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MKULTRA Survivors Speak (youtube and article)

Mind Control & Cults
Articles & Interviews

Part VIII: Cult Connections

February 19, 2024

Dr. Stan Monteith, Author

February 25, 2014

Dr. Eric Karlstrom

February 25, 2014

Organized Gang Stalking Quotes

February 23, 2014

“Organized Stalking is a form of terrorism used against an individual in a malicious attempt to reduce the quality of a person’s life so they will: have a nervous break-down, become incarcerated, institutionalized, experience constant mental, emotional, or physical pain, become homeless, and/or commit suicide. This is done using well-orchestrated accusations, lies, rumors, bogus investigations, setups, framings, intimidation, overt or covert threats, vandalism, thefts, sabotage, torture, humiliation, emotional terror and general harassment. It is a “ganging up” by members of the community who follow an organizer and participate in a systematic “terrorizing” of an individual.” – Mark M. Rich

TI – Targeted Individual – is a person being targeted with OSEH by a group of individual called “perp” for the purpose of human experimentations.

OSEH – Organized Stalking Electronic Harassment – are methods use by perps in targeting a specific person for the purpose of inducing harm and possibly death.

DEW – Direct Energy Weapon – are device used for OSEH
purposes, weapons can be microwave with pulp frequencies, v2k or other electronic and hearing devices.

V2K – voice to skull device – is a weapon use for transmitting voices with low or high frequencies. Voices can be for commands or harassments attacks that may look like the TI’s own voice. V2K can also use to induce or manipulate dreams or to deprived TI sleeps.


WARNING: Extremely Sensitive Video!!!

Project Monarch/MKULTRA

Project Monarch/MKULTRA, or MK-ULTRA, is the code name for a covert CIA human research program, run by the CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence. This official U.S. government program began in the early 1950s, and it uses U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects.

The evidence indicates that Project MKULTRA involves the use of many methodologies to manipulate individual mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, and verbal and sexual abuse.

On the Senate floor in 1977, Senator Ted Kennedy said:
The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an “extensive testing and experimentation” program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens “at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign.” Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to “unwitting subjects in social situations.”

Gunderson had this to say: “The Finders-A CIA front established in the 1960’s. It has top clearance and protection in its assigned task of kidnapping and torture-programming young children throughout the U.S. Members are specially trained government kidnappers known to be sexual degenerates who involve the kidnapped children in satanic sex orgies and bloody rituals as well as the murders of other children and slaughter of animals.

They use a fleet of unmarked vans to grab targeted children from parks and schoolyards. In doing so they use children within their organization as decoys to attract the victims close to the vans where they are grabbed by adults. They then drug the children and transport them to a series of safe houses for safe keeping. They are then used in their ceremonies for body parts, sex slaves and some are auctioned off at various locations in the northern hemisphere. In the past they have been auctioned off near a location in Nevada and Toronto , Canada. Marion David Pettie, the leader of the cult, is an identified homosexual pedophile and a CIA officer. His son was an employee of a CIA proprietary firm, Air America , which was notorious for smuggling drugs, destined for the U.S. , out of the Golden Triangle into Saigon during the Vietnam war.” (26) [1997] Sex, Drugs, the CIA, MIND CONTROL and Your Children By A.B.H. Alexander

That is a very significant piece of evidence here. That shows that as early as 1964, the CIA was in fact experimenting … or a person with probable CIA connections … was experimenting on young children with LSD and other similar drugs. The CIA, Mind Control & Children: A Talk
by John Rappoport

What they basically do is they will get a child and they will start this in basic forms, it appears, by about two and a half after the child’s already been made dissociative. They’ll make him dissociative not only through abuse, like sexual abuse, but also things like putting a mousetrap on their fingers and teaching the parents, “You do not go in until the child stops crying. Only then do you go in and remove it.” They start in rudimentary forms at about two and a half and kick into high gear, it appears, around six or six and a half, continue through adolescence with periodic reinforcements in adulthood.

They will then begin and they would say to her, “You are angry with someone in the group.” She’d say, “No, I’m not” and they’d violently shock her. They would say the same thing until she complied and didn’t make any negative response. Then they would continue. “And because you are angry with someone in the group,” or “When you are angry with someone in the group, you will hurt yourself. Do you understand?” She said, “No” and they shocked her. They repeated again, “Do you understand?”—“Well, yes, but I don’t want to.” Shock her again until they get compliance. Then they keep adding to it. “And you will hurt yourself by cutting yourself. Do you understand?” Maybe she’d say yes, but they might say, “We don’t believe you” and shock her anyway. “Go back and go over it again.” They would continue in this sort of fashion. She said typically it seemed as though they’d go about thirty minutes, take a break for a smoke or something, then come back. They may review what they’d done and stopped, or they might review what they’d done and go on to new material. D. Corydon Hammond, Ph.D.

The way they did this was they strapped her down and they gave her LSD when she was eight years old. When she began hallucinating they inquired about the nature of the hallucinations, so they could utilize them in good Ericksonian fashion, and build on them and then combine the drug-effect with powerful suggestions. “If you ever get to this point you will go crazy. If you ever get fully integrated and get well you will go crazy like this, and will be locked up in an institution for the rest of your life.” They gave those suggestions vigorously and repetitively. Finally they introduced other suggestions that, “Rather than have this happen, it would be easier to just kill yourself.” In a bloodline patient then, as I began inquiring about deep material, the patient started to experience similar symptoms. We went back and we found the identical things were done to her. D. Corydon Hammond, Ph.D.

Here are some of the types of instructions that are given: ……Giving daily doses of prolonged isolation, such as dark closets, dark cellars, the corners of dark rooms. During the prolonged isolation, the child cannot turn on the lights, go to the bathroom, make a noise or anything else. The child will learn to dissociate. The child is also trauma bonded to the abuser because each time the child is let out, it is grateful to the abuser. The child can be drowned in a pool and then resuscitated–and the exact amount of time to keep the child under will be given. The child can be placed in a freezer, and again the exact amount of time can be given to the parent.

The child is not to roam about the house freely. The adults’ area is off-limits. The child must move with permission. Systematic punishment without provocation with the message–keep secrets. Hear no evil, see no evil, do no evil. This needs to be done several times a week to reinforce the codes of silence and the programming for silence. A needle which is gripped halfway up is stuck into the child a quarter inch deep on the child’s muscles, buttocks or thigh to help continue dissociative behavior. On special occasions (birthdays, holidays) the hands and feet which are most sensitive to pain are stuck. When the feet or hands are stuck, they will often stick the needles under the nails. The ears are also on occasion stuck with needles. It also conditions the child to obey the commands of her handlers, who will use needles to access the minds various personalities. Various spots on the body when stuck with needles along with certain codes become access points for certain alters. Anytime a child argues, has a temper tantrum, or gets angry the child is to be slapped in the face. This is a quick trauma. It is to be followed with a lighted cigarette applied to the child to burn the skin the second the child gets submissive from the slap. If a cigarette can’t be found, a stove top or some other hot item is to be found. At four years of age, the child begins programming to burn itself. If there are any bruises showing, the child can be kept home for a day or two. Anytime the child becomes willful it is to have its mouth washed out with soap. The child should be made to chew off a piece and swallow the foam. The child should be raped daily and then tortured. This helps with the sexual programming later, and begins a reversal in the mind that pain is love, and pain is pleasure.

Some of the first memories that female Monarchs recover are their memories of their fathers raping them. The Illuminati Formula, The Use of Hypnosis:

Chapter 4. Science No 4 – Hypnosis Understanding the Basics About Hypnosis


The Monarch programmers are acutely aware of how the mind functions, and how information and memories can be trapped in the mind. There are different neurophysiological states. Also there are said to be 12 levels to the subconscious mind. Then on top of this the mind has the ability to create amnesia barriers. Hypnosis is a valuable tool to move the mind to different neurophysiological states and to get the mind to different levels of the subconscious mind. Hypnosis can also play a role in working around amnesia, since both are types of dissociation. Hyperventilation helps a person induct into a hypnotic trance. Torture, depersonalization, fear and acute anxiety stimulate the body to hyperventilate. So the fear,
torture and depersonalization are aids for the hypnotist to help induct a person into a hypnotic trance.

Hyperventilation helps a person induct into a hypnotic trance. Torture, depersonalization, fear and acute anxiety stimulate the body to hyperventilate. So the fear, torture and depersonalization are aids for the hypnotist to help induct a person into a hypnotic trance.

Hypnotic cues can be given to cause the body to go into various dissociative states. This could be a post-hypnotic suggestion that causes hyperventilation and an accompanying trance state. Hypnotic cues that are tied to every day objects enhance the programming. Everything in life becomes a cue to reinforce the programming. That may seem on the surface to be an exaggeration, but it is only slightly enlarged from the truth. The programmers do in fact examine a person’s life, and then tailor their cues to what the person will be around.

For instance, the programmer may force the child to smoke and then tell it that every time they blow out smoke they will think about their master. The programmed alters don’t dare not to smoke on fear that they will be punished. The smoking in turn reinforces the power of the hypnotist/master. Much of the good that therapy can do is in effect to de-trance or dehypnotize clients. Most of the alters of a Monarch system go their entire lives in trance. Common objects in a person’s life that can be hypnotically given a programming meaning include music, tones, colors, the sight of a book or Bible, the pyramid on the back of a dollar bill, pictures of God, silk scarfs, jewelry, lights, sounds, TV programs, and countless other things. The limit to this is simply the programmer’s creativity.

The power of hypnosis is often underrated because the power of the mind is underrated. The mind can decide to control its breathing, heart beat, blood pressure and other things that were once thought to be involuntary.

The brain produces a substance which is a tiny peptide molecule called enkephalin which acts just like morphine and reduces pain. The brain can be hypnotically trained to release enkephalin so that the brain doesn’t perceive pain. A common hypnotic device for washing away pain is running water. The victim is hypnotically told to go to a waterfall and wash their pain away. (According to a programmer the average healing rate is 3 times quicker under hypnosis than without.)

The fantastic abilities of the mind to control what happens to it are very remarkable (such as its natural healing abilities), but most of this is being kept a National Secret so that it can be used against humanity to enslave us to demonic-empowered power hungry monsters, rather than to benefit humanity. Several people in intelligence agencies quietly bemoan the fact that secret research could be helping humanity instead of controlling it.

The human mind has been found to be like an immense symphony orchestra, each part doing what it does best under the guidance of a director part similar to the conductor of an orchestra. A non-multiple’s brain delegates responsibility to parts of his brain yet retains control over the process. His mind will shift from one ego state to another, & still retain its identity.

In contrast, the multiple’s brain also delegates responsibility and shifts from one ego state to another, BUT doesn’t retain a cohesive selfhood or self-identity. The mental mechanisms are similar, but the experience is vastly different. Rather than an orchestra playing together, the multiple’s brain is full of competing isolated parts (instruments so to speak) that are playing in isolation. Out of the chaos of all these independent amnesic parts, the programmer through hypnosis/& fear then becomes the conductor to help bring order out of chaos.

If the multiple is to regain a chance to orchestrate their own life again, they must re-establish communication between the different parts of what should have been their own orchestra, and get internal people to harmonize their music of life. Good programmers do not need to formally induct their victim into hypnosis. However, if they need to, the Monarch slaves are well conditioned to respond to numbers being counted and fingers being snapped. Hypnosis was a well developed art by the early 20th century. And testing and refining continued all along.

For instance, the. U.S. military was conducting extensive tests of subjects under hypnosis during W.W. II. In spite of all this, the CIA was still seeking better rapid induction techniques for their slaves during the 1950s. MK Ultra Subproject 128 dealt with rapid induction techniques, especially Subproject 128-1. Some of their drug testing was done at Lexington , KT Detention Hospital.

The ability to distinguish between magic and hypnotism may not exist for the child in situations where they are witnesses to the power of hypnotism exercised by a programmer. This makes the adult programmer, who is a big person look all powerful. Another danger inherent in hypnosis are complications (side effects) that hit a percentage of those who are subjected to it.

Hilgard (1974) discovered 31% of the 120 university students participating in a study of hypnosis had complications that lasted from 5 min. to 3 hours after trance, which included headaches, dizziness, nausea and stiff necks. Fritz is aware of one woman who, after the one & only hypnotic session she was the subject of, developed the complication of having nightmares of snakes crawling all over her. (For further study the reader may want to read MacHovec, Frank. “Hypnosis Complications, Risk Factors, and Prevention” American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. Vol. 31, No.1, July, ’88, p. 40+.)

Regular gentle electrical stimulation in many parts of the brain including the lower part of the reticular formation can change the state of consciousness from alert to sleepy. An electrical band attached to a box is sometimes placed on the victim to produce a hypnotic state. There are several ways to alter a person’s state of consciousness, but the most popular one by Monarch handlers is to use a combination of drugs and hypnosis. Drugs are used to facilitate hypnosis. Modern drugs do almost all the work for the hypnotist. They place the person in an altered state and make them willing to take any order. Often survivors remember orange or grape drinks, or something else which they were given, which were used to give the child drugs. One Monarch slave (Cathy O’Brien) wrote about having been given hypnotic drugs via a Grasshopper ice cream drink.

Occasionally, hypnosis must be carried out by the programmers on unwilling subjects. They have 3 major ways to get around this. They can induce hypnosis by disguising what the hypnotist is doing, they can wait until the person is asleep and talk to him while asleep, or they can administer drugs.

Also the Network has some high-tech equipment which stimulates the orgiastic state (sexual ecstasy) part of the brain. By moving the body into this state, the mind opens up all the unconscious states. Then sophisticated brain wave machines program thoughts into the person. A computer disk is put into the electric shock machine and it runs a program that sends electric jolts down six nodes. The brain’s reticular formation serves as the brain’s mechanism involved in regulating alertness and awareness. Various kinds of stimuli will enter the brain through its various methods of sensing and learning. With total sensory deprivation (done by placing the victim in a salt water tank with electrodes that shock the body until it stops all movement) the reticular formation will place the mind into a primitive state of consciousness where the programmers can place in post-hypnotic commands to do something on a certain date. The end time programming, that has Monarch slaves doing something at a specific date to create anarchy or to help the Anti-Christ come to power has been put in at this level.

As previously mentioned, this level achieved by total sensory deprivation of the Monarch slave is same primitive level as the brain’s commands to keep the heart beating. Depending on what type of signals are coming in to it from the various sensing agents of the brain, the reticular formation will then make a decision what state of consciousness to place the mind in. If the reticular formation does not send out “alert” signals, then the brain will get sleepy. Damage to the reticular formation can cause a coma. The two thalamus lie just above the brain stem. The right and left thalamus are the brain’s selective attention mechanism. That is to say, they decide what it is important for the brain to focus its attention on. The right thalamus is connected to attention to visual shapes and the left to our attention to things describable in words. Ten to fifteen repetitions at one second intervals are enough to cause the brain to lose interest in something. At this point the neuron’s in the reticular formation quit paying attention to whatever it is. For instance, your brain will listen to a clock tick for only 15 intervals before it quits listening to a clock in the room. But the brain’s alertness can be reactivated by a strong and sudden stimulus like a loud sound or a flash of light. This is why 3 gunshots or 3 flashes of light are used as standard access triggers for Monarch slaves. Three was also found to be the best number to get the job done.

