The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
Episode 7: Opening the Five Eyes: Deciphering UK’s JTRIG (Joint Threat Response Intelligence Group) -Part 2 (Nov. 3, 2019) W/ Transcription & Graphics
New World Order
Articles & Interviews
Part IV: The (Jewish) “Controllers” and Their Destructive Mission
February 8, 2025Part VI: Mind Control: History and Applications
February 3, 2025Appendix 1: Crestone/Baca “Group Dynamics” (2006-2008)
December 27, 2024Books and pdfs by Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist
October 7, 2024“PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order:” Dr. Robert Malone Lecture
September 17, 2024Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 2024Hello
July 9, 2024Gray State (film)
February 19, 2024Appendix 36: Is Colorado the Future Capital of the New World Order?
February 9, 2024Appendix 42. Psychological Operations Blueprint (by Omnisense)
January 26, 2024Appendix 243: DARPA’s Brain Initiative videos
December 7, 2023Appendix 63: NASA’s Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast- 1994
November 1, 2023Appendix 64: The Unified Conspiracy Theory; The Greatest Hoax
November 1, 2023Appendix 66: The Zionist Jew World Order
October 31, 2023The Intra-Body Nano-Network Compilation (Sept. 5, 2023 video)
October 27, 2023Cognitive Warfare June-November, 2020 Francois du Cluzel
March 16, 2023Appendix 148: Kabbalah, Satanic Jewish Black Magic, & Freemasonry
November 24, 2022Appendix 214: Gray State (Movie)
November 26, 2021Timeline of United States Military Operations
December 25, 2020New World Order: UN Agenda 21/2030 Mission Goals
December 19, 2020The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism (Henry Makow, Ph.D.)
November 27, 2020(Choose) Freedom In Christ
October 18, 2020Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
September 19, 2020Are Lawyers Patenting TI’s DNA?
March 30, 2020Some Appropriate Graphics For Covid 19(84) & 5G N(J)ew World Order
February 28, 2020Who Are “They?”… Their Statements Say…. Starts with J….
November 18, 2018USA Freedom Act (2015 Update of USA PATRIOT ACT)
November 9, 2018You Are The Enemy (by Preston James of Veterans Today, 2014)
September 25, 2018The Unified Conspiracy Theory
May 19, 2018Terrorism and War (Dr. E. Karlstrom Lecture Notes, ca. 2000)
March 17, 2018Post-WWII U.S. undeclared and/or secret wars and “war triggers”
January 20, 2018Truth In Quotes and Images: Freedom Fighters Help Yourselves
January 5, 2018Trump’s ‘Jew-nited States of Israel’ (Icke Commentary)
January 5, 2018Chabadniks and Zionists are 9/11 “perpetraitors”
November 26, 2017Dr. Eric Karlstrom: Global Warming (Hoax) is Politics Not Science
November 7, 2017(Jewish) Protocols Explain Almost Everything: Author Hugh Akins Explains
September 27, 2017USAF Squadrons & Satellite Weapons
June 19, 2017Trump is Puppet of Zionist Jews (youtube)
December 6, 2016Synonyms and Fronts for the NWO
February 19, 2016Total Individual Control Technology (by Omnisense)
February 17, 2016The United Nations and Planned World Government (from De Ruiter, 2015)
February 15, 2016Techniques and Strategies of the New World Order
January 23, 2016The Illuminati, Skull and Bones & “The Plan”
January 11, 2016YOU are THE ENEMY by Preston James, Ph.D. (Veterans Today, 2014)
November 27, 2015Secret Records Revealed Highlights
November 25, 2015Appendix 5: Maurice Strong: Godfather of Crestone/Baca
January 24, 2015Introduction to Terrorism: Theirs and Ours
January 21, 2015Post-WWII American War Crimes
January 21, 2015“The Zionist/Jewish-Controlled Media is Public Enemy Number One”
January 21, 2015Oil politics 101
February 28, 2014Merry Christmas, and OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!
February 28, 2014Eco-Politics and Economics
February 28, 2014Alan Watt, Researcher
February 28, 2014Charlotte Iserbyt, Author
February 27, 2014John Taylor Gatto, Author
February 26, 2014Scientific evidence exposes chemtrail spraying as crime against humanity
February 25, 2014Social Engineering 101: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (Against Humanity)
February 25, 2014Dr. Steve Filling
February 25, 2014Jewish “global lies” are collapsing (National Journal, 2011)
February 24, 2014Organized Gang Stalking Quotes
February 23, 2014Episode 7: Opening the Five Eyes: Deciphering JTRIG – a #1vs5i Live Event (Nov. 3, 2019)
Epigraph Quotes From Video and Transcription of Video:
For me, by 2014, when there were serious attempts to harm me- and there was a lot of psychological stuff relating directly to the physical attempts to harm me. They would create these serial killer profiles and send them to me and they would send me videos of people being killed and people dying. When I was planning to leave New Zealand, I would be seeing lots of clips of crashing air planes, plane crash victims, news items about people being killed in plane crashes.
