The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
Appendix 87: I. The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism, II. Judaism is the Template for the NWO; III. Russian Jews Felt Entitled to Goy Property; by Henry Makow, Ph.D.
New World Order
Articles & Interviews
Part IV: The (Jewish) “Controllers” and Their Destructive Mission
February 3, 2025Part VI: Mind Control: History and Applications
January 26, 2025Appendix 1: Crestone/Baca “Group Dynamics” (2006-2008)
December 21, 2024Books and pdfs by Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist
October 7, 2024“PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order:” Dr. Robert Malone Lecture
September 17, 2024Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 2024Hello
July 9, 2024Gray State (film)
February 19, 2024Appendix 36: Is Colorado the Future Capital of the New World Order?
February 9, 2024Appendix 42. Psychological Operations Blueprint (by Omnisense)
December 18, 2023Appendix 243: DARPA’s Brain Initiative videos
December 7, 2023Appendix 63: NASA’s Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast- 1994
November 1, 2023Appendix 64: The Unified Conspiracy Theory; The Greatest Hoax
October 31, 2023The Intra-Body Nano-Network Compilation (Sept. 5, 2023 video)
October 27, 2023Appendix 66: The Zionist Jew World Order
October 4, 2023Cognitive Warfare June-November, 2020 Francois du Cluzel
March 16, 2023Appendix 148: Kabbalah, Satanic Jewish Black Magic, & Freemasonry
November 23, 2022Appendix 214: Gray State (Movie)
October 9, 2021Timeline of United States Military Operations
December 25, 2020New World Order: UN Agenda 21/2030 Mission Goals
December 19, 2020The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism (Henry Makow, Ph.D.)
November 27, 2020(Choose) Freedom In Christ
October 18, 2020Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
September 19, 2020Are Lawyers Patenting TI’s DNA?
March 30, 2020Some Appropriate Graphics For Covid 19(84) & 5G N(J)ew World Order
February 28, 2020Who Are “They?”… Their Statements Say…. Starts with J….
November 18, 2018USA Freedom Act (2015 Update of USA PATRIOT ACT)
November 9, 2018You Are The Enemy (by Preston James of Veterans Today, 2014)
September 25, 2018The Unified Conspiracy Theory
May 19, 2018Terrorism and War (Dr. E. Karlstrom Lecture Notes, ca. 2000)
March 17, 2018Post-WWII U.S. undeclared and/or secret wars and “war triggers”
January 20, 2018Truth In Quotes and Images: Freedom Fighters Help Yourselves
January 5, 2018Trump’s ‘Jew-nited States of Israel’ (Icke Commentary)
January 5, 2018Chabadniks and Zionists are 9/11 “perpetraitors”
November 26, 2017Dr. Eric Karlstrom: Global Warming (Hoax) is Politics Not Science
November 7, 2017(Jewish) Protocols Explain Almost Everything: Author Hugh Akins Explains
September 27, 2017USAF Squadrons & Satellite Weapons
June 19, 2017Trump is Puppet of Zionist Jews (youtube)
December 6, 2016Synonyms and Fronts for the NWO
February 19, 2016Total Individual Control Technology (by Omnisense)
February 17, 2016The United Nations and Planned World Government (from De Ruiter, 2015)
February 15, 2016Techniques and Strategies of the New World Order
January 23, 2016The Illuminati, Skull and Bones & “The Plan”
January 11, 2016YOU are THE ENEMY by Preston James, Ph.D. (Veterans Today, 2014)
November 27, 2015Secret Records Revealed Highlights
November 25, 2015Appendix 5: Maurice Strong: Godfather of Crestone/Baca
January 24, 2015Introduction to Terrorism: Theirs and Ours
January 21, 2015Post-WWII American War Crimes
January 21, 2015“The Zionist/Jewish-Controlled Media is Public Enemy Number One”
January 21, 2015Oil politics 101
February 28, 2014Merry Christmas, and OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!
February 28, 2014Eco-Politics and Economics
February 28, 2014Alan Watt, Researcher
February 28, 2014Charlotte Iserbyt, Author
February 27, 2014John Taylor Gatto, Author
February 26, 2014Scientific evidence exposes chemtrail spraying as crime against humanity
February 25, 2014Social Engineering 101: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (Against Humanity)
February 25, 2014Dr. Steve Filling
February 25, 2014Jewish “global lies” are collapsing (National Journal, 2011)
February 24, 2014Organized Gang Stalking Quotes
February 23, 2014Webmaster’s Introduction: These three articles by Henry Makow, Ph.D., who is Jewish himself, explain the hidden dynamics behind the New World Over takeover AND the infiltration and co-option of Crestone/Baca, Colorado as a UK-US-UN Deep-State intelligence operation. This helps explain why and how British and American intelligence operatives AND Jews have formed a network that controls Crestone/Baca, Saguache County, Colorado, America, and now the world under their Jewish-Masonic World Order. The “Global Network” (aka NSA Global Spy Network and Transnational Military Dictatorship) is THEIR pawn. Their goal is the goal of UN Agenda 2021/2030 and Jewish Universal Empire, (i.e., Jewish Utiopia, Pax Judaica, Tikkun Olam, Hebrew for”reinvention of the world”):
1. total control and confiscation of all the wealth of the world,
2. murder and/or enslavement of all gentiles,
3. transhumanism-life extension-immortality for themselves.
These are the stories behind the stories behind the stories behind the stories.
I. The “Jewish” Conspiracy is British Imperialism
Henry Makow, Ph.D., March 29, 2017
The “Jewish” Conspiracy is British Imperialism
The Masonic Jewish owners of the central banks
are behind all imperialism, including the colonization
of humanity. The “New World Order” is an extension
of British and American imperialism which are proxies
for Masonic Jewish mercantilism.
Updated from May 30, 2004
by Henry Makow.Ph.D
Conspiracy theorists believe modern history reflects a long-term conspiracy by an international financial elite to enslave humanity.
Like blind men examining an elephant, we attribute this conspiracy to Jews, Illuminati, Vatican, Jesuits, Freemasons, Black Nobility, and Bildersbergs etc.
The real villains are at the heart of our economic and cultural life. They are the dynastic families who own the Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve and all central banks and associated cartels. They also control the World Bank and IMF and most of the world’s Intelligence agencies. Their identity is secret but Rothschild is certainly one of them. The Bank of England was “nationalized” in 1946 but the power to create money remained in the same hands.
England is in fact a financial oligarchy run by the “Crown” which refers to the “City of London” not the Queen. The City of London is run by the Bank of England, a private corporation. The square-mile-large City is a sovereign state located in the heart of greater London. As the “Vatican of the financial world,” the City is not subject to British law.
On the contrary, the bankers dictate to the British Parliament. In 1886, Andrew Carnegie wrote that, “six or seven men can plunge the nation into war without consulting Parliament at all.” Vincent Vickers, a director of the Bank of England from 1910-1919 blamed the City for the wars of the world. (“Economic Tribulation” (1940) cited in Knuth, The Empire of the City, 1943, p 60)
The British Empire was an extension of bankers’ financial interests. Indeed, all the non-white colonies (India, Hong Kong, Gibraltar) were “Crown Colonies.” They belonged to the City and were not subject to British law although Englishmen were expected to conquer and pay for them.
The Bank of England assumed control of the U.S. during the T.R. Roosevelt administration (1901-1909) when its agent J.P. Morgan took over 25% of American business. (Anton Chaitkin, Treason in America, 1964)
The_Empire_Needs_Men_WWI (1).jpg
According to the “American Almanac,” the bankers are part of a network called the “Club of the Isles” which is an informal association of predominantly European-based royal households including the Queen. The Club of the Isles commands an estimated $10 trillion in assets. It lords over such corporate giants as Royal Dutch Shell, Imperial Chemical Industries, Lloyds of London, Unilever, Lonrho, Rio Tinto Zinc, and Anglo American DeBeers. It dominates the world supply of petroleum, gold, diamonds, and many other vital raw materials; and deploys these assets at the disposal of its geopolitical agenda.
Historian Jeffrey Steinberg could be referring to the West in general when he writes, “England, Scotland, Wales, and, especially, Northern Ireland, are today little more than slave plantations and social engineering laboratories, serving the needs of …the City of London…”
These families constitute a financier oligarchy; they are the power behind the Windsor throne. They view themselves as the heirs to the Venetian oligarchy, which infiltrated and subverted England from the period 1509-1715, and established a new, more virulent, Anglo-Dutch-Swiss strain of the oligarchic system of imperial Babylon, Persia, Rome, and Byzantium….
The City of London dominates the world’s speculative markets. A tightly interlocking group of corporations, involved in raw materials extraction, finance, insurance, transportation, and food production, controls the lion’s share of the world market, and exerts virtual “choke point” control over world industry.”
Steinberg belongs to a group of historians associated with economist Lyndon Larouche. They have traced this scourge to the migration of the Venetian mercantile oligarchy to England more than 300 years ago.
Although the Larouche historians do not say so, it appears that many members of this oligarchy were Jews. Cecil Roth writes: “The trade of Venice was overwhelmingly concentrated in the hands of the Jews, the wealthiest of the mercantile class.” (The History of the Jews in Venice, 1930)
As William Guy Carr points out in Pawns in the Game, both Oliver Cromwell and William of Orange were funded by Jewish bankers. The English Revolution (1649) was the first in a series of revolutions designed to give them world hegemony. The establishment of the Bank of England by William in 1694 was the next crucial step. Behind the facade, England has been a “Jewish” state for over 300 years. (pp.20-24)
The Jewish banking families made it a practice to marry their female offspring to spendthrift European aristocrats. In Jewish law, the mixed offspring of a Jewish mother is Jewish. (The male heirs marry Jews although the Victor and Jacob Rothschild are exceptions .) For example, in 1878 Hannah Rothschild married Lord Rosebery. who later became Prime Minister. In 1922 Louis Mountbatten, the uncle of Prince Philip and cousin of the Queen married the granddaughter of Jewish banker Ernest Cassel, one of the wealthiest men in the world. Winston Churchill’s mother, Jenny (Jacobson) Jerome, was Jewish. By the beginning of the 1900s, there were very few English aristocrat families left that hadn’t intermarried with Jews. It was said that, when they visited the Continent, Europeans were surprised to see Jewish looking persons with English titles and accents.
Tales.jpgAccording to L.G. Pine, the Editor of Burke’s Peerage , Jews “have made themselves so closely connected with the British peerage that the two classes are unlikely to suffer loss which is not mutual. So closely linked are the Jews and the lords that a blow against the Jews in this country would not be possible without injuring the aristocracy also.” (Tales of the British Aristocracy1957, p.219.)
If they aren’t Jewish by intermarriage, many European aristocrats consider themselves descendants of Biblical Hebrews. The Hapsburgs are related by marriage to the Merovingians who claim to be descendants of the Tribe of Benjamin.
In addition, many aristocrats belong to the “British Israel” Movement that believes the British sovereign is the head of the Anglo Saxon “Lost Tribes” of Israel and that the Apocalypse will see the full reconstitution of the British Empire.
According to Barbara Aho, Rosicrucians and Freemasons, who believe in British Israelism, have a plan to place one of their bloodline on the throne of the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. This positioning of a false messiah whom the world will worship as Christ has been carefully planned and executed over many centuries.
According to Barry Chamish, “there would be no modern state of Israel without British Freemasonry. In the 1860s, the British-Israelite movement was initiated from within Freemasonry. Its goal was to establish a Jewish-Masonic state in the Turkish province of Palestine…Initially, British Jewish Masonic families like the Rothschilds and Montefiores provided the capital to build the infrastructure for the anticipated wave of immigration. However, luring the Jews to Israel was proving difficult. They, simply, liked European life too much to abandon it. So Europe was to be turned into a nightmare for the Jews.”
I wasted much of my life getting a conventional education, so I am beginning my education anew.
It appears that a vampire-like clique directs the world. This secretive cabal is represented by our dominant political, economic and cultural institutions. Western society has been subverted and western culture is bankrupt. Democracy is a form of social control and the mass media/ education are systems for indoctrination.
Essentially the problem boils down to whether we believe man was made in God’s image and has an obligation to lift himself to a higher level of truth, beauty and justice. Naturally monopolists want to define reality to suit their own interests. They have taught us that God is dead and man is just a fancy animal without a divine soul. Culture today tends to deny standards, ideals and goals of any kind. Instead, we are fed an endless diet of sawdust – trivia, nihilism and depravity.
See also my “Winston Churchill, Illuminati”
See also my “The Riddle of Anti Semitism”
See also my “Is the New World Order Jewish?”
HG Wells’ “The world state as extension of British Empire”
A History of Jewish Power in England
See also The Bnai Brith as British Imperialist Asset
II. Judaism is the Template for the NWO
January 22, 2019
Where does the desire to exploit and enslave others come from?
The book, “Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3000 Years,” by Israel Shahak provides the answer:
Cabalist Judaism has always been a totalitarian satanic cult. The essence of a satanic cult is to control/exploit its own members.
First Jews, then Freemasons and now society as a whole has been inducted into this satanic cult. We’re all becoming Jews. This process requires race, gender (family), religious and national identity to be dissolved. Along with its Freemasonic proxy, Cabalist Judaism actually engages in pedophilia, incest & the ritual sacrifice of children.
This is why our political & cultural leaders are degenerates, our children are groomed in “sex ed” courses, and Evangelical Christian sects are secretly Satanic and dedicated to “Israel.”
Although most Jews/Masons are unaware of this satanic conspiracy, this is the real reason for antisemitism.
Humanity is held in thrall by a fiendishly evil force.
“Some may call it Communism, but I call it what it is: Judaism.” Rabbi Stephen Weiss.
“Anti-Communism is Antisemitism.” Jewish Voice, July – August 1941.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
(Slightly revised from Jan 15, 2016)
Thanks to Edward Snowden, we learned that the NSA is monitoring our every word. Since most terrorism is state-sponsored, security is a pretext for invading our civil rights and collecting blackmail material.
Where does this drive to control and exploit others originate?
Israel Shahak’s book, Jewish History, Jewish Religion (1986) provides the answer. From the second century until roughly the eighteenth, Jews were under the heel of their rabbis and wealthy leaders. They were a “closed society… one of the most totalitarian societies in the whole history of mankind.” (14-15)
This is the template behind the NWO; only now everyone, not just Jews are being enslaved.