The History of Hypnosis for Programming

A masonic magazine for higher masonic rites where sex magic is performed entitled Freemasonry Universal, Vol. 5, 1929, p. 58 states:

“Certain Forces are sent through the candidate’s body during the ceremony, especially at the moment when he is created, received and constituted an Entered Apprentice Freemason. Certain parts of the Lodge have been heavily charged with magnetic force especially in order that the Candidate may absorb as much as possible of this force. The first object of this curious method of preparation is to expose to this influence those various parts of the body which are especially used in the ceremony. In ancient Egypt , there was another reason for these preparations, for a weak current of physical electricity was sent through the candidate by means of a rod or sword with which he was touched at certain points. It is partly on this account that at this first initiation the candidate is deprived of all metals since they may very easily interfere with the flow of currents.”

Long story short, the Masonic lodges have been using hypnotism and electric shock in their initiation rituals for a long time. The combination of fear and hypnotism combine to help seal the lips of an initiate from telling what in some lodges are secrets of criminal activity. The Brahmin caste in India practice yoga, and other meditations where they regularly go into altered states of consciousness. Centuries ago, the Brahmin fakirs learned about drugs, tortures, and magical methodologies to produce hallucinations and altered states of consciousness. The worship of Bacchus in the west and Shiva in the east were similar, as were the bloodthirsty rites of Kali and Moloch. Occultists in India have also gone to cemeteries for centuries, like the Illuminati to draw spiritual power from graves. When eastern and western occultists linked up they realized they had a great deal in common. The ancient Egyptian writings many centuries B.C. talk about the third eye and temple trances. Hypnosis appears to have been practiced in these ancient temples. All over the world, altered states of consciousness have been used. The feared Scandinavian warriors called Beserkers were in a mildly-programmed altered state of consciousness which made them fearless.

B. How To Program With Hypnosis

George Estabrooks was the first major hypnotist to publicly recognize the potential for hypnosis. He contacted MI-6 and other military and intelligence groups in hopes he could interest them in the military-intelligence potentials of hypnosis. What was George Estabrook’s connection to the Illuminati? George Estabrooks was a Rhodes Scholar, which is an entry-level group for the Illuminati.

For those who haven’t studied this, it would be appropriate to give a brief explanation of these things. The Illuminati in 1919 created the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA). The Astor Illuminati family were major financial backers of the RIIA. Waldorf Astor was appointed to the RIIA. The American equivalent to the RIIA is the CFR. The RIIA and CFR set up Round Table Groups (based on the King Arthur myths) which were initially named by Cecil Rhodes “Association of Helpers”.

High ranking Mason/Illuminatus Cecil Rhodes also created the Rhodes Scholarship to bring select men from several the English speaking world and Germany to learn how to bring in the One World Government that the Illuminati has long had planned. The Cliveden Estate of the Cliveden Astors (of the Illuminati) has played an important role in the preparation of Rhodes Scholars. Bill Clinton and Fred Franz, the late president of the Watchtower Society, are two examples of men selected for Rhodes Scholarships. Bill Clinton went through the program. However, Franz decided not to go to London in order to help lead C.T. Russell’s cult as “oracle” after WT Pres. C.T. Russell was ritually killed on Halloween, 1916 and his remains buried under a pyramid. He later served as President himself from 1977-1994.

The Watchtower Society leadership is a front for a part of the Illuminati which practices Enochian Magic. The power of Enochian magic is the Watchtowers. A powerful part of Bethel headquarter workers are Multiple Personalities, and have cult alters who speak in Enochian. Some multiples work in the art department and have been secretly placing hidden occult symbology into Watchtower & Awake! magazines.

Now back to Estabrooks, who was also himself part of the Illuminati. In his book Hypnotism, which came out in 1946, he wrote in his chapter “Hypnotism in Warfare” (again bear in mind that Estabrooks writes this in 1946 and has been advocating what he writes for perhaps the 15 previous years!) This chapter is not taken from a mystery novel. The facts and the ideas presented are, so to speak, too true to be good, but no psychologist of standing would deny the validity of the basic ideas involved. He might, of course, be somewhat startled at our proposed use of these basic ideas and techniques, for he has never given this matter much thought…. The use of hypnotism in warfare represents the cloak and dagger idea at its best–or worst. Even if we did know the answers to some of the weird proposals in this chapter, those answers could never be given for obvious reasons. The reader must use his imagination for specific outcomes in specific cases have not been made public–probably never will be made public. Any topflight physicist is familiar with the basic laws of atomic fission and he is quite free to discuss those laws. But he may or may not know what is happening on some government research project in this field. If he does know, he is not shouting it from the housetops, probably not even whispering it to his best friend. The same applies to hypnotism in the field of warfare. Our interest here lies in some of the more unfamiliar sides of hypnotism which may make it of use in warfare. Again, no psychologist would deny the existence of such phenomena…. The only possible way of determining whether or not a subject will commit a murder in hypnotism is literally to have him commit one…. But warfare…undoubtedly will, answer many of these questions. A nation fighting with its back to the wall is not worried over the niceties of ethics [like Nazi Germany]. If hypnotism can be used to advantage, we may rest assured that it will be so employed. Any “accidents” which may occur during the experiments will simply be charged to profit and loss, a very trifling portion of that enormous wastage in human life which is part and parcel of war….

One in every five adult humans can be thrown into the hypnotic trance–somnambulism–of which they will have no memory whatsoever when they awaken. From the military viewpoint there are a few facts which are of great interest. Can this prospective subject, –this ‘one-in-five” individual–be hypnotized against his will? Obviously, no prisoner of war will be co-operative if he knows that the hypnotist is looking for military information, nor will any ordinary citizen if he suspects that the operator will use him to blow up a munitions plant. The answer to this very vital question is “yes”, though we prefer to say “without his consent” instead of “against his will.” We do not need the subject’s consent when we wish to hypnotize him, for we use a ‘disguised” technique.

The standard way to produce hypnotism in the laboratory is with the so-called sleep technique. The operator “talks sleep” to the subject, who eventually relaxes and goes into a trance, talking in his sleep and answering questions.

Now suppose…we attach a blood pressure gauge to the subject’s right arm and the psychogalvanic reflex to the palm of his hand, just to make everything look shipshape. These devices are for measuring his ability to relax. We also point out that, of course, the very highest state of relaxation will be his ability actually to fall into a deep sleep while we are talking to him.

We also stress the great importance of the ability to relax in this modern world of rush and worry, promising to show him how to get results as one end of these experiments. All this is by way of buildup. Probably not one of our readers, if exposed to this procedure, would realize that this was preparation for hypnotism, but would co-operate willingly in this very interesting psychological experiment.

We then proceed to “talk sleep,” much the same as in ordinary hypnosis, carefully avoiding any reference to a trance or making any tests with which the subject might be familiar, all the while checking on blood pressure and psychogalvanic reflex to keep up the front.

Finally we make the test of somnambulism, or deep hypnotism. We see if the subject will talk to us in his sleep without awakening. If this does not succeed, the subject wakes up completely, and in this case we simply repeat the experiment, hoping for better luck next time. But if we do succeed, if the individual belongs to the “one-in-five” club, the subject is just as truly hypnotized as by any other method, and from now on everything is plain sailing.

By use of the posthypnotic suggestion…we simply say, “Listen carefully. After you wake up I will tap three times on the table with my pencil. You will then have an irresistible impulse to go sound asleep.” The next trance is just that easy to get, and the subject has no idea that it is the pencil which has sent him off.”…

But we must go even further than this. Once a person has become accustomed to hypnotism, has been repeatedly hypnotized, it becomes very easy for any operator to throw him into the trance. Obviously this will not do if we are to use hypnotism in warfare. So we plug this gap again by suggestion in the somnambulistic state. We assure the subject that in the future no one will be able to hypnotize him except with the special consent of the operator. This takes care of things very nicely….We sit down with the subject…We are talking about the latest boxing match when the operator taps three times on the table with his pencil. Instantly–and we mean instantly–the subject’s eyes close and he’s sound “asleep.” While in trance he sees a black dog come into the room, feels the dog, goes to the telephone and tells its owner to come get it. The dog is of course purely imaginary. We give him electric shock which would be torture to a normal person, but he does not even notice it. We straighten him out between two chairs and sit on his chest while he recites poetry. Then we wake him up.

He immediately starts talking about that boxing match! A visitor to the laboratory interrupts him. “What do you know of hypnotism?” The subject looks surprised, “Why, nothing.” “When were you hypnotized last?” “I have never been hypnotized.” “Do you realize that you were in a trance just ten minutes ago?” “Don’t be silly! No one has hypnotized me and no one ever can.’’ “Do you mind if I try?” “Not at all. If you want to waste your time it’s all right with me.” So the visitor, a good hypnotist, tries, but at every test the subject simply opens his eyes with a bored grin. Finally he gives up the attempt and everyone is seated as before.

Estabrooks also explains how a man can be hypnotized and told he is only testing the preparedness of security. He is told he has a fake bomb, but is really given a real bomb. The subject is sent to a location, and blows up with the real bomb. The subject blows up with the bomb so the evidence of the hypnotic lie is lost. Hypnosis changes the threshold of the how the senses perceive. Sensitivity can be increased or decreased, hallucinations can be perceived even though there is the absence of any appropriate stimuli, and things that exist can go unperceived by the mind. For instance, alters who are used for porn are hypnotized not to see the camera. Alters used for any type of sexual service are hypnotized repeatedly to not see faces. The slave will actually see blurs where people’s faces are. The Programmers like to manipulate. Children are set in front of circus mirrors that make them taller or smaller for programming. They are set in front of mirrors which duplicate their image. Here in Oregon , there is a site with a magnetic anomaly which bends light. It is called the Oregon Vortex. The Programmers take small children there for programming. Anything that creates an illusion, seems to be noticed by the Programmers and is put to use somehow.

The CIA has employed magicians like John Mulholland to help them create illusions. Magician John Mulholland wrote a manual for the CIA on how to deceive unwitting subjects. Under drugs and hypnosis, when a small child is set in front of a mirror that elongates its body and or then shortens, the reality of the programming script seems real. The programmer can hypnotically call upon the child’s mind to totally hallucinate seeing something, or he can support the illusion by handing the child a doll and telling it that it is a child, or handing the child a pencil and telling the child it is a flower. A great deal of acting and props are used during the programming. What child can tell fool’s gold from real gold? The bottom line is that generally, no matter which way the Programmers do it, whether by an illusion or an outright hypnotic-suggested hallucination, the event for the child is real. The majority of traumas are real events, but the scripts that are given are after the trauma are fictional.

C. Hypnosis Can Boost The Creativity of the Victim to Adopt Scripts

Creativity is a function of attentiveness, playfulness, anxiety, limitations, relaxation, the trance state, responsiveness and absorption. A good programmer can assist or boost the creativity of the child. The programmer can tell stories and programming scripts in a vivid way, so that the sensory pictures are bold and strong. The child can taste and feel and touch in their minds the script being given them. Besides the language of the programmer other aids such as fear and drugs can enhance a victim’s attentiveness.

Playfulness comes naturally to children. They naturally pretend and use fantasy in their play. Because children are innately creative they are far easier to program. Researchers have also discovered that creativity needs an element of anxiety and chaos in the person’s life. If everything is orderly and in perfect harmony, the creative juices will not flow. The conscious mind and the subconscious mind need to grapple. For creativity to be productive it must occur within limits. For instance, the concerto is created within the limits of a piano keyboard.

The programmer, and the Grande Dame and the Grande Mother of the Illuminati victim carefully guide the child’s creativity and set limits. The spark of creativity occurs when there is an alternation of intense concentration and relaxation. The programmers must work back and forth between torture and kindness. A light trance will allow the mind to surface creative ideas. That is why writers and composers get ideas when they are in a light trance driving, in a light sleep, or shaving or some other place where a light trance occurs. Receptivity is the willingness to accept a creative idea when it comes.

The final part of creativity is one’s absorption into the process of creativity. The artist may get so immersed into the portrait that he is painting that the portrait seems alive and real–the actual person. This immersion, where things imagined become real, is important to keep the creative juices flowing. The hypnotist/programmer can enhance the creative process by giving the child positive encouragement to reduce their fears and inhibitions to creativity. The programmer could say to the older child (a younger child might be told something else), “You take all of your fear of not being creative and put them into a sack. The sack now becomes a bundle of energy. Now imagine you are opening the sack and out of the sack comes a rainbow of energy. It is powerful, it is positive. You are now full of new ideas. You can feel this power surge through your body. Your mind is now clear and focused, focused, you feel confident, sure of your talent and eager to set your new ideas into motion, and you control the energy in your life, you are very successful in controlling the energy in your life…you take a few breaths and relax. You notice the neighborhood around you, there is a beautiful park, you begin to notice how beautiful the day is, and you begin to feel a fresh new energy flowing through your body…the more calm you become the more enthusiastic and creative you become…you will feel free to create, to enjoy your creative talent, to invent, to shape, and form new and wonderful ideas.”

This is not to say that the Illuminati programmer or Mother of Darkness assistant will use this type of hypnotic suggestions, but sometimes it does become necessary to teach some children how to dissociate, and how to become creative. If they do not develop these abilities, they may lose their life to the torture.

The Vital Role of Movies for Hypnotizing Small Children

As mentioned before, the hypnotist will find children easier to hypnotize if they know how to do it with small children. One method that is effective is to say to the small children, “Imagine you are watching a favorite television show.” This is why the Disney movies and the other shows are so important to the programmers. They are the perfect hypnotic tool to get the child’s mind to dissociate in the right direction. The programmers have been using movies since almost day one to help children learn the hypnotic scripts. For children they need to be part of the hypnotic process. If the hypnotist allows the child to make up his own imagery, the hypnotic suggestions will be stronger. Rather than telling the child the color of a dog, the programmer can ask the child.

This is where the books and films shown the child assist in steering its mind in the right direction. If the hypnotist talks to a child, he must take extra precaution not to change the tone of his voice and to have smooth transitions. Most of the Disney films are used for programming purposes. Some of them are specifically designed for mind-control.

Spinning Tops

One method for inducting children into a dissociative state is to have them look at a large spinning top, as the colors whirl around. Carousel rides have also been popular to induce trances. A good sampling of optical illusions can be found in Katherine Joyce’s book Astounding Optical Illusions. NY: Sterling Pub. Co. , 1994. The illusion The Temple makes one feel they are in a passageway leading to a small door. The Escalator makes one feel they are going up and down, and could be used for building in an internal elevator. We know that optical illusions have been used, but we are not saying that these particular ones have been. For a programmer to use an optical illusion, he would first submerge the victim into a drugged state with the appropriate mind altering music and sounds and then flash the illusion onto the wall that the victim was facing. With virtual reality the child can really be immersed into a weird head trip.

The Hypnotic Voice of the Programmer

Programmers will adopt either an authoritarian voice, which is commanding and direct or a permissive soft tone. Bear in mind the slave who has the authoritarian voice used on it, sees the programmer as God with the authority of life or death over its (his or her) body and soul. The heightened expectation from the commanding tone, will increase the suggestions chance for success. However a softer tone, will relax the victim, and the hypnotist and the programming victim become partners in the hypnotic process. The advantage of the softer tone, is that the creativity of the victim is enhanced and participates more in the process.

The hypnotic induction becomes more real when the victim participates more in the process. The Monarch programmer will either use a monotone voice or a rhythmic voice. Remember, the professor who could lull his students to sleep. He had a hypnotic voice, without knowing it. A singsong or rhythmic voice is comforting. It can also be used by the Programmer. One continuous thread of words strung together are used to close out distractions. After a suggestion or command is given, a pause is made by the programmer in talking so that the suggestion is taken into the mind. Otherwise anxiety is experienced by the victim’s mind, and the suggestion will not be accepted as well.