When I made a FOIA request to New Zealand police in the context of drone activity, they actually admitted to doing all this to me. The police FOIA response admitted doing this and continued the gaslighting in the report by highlighting that a 30-year old woman had been murdered, etc. It’s the repetition. They repeat the message from all different and unexpected directions. All this is to build a trigger response and to provoke you. So you begin to anticipate it, so you feel when will they do this next? What will it be this time? I would go shopping and these men would walk behind me in pairs and talk about me and my life and what was happening to me.
They are trying to make you feel like you’re boxed in, it’s inescapable. Everything is always done in such a way that it’s virtually impossible to explain. As they are happening, before Snowden leaked these documents, before the public knew this kind of thing was going on, it is virtually impossible to explain to someone what is happening and it is completely impossible to get any redress or to stop it. Because the resources that they bring to bear are so dramatically much greater than those I had as a single mother in the suburbs, independent journalist. How am I supposed to take on teams of people in teams of vehicles?
We know now that these teams have mobile apps on their phones and they have geo-location tracking and they know where each other are. They can see that one of their operatives has followed, two are following me, two are around the corner going into my house. They are coordinating. But if you are the target, you don’t have the mobile app, you don’t how many are involved in this team. You have to guess who they are and who they work for. You never know the scale. Are there two of them or 20? Are they trying to just scare me or will they actually drive me off the road today? There are so many unknowns.
Suzie Dawson, activist, journalist, targeted individual, and former President of New Zealand’s Internet Party
Clinical psychologist, Lissa K. Johnson, responding to above: Add trauma to trauma. Since other people don’t have these same perceptual cues, that makes it very easy to plant the cue of mental instability or paranoia or craziness for anybody looking on. So that just compounds the trauma. It works on two levels, destabilizing the target and ruining the targets environment so they can be smeared and discredited. The JTRIG coordinators on the ground talk about how they will coordinate with intelligence, police and other agencies.
Suzie Dawson: What I’ve learned from my study is that CIA doesn’t need to have somebody following me down the street because the CIA has access to all the information input into the system from small, private teams of intelligence agents. It is these private firms that are doing the on-the-ground stalking and harassment. And that data moves through whatever police, intelligence agencies, military, national intelligence agreements, the 5 Eyes data bases, etc. So the CIA can “see” if a New Zealand police comes to my house. They access that information at the top level. Now if the CIA decides they want to do a catch and kill operation and send someone to a Black Site, then they might send someone of theirs. But the intelligence agreements in place allow them to use all police and private subcontractors, etc. as proxy forces for them.
So while the CIA might have 10,000 employees or 50,000 employees, through the Global Network they can effectively have 800,000 employees. They access all the information available right on down to the level of Chump Private Investigators outside my house. All they need is access to the information in order to act on that information if they desire.
Webmaster Introduction: “The Global Network” (aka “NSA Global Spy Network”) IS “the architecture of oppression” that rules and shapes the world. Drawing on her experience as a TI and a journalist-researcher, Suzie Dawson exposes this “architecture of oppression” in her 10-part series: “Opening the Five Eyes: Exposing the Spies.” The system is comprised of covert SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) and HUMINT (Human Intelligence) ops carried out by the NSA, CIA, DOD, FBI, DHS, and NATO, etc., in the US, the UK Ministry of Defense GCHQ, JTRIG, MI6, MI5, etc., in Britain, the IDF, Unit 8200, Mossad, Shin Bet, etc., in Israel, and their equivalents in over 100 other nations. Cooperating private security and intelligence contractors and their hired thugs (aka “surveillance role players,” “counterterrorism specialists”) execute street level operations and psychological attacks. The Global Network secretly surveilles, targets, and destroys honest, incorruptible activists, journalists, “dissidents,” scientists, truth-tellers, and innumerable others who have been secretly watchlisted and flagged as “potential terrorist threats” or considered “enemies of the state,” “enemy non-combatants,” “extremists,” “radicals,” or “persons of interest,” etc.
This horrific, reprehensible, and criminal “social engineering” system, aka “The National Security Racketeering Network,” is a “growth industry.” It is the largest black and black-market op AND “Crime Against Humanity” in human history. It radically ramped up after 9/11 and continues to expand across the globe today as a for-profit enterprise.
