The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
2015 Summary and Progress Report of 9/11, New (Jew) World Order, and American-Israeli Wars of Aggression; by Texe Marrs
New World Order
Articles & Interviews
Part IV: The (Jewish) “Controllers” and Their Destructive Mission
February 8, 2025Part VI: Mind Control: History and Applications
February 3, 2025Appendix 1: Crestone/Baca “Group Dynamics” (2006-2008)
December 27, 2024Books and pdfs by Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist
October 7, 2024“PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order:” Dr. Robert Malone Lecture
September 17, 2024Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 2024Hello
July 9, 2024Gray State (film)
February 19, 2024Appendix 36: Is Colorado the Future Capital of the New World Order?
February 9, 2024Appendix 42. Psychological Operations Blueprint (by Omnisense)
January 26, 2024Appendix 243: DARPA’s Brain Initiative videos
December 7, 2023Appendix 63: NASA’s Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast- 1994
November 1, 2023Appendix 64: The Unified Conspiracy Theory; The Greatest Hoax
November 1, 2023Appendix 66: The Zionist Jew World Order
October 31, 2023The Intra-Body Nano-Network Compilation (Sept. 5, 2023 video)
October 27, 2023Cognitive Warfare June-November, 2020 Francois du Cluzel
March 16, 2023Appendix 148: Kabbalah, Satanic Jewish Black Magic, & Freemasonry
November 24, 2022Appendix 214: Gray State (Movie)
November 26, 2021Timeline of United States Military Operations
December 25, 2020New World Order: UN Agenda 21/2030 Mission Goals
December 19, 2020The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism (Henry Makow, Ph.D.)
November 27, 2020(Choose) Freedom In Christ
October 18, 2020Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
September 19, 2020Are Lawyers Patenting TI’s DNA?
March 30, 2020Some Appropriate Graphics For Covid 19(84) & 5G N(J)ew World Order
February 28, 2020Who Are “They?”… Their Statements Say…. Starts with J….
November 18, 2018USA Freedom Act (2015 Update of USA PATRIOT ACT)
November 9, 2018You Are The Enemy (by Preston James of Veterans Today, 2014)
September 25, 2018The Unified Conspiracy Theory
May 19, 2018Terrorism and War (Dr. E. Karlstrom Lecture Notes, ca. 2000)
March 17, 2018Post-WWII U.S. undeclared and/or secret wars and “war triggers”
January 20, 2018Truth In Quotes and Images: Freedom Fighters Help Yourselves
January 5, 2018Trump’s ‘Jew-nited States of Israel’ (Icke Commentary)
January 5, 2018Chabadniks and Zionists are 9/11 “perpetraitors”
November 26, 2017Dr. Eric Karlstrom: Global Warming (Hoax) is Politics Not Science
November 7, 2017(Jewish) Protocols Explain Almost Everything: Author Hugh Akins Explains
September 27, 2017USAF Squadrons & Satellite Weapons
June 19, 2017Trump is Puppet of Zionist Jews (youtube)
December 6, 2016Synonyms and Fronts for the NWO
February 19, 2016Total Individual Control Technology (by Omnisense)
February 17, 2016The United Nations and Planned World Government (from De Ruiter, 2015)
February 15, 2016Techniques and Strategies of the New World Order
January 23, 2016The Illuminati, Skull and Bones & “The Plan”
January 11, 2016YOU are THE ENEMY by Preston James, Ph.D. (Veterans Today, 2014)
November 27, 2015Secret Records Revealed Highlights
November 25, 2015Appendix 5: Maurice Strong: Godfather of Crestone/Baca
January 24, 2015Introduction to Terrorism: Theirs and Ours
January 21, 2015Post-WWII American War Crimes
January 21, 2015“The Zionist/Jewish-Controlled Media is Public Enemy Number One”
January 21, 2015Oil politics 101
February 28, 2014Merry Christmas, and OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!
February 28, 2014Eco-Politics and Economics
February 28, 2014Alan Watt, Researcher
February 28, 2014Charlotte Iserbyt, Author
February 27, 2014John Taylor Gatto, Author
February 26, 2014Scientific evidence exposes chemtrail spraying as crime against humanity
February 25, 2014Social Engineering 101: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (Against Humanity)
February 25, 2014Dr. Steve Filling
February 25, 2014Jewish “global lies” are collapsing (National Journal, 2011)
February 24, 2014Organized Gang Stalking Quotes
February 23, 2014Notes from Texe Marrs’ 2015 “Power of Prophecy” program: “America and Israel Strangle the World- Russia, China and Few Others Fight Back.”
