The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
Gangstalking (Crime of The Century) Solved!? Computer Investigations Show (Some) TI’s Are MKULTRA Victims and Biomedical Slaves; (Israeli) Black Cube & Mossad Are Primary Perpetrators
New World Order
Articles & Interviews
Part IV: The (Jewish) “Controllers” and Their Destructive Mission
February 8, 2025Part VI: Mind Control: History and Applications
February 3, 2025Appendix 1: Crestone/Baca “Group Dynamics” (2006-2008)
December 27, 2024Books and pdfs by Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist
October 7, 2024“PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order:” Dr. Robert Malone Lecture
September 17, 2024Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 2024Hello
July 9, 2024Gray State (film)
February 19, 2024Appendix 36: Is Colorado the Future Capital of the New World Order?
February 9, 2024Appendix 42. Psychological Operations Blueprint (by Omnisense)
January 26, 2024Appendix 243: DARPA’s Brain Initiative videos
December 7, 2023Appendix 63: NASA’s Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast- 1994
November 1, 2023Appendix 64: The Unified Conspiracy Theory; The Greatest Hoax
November 1, 2023Appendix 66: The Zionist Jew World Order
October 31, 2023The Intra-Body Nano-Network Compilation (Sept. 5, 2023 video)
October 27, 2023Cognitive Warfare June-November, 2020 Francois du Cluzel
March 16, 2023Appendix 148: Kabbalah, Satanic Jewish Black Magic, & Freemasonry
November 24, 2022Appendix 214: Gray State (Movie)
November 26, 2021Timeline of United States Military Operations
December 25, 2020New World Order: UN Agenda 21/2030 Mission Goals
December 19, 2020The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism (Henry Makow, Ph.D.)
November 27, 2020(Choose) Freedom In Christ
October 18, 2020Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
September 19, 2020Are Lawyers Patenting TI’s DNA?
March 30, 2020Some Appropriate Graphics For Covid 19(84) & 5G N(J)ew World Order
February 28, 2020Who Are “They?”… Their Statements Say…. Starts with J….
November 18, 2018USA Freedom Act (2015 Update of USA PATRIOT ACT)
November 9, 2018You Are The Enemy (by Preston James of Veterans Today, 2014)
September 25, 2018The Unified Conspiracy Theory
May 19, 2018Terrorism and War (Dr. E. Karlstrom Lecture Notes, ca. 2000)
March 17, 2018Post-WWII U.S. undeclared and/or secret wars and “war triggers”
January 20, 2018Truth In Quotes and Images: Freedom Fighters Help Yourselves
January 5, 2018Trump’s ‘Jew-nited States of Israel’ (Icke Commentary)
January 5, 2018Chabadniks and Zionists are 9/11 “perpetraitors”
November 26, 2017Dr. Eric Karlstrom: Global Warming (Hoax) is Politics Not Science
November 7, 2017(Jewish) Protocols Explain Almost Everything: Author Hugh Akins Explains
September 27, 2017USAF Squadrons & Satellite Weapons
June 19, 2017Trump is Puppet of Zionist Jews (youtube)
December 6, 2016Synonyms and Fronts for the NWO
February 19, 2016Total Individual Control Technology (by Omnisense)
February 17, 2016The United Nations and Planned World Government (from De Ruiter, 2015)
February 15, 2016Techniques and Strategies of the New World Order
January 23, 2016The Illuminati, Skull and Bones & “The Plan”
January 11, 2016YOU are THE ENEMY by Preston James, Ph.D. (Veterans Today, 2014)
November 27, 2015Secret Records Revealed Highlights
November 25, 2015Appendix 5: Maurice Strong: Godfather of Crestone/Baca
January 24, 2015Introduction to Terrorism: Theirs and Ours
January 21, 2015Post-WWII American War Crimes
January 21, 2015“The Zionist/Jewish-Controlled Media is Public Enemy Number One”
January 21, 2015Oil politics 101
February 28, 2014Merry Christmas, and OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!
February 28, 2014Eco-Politics and Economics
February 28, 2014Alan Watt, Researcher
February 28, 2014Charlotte Iserbyt, Author
February 27, 2014John Taylor Gatto, Author
February 26, 2014Scientific evidence exposes chemtrail spraying as crime against humanity
February 25, 2014Social Engineering 101: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (Against Humanity)
February 25, 2014Dr. Steve Filling
February 25, 2014Jewish “global lies” are collapsing (National Journal, 2011)
February 24, 2014Organized Gang Stalking Quotes
February 23, 2014Important Email Message to Professor Eric Karlstrom from Canadian TI, Bobbi Peitsch (February 28, 2021)
Hi Eric,
I have not spoken with you in a long time.
I have dug out enough people, countries and proved many things.
We would ask you to sit on the European Coalition of Cyber Torture.