In episodes 6 through 9, Dawson and guests analyze documents from JTRIG (Joint Threat Response Intelligence Group), a part of GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters; the British equivalent of the NSA) and expose the manuals, psychological tricks, methodologies, and protocols deployed in these nefarious operations. My opinion is that these psychological warfare techniques derive mainly from government-military-intelligence agencies’ weaponization of psychology and other sciences conducted by Britain’s Tavistock Institute (1921 onward) and the US governments’ Macy Conferences-CIA MKULTRA+ mind control programs (1947 onward).
The satanic nature of these programs cannot be dismissed. The Christian ethos of “love thy neighbor,” the very underpinning of Western Christian civilization, is hereby replaced by a comprehensive system of psychological abuse, trauma, and torture which, in effect, is the overt expression of “hate, degrade, deceive, and destroy thy neighbor.”
‘Cursed is anyone who attacks (kills, strikes, smites down, smites) a neighbor in secret.’ And all the people will reply, ‘Amen.’
Deuteronomy 27:24
I believe this curse now extends to the agencies, police units, businesses, nations, scientists, academics, populations, and individuals that participate in, financially support, and/or tacitly acquiesce to this (beyond) despicable torture-murder system. Apparently, hell is now expanding exponentially both in this world and the next.
Suzi 3D
Courageous Kiwi journalist Suzie Dawson and a special guest take us to school on the GCHQ’s (UK NSA) infamous JTRIG – Joint Threat Response Intelligence Group that smears, infiltrates and sabotages the lives of targets online!
The existence of JTRIG was revealed in the Snowden documents and a 50 slide set was published by The Intercept in 2013. This Sunday we break down each of those slides and decipher the methodology employed within.
Watch the full first episode here:
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Multistreaming with
Webmaster’s Transcription of Video Highlights:
Suzie Dawson: We are working through the JTRIG documents. This is part two of the series on these JTRIG documents. We’ll pick up with where we left off last week. I know one of the things they like to do is try to gauge the IQ of the target and also assess the personality type of the target. They are also probably trying to assess mental health of the targets.
Lissa Johnson, clinical psychologist: There are six principles of persuasion in psychology, which are tactics to get people to say yes to you. To get people to be compliant and obedient. How to build trust. One is the consistency principle. Things like “exploiting reciprocity.” Likeability, complimenting and flattering someone. Another principle of persuasion is using authority figures, people with credible sounding names
(Webmaster Comment: the obedience to authority experiments of Stanley Milgram of Yale in the 1960s are extremely important. They showed that nearly everybody can torture others under the right conditions.)
6 principles of persuasion = RASCAL= reciprocity, authority, scarcity, compliance/conformity, consistency,
They might want to manipulate someone’s perception of the risks and costs and benefits of taking a particular behavior.
MOE = Method of Entry- or Method of Engagement- ways to get in to influence somebody.
They talk about morality and ethics and they say they don’t have any ethical code that covers what they do here at JTRIG.
Suzie: I think they are assessing the morality and ethics of the target and they are wanting to exploit those findings.
I think everything in this document is about exploitation. I think JTRIG is about exploitation. What they are doing is exploiting individuals, their personality, and their traits.
Legitimization of violence is a key aspect of intelligence agencies. They always push to legitimize violence so they can get arrests and accuse people of crimes. This also helps them justify their own intrusion into the group in the first place.
Post 9/11, we see society-wide legitimization of violence on a great scale.
First, get someone to do something small, then bigger things- the real material they want you to get on board with. Smearing somebody.
Legitimization of Violence: (“Punch a Nazi, Punch a Nazi!”). We now hear this from mainstream media figures.
In 2011, it was protestors vs. the state, the people vs. authority, protestor against riot police. Today, it’s citizens against citizens….. Especially in terms of protests. Now citizens protest each other. Both sides are encouraged to engage in violence. Whereas we know that by and large it is the non-violent protests which are most successful. I see intelligence agencies encouraging violence among the citizens.
Lissa: It is quite shocking to think that a slide that explains psychological dynamics is used against civilians.
Suzie: In the 60’s, the FBI was actually supplying arms to the Black Panthers. This is going on today, with the FBI and other agencies pushing violence and legitimizing violence. We also see this societally and socially. Now it’s OK for mainstream media figures to speak the way they speak today.
Lissa: There are open calls to assassinate Julian Assange;
Suzie: They say: “shoot the son of a bitch.” And that person that calls for violence is not being censured.
Lissa: We legitimize violence on the mainstream media regarding foreign wars and foreign policy, and sanctions, which is essentially siege warfare, it kills people, etc. Continually this is normalized, sanitized, and nationalized, etc.