Since the late Roman Empire, Judaism was enforced by physical coercion. Rabbinical Courts ordered fines, flogging, imprisonment and even death for Jews breaking any of the hundreds of laws governing every aspect of daily life.
“Jewish women who cohabited with Gentiles had their noses cut off by rabbis…In religious disputes, those considered heretics had their tongues cut out.”
The rabbis and rich Jews were in alliance with the Gentile aristocracy who enforced this tyranny and shared in the spoils. They were aligned against poor Jews and peasants alike. The rich Jews always flourished in oppressive feudal regimes because, as bureaucrats, bailiffs and tax farmers, they “mediated the oppression” of the peasants.
According to Shahak, classical Judaism is inspired by the image of Sparta as it appears in Plato’s Laws 942.
Judaism adopted the objectives Plato described in the following passage. (Shahak, p.13)
The principal thing is that no one, man or woman, should ever be without an officer set over him, and that no one should get the mental habit of taking any step, whether in earnest or in jest, on his individual responsibility. In peace as in war, he must always live with his eyes on his superior officer…In a word, we must train the mind to not even consider acting as an individual or know how to do it.
israel_shahak1.jpg(left, Israel Shahak, 1933-2001)
Shahak says the words “rabbi” and “officer” are interchangeable. In Communism, the sons of rabbis built a new worldly religion that mirrored the fanaticism and oppression of classical Judaism.
After visiting Bolshevik Russia in 1920, Bertrand Russell wrote to Lady Ottoline Morrell: “Bolshevism is a closed tyrannical bureaucracy, with a spy system more elaborate and terrible than the Tsar’s, and an aristocracy as insolent and unfeeling, composed of Americanized Jews. No vestige of liberty remains, in thought or speech or action.” (The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, paperback ed. 354)
Shahak says Israel too is a “closed society” frankly dedicated to Jewish supremacy and hatred of non-Jews. Jewish culture evinces little honest self-examination lest Judaism’s true malevolent character be exposed. Shahak writes:
“Classical Judaism had little interest in describing or explaining itself to its own members … The first book on Jewish history proper (dealing with ancient history) was promptly banned and repressed by the highest rabbinical authorities… As a consequence, 200 years ago, the vast majority of Jews were totally in the dark about … Jewish history and Jewry’s contemporary state; and they were quite content to remain so….Jewish studies are polemics against an external enemy rather than an internal debate…When a whole society tries to return to totalitarianism, a totalitarian history is written.” (p. 20-22)
Similarly, the West is returning to this Jewish model of totalitarianism. Mainstream discourse is tightly controlled. Pundits who stray from the party line are fired or forced to atone. We have become Jews under the yoke of Judaism (i.e. Communism.)
Illuminati insider Christian Rakowski said the illuminati bankers created the Communist state as a “machine of total power” unprecedented in history.
In the past, due to many factors, “there was always room for individual freedom. Do you understand that those who already partially rule over nations and worldly governments have pretensions to absolute domination? Understand that this is the only thing which they have not yet reached.”
Judaism is concerned with meaningless observances and legalities rather than morality or faith. The Talmud regulates “every aspect of Jewish life, both individual and social…with sanctions and punishments provided for every conceivable …infringement of the rules.” (Shahak, p. 40)
Far from being monotheistic, the Old Testament implies the existence of many Gods, and the Jewish Cabala includes many prayers and duties designed to propitiate Satan. Other reasons for saying the Cabala is satanic are found here and also here.
Communism is devoted to concentrating all wealth and power in the hands of the central banking cartel (the Rothschilds and their allies) by disguising it as State power.
The central banking cartel is the ultimate monopoly. It has an almost global monopoly over government credit. Its goal is to translate this into a monopoly over everything — political, cultural, economic and spiritual. One world government = Rothschild monopoly = Communism.
Communism is really monopoly capitalism. The Illuminati own orcontrol everything.
Unknown to most Jews and Gentiles, Judaism is not the Old Testament religion people think it is. Every satanic cult has a cover. Like its manifestations — Communism, Zionism and Freemasonry– it is based on the Talmud and Cabala, which seek to supplant God and redefine reality. The Cabala reinterprets and contradicts the Old Testament. Only the “initiates” are privy to this secret.
As banker Otto Kahn put it, the Jewish leadership plot to become God and “remake the world.” “We shall purify the idea [of God] by identifying it with the nation of Israel, which has become its own Messiah. The advent of it will be facilitated by the final triumph of Israel… ”
The New World Order is about inducting humanity into Cabala Judaism, which is Satanism disguised as “secularism.” Here are ten examples of this satanic possession. A satanic cult is the template governing change. It is the explanation for the invasion of privacy by the NSA, and the creation of a false reality which includes staged “massacres” aimed at disarming the people.
Organized Jewry is a Trojan Horse for this agenda, but thanks to Freemasonry, most other governments, religions and organizations have also been subverted. Anti Semitism is a red herring designed to deflect blame from the Illuminati bankers and high ranking Freemason onto innocent Jews. Most everyone today is duped, manipulated and compromised.
For most of their history, Jews were held in mental and physical bondage by Judaism. The NWO is a recrudescence of this satanic feudal tyranny not only for Jews but for humanity as a whole.
In Shahak’s words: “Israel and Zionism are a throw-back to the role of classical Judaism, writ large on a global scale…The road to genuine revolution in Judaism–to making it humane, allowing Jews to understand their own past, thereby re-educating themselves out of its tyranny– lies through an unrelenting critique of the Jewish religion.” p. 74
You can find this article permanently at
Related – The God of Cabala
Otto Kahn’s sentiment that rich Jews “have become their own Messiah” is echoed in a famous letter from Baruch Levy to Karl Marx quoted in “Review de Paris,” June 1, 1928. It also shows how Socialism and especially Communism were just devices to usurp power and property.
“The Jewish people taken collectively will be its own Messiah. His reign over the Universe will be obtained by the unification of the human races and through the elimination of frontiers.
A Universal Republic will come into being in which the Sons of Israel will become the directing element. We know how to dominate the Masses. The governments of all nations will gradually fall, through victory of the proletariat, into the hands of Judah.
All private property will become the possession of the princes of Israel-they will own the wealth of all lands. Thus will be realized the promise of the Talmud that when the time of the Messiah comes the Jews will hold under their keys the property of all the peoples of the world.”
(See, “Communism, a Ruse for Illuminati Jewish Theft and Murder”)
III. Russian Jews Felt Entitled to Goy Property
January 8, 2019
In the 19th Century, Russian Jews followed the Talmudic prescription that Gentile property is a “free-for-all” for Jews who, for a fee, are pre-authorized by the town council (“The Kahal”) to finagle it.
“The possessions of the goyim are like an ownerless desert, and everybody [every Jew] who seizes it, has acquired it.” – Babylonian Talmud, IV/3/54b
“Our goal is to gradually absorb the wealth of the world.” – Cecil Rhodes, a Freemason.
In the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” (17) this passage occurs: “Even now our brothers are under obligation to denounce apostates of their own family or any person known to be opposed to the Kahal. When our kingdom comes, it will be necessary for all subjects to serve the state in a similar manner.” Is the Jewish “Kahal” the Modern “Soviet”? ‘The International Jew’, Chapter 15.
“The word Kahal is Kehillah in Hebrew. It is the local branch of the Sanhedrin in every community where Jews live, through which they are controlled without their knowledge. ” Henry Klein, A Jew Exposes the World Jewish Conspiracy, p. 7
Communism was/is simply a mask for the confiscation of Gentile wealth. The same applies to Zionism, a mask for the theft of Palestinian property.
from April 8, 2008
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
In 1869, Jacob Brafmann, a Jewish convert to Christianity published a book in Russian about the Jewish communal organization, “The Kahal” which suggests that Organized Jewry conspired against the Gentile population. Like most books of this kind, it is no longer available.
Luckily, in Nov. 1881, Mme. Z.A. Ragozin published a thorough account of it in “The Century Magazine” ( Vol. 23 Issue I) under the title “Russian Jews and Gentiles (From a Russian Point of View.)” (This remarkable essay is online.)
Ragozin was a scholar of ancient Near Eastern history who, in the 1880’s, published a half dozen books on the Chaldeans, Persians, Assyrians etc.
Brafmann’s book was based on a thousand internal documents of the Kahal. Its most startling revelation:
The Kahal followed the Talmudic prescription that Gentile property is a “free-for-all” for Jews who, for a fee, are pre-authorized by the town council (“The Kahal”) to finagle it. Obviously a source of anti-Semitism, this may explain the true predatory nature of Communism (and the New World Order) behind the idealistic-sounding window dressing.
For example, Brafmann, whom Jewish historians refer to “an informer,” explains Jew “X” buys the rights to Gentile “Y”‘s house.
“He has acquired ‘khazaka’ i.e right of ownership over the house of gentile “Y,” in force thereof he is given the exclusive right, guaranteed from interference or competition from other Jews, to get possession of the said house…’by any means whatever.’
“Until he has finally succeeded in transferring it to his official possession, he alone is entitled to rent that house from its present owner, to trade in it, to lend money to the owner or to other gentiles who may dwell in it — to make profits out of them in any way [that] his ingenuity may suggest….”
The second part may provide a model of how Gentiles were exploited by a Jew.
According to Brafmann, the documents “show as clearly as possible in what way and by what means the Jews, notwithstanding their limited rights, have always succeeded in driving alien elements from the towns and boroughs where they have settled, to get into their hands the capital and immovable property in those places, and to get rid of all competition in commerce and trades, as has been the case in the western provinces of Russia, in Poland, Galicia, Romania…”
Selling alcohol and money lending were ways to finagle property. The Jewish vodka dealers would show up at harvest time and sell alcohol to farmers on credit. Before long the drinking habits of the peasants and compound interest combined to transfer the property and future harvests into the vodka dealers hands. (See E. Michael Jones, “Russian Roulette” Culture Wars, May 2006, p. 24.)
Fifty years after “The Kahal” was published, Christian civilization in Russia was brutally destroyed by the Bolshevik Revolution which was a front for the Illuminati Jewish bankers. The salient aspects of this revolution, apart from the imposition of a ghastly and depraved police state, was the confiscation of untold Gentile wealth and the slaughter of millions of non-Jews. This holocaust gets little notice because Illuminati Jews control the mass media and education system using self-righteous and highly-paid dupes of the “neo-con,” “liberal,” “feminist” “socialist” and “Marxist” Jewish stripe to enforce an intellectual tyranny.
The Rothschild front Kuhn Loeb & Co. got a handsome return on their $20 Million financing of the 1917 revolution. In 1921 Lenin gave them $102 million. ( NY Times Aug. 23, 1921.) As well, they may have kept wealth and bank accounts the (Tsar) Romanov’s foolishly entrusted to them.
In addition, Illuminati Jewish bankers took ownership of Russian industry. German Secret Service documents instructed the Bolsheviks to “destroy the Russian capitalists as far as you please, but it would by no means be possible to permit the destruction of Russian enterprises.”
The German Imperial Bank sent the Bolsheviks in excess of 60 million roubles. In this context, A. N. Field cites Documents 10 and 11 between the bankers and the Bolsheviks: “They give a complete synopsis of the terms on which the German banks after the war were to control Russian industry.” “The Truth About the Slump” (1931) by A.N. Field. (pp.62-72)
Lenin and Trotsky created the infamous secret service “Cheka” (later renamed OGPU, then NKVD and finally KGB) to steal property and crush resistance.
Communism_Is_Theft.png”The first Cheka units set up in every city or town were engaged first and foremost in the extermination of Tsarist bureaucrats, gendarmes and high ranking officers, the families of White Guards and all citizens whose property was valued at 10,000 roubles or more. There were thousands of scientists and engineers who were killed as “exploiters” and about half the country’s doctors were either killed or forced to emigrate. People were murdered at home, in the streets, and in the cellars of Cheka headquarters irrespective of their age.” (Slava Katamidze, “Loyal Comrades, Ruthless Killers -The Secret Services of the USSR 1917-1991” p. 14)
Thousands of Christian priests and monks were sent to the Gulag and slaughtered.
“The Church became the target of Bolshevik hostility from the very beginning. Resistance to the confiscation of church properties, especially silver and gold items, was especially fierce…Now priests called on their parishes to resist confiscation, accusing the authorities of pocketing most of the proceeds.” (Katamidze, p. 25)
It is estimated that the Cheka was responsible for at least 20 million deaths, according to courageous Jewish writer Steve Plocker who says the Cheka was led and staffed mainly by Jews. The Cheka was empowered by Lenin and Trotsky, who were Illuminati Jews and financed by Illuminati Jewish bankers.
“Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity,” Plocker writes. “We mustn’t forget that some of the greatest murderers of modern times were Jews.”
In “Russian Jews and Gentiles,” Mme Rogozin writes:
“There have of old been Jews of two descriptions, so different as to be like two different races. There were Jews who saw God and proclaimed His law, and those who worshipped the golden calf and yearned for the flesh-pots of Egypt; there were Jews who followed Jesus and those who crucified Him…” (909)
spain.jpeg(left, Communists massacred priests and confiscated church property during the Spanish Civil War)
Not to excuse the murderers, many rank-and-file Jewish and non-Jewish Communists truly were duped into thinking Communism represented poor workers, the sharing of wealth and social justice. Much like today, Illuminati Jews had brainwashed the flock. However, other Jews did see through the deception and heroically fought against Communism.
The Illuminati puppet masters work arms-length in order to maintain the illusion that history is unfolding in a random fashion. Thus at various times, Stalin did rebel against his handlers and did persecute their Jewish agents. Many believe Stalin was ultimately murdered when he attempted a final crackdown.
The mirror reverse image of the “Red Terror” was the Nazi persecution of the Jews and confiscation of select Jewish property in the 1930’s. I suspect the Illuminati Jewish bankers were responsible for the rise of the Nazis and benefited by expropriating the wealth of their Jewish competitors. The big German bankers were very involved in the “Aryanization” of Jewish property.
Since the English Revolution, history reflects the gradual process by which mainly Jewish finance and its satanic Gentile allies have used Freemasonry, “revolution” and war to overthrow Christian civilization and replace it with their economic, social, political and cultural hegemony, i.e. “The New World Order.”
