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Ex-FBI Whistleblower, Geral Sosbee: FBI/CIA/DOD Responsible For Collapse of Constitutional Government of USA; Calls for New Nuremberg Trial

The Controllers
Articles & Interviews

Part VIII: Cult Connections

February 19, 2024

From: The EveryDay Concerned Citizen Homepage (

ETK Introduction: While ex-FBI whistleblower, Geral Sosbee’s well-documented claims regarding long-term “fbi”/”cia”/”dod” criminal subversion of Constitutional Government are true(!), recall that these entities are a “bureau,” an “agency,” and a “department,” respectively. They take orders from and work for higher ups! Specifically, the “cia,” which generally speaking, controls the “fbi,” “dod” (pentagon), and innumerable other federal, state agencies, corporations, foundations, front organizations, etc. does the bidding of Wall Street/City of London and it takes its marching orders from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which is comprised of about 80% Jews. CFR, in turn, is the American extension of Britain’s Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA; Round Table Group), which works in coordination with think tanks, the Tavistock Institute of Human Affairs (world brainwashing center), British Intelligence, and a host of secret societies (Freemasons, etc.), corporations, mafia, and front companies ultimately controlled by the Rothschild, Rockefeller and other Illuminati-Black Nobility families, including the British Royal Family. The Committee of 300 (formerly British East India Company) fronts for and often coordinates these interests. Considerable research supports the conclusion that the top elite families do the bidding of their god, Lucifer. Hence, the proposition that the “cia”/”fbi”/”dod” are the primary culprits, while certainly valid and seems to this researcher an excellent beginning, may also constitute a “limited hangout.” On this website, I have many articles that identify the “controllers.”

Memorial Day, May 28, 2018: The United States of America Has Fallen: Collapse of Constitutional Government of The United States of America & The Responsibility For The Collapse (FBI/CIA/DOD); Call for New Nuremberg Trial

by Geral Sosbee, Ex-FBI Whistleblower

Geral Sosbee, FBI whistleblower, Vietnam War veteran, attorney, judge, English professor and Special Agent with integrity who spoke out against wrongful practices in the FBI in the ’70s and was forced to resign under threat of psychiatric incarceration—apparently a popular MO among US Intelligence and Security agencies, not to mention Military branches, and who was excessively and cruelly targeted with COINTELPRO and anti-personnel high-tech weaponry after he left (of the kind reported from Cuba and China, which the US likes to deny exists), reporting a lifetime of such egregiously persecutory treatment, spells out succinctly the current situation inside the united States of America, where fascism, totalitarianism, and Communism have taken hold—not just directed against him, but all of us as well.

With this recent post of his on the collapse of the Constitutional government, which he has noted in an email is a report he has published earlier but which has continually been “deleted everywhere by the FBI,” I also post below clarifying reports he has published and recently shared, on the nature of the FBI, CIA, DHS, their relationships to US Military agencies and groups, how these effectively function together, and under whose overarching authority, his candid appeal to the United States Congress from 2002, his recent update from last week on his own situation and assessment of the country’s affairs today, and his call for a second Nuremberg-type trial.

Attempting to clarify his habitual reference to the FBI as the fbi, I queried the reason. I post his brilliant and elucidating response below as preface—a response which I think offers Americans a clearer lens through which to gauge, absorb, and comprehend the true nature of this secretive and authoritarian agency, putting into perspective what exactly it is doing currently and has been doing since its inception.

Many thanks to this extraordinary whistleblower with towering intellect and superior writing power who continues to speak out and call attention to Crimes Against Humanity and who is unafraid to name and shame the parties involved.

On this Memorial Day, perhaps we should collectively reflect on the fact that the United States of America is no longer a bastion of freedom but seems to have fallen into the clutches of totalitarian despots sitting inside intelligence and security agencies as well as the military who are running terror and high-tech operations on the citizenry with absolute impunity. By naming the crimes and the criminals, perhaps we can also collectively change this situation and bring the USA back to peace, sanity, harmony, community, justice, meaning, and beauty.

FBI or fbi?

–Ramola D/Posted 5/28/2018

Email from Geral Sosbee, May 25, 2018:


Thanks for your incredible sensitivity to details.

The letters fbi are intended to boldly impact and impress the viewer/reader by implying the great power and presumed prestige of the nation’s top police authority. These letters flash across media including in print, tv, movies, etc., as subliminal suggestions to honor, respect and obey w/o question all cops, but especially the devious and murderous fbi.

I always use the lower case and small font ‘fbi,’ because my readers may deduce, from the context of my reports, that the fbi group (and individuals) are terrible thugs who control and shape destructive and insane public policy (and who program many irresponsible and subservient minds to obey).

The fbi is simply made up of very small, petty and vacant intellects (& criminal schemers) who deserve to be tried as felons for crimes against humanity. See my report on the need for a Nuremberg type trial. (Ed. Note: Re-published at the end of this post.)

With respect to the complex needs of emerging homo sapiens, some of us have beneficent visions of our collective large capacity to achieve a worthy destiny; the fbi represents a reduction of that vision which, due to fbi/police gratuitous and sadistic violence, often obscures the human impetus toward the improvement of the human condition. I touched on this in “Sosbee’s law” in 2002 at: (Ed Note: A highly recommended read, to be republished here shortly.)

The mental giants among us who offer and try to create a vastly more humane government and progressive society are not in awe, nor impressed by the letters “fbi” because we see the sorry agents, operatives, informants and judges (and supporters in the general population) as deranged little torturers and assassins imbued with inflated views of their own significance.

These fools are like the Wizard of oz who hides true identity behind a fancy facade of false imagery and elaborate trickery.

Please feel free to use ‘ fbi ‘ any way you like and I am humbled by your care in asking me about the letters fbi in my reports.


CC: BARBARA for info.

Collapse Of Constitutional Government Of The United States Of America; The Responsibility For The Collapse Of The Constitutional Government of The United States of America

by Geral Sosbee

A report “deleted everywhere by the fbi” originally posted at Portland Indymedia; sent via email titled “I found a copy of the report deleted everywhere by the fbi” on May 23, 2018

GSNew Geral Sosbee

The present task is to identify agencies and *individuals of the USA government who are responsible for the collapse of the constitutional democracy and the simultaneous formation of the current totalitarian state here.

As may be expected, the criminals and the terrorists of the two premier homicidal groups (i.e.: the fbi/cia) are also the spearheads of the nation’s global intel operations, both overt and covert.** Other intel groups take orders (either directly or indirectly) from the fbi and the cia.

Due to the corruption, incompetence and outright felonious mindset of the members of the fbi/cia, all of the other intel arms of the USA government are unable to protect the country from the mounting threats by persons and countries who seek to stop this nation’s assault on Humanity. The reason for the national intel failure, therefore, can be directly attributable to the fbi/cia and their foolish congressional and presidential Handlers.



FROM: Geral Sosbee

September 1, 2002

With a profound sense of sadness I hereby advise you, senator gramm and congressman sessions, and all other government employees (federal, state, and local) who are aware of or who should be aware of (by virtue of your office and position) the atrocities being committed by the fbi and the cia (and other similarly chartered and motivated groups) under the name of cover research, human experimentation, psychological operations, mind control, psychotronics and all other such so-called hi-tech and electromagnetic experimentations, that you have failed your people, your country and the people of the world by your decided refusal to stop the atrocities that I and others present to you in my letters, in this memo, and in my website,

Specifically, senator gramm and congressman sessions, Ihumbly asked for your help four (4) years ago as the fbi began its terror campaign against me; you both cowardly refused to help. In fact your inexcusable conduct cannot be adequately described by the word, ‘coward,’ because that word often describes one who sees the problem and in breach of duty runs from it; you each see the problem, pretend to address it and then you abandon those in your charge to whatever fate the torturers decide.

If we were in a state of war, you both could be charged with desertion in the face of the enemy.But we are in a state of war, gentlemen;not the one that you and your villainous colleagues attempt to portray to the world on the popular media, but here at home, now, against the thugs and the terrorists in the fbi and in the cia who target for slow and torturous death those persons who dare report fbi/cia crimes and atrocities against mankind the world over. The cruel killing that I refer to is often accomplished by forcing the target to commit suicide, or by railroading the target into prison or into mental institutions.

In a sense, I represent the victims of such cruel and torturous abuse (as further described in my website) both living and dead who cannot mount a defense to the overpowering forces brought against them by the mental dwarfs in the fbi and in the cia.Few persons have the stroke of good luck needed to survive the ordeal set upon them by the rogue agencies of our government and fewer still are able to reach you with cries for help. Therefore, I ask not for your help again, for I know that you have neither the mental capacity nor the constitutional fortitude to fulfill your responsibilities to our people; instead I demand that you resign your office, admit to your complicity (by malign neglect) in the ongoing crimes against humanity (and other offenses) that you have a duty to check, and further, that you devote the rest of your lives to helping people to survive (or to overcome the effects of) United States-sponsored terrorism.

Of course I realize that you each will not resign under such dictated terms, but that you will continue in and out of office to live the fraud that brings us to the present dilemma: how do the leaders of a once powerful and respected nation, the United States of America (considering the degree to which the United States deviated from the basic rules of human decency) admit to and correct the atrocities committed by its own officers, agents, and elected (& appointed) officials in every branch of government and at the same time presume to lead all nations and all peoples of the world toward a brighter tomorrow? The answer is, as you may know, such nation (the united states) must learn the meaning of humility, accept its responsibility, issue a public admission of its crimes, and then set out to correct the wrongs in order to fulfill its role as world leader.

I await your response, as does the rest of the world.

Geral Sosbee

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands of those who feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you. May posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” – Samuel Adams

As a result of this website and (Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Agent of the United States of America) I have learned that the following intel groups study my material sometime in an apparent effort to comprehend why the fbi would attempt to frame (or neutralize) one of their own:

fbi– this group of thugs ostensibly operates under doj, but in reality the fbi is the boss;
cia– this group of assassins is a nation unto itself, operating completely independently of the US government;

dhs- homeland security (responsible for many threats and assaults on my person)has an intel office manned by special agents and others who analyze data;

dea has an intel office for national security matters, but dea is largely controlled by fbi/cia; dea also pretends to function under the authority of doj;

The various intel groups have their own subgroups which also carry out mission-oriented objectives globally. For purposes of this report, the reader should understand that the United States of America is run by the intel services and that these agencies are so completely corrupt in their operations and influence that no one can touch them.

The names of fbi and cia agents, operatives, thugs, assassins, etc., is a work in progress; see my sites, newspaper reports, and perform other inquiries to identify the government rat bastards who look to imprison, torture, kill anyone who stands in their path.

**[Some of the above material is borrowed from the book, “Intelligence and National Security, A Reference Handbook” by J. Ransom Clark, Praeger Security International, Weatport Connecticut,2007.]

USA, A Nation On A Collision Course With Its Own Decadent Values

by Geral Sosbee

Current update from Geral Sosbee, first posted at LA IndyMedia, May 24, 2018, re-posted with permission

No former fbi Special Agent in the 100-year history of fbi has ever documented more effectively than I the sick, murderous and traitorous culture of that group of assassins who claim to represent the highest law enforcement group in the country, the fbi.

For 18 years, I have labored to document fbi atrocities committed against me & others, even while the fbi and their psychopathic federal magistrate judges et al., tortured and tried to maim and kill me (often using chemicals, DEW and ELF attacks). Extensive and choreographed psychological operations are also executed against me 24/7/365 globally, costing tens of millions of dollars over decades.

Yet, most media including Indymedia groups provide no coverage of my plight. This fact alone is an indictment of controlled media for cover up of the crimes against humanity that I reference: systematic torture, forced suicide, covert assassinations, blackmail and many other high crimes and misdemeanors against Targets of fbi clandestine operations everywhere. fbi

I have learned through my battles with fbi that the agents, operatives, hoodlums, thugs and murderers are the essence of all fbi operations, even though the fbi puts on a charade of semi-respectability on popular media. The fbi is in reality a global MAFIA syndicate and most people fear or idolize them. fbi agents and the federal judges whom fbi control are small-minded, petty, prejudiced and self-centered egoists who embody the worst traits inherent in our species. Worse, fbi and all who support them are not interested in truth, justice, human rights and constitutional values. I have proven these observations over decades of survival under excruciating attacks by fbi agents and operatives.

My testimony has also stretched back about a half century whereby I show extreme corruption of fbi and their complete abandonment of respect for the citizens of USA.

Yet, Congress and SCOTUS ignore my pleadings and the overwhelming evidence of the overthrow of this government by fbi/cia. I am now almost 73 years of age and the fbi continues their 45 years of retaliation against me, causing serious bodily injuries and life threatening illness.

I am sad to fight for my life against these psychopaths, but I must continue to the end because my work, like the efforts of my friends BARBARA HARTWELL & RAMOLA DHARMARAJ is larger in importance than my suffering. Many may someday benefit from the humanitarian perspective that I and my associates embrace.

Today, as fbi thugs follow and assault me regularly I realize that each fbi hoodlum represents a federal judge; that any response by me to their provocative assaults and attempts on my life, is immediately reported to the deranged federal judge; and that judge is eager to silence me because I expose his insanity to the world. (Note that the federal judges in El Paso, and in RGV Texas exemplify the corruption of our judiciary.) Remember please that God Does Not Bless This Evil Regime and our people are imprisoned in plain sight by the illusion of an humane government.

For more data see my websites and see:

My papers at:

World Intelligence community prevents publication of their atrocities

by Geral Sosbee

Posted originally at Portland Independent Media Center, 23 May 2018,
and referencing police repression of French and German Indymedia:
Indymedia Nantes, Indymedia Grenoble, Linksunten Indymedia
reported by on 28 Sep, 2017; sent by Geral via email

May 23, 2018

I believe that all people everywhere on earth are programmed to ignore the crimes of humanity ongoing now by the intelligence community as spearheaded by fbi/cia and supported by French Surte, German SS, etc. Indymedia groups in USA ban me, except for Portland Indymedia; fbi now deletes many of my posts on this forum. Nazi USA and now Nazi Globe are now reality.

As I *previously reported, the fbi and the cia in coordinated effort globally threaten or shut down Indymedia groups who allow human rights reports in their respective forums.

Below are examples of the joint suppression of free speech by fbi/cia, etc.


1) State Repression Against IMC Grenoble and IMC Nantes

Following the publication of a communiqué claiming responsibility for a fire in a garage at a Grenoble police depot (gendarmerie) during the night of September 20th/21st, Indymedia Grenoble and Indymedia Nantes have been threatened by the French police. The administrators of these sites received emails from the Central Office for the Fight Against Crime Linked to Information Technology and Communication (OCLCTIC) demanding that the concerned articles be removed from the sites in under 24 hours, otherwise rendering the sites liable to blocking and de-referencing.

2) Solidarity with Linksunten Indymedia, the main independent media website in Germany, was banned by the German government’s Ministry of Interior on August 25. Maintaining the website and using its logo are now considered criminal offenses in the country. Linksunten volunteers are being prosecuted as a “club,” which means that administrators are considered responsible for everything that has been published. Administrators are also being accused of being members of a terrorist association.

Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes writes: This represents a new step in the repression of our activities and ideas in Europe. The last time something of this significance occurred was in 1995, when the German central power banned the newspaper “Radikal”, which sparked many demonstrations all over the country, especially in Hamburg. In France, even though some music bands and anti-authoritarian information websites have been threatened for their lyrics or articles, we have never experienced such brutal repression against our means of expression and communication. This attack against a radical and anti-authoritarian information platform should remind us of the need to pay special attention to the defense of our means of communication in front of State repression.

Germany Indymedia is collecting donations in support of Linksunten Indymedia.

Traitors Among Us Are fbi

author: GERAL e-mail:e-mail: [email protected]

fbi assassins fear and delete this report from Portland Indymedia.

GERAL SOSBEE former FBI Special Agent, Attorney

Treason is spelled, “f b i”.

I have proven (and now President Trump affirms) that fbi commits treason and that such unbridled and murderous skulduggery by fbi is a disgrace to the USA.

Federal Magistrate Judges, et al., join with fbi in subversion of law and society by waging war against any patriot, or whistleblower, who exposes the ongoing assault on our people and institutions by fbi and cia. See my papers at:

My report on the overthrow of USA government by fbi/cia:


18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103-322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

I demand a Nuremberg type trial to hold fbi/cia agents, operatives, informants and assassins accountable for high treason.

Thank you for your attention & and thanks to Portland Indymedia (PI) for allowing me to publish even while fbi often deletes my posts, harasses PI, and shuts down and otherwise controls Indy media groups around the world.

PS: fbi increases criminal assaults on me yesterday while I visit VA medical clinic.


Re-posted from the post at Barbara Hartwell vs CIA, Nov 12, 2008

Geral Sosbee:

I call for a new Nuremberg Trial to hold individuals of the FBI, CIA, former presidents of the United States of America, members of Congress, Judges, etc. responsible for crimes against Humanity and other high crimes and misdemeanors. Consistent with the rules of the International Military Tribunal a crime against Humanity is defined as:

“Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population, before or during…war; or persecution on political, racial, or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any crime within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal, whether or not in violation of the domestic law of the country where perpetrated.”

Note that crimes against peace are included in the jurisdiction of the Tribunal, even when crimes against Humanity are committed during times of peace.

Note that the FBI and the CIA routinely torture, kill, falsely imprison, or force suicide upon the targeted individuals globally, as I have documented in my reports. I am witness to the fact that the FBI and the CIA inhumanely and regularly torture the targeted person and also force him/her to live under horrific conditions that could reasonably be expected to lead to suicide even while the FBI and the CIA agents and operatives watch and record same.

All United States leaders who participated in the criminal organizations of the fbi and the cia, with respect to torture, false imprisonment, forced suicide, and other atrocities (such as non-consensual human medical experimentation) must stand trial as war criminals, or for crimes against Humanity and crimes against Peace.

Political, military and economics leaders, as well as propaganda directors in the government and in the mainstream media are subject to indictment for crimes against Humanity. The operatives of the fbi and the cia who carried out psychoelectronic (and related psychological operations against human beings) will have a front role seat as defendants at the trial; they will be particularly identified and exposed for their decades-long involvement in atrocities.

All fbi and cia directors are to be tried; all presidents who condoned or covered up the crimes will be held liable. All Secretaries of State, Defense, any other agency (such as FDA, HHS, DOJ) which carried out atrocities committed by the fbi and the cia will be held accountable.

All culpable medical and dental doctors will be tried alongside their Handlers, and government agents. All other persons, identified by a thorough and objective investigation, who aided or covered up the atrocities will be called to answer for their crimes against Humanity.

The modern day equivalents of Josef Mengele, Klaus Barbie, Joseph Goebbels and Herman Goering (all of the Nazi Party) who in the United States participated in the crimes against Humanity will be identified and tried for their crimes. Names such as Freeh, Rice, Bush, Cheney, Tenet, Gates, Cornyn, Clinton, etc. will become synonymous with the names of their German Nazi counterparts of the 1930s.


Ramola D Reports/Report #56: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: FBI & FMJ Are On a Roll of Domestic Criminality

Targeted for Terror: Ex-FBI Agent’s Gruesome Ordeal, by Barbara Hartwell/March 23, 2009

Special Updates, Commentaries on the Need to Dismantle the FBI, Part 1

Special Updates, Commentaries on the Need to Dismantle the FBI, Part 2

Special Updates, Commentaries on the Need to Dismantle the FBI, Part 3

Special Updates, Commentaries on the Need to Dismantle the FBI, Part 4

Arthur Firstenberg/Global Union Against Radiation Deployment from Space (GUARDS): Planetary Emergency

Planetary Emergency

The following is also posted on the Cellular Phone Task Force’s website, here:

Dear Friends,

The Earth needs your help. Now.

Many are the assaults on our planet. The oceans—Jacques Cousteau said it already in 1970—are dying. The majestic wilderness is no more. The very oxygen we breathe is being converted to carbon dioxide.

Others are wrestling with those problems, and they are not going to be solved overnight. But there is one that must be: we must leave space alone.

On March 29, 2018, the Federal Communications Commission gave its approval to SpaceX’s plan to launch an unprecedented 4,425 satellites into low orbit around the Earth. And that’s only the beginning. SpaceX has applied to the FCC to increase the number of satellites to 12,000 in order to provide “ultrafast, lag-free Internet” to every square inch of the earth. 5G from space. SpaceX’s CEO, Elon Musk, has announced his intention to begin launches in 2019, to begin operating as soon as he has about 100 satellites in orbit, and to have at least 800 satellites up and running by 2020. The name of SpaceX’s project is “Starlink.”

The global electrical circuit, which sustains all life, is about to be seriously disturbed unless we act.

Recent History

In 1997, in my first book, Microwaving Our Planet, in the last chapter, titled “The Danger from Satellites,” I wrote: “The proliferation of satellites we are about to witness—unless this world wakes up soon—is mind boggling, and nobody seems to have considered that popping thousands of them up there like so much confetti might have consequences for our atmosphere and our climate.” I wrote about the expected ozone loss; the destruction of the Van Allen belts; global warming from the addition of water vapor to the stratosphere; toxic wastes; groundwater pollution; space junk; microwave radiation; and the vandalism of the night sky. My 1997 book is posted here, courtesy of the Spanish website AVAATE, one of the best websites on this issue: year later the radiation problem asserted itself. On September 23, 1998, the world’s first satellite phones became operational. Service was provided by 66 satellites in low orbit around the Earth, launched by the Iridium Corporation. They unleashed a new kind of rain that turned the sky red and emptied it of birds for a couple of weeks.A six-nation telephone survey was done of electrically sensitive people, support groups, and nurses and physicians serving this population. The results: 86% of electrically sensitive people and a majority of patients and support group members became ill on Wednesday, September 23 exactly, with typical symptoms of electrical illness including headaches, dizziness, nausea, insomnia, nosebleeds, heart palpitations, asthma attacks, ringing in the ears, etc. Follow-ups revealed that some of these people were acutely ill for up to three weeks. Some were so sick they weren’t sure they would live. In the United States the national death rate rose by 4% to 5% for two weeks. During those two weeks, very few birds were seen in the sky and thousands of homing pigeons failed to return home in pigeon races throughout much of the country. This was all documented in No Place to Hide, Vol. 2, No. 1, Feb. 1999, pp. 3-4.
The second satellite service, Globalstar, began commercial service on Monday, February 28, 2000. Widespread reports of nausea, headaches, leg pain, respiratory problems, depression, and lack of energy began on Friday, February 25, the previous business day, and came from people both with and without electrical sensitivity. See No Place To Hide, Vol. 2, No. 3, March 2000, p. 18.

Iridium, which had gone bankrupt in the summer of 1999, was resurrected by a contract with the United States Armed Forces. On March 30, 2001, commercial service resumed. Again the sky turned red. Again came reports of nausea, flu-like illness and feelings of oppression. But the events that made the news were catastrophic losses of race horse foals that were reported throughout the United States and as far away as Peru. On June 5, 2001, Iridium added data and Internet to its satellite phone service. Again came widespread reports of nausea, flu-like illness and oppression, and this time also hoarseness. See No Place To Hide, Vol 3, No. 2, Nov. 2001, p. 15

Additional details are provided in chapter 17 of my new book, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life (2017).*

Between 2001 and now, our skies have not essentially changed. Iridium and Globalstar, operating 66 and 40 satellites respectively, are still the only providers of satellite phones. The amount of data raining on us all from space is still dominated by those two fleets. The predicted fleets of thousands of satellites have not materialized. But they are about to now, unless we stop them. Everything we know and love is at stake—not just hawks and geese, pigeons and race horses, not just the human race, but life itself. This is a mortal threat not just to our children and grandchildren, but to all of us, immediately, within two years.