Suzie: I think it’s fair to say that these documents are all about waging psychological violence on targets. And internally within these agencies they are constantly manufacturing ways to legitimize their own violence.
Lissa: So the morality and ethics refers to both- to morality and ethics of these groups and that of the targets.
Suzie: Scientific methods on the slides means as in psychological methods for assessing personality?
Lissa: Methods of entry or engagement, They are talking about OCEAN- the main personality types. The ways to assess with digital cues to assess people’s personality. The psychologist that wrote these slides worked for the Defense Science and Research Laboratory. In terms of Method of Entry, do you use authority, consciousness, agreeableness? Someone high openness would be more amenable to reciprocity. Someone high in neuroticism to a fear-inducing method of engagement. These are scientific methods of manipulation. Human decision-making is made by constructing stories… Like we are a democracy… This is a powerful way to influence what people think and how they believe.
You see these techniques used in propaganda…. using fragments of stories, and people fill in the rest.
Suzie: Narratives section here says intelligence analysis is the foundation…. they are assessing the individual. That’s the foundation on which they brainstorm their narratives.
The “Human Science Learning Path”…. This looks like your field.
Lissa: I read that as their training modules and how they fit together…. history, E-learning. Human aspects of cyber operations….
Suzie: I find this very fascinating. They actually include here how long it takes someone to study these different courses…. you can study all this electronically. In the figure, there’s a 3-day course on the human aspects of cyber operations. There’s a one-day course on assessing culture. A TWO-WEEK COURSE ON SCAMS AND DECEPTION. That’s 80 hours of learning.
Lissa: The meat of that would be some of the persuasion 6 principles (of RASCAL), how to make someone like you, how to use authority, how to use reciprocity.
Suzie: In other Snowden documents we learned that the CIA awards “Denial and Deception Awards” to NSA employees, where they actually receive commendations for having successfully practiced scams and deception.
Lissa: And Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, boasted that they had entire training courses on lying at the CIA.
Suzie: Strategic influence is a one day course. Psychology and cyber-psychology is a one day course. Digital Tells is a half day course- 4 hours on learning people’s cues. One hour on Disruption. And Social Engineering for Computer Network Attacks (CNA) is an e-learning course. That says it all for me….if you add up all these courses, it’s still not as long as the Scams and Deceptions course, which is two weeks! So really, you can learn to be a scumbag in less than 3 weeks.
Suzie: And here are men lifting a tank, we are strong, that’s what that says, and we are military magicians.
Webmaster comment: No ladies, I believe the reason this slide is included in the manual is that this is actually a blow-up tank. This is an example of deception.
Suzie: Here we go. Magicians, the military, and intelligence. 1856 magician on behalf of Napoleon III to help to quell the uprising in Algeria. CIA work on application of conjuring to aid clandestine activities.
Lissa: Actually, professional magician, John Mulholland, wrote a book on called the manual of trickery and deception for the CIA. You can buy it on Amazon. It’s about being drugged, sleight of hand. They are building on that history of using magicians in intelligence operations.
Suzie: The simulation hiding the real: re-packaging, inventing, mimicking, masking, dazzling, and decoying.
Lissa: Infiltrate grass roots groups and then sewing division. Or pretending to be someone’s friend using the principles of persuasion.
Suzie: Masking is obviously to hide the true purpose or motive. Repackaging is to dress it up as something else other than what it is. People want to hear some practical examples of this. Repackaging: This is what Human Intelligence is and does. They mask their true identity, their purpose, their motive. They repackage themselves as one of the crowd, one of the group, one of the movement. But they also repackage their endeavors as being something other than they are. And dazzling is all about grabbing and controlling the attention of the group. And diverting them from the planning that the group wanted to do.
Infiltrators in our group would hold fake press conferences and have the media film them smashing down fences or whatever. In this way, they discredited the movement. They were very much about dazzling and repackaging. Saboteurs of our Occupy Auckland movement would create fake versions of our official materials- and then circulate them as widely as possible. They would set up fake Occupy Auckland website, and fake use social media pages, posters and fliers and posters, fake youtube channels, and fake email addresses. It all ties in directly to mimicing, masking, and repackaging. I have 8 years of stories I could give. It is very highly coordinated and planned.
They even set up entire fake occupations and fake press releases. The lengths they go to are almost impressive except they are so underhanded, toxic and poisonous. When I started out, I was quite green, and I had no idea there were teams of saboteurs there who were doing this. Then they would have endless conflict resolution discussions that included both real activists and saboteurs. This is a win for them…. because it is such a waste of time. As you continue from movement to movement, the exact same patterns and methods were used, and often the same people were involved. Inevitably the most effective activists are targeted, undermined and smeared, and the least effective are raised up and manipulations. This screen is basically the saboteurs code of conduct. Masking, mimicing, inventing and decoying.