I doubt if Illuminati Jewish bankers have a monopoly on avarice but they certainly have been its best exponents. (Haven’t they converted most of us?) I suspect the Talmudic spirit (the Chosen People monopolize wealth at the expense of the vast majority who are considered animals) inspired imperialism and still motivates the Illuminati today.
As I have said, the Illuminati Jewish bankers use Jews as pawns and agents. Their partners are Satanists from all ethnic backgrounds who also subvert and betray their own people. Their plan is to disinherit and domesticate (“educate,” social engineer, brainwash) the human race to their purpose. They are behind 9-11, the “War on Terror” and the Iraq War. They are behind hate-laws, feminism, multiculturalism, and diversity –all this is mind control & social engineering. (Ever hear multiculturalism foisted on Israel or China?)
A cancer is destroying Western civilization. That cancer is the Illuminati Jewish central bankers who control our economic, political, cultural and spiritual institutions. In other words, our “leadership” represents an occult imperial power at war with us; and we can’t even recognize it because our institutions have been subverted.
America today can be compared to Russia before the Revolution. According to W. Schulgin, “the brain of the nation was in [Illuminati] Jewish hands and it became business, as usual, to think in Jewish categories…In spite of all the restrictions, the Jews controlled the mind of the Russian people.” (Jones, Culture Wars, p. 42)
A real Jew (and Christian and Muslim) stands for God and a universal Moral Order. Thus, world government can never be “good for the Jews” no matter what elite status they enjoy.
Secular humanism cannot replace God. It is a foil for a demented satanic agenda and for more of the bestiality that characterizes the past. Individual Jews will have to decide which kind of Jew they are.
–Related –
A link to a download for the German version of the books.
Jacob Brafman – Das Buch vom Kahal Band 1 + 2 (translated from Russian by Dr Siegfried Passarge)
See also my “Imperialism of Jewish Capital”
and “Rothschilds Conduct Red Symphony”
Kevin McDonald “Stalin’s Willing Executioners”
E. Michael Jones “The Revolutionary Jew”
Related – In the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” (17) this passage occurs: “Even now our brothers are under obligation to denounce apostates of their own family or any person known to be opposed to the Kahal. When our kingdom comes, it will be necessary for all subjects to serve the state in a similar manner.” Is the Jewish “Kahal” the Modern “Soviet”? ‘The International Jew’, Chapter 15.
“The word Kahal is Kehillah in Hebrew. It is the local branch of the Sanhedrin in every community where Jews live, through which they are controlled without their knowledge. ” Henry Klein, A Jew Exposes the World Jewish Conspiracy, p. 7
Go to this Chabad website: Genesis 25:29-34 ‘Esau sells Jacob his birthright’. They want us to sell ours.
Comments for “Russian Jews Felt Entitled to Goy Property ”
James Perloff said (February 9, 2017):
It was hard work stealing all that gold and silver from those resisting Russian churches and homeowners. (Talmudists dislike hard work.) This is one reason they subsequently wanted America’s gold confiscated by Roosevelt’s fiat order of 1933 (wherever that gold is now, it isn’t likely Fort Knox).
More to the point, it is why the Talmudists want a cashless society where all money is digital. Then only a few keystrokes will be needed to pilfer billions, instead of all that tiresome, old-fashioned business of breaking down walls with hatchets to find the person’s wealth, and carting it away in carts or lorries.
Al Thompson said (February 8, 2017):
Communist Jews are primarily responsible for all of the mayhem in the world. But the dumb gentiles-goyim [Freemasons] go along with it. Why? Because they want to partake in the booty that communism provides by stealing from the poor and the middle class. The Communist Manifesto was put together by Marx and Engels who were Talmudic Jews. I’m not sure how deep this goes, but I suspect that most of the world’s religions go along with it.
The main objective of communism is “conquest and confiscation” and this is what we see from the communist government. Most governments of the world are communist as they have most, if not all, of the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto in place. This cannot be denied and there is no argument about it.
Most governments of the world break every one of God’s commandments just by their existence. This will always produce a bad result and we see plenty of bad results today. Anyone who works or is a part of the government is a jerk. There are two kinds of government operatives: 1. assholes, and 2. assholes-in-training. Given what we have all seen in the last few years, how could anyone with any morals work for the government knowing the information that is available to us.
Remember, communism also includes liberalism, conservatism, fascism, and socialism. I included conservatism because they still tolerate communism as a structural part of the government. Voting just gives the evil the look of authority when it has none.
With a monopoly on the use of violence, communists will continue to confiscate until the last piece of flesh is picked off of the last producer.
Larry C said (February 8, 2017):
Henry, you say, “I doubt if Illuminati Jewish bankers have a monopoly on avarice but they certainly have been its best exponents.”
Good point. I’m convinced that you could walk into any Walmart store for example and find people just as rotten as Illuminati. They simply aren’t in power. And if your readers ran the world, things probably wouldn’t be a whole lot better. Such is human nature.
Steve said (September 6, 2015):
I think it important, but quite a challenge, to differentiate somehow between:
Judeans/Judaism(either by bloodline or by practicing Old Testament)
Judeans/Judaism post-captivity, influenced by Babylonian doctrine; sometimes called Rabbinic Pharisee-ism
Modern day Jews who don’t practice the OT, but follow the Talmud/Rabbinic teachings, Cabala, etc.
Modern day Jews who identify with their OT heritage, and are just trying to live a good life
I think it does a dis-service to clump all Jews together using Jew or Judaism.
Good luck!
And, Abraham is the father’s of all those who believe (in the first coming of the Messiah, in the OT), and in the 2nd coming of the Messiah (NT), not of the circumcision only, but also of the uncircumcision.
Peter R said (September 6, 2015):
They want much more than our wealth, which they have been stealing through fractional reserve banking for a long time, and stepped it up since 2008. They want total control over us. Why else would they own or manage all the media that broadcast their disinfo and filth at us 24/7?
The internet (which is truth, at least part of it) is their only problem, but they are working on it. It is not surprising that before the internet virtually all of us had only the boob tube and thus were totally ignorant of the truth. They also want our lives. Why else would they put up the Georgia Guidestones?
Every year they seem to get nearer to their goal. Something big in the economy is supposed to happen this or next month. If true, they won’t let out any details, but all the ominous signs are there. If it really and finally happens, paper wealth will burn; only gold and silver coins will preserve (and gain) value, which makes total sense, considering that they enslave the world with their worthless paper coupons.
Henrique said (September 5, 2015):
To counter Al, I’ll say it’s beyond simplistic to say Communist Jews are the main responsible for all problems. Marx/Engels were puppets – a failed journalist and a playboy with daddy problems – and Lenin a failed lawyer. The system picks up people with a chip on their shoulders for a reason. Lord Astor ( financier of Commies ), Bertrand Russell ( who spent years teaching Communism in China ) and the Fabian Society with George Shaw and HG Wells at the front don’t seem that “Jewish” to me. Marxism is a child of Darwinism which is nothing but an esoteric doctrine disguised as science ( the aristocratic Elite consider itself “more evolved”, product of perfect reincarnations into the perfect bodies ) that probably predates Judaism by much. I think Judaism is a fake identity created for the purpose of being a front culture to a certain breed of the Elite; more or less as Harold Rosenthal described.
The point is who’s head and who’s tail. Just because there’s one group being consistently pushed to the forefront of it all doesn’t mean “they” rule, but should give you a clue of ulterior motives. They want you to blame “Jews” ( Duke exposed the little Mason that he is in the debate with Jones by mentioning that heads of the FED tend to be Jewish as “proof” of anything ) because that’s a primitive, dumb, bigoted response that will prevent you from thinking any further – from considering that there is a full-blown and very sophisticated system behind this.
Make no mistake, I admire people with the guts to criticize Jews ( or any other group for that matter ) as I believe in TOTAL and restrict freedom of opinion and speech, but it’s good to put it in perspective.
The repulsive, hypocritical and impractical ideology on the other side of the spectrum ( or that pretends to be on the other side of the spectrum ) – Austrian-Libertarianism – is also spearheaded by pretty much Jews, freemasons and dupes, by the way. Hell, Pamela Geller, the Mossad Mega-bitch, considers herself Austrian-Libertarian.
Communism is the last phase of the very old plan. It’s genuine opposite should be localism – the idea of local democracy, where small, self-sufficient communities manage their own problems, currency, etc. But that would be automatically attacked as barbaric and regressive by the usual suspects.
kevin Canino said (April 11, 2008):
The secret societies and demonic forces that conspired throughout the ages have always utilised minority groups that were not part of the existing power structure to break it down with revolutions and sabotage when they saw fit.
It must be understood that Czarist Russia was a Christian dominated society with a Christian Orthodox Church that defined and legitimised the power structure from the Czar down to the peasants. The Czar and the royal family that ruled Russia with an iron fist did so by claiming that they and their regime were the third Rome and rightful heirs to the divine mission of the Byzantine Empire of Constantinople and the continuation of Jesus’s established Church as his earthly representative on earth.
A secret society that would formulate and put into action a plan to overthrow such a regime would obviously find and recruit its agents and infiltrators, not from the established order, but from outsiders dwelling among them. For this they found the Jews. The same global conspiracy present on earth for millenia has a long track record of hating, manipulating and killing millions of Jews. It is no surprise that they would install Jews as front men in their new diabolic conspiracy called communism.
How easy it is to recruit a people who are mercilessly persecuted and abused by promising them a new order in which their long suffering people would be protected and allowed to live in peace. How easy it was to foment bitterness, hatred and resentment for all those centuries of suffering at the hands of the people and regime the conspirators wished to destroy. It is logical that the ranks of the new revolution would be filled with these formally persecuted and oppressed people which would serve two purposes; harness the hatred and desire for revenge for the centuries of persecution as a tool in implementing this communist revolution and provide the leadership and manpower to organize and carry it out. Eventually they would be discarded when their usefulness was finished.
To look at communism as a “Jewish Plot” is a very dangerous and unjust position which only helps the global conspiracy by continuing to fan the flames of anti-semitism and hatred. This is exactly what they want you to believe. They love the blame to be shifted to the people they used and manipulated as front-men for their “Great Work of the Ages”. Communism did not serve the interest of the Jewish people in any way and most fled from its clutches in fear and despair. Communism destroyed the very social position most Jews had in Russia as merchants and small business owners because the state confiscated and nationalised everything. The small fraction of Jews that believed the hollow and false promises of Communism paid with their lives together with countless millions of Russians and other peoples.
Please understand the big picture of this global conspiracy and see the Jewish people in their proper place in it and that is a small minority of persecuted people that were lied to and used as a tool to implement one more step in their diabolic plan.
The Jewish people are just as much victims of their evil plans as others, if not more so as their long history of suffering and persecution should make perfectly clear.
Please realise the dangers in promoting this false idea that only increases the chances of more atrocities, hatred and anti-semitism.
Many Jews around the world are working hard for truth and justice and your article does great injustice them and to all.
Thanks for this. I clearly make a distinction between “two kinds of jews.” All people who have been led astray must make ammends..That includes Americans, Canadians Brits who fund their war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
JEAN D’EAU2 said (April 10, 2008):
Thank you, Henry. Of course I have read your excellent article on the communist-jewish theft and murder and I find it very brave of you to openly deal with that difficult subject. To further illustrate the connection between a certain kind of “jewishness” and communism here is a little comment of mine specially related to my country.
Here in Hungary, there is a very small but very influential neo-liberal political party – the „Free Democrats Alliance” -called the „jews` party” by many non-jewish Hungarians since its leaders and even its electorate seem to be predominantly jewish and even often „double-nationals”… These atheistic, globalist and most times zionist jews can be compared to their US „neo-conservative” counterparts in that they are doing their best to destroy from inside such fundamentals as white race, nation, family and religion. Some time ago, the first non-jewish leader of this party happened to say publicly (oups!) that he was elected because the party decided to break with its habit of having as president „a jew or a person related to the AVH”. The AVH was the Hungarian equivalent of the KGB from 1945 to 1957 and was famous for having been predominantly made of jewish communists and for having tortured and slaughtered many Hungarian christians and anti-communists. No need to say that this non-jewish party leader as well as his current successor don`t lead anything but are only the window puppets of their party. So, we have here a neo-liberal (or extreme capitalist) political party whose leadership is made of the (atheist) jewish children and grand-children of the bloodiest jewish Hungarian communists. But there is even more.
Some weeks ago, this very particular party has called its electorate to vote for the privatization of the Hungarian health care with this rather curious logo: Although the communist red star is unequivocally shining over the logo, the party`s leadership deny it up until today, saying this star has nothing to do with the communist red star. Weirdly enough, they don`t give any alternative explanation…
Understandably, a neo-liberal party cannot publicly admit to revere the communist red star but the mere fact that they have put it on their campaign logo proves that their own (mostly “jewish”) electorate is still very attached to the communist red star. Interesting, isn`t it?
JEAN D’EAU IN HUNGARY said (April 10, 2008):
Hello Henry,
I couldn`t resist to send this to you, even though you have probably already read it. So, here is why I immensely respect the real American people… because they have guts and heart like nobody else on this planet. God bless America!‘betrayus’/
Be well,
Roger said (April 10, 2008):
I do enjoy your work. When one speaks with the sword of Truth the confused are afraid. There are so very few of us that see things the way they are and not through the perverted lenses of false history and abominable education and literature. “They that think they rule” are in for a big surprise and I giggle every time I think about it. There will be suffering and pain but it will all be for the best in the end. How else could our Supreme Benefactor teach his children? Like you, I take great delight at destroying false perception and subverting criminal thought. I need fear nothing as I know the Truth and as promised the Truth has set me free.
God bless you and God’s will be done always,
Sasha said (April 8, 2008):
Dr. Makow,
I wanted to thank you personally for your book “Cruel Hoax”, which has changed my life completely.
I am a 34 year old male with a Masters Degree who has assiduously followed and read up on the NWO and Illuminati. I am single and have no children. My parents emigrated from Serbia in 1973, divorcing nearly four years upon arrival. Your research takes a completely new persepctive to the greater social aims of the elite.
You also made me realize why it is that these same Globalists are mercilessly amputating Serbia, from the recent fragmenting of its sovereignty to the 78 day bombing campaign in 1999 that my grandmother was a victim of, dying from cancer as a result of the depleted Uranium used aginst civilians.