The Details

The biggest threats are from SpaceX and OneWeb, which have similar applications before the FCC. SpaceX’s 12,000 satellites will operate in two constellations, at 700 miles and 210 miles in altitude. They will operate at millimeter wave frequencies and they will be phased arrays. Each satellite will have thousands of antenna elements that will work together to aim highly focused, steerable beams at any desired point on the surface of the earth. Each beam from the 4,425 satellites already approved at the 700-mile height would have a maximum effective radiated power of up to 8,800 watts. The revised application for 12,000 satellites is requesting an increase to 5,000,000 watts per beam (for the upper constellation of 4,425 satellites) and 500,000 watts per beam (for the lower constellation of 7,518 satellites). The satellites will communicate both with individual users and with gateway earth stations, of which there will be several hundred just in the United States.

OneWeb’s founder and Executive Chairman is Greg Wyler. So far, OneWeb has applied to the FCC for only 4,540 satellites, but it is partnering with Airbus, which will build the satellites; Blue Origin, a subsidiary of Amazon, which will provide the rockets; and Virgin Galactic, which will launch them. Its investors include Qualcomm, Hughes Network Systems, Intelsat of Luxembourg, Marker LLC of Israel, Grupo Salinas of Mexico, SoftBank of Japan, Bharti Enterprises of India, and Coca-Cola. It received a license from the FCC for 720 low-orbit satellites in June 2017, but has already sold most of their capacity to Honeywell and other companies. Honeywell plans to use satellite transmissions to supply fast Internet to business, commercial, and military aircraft worldwide. On January 4, 2018 OneWeb filed an application for an additional fleet of 2,560 medium-orbit satellites, and on March 19, 2018 it filed an application for 1,260 additional low-orbit satellites. It is now touting its enterprise as an essential element of the worldwide rollout of 5G technology. Like SpaceX, OneWeb’s satellites will have antennas in phased arrays and use the millimeter wave spectrum. Their maximum effective power will be 6,000 watts. OneWeb intends to launch 36 satellites every 21 days beginning in the last quarter of 2018, and to begin service with the first few hundred satellites in 2019.

Boeing, which has its own plans for a fleet of 2,956 low-orbit satellites, and already has FCC approval for them, may now be backing OneWeb. In December, Boeing asked permission from the FCC to transfer its license for the 2,956 satellites to a company named SOM1101 LLC. Greg Wyler, the founder of OneWeb, is the sole owner of SOM1101.

A fourth company, Telesat Canada, was granted an FCC license on November 3, 2017. It plans to have a minimum of 117 satellites up and running by 2021. It intends to add satellites “as needed” to increase capacity. These satellites will also be phased arrays and they will also be for global internet to “unserved and underserved” communities, businesses, governments and individuals. They will have a maximum effective power of 8,000 watts.

Iridium, in an effort to compete with all these new companies, is presently in process of replacing its original fleet with a new fleet of 66 satellites called Iridium Next that will offer additional services.

These five companies together have approved and pending applications before the FCC for almost 20,000 low and medium orbit satellites to provide Internet to the world from space.

If 66 satellites providing only voice communication caused widespread illness and mortality among birds, horses, and people, what will a 20,000-satellite Internet-in-the-Sky do to us all?

The Way to Understanding

The original Iridium satellites were (and are still) at 1,000 watts of effective power and 483 miles in altitude. If a 1,000-watt tower were to be placed on a mountaintop that was 483 miles from the nearest person, no one would be alarmed. Why, then, worry about satellites in space? Five million watts is a lot scarier, but even a 5-million-watt beam from 700 miles away will produce a power level of only 13 picowatts (trillionths of a watt) per square centimeter on the ground, a level that is far below the levels most of us are exposed to already from WiFi, cell phones, and cell towers.

The answer has to do with what atmospheric physicists call the global electrical circuit, and with what Chinese medicine calls qi. Electricity is not only something “out there” that powers our lights and machinery, it is the force that orchestrates growth and healing and keeps us alive. The global electrical circuit flows through the earth, up to the sky in thunderstorms, through the ionosphere, and back down to earth through the atmosphere and through our bodies. The current enters our bodies through the top of our head, circulates through our acupuncture meridians, and reenters the earth through our feet. In addition to direct current, it contains 8 Hz, 14 Hz, 20 Hz, 26 Hz, and 33 Hz components. These ELF frequencies are the Schumann resonances, and are identical to the brain wave frequencies of every animal. It also contains VLF frequencies. These are generated by lightning, vary seasonally, and regulate our annual biorhythms. We pollute this circuit at our peril.


The strength of the atmospheric electrical current is between 1 and 10 picoamperes (trillionths of an ampere) per square meter. Dr. Robert Becker found that 1 picoampere is all the current that is necessary to stimulate healing in frogs. (R. O. Becker and G. Selden, The Body Electric, New York: Morrow 1985, p. 142; R. O. Becker and A. A. Marino, Electromagnetism and Life, Albany: State University of New York Press 1982, pp. 49-51). It is these tiny currents that keep us alive and healthy.

The experiences of astronauts are a clue to the importance of the global electrical circuit to terrestrial life. The International Space Station is not completely outside of it; the Schumann resonances are clearly detectable even at that altitude, but they are greatly diminished. In the Space Station, astronauts’ circadian rhythms are disrupted. See John R. Ball and Charles H. Evans, Jr., editors, Safe Passage: Astronaut Care for Exploration Missions, National Academies Press 2001. And Russian authors have noted that “a decrease in all physiological processes” occurs during space missions and that these changes are “identical to those that occur during the process of aging on Earth.” (Irina M. Lirina et al., “Protein expression changes caused by spaceflight as measured for 18 Russian cosmonauts,” Nature, Scientific Reports 7:8142 (2017)). It is doubtful that human beings could long survive if completely removed electrically from Earth, for example in a colony on Mars such as Elon Musk is also contemplating.

Power Line Harmonic Radiation

Another piece of the puzzle is provided by research that has been done at Stanford University and elsewhere on the properties of the ionosphere and magnetosphere—the regions of space hundreds to thousands of miles above our heads that contain mostly electrons, protons, and other electrically charged ions.

It was discovered more than forty years ago that ELF and VLF radiation from all of the power lines on earth is reaching the ionosphere, and the magnetosphere above it, where it is being amplified up to one hundred thousand-fold by interaction with electrons. As a result, the earth’s electromagnetic environment has been changed. The behavior of the magnetosphere, the structure of the Van Allen belts, the values of the Schumann resonances, and even the weather here on earth, have been altered. This phenomenon is called “power line harmonic radiation.”

It was further discovered that the radiation from VLF radio stations is also amplified tremendously in the magnetosphere—so much so that a radio signal of 0.5 watts sent from an antenna in Antarctica can be detected by a receiver in northern Quebec.

Dirty Electricity on the Global Circuit

What does this have to do with SpaceX and OneWeb? Or, to rephrase the question, if a single half-watt radio station broadcasting from the earth has a measurable effect on the magnetosphere, what effect will 20,000 satellites, some located directly in the ionosphere and some directly in the magnetosphere, each blasting out up to five million watts—what effect will that have on life below?

The answer has to do with the fact that the satellite signals—like all wireless signals today—will be pulsed at ELF and VLF frequencies. That is how the data will be sent. Like an AM radio, the ionosphere and magnetosphere will demodulate, or extract, the ELF and VLF components, and then amplify them tremendously. Until now nobody has looked for these effects from satellites. But a Stanford physicist with whom I have been corresponding explained why this could happen and showed me how to estimate the minimum power level that would be necessary. Iridium had enough power, and the new satellites will have more than enough power: as a rough estimate, the five-million-watt SpaceX beams will contain enough energy up to a distance of 135 miles from each satellite for their ELF/VLF components to be demodulated by the ionospheric plasma and then amplified in the magnetosphere.

The result is similar to how dirty electricity gets onto house wiring. All of the electronic equipment—dimmer switches, fluorescent lamps, computers, cell phone chargers, etc.—that are plugged into our walls produce electronic noise that travels on the wiring, radiates into our homes, and makes us sick.

Except that now the dirty electricity will get onto our bodies’ wiring. The noise from 20,000 satellites that are plugged into the ionosphere and magnetosphere will pollute the global electrical circuit that we are all plugged into. It will kill us and it must be stopped.

It is not only the number of satellites but the number of customers they will serve that is the problem. A cell tower is more harmful than a radio station because instead of emitting just one signal it emits hundreds. Iridium is so impactful not only because it has 66 satellites but because it serves more than a million customers. Because of Iridium and Globalstar, standing barefoot on the earth is no longer as healthful and invigorating as it once was, anywhere on the planet. Grounding yourself increases the flow of qi through your body, but the qi has electronic noise on it. SpaceX’s initial goal is to sign up 40 million subscribers. If OneWeb signs up another 40 million, and one-tenth of the subscribers are online at any given time, electronic noise from 8,000,000 additional signals, to start with, will pollute the global circuit.

There are other serious environmental impacts from the intensive use of space, some of which I outlined in my first book. For example, the rockets of both SpaceX and OneWeb will burn kerosene. Burning kerosene in space produces prodigious amounts of black soot, which accumulates in the stratosphere. Black carbon absorbs so much solar energy that its contribution to global warming is two million times greater per unit mass than carbon dioxide. Just 35 launches of SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket per year would produce an amount of warming roughly equal to the amount of warming produced in a year by the world’s one billion cars. I am extrapolating from the estimates of Martin Ross of the Aerospace Corporation, which were made in 2012 when there were 25 launches per year of much smaller kerosene-burning rockets. (M. N. Ross and P. M. Sheaffer, “Radiative forcing caused by rocket engine emissions,” Earth’s Future 2: 177-196 (2014)).

As Ross points out, the problem of black soot could be solved, or at least reduced, by using a different type of fuel. The radiation problem, however, by definition cannot be solved, because the radiation is the product. The decision-makers and investors in these companies must be made to understand that they are playing with fire, and that what they are planning to do within the next two years will have fatal consequences.

The key players are:

For SpaceX: Residence

Chief Officers
Elon Musk, CE Bel Air, CA
Gwynne Shotwell, President and COO Rolling Hills Estates, CA
Bret Johnson, CFO Los Angeles area

Board of Directors
David S. Kidder, CEO of Bionic Solutions Rye, NY
Luke Nosek, founder and partner of Gigafund San Francisco, CA
Antonio Gracias, founder, Valor Equity Partners Chicago, IL
Donald Harrison, Google’s vice president
for corporate development Mountain View, CA
Kimbal Musk (Elon’s younger brother) Boulder, CO
Barry Schuler, advisor Napa, CA

Lead Investors
Founders Fund (Abigail Johnson, CEO) (Boston, MA)
Google ($900 million)
Nihal Mehta, founding partner of Eniac Ventures New York, NY
Bracket Capital (Yalda Aoukar, CEO) (London)

For OneWeb:

Board of Directors
Greg Wyler, Founder and Chairman Stuart, FL
Eric Béranger, CEO Paris, France
Thomas Enders, CEO of Airbus Toulouse, France
Paul E. Jacobs (also on board of Dropbox) Sacramento area
Alex Clavel, Head of Corporate Finance of SoftBank Palo Alto, CA
Ohad Finkelstein, Co-Founder and Partner
of Marker LLC Israel
Ricardo Salinas, Founder and Chairman
of Grupo Salinas Mexico City

Large Investors
Stephen Spengler, CEO of Intelsat Luxembourg
Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon Medina, WA
Richard Branson, CEO of Virgin Galactic British Virgin Islands
Sunil Mittal, CEO of Bharti Enterprises New Delhi, India
Dean Manson, Executive Vice President of Echo Star Englewood, CO

Biggest Customer
Honeywell (Darius Adamczyk, CEO) (Morris Plains, NJ)

Owner of Satellite License
Boeing (Dennis Muilenburg, CEO) (Collinsville, IL)

All these people have families and children and have a stake in the future of the Earth. Some—for example, Kimbal Musk and his wife, Christiana—are long-time advocates for the environment and investors in environmental causes.

Please contact me if you want to help. What is needed is a team of dedicated people who can raise funds, mobilize scientists, petition governments, and call and meet with environmental organizations.

Also please contact me if you know any of the gentlemen or ladies I have listed above, or if you know someone who can get us an audience with one of them. All we need is one. An opening into that community of billionaires, to begin a dialogue that will save this planet.

Arthur Firstenberg, for
Global Union Against Radiation Deployment from Space (GUARDS)
May 14, 2018
(505) 471-0129

Please forward widely.

* The Invisible Rainbow is available at

Source: Email from Arthur Firstenberg/Cellular Phone Task Force website


Posted in Activism, Earth and the Environment, Waking Up
Tagged Arthur Firstenberg, Boeing, Cellular Phone Taskforce, electromagnetic radiation, Elon Musk, global electrical circuit, Global Union Against Radiation Deployment From Space (GUARDS), Iridium, millimeter waves, One Web, planetary emergency, satellite signals, Space X, Teleset Canada, wireless signals
World Treaty Conference to Ban Anti-Personnel Neuro/Electromagnetic DEW & Mind Control Technologies Announced
Posted on May 5, 2018 | 16 comments
—Ramola D/Posted 5/5/2018

Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, the visionary and leading human rights advocate, investigative journalist, War Crimes Tribunal judge, prolific author, and former General Counsel of New York City Environmental Protection Administration [EPA], now of and News Inside Out; the members of the US-Europe Joint Investigation Team founded by celebrated Oxford and CERN physicist Dr. Katherine Horton; and a leading and highly credentialed group of scientists, Intelligence analysts, and concerned human rights advocates which includes Dr. Leuren Moret, renowned geoscientist and nuclear technology/HAARP whistleblower formerly with Laurence Livermore Laboratories, Melanie Vritschan, visionary founder of ICATOR, the International Coalition Against Electronic Torture and the Robotization of Living Beings, and renowned National Security Agency Whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart have united to launch a world Model Statute initiative to ban anti-personnel electromagnetic technologies, directed energy weapons (DEWs), and invasive, weaponized Mind Control neuro-technologies, all of which permit the remote assault, mutilation, manipulation, and modification of human bodies, physiological systems, consciousness, emotions, psyches, personalities, intelligence quotients (IQ), willpower, and brains of humans and animals.

Massachusetts State Convenor, World Treaty Conference to Ban Neuro/DEW and Mind Control Technologies

Ramola D

Ramola D, Wavemaker Interview

I’m pleased to report that I’ve accepted the honor of being named the Massachusetts State Convenor to the World Treaty Conference to Ban Neuro/DEW and Mind Control Technologies and was able to speak on the subject recently in an interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre for News Inside Out on the subject of these technologies, as well as delineate the basics of the current defamatory action taken by certain irresponsible Quincy Public Schools officials maligning my reportage and egregiously and wrongfully involving Child Protection services to threaten the privacy and sanctity of my family, as published in the JIT Press Release this past week. (Which I will report on further shortly, as I continue to uncover seriously concerning information about this extreme travesty.) Media coverage is invited on this story.

News Inside Out has reported on this interview–news article link and video below:


Public Comment/Participation in Worldwide Effort to Ban Neuro/DEWs To Protect All Humanity is Needed

The Model Statute is in draft form and public comment is invited; people everywhere, worldwide, are invited to join this effort and become Contacts for the Statute in their part of the world. People of prominence in public affairs are also encouraged to add their names to support this vitally important Ban initiative, which will have repercussions for all humanity, going forward.

“Interested individuals and organizations can add their names as contacts for the MODEL STATUTE by emailing their name, contact email & website affiliation to [email protected]”.

Earlier Legislative Efforts Preceding This Ban Neuro/DEWS Model Statute Initiative

Peace in Space notes that this 2018 Model Statute to Ban Neurotech Mind Control/DEWs was earlier introduced “in educational briefings in Brussels, Belgium to members of the European Parliament during 2011-2015 under the auspices of EUCACH.ORG.”

Indeed, this Model Statute to Ban Neurotech Mind Control Weapons, which was drafted by Alfred Webre, JD, MEd in close consultation with late Dr. Rauni Leena Luukanen-Kilde, former Chief Medical Officer of Finland, and other renowned international human rights advocates builds on earlier legislative efforts both in the United States and in Belgium at the European Union.

It should be known by all that HR 2977, the Space Preservation Act of 2001, which was introduced by Senator Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) to the US House of Representatives but never passed, was authored by vigilant journalist and judge Alfred Webre.

In its language, the 2001 Space Preservation Act (which was not passed) called for a ban on space-based weapons aimed at, among other things, the destruction of equipment in space or human life on earth “(II) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations.” Exotic weapons systems such as chem trails and tectonic weapons systems were also mentioned in the Space Preservation Act.

Even before that, in 1999, a groundbreaking international effort to inform the European Parliament was undertaken by a small group of dedicated international human rights activists and analysts including Dr. Nick Begich, publisher at Earthpulse Press, investigative journalist and author of several books including, with writer Jeanne Manning, Angels Don’t Play this HAARP, and Controlling the Human Mind/The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance, and Lynn Surgalla, former Vice President of the US Psychotronics Association with Lockheed Martin work experience in her background, using the investigative research and analyses published also by leading researchers such as Cheryl Welsh, JD, author of, Paul Baird, LLM, author of, Soleil Mavis, author of, and Harlan Girard, author of

As a consequence of the critical work by these seminal activists to raise world awareness, a resolution was published by the European Parliament that year, in 1999 (numbered B4-0551/95) warning of the results of the abuse of non-lethal directed-energy weapons, and demanding a ban of weapons aiming at “the manipulation of the human nervous system,” stating that “the maintaining of secrecy in military research is to be counteracted and the right to openness and democratic examination is to be strengthened” (European Parliament’s resolution B4-0551/95, paragraph 21).

Of this cornerstone resolution—which unfortunately has not in any way been enforced by the European Parliament to date, given all reports by engaged human rights neurotech/DEW activists in Europe, including ICATOR–Mojmir Babacek, researcher and author of “Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System” at Global Research notes:

“In the report by the European Parliament’s STOA (Science and Technological Options Assessment) panel “Crowd Control Technologies” the originally proposed text of the European Parliament’s resolution is quoted. There the European Parliament calls “for an international convention and global ban on all research and development, whether civilian or military, which seeks to apply knowledge of the chemical, electrical, sound vibration or other functioning of the human brain to the development of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings, including a ban on any actual or possible deployment (stressed by the author of the article) of such systems”. (40, pg CII, ref. 369).” –Mojmir Babacek

What the Model Statute to Ban Neurotech/Mind Control DEWS, 2018 Aims to Achieve

The Model Statute to ban Neurotech DEWs, 2018 Version seeks the following in protection of all humanity:

“The Model Statute Initiative bans the research & development, manufacture, possession, control, deployment, and/or operation of all new physics, scalar, plasma, or directed energy neurotech mind control weapons; and bans their use to torture or entrain human beings, animals, or living organisms in violation of International criminal and humanitarian law, including the Geneva Conventions and the Statute of the ICC – International Criminal Court.

The Model Statute Initiative can be adapted for adoption by international Treaty Conference (as was the Land Mines Treaty Conference that Princess Diana helped successfully create), as well as by any legislative body at the international, national, provincial, state, regional, municipal or local level, and enforcement by the designated appropriate lawful authorities.“

–The Model Statute Initiative to Ban Neurotech Mind Control Weapons – 2018, Peace in Space

Alfred Webre has recently discussed the Model Statute initiative on a podcast at You are Free TV. The World Treaty Conference webinar to launch the Model Statute Initiative to Ban Neurotech/DEW Mind Control Weapons is being planned and will be livestreamed to a world audience soon, please stay tuned to Peace in Space and News Inside out for details—which will also be announced here at The Everyday Concerned Citizen and at the US-Europe Joint Investigation Team website. It is anticipated that the World Treaty Conference webinar will open worldwide public awareness, discussion, and debate on the current misuse of military technologies in the remote manipulation of bodies and brains of civilians worldwide, and all concerned citizens are invited to actively get informed, spread awareness, and participate.

Urgency of Need for a Ban Against Mind & Body Control Weapons to Protect All Humanity

Recent news reports from China publicizing the use of “emotional surveillance” neuro monitoring technologies being used in mandatory fashion on the brains of thousands of factory workers under guise of improving human performance, in tandem with recent news reports as in the 60 Minutes MIT Media Labs coverage of demonstrated Synthetic Telepathy via neurostimulators and Brain Computer Interface technologies should alert all humanity that we are living in a critical time period today, when governments, Intelligence agencies, corporations, and militaries have the technological tools for complete and absolute domination over the entire human body and brain, and the power to monitor, manipulate, modify, assault, mutilate, degrade, and destroy every single human body and brain on the planet.

An extreme and criminal disservice to humanity has been achieved by mainstream media outlets such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, Wired, Vice, The Daily Beast, and others in keeping the progressive information on the development of these deadly military neuro/DEW mind and body control weapons from the public, by their steady discharge of Propaganda coverage for the Deep State, which has, true to Military Deception and Psychological Warfare form (as spelled out in Military and Intelligence manuals), sought to both openly downplay mind-control and body-control with remote energy weapons as “science fiction” and to openly deny, dismiss, decry, and discredit the numerous and increasing reports of experienced non-consensual assault with directed-energy weapons, neuroweapons, and RFID implants arising from all over the world over the last three to five decades.

At the level of the covered agencies and militaries comprising the “Deep State” and engaging in this non-consensual Neuro/DEW Mind Control assault experimentation/operation, a key aspect of this concealment has been to label all reporting victims “Targeted Individuals” and then run a series of Psychological Operations in their midst to tarnish them falsely as mentally ill, which has included co-opting mainstream media to run avid POPPCon (Psy Op Propaganda Piece Con artist coverage) against them, in efforts to disappear, discredit, and silence all public emergence of their vital testimonial as “paranoid and delusional.”

It must be noted that it was this exact modality of supreme deception and betrayal that was used to disappear the victims of radiation experimentation in the 1950s, and all other non-consensual subjects of military and Intelligence experimentation over the years, by having them falsely labeled, stigmatized, and silenced by corrupt doctors and psychiatrists as mentally ill, crazy, paranoid, delusional, and schizophrenic. The story of Elmer Allen, well-known 1950s Manhattan Project experimentee, which illustrates this betrayal, was uncovered by investigative journalist Eileen Welsome, author of The Plutonium Files, and is featured here: Paranoid Schizophrenia, Tool of the Red Terror, Makes a Comeback in Authoritarian USA and Other Western Democracies. Discussion of this phenomenon as related to the silencing of important CIA/NSA/FBI/military/police whistleblowers is discussed here in CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell’s recent article, which features the testimonial and reportage also of whistleblower Ed Schooling and a US News and World report article by Victoria Pope on Soviet-era repressive psychiatry: Extreme Sabotage of Journalists and Government Whistleblowers.

Scientists, military, and Intelligence whistleblowers of conscience and integrity have stepped forward today to present the truth to the public, to lay bare the actuality of the facts behind surveillance abuse and non-consensual human experimentation, which includes the Military/Intelligence misuse of these military Neuro/DEW Mind Control weapons as implements of Torture on humans, and to give witness to the fact that “Targeted Individuals,” far from being mentally ill, are critically important whistleblowers, front-line reporters, and canaries-in-the-coal-mine witnesses attesting to the criminal use of these deadly weapons on humans today.

To understand the true nature of the urgency of the need for a ban of these mind/body control energy weapons, the reading public is encouraged to read the reports, documentation, witness testimonial, NSA/CIA/FBI/DARPA/DIA whistleblower testimony, and true reportage related to the power and misuse of these military Neuro/DEW Mind Control weapons at the following sites: Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower’s website; Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower’s website;, Cheryl Welsh’s website;, Paul Baird’s website; Peacepink, Soleil Mavis’ website, Worldwide Campaign to stop the Abuse and Torture of Mind Control/DEWs;, Spencer Carter’s website;, Dr. Eric Karlstrom’s website;, Dr. Katherine Horton’s website, Global Nuclear Cover-Up, Dr. Leuren Moret’s website;, Targeted Justice’s website;, International Center Against Covert Technologies; ICATOR‘s website; ICOMW, International Committee Against Offensive Microwave Weapons, Harlan Girard’s website; Targeted Individuals Canada; Omni’s websites including Declassified Documents; Renee Pittman Mitchell’s books and website, Big Brother Watching Us; Mark M. Rich’s books and website, New World War; Dr. Nick Begich’s books and website, Earthpulse Press; at this writer’s websites, The Everyday Concerned Citizen and Youtube/Ramola D Reports.

