “Secret Doctrine” which has been at the base of all pagan religions and at the base of esoteric “Christianity.” … The Secret Doctrine glorifies Lucifer and all the practices condemned in the Bible. The Secret Doctrine also glorifies the pre-flood world, a world that, according to both the Bible and the Secret Doctrine, was alive with demonic contact and psycho-spiritual power…”

Hypothesis #58: Both Nazism and the New Age Movement are programs for expediting the “path” to “transcendental consciousness,” for the transformation of the masses through initiation into the “mysteries.” Occult teachings and pagan practices were injected into the mainstream of a nation during Hitler’s reign. For example, Hitler’s crack SS operation under the direction of Heinrich Himmler was forced to undergo group initiations in the pagan mysteries. Shrouded in Aryan grail esoterics, the initiate’s goal was to gain psychic abilities and superhuman strength.

Hypothesis #59: “Many New Agers believe they are dealing with “white magic” or the “light side of the Force….” However, New Agers often admit they are worshipping Sanat Kumar (Satan), Pan, Venus, Shiva, Buddha, and other pagan deities.

Hypothesis #60: “The heart of the New Age Movement is old-fashioned Hindu occultism, which embodies the ancient lie of the serpent right out of the Garden of Eden…. The promise of godhood.”

Hypothesis #61: Apart from the New Age-oriented theologians who have deliberately infused our churches and seminaries with New Age concepts- the vast majority of those in the New Age Movement are there innocently. The lonely, the confused and bewildered, the young and naïve- these are the prime targets for New Age organizers…..Until proven otherwise, we should consider each of them to be a victim rather than a villain. Millions of human beings are involved with the New Age Movement in all its phases and levels of activity. The hierarchy of the Movement has successfully managed to draw from a full spectrum of society to implement eventual aims that can only benefit a small percentage- if anyone at all. Millions have been deceived into supporting projects designed to eventually strip even themselves of their civil liberties, much of their property, their preferred religion, and perhaps even their lives.

Hypothesis #62: The New Age Movement has the characteristics of a well-thought out military operation patterned after Hitler’s organization of his “Third Reich.” The Nazis featured a pagan style battalion known as the SS. Similarly, there is a United States Military/private hybrid equivalent to this: The First Earth Battalion headed by Lt. Colonel Jim Channon.

Hypothesis #63: The major purpose of the New Age Movement is bringing in a New World Order headed by the Antichrist.

Hypothesis #64: As outlined by LeMusurier (1985), the sequence of events required to bring in the New Age Messiah (anti-christ)

a) The restored Messiah must appear on Jerusalem’s Mount of Olives at the time of a great earthquake.
b) He must enter Jerusalem from the east, escorted by a procession of rejoicing followers dressed in shining white.
c) Visiting the tomb of his spiritual ancestor, King David, he must emerge in suitably-perfumed royal robes as the great monarch returned.
d) Supported by a popular rising, he must proceed with his followers to the Temple Mount, there to be enthroned, anointed, and crowned the King of the New Israel.

This sequence of events, as outlined by LeMusurier, suggests that Jerusalem, not Crestone/Baca, is the “Vatican City of the New World Order.” Thus, Crestone/Baca may be intended to fulfill other functions in the anticipated New World Order, having to do with the formulation of the New World Religion.

Hypothesis #65: New Age inter-organization activities were already well in progress at the time of the American Revolution.

Hypothesis #66: American General Ethan Allen Hitchcock (1798-1870), (who) was deeply involved in Rosicrucian activity, worked to “build bridges” with other occult organizations. A “Supreme Initiate,” he was a member of the Council of Three for America, the Council of Three of the French Order of Eliphas Levi (a Jewish Satanist); and a co-worker and co-member with Albert Pike of the Scottish Rite. Three more early networkers were “Gutmann, Weigel, and Studion.” These were known to other initiates as “the three.” Hermetic, “Christian” initiates, they were also members of the World Council. As do modern-day New Agers, these men also referred to their efforts as “The Great Work.” Swinburne Clymer discusses their networking in frank detail:

While von Suchten was engaged in the Great Work in Switzerland and Holland, Nicholas Bernaud, the French Alchemist, Hermetic Initiate and member of the World Council was active in France. Bernaud was of an entirely different type from that of the Philosophic Initiates in that he was frankly and openly engaged in trying to harmonize their desires for a world Confederation. For this purpose he travelled extensively and met many, if not almost all, of the Intiates and even the Acolytes engaged in the Great Work. Because of his activity in this direction, he became known among the Brethren as the “Door,” and through his efforts many entered the “Portals” of the Confederation then forming.

Hypothesis #67: … Nazism- as well as Jonestown- dramatically illustrate the “final solution” offered by occultism! (The “final solution” is genocide/mass murder of the “inferior races.”)

Conclusions: Based on corroboration by many other authors quoted in this series, all above hypotheses are considered proven. Cumbey here also provides information by author LeMusurier that indicates that Jerusalem, not Crestone/Baca, is to be the “Vatican City of the New World Order.”

9) Hannah Newman offers another explication/summary of the New Age movement in her “The Rainbow Swastika: A Report to the Jewish People about New Age Anti-Semitism.” ( Here are pertinent excerpts:

“All who subscribe to the New Age must submit to “The Plan” in its entirety or be left out of the “New World Order.” It should be noted that this “Plan” is universally accepted among New Agers as literally having a superhuman origin. Alice Bailey is not the author, only the transcriber. Likewise, no leader today at any level takes credit for formulating the Plan. From the UN on down, every “World Server” has his/her assigned task, but no one has the authority to change or cancel any segment; to do so would be to reject the Hierarchy and jeopardize the coming New Age itself. … Three important results of this belief are: 
(1) The Plan is a non-negotiable package. 
(2) New Agers do not doubt its wisdom. 
(3) No one feels personally responsible for the consequences of carrying it out.

As noted before, the Hierarchy of “Masters” will need to use human agents, and even inhabit human hosts, in order to carry this out. Therefore the Plan calls for patient incremental progress which does not overstep public tolerance: “The occult Hierarchy of the planet functions…[like] any great international, powerful corporation…. They send out scouts and they test reactions to their plans. Finally, when they are ready, they move forward.” (Foster Bailey, “Changing Esoteric Values,” a lecture in London, 1954)

The specific stages of the Plan were “transmitted” in detail through Bailey directly from “Djwhal Khul”, the Tibetan Master, beginning in the 1930s, but much of it was shared only with inner-circle disciples until 1975, when the New Age leaders received instructions to go public. Most of the agenda can be found in Alice Bailey’s Externalization of the Hierarchy. Key New Age disciples have released additional how-to books, such as H.G. Wells’ The Open Conspiracy_ and Barbara Marx Hubbard’s The Manual for Co-Creators of the Quantum Leap.

The Plan is the organized program of the spiritual Hierarchy to get a selected portion of mankind to the “next evolutionary level”. Since quality is vital for starting the next “root-race”, only selected “starseed” people are designated to make the quantum leap into the next level of human transformation, but even these need careful preparation by more advanced spirits lest they “burn out” in the transition.

The premises of New Age (NA hereafter), sometimes called the New World Order, are most clearly mapped out in a religious society called Theosophy (founded 1875 by Helena Blavatsky), which coined many of the (occult) “code words” found in this material. Most if not all of NA concepts predate Theosophy, as its founder freely admitted. They borrowed heavily from classical Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism, with large doses of Gnosticism, astrology, and other occultic power-quests. So despite the name “New Age,” we are surveying an ancient system of worship, found in various forms around the world (Babylon, Egyptian, Norse, Atlantian, Pan/animist, American Indian, and other religions dependent on empowerment from various spirit-guides). This is why New Age teaching is so easily adapted to so many cultures.”

From the information provided by Newman, we can derive the following hypotheses:

Hypothesis #68: New Agers must submit to “The Plan” or be left out of the New World Order. All New Agers believe that “The Plan” has a superhuman origin.

Hypothesis #69: The “Hierarchy of Masters” (aka “the occult hierarchy of the planet”) who authored “The Plan,” use human agents, and even inhabit human hosts. The agenda is spelled out in a series of books written by Alice Bailey, who claims to
have been channeling “Djwhal Khul,” the Tibetan Master.

Hypothesis #70: The Plan calls for incremental progress which does not overstep public tolerance: “The occult Hierarchy of the planet functions…[like] any great international, powerful corporation…. They send out scouts and they test reactions to their plans. Finally, when they are ready, they move forward.” (Foster Bailey, “Changing Esoteric Values,” a lecture in London, 1954)

Hypothesis #71: Under the Plan, only “starseed people,” supposedly the next “root-race,” are designated to “make the quantum leap into the next level of human transformation.” The rest, presumably, will be wiped out.

Hypothesis #72: The premises of the New Age/New World Order, are most clearly mapped out in the Theosophical Society, founded in 1875 by Helen Blavatsky.

Hypothesis #73: Most, if not all, New Age concepts predate Theososphy, and borrow heavily from Hinduism, Buddhism, Gnosticism, astrology, and various occult power quests. They comprise an ancient system of worship that integrates Babylonian, Egyptian, Norse, Atlantian, Pan/Animist, American Indian, and other religions dependent on empowerment from various spirit-guides.

Discussion: Hannah Newman is a Jew who is writing for other Jews to warn them about the New Age Movement. Her assumption that NAM is “anti-semitic” is indicated in the title of her piece. There is much good information in her piece, but she omits critical points such as the fact that Theosophy: 1) is based largely on the Lurianic Jewish Kabbalah and 2) is basically Satanism. Thus, it seems that Newman, here, is “lying by omission,” thereby diverting attention away from the very core of the New Age movement, which is the Jewish/Babylonian system of black magic known as Kabbalah. As Gene Ruyle stated:

“A half truth is much worse than a whole lie because it makes it even harder to tell the difference between the two.”

In fact, Theosophy (a contraction of theology and philosophy used in Jewish writings many centuries before Blavatsky was born) is based largely on the Jewish Lurianic Kabbalah. Lo Guest points out critical links between “Kabbalah and Theosophy” his article of that name:

“One of the few people in the 19th century who understood the Kabbalah and its worth was Helena Blavatsky. Nobody reading her “Secret Doctrine” and noting the many references to the Kabbalah could doubt her intimate knowledge of these writings. In her Theosophical Glossary she explains that the Kabbalah was an oral tradition, and that kabbalists are students of “secret science” who interpret the hidden meaning of the Jewish scriptures with the help of the symbolical Kabbalah:

“The hidden wisdom of the Hebrew Rabbis of the Middle Ages derived from the older secret doctrines concerning divine things and cosmogony, which were combined into a theology after the time of the captivity of the Jews in Babylon. All the works that fall under the esoteric category are termed Kabalistic.” — p. 168


Blavatsky herself was a Ukranian-born Jewess, Co-Mason, and spy. Part III of this series documents the abundant connections between the New Age, Theosophy, Judaism, Kabbalah, and Satanism. Here are pertinent excerpts:

Figure 7. The Oroborous symbol in the emblem of the Theosophical Society (left). The right diagram is a variation of the Oroborous with the inscription Pedet Finis Aborigine, which means “look for the end in the beginning.” Thus, the Orobouros illustrates the nature of the Gnostic conquest of Christian civilization in terms of time. In his Introduction to the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Sergyei Nilus charted with uncanny precision the geographical course of the (Jewish) Symbolic Snake.

A. Madame Blavatsky and Alice Bailey: Occult prophetesses of the New Age

Madame Blavatsky: Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891), (a Ukranian-born Jew), was an author, world traveler, and founder of the Theosophical Society. Born to nobility and privilege, her prolific writings on occult and esoteric topics and her highly unconventional life sparked considerable controversy. Certainly, she and her Theosophical Society still have a profound influence on the United Nations, on the world’s ruling elite, and through these institutions, the entire world. Blavatsky claims to have been contacted by “Master Morya” in 1851 and after many years of “contact” with “spirit guides” she published Isis Unveiled in 1887, an occult magazine, “Lucifer,” 1887, and The Secret Doctrine: the Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy in 1888. Blavatsky claimed that the majority of her work was telepathically dictated to her by a “Master of the Wisdom,” indentified as “The Tibetan,” “Djwhal Khul,” or simply “DK.” She claimed that her ‘mahatmas’ (spirit guides) had retained knowledge of mankind’s spiritual history. She also claimed to have impressive psychic abilities, including levitation, clairvoyance, out-of-body projection, telepathy, and clairaudience. But these claims were not universally acknowledged.

In 1879, Blavatsky launched her first magazine, “The Theosophist,” which resulted in the rapid growth of her theosophical work in India between 1879-83. In 1882, she transferred her headquarters to Adyar, Madras, India. From Wikipedia we learn some of the elements of her theosophical philosophy: Blavatsky used the compounded word Root-race to describe each of seven successive stages of human evolution that take place over large time periods in her cosmology. A Root-race is the archetype from which spring all the races that form humanity in a particular evolutionary cycle. She called the current Root-race, the fifth one, Aryan.

The Theosophical Society holds that all religions are attempts by the “Spiritual Hierarchy” to help mankind develop toward greater perfection and that each religion has a portion of the truth. The stated purpose of her Theosophical Society was “to form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or color.” In practice, however, Blavatsky’s ideas, which, by the way, are completely contradicted by science, have provided justification for generations of the white ruling elite to claim their inherent “racial superiority” over other races.

The Theosophical Society logo features several symbols, including a swastika above a Star of David surrounded by a snake eating its own tail.

Figure 8. The Theosophical Society’s seal incorporates the Swastika (Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Nazi), Star of David (Jewish or Satanic hexagram), Ankh (Egypt), Aum (Hindu, Buddhist, Jain) and Ouroboros (Egyptian, Masonic, Luciferian) symbols.

The fundamentally satanic nature of Blavatsky’s “spirituality” is indicated by many of her own statements, such as:

“Stand in awe of him, and sin not, speak his name with trembling. It is Satan who is the god of our planet and the only god…. When the Church therefore, curses Satan, it curses the cosmic reflection of God.”