Serbia remains the only country in Europe that remains emphatically Christian, patriarchal, homogenous, and distanced from Western European Socialism. Because of this, her citizens have been punished for the last 15 years.
During my visits to Serbia to visit my family, they constantly made reference to the fact that I wasn’t married with children. Moreover, my grandfather always stressed the importance of hard work, and how the backbone of a man is his work (like you state in your book). I always took the advice lightly, considering them and the entire country for that matter to be antiquated, not fully appropriated to the tenets of modernity.
This was eight years ago. Now I can help others understand and contextualize why it is the West continues to castigate Serbia hitherto.
I have since found a woman, younger than me, who embraces the values you extol. At 34, thankfully I still have time.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at [email protected]
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Russian Jews Felt Entitled to Goy Property
January 8, 2019
In the 19th Century, Russian Jews followed
the Talmudic prescription
that Gentile property is a “free-for-all”
for Jews who, for a fee, are pre-authorized
by the town council (“The Kahal”) to finagle it.
“The possessions of the goyim are like an ownerless desert,
and everybody [every Jew] who seizes it, has acquired it.” – Babylonian Talmud, IV/3/54b
“Our goal is to gradually absorb the wealth of the world.” – Cecil Rhodes, a Freemason.
In the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” (17) this passage occurs: “Even now our brothers are under obligation to denounce apostates of their own family or any person known to be opposed to the Kahal. When our kingdom comes, it will be necessary for all subjects to serve the state in a similar manner.” Is the Jewish “Kahal” the Modern “Soviet”? ‘The International Jew’, Chapter 15.
“The word Kahal is Kehillah in Hebrew. It is the local branch of the Sanhedrin in every community where Jews live, through which they are controlled without their knowledge. ” Henry Klein, A Jew Exposes the World Jewish Conspiracy, p. 7
Communism was/is simply a mask for the confiscation of Gentile wealth. The same applies to Zionism, a mask for the theft of Palestinian property.
from April 8, 2008
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
In 1869, Jacob Brafmann, a Jewish convert to Christianity published a book in Russian about the Jewish communal organization, “The Kahal” which suggests that Organized Jewry conspired against the Gentile population. Like most books of this kind, it is no longer available.
Luckily, in Nov. 1881, Mme. Z.A. Ragozin published a thorough account of it in “The Century Magazine” ( Vol. 23 Issue I) under the title “Russian Jews and Gentiles (From a Russian Point of View.)” (This remarkable essay is online.)
Ragozin was a scholar of ancient Near Eastern history who, in the 1880’s, published a half dozen books on the Chaldeans, Persians, Assyrians etc.
Brafmann’s book was based on a thousand internal documents of the Kahal. Its most startling revelation:
The Kahal followed the Talmudic prescription that Gentile property is a “free-for-all” for Jews who, for a fee, are pre-authorized by the town council (“The Kahal”) to finagle it. Obviously a source of anti-Semitism, this may explain the true predatory nature of Communism (and the New World Order) behind the idealistic-sounding window dressing.
For example, Brafmann, whom Jewish historians refer to “an informer,” explains Jew “X” buys the rights to Gentile “Y”‘s house.
“He has acquired ‘khazaka’ i.e right of ownership over the house of gentile “Y,” in force thereof he is given the exclusive right, guaranteed from interference or competition from other Jews, to get possession of the said house…’by any means whatever.’
“Until he has finally succeeded in transferring it to his official possession, he alone is entitled to rent that house from its present owner, to trade in it, to lend money to the owner or to other gentiles who may dwell in it — to make profits out of them in any way [that] his ingenuity may suggest….”
The second part may provide a model of how Gentiles were exploited by a Jew.
According to Brafmann, the documents “show as clearly as possible in what way and by what means the Jews, notwithstanding their limited rights, have always succeeded in driving alien elements from the towns and boroughs where they have settled, to get into their hands the capital and immovable property in those places, and to get rid of all competition in commerce and trades, as has been the case in the western provinces of Russia, in Poland, Galicia, Romania…”
Selling alcohol and money lending were ways to finagle property. The Jewish vodka dealers would show up at harvest time and sell alcohol to farmers on credit. Before long the drinking habits of the peasants and compound interest combined to transfer the property and future harvests into the vodka dealers hands. (See E. Michael Jones, “Russian Roulette” Culture Wars, May 2006, p. 24.)
Fifty years after “The Kahal” was published, Christian civilization in Russia was brutally destroyed by the Bolshevik Revolution which was a front for the Illuminati Jewish bankers. The salient aspects of this revolution, apart from the imposition of a ghastly and depraved police state, was the confiscation of untold Gentile wealth and the slaughter of millions of non-Jews. This holocaust gets little notice because Illuminati Jews control the mass media and education system using self-righteous and highly-paid dupes of the “neo-con,” “liberal,” “feminist” “socialist” and “Marxist” Jewish stripe to enforce an intellectual tyranny.
The Rothschild front Kuhn Loeb & Co. got a handsome return on their $20 Million financing of the 1917 revolution. In 1921 Lenin gave them $102 million. ( NY Times Aug. 23, 1921.) As well, they may have kept wealth and bank accounts the (Tsar) Romanov’s foolishly entrusted to them.
In addition, Illuminati Jewish bankers took ownership of Russian industry. German Secret Service documents instructed the Bolsheviks to “destroy the Russian capitalists as far as you please, but it would by no means be possible to permit the destruction of Russian enterprises.”
The German Imperial Bank sent the Bolsheviks in excess of 60 million roubles. In this context, A. N. Field cites Documents 10 and 11 between the bankers and the Bolsheviks: “They give a complete synopsis of the terms on which the German banks after the war were to control Russian industry.” “The Truth About the Slump” (1931) by A.N. Field. (pp.62-72)
Lenin and Trotsky created the infamous secret service “Cheka” (later renamed OGPU, then NKVD and finally KGB) to steal property and crush resistance.
Communism_Is_Theft.png”The first Cheka units set up in every city or town were engaged first and foremost in the extermination of Tsarist bureaucrats, gendarmes and high ranking officers, the families of White Guards and all citizens whose property was valued at 10,000 roubles or more. There were thousands of scientists and engineers who were killed as “exploiters” and about half the country’s doctors were either killed or forced to emigrate. People were murdered at home, in the streets, and in the cellars of Cheka headquarters irrespective of their age.” (Slava Katamidze, “Loyal Comrades, Ruthless Killers -The Secret Services of the USSR 1917-1991” p. 14)
Thousands of Christian priests and monks were sent to the Gulag and slaughtered.
“The Church became the target of Bolshevik hostility from the very beginning. Resistance to the confiscation of church properties, especially silver and gold items, was especially fierce…Now priests called on their parishes to resist confiscation, accusing the authorities of pocketing most of the proceeds.” (Katamidze, p. 25)
It is estimated that the Cheka was responsible for at least 20 million deaths, according to courageous Jewish writer Steve Plocker who says the Cheka was led and staffed mainly by Jews. The Cheka was empowered by Lenin and Trotsky, who were Illuminati Jews and financed by Illuminati Jewish bankers.
“Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity,” Plocker writes. “We mustn’t forget that some of the greatest murderers of modern times were Jews.”
In “Russian Jews and Gentiles,” Mme Rogozin writes:
“There have of old been Jews of two descriptions, so different as to be like two different races. There were Jews who saw God and proclaimed His law, and those who worshipped the golden calf and yearned for the flesh-pots of Egypt; there were Jews who followed Jesus and those who crucified Him…” (909)
spain.jpeg(left, Communists massacred priests and confiscated church property during the Spanish Civil War)
Not to excuse the murderers, many rank-and-file Jewish and non-Jewish Communists truly were duped into thinking Communism represented poor workers, the sharing of wealth and social justice. Much like today, Illuminati Jews had brainwashed the flock. However, other Jews did see through the deception and heroically fought against Communism.
The Illuminati puppet masters work arms-length in order to maintain the illusion that history is unfolding in a random fashion. Thus at various times, Stalin did rebel against his handlers and did persecute their Jewish agents. Many believe Stalin was ultimately murdered when he attempted a final crackdown.
The mirror reverse image of the “Red Terror” was the Nazi persecution of the Jews and confiscation of select Jewish property in the 1930’s. I suspect the Illuminati Jewish bankers were responsible for the rise of the Nazis and benefited by expropriating the wealth of their Jewish competitors. The big German bankers were very involved in the “Aryanization” of Jewish property.
Since the English Revolution, history reflects the gradual process by which mainly Jewish finance and its satanic Gentile allies have used Freemasonry, “revolution” and war to overthrow Christian civilization and replace it with their economic, social, political and cultural hegemony, i.e. “The New World Order.”
I doubt if Illuminati Jewish bankers have a monopoly on avarice but they certainly have been its best exponents. (Haven’t they converted most of us?) I suspect the Talmudic spirit (the Chosen People monopolize wealth at the expense of the vast majority who are considered animals) inspired imperialism and still motivates the Illuminati today.
As I have said, the Illuminati Jewish bankers use Jews as pawns and agents. Their partners are Satanists from all ethnic backgrounds who also subvert and betray their own people. Their plan is to disinherit and domesticate (“educate,” social engineer, brainwash) the human race to their purpose. They are behind 9-11, the “War on Terror” and the Iraq War. They are behind hate-laws, feminism, multiculturalism, and diversity –all this is mind control & social engineering. (Ever hear multiculturalism foisted on Israel or China?)
A cancer is destroying Western civilization. That cancer is the Illuminati Jewish central bankers who control our economic, political, cultural and spiritual institutions. In other words, our “leadership” represents an occult imperial power at war with us; and we can’t even recognize it because our institutions have been subverted.
America today can be compared to Russia before the Revolution. According to W. Schulgin, “the brain of the nation was in [Illuminati] Jewish hands and it became business, as usual, to think in Jewish categories…In spite of all the restrictions, the Jews controlled the mind of the Russian people.” (Jones, Culture Wars, p. 42)
A real Jew (and Christian and Muslim) stands for God and a universal Moral Order. Thus, world government can never be “good for the Jews” no matter what elite status they enjoy.
Secular humanism cannot replace God. It is a foil for a demented satanic agenda and for more of the bestiality that characterizes the past. Individual Jews will have to decide which kind of Jew they are.
Related –
A link to a download for the German version of the books.
Jacob Brafman – Das Buch vom Kahal Band 1 + 2 (translated from Russian by Dr Siegfried Passarge)
See also my “Imperialism of Jewish Capital”
and “Rothschilds Conduct Red Symphony”
Kevin McDonald “Stalin’s Willing Executioners”
E. Michael Jones “The Revolutionary Jew”
Related – In the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” (17) this passage occurs: “Even now our brothers are under obligation to denounce apostates of their own family or any person known to be opposed to the Kahal. When our kingdom comes, it will be necessary for all subjects to serve the state in a similar manner.” Is the Jewish “Kahal” the Modern “Soviet”? ‘The International Jew’, Chapter 15.
“The word Kahal is Kehillah in Hebrew. It is the local branch of the Sanhedrin in every community where Jews live, through which they are controlled without their knowledge. ” Henry Klein, A Jew Exposes the World Jewish Conspiracy, p. 7
Go to this Chabad website: Genesis 25:29-34 ‘Esau sells Jacob his birthright’. They want us to sell ours.
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Comments for “Russian Jews Felt Entitled to Goy Property ”
James Perloff said (February 9, 2017):
It was hard work stealing all that gold and silver from those resisting Russian churches and homeowners. (Talmudists dislike hard work.) This is one reason they subsequently wanted America’s gold confiscated by Roosevelt’s fiat order of 1933 (wherever that gold is now, it isn’t likely Fort Knox).
More to the point, it is why the Talmudists want a cashless society where all money is digital. Then only a few keystrokes will be needed to pilfer billions, instead of all that tiresome, old-fashioned business of breaking down walls with hatchets to find the person’s wealth, and carting it away in carts or lorries.
Al Thompson said (February 8, 2017):
Communist Jews are primarily responsible for all of the mayhem in the world. But the dumb gentiles-goyim [Freemasons] go along with it. Why? Because they want to partake in the booty that communism provides by stealing from the poor and the middle class. The Communist Manifesto was put together by Marx and Engels who were Talmudic Jews. I’m not sure how deep this goes, but I suspect that most of the world’s religions go along with it.
The main objective of communism is “conquest and confiscation” and this is what we see from the communist government. Most governments of the world are communist as they have most, if not all, of the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto in place. This cannot be denied and there is no argument about it.
Most governments of the world break every one of God’s commandments just by their existence. This will always produce a bad result and we see plenty of bad results today. Anyone who works or is a part of the government is a jerk. There are two kinds of government operatives: 1. assholes, and 2. assholes-in-training. Given what we have all seen in the last few years, how could anyone with any morals work for the government knowing the information that is available to us.
Remember, communism also includes liberalism, conservatism, fascism, and socialism. I included conservatism because they still tolerate communism as a structural part of the government. Voting just gives the evil the look of authority when it has none.
With a monopoly on the use of violence, communists will continue to confiscate until the last piece of flesh is picked off of the last producer.
Larry C said (February 8, 2017):
Henry, you say, “I doubt if Illuminati Jewish bankers have a monopoly on avarice but they certainly have been its best exponents.”
Good point. I’m convinced that you could walk into any Walmart store for example and find people just as rotten as Illuminati. They simply aren’t in power. And if your readers ran the world, things probably wouldn’t be a whole lot better. Such is human nature.
Steve said (September 6, 2015):
I think it important, but quite a challenge, to differentiate somehow between:
Judeans/Judaism(either by bloodline or by practicing Old Testament)
Judeans/Judaism post-captivity, influenced by Babylonian doctrine; sometimes called Rabbinic Pharisee-ism
Modern day Jews who don’t practice the OT, but follow the Talmud/Rabbinic teachings, Cabala, etc.
Modern day Jews who identify with their OT heritage, and are just trying to live a good life
I think it does a dis-service to clump all Jews together using Jew or Judaism.
Good luck!
And, Abraham is the father’s of all those who believe (in the first coming of the Messiah, in the OT), and in the 2nd coming of the Messiah (NT), not of the circumcision only, but also of the uncircumcision.