Lissa: The mimicing, decoying, the dramas and creating divisions, turning sub-factions against each other…..
Suzie: There are so many WikiLeaks examples. The WikiLeaks Forum was started as a place where WikiLeaks supporters could meet and talk and coordinate with each other. But the proprietor turned out to be an FBI-affiliated UK intelligence asset who after he collected a lot of WikiLeaks supporters in one place, used to the Forum to discredit WikiLeaks and to ideologically attack WikiLeaks as an organization. He picked off those idealists and realists, disillusioning them. So what started as a support forum became just the opposite. It’s all about the masking, mimicing, and repackaging.
Lissa; One of the most manipulable qualities of humans is our group identification.
Suzie: The number one thing I’ve learned is that even if you realize that someone is a saboteur or an informant, the time you spend trying to prove or deal with this, you’ve just lost 3-6 months of activism time. And they will hold on until the last bitter moment. So I learned long ago that you don’t assess the person, because they readily can be replaced, you just assess the methodology. Just like people have digital tells, these agents have digital tells. You can tell who they are and what they are doing regardless of what their name is. Once you know these basics, you can get around them. And then you can better achieve your goals as an activist by side-stepping these people. And you save yourself the trauma of dealing with these people.
In the case of WikiLeaks, they announced in 2010 that they were going after the organization. There have infiltrators from a whole range of agencies. Intelligence agencies, private intelligence agencies. Yes, it’s happening, but we don’t need to obsess about who is who.
Lissa: There are so many lines on which they can fracture the organization. It is wise to resist any us vs. them mentality. This is the most readily exploitable human vulnerability.
Suzie: What I’ve seen is that every groups starts with an outward focus and the whole group shares that focus. We all share the conviction that it’s the banks and economic inequality that are behind the power structure. What the intelligence agencies do is take that outward focus and turn it inward. All of a sudden you are not talking about the banks or economic inequality, you are talking about Tom, Dick, or Harry and why didn’t they do this or that. So you stop talking about your issue and what you are going to do about your issue, you are now talking about each other. To counter this, it can be as simple as remembering what brought you into the group in the first place.
“The Psychological Building Blocks of Deception” (bearing in mind that this is a 2 week course):
Lissa: They are framing all this as building “cyber magicians.” These draw on the literature about magic tricks- manipulating people’s perception of what they see. We see what we expect to see and what we see depends upon where our attention is directed. Psychologists divide attention into selection. I kind of see the Russia-gate psychological operation in these terms.
This is kind of an an umbrella framework for how these other more detailed tactics and psychological principles fit in.
Suzie: So what you see with Russia-gate is that as they recruit people into the lie, they are effectively deputizing them to perpetuate it.
Lissa: Yeah. Discrediting and disrupting has been used against Julian Assange and the independent media. Anyone with a different opinion from the officially anointed narrative on things is targeted. So you target the general public to become agents of discreditation and disruption.
Suzie: Aha! “Map of Technologies to Message Delivery:” This is incredibly fascinating and this might be one for me to speak to. Giving a real world example here. Four times in my activism, I have had what might be termed an e-stalker. But these e-stalkers followed very specific methodologies that mirror each other perfectly. Eventually their material becomes stale and old and they need new blood to come in and perpetuate it. My new e-stalker claims to be someone in my political party. No one can even verify that they exist. What they do is they create a narrative- they publish this narrative- and they take the links to that narrative and the spread them across all these channels- Facebook, etc. For example, they create a website where they have published 14 articles about me in the last 6 months. Then they take those links and mass email them to everyone I’m in contact with- to the entire New Zealand mainstream media. They create dedicated twitter and Facebook accounts. These spread the lie that I graduated in nuclear science at some Russian university.
And they take that link to that Facebook profile and spread that around. The fake Twitter account is top to bottom them sending their links to their smear blog posts, tagging hundreds and thousands of people. In JTRIG documents they talk about this. In their documents they talk about mass tagging. They’ll go through my entire Twitter history….
They would claim we are neo-nazis, All of these (social media) platforms are the ones they use. They have a process, where they “launder”- they create B.S. smear blog posts and send them to alternative or independent journalists who they know have had some beef with me or who don’t like me. And they attempt to launder the smears into independent media. So it goes from disinformation agent to independent media to mainstream media. If they successfully launder these smears into the mainstream media, the next step is they will create a Wikipedia post about you… providing an “official history” of you…. (which is full of their lies). They are manufacturing a permanent history. This describes what happened to WikiLeaks….. the real history of WikiLeaks does not match the manufactured (but accepted) history of Wikileaks. The same would apply to the life of Julian Assange, which has been sabotaged and re-written.