The website gives an account of Blavatsky’s contributions to the modern New Age Movement. It also reveals that from its very inception her occult spirituality overlapped with political and covert intelligence operations:

“The roots of (the New Age movement) go back to the 1870’s when Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was deployed by a combination of “Black Hundreds” forces that included the Okhrana (Czarist secret service) and the Russian Orthodox Church, to destroy Augustinian Christianity in the West, through the creation of a Satanic ideology known as “theosophy,” which was a syncretism of Eastern religions. As one Theosophical Society brochure made clear, its goal was to “oppose the materialism of science and every form of dogmatic theology, especially the Christian, which the Chiefs of the Society regard as particularly pernicious….

In 1873, Blavatsky traveled to the U.S., where with the Spiritualist Colonel Olcott, she founded the American Theosophical Society, whose headquarters became Pasadena, California. In 1883, Blavatsky’s disciple Annie Besant, who later assumed Blavatsky’s mantle as High Priestess of Theosophy, was co-founder of the British Fabian Society together with Gnostic Christians and Spiritualists… Another excrescence of Theosophy was the explicitly Satanist Edward Aleister Crowley’s Order of the Golden Dawn, which overlapped the predominantly Anglo-American Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) and the Thule Society in Munich, which gave birth to the Nazi Party….

Ascona, Switzerland, secret base of Theosophy centered around a cult of Astarte, was the spiritual center of the Frankfurt School, which overlapped the Soviet GRU (military intelligence)… Ascona was also a spiritual center of the Children of the Sun gay and lesbian networks which overlapped the Philby, Bugress, Maclean spy network in Great Britain. Finally, Ascona was the religious center for the Theosophical psychiatrist Carl Jung, popularizer of the Gnostic Bible.”

Author Brian Desborough (2000) traces the origin of the Theosophical Society even further back, positing that Blavatsky and other founding members of the Theosophical Society were initiates of various Illuminati secret societies, including the satanic Order of Luxor and the Avignon Society. Desborough also notes that Blavatsky’s private correspondence revealed that her “Ascended Masters’ were, in fact, just nicknames she had assigned to wealthy Masonic patrons of the Theosophical Society. In her letters, Blavatsky apparently expressed outrage against the phony psychics claiming to channel these non-existent beings!

B. Alice Bailey (1880-1949) was influenced by and continued the work of Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society. Many consider Bailey to be the founder of the New Age Movement. Born to wealth and privilege and raised an Episcopalian in England, Bailey authored many books concerning “The Ageless Wisdom” of occult teachings, “esoteric” psychology and healing, astrology, and other religious themes.

Like Blavatsky, Bailey claims that much of her work was channeled from so-called “spirit guides.” Bailey claims to have been contacted by the Master Koot Humi at the age of 15. In 1919, the (ascended) “Tibetan Master” (aka “The Tibetan,” “Master of Wisdom,” ‘Djwhal Khul,’ or simply ‘DK’- again!) supposedly contacted her and asked her to take telepathic dictation. Thereafter, “DK” allegedly wrote 18 books through her between 1922 and 1960. She re-located from England to America in 1915 and was soon recruited into the Pacific Grove (California) Lodge of Theosophy.

In 1919, she and her second husband, 32nd degree Mason, Foster Bailey founded the Lucifer Publishing Company/Trust to publish her books as well as those of Blavatsky and other Theosophical tracts.

The Lucifer Trust represented a syncretism of Gnostic Christianity with Blavatsky’s Theosophy. Bailey’s Gnostic doctrine transformed God into Neitzschean will, while Christ is considered merely a lowly part of the many “Ascended Masters,” who form a “Hierarchy,” that is eventually to be “externalized” to carry out a “Plan” for a “new world order” that is otherwise known to Bailey’s disciples as the “Age of Aquarius” or “Age of Maitreya.” The Lucis Trust, which today has Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) status at the United Nations and has been given legitimacy by the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, has spawned an array of New Age fronts, including the Temple of Understanding. (

In 1925, Bailey’s Lucifer Publishing Company was changed to Lucis Trust. The original address of the Lucis Trust office was 666 United Nations Plaza. Even today, the Lucis Trust is the main publisher of United Nations documents and materials. In “Education for a New Age,” Bailey suggests that in the New Age: “World Citizenship should be the goal of the enlightened, with a world federation and a world brain” (i.e., a one-world government and a one-world religion).

Alice and Foster Bailey started a quarterly magazine on esoteric philosophy entitled ‘The Beacon’ in 1922. And they founded the Arcane School to disseminate her spiritual teachings and to organize a worldwide “Triangles” program to bring people together in groups of three for daily meditation and study. The Achane School was originally structured in a series of degrees similar to Freemasonry with ceremonies similar to the Rosicrusian Order Crotona Fellowship (Wikepedia).

The Baileys also founded the World Goodwill Group. World Goodwill is still recognized by the United Nations and is represented at regular UN briefing sessions. One of the purposes of World Goodwill is to help prepare the world for the reappearance of “The Christ,” whom Bailey identified as the incarnation of the next Buddha, Maitreya. She prophesized that Maitreya will manifest in a physical body in the physical plane sometime after 2025 and usher in the New Age of Aquarius. Thus, Maitreya would fulfill the New Age equivalent of the Christian concept of the second coming of Christ.

Bailey’s books include “Initiation, Human and Solar,” “The Externalization of the Hierarchy,” and “Discipleship in the New Age.” Like Blavatsky, Bailey visited India, where she did evangelical work for the YMCA and the British Army. Both Blavatsky and Bailey regarded Tibet as the spiritual home of the masters. In Investigations on Receiving Information from Paranormal Sources, Joe Klimo wrote: “we find in Bailey’s work the same occult cosmological hierarchy; physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal, and higher inhabited levels of existence.”

8) Conclusions: Newman’s hypotheses 68, 69, 71, and 72 are basically correct. However, whereas the information provided in hypothesis #73 is technically correct, Newman neglects to mention that Theosophy/New Age Movement is based on Kabbalistic Judaism/Satanism. Hence, this hypothesis should be rejected. Hypothesis #70, which states that “the occult Hierarchy of the planet functions…[like] any great international, powerful corporation…. They send out scouts and they test reactions to their plans,” implies that the Hierarchical Masters behave much like human beings and thus, may indeed be human. This hypothesis is reasonable, but cannot be confirmed or denied at this point with the information at hand.

9) Moslem/Canadian researcher, David Livingstone provides important information and insights on the origins, nature, and historical consequences of the Jewish Kabbalah. In “The Dying God; The Hidden History of Western Civilization” (2002), “Terrorism and the Illuminati; A Three Thousand Year History” (2007), and “Black Terror, White Soldiers;” “Islam, Fascism and the New Age” (2013), Livingstone shares results from his 25-year investigation of occult movements. This work and his numerous interviews on public radio programs seem to supply critical pieces of our puzzle. The following summary is cobbled together from Livingstone’s Terrorism and the Illuminati (bold italics), and my paraphrasing of statements he made in several radio interviews posted on u-tube (regular font):

“The Kabbalah was derived in the sixth century BC, as an aberration of Judaism, which combined Babylonian magic and astrology…. This development is carefully described in the Koran, which explains that, though it was claimed the Kabbalah was derived originally from King Solomon, it was demons who taught such things, teaching them that which had been revealed to the angels Harut and Marut in Babylon….. Borrowing from Jewish themes, therefore, these Kabbalists would seek world domination by arguing that they were preparing the world for the coming of the Messiah, and merely aiding God in bringing about His promise to institute them as rulers of the world. Having rejected the Jewish faith, however, they did not await the real Messiah, but would seek to establish their own ruler, who they would falsely claim as messiah, who would aid them in implementing the global acceptance of their occult creed.

The Illuminati claim descent from the Fallen Angels, from whom they supposedly learned the “Ancient Wisdom,” also known as the Kabbalah. These “Fallen Angels” are referred to in the Bible, Book of Genesis, as the Nephilim, or “Sons of God,” and were said to have descended to earth and intermarried with human beings. Christian interpretations struggle with the passage, choosing to translate the term into “mighty men.” However, apocryphal Jewish texts explain that they were the Lucifer and his legions, who were cast out of Heaven and took wives from the female descendants of Cain. They produced a race, according to the Bible, known as the Anakim. According to the Illuminati, it is these other-worldly beings who first introduced humanity to the occult arts, including astrology, magic, and alchemy.

…. This lore begins with a heresy, known as Kabbalah, which disguises itself as Jewish, but is a practice to seek world domination, and the eradication of religion in favor of the worship of Lucifer. The goal of these Kabbalists has since been the installation of their “messiah” as world leader, who according to their interpretation of the Bible, is to be of the line of King David. Since that time, to preserve this purported lineage, until the advent of their expected leader, these Luciferians have been carefully intermarrying amongst each other, and have included among them many of the leading figures of history. They begin with a Persian Royal family, who intermarried with that of Alexander the Great. By combining that with Herod the Great, these families were responsible for the creation and dissemination of a leading mystery school of the Roman Empire, the Mysteries of Mithras, which eventually succeeded in co-opting the emerging Christian movement, by producing Catholic Christianity.

… A secret, or Gnostic, version of Christianity, also derived from Mithraism, survived to compete with Catholicism, in the form of several secret societies, like the Templars, Rosicrucians and Freemasons, practicing occult arts, or what is known as “witchcraft.” This tradition was perpetuated by the most popularized branch of the Luciferian bloodline, the Merovingians. Symbolized by the Holy Grail, the Merovingians, after intermarrying into the family of a Jewish Exilarch, or claimant to the Jewish throne, culminated in all the leading families of the Crusades.

Today, fronted by the powerful banking dynasties of Europe, the Illuminati exercise supremacy over the world’s governments, as well as their economies, and even their cultures. Ultimately, the Illuminati are an international network, existing in a parallel world, straddled between fronts of legitimacy, and activities on the black market and in the underground. Their method of conquest is to wholly demoralize the societies of the world, wrecking their very fabric, by promoting every vice, including sexual depravity, greed, and war. By enslaving the nations of the world through colossal debt, they ensure subservience, and guarantee the slow transfer of their sovereignty to global government. By encouraging stock market speculation they siphon off the wealth of the ignorant masses. In the end, by creating a global economic cataclysm of untold magnitude, they intend to demonstrate to humanity their own ineptitude, and offer their reign as salvation, by implementing a global fascist state, to be governed by their expected messiah.

Deprived of any moral restraint, they fund their covert activities by dominating the world of illegal arms dealing, narcotics trafficking, and prostitution. Their activities are intertwined with those of the world’s leading intelligence services, including the CIA, Mossad, and Britain’s MI6, as well as international crime syndicates, like the Mafia and the Asian Triads, and the Yakuza of Japan. Adopting any disguise to suit their collective objectives, they work hand in hand with the Freemasons and numerous other secret societies, and are responsible for the emergence of numerous radical cults, from the Hare Krishna’s to the Moonies, of Christian and Muslim Fundamentalism, and most importantly, terrorism.

By wielding inordinate financial and political power, the plan of the Illuminati is to foment a global war, or World War III, from which will emerge, out of the ashes of the expired civilizations of our time, like a phoenix from the fire, a New World Order. The coming confrontation is being presented as a “Clash of Civilizations,” between the “Liberal Democratic West” and “Islamic fundamentalism.”

From Livingstone’s u-tube interview:

“Kabbalah is the ultimate heresy. Judaism/Kabbalah is a satanic cult. The Kabbalah is an age-old system of pagan, black magic that worships the golden calf, sex, and the God of the Canaanites; i.e., the Dying God, the God of the Underworld who dies and resurrects and is normally considered to be Lucifer. This cult infused the ancient mystery religions of Egypt and Babylon and informed the Greek philosophers, including Plato, Pythagorus and many others. The underlying basis or rite of Kabbalah is child sacrifice. Other rites include intoxication, black magic, theurgy (summoning of spirits), witchcraft, and other forms of human and animal sacrifice. Today, the entire human population is being inducted into this pagan cult. This Luciferic plot seeks to debase humanity, destroy all religions, and replace existing religions with the universal worship of Lucifer.

Throughout history, Kabbalistic beliefs and practices have formed the core beliefs of a host of subversive movements, including Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, occult Zorastorianism, the Knights Templar, Catharism, Assassins, Rosicrucianism, Lurianic Kabbalah, Freemasonry, Martinism, the Sabbatean movement of Sabbatai Zevi (false Jewish messiah of 1666), the Jewish/Turkish Donmeh sect, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the (Jewish) Frankist movement, the Illuminati, the Asiatic Brethren (successors to the Illuminati), the Moslem Brotherhood (Islamic Brotherhood), Synarchism, Sufism, Theosophy, the Ba’hai religion (a British operation), the Thule Society and Nazism (German operations), the Order of the Golden Dawn, the Order Templi Orientalis (O.T.O.), and the America Straussian neoconservative movement. In turn, communism and fascism are products of Sabbatean occultism, etc. The web of secret societies and cults that utilize Kabbalah/Satanism is enormous.

Kabbalah is characterized by worship of Lucifer, the belief that humans are Gods, and practice of subverting and destroying all competing institutions, religions, belief systems, etc. Since its inception, Christianity has been the primary focus of hatred and subversion by Kabbalists and Kabbalistic systems.

British power starts with John Dee and Francis Bacon, who envisioned a glorious future for England to be implemented through their naval power, control of banking, colonial projects, and through tapping into the hidden powers accessed through Rosicrucianism. John Dee conducted “Enochian rituals” in order to make direct contact with God; and the God he contacted was Lucifer. The career of Sabbatai Zevi, the false Jewish messiah of 1666 who is behind the Sabbatean Jewish tradition, was the creation of (British) Rosicrucians. Rosicrucianism traces its origins to Syria in the 1st century AD. The legendary founder of Rosicrucianism, Christian Rosenkreutz, travelled to the Middle East and Central Asia and studied with various Kabbalists and Sufis, and then returned to Europe with their teachings. (Rosenkreutz was later known as the Count of St. Germain and Master Racoczki).