Transcribed and summarized by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, February, 2016
ETK Introduction
One of the few researchers who seems to understand how virtually all the aspects of the 9/11-New World Order puzzle fit together is host, Texe Marrs. As a former Air Force officer, Aerospace Science professor, Christian pastor, and prolific author and researcher, Marrs is uniquely qualified to discern and explain the “big picture.” I discovered Marr’s weekly radio programs and his books several years ago and have avidly followed his programs since then. And, as a genuine Christian and ambassador for Jesus Christ, Marrs is a wealth of inspiration as well as essential information and insight.
My own website ( has now gotten quite huge. Fortunately, I anticipate that very soon, I will be able to write a one-page summary of the “big picture” importance of 9/11 and the New World Order. Toward that end, I continue to assemble many pertinent facts and perspectives, brick by brick and piece by piece, on this website in order to understand their: 1) historical and geo-political context, 2) occult/religious significance, and 3) the ultimate intended goals of the perpetrators. Perhaps most importantly, all genuine 9/11 researchers must put prime emphasis on exposing the guilty parties, discerning their motives, methods, and aims, and seeking ways to re-establish justice and rule of Constitutional law in America.
In the following “Power of Prophecy” program, Texe Marrs does a terrific job of cutting through the fog of propaganda that is spun daily by our government/military/intelligence/media system and telling us what is really happening in our world; militarily, culturally, and spiritually. Although I have not met Mr. Marrs in person, I can vouchsafe from my own research and experience that his information is accurate, his insights profound, and that as a Christian, he is a true inspiration. Something of Marrs’ engaging speaking style is conveyed in the program summary below. But I encourage readers to hear this particular program directly for free ( and/or to order the audio CD on In this post, knowing that Marrs wants his programs to be disseminated as widely as possible, I am pleased to share this summary/transcription of this informative program.
Having now worked for some 15 years trying to “solve 9/11,” I know how very difficult it can be to discern truth from lies, especially amidst the thick spider web of government/media/counterintelligence propaganda that now envelops our nation. Marrs does so admirably here. As a former university professor and the author of my own website (, I believe that the following synopsis/summary of recent world events is probably more accurate and incisive than those that one might encounter in traditional universities today. As with most articles and posts I’ve added in recently, the following information/insights basically corroborate and extend the accumulated information provided on this website.
Highlight Quotes from Audio Program
The Jews believe that their god, in the form of a great serpent, will help them to take over and conquer this world and mend it…. So it is a Jewish New World Order that they are expressing…. Jews are told in their holy book, the Talmud:
1) Israel shall be the headquarters of the whole earth.
2) Israel will have a world court.
3) It will have judges in the Sanhedrin who will make decisions affecting all of mankind.
4) Israel will become a “Greater Israel;” it will expand to take all the Middle East.
5) Israel will continue to expand to eventually to become the “Greater, Greater Israel.” According to the Yinon Plan, it will eventually encompass the entire globe, including the United States.
6) To accomplish this, what the Jews call “Tikkun Olam” (the reordering, the fixing, the mending, the rehabilitation of this planet)…. of course, they are busy on it right now…
…. Now here’s what happened. In the New York Times, an article was printed which admitted that 25 to 30 (overwhelmingly Jewish) “neo-cons” ran America. Cooperating with Vice President Dick Cheney and George W. Bush, they basically told America what to do. Here was their plan. First 9/11… Yes, this was done by Israel…. The fact is, the Israeli Mossad, working with the American CIA, and the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the White House of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, were able to pull off 9/11 and blame that on 19 poor, desperate Arabs….
9/11 would infuriate the American people so much that we would allow, in fact, we would demand that our government go in and kill whoever is responsible for killing these Americans. So we went in. We took Iraq, even though Iraq had nothing to do with it. We took Afghanistan, even though Afghanistan had nothing to do with it.
But we haven’t stopped there. There’s a war going on in Yemen. There’s war going on in Somalia, in Africa. There’s a war going on in countries like Liberia, where we want the gold and the diamonds. And then, of course, there’s Egypt, where even though the media is not reporting it, there’s a terrible revolution going on, with thousands of people being killed by our puppet leader there. We also went into Libya… We took the country’s money, it’s oil, its gold, and we left the country a decadent wreck.
… (So) their plan, of course, is to rule the world by running the Middle East. To do that, they must conquer all the nations of the Middle East. But not just conquer them…. leave them hopeless, helpless, in a state of continual chaos and perpetual motion. And that is exactly what has happened…. They want to bring chaos and de-stabilization to all these countries. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria… all of them, to be de-stabilized.
And finally, they would de-stabilize America because America would spend trillions of dollars to do all these wars. And then because of the refugees that came out of those countries into America, America would have to change its culture. And now we’re having 200,000 Syrians come to the United States as refugees. Obama is bringing them over. And now you see Moslems everywhere.