Lissa: This fits in with the persuasion principle of authority. You have to establish your own credibility and expertise to promote the smear with credibility and authority.
Suzie: They will claim to be a fake victim of you. This fits into that masking and mimicing. We know that my Internet Party was a target of private intelligence agencies who were infiltrating and sabotaging us. They did launder in these manufactured false narratives. This slide shows how holistic it is. When I talk about the methodology….. these people spend 40 hours a week campaigning against a particular person and trying to destroy their life.
Obviously, these operatives are being paid to attack and destroy targets. There is no other rational explanation for these insane behaviors.
In many cases, these “people” are actually using aliases. So you don’t even know who they are.
Suzie: Attention Management. That (image) is a snake.
Lissa: Oh, I saw a moth. They talk a fair bit about perception and cues- and managing the cues. If you came to it primed with ideas of reptile, you’d see a snake. So if you prevent them from seeing the whole picture you can get people to see what you want them to see.
Suzie: And here’s the magician.
Lissa: This is another example of that masking and the importance of cues and perceptual framing. If you come at that thinking of birds, you’d see a bird with a beak to the left. If you came primed thinking of rabbits or Easter, you’d see a rabbit with the ears off to the left.
Suzie: Aha! This slide has fascinated me for years. “Gambits For Perception.” But a lot of it doesn’t make any sense to me: Obviously, “Control Attention” on the top left tells me this is their top priority.
Lissa: If you are doing magic tricks, attention is everything. We only process a tiny fraction (1/250,000th) of what comes in. If you have a whole room of people running around, if people are looking at counting the number of the balls being thrown by a magician, they won’t see the woman in the gorilla suit.
Suzie: I have many examples. The big move is we are leaving Syria, put out on all the mainstream media. The little move is we are actually setting up new bases and controlling the oil.
Lissa: Yes. In some ways, mainstream media is a perfect example of this.
Suzie: In terms of global narrative impact and creating societal influence- however, all of this has very personal, targeted versions. The masking and mimicking- it’s almost hard for me to talk about this. It’s genuinely quite triggering. These things have been used against me and other targets I know.
Mimicry is being used to let you know that you are being targeted. They will do some gesture that only you will understand. Or this will be a gesture they have done at other times. This is a message just for you. You can’t do anything about- it’s so innocuous. It’s to make you experience isolation and you are now in this crazy world and why are all these crazy people doing this to you. And usually it will relate to some interaction you’ve had in your life or some topic that is in some way concerning to you. So, for instance, women who have lost children are constantly being provoked about children and babies.
They also do it with language… Something where if you see it in a private space…. and someone will repeat that exact phrase. Over and over again as a triggering message to provoke you and to negatively impact you. When I see the stuff about modifying cues, and also the repetition… repetition is weaponized in that way. For me, by 2014, when there were serious attempts to harm me- and there was a lot of psychological stuff relating directly to the physical attempts to harm me. They would create these serial killer profiles and send them to me and they would send me videos of people being killed and people dying. When I was planning to leave New Zealand, I would be seeing lots of clips of crashing air planes, plane crash victims, news items about people being killed in plane crashes.
When I made a FOIA request to New Zealand police in the context of drone activity, they actually admitted to doing all this to me. The police FOIA response admitted doing this and continued the gaslighting in the report by highlighting that a 30-year old woman had been murdered, etc. It’s the repetition. They repeat the message from all different and unexpected directions. All this is to build a trigger response and to provoke you. So you begin to anticipate it, so you feel when will they do this next? What will it be this time? I would go shopping and these men would walk behind me in pairs and talk about me and my life and what was happening to me.
I know many activists have been through this type of thing.
Lissa: It sounds unimaginable and traumatizing. It creates the perception that your life is in danger, that there are dangerous people everywhere.
Suzie: They are trying to make you feel like you’re boxed in, it’s inescapable. Everything is always done in such a way that it’s virtually impossible to explain. As they are happening, before Snowden leaked these documents, before the public knew this kind of thing was going on, it is virtually impossible to explain to someone what is happening and it is completely impossible to get any redress or to stop it. Because the resources that they bring to bear are so dramatically much greater than those I had as a single mother in the suburbs, independent journalist. How am I supposed to take on teams of people in teams of vehicles?