Peter R said (September 6, 2015):
They want much more than our wealth, which they have been stealing through fractional reserve banking for a long time, and stepped it up since 2008. They want total control over us. Why else would they own or manage all the media that broadcast their disinfo and filth at us 24/7?
The internet (which is truth, at least part of it) is their only problem, but they are working on it. It is not surprising that before the internet virtually all of us had only the boob tube and thus were totally ignorant of the truth. They also want our lives. Why else would they put up the Georgia Guidestones?
Every year they seem to get nearer to their goal. Something big in the economy is supposed to happen this or next month. If true, they won’t let out any details, but all the ominous signs are there. If it really and finally happens, paper wealth will burn; only gold and silver coins will preserve (and gain) value, which makes total sense, considering that they enslave the world with their worthless paper coupons.
Henrique said (September 5, 2015):
To counter Al, I’ll say it’s beyond simplistic to say Communist Jews are the main responsible for all problems. Marx/Engels were puppets – a failed journalist and a playboy with daddy problems – and Lenin a failed lawyer. The system picks up people with a chip on their shoulders for a reason. Lord Astor ( financier of Commies ), Bertrand Russell ( who spent years teaching Communism in China ) and the Fabian Society with George Shaw and HG Wells at the front don’t seem that “Jewish” to me. Marxism is a child of Darwinism which is nothing but an esoteric doctrine disguised as science ( the aristocratic Elite consider itself “more evolved”, product of perfect reincarnations into the perfect bodies ) that probably predates Judaism by much. I think Judaism is a fake identity created for the purpose of being a front culture to a certain breed of the Elite; more or less as Harold Rosenthal described.
The point is who’s head and who’s tail. Just because there’s one group being consistently pushed to the forefront of it all doesn’t mean “they” rule, but should give you a clue of ulterior motives. They want you to blame “Jews” ( Duke exposed the little Mason that he is in the debate with Jones by mentioning that heads of the FED tend to be Jewish as “proof” of anything ) because that’s a primitive, dumb, bigoted response that will prevent you from thinking any further – from considering that there is a full-blown and very sophisticated system behind this.
Make no mistake, I admire people with the guts to criticize Jews ( or any other group for that matter ) as I believe in TOTAL and restrict freedom of opinion and speech, but it’s good to put it in perspective.
The repulsive, hypocritical and impractical ideology on the other side of the spectrum ( or that pretends to be on the other side of the spectrum ) – Austrian-Libertarianism – is also spearheaded by pretty much Jews, freemasons and dupes, by the way. Hell, Pamela Geller, the Mossad Mega-bitch, considers herself Austrian-Libertarian.
Communism is the last phase of the very old plan. It’s genuine opposite should be localism – the idea of local democracy, where small, self-sufficient communities manage their own problems, currency, etc. But that would be automatically attacked as barbaric and regressive by the usual suspects.
kevin Canino said (April 11, 2008):
The secret societies and demonic forces that conspired throughout the ages have always utilised minority groups that were not part of the existing power structure to break it down with revolutions and sabotage when they saw fit.
It must be understood that Czarist Russia was a Christian dominated society with a Christian Orthodox Church that defined and legitimised the power structure from the Czar down to the peasants. The Czar and the royal family that ruled Russia with an iron fist did so by claiming that they and their regime were the third Rome and rightful heirs to the divine mission of the Byzantine Empire of Constantinople and the continuation of Jesus’s established Church as his earthly representative on earth.
A secret society that would formulate and put into action a plan to overthrow such a regime would obviously find and recruit its agents and infiltrators, not from the established order, but from outsiders dwelling among them. For this they found the Jews. The same global conspiracy present on earth for millenia has a long track record of hating, manipulating and killing millions of Jews. It is no surprise that they would install Jews as front men in their new diabolic conspiracy called communism.
How easy it is to recruit a people who are mercilessly persecuted and abused by promising them a new order in which their long suffering people would be protected and allowed to live in peace. How easy it was to foment bitterness, hatred and resentment for all those centuries of suffering at the hands of the people and regime the conspirators wished to destroy. It is logical that the ranks of the new revolution would be filled with these formally persecuted and oppressed people which would serve two purposes; harness the hatred and desire for revenge for the centuries of persecution as a tool in implementing this communist revolution and provide the leadership and manpower to organize and carry it out. Eventually they would be discarded when their usefulness was finished.
To look at communism as a “Jewish Plot” is a very dangerous and unjust position which only helps the global conspiracy by continuing to fan the flames of anti-semitism and hatred. This is exactly what they want you to believe. They love the blame to be shifted to the people they used and manipulated as front-men for their “Great Work of the Ages”. Communism did not serve the interest of the Jewish people in any way and most fled from its clutches in fear and despair. Communism destroyed the very social position most Jews had in Russia as merchants and small business owners because the state confiscated and nationalised everything. The small fraction of Jews that believed the hollow and false promises of Communism paid with their lives together with countless millions of Russians and other peoples.
Please understand the big picture of this global conspiracy and see the Jewish people in their proper place in it and that is a small minority of persecuted people that were lied to and used as a tool to implement one more step in their diabolic plan.
The Jewish people are just as much victims of their evil plans as others, if not more so as their long history of suffering and persecution should make perfectly clear.
Please realise the dangers in promoting this false idea that only increases the chances of more atrocities, hatred and anti-semitism.
Many Jews around the world are working hard for truth and justice and your article does great injustice them and to all.
Thanks for this. I clearly make a distinction between “two kinds of jews.” All people who have been led astray must make ammends..That includes Americans, Canadians Brits who fund their war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
JEAN D’EAU2 said (April 10, 2008):
Thank you, Henry. Of course I have read your excellent article on the communist-jewish theft and murder and I find it very brave of you to openly deal with that difficult subject. To further illustrate the connection between a certain kind of “jewishness” and communism here is a little comment of mine specially related to my country.
Here in Hungary, there is a very small but very influential neo-liberal political party – the „Free Democrats Alliance” -called the „jews` party” by many non-jewish Hungarians since its leaders and even its electorate seem to be predominantly jewish and even often „double-nationals”… These atheistic, globalist and most times zionist jews can be compared to their US „neo-conservative” counterparts in that they are doing their best to destroy from inside such fundamentals as white race, nation, family and religion. Some time ago, the first non-jewish leader of this party happened to say publicly (oups!) that he was elected because the party decided to break with its habit of having as president „a jew or a person related to the AVH”. The AVH was the Hungarian equivalent of the KGB from 1945 to 1957 and was famous for having been predominantly made of jewish communists and for having tortured and slaughtered many Hungarian christians and anti-communists. No need to say that this non-jewish party leader as well as his current successor don`t lead anything but are only the window puppets of their party. So, we have here a neo-liberal (or extreme capitalist) political party whose leadership is made of the (atheist) jewish children and grand-children of the bloodiest jewish Hungarian communists. But there is even more.
Some weeks ago, this very particular party has called its electorate to vote for the privatization of the Hungarian health care with this rather curious logo: Although the communist red star is unequivocally shining over the logo, the party`s leadership deny it up until today, saying this star has nothing to do with the communist red star. Weirdly enough, they don`t give any alternative explanation…
Understandably, a neo-liberal party cannot publicly admit to revere the communist red star but the mere fact that they have put it on their campaign logo proves that their own (mostly “jewish”) electorate is still very attached to the communist red star. Interesting, isn`t it?
JEAN D’EAU IN HUNGARY said (April 10, 2008):
Hello Henry,
I couldn`t resist to send this to you, even though you have probably already read it. So, here is why I immensely respect the real American people… because they have guts and heart like nobody else on this planet. God bless America!‘betrayus’/
Be well,
Roger said (April 10, 2008):
I do enjoy your work. When one speaks with the sword of Truth the confused are afraid. There are so very few of us that see things the way they are and not through the perverted lenses of false history and abominable education and literature. “They that think they rule” are in for a big surprise and I giggle every time I think about it. There will be suffering and pain but it will all be for the best in the end. How else could our Supreme Benefactor teach his children? Like you, I take great delight at destroying false perception and subverting criminal thought. I need fear nothing as I know the Truth and as promised the Truth has set me free.
God bless you and God’s will be done always,
Sasha said (April 8, 2008):
Dr. Makow,
I wanted to thank you personally for your book “Cruel Hoax”, which has changed my life completely.
I am a 34 year old male with a Masters Degree who has assiduously followed and read up on the NWO and Illuminati. I am single and have no children. My parents emigrated from Serbia in 1973, divorcing nearly four years upon arrival. Your research takes a completely new persepctive to the greater social aims of the elite.
You also made me realize why it is that these same Globalists are mercilessly amputating Serbia, from the recent fragmenting of its sovereignty to the 78 day bombing campaign in 1999 that my grandmother was a victim of, dying from cancer as a result of the depleted Uranium used aginst civilians.
Serbia remains the only country in Europe that remains emphatically Christian, patriarchal, homogenous, and distanced from Western European Socialism. Because of this, her citizens have been punished for the last 15 years.
During my visits to Serbia to visit my family, they constantly made reference to the fact that I wasn’t married with children. Moreover, my grandfather always stressed the importance of hard work, and how the backbone of a man is his work (like you state in your book). I always took the advice lightly, considering them and the entire country for that matter to be antiquated, not fully appropriated to the tenets of modernity.
This was eight years ago. Now I can help others understand and contextualize why it is the West continues to castigate Serbia hitherto.
I have since found a woman, younger than me, who embraces the values you extol. At 34, thankfully I still have time.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at [email protected]
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Search Henry Makow Home | UW | Archives | Reference | Contact | An Oasis for the Awake Direct Link to Latest News Illuminati 3 book Bigger Text | Default Text | Smaller Text | ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email Russian Jews Felt Entitled to Goy Property January 8, 2019 CommiePoster.jpg In the 19th Century, Russian Jews followed the Talmudic prescription that Gentile property is a “free-for-all” for Jews who, for a fee, are pre-authorized by the town council (“The Kahal”) to finagle it. “The possessions of the goyim are like an ownerless desert, and everybody [every Jew] who seizes it, has acquired it.” – Babylonian Talmud, IV/3/54b “Our goal is to gradually absorb the wealth of the world.” – Cecil Rhodes, a Freemason. In the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” (17) this passage occurs: “Even now our brothers are under obligation to denounce apostates of their own family or any person known to be opposed to the Kahal. When our kingdom comes, it will be necessary for all subjects to serve the state in a similar manner.” Is the Jewish “Kahal” the Modern “Soviet”? ‘The International Jew’, Chapter 15. “The word Kahal is Kehillah in Hebrew. It is the local branch of the Sanhedrin in every community where Jews live, through which they are controlled without their knowledge. ” Henry Klein, A Jew Exposes the World Jewish Conspiracy, p. 7 Communism was/is simply a mask for the confiscation of Gentile wealth. The same applies to Zionism, a mask for the theft of Palestinian property. from April 8, 2008 By Henry Makow Ph.D. In 1869, Jacob Brafmann, a Jewish convert to Christianity published a book in Russian about the Jewish communal organization, “The Kahal” which suggests that Organized Jewry conspired against the Gentile population. Like most books of this kind, it is no longer available. Luckily, in Nov. 1881, Mme. Z.A. Ragozin published a thorough account of it in “The Century Magazine” ( Vol. 23 Issue I) under the title “Russian Jews and Gentiles (From a Russian Point of View.)” (This remarkable essay is online.) Ragozin was a scholar of ancient Near Eastern history who, in the 1880’s, published a half dozen books on the Chaldeans, Persians, Assyrians etc. “THE KAHAL” Brafmann’s book was based on a thousand internal documents of the Kahal. Its most startling revelation: The Kahal followed the Talmudic prescription that Gentile property is a “free-for-all” for Jews who, for a fee, are pre-authorized by the town council (“The Kahal”) to finagle it. Obviously a source of anti-Semitism, this may explain the true predatory nature of Communism (and the New World Order) behind the idealistic-sounding window dressing. For example, Brafmann, whom Jewish historians refer to “an informer,” explains Jew “X” buys the rights to Gentile “Y”‘s house. “He has acquired ‘khazaka’ i.e right of ownership over the house of gentile “Y,” in force thereof he is given the exclusive right, guaranteed from interference or competition from other Jews, to get possession of the said house…’by any means whatever.’ “Until he has finally succeeded in transferring it to his official possession, he alone is entitled to rent that house from its present owner, to trade in it, to lend money to the owner or to other gentiles who may dwell in it — to make profits out of them in any way [that] his ingenuity may suggest….” The second part may provide a model of how Gentiles were exploited by a Jew. According to Brafmann, the documents “show as clearly as possible in what way and by what means the Jews, notwithstanding their limited rights, have always succeeded in driving alien elements from the towns and boroughs where they have settled, to get into their hands the capital and immovable property in those places, and to get rid of all competition in commerce and trades, as has been the case in the western provinces of Russia, in Poland, Galicia, Romania…” Selling alcohol and money lending were ways to finagle property. The Jewish vodka dealers would show up at harvest time and sell alcohol to farmers on credit. Before long the drinking habits of the peasants and compound interest combined to transfer the property and future harvests into the vodka dealers hands. (See E. Michael Jones, “Russian Roulette” Culture Wars, May 2006, p. 24.) A REVOLUTIONARY WAY OF STEALING Fifty years after “The Kahal” was published, Christian civilization in Russia was brutally destroyed by the Bolshevik Revolution which was a front for the Illuminati Jewish bankers. The salient aspects of this revolution, apart from the imposition of a ghastly and depraved police state, was the confiscation of untold Gentile wealth and the slaughter of millions of non-Jews. This holocaust gets little notice because Illuminati Jews control the mass media and education system using self-righteous and highly-paid dupes of the “neo-con,” “liberal,” “feminist” “socialist” and “Marxist” Jewish stripe to enforce an intellectual tyranny. The Rothschild front Kuhn Loeb & Co. got a handsome return on their $20 Million financing of the 1917 revolution. In 1921 Lenin gave them $102 million. ( NY Times Aug. 23, 1921.) As well, they may have kept wealth and bank accounts the (Tsar) Romanov’s foolishly entrusted to them. In addition, Illuminati Jewish bankers took ownership of Russian industry. German Secret Service documents instructed the Bolsheviks to “destroy the Russian capitalists as far as you please, but it would by no means be possible to permit the destruction of Russian enterprises.” The German Imperial Bank sent the Bolsheviks in excess of 60 million roubles. In this context, A. N. Field cites Documents 10 and 11 between the bankers and the Bolsheviks: “They give a complete synopsis of the terms on which the German banks after the war were to control Russian industry.” “The Truth About the Slump” (1931) by A.N. Field. (pp.62-72) “THE RED TERROR” Lenin and Trotsky created the infamous secret service “Cheka” (later renamed OGPU, then NKVD and finally KGB) to steal property and crush resistance. Communism_Is_Theft.png”The first Cheka units set up in every city or town were engaged first and foremost in the extermination of Tsarist bureaucrats, gendarmes and high ranking officers, the families of White Guards and all citizens whose property was valued at 10,000 roubles or more. There were thousands of scientists and engineers who were killed as “exploiters” and about half the country’s doctors were either killed or forced to emigrate. People were murdered at home, in the streets, and in the cellars of Cheka headquarters irrespective of their age.” (Slava Katamidze, “Loyal Comrades, Ruthless Killers -The Secret Services of the USSR 1917-1991” p. 14) Thousands of Christian priests and monks were sent to the Gulag and slaughtered. “The Church became the target of Bolshevik hostility from the very beginning. Resistance to the confiscation of church properties, especially silver and gold items, was especially fierce…Now priests called on their parishes to resist confiscation, accusing the authorities of pocketing most of the proceeds.” (Katamidze, p. 25) It is estimated that the Cheka was responsible for at least 20 million deaths, according to courageous Jewish writer Steve Plocker who says the Cheka was led and staffed mainly by Jews. The Cheka was empowered by Lenin and Trotsky, who were Illuminati Jews and financed by Illuminati Jewish bankers. “Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity,” Plocker writes. “We mustn’t forget that some of the greatest murderers of modern times were Jews.” “TWO KINDS OF JEWS” In “Russian Jews and Gentiles,” Mme Rogozin writes: “There have of old been Jews of two descriptions, so different as to be like two different races. There were Jews who saw God and proclaimed His law, and those who worshipped the golden calf and yearned for the flesh-pots of Egypt; there were Jews who followed Jesus and those who crucified Him…” (909) spain.jpeg(left, Communists massacred priests and confiscated church property during the Spanish Civil War) Not to excuse the murderers, many rank-and-file Jewish and non-Jewish Communists truly were duped into thinking Communism represented poor workers, the sharing of wealth and social justice. Much like today, Illuminati Jews had brainwashed the flock. However, other Jews did see through the deception and heroically fought against Communism. The Illuminati puppet masters work arms-length in order to maintain the illusion that history is unfolding in a random fashion. Thus at various times, Stalin did rebel against his handlers and did persecute their Jewish agents. Many believe Stalin was ultimately murdered when he attempted a final crackdown. The mirror reverse image of the “Red Terror” was the Nazi persecution of the Jews and confiscation of select Jewish property in the 1930’s. I suspect the Illuminati Jewish bankers were responsible for the rise of the Nazis and benefited by expropriating the wealth of their Jewish competitors. The big German bankers were very involved in the “Aryanization” of Jewish property. CONCLUSION Since the English Revolution, history reflects the gradual process by which mainly Jewish finance and its satanic Gentile allies have used Freemasonry, “revolution” and war to overthrow Christian civilization and replace it with their economic, social, political and cultural hegemony, i.e. “The New World Order.” I doubt if Illuminati Jewish bankers have a monopoly on avarice but they certainly have been its best exponents. (Haven’t they converted most of us?) I suspect the Talmudic spirit (the Chosen People monopolize wealth at the expense of the vast majority who are considered animals) inspired imperialism and still motivates the Illuminati today. As I have said, the Illuminati Jewish bankers use Jews as pawns and agents. Their partners are Satanists from all ethnic backgrounds who also subvert and betray their own people. Their plan is to disinherit and domesticate (“educate,” social engineer, brainwash) the human race to their purpose. They are behind 9-11, the “War on Terror” and the Iraq War. They are behind hate-laws, feminism, multiculturalism, and diversity –all this is mind control & social engineering. (Ever hear multiculturalism foisted on Israel or China?) A cancer is destroying Western civilization. That cancer is the Illuminati Jewish central bankers who control our economic, political, cultural and spiritual institutions. In other words, our “leadership” represents an occult imperial power at war with us; and we can’t even recognize it because our institutions have been subverted. America today can be compared to Russia before the Revolution. According to W. Schulgin, “the brain of the nation was in [Illuminati] Jewish hands and it became business, as usual, to think in Jewish categories…In spite of all the restrictions, the Jews controlled the mind of the Russian people.” (Jones, Culture Wars, p. 42) A real Jew (and Christian and Muslim) stands for God and a universal Moral Order. Thus, world government can never be “good for the Jews” no matter what elite status they enjoy. Secular humanism cannot replace God. It is a foil for a demented satanic agenda and for more of the bestiality that characterizes the past. Individual Jews will have to decide which kind of Jew they are. — Related – A link to a download for the German version of the books. Jacob Brafman – Das Buch vom Kahal Band 1 + 2 (translated from Russian by Dr Siegfried Passarge) See also my “Imperialism of Jewish Capital” and “Rothschilds Conduct Red Symphony” Kevin McDonald “Stalin’s Willing Executioners” E. Michael Jones “The Revolutionary Jew” Related – In the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” (17) this passage occurs: “Even now our brothers are under obligation to denounce apostates of their own family or any person known to be opposed to the Kahal. When our kingdom comes, it will be necessary for all subjects to serve the state in a similar manner.” Is the Jewish “Kahal” the Modern “Soviet”? ‘The International Jew’, Chapter 15. “The word Kahal is Kehillah in Hebrew. It is the local branch of the Sanhedrin in every community where Jews live, through which they are controlled without their knowledge. ” Henry Klein, A Jew Exposes the World Jewish Conspiracy, p. 7 Go to this Chabad website: Genesis 25:29-34 ‘Esau sells Jacob his birthright’. They want us to sell ours. ——– ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email Scruples – the game of moral dillemas Comments for “Russian Jews Felt Entitled to Goy Property ” James Perloff said (February 9, 2017): It was hard work stealing all that gold and silver from those resisting Russian churches and homeowners. (Talmudists dislike hard work.) This is one reason they subsequently wanted America’s gold confiscated by Roosevelt’s fiat order of 1933 (wherever that gold is now, it isn’t likely Fort Knox). More to the point, it is why the Talmudists want a cashless society where all money is digital. Then only a few keystrokes will be needed to pilfer billions, instead of all that tiresome, old-fashioned business of breaking down walls with hatchets to find the person’s wealth, and carting it away in carts or lorries. Al Thompson said (February 8, 2017): Communist Jews are primarily responsible for all of the mayhem in the world. But the dumb gentiles-goyim [Freemasons] go along with it. Why? Because they want to partake in the booty that communism provides by stealing from the poor and the middle class. The Communist Manifesto was put together by Marx and Engels who were Talmudic Jews. I’m not sure how deep this goes, but I suspect that most of the world’s religions go along with it. The main objective of communism is “conquest and confiscation” and this is what we see from the communist government. Most governments of the world are communist as they have most, if not all, of the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto in place. This cannot be denied and there is no argument about it. Most governments of the world break every one of God’s commandments just by their existence. This will always produce a bad result and we see plenty of bad results today. Anyone who works or is a part of the government is a jerk. There are two kinds of government operatives: 1. assholes, and 2. assholes-in-training. Given what we have all seen in the last few years, how could anyone with any morals work for the government knowing the information that is available to us. Remember, communism also includes liberalism, conservatism, fascism, and socialism. I included conservatism because they still tolerate communism as a structural part of the government. Voting just gives the evil the look of authority when it has none. With a monopoly on the use of violence, communists will continue to confiscate until the last piece of flesh is picked off of the last producer. Larry C said (February 8, 2017): Henry, you say, “I doubt if Illuminati Jewish bankers have a monopoly on avarice but they certainly have been its best exponents.” Good point. I’m convinced that you could walk into any Walmart store for example and find people just as rotten as Illuminati. They simply aren’t in power. And if your readers ran the world, things probably wouldn’t be a whole lot better. Such is human nature. Steve said (September 6, 2015): I think it important, but quite a challenge, to differentiate somehow between: Judeans/Judaism(either by bloodline or by practicing Old Testament) Judeans/Judaism post-captivity, influenced by Babylonian doctrine; sometimes called Rabbinic Pharisee-ism Modern day Jews who don’t practice the OT, but follow the Talmud/Rabbinic teachings, Cabala, etc. Modern day Jews who identify with their OT heritage, and are just trying to live a good life I think it does a dis-service to clump all Jews together using Jew or Judaism. Good luck! And, Abraham is the father’s of all those who believe (in the first coming of the Messiah, in the OT), and in the 2nd coming of the Messiah (NT), not of the circumcision only, but also of the uncircumcision. Peter R said (September 6, 2015): They want much more than our wealth, which they have been stealing through fractional reserve banking for a long time, and stepped it up since 2008. They want total control over us. Why else would they own or manage all the media that broadcast their disinfo and filth at us 24/7? The internet (which is truth, at least part of it) is their only problem, but they are working on it. It is not surprising that before the internet virtually all of us had only the boob tube and thus were totally ignorant of the truth. They also want our lives. Why else would they put up the Georgia Guidestones? Every year they seem to get nearer to their goal. Something big in the economy is supposed to happen this or next month. If true, they won’t let out any details, but all the ominous signs are there. If it really and finally happens, paper wealth will burn; only gold and silver coins will preserve (and gain) value, which makes total sense, considering that they enslave the world with their worthless paper coupons. Henrique said (September 5, 2015): To counter Al, I’ll say it’s beyond simplistic to say Communist Jews are the main responsible for all problems. Marx/Engels were puppets – a failed journalist and a playboy with daddy problems – and Lenin a failed lawyer. The system picks up people with a chip on their shoulders for a reason. Lord Astor ( financier of Commies ), Bertrand Russell ( who spent years teaching Communism in China ) and the Fabian Society with George Shaw and HG Wells at the front don’t seem that “Jewish” to me. Marxism is a child of Darwinism which is nothing but an esoteric doctrine disguised as science ( the aristocratic Elite consider itself “more evolved”, product of perfect reincarnations into the perfect bodies ) that probably predates Judaism by much. I think Judaism is a fake identity created for the purpose of being a front culture to a certain breed of the Elite; more or less as Harold Rosenthal described. The point is who’s head and who’s tail. Just because there’s one group being consistently pushed to the forefront of it all doesn’t mean “they” rule, but should give you a clue of ulterior motives. They want you to blame “Jews” ( Duke exposed the little Mason that he is in the debate with Jones by mentioning that heads of the FED tend to be Jewish as “proof” of anything ) because that’s a primitive, dumb, bigoted response that will prevent you from thinking any further – from considering that there is a full-blown and very sophisticated system behind this. Make no mistake, I admire people with the guts to criticize Jews ( or any other group for that matter ) as I believe in TOTAL and restrict freedom of opinion and speech, but it’s good to put it in perspective. The repulsive, hypocritical and impractical ideology on the other side of the spectrum ( or that pretends to be on the other side of the spectrum ) – Austrian-Libertarianism – is also spearheaded by pretty much Jews, freemasons and dupes, by the way. Hell, Pamela Geller, the Mossad Mega-bitch, considers herself Austrian-Libertarian. Communism is the last phase of the very old plan. It’s genuine opposite should be localism – the idea of local democracy, where small, self-sufficient communities manage their own problems, currency, etc. But that would be automatically attacked as barbaric and regressive by the usual suspects. kevin Canino said (April 11, 2008): The secret societies and demonic forces that conspired throughout the ages have always utilised minority groups that were not part of the existing power structure to break it down with revolutions and sabotage when they saw fit. It must be understood that Czarist Russia was a Christian dominated society with a Christian Orthodox Church that defined and legitimised the power structure from the Czar down to the peasants. The Czar and the royal family that ruled Russia with an iron fist did so by claiming that they and their regime were the third Rome and rightful heirs to the divine mission of the Byzantine Empire of Constantinople and the continuation of Jesus’s established Church as his earthly representative on earth. A secret society that would formulate and put into action a plan to overthrow such a regime would obviously find and recruit its agents and infiltrators, not from the established order, but from outsiders dwelling among them. For this they found the Jews. The same global conspiracy present on earth for millenia has a long track record of hating, manipulating and killing millions of Jews. It is no surprise that they would install Jews as front men in their new diabolic conspiracy called communism. How easy it is to recruit a people who are mercilessly persecuted and abused by promising them a new order in which their long suffering people would be protected and allowed to live in peace. How easy it was to foment bitterness, hatred and resentment for all those centuries of suffering at the hands of the people and regime the conspirators wished to destroy. It is logical that the ranks of the new revolution would be filled with these formally persecuted and oppressed people which would serve two purposes; harness the hatred and desire for revenge for the centuries of persecution as a tool in implementing this communist revolution and provide the leadership and manpower to organize and carry it out. Eventually they would be discarded when their usefulness was finished. To look at communism as a “Jewish Plot” is a very dangerous and unjust position which only helps the global conspiracy by continuing to fan the flames of anti-semitism and hatred. This is exactly what they want you to believe. They love the blame to be shifted to the people they used and manipulated as front-men for their “Great Work of the Ages”. Communism did not serve the interest of the Jewish people in any way and most fled from its clutches in fear and despair. Communism destroyed the very social position most Jews had in Russia as merchants and small business owners because the state confiscated and nationalised everything. The small fraction of Jews that believed the hollow and false promises of Communism paid with their lives together with countless millions of Russians and other peoples. Please understand the big picture of this global conspiracy and see the Jewish people in their proper place in it and that is a small minority of persecuted people that were lied to and used as a tool to implement one more step in their diabolic plan. The Jewish people are just as much victims of their evil plans as others, if not more so as their long history of suffering and persecution should make perfectly clear. Please realise the dangers in promoting this false idea that only increases the chances of more atrocities, hatred and anti-semitism. Many Jews around the world are working hard for truth and justice and your article does great injustice