The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
Episode 4: Opening the Five Eyes: Exposing The Spies; “Understanding WWIII”; 10/13/19 w/ Webmaster’s Transcription
New World Order
Articles & Interviews
Part IV: The (Jewish) “Controllers” and Their Destructive Mission
February 8, 2025Part VI: Mind Control: History and Applications
February 3, 2025Appendix 1: Crestone/Baca “Group Dynamics” (2006-2008)
December 27, 2024Books and pdfs by Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist
October 7, 2024“PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order:” Dr. Robert Malone Lecture
September 17, 2024Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 2024Hello
July 9, 2024Gray State (film)
February 19, 2024Appendix 36: Is Colorado the Future Capital of the New World Order?
February 9, 2024Appendix 42. Psychological Operations Blueprint (by Omnisense)
January 26, 2024Appendix 243: DARPA’s Brain Initiative videos
December 7, 2023Appendix 63: NASA’s Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast- 1994
November 1, 2023Appendix 64: The Unified Conspiracy Theory; The Greatest Hoax
November 1, 2023Appendix 66: The Zionist Jew World Order
October 31, 2023The Intra-Body Nano-Network Compilation (Sept. 5, 2023 video)
October 27, 2023Cognitive Warfare June-November, 2020 Francois du Cluzel
March 16, 2023Appendix 148: Kabbalah, Satanic Jewish Black Magic, & Freemasonry
November 24, 2022Appendix 214: Gray State (Movie)
November 26, 2021Timeline of United States Military Operations
December 25, 2020New World Order: UN Agenda 21/2030 Mission Goals
December 19, 2020The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism (Henry Makow, Ph.D.)
November 27, 2020(Choose) Freedom In Christ
October 18, 2020Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
September 19, 2020Are Lawyers Patenting TI’s DNA?
March 30, 2020Some Appropriate Graphics For Covid 19(84) & 5G N(J)ew World Order
February 28, 2020Who Are “They?”… Their Statements Say…. Starts with J….
November 18, 2018USA Freedom Act (2015 Update of USA PATRIOT ACT)
November 9, 2018You Are The Enemy (by Preston James of Veterans Today, 2014)
September 25, 2018The Unified Conspiracy Theory
May 19, 2018Terrorism and War (Dr. E. Karlstrom Lecture Notes, ca. 2000)
March 17, 2018Post-WWII U.S. undeclared and/or secret wars and “war triggers”
January 20, 2018Truth In Quotes and Images: Freedom Fighters Help Yourselves
January 5, 2018Trump’s ‘Jew-nited States of Israel’ (Icke Commentary)
January 5, 2018Chabadniks and Zionists are 9/11 “perpetraitors”
November 26, 2017Dr. Eric Karlstrom: Global Warming (Hoax) is Politics Not Science
November 7, 2017(Jewish) Protocols Explain Almost Everything: Author Hugh Akins Explains
September 27, 2017USAF Squadrons & Satellite Weapons
June 19, 2017Trump is Puppet of Zionist Jews (youtube)
December 6, 2016Synonyms and Fronts for the NWO
February 19, 2016Total Individual Control Technology (by Omnisense)
February 17, 2016The United Nations and Planned World Government (from De Ruiter, 2015)
February 15, 2016Techniques and Strategies of the New World Order
January 23, 2016The Illuminati, Skull and Bones & “The Plan”
January 11, 2016YOU are THE ENEMY by Preston James, Ph.D. (Veterans Today, 2014)
November 27, 2015Secret Records Revealed Highlights
November 25, 2015Appendix 5: Maurice Strong: Godfather of Crestone/Baca
January 24, 2015Introduction to Terrorism: Theirs and Ours
January 21, 2015Post-WWII American War Crimes
January 21, 2015“The Zionist/Jewish-Controlled Media is Public Enemy Number One”
January 21, 2015Oil politics 101
February 28, 2014Merry Christmas, and OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!