The underlying philosophy of the (Lurianic) Kabbalah, derived from the work of Isaac Luria in the 12th century AD, was that the history of humanity is the history of people progressing from ignorance to the realization that he is god. Thus, history is a progress toward secularism, the denial of God, and the overthrow of religion, which they equate with superstition. In this formulation, backward “believers,” such as Christians and Moslems, make a “clash of civilizations” inevitable and the result of this conflict will be implementation of universal secular democracy. This, then, is the “Trojan Horse” of the Kabbalah system. Luciferians/Kabbalists don’t believe in rules.

Sabbatean Jews, who adopted the Lurianic Kabbalist tradition, hate all non-Sabbateans, including other Jews. The Rothshilds are Sabbatean/Frankist Jews. Two dominant inheritors of the Sabbatean tradition are the Asiatic Brethren and the Donmeh in Turkey, and these, in turn, are behind Helen Blavatsky’s Theosophy and Synarchism. The Nazi Party, the Order of the Golden Dawn, Theosophy, the Thule Society, grew out of the Sabbatean occult networks as well. Synarchism and fascism are thus similar. The philosophy of synarchism animates the Leo Straussian “neo-conservative” movement in America today, which has controlled both Republican and Democratic Parties in the 21st century.

The Illuminati believe that the solution to the “problem” of multiplicity of religions is to subvert these religions and merge them into a single belief system. Destruction of religions is a Hegelian project and Hegel’s philosophy is also derived from Lurianic Kabbalah. Again, Kabbalists view history/evolution as the process by which man realizes that he is God. One of the many other exponents of this idea is Teilhard de Chardin, the Jesuit priest and anthropologist associated with the famous Piltdown Man hoax. De Chardin termed the culmination of this evolution to godhood, the “Noosphere:”

As humanity organizes itself in more complex social networks, the higher the noosphere will grow in awareness. Teilhard argued the noosphere is growing towards an even greater integration and unification, culminating in the Omega Point (or the Cosmic Christ, the second person of the Trinity).”

“The Noosphere (Part I): Teilhard de Chardin’s Vision”

“The hidden philosophy of the people behind the personal computer and internet is that “man and machine” will unite and that this process will lead to immortality. Again, humans will become Gods.

The “Aquarian Conspiracy” (aka New Age Movement), promoted in Marilyn Ferguson’s book of that name, is heavily infiltrated and controlled by intelligence agencies, and derives, to a large extent, from the ideas of Aldous Huxley, Carl Jung, and MKULTRA. Supposedly, during the dawning of the “Age of Aquarius,” the hidden masters will make themselves known. The UFO phenomenon is a hoax designed to prepare people for this. The Institute of Noetic Studies came out of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), a CIA front, and has been involved in managing the CIA’s remote viewing projects. The remote viewing projects use psychics to contact discarnate entities. These programs are associated with the “human potential movement.”

Within each religion are two main traditions/experiences: 1) an orthodox experience, which is mainly rational, and 2) a mystical tradition, through which individuals attempt to achieve “union” with the divine. This latter process is identified with the Gnostic tradition, which reads the Bible in reverse. Mystical traditions create confusion because what actually occurs is union with “spirits” and discarnate entities (termed “jinn” in Islam) or simply, demons, leading up to union with Lucifer. The confusion derives from a false notion of the “supernatural.” When discarnate entities produce phenomena that people can’t explain, they confuse these with “miracles” of God. This fundamental error underlies the confusion spread by occult groups.

Much of (the CIA’s) MKULTRA sprang from the fact that all ancient cultures take drugs to achieve contact with the “divine.” Human sacrifice, rituals, etc. are also used to achieve contact with spirits; and these practices have been used by secret societies and occult groups for thousands of years. In Freemasonry, the disincarnate entities appealed to are called “unknown superiors;” in Theosophy, they are called “Ascended Masters,” etc. Occult, intelligence, and New Age groups and are now so intertwined that MKULTRA, the UFO (fraud) phenomena, and the channeling of jinn (demons) are basically the same phenomena.

Synarchism is the belief that society should be ruled by mystics and occultists of secret societies who are in contact with the “hidden masters,” the “hidden superiors, the “Gods of Agartha or Shambhala,” the “Great White Brotherhood,” etc. who populate the “hollow earth.” Supposedly, the beings in the “hollow earth” utilize a force called “vril,” which was referred to by Nazi occultists. The “gods” are discarnate entities always identified with the fallen angels and their leader, Lucifer. Supposedly, these “hidden masters” have been guiding humanity in this manner for centuries. Thus, Synarchism involves this age-old belief in spirit contact. The role of those in secret societies, then, is to participate in occult rituals and then to pass the information gained from disincarnate entities on to the earth’s rulers, who then use this “information” to rule.

Synarchism begins with Martinism: “a form of mystical and esoteric Christianity concerned with the fall of the first man, his state of material privation from his divine source, and the process of his return, called ‘Reintegration’ or illumination. As a mystical tradition, it was first transmitted through a Masonic high-degree system established around 1740 in France by Martinez de Pasqually” (Wikipedia).

Synarchism, then, forms the common denominator that unites Nazism, MKULTRA, the (fraudulent) UFO phenomena, the Nazi philosophy, the New Age Movement, and Blavatsky’s Theosophy. Their common ideology involves the Aryan philosophy/myth and the coming of the Age of Aquarius. MKULTRA developed out of the study of schizophrenia and traces back to Georges Gurdjieff and Helen Blavatsky, both of whom were Russian agents. Both Gurdjieff and Blavatsky trace the source of occult knowledge to East Turkestan in Central Asia. Today, this area coincides with the Xinjiang province in northwestern China.

(In “Gurdjieff and Blavatsky” (2010) ( we learn that Blavatsky believed that Tibetan Buddhism is the truest representation of the “magical tradition” because it was inheritor of Central Asian shamanism.

Both born in southern Russia and exposed to the diverse religions and cultures of the Caucasus, H.P. Blavatsky (1831-1891) and G.I. Gurdjieff (c. 1866-1949) claimed to have accessed hidden sources of esoteric knowledge, preserved for millennia by secret brotherhoods. Blavatsky affirms that the Mahatmas of the Great White Brotherhood, a fraternity of ascended spiritual masters, revealed this knowledge to her, whereas Gurdjieff claims that he found this knowledge through a series of “remarkable men” that he met during a twenty-year search across Central Asia and the Middle East. Gurdjieff’s teachings were formed in Russia in the early part of the twentieth century during the Occult Revival when Theosophical ideas were widely available.

Georges Gurdjieff advanced the esoteric school of the “Sarmoung Brotherhood:”

…. it is said that according to the Armenian book Merkhavat, the Sarmoung Brotherhood, also referred to as the ‘Inner Circle of Humanity’, originated in ancient Babylon circa 2500 BC, at around the time the Egyptians built the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Ouspensky Foundation state that the brotherhood was active in the golden Babylonian time of Hammurabi (1728-1686 BC) and is connected with Zoroaster, the teacher of Pythagoras (born c. 580 BC–572 BC, died c. 500 BC–490 BC). According to the Foundation, Pythagoras stayed for twelve years in Babylon. (Merkabah mysticism is in fact a form of Jewish approach to esotericism, which Gurdjieff possibly encountered in an Armenian translation). (Wikipedia).”

(ETK note: Here again, these occult ideologies and connections are traceable back to Judaism and ancient Babylon).

“The Esalen Institute in California popularized both shamanism and the taking of drugs as means to contact otherworldly entities. This became the basis for the CIA’s MKULTRA program; their drug experimentation began with magic mushrooms then went on to include LSD. These drugs provided a counterfeit religion in that it allowed people to contact discarnate entities… this is similar to what schizophrenics have to deal with; hearing voices, etc. When remote viewing was added to the MKULTRA programs, psychics were used to contact these discarnate beings. The UFO myth was fabricated as a means of “externalizing the hierarchy” (Alice Bailey’s term) and was marketed as contact with ETs. Most “ET contact” is telepathic and much of it is fabricated. Thus, the CIA fabricated the UFO phenomenon. Physicist and CIA employee, Adrea Puharich, purported to channel “the Council of 9” who were supposedly gods worshipped in Ancient Egypt.

Islam has the belief in “jinns,” or discarnate beings, some of whom are good and some of whom are bad. Malevolent ones fool people into thinking they are Gods. UFO researcher, Jaques Vallez believes that these are “intra-terrestrial” (goblins, leprechans, etc.) rather than “extra-terrestrial” beings.

Luciferianism is a logical error because it holds the belief that your moral action is not required.”

Military/intelligence runs America and other countries.

9) Discussion: Livingstone’s insights supply crucial links between Kabbalah and the creation of mind-control slaves/zombies, as presented in Parts VI and VIII of this series (“History and Methods of Mind Control” and “Cult Connections”) ( Now we have a basis for hypothesizing that the Jewish/Kabbalistic/Satanic conspiracy perpetuates itself through history via Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) of the children of “bloodline” families and other unfortunates. The following discussion, taken mostly from Stella Katz’s article, “A Reversed Kabbalah Trainer Speaks” (Part VIII), describes the processes used in Kabbalistic/Satanic Ritual Abuse by which demons are installed in the mental structures and “sub-alter personalities” of small children. From Part VIII of this series:

Dr. Hammond indicated that the Caballa-Tree-of-Life programming is used in programming internal mental structures. Considerably greater details on this topic are provided by “ex-trainer,” Stella Katz, in her article, “A Reverse-Kabbalah Trainer Speaks” (in Miller, 2012). The reader is cautioned that what Katz graphically describes here are some of the procedures used in what is called “Satanic Ritual Abuse.” I do not include this material to shock, but rather to help readers better understand these phenomena:

“An internal Kabbalah is installed when alters are split off. In most cases, binding and hurting parts of the body is sufficient for this. A cardboard cutout of a body, called “Kaballah,” is held where the baby can see it. Somebody points to a spot on the cutout while the baby is probed or stabbed at that spot on its body. The cutout is marked into layers. Initially there are just three layers- from genitals down, genitals to throat, and heat. As the child gets older the body is more differentiated….

By the age of six months, the child should have at a minimum 18-20 alters with distinct names and colors…. Internal structures are fixed by the trainer and the specific group. They are purposefully designed so that the trainers can easily retrain alters over time. Some groups use structures consisting of geometric shapes, others use trees, others use the Kabbalah. Each structure has a department head and workers.

It is important to remember that not all of what is seen or believed by members of these groups is real. For instance, you know there are alters who believe they are cats or dogs or snakes or demons, although you also know they cannot possibly be real. But to the alter, they are as real as you or I. Tricks, technology, and “stage magic” are used to deceive the child. These are regarded as legitimate parts of magik.

The Demon and Animal blocks are built before the age of five years from harm to both knees….. For demon and animal alter creation, puppets are used to simulate demons. The puppets are operated from above, and some are spiked. Some are hand puppets, others are on strings and fly in the air. They come at the child, who then gets a shock. The child is strapped down and wired. Probes are used to create pain. Some demons appear to fly right through and inside the child. Little girls are raped anally as well as vaginally. Little boys are raped anally while the penis is manipulated, and then they are raped orally. The rapist is using a drug that maintains his erection.

The purpose of the demon alters is to keep the child in line and in constant fear of being grabbed and harmed by a demon. They represent actual demons, just as idols may represent deities in the Hindu faith. A total of thirteen demons are wanted, including the original one, and six animals. The job of demons is to come up during rituals and during times of potential disloyalty. If the child is about to disclose something to an outsider, a demon will come up and scare him, so as to ensure compliance. The demons are set up in a hierarchy. They give names of actual demons. Animal alters are used for purposes consonant with that animal’s nature. The large animals such as dogs are also used for sexual intercourse with real animals.

After the sacrament of marriage to Satan (at 13 the child participates in a sex orgy as an adult for the first time), the children begin training on the Kabbalah. The Jewish Kabbalah, or “tree of life,” is a structure like a tree, with pathways representing different aspects of sacred mysticism. It also represents the shape of the human body. The Kabbalah, which was initially presented to the baby on his or her own body, is now represented in the training center both in that way and by pathways along which the child must walk. Most paths contain thirteen doors. Each path has a guardian at the opening and a black angel at the end. Doors on the first path always contain the first symbols of the major triggers of obedience, such as roses, sounds, smells, words, or music.… In the upper part of the Kabbalah, the child is taught a higher form of black magik and demon spell work, with the blackest magik, including the use of the Lords of Demons, being in the head region.”

Clearly, what Katz is describing is “Satanic Ritual Abuse.”

The above information from Livingstone, Katz, Hammond, etc. provides a logical explanation for Jesus’ enigmatic statements in Revelations 2:9 and 3:9:

“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.)”

Finally, we begin to understand the identity, goals, and methodology of the “Synagogue of Satan.” Livingstone also explains that this cult systematically rewrites history to suit its purposes:

“The Dying God: The Hidden History of Western Civilization”

“From History as Propaganda: It is commonly understood that Propaganda is usually employed to garner citizens’ support for current political objectives. But, these need to be placed in the proper context, in order to make them appear justified within the greater scheme of things. This fact has long been recognized, and therefore, since the eighteenth century, there has been a concerted effort to consolidate the media, in order to ensure a perception of reality, that was commensurate with the objectives of the powers that be.

Part of this agenda has been the re-writing of history, to nurture patriotic devotion to the collective consisting of the nations of Europe and America as “Western Civilization”, to be pitted in opposition with some specific “other”….. The wholesale reorganization of history was undertaken at the beginning of the nineteenth century by the leading Robber Barons. After the Civil War, the US government handed over huge tracks of land to specific individuals, who then used that land as collateral to build the railroads. The leading Robber Barons were John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, who in turn were acting on behalf of the powerful Rothschilds in London.

From “The Myth of Western Civilization:” This idea was in the service of secret societies, most notably the Illuminati, whose goal was the eradication of Christianity, and its replacement with secular rule. Therefore, “liberty”, represented “freedom” from religion. A traditional interpretation of history according to the Bible was replaced by a version that proposed that humanity has been evolving towards secularism.”