We know now that these teams have mobile apps on their phones and they have geo-location tracking- and they know where each other are. They can see that one of their operatives has followed, two are following me, two are around the corner going into my house. They are coordinating. But if you are the target, you don’t have the mobile app, you don’t how many are involved in this team. You have to guess who they are and who they work for. You never know the scale. Are there two of them of 20? Are they trying to just scare me or will they actually drive me off the road today? There are so many unknowns.
Lissa: Add trauma to trauma. Since other people don’t have these same perceptual cues, that makes it very easy to plant the cue of mental instability or paranoia or craziness for anybody looking on. So that just compounds the trauma. It works on two levels, destabilizing the target and ruining the targets environment so they can be smeared and discredited. And also these slides are online- you are talking about the real world. The JTRIG coordinators on the ground talk about how they will coordinate with intelligence, police and other agencies.
Suzie: Lissa has found another companion document which is absolutely fascinating. It describes the applications of the information that’s gathered through the surveillance in the context of the on-the-ground human intelligence. In that document you see that it’s not just passive, online, and digital, it’s actually paired with on-the-ground teams of operatives.
So the on-the-ground are usually subcontractors. When you study the documents, they show that the NSA gathers the information and the CIA act on it, and that together they are interwoven and interdependent on each other. It’s a myth that they compete.
What I’ve learned from my study is that CIA doesn’t need to have somebody following me down the street because the CIA has access to all the information input into the system from small, private teams of intelligence agents. It is these private firms that are doing the on-the-ground stalking and harassment. And that data moves through whatever police, intelligence agencies, military, national intelligence agreements, the 5 Eyes data bases, etc. So the CIA can “see” if a New Zealand police comes to my house. They access that information at the top level. Now if the CIA decides they want to do a catch and kill operation and send someone to a Black Site, then they might send someone of theirs. But the intelligence agreements in place allow them to use all police and private subcontractors, etc. as proxy forces for them.
So while the CIA might have 10,000 employees or 50,000 employees, through the Global Network they can effectively have 800,000 employees. They access all the information available right on down to the level Chump Private Investigators outside my house. All they need is access to the information in order to act on that information if they desire.
We’ll finish by saying that “stimulating multiple sense”- I would have the physical intrusions (break-ins), they would leave items around my property that didn’t belong. You see this around New Zealand. They move things from your house to outside on your property. I had constant building sounds, banging, crashing, constant and prolonged noises. Constant sound intrusions. It was the worst in Berlin. Every place I stayed there I had constant sounds of power drills all day and all night. I started recording the sounds to prove it.
Lissa: The documents talk about creating stress and they are also creating trauma.
Suzie: Almost all the people I was working with in New Zealand had car accidents. One friend was T-boned. A white van smashed into the back of my car- and when he gets out of his vehicle, he says: “It’s my last day of work and now they are going to think I did this to you deliberately.” Everybody on my media team had these kinds of accidents. They would constantly jostle me on the streets. And then physical impact when you aren’t expecting it.
It’s crazy.
Lissa: It’s so extreme that it’s understandable that people wouldn’t believe these things happen. Now there is ICWatch that describe these things. There are things out in the public domain that really verify that these tactics are used. Which is shocking.
Suzie: I have to look up Haversack Ruse:
Lissa: Haversack Ruse is basically fake information that misleads people. It refers to leading people to believe; someone left a backpack with military plans for an attack and where it was going to occur…. It was fake information.
Suzie: All the sabotage is repetition. My Russian lawyer said to me: “Any single thing that you experienced is explainable. All of it is not.” It’s the consistent pattern over a long time that does not add up to anything other than harassment.
I also took it about being about resource depletion as well. They would damage my property repeatedly in an endless cycle. These are unsustainable financial expenses.
“Creating Cognitive Stress” is forcing you to constantly think: is this true, is this true. There are people in worse situations than me who have become completely adreinally depleted. They have been kept in a constant state of alertness, fear, and vigilance.
Lissa: Chronic stress and vigilance is physically damaging. Mental and emotional stress both cause physical stress. Mental and emotional stress hurt the immune system, the cardiovascular system, the adrenal system. It can cause all sorts of chronic physical diseases.
Over the past few weeks there has been a report from a civil rights group about FBI and law enforcement about activists in the US and UK; peace movements, social justice movements, etc.
Suzie: I still just can’t believe that people get up in the morning and do this. Elizabeth Mueller has found some fascinating information about how these operatives get PTSD from doing this. And they are getting depressed, etc.
There are targets’ lives at stake around the world. How I kept my sanity over the last 8 years was I began to understand how this system works. I do still carry trauma from what was done. But if you look at these road maps of the techniques they use, it makes a tremendous difference. To protect ourselves, we must educate ourselves.
This is all being done under the guise that it’s being done for the public benefit. And the resources being used to destroy people’s lives could be going to something constructive.