February 28, 2014Eco-Politics and Economics
February 28, 2014Alan Watt, Researcher
February 28, 2014Charlotte Iserbyt, Author
February 27, 2014John Taylor Gatto, Author
February 26, 2014Scientific evidence exposes chemtrail spraying as crime against humanity
February 25, 2014Social Engineering 101: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (Against Humanity)
February 25, 2014Dr. Steve Filling
February 25, 2014Jewish “global lies” are collapsing (National Journal, 2011)
February 24, 2014Organized Gang Stalking Quotes
February 23, 2014Episode 4: Opening the Five Eyes: Exposing The Methods of the Spies – Suzie Dawson, 10/13/19
I am also hyper aware that those who target us know full well how miserable we (TIs) are sometimes, how much suffering we are going through, and how hideous what we are going through is. They know this because they constantly spy on us and broadcast it live to Langley, Virginia to CIA headquarters. They were spying on Julian (Assange) on every single second of every day, including in the bathroom. They knew how much Julian was suffering. They watch and study the effects on us targets of what they do to us. We are like lab rats to them. They will tailor their targeting of other people based on the impact that they gauge from monitoring the effects of what they’ve done to us.
… The Enabling Act of 1933 set legislative groundwork that enabled WWII acts by Nazis. After 9/11, Bush asserted both the right and the intention to wage preemptive war or preventative war… this became the basis of “The Bush Doctrine.” This is the same premise as the Nazi War Powers Act of 1933. The Nazis soon used their powers to justify the imprisonment and execution of their own people. The USA Patriot Act of 2001 gave these powers to the US government. Since 9/11, the US empire has likewise used drones to kill Americans extra-judicially. In 2012, the NDAA, the National Defense Authorization Act, had provisions for indefinite detention without trial and American targets have become targets in extra-judicial killings. All this is justified by Bush’s AUMF (Authorization to Use Military Force) of 2001.
WWIII is already happening. It started when Bush said that the entire world is the battlefield. The string of invasions we’ve seen is part of WWIII.
War is an addiction for these leaders. With a perpetual war in progress, they speed toward their own undoing. War-planners, then and now, see war as a game of risk. To them, war is not the stark reality of blood, bone, murder, rape and mass displacement. Rather, it is a map upon which is determined the geographical control, monopolization, distribution, and ownership of resources.
This also really applies to the intelligence agencies. The vast majority of intelligence personnel are not actually in the real world doing HUMINT operations, killings, etc. Rather, they are sitting in offices with power point presentations, sitting at corporate meetings, fudging budgets for reports for Congress, or they are involved in spying on and monitoring targets from afar. They are in their safe cubicles. They have total detachment from the havoc they wreak. They are also voyeurs. It is like a video game or form of entertainment.
They use their spy satellites to watch the carnage of war like it’s a reality TV show. That detachment is really dangerous.
Their plan is not about democracy or stability or security or fighting terrorism…. It is all about control- The US empire, like the Nazis, want total control over the world.
The press has to be controlled, of course, via criminalization of the truth and persecution of those who tell it. (This is the story of Julian Assange and many other TI’s).
Finally, not one bomb could have been dropped in any of these countries without intelligence agencies. And the same intelligence agencies have expanded their target pool to millions of citizens in countries that aren’t supposed to be war zones, where they are not supposed to be at war. They are targeting people like me who have no military background or training, who possess no weapons, and have no history of violence, and yet I end up on a terrorist watchlist. There’s a problem with these agencies when they have to label citizens as terrorists who are not terrorists. And where they bring to bear military resources, targeting systems, and personnel against unarmed civilians. It makes them no different than the military agencies that are now killing people in Ecuador.
These intelligence agencies kill us more slowly and quietly. But it is the same core issue: The abuse of military resources and personnel and networks in targeting and devastating people in all these countries.
Suzie Dawson, activist, journalist, targeted individual, former President of Internet Pary in New Zealand
The beast was permitted to go to war against the saints and conquer them. He was given ruling authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation… If anyone has an ear, he had better listen!