(There are many other websites with vital reportage—those maintaining Truth-filled information on this subject are encouraged to contact this writer so a full list can be published.)

Leading investigative journalists covering this subject on an ongoing basis include Barbara Hartwell, Suzie Dawson, Alfred Webre, Dr. Leuren Moret, Dr. Katherine Horton, Dr. Nick Begich, Cheryl Welsh, Vic Livingston, James Moreno, and Ramola D. Journalists covering military neurotechnology include Nicholas West of Activist Post. Journalists newly covering this subject include Sarah Westall.

(Again, any journalist newly covering this subject or covering military neurotechnology and wishing to be recognized is encouraged to contact this writer with links to reportage.)

The fact is, our children, our grandchildren, ourselves, and our elderly are at greatest risk of being completely and absolutely dominated, controlled, manipulated, and emasculated by these mind and body control weapons if we do not unite to act definitively as concerned humanity to ban these weapons now.

As I see it currently, the four greatest risks these weapons pose to each and every one of us is:

the silent creation of disease/illness/bodily destruction of the human body from a distance,
the silent wipeout/degrading/moronification/diseasification of the human brain from a distance,
the silent and gratuitous, sadistic manipulation/assault/abuse/slow kill of both the human body and brain in actions of Torture, Pay-to-Play, & Ritual Abuse from a distance; and
the bio-robotizing or total takeover of the human body via takeover of the human brain, from a distance.

(All four effects are being reported currently.) What these weapons permit is Bio Hacking, Brain Hacking, and Life Hacking: this is exactly what is being reported currently, worldwide.

This therefore is the background. The Model Statute initiative to ban Neurotech/DEW Assault Weapons is urgently needed, and people everywhere, worldwide, in all your different spheres of influence are urged to participate in this effort and also to initiate and establish similar efforts worldwide to ban these terrible weapons, which are essentially New Age Weapons of Mass Destruction which promise Complete Body & Brain Takeover of Humanity.

Please research, please get informed, please spread awareness, and please take peaceful and meaningful action to participate in this initiative to protect humanity at your earliest.

Please share this post widely.


Notice of Crimes Against Humanity Using Energy & Neuro/Bio Weapons

Community Notice: Notice of Crimes Against Humanity/Patriot Act Crimes

Ramola D Reports/Report #56: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: FBI & FMJ Are On a Roll of Domestic Criminality

Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower Interview with Ramola D of The EveryDay Concerned Citizen

Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower Interview with Ramola D (PART 2)

Censorship, Lies, Deception: WIRED Removes Writer’s Comment Exposing DOD/CIA Crimes at Laura Yan’s POPPCon (Psy Op Propaganda Piece) for the Deep State

Robert Duncan, Regarding 6/10 NYT Article on Gang-Stalking & Targeted Individuals: “When Weapons Are “Field Tested” They Need To Be Very Secretive”

Counterintelligence Crime | American Activist Filmmaker Reports Extreme Military/Intel Agency Neural Abuse with Covert Ops Brain-Computer-Interface Weapons

United States of PsyOps: Call Them Paranoid. Call Them Delusional.

Memorandum to President Donald J. Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance

Dr. Katherine Horton to All Americans with Integrity: Global Nazi Extermination Program Underway–Why You Need to Help Rescue Electronic Concentration Camp Victims Now!

NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart: Synopsis of the Silent Holocaust Taking Place in the United States

Targeting is Real

Former US Navy Officer Walks Across America to Expose Covert Targeting and Neuro-Experimentation Program

The American Public Informs President Obama’s Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues About Ongoing Non-Consensual Human Experimentation in the USA Today

Letter from Ramola D to the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues/On Ongoing Non-Consensual Human Experimentation

No Waivers of Informed Consent, PERIOD: The Public Reports Ongoing Non-Consensual Experimentation and Demands the Common Rule Protect Citizens, Not Covert Activities

Letter to SACHRP from Ramola D/Regarding SACHRP’s Responsibility to Protect All Human Subjects…Necessary Protections of the Common Rule

2016 BRAIN Initiatives: Neuro Crime, Neuro Warfare, DARPA/CIA Brain Experimentation, Neuro Ethics, and Non-Consensual Experimentees

In the Name of National Security? Secret, Classified Human Subject Experimentation and Research in 2015: Where is the Public Outrage?

Clandestine “Classified” Human Subject Experimentation using EMF Radiation/Sonic/Ultrasonic Neuroweaponry

Charles A. Schlund’s Affidavit: Early CIA Leaks from the Don Bolles Papers, and Evidence from the 1970s of Remote Electromagnetic Torture with US Govt. Implants

Paranoid Schizophrenia, Tool of the Red Terror, Makes a Comeback in Authoritarian USA and Other Western Democracies

NSA Whistleblower Wrongfully “Baker-Acted” by Florida Sheriff’s Department After Providing Hard Evidence of Covert Electronic Harassment

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NSA Whistleblower Powerhouses William Binney and Kirk Wiebe Stand Up to Support “Targeted Individuals” Worldwide

Deep State Whistleblower Cody Snodgres Reveals the Targeting of Americans with Mind Control, Microwave, Psychic Energy Weapons

Ex-CIA and MI5 Agent and Whistleblower Carl Clark Reveals Covert Electromagnetic Torture of Civilians by Intel Agencies in US/UK/Europe/Asia with Directed Energy “Non-Lethal” Neuroweapons

Abreu Report: “My Brain was Cooking,” Says Victim of Psychotronic Weapon

Tim Rifat: Deadly Microwave Weapons Being Used Covertly as Dissident/Mass Behavior Control Weapons in UK and US

Nov 25, 2016, Dr. Eric Karlstrom: NSA/Homeland Security “Paid Vigilante Militia Thugs” (Excerpts from Rense-Stewart Interview (11/18/16))- Transcript

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NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Writes Openly to FBI Infragard, “America’s Unconstitutional Fascist Brown Shirts”

2015: “Targeted Individuals” are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal, Clandestine, Classified “Top Secret” MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO and Electronic Warfare

How Secret Policing With Deadly “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, & Globally

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In 2015, Covert Non-Consensual RFID/MEMS (Microchip) Implants Are a Reality Everyone Should Know About

Is the US Department of Justice Secretly Permitting Local Law Enforcement & the Military to Assault American Citizens Using Covert Directed-Energy “Non-Lethal” Weapons?

Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up

The “Neutralizing” of US Dissent With Neuroweaponry: Open Letter to Journalists and Human Rights Advocates and Organizations in the USA and Worldwide

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An American Citizen Reports “Developed Dehumanization through Non-Consenting Implantation to the Human Body in Efforts to Maintain Terrorism”

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Letter to the German Ministry of the Interior/Cover-Up & Secrecy After Electromagnetic Terrorism Warnings to the German Public Published Earlier, in Ministry’s 2001 Threat Report

Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD, Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland: Microchip Implants, Mind Control, and Cybernetics

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OUTRAGE in Massachusetts Public School: Defamation, Harassment & Invasion of Privacy Against Mother, Human Rights Activist, Investigative Journalist Ramola D/Letter in Support from Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower

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Activism On Covert Neuro-Experimentation/Directed-Energy Weapons: Tyrone Dew Informs Jeremy Scahill, John McAfee, Spike Lee, Rohinie Bisesar

Ramola D/Washington’s Blog: Rohinie Bisesar: Psychiatric Illness, or Long-Term Covert Neuro-Experimentation and a “Manchurian Candidate”?

21st-Century Bio-Hacking and Bio-Robotizing in the Case of Rohinie Bisesar: Breakthrough as Defense Attorney Confirms Her Receipt of Letter from Human Rights Activists

The Baton Rouge Gunman and “Targeted Individuals”: US Naval Academy Graduate Educates Americans on Non-Consensual Neuro-Experimentation

Health-Damaging Radiation Levels in UC Berkeley’s Family Student Housing Officially Attributed to “Law Enforcement & Government Satellite Technology” With No Further Investigation

Defense Contractor Lockheed Martin Implicated in Covert Microwave Weaponry Assaults on “Targeted Individuals”

Interviews with Changemakers (3): Melanie Vritschan, Outstanding Human Rights Advocate Working for Humanity

Kevin Galalae Calls On Humanity to Help Stop Global Depopulation Genocide: This is a Time to Stand Up and Be Counted–So Stand Up


Posted in Activism, Waking Up

Tagged Alfred Webre, ban, CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell, Directed Energy Weapons, Dr. Katherine Horton, Dr. Leuren Moret, Electromagnetic weapons, Electronic Warfare, FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee, ICATOR, Massachusetts, Melanie Vritschan, Model Statute, Neuroweapons, NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart, Peace in Space, Punitive Psychiatry, Ramola D, State Convenor, Targeted Individuals

JIT/Press Release: Quincy Central Middle School Principal Richard DeCristofaro, Jr. Makes Irresponsible & Malicious False Report of “Neglect” to Child Protective Services Against School Mother, a Journalist and Human Rights Advocate with Brilliant, Thriving, Contented, High-Performing Child

Posted on April 30, 2018 | 5 comments

US-EU Joint Investigation Team (JIT) Press Release: For Immediate Distribution Worldwide

Date: April 30, 2018

Quincy Central Middle School Principal Richard DeCristofaro, Jr. Makes Irresponsible & Malicious False Report of “Neglect” to Child Protective Services Against School Mother, a Journalist and Human Rights Advocate with Brilliant, Thriving, Contented, High-Performing Child

Deep State Use of Silencing Technologies
Military Non-Lethal Anti-Personnel Technologies with Bio-Effects 101
Reports of Remote Electromagnetic Technology Assault Are Currently Widespread
Explosive Growth in Directed-Energy Weapons, Non-Lethal Weapons, and Police Usage
Massachusetts Law on Electronic Harassment
Information Provided is in the Public Interest

Following a recent informational meeting that internationally renowned award-winning writer and investigative journalist, human rights advocate, and US-Europe Joint Investigation Team Press Officer Ramola D/Dharmaraj had with Central Middle School Principal Richard DeCristofaro, Jr., on April 12, 2018, to which he mid-way invited his Vice Principal Ms. Susan Shea Conner, Mr. DeCristofaro made an injurious and malicious false allegation of “Child Neglect” to the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, which has resulted in a wrongful, wasteful, stressful, and wholly unnecessary “investigation” being opened on this writer and her family.

Ramola D had pre-scheduled the appointment, wherein she provided Mr. DeCristofaro, Jr., information related to her Art, Creative Writing and Natural Science workshops for children, as well as important public-interest information regarding a subject endorsed and supported today by FBI, NSA, and CIA and other Government and military whistle-blowers pertaining to the wrongful use of electromagnetic anti-personnel technologies on Americans, about an unpleasant experience of Remote Electronic Assault (recorded in an affidavit) that she was subjected to on March 28, 2018, on school grounds during the Middle School’s Science Fair where her daughter’s team won an award for their science project.

Deep State Use of Silencing Technologies

“While many may be unaware of the reality of Remote Electronic technologies being used on citizens, NSA, FBI, DARPA, CIA, US Navy whistleblowers are on record informing all that these military technologies do indeed exist and are being used today by criminal miscreants in power in the “Deep State” to silence community activists, whistle-blowers, prominent, exceptional, and civic-minded American citizens who express their views openly in simple exercise of their First Amendment rights.

It is a well-known and prolifically documented fact that such electro-magnetic weaponry exists and has been operational for decades, used by the military and intelligence agencies (including but not limited to FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA DARPA) against persons deemed “dissidents,” whistleblowers, journalists and expositors of vital information which should be of concern to every American who values the God-given, unalienable rights and liberties enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, and specifically the Bill of Rights contained therein….I am one of many former intelligence professionals, an independent investigator, intelligence analyst and journalist, who, for more than a quarter century, has been documenting and publicly reporting on the high-tech anti-personnel weaponry used against us.”

— Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistle-blower, Independent Investigator, Intelligence Analyst, Journalist/Letter from Barbara Hartwell for Ramola D

“The high-tech, covert technology to which Mrs. Dharmaraj refers, has been used secretly for decades against our enemies when overt actions were simply too risky…I will tell you that I have been working closely with Ramola Dharmaraj for almost two years and am quite impressed with her multifaceted talent, integrity, superior intellect, brilliant writing capability and exceptional research ability. What she is telling you about highly advanced, covert technology being used on “inconvenient” people, people of integrity (whistle-blowers), truth-tellers (certain journalists), activists, potential leaders in a community, independent and aware thinkers, patriots, and Constitutionalists, as a means to intimidate, isolate, torture, murder and “make examples of” them to the general population, is 100% true…

There is indeed a Secret Government of unelected bureaucrats who have no intention of allowing the populace a voice in their own future, and the façade of a Democracy is fading fast with the advent of America’s version of Brown Shirts run by DHS through the FBI, which clearly has a long history of trampling our rights (COINTELPRO) for political gain.”

–NSA Intelligence Analyst Karen Melton-Stewart (Retd.)/Letter from Karen Stewart for Ramola D

The FBI is spearheading the most colossal and evil attacks on people ever conceived on the face of the Earth, and they are using Deep Space-based technology, they are using Bio-Chemical Viral Warfare Elements and Agents, and they’re using Psychological Warfare to destroy people.

–FBI Special Agent, Attorney, Judge Geral Sosbee (Retd.)/Ramola D Reports/Report #56: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI

Military Non-Lethal Anti-Personnel Technologies with Bio-Effects 101

Through regular seminars and public conversations on their weekly podcast Techno Crime Fighters Forum, the US-Europe Joint Investigation Team has sought to educate the public about Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Technologies which come under the rubric of Directed Energy Weapons, Neuroweapons, Electronic Warfare, and Non Lethal Weapons.

“Electronic,” a Military term for electromagnetic and acoustic “Spectrum” weapons, categorizes the entire branch of Electronic Warfare, which includes EMP and Star Wars SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) weapons like lasers, masers, and particle beam weapons designed to knock out computers and battleships, as well as highly invasive “anti-personnel” microwave pulse, sonic, and scalar weapons which essentially act as bio-hacking weapons and can produce specific bio-effects on human organs, nerves, brains, and body parts.

Some of these bio-effects are described in the Department of Defense’s declassified document, Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons made available on FOIA request in 2006 to Donald Friedman as well as to Dr. Millicent Black, Pastor and Research Analyst on the US-Europe Joint Investigation Team. Bio-effect information has also been published in the 2002 Air Force Research Laboratory report Biological Effects of Directed Energy, summarizing findings from a contract with Veridian Engineering, and in the USAF Radio Frequency Radio Dosimetry Handbook, which spells out the known dosages of radiation and frequencies which affect different body parts, projects the US like Russia has been working on for decades, since the 1950s.

Reports of Remote Electromagnetic Technology Assault Are Currently Widespread

Information such as the above is known to investigators and journalists studying these subjects, and is increasingly being disseminated in the public interest, as reports come pouring in nationwide and worldwide on the illegitimate use of these weapons on civilians.

JIT Intelligence Analyst and NSA Whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart notes;

“(T)hese technologies have been used by our adversaries on us as well. Two examples are, the Soviet Union’s use of microwave technology to bombard the US Embassy in Moscow to sicken and kill the personnel there in the 1980’s and the recent incident in Cuba (summer 2017) where more embassy personnel were assaulted and injured by similar covert technology, this time apparent sonic/sound-based weaponry, though it could also have been microwave which has a tell-tale, high pitched whine. This is nothing new to the Intelligence Community or certain parts of our military.”

–NSA Intelligence Analyst Karen Melton-Stewart (Retd.)/Letter from Karen Stewart for Ramola D

In March 2016, the Polish Minister of Defense acknowledged publicly the reports of civilians alleging electromagnetic-technology assault, and promised to look into them.

Most recently, in February 2018, Dr. Robert Duncan, the Harvard-educated DARPA/CIA scientist whistleblower who has worked also for Army, Navy, DOJ, and admits to helping create electromagnetic neuroweapons, while speaking on Polish TV at the occasion of the 8th International Day Against Mind-Control referred to these weapons as “some of the most horrific weapons humans had ever conceived of” and stated he is working “to create defenses and alert the public about these weapons” as he calls for all countries using them to sign a treaty to ban the use of these weapons on citizens.

Today, intrepid independent journalists, activists, and researchers including Ramola D of The Everyday Concerned Citizen are acting en masse online to educate and inform the public as they seek to remedy the great disservice done to humanity by mainstream media like The New York Times, the Washington Post, Vice, The Daily Beast, Wired, Wikipedia, and others, who are known to be propped up by the Deep State, and continually publish Propaganda coverage to conceal the Crimes Against Humanity testing, operation, and use of these Directed Energy Weapons and Remote Anti-Personnel technologies on citizens worldwide—famously calling all reporting victims of these crimes paranoid and delusional.

Explosive Growth in Directed-Energy Weapons, Non-Lethal Weapons, and Police Usage

By all accounts, the DEW and non-lethal and less-lethal weapons market is expected to grow exponentially to about $25 billion by 2020. Documents obtained by Wikileaks and reported by international investigative journalist and Internet Party President Suzie Dawson indicate that the weapons have been tested and are operational, and that police departments worldwide comprise a large portion of the market for these less-lethal weapons which would include crowd-control technologies and anti-personnel “deterrents.”

Massachusetts State Police is listed among the listed police departments as a market for these “non-lethal” technologies. The Chief of Police in Massachusetts however, as head of the Commonwealth Fusion Center, in May 2015, declined to provide on FOIA request from investigative journalist Ramola D a list of the non-lethal weapons in use on the streets in Massachusetts, citing “Public Safety” although indeed it was concern for Public Safety and the importance of transparent disclosure to the public of all weapons, including silent radiation weapons, which had prompted her request.

Meanwhile, in apparent confirmation of the secretive use of remote anti-personnel electromagnetic technologies on citizens, the recent ACLU-Yale Law School Report on the bloated and erroneous Terrorist Watchlists from the FBI concerningly discusses long-term surveillance without cause, and “Silent Hits” on “non-investigative subjects.”

Massachusetts Law on Electronic Harassment

To add: Massachusetts, notably, is one of only two states in the US (the other is Michigan) with a law on the books regarding Electronic weapons, prohibiting the possession of electronic weapons–“weapon from which an electrical current, impulse, wave or beam may be directed, which current, impulse, wave or beam is designed to incapacitate temporarily, injure or kill”–by civilians and permitting them to be held exclusively by police.

Information Provided is in the Public Interest

The information provided by Ramola D to the Principal on April 12 therefore regarding these sophisticated technologies, which include satellite and cell-tower technologies, and offer the ultimate stealth vehicle for the assault of humans at a remove, from a distance, was offered in the public interest, with greatest concern for the public at large, including the children at the school.

Far from recognizing the value of this information, researching it further, and acting on it to safeguard the safety and sanctity of the school however, as any intelligent and concerned educator capable of using search engines on the Internet would have done, Mr. DeCristofaro Jr. and Ms. Susan Shea Conner have done the opposite. On April 13, the Deputy Superintendent Kevin Mulvey and the Senior Director of Student Support Services Ms. Maura Papile privately sent electronic copies of the information provided to Ramola D’s husband, “informed” him of her visit to the Principal—in medieval patriarchical form, stated they had found her information disturbing, and stated that they had called The Department of Children and Families (DCF) out of “concern.”

Subsequent phone calls and a form on DCF letterhead being illegally dropped off in the family’s mailbox on April 23 ensued. The form stated, shockingly, that a report of “Child Neglect” with the caregiver responsible being the “biological mother” had been filed. A subsequent home visit on April 27 by Department of Children and Families caseworker Terri Ellis revealed that the report—made by a reporter whose name the DCF is protecting, by Massachusetts State Law, per Terri Ellis—alleged, wrongfully, that the mother, a published author and journalist, had made a statement that “she was assaulted by a weapon by the FBI” (a statement she had not made) and is “suffering from severe, untreated mental illness, does not take her medication, and is psychotic.”

Ramola D informed the caseworker on the spot these allegations were false A to Z and she disputed them, noting that it appeared her informational visit with Mr. Richard DeCristofaro Jr. and Ms. Susan Shea Conner had been misunderstood by them.

To investigate this matter further, Ramola D/Dharmaraj has made Public Records requests via Muckrock to the Quincy Public Schools Administration, Quincy School Committee, and the Department of Children and Families for all communications regarding herself and her daughter, and written a letter to the Governor to inform him of the exact details of this situation and request his intervention to stop this injurious false investigation based on libelous charges in its tracks.

In a follow-up email to Terri Ellis succeeding her home-visit, Ramola has provided factual information on her visit, on her Science/Technology/Surveillance reportage, and on the fact that her child is a star student who excels in every way and is thriving and contented under her and her husband’s care and nurturing. About her child, whose immaculate room was inspected by Terri Ellis, she wrote:

“As you have seen for yourself however, our child is healthy, cared-for, loved, supported socially and familially, and contented. She is also a brilliant and diligent student, with qualities of caring, conscientiousness, and community. She has won a major international art contest at 11 (the Model UN Montessori Art Contest), published a beautiful poem at 13 in a national children’s magazine, and has completed the writing of many exquisite short stories–all with my personal guiding and nurturing as an artist, poet, and fiction-writer myself. My after-school creativity workshops were begun for her and her friends in Adams Montessori School when she was seven, after I noticed the paucity of after-school art workshops in the area; she has taken nearly all my after-school and summer-camp art, poetry, and story-writing workshops between the ages of 7 and 11. In addition, as I explained, I have been the primary parent taking her to an evolving blend of extra-curricular activities as she progressed from preschool through elementary to middle school, including ballet, singing, gymnastics, soccer, swimming and currently language and Math classes; today my husband and I share these duties amicably.”

–Ramola D/Follow-Up Email to Terri Ellis

Tracy Wellons, a biomedical research scientist who has written a letter in support of Ramola D’s work and character, wrote:

“To label an intellectually distinguished, psychologically sound, and emotionally stable mother as “mentally ill” and “psychotic, paranoid or delusional” is a form of psychological abuse, especially when the person making the false allegation is a public school administrator or county social worker who has not earned a license to practice psychology…the current DCF child neglect investigation needs to be immediately closed as unfounded before irreparable harm is caused to the innocent child and family.”

–Tracy Wellons/Letter for Ramola D from Tracy Wellons

Essentially, what has happened here is that an investigative journalist who has worked consistently to research and report on concerning military technologies and raise public awareness has been slandered and defamed by Quincy Public School officials who have made an egregiously false, unsupported, and reprehensible allegation of Child Neglect to the Department of Children and Families in the case of an exceptionally talented, contented, thriving, and high-performing child, who enjoys a happy, contented family life with her family and community, suffers absolutely No neglect, and certainly does not need the intervention of State services.

Is investigative journalism now mental illness, according to Quincy Public Schools?

What is at stake here currently in Massachusetts and the USA is Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Reportage. Concerned citizens, media, and investigative journalists everywhere are invited to take discerning and thoughtful action to peacefully quell this encroachment on our common rights and liberties and cover this story further. It is to be hoped that the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families drop this false investigation immediately.