“Illuminati, Islam & Terrorism with David Livingstone”

9) Hypothesis #74: Kabbalah is an age-old pagan system of black magic that worships the golden calf, sex, and the God of the Canaanites (i.e., the Dying God, that is, the God of the Underworld who dies and resurrects and is normally considered to be Lucifer). Ideas and practices of this cult infused the ancient mystery religions of Egypt and Babylon and informed the Greek philosophers, including Plato, Pythagorus and many others.

Hypothesis #75: “The Kabbalah was derived in the sixth century BC, as an aberration of Judaism, which combined Babylonian magic and astrology…. (The Koran teaches that) although it was claimed the Kabbalah was derived originally from King Solomon, it was demons who taught such things… Borrowing from Jewish themes, therefore, these Kabbalists would seek world domination by arguing that they were preparing the world for the coming of the Messiah, and merely aiding God in bringing about His promise to institute them as rulers of the world. Having rejected the Jewish faith, however, they did not await the real Messiah, but would seek to establish their own ruler, who they would falsely claim as messiah, who would aid them in implementing the global acceptance of their occult creed.

Thus. Kabbalah is an aberration of Judaism which disguises itself as Jewish but, in fact, is a strategy/practice of Jewish heretics to seek world domination and the eradication of existing religions in favor of the universal worship of Lucifer, and

Hypothesis #76: Kabbalah derives from the teaching of demons in ancient Babylon.

Hypothesis #77: The Illuminati are descended from the Fallen Angels, from whom they learned the Kabbalah, or “Ancient Wisdom.” These “Fallen Angels” intermarried with human beings and produced a race, according to the Bible, known as the Anakim. These other-worldly beings first introduced humanity to the occult arts, including astrology, magic, and alchemy.

Hypothesis #78: While awaiting the advent of their expected “messiah” (presumably the “anti-Christ” of Christianity), these Luciferians have been carefully intermarrying amongst each other, and have included among them many of the leading figures of history.

Hypothesis #79: “These families were responsible for the creation and dissemination of a leading mystery school of the Roman Empire, the Mysteries of Mithras, which eventually succeeded in co-opting the emerging Christian movement, by producing Catholic Christianity.

… A secret, or Gnostic, version of Christianity, also derived from Mithraism, survived to compete with Catholicism, in the form of several secret societies, like the Templars, Rosicrucians and Freemasons, practicing occult arts, or what is known as “witchcraft.” This tradition was perpetuated by the most popularized branch of the Luciferian bloodline, the Merovingians. Symbolized by the Holy Grail, the Merovingians, after intermarrying into the family of a Jewish Exilarch, or claimant to the Jewish throne, culminated in all the leading families of the Crusades.”

Hypothesis #80: “Today, fronted by the powerful banking dynasties of Europe, the Illuminati exercise supremacy over the world’s governments, as well as their economies, and even their cultures. Ultimately, the Illuminati are an international network, existing in a parallel world, straddled between fronts of legitimacy, and activities on the black market and in the underground. Their method of conquest is to wholly demoralize the societies of the world, wrecking their very fabric, by promoting every vice, including sexual depravity, greed, and war. By enslaving the nations of the world through colossal debt, they ensure subservience, and guarantee the slow transfer of their sovereignty to global government. By encouraging stock market speculation they siphon off the wealth of the ignorant masses. In the end, by creating a global economic cataclysm of untold magnitude, they intend to demonstrate to humanity their own ineptitude, and offer their reign as salvation, by implementing a global fascist state, to be governed by their expected messiah.”

Hypothesis #81: “Kabbalist/Luciferians control banking, media, culture, and the official version of history. They intend to create a global economic cataclysm and World War III by orchestrating a “Clash of Civilizations” between the West and the Muslim world. Following these man-man catastrophes, they plan to implement a global fascist state, to be governed by their expected “messiah.”

Hypothesis #82: The Kabbalist/Luciferians fund their covert activities by dominating the world of illegal arms dealing, narcotics trafficking, and prostitution. They work in concert with the world’s leading intelligence services, international crime syndicates, and Freemasons and numerous other secret societies. And they are responsible for the emergence of numerous radical cults.

Hypothesis #83. The underlying basis or rite of Kabbalah is child sacrifice. Other rites include intoxication, black magic, theurgy (summoning of spirits), witchcraft, and other forms of human and animal sacrifice. These practices have been used by secret societies and occult groups for thousands of years.

Hypothesis #84: The entire human population is now being “Satanized,” that is, inducted, into this pagan cult. This Luciferic plot seeks to debase humanity, destroy all religions, and replace existing religions with the universal worship of Lucifer, the “New World Religion.”

Hypothesis #85: Kabbalistic beliefs and practices are at the core of a host of subversive movements, including the Knights Templar, Freemasonry, Martinism, the Sabbatean movement of Sabbatai Zevi (false Jewish messiah of 1666), the Jewish/Turkish Donmeh sect, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the (Jewish) Frankist movement, the Illuminati, the Asiatic Brethren (successors to the Illuminati), the Moslem Brotherhood (Islamic Brotherhood), Synarchism, Sufism, Theosophy, the Ba’hai religion (a British operation), the Thule Society and Nazism (German operations), the Order of the Golden Dawn, the Order Templi Orientalis (O.T.O.), The Aquarian Conspiracy/New Age Movement, and the America Straussian neoconservative movement. In turn, communism and fascism are products of Sabbatean occultism, etc.

Hypothesis #86: Kabbalah is characterized by the belief that humans are Gods and by the practice of contacting discarnate entities through rituals.

Hypothesis #87: Since its inception, Christianity has been the primary focus of hatred and subversion by Kabbalists and Kabbalistic systems.

Hypothesis #88: Mystical (esoteric) traditions within the various religions have at their core the communication with discarnate entities. In Freemasonry, the disincarnate entities appealed to are called “unknown superiors;” in Theosophy, they are called “Ascended Masters,” etc.

Hypothesis #89: Occult, intelligence, and New Age groups are intertwined today such that MKULTRA, the “UFO phenomena,” and the channeling of jinn (demons) are basically the same phenomena.

Hypothesis #90: ‘Synarchism’ is the belief that society should be ruled by the mystics of secret societies who are in contact with the Gods of Agartha/Shambhala, who populate the “hollow earth.” These “gods” are discarnate entities always identified with the fallen angels and their leader, Lucifer. ‘Synarchism’ is the basis of Theosophy, Nazism, the New Age Movement, the CIA’s MKULTRA and remote view programs, and many other modern off-shoots of Kabbalah.

Hypothesis #91: Satanic Ritual Abuse and mind-control programming based on Kabbalah are primary means by which the Kabbalist/Luciferian elite “Satanize” their own children, thereby creating “super-agents” to help advance New World Order objectives.

Hypothesis #92: Information provided by Livingstone allows us to better understand why Jesus identified this cult as the “Synagogue of Satan” (Revelations 2:9 and Revelations 3:9).

Hypothesis #93: The above information allows us to speculate that Crestone/Baca is an officially designated place where theurgic activity is ongoing. Based on the basic premise of synarchism, information and directives gained from contact with discarnate entities here could be passed along to political and spiritual leaders. (This might explain the comment attributed to Henry Kissinger that: “We will rule the world from here (the Baca)”).

Hypothesis #94: Nations such as the United States are controlled by military/intelligence personnel on behalf of this global Satanic cult.

9) Conclusions: Based on information compiled in this series, ALL of the above conclusions are confirmed, with the exceptions of Hypotheses 76 and 77. Even so, Hypothesis 76, which states that Kabbalah derives from the teachings of demons in ancient Babylon, and Hypothesis 77, that the Illuminati themselves are a separate race, that is a race of hybrid human/demons, seem possible. An alternative explanation to Hypothesis 77 is that Illuminati members are “Satanized” via Satanic Ritual Abuse/mind control, at which time various demons are installed into their mental structures and sub-alter personalities as per Hypothesis 91.

Hypothesis #93, that Crestone/Baca functions as a site for synarchistic channeling of directives and information from disincarnate spirits remains a very logical speculation at this point. Hypothesis #94, that nations are basically controlled by intelligence agencies on behalf of the global Satanic government is born out by an enormous amount of evidence and is thus, here confirmed.

Prior to conducting this research project, I would have maintained that discarnate entities probably do not exist. However, this investigation seems to indicate that: 1) they are real, 2) they are able to take control (possess) human beings to varying extents, and 3) their “intelligence” and directives are sought not only by some spiritual leaders but by intelligence agencies and the global elite, as well.

10) Oxford-trained, senior financial reporter and Christian author, Christopher Storey (real name Edward Harle), has compiled a remarkable synthesis of information essential to understanding our modern world, including its geo-political, religious, and occult aspects, in “The New UnderWorld Order: The Triumph of Criminalization, Dark Actors Playing Games, Global Fantasies of the Geo-Masontic Illuminati” (2006) ( As Livingstone does, Storey emphasizes the primary role of “synarchy,” or rule by secret societies in world events and politics. And like some other researchers (Higham, 1983; Yeadon and Hawkins, 2007; Farell, 2006; Simpson, 1988, and Riggs in Appendix 12), Storey places the locus of the global Satanic conspiracy in Germany and traces this operation back to the establishment of the Bavarian Illuminati in 1776. Storey’s critical insights concerning the relationship between geo-politics, organized crime, and secret societies include the following:

“THE NEW UNDERWORLD ORDER is a world in which official criminality, driven by bribery and corruption, is the norm among all layers of governance. At the vast intergovernmental level, the Rule of Law does not apply – a state of affairs which is exploited to the full under cover of a facade of hypocritical official rectitude. But at the country level, it is ruthlessly relied upon by corrupt intelligence cadres when it suits their interests – and equally ruthlessly flouted by operatives and officials most of the time, on the cynical basis that ‘everyone is doing it’. In particular, ‘everyone’ is engaged in perpetrating crimes against humanity – in the form of drug-trafficking operations, which are controlled by the competing and simultaneously collaborating intelligence services of the Great Powers in order to finance their corrupt operations, and to sustain the corrosive and subversive global hegemony activities of the llluminati, of which intelligence communities form, wittingly or unwittingly, the backbone, as they consist essentially of esoteric secret societies. This study, then, is about the rampant global corruption in high places arising from the free-wheeling, unrestrained abominations of the system of synarchy – rule by secret societies.”

Although focused mainly on the United States and Britain, the Author addresses the consequences of official criminalism worldwide – showing that it flourishes in surprising places, such as the Vatican. He begins by exposing the lie that greets all who enter the Langley headquarters of the CIA; shows how the perverse influence of the occultic secret societies at Yale University has successfully institutionalized poisonously reprobate attitudes and mentalities- originating in Germany- from generation to generation, infecting cadres at the highest levels and influencing the whole of society for the worse; and identifies the links between the Yale synarchy system and the drug trade, which is the primary financing source for the llluminati.

In Chapter 4, The Hex of Himmler, the Author shows how the same perverse German influence has corrupted the CIA – and follows this with a documented expose of German Freemasonry (The House of Lucifer). Chapter 6, entitled The Angels of Light, shows how the Evil One resides within, and controls, prominent ‘religious’ organizations, alienating billions from the Way, the Truth and the Life. Chapter 7 – The Synagogue of Satan – exposes the llluminati from historical documents, and paves the way for the Author’s detailed analysis of The Thousand-Year Reich, which German secret ‘Black’ intelligence, based at Dachau, near Munich, is building on what it considers to represent ‘the ruins of the United States’. Accordingly, the identity of our continuing common enemy is clearly revealed.

“…. It can reasonably be argued that the title of this book is perhaps misleading, because the ‘New World Order’ global scam is nothing new… (but) any such criticism fails to take account of the real meaning of the slogan ‘New World Order’. The World Revolution is not actually about establishing a ‘new form’ (to cite Lenin) of ‘world order’, but rather about the ‘Order’ which is to be imposed by the New World – by which is meant the United States, which is the military enforcement arm of The Order. The word ‘Order’ is a tell-tale clue as to what is really happening. All secret societies using ‘The Order’ belong to the Illuminati, which in turn is the primary manifestation of a shadowy ‘Order of the Quest’, dedicated philosophically to maximizing ‘human happiness’ without God. The Jesuits call themselves The Order. Opus Dei refers to itself as The Order. The Yale-based Skull and Bones is The Order. The even more reprobate Ordo Templi Orientis styles itself The Order. Scratch around for secret societies labeled ‘The Order’, and you will immediately see the significance of the word ‘Order’. Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels, a former Cistercian monk who was excommunicated because of his homosexual activities and who flew an occult swastika above his castle in Austria in 1907, founded the Ordo Novi Templi (‘Order of the New Temple’) which specialized in merging Luciferian occultism with violent anti-Semitism. According to the Austrian psychologist Wilhelm Daim, Lanz was the ‘father’ of National Socialism’- an assessment which falls short of the reality that Fascism was developed many years earlier on behalf of the Illuminati by one of the ‘two Karls’ – Professor Karl Ritter, of Frankfurt University (the other Karl, of course, being Karl Marx, who was briefed to elaborate the dialectical ‘antithesis’ to Fascism – Communism, first tried out in Paris).

According to Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams, ‘the “SS” symbol was originally used by Guido von List, a close associate of Lanz, who formed the Guido von List Society in Vienna in 1904. The Guido von List Society was accused of practicing a form of Hindu Tantrism which featured sexual perversion in its rituals. This form of sexual perversion was popularized in occult circles by a reprobate British intelligence officer named Aleister Crowley who, according to the Hitler biographer J. Sydney Jones, enjoyed “playing with black magic and little boys”. List was accused of being the Aleister Crowley of Vienna. Like Lanz, List was an occultist; he wrote several books on the magick principles of rune letters (from which he chose the “SS” symbol). In 1908, von List “was unmasked as the leader of a blood brotherhood which went in for sexual perversion and substituted the swastika for the cross”. The Nazis borrowed heavily from List’s occult theories and research. List also formed an elitist occult priesthood called the Armanen Order, to which Hitler himself may have belonged.