Revelation 13:7 & 9
Webmaster Introduction: “The Global Network” (aka “NSA Global Spy Network”) IS “the architecture of oppression” that rules and shapes the world. Drawing on her experience as a TI and a journalist-researcher, Suzie Dawson exposes this “architecture of oppression” in her 10-part series: “Opening the Five Eyes: Exposing the Spies.” The system is comprised of covert SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) and HUMINT (Human Intelligence) ops carried out by the NSA, CIA, DOD, FBI, DHS, and NATO, etc., in the US, the UK Ministry of Defense GCHQ, JTRIG, MI6, MI5, etc., in Britain, the IDF, Unit 8200, Mossad, Shin Bet, etc., in Israel, and their equivalents in over 100 other nations. Cooperating private security and intelligence contractors and their hired thugs (aka “surveillance role players,” “counterterrorism specialists”) execute street level operations and psychological attacks. The Global Network secretly surveilles, targets, and destroys honest, incorruptible activists, journalists, “dissidents,” scientists, truth-tellers, and innumerable others who have been secretly watchlisted and flagged as “potential terrorist threats” or considered “enemies of the state,” “enemy non-combatants,” “extremists,” “radicals,” or “persons of interest,” etc.
This horrific, reprehensible, and criminal “social engineering” system, aka “The National Security Racketeering Network,” is a “growth industry.” It is the largest black and black-market op AND “Crime Against Humanity” in human history. It radically ramped up after 9/11 and continues to expand across the globe today as a for-profit enterprise.
In episodes 6 through 9, Dawson and guests analyze documents from JTRIG (Joint Threat Response Intelligence Group), a part of GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters; the British equivalent of the NSA) and expose the manuals, psychological tricks, methodologies, and protocols deployed in these nefarious operations. My opinion is that these psychological warfare techniques derive mainly from government-military-intelligence agencies’ weaponization of psychology and other sciences conducted by Britain’s Tavistock Institute (1921 onward) and the US governments’ Macy Conferences-CIA MKULTRA+ mind control programs (1947 onward).
The satanic nature of these programs cannot be dismissed. The Christian ethos of “love thy neighbor,” the very underpinning of Western Christian civilization, is hereby replaced by a comprehensive system of psychological abuse, trauma, and torture which, in effect, is the overt expression of “hate, degrade, deceive, and destroy thy neighbor.”
‘Cursed is anyone who attacks (kills, strikes, smites down, smites) a neighbor in secret.’ And all the people will reply, ‘Amen.’
Deuteronomy 27:24
I believe this curse now extends to the agencies, police units, businesses, nations, scientists, academics, populations, and individuals that participate in, financially support, and/or tacitly acquiesce to this (beyond) despicable torture-murder system. Apparently, hell is now expanding exponentially both in this world and the next.
Suzi 3D
Courageous Kiwi journalist Suzie Dawson takes us to school on how Western intelligence agencies benefit from and are involved in fomenting World War III.
Watch the full first episode here:
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Webmaster’s Transcription of Episode 4: “Understanding World War III”:
Suzie Dawson: I have been trying to spread the word about abuses by the intelligence agencies against activists and dissidents around the world. I am now trying to sue these agencies and bring a halt to their illegal activities.
Nicky Hagar is an investigative journalist in New Zealand and author of seminal books about the intelligence agencies who is targeted by the same intelligence agencies that have targeted me. His work is extremely important. But our situations are extremely different. Nicky Hagar is very famous. When I was being targeted in New Zealand, I wasn’t famous and I had no one to protect me. Not politicians, not the police, not state agencies. I had no ability to maintain safety for myself and my children. The police told me to my face that I would continue being targeted as long as I was an activist.
In 2018, the same companies I named as responsible for my targeting were confirmed in the media. I was telling the truth all along. For me, it was either stay in New Zealand and die or leave and stay alive. Every day I’m in exile, I see the impacts of that exile on my kids.