Cisco, the co-author provides an example of how a hypnotic script can go with music, “Close your eyes for your eyes will only tell the truth. And the truth isn’t what you want to see. In the dark it is easy to pretend that the truth is what it ought to be. “Softly, deftly, music shall caress you. Hear it, feel it secretly possess you. Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind in this darkness which you know you cannot fight. The darkness of the music of the night. “Close your eyes, start a journey through a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Close your eyes and let music set you free. Only then can you belong to me. “Floating, falling, sweet intoxication. Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation. Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in to the power of the music I write. You alone can make my song take flight. Help me make the music of the night. “Helpless to resist the notes I write, For I compose the music of the night. Hearing is believing, music is deceiving. Hot as lightening, soft as candle light. Dare you trust the music of the night?”

When the authors have bumped into men who are programmers and handlers for the CIA, they have noticed that many of these men have warm personalities and have a certain trained hypnotic voice which they use even when not programming. During rituals, the various magical languages used in witchcraft employ repetition, alliteration, nonsense syllables, newly coined words, and ancient words that are chanted or sung in a limited-range that makes the sounds become hypnotic. Sounds like the mantra “a-u-u-in-in” are chanted. Gestures during rituals are also made which intensify the effects. Rituals can not be classified as having nothing to do with programming. There is such a great attempt to secularize and make clinical what the victim experiences, and the idea that witchcraft is part of the programming is an unpopular notion with some. Combining witchcraft with hypnotic language can be powerful with group dynamics. Repetitive sounds, such as a drum beating influences the locus coeruleus part of the brain. Drums can help induce trance.

D. Keeping the Mind Dissociative

Illuminati parents (as well as other adults who care for a Monarch child) are given special instructions on how to raise the child to be dissociative. The parents are admonished that their child will have a successful future and so will they if they follow the instructions. If they don’t follow the instructions, they are minded their child’s life could be forfeited.

Here are some of the types of instructions that are given: Spend 15 minutes/day teaching the child to write backwards to develop the brain in a particular fashion. Giving daily doses of prolonged isolation, such as dark closets, dark cellars, the corners of dark rooms. During the prolonged isolation, the child cannot turn on the lights, go to the bathroom, make a noise or anything else. The child will learn to dissociate. The child is also trauma bonded to the abuser because each time the child is let out, it is grateful to the abuser. The child can be drowned in a pool and then resuscitated–and the exact amount of time to keep the child under will be given. The child can be placed in a freezer, and again the exact amount of time can be given to the parent.

The child is not to roam about the house freely. The adults’ area is off-limits. The child must move with permission. Systematic punishment without provocation with the message–keep secrets. Hear no evil, see no evil, do no evil. This needs to be done several times a week to reinforce the codes of silence and the programming for silence. A needle which is gripped halfway up is stuck into the child a quarter inch deep on the child’s muscles, buttocks or thigh to help continue dissociative behavior. On special occasions (birthdays, holidays) the hands and feet which are most sensitive to pain are stuck. When the feet or hands are stuck, they will often stick the needles under the nails. The ears are also on occasion stuck with needles. It also conditions the child to obey the commands of her handlers, who will use needles to access the minds various personalities. Various spots on the body when stuck with needles along with certain codes become access points for certain alters. Anytime a child argues, has a temper tantrum, or gets angry the child is to be slapped in the face. This is a quick trauma. It is to be followed with a lighted cigarette applied to the child to burn the skin the second the child gets submissive from the slap. If a cigarette can’t be found, a stove top or some other hot item is to be found. At four years of age, the child begins programming to burn itself. If there are any bruises showing, the child can be kept home for a day or two. Anytime the child becomes willful it is to have its mouth washed out with soap. The child should be made to chew off a piece and swallow the foam. The child should be raped daily and then tortured. This helps with the sexual programming later, and begins a reversal in the mind that pain is love, and pain is pleasure.

Some of the first memories that female Monarchs recover are their memories of their fathers raping them. This is because the programmers allow these memories to be less dissociated than the later ones where the slave may be sexually servicing an important Monarch slave handler like the Rev. Billy Graham. (Graham is covered in full in chapter 5.)

In later situations like that, the kitten alters which do the sexual servicing will be electro-shocked to block their memory as well as given hypnotic cues. The fathers or step-fathers are often not the person who will be their master when they grow up. The abuse of this person will serve as a cover for the programming. If the person’s front alters discover they are MPD, they will initially blame their multiplicity on the first abuser they remember, which then serves as a cover.

F. Hypnotic Codes, Cutes and Triggers

When a Programmer creates something, it will be a reflection of himself to some degree. Just like handwriting and art are a reflection of the person who makes them. Understanding the connections between a Programmer and his creation could take a book in itself. The following is extracted from the history of an ancient occult sect, still functioning today. It is the type of thing, that the programmers feed their minds on, which in turn provides them the patterns which show up in programming.

Here it is: In the ancient occult world, at the gates of palaces the doorkeeper had to be shown “the seals”–the secret names of God or pictures with magical power, and the words “R Akiva”. When the person passed this entrance, he comes to the palace of pure marble stones, do not say, “water, water.” Then the person will enter into the world or the celestial Garden of Eden or the Realm of the Heavenly Palaces. The Story of Sinbad, the golden lamp and genie would be another example of an occult story that could be used. Within the Illuminati, Gematria (which is the cabalistic teachings about numbers) is very important for knowing the codes of the deep darker alters. There are several reasons for why Monarch slaves have lots of codes and structures which come from witchcraft,

a. their programmers are witches and witchcraft is the world view on the mind of the programmer

b. the slaves are reminded of their entrapment to Satan and their cult whenever they hear their codes

c. the alters internally will work magic, even while they don’t hold the body, and placing magical structures inside facilitates this internal magic

d. using magical words makes the programming look like magick

e. the internal alters are being inculcated into occult underworld life and doctrine

A rather remarkable book is Aleister Crowley’s book 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley. It is remarkable for the deprogrammer to understand many of the programming code links that the programmers may have used. In 777’s forward,. Aleister Crowley wrote “777 is a qabalistic dictionary of ceremonial magic, oriental mysticism, comparative religion and symbology. It is also a handbook for ceremonial invocation and for checking the validity of dreams and visions. It is indispensable to those who wish to correlate these apparently diverse studies.” ( Crowley , 777, p. vii)

Later he writes, “The book 777 has for its primary object the construction of a magical alphabet.” (p. xvii) For instance, Crowley gives the Officers in the Masonic Lodges and the Hebrew passwords of their grades. In another example of the book, Crowley gives a list of the Hindu chakra points (which is well known), with the Buddhist names, and their ancient Egyptian names. This is the type of occult knowledge that is hard to come by.

Crowley ’s List of Correspondences are perhaps the best one will find printed in the occult world. They show the correspondences that occultists make between things. For instance, if we want to know what corresponds to the Hebrew letter Dalath. The letter means door. Door corresponds to the letter 14, the Cabalistic Tree of Life pathway between the two top circles on each side of “the crown”, sky blue on the Queen scale of color, Aphrodite, Venus and Freya, and the gems Emerald and Turquoise, and the perfume sandalwood. All these things correspond within Cabalistic magic.

For someone trying to understand why a particular color, and name is given to a deep darkside alter, Crowley ’s book is helpful in some Monarch systems. The Mother-of-Darkness alters (and Supreme Master alters in males) of the Illuminati must do path working rituals when they hold the body and participate in Illuminati activities. These Mother-of-Darkness alters are placed internally in the Cabalistic Tree of Life. Crowley ’s book provides the mystic number that goes to each part (plane, or circle) of the Tree of Life and its Snake positional number. The mystic number of the Sephiroth that corresponds to the number to each of the 22 paths that must be worked is also given. The occult concept is that to achieve divinity one must go on the Tree of Life from being Malkuth to become Kether. Although it is not the intent to propagate occult doctrine, for those who want to know how Illuminati Monarch slaves get to where they are as adults, and what the codes are in their System, then we need to cover briefly the Kabalistic Tree of Life. (More will be written about this in chapter 10 on spiritual control.)

Before a Mother-of-Darkness Monarch slave is 16, they will have gone through all the ceremonies involved in the creation of the alters which correspond to the 10 rooms of the Tree of Life. At age 16, the system’s demons will then guide the system on a personalized pathway and a baby (the firstborn) will be sacrificed by the System. The blood of this first born is spiritually placed in a box under the Tree of Life. This is in accord with the Lilith story. The spirit Lilith (sometimes with an alter Lilith) will work with the spirits of Zerodieth and Lucifer. There are several trees which can be placed within a Monarch slave, including the ash, the oak, the ygdrassil, the willow, and the Tree of Evil, which is an evil counterpart to the Tree of Life. These will be dealt with under the chapter on structures. This chapter will provide the hypnotic codes, cues, triggers or whatever one wants to call these words, noises, and sensory inputs that manipulate these poor victims turned into Monarch robots. Other chapters will explain about the structures these codes go to, and also the spiritual dimensions of these codes and structures.

Another way to see things is to recognize that the programmers have created “power words” to which they have attached memory and programming. If a de-programmer observes closely the word usage of the victim, you will begin to spot power words of the abuser, for instance, “white rabbit”. A cipher is when symbols are used to represent letters. One can used letter frequencies to break ciphers. Likewise, there are frequencies to code words. The Illuminati’s intelligence agencies have programmed thousands upon thousands of slaves.


The word FOX is an example of a significant occult code word. F-o-x consists of the 6th, 15th (1+5), & the 24th (2+ 4) letters of the alphabet, which yield 666.

The reader needs to bear several things in mind. First, the programmers generally have intelligent, well sounding codes, that do form patterns. For instance, a woman’s name from the Bible will be used as a code, with subparts or sub codes having other female names from the Bible. Deeper Illuminati parts will have goddess and god names, and king and queen names for cult alters.

These are the names the handler or cult uses–NOT their access codes.
The codes for slaves follow patterns. There are standard and unique codes. The internal programming alters have the power to change codes if they need to protect the programming. They will have to hypnotically work with alters when they trance out at night. In other words, most of their programming of front alters will be done when a System lies down for “sleep”–more accurately described as “for trance.” If the internal alters change many codes, in their efforts to protect the system, they will even make it difficult for the handler/programmer to get into the system. Ciphers developed rotors that require lines to line up. Some simple schemes using this principle appear in some Monarch systems. This is part of the science of structuring. Intelligence codes often come from the Bible or popular fiction books. The deeper codes are occult words, often in foreign languages such as Arabic, which is an important language in the upper occult world. Slaves will be given COVER NAMES for ops, and often males receive female names and vice versa. Very shortly, we will provide the Monarch hypnotic cues (codes) for the multitude of functions that a Monarch’s mind must carry out. The type of programming which is placed in a slave varies.

For intelligence operations the slave will have to have BONA FIDES, which are codes to allow two people to meet.

All slaves are given CONTROL SIGNS which allow them to indicate via a code that they are in trouble.

A RECOGNITION signal allows two people to make contact.

For instance, the handler might fly his distinctive sounding plane over a slave’s house in a pre-arranged signal. It might also be a particular colored scarf, and a particular set of phrases.

A GO-AWAY code is a prearranged signal that means it is unwise to make contact. The go-away signal may be simply placing one’s hands in one’s pocket or turning the porch lights off.

A “GO TO GROUND” signal means to go into hiding.

A MAYDAY BOOK exists for Illuminati and Intelligence slaves which allows them to call if they are about to be arrested. A telephone number is left open for just this purpose. Also common universal Illuminati codes can be used by the slave to get set free from police and judges. Within the Jehovah’s Witnesses, especially their headquarters, the Illuminati uses Enochian language to program with. With Druidic branches Druidic symbols are used. With the Jewish groups, Hebrew is used. Other languages are also used. An Illuminati System can easily have 6 different languages used as programming codes. The foreign language codes will be for small parts of the System only. Special artificial languages are also employed, as well as sign language.

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Last edited by khamael; 30-05-2011 at 03:09 AM. Reason: adding PDF.
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Old 30-05-2011, 09:35 AM #2
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And there are still people in this movement, the majority in fact that denounce violence against these people, they think that they can magically love them so much they will stop doing this, or that they can just sit outside with some stupid picket signs and this will all magically stop.

These people need to be beheaded.
There is no other solution.
We need to hunt these pedo scumbags down and behead each and every one of them on national television.

Why people can tolerate knowing this goes on without demanding blood is impossible for me to comprehend outside of the theory that they too are brainwashed.

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Old 30-05-2011, 01:10 PM #4

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Arrow Testimony of an MKULTRA Slave Girl
My name is Katie Marie Nelson of El Dorado, Arkansas. I have been a victim of mind control for years. My father was in the Navy and I suspect this is a lot of the reason they chose me. One of my first memories was hearing them talking with radar to my baby brother in the kitchen and telling me to leave when he stuck a key in the plugin and it threw him off the cabinet. This is cia and nsa doing these things. They talked and whispered to me through the air conditioner vents. When I was about 8-9 years old coming out of a sears store with my family they used satelite and spoke inside my head saying they will burry me in concrete up to my head and drill holes in my head and let the ants eat it first then pour gas inside my skull and light it on fire. My father was doing things he was not supose to in the bathroom and his eyes kept twitching and I vividly remember hearing him say they are making me do this! He has blackout spells now and was discharged from the Navy after my parents divorced. Years ago there was a little 10 year old girl who looked terifed. I will never forget the tears and terror in her eyes while she was trying to ask me for help but they did something to my mind that prevented me from helping her. The nsa tortured her. They took a small boy in my front yard and gave him a white nsa tshirt and hat and he thought it was so cool till they yanked him inside the van and cut him to pieces with some type of laser device. I could hear him tossing in the van and screaming for help. Once again they messed with my head. My brother Gary had 2 black girls over at my trailer one night and he went out to one of them’s car and left me alone with the other girl sitting on the couch. I had went into the kitchen when a completely overwhelming feeling came over me to hurt her with my hunting knife. THAT WAS NOT ME! I paced the floor back and forth and felt an almost angry feeling coming over me and kept trying to fight it. I began crying and wanted to tell her to run! I almost used the n word to make her leave. Then the impulse came over me to take my own life. I looked up at the corner of the trailer over my fridgerator and said Jesus,Jesus, Jesus and it stopped. I got away from her fast as I could. It was mind control by satelite. Now they are using it on me very strong. They fill your head with so many thoughts it’s almost impossible to think. They tap the optical nerves with ground penetrating radar. They make you think your eyes are answering their questions and make your mouth move and try to make you finish sentences. They have threatened to torture me for 1,000 years blood transfusion after blood transfusion with a laser chamber that moves inch by inch and centimeter by centimeter. Saying they are sworn I will never see Christ! I bought an audio meter from Radioshack because of sleep deprivation and I had thought it was my brothers but soon found out that the sounds were being put right inside my skull. They say I revealed military technology in a time of war. They lie and framed me. My name is Katie Marie Nelson of El Dorado, Arkansas

They also began about a year or so ago using different shapes and projecting them inside my mind with radar. They say they are the ones who killed my cousin Amy Klippert and my aunt Deborah too Zach Little and Anthony Bridges.