Those benefiting from the public-interest investigative journalism at The Everyday Concerned Citizen, at Ramola D Reports, and by the Joint Investigation Team may wish to inform Quincy Public Schools and the Quincy School Committee of the difference between factual investigative reportage (backed by Government whistleblowers) and “untreated mental illness.” Ramola D, who is seeking a Civil Rights attorney to address this defamatory charge of mental illness which amounts to “tortious interference” attempting to intimidate and silence her vitally necessary journalism and voice, will be available for interviews, seminars, and podcasts.

Please share this Press Release widely.

Media Contact:

Ramola D, Press Officer, JIT

[email protected]



Ramola D/Public Exhibit: Investigative Journalism is Not “Untreated Mental Illness”

FOIA Request Report: Massachusetts State Police Suggests Public Safety is Upheld By Withholding Inventory of Non-Lethal Weapons Currently in Use

Massachusetts State Law on Electronic Weapon Use Permitted to Law Enforcement



Posted in America, Civil Liberties, classified research, COINTELPRO terrorism, Waking Up
Tagged Child Neglect, Child Protective Services, Deputy Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, electronic weapons, EMF Assault, False Report, Human Rights Advocate, investigative journalism, Jr., Malicious Report, Principal Richard DeCristofaro, Quincy Central Middle School, Senior Director Student Support Services Maura Papile, Untreated Mental Illness, Vice-Principal Susan Shea Conner
Conversation & Film Review/Ramola D: ‘The Spark’ by Stephen Shellenberger
Posted on April 22, 2018 | 2 comments
–Ramola D/Posted 4/22/2018

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with actor and filmmaker Stephen Shellenberger on the subject of his new film, The Spark, released online currently at his website for an incredible discount, please visit there to view, please share widely.

In a wonderful impromptu conversation opened by a musician friend Bob spilling exquisite notes and lyrics hinting at alienation into the moment, Stephen Shellenberger offers candid insights into his creative process and approach in the making of this elegant art film set in Montreal.

Thoughtful, straightforward, and matter-of-fact, Stephen delves into the beauty and meaning of art and talks about his own experiences of having been moved by great art, such as the statue of David by Michel Angelo in Florence, and about the need to be moved and to relate to the world at the level of heart, not merely mind, and how art in this way offers in a sense a true pastiche of world experience across time, more than the histories of war and governments does.

Released April 20 at his website, for the modest price of 1.99 for a week: especially recommended to those experiencing unlawful targeting or surveillance, for friends and family, to raise public awareness through art. Support Stephen Shellenberger at Patreon.


REVIEW | Stephen Shellenberger’s The Spark

Ramola D, Author, Temporary Lives; Invisible Season | April 22, 2018

A gorgeous art film with the added bonus of a gripping narrative, The Spark offers a compelling glimpse into a world uncannily like our own, a modern dystopia spiked with high-tech surveillance and low-tech stalkers surrounding a central figure steeped in his own story of love, loss, and remembrance.

Stephen Shellenberger, award-winning actor, artist, poet, and filmmaker with an eye for the visually appealing and keen sense for the power of story acts, casts, writes and directs in this subtly artful film set in Montreal.

A man with memories of a beautiful ended relationship begins to catch glimpses of his beloved in a new and distant urban setting far from the days of his romance in Paris, while at the same time his own life seems to mysteriously unravel. Unclear himself what exactly is going on around him as he notices signs of apartment break-ins and experiences a loss of trust from close colleagues, he begins to treat every encounter with strangers, neighbors, an attractive though uninvited companion on a train with dawning suspicion.

The world in which he lives is a modern world “where the originals are being replaced,” where cloning and genetic editing and transhumanizing are a sudden fact of life, where the future is marked by “lunatics, heretics, and sick pedophiles,” where some who rule are ruled by no limits on their greed for control—all unhappy reminders of our own reality in this millenium. It is a surveillance-infested world where deception and disinformation crowd the atmosphere, where no-one it appears is what they seem, where dark-intentioned agents crowd everyday around targets and seek to modulate their thoughts and actions.

All around him throbs a succession of odd encounters; trapped in a Kafkaesque loop of repetitions he soon begins to distrust his seeing and spins deeper into himself as he steps further into the world, speaking only to a select few around him. Spiraling down the rabbit hole he learns more eventually than he had ever bargained for, tossed around by question after question, not offered the truth of what he is experiencing until the very end, when unexpected validation of his deepest misgivings is proffered.

Because he is lost and haunted by his need to find the truth and meaning of his experience, we too are lost and tossed with him inside the seas of his unknowing–the emotional intensity of the experience keeps the viewer enthralled.

A #MustWatch for those awakened keen to make sense of our varied lives today, uniformly impacted by larger substructural realities such as Satanism and control, The Spark could be shown in schools and colleges as a great way to offer insight into the reality and nature of our surveillance-ridden world today, trapped as we are with the surround-sound of science fiction morphing into fact and the roster of bizarre technologies promising to take over humanity expanding at every step.

And what of the spark of life, learning, discovery that throbs like a distant heart pulling him closer and deeper into the truth of his own experience? Haunted, targeted, pursued, a fiery light still burns inside him. Supported by a cast of striking women and men actors who each leave their own indelible mark on the film, The Spark is both elevating and unsettling, a provocative and dramatic vignette for our times.

Posted in America, Waking Up
Tagged Art, Film, Film Review, Ramola D, Ramola D Reports, Stephen Shellenberger, The Spark
Breakthrough in Reaching Mainstream Audiences on DEWs/Surveillance Abuse/Wrongful Targeting as Suzie Dawson Sets Twitter Alight
Posted on April 21, 2018 | 6 comments

–Ramola D/Posted 4/21/2018

Suzie Dawson, New Zealand journalist, Occupy activist, Snowden documents researcher, Internet Party leader, and on-air #DecipherYou analyst with Elizabeth Lea Vos of Disobedient Media, set Twitter alight last night with some candid and revelatory tweets calling attention to Directed Energy Weapons in use by militaries, the overreach of Intelligence agencies in expanding their circle of targets as they seek more and more funds and grow ever more authoritarian and out of control, targeting “suburban soccer moms, grandparents, and students” with exotic weapons.

Calling on journalists who may have been too scared to touch this subject, she notes that Intelligence agencies have gotten away with their criminality for too long and asks journalists to step forward to cover. Please retweet and repost Suzie’s vitally important tweets as the movement by concerned citizens and human rights activists to inform the world about the reality of electromagnetic weapon use on civilians–who, when reporting Surveillance Abuse with EMF and neuroweapons are continually dismissed and discredited as delusional “Targeted Individuals”–gains steam.

Update: Please see entire thread here in the form of an article, via the brilliant Thread Reader App:

This was the tweet that started the thread:

Suzie Dawson’s documentary about her own wrongful targeting experience may be found here:

My marathon interview with Suzie Dawson recently as a Changemaker where she covered the findings she has made from close perusal of the Snowden documents and spoke about the targeting of both Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, exhorting all targeted and in the truther community to unite in support of both these whistleblowers can be found here:

Please support Suzie Dawson’s efforts to inform the world and to expose the criminal targeting abuse we are all reporting by sending her documents and links online, and retweeting her important tweets above. Suzie’s work is critical in this struggle to reach mainstream audiences–being brainwashed by Mockingbird-style media deceit and propaganda–because she has been closely studying and reporting on those Snowden documents already released, and has been covering Surveillance for a long while now, as her tweets illustrate.

Much gratitude to Suzie for stepping out and taking a stand here for all those being emasculated by the venal megalomaniacs in the Intelligence agencies, militaries, and military-industrial complex who are pulling in increasingly fat paychecks while those thousands and millions of accomplished and innocent citizens they target intensively with high-tech radar, microwave, scalar, sonic technology and covert implants experience the utter destruction of their lives.

Please repost and share this post widely, with attribution and linkback.


Posted in Activism, Animal Protection, Civil Liberties, COINTELPRO terrorism, Counter-Intelligence, Covert Assaults, covert harassment, covert surveillance, directed energy, Targeted Individuals, The Matrix is Collapsing, Waking Up
Tagged #DecipherYou, DEWs, Diary of a Person of Interest, NSA, Ramola D Reports, Snowden documents, Suzie Dawson
Community Notice: Notice of Crimes Against Humanity/Patriot Act Crimes
Posted on April 18, 2018 | 16 comments
–Ramola D/Posted 4/18/2018


Posted below is the Community Notice of Crimes Against Humanity/Patriot Act Crimes endorsed and supported by FBI, CIA, and NSA whistleblowers and the US-Europe Joint Investigation Team, a group which investigates crimes involving directed-energy weapons and military neuro/biotechnology, published earlier on this site at Flyers for Public Education. Please download this document for use as a flyer in pdf format here. Given that these Crimes Against Humanity are occurring nationwide and worldwide, please download this document in doc format here and replace place-names in the header with your own place-names as appropriate and relevant. (Note: To use this flyer with the named endorsements, please ONLY change place-names as relevant, and no other text, thanks.) Please feel free to re-post and re-publish this Notice on your own websites with linkback.

This notice is being published to raise public awareness, to educate the American and world public, and to inform local communities and neighborhoods. The information in this flyer is not speculative and is fully backed up by the sourced, cumulative investigative reportage at this site (and elsewhere), and follows on recent informative interviews in print and audio with FBI, CIA, and NSA whistleblowers published here at The Everyday Concerned Citizen as well as at YouTube/Ramola D Reports.

Human rights advocates and organizations, investigative journalists, scientists, whistleblowers, ethicists, and concerned American and world citizens are encouraged to step forward to openly support this Community Notice as the global human rights and bioethical movement to expose and end these pernicious and extreme 21st-century Crimes Against Humanity daily expands. Please email to endorse.

This notice is also supported by the 28 August 2017 Notice of Crimes Against Humanity Using Energy and Neuro/Bio Weapons citing Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the 1998 International Criminal Court, published here earlier. Please print and distribute widely.


from The Everyday Concerned Citizen/US-Europe Joint Investigation Team

Notice of Crimes Against Humanity/Patriot Act Crimes

Notice to One is Notice to All

Psychological Warfare, Operations, & Deception Along with Electromagnetic Anti-Personnel Assaults Are Being Run in Quincy & Boston, Massachusetts by Govt Agencies–FBI, DHS, CIA, NSA, DOD, DOJ;

All Participating are Accomplices to Potential Murder

Source: FBI, CIA, NSA Whistleblowers/The Everyday Concerned Citizen/US-Europe Joint Investigation Team



These programs are extrajudicial COINTELPRO Character-Assassination, Mutilation, Destruction, Blacklisting, Life-Sabotage, Torture, and Murder campaigns, intending to fully destroy the lives of outstanding community activists, journalists, writers, teachers, professors, whistleblowers, and civic-minded citizens.

Thousands of Americans are being destroyed like this by the FBI/CIA/DHS.


Remember please that only FBI/CIA have powers with Fusion Centers globally to run horrendous campaigns for torture and murder. Also, FBI has a duty to investigate the crimes we describe. The FBI and FMJ (Federal Magistrate Judges) authorize these offenses and could stop them. (April 11, 2018/Leaked Gangstalker Recruitment Video, The Everyday Concerned Citizen)

The FBI is spearheading the most colossal and evil attacks on people ever conceived on the face of the Earth, and they are using Deep Space-based technology, they are using Bio-Chemical Viral Warfare Elements and Agents, and they’re using Psychological Warfare to destroy people. (April 1, 2018/Ramola D Reports/Report #56-Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI)


The scam goes like this, random people, or people who are dissidents or whistleblowers are purposely mislabeled as “terrorists” and put on an Enemies List, which is then turned over to Defense Contractors to target under perverted interpretations of NDAA and PAA (Patriot Act)…Police are even used as liaisons to citizen vigilante groups like Infragard, or other “civic minded” organizations who are lied to about the target (being a terrorist/ traitor/ criminal) and enticed/paid to stalk and harass them 24/7. (May 26, 2016/NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart: Synopsis of the Silent Holocaust Taking Place in the United States)


I can’t hone it down to just CIA, but I can tell you, all these people, they’re all connected. For instance, in a Town Hall, every little town in the United States, every city, you’ll get people–there’s a Town Hall and there’s a City Government or a Town Government, they’ve got people in there…they have them in the Post Office…What they’re doing is they’re recruiting an army of Citizen Spies and Busybodies—and the People, who don’t even know what’s going on, some of them, they gladly become a part of it, thinking “Oh, I’m doing a service to my country!” But they’re NOT. (April 10, 2018/Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower Discusses CIA History, Propaganda, Targeting)


Posted in Activism, Corruption, Covert Civil War, covert surveillance, Creation of Terror, crushing of dissent, electronic surveillance, EMF Radiation/Sonic Neuroweapons, Speaking Out, State Terrorism, Surveillance, Take Action, Targeted Individuals, The Matrix is Collapsing, Totalitarianism, US Govt, USA, Waking Up, War of Terror
Tagged bioweapons, CIA, Community Notice, Covert implants, crimes against humanity, DHS, Directed Energy Weapons, energy weapons, FBI, Intel Agency Crimes, Intelligence agencies, military technology, neuro/bioweapons, Neuroweapons, non-consensual human experimentation, Patriot Act, Patriot Act Crimes, Radar weapons, sonic weapons, Surveillance Abuse, through-wall surveillance
Leaked 2017 Gangstalker Recruitment Video/End International Criminality: Interview with Ex-Gangstalker Whistleblower
Posted on April 9, 2018 | 17 comments
–Ramola D/Posted 4/8/2018

HARMLast week, this video, which was posted at the Youtube Channel “End International Criminality” on April 2, 2018, excited a lot of attention online, with views currently at 5,512 and climbing. The video link was sent on to me by London documentary filmmaker and activist Jeff Godwin who cautioned that he had no assurance the video was a legitimate recording of a secret recruitment video shown to potential gangstalkers as its title and description suggest, but that this could be major disclosure if authentic.

I felt the same and tweeted out the link inviting others to watch and decide for themselves. Here is the video—it’s short, just 1 minute 49 seconds long—and it seemingly shows footage of a PR film of sorts, introducing what many understand is a “gangstalking” program as a covert surveillance operation targeting “criminals operating outside standard international law”:

The description beneath the video offers more insight:

“Ex-Gangstalker (S.O.) posting this anonymously. Please do not ask for my name or address. This video was shot at the Gangstalkers Headquarters in Highlandville, Missouri, USA. The quality is not very good as I had to shoot it on my phone. I had to smuggle my own phone into the mansion as they only give you locked down mobiles with their finder app on them. The Gangstalkers (called the collective) KILL PEOPLE using EM transmissions. I used to be in the collective as an SO but got out and went on the run when I found out that they don’t target criminals like they say but innocent people. DONT fall for there big money its a trap and if you try to get out they hunt you down and add your family to the list.”

I noticed that the channel host End International Criminality had responded to a couple comments on the video so I left a message inviting him/her to contact me to provide more information on an interview or podcast.

Not long after my message I received an email from a woman who assured me:

“I will answer any questions you send me. My English is not so good so not all may make sense but I hope to get my message out through English interpretation.”

Over the last couple days we have emailed back and forth, as I sent on questions and follow-up questions and she sent on answers.

I post all questions and answers below, and as earlier on my tweet, I ask readers to read, view, and decide for themselves on the veracity of this testimonial and video. As a reporter–while being aware we are swimming in seas of deception, Psy Ops deliberately placed around us– I’m grateful to the channel host who wrote back to me with answers, and I’m relaying those here, without comment, with as much interest as everyone else—since of course we’re all hungry to find proof of these covert programs whereby people are being extrajudicially targeted, surveilled, tracked, gangstalked, gaslighted, Psy Opped, neurally assaulted, and bodily hit with directed-energy weapons—while Covert Ops agencies run Mockingbird whitewash or Mildec (Military Deception) via feckless corporate media (like the New York Times, VICE, Wired, The Washington Post) to disappear reporting surveillees by naming them delusional.

The interviewee informs me she is a citizen of the US although she is from a foreign country and has served in its military.

The first set of questions were returned to me with a brief note:

“Here is the answers to your questions. I tried my best with the grammar and it took me many hours. I hope this information is of some use.”

First Set of Questions

Where was that film showed when you recorded it, and do you know anything about how it was made and who made it? (It looks very “produced” and possibly acted or dramatized.)

The film was shown at a 3 day annual training exercise held in a mansion called Pensmore in Highlandville, Missouri, this was Dec 2017. This was the first exercise I had been in attendance of having been with the organisation for only 12 months. I arrived early morning on Friday and this is one of the first activities we performed. The cinema room (or lecture theatre as they called it) is where the video was shown, it was about 45 minutes long. The first 5 minutes were the exciting spy type portion. Then there was a 20 minute portion talking about the work that the organisation carries out and why they do this. This was followed by recorded interviews with staff where they explain the nature of the different job types they have and how rewarding they find their work (good work/life balance, helping society, job satisfaction etc). The video ended with an address directed towards the ~100 S.O. women in the audience saying how important their work is, their bright future and hoping they enjoyed the weekend. I took a phone recording of the video not on the Friday morning but on the Sunday morning (after midnight), as I had been disturbed by what I had seen on the Saturday evening when doing the DEMPG training. I had taken the decision to leave the collective at that time and wanted to gather evidence. I only managed to capture a couple of minutes of footage on my phone before I heard noises from the Atrium and saw lights had been switched on.

How did you get to see it? Did you answer an ad for recruitment and if so where, who ran the ad?

I was recruited while in a dollar tree store in Wilmington, Massachusetts. a man came up to me and handed me a flyer with the work offer saying that I could earn over $40 an hour doing private security work. I had dropped out of the military for only a few days because of my father being ill so had no employment. I phoned the number on the flyer and had to leave my phone number on their machine as well as describing my work life. Then got a call back a few minutes later with the job offer. I never saw anyone for the first year as it is all done over the phone with the handler. They just send you the phone that you use and send the target list. The phone buzzes when the target comes close and then you follow on the map (up to 100m behind the target) and fill in the report as you track them for criminal activity. I did not use any DEMPG weapons as I was in for 12 months but I did not receive the training for it until the end.

Did any kind of training or other information accompany the video?

Friday was for socialisation but on Saturday they showed us the DEMPG (directed electromagnetic pulse generator) equipment. They talked about history of the DEMPG over its 15 years of use from Generation 1 to Generation 7 (released in 2017). They showed us how to set up the Gen 6 and Gen 7 DEMPG’s, how the viewfinder works and how to set target lock. They explained how to connect the DEMPG to the phone app. They explained also basic troubleshooting (e.g. making sure to clear 3 feet of space around the PTZ armature.

Sunday was supposed to be teaching us about the HARM implants, but I left before I could attend that part of the course.

What did you learn from the training?

See above.

What are potential recruits being told about the targets?

That they are individuals conducting organised criminal activities (terrorism, insurrections/coups, subversions of business ethics, etc.) the types of activities that CIA/FBI/NSA cannot deal with while staying within legal boundaries. They also used the word ‘focus’ over and over, that their organisation was ‘focussed’, but I don’t know what they meant by this.

Are potential recruits being brainwashed to see the targets as criminals?

I don’t think so. All the women I met were very normal and happy to be helping make the world a better place. One woman said that a male SO that she met by accident told her that the HARM implants changed the SO’s though and their personality changed.

How are potential targets told about the EMF weapons and how to use them?

See above.

What kind of weapons or cell phone apps are potential recruits being trained to use on targets?

I only know of the DEMPG. They do not describe this as a weapon but as a ‘Suppressor’. The app on the phone they give you only allows phone calls/SMS to your Handler and this should rarely be used. I think I mostly covered this above.

How is the whole program of 24/7 surveillance and EMF assault of targets being presented to potential recruits?

See above.

Are targets being classified at different levels–categorized I mean?

Yes. Each target is given a rating of 1 to 5. I don’t know what this rating means, but I only got given Rating 1 targets. My guess is that Rating 1 is of less importance and this fits with what I was told in seminar session 4.

Are recruits also categorized into different levels and what are the privileges and responsibilities of each level?

Yes. Year 1 recruits are named SO’s (Surveillance Operatives). Year 2 & 3 are Auditors (grade 1). Year 4 & 5 are Auditors (grade 2). After year 5 you have the option of applying for Handler status.

Do recruits sign NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements)? What is the wording in such NDAs?

Yes. This is performed right at the start. I did not understand the wording and it was too long to read (maybe 7 pages, I think)

Are recruits told these are secret or classified operations important for National Security?

Yes. See above.

Do recruits understand they are helping to give the target cancers and strokes and slow-kill or cook the target?

This was not mentioned. But they did mention the X-ray and Gamma-ray capabilities (limited to single shots once charged) of the Gen 7 DEMPGs. I have a military engineering background so was well aware that this could only be used for physically harming the target. This is what disturbed me and this was what made me decide to leave the collective.

How are recruits’ questions answered at the training?

They did not refuse to answer questions but asked only that operational and technical questions be asked.

My follow-up questions:

With your military engineering background, can you describe the DEMPG–what does it look like, how big is it, is it being carried around by these recruits/Surveillance Operatives? And how–in backpacks? cars? Is it being hidden in trunks or hoods of cars? Or inside cars somehow?

Showtechnix/63A Rubber Box Distro Breakout
It is rubber coated box. As an engineer I noticed the similar to a portable power distribution unit (Google “63A box distro breakout”). Very heavy (assuming capacitors caused these). Has 2 x 13 amp power input and 1 x 3 amp input for cpu. It could not be carry on backpacks, cars yes but takes up very large space. Has monitor/cpu on top. Has braided cable (6 inch diameter length 8 feet) going to armature which is connect to furniture etc with clamping mechanisms and PTZ at end to control target lock.

You say you were in the organization or collective for 12 months before you went to this training session and during that time you worked mainly to stalk and surveil and report. Is this a private organization or a well-known government agency, and why do you use the term “collective”?

The Collective is their name. In video you can see Collective logo top right. Government (I thinjs)

What was your own level or category inside this collective? SO (Surveillance Operative) or above?

I was SO.

What did you see on the Sat evening when doing the DEMPG training that disturbed you? You say the lights came on in the atrium that night after midnight as you were recording; was the video being shown to you in a group again at that time?

What I was told disturbed. Also witness sustain microwave and x-ray which I knows is damaging to human and gamma rays shots is fatal. They demonstrate these on spectrometers. I was alone in cinema; shadows shown on film are my fingers empty room

You say you heard from others about the HARM (High Amplitude Radio Media) implants and how they changed the SO who got them. So the SOs are being implanted? Do you recall any other information on these implants?

I think they be implants but not see these as left 6 am Sun morning.

When you were initially recruited you say you had just left the military. Did your military background help you get the job, do you think? Are they seeking out or hiring more ex-military?

All women I spoke to maybe 10? Had military or police backgrounds. There was American, English, German, Romanian, and Australians.

Further follow-up questions:

You did not say how the DEMPG is being toted about whether in backpacks or cars etc., and did not specify what specific things you were told disturbed you–but it sounds like when you heard these x-rays and gamma rays were being used, you understood the seriousness of this and that people could be killed?

Yes this correct. I have studied physics so have an understand of these. 650-750 rad (burst) is quoted gamma-ray emission of DEMPG. These is above human tolerances for radiation exposures. Also x-ray and microwave (sustained) can cause damage to soft body tissues. not used in cars, requires over 30 amp of power, also space and cooling capacity insufficient as require large heatsink and adequate heat dissipation

This is not clear: “Also witness sustain microwave and x-ray” Is it that you witnessed people sustaining damage from microwave and x-ray use on them?

No. All readings were from spectrometers. But these look accurately calibrated so no reason to suspect fraud. Microwave, x-ray & gamma-ray are invisible to visible human eyes but particulate matter was used (sealed box with smoke and dust) to demonstrate visible effect of beam.

I would love to hear more about your entire 12 months of training and work but I will be glad to publish all this as an opening article first–thanks so much for all this information!

The interviewee clarified:

It was not 12 months training, all training come from phone app, and then 3 day course.

You are welcome, Ramola. Also say that men are also in organisation but seminars divided by sex.