This further Order, like all the myriad other secret societies using the term ‘Order’, either overtly or covertly, to denote their status, belonged therefore to the system of synarchy (rule, or intended rule, by secret societies) developed by the revamped (Order of the) Illuminati – which was first exposed by the former Illuminist, Professor John Robison, of Edinburgh University, in his classic work ‘Proofs of a Conspiracy’ (1798). These innumerable secret societies represented, and represent today, cells and cadres of the Illuminati who, their Jesuit-trained Jewish 18th century re-founder, Professor Adam Weishaupt, decreed, must always operate under false flags, so that official opposition to and penetration of the llluminati is permanently frustrated. Working to instructions from the Rothschild Family, Weishaupt ‘devised’, Professor Robison explained, ‘an ingenious vehicle for world conquest – a secret Order – which would prove immensely attractive to other mentally superior beings of a similar frame of mind. He called it the llluminati Order, and grafted it, at selected points, onto Freemasonry – like a fungus’. Freemasonry was to be the primary host for this parasitical secret globalist organization. ‘The Order of the Illuminati’ – promoting ‘free-thinking’ and every abomination from self-murder (suicide) to abortion and pedophilia on the basis of the motto of ‘Do as Thou Wilt’ later promulgated by Crowley, one of its blackest offspring – ‘appears as an accessory to Freemasonry.

Freemasonry was selected for this task by Weishaupt because of its established system of Lodges, its initiations by secret ritual, and its structure designed to entice and indoctrinate successive generations of dupes into and through its ranks. Once enticed into this nexus, those rising up the initiation ladder in and beyond the three basic ‘Blue Degrees’, where the exploited Masonic masses congregate, are exposed to occultic and demonic activities and accordingly open themselves up to infestation or even to possession by evil spirits. As taught by the Jesuits – among whom Weishaupt, though of Jewish extraction, was educated – all members of The Order, and of its sub-Orders, would spy on each other in perpetuity.

Certain 18th century German Masonic Lodges, Robison reiterated, ‘were the nursery or preparation-school for another Order of Masons, who called themselves the Illuminated, and… the express aim of this Order was to abolish Christianity, and overturn all civil Government…. The Order was said to abjure Christianity…. Sensual pleasures were restored to the rank they held in the Epicurean philosophy. Self-murder (suicide) was justified on Stoical principles. Abortion was to be encouraged, given the sexual license secretly advocated by The Order. And all manner of subtle, gross deception devices, ‘inventions of evil things’ [Romans, 1:30], abominations and scamming and entrapment techniques, with which students of the oppressive intelligence communities are only too familiar these days, were to be developed. One of Weishaupt’s closest associates, criminal court Judge Zwack (Weishaupt’s Illuminati correspondent ‘Cato’), laid these plans out in a document dated 1778, cited by Professor Robison. They included a proposal for the establishment of wife-swapping, woman-sharing and prostitution arrangements, controlled secretly by Illuminati Brothers: ‘It will be of great service, and procure us both much information and money, and will suit charmingly the taste of many of our truest members, who are lovers of the [female] sex’. And given that the essence of Illuminism is dialectical double-mindedness, not least to maximize confusion among the ‘profane’, ‘it should consist of two classes, the virtuous, and the freer hearted (i.e. those who fly out of the common tract of prudish manners); they must not know of each other, and must be under the direction of men, but without knowing it. Proper books must be put into their hands, and such (but secretly) as are flattering to their passions.’

In the Illuminized German Lodges, death was declared [to be] an eternal sleep; patriotism and loyalty were called narrow-minded prejudices, and incompatible with universal [fake, cold] benevolence; while continual declamations were made on liberty and equality as the inalienable rights of men. The baneful influence of accumulated property was declared an insurmountable obstacle to the happiness of any nation’… and…

They concluded by saying that the method of education’ [in accordance with Luciferian Jesuit principles] ‘made them all spies on each other, and on all around them.

The crucial modus operandi of The Order of the Illuminati – a ‘superior’ secret society in its own right which has over 1.1 million members, bound by Satan, in the United States alone * – has been, ever since its re-founding and ‘upgrading’ by Weishaupt in Germany, which remains the delegated seat of the Illuminati today –to surround rulers and power-brokers with members of The Order so that ‘the profane’ – that is to say, those of us of independent mind who, by the Grace of God, have been bypassed by these evil manipulators, to the detriment no doubt of our own careers and prosperity – can never access high places or occupy positions of real authority and power. If, by some accident, any such individual should reach high office and his or her true orientation is unmasked, he or she is targeted for destruction….

Those who seek power or possess political ambition but whose souls have not yet been sold to Satan (The Illuminati), have no chance of ever wielding it – making of course a complete nonsense of ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’ which are words that the Illuminati use as slogans to bamboozle the hoi polloi, whom of course they fundamentally despise.

*According to Cisco Wheeler, a former Illuminati mind-control programmer, at least ten million people have been programmed as mind-controlled slaves using Himmlerian and Tavistock Institute-derived trauma-based mind-control programs with codenames such as MONARCH and MK-ULTRA. Al Bielek, who was instrumental in developing the Montauk Project (non-trauma-based, electronic means of mind-control), has stated that there may also be as many as ten million victims of Montauk-style mind-control programming worldwide, with the majority living in the United States. Bielek also… revealed that there are covert Montauk Programming ‘Centers’ in every important city in America.

What is usually referred to as ‘public opinion’ is really carefully crafted and scripted propaganda designed to elicit an intended behavioral response from the general public. Public opinion polls are taken specifically with the covert intention of gauging the public’s acceptance of pre-planned Illuminati operations and projects. A strong showing in opinion polls tells the Illuminati manipulators that a given programming operation is ‘taking’, while a poor outcome tells the New Underworld Order manipulators that they need to recast or ‘tweak’, the programming until the desired response is achieved. While the general thrust and content of a given burst of controlled propaganda is decided by the London-based Tavistock Institute, according to sources, implementation of the propaganda in the United States is handled by more than 200 controlled ‘think tanks’ such as the CIA’s RAND Corporation and the Brookings Institution, which are overseen and directed by the leading New World Order control organization in the United States, the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), located at Menlo Park, CA. The Author, who has visited the United States frequently every year since 1977, has never – repeat, NEVER – encountered a single ‘think tank’, lobbying organization or specialized media outlet that is not controlled in some manner, with an instrumental axe to grind. This grim state of affairs has been exacerbated in recent years by the emergence of more than 300 controlled intelligence Information Warfare websites which exist to spread disinformation, propagate confusion and divert attention from questionable or downright evil official policies, so that no-one can fathom what is happening.”

(Following Finton Dunn,, Storey identifies the following websites in his list of “CIA Fake Websites”).


“And as Professor Robison concluded, citing Weishaupt himself again: ‘”Thus we are able most powerfully to promote [The Order’s] interests. If any person is more disposed to listen to Princes than to The Order, he is not fit for it, and must rise no higher. We must do our utmost to procure the advancement of Illuminati into all important civil offices. This objective has long since been attained – so that the ‘democratic system’ has become a plaything of The Order of the Illuminati, which has hidden behind the ‘conspiracy theory’ lie for so long that contemporary exposures such as this book have evidently come as a bleak surprise to its crazed leadership. As is well known, anyone who ventures into this undergrowth is immediately excoriated variously as a ‘nutcase’, a ‘maverick’ (the word routinely used by brainwashed British journalists to describe colleagues such as this Author who don’t share their ‘slides’- that is, any prefabricated, sterile views they may hold), or else a ‘conspiracy theorist’. According to this fatuous perception, there is no such thing as a conspiracy. In denigrating all conspiracies as fantasies by definition, so that further enquiry is thereby precluded, the Illuminati have successfully hidden their own mammoth conspiracy which is of proportions without historical precedent, from view: or so they foolishly imagine.

Yet Lenin, one of the Illuminati’s most notoriously influential agents, explicitly wrote that the World Revolution is a conspiracy. Specifically in ‘What is to be Done?’ in ‘Burning Questions of Our Movement’10, V. I. Lenin expounded, with his usual nit-picking language pedantry: ‘…In form, such a strong revolutionary organization… may also be described as a “conspiratorial” organization, because the French word “conspiration” is the equivalent of the Russian word “zavogor” (“conspiracy”), and such an organization must have the utmost secrecy’.

As the Illuminati (advanced) a conspiracy to subvert Freemasonry and to focus it on the task of secretly agitating for the world dominion of the Kabbalah (the Babylonian derivative of the ‘Ancient Mysteries’) by all means.

However, the Nazi International’s heirs and the Zionists “agree.” Their ideology is identical, as the behavior of the Likud Government in Israel testifies. Many leading Holocaust operatives were conspicuously Jewish…

In crucial respects, the present work is spiritual, because what we will be examining here are the very ‘principalities and powers’ that wage war against the Way, the Truth and the Life – the Word of Jesus Christ, who is their sole enemy. Foolishly, these people imagine that they can and will destroy Christianity – which can never happen, given Christ’s assurances to us that ‘Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world’ [Matthew, 28: 20] and ‘Heaven and earth shall pass away; but my words shall not pass away’ [Matthew, 24:35] – knowing that much of the formal fabric represented by the manmade Christian denominations is putrid, soggy and rotten, especially the Vatican (and its corrupt daughter churches) which, with the ascendancy of the refounder of the modern mafia, Giuseppe Mazzini, and the establishment of the sovereign Vatican mini-state, became one of two primary political organizing centres of the Illuminati’s World Revolution from 1870 onwards. Mazzini’s ‘partner’ was the occultist mass murderer and American Civil War criminal, Albert Pike, with whom Mazzini ‘divided powers’, leaving Pike to concentrate on his gobbldegook, magick, the elaboration of Scottish Rite rituals, fake mythology and initiation ceremonies, to invoke spirits, and to plan three great catastrophes. The first two of these materialized in the formats of the First and Second World Wars, and the third is unfolding ‘as we speak’, setting the Jews against Islam for the ‘final’ Luciferian conflagration. Pike developed these demonic plans, probably under Satanic influence, at a mansion that he built for himself located in Little Rock, the headquarters today of the Rose Law Firm with which Mrs. Hillary Clinton (codename ‘Queen Melusina’) is associated. And, as Weishaupt wrote to his correspondent: ‘By this plan we shall direct all mankind. In this manner, and by the simplest means, we shall set all in motion and in flames. The occupations must be so allotted and contrived, that we may, in secret, influence all political transactions.’

The Illuminati require that their black intentions, driven by the ‘seething energies of Lucifer’ must remain hidden from all investigators, and from the curious, for all time. In the course of research for this book, the Author has been told by several US Illuminati sources that ‘none of this must ever come out’. Although this statement was made and repeated in the context of the Author’s separate investigations into the Illuminati’s hidden financial scamming operations, it was meant also to be relevant to the subject matter of this book – which has, of course, necessarily relied heavily not only upon the Author’s own research, but also upon the prior work of recognized authorities, including certain Masonic writers who have themselves revealed secrets of the Brotherhood.

…the most nauseating characteristic of all dimensions of German-originated Illuminati operations and of all agentur members – (is) their double-mindedness (ETK note: see Appendix 10). With certain exceptions, such as Ordo Templi Orientis, which does not even bother to present a ‘benevolent’ facade, all Illuminati open and/ or secret societies present an outward, beneficial and benevolent face for public consumption, while masking of course their hidden evil purposes. The open, friendly facade (the Vatican is known as the Open Friendly Society) is the cynical deception device to divert public attention from the real purposes of the organization’s existence. Often it is not hard to identify the underlying nefarious dimension – as is the case, for instance, with the massive networking and mind-mapping operation run out of what was the Office of the (former) UK Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, calling itself ‘Common Purpose’. Neither word used in this title is defined, of course, because if the true objectives of this subversive mind-control nexus were known, it would fail. Its hidden objective, masked behind a facade of ‘sensible’-sounding Aesopian jargon, is to develop a cadre of brainwashed apparatchiks in every key control-sector of British society, in order to minimize, over time, opposition from the lower government, banking, industrial and other structures to the subversive policies being implemented by the Fabian revolutionary British Government. Under the controlled Tony Blair, its entire focus was/is to fulfill the requirements of secret German strategy manipulated through penetrations of the intelligence services – controlled by the German ‘Black’ intelligence organisation based in Dachau known as DVD (Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst.)

And the dreadful reality is that the United States is the ‘enforcement arm’ of The Order, which is to be imposed by the New World. That this is the case is revealed by study of works by the 33rd Degree Mason and occultist Manly P. Hall, who identified Sir Francis Bacon as the most influential transmission mechanism of the Rosicrucian paganism from which Illuminism is descended, the origins of which have been traced to 14th century Germany. Having concluded that the ‘Old World’ – contemptuously referred to by present-day US Illuminists as ‘Old Europe’ – was not ‘ready’ to adopt the pagan ‘Ancient Mysteries’ for which ‘Do as Thou Wilt’ is an accurate proxy, Bacon set about promoting the idea that it was to be in the New World that his pagan ‘Ancient Mysteries’ prescriptions would triumph. Yet it was only in the 1920s that the United States adopted the insignia of The Order of the Illuminati on the most widely used US banknote, the $1.00 bill – reproducing the Luciferian, occultic image which appears on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States.

The hideous all-seeing eye, which is to be found in all occult ‘religions’, is also the symbol of the spy system that Weishaupt established under the subtitle of ‘Insinuating Brethren’ to guard the ‘secret’ of The Order – namely the intention of destroying Christianity and of establishing a global dictatorship – and to terrorise the population into resigned acceptance of rule by
the synarchy (precisely as is happening in the United States and Britain). The Illuminati criminals lust after global control so that they can be protected from exposure and punishment.

These people are capable of anything. The two most heinous Illuminati regimes to date have of course been Stalin’s USSR, and Nazi Germany. But by far the worse Illuminati regime ever to have been developed in human history may be emerging ‘as we speak’. It is the United States. As one European friend of the Author, long resident in the United States, has explained: ‘The Nazi/Illuminati dictatorship that will emerge in the United States will be by far the worst that mankind has ever perpetrated’. This study seeks to help delay or even to neutralize any such Luciferian outcome.