They say they will cut off my eye lids and eat them. That I will never sleep again. They will fill my head with so many horible images by satellite that with the laser chamber that moves inch by inch and centimeter by centimeter that I will think I am in hell. They say they will torture me for 1,000 years! They are using ground penetrating radar on me and filling my head with thoughts aka mind control.

Before this began and them acusing me of revealing military technolgy and threatening to torture me, I was at my trailer playing with my Barbie dolls and a female cia agent spoke to me by satelite saying we will make you reveal military technology to take the transgender challenge and prove you are a female.

They have been pretending to be Lisa Duncan since me and her broke up to manipulate me and make me trust them. Now they have made threats against her, her family as well as Joey Holmes family.

They have been bragging about killing Anthony Bridges,Zach Little, my aunt Deborah Mitchell, my cousin Amy Klippert and the lead singer of a white supremacist band Ian Stuart. They tried to take me and my brother Joseph out years ago using the same type method. They cut the accelerator cable on my old blue car so that when I reached a certain speed it would come unraveled and stick. Me and Joseph Nelson were traveling down Shuler road towards Haynesville Hwy and I was doing about 60 mph when the accelerator cable came unraveled and stuck. I literally caught the brakes and emergency brakes on fire trying to stop my car. I yanked the battery cable and had to get my grandpaw to pull me home. If I hadn’t I would have either hit a vehicle or ran straight into the Skinner’s home on hwy 15.

There is no where I can run from ground penetrating radar and they encourage me to take my life. It is looking like a serious option. They keep telling me to get a gun but I don’t know where to get a gun from and at that the person who gave it to me could get in trouble.

They keep trying to make me do sexual acts and get their kicks out of it. They have threatened to make me a sex slave and something about a s.i.s tattoo “suffering in silence” and “silence in suffering”. They also keep talking about an invisible stand off. They tell me over and over and use mind control on me trying to make me get a gun. Am I wrong or isn’t that entrapment worse than the standoff at Ruby Ridge? They have made death threats and threats of torture against me, my family and friends.

Do some research and you will discover they had planned feminzation on Adolf Hitler and his men during WWII it was the cia and nsa. So they want me to be some nazi now? That’s bs all the people who know me know I am a sweet girl but they are trying to force me to be something I am not. They hit my skull so hard with radar it makes my eyes hurt severely when I don’t obey them. That and a high pitched resonating sound. They have even spoke of a tiny implant inside of my head.

What makes me curious about it my cousin Amy Klippert was the one who came and got me from Oklahoma City when I ran to get out of there. Now she is dead. Went to a dentist FFS to get dental work and died in a dentist office. Not only that information has surfaced that Timmothy McVeigh was also talking about implants during his last days. No one believed him. Since they have been harassing me with satellite, I have had another memory come back to me. It left me feeling very confused at the time it happened. At Brother Carter’s Church I was next to the right wall kneeling down praying with my head against the piers. Someone spoke to me through a satellite and asked me 2 questions. “Do you know who Timmothy McVeigh is?”, “Do you know what a human microphone is?” This happened at least 8 years before the Oklahoma City Bombing. I swear to God any hypnotherapist could easily find out that I am telling the truth. I am in no way condoning McVeigh’s actions. I am simply stating there is more going on than what was thought to be. They have threatened to torture me and such for saying this. I suspect because of the FBI agents who lost their lives and they want total deny-ability.

I recently discovered on the news that some governors and politicians have came forward saying the military psyops use brain washing techniques on them to gain their support for the war in Afghanistan.

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I have posted about this before, but I strong believe that this regimine we have developed of what is effectively destroying the bodies natural oils was developed by the nazis and jesuits, you can see that wherever washing of cutting of hair is done, there are mindless drones that commit atrocious acts of violence.

I am very tired and don’t want to go into detail but I am positive, and please check my previous posts to find a detailed summary of my ideas on this topic, I am positive that we are not supposed to wash our hair, not are we supposed to cut it.

I think the natural oils in our body reflect radio waves or something. I’m sure I have heard this before, and it ties in with the tin foil hat theory. (tin reflects bad radio waves).

for anyone that has this problem, try sleeping with a thick tin foil hat on your head, I know it sounds stupid but please try it. I’m sure the technology is based upon radio waves so there must be some easy way of stopping it.

Originally Posted by yoyoinmyhead View Post
I have posted about this before, but I strong believe that this regimine we have developed of what is effectively destroying the bodies natural oils was developed by the nazis and jesuits, you can see that wherever washing of cutting of hair is done, there are mindless drones that commit atrocious acts of violence.

I am very tired and don’t want to go into detail but I am positive, and please check my previous posts to find a detailed summary of my ideas on this topic, I am positive that we are not supposed to wash our hair, not are we supposed to cut it.

I think the natural oils in our body reflect radio waves or something. I’m sure I have heard this before, and it ties in with the tin foil hat theory. (tin reflects bad radio waves).

for anyone that has this problem, try sleeping with a thick tin foil hat on your head, I know it sounds stupid but please try it. I’m sure the technology is based upon radio waves so there must be some easy way of stopping it.

MKULTRA was funded by Ashkenazim jews and supported by Nazi pederasts -CIA…

If you’re tired, does not have to burping the shit you eat here. As if I care about your situation…

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Originally Posted by khamael View Post
MKULTRA was funded by Ashkenazim jews and supported by Nazi pederasts -CIA…

If you’re tired, does not have to burping the shit you eat here. As if I care about your situation…
What the fuck?
Ok then, I curse you to never escape your bindings.

Bite me you little shit.

Originally Posted by khamael View Post

MKULTRA was funded by Ashkenazim jews and supported by Nazi pederasts -CIA…

If you’re tired, does not have to burping the shit you eat here. As if I care about your situation…

That was little harsh, dude. Where are your manners? Or are you too important to have manners?
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Arrow Brice Taylor Interview

Producer/Interviewer Wayne Morris:

Good morning. You are tuned in again to The International Connection, and we are in Part 42 of the ongoing interview series on mind control. Today we are bringing you part one of an interview I conducted with Brice Taylor, a former Whitehouse-level mind control victim. She has been used as a sex slave for a number of U.S. presidents, foreign officials, and other power-brokers while under the influence of mind control. She has been subjected to horrific torture and abuse, beginning in her childhood, at the hands of her family, and has been programmed at various military bases in the U.S., and at NASA. She is the author of a fictionalized account of her life, “Starshine: One woman’s valiant escape from mind control”, and since breaking free and recovering, has been in touch with hundreds of mind control survivors across the U.S. Here now is that interview:

Wayne Morris:

I am speaking to Brice Taylor, a survivor of mind control. Welcome to the show, Brice. I wonder if you could start off by just giving a short description of who you are, and your background.

Brice Taylor:

Actually, “Brice Taylor” is a pseudonym that I chose to protect myself and my children when I first started writing my book and putting it out. I am a ritual abuse, government mind control survivor, and I have spent since 1985 working to heal from that and documenting what I was involved with at the highest levels within our government and internationally as the people’s leaders are invested in bringing in the New World Order.

Wayne Morris:

Who was responsible initially for your programming and conditioning?

Brice Taylor:

Initially, up close, my father primarily was, at home on a daily basis, and my mother was also programmed to abuse and program me. My whole family was actually involved in my programming, including my grandparents on both sides, aunts, uncles and my brothers. As I grew older, by the time I was five, I was being taken to military bases in and out of California and officials there were programming me, and later, doctors at UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute in California, and places where there were NASA installations – I was also programmed.

Wayne Morris:

Do you remember when it started – the conditioning?

Brice Taylor:

I had actually some very early memories of being traumatized as an infant, so it started when I was very, very young.

Wayne Morris:

What is your family’s background, your father and grandfather in particular …

Brice Taylor:

My background is intergenerational ritual satanic abuse, and I know that because my father flew me back to Iowa where my grandfather lived and they involved me in satanic ritual there, and it was then that I realized that my grandfather who was a millionaire and politician, was involved and was also intergenerationally connected. It has gone back in the family for generations as far as I know.

Wayne Morris:

Did your family learn in terms of the mind control programming or was it strictly in terms of being traumatized by the satanic rituals?

Brice Taylor:

I have no way of knowing what my parents’ duties or jobs were during their early lifetimes, but I believe that my father was made into a multiple through the severe satanic ritual that happened to him, so I don’t believe that he was consciously operating with the programming of me, where all parts of him knew what was going on, because I know he was a multiple. I watched him switch into child personalities and all sorts of different entities that he became during the years.

Wayne Morris:

Was that caused by his father’s conditioning of him?

Brice Taylor:

Yes. My Dad was severely tortured his whole life, had a very abusive childhood, and as I was healing and able to look back, he even had several near-death experiences due to accidents that I think were perhaps his programming kicking up as mine did later on.

Wayne Morris:

Were there government or military connections in your family?

Brice Taylor:

Not to the public, but certainly I was shuffled and taken into the government and military bases, but as far as being publicly connected, no.

Wayne Morris:

Do you know how they had made that connection with the military in terms of turning you over to them?

Brice Taylor:

I believe that whole connection came with my grandfather who was a politician, and it seemed like once I met him (I had never met him until I was nearly ten years old and my father flew me to Iowa to meet him) – it was shortly after that I started being connected to all sorts of famous politicians and entertainers, and a lot of different people. So I believe it was through my grandfather.

Wayne Morris:

Was your grandfather himself conditioned, or was he knowledgeable about the techniques of conditioning for the purpose of mind control?

Brice Taylor:

I have no way of knowing … all I know is that he tortured me and my father was there, and there were usually a lot of other men. I have only my own experience and what I believe to be the truth for my father is that although they created these heinous things, and did all of this, that he was programmed also. I can’t answer that for my grandfather. I wasn’t around him enough.

Wayne Morris:

Can you describe for our listeners what kinds of things were done to you that you remember as a child?

Brice Taylor:

It is always hard for me to go back into this, it seems that no matter how many years go by, it is still very painful. There was trauma done in the form of being stuck with pins and needles, being burned, hung by my feet – sometimes to crosses, spun, dropped off a table as an infant, near drowning, sexual abuse and orgies, being drugged, food and sleep deprivation, and then adding to that when I was around five, was all of the military mind control that was done with very sophisticated instrumentation and chairs and electroshock … That was all done to create a shattered psyche that I believe was used later for all these different personalities that were created for the mind control purpose.

Wayne Morris:

Were you used by the military at the bases as a child, or was that later in your life?

Brice Taylor:

I was taken to bases in Long Beach, California as a child where they used very sophisticated means of light, sound combined with electroshock and drugs and all sorts of torture and hypnosis.

Wayne Morris:

Do you feel that your family had kind of laid in the base conditioning in terms of creating dissociation within you, and then more sophisticated mind control later, or were they programming you as well?

Brice Taylor:

My father was absolutely programming me as well, he did the base programming and a lot of the trauma-based conditioning, and then these other layers of more sophisticated programming were put in on top of that.

Wayne Morris:

In terms of your father’s public life, what was his public image?

Brice Taylor:

My father was a welder, he was certainly everything any father was supposed to be. He provided well for his family, and was seen as a very charming man. No one had any idea, including his own physician, and I am not sure I understand that either because this man was creating so much torture and trauma in his children.

Wayne Morris:

Was your mother a co-perpetrator, did she have knowledge of what was going on?

Brice Taylor:

My mother also abused me in a lot of different ways, and I thought at the time when I was recovering my memory and going through all of this that my mother had done this on purpose. It wasn’t until I healed to the level to be able to go back and confront her with all the different traumas, and tortures and abuses – that I saw her cry and she said to me “it’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s just that I can’t remember.” I felt very strongly that my mother actually may at a subconscious level have known that she had participated, however she couldn’t remember. However, she wasn’t discounting what I said which was very unusual for most survivors. Usually their parents say, “this never happened” – my mother did not do this. In fact she went on to help fund financially my book when I was running for my life and had no source of income. She has helped me even today, although she still only cries and has not any of her own memories.

Wayne Morris:

Do you have memories of your mother being involved in the cult activity as well?

Brice Taylor:

Yes. I have memories of my mother being tortured and traumatized in satanic rituals that were done at some churches that we went to at night. My mother was a battered wife, she doesn’t remember a lot of it but my father battered her and some of the personalities he had were abusive and others weren’t. So my mother was absolutely tortured, and I know that she was programmed in a sophisticated way in order to deliver me off in time to the airport late at night or early in the morning when I was being used internationally, and with high level leaders in our government, and with entertainers and she doesn’t remember any of that. However to this day she has trouble driving to the airport and doesn’t understand why it is so frightening for her. Those are the kind of indications to me that she really knows but she can’t remember, because of programming.

Wayne Morris:

Has she attempted to get help for herself?

Brice Taylor:

My Mom did, and my Mom is nearly 80 years old. She said to me “I am afraid I will come apart and I won’t be able to function”, because she watched me become severely dysfunctional to where I couldn’t even take care of myself or anybody else in order to heal. She said she felt her greatest help would be able to help me financially and to be able to be there with my children, who I am not able to have much contact with at this point. My Mother is a victim, and now that I have done my complete healing and realized that my life with my children was very similar to the one that she led with me, I have some very deep compassion for her and wish that in her time it would have been for her to heal, but I understand. I know what it took for me to go through the healing process. It was years, and it was over $250,000 worth of therapy and bodywork, and all sorts of healing modalities … so I understand what it has taken in the past to heal and what it would take for her as an older person. I was in therapy daily. My Mother is an incredibly strong person, even in her late 70’s, she is working in the capacity that she can, and it’s pretty miraculous actually.

Wayne Morris:

When you were a child, did you attempt to tell anybody about the abuses, or were you even somewhat aware?

Brice Taylor:

It’s interesting that you ask that Wayne, because when I was deprogramming and reintegrating, I had a lot of memories, and one of the specific ones that I had explains this. I had a personality in elementary school that was programmed to do child pornography and the way it was done was that I was taken out of my classroom at school in order to go to be taken to what they called “choir practice”. My church was very close locally, so they would take me out of class to be taken to the choir director’s home to practice “choir” during school time. What ended up happening was that once we got there, and put on our choir robes, the whole thing turned and changed, and we stopped singing. And we went downstairs in the basement to be filmed in pornography and all sorts of heinous ritualistic pornographic, everything filmed with all sorts of equipment. This one day by the time I was taken back to school with the other children, I had for some reason not switched out of that personality. I went to the school principal’s office and I told her that this had happened and I was talking in all these terms with sexual language and things that she found very distasteful, and I remember her shaking her finger at me and saying, “stop talking like this, this is disgusting, children shouldn’t be speaking like this”. I got punished for that like I did lots of different subsequent times when I attempted to tell what was going on – I always ended up getting punished. Yes, I did attempt to tell and whether this woman, the principal, was herself programmed … I have since learned from my own experience that oftentimes there will be a whole web of people in a community – the professionals, the educational system, the church system – and everyone in that community will be programmed and have been ritually abused and they attend rituals at night without even knowing it in an attempt to keep the whole community traumatized and programmed. So, yes I did try to tell. It took until very late on in my life for people to start listening.

Wayne Morris:

Did this principal inform your parents of what you were saying?

Brice Taylor:


Wayne Morris:

Where did you grow up?

Brice Taylor:

I grew up in California in Woodland Hills – it was southern California – about 20 minutes inland from Malibu.

Wayne Morris:

Do you know if as a child you were displaying signs of abuse that teachers could have picked up on?