The people who continue to persecute me use anything I disclose to continue to persecute me and hurt me. The invasion of privacy is next level. I remember that in New Zealand that every word I said was being recorded and scrutinized by security agencies that had it in for me and were trying to destroy me. I feel that these agencies robbed me of some of the most precious years of my life and that of my children. I knew I was being targeted by the state.
They come at you through your children. Going into exile, there are whole other layers to that. There’s the obvious, incredible isolation. Because we lost access to our family, all of our friends, our entire social support network. My kids lost their friends and their belongings. They lost their home they grew up in. They lost their ability to learn and speak their native language like every other child in New Zealand does. They lost the carefree and attentive parent that I was before. I used to be fun, but I have to constantly stay need-focused. So I’m not fun-Mum, I’m stress-Mum, almost all the time. And then you add the language barrier. And to that that I’m constantly probed by intel agents in all the spaces I communicate in. I have to cope with that (spying and sabotage) in digital spaces all of the time.
My way of coping with the isolation was to over-work. I did 20-hour days every day. Then my body started to give out on me. I have been feeling so heart-broken and so vulnerable. I have been campaigning for years for Julian Assange to talk in the public realm about what he was going through. People didn’t understand the reality of what he was suffering through every day. The decline in his health has been going on for the entire decade, from 2010 onward. Eventually, after I kept trying get him to provide this kind of information, Julian did release his medical records. It was a very Julian way to handle the issue. I wanted people to know how dire his situation was.
Juliane, like many of our men, doesn’t like to be perceived as vulnerable. Nobody understood how much he suffered every single day. Our (targeted-activist) men don’t like to show vulnerability, particularly when they know that their adversaries are the highest level adversaries in the world who will exploit any weakness and any vulnerability to further hurt them. So our men don’t like to show vulnerability. They like to project strength and power.
A lot of people constantly tell me that I’m really strong. It puzzles me because I haven’t felt strong through any of this. I have had to constantly deal with things in real time. I think perhaps people confuse the strength of my convictions with the idea that I have some kind of personal invulnerability or superpower. I am also hyper aware that those who target us know full well how miserable we are sometimes, how much suffering we are going through, and how hideous what we are going through is. They know this because they constantly spy on us and broadcast it live to Langley, Virginia to CIA headquarters. They were spying on Julian on every single second of every day, including in the bathroom. They knew how much Julian was suffering. They watch and study and the effects on us targets of what they do to us. We are like lab rats to them. They will tailor their targeting of other people based on the impact that they gauge from monitoring the effects of what they’ve done to us.
So what use is it for us to hide all our suffering and what we are going through from those who do love us and who do support us? I don’t think it’s much use at all. That’s why I’ve given a tiny window of what we go through tonight. If you’ve ever had someone really highly manipulative in your life, who lies to you for an extended period of time, and lies to you about fundamental things which relate to why you even chose to engage in any type of relationship with them in the first place, you’ll understand that when you find out the truth, which you inevitably do, you feel like they’ve stolen a piece of your life from you, because if they told you the truth up front you’d have made different decisions. That’s how I feel about this entire process of being targeted. I feel like years of our lives have been stolen and arguably are still being stolen.
Had they not done to us what they did (however), I never would have become an investigative journalist. I never would have become any type of expert on the insane things they do to us every single day. In that sense, they created my investigative journalism by waking me up to the evils that they do.
Responding to a question: Julian Assange published more about 9/11 on WikiLeaks than anyone else in the world has done. It’s there. Probably 10’s to 100’s of thousands of messages from first responders on WikiLeaks. Documents from the State Department, etc. etc.
“Understanding World War III” is an article I wrote in 2016. I wrote it after a lot of study and research on the topic. It’s on It was obvious to me that WWIII has been going on for a long time. The only missing piece is for our governments to acknowledge that this is happening. They have yet to make it official and declare war.
