Appendix 73: Nick Bostrom (Oxford University Professor) Describes Our Orwellian-Totalitarian Future Under Global Government and Mass Surveillance (Trunews; 4/19)
New World Order
Articles & Interviews
Part IV: The (Jewish) “Controllers” and Their Destructive Mission
February 8, 2025Part VI: Mind Control: History and Applications
February 3, 2025Appendix 1: Crestone/Baca “Group Dynamics” (2006-2008)
December 27, 2024Books and pdfs by Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist
October 7, 2024“PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order:” Dr. Robert Malone Lecture
September 17, 2024Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 2024Hello
July 9, 2024Gray State (film)
February 19, 2024Appendix 36: Is Colorado the Future Capital of the New World Order?
February 9, 2024Appendix 42. Psychological Operations Blueprint (by Omnisense)
January 26, 2024Appendix 243: DARPA’s Brain Initiative videos
December 7, 2023Appendix 63: NASA’s Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast- 1994
November 1, 2023Appendix 64: The Unified Conspiracy Theory; The Greatest Hoax
November 1, 2023Appendix 66: The Zionist Jew World Order
October 31, 2023The Intra-Body Nano-Network Compilation (Sept. 5, 2023 video)
October 27, 2023Cognitive Warfare June-November, 2020 Francois du Cluzel
March 16, 2023Appendix 148: Kabbalah, Satanic Jewish Black Magic, & Freemasonry
November 24, 2022Appendix 214: Gray State (Movie)
November 26, 2021Timeline of United States Military Operations
December 25, 2020New World Order: UN Agenda 21/2030 Mission Goals
December 19, 2020The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism (Henry Makow, Ph.D.)
November 27, 2020(Choose) Freedom In Christ
October 18, 2020Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
September 19, 2020Are Lawyers Patenting TI’s DNA?
March 30, 2020Some Appropriate Graphics For Covid 19(84) & 5G N(J)ew World Order
February 28, 2020Who Are “They?”… Their Statements Say…. Starts with J….
November 18, 2018USA Freedom Act (2015 Update of USA PATRIOT ACT)
November 9, 2018You Are The Enemy (by Preston James of Veterans Today, 2014)
September 25, 2018The Unified Conspiracy Theory
May 19, 2018Terrorism and War (Dr. E. Karlstrom Lecture Notes, ca. 2000)
March 17, 2018Post-WWII U.S. undeclared and/or secret wars and “war triggers”
January 20, 2018Truth In Quotes and Images: Freedom Fighters Help Yourselves
January 5, 2018Trump’s ‘Jew-nited States of Israel’ (Icke Commentary)
January 5, 2018Chabadniks and Zionists are 9/11 “perpetraitors”
November 26, 2017Dr. Eric Karlstrom: Global Warming (Hoax) is Politics Not Science
November 7, 2017(Jewish) Protocols Explain Almost Everything: Author Hugh Akins Explains
September 27, 2017USAF Squadrons & Satellite Weapons
June 19, 2017Trump is Puppet of Zionist Jews (youtube)
December 6, 2016Synonyms and Fronts for the NWO
February 19, 2016Total Individual Control Technology (by Omnisense)
February 17, 2016The United Nations and Planned World Government (from De Ruiter, 2015)
February 15, 2016Techniques and Strategies of the New World Order
January 23, 2016The Illuminati, Skull and Bones & “The Plan”
January 11, 2016YOU are THE ENEMY by Preston James, Ph.D. (Veterans Today, 2014)
November 27, 2015Secret Records Revealed Highlights
November 25, 2015Appendix 5: Maurice Strong: Godfather of Crestone/Baca
January 24, 2015Introduction to Terrorism: Theirs and Ours
January 21, 2015Post-WWII American War Crimes
January 21, 2015“The Zionist/Jewish-Controlled Media is Public Enemy Number One”
January 21, 2015Oil politics 101
February 28, 2014Merry Christmas, and OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!