Brice Taylor:

Thinking back now, just even that example that I described to you where I had knowledge of sexual behaviour and language that was well beyond the understanding of a child – I was always labelled as mischievous, getting in trouble in school, acting out. I was always the class clown. I think I did have even physical signs that teachers today would possibly pick up, and probably even the difference in my personalities had to have shown. I had obvious switches, where I was switching in and out of different personalities. I know that because when I reintegrated there were a lot of different school personalities that had been created to handle school. I am sure that when teachers and other adults begin to have more information about dissociative identity disorder and all of this abuse that they will have the eyes to see.

Wayne Morris:

When did you first realize that you were subjected to mind control?

Brice Taylor:

The memory of the actual mind control involvement started to come to light in 1988 after several years of thinking I was crazy, having the accident, and all of that. In 1988 I realized there was more than I was just “crazy, nuts, confused”.

Wayne Morris:

You had memories of the ritual abuse before that?

Brice Taylor:

In 1985 I had a head injury. I had a head-on collision where my head went through the windshield of the car. What that did was it allowed me to access both sides of my brain for the first time in my life, and I began having memories – very frequent memories of all sorts of abuse that came in such a way that it was difficult for me to continue to process it all. There was just so much of it. There were years of memories that came flooding in. As my programming dictated, when those memories initially in 1985 started coming in, I just thought I was crazy. I was programmed to believe that if anything came up, I would just think I was crazy. In 1987 I had another accident on the same date as the head-on collision where I broke my back and smashed my head again riding a horse. It was on April 12 at 9:15 in the morning which was the same time as my 1985 head-on collision. The result of that accident was more very vivid flashback memories that came in the form of visual flashes, body memories where I felt agony, my body felt drugged. Very specific places in my body had pain. Once I learned through my daily therapy to begin to process that, I learned what it all meant. I would like to explain that during this time I was in school working towards my Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology to be a psychologist – when all of this memory started breaking through. This made me have to quit school before I graduated, but it gave me a lot of information about the psychological process and what I would need to go through to heal.

Wayne Morris:

It seems really unusual that you would have the two accidents on the same day at the same time. Do you feel that they were arranged – or at least the second one?

Brice Taylor:

I believe that it was definitely arranged, and I believe that because what happened in 1991 on April 10th which was 2 days before the anniversary of the accident date – I received a dollar bill in my wallet that had programming numbers and the date April 12th written across it. When I showed it to my therapist they realized this was intentional. Every time they sent things like this in to me, it was just another validation of reality for me.

Wayne Morris:

Do you think they would have programmed you to ride into that tree the second time?

Brice Taylor:

I think I was programmed to have an accident if I became dangerously close to remembering, and I think that once I had the first accident that they may have tied the second one to it in an attempt to kill me. I really don’t know that. I know I was still being used. I continued to be used even when I thought I was free in 1991 and 1992, and even into 1993. I believe they were attempts to injure me to the point where I could function. I don’t know. I don’t have all the answers.

Wayne Morris:

From what you know from other survivors’ experiences, do you feel that’s a common technique for killing people if they do come too close to remembering?

Brice Taylor:

Yes, I do. I think that as people are educated and become more aware, they will be able to see more clearly what has happened. I received letters from survivors, it began nationally, and now I receive letters from all over the world from survivors who have had all kinds of head injuries, strokes, all kinds of programmed accidents. Fortunately for all of us, and unfortunately for our controllers, what it has done is that it has actually made the brain barriers easier to access and to remove some of the amnesic barriers so that people who are having these accidents are beginning to remember more and more.

Wayne Morris:

Just in the news recently – the fatal accidents that Michael Kennedy and Sonny Bono had – skiing into a tree – sound very familiar. That’s immediately what came to my mind. How did you manage to break free of their control, at what point did that happen?

Brice Taylor:

I was in daily therapy from 1987 on, and sometimes twice a day. So I was writing memories at home, in therapy. I was drawing. I was having bodywork. I was doing just about everything to heal. So I had healed and had begun to integrate a lot of my personalities so when in 1991 I received that dollar bill with my accident date written on it … At that point I had connected with Dr. Catherine Gould who is a therapist in California who has worked for years with children who had DID and have been ritually abused. I met her actually when I was in school along my venture to be a therapist, and so she started giving me information as I was asking her questions about programming. She was able to give me a little information. No one who was around me – neither of my therapists had ever heard of ritual abuse or had worked with anyone at all with MPD – no one who was working with me really understood what I was talking about. Once I realized there was such a thing as mind control, the programming just started unfolding. Parts of me that knew about the programming that had been done started filling up journals listing my specific programming and how it worked; drawing pictures that I share in workshops that I do. I began to understand that there was a lot more to this than I could ever imagine, and I was afraid for my life and for my children’s lives. I didn’t know what to do. My therapist helped relocate me to an island on Hawaii and I went there and I was only going to spend a week trying to get clear on what I should do. I started realizing that my ex-husband was also a victim of this, and that there was a lot more going on. I went to this island, thinking I would only spend a week, and I ended up there for five weeks and returned in an attempt to rescue my children. During the time I was there, I had a lot of the higher level memories of my government and entertainer involvement. Being on the island, I had no money and very little support. I had a couple who helped me. I got a word processor and lived very frugally and just wrote and continued bringing back the memories and writing every day and re-integrating. With all of that, I realized that I had been used at very high levels within our own government. To help combat the programming that said I was crazy, I began to be strong enough of my own mind and body to be able to recognize when people were sent in on me to access me. I would be programmed to call back into a number and I was advised to keep doing that until I was healthy enough to really break free. I would call in, and these men would be on the phone, and they validated my reality of what I was remembering in a way that I am grateful to them now. I had no way of understanding before why men in suits would be following me in cars around L.A. and all over the place. It started making sense to me and I was able to put it together. In 1991 I was healing at a rampant rate, but I was still being accessed and used on the island. I was still being prostituted along with my daughter on the island. It was pretty devastating when I healed and realized it, but I was still healing and that’s how I realized what was really going on.

Wayne Morris:

Do you know up to what point your perpetrators were still using you?

Brice Taylor:

I am not sure if I have the date right, but I believe it was actually until just before our current president was inaugurated was one of the last times I was used.

Wayne Morris:

When you were dealing with your first therapist you said they weren’t really aware of mind control techniques. What kind of work were you doing with them? Were you doing memory work at that point?

Brice Taylor:

I started out just doing psychotherapy and analysis – it’s absolutely insane to be doing that with someone under mind control – but they had no way of knowing. I was just doing straight psychotherapy and the memories started flooding in from the accidents, the trauma, and as I began to feel safer – that there was someone who, even if they didn’t understand … My therapist looked at me all the time like I was nuts. I was just coming up with all this abuse. The childhood abuse came up first, and then the ritual abuse memories came on the heels of the sexual abuse, and then the government mind control stuff came.

Wayne Morris:

So working with those initial therapists – you started remembering the government mind control … At the point where they had stopped using you, or you were able to avoid being used, was there something you had done to prevent that? What was the situation?

Brice Taylor:

Actually I worked with a renegade member of the intelligence community who I lived with for a year and a half, and he was able to help me through identifying my codes, keys and triggers, what my programming was. We actually spent a year and a half in the house where he would trigger me and I would just go into my room and write and write and write, volumes of memory work where I would just go right back in … I had been programmed to have a photographic memory and traumatic memory is laid down differently than normal memory is stored. I was able to not only see and hear, but use all my senses to go back into these memories and document it all. Over time there was no way I had any information or could have known about any of this top secret, still classified projects or the level of political sophistication and the interconnection of politicians and world leaders that I was used with.

Wayne Morris:

Are you aware, or do you know how they programmed you to have photographic memory?

Brice Taylor:

It was a hypnotic command done under hypnosis with drugs and specific personalities.

Wayne Morris:

With this kind of equipment – was it that you were able to see your brainwave activity and then adjust your own thinking to deal with it? How did that work?

Brice Taylor:

Basically you are fed back a “reward” so it’s like – it’s operant conditioning – just like a rate in a maze. You are rewarded when pacman goes and you hear the sound accompanied with a reward. It’s a reward that rewards your central nervous system, so it’s not like someone has to be an intellectual or figure it out – the healing happens. I have been working with children with ADD and ADHD and often within two or three sessions, kids that are 10 or 11 years old who have never been able to read are reading … they are saying, “I can read”, and children who are on Ritalin are coming off Ritalin because they are able to manage their brainwave state. So children can do it, adults can do it, because it works with the central nervous system. It’s very powerful and I think it is very hopeful for the future.

Wayne Morris:

I would like to talk now about some of the techniques they used to condition and program you. Do you remember how hypnosis was used to control and program?

Brice Taylor:

It was used in just about all of my earlier programming, whether it was my father or programmers – I was taken a lot to Disneyland or different places where fantasy was intentionally mixed with reality. Hypnosis was always used in conjunction with drugs, and often when I was at military bases or NASA installations, it was used in conjunction with a very sophisticated chair and instruments that went over my head – I was given electroshock and hypnotic commands with drugs that they know are very useful in allowing that hypnotic command to go deeper than the subconscious mind.

Wayne Morris:

What was the purpose of the drugs? Was that to make you more open to hypnosis?

Brice Taylor:

I think the drugs are used in a lot of different ways, certainly I am not a physician or a brain surgeon to know how that all works. But I believe the drugs were used a lot to keep the conscious mind out of the way in order to be able to take the programming to very deep levels.

Wayne Morris:

Just to open the subconscious … And specifically, what was the purpose of electricity? What factor did that play in mind control?

Brice Taylor:

As a child I was ‘shocked’ at home by bare electric cords, and as I began getting a little older – with a cattle prod, and then stun guns as I was older still. And then later the hi-tech electronic equipment at the bases. And I believe that’s done for dissociation – as a person is shocked and traumatized it affects your whole energy field and the trauma creates dissociation which allows people to be programmed at very deep levels when your conscious mind is out of the way.

Wayne Morris:

Later on, with the more sophisticated programming, what was the role of electricity?

Brice Taylor:

I believe it is still the same thing. There are members of the intelligence community; there are ex-military people who, it may take ten years, but they begin remembering being set in chairs with electroshock, and drugs and hypnosis while they are being given the commands for their jobs or assignments. I believe there is a lot more to be understood and learned about this as more and more survivors are taken as credible sources of information and what they describe having seen in the classified projects is brought to light in that way.

Wayne Morris:

Do you feel they also used electricity to make you forget?

Brice Taylor:

In fact a member of the intelligence community who helped me out told me that a stun gun is used, and was used, because they believed it would erase memory twenty minutes on each side of the memory. When an event happened, they would use a stun gun 20 minutes into it in order to erase 20 minutes before the event had happened, and 20 minutes after. They felt confident that would erase the memory; however, I was able to access memory because I became a medicator [meditator?], and I was able to access memory throughout all of it – throughout the electroshock, through the drug barriers – there really was nothing that erased my memory in ways they thought they did. None of their techniques to erase memory was satisfactory. Their techniques have fallen short, and I think that’s why there are so many survivors who are remembering.

Wayne Morris:

When you were remembering this, particularly the electricity, was it conscious memory, or did it come back as more body memories, how did the memories appear?

Brice Taylor:

It came back in all ways in every day of my waking hour. I really had probably ten years of my life (once I began healing) that was not my own either because I was so busy remembering, and documenting through writing what I was remembering. The memories came through – things in the environment would trigger me. I would see something and it would remind me subconsciously and I would have a feeling, and I would follow that feeling and that memory back into my own mind. The memory would just be there. I had flashbacks – where, during the flashback state – information and experiences are very clear, and very vivid, and seem as if they are happening even that moment – things that have happened 10, 20 years ago. I recovered memory a lot through the flashback state and basically I kept a journal with me at all times. Anything that reminded me or triggered me or made me feel funny, I wrote about it. Over time all these bits and pieces of information that I wrote about all fell into line, even the ages I was versus the ages presidents were when they were in office. Everything all fit together in a puzzle, a perfect picture, that I couldn’t have created if I had tried to.

Wayne Morris:

You mentioned the more sophisticated technology, particularly at NASA, and some of the military bases. Can you describe that, and what effect they were trying to have on you?

Brice Taylor:

A lot of that was being sat in a chair that looked like the NASA space chairs, where I would be strapped in. A lot of the equipment that I imagine was used by the astronauts was used on me. A lot of the spinning, the weightlessness, being put into sensory deprivation tanks. Being subjected to a lot of the light and sound along with electroshock. A lot of that where I was being delivered information like, I would have on headphones and in one ear I would be hearing one sound and in the other I would be hearing other sounds. I was programmed with tones, so a tone on a phone would have a specific meaning that would be subliminally and subconsciously connected with a command. When I was initially healing, when I would try and dial the phone, I would hit the numbers and hear the tones in my ear, it would scramble me and I couldn’t think straight. I couldn’t function. It was a matter of going back and consciously realizing that these tones were connected to commands that I no longer needed to follow and it took several years for that not to affect me. It still affects me; however, the equipment they used oftentimes in the auditory was using one sound in one ear, and one sound in the other which confuses the conscious mind and sends a message straight into the unconscious which is a very powerful way of controlling a person.

Wayne Morris:

Do you know what kinds of things they deliberately did to prevent you from remembering?

Brice Taylor:

I don’t have my diagram with me right now, but off the top of my memory, they gave me programmed commands that should I begin remembering, I would become confused. Should I begin remembering, I would feel tired and fall asleep. Should I begin remembering, I would have migraine headaches. I would have accidents. I would want to kill myself and there were very specific ways to self-injure that I was taught which I had to fight, literally, for a couple of years in order to stay alive to get to the deeper levels of memory. There were endless, endless internal landmines of boobytraps and programming that was intended to kill me or make me feel like I was crazy or insane. Then when you add to that all the people outside – my family that was programmed, the people who I was being perpetrated by, with all of that, it is nearly impossible to begin remembering unless you have a head injury or something happens that really shakes a person up. I also think that the continued trauma to myself, to my husband, to my children was one of the biggest forms of attempting to keep me under control, because the innate mother instinct is very strong and has been one that I have had to logically overcome in order to speak out, knowing that my children will be safer if I spoke out than if I kept silent. There were also phone accesses to codes that would be called, people would say either programmed phrases or set certain numbers on the phone where the phone would then play in my ear. It is endless. A web.

Wayne Morris:

In terms of the actual programming that was done to you, was mainstream culture in any way? You mentioned that you were taken to Disneyland …

Brice Taylor:

I was programmed with all the regular fantasy that children go through. I saw the Disney films and was heavily programmed to all of them – The Parent Trap, with the twin sisters – that was my base programming for my twin sister programming which was the high level programming that was used in the government to keep me from knowing what my internal twin sister who was actually involved with the elite families and the government was doing. I was shown lots of movies that had very profound programming – not that the movies were programs – but the way they were used was. The film, Lost Horizons, I was programmed to be ageless unless I left. That’s the theme of the film – when you leave you start aging. I had a lot of programs where they won’t age as long as they stay in. The books and films, it was one tool of programming after another – and they were all mainstream.

Wayne Morris:

Do you feel that films that are currently coming out are still being used for programming?

Brice Taylor:

Yes I do, and at a higher level. I think if people continue to ignore the profound and deep effect of what children receive as visual and auditory images in childhood – the effect it has on their entire psyche and the framework for which they set up belief systems. Even if they are not programming, for the rest of their lives we need to be mindful of what children are seeing and I think people have yet to look at how serious the havoc that is being wreaked on children really is. If people look with the eyes of a child to the Disney films and to a lot of the things children are watching on television and in movies, it is horrific.