I put your name forward, and it was agreed after the coalition found Black Cube/Mossad was involved.
Below are my findings that I believe may be of interest to you, yes it is clear we are MkUltra victims.
We have xrays and MRIS of mother sister and I.
This is how it works for all targeted individuals in Canada:
We are all routed to asn577 (AS Number)
The owners of ASN577 that engage in this program with two network engineers that manipulate and use BGJ hijacked networks are:
Dhanji, Shaffiq
and Peter Wong
AS577 Bell Canada –
Bell Canada AS577 and Related Computer Networks
All targeted individuals in Canada are then routed to AS74
AS74 Shared Services Canada –
Hurricane Electric Shared Services
Technically, they are not telling lies about us, we are not prostitutes, but they have labelled us prostitutes because they sell us all over the world to whoever is conducting research, so we are whores of the federal government of Canada.
Transactions are then related to Churchill Medical Center in Manitoba (yes the Arctic). From there the transmissions go all over the world.
First responders participate in this and transactions are made in blockchain. I have proven all of this factually in the (Computer) Networks. I have images, dates times, etc.
If someone took this forward it would win, (in court) because the ISP and the hackers would have to provide their records, and metadata is forever.
All targeted individuals in Canada are Routed to the Behavioural Health Foundation in Winnipeg. It has been in operation since 1967, it is actually the CIA. I did a 5-hour investigation on the site with my team. One night we watched their transactions and they deal in block chain, gift cards. Hacking tools, many things.
The CIA and McGill University and others were guilty of the MkUltra project, and what I believe we have is evidence that it never ended. we (Targeted Individuals) are all MkUltra Projects.
They have video surveillance inside of our home, my spouse sees all of this stuff. I have been drugged and raped, I hardly leave the house now I am terrified they will break in again as there is weapons and a camera system in here. My sister, mother, and I all connected to multiple banks, brokers and insurance companies. None of us have enough money to hire someone to see the accounts that have been fraudulently taken out on us.
Transactions occur every night in blockchain on our networks.
What is an IP Camera? How does IP Surveillance Camera Work? [Complete Guide] (
What is an IP Camera? How Does IP Surveillance Camera Work (Complete Guide)
They use a surveillance fencing system with Digi and Pegatron systems controlled by IMSI catchers that operate with Apple Airplay. They use this system to assault with Radio Frequencies on a fenced system that they load because we are in cancer research projects. I live in a town of 1000 souls with 300 homes, today I have over 1000 networks in my home and 2000 wifi, I have none that live behind me or on one side of me.
A surveillance Mesh technique is used, wrapping around a victim’s home and inside of their home. This is the person who lives next door, look at the frequency.
This is the product that they use:
Datasheet_X20.pdf (
X20 Dual 5GHz MeshRangerSmart Virtual Fiber
The control appears to be from next door:
They collect the impacts of the biomedical data through Porthru the far right column is in MHz, these levels inside of a home are illegal, it is radiation. The -5180 is elf waves which are the most dangerous. My perpetraitors on Rossburn can be traced.
I have traced my mother’s inside of her route, they hacked directly into it, their name is Paradoski who work with cancer research. It is all organized crime because there are no checks and balances on Research Grants.
They have unlimited access globally once they have a biomedical slave. Victims are a hidden economy for money laundering and organized crime at the highest levels of our society.
It is all filtered through BC University (University of British Columbia?) which are financial money washers by the looks of it.
Canada Post (mail service) hacks me out, around the clock as well as a real estate development company (dozens hack). I believe because my mother who is a widow, as a decent property and they have been creating land developments around her house. (It’s) just easier to kill a family, I guess, and take the property than pay for it.
The financial/medical system & Canada Foreign trade department hack & experiment torture and relay medical information internationally with a well-known military contractor who deals in data (Linode):
Medical records and Health Sciences center hacking into my private home network:
GTIS is Government of Canada Forgein Trade department:
They restrict our searches by inserting code through the browser, that code (one of them) is a font called woff, woff2.
They restrict our search results from locating a Xerox lobbyist who came to Canada from the UK. In 1998, he approached the ON Leg; I don’t know what he discussed. He is an RFID expert who works with the military, police, medical, IBM, and others.
I have evidence of multiple military contractors in my network; those are fingerprints and the contractors are from all over the world. They have taken multiple patents out based upon torture, I have proof of one. We have RFID placed into our bodies, I have the mac addresses and they relay straight back to the Health Sciences Center and St Boniface Hospital in Winnipeg.
After a victim sees a doctor, the clinic heads to their network and relays the data back to the hospitals that are participating in this crime. All victims are in an ARPA/DARPA project on ASN112.
Kim, I ask you to share this, I have so much more data it is unreal. But the hospitals want to call you crazy, (but) you’re not crazy with readings like this. Finger prints are proof of network hacking with the system I have created.
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