We’ve already talked about the (essential) role of the intelligence agencies in the “kill chain” of dropping every single bomb. The intel agencies are an inherent part of the process by which every bomb is dropped. We also know that they are the major fiscal, financial benefactor of war. So when there is armed conflict, their budgets go up. They get more resources to do whatever the hell they want to do.
I studied the lead up to the declaration of World War II and compared this with the events that make up the lead up to World War III. There is a long history of intel agencies using the terms “white supremacy” as divide and conquer. That said, there absolutely were Nazis on this planet and they did provoke a world war.
Responding to question: In Ecuador, the people are resisting President Lenin Moreno’s government, which has been implementing the IMF privatization- austerity package- aka Neoliberal economics- which has already affected so many countries around the world. (And like Ecuador and other 3rd world countries), due to the privatization agenda, between the late 1980s and today, New Zealand lost ownership of all of its critical infrastructure and most of its state assets. That means we don’t own our railways, our telecommunications companies, or our power companies anymore. Many of these state assets have been privatized and sold off. The austerity agenda means cuts to public services. This agenda was rolled out across most of the Western world. You very much see this in Britain and America too. These measures were coupled with trade agreements and the implementation of cheap goods from 3rd world countries, Ecuador was free of the IMF and free of these things, but unfortunately, with the election of Lenin Moreno, the economic destabilization of the country began.
Until just a couple years ago, Ecuador was free of the IMF austerity measures and the military-industrial complex. The economic destabilization of the country began with the election of Moreno. We’ve seen “nonlethal weapons” being rolled out against protestors, killing many. The Western media has been completely silent on this.
In these types of operations, the CIA is usually involved and will generally pump weapons and money to both sides. Guns and money and infiltrating mercenaries were poured into that conflict. It was foreign influence that engineered that so-called “civil war.” Meanwhile, the protestors don’t have arms and currently aren’t shooting back. So this civil war could become a proxy war.
(Back to the main topic and now reading from her 2016 article):
Dawson states that a critical look at history shows that WWII started in 1933, not on Sept. 1, 1939. Likewise, WWIII also began much earlier- probably just post 9/11, when Bush II declared the Global War on Terror and then extended the AUMF to enable them to wage this war on terror.
Even though there has been no official war declarations, WWIII is well underway. Nazi conduct in the run-up to WWII eerily mirrors the conduct of the US Empire leading up to this WWIII. US and their allies have advanced long-term invasions, destabilization, subversions, regime changes, etc., just like the Nazi’s did before WWII officially began. The 1933-1939 Nazi period of history mirrors that of the US Empire between 2001 and present.
She goes Naomi Klein’s 10 steps to fascism,
1) Otherization, the creation of an enemy,
2) operating gulags (such as Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib),
3) employing paramilitary- outsourced privatization of the military (Blackwater)
4) immunized thuggery (this refers to Donald Rumsfeld’s “total force” doctrine where he immunized private military mercenary companies, like Blackwater, making them free from legal liability for their wrongdoing. The same immunity extended to US armed forces is extended to private companies.)
5) Domestic surveillance (NSA spying, facial recognition, etc.)
6) arbitrary detention (TSA)- no legal representation, no charges,
7) targeting individuals
8) subversion of the media
9) abuse of definition of the terms of espionage and treason, (ex. John Kiriaku was accused of espionage for reporting on CIA crimes)
10) legislative suspension of the rule of law (NDAA, National Defense Authorization Act, is all about this)
Like the Nazis, the US Empire openly brags about doing much of what they are doing. The US Empire has declared they are at war innumerable times: this is a global war on terror, there will be multiple-theaters of operation, that enemies are everywhere and we will hunt you down, there will be no borders in this war.