The American Republic can be saved. It can be wrested from the hands of these amoral, serial criminalists. The ‘white hats’ in the intelligence community, and their colleagues and supporters throughout the US structures, can perfectly well summon up the collective will to terminate the reign of these people, to face them down, and to cease relying exclusively upon the pro bono activism of private foreign friends of the United States, for the progress that needs to be made. The Author believes in ‘the power of one’. Even one person, properly guided and motivated, can achieve decisive results, as the Author has been able to do in connection with certain key developments not addressed (for security reasons) in this study. Despondency is unwarranted, as these people are all deeply discontented – and in their rational moments, would wish that the aspirations for salvation expressed here could be realized, and their hellish existence terminated. For, as indicated, the end that these Luciferians face, and their sole product, is death.

The Kabbalah is Occult Science itself, the secret Satanic theology of the initiates. So, when the ‘ascending’ Mason reaches the Kabbalistic Degrees, he becomes involved in Satanic invocations – as the Kabbalah, the Babylonian secret religion which has polluted Judaism and Freemasonry, teaches magic, or the art of intercourse with spirits and supernatural beings. The rare work by Manly P. Hall to which references have been made contains specific instructions on how to summon the Devil himself. Any such activity, which is typically facilitated by drug-taking, is extremely dangerous, opening the perpetrator to the possibility of demonic infestation, even possession. Once possessed, the victim can only escape by a stupendous exercise of will and through the acknowledgement of the supremacy, with his or her own lips, of Jesus Christ – the one and only Name to which Evil Spirit will respond, and of which it is terrified. No human being can fully understand why it is that these spiritual phenomena exist. However this Author realized the truth of these matters as soon as he understood what has been stated above – namely, that it is a well-attested fact, acknowledged by all genuine, prayerful exorcists, that there is precisely ONE, and ONLY ONE, means of casting out devils – and that is through the Name and commandment of Jesus Christ. Only those who are ‘right with Christ’ can perform exorcisms in safety.

Luciferian occultism is nothing new: it was the work of Satan from the foundation of the world, and thus also from the beginning of Christianity; and it was established by him precisely to undermine and pollute it. Its earliest generic title was Gnosticism….”

In a speech on “European Union Corruption” on Oct. 31, 2009, featured on BBC5 TV, Storey noted:

There is a two-pronged attack on the “main enemy.” The main enemy according to the Germans and the Soviets is Britain and the United States. The main weapon against Britain is the European Union collective. And the weapon against the United States is the penetration of the CIA and its affiliates with the German/Himmler scientists and intelligence officers who were brought over after (WWII) when the “De-Nazification” program was scrapped in 1946. If you look up ‘Operation Paperclip,’ that was the first major transfer of Nazis into the United States. What happened was that the US intelligence power was taken over by a German Nazi Fifth Column who have been running the show ever since. Now Kissinger, I believe, is the key to this. He is a triple agent (US, Germany, and Soviet Union) and an alleged Illuminati and DVD kingpin. He was instrumental in persuading President Ford to dismiss William Colby as DCI (Director of Central Intelligence) in favor of George H.W. Bush. Bush is the representative in the United States of Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD), which is the German black agency based in Dachau. The German operation against the United States has been run by the DVD behind the scenes and the same applies to the operation against the United Kingdom.

The DVD advises the German chancellor. The DVD is running our lives and is the enemy within the enemy. We know this from the Madrid Circular Letter, recovered in 1951. This document contains the following slogan. “For us, the war never ended.” They are Trotskyites, Mao Tse-tung perpetual war advocates. When we are dealing with the EU we are dealing with Germany.

This DVD structure has no spiritual content at all. This entity is not connected to our spiritual existence because it is of Satan, who is the author of lies and confusion….

There is a sizeable Jewish (Khazar) element within prominent European royal houses. For instance, the House of Hanover has always appeared to be German, but is in fact Jewish, as are other European Royal Houses, such as those of Hapsburg and Hohenzollern. Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands, whom some say is the head of the ‘Black Nobility’ families, is alleged to possess veto power over the choice of Pope, a privilege arising from his status as the head of the Hapsburg family, descended from the last Roman Emperor -the Hapsburg Frederick UJ having been the last Emperor to have been crowned in Rome: his great-grandson, Charles V, was the last to have been crowned by a Pope. Charlemagne’s crown, a replica of which is part of the Imperial Hapsburg Regalia, is said to have borne the inscription ‘Rex Salomon’, according to the ‘Encyclopaedia Britannica’ [14th Edition, 1972, Crown and Regalia, Figure 2]. While remaining on guard against historical invention, revisionism and disinformation, one perception is that the Hapsburg House of Orange originated in France. The Hapsburgs were related through marriage with the Merovingians, thought by revisionists to have been descended from the Israelite Tribe of Benjamin…

Another line of enquiry allocates the ‘Black Nobility’s primary derivation from the oligarchic families of Venice and Genoa, who enjoyed privileged monopoly trading rights in the 12th century. During the first of three Crusades, lasting from 1063 to 1123, the power of the Venetian Black Nobility was established; and the aristocracy had secured complete control over Venice by 1171, when the appointment of the Doge was transferred to a Great Council consisting of members of the new banking and commercial aristocracy, including members of the infamous de Medici family. In 1204, the oligarchic families parceled out feudal enclaves to their members. The term ‘Black Nobility’ is derived from this mediaeval elite’s routine resort to dirty tricks, secret assassinations, murder, blackmail, the bearing of false witness, the bankrupting of opponents or commercial competitors, kidnapping, child molestation, rape and all the other abominations that are routine among certain intelligence community cadres today. Although sources do not attribute drug-running to these families, it is inconceivable that drugs
were not also among their specialties.

The principal ‘Black Nobility’ families, with extensive Jewish content, as most of their names reveal – due to the pre-eminence of Jewish (Khazar) bankers and monopoly merchants among those who consolidated power in city states and principalities all over Europe during the Middle Ages – are listed as: The House of Windsor (Guelph), Britain; The Belgian House of Wettin; The Swedish House of Bernadotte; The House of Liechtenstein; The House of Oldenberg, Denmark; The House of Hohenzollern, Germany; The House of Hanover, Germany (second in importance to the House of Guelph (Windsor); The House of Bourbon, France; The House of Orange, Netherlands (William of Orange was originally the Jew William Stradholder who was first elevated to the rank of Captain-General of the Dutch Forces); The House of Grimaldi, Monaco; The House of Wittelsbach, Germany; The House of Braganza, Portugal; The House of Nassau, Luxembourg; The Austrian House of Hapsburg; The House of Savoy, Italy; The House of Karadjordevic, Yugoslavia; The House of Wurttemberg, Germany; and The House of Zogu, Albania. All the listed families are connected with the House of Guelph, one of the original Venetian ‘Black Nobility’ families. The Guelphs are so intertwined with the House of Hanover that the various connections would take pages to elaborate. Almost all European royal houses originate from the House of Hanover and accordingly from the Guelphs, fountainhead of the ‘Black Nobility’. Without reviewing the issue of rights to rule that ‘Black Nobility’ families continue to claim, the key point for our purposes here is that these people refuse to recognize any government other than what they historically consider to be their own ‘divine right’ to rule (handed down in the secular realm in parallel with the apostolic succession in the spiritual realm). Therefore, they are said to consider that the United States continues to belong to Great Britain, for instance.

Every European royal and so-called noble dynasty, past and present, has a representative on the ‘Committee of 300’ which,
according to Dr John Coleman, was established in the 18th century, although its present form was assumed in 1897 (at the First Zionist Congress in Bazel, Switzerland). Dr. Coleman was unable to bring forward documentary proof of this Committee’s existence, perhaps because of fear of assassination. But writing in a publication printed in Vienna (24th December 1921), the Jewish financial adviser to the Rothschilds and Socialist politician, Dr. Walter Rathenau, stated that ‘only 300 men, each of whom knows all the others, govern the fate of Europe. They select their successors from their own entourage. These men have the means in their hands of putting an end to [any] form of State which they find unreasonable’. Exactly six months later, Rathenau was assassinated.

Among the old-line ‘ruling families’ which are not actually ‘royal’ at all but which consider that their Jewish (‘Khazar’) or Frankist lineage entitles them to ex officio or, at some stage, co-opted membership of the globalist ruling elite, with some still claiming descent from ancient and ‘Holy’ Roman Emperors, are the following dynasties: Rothschild, Kuhn, Loeb, Lehman, Rockefeller, Sachs, Warburg, Bush, Lazard, Sieff, Goldman, Schiff, Morgan, Schroeder, Harriman, and Du Pont (who actually consider themselves to be descended from Pontius Pilate). Other such families and patriarchs include the Giustiniani family, ‘Black Nobility’ of Rome and Venice who trace their lineage to the Emperor Justinian; the Hambro banking family; Pierpaolo Luzzatti Fequiz, with lineage dating back six centuries to the ancient Luzzattos, ‘Black Nobility’ of Venice; Umberto Ortolani, also from an ancient ‘Black Nobility’ family; the Doria family, financiers of the Spanish Hapsburgs; the French Rothschilds; the late Baron August von Finck; Franco Orsini Bonacassi, of the ancient Orsini ‘Black Nobility’ that traces its lineage to an ancient Roman senator; the Agnellis; the Alba family; and Baron Pierre Lambert, cousin of the Belgian Rothschilds. Among these, there is not a single family that is not of Jewish/Khazar descent.

The Oltramaire family (Swiss ‘Black Nobility’), owners of the Lombard Odier Bank, Geneva, are reported by a US military intelligence source allegedly to finance, historically and to this day, an assassination bureau located in Switzerland. US Amy G-2 records reportedly show this group has been heavily involved in the arms trade to the Middle East, and that it allegedly made no less than 30 attempts to assassinate General de Gaulle, the primary contact man being a certain Jacques Soustelle. He was also identified as the coordinator of the ‘governing’ Illuminati Committee of 300’s transactions and relations with the Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) guerrilla group protecting the European Illuminati’s Peruvian cocaine producers. At all events, the ‘Black Nobility’ families, consisting of Jewish money-lenders who over time usurped the thrones which were indebted to them, are prominent ‘movers and shakers’ among the synarchy. The award by Her Majesty the Queen of an honorary knighthood to George Bush Sr., allegedly perhaps the biggest criminal operative in history, is sadly consistent with this analysis. And one feature of this research emerges time and again, to connect with the ‘double-mindedness’ characteristic of the Illuminati. It is that ‘Black Nobility’ figures, and their newcomer associates such as the Bush family, profess Christianity, but may secretly despise it. In a treatise on ‘The Order of St John of Jerusalem’ (1986), Dr John Coleman wrote that ‘as an example, we find the atheist Lord (Peter) Carr-ington, who pretends to be an Anglican Christian but who is a member of the Order of Osiris and other demonic sects, including Freemasonry, installed as a Knight of the Garter at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II of England, of the Black Nobility Guelphs, and head of the Anglican Church, which she thoroughly despises’. Dr Coleman is among those who have argued that the ‘Christianity’ of these people is false, just as was the professed Christianity of the Spanish Jews who ‘converted’ in order to save their skins in mediaeval Spain, and that they derive their ‘spiritual’ intake from occult-Judaic Freemasonry. This is hard to square with the evident humility and devotion to Jesus Christ of Her Majesty, but not hard to recognize, possibly, from the behavior of certain other prominent members of Britain’s Royal Family,

… The Author’s earlier nominal attempt to separate Weishaupt from the more obviously Jewish strands of Illuminism can therefore be dismissed now, because it can be seen, and authorities have acknowledged, that Illuminism represented the combined secret operations of the heads of the powerful Jewish Kahal [see pages 453-454] which has always striven for political, financial and economic dominance. The ‘open’ sect of the Illuminati had indeed been ‘(re)founded’ by the lapsed Jesuit and Jew, Professor Adam Weishaupt, in , the year of the American Revolution and three years after the Jewish Kahal (‘centre’) in Poland had to go underground when Poland was partitioned. Bernard Lazare, of Jewish extraction, wrote that ‘there were Jews behind Weishaupt’.

And in a listing of Jewish influences behind the French Revolution, Lady Queenborough lists Adam Weishaupt himself: ‘Upon a close study of Illuminism, we find that the destructive forces which culminated in the French Revolution’ were financial, intellectual and anti-Christian, and were all Jewish:

# Financial forces: ‘In the first class, we come upon the names of Jewish financiers such as Daniel Itzig, Friedlander, Ceerfbeer, Benjamin and Abraham Goldsmid, Moses Mocatta [and] Veitel Heine Ephraim’.

# Intellectual forces: ‘In the second category, we find Moses Mendelssohn, Naphtali Wessely, Moses Hersheim…. Frederick Nicolai, Adam Weishaupt, Mirabeau, l’Abbe Gregoire, the Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel and Anacharsis Clootz’.

# Anti-Christian forces: ‘Lastly, the third class is composed mostly of the group known as the Encyclopedists: d’Alembert, Diderot, Rousseau, Voltaire and of all the Kabbalists practicing magic and among whom we find: Martinez Depasqualy, Leucht, the Magus Count of Saint Germain, Falke and Joseph Balsamo surnamed Cagliostro’.