them and to all. —– Kevin, Thanks for this. I clearly make a distinction between “two kinds of jews.” All people who have been led astray must make ammends..That includes Americans, Canadians Brits who fund their war in Iraq and Afghanistan. henry JEAN D’EAU2 said (April 10, 2008): Thank you, Henry. Of course I have read your excellent article on the communist-jewish theft and murder and I find it very brave of you to openly deal with that difficult subject. To further illustrate the connection between a certain kind of “jewishness” and communism here is a little comment of mine specially related to my country. Here in Hungary, there is a very small but very influential neo-liberal political party – the „Free Democrats Alliance” -called the „jews` party” by many non-jewish Hungarians since its leaders and even its electorate seem to be predominantly jewish and even often „double-nationals”… These atheistic, globalist and most times zionist jews can be compared to their US „neo-conservative” counterparts in that they are doing their best to destroy from inside such fundamentals as white race, nation, family and religion. Some time ago, the first non-jewish leader of this party happened to say publicly (oups!) that he was elected because the party decided to break with its habit of having as president „a jew or a person related to the AVH”. The AVH was the Hungarian equivalent of the KGB from 1945 to 1957 and was famous for having been predominantly made of jewish communists and for having tortured and slaughtered many Hungarian christians and anti-communists. No need to say that this non-jewish party leader as well as his current successor don`t lead anything but are only the window puppets of their party. So, we have here a neo-liberal (or extreme capitalist) political party whose leadership is made of the (atheist) jewish children and grand-children of the bloodiest jewish Hungarian communists. But there is even more. Some weeks ago, this very particular party has called its electorate to vote for the privatization of the Hungarian health care with this rather curious logo: Although the communist red star is unequivocally shining over the logo, the party`s leadership deny it up until today, saying this star has nothing to do with the communist red star. Weirdly enough, they don`t give any alternative explanation… Understandably, a neo-liberal party cannot publicly admit to revere the communist red star but the mere fact that they have put it on their campaign logo proves that their own (mostly “jewish”) electorate is still very attached to the communist red star. Interesting, isn`t it? JEAN D’EAU IN HUNGARY said (April 10, 2008): Hello Henry, I couldn`t resist to send this to you, even though you have probably already read it. So, here is why I immensely respect the real American people… because they have guts and heart like nobody else on this planet. God bless America!‘betrayus’/ Be well, Jean Roger said (April 10, 2008): I do enjoy your work. When one speaks with the sword of Truth the confused are afraid. There are so very few of us that see things the way they are and not through the perverted lenses of false history and abominable education and literature. “They that think they rule” are in for a big surprise and I giggle every time I think about it. There will be suffering and pain but it will all be for the best in the end. How else could our Supreme Benefactor teach his children? Like you, I take great delight at destroying false perception and subverting criminal thought. I need fear nothing as I know the Truth and as promised the Truth has set me free. God bless you and God’s will be done always, Sasha said (April 8, 2008): Dr. Makow, I wanted to thank you personally for your book “Cruel Hoax”, which has changed my life completely. I am a 34 year old male with a Masters Degree who has assiduously followed and read up on the NWO and Illuminati. I am single and have no children. My parents emigrated from Serbia in 1973, divorcing nearly four years upon arrival. Your research takes a completely new persepctive to the greater social aims of the elite. You also made me realize why it is that these same Globalists are mercilessly amputating Serbia, from the recent fragmenting of its sovereignty to the 78 day bombing campaign in 1999 that my grandmother was a victim of, dying from cancer as a result of the depleted Uranium used aginst civilians. Serbia remains the only country in Europe that remains emphatically Christian, patriarchal, homogenous, and distanced from Western European Socialism. Because of this, her citizens have been punished for the last 15 years. During my visits to Serbia to visit my family, they constantly made reference to the fact that I wasn’t married with children. Moreover, my grandfather always stressed the importance of hard work, and how the backbone of a man is his work (like you state in your book). I always took the advice lightly, considering them and the entire country for that matter to be antiquated, not fully appropriated to the tenets of modernity. This was eight years ago. Now I can help others understand and contextualize why it is the West continues to castigate Serbia hitherto. I have since found a woman, younger than me, who embraces the values you extol. At 34, thankfully I still have time. Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at [email protected] Archives >> Illuminati book Search ShareThis rss feed RSS Feed @Henry Makow Join our Mailing List Cheap Home Security Systems Near You! Ad Headline Ad Headline Powered by Plutus ads See Tweeter Feed Below Henry Makow in French Henry Makow in German Henry Makow in Polish Henry Makow in Spanish The Essential Henry Makow Illuminati Book advertising Hidden History, Zionism and Anti-Semitism The Jeff Rense Exposé Feminism & Heterosexuality: · How the Rockefellers Re-engineered Women · Betty Friedan-“Momey” was a Commie · Now Heterosexuals Are in the Closet · When Love is a One-Night Stand · Men Who Get Women · Possessiveness is Part of Marriage · Why All Porn is Gay New World Order: · An Illuminati Primer · Conspiracy Too Monstrous to Conceive · Rothschild Conducts Red Symphony · The Devil’s Work: Feminism and the Elite Depopulation Agenda · Be Afraid: The New World 0rder’s Fascist Pedigree · Banking Cartel is the Cause of Humanity’s Woes · Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy · Does a Satanic Cult Rule the World? · Bush, Bin Laden Serve the Same Masters More Recent and Notable: · Humanity is Satanically Possessed · The “Jewish” Conspiracy is British Imperialism · Is the New World Order “Jewish”? · Politically Incorrect Advice for Young Men · Illuminati Sex Slaves Paint Horrifying Picture · Zionism: A Conspiracy Against Jews · How University Betrays Students Archives >> NWO Booklist in Reference Latest News Back to Top Henry Makow © 2019 Henry Makow Home | UW | Archives | Reference | Contact | An Oasis for the Awake Direct Link to Latest News Illuminati 3 book Bigger Text | Default Text | Smaller Text | ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email Russian Jews Felt Entitled to Goy Property January 8, 2019 CommiePoster.jpg In the 19th Century, Russian Jews followed the Talmudic prescription that Gentile property is a “free-for-all” for Jews who, for a fee, are pre-authorized by the town council (“The Kahal”) to finagle it. “The possessions of the goyim are like an ownerless desert, and everybody [every Jew] who seizes it, has acquired it.” – Babylonian Talmud, IV/3/54b “Our goal is to gradually absorb the wealth of the world.” – Cecil Rhodes, a Freemason. In the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” (17) this passage occurs: “Even now our brothers are under obligation to denounce apostates of their own family or any person known to be opposed to the Kahal. When our kingdom comes, it will be necessary for all subjects to serve the state in a similar manner.” Is the Jewish “Kahal” the Modern “Soviet”? ‘The International Jew’, Chapter 15. “The word Kahal is Kehillah in Hebrew. It is the local branch of the Sanhedrin in every community where Jews live, through which they are controlled without their knowledge. ” Henry Klein, A Jew Exposes the World Jewish Conspiracy, p. 7 Communism was/is simply a mask for the confiscation of Gentile wealth. The same applies to Zionism, a mask for the theft of Palestinian property. from April 8, 2008 By Henry Makow Ph.D. In 1869, Jacob Brafmann, a Jewish convert to Christianity published a book in Russian about the Jewish communal organization, “The Kahal” which suggests that Organized Jewry conspired against the Gentile population. Like most books of this kind, it is no longer available. Luckily, in Nov. 1881, Mme. Z.A. Ragozin published a thorough account of it in “The Century Magazine” ( Vol. 23 Issue I) under the title “Russian Jews and Gentiles (From a Russian Point of View.)” (This remarkable essay is online.) Ragozin was a scholar of ancient Near Eastern history who, in the 1880’s, published a half dozen books on the Chaldeans, Persians, Assyrians etc. “THE KAHAL” Brafmann’s book was based on a thousand internal documents of the Kahal. Its most startling revelation: The Kahal followed the Talmudic prescription that Gentile property is a “free-for-all” for Jews who, for a fee, are pre-authorized by the town council (“The Kahal”) to finagle it. Obviously a source of anti-Semitism, this may explain the true predatory nature of Communism (and the New World Order) behind the idealistic-sounding window dressing. For example, Brafmann, whom Jewish historians refer to “an informer,” explains Jew “X” buys the rights to Gentile “Y”‘s house. “He has acquired ‘khazaka’ i.e right of ownership over the house of gentile “Y,” in force thereof he is given the exclusive right, guaranteed from interference or competition from other Jews, to get possession of the said house…’by any means whatever.’ “Until he has finally succeeded in transferring it to his official possession, he alone is entitled to rent that house from its present owner, to trade in it, to lend money to the owner or to other gentiles who may dwell in it — to make profits out of them in any way [that] his ingenuity may suggest….” The second part may provide a model of how Gentiles were exploited by a Jew. According to Brafmann, the documents “show as clearly as possible in what way and by what means the Jews, notwithstanding their limited rights, have always succeeded in driving alien elements from the towns and boroughs where they have settled, to get into their hands the capital and immovable property in those places, and to get rid of all competition in commerce and trades, as has been the case in the western provinces of Russia, in Poland, Galicia, Romania…” Selling alcohol and money lending were ways to finagle property. The Jewish vodka dealers would show up at harvest time and sell alcohol to farmers on credit. Before long the drinking habits of the peasants and compound interest combined to transfer the property and future harvests into the vodka dealers hands. (See E. Michael Jones, “Russian Roulette” Culture Wars, May 2006, p. 24.) A REVOLUTIONARY WAY OF STEALING Fifty years after “The Kahal” was published, Christian civilization in Russia was brutally destroyed by the Bolshevik Revolution which was a front for the Illuminati Jewish bankers. The salient aspects of this revolution, apart from the imposition of a ghastly and depraved police state, was the confiscation of untold Gentile wealth and the slaughter of millions of non-Jews. This holocaust gets little notice because Illuminati Jews control the mass media and education system using self-righteous and highly-paid dupes of the “neo-con,” “liberal,” “feminist” “socialist” and “Marxist” Jewish stripe to enforce an intellectual tyranny. The Rothschild front Kuhn Loeb & Co. got a handsome return on their $20 Million financing of the 1917 revolution. In 1921 Lenin gave them $102 million. ( NY Times Aug. 23, 1921.) As well, they may have kept wealth and bank accounts the (Tsar) Romanov’s foolishly entrusted to them. In addition, Illuminati Jewish bankers took ownership of Russian industry. German Secret Service documents instructed the Bolsheviks to “destroy the Russian capitalists as far as you please, but it would by no means be possible to permit the destruction of Russian enterprises.” The German Imperial Bank sent the Bolsheviks in excess of 60 million roubles. In this context, A. N. Field cites Documents 10 and 11 between the bankers and the Bolsheviks: “They give a complete synopsis of the terms on which the German banks after the war were to control Russian industry.” “The Truth About the Slump” (1931) by A.N. Field. (pp.62-72) “THE RED TERROR” Lenin and Trotsky created the infamous secret service “Cheka” (later renamed OGPU, then NKVD and finally KGB) to steal property and crush resistance. Communism_Is_Theft.png”The first Cheka units set up in every city or town were engaged first and foremost in the extermination of Tsarist bureaucrats, gendarmes and high ranking officers, the families of White Guards and all citizens whose property was valued at 10,000 roubles or more. There were thousands of scientists and engineers who were killed as “exploiters” and about half the country’s doctors were either killed or forced to emigrate. People were murdered at home, in the streets, and in the cellars of Cheka headquarters irrespective of their age.” (Slava Katamidze, “Loyal Comrades, Ruthless Killers -The Secret Services of the USSR 1917-1991” p. 14) Thousands of Christian priests and monks were sent to the Gulag and slaughtered. “The Church became the target of Bolshevik hostility from the very beginning. Resistance to the confiscation of church properties, especially silver and gold items, was especially fierce…Now priests called on their parishes to resist confiscation, accusing the authorities of pocketing most of the proceeds.” (Katamidze, p. 25) It is estimated that the Cheka was responsible for at least 20 million deaths, according to courageous Jewish writer Steve Plocker who says the Cheka was led and staffed mainly by Jews. The Cheka was empowered by Lenin and Trotsky, who were Illuminati Jews and financed by Illuminati Jewish bankers. “Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity,” Plocker writes. “We mustn’t forget that some of the greatest murderers of modern times were Jews.” “TWO KINDS OF JEWS” In “Russian Jews and Gentiles,” Mme Rogozin writes: “There have of old been Jews of two descriptions, so different as to be like two different races. There were Jews who saw God and proclaimed His law, and those who worshipped the golden calf and yearned for the flesh-pots of Egypt; there were Jews who followed Jesus and those who crucified Him…” (909) spain.jpeg(left, Communists massacred priests and confiscated church property during the Spanish Civil War) Not to excuse the murderers, many rank-and-file Jewish and non-Jewish Communists truly were duped into thinking Communism represented poor workers, the sharing of wealth and social justice. Much like today, Illuminati Jews had brainwashed the flock. However, other Jews did see through the deception and heroically fought against Communism. The Illuminati puppet masters work arms-length in order to maintain the illusion that history is unfolding in a random fashion. Thus at various times, Stalin did rebel against his handlers and did persecute their Jewish agents. Many believe Stalin was ultimately murdered when he attempted a final crackdown. The mirror reverse image of the “Red Terror” was the Nazi persecution of the Jews and confiscation of select Jewish property in the 1930’s. I suspect the Illuminati Jewish bankers were responsible for the rise of the Nazis and benefited by expropriating the wealth of their Jewish competitors. The big German bankers were very involved in the “Aryanization” of Jewish property. CONCLUSION Since the English Revolution, history reflects the gradual process by which mainly Jewish finance and its satanic Gentile allies have used Freemasonry, “revolution” and war to overthrow Christian civilization and replace it with their economic, social, political and cultural hegemony, i.e. “The New World Order.” I doubt if Illuminati Jewish bankers have a monopoly on avarice but they certainly have been its best exponents. (Haven’t they converted most of us?) I suspect the Talmudic spirit (the Chosen People monopolize wealth at the expense of the vast majority who are considered animals) inspired imperialism and still motivates the Illuminati today. As I have said, the Illuminati Jewish bankers use Jews as pawns and agents. Their partners are Satanists from all ethnic backgrounds who also subvert and betray their own people. Their plan is to disinherit and domesticate (“educate,” social engineer, brainwash) the human race to their purpose. They are behind 9-11, the “War on Terror” and the Iraq War. They are behind hate-laws, feminism, multiculturalism, and diversity –all this is mind control & social engineering. (Ever hear multiculturalism foisted on Israel or China?) A cancer is destroying Western civilization. That cancer is the Illuminati Jewish central bankers who control our economic, political, cultural and spiritual institutions. In other words, our “leadership” represents an occult imperial power at war with us; and we can’t even recognize it because our institutions have been subverted. America today can be compared to Russia before the Revolution. According to W. Schulgin, “the brain of the nation was in [Illuminati] Jewish hands and it became business, as usual, to think