Many thanks to End International Criminality host for her emails, responses, information, and whistleblowing.

Again, disclaimer: No way of knowing if authentic, publishing as is for public awareness.

If authentic, this is indeed major whistle-blowing and bombshell disclosure–because it reveals the deep dark covert means by which innocent people worldwide are being criminally targeted and assaulted, and shows how well-deceived and highly-paid gangstalkers and weapon-wielders are being created. Further, it establishes the reality of the targeting, stalking, constant monitoring, and assault with EMF/neuroweapons which thousands of people are reporting worldwide, which reports Intel agents promote as delusional via spy-agency-run media and paid-off psychiatrists and Masonic police. Other whistle-blowers who can corroborate this testimonial are encouraged to get in touch.

UPDATE, April 11, 2018: Important Comment from FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee

“FBI may have staged the gangstalking recruitment video to deflect from their control over and responsibility for the entire program in tandem with Fusion centers. Part of it sounds plausible, but such presentation-trickery may involve a tidbit of truth to draw the listener into the wrong direction.

If true, then all players are operatives and accomplices to torture and attempted murder.

Remember please that only FBI/CIA have powers with Fusion Centers globally to run horrendous campaigns for torture and murder. Also, FBI has a duty to investigate the crimes we describe. The FBI and FMJ authorize these offenses and could stop them.”

(Email, Geral Sosbee to Ramola D, April 11, 2018)

Please share this article widely, post at media sites, alt and mainstream, thanks.


Posted in America, EMF Radiation/Sonic Neuroweapons, emr weapons, neuroweaponry, Waking Up, whistleblowing
Tagged auditors, End International Criminality, gangstalker recruitment video, handlers, Recruitment Video, surveillance operative, surveillance operatives
Ramola D Reports/Report #56: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI
Posted on April 1, 2018 | 9 comments
–Ramola D/Posted 4/1/2018

GSNewGeral Sosbee, JD, MA is a world-renowned FBI whistleblower with post-graduate degrees in Law and English, an accomplished background as an attorney, judge, college professor, US Army veteran, and FBI Special Agent, who has taught Law and English at universities in Texas, and became targeted after reporting internal crime and corruption to the FBI.

Posted below is the transcript of my recent interview with Geral Sosbee, who reports being targeted extra-legally by the FBI for over 30 years, and who shares his opinion and observations on the nature of today’s (extreme) Surveillance State Abuse with COINTELPRO and directed-energy weapons and neuroweapons that is currently ongoing in the United States of America and all over the world, an open secret that is yet being hidden and kept secret by federal, state, and city governments as well as local police—and which I continue to report on here and elsewhere online.

As many know, I posted the video file last week despite evidence of massive audio tampering and sabotage—presumably or possibly by the FBI, who do like to monitor communications unfavorable to themselves no doubt, but who also seem to wish to stay closely informed of my every pirouette online. Because Geral reported that he was unable to do the interview on his computer, he used his phone—but the call itself and the recording were tampered with. Not being an audio expert, I did what I could to amplify his recording—the interview is still hard to listen to, and so I embarked on recording the transcript (a mammoth task!) because I think this interview is so very important, and everything that Geral reveals here is absolutely critical for every American and really every citizen worldwide to hear.

Two of the most shattering revelations for me, I can tell you, have to do 1) with his exposition of the process by which he believes innocent Americans are being wrongfully targeted, by an agency which has clearly gone off the rails and drowned itself in massive crime and corruption, via court-orders fraudulently arrived at, with the help of corrupt Federal Magistrate Judges or FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) judges, and 2) with his revelation of the criminal abuse by Intel agencies such as the FBI of the Global Disease Surveillance System, whereby innocent Americans can be fraudulently labeled with a communicable disease, and even “honey-potted” into being infected with a communicable disease (such as AIDS) which apparently lets Intel goons worldwide tail and surveil them wherever they go.

What is unraveled here is a picture of extreme illegality, corruption and crime; because the FBI has seemingly established for itself long-term a false image for itself as upstanding and reliable and deeply “American,” Geral notes Americans treat them with awe and respect when they come by to defame and slander FBI-targeted-neighbors, seeking co-operation essentially in Psychological Warfare “gangstalking” and surveilling and monitoring their unfortunate FBI-targeted-neighbor, showing court orders and saying they are engaging in what has elsewhere been reported as “court-authorized activities related to an ongoing investigation.” In other words, it is the FBI which is defaming targets to their neighbors, the FBI which is unleashing the massive COINTELPRO harassment (inclusive of character assassination, employment sabotage, relationship sabotage, blacklisting, and roadway and retail harassment) reported by targets, and the FBI which is using or permitting the use of deadly DEW (Directed Energy Weapon) technology on people’s bodies and brains.

Geral takes care to establish that much of what is presented here derives from his own opinion based on professional observation and experience, and I should probably disclaim too, to say the conversation we had derives also from my own understanding (from documents, from whistleblowers, from reportage to me, from my own experience) of how these repressive programs of Surveillance Abuse with deadly EMF neuroweaponry are being played out in our cities, counties, countries, and world.

It is my own opinion therefore, from my own observations, and post this conversation, that it is indeed a “very powerful group like the FBI” which is behaving in extremely anti-American ways in my own neighborhood and in others’ neighborhoods, running flagrantly deceptive and defamatory campaigns against me and other innocent, wrongful, extra-judicial targets where they live, lying to courts to get fraudulent court orders, creating false files and records, lying to neighbors, lying to local businesses and staff at public places, creating fraudulent profiles, and indeed fraudulently profiling innocent, upstanding, and outstanding Americans as questionable characters, suspected-terrorists, anti-social, “extremists,” mentally unstable, endowed with communicable diseases, or otherwise so utterly and extremely dangerous as to need 24/7 electronic surveillance with all sorts of dirty stealth radiation weaponry, still coyly labeled “non-lethal” and “anti-personnel.”

This exact protocol, Geral notes, is being used worldwide, and in his estimation it is very much a FBI/CIA protocol; something we also discussed is how all the various “Intelligence” agencies and DOD (Department of Defense) seem to work together, as part of that secretive shadow government we are all learning more about today.

fbicardI am grateful to have made contact with Geral before he got off Facebook last week. His testimony as a former Special Agent is critical to the complete uncovering of the truth behind all of these dark and shadowy programs based on extreme privacy-invasion, sadism, and torture, which are bringing ruination, distress, and even death to hundreds and thousands of precious, productive, and meaningful American and human lives.

As many may appreciate, I needed to publish this transcript first, before I scheduled further podcasts with Geral, and I hope in the weeks following to further highlight his experience and analyses as posted on his website and elsewhere online, but it is also my hope he will return for future conversations, which he has indicated he will be interested in doing, so please stay tuned. I will begin as well a new article series immediately, Background Check: The FBI, to drive a closer look at the FBI. (Yes America, I’m an American journalist and writer and poet who is already extra-judicially and wrongfully and abusively FBI-targeted; it is time to Surveil the Abusers.)

Geral reports that after the posting of this video he received added COINTELPRO harassment and subliminal death threats via an Obituary Notice being sent his way; I can attest I have also noted increased COINTELPRO on the streets around me (especially aggressive, hazardous driving) and some covert communications as well suggesting death threats (“Clancy” spelled out on a van crossing my path).

Much gratitude to Geral Sosbee for his courage and commitment to humanity in speaking out.

This is not the America any of us signed up as citizens of, whether by birth or naturalization, these activities are not American, as some of us have previously conceived of the word “American,” and it is our hope that by speaking out, we will continue to pave the way for a much brighter future stripped of such abusive actions by rogue Intelligence agencies and a DOD who have turned against Americans and other countries’ citizens in the most deplorable and execrable of ways.


Update, 4/10: Replacing the earlier video link below with the new video with running transcript that Jeff Godwin put together, thank you Jeff.

(Note: Ellipses below indicate bits of lost text here and there; undecipherable on the audio. Parentheses indicate guesses at possible words; also indicate my responses here and there when Geral was speaking.)


Ramola D: Hello, everyone, and welcome to this evening edition of Ramola D Reports. I’m Ramola D, and I’m here this evening with a very special guest, Geral Sosbee, former Special Agent of the FBI, and he’s got a very interesting story to report, he is an FBI whistleblower, who has a particular experience of targeting to report, and we’re here this evening to speak about both his experience and his views — his very important insights into the FBI, given his experience. So, welcome Geral, I’m so glad you could join me this afternoon.

Geral Sosbee: Thank you very much, Ramola, and thank you for all of your work in trying to bring all of our stories together–to help everyone who has been tortured and murdered by the FBI.

Ramola D: Oh absolutely, you’re very welcome Geral, I’m just doing what I feel compelled to do–I find it extraordinary that you would start off by saying people are indeed being tortured and murdered by the FBI–now you feel very strongly that the FBI is very majorly, mainly involved in this, right?–I mean, they are a primary component of this program?

Geral Sosbee: Yes, let me–may I make a couple of administrative announcements here?

Ramola D: Oh absolutely, go for it. Yes, absolutely.

Geral Sosbee: My name is Geral Sosbee–S-O-S-B-E-E–I was born August 30, ’45; I entered the United States Army in ’66, and served in Vietnam until ’68, I all the time was in Vietnam; I entered the FBI in ’71 and ended my career in ’78. Now the references to my work in the FBI are all on my website, — you can look at the FBI History Book, which is a summary of what I did in the FBI ….received from the directories of the FBI. (Finally) you can go to the for my biography and papers that I have written on the corruption of this evil FBI.

So what I am doing now is offering this to Ramola, with gratitude, for educational purposes–(in that) I have never participated, while I was in (any) service, in any type of activity that we are describing here (that is wholly to do with) directed energy weaponry, home invasions, threatening people, persecuting to suicide, locking them up….what we are looking at today is a massive program, from my personal and professional experience–and this is not legal advice, and I’m not soliciting anything here, I’m not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

(I want people to know) that this is a personal opinion–based on also my professional experience–that the FBI is spearheading the most colossal and evil attacks on people ever conceived on the face of the Earth, and they are using Deep Space-based technology, they are using Bio-Chemical Bio Warfare Elements and Agents, and they’re using Psychological Warfare to destroy people.

The only way that a person who is listening to me can understand this would be to (with the ability to) read much of my materials, starting with my story in detail, to understand how these guys–I’m talking about the FBI and all their friends–can actually drive a person insane, and that’s what they are trying to do in many instances.

Now the FBI recently sent the United States Postal Inspector to my home to threaten me and my wife. We have done nothing wrong and they knew it. The Postal Inspector–his name is Knipfing-I forget his first name K-n-i-p-f-i-n-g–Trey Knipfing–I have written several reports on Mr. Knipfing, he came out with Texas DPS, Conrad Rodriguez who turns out to be a real hotshot profiler. He’s a retarded man as far as I am concerned, but these 2 guys came out, after years of FBI stealing my mail, they come out to my home and threaten me and my wife with arrest, but they didn’t use the word “We’re going to arrest you” they just made it very clear why they were there. So in other words, the FBI has control over every agency in government on cue, whenever they want to, whenever they see the need–are you still there Ramola?

Ramola D: Yes yes I am listening closely–I wanted to ask you if you had experienced any of this, if you had any awareness of the extraordinary power the FBI has, when you were in the FBI–when you yourself were working there?

Geral Sosbee: Well as I said I never participated in anything like this. I was not aware that it even existed. My work what I did in the FBI I can’t go into it right now.

Rd: Sure

Geral Sosbee: They are listening and they would love to find a way to charge me with a violation of the (Right) oath of privacy and everything.

Rd: Right

Geral Sosbee: No, at no time did I even know that this kind of stuff was going on. In fact when I left the FBI was when I learned of their complete evil corruption. So when I left the FBI and they started in on me when I was in law school–if I did anything they started playing mind games with me, tearing up my car–this sort of thing.

Ramola D: Gaslighting? A lot of psychological warfare, all of a sudden?

Geral Sosbee: Thank you Ramola, I’ve written a short paper, short article on Gaslighting, I think it appears at AustinIndymedia. But it took me 2 years, Ramola, to figure out what was happening. Ten years after they destroyed my life in El Paso Texas–I was an attorney, a judge, and so forth–the SAC, the Special Agent in Charge who was a guy named Schwein–he was instrumental–and I got this from a former FBI Agent, a friend of mine, used to be a friend–Gary advised me (that they were going to be) ordering me to report to the FBI the day and time that I leave the city. This guy Schwein just revealed when he said that to (Gary) that he was in charge of destroying my career and my life–and he knows it, I’ve written about it–Anyway, it took me a long time to figure out how to combat it.

Ten years after it started–it started in about 1988, something like that–and about the year 2000, I finally figured out, I need to file a lawsuit! I filed a lawsuit, I took them all the way to the Supreme Court, and at every level, every judge, every Justice threw it out–I didn’t get a hearing anywhere, and in fact, the judge in my case in Los Angeles–and a transcript of what he did is partially on my website–he was blatantly prejudiced against me, and it was clear that he had an ex-parte meeting with the FBI to prevent me from presenting a case.

Now, this brings me to the other point if I may, Ramola, (Sure) Many people want to sue whoever is doing this, the stalking, the assaults the poisonings, the DEW attacks from directed energy weaponry and with microwaves and Extremely Low Frequency sound– we don’t know whom to sue–now when you don’t know who to sue, that’s a real problem.

You don’t know who to sue because these orders against us are being issued by corrupt and small-minded Federal Magistrate Judges or other judges–now I don’t think that the FISA judges–the Federal –(the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance) yes, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act judges–I don’t think they’re the ones on my case, they deal with court-suspected Terrorists and Enemies of the State–they have their hands full with dealing with that kind of problem.

These domestic issues–from what I can determine, and I was able to get myself into a position where I am admitted into this Federal District Court or Southern District Court of Texas–which is headquartered in Houston–in that group, there’s one or two judges in there that know me and that have been actually subliminally supportive of me. And there is evidence of that on my website having to do with Notices of Support from Federal Judges–or Federal Courts, excuse me.

So, I managed to get myself admitted into the Federal Court in Houston and all the Federal courts in the Southern District of Texas, and so I got to be acquainted with some of the Federal Magistrate Judges. In doing so I actually went into the Courthouse and met some of them.

And through my little investigation, limited as it was, I can prove that these Federal Magistrate Judges are the most corrupt, small-minded, and ridiculous men who have ever held office in the Judiciary (Very interesting) (for a hundred thousand a year, these guys) and so they are fully supported by the Federal District Judges –the one in Los Angeles who didn’t give me a fair hearing. (I see)

And …first of all lawyers don’t even want to talk–I had to sue the FBI alone–I couldn’t even get a lawyer to go co-counsel with me, because no-one wanted to go out on a limb against the FBI (Sure) that’s how powerful these people are. What I think they are doing here to us–is they are using secret orders from the Federal Magistrate Judges against individual targets such as Geral Sosbee–me; they take that around and show it–they show it to the police, they show it to your neighbors, they show it to the State agencies that you might be involved with.

Now the State Bar has never taken any action against me because they have very strict guidelines before they come after someone for disciplinary reasons–so the FBI has not been able to take away my Law license. Even though they have made some overtures– with phony clients in for example pretending to be in need of legal services, then I discovered they were not, they were frauds–

Ramola D: I see. Some kind of framing and entrapment operation over there–that failed–

Geral Sosbee: Yes, the Federal Judges and FBI need to profile a person who is targeted, and a person can be targeted for any reason at all–by the federal agencies such as NSA CIA, any of these agencies for any reason–if they don’t like you or if there is something about you that they don’t like, they can find–or if they think you’re a whistleblower–and incidentally I never intended to be a whistleblower, that was not my intent to be a whistleblower–all I am doing is showing the facts of, that surround the FBI’s attack on me–and people who are listening to me can decide whether or not I’m a whistleblower.

But I’ve never seen anything this horrendous and as huge as what we are looking at here because the FBI operations–and they are all tied in together, they knew that the FBI has the support of the CIA, all of these agencies work together but the actual executive command as far as I can determine, at least in my case, and I think in many cases is the FBI–they’re so powerful.

Ramola D: Very interesting, you know, so that suggests–

Geral Sosbee: No-one will question them and that’s a little problem when you–I forget who said it–but if you have a police group, you are not allowed to question what they are doing, then you can’t trust them, that is fundamental.

Ramola D: And that would suggest that, you know, that– since you think the executive order seems to come from the FBI — but you also suggested there’s a connection between the FBI and these Federal Magistrate Judges–so does the FBI first go to the judges and get this kind of order which they then present to everybody in the local fusion center or local Law Enforcement?

Geral: I’m having difficulty in hearing Ramola, I’m sorry–you were asking me about the orders from the Federal Magistrate Judges.

Ramola D: Correct. What is the connection–how does the FBI work it, do you think, between the Federal Magistrate Judges and then sort of issuing notices in the neighborhood and to the local fusion centers etc.?

Geral Sosbee: Well, I’m not an expert in this and I never tried to hold myself out as an expert–what I am saying is based on my personal opinion and my observations and I have no proof here to tell people–the issue is if it’s secret, it is sealed, you can’t get to them–how can you sue them if you don’t know who to sue?

Lawyers don’t want anything to do with it, plus lawyers want to make money–so if you go to a lawyer, with this kind of case, they’re just going to be real polite to you, say “We’re not interested” — so they know they’re not going to make any money most likely, plus they’re going to look bad, it’s going to make the FBI come down on them. These Federal Magistrate Judges or whoever, the FISA judges or whoever is issuing these orders–they’re doing it so no-one can get to them.

If Congress would investigate, I have many many witnesses, who would protect me — I know who they are…I have photographs of some of these stalkers–I consider them to be accomplices to potential murder, that’s why I recently identified some on the David Atkins video — tried to intimidate you and threaten you on the David Atkins video– you can see right there assault and intimidation and in a civil sense that’s a violation of a tort law–attempt to cause depression–

Ramola D: Provocation, right?

Geral Sosbee: Extreme emotional distress is what I am trying to say–but look, as far as these orders, Ramola, this is the most horrendous–there is no due process. No-one is ever told why he or she is being attacked—they can only speculate. Some people are being attacked because of their jobs—something in that they worked for the NSA, CIA, or any of these other intelligence agencies—they’re subject to being targeted if they do or say something, or if their personal lives don’t conform to these agencies’ idea of what they’re supposed to do.

Ramola D: Very often, it seems, especially among whistleblowers from the NSA etcetera or the Army—people I’ve spoken to, they’ve usually done something or they’ve spoken out against corruption inside the organization, you know, and then they get targeted. Or they’ve started an EEOC case about discrimination or something like that, and then they get targeted.

Geral Sosbee: Yeah, I’ve tried to understand that, Ramola, a few years ago I wrote a paper, a little article –on the criminal FBI, criminal abuse of the Global Disease Surveillance System. When I looked at that—it’s somewhere online—Criminal Abuse of the Global Disease Surveillance System–I learned there is a whole group of diseases, usually communicable diseases, that the government, the FBI, the HH Services (Department of Health and Human Services) some of these agencies, would use in order to profile a target so that they can–that will help them get the Federal court order in secret.

Now once they get that Federal court order, for example if a person has HIV—which I do not—but many people may come in contact with HIV or other diseases that I list in my report. That alone is enough, right there, to put a Global Surveillance Order on that person (wherever he goes and ever resides)

And the problem here that people don’t understand, we all want to be careful here who we have personal relationships with, everyone should be real careful there—however if they’re going to intentionally infect people, which is what I am saying they do, and if they are going to single out these people who have different type of illnesses, then why not make it public? Let’s see—why don’t you tell us FBI, tell the people why you have targeted me, and how you’ve been able to get my records to do that—I have invited them to do that—if they will comply, everybody can see what is going on.

But they won’t, this is a secret program–they don’t want to have to explain what they are doing. The minute they start explaining, it is an admission of all the things that you, that we have alleged against them—

And one more thing—when I say Surveillance, and I think Ramola, you understand this very well, I don’t mean just people following us around. It’s assault and battery, torture, home invasion, destruction of the cars–

Ramola D: With electromagnetic weapons, through-wall surveillance, radar, tracking, etc.

Geral Sosbee: Yeah. The whole ball of wax–they won’t stop at anything. This is unprecedented in human affairs, Ramola.

Ramola D: Absolutely. Would you say, Geral, that this is the use, this is sort of the misuse, this is the criminal abuse, I should say of power, of using covers of classified labels and secrecy labels in order to conceal crime—for this is literally crime, right, these are criminal assaults against people?

Geral Sosbee: Yes, that’s exactly right, Ramola—the problem is, and I’ve thought about this earlier–how can we actually comprehend what’s going on, it’s so difficult—and I’ve mentioned this earlier—it took me ten years to even figure out what I needed to do, and I sued them and then I started my website–

So what I can see is piece by piece we can get a picture, it’s like a jigsaw puzzle–we can fit together the whole program and understand it better–we can only do it piece by piece—that’s why I referenced my papers earlier in our talk here today, the papers at –because in those papers I show little pieces of what they are doing to me and others, such as the quasi-secret criminal justice system that the FBI has started–they’re using a civil process, abusive civil process to go out and provoke people into responding, and then they arrest some people and put them in prison or in a mental institution. So it’s piece by piece is what we are trying to do, I think, is to put this thing together so ultimately we have the jigsaw puzzle altogether and we can see what is going on.

Ramola D: That’s a good plan—because there are indeed many pieces to this, right, aren’t there; there is the initial targeting and then the going to the Federal Magistrate and getting an order and then informing the neighborhood, informing the local Fusion Center and then engaging in these harassive entrapment activities which further push the target into further dire straits either being imprisoned–arrested and imprisoned–or sent off to a Psych Ward?

Geral Sosbee: Yes, that’s right—and one more thing here please. I’m really disappointed in our Police Departments, because first of all they are programmed and trained by the FBI at the National Academy—and there—the culture has become so corrupt that they are killing people on the street willy-nilly. They can kill people and get away with it because they are trained to do that by the FBI—now Police departments sometimes refuse to accept my complaint of a crime against me–

Rd: Oh yes.

Geral Sosbee: Even threatened to arrest me…when I make a complaint. My wife and I filed a complaint in Brownsville and the Police Detective, his name is Adrien Posada, and this is all on record, I’ve written reports on it, he quietly threatened to arrest me—in his words, for filing a false police report, and then he said, go take your medication–my wife is sitting there right next to me.

So when he stated this to me, I knew immediately that this guy Adrien Posada, detective from the Brownsville Texas Police Department and on here, the Commander of the Police Department got involved, he told me that Posada didn’t behave properly and this Commander,I forget his name, criticized Posada’s demeanor, the way he treated me and my wife. So at that point I knew we had a corrupt cop. But it’s not just Posada, I am seeing something here.

Ramola D: Oh yes. Oh yes, you know, it’s like they follow a protocol, it seems like they’ve been trained to use this mental health story—immediately accuse people of being mentally unwell when they are presented with complaints like this.

Geral Sosbee: That is a good point, thank you for putting that in there—and in fact it even goes beyond the police. The FBI apparently contact medical doctors and falsely report a paranoid delusional disorder, they receive in their file a false mental diagnosis, they try the same methodology–in Part 20 of my story in detail you’ll see the medical doctor’s report where he falsified that report. That same medical doctor today is working for the DA…also I have a DA pdf at my which will show some of that information that’s going on with these doctors.

Ramola D: Very interesting, so you have information; in other words, you’re aware that the FBI actually contacts doctors beforehand, psychiatrists also possibly, in order to get this kind of psychiatric diagnosis right, misdiagnosis, I should say–

Geral Sosbee: Yeah, Ramola, I can’t prove it, again this is all based on personal experience and my–I should use the word speculation–but how else can the doctor and the police, these sorts of people, turn against an innocent man or woman–unless some very powerful group like the FBI goes in there and displays a Federal Court Order which says/looks valid, since this is completely extra-legal in the sense that, there is no due process, there’s no equal protection under the law, there’s no Bill of Rights applied, then how are you supposed to defend against this type of thing?