The inclusion in this list of Jewish kabbalists of the Count of Saint Germain is of extreme interest, as certain analysts maintain that the Rosicrucian documents identified as having been composed by Sir Francis Bacon, were elaborated or championed by the Count of Saint Germain (1710-1764), whose other aliases included the Jewish names of Daniel Wolf and Prince Rakosky (Racoczy). A carefully woven and concocted veil of ‘mystery’ has been erected around this character, who is advertised by deluded Masonic illuminati (who profess to ‘believe’ in reincarnation) to be a so-called ‘ascended master’, whose ‘service to humanity’ goes back more than 150,000 years. According to various ‘magickal’ sources, he was born out of wedlock to Queen Elizabeth I, and was named Sir Francis Bacon, and wrote the occult plays attributed to William Shakespeare. Bacon became the leading 16th century proponent of Rosicrucianism. His supposed ‘magick’ existence finds him travelling incognito throughout Europe, winding up as Prince Racoczy of Transylvania (i.e., the Prince of the Jews in that part of the world). Then he transmogrified himself, reappearing as the Comte de Saint Germain in 17th century France. He maintained the same physical appearance throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. His prolonged ‘existence’ is, of course, a fable fabricated to provide a rationale for the occultic practice of alchemy and of the vain ‘quest for immortality, in which Rosicrucians notoriously self-indulge. Marie Antoinette’s Lady-in-Waiting wrote letters about this, several of which are to be found in The Louvre. The Emperor Frederick the Great, one of the most important of all evil historical Illuminists, referred to the Count as ‘the man who never dies’; even at table, when dining with kings, he was never seen to eat. He also supposedly possessed the ability to transmit himself from, say, Paris to India overnight. Records of St Germain’s activities are to be found, allegedly, in French, German, Austrian, Dutch and Danish archives. St Germain was ‘last seen’ in physical form in around 1822, and these days he works in ‘lighter realms’, continuing to ‘help the world’. (Sources for all such idiocy: a biography by Isabel Cooper-Oakley (Theosophical Publishing House, 1912; and ‘Unveiled Mysteries and the Magic Presence’, by Godfrey Ray King (St Germain Press). So powerful, seemingly, is the residual urge to believe in lies, fabrications and magick, that books published on such esoteric inventions actually attract a significant readership. Bookstore chains (at least one of which is a drug money-laundering outlet) add to the confusion by displaying esoteric and magick books alongside dwindling Christian shelves.”

The stated objectives of the secret societies and Masonic organizations originally welded together as the Bavarian Rosicrucian Illuminati which emerged from the Convent or Congress of Wilhelmsbad, were as follows:

1. The destruction of Christianity and of all Monarchical Governments. Explanations: Christianity has to be destroyed (a) because they confuse and misrepresent Christianity with the Roman Catholic Church’s past (and certain continuing) abominations; (b) because the perfect truth of the Word of God through Jesus Christ was rejected by many (but by no means all) of their forebears and they cannot admit they were in error, and also because of ethnic peer-pressure; and (c) more to the point, because True Christianity is completely incompatible with sorcery, magick, astrology, necromancy, the invocation of evil spirits and all the other abominations of Babylon to which their hatred of Christianity has driven them. The destruction of Monarchical Governments is a central objective because they cannot abide absolutism (although a Monarchical form of control is easy to penetrate, as the ‘success’ of Rasputin and the American Jewish female guru sent to destabilize Princess Diana seem to have made clear).

2. The destruction of nation states as such in favour of universal internationalism. Explanation: Impediments in the way of total control are theoretically removed. But in reality, no universal governance system can possibly work, given that all human beings are different – something that irks the Illuminati, who seek by psycho-manipulative, psycho-chemical and social engineering means to create ‘universal man’ equipped with a ‘common mind’. This endeavour is doomed to failure.

3. The discouragement of patriotic and loyal effort which is branded as narrow-minded prejudice, incompatible with ‘goodwill to all men’ and the slogan of ‘Universal Brotherhood’. Comment: This is indeed the fate of those whom in the UK context for instance, see through the European Union fraud [Chapter 8] and seek to extract the United Kingdom from the clutches of this German long-range Illuminati entrapment strategy and systematic coup d’etat by installments.

4. The abolition of family ties and of marriage by means of systematic corruption. Comment: In the United Kingdom, this process has advanced to the stage at which the young generation lacks all shame and is content to take ‘partners’ and to shun marriage, with the media constantly braying that marriage has collapsed, and the Masonic Judiciary assisting the process. This is a key objective of the Illuminati, en route to the destruction of private property, which marriage is deemed to sustain.

5. The suppression of all rights of inheritance and of private property. Comment: As indicated in item 4 above, the destruction of the institution of marriage is intended to prepare the way for the abolition of all private property (Communism). Communism by definition implies and intends the abnegation of private property. Many Jews are naturally Communists because, on balance, they prefer money to property.

The progress made by the Rosicrucian Illuminati with their World Revolution was decisively influenced by the history of the European Jewish and Khazarian diaspora, which effectively established a ‘state within the state’ successively in Babylon, Judea (under the Romans), Galilee, Babylonia, Spain and finally Poland in the 1500s, where a Khazarian population of millions came into being and the ‘centre’ of ‘Jewish’ diaspora governance (the Kahal) was settled. When Poland was partitioned in 1772, this ‘centre’ disappeared inside Russia. In the 19th century it re-emerged as the Jewish International, with two dialectical wings – Communism and Zionism (Fascism).

In other words, with no firm territorial ‘centre’, the Talmudic Kahal resolved finally upon internationalism, facilitated by the parallel Judaicization of Freemasonry consolidated through the merger of the Illuminati with the Lodges. This is The Synagogue of Satan, driven by ‘them which say they are Jews, and are not’, which equated the intended destruction of Christianity with global hegemony achieved by financial manipulation. Since nation states and private property (except for the ‘Chosen’) stand in the way of this agenda, they, along with the very foundations of society such as marriage and the family, are ‘legitimate targets’ and the ‘collateral damage’ of this World Revolution. Accordingly:

• The secret societies and Masonic Lodges are recruiting devices calculated to separate continuing Gentile Christians, of whatever denomination, from the revealed truth that is in Jesus Christ, and to replace True Christianity with the Luciferian, esoteric ‘New Ageism’, magick, spiritism and sorcery in which the Synagogue of Satan specializes.

• These abominations are derived from the Babylonian Kabbalah, and from the Egyptian and Eleusinian mysteries which are foreign to the true Jewish revealed tradition, and echo the final decision of the children of Israel and their Khazarian mimics to abandon the Lord of Hosts in favour of the pagan demon-gods against which they were warned throughout their ancient history – in favour of this Synagogue of Satan.

• Again, as has been seen, Jewish authorities specifically assert that ‘Masonry is Jewish’. It is the primary mechanism for the cynical and duplicitous transmission of Khazarian kabbalistic abominations which have no part in the revealed truth of God as taught in the Torah. The Synagogue of Satan is indeed the habitation of devils.

• The untutored Goy dupes in the Lodge imagine that they are learning the real truth as revealed to the Jews: indeed, they even use a doctored Bible for the purpose. But they have ‘no part nor lot’ with the truth of the Lord of Hosts. Since they take blood and other occult oaths, pledging their loyalty to Satan in some rituals, they are partakers of the Synagogue of Satan and either blindly or knowingly abandon any hope of salvation. As Disraeli candidly asserted through the words of one of his characters in ‘Coningby,’ these dupes do not worship the Lord of Hosts, but rather Lucifer himself. The deepest sense of Christ’s condemnation of such people has to do with their knowing confusion of Christ with Lucifer (devilish inversion of the truth). This practice was alluded to by the French 19th century occultist Bataille, in the following passage (remember, crucially, that these practitioners of occult rituals and initiation ceremonies understand spiritual matters better than many so-called Christians):

‘According to the teaching of the Christian churches, God allows demons certain limited powers, but they are not permitted to open the Gates of Hell and release a spirit at the request of one who evokes the dead. The dead, even damned, will not show
themselves if evoked, nor would evocations be answered by those who had succeeded in attaining the Kingdom of Heaven; but devils can and do, says the Church, substitute themselves for the deceased. They will impersonate a dead person whose appearance is demanded by invocations’.

The ‘mystery of iniquity’ thrives on and exploits confusion, since human beings have free will and, even when blind and living in the spiritual darkness, retain a sufficient knowledge of good and evil never to be powerless to choose between them. This may seem to contradict the theme of this book, which illustrates how the evil people it describes seem to be predisposed always to take the aberrant course. They ‘sit in darkness and in the shadow of [spiritual and physical] death’, fearful of breaking away – even though the single step of true repentance and faith they must take, can be easy and simple.

….. A careful examination of the entire ‘Madrid Circular Letter’ (early 1950s) reveals an iron determination to achieve realization of the Nazi Thousand-Year Reich, even if it takes a thousand years to achieve. In the European theatre, the German geopoliticians envisaged the creation of a united Europe under German domination. In order to achieve this objective, the document elaborated:

‘We have placed our confidential agents, observers, and representatives for special assignments in all groups and parties – even among Communist organizations and their fronts. The greater the number of organizations controlled and influenced by us, the more effective will be the results of our work’ – code for the massive penetration of Western, including US, organizations, think-tanks, parliaments and intelligence services. And several of these agents were to become Prime Ministers of Great Britain. For his part, Edward Heath set about immediately to implement the German Geopolitical Centre’s plan to neutralize and decapitate British power once and for all. The process had started with the Boer War, when the Germans instigated the Boers to fight the British; and it has been going on ever since, extended subsequently to the United States. Canada has its
own problems, with the French DGSE causing endless confusion.

The foregoing statement was accompanied by more boasting about the efficiency of the German Geopolitical Centre in its directing of postwar operations and the worldwide clandestine affairs of the Nazi International:

‘Even after the collapse (in 1945), the National Socialist Part continued to work in a camouflaged way (‘getarnt’) inside dozens of seemingly innocuous societies and groups, in order to keep alive and undiluted the National outlook of the German people. In just the same way as many small brooks go towards making up a mighty stream, the various nationalistic and radical groups in the Zonen-Reich implemented, almost without exception, worthwhile and powerful propaganda. Each of these groups had its special task and had to adjust its work in line with certain situations and circumstances’.

‘However, it was of chief importance to direct the underlying trend of the patriotic propaganda towards the identical objective. The more diverse and unconnected that all these groups appeared to be on the surface, the less they were apt to arouse suspicion that they were directed and influenced by a central organisation’ – which they were.

As for the ideological imperative embedded in these instructions from Madrid, it was epitomized by the following ruthless, merciless, hardnosed Nazi assertions, which are identical to the training received, to this day, by special Illuminati cadres, including US intelligence officers whose allegiances diverge from the interests of the American people:

‘The future of the world will be decided by the conquering force of political ideology. ‘Democracy’ is a wishy-washy term…. No German is willing to fight and die for democracy. The German people, well trained and steeled under National Socialist leadership, are dominated by two sovereign ideas: the concept of a German Reich, and Germany’s mission in the world (‘deutsche Fuhrermission in der Welt’). These two ideas have given our people a powerful driving force for the dynamic execution of their world mission’.

‘The mystical element and the religious tradition embodied in the concept of the Reich, sparks our political mission’. Translation:

1. The concept of a German Reich’ = The European Union Collective

2. ‘Germany’s mission in the world’ = Projection of global influence and power by clandestine means, as described throughout this book.

3. ‘Mystical element’ = Interaction with, and impregnation of strategy and behaviour by the occult, as developed under Himmler, in line with German Illuminati practice.

4. ‘Religious tradition’ = The orientation of German Catholicism, especially, in the service of continuing German (covert Nazi) strategy, embracing idolatry.”

Discussion: Storey’s extensive historical/political/spiritual insights generally corroborate and significantly extend information presented in previous parts of this series. And he provides the major new assertion, in this series at least, that German intelligence, the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD), animated by the spirit and modus operandi of Lucifer and the Bavarian Illuminati, controls American intelligence agencies, and thus, America and the world today. Although my previous findings in this series tend to place the locus of power and corruption in the intelligence nexus comprised of MI6-CIA-Mossad (UK, U.S. and Israel), Storey’s conclusions seem very plausible. For in the murky world of intelligence agencies and spies, nearly all of us can be fooled. The breadth and scope of Storey’s analysis is remarkable and suggests that he could be right. (Of course, we must recall that disinformation typically consists of 90+% truth and 1-10% lies. The trick, then, is in discerning the lies.) Certainly, there is an historic antipathy between the British and German governments and peoples and one might expect British and German partisans to point the finger at their historic adversaries. However, Storey’s analyses, in corroboration with information presented throughout this series, suggests that at the highest levels, both the British and German systems are controlled by the same (occult) international powers, i.e., the Judeo/Masonic/occultic/Synagogue of Satan.

Hypothesis #95: Intelligence services of the Great Powers, consisting essentially entirely of esoteric secret societies, sustain the corrosive and subversive global hegemony activities of the llluminati, primarily through their control of drug-trafficking profits. The “world system” is based on synarchy – rule by esoteric secret societies.

Hypothesis #96: The official “criminalism” of the world system flourishes at all governmental levels and in surprisingly high places, such as the Vatican.

Hypothesis #97: The occult German/Illuminati synarchy system was established in America via the Yale/Skull and Bones occult synarchy system, which spawned the CIA/intelligence synarchy system that rules America today. The Illuminati and each of these Illuminait-spin-off systems are funded, to a large extent, by profits from drug-trafficking.

Hypothesis #98: German secret ‘Black’ intelligence, the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, (DVD) based at Dachau, near Munich, is building their “Thousand Year Reich” on what it considers to represent ‘the ruins of the United States’. The DVD is our common enemy.

Hypothesis #99: The Evil One resides within, and controls, prominent ‘religious’ organizations, alienating billions from the Way, the Truth and the Life, i.e., true Christianity.

Hypothesis #100: The World Revolution/aka “New World Order” is the ‘Order’ which is to be imposed by the New World, that is, the United States, since it is the military enforcement arm of ‘The Order.’ All secret societies that refer to themselves as ‘The Order’ belong to the Illuminati and are dedicated to maximizing ‘human happiness’ without God. Societies that call themselves ‘The Order’ include Jesuits, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones, Ordo Templi Orientis, Ordo Novi Templi, the Armenan Order, and innumerable others. All belong to the system of synarchy, that is, rule, or intended rule, by secret societies.

Hypothesis #101. Fascism and communism were developed as Hegelian “opposites” (thesis-antithesis) on behalf of the Illuminati by Professor Karl Ritter, of Frankfurt University and Satanic Jew, Karl Marx, respectively.

Hypothesis #102: The Nazis borrowed heavily from the occult theories and research of The Guido von List Society, which involved practice of a form of Hindu Tantrism which featured sexual perversion in its rituals. List formed an elitist occult priesthood called the Armanen Order based on “Runology,” or the study of Runes, to which Hitler may have belonged.