in Jewish categories…In spite of all the restrictions, the Jews controlled the mind of the Russian people.” (Jones, Culture Wars, p. 42) A real Jew (and Christian and Muslim) stands for God and a universal Moral Order. Thus, world government can never be “good for the Jews” no matter what elite status they enjoy. Secular humanism cannot replace God. It is a foil for a demented satanic agenda and for more of the bestiality that characterizes the past. Individual Jews will have to decide which kind of Jew they are. — Related – A link to a download for the German version of the books. Jacob Brafman – Das Buch vom Kahal Band 1 + 2 (translated from Russian by Dr Siegfried Passarge) See also my “Imperialism of Jewish Capital” and “Rothschilds Conduct Red Symphony” Kevin McDonald “Stalin’s Willing Executioners” E. Michael Jones “The Revolutionary Jew” Related – In the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” (17) this passage occurs: “Even now our brothers are under obligation to denounce apostates of their own family or any person known to be opposed to the Kahal. When our kingdom comes, it will be necessary for all subjects to serve the state in a similar manner.” Is the Jewish “Kahal” the Modern “Soviet”? ‘The International Jew’, Chapter 15. “The word Kahal is Kehillah in Hebrew. It is the local branch of the Sanhedrin in every community where Jews live, through which they are controlled without their knowledge. ” Henry Klein, A Jew Exposes the World Jewish Conspiracy, p. 7 Go to this Chabad website: Genesis 25:29-34 ‘Esau sells Jacob his birthright’. They want us to sell ours. ——– ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email Scruples – the game of moral dillemas Comments for “Russian Jews Felt Entitled to Goy Property ” James Perloff said (February 9, 2017): It was hard work stealing all that gold and silver from those resisting Russian churches and homeowners. (Talmudists dislike hard work.) This is one reason they subsequently wanted America’s gold confiscated by Roosevelt’s fiat order of 1933 (wherever that gold is now, it isn’t likely Fort Knox). More to the point, it is why the Talmudists want a cashless society where all money is digital. Then only a few keystrokes will be needed to pilfer billions, instead of all that tiresome, old-fashioned business of breaking down walls with hatchets to find the person’s wealth, and carting it away in carts or lorries. Al Thompson said (February 8, 2017): Communist Jews are primarily responsible for all of the mayhem in the world. But the dumb gentiles-goyim [Freemasons] go along with it. Why? Because they want to partake in the booty that communism provides by stealing from the poor and the middle class. The Communist Manifesto was put together by Marx and Engels who were Talmudic Jews. I’m not sure how deep this goes, but I suspect that most of the world’s religions go along with it. The main objective of communism is “conquest and confiscation” and this is what we see from the communist government. Most governments of the world are communist as they have most, if not all, of the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto in place. This cannot be denied and there is no argument about it. Most governments of the world break every one of God’s commandments just by their existence. This will always produce a bad result and we see plenty of bad results today. Anyone who works or is a part of the government is a jerk. There are two kinds of government operatives: 1. assholes, and 2. assholes-in-training. Given what we have all seen in the last few years, how could anyone with any morals work for the government knowing the information that is available to us. Remember, communism also includes liberalism, conservatism, fascism, and socialism. I included conservatism because they still tolerate communism as a structural part of the government. Voting just gives the evil the look of authority when it has none. With a monopoly on the use of violence, communists will continue to confiscate until the last piece of flesh is picked off of the last producer. Larry C said (February 8, 2017): Henry, you say, “I doubt if Illuminati Jewish bankers have a monopoly on avarice but they certainly have been its best exponents.” Good point. I’m convinced that you could walk into any Walmart store for example and find people just as rotten as Illuminati. They simply aren’t in power. And if your readers ran the world, things probably wouldn’t be a whole lot better. Such is human nature. Steve said (September 6, 2015): I think it important, but quite a challenge, to differentiate somehow between: Judeans/Judaism(either by bloodline or by practicing Old Testament) Judeans/Judaism post-captivity, influenced by Babylonian doctrine; sometimes called Rabbinic Pharisee-ism Modern day Jews who don’t practice the OT, but follow the Talmud/Rabbinic teachings, Cabala, etc. Modern day Jews who identify with their OT heritage, and are just trying to live a good life I think it does a dis-service to clump all Jews together using Jew or Judaism. Good luck! And, Abraham is the father’s of all those who believe (in the first coming of the Messiah, in the OT), and in the 2nd coming of the Messiah (NT), not of the circumcision only, but also of the uncircumcision. Peter R said (September 6, 2015): They want much more than our wealth, which they have been stealing through fractional reserve banking for a long time, and stepped it up since 2008. They want total control over us. Why else would they own or manage all the media that broadcast their disinfo and filth at us 24/7? The internet (which is truth, at least part of it) is their only problem, but they are working on it. It is not surprising that before the internet virtually all of us had only the boob tube and thus were totally ignorant of the truth. They also want our lives. Why else would they put up the Georgia Guidestones? Every year they seem to get nearer to their goal. Something big in the economy is supposed to happen this or next month. If true, they won’t let out any details, but all the ominous signs are there. If it really and finally happens, paper wealth will burn; only gold and silver coins will preserve (and gain) value, which makes total sense, considering that they enslave the world with their worthless paper coupons. Henrique said (September 5, 2015): To counter Al, I’ll say it’s beyond simplistic to say Communist Jews are the main responsible for all problems. Marx/Engels were puppets – a failed journalist and a playboy with daddy problems – and Lenin a failed lawyer. The system picks up people with a chip on their shoulders for a reason. Lord Astor ( financier of Commies ), Bertrand Russell ( who spent years teaching Communism in China ) and the Fabian Society with George Shaw and HG Wells at the front don’t seem that “Jewish” to me. Marxism is a child of Darwinism which is nothing but an esoteric doctrine disguised as science ( the aristocratic Elite consider itself “more evolved”, product of perfect reincarnations into the perfect bodies ) that probably predates Judaism by much. I think Judaism is a fake identity created for the purpose of being a front culture to a certain breed of the Elite; more or less as Harold Rosenthal described. The point is who’s head and who’s tail. Just because there’s one group being consistently pushed to the forefront of it all doesn’t mean “they” rule, but should give you a clue of ulterior motives. They want you to blame “Jews” ( Duke exposed the little Mason that he is in the debate with Jones by mentioning that heads of the FED tend to be Jewish as “proof” of anything ) because that’s a primitive, dumb, bigoted response that will prevent you from thinking any further – from considering that there is a full-blown and very sophisticated system behind this. Make no mistake, I admire people with the guts to criticize Jews ( or any other group for that matter ) as I believe in TOTAL and restrict freedom of opinion and speech, but it’s good to put it in perspective. The repulsive, hypocritical and impractical ideology on the other side of the spectrum ( or that pretends to be on the other side of the spectrum ) – Austrian-Libertarianism – is also spearheaded by pretty much Jews, freemasons and dupes, by the way. Hell, Pamela Geller, the Mossad Mega-bitch, considers herself Austrian-Libertarian. Communism is the last phase of the very old plan. It’s genuine opposite should be localism – the idea of local democracy, where small, self-sufficient communities manage their own problems, currency, etc. But that would be automatically attacked as barbaric and regressive by the usual suspects. kevin Canino said (April 11, 2008): The secret societies and demonic forces that conspired throughout the ages have always utilised minority groups that were not part of the existing power structure to break it down with revolutions and sabotage when they saw fit. It must be understood that Czarist Russia was a Christian dominated society with a Christian Orthodox Church that defined and legitimised the power structure from the Czar down to the peasants. The Czar and the royal family that ruled Russia with an iron fist did so by claiming that they and their regime were the third Rome and rightful heirs to the divine mission of the Byzantine Empire of Constantinople and the continuation of Jesus’s established Church as his earthly representative on earth. A secret society that would formulate and put into action a plan to overthrow such a regime would obviously find and recruit its agents and infiltrators, not from the established order, but from outsiders dwelling among them. For this they found the Jews. The same global conspiracy present on earth for millenia has a long track record of hating, manipulating and killing millions of Jews. It is no surprise that they would install Jews as front men in their new diabolic conspiracy called communism. How easy it is to recruit a people who are mercilessly persecuted and abused by promising them a new order in which their long suffering people would be protected and allowed to live in peace. How easy it was to foment bitterness, hatred and resentment for all those centuries of suffering at the hands of the people and regime the conspirators wished to destroy. It is logical that the ranks of the new revolution would be filled with these formally persecuted and oppressed people which would serve two purposes; harness the hatred and desire for revenge for the centuries of persecution as a tool in implementing this communist revolution and provide the leadership and manpower to organize and carry it out. Eventually they would be discarded when their usefulness was finished. To look at communism as a “Jewish Plot” is a very dangerous and unjust position which only helps the global conspiracy by continuing to fan the flames of anti-semitism and hatred. This is exactly what they want you to believe. They love the blame to be shifted to the people they used and manipulated as front-men for their “Great Work of the Ages”. Communism did not serve the interest of the Jewish people in any way and most fled from its clutches in fear and despair. Communism destroyed the very social position most Jews had in Russia as merchants and small business owners because the state confiscated and nationalised everything. The small fraction of Jews that believed the hollow and false promises of Communism paid with their lives together with countless millions of Russians and other peoples. Please understand the big picture of this global conspiracy and see the Jewish people in their proper place in it and that is a small minority of persecuted people that were lied to and used as a tool to implement one more step in their diabolic plan. The Jewish people are just as much victims of their evil plans as others, if not more so as their long history of suffering and persecution should make perfectly clear. Please realise the dangers in promoting this false idea that only increases the chances of more atrocities, hatred and anti-semitism. Many Jews around the world are working hard for truth and justice and your article does great injustice them and to all. —– Kevin, Thanks for this. I clearly make a distinction between “two kinds of jews.” All people who have been led astray must make ammends..That includes Americans, Canadians Brits who fund their war in Iraq and Afghanistan. henry JEAN D’EAU2 said (April 10, 2008): Thank you, Henry. Of course I have read your excellent article on the communist-jewish theft and murder and I find it very brave of you to openly deal with that difficult subject. To further illustrate the connection between a certain kind of “jewishness” and communism here is a little comment of mine specially related to my country. Here in Hungary, there is a very small but very influential neo-liberal political party – the „Free Democrats Alliance” -called the „jews` party” by many non-jewish Hungarians since its leaders and even its electorate seem to be predominantly jewish and even often „double-nationals”… These atheistic, globalist and most times zionist jews can be compared to their US „neo-conservative” counterparts in that they are doing their best to destroy from inside such fundamentals as white race, nation, family and religion. Some time ago, the first non-jewish leader of this party happened to say publicly (oups!) that he was elected because the party decided to break with its habit of having as president „a jew or a person related to the AVH”. The AVH was the Hungarian equivalent of the KGB from 1945 to 1957 and was famous for having been predominantly made of jewish communists and for having tortured and slaughtered many Hungarian christians and anti-communists. No need to say that this non-jewish party leader as well as his current successor don`t lead anything but are only the window puppets of their party. So, we have here a neo-liberal (or extreme capitalist) political party whose leadership is made of the (atheist) jewish children and grand-children of the bloodiest jewish Hungarian communists. But there is even more. Some weeks ago, this very particular party has called its electorate to vote for the privatization of the Hungarian health care with this rather curious logo: Although the communist red star is unequivocally shining over the logo, the party`s leadership deny it up until today, saying this star has nothing to do with the communist red star. Weirdly enough, they don`t give any alternative explanation… Understandably, a neo-liberal party cannot publicly admit to revere the communist red star but the mere fact that they have put it on their campaign logo proves that their own (mostly “jewish”) electorate is still very attached to the communist red star. Interesting, isn`t it? JEAN D’EAU IN HUNGARY said (April 10, 2008): Hello Henry, I couldn`t resist to send this to you, even though you have probably already read it. So, here is why I immensely respect the real American people… because they have guts and heart like nobody else on this planet. God bless America!‘betrayus’/ Be well, Jean Roger said (April 10, 2008): I do enjoy your work. When one speaks with the sword of Truth the confused are afraid. There are so very few of us that see things the way they are and not through the perverted lenses of false history and abominable education and literature. “They that think they rule” are in for a big surprise and I giggle every time I think about it. There will be suffering and pain but it will all be for the best in the end. How else could our Supreme Benefactor teach his children? Like you, I take great delight at destroying false perception and subverting criminal thought. I need fear nothing as I know the Truth and as promised the Truth has set me free. God bless you and God’s will be done always, Sasha said (April 8, 2008): Dr. Makow, I wanted to thank you personally for your book “Cruel Hoax”, which has changed my life completely. I am a 34 year old male with a Masters Degree who has assiduously followed and read up on the NWO and Illuminati. I am single and have no children. My parents emigrated from Serbia in 1973, divorcing nearly four years upon arrival. Your research takes a completely new persepctive to the greater social aims of the elite. You also made me realize why it is that these same Globalists are mercilessly amputating Serbia, from the recent fragmenting of its sovereignty to the 78 day bombing campaign in 1999 that my grandmother was a victim of, dying from cancer as a result of the depleted Uranium used aginst civilians. Serbia remains the only country in Europe that remains emphatically Christian, patriarchal, homogenous, and distanced from Western European Socialism. Because of this, her citizens have been punished for the last 15 years. During my visits to Serbia to visit my family, they constantly made reference to the fact that I wasn’t married with children. Moreover, my grandfather always stressed the importance of hard work, and how the backbone of a man is his work (like you state in your book). I always took the advice lightly, considering them and the entire country for that matter to be antiquated, not fully appropriated to the tenets of modernity. This was eight years ago. Now I can help others understand and contextualize why it is the West continues to castigate Serbia hitherto. I have since found a woman, younger than me, who embraces the values you extol. At 34, thankfully I still have time. Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at [email protected] Archives >> Illuminati book Search
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