Ramola D: Right–so many people are reporting precisely what you are reporting Geral– so many people, across the country and literally across the world, pretty much the same scenario is being replayed around the world right, the same protocol, the same story, people being targeted, people being assaulted with weaponry, and when they speak out, when they make a complaint to police, it’s always an issue of, you know, that the police either don’t take the complaint seriously or they accuse the reporting victim of being mentally unstable and needing a psychiatrist immediately.

Geral Sosbee: Yeah, and that’s exactly what’s happening. You got it exactly correct, its global, it’s not just something that’s happening in our little individual neighborhoods, and it’s something that people need to be educated about and I don’t know how to educate them except through what people like you and me and others are doing.

Ramola D: Absolutely. Public awareness–just speaking out, you know, and just sort of relaying our own experiences, as you are doing Geral and as I have been trying to do, –how else can you reach the public, right, you just report what’s going on on the ground. And of course mainstream media isn’t covering this, so we have an uphill battle to climb, we have to put the information out there, regardless, right?

Geral Sosbee: Yes, and let me say this–United States Attorneys are aware of this, they’re aware of what is going on, these are (US attorneys) all over the country are aware of this -and the States’ attorneys and the city prosecutors. All of these people will not do their job if the FBI lets them see these Federal Court Orders. Federal Court Orders — it’s the civil law that we’re talking about here — they’re so powerful, Ramola, it’s like a (decree) from God has come down in that civil court order.

Ramola D: That’s awful.

Geral Sosbee: In other words everyone that they come in contact with, and I mean everyone, is immediately turned against the target.

Ramola D: Yes, everybody — Because they actually go and contact everybody who’s within the target’s circle of acquaintance, circle of friendship, circle of collegiate relationship, personal relationship — anything, right?

Geral Sosbee: Yeah. My brother is afraid to be associated with me–I have two brothers–they, I’d love to see them before my time is up, and I’ve tried to see them, but it’s difficult, because, you know, no-one wants the FBI snooping around. And another thing–I think that the FBI controls Congress and the courts by implied blackmail. Anyone that has any human behavior that’s…..if Congress and the judges sitting there in the high courts, if the FBI ever disliked them, and wanted to get them, then they would find something in their personal lives that would be embarrassing, and they would ruin them. Everybody has something in the closet.

Ramola D: Yeah, I understand that’s how they run it. They have control files on all the Congresspeople, right?

Geral Sosbee: Yes, And they have extensive files on Congress. And on the Board of Judges on the court. Is there anything else that I have skipped that I haven’t addressed? That you and I have wanted to talk about?

Ramola D: There’s a couple questions that I had, you know, you had actually talked about this in previous conversations with me, and I just thought, you know, that other people would be interested in hearing this too. One of them is: you know, how do you see the CIA as being involved–because many people see the CIA as being a heavy part of the Deep State or Shadow Government, the control mechanism behind the whole thing–that’s one question–

Geral Sosbee: Real good question, Ramola. I received a message about the year 1990 or 1988 or so–and the CIA sent me a little subliminal message having to do with employment with the FBI and employment with the CIA. I didn’t think the CIA would send me a message like that…..let me just say the CIA wherever they are have total access to everything–they are the secret government, the FBI and the CIA, these groups are like governments unto themselves. They are like sovereign states, if I may use that expression. (Sure)

Now when I took off, I fled the United States for Thailand. Big mistake.

The CIA and FBI completely controlled Thailand (through) DOD. So when I was in Thailand, I was being assaulted by FBI operatives and thugs and informants; and incidentally, FBI operatives and thugs and normal citizens are involved in all of this, it’s not just the specialized and highly trained agents; it’s informants, operatives, and members of the general public on all who are involved in provoking people.

So now in Thailand I had so many assaults coming at me from so many I was kidnapped—all kinds of….

And one day some very smooth operators they didn’t seem to be FBI came at me when I was trying to exercise in the workout room, and they were very discreet, and I thought, these guys are not FBI, they’re acting more like CIA–

Rd: I see, a little more polished you mean–

Geral Sosbee: That was pure speculation, Ramola, but those were the two examples when I felt the CIA has been involved against me.

Ramola D: I see. Very interesting. And the FBI operatives you are talking about on the ground, I mean over here in the US as well, you know, we have Infragaard, and now we have the COPPs, the Community Policing Watch Services, and so forth and so they’re also all working with the FBI as well, right, what people call the gangstalkers.

Geral Sosbee: Yeah. Yes. That, see—let me go back to: The FBI has somehow managed to distil in the minds of all people a kind of feeling of awe-A-W-E-or respect. People believe that whatever the FBI says has got to be true.

Ramola D: Correct. Yes, yes—the FBI you know, it’s the guys with the FBI badge—so whatever investigations they are conducting have got to be kosher, have got to be legit, that’s what people imagine.

Geral Sosbee: If people knew what these FBI agents are doing around the world—and you and I are trying to show this—then I don’t think they’ll be so quick to say to the FBI, “anything you say, we’ll believe.”

Ramola D: Absolutely, and you know, I think that ‘s something to stress, Geral, as we try to inform the world, actually stress what exactly is going on on the ground, you know the actual horror of these programs, that are being conducted on people, on Americans right in America as well as other people, other citizens in other countries as well—being attacked extremely with these weapons to the point of torture, to the point of sadism, to the point of brutality, and to the point of death, because many people who are targeted actually die of the targeting, right?

Geral Sosbee: Yeah the idea of forcing people into a final exit. That is most abominable,

Rd: It’s criminal to start with! Its illegal.

Geral Sosbee: Yeah its hideous. That’s what the FBI do. We have a few of our friends, one or two of our friends you may recall committed suicide

Rd: Yes, unfortunately

Geral Sosbee: –trying to deal with the energy weaponry and the assaults, the stalking, and the character assassinations and all that, they can’t get jobs, they can’t even find a place to live, because they’re blackballed, so this kind of stuff can only happen under a murderous regime that doesn’t really respect human life (Yes) that’s my opinion on it.

Ramola D: Absolutely. I had one last question Geral, and that had to do with the DOJ. Now you made a very interesting comment to me yesterday about the FBI supposed to be under the DOJ, right—that’s supposed to be the set-up, the hierarchy, but it’s the other way around, actually?

Geral Sosbee: Yeah. I think I sent you a link to an article that I wrote, having to do with the loss of the constitutional government of the United States.

Rd: Yes, yes.

Geral Sosbee: Now in that article I showed—now I borrowed information, it was not all my data, I borrowed it from another book showing that the DOJ pretends to be the Head Honcho of Law Enforcement in this country. Actually the DOJ takes orders from the FBI. The FBI does whatever it wants to do, and then the DOJ has to support it. That’s my experience with the FBI and the DOJ.

Ramola D: Very interesting. I think people would be very interested to see, you know, the sort of interconnection and the actual hierarchy you know, that’s actually playing out. The NSA also comes to mind you know, because from what we are learning from the Snowden documents, that Suzie Dawson has found more information about, the satellites that are over every country are now being openly used by the NSA through various Intelligence Agency agreements that they’ve made with other countries. So–

Geral Sosbee: Yeah. That’s really scary, it may be beyond my ability to comprehend, what is actually going on with these satellites and different countries accessing them, Maybe it’s not just simply a global effort by the United States FBI, CIA to control the world, it’s an actual effort (of) purging everyone that’s on the Earth, who doesn’t conform to the standards that are dictated by these various Government officials. Now that’s a scary thought—a global purge in order to control the Earth and Outer Space. Then we’re really in for some bad times.

Ramola D: Yes and I think, unfortunately, you’ve hit the nail on the head there. There Is a globalist movement as you know, and there is a New World Order that’s been established, and if you look at the protocol of targeting throughout the world, it’s remarkably similar and has a very sinister similarity to it, so one has to kinda look at that direction and look at the Globalists, and look at their…you know, connect that to what the United Nations has been doing and the various depopulation programs that are in action etc, and yes, you know, global targeting of all humanity is indeed underway and has been underway for quite some time now in many different ways, shapes and forms which is horrifying to contemplate. But that sort of shows the connection between the local FBI and local CIA– I mean, I suppose you could never say the CIA is local, right because they’ve always been a bit octopus-like!

Geral Sosbee: Yes, the other thing that is horrifying to me is that the Media doesn’t say a word. …we don’t get Media coverage of what you and I and all the other people that are working on this project are reporting, to expose the insanity of what is happening to people.

Ramola D: Yes, we have to conclude they are a part of it Geral. They are a part of the Globalist enterprise to suppress and repress humanity, so we who are speaking out and we who are trying to do something, we are sort of the Alt Media, you know, we are the New Media

Geral Sosbee: Thank you Ramola Sad thought–That is an indictment as far as I am concerned, all these personalities and shows and Newscasts at night, all these reporters who pretend to be reporting news around the world, we’re indicting them, we’re showing they are cowards, they’re not doing any programs at all on something they know is happening–so it’s sad to realize

Rd: It is.

Geral Sosbee: It’s sad for our species, that we have these kinds of people, big media moguls, making huge sums of money, billions of dollars, some of them, and they’re not doing anything to educate the people about what’s going on.

Ramola D: Yes, absolutely. Do you have any advice for anybody who is out there and listening and waking up slowly to what is going on and wondering, What can I do to help change this situation?

Geral Sosbee: Well I thank you Ramola—other people need to be just like you…reaching out and trying to get people to submit their different accounts is the least they can do—Regards advice, look, from—from a long time ago I do not hold out hopes that this will stop (Oh boy)—I know some people will disagree, I hurt their feelings when I say that—but if we have the ability to stop this program—now we might be able like as you say to pull it back, but as to stop it, I don’t think it is possible and I don’t have any hope that it will stop.

Because the technology that is being used today, it’s to consolidate power and to control different governments, will have to continue to be used in the future for the same reason. Because other governments have access to it. In fact the embassy in, the recent embassy incident in Cuba–in which some people were losing their hearing. That’s an example of someone using some frequencies and destroying people’s hearings at the Embassy. Even after that admission, we don’t have people looking into our stories of DEW or… so I’m not happy at all with imagining we can stop them.

Now this may not be a good attitude now this sounds like a not good attitude but I see this as some kind of warzone – some of us live in a warzone—and my experience of war tells me you don’t ever sit back and hope the enemy won’t come at you, that’s something you just don’t do, it defies all logic, you’ve got to fight until you’re not there anymore.

Ramola D: Absolutely And it is a warzone, you’re right, you’re absolutely right, but it is Asymmetric War, because the people fighting this war against people like you and me are using weaponry, and we’re not using weaponry, we’re just using our words to report what they are doing. So they see it as an Information Warfare, they see this as an Information Operation—and they are daring to call their attacks with these weapons, they’re daring to call these attacks Information Attacks—they’re not information attacks, they are Assaults. They are physical assaults and they are mental assaults on our brains and our bodies. So it is a warzone, it’s the Next World War, which many people are not aware of—many people aren’t aware that it’s actually going on, but it is going on, we know it is going on, right?

Geral Sosbee: Yes Ramola thank you these are secret technologies, we don’t know the full range of these technologies on human beings Some people talk about Voice to Skull—we don’t talk about that but I believe them when they say that.

Ramola D: Oh yes, because the patents exist, many patents exist, and there’s a history of development that’s also been revealed through the work of many whistleblowers who’ve spoken out and through some information as well from military documents.

Geral Sosbee: Yeah—now do you know a lady named Eleanor, White or something—do you know her

Ramola D: Yes, yes I remember, she had a website, and she put some information out online.

Geral Sosbee: Okay. Now many years ago, I read some of her material and she was very right on target. She made some points that I didn’t understand but now I am beginning to think she was right-on. She stated that these technologies could be used to stimulate parts of the body. So if this is true, then what these guys are doing, who work for the FBI they’re using technologies to stimulate people’s bodies or their brain or their private parts or whatever—what are they thinking? Where did this technology come from – and how extensive is the application that it has taken? These are the kinds of things that we would need Government to open up, Congress would have to not be cowards (Yes)–Congress has some cowards in Congress—that’s another impossibility to realize!

Rd: Or we may have to replace Congress with some less cowardly people right?

Geral Sosbee: We just..If I were in that position…I would stand on the floor until I collapsed and was exhausted to make sure that a law was passed to examine and open up and make public all of these kinds of technologies that our government is using against our own people. And when we talk about people today, everyone in the world today is our own people–because we are one big community today in the world.

Ramola D: Correct. Yes, absolutely. And I thank you for your commitment and integrity there, Geral because you are indeed one of the few and far between for having the conscientiousness to say that. We need Congresspeople like that, you know, who would care about humans—but they don’t seem to care, they seem to be quite happy to ignore what is going on, and to simply give the Intel agencies a free ride and let them do whatever they want and keep it all under cover and classified labels and Secrecy you know—and not look any further into these weapons which we have information on from you know the Joint Non Lethal Weapons Directorate, etc are pretty horrific there is a lot of information on the Bioeffects of these weapons, that information has been published, and as you say the weapons can affect the organs, can affect the nerves, the bones, and joints, and indeed can affect their private parts—and indeed targets, people who are targeted are reporting precisely that. They’re reporting being invaded in their private parts in their brains, in every part of their bodies and in their brains—people are reporting it, Mainstream Media is not touching it, and Congresspeople are ignoring it—that’s the state of affairs, the sort of sad and gory state of affairs today.

Geral Sosbee: You touched on something that’s important there, about Congress. I mean these people in Congress are making so much money, I mean they live in …I mean they’re not just making hundreds of thousands of dollars from their salary, they’re making money from their private investments in violation of FCC rules and insider trading—an example of that is Feinstein. Another example of an extremely corrupt Senator is Cornyn.

Rd: Oh yes.

Geral Sosbee: And one more thing that you reminded me of, and maybe you didn’t mean to but you did, and it’s this—if our government is doing this kind of thing to its own citizens, its own people—they’re going to be doing the same kind of thing to other civilians around the world, The United States is making a lot of enemies

Rd: Sadly, yes.

Geral Sosbee: If something like this is going on, they don’t like it I’m talking about ordinary people everywhere who see what this evil group of Intelligence agencies is doing—FBI, CIA, NSA, NSC, DOD all these different intelligence groups together—then that’s not good for our own national security

Ramola D: Excellent point, absolutely—yes, we are not safeguarding our national security by using weaponry on our own people or on the people of other countries–

Geral Sosbee: No….we don’t know what they are capable of doing—now DOD (they’ve got messengers and drones) they’re able to kill people and take them out—the masses of people (that run) the State everywhere around the world when they begin to realize what they’re doing, even though they’re incapable of doing…of hurting our own people here, (they can try) to get back at the government—that’s just some of the big risks that are being run by these intelligence agencies–

Ramola D: Yes absolutely, absolutely. Well I think there is so much to talk about on this subject and you know it would be wonderful if you could come back another time and talk about your understanding and your experience—I really thank you for coming forward—is there anything in particular that you would like to touch on before we close this session?

Geral Sosbee: No, Ramola, except to say, thank you again. You and my dear friend Barbara Hartwell are among the most brave people I’ve ever known—you’re taking a chance and a risk at what you’re doing here and most men couldn’t do it! I don’t mean to be sexist, but the bravest people I know are women!—so thank you very much and I look forward to our—thank you for our friendship and you are on Facebook right so you know I quit Facebook

Rd: I heard about that just today—I saw that note you posted–you quit Facebook yesterday?

Geral Sosbee: Yeah but I wrote a report as to why–I think they’re too close to the FBI and they’re engaged in the cover-up of crimes that are being committed by–that David Atkins post that I mentioned earlier –

Ramola D: Yes, and you know actually I haven’t seen that video, and I’d like to see it and explore that a little bit and try to find out what exactly that’s all about

Geral Sosbee: Thank you, that is a video, it shows these 2 guys, it shows their faces, it shows them trying to provoke this guy David, I don’t know him that well, he was my friend on Facebook, but he was clearly being terrorized by these two idiots, so then after I wrote about it and I criticized it, those 2 guys, and I said they were accomplices to attempted murder, Facebook shut…Facebook has shut me down approximately 3 times—so Ramola, that’s all I’ve got and—and I look forward to talking with you again. Did you want me to stay on the line after we disconnect?

Ramola D: Not necessarily, but I thank you so much for being here this afternoon, and for spending so much time in talking about this. We’ll pick up on this conversation again and definitely you know I’ll explore a little bit further about Facebook and see if I can explore the Facebook connection—as you know Facebook is in big trouble these days – with all the social data mining they’ve been doing—I’m glad to see that, I think we’re all glad to see that – so we’ll talk more on all these subjects, thank you so much again, Geral.

Geral Sosbee: Thank you Ramola. Bye bye.

Rd: Bye bye.


(Papers referenced in the conversation)

Geral Sosbee/Gaslighting, The Devil’s Pitchfork (and often the FBI’s preferred weapon)

Geral Sosbee/Evidence Of A New, Unheralded, Illegal, Quasi ‘Criminal Justice System’ (CJS) Forged By FBI

Geral Sosbee/Criminal Abuse of the Global Surveillance System


Posted in America, Waking Up
Tagged Character Assassination, COINTELPRO, DEWs, Electromagnetic weapons, FBI, FBI Defames Targets, FBI Whistleblower, Geral Sosbee, Global Disease Surveillance System, Massive Crime by FBI, Non-Lethal Weapons, Radar weapons, Ramola D Reports, Report #56, Surveillance Abuse, Torture
Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: FBI & FMJ Are On a Roll of Domestic Criminality
Posted on March 17, 2018 | 3 comments
sosbeeRe-posted with permission from the author, from, after this post (emphases below mine) by Geral Sosbee, ex-FBI Special Agent, licensed attorney, and Vietnam war veteran who has been whistleblowing about the Truth regarding the phenomenon of “Targeted Individuals” for years: those who are targeted are victims of Intelligence agency and military and judicial system crimes:

“Fbi was distraught to see my report showing that fbi operatives & Special Agents who engage in extreme psychological assaults on Targets are guilty of attempted murder in furtherance of fbi protocol for such atrocities ; the federal magistrate judges who issue secret orders to ‘supervise’ Targets are guilty as accessories to attempted murder and murder when suicide results. I presented evidence from David Atkins on FACEBOOK who videotaped the fbi thugs trying to force David into suicide.”– Geral Sosbee, Facebook/Feb 18:

Major gratitude to Mr. Sosbee, who is reporting targeting and assault with EMF weapons himself, for speaking out on behalf of the thousands of wrongfully targeted and brutally assaulted Americans and others worldwide, and providing valuable insight into the extreme criminality and extensive corruption currently underway in America in the name of National Security.

Journalists and human rights advocates and doctors and psychiatrists should note that Mr. Sosbee, like NSA whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart, is speaking openly about the deadly and torturous use of electromagnetic weapons and Extremely Low Frequency weapons on targeted Americans; the reports of this weapon usage on people’s bodies should not be attributed to delusions or mental illness, as has been established in massive cover-up scenarios under the tutelage of corrupt Intelligence agencies. Such as, apparently, the FBI.

–Ramola D/Posted 3/17/2018

Fbi & fmj are on a roll of domestic criminality


Thursday, 15th February 2018

fbi are terrorists

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Murderous corruption of fbi and USA has not been
explicitly proven until now.
From ex fbi agent GERAL SOSBEE:

For about a half century the fbi has tried to silence me from reporting on the horrendous crimes committed by the fbi against me and our citizens.

I have determined during these 50 years that the fbi uses the United States Federal Magistrate Judges, i.e.,fmj (who are fully supported by federal district judges) as legal authority for fbi’s otherwise criminal assaults on people globally.

fbi crimes against the populace include: torture, murder, forced suicide, extreme provocations such as assault and battery, threats by intimidation, blanket surveillance, interference with contract, employment and housing, etc., attacks by DEW/ELF.

The federal judges across the nation who authorize fbi crimes against me include:
El Paso, Dallas, NYC, LA, Brownsville, McAllen. Several attempts are made by the fbi, under the authority of the federal magistrate judges, to kill me. See my websites for proof of these substantiated claims. See also my WRIT to SCOTUS who refused to hear my case of extreme and prolonged torture and attempted murder of my person by the fbi.

So, one must accept the fact that the highest authority in the nation, the judiciary, are in the main thugs and cowards who arm the fbi with abusive and inhumane process against innocent Americans for political purposes. The court orders by federal magistrate judges are honored globally, everywhere the victim travels. No Due Process is ever offered to the victims of these fbi crimes. See my papers at:

Recently Facebook shut down my account when I spotted 2 fbi thugs/operatives on a video who were trying to drive a victim into forced suicide. The provocative assaults intended to lead to the arrest, imprisonment or death of the fbi Targets are authorized by criminally insane fmj. The fbi also sent operatives online at FACEBOOK to criticize the Target/victim for complaining. I defended the Target and wrote that the 2 fbi operatives whose faces were shown in the video are guilty as accessories to attempted murder. Then, the fbi deleted my FACEBOOK page.

In the final analysis the judges who are controlled by the fbi are principals to all the crimes that I have outlined for about 50 years, including torture, attempted murder and presumably murder.

America is doomed, unless the people demand justice for all the victims of fbi atrocities and crimes against humanity.

Source: Geral Sosbee,


Posted in Activism, America, Waking Up
Tagged America is doomed, corruption, crime, crimes against humanity, FBI, FBI Atrocities, FMJ, Forced Suicide, Geral Sosbee, Torture, Victims of FBI Crimes
Counterintelligence Crime | American Activist Filmmaker Reports Extreme Military/Intel Agency Neural Abuse with Covert Ops Brain-Computer-Interface Weapons
Posted on March 8, 2018 | 6 comments
–Ramola D/Posted 3/8/2018

First in a new article series exploring The Classified Research Cover, this interview addresses the critical question “Is ‘Classified Research’ Covering up Deadly Crimes?”

Necessitated by reports of exacerbated abuse from many quarters this March, this series aims to explore, record, and document the 2018 civilian and veteran whistleblower reports and testimony of extreme abuse of bodies and brains suffered in non-consensual human experimentation assaults (by multiple and various Mil/Intel/corporate perpetrators) with military directed energy weapons, neuro bio weapons, chemical weapons, sonic weapons, scalar weapons, all being run putatively under guise of Surveillance, National Security, and “Classified Research.”

SRA 002

Artifacts of the ongoing Asymmetric Warfare being waged by the US Govt. on US citizens in its “War on Terror,” these are War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity; they highlight the need for the DOD, CIA, DOJ, and other branches of the US Govt. engaging in secretive classified research to be publicly investigated, challenged, exposed, and stopped.

Omnisense, author, filmmaker, artist, musician, photographer, prolific web site creator, human rights advocate and Intelligence Community whistleblower whose revelation of an “Electronic Telepathy Cybernetic Secret Society” was featured here earlier, and whose extensive listing of Shadow Government Agendas and Methods is linked here, reports acute levels of targeting and neural abuse currently.

Ramola D: Omni, you have previously reported being a victim of DOD/Intelligence Agency crimes via the use of electromagnetic neuroweapons inducing verbally abusive V2K, forced speech, synthetic images, as well as many bodily tortures such as involuntary movement of body parts, stabbing pains, and sleep deprivation, among others. Readers can consult this earlier interview for details.

You are currently reporting exacerbated neuro-torture and neuro-framing of yourself. Can you describe briefly what you mean?