The Enabling Act of 1933 set legislative groundwork that enabled WWII acts by Nazis. After 9/11, Bush asserted both the right and the intention to wage preemptive war or preventative war…. this became the basis of “The Bush Doctrine.” This is the same premise as the Nazi War Powers Act of 1933. The Nazis soon used their powers to justify the imprisonment and execution of their own people. USA Patriot Act of 2001 gave these powers to the US government. Since 9/11, the US empire has likewise used drones to kill Americans extra-judicially. In 2012, the NDAA, the National Defense Authorization Act, had provisions for indefinite detention without trial and American targets have become targets in extra-judicial killings. All this is justified by Bush’s AUMF….Authorization to Use Military Force of 2001.
Obama’s use of the AUMF has gone even further. He has been acting on law that is not law. One of the first things Trump did on becoming President was to decide that CIA could anything it wanted with drone killings- it could decide and execute these ops.
Both Nazi Germany and US Empire- use legal sleight of hand to justify their criminal actions. They have passed a slew of laws that violate other previous laws and they don’t care in the slightest. International Treaties are broken, wholesale. The US has completely abandoned international law. The US government has done all this openly.
The US stated it would not abide by the Geneva Conventions regarding prisoners of war. War gets dressed up as peace. Obama in 2009 talked about peace in his acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize. Meanwhile, he was presiding over high tech methods of extra-judicial killings, going further than Bush did.
Conquest in stages is another similarity between Nazi Germany and WWIII today.
War is an addiction for these leaders. With a perpetual war in progress, they speed toward their own undoing. War-planners, then and now, see war as a game of risk. To them, war is not the stark reality of blood, bone, murder, rape and mass displacement. Rather, it is a map upon which is determined the geographical control, monopolization, distribution, and ownership of resources.
This also really applies to the intelligence agencies. The vast majority of intelligence personnel are not actually in the real world doing HUMINT operations, killings, etc. Rather, they are sitting in offices with power point presentations, sitting at corporate meetings, fudging budgets for reports for Congress, or they are involved in spying on and monitoring targets from afar. They are in their safe cubicles. They have total detachment from the havoc they wreak. They are also voyeurs. It is like a video game or form of entertainment.
They use their spy satellites to watch the carnage of war like it’s a reality TV show. That detachment is really dangerous.
Their plan is not about democracy or stability or security or fighting terrorism…. It is all about control- The US empire, like the Nazis, want total control over the world. They want to rule the world. Iraq became the staging area for the Syrian war… And if they had succeeded in Syria, it would have become the staging area for an invasion of Iran. In WWII, the invasion of Poland, gave the Nazis a launch pad to invade Russia. Likewise, Ukraine today is supposed to be a staging area for an invasion of Russia.
The disbandment of the invaded nations military… The Nazis disbanded the Czech army and others. US empire disbanded the Iraqi army, etc.
Great emphasis on creating bad guys and sectarian warfare- divide and conquer. Inaction by international community enabled both WWII and WWIII. Likewise the League of Nations and UN do nothing.
Each time there is a World War, there is a reshuffling of the international agencies. Thus, we can expect the UN to disappear at the close of WWIII.
John D. Claire gave us this table that shows the progression of events in the lead-up to WWII.
I created a new post- 9/11 version that describe the actions of the US Empire. US and UK and allies invaded Afghanistan in 2001, Iraq in 2003, Pakistan in 2004 (drone operations by CIA), and Libya in 2011 (18 nations joined the US for this invasion). The US and allies invaded Syria in 2011, but here we saw push-back by Syria, Iran and Russia. Active conflicts persist in all these nations…. No peace was achieved. This was intentional.
All we are missing now is the official declaration of war.
The inception of war is always based on propaganda. In the run-up to WWII and WWIII, we see vilification of enemies, etc. We see psyops in which Nazis and/or US claim to be victims. Our agressions are based on manufactured intelligence. For example, US wants to invade Venezuela and North Korea so it demonizes Venezuela and North Korea.
Of course there are always pretexts for going to war. Whether it’s going after Osama bin Laden (Afghanistan), weapons of mass destruction (Iraq), Sept. 11, terrorism, protecting human rights (Syria), removing a dictator (Syria), use of chemical weapons (in Syria).