S.F. S.
1 year ago (edited)
Focus on Information Rather than the Perps:
I am an old man and while Suzi’s parents were UU’s, my parents owned a company that was a defense contractor during the Viet Nam War. Those funds paid for a nice home, vacation home, and put myself and my sisters through school. All of us kids always gave back to our community as we grew up, and are/were happy with a modest lifestyle and living. Aside from being a TI for decades, I am a UU. I also volunteer for my local community and will be working at the polls tomorrow. My sisters do/did volunteer for the local library and community affairs.
Our family considered ourselves patriotic, helping our troops defend Democracy. Our father was working for the Army, Navy, and Intelligence. We were very proud. But then I went to school in New York City, spoke with the soldiers who were returning from the war, and I consequently participated in the anti-war protests. My father considered me anti-patriotic, a failure to all the values he tried to instill in me, and our relationship grew distant. However, the war protestors continued to spread the information about what was really going on (even though infiltrated by the FBI and other intelligence organizations) and the truth came out. After a long battle that was eventually helped by media, the war ended. Many lives were lost in the process, including some of my friends who were drafted into the armed services. But in the end, the truth came out.
From my perspective, even as a T.I., I understand that the issue is not the perps or their mindset, the issue is spreading the news to the uninformed, just as we did in the anti-war case in the ’60s. In the 60’s we looked back on what it took to inform the world about the Holocaust before something was finally done to end that atrocity. I cannot work as effectively as the non-TI’s but we should all be working toward that goal of spreading information.
Kathryn P
1 year ago
“If you can’t talk about it, it just doesn’t exist.” Wittgenstein ?
the end of days prophet
1 year ago
On Judgement Day, I can’t wait to get my hands on the guy (and his family) who crashed into Suzie’s car!
the end of days prophet
1 year ago
There’s more experiences and incidents I’ve witnessed but I’ll take my time to explain myself. End.
nico napo
1 year ago
Damn, great Chemistry between you two.
Going to give a few listens.
President Elect James H
1 year ago
Thanks for what you do
the end of days prophet
1 year ago
When Suzie is speaking about “power drills” sounds while in her home, THAT IS TRUE with me as well, but the sounds I heard were stone cutting sawing at early morning hours .. and at weird times of the days.. from 2004 to 2015.. in 2015 I finally left Oakland California never to return to live there..
Carol McKenzie
1 year ago
So true about the methodology. I was able to challenge an operative using a device that can intercept your mobile from yards away to pick up other mobiles in your vicinity. Because it had happened once before, l recognised interception. I was in a, quiet restaurant with my son. The mobile was sitting on the table and it started screeching. Cue. I knew an operative was nearby, outside in a car. I ate. I left the restaurant, and across the road, down 30 yards on a hill, dimmed parking lights on, in an unmarked car, was the operative. Alone. I didn’t go down the hill when l left the restaurant. Instead l did a uturn, then drove down hill and caught him, startled him. He flinched, and then drove away. I recognise it now. And they knew it
1 year ago
I wish that youtube generated the transcripts faster!
Mr K
1 year ago (edited)
37:48 Repackaging
They’re hiding a tank as a truck. The photo below it is of a fake anti-aircraft gun with a fake crew.
the end of days prophet
the end of days prophet
1 year ago
.. so if an enormous fire is blazing near your homes, you aren’t going to be concerned of who or what started it, you’re going to get to safety or try to prep your home to resist it..
the end of days prophet
1 year ago (edited)
To enroll in West Point is only for the offsprings of the Elite.. rarely, does West Point accept students from outside the Elite groups
the end of days prophet
1 year ago (edited)
I was thinking about the Occupy movement in New York, Z park. .. and what Suzie was saying about that time .. and how many were in attendance at Z park that wanted change?? Would you say about a thousand peaceful protesters? … for the Deep State to see the amount of peaceful protesters, they dispatched about 200 to 300 OPERATIVES (undercover as protesters) starting sporadic problems throughout the mass of peaceful protesters.. so where did these 200 to 300 operatives come from?? My guess is, West Point .. military facilities around the World as well, where “operatives” are trained to engage crowds of people to disrupt and confuse… these operations are done in any country for reasons to control the crowd and also for T.V. corporate to record footage of “crazy ppl” protesting..
cat terrell
1 year ago
Anyone know where to find Liz Mueller online. Googel, that’s right, goo gel, won’t let a search for her, be seen. She seems to have the best info, on these group surveillance, teams. And, I don’t have weeks, upon weeks to access such info. They’re killing me slowly, like Assange. And, I haven’t done Shite!!! Please help if you can. Thanks, in advance.
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