Omnisense: I am experiencing highly criminal neuro-abuse involving a wide range of counterintelligence-oriented assaults. For over 10 years I have been hit with overt neuro-abuse with the last year+straight being abused all day every day by neuroweaponry. This abuse is wake to sleep, every 1-7 seconds throughout the day. If I ever do anything that causes enjoyment, like eating good food or smoking a cigarette, the electronic harassment AI kicks into overdrive and obsessively sanitizes any enjoyment it can. The neuro-abuses can involve premises such as forced speech, synthetically induced anhedonia, synthetic smells & tastes, sensory replacement/sensory substitution, electromagnetic mind control, body control, surveillance abuse, Intelligence fraud, false profiling, torture and abuse packaged as counterterrorism, the list goes on and on…

RF Implants1
Image, courtesy Omni
At some point I noticed they were not talking to me in V2K conversations, they were talking into the surveillance of my mind trying to implicate me in whatever they would force into my mind. What I have found out is that they are forcing speech both of myself and others into my internal mind serially and obsessively, attempting to drum up a fraudulent Intelligence profile on myself.

Some of the framing themes they have hit me with:

* They want to inaccurately label me as mentally ill and violent. My work advocates that violence is self-defeating and that a targeted individual (TI) should never lash out violently because it would be used as psychological warfare against other TIs. A means to apply more social fascism to what targeted individuals go through. I am a non-violent person. One of the prime cover stories to cover up electronic targeting is claiming mental illness, it is used as a federal and social blanket label to marginalize damning testimony.

* Due to the social conditions being so supple, they appear to desire to frame my life’s work as being a Russian operative. As you can see here,, I have amassed a sizeable collection of websites, which almost all expose the highly criminal black ops crime syndicate. They desire to fraudulently frame my dedication as some Russian operation, perhaps to rationalize censorship.

* For a while I have been calling out pedophiles inside the cybernetic network. They are now framing me for pedophilia. It is a living nightmare with this level of neuro-abuse…

* They have also been framing me for years to be seen as an electronic control grid conspirator, essentially framing me for crimes they do on a daily basis on a mass scale.

* They are preparing high levels of counterintelligence for my upcoming work. It appears they have different frame jobs for different demographics.

The last month or so of my electronic targeting has been the most sick-minded and abusive of my 10+ years of being an overt targeted individual. For example, every time I think about or start work on my film I am being sexually abused by neuroweaponry. I have learned that you can be raped by technology while you are alone in your own home. And what makes this worse is the neural interloper rapists indicate I will be framed for what they are raping me with.

End Game neuroscience technology can make it feel like literally anything is being done to you sexually while you are alone. Basically they have been neuro-raping me with the worst sexual realities possible while framing me for them at the same time.

Neuro Rape and Neuro Sexual-Abuse

Ramola D: So essentially you are reporting that with the aid of neuroscience technology including brain implants, they are able to sexually molest and rape a person remotely? This is so outrageous and criminal on so many levels please do not hesitate to address this further.

Omni: Yes, they can make it feel like something physical is happening to you in an illusory but very real feeling fashion. They are doing some of the most crude, demeaning, and sick-minded attacks against myself in retaliation to me exposing their networks and criminality.

Framing as a Russian Operative

Ramola D: While this is laughable and an indicator of the ongoing general MO of this shadow and facade government both, it is also an attempt to wrongfully frame and dismiss your testimonial and witness. Can you list some of your websites and work that you think may be attacked in this way?

Omni: The cybernetic network heads–the true heads of intel agencies and militaries–have indicated they want to censor my multimedia company’s website, and the websites under my multimedia company. A couple examples: or, also,

They even have an opposite form of branding (slander) planned for my multimedia company. I have been shown that the shadow government cybernetic networks have obsessive and highly illegal counterintelligence against activist opposition.

Counterintelligence like the opposite branding of my businesses, the framing, the torture, the surveillance abuse. the intelligence fraud and false intelligence, the false profiling, the cointelpro.

BCI Cognitions: Thoughts and Images

Ramola D: From Skype: “i am in a neural concentration camp. they have been forcing BCI cognitions of incest, beastiality, pedophilia, and rape in my mind and experience with neuro-abuse. i am literally being raped with technology on a minute by minute and hour by hour basis. any work on my upcoming film is met with supreme persecution and oppression from intel sources and military sources trying to frame me as a unit. one discredited activist versus the entire black ops crime syndicate may not work out well for the activist. i am still fighting day by day and working to expose these psychopaths. they have shown me their perverted spirits…” (Omni)

So it appears the methodology of framing is to pump in pedophilic and incestuous images into your brain via military neurotech such as a BCI (Brain Computer Interface) system and then, via compartmented “Need to Know” obliviousness, in tandem with mindless monitoring by other agencies, have these images and thoughts picked up and recorded as emanating from you. Do you have an idea which agencies are involved in this dirty ops scenario? Are these guys speaking to you via V2K (Voice to Skull)—what are they saying?

Omni: It has been indicated that the CIA and FBI are two top entities framing myself.

Yes, they are communicating via V2K. They are saying all sorts of things throughout the day. For example, an FBI V2K source (or a source using an FBI association) is questioning me under obviously fraudulent questioning, it knows the answer to its question and if I do not cooperate, I may be demonized as guilty to the questioning.

A lot of the questioning involves highly criminal fraud forcing my speech as my own statements or obvious doctoring of my brain waves to falsely implicate guilt. It is basically using every dirty tactic in the book to try to label me as a criminal and neutralize my activism.

Ritual Abuse

Ramola D: You have mentioned Ritual Abuse coming from the Military and the Intelligence Community—can you expand on this?

Omni: I experience forms of ritual abuse every day as a neuro-abuse victim. It is increasingly clear that the international intelligence community and various military cybernetic networks are Satanic Ritual Abuse perpetrators and sponsors.

BCI Sadism1
Image, courtesy Omni
Neuroscience-based Ritual Abuse is definitely one of the worst types of ritual abuse. It can involve sanitization of pleasure, ritual torture, degradation, denigration, orchestrated and designed humiliation, perverted sexual abuse of the target, anchoring horrific psychological realities, trauma-based mind control, and monstrous slander and discrediting if you try to speak out. For some reason the occultists who rule the world have a taste for brutally torturing and/or destroying an individual and Satanic Ritual Abuse is one way they do that.

Forced Speech

Ramola D: You have mentioned Forced Speech being used to establish self-incrimination. Can you explain what exactly this is, how exactly you are experiencing it, and help readers understand how pernicious and criminal it is as a forced remote technology to abusively frame innocents as criminals?

Omni: There are many types of forced speech. There is covert forced speech and overt forced speech. Judging by what I have witnessed, I suspect that slander is a main reason to do forced speech.

How it takes place is: with natural speech you have signals in the brain behind your speech, with forced speech those same signals are synthesized to induce the same neural variables as natural speech. So essentially an AI is controlling the brain to speak through a human proxy.

Ramola D: And this entails also remotely controlling those neural inputs related to the motion of vocal cords and sound production, physically manipulating muscles and vocal cords–are you able in any way to resist such external control of your speech?

Omni: No, there is no way to stop the forced speech by your own neural activity in my experiences.

False Intelligence Profiles

Omni: I believe the electronic targeting perpetrators use forced speech as a false profile mechanism (among other uses it has for them). For example, they force calculated and designed speech through a target while Surveillance picks up the forced speech and is fraudulently categorized for later Intelligence abuse and covering up what they are truly doing.

I have experienced calculated abuse designed to infuriate the target which they then falsely neurally profile you with for “violent tendencies” when anyone with a pulse would want to fight back. I have seen evidence that targeted individuals in the system have false profiles. A false Intelligence profile meant to justify the abuse at a federal level.

Ramola D: This would suggest that False Neural Profiling then is an established Intelligence trick in use today, but being kept deadly quiet; in other words, the DOJ is using Neural Profiling and Neural Intelligence Gathering while their use of these CIA-style “Sources and Methods of Gathering Intelligence”–a cornerstone of “Classified Research”–permits them to keep it all Top Secret and never reveal what they are doing. In other words, Classified Research to conceal Crime–which is prohibited by US Law. (Sec. 1.7. (Executive Order 13526))

“Neurobody Technology”

Ramola D: You have mentioned that this “neurobody technology” causes psychological pain inside you. Can you explain what this technology is, how it is working, and how it is able to induce emotional or psychological pain and suffering?

Omni: I coined the term “Neurobody” a couple years ago to describe technology I had not seen anyone explain.

The somatosensory cortex is the part of the brain scientists believe to be responsible for body sensations. What neurobody technology does is induce brain waves from other areas of the brain into the body sensation neuro-matrix. With neurobody you can induce literally anything into the body as a sensation at any intensity. You can put any emotion in the body, any mental variable in the universe can be applied to the body vividly…

So with myself, the neural interlopers for a while were really hammering me with psychological pain inside my chest and body. Again, this happens when the brain waves for psychological pain are taken from their normal areas and applied to the body sensation area of the brain.

Ramola D: So pain from one area, say a migraine, can be transferred to other areas–so you can, say, experience the sense of a migraine emanating from your heart?

Omni: Exactly, they can take a design of suffering and apply it to the entire body. On the flip side, this is while the perpetrators enjoy these technologies in highly criminal ways.

They are committing the worst Surveillance Abuses possible with these technologies.

While I am being neuro-raped by whatever design some Black Ops psychopath forces into my being, they are perving out on real bodies of citizens with these same technologies. It is based on radio frequency environmental scanning that the public has not yet quite caught onto. As far as public science goes in evidencing this, a preliminary version of the technology I speak about is called “RF capture,” another version I have heard about is called “interferometry.”

Ramola D: You have named these agencies as threatening you via BCI: the FBI, NSA, CIA, and US Military. Can you convey more closely what exactly was said and how these groups identified themselves to you? Also, when you say BCI, how exactly did you experience these communications—was it with images or words, was it verbal and audible like V2K or more subliminal or silently voiced like Synthetic Telepathy or Silent Sound or Radio Hypnosis?

Omni: All 4 of those sources have contacted me in threatening ways (unless they have been impersonated). I do not have available memory of most of these communications, but I do remember the U.S. Military communications always being abusive and violent. They have indicated they would frame me, and abuse me the rest of my life. It is usually with V2K wording along with a conceptual energy underlying the communication.

Ramola D: So these have been verbal threats and intimidation? Were you contacted in person or are you speaking about V2K or synthetic telepathy? You are also reporting further threats–to both of us–as we work on this interview. What is the fear or other reaction these groups are expressing, regarding exposure of these Crimes Against Humanity?

Omni: The conversations are done in a way that leaves me with zero evidence of what occurred minus my own testimony. Done via V2K.

The shadow government has a system for those that expose them effectively. Any work I do that exposes them I am liable to be tortured for. I suspect they do not want the truth to come out, and they have mechanisms to suppress people speaking out about their secrets.

Sanitization of Senses and Sensory Substitution

Ramola D: On your new documentary website, NeuroAbuse, you are reporting a hijacking and replacement of your own sensory stimuli and responses: good smells being replaced by noxious smells. How long has this been going on, how pervasive is it, and have these Mil/Intel neuro-abusers explained why they would torture you in this fashion?

Omni: It has been going on heavily for maybe a year. I have almost all of my good smells and tastes removed from my enjoyment, a Nazi-like sanitization of pleasure is taking place. Just about every meal by the end of it I have a repulsive taste replacing the real food taste. With implants and a neuroscience method called neural heterodyne they can alter the existing frequencies in the brain, which then alter the sensory input one experiences.

Ramola D: “I have witnessed the impersonation of U.S. Congress in my brain-computer interface experiences.” Can you expand on this? Are you suggesting you are seeing Congressmen – or the images of same—mentally, while being neuro-abused? Are these internal synthetic electronic images or holograms—and which Congressmen or women in particular? What do you think it means?

Omni: Congress 002They have been impersonating Congress to me via Brain-Computer Interface technologies. It is usually happening with V2K words, along with various other forms of Brain-Computer Interfacing. Murmurs in the cybernetic networks have Congress being invited to BCI in the coming years. The cybernetic networks are incredibly unconstitutional, and I am perceived as a threat to inform Congress about the truth. Some of the forced speech and neuro-framing appears to be themed in deceiving Congressmen and women about me.

They are impersonating Rand Paul, Adam Schiff, Maggie Hassan, and Bernie Sanders the most to me. They have implicated they have ongoing operations to deceive Congress. In light of all this and more, I have decided I will be producing a PDF for Congressmen and women in the future

Inversion of Will, Violation of Free Will

Ramola D: You have rightfully stated your free will is being violated by all these forms of Neuro Abuse. Are they able to suppress or override your true will to do something or think something—how do you experience this kind of takeover of your own free will? What kind of inversion of will are you experiencing?

Omni: They can control the mind & body of anyone on the surface of the planet with these technologies. Free will is involved in neuroscience and it can be removed with radio frequency brain implantation. Also taste can be warped or inverted, actions can be forced to happen that are completely against the free will and natural disposition of a person.FalseNeural

I am experiencing on a daily basis an inversion of my taste while (they are) neurally framing me to things I find completely repulsive. The neural interlopers have indicated that they are populating my brain with false neural data to be later used against me.

Ramola D: “They have indicated they will be able to destroy me for opposing their criminal conspiracy.” While you are not alone in opposing their criminal conspiracy, Omni, you are certainly a vitally important witness and reporter of these neuro crimes, and it’s significant that they say this to you.

You also state they think they have established absolute legality “under the laws they orchestrated through the U.S. Government” and that you are being framed “for the same crimes (you) have embarked on exposing.” This is interesting, and appears to be a replay of their general MO of inverting/projecting criminality: classification however, cannot be used to conceal crime, by US law. (Sec. 1.7. (Executive Order 13526))

Can you report some of what they say, and who do they identify themselves as—you have mentioned detecting a Nazi faction—are there different factions in this AI that speaks to you via BCI/V2K?

Omni: The international Black Ops Crime Syndicate involves a large number of colluding Intelligence Agencies and Militaries who have obtained technologies such as Neural Monitoring and Electromagnetic Mind Control while forming a global network of conspiring cybernetic networks. What they have done with these networks is so highly illegal and immoral they will commit any nature of fraud to protect themselves from exposure.

As for Nazis, I have detected a Nazism edge to the Cointelpro AI. I believe this stems back to Operation Paperclip, Project 63, and National Interest and the formation of American Intelligence Agencies in the 1940s after World War II. Shortly after the formation of American Intelligence agencies, they started projects like MK Ultra, Project Artichoke, and Project Bluebird.

Operation Paperclip Nazis presumably then developed black project Artificial Intelligence and Directed Energy weapons which has manifested into the modern day covert holocaust. My beliefs in a nutshell: the Nazis were not destroyed in World War II, and their ethos were then inherited by sources who used their scientists.

Ramola D: Are you able to speak back to them, and what do you say? Is this through thought projection and silent telepathy or is it verbally?

Omni: I speak to them, yes. Through a mental voice in my internal mind. Most of what I say to them is forced speech. A problem is they doctor my internal voice in torturous and disrespectful ways, this makes me not want to speak. I have also said things when pissed off like I think they are forsaken souls, and hope they are eternally damned for what they have done.

Ramola D: Many people being targeted currently with neuroweapons and DEWs are reporting increased attacks on their bodies and brains currently. These are silent attacks, while Youtube, Google, and Facebook have stepped up their visible censorship attacks on Truth Media. In any civilized society working to be free of oppression, I would think people would help each other. What can any reader do to help stop this outrageous assault on your body, your brain, and your life?

Omni: I am unsure if a reader can help me. I guess if they want to help they can remember I said I was being framed if my name ever comes up in a circus of slander. They could also help inform Congress or the public about Electronic Targeting.

Ramola D: My hope always is that journalists with conscience, doctors with concience, neuroscientists with conscience will step forward and investigate further or speak out of their own knowledge. Publishing vital whistleblowing like this is also an appeal to the educated public, an appeal to humanity.

Hopefully by reporting these crimes, we can also reach factions in the Military and Intelligence who may be unaware – by reasons of compartmentalizing and truncated Need to Know – that such extreme neuro-abuse is occurring, and clarify for them the need to act to stop it from the inside. Do you think this is a possibility?

Omni: I think the war criminals will not stop without being forced to, they need to be indicted and/or executed. There is one cybernetic network who was once on the side of the shadow government who decided to betray their agenda… Within 2 years the threat I witnessed the networks say to that source had been actuated for that network’s country. And now that country is faced with a major threat of war. The occultists who rule these networks make it clear that betraying their agenda will be painful. I do however think that with the opposition available that change is possible…

Ramola D: Can you provide any insight into this opposition you perceive–are there factions with power that can successfully oppose these criminal shadow government networks? Can humanity–all of us who care about human bodily and brain sovereignty–successfully oppose this atrocity?

Omni: There are a couple cybernetic networks that oppose the shadow government, but they deal with similar subterfuge and threats as someone like myself does. As soon as a network decides to betray the shadow government agenda, the occultists in charge of the electronic control grid are planning retaliatory attacks on that network’s country.

I do feel humanity will win, but we need people on the ground to help defeat the shadow government. There are powerful sources who are diametrically opposed to the shadow government and they will be fighting for our planet’s fate – from going down the path the shadow government desires – but they need the public’s help.

At this stage they need the public to assist in informing the world about the shadow government’s conspiracy and methods in a credible and effective way.

The world would never stand for what is truly happening if they were aware of it, and that is one of the biggest problems. Through a whole host of tactics and methods such as potent psychological warfare the shadow government keeps the public unaware. Awareness of a problem is pivotal in stopping that problem. This is a motivation of a lot of my life’s work, to increase awareness of the problems so that we can eliminate them as a society.

Ramola D: Omni, thank you very much for this vitally important whistleblowing interview, and for speaking out and working to raise public awareness to save humanity.

Neuro Abuse – Highly Criminal Neuro Framing/Omnisense

Omnisense/ Speaks Out: “Electronic Telepathy Cybernetic Secret Society Oversees the Targeting of Individuals”

Omnisense/CounterDark.Org: List of Shadow Government Agendas and Methods

For more whistleblowing from Omni about the Neurotech Crimes of the Deep State, shadow government, and electronic telepathy cybernetic networks, please visit his many websites, some listed here:


This article may be reposted in full anywhere online with attribution and linkback. Please share this information widely.


Posted in Activism, Waking Up
Tagged BCI Weapons, Brain Computer Interface, CIA, classified research, Concealing Crime, Counterintelligence Crime, cover-up, covert ops, Criminal Neural Framing, cybernetic networks, DOJ, electronic telepathy, Intelligence Community Crimes, Is Classified Research Covering Up Deadly Crimes?, Neuro Abuse, non-consensual human experimentation, Omnisense, Ramola D, Satanic Ritual Abuse, The Classified Research Cover, US Military, Whistleblower
Censorship, Lies, Deception: WIRED Removes Writer’s Comment Exposing DOD/CIA Crimes at Laura Yan’s POPPCon (Psy Op Propaganda Piece) for the Deep State
Posted on March 7, 2018 | 13 comments
–Ramola D/Posted 3/7/2018

The Con’s on You, America, and the Deep State’s POPPin’ Alright

In the Bizarro world of Mainstream Media (ticking with Mockingbirds), Psy Op Propaganda Pieces have become the norm now—as far as Surveillance Abuse by this rogue Surveillance Abuse State goes, and journalists with conscience continue to hide rather than step up to reveal the ongoing Crimes Against Humanity being perpetrated on civilian populations—in the name of Surveillance or National Security or both.

Now Laura Yan of WIRED joins Mike McPhate of The New York Times and Justin Rohrlich of The Daily Beast as well as others behind them to pen POPPers for the Deep State—helping to dismiss the thousands of reports of Surveillance Abuse and Deep State/Military Crime surfacing nationally and internationally, labeling all reporting victims mentally ill, paid handsomely no doubt in Mocktails at a shiny bar in downtown Langley. (No matter if the coins pattering under the table have the telltale stain of blood on them, Mocktails are free.)

Meanwhile the platter of weapons (covert RFID (radio frequency identifying device) implants, DEWs (directed energy weapons), sonic weapons, scalar weapons, BCI (brain computer interface) weapons, through-wall radar, nanotech rain) being used on citizens grows as “Homeland Security” shapeshifts into Domestic Terrorism—spelled out recently by NSA whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart in this summary of the DHS Terrorist Watchlist Scam—and facile, wrongful placement of “Non-Investigative Subjects” coded “Silent Hits” on the corrupt FBI’s corrupt KST lists (Known or Suspected Terrorist) also grows into the hundreds of thousands, as this ACLU report details.

Regardless, it has become convenient for the MockMedia to use the label “Targeted Individuals” and “TI Community” as shorthand for Mentally Ill, Paranoid, Schizoid, and to whip out articles every now and then to POPP this whopper home via the tried and true CounterIntel tricks of repetition and deception. In this light we have this latest which should have been labeled Mind Games: The Tortured (or Torturous? take your pick) Lies of CIA Minions, but apparently Ms. Yan was using the CIA AI Spell Check and couldn’t quite get there.

In any case, this morning after an astonished read of this platter of lies and shoddy reportage, I penned a quick comment setting WIRED straight on what the Mental Health label on reporting victims of DOD/CIA crime is really all about, and noted that my comment was registered online. Later today, while discussing Ms. Yan’s little shocker of a Mocker with Dr. Katherine Horton, Oxford physicist and whistleblower on targeting crimes by Intel agencies, we made the transcontinental discovery that my comment had been removed from the Wired website. I checked Disqus, whose id I had used for my comment, and my comment was still recorded there, but “Detected as Spam.” I made a couple of screenshots of the Disqus comment, and post them below as public record.

There’s really only one simple question for anyone contemplating this scenario to consider: Why would WIRED wish to remove—and indeed remove—my comment if it wasn’t hellbent on running a POPPCon on the American and world public, and my too-truthful comment wasn’t throwing a spanner in the works here? Do please read, ruminate, and decide for yourself.


My Censored Comment on Laura Yan’s WIRED Psy Op Propaganda-Piece for the Deep State, “Mind Games: The Tortured Lives of Targeted Individuals”

I have an alternate title for this s/hit piece on whistleblowers reporting the crimes of the rogue Surveillance Abuse & Torture State that this DOD/CIA fiction writer obviously works for: Mind Games the CIA/DOD Like to Play on Americans to Avoid Any Exposure of Their Dirty Surveillance Abuse and Outright Torture with EMF and Neuro Bio Weapons. Laura Yan obviously wishes to go down in history with Mike McPhate of the New York Times and other sad pretenders to journalism as a govt. propaganda artist keen to cover up the crimes of this dirty govt. Psychiatry and mental health are age-old magick tricks and deadly State tools of oppression the CIA, KGB, Stasi, Nazis and others have used to dismiss the reporting witness of weapons-testing, non-consensual experimentation, and extreme abuse of civilians.

Please visit my site for the REAL journalism, documentary witness, and evidence of these crimes:, and watch my interviews with whistleblowers at Ramola D Reports on Youtube, Vimeo, Bitchute, D-Tube.

“Targeted Individuals” are as far from paranoia and mental illness as Laura Yan is from Truth; they are reporting the serious crimes of the CIA, DIA, NSA, FBI, USAF, DOD, NGA, DHS, and a host of other agencies, Universities, corporations. When people report serious crime–by these govt. agencies–the one and only fallback cover these thugs in power have is to call the reporters mentally ill. I am getting ready to expose this massive Psy Op the CIA/DOD is running on the American reading public–you can subscribe and follow at my sites to read it as soon as it is released.

Meanwhile, please read these and other articles at my site for the truth about the EMF/DEWs Laura Yan forgot to report (her piece is littered with flat-out lies, shoddy reportage, and complete lack of research, both about RFIDs/microchips and military remote-control neuroweapons):

Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up

Paranoid Schizophrenia, Tool of the Red Terror, Makes a Comeback in Authoritarian USA & Other Western “Democracies”

Robert Duncan, Regarding 6/10 NYT Article on Gang-Stalking & Targeted Individuals: “When Weapons Are “Field Tested” They Need To Be Very Secretive”

WIRED has previously published more information on the weapons being tested on Americans and others than Laura Yan shows any awareness of. The party line with all mainstream media of course (which WIRED is now replaying wholeheartedly), is that no weapons exist, surveillance does not include implantation and torture and stalking, and so on. Dream on, America!