The press has to be controlled, of course, via criminalization of the truth and persecution of those who tell it. (This is the story of Julian Assange and many other TI’s).
Today journalists around the world are being spied on and in many cases illegally monitored using extremely high-tech equipment. Many journalists have put their lives on the line- Julian Assange is at the very top of the list. Serina Shim is an American journalist who was killed.
Waging War At Home! (Another similarity between the lead-ups to WWII and WWIII)
In December, 2012, Jeh Johnson, General Council at DOD, speaking at Oxford University, stated that the military fight will be replaced by a law enforcement operation…. (from Wikipedia page on War on Terrorism).
Throughout history the US has used counterintelligence tactics to wage war against its own citizens. There has been a dramatic increase in military grade equipment to police departments since 2011. This is in alignment with DOD plans.
The DOD is outright stating that the future of warfare is urban in terms of the Western world. Our soldiers in the future army – will be police/soldiers in military gear. This will be the future army policing America on American soil. We turn the police into a military force- and get our military people in there. It now has military equipment and military personnel. This is in terms of their own strategic plan. “The future army will confront a highly sophisticated urban-based threat.”
So the domestic police is actually a disguised military force. This is already in place.
Nazi Germany also had hordes of black-clad police with military equipment attacking its own citizens. They had the SS and also made a hunting ground out of their own cities.
Every empire over extends itself. Resistance builds up until multiple nationstates overcome it.
Nazi Germany bit off more than it could chew. The US empire will also push it too far and will collapse. It’s coming.
The US “coalition of the willing” has been getting smaller and smaller in recent years. The allies list is getting shorter and shorter.
Economic sanctions are also part of war… and have been used throughout history. Economic sanctions are a form of warfare. They are about bringing nations into the military-industrial complex. The goal is about control.
The Global Network (NSA and its partner relationships with over 100 countries) wants to control all nations and have all nations join them as members in the Global Network. They want to monopolize the intelligence networks over the entire globe. Its all about supremacy and control.
Key points: WWIII is already happening. It started when Bush said that the entire world is the battlefield. The string of invasions we’ve seen is part of WWIII.
Finally, not one bomb could have been dropped in any of these countries without intelligence agencies. And the same intelligence agencies have expanded their target pool to millions of citizens in countries that aren’t supposed to be war zones, where they are not supposed to be at war. They are targeting people like me who have no military background or training, who possess no weapons, and have no history of violence, and yet I end up on a terrorist watchlist. There’s a problem with these agencies when they have to label citizens as terrorists who are not terrorists. And where they bring to bear military resources and targeting systems, personnel against unarmed civilians. It makes them no different than the military agencies that are now killing people in Ecuador.
These intelligence agencies kill us more slowly and quietly. But it is the same core issue. The abuse of military resources and personnel and networks in targeting and devastating people in all these countries.
Q & A:
Q: What will be the final nail in the US empire?
A: I think the US Empire will collapse under its own weight probably. I’d like to think it will be the people becoming knowledgeable and acting to shut it down. But the system relies on the perpetual growth model. And as the Empire continues to expand, it’s unsustainable. There are only so many people to target. They will start having to target their own support base. Then they are in really big trouble.
Q: What keeps you going? What is your favorite stress reduction strategy?
A: Righteous indignation. What’s kept me going all these years is righteous indignation. I am so pissed off that the spy agencies of my countries are in violation of their founding charter targeting their own citizens. And that they are sucking up all the data of all the people in my country and then shipping it off to a foreign country which in my opinion is an act of treason. And that military legislation, resources, and personnel networks are being used to target nonviolent, unarmed, peaceful dissidents in total violation of every democratic principle. I’m so pissed off about that that I don’t care that I’m just one woman and that they have all the resources. What they do is so immoral and so egregious and so unethical, that I will oppose them until kingdom come. Hopefully, enough others will do the same and lend their efforts to push back as well because I don’t want to live in this dystopia. We who are the victims of it.. are going to have to…
Everyone is a victim of mass surveillance. Everybody is being traded and their private lives are being commercialized without their consent. That data is being shared around the world in foreign countries in total violation of their civil rights.