February 28, 2014Eco-Politics and Economics
February 28, 2014Alan Watt, Researcher
February 28, 2014Charlotte Iserbyt, Author
February 27, 2014John Taylor Gatto, Author
February 26, 2014Scientific evidence exposes chemtrail spraying as crime against humanity
February 25, 2014Social Engineering 101: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (Against Humanity)
February 25, 2014Dr. Steve Filling
February 25, 2014Jewish “global lies” are collapsing (National Journal, 2011)
February 24, 2014Organized Gang Stalking Quotes
February 23, 2014“Ted Talk Futurist: Global Governance and Surveillance Necessary to Save Civilization” (; Apr 26)
Today on TRUNEWS we discuss the Orwellian vision an Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom has for the world, including freedom shock collars, patriot centers, and death drones shooting hearts. We detail his plan, which includes digital state-sponsored voyeurism, AI kill bot enforcers, and a global government the likes of which the world has never seen before. Join Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey, and Matt Skow for 90 minutes of uncensored news, analysis, and commentary. Air date: 4/26/2019
Highlights from discussion which begins at 45:50:
“Nick Bostrom of Oxford University is the author of a 2018 white paper entitled “Super-intelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies”
His ideas are the inspiration for Elon Musk’s ventures, especially Space-X and Tesla, and Bill Gates.
Bostrom is a Swedish philosopher and author of the “Vulnerable World Hypothesis.” He concludes that to prevent a future wrong choice made by mankind that could result in global catastrophe, there are two main solutions: global government and total mass surveillance of the entire human race. All humans would have to be tagged with “Freedom Tags” which would feed encrypted audio and video of their behavior and speech continually (24/7) to “Patriot Monitoring Stations” aka “Freedom Centers” where AI would monitor the data coming in from every human being on the planet.
Then, Freedom Center officers would respond to any human who gets outside the confines of accepted behavior. They would send out drones with AI-empowered facial recognition capabilities and the wayward individuals would be put in prison or taken out of society.
Zionism could be the controlling force to this. Based on current developments, it’s very easy to visualize such a system being controlled out of Tel Aviv, Israel.
Rick Wiles: “How do you tell these freaks to go away and leave us alone? Why are these people determined to impose upon humanity their utopian nightmare?”
These freedom tags may look like a collar that goes around your neck. Your “Freedom Collar” is your new yoke. It could broadcast every word you speak. And it can also receive signals from the Freedom Centers, so that you’ll be forced to think what the Freedom Center tells you to think. It could broadcast its thoughts and instructions directly to you. And the collar could administer electric shocks to you if your thoughts, speech, and/or behavior are not acceptable to them.
Right now, the technology is in place whereby your thought patterns can be converted into speech. So this is the kind of system they want to build in the future.
Every person will be numbered with UDI (Universal Digital Identity). They are scanning everyone- biometric information is being accumulated right now.
These are the kinds of ideas that come out of the RAND Corporation, a government-sponsored think tank which has been around since the late 1940s or 1950s.”
Nick Bostrom (Wikipedia):
Nick Bostrom (/ˈbɒstrəm/; Swedish: Niklas Boström [²buːstrœm]; born 10 March 1973)[3] is a Swedish philosopher at the University of Oxford known for his work on existential risk, the anthropic principle, human enhancement ethics, superintelligence risks, and the reversal test. In 2011, he founded the Oxford Martin Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology,[4] and is the founding director of the Future of Humanity Institute[5] at Oxford University.
Bostrom is the author of over 200 publications,[6] including Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies (2014), a New York Times bestseller[7] and Anthropic Bias: Observation Selection Effects in Science and Philosophy (2002).[8] In 2009 and 2015, he was included in Foreign Policy’s Top 100 Global Thinkers list.[9][10] Bostrom believes there are potentially great benefits from Artificial General Intelligence, but warns it might very quickly transform into a superintelligence that would deliberately extinguish humanity out of precautionary self-preservation or some unfathomable motive, making solving the problems of control beforehand an absolute priority. His book on superintelligence was recommended by both Elon Musk and Bill Gates. However, Bostrom has expressed frustration that the reaction to its thesis typically falls into two camps, one calling his recommendations absurdly alarmist because creation of superintelligence is unfeasible, and the other deeming them futile because superintelligence would be uncontrollable. Bostrom notes that both these lines of reasoning converge on inaction rather than trying to solve the control problem while there may still be time.