Note too that the elaborate comments posted here by various jokers congratulating each other on the acuity of their insight and depth of their caring for these sadly “mentally ill” TIs has the pawprints of CIA-NARRATIVE all over it….as a writer myself who has worked, taught, and continue to write in three genres–non-fiction, fiction, and poetry, I can assure you the CIA-NARRATIVE is rather easy to take apart–and I will take pleasure in doing so, in my upcoming article. Never forget however that the reason these Lies-in-Print by CIA/DOD agents or minions are published is primarily to cover up Ongoing Serious DOD/CIA Crimes.

–Ramola D/3/6/2018



Posted in CIA, Civil Liberties, crushing of dissent, Homeland Security, Targeted Individuals, Waking Up
Tagged Censorship, CIA, Deception, deep state, DOD/CIA crimes, Laura Yan, Lies, Mind Games, Mockingbird, MockMedia, POPPCon, POPPCon for the Deep State, POPPers, Psy Op Propaganda Piece, Ramola D, The Tortured Lives of targeted Individuals, WIRED
Chem Trails & Nanotech Rain: Wake up and Recognize Humanity is Being Exterminated—You Must Act
Posted on March 3, 2018 | 4 comments
–Ramola D/Posted 3/3/2018

Need to Know Report No. 8: Detox & Stop Depop Nanotechnology/Aerosols with Suzanne Maher and Tony Pantelleresco, published last week, offers an educative and enlightening conversation with researchers and activists Suzanne Maher of Bye Bye Blue Sky and Tony Pantelleresco of AugmentInforce on the subject of what exactly is raining down on us via chem trails (an US Airforce term and a chilling reality still rejected by the unawake and uninformed as “conspiracy theory,” and ignorantly maligned as con-trails and jet exhaust), what it’s doing to our human and animal biology, and what we can do to stop this deadly onslaught on humanity.

And deadly it is. These researchers discuss how the nanobiology, nanoparticulates, and nanotechnology entering our ground, water, skin, bodies and brains is working to break us down even as it self-assembles, replicates, and builds sensors and networks inside our bodies to facilitate AI interconnectivity; at a cellular level this transhumanizing invasion destroys tissue, colonizes hormonal receptors, creates biofilm, promotes cancer, weakens immune systems, and opens the door to autism and Alzheimer’s, among a slew of other diseases.

Our DNA is being defaced, says Suzanne. Our fertility is being compromised.

Humanity is Being Transhumanized, Sterilized, Diseased, Exterminated

We are being transhumanized, and we—humanity as we know it—are being exterminated. Long-term chem trails activist Suzanne Maher explains that several kinds of contaminants are raining down on us, including heavy metal particulates, biological material which includes desiccated red blood cells, viruses, and fungi, and nanotechnology which includes nano microelectronic processors—nano MEMs, GEMs, carbon tubes, fibres, fullerenes, piezoelectric cells, smart dust or neural dust, all of which is entering our air, our water, our earth, our food, our lungs, digestive systems, blood streams, tissue, and brains.

This extraordinary assault is occurring worldwide, and as each of us can confirm for ourselves wherever we live, is continuing to occur. Those chem trail planes haven’t stopped zigzagging across our skies, and the smoggy haze we frequently see hasn’t given away to pure air and clean atmospheres yet.

What is the effect on our human bodies? “So much focus is being given to geo-engineering and weather modification I feel it’s almost a red herring at the end of the day,” says Suzanne Maher. “Because we are being transhumanized through this nanobiology, it’s defacing our genetic code, it’s wiping out our DNA, and it’s breaking us down.”

Forced Nanotech Integration/Infographic from Suzanne Maher, Bye Bye Blue Sky
Tony explains how nano silver interferes with the reproductive and sexual capabilities of men and how nano aluminium interferes with the reproductive and sexual health of women, by replacing key hormonal receptors and creating the base for malignancy and mutation at the cellular level.

Fresh Foods, Whole Foods, Organic Foods All Contaminated: “Organic No Longer Exists”

Nanotechnology is also now being included in consumer products in an unregulated way—in food, clothing, food supplements, retail products of every kind. It’s also in organic fruits and vegetables, which makes them quite other than organic. Tony Pantelleresco says food supplies have been contaminated from the 1960s, although different terms existed back then, such as “ultra fine particles.” Because plants also receive and carry this nanotechnology, “organic” fruits and vegetables are no longer really organic. Suzanne shares how Tony was able to pick out and show nanotech residing in the skin of an organic apple. “Organic is a complete misnomer—organic no longer exists.”

It’s important to peel the skin off fruits and vegetables, says Suzanne, to limit the nano intake we are getting. Even though it is indeed still embedded in the fruit itself, the extent of the infestation seems to reduce from skin through pulp to the seed.

Genetically Engineered Foodstuffs/Infographic from Suzanne Maher, Bye Bye Blue Sky
How will young parents feel about the organic fruits and vegetables they painstakingly buy for their babies and toddlers—when they learn nanosubstances pollute everything that is grown outside, under chem-trailed skies?

Image may contain: text
Trinary Attack–Chemtrails, GMOs, Frequencies/Infographic: Suzanne Meher, Bye Bye Blue Sky
Depopulation Programs, Agenda 21, Wifi and 5G, Psychotronic Warfare and Mind Control Technologies

The fact is, an all-out war is being waged on humanity as entrenched depopulation programs being covertly carried out by United Nations countries, as reported here earlier and detailed by UN scholar Kevin Galalae, have gone into accelerated mode in recent years. Not merely is our water being poisoned via fluoridation—a Nazi technique to keep the incarcerated passive and compliant—our breathing supply of air is now also being poisoned, and our water and earth and food supply is being poisoned, as detailed above.

The intention is nothing less than genocide and mass depopulation via sickness and hastened death, an outcome apparently desired by the coterie of bloodline billionaires running shadow operations on humanity from behind elected governments and world bodies. The Georgia Guidestones, which should be the stuff of conspiracy theory and dystopian fiction, is unfortunately a manifest marker of this deluded vision in our material reality, and calls for a reduction of world population to 500 million. spells out the details; by this vision of gore, the US is anticipated to lose Americans so rapidly as to sink by 80% to 69 million by the year 2025; Germany will plummet to 40 million, half its current numbers; Netherlands by 20% to 13 million, and so on.

These and other niceties of future life on earth are padded out in Agenda 21, a seemingly innocuous declaration of intent by the United Nations for the earth at large, involving, on the surface, preserving Nature and saving the environment while covertly blueprinting stack and pack cities, absolute and totalitarian control of all food and water, loss of human freedoms and rights, herding of rural dwellers into cities, confiscation of land and private property, loss of national and individual sovereignty, and global fascist governance. Dr. Eric Karlstrom describes these in a recent podcast; Rosa Koire has written and spoken extensively on this subject, as also Deborah Tavares, and Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, among others.

Hallmarks of this scenario have been rolled out already—WiFi and ambient EMF from cell towers and antennas as everyone voluntarily attaches themselves to a cell phone or iPad, mass surveillance, and biometric surveillance. And worse (by this intention, unless stopped by us) is to come, as smart meters, the Internet of Things, and 5G promise nonstop pulsed microwave radiation directed via a full-service 24/7 earth-blanket grid over every cell of our bodies, homes, and continents.

In addition, the covert stealth control grid of psychotronic weapons and mind control technologies, featuring cell towers, satellites, stealth antennas, microwave emitters, repeaters, portable DEWs, and brain frequencies pulsed in on power lines, flouroscent lights, television monitors and programs, is already in place, assaulting our brains, emotions, moods, thoughts, behavior, and action. All of this, says Suzanne Maher, is along the same spectrum of dominance over humanity, each element of assault is tied to the other as nanotechnology and heavy metals in the atmosphere make our bodies more conductive and AI-connected. Not merely are we being bombarded with mind control weaponry aiming to affect our minds, we’re being prepared like fatted calves with nanotech to receive the assault to maximum round-up detriment to our bodies and brains.

Step Beyond Fear: Detox, Cleanse, Educate Your Neighbors and Families, Take Action

Many are unprepared to deal with all this information on how we are being assaulted, many can barely believe it. Many are terrified when they are hear. It is terrifying, at a rather basic level, to contemplate that governments and corporations and technocrats with insane AI-and-immortality fantasies are working together to wipe out humanity—it would be far more comfortable to dismiss this thought—as mainstream media, arm of military-industrial-intelligence-complex propaganda, would have us do—as paranoid conspiracy theory.

Fear is natural and normal, says Tony Pantelleresco, it proves you’re alive! But it is important to get beyond fear and its paralysis, to join forces with other awakened, informed and like-minded compatriots, and to start doing something. Whether it is to inform others, to support truth-media engaging in this struggle to inform and educate others, or to do the research yourself to figure out if this is all true, to start using your circle of influence to effect change, you must act. Humanity hangs in the balance, and we are each of us responsible.

At the very least, we must detox and cleanse to maintain health. Simple, inexpensive ingredients can help wash out the nanotech and heavy metals and cure the effects of received radiation, says Tony, such as borax, baking soda, Epsom salts, and white vinegar (please watch the video for closer detail). Cleansing will yield results, even if only after a while. Not cleansing or detoxing is sure to leave the immune system burden festering in our bodies, primed to induce disease of all kinds.

Both these activists are also educators. Please visit their websites for more information, and visit with them at the Green Living Expo in Toronto this spring in April. (2018 Green Living Show in Toronto, April 6-8, 2018 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Link to purchase tickets:

Tony Pantelleresco has a wealth of information on his website, as well as links to more information on natural health and detoxification, such as this compilation on anti-radiation treatments as well as information on his ongoing radio shows. He also collects information on technologies which affect our health, such as this compilation on Nanodata.

Suzanne Maher has long been running billboard campaigns, which anyone can support on her Go Fund Me Page for billboards, and recommends that others also run billboard campaigns to inform and educate people about the chem trails.

Indeed, she reports, other activists are beginning to follow suit.

Jerome Devenish’s Billboard in Cambridge, Ontario/Image from Go Fund Me Page
There are many ways activists are informing others—with web sites, videos, talks, bumper stickers.

Take action to convey your views to legislators. Because chem trails and the nano load they drop on our bodies is being hidden today by Geo-engineering and Weather Modification policies and activities presented in benign mode, educating legislators becomes critical. offers information and help and advice on changing laws and banning these nano aerosol programs, visit their website for more information.

What’s most important is that we each answer the call, recognize how urgent the hour is, and act. Our actions WILL count. We CAN make a difference. But we must, indeed, get informed and make the decision to act.

List of Food Containing Nano Particles, & Organic…Not So Organic/Bye Bye Blue Sky

Genetic Culling on a Planetary Scale/Suzanne Maher, Bye Bye Blue Sly, Feb 10, 2018

Chemicals Released by Garment Steamer versus Chemtrails/Why In The World Are They Spraying

Anti Radiation Treatments/Tony Pantelleresco, AugmentInforce

Knocking Out BioFilm From your Body (video)/Tony Pantelleresco, HerbsPlusBeadWorks

Morgellons Disease/ Nano Poisoning (Part 1)/Susan Price, the Liberty Beacon, August 18, 2017

Nano Health Solutions in a 21st Century AI World, Part II/Susan Price, America Out Loud

Microwave Specialist Barrie Trower; “5G Will Devastate Humanity But Those Behind It Are Above the Law!”/Suzanne Maher, Bye Bye Blue Sky, Feb 16, 2018

Ramola D Reports/Report #14: Elana Freeland – Takeover of Humanity: Transhumanism, Nanotech, 5G, Chem Trails, HAARP

5G, Optogenetics & Li-Fi : MK Androids R Us : Human AI/The Builder Rejected

Please share this information widely!


Posted in Activism, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, cell tower radiation, Depopulation Agendas, GMOS, Waking Up
Tagged AugmentInforce, Bye Bye Blue Sky, chem trails, Cleanse, detox, Detox and Stop Depop, Humanity is Being Exterminated, Nanotech Rain, nanotechnology, natural health, Need to Know Report No. 8, Ramola D Reports, Suzanne Maher, Tony Pantelleresco
Erasme Hospital (Brussels, Belgium) and the Juvenile Court Re-Traumatize Baby Amethyst Vritschan By Abruptly Removing Her to a Children’s Home
Posted on February 19, 2018 | 2 comments
–Ramola D/Posted 2/19/2018

Sending shock waves around the world, Erasme Hospital and the Juvenile Court acting in the case of newborn Amethyst Vritschan, teamed up this past week to re-traumatize 3-month-old Amethyst Vritschan by removing her once again from her mother’s daily care and placing her in an emergency care home.

Amethyst had been abducted last October from her mother by Erasme Hospital staff including psychiatrists Dr. Marie Delhaye and Dr. Frederic Milcent and held in the Neonatal Ward at Erasme Hospital for over two months on fabricated charges of her mother, Melanie Vritschan being delusional.

Melanie Vritschan, Founder of ICATOR
Melanie Vritschan, a former marathon runner who has run for the homeless and for children’s charities, is an international human rights activist whose sanity, mental health, and maternal competence can be confirmed by any member of the public—and any psychiatrist, worldwide–for themselves in this Interview with Changemakers video-interview recorded recently, to celebrate and honor Ms. Vritschan’s humanitarian initiatives.

Melanie Vritschan is the founder of ICATOR, the International Coalition Against Electronic Torture and the Robotization of Living Beings, a leading European human rights group working to protect humanity against New Age neuroweapons and bioweapons being tested and used globally in secretive form today by corporate, military, and Intelligence agencies in repressive, inhumane, and torturous acts of surveillance, experimentation, and electromagnetic warfare against the citizens of the world—facts this writer has covered for four years and can attest to.

It is fairly clear at this point to many that Ms. Vritschan is being framed as delusional to facilitate the wrongful abduction of her child in apparent efforts to destroy her vital human-rights work in exposing the actions of western Intelligence agencies, militaries, hospitals, and law enforcement personnel in covertly implanting Europeans and assaulting them with stealth Electronic Weapons.

These actions by governments against citizens are ongoing worldwide, including in the United States of America, as international human rights groups such as Targeted Justice, PACTS, StopZET, and Techno Crime Fighters Forum, a weekly panel run by the US-Europe Joint Investigation Team can attest to. At core of this story lies nothing less than the perfidy of western governments in failing to protect, if not avidly promoting the exposure of their citizenry to deadly covert attacks on their bodies and brains with New Age electronic, chemical, and bio-weapons.

In classic illustration of Red Terror KGB-style Political Psychiatry, these clandestine radiation-weapon and microchip implantation assaults by agencies and military groups on targeted civilians are being covered up worldwide by glibly naming reporting victims (mislabeled “Targeted Individuals”) delusional, victims of “mass delusion,” schizoid, schizophrenic, and paranoid. Mainstream media projects this cover-up without scruple. Co-opted medical and psychiatric professionals inclusive of those behind the highly controversial DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders) which invents disorders at whim promote the cover-up. Non-co-opted medical and psychiatric personnel are thereby profoundly deceived.

Sudden Removal of Amethyst from Erasme Hospital to a Children’s Home

This sudden move by the Juvenile Court, at the instigation of Erasme Hospital, came as a surprise to Melanie Vritschan’s friends and family.

Since December 21, 2017, when the judge at the last Juvenile Court hearing had stated that Melanie Vritschan—who has also been found by various non-Erasme psychologists and psychiatrists to be far from delusional, and whom Erasme Neonatal nurses have stated from close observation is a highly responsible mother–would need to check into a Brussels mother-baby psychiatric clinic or see her child being put into a foster home, Ms. Vritschan had been waiting for placement in this clinic, having made the decision to comply primarily to continue being with her baby. She had also been informed the stay would be for one month, after which she envisioned returning home with her baby.

For the past couple months, Melanie has been driving across town every day to spend six hours from 9 am with her baby. During this time period, Amethyst has had the opportunity to spend time and re-bond with her mother. The child psychologist assigned to supervise Melanie’s visits with her own child had remarked earlier that although Amethyst had been subjected to trauma by reason of Erasme separating the baby from her mother one day after her birth and holding her in the Neonatal ward while isolating Melanie in the Psychiatry Ward, she was confident the child would recover from this (Erasme Hospital-induced) trauma by re-bonding with her mother, in the new pattern of scheduled visits Erasme had allowed.

At first Melanie had been allowed only three hours a week to be with her baby. This was extended to daily visits from 9 to 4. Her older 8-year-old son was also permitted to visit for a limited time period every week, and Melanie has reported that both children loved being together.

On Monday of this week Erasme requested an emergency court hearing which was arranged on Tuesday, 2/13/2018. The psychiatrist at the mother-baby clinic stated that she “had heard good reports” about Melanie’s care of her child from the Erasme Neonatal nurses and believed that Melanie and Amethyst would not make an appropriate fit at her clinic. Upon which, the Juvenile court judge, apparently a temporary stand-in for the previous judge, decreed that she would not disturb the previous judge’s judgments and therefore (inexplicably), Amethyst would have to be placed in a home—in preparation, it appears, to be put up for adoption or fostering.

While this extraordinary ruling appears to be based neither on logic nor evidence, Amethyst has now been traumatically removed to an emergency-care children’s home, which Melanie is permitted to visit only three hours a week.

The maternal-child bonding achieved over the past few months, therefore, has been dramatically and callously terminated. Once more, Amethyst has been traumatized by the sudden separation from her mother. Once more, Erasme Hospital and the Youth Protection court have instigated this trauma to the infant and her family.

Erasme Hospital Psychiatrists Instrumental in First Removing Amethyst From her Mother

erasme hopital
L’Hopital Erasme
It should be recalled that this entire saga of wrongful separation of mother and baby began when a nurse-midwife at Erasme reported a conversation she had had with Melanie’s accompanying friend, Dr. Katherine Horton (an Oxford-educated former CERN particle physicist) to an Erasme gynecologist, who then reported this conversation to Erasme psychiatrists, who then came into Melanie’s room at the Maternity ward in Erasme and immediately removed her baby from her care. The conversation was about a foreign object removed from Melanie’s throat that Dr. Horton had scientifically analyzed, and about implants in general, as well as covert implants being reported by civilians. Melanie herself had not been apprised of this conversation by the nurse-midwife. Yet, as an outcome of this conversation, psychiatrists at Erasme Hospital made the hasty misjudgment that Melanie Vritschan was delusional, after a few minutes’ conversation with her—in which they were offered the medical reports and surgical evidence of the foreign object removed from her throat, but which they did not, ultimately, examine.

It should be noted that this mention of implants was what triggered the peculiar action of these psychiatrists in naming Ms. Vritschan delusional.

The use of Psychiatry to seal the evidence of crimes against humanity—inclusive of covert implantation–being definitively committed today by the Intelligence agencies, military groups, and their private mercenaries has been and continues to be reported widely, all over the world, as reporting victims testify.

The very mention of an implant, suspicions of being implanted, or/and the experience of being hit with microwave or other radiation or sonic weapons, if mentioned to Western medical professionals, is being met not merely with disbelief and incredulity by doctors—who do not bother getting radiologists to run simple scans to determine the presence of RF implants—but being referred immediately to Psychiatry, in what appears to be standard patient-discrediting protocol in hospitals and clinics.

Do doctors and psychiatrists really believe people cannot be and are not being clandestinely implanted, and that electromagnetic weapons are not being experimentally or operationally used on civilians—as civilians report?

Are doctors and psychiatrists that innocent?

Given the state of the global Surveillance State, the state of the art regarding microchips and nanochips (these are multi-billion-dollar industries today), and the dark history of covert CIA and military experimentation on civilians over decades, doctors and psychiatrists should know better. A cursory look at the historical evidence, whistleblower testimony, medical use, patents, and information from lawsuits and affidavits should help educate doctors that covert implants are not a product of delusion but a physically proven fact. Increasingly, civilians are reporting implants—and cases like those of David Larson, Charles Schlund, Robert Naeslund, Richard Cain, Dr. Millicent Black, and Sherri Guarnieri have proved their existence.

Today, numerous civilians in the Five Eyes and other countries are coming forward to confirm the existence of non-consensual covert implants on their bodies verified with RF detectors, MRIs, X-rays, and other radiological means. The work that Melanie’s organization, ICATOR, is doing therefore, in helping bring physicists together to help scan victims, prove their victimization, seek redressal, and heal their lives is vital today for 21st-century humanity.

Psychiatry and Child “Protection”

Also crucial to note is that given the revelations in the news today about the extent and scope of child trafficking, pedophilia, and the use of fronts such as children’s charities and child-protection systems in Europe and worldwide to permit high-level pedophiles to steal and abuse babies and children unchecked, the part that psychiatrists play in removing babies from mothers—by labeling mothers mentally ill, unstable, delusional, and so on—must be scrutinized closely by vigilant societies.

What is the real role being played by these Erasme Hospital psychiatrists in removing Amethyst from her mother? What is the intention being played out here by this Belgian Juvenile Court in putting a child with a loving and responsible mother in a home? What is the significance behind MK ULTRA-style re-traumatizing an already traumatized infant, depriving her of maternal love and care, and separating her from her loving family? Are there connections here between Erasme Hospital Psychiatry, pedophilia, and child trafficking in Belgium?

To go one step further: Is Erasme Hospital engaged in supplying babies to the child trafficking and pedophile rings in Europe? It should be recalled that Dr. Horton has reported that Erasme Hospital staff did indeed tell her, regarding babies being separated from their mothers who were then thrown into Psychiatry: “It happens here all the time.”

Or are Erasme Hospital psychiatrists simply in the business of creating future patients for Psychiatric wards, by traumatizing newborns and three-month-olds?

Hard questions must be asked.

At the very least: Why are Amethyst and Melanie being held hostage to faulty Psychiatry? Is it to cover up the larger crimes of covert implantation and illegal non-consensual, invasive human experimentation the European military-Intelligence complex wishes to conceal from increasing exposure?

Really, our only hope currently as moral, connective societies is to stand up to the pervasive, extreme criminality of so-called authorities in our midst and make our voices heard—or risk forever being subsumed into the fascist oppressions being rolled out on us, globally, with the casual help of Psychiatry.

Some of these questions were discussed in a recent Need to Know report at Ramola D Reports with NSA whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart and Canadian legal and language scholar and Ambassador of Children’s Rights Marie Labelle.

Concerned citizens may wish to write and call Erasme Hospital and the Juvenile Court and urge these so-called authorities to revoke this wrongful judgment, end this prolonged farce, and simply return Amethyst to her mother and family.

Need to Know Report No. 2: Spotlight on Psychiatry Subverted/Amethyst Vritschan Still Held by Erasme Hopital After Blatant Misdiagnosis of Mother

ICATOR Founder Coerced into Psychiatric Mother-and-Baby Clinic in Brussels on Open Threat of Losing Baby to Foster Care

Newborn Baby Amethyst Traumatically Separated from Mother Still Being Held via Abusive Psychiatry in Erasmé Hôpital, Brussels, Belgium

Need to Know Report No. 1: Spotlight on Psychiatry Subverted (11/25/2017)

Baby Amethyst Vritschan Still Being Held in Erasme Hospital, Brussels: Urgent International Call to Action

Please share widely.


Posted in Child Protective Services, covert implants, human experimentation, Waking Up
Tagged Amethyst Vritschan, Child Protection, Dr. Frederick Milcent, Dr. Marie Delhaye, Erasme Hopital, ICATOR, Juvenile Cort, Juvenile Court, Melanie Vritschan, psychiatry

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6/9/2015: New Page at Your Cool Calm Centered Intention Can Help Shape Our Collective Reality under Consciousness.


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