When it becomes socially unacceptable to work for a spy agency, then we will make some progress. When it is unacceptable to be associated with the targeting of civilians, that’s the point we have to get to. We have to change our thinking on this. We need to think it’s shameful to work for the NSA.
Yes, these agencies do need to be abolished. But if our spy agencies were to stick with their founding charters, I’m OK with that. If they were to spy on other spies. But I’m not OK with endless wars, the killing of civilians, extra-judicial assassinations, spying on dissidents, destroying lives of dissidents, the privatization of military functions, private intelligence agencies, mercenaries, targeting people for profit. I’m not OK with any of that.
Esteleen Westby
1 year ago
What an amazing presentation. Absolutely floored. Wow! Thank you.
David Jonathan Allan
1 year ago
Thank for your heartfelt testimonial. I am so very sorry for your suffering. You will be in my prayers.
Temperenc eLe menTeL
1 year ago
cat terrell
1 year ago
I see world war prepping, for sure, all around me.
Mr K
1 year ago (edited)
16:30 The meroticracy does not exist.
Does anyone remember the Steve Jobs/Apple movie Pirates Of Silicon Valley? They like the Horatio Alger aspect of guys in a basement inventing the next new technology. What they leave out or obscure is the part where Laurance Rockefeller’s CEO of his VenRock Associates, Mike Markkula, came along and made all their problems go away.
Markkula came from Intel, another VenRock company.
Mike Markkula
Co-founder, angel investor,former CEO and Chairman
Gilead Sciences was headed by Donald Rumsfeld…
” Over the years the firm invested in what would later become big winners, including Intel INTC +1.47%, Apple AAPL +2.35%, 3Com and drug company Gilead Sciences. The firm opened up to outside investors in 1995. ”
How Venrock Is Reinventing Itself – Forbes
Kerry A. Dolan ,Forbes Staff I track the world’s wealthiest people and their philanthropy.
How Apple met VenRock:
SOURCE: Return to the little kingdom: Steve Jobs, the creation of Apple and how it…
by Michael Moritz
Once again Apple turned to familiar faces. Hank Smith had been one of Markkula’s colleages at both Fairchild and Intel. He was an exuberant man with bouncy ginger hair who had left Intel and move to New York to become general partner of Ventrock the venture capital arm of the Rockefeller family.
In the informal hierarchy of venture funds, Venrock, ranked among the best, and there was the additional advantage that it had not yet financed any microcomputer companies. Markkula first approached Smith in the spring of 1977 and for several months Venrock monitored Apple’s progress. John Hall, who had helped write the business plan, called on Venrock and discussed Apple’s prospects with two of the partners. When Smith was on the West Coast, visiting other Venrock investments, he made a point of dropping by Apple’s Cupertino office. The venture-capital firm made about seven investments that year, but there was nothing apart from a personal relationship that drew its people toward Apple. Hank Smith said, “We probably wouldn’t have looked at Apple had I not known Mike Markkula.” Eventually, in the fall of 1977, Markkula was invited, along with Jobs and Scott, to meet Venrock’s other partners and present their projections for Apple.
Boy Levendis
1 year ago (edited)
The coalition of the willing allies is a list growing shorter… HOORAY!
Don’t be hard on yourself as a mother. i suspect that your children are far from misguided.
ella clement
1 year ago
I agree to some extent, but there is also the whole- what we dont know scares us. So ok, we all know by now the military has access to technology before we do. If were going to do this whole waterfall of of how technology becomes available, what I want to know, is which technology exactly is it that you are referring to, that you wish was in the hand of the public at the same time? So many what ifs buts and maybes.
Rick M
1 year ago
I support and so appreciate your work and as a ti myself know the darkness we are up against.
But please Suzi, I am not being petty, but, with all due respect, blaspheming the name of Jesus just isnt appropiate.
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