Webmaster (ETK) Comment: In this April 26, 2019 Trunews broadcast, Rick Wiles and the Trunews team discuss the vision of the future presented by futurist and Oxford professor, Nick Bostrom, in a recent Ted Talk. Bostrom is trying to solve “the control problem,” and the terms and concepts he uses are Orwellian in the extreme. Today’s “Fusion Centers” apparently, would be re-named “Patriotic Monitoring Centers” aka “Freedom Centers.” Global government, run by AI (artificial intelligence), would collect all data on everyone and send killer drones to dispose of those deemed guilty of committing thought crimes or inappropriate activities. Unfortunately, in this vision of Satan’s impending AI-driven totalitarian world government, clearly being promoted, pursued, and brought about by the global elite, humanity is completely subjugated and reduced to slave status.
In this dicussion, we are reminded that the British are prominent, perhaps even preeminent, among our would-be slave-masters. Certainly, our Founding Fathers understood this well.
The following (from Jonathan Williams: Legions of Satan (1781)) gives an idea of the long-standing British-Jewish commitment to “control” everyone.
“Jonathan Williams recorded in his “Legions of Satan” (1781) that General Cornwallis revealed to General Washington during the signing of the Article of Capitulation signed by Cornwallis at Yorktown that:
“A holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown.”
Cornwallis went on to explain what would seem to be a self contradiction,
“Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for Divine World Government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.”
It is certain that Senator Joseph McCarthy did much research on the Communist conspiracy. He came too close when he discovered British Israel and its Kingdom Message propaganda. The following quotes are from an article with the title:
“And many of the people of the land became Jews. Esther 9:17. The confession of General Cornwallis to General Washington at Yorktown has been well hidden by historians. History books and text books have taught for years that when Cornwallis surrendered his army to General Washington that American independence came, and we lived happily ever after until the tribulations of the twentieth century. Jonathan Williams recorded in his LEGIONS OF SATAN, 1781, that Cornwallis revealed to Washington that:
“a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown.”
Cornwallis went on to explain what would seem to be a self contradiction:
“Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.”
And indeed George Washington himself was a Mason, and he gave back through a false religion what he had won with his army.
Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was only the beginning of world catastrophe that would be universal and that unrest would continue until mind control could be accomplished through a false religion. What he predicted has come to pass. A brief sketch of American religious history and we have seen Masonry infused into every church in America with their veiled Phallic religion. (John Nelson) Darby and the Plymouth Brethren brought a Jewish Christianity to America. Masons Rutherford and Russell started Jehovah Witnesses’ Judaism which is now worldwide with their message of the divine kingdom. Mason Joseph Smith started Mormon Judaism with its Jewish teaching of millennialism.
At the turn of the twentieth century there appeared the Scofield Bible with a Jewish interpretation of the prophecies. With wide use of this “helpful” aid, all the American churches have silently become synagogues. We now have Baptist Jews, Methodist Jews, Church of God Jews, apostate Catholic Jews, and many Protestant Jews throughout America. We are aliens in our own country because of false religion. All are praying for divine deliverance into that “Divine Government” which Cornwallis knew to be the British Empire.
A false religion has been used to deceive us into allegiance to our enemies of Yorktown and Bunker Hill. No! Not a gun has been fired but the invisible and malignant process of conquering America with the Jew’s religion has gone on unabated. The Union Jack has been planted in our hearts with religious deception. All has happened “legally,” “constitutionally,” “freely” and completely within our most sacred trust — our churches.
Religious deception is painless innoculation against truth. It cannot be removed from the conscience with surgery, yet it is the motivator of our actions and directly controls our lives. Once man gives over to false religion, he is no longer rational because he originates no thought. His life is controlled by whomever controls his religion. The veil of false religion is the sword of Damocles and its power to control humanity defies even the imagination of tyrants who use it.
This is not to say that George Washington was a traitor willingly, or knowingly. He was beguiled into a Satanic religious order that insidiously controls men’s minds. So have American statesmen and military leaders down through the years given aid and allegiance to the enemies of the United States because they did not have knowledge of the invisible subterfuge that stalks this land. My eyes were opened the day my colleague from Ohio handed me Wagner’s FREEMASONRY AN INTERPRETATION. If every American would read it, they would no longer ask why and how it has happened.”
Given by Senator Joseph McCarthy, six months before his mouth was closed forever. Born: 14 November 1908 Died: 2 May 1957(
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