Wayne Morris:

Was music used at all in your experience?

Brice Taylor:

I was even programmed with music to fall in love with my husband. The songs were linked with my emotions in order to initiate a state of feeling that I was in love. I watched as years went by that the music was played to me at very important times when I was to be used for something. I also was used within the entertainment industry and saw how some of the current and very famous and powerful musicians were programmed, and their music and certain phrases were encoded. Oftentimes, I even delivered programmed phrases from the elite to these entertainers, and delivered the words or the phrases they were to say during their performances when they were live and on stage. I believe that a lot of people were programmed to want to be with these people, or to revere them, or get hysterical, see them all the time, idolize them so that they would continue to return to these mass performances for their own programming. It was a way of keeping groups intact that were already programmed so they could be controlled.

Arrow Brice Taylor Interview (Continuation) …

Wayne Morris:

About your book. What motivated you initially to write about your experiences, and why did you choose to write it as a fictional work?

Brice Taylor:

I was trying to stay alive. I was running from place to place, from state to state, all by myself. Dr. Catherine Gould recommended that I stay in contact with her and Ted Gunderson, who is a retired FBI agent who has been helping survivors and basically I was trying to stay alive and to be able to explain to people what was going on in order to keep myself and my children safe. And I was trying to help other survivors so they could see and perhaps it would ease their feeling of being alone and feeling crazy, much in the same way that Lauren Stratford’s, Satan’s Underground, after I had a bunch of my memories, had been something that helped me realize that I wasn’t alone and I wasn’t crazy.

Wayne Morris:

Did you feel that the book served as a kind of insurance policy for you as well?

Brice Taylor:

Absolutely. It continues to … in ways that … a member of the intelligence community told me … I explained I had written the book and gotten it out all over along with my actual memories, naming the names, dates and places in a letter stating that if anything happened to me or my children, that this information was to be made bigger and that the people that had my information who were public already with this issue were to take it out wider and then … what ended up happening was it created a huge safety-net for myself and my children.

Wayne Morris:

I was going to ask why you chose not to name the names, but I think you just answered that.

Brice Taylor:

Initially I made it under Catherine Gould’s recommendation in order to stay alive. Also to make the problem understood in a more simple fashion by the general public. People really had a hard time back in those days hearing the names that I was naming who they thought as their national icons or heroes as doing this horrific torture to myself and my children. I felt it was a way, in a very simple way, to help people to understand what was going on.

Wayne Morris:

Can you tell us just in a general sense what kind of entertainers were involved, and politicians?

Brice Taylor:

World class, internationally known comedian, actually my owner was an internationally renowned comedian. World leaders, Presidents, Judges, lawyers, politicians at all levels, famous entertainers and musicians, ministers, dentists, doctors – I mean, the list goes on and on and on. It was my experience that there are world leaders and entertainers in Hollywood and all over who are themselves programmed, and are in need of healing.

Wayne Morris:

Do you feel that these entertainers had intelligence connections as well?

Brice Taylor:

That I have no way of knowing that. But I would say there were some types of intelligence – I don’t know actually what the connection was – whether it was actually our intelligence communities or what. But I would often be escorted to a very famous person’s home that was an entertainer, by two men in suits and a black sedan to deliver programming. So yes, I would say it was some sort of intelligence.

Wayne Morris:

How well distributed is your book, “Starshine”, and how can people get a hold of it?

Brice Taylor:

Right now I can give you my PO Box that people can order it from, and that’s to just write a cheque to Brice Taylor Trust, PO Box 655 Landrum, S. Carolina 29356 and I also have another book called “Revivication” which is a gentle alternative method of memory retrieval process for trauma survivors. Both books together including shipping are $25 U.S. Any bookstores carrying New Leaf Distributor books can be ordered in that manner.

Part II

Wayne Morris:

Do you consider yourself completely free from control by your perpetrators, and have they attempted to reaccess you?

Brice Taylor:

Yes I consider myself absolutely free, and I still receive harassment. Although since I have gotten my book out, it’s more on a verbal level, or receiving things in the mail that are attempts to trigger my programming, or like messing with my mail, and things like that.

Wayne Morris:

I would like to go into a bit more detail about the kinds of things you were used by your handlers for?

Brice Taylor:

That’s a big one. I was used by a member of the National Security Agency and someone that was oftentimes close to Presidents – I was programmed with what he called “Mind Files” and I had government Mind Files where I was programmed to have perfect photographic recall of documents that I was programmed to read and remember in my head. It was like having a computer brain; a human computer at your access. Along with that, I was also used with these Mind Files in order to be like a postal bank of communication between the elite members who were bringing out the New World Order in order to keep their world plan orchestrated and organized. I was also used as a sex slave to Presidents and foreign leaders and entertainers here and abroad, in order to deliver programmed messages from the elite in order to keep the plan smoothly running and operating.

I was also used on lower levels in my community with money laundering, pornography, prostitution. It was endless.

Wayne Morris:

Do you have memories of the details of the information they were keeping in your Mind Files?

Brice Taylor:

Oh yes, years of it. I spent years documenting everything. It’s very classified projects and plans for the New World Order.

Wayne Morris:

Can you tell us in terms of alerting the public about what kinds of things they are planning to bring about this New World Order, and what they envision that this would be?

Brice Taylor:

From what I heard on the inside, in my experience sitting among these so-called elite people, the financial elite – their plan is for a world takeover because they feel that genetically and in every other way physically, the populations of the earth are inferior – of an inferior genetic strain. What they are attempting to do is to bring down the population through various contrived means – which is a whole other subject all on its own – in order to bring these people to death so that the planet will be left pristine and untouched for their future progeny.

Wayne Morris:

It might be a bit too late for that …

Brice Taylor:

Yeah. They feel that – and certainly I don’t have the most up to date information – survivors who have come out since I did, have more current information of the plan. I am certain they have had to change it and alter it in order to bring it through – they feel that what is their ace in the hole this time, because they have tried this many, many other generations – it’s almost like a game of wits of the most intellectual and financial power brokers being able to see what kind of game they can do here on the small minds of the planet – these people are unwitting victims. Even people who aren’t under mind control are victims of all this and will be in the future.

What I understood was that they were planning a complete and utter economic collapse of the nations that would make the Depression of 1929 look like child’s play and through that, bringing people financially to their knees, they would then come in and control them, and bring in whatever other measures they would want to in the guise of rescue – when it certainly wouldn’t be that at all. Personally I would like to put a call out to people who are in any way spiritually connected, knowing that this plan can never be able to be brought about as the people even at the higher levels that are participating, may be participating without knowing what they have been participating in, such as members of the intelligence community who have been compartmentalized in their knowledge of what projects they were participating in. I would certainly put scientists that are inventors in that category. I would put people that are in the Masonic Order that are perhaps at the lower levels and are serving the King at the higher levels without realizing that what they are putting their energy into thinking that they are helping children and people that are in need of help – what they are doing actually is serving the highest levels of evil and corruption and destruction of men, women and children. People need to realize that these people they are serving are turning against their own and that we need to take back our own spiritual power and stay connected spiritually in order to know what to do and how to act, and how to see the truth, and how to discern what lies and propaganda and strategies have been given over the television, over movies with intentional strategies.

I sat with the men who strategized about what thoughts and belief systems they were trying to get people to believe so that they could continue with the plans. Mind control was their ace in the hole this time, because they felt that there couldn’t be any mess-ups, and no human frailty or weakness of mind or conscience if people were under mind control.

So I would just ask people to please open their eyes, and to begin to not just take what they see that is given out by the government and the intelligence community as truth and reality, but to begin to question and think on their own.

Wayne Morris:

Specifically how do you think mind control would be used in terms of a takeover implementation?

Brice Taylor:

I think there are people they have in positions of power, not only in the military but in political and religious circles who are themselves under mind control and can be used as puppets to do whatever they are instructed to do from higher up levels. People think that we elect our presidents and I have sat with the people who planned who the presidents were going to be and groomed them, and told them what to do, and what to say, and how to say it, and when to say it, and when not to. And I delivered all kinds of messages of instructions to presidents and world leaders about what to do and what not to do. I watched as people who were good people and weren’t involved were manipulated, brainwashed and controlled by persons like myself who were programmed, dressed in jewels and beautiful clothes, with all the fancy and sophisticated sexual innuendoes and techniques that I myself, my daughter, others were programmed to do and go in and just — if these men were at all able to be coerced they were manipulated and then they were blackmailed. These people who are in positions of power know how to find out and research what people’s weaknesses are, whether they are sex, drugs, sexual perversion, financial gain — they lure them in and once people have been forced and coerced to participate and do the dirty deed – and a lot of times it was filmed, videotaped and documented – and these people who were already in positions of financial, political, whatever power, were then told ‘this will be public knowledge and information if you don’t go along with us’.

I watched people being coerced at the highest levels at parties of the elite, where cocaine was flowing, drugs, alcohol, whatever anyone wanted – sex with children, whatever – anything they wanted – people were given. It was perversion at the highest level.

Wayne Morris:

When you speak of the global elite, I just finished airing interviews with Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler and they speak of this global elite as being what is known as the Illuminati. Is that your understanding?

Brice Taylor:

Actually I couldn’t name it. It was never called that inside, but I will go so far as to say it is some of the old money families … the reason I don’t name names is there are too many of them, number one … the names aren’t going to help us sort out the problem, but the information is. And I was clearly told by a member of White House Intelligence for 29 years that I could tell what happened, but not to name the names. I want my children brought into safety and healing, and I believe that my children’s level of healing isn’t going to much different than what is going to be needed for some of these people who have been involved at the highest level.

Wayne Morris:

Let me go back to the point about the economy. How specifically do you think they will manipulate the economy to bring it down?

Brice Taylor:

I think we have all lived in an inflated society, not just the government, but we have all been trained to use credit cards, buy on credit, and really we own virtually nothing anymore. If you do a crash on the financial things people have invested in – it’s all just a mind game anyway – none of it’s real. It cripples the economy. The specific means of how that is to be done I would say probably has fingers and feelers into the IRS, all the world banking systems that are in place, have been for years. If you follow the money, you will find a lot of the answers.

Wayne Morris:

Do you believe there will be, for example, a stock market crash?

Brice Taylor:

I don’t like to predict these kinds of things but I would say that is a strategy that in the past I have heard and know has been used in the past. I would feel like I would be disrespectful to people to say that I know that to be sure, but I have certainly heard it. But I have been out for a number of years and things change and strategies change. They alter them as they perhaps are uncovered or being a problem to the plan.

Wayne Morris:

What do you feel that the public can do to thwart their intentions?

Brice Taylor:

I think people need to contact their local politicians and demand information be divulged about the government experiments, the medical, radiation, drug experiments, mind control experiments – all of that. I think as people start learning about the internal structure of the Masonic Order and how the programming is working and how people’s brain waves can be altered and messed with, even at a distance … I think people need to get very instructed and educated about what has gone on. I think people need to begin to simplify their lives … financially and in all ways in order to be able to take the time to evolve spiritually and see what’s really going on and connect deeply. Unfortunately I think people are going to have the opportunity to make a spiritual stand as people were during the times of Nazi Germany where they housed babies and people who were going to be killed due to a sick genetic belief system. I believe that as people are able to really take a stand and understand and help that it will turn things around, but I think a lot has been put into place and it’s going to take some time to undo it … obviously with all the people who are under mind control who need to be healed.

Wayne Morris:

From the global elite perspective, what do they consider threats to their plan?

Brice Taylor:

I think the exposure of the plan would be a threat to their plan … people being in charge of themselves and understanding that there are projects such as the HAARP project that are altering the frequency of the planet and the minds of the people that are here and demanding that that project be stopped … stopping the military from being able to hide research and instrumentation and experimentation of weaponry that is oftentimes unable to be seen … it is invisible but it is damaging to the public and to the world. Demand to know what their tax dollars are being used for … which, from my perspective, people are paying taxes in order that all this research be done on mind control, on everything else … and they are paying for their own demise, paying for their own destruction.

They are fuelling the government agencies and the military who have been given such a high priority on this earth for destruction instead of funding education and teaching children how to think and critically analyze, and empowering people. It’s all built on a military mind, and bent on destruction, and control, and power.

Wayne Morris:

When you had access to this information, what was their time frame for bringing this about or did this come up?

Brice Taylor:

Within the next couple of years … the plan was intended to be culminated by the year 2000.

Wayne Morris:

Is there a particular significance to the years 1998 and 1999 in terms of their own occult belief system?

Brice Taylor:

It’s a perversion of Christianity, it’s a perversion of Christ. Everything that I ever saw was a perversion of everything that is good …

Wayne Morris:

I have heard a number of survivors talk about “end-time programming”, do you have any knowledge of that and what it entails?

Brice Taylor:

I had that too … I never actually got to what my job was, but I knew that there was a job I was programmed to have and do during those end times. I think that people were programmed and are still programmed to create endless chaos. With the general population being so ignorant about the mind control technology, about how targeted energy can affect brain waves, about all of the higher level technology … that they are blinded to all of this … and that’s dangerous.

Wayne Morris:

Do you feel that therapists and other professionals have made any headway to disable this kind of programming?

Brice Taylor:

I think the therapists who have been working diligently in this for years, and I highly honour them. I am very grateful, and I think they have done it a lot, and they have done it against all odds, and at a great sacrifice professionally and in every way. I think that certainly bringing the programming to light and to conscious awareness dismantles much of it, and I think that EEG biofeedback technology is something therapists can use so instead of taking 10-15 years to reintgrate someone with DID, that it can be done within a year or two without so much disruption to the person’s functional life.

Wayne Morris:

How long do you think it has taken them to actually program these people to the level they can be used to participate in the plans?

Brice Taylor:

Usually it’s the intergenerational abuse, so children that are going to be used on official levels are programmed first and it takes years. I understand that starting in the seventies, children that weren’t from intergenerational families began to be programmed in daycare centres which is where you have the McMartin preschool case and all of these cases where the children told what happened, and were either initially believed and the people from the inside came out and said this never happened and had the cases turned around and make the children look not credible.

That’s another question I always ask people. As a child when I told, how would I have known about all the sexual stuff unless I had seen it? Adults need to logically think about how a child would ever even conceive of this kind of horror, and yet not just one or two children are coming up with this, but hordes of children from all over the world. People have got to start looking at this logically. This is not just the stupid False Memory Syndrome Foundation — this is something much bigger. Children have better things to be doing and don’t have the ability to create this kind of organized horror …

Wayne Morris:

You alluded to child prostitution and pornography. How closely is this connected to these global elites and the plans with the New World Order?

Brice Taylor:

From my perspective and experience, I believe the child pornography and prostitution was done for their pleasure and entertainment. My daughter and my son were prostituted, taken to parties where the elite or anybody who wanted to have sex with them was able to go in and have sex with children. I think it is used as an incredible fund-raising ability to bring in large amounts of money underground with child pornography in international markets where it is highly sought after and brings in a lot of money for their operations.

Wayne Morris:

In your opinion, how widespread do you think trafficking in children is going on today?

Brice Taylor:

I think that it’s enough that if normal people knew how widespread it was, it would bring them to their knees. It’s like Ted Gunderson says, as an ex member of the FBI, in California they knew exactly where all the stolen cars were but no one had any idea about any statistics or any idea about where all the missing children went …

Wayne Morris:

In your opinion can you estimate how many you think have been programmed, how many are mind control victims?