Hypothesis #103: The innumerable secret societies represent cells and cadres of the Illuminati who always operate under false flags to prevent official opposition to and penetration of the llluminati. Professor Robison explained that, as per the instructions of the Rothschild Family, Adam Weishaupt ‘devised an ingenious vehicle for world conquest – a secret Order – the llluminati Order,’ and grafted it, at selected points, onto Freemasonry so that Freemasonry became the primary host for this parasitical secret globalist organization.

Hypothesis #104: The structure and secret rituals of Freemasonry are designed to indoctrinate generations of dupes through its ranks. Those who rise beyond the three basic ‘Blue Degrees’ are exposed to occultic and demonic activities and open themselves up to infestation and/or possession by evil spirits.

Hypothesis #105: Weishaupt taught that all members of ‘The Order’ of Illuminati and its sub-Orders would spy on each other in perpetuity.

Hypothesis #106: The aim of ‘The Order’ and ‘The Order of Masons’ was and is to abolish Christianity, and overturn all civil Government…. In place of Christianity, they promote sensual pleasures, self-murder (suicide), abortion, and all manner of subtle, gross deception devices, ‘inventions of evil things’, abominations and scamming and entrapment techniques. Intelligence communities also employ these techniques.

Hypothesis #107: The essence of Illuminism is dialectical double-mindedness, which serves to maximize confusion among the ‘profane,’ that is, those who have not sold their souls to Satan. Two Illuminati classes, then, include the virtuous, and the freer hearted (non-virtuous Satanists). These must not know of each other, and must be under the direction of men, but without knowing it.

Hypothesis #108: The Order of the Illuminati has over 1.1 million members, bound by Satan, in the United States alone, according to Cisco Wheeler, former Illuminati trainer.

Hypothesis #109: Germany remains the delegated center of the Illuminati today.

Hypothesis #110: According to former Illuminati mind-control programmer, Cisco Wheeler, at least ten million people have been programmed as mind-controlled slaves using Himmlerian and Tavistock Institute-derived trauma-based mind-control programs (MONARCH and MK-ULTRA, etc). Another ten million are victims of Montauk-style (electronic) mind-control programming worldwide, with the majority living in the United States, according to Montauk Project developer, Al Bielek. Covert Montauk Programming ‘Centers’ exist in every important city in America.

Hypothesis #111: The crucial modus operandi of the Illuminati is to surround rulers and power-brokers with members of ‘The Order’ so that ‘the profane’, i.e., those who have not sold their souls to Satan, can never access high places or occupy positions of real authority and power. If such individuals reach high office, they are targeted for destruction.

Hypothesis #112: What we call ‘public opinion’ is really carefully crafted and scripted propaganda designed to elicit an intended behavioral response from the general public. The content of propaganda is decided by the London-based Tavistock Institute and it is implemented in the United States by over 200 controlled ‘think tanks’ such as the CIA’s RAND Corporation and the Brookings Institution, which are overseen and directed by the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, CA.

Hypothesis #113: All ‘think tanks,’ lobbying organizations, and/or specialized media outlets are controlled in some manner, with an instrumental axe to grind.

Hypothesis #114: Over 300 controlled, intelligence ‘Information Warfare’ websites have appeared in recent years (as of 2006) to spread disinformation, propagate confusion, and divert attention from questionable or downright evil official policies.

Hypothesis #115: Illuminati operatives are placed within all important civil offices. Hence, the ‘democratic system’ has become a joke and plaything of ‘The Order.’ ‘The Order’ hides behind the ‘conspiracy theory’ lie. By constant denigration of all conspiracies and “conspiracy theories” as fantasies, government, media, and educational figures ridicule and preclude further enquiry.

Hypothesis #116: The Illuminati and Freemasonry secretly agitate for world dominion of the (Jewish) Kabbalah (the Babylonian derivative of the ‘Ancient Mysteries’) system, by any and all means.

Hypothesis #117: The ideology, behavior, and modus operandi of the Nazi International’s heirs and the Zionists are identical, as indicated by the behavior of the Likud Government in Israel. Many leading ‘Holocaust’ operatives were Jewish…

Hypothesis #118: These topics are spiritual because we are dealing with ‘principalities and powers’ that wage war against the Way, the Truth and the Life – that is, the Word of Jesus Christ, who is their sole enemy. These people imagine that they can and will destroy Christianity, but this cannot happen even while many manmade Christian denominations have been and are being corrupted.

Hypothesis #119: Italian Mason, Giuseppe Mazzini, re-founded the modern mafia. American Mason, Albert Pike, elaborated the occultic Scottish Rite rituals and planned three great catastrophic wars. The first two of these materialized as the First and Second World Wars, and the third is now unfolding, setting the Jews against Islam for the ‘final’ Luciferian conflagration.

Hypothesis #120: Since 1870, the Vatican mini-state has been one of the Illuminati’s two primary political organizing centers of World Revolution.

Hypothesis #121: The Illuminati require utmost secrecy and endeavor to hide their black intentions, driven by the ‘seething energies of Lucifer’ from all investigators for all time.

Hypothesis #122: The most nauseating characteristic of all dimensions of Illuminati operations and agentur (is) their double-mindedness. All Illuminati open and/or secret societies present an outward, beneficial and benevolent face for public consumption, while masking their hidden evil purposes.

Hypothesis #123: The United States is the ‘enforcement arm’ of ‘The Order’ to be imposed by the New World. Sir Francis Bacon, protégé of spy/sorcerer/Cabalist John Dee, was the most influential proponent of Rosicrucian paganism from which Illuminism is descended. Bacon promoted the idea that the pagan ‘Ancient Mysteries’ would become the core in the New World (i.e., the New Atlantis, or America). The origins of this movement trace to 14th century Germany. ‘The Order’ manipulates America toward this end via penetrations of its intelligence services by the German ‘Black’ intelligence organization based in Dachau known as DVD (Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst).

Hypothesis #124: The all-seeing eye symbol, found in all occult ‘religions’, also symbolizes the spy system that Weishaupt established to guard the ‘secret’ of The Order – which is their intention to destroy Christianity, establish a global dictatorship, and terrorize the population into accepting rule by synarchy, as is now happening in the United States and Britain.

Hypothesis #125: One reason Illuminati criminals seek global control is to protect themselves from exposure and punishment.

Hypothesis #126: The two most heinous Illuminati regimes to date have been the Stalin’s USSR and Nazi Germany. But the worst Illuminati regime in history may be emerging in the United States.

Hypothesis #127: The American Republic can be saved by the combined efforts of many, including individual researchers and authors, and ‘white hats’ in the intelligence community, and their colleagues and supporters throughout the US structures.

Hypothesis #128: Even one person can still achieve decisive results. Despondency is unwarranted, as these people are all deeply discontented – and in their rational moments, would wish that the aspirations for salvation expressed here could be realized. The end that these Luciferians face, and their sole product, is death.

Hypothesis #129: The Kabbalah is the secret Satanic theology of initiates. The Kabbalah is the Babylonian secret religion which has polluted Judaism and Freemasonry and teaches magic, or the art of intercourse with spirits and supernatural beings. When Masons reach the Kabbalistic Degrees, they become involved in Satanic invocations. High-ranking Mason, Manly P. Hall’s writings contain specific instructions on how to summon the Devil himself.

Hypothesis #130: The only means of casting out devils is through using the Name and commandment of Jesus Christ. Only those who are ‘right with Christ’ can perform exorcisms in safety.

Hypothesis #131: Luciferian occultism is the work of Satan from the foundation of the world and from the beginning of Christianity. One of its earliest generic titles was Gnosticism….

Hypothesis #132: Germany and Russia still view the United States and the United Kingdom as the “main enemies” to be defeated. The weapon used against the United States is the post World War II penetration of the CIA and its affiliates with the German/Himmler scientists and intelligence officers (Operation Paperclip, etc.). US intelligence has been taken over by a German Nazi ‘Fifth Column’ that runs the show today.

Hypothesis #133: A key figure in the German control of America is Henry Kissinger, a triple agent of Germany, Russia, and the U.S. and an alleged Illuminati and Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD) kingpin. George H.W. Bush is the main representative in the United States of the DVD, which is the German black agency based in Dachau. German operations against the U.S. and U.K. have been and are run by the DVD behind the scenes.

Hypothesis #134: The German “Black” intelligence, DVD, are Trotskyites/Mao Tse-tung perpetual-war advocates and are completely Satanic.

Hypothesis #135: There is a sizeable Jewish (Khazar) element within prominent European royal houses. The House of Hanover, the House of Hapsburg and Hohenzollern are Jewish, as are other European Royal Houses. Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands is alleged to be the head of the ‘Black Nobility’ families.

Hypothesis #136: The term ‘Black Nobility’ is derived from this mediaeval elite’s routine resort to dirty tricks, secret assassinations, murder, blackmail, the bearing of false witness, the bankrupting of opponents or commercial competitors, kidnapping, child molestation, rape and all the other abominations that are routine among certain intelligence community cadres today.

Hypothesis #137: The principal ‘Black Nobility’ families, with extensive Jewish content- due to the pre-eminence of Jewish (Khazar) bankers and monopoly merchants among those who consolidated power in city states and principalities all over Europe during the Middle Ages – are The House of Windsor (Guelph) in Britain; The Belgian House of Wettin; The Swedish House of Bernadotte; The House of Liechtenstein; The House of Oldenberg in Denmark; The Houses of Hohenzollern, Hanover, Wittelsbach, and Wurttemberg in Germany (second in importance to the House of Guelph (Windsor); The House of Bourbon in France; The House of Orange in the Netherlands (William of Orange was originally the Jew William Stradholder who was first elevated to the rank of Captain-General of the Dutch Forces); The House of Grimaldi in Monaco; The House of Braganza in Portugal; The House of Nassau in Luxembourg; The Austrian House of Hapsburg; The House of Savoy in Italy; The House of Karadjordevic in Yugoslavia; and The House of Zogu in Albania. All the listed families are connected with the House of Guelph, one of the original Venetian ‘Black Nobility’ families. All are Jewish.

The Guelphs are completely intertwined with the House of Hanover. Almost all European royal houses originate from the House of Hanover and accordingly from the Guelphs, fountainhead of the ‘Black Nobility’. ‘Black Nobility’ families continue to claim their “divine right” to rule (handed down in the secular realm in parallel with the apostolic succession in the spiritual realm). Thus, they refuse to recognize any government other than themselves. They are said to consider that the United States continues to belong to Great Britain, for instance.

Hypothesis #138: Every European royal and so-called noble dynasty, past and present, has a representative on the ‘Committee of 300’ which, according to Dr John Coleman, was established in the 18th century, although its present form was assumed in 1897 (at the First Zionist Congress in Bazel, Switzerland).

Hypothesis #139: Old-line ‘ruling families’ which are not actually ‘royal’ but which consider that their Jewish (‘Khazar’) or Frankist lineage entitles them to ex-officio or co-opted membership of the globalist ruling elite (with some still claiming descent from ancient and ‘Holy’ Roman Emperors), include the following dynasties: Rothschild, Kuhn, Loeb, Lehman, Rockefeller, Sachs, Warburg, Bush, Lazard, Sieff, Goldman, Schiff, Morgan, Schroeder, Harriman, and Du Pont. Other such families and patriarchs include the Giustiniani family; the Oltramaire family (Swiss ‘Black Nobility’), owners of the Lombard Odier Bank, Geneva; Pierpaolo Luzzatti Fequiz, with lineage dating back six centuries to the ancient Luzzattos, ‘Black Nobility’ of Venice; Umberto Ortolani; the Doria family, financiers of the Spanish Hapsburgs; the French Rothschilds; the late Baron August von Finck; Franco Orsini Bonacassi, of the ancient Orsini ‘Black Nobility;’ the Agnellis; the Alba family; and Baron Pierre Lambert, cousin of the Belgian Rothschilds. All these family are of Jewish/Khazar descent.

Hypothesis #140: These ‘Black Nobility’ families, consisting of Jewish money-lenders who over time usurped the thrones which were indebted to them, are prominent ‘movers and shakers’ among “the synarchy.”

Hypothesis #141: An aspect of the ‘double-mindedness’ characteristic of the Illuminati is that ‘Black Nobility’ figures, while professing Christianity, may secretly despise it, just as Spanish Jews who allegedly ‘converted’ to Christianity in mediaeval Spain continued in their occult-Judaic Freemasonic beliefs.

10) Conclusions: Many, if not most, elements of hypotheses 95 through 141 are confirmed by previous information presented in this series. By detailing the political strategies and occult modus operandi of the Illuminati, and by tracing the history of the predominantly Jewish “Black Nobility” of Europe, Storey provides important new insights. These include the revelations that: 1) the world’s governments and intelligence services are controlled via secret societies (synarchy) and these operations are funded primarily by sales of illicit drugs, 2) the German “black intelligence (DVD) organization is the direct inheritor of Illuminati plans and covertly directs the U.S. and U.K. 3) The U.S. is intended to be the enforcement arm of the New World Order in a “One Thousand Year Reich,” and 4) Satan has infiltrated and controls most religious systems and thereby ensures that billions of individuals do not come to the Way, the Truth and Life, i.e., Jesus Christ and True Christianity.

Storey’s contention that the locus of (Bavarian) Illuminati control remains in Germany to this day may be partly due to the fact that he is an Oxford-trained Englishman whose fundamental allegiance is with England. Much research presented in this series indicates that England/Britain is the central loci of Rosicrucianism/Freemasonry, and as such, is the center of the Illuminati/United Nations/Judeo-Masonic-Occultic conspiracy. Storey’s research places the center of this conspiracy in Germany. In either event, it appears that Kabbalistic Judaism controls the principle “Black Nobility families,” secret societies, and occult movements in both Germany and Britain. Indeed, it appears that Luciferianism is the face behind a thousand masks.

Thus, Hypotheses 95 – 141 should be considered correct unless disproven by subsequent information.


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