Brice Taylor:

I never heard or saw a number on the inside. I know there are a lot of people healing, and I get letters from survivors all over the world. A statistic I did hear from a member of the intelligence community one time was for the Presidential model project where women were programmed to sexually service presidents and the elite was 3000 in this country. That would mean there were 3000 women, and then as in my case, my daughter would follow in my footsteps. It’s like a pyramid game. As the generations go on, the numbers of people gets larger as the families continue to propagate.

Wayne Morris:

Can you speak to what kind of similarities you see in survivors’ accounts, and what geographical areas they are from?

Brice Taylor:

Actually, physically they are from all over the world, so I haven’t really seen ‘everybody is from California’ or ‘everybody is from Nevada’. It’s not like that. But people do name a lot of the same military bases and I will just say for myself and my daughter were programmed heavily at Point ______ Naval Base where they had dolphin tanks in research, and there were places at Edwards Air Force Base and all sorts of different locations. But I think our commonalities are that we are all naming either major medical hospitals where arms of different medical research projects were done, or military bases, or NASA stations … it’s an organized pictures. It’s not just some little satanic cult operating here and there. It’s all very organized.

Wayne Morris:

Have the people you have spoken to had similar experiences in terms of starting from an early age, and being exposed to these satanic rituals, abuses and what percentage of people are involved in the government mind control that you have spoken about?

Brice Taylor:

Actually most of the survivors I have met have been used more at local levels, not within the government, but used more at a lower level. However there have been ten or twelve other Presidential models that I have met. I have met women who come up to me and are afraid to give me much of their story, but will say so-and-so was also my abuser, or they remember the same man. A lot of my validation has come from not naming the names and for many of these women who are so frightened and have never read my book and they find me out in the hall, and corner me, and name the names and oftentimes they are some of the high level perpetrators that were also my abusers. I quietly validate them and they go off and heal knowing they are not crazy.

Wayne Morris:

I want to also to talk about the criminal connection to other organized crime, and particularly trafficking in children, and I wondered if you could shed any information about what you have been exposed to.

Brice Taylor:

As far as the criminal connection, my memories and my experiences as a child were heavily Mob involved as well as CIA and government, different medical universities and military bases that were used.

As far as that criminal activity, how it all weaves in, I believe is just as ___ that are used in order to benefit from the child trafficking and is able to use these children and certainly the pornography and prostitution, and to bring in other children — there’s a place in my book where I talk about how I was used under mind control to enlist other children into an automobile in California. These were children, as far as I was aware as a child, that probably did not have the background or programming, or had not even been abused, that were kidnapped off the street and enticed with the use of another child to bring them in. And then once they were in the car they were trapped and I watched as they were used in pornography and were used in snuff films in which they were actually killed during the filming, and then were disposed of in whatever manner. Certainly this type of what some of these sick and sadistic people think of as entertainment that feeds their own perversions and their own sick senses, is what has really brought in a large financial base. This has been exposed by other women who have talked about the funds being used for black operations, CIA government mind control, different medical experiments that were being done. This is where a lot of the funding for these activities comes from.

Wayne Morris:

These tie in with the criminal activities such as (as you mentioned) child pornography, prostitution, drug trafficking. How widespread, in your opinion, is trafficking in children?

Brice Taylor:

I think it is very widespread, and I can think that the public has been seriously fooled by the False Memory Syndrome Foundation and a lot of the media that has gone on saying that all these cases that have come up with the preschools and the different agencies around the country where children are coming forward and telling what happened to them — that does include pornography. Statements are being made in sexual ways and certainly about abuse in the child’s mind, and they are being discredited. And I believe the children are telling the truth. They are saying the same things that happened to me and lot of other women across the country. And we are certainly being discredited by the media. From what I understand and from the first persona accounts I hear, the people who are my age and go back even older and younger are talking about the amount of children in preschools that have been programmed, that may have not been in a generational ritual abuse ties, but who have been programmed and used in the pornography and prostitution in order to create great avenues of funding. I think that combined with kids who are found missing of the street and kidnapped in an attempt to use them as a means of funding – all of this horror continues to go unchecked by the public population that finds all of this so incredulous – that they don’t even believe it. So here we have survivors and children who are also revictimized by a disbelieving public and oftentimes uninformed mental health and church system who are unable to believe that this kind of atrocity has gone on, so they are unable to come to these children’s aid or to the adult survivors who are attempting to find avenues of relief and help in order to stop this and help themselves.

Wayne Morris:

It really seems that their biggest coverup for all of these atrocities is the public’s disbelief.

Brice Taylor:

Walter Bowart who wrote “Operation Mind Control” has a blurb in his book that says the big secrets are protected by their incredulity. And certainly I believe that those who strategized this plan were very well aware that when all of us started talking about these things that just like in Nazi Germany – people still today believe that a lot of those horrors didn’t happen – that people will turn away and deny what really happened because it is so horrific and incredulous.

Wayne Morris:

Speaking of Nazi Germany, there have been a number of allegations that there has been Nazi involvement, particularly in regard to Project Paperclip, of importing Nazis after WWII into the United States. Have you come across any Nazi connections in your experience?

Brice Taylor:

Yes I have, and just to enlarge and expand a little bit on Project Paperclip, Linda Hunt wrote a book about this in which she explained that Mark Phillips who was an intelligence officer and he personally told me that he was part of bringing in some of these Nazi doctors – bringing them into our country and giving them immunity – that he was unaware at the time of the full ramifications of what these people were doing within our country. Right there is the Nazi connection of how these men who were a lot of the scientists and doctors who had used the population of prisoners in the concentration camps as their unwitting and unwilling and suffering people as their population of research and how then they were brought to our country and put into the major universities and research centers in order to further their research mind control and were given over to the population of ritual abuse survivors in order to have now another group to experiment on of which certainly myself and my children were a part of that – but also included genetic experiments that were done to me and to my children. As far as the Nazi connections that I am aware of in my past, I am aware of my mother telling me my father went to some neo nazi meeting along with my grandmother when I was just a little girl. I know that in a lot of my recovery work the symbol that I kept drawing over and over was the swastika, the Nazi symbol. I saw that symbol as a child at some of the satanic ritual ceremonies that were done to me and others and certainly I believe that is a very large part of all of this. As society continues to want to even put Nazi Germany and the horrors of those people that suffered in the concentration camps under the rug and not look at it – it continues to proliferate here – even within our country – as these people are still getting away with doing the human experimentation and torturing people today.

Wayne Morris:

Do you feel that the experiments that were done in the Nazi concentration camps during the holocaust were for the purposes of developing mind control?

Brice Taylor:

Definitely. In fact last year I went to the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. and saw their pictures of the actual brain experimentation and a lot of the research that was done, and it’s all there for people that have the eyes to see – that this absolutely was experimentation – there are pictures of people being experimented on.

Wayne Morris:

Do you have, in your experience – did you come across Josef Mengele in the United States? A number of survivors of mind control have named him as being involved in their abuse in the U.S. post WWII era – was that part of your experience?

Brice Taylor:

No actually, it wasn’t but there were doctors at UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute who very instrumental in my programming and where I reported to oftentimes by myself as a result of responding to my programmed instructions to report there and where my programming was checked in on, and made into whatever the needs were at the time. There were doctors all over the country that I reported to in various military installations and certainly UCLA.

Wayne Morris:

A number of people I have interviewed have talked about the occult ideology of these groups that are responsible for perpetrating mind control. What do you think the significance of that is?

Brice Taylor:

I think that historically now – I have been able now to read back and to understand that the occult plans for this New World Order go back generations and were built on very heavily with what seemingly looks like religious ideology. I believe that the occult belief system and the evilness of that and the destructiveness, and certainly interlaced with superstitious belief is what continues to allow these things to proliferate as people’s belief systems. They belief these perversions give them the power to take it forward into these times. I think that it’s like for the satanists to believe that these satanic rituals and all of the perversions that are done during these rituals allow them in their belief system to believe they are gaining power by doing all these horrors and stealing energy from children and babies, in all of the different ways they are killing. It allows them to continue on. Until these belief systems are cleaned up and until people (the good people on the planet) are able to weave through their own denial that this level of atrocity could still be going on today, I think that’s where the problem lies. It’s until the people who are perpetrating this occultic belief meet up with the denial of people, even Christians, who can’t believe this and say they are frightened by it, and don’t want to deal with it – it’s my experience in watching that if people do nothing that the children continue to be tortured and abused.

Wayne Morris:

Do you think this ties in in a general sense with these groups that have been using mind control in their motivation towards more and more power and wealth? I could ask, “Don’t these old money power groups have enough money already?” What is motivating them to perpetuate these atrocities?

Brice Taylor:

What I saw from the inside sitting in a group of these men who were strategizing – it’s almost like some of these people are so unbalanced intellectually – certainly fuelled by whatever horrific abusive, unloving, uncaring systems they may have come from – that they view and believe very strongly in the intellect and not feelings or any kind of caring or love or anything like that. They more or less look at this as a game of their intellect – like a group of powerful men sitting in a room thinking up strategies of how they might be able to control the world and what benefits they might be able to have. From what I saw, it seemed like it was a big game to them and in fact they used with me – and part of my programming was a chess game where they used different pieces of that chess game to represent different world leaders and this was how the game was played, and it was all used in a very symbolic way. I believe these people are very intelligent and are able to strategize and come up with a plan but it’s almost as if the stakes have to get raised higher, just like in a poker game, of who could control who and how successful they would be in seeing how they could control the minds of the entire planet.

Wayne Morris:

I want to ask you if you are aware of any direct government ties to some of the satanic cults that seem to have proliferated across North America and a lot of survivors have come forward with their accounts of these cults. I suppose there are a lot of different levels there in terms of their involvement with the overall government mind control picture. I want to ask if you knew of any direct government ties to some of these cults.

Brice Taylor:

The government ties to the cults are the politicians that I believe have realized and are very aware that people in the cults, especially in the satanic cults where they are born and have multiple personality systems from the abuse in the family, are certainly prime candidates because of their dissociative abilities and inability to stay present in a unified, whole way with their minds to even know what’s going on. I believe that through the politicians and through the military – the bases were used with a lot of the equipment for the mind control and certainly used as a way to cover up these experiments by saying they were military projects. There is a base in California, Point Magoo Naval Base on the coast there, it was real close to my house where myself and my children reported. That base was until recently armed with a man with a gun in the tower. You want to ask people what – in my recovery I wanted to ask people, “why would you think that a military base here in California on the coast would need to have men with submachine guns standing up in the guard tower?” I believe that the military was used as a branch of the government in order to house these projects in a way they could be kept secret from the public and yet here the public is paying taxes and actually funding these research projects in ways that they have no idea where their money is going. People are only beginning to demand to know about these secret projects through the Freedom of Information Act. I think the government ties are very strong. There are certain individuals within the government who have certainly been a part of this New World Order plan. From what I saw with the presidents all being involved with their Masonic connections, and certainly some of them with higher Masonic connections than others. The mind control technology is hidden at the level of the 33 degree Masons. I believe this branches out to a lot of top hierarchy of a lot of organizations and not just the government – but also into the major corporations of the world where a lot of the corporate heads have been manipulated into this system. Where there is talent, money, power and control the secrecy has worked its way in.

Wayne Morris:

Do you have any inside information about their control over the media and connections there, in how they manipulate the media?

Brice Taylor:

Absolutely. I was amongst them when they were planning in the late 60’s and 70’s when they were planning strategies of how the information would go into the newspapers and I listened as they talked about some of the major families who owned some of the newspapers, and how through owning a lot of the major media, which I believe now is pretty complete if people were able to look back and trace the histories of a lot of the media, they would be able to see that this is all pretty much locked up and these things are censored when any of these subjects begin to work their way into the media. I know one intelligence officer told me there was a Russian intelligence officer who was being interviewed on television and they asked him a question and he said “the Americans have won the war of the mind” and they whisked him off the air and he never even showed back up – that was it – it never went any farther. I believe the media is in a large coverup right now and people are listening, and hearing a lot of stories that have been strategized in an attempt to have them believe what these people want them to believe instead of actually getting the truth of what has gone on.

Wayne Morris:

The media is currently creating a lot of furor over this latest Clinton scandal. I wondered if you could comment on that and if there is any indications that any of these women who are coming forward have been used like you have been?

Brice Taylor:

As a Presidential model, and speaking on behalf of other Presidential models and women I have spoken to within the last week or so – we all feel quite a victory that his reputation is being challenged – and that the truth is being brought forth. I would like to commend Paula Jones and even stand with her as knowing this is a reality, and this man needs to be stopped in his sexual perversions. I would say that personally for me, I was devastated when he was re-elected and I should and do try to remind myself all the time that the Presidents aren’t really elected but I think it is going to take the Americans of the world to take back this country, and to really research and find out what is going on and to stop it and to realize that our leaders, even if they are not in control with themselves, may have an agenda here that is not for the good of the whole.

Wayne Morris:

Do you think the scandal may have possibly been engineered against Clinton by another power group – with not good intentions either?

Brice Taylor:

I have no way of knowing that. I think this man has perpetrated more horror to women on this planet, as well as a lot of the violence that has gone on – that continuous attempts for it to be leaked out to alternative media sources and the American public still is so – I don’t know if they are so busy trying to earn a living for their families that they don’t have time to research what their leaders are doing. It seems like up until now people have been pretty shortsighted. There are and have to be good people within the White House and within the intelligence community who may not know what is going on, and don’t understand the mind control or the levels of how it has been used to manipulate and certainly may be behind some of these scandals, or allowing them to leak at least some of the truth to the press. I think it’s a wonderful thing that at least our President is being called into check about some of the allegations that are made repeatedly against him as far as his sexuality and adultery, and all the perversions that follow it.

Wayne Morris:

In your experience, is Clinton any different than any other presidents in that regard?

Brice Taylor:


Wayne Morris:

What do you feel is necessary to bring all of this into more public limelight to expose these atrocities?

Brice Taylor:

I think it is going to take a lot of education for people, and I think it is going to take the public waking up and coming out of denial about the level of evil that people are able to perpetrate on other people. I think people are going to need to take the survivor accounts into a belief arena in order to stop what has gone on because everybody is going to be a victim of this. Certainly the victims of mind control have suffered immensely through years of torture and trauma, but society also is a victim of this because until people are reintegrated and deprogrammed they are a threat to peace in society. As people well know, the programming that was done was not as effective and able to control people as they thought and as people break down their programming. It’s a problem for society as people become violent. We find children who are killing their parents; we find that behind that is satanic abuse but it’s not allowed into the court system and the reality of this has been covered up in so many different ways that the public isn’t getting the truth of what is really happening?

Wayne Morris:

What plans do you and other survivors have of bringing this into more of a public view?

Brice Taylor:

Well certainly Wayne, I speak out whenever I have a chance whether it be radio, tv, workshops, conferences – I speak out all over the nation and that is certainly one avenue of giving out information. Writing books, and I encourage other survivors to write what happened to them and get it out. I think that another Presidential Commission needs to be brought where a greater number of women are able to come forward with their stories to stand with Valerie Wolf and her survivor clients who were so courageous and stepped forward and opened the door on the mind control experiments. I think it is going to take a grassroots movement of women who have been through this to expose it and stop it. I think that will be a very powerful avenue.

Wayne Morris:

Brice, I would like to thank you very much for joining us in this radio series. I know it took a lot of courage to come forward as you have, and I wish you all the strength in your ongoing struggle to bring this to light.

Brice Taylor:

Thank you Wayne. I really appreciate the opportunity of sharing my story with you.

Here are some genuine Mk ultra victims court case, from early 90s These women have disappeared now.

Brice Taylor and Cathy O Brien are possibly frauds from the research i have done,the celebrity poster girls for Mkultra brought into distsract from the real ones.

You do not get out of this stuff whole as cathy o brien and brice taylor have done.

as a former victim of abuse with a dissociation disorder , that is what i strongly feel

Interview with Andy Pero,
Montauk ‘Superman’ Programming Victim

Andy Pero was unwillingly subjected to a mind control program off-shoot the Monarch Project-a trauma based mind control program similar to what Cathy O’ Brien describes in her autobiography by Mark Philips, “Tranceformation of America”.

Andy Pero claims to have been created through a combination of genetic manipulation, trauma based mind control and Silva Mind Control training resulting in superhuman feats and psionic abilities. In addition to this, Mr. Pero alleges to have been unwittingly used in covert assassinations as a Manchurian Candidate and also in missions connected to the Montauk Project, such as time travel.

Andy Pero first went public with his story in August of 1998 as a special guest of Preston Nichols while at a lecture series hosted by Bob Eure of Philadelphia, PA. I was so astounded with Andy’s testimony, that I interviewed him personally so that his story could be shared with readers of Unknown Magazine. For those who are unfamiliar with me, I have worked for ten years investigating and counseling UFO experiencers, abductees and occasionally survivors of various forms of anomalous trauma, such as ritual abuse and mind control. Because of my background in alien abductions, paranormal, the occult and anomalous trauma, I recognized Andy as an extraordinary survivor of trauma based mind control, one whose story should not remain hidden.

EL: Andy, where are you from originally and when did your training begin?

AP: I was born in Fallon, Nevada in November of 1969. My father was a Lieutenant Commander at the Fallon Naval Air Station in Nevada at the time. I believe my first experiences began by the time I was two and a half years old. At five years old my family lived in Munich, Germany and I remember attending two distinct Kindergarten classes, on in German that was located on or near McGraw Army Troop Army Base, and another Kindergarten in English.

I have flashback memories of torture sessions as early as age two where I was subjected to shock treatments with needles inserted in my ears and genitalia. What they (the controllers/handlers) do is use extreme trauma to separate the mind from the body. They do this to split the mind into several parts that can later be programmed to do things-like superhuman feats. Basically, they disconnect all of the normal human brain impulses, emotions and whatever is normally present, then reprogram in new ones. They do this to remove all fear, so that when they program in new abilities, you will not have the instinctual, “but I can’t, I’m afraid…” response. They program you to do, not think. In essence, they treat and program your mind as if it was a computer.

EL: Who are the people running these secret programs like the Monarch and Montauk Projects, and where do they conduct their activities?

AP: Our own government. One of my handlers-who tried to brainwash me into believing that he was my father–was basically a Nazi. I nicknamed him Adolph because he is very Aryan looking.

After WW2 many Nazi scientists were brought over to the US through our own Intelligence community who formerly worked in mind control research in the concentration camps. I believe they are a remnant of the Nazi party working in conjunction with different branches of the US government and the military.

Much of my training and torture sessions were done right at the University of Rochester, NY. They used to take me to a private room in the attic or top floor of the library. The big lab where I had most of the programming done to me was at the Rome National Air Base in Rome, NY. I have also been used in the Montauk chair while at Camp Hero, Montauk, L.I. and also in a chair in Atlanta, GA at Dobbins Air Force Base.

The Montauk facility located in Camp Hero, L.I. was reopened by the Department of the Navy and is active to this day.

Basically there are underground bases located across the country. Each one has a different function and specialty. There is a facility in Rochester, NY, Paramus, NJ, Dobbins Air Force Base in Atlanta, GA, Camp Hero in Montauk, L.I. and many others. In the Paramus, NJ facility is where they do the sex programming for many of the female agents. For the most part, 99% of them are involuntary sex agents and couriers who were raised in various mind control projects.

EL: What were some of the things the mind control programmers made you do?

AP: I remember my mother enrolling me in a Silva Mind Control course when I was ten. It is a type of self-hypnosis where you learn to go to different levels of your mind to do self-healing, relaxation, visualization, bending spoons with the power of your mind, things like that. This is also the time when I saw two peculiar military men, who would periodically visit me throughout my childhood, especially sporting events. I did exceptionally well at Silva Mind Control (and sports), so much so that the two military men approached me and said, “I hear you have some very special abilities. Someday you will work for us.” At the time I didn’t understand, but later the two men figured prominently in all the training I had up all the way through my college years. Of course I didn’t realize this until my memories came back. I did very well at sports and demonstrated a genius IQ, but I stuttered so badly until I was in my twenties, that everyone just thought I was a dumb jock. The stuttering was due to all the electroshock treatments.

I recall being subjected to electroshock numerous times, being placed in an enclosed water tank and told to breathe underwater. Consequently, I drowned several times and would revive because of my self-created healing pool in my mind. I learned to create my own mental laboratory through Silva Mind Control, replete with a super powerful healing pool that could heal any injury. I was forced to endure suffering beyond belief to accomplish superhuman feats of strength and survival.

EL: Tell me more about the various superhuman abilities you discovered you had.

AP: The trainers would put me into a trance whereby I’d be told I could jump off a ladder of minimal height. In my mind, I believed that I was only jumping off a footstool or a short ledge. In actuality, I was progressively led to jump higher and higher heights to the point of successfully jumping off buildings and even out of planes without a parachute.

When under mind control, I could do whatever I was instructed to do as long as I believed them. I would do 200 or more push ups in perfect form, sometimes as long as a half hour straight, or until I was told to stop. I weight lifted 545 lbs.on a barbell and squats while attending college and much more (500-1500 lb.) while I was under the mind control in the training laboratory not far from Rochester, NY.

In my jumps, it was as if I was falling like a cat, calm and cool with no fear, focusing like a laser only on the landing.

EL: Are there others like yourself who have had similar training and experiences?

AP: I think there are thousands of other children and people who are used and many end up missing. Many die in the process. They are considered expendable. The ones who can survive the most rigorous programming live on to become what are known as the Montauk boys. Duncan Cameron is such a person. In general, the boys and young men are trained to be couriers, assassins and super soldiers and even psychic killers. The women are mostly used as sex agents. Cathy O’ Brien’s story is an example.

EL: What kinds of special missions or time travel experiments do you remember taking part in?

AP: There were times I remember being at the small Rochester airport, being picked up in an F-16 fighter plane and ending up in some southwestern desert terrain either for special military training and obstacle courses or assassination missions. I remember seeing other men in black t-shirts and pants on the same training course at one time. Other times I found myself on some aircraft carrier out at sea. After the mission they would take me back and I would return to college after a couple of days or even hours not remembering what even happened. All of these missions were done between the time I was 15 years old and until 1988-1992 under deep hypnotic programming with the memories erased, until of some of my memories started to return.

I was also taught to handle various types of guns, loading, cleaning, special characteristics of each model and firing at exact targets repeatedly and perfectly without thinking, just doing.

EL: Tell me more about your involvement in the Montauk Project.

AP: I was involved in an off shoot of the Montauk Project called the Montauk chair. Basically the Montauk chair was developed to give the human and spirit a zero point of reference to facilitate time travel. What the chair essentially does is separate the mind from the body. The chair operator’s thoughts and vibrational energy is picked up by umbrella looking antennas above the chair, sent to a computer, over to a processor, then amplified several hundred times. The information is sent to a network of free energy crystals arranged in a circle. Then whatever thoughts were amplified, i.e., a time period, a wormhole would open up in the room. The wormhole was as large as 16-18 feet across and even large enough for a truck to go through.

In Camp Hero, Montauk, the location is the cross hairs of the earth’s biorhythms and is the point on earth where time travel is most easily accomplished when earth is the point of origin.

My part of the Montauk chair project was to use my focused visualization skills to think of specific time points in history that were assigned to me. The chair is connected to a sophisticated computer system and thought amplifier, such that when a thought or time period is visualized, the computer simulates a time portal based on that point in time. A series of time portals are done until a library of time periods and portals are accumulated.

The chair is also used to amplify extremely focused thoughts to create three-dimensional materializations based on the operators thoughts. Preston Nichols wrote several books on the Montauk Project and describes an incident in which Duncan Cameron created a monster while in the Montauk chair.

One such time travel mission was called Project Southern Cross. It was used to win WW2 in favor of the allies. What the US government did using time travel was to go back in time to the 1940’s to help us win the war. We would deliver communication devices, weapons and technologies made out of 1940’s parts. These would be delivered to the 1940’s along with a complete set of drawings on how to make them out of 1940’s parts. I took part in several of these deliveries, one time I was sent to Germany and another time to England. I was not allowed to speak to anyone, other than deliver my parcel and quickly return back to our time. And this was all done under deep hypnotic programming, so I didn’t have a lot of freedom to explore. I was gone no longer than two hours for the deliveries.

EL: Have you ever encountered any extraterrestrials or seen any aliens in any of your underground base memories?

AP: From what I understand the Department of the Navy made an agreement with the alien Greys to exchange technologies for human women and children to conduct horrific breeding experiments. This is what is going on right now in an underground base not far from Miami, Florida. One of my most disturbing memories is being escorted down a hallway in this underground lab and seeing cages of chickenwire fencing with women and children screaming for help. I have seen Grey aliens (the 4-foot tall ones with large black eyes) and also 7-foot tall reptilian beings in some of my experiences. I have been told that I have many children from alien breeding experiments. I have had abductions with the Greys also.

On one occasion I was introduced to a Reptilian being while in an underground base sometime in 1989-90. At first I saw a 7-foot tall human Ayran looking man. He walks towards me and I notice that his image phases out as if something interfered with an energy field. He does something to a device on his belt and tells me, “OK, I’ll show you.” He then pushes some button and then I see his image change into a 7-foot tall lizard like creature who looked like he weighed over 400 lb.

I was introduced to a group of beings that claimed to be a sub group of the Illuminati. They were made up of a group of about 40-50 men, all 6′ 2″ or taller, white, and of an indeterminate older age, averaging 70, but I suspect much older considering the technology they have access to. They convened in a boardroom that I believe was in an underground base, perhaps Camp Hero, Montauk. They sat around a large football shaped table made of wood. Each high backed chair had a light at the tip and each sitting had a TV type of screen and control panel that came out >from the table. There was a huge screen located in the front of the room as well. I have reason to believe that not all of the Illuminati are human, but in actuality are alien beings that appear to look human.

EL: Who or what groups do you think are running the show here in the US or even on Earth? How do the aliens fit into all of this?

AP: It is very complicated, but basically there are four main versions or groups of the New World Order, all with slightly varying agendas. The first group comprises the US and Western Europe (i.e., England, Germany, France and the US). The second group is Eastern Europe fused with Western Europe and the US. The third group is the countries of the Orient, and the fourth is the Middle Eastern-Saudia Arabian elements and all the oil money. There are also off world groups (aliens and future human Nazi’s types called Zardanians, Reptilians, Greys and Dracos) who also have a hand in the NWO plans. For the time being, the old money groups of Europe and England have teamed up with die hard Nazi factions, Jews and Americans forming the group that has been always been known as the Illuminati and affiliated secret societies. This large international group controls the media, police force, military, etc. The Illuminati is also part of the NWO plan, which includes members such as George Bush, Prince Charles and other high ranking people.

As for the aliens, I think most of the alien Greys are either under the authority of or in collaboration with the Reptilians, Dracos and the Illuminati, based on some of my experiences and memories that are still returning to me. Some Grey groups are in conflict with the Reptilian/Draco agenda and are doing their own thing (human/grey hybridization programs) so to speak. Their agenda gets into heavy spiritual matters having to do with acquiring an emotional body and an ability to ascend to higher dimensions. They are using humans to accomplish this via the human/alien hybrids. Humans have the key in terms of having a threefold essence or unity of being, physical, emotional and spiritual. Other aliens have lost this unity of being (because of the fall from grace), thus inhibiting them from ascending to higher dimensions, or evolving to higher levels. This gets back to the original Luciferic rebellion, fallen angels and the various conflicts between species.

EL: When did you start remembering your memories? How did or can you break the programming they install?

AP: Some of my first memories surfaced while I was living with a roommate in Atlanta, GA back in 1996. We went to the bowling alley and I saw a large sign in the shape of a man dressed like a Rhino advertising, “Bowl with Rhino balls.” This triggered me into remembering that “Rhino” is the name my Nazi handlers called me. My roommate overheard me say outloud, “I’m Rhino-they called me Rhino.” He got excited and immediately asked me, “Where did you hear that?” He had a grave look of concern on his face and kept questioning me. By his reaction, I realized later that all along he was one of my hired programmers and handlers. The initial triggered memory that surfaced was a flashback of me being electrocuted and shocked and screaming in pain in one of my numerous torture sessions.

Then after that first memory, other memories started leaking through. It was like my mind was dammed up and the subconscious memories were starting to leak through. My mind controller programmers deliberately built a wall around my memories so that I wouldn’t remember. When I started recalling bits and pieces, I’d write notes to myself and hide them. Then I’d find my notes, after I had forgotten everything because my roommate was catching on that I was remembering. So he would repeatedly put me in trances, erase my memories and I’d forget what I had just remembered. But then everything came crashing down, because I deliberately hid notes and pretended that I didn’t know to my roommate. I had thought he was a friend and it turned out he was just hired to be another controller and handler to keep me in the program.

I recall that in the past I did not even remember my dreams for ten years. But now things are coming back. I am working on purifying the body to help clear my mind and get my abilities back.

EL: How do they keep control overall these people who have been and are still in mind control projects?

AP: The essence of their control tactics is of splitting the mind at a young age. This entails a process of trauma, torture, degradation and humiliation of the subject. The process is different for each individual, but in essence they go to your subconscious mind and find out what the most personal parts of you are. Then they essentially use this against you to break you down and rip your mind apart. What happens is this: An individual who possesses special mental abilities is selected at a very young age. (Very often they are from military families or from multigenerational Satanic ritual abuse families-EL) Then they are subjected to various stages of terror and horror to begin to separate them from their own minds. It is a process of progressive dissociation and compartmentalization of the mind and personality.

They control your mind through various complicated hypnosis techniques and commands until they create the perfect Manchurian Candidate.(See The Greenbaum Speech by D.C. Hammond) They program you to do something, then erase the memory. Basically they program your mind as if it were a computer. Once they install the magic word, all they have to do is say it and you’re under their control. This happens from an early age so it is easier to control them if they are conditioned and dissociated into several personalities.

Another method of control is that they send in special people in your lives, handlers and controllers who pose as friends, teachers, “deprogrammers”, roommates, lovers, etc. who are actually operatives for the mind control projects. Some are sleeper operatives who don’t even know they are being used to a certain extent. It makes it hard to trust anyone at this point.

EL: Is there anything else you can say about these projects or advice to others who have gone through similar experiences, like how they can be set free from its influence?

AP: For those who want to get out of the influence of the programs of mind control, you must have a strong fighting instinct to do what is right regardless of what others are doing. Your only cage is the one you build for yourself. You must connect with your highest self to break the evil that is all around us, and not succumb to doing evil just because everyone else is doing it. Retain your fundamental sense of right and wrong.

It all goes back to the basic conflict basic good and evil. It is like the dark forces in power of the planet at this time are trying to cheat their way into heaven or higher dimensions.

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