…. Every year (the rabbis) choose the worst enemy of the Jews around the world and designate him the “Haman of the Year.” This year it’s (Syrian President) Assad. They want to kill him (and destroy Syria).
Texe Marrs’ Introductory Remarks (Oct. 9, 2015 “Power of Prophecy” program)
All my life I have studied foreign policy, even when I was a little boy. We were very poor and I invented my own games as a boy. One of my favorites was “World War III.” I’d set up a map and create nations and give them different military weapons systems, etc. It got very intricate. I remember later on, when I was in the Air Force and was teaching as an Associate Professor of Aerospace Science at the University of Texas, I created a similar game called the “World War III Game.” I had my senior students, cadets who were going to be officers, play this game. Two teams were set up and it was always fun to see what strategies and tactics they used and which of them carried the day.
As an Air Force officer, I was stationed in various places, including Vietnam, Okinawa, Japan, the Philippines, and Europe, with two tours in Italy, and one in Germany. So I knew a little about war tactics. I was in communications/electronics, and we set up the communications for Henry Kissinger when he was speaking with the Soviet Union (Prime Minister Andrei Gromyko) when he was in Helsinki. So I knew, first hand, that what Kissinger was sending back to the White House was very different from what they were sending to the world’s press. This showed me that we use total propaganda for the public and then we do something completely different in private. This has always been the case. If you read the official histories of World War II… boy, what lies are told! Everything from the Holocaust (that did not happen) to the murder, yes, I said murder, of General George Patton.
Well, we are now in a different era. The United States is the superpower- maybe the only superpower. Barak Obama recently spoke at the United Nations just a couple weeks ago and he stated that we have the greatest military in the world. And on this, he’s right. (ETK note: “The Nation” reports that America now has its troops or other military personnel in about 160 countries– of a total 196 countries.) Of course, we are spending hundreds of billions for our military forces. We have secret high-tech labs developing NEW nuclear weapons. We have all kinds of star wars programs. And we are also using the old warfare, especially in the Middle East.
Today, I want to you talk about what we are doing in the world, and especially in the Middle East. It will surprise you because what I’m going to tell you is not what the press has told you. If you believe the press, you’ll be pretty mixed up. It’s like the old adage of being as mixed up as a termite in a yo-yo. It’s true.
We are going to talk about ISIS, who founded ISIS, Syria, the Ukraine, northern Africa (Libya, Sudan, Egypt and others), Iraq, the Kurds, etc. I’m going to be very precise with what I’m telling you. If you haven’t studied this, you will be very confused. And if you have been listening to the press, you’ll say; “wow, was I ever told a bunch of lies.” I don’t have any reason to lie to you. But the government of the U.S. has every reason to lie to you because they want the resources of Africa and the Middle East…. gold, diamonds, and oil, particularly in the Middle East. They want these resources and they really don’t want to pay a lot for them. So they’d like to just take them.
Israel and the Jewish New World Order
There is more to it than that. There are also insane religious ideologies at play here. Now the U.S. itself doesn’t have strange religious ideologies, but our so-called ally in the Middle East, Israel, does have strange and bizarre ideas. You see, when you believe that you are a “chosen people” of God, the ONLY chosen people of God, and when your most holy books, the Talmud and the Kabbalah, which they hold in deeper admiration than even the Old Testament in the Bible…. when they are told in their Talmud, and when they transmit these teachings to their youth, the youth grow up and believe that:
1) Israel shall be the headquarters of the whole earth.
2) Israel will have a world court.
3) It will have judges in the Sanhedrin who will make decisions affecting all of mankind.
4) Israel will become a “Greater Israel;” it will expand to take all the Middle East.
5) Israel will continue to expand to eventually to become the “Greater, Greater Israel.” And according to the Yinon Plan, it will eventually encompass the entire globe, including the United States.
6) To accomplish this, what the Jews call “Tikkun Olam” (the reordering, the fixing, the mending, the rehabilitation of this planet), of course, they are busy on it right now. They are now performing “Tikkun Olam.”
7) They believe that their god, in the form of a great serpent, will help them to take over and conquer this world and mend it.
8) So it is a Jewish New World Order that they are expressing.
Now we’ve all heard the term “New World Order” and many think this originated with George H.W. Bush’s to the United Nations (ETK: on Sept. 11, 1991 speech). But it began much earlier than that. The term New World Order actually comes out of the Satanic, occult world. So keep that in mind. Now the Jews are very attached to this New World Order. And they believe that Jerusalem shall be the capital. At the same time, they’ve given the United States authority to set up a commercial embassy in Baghdad, Iraq.
Now what I want you to know is this: Israel wants to expand. In 1948, they were only given a small sliver of land (in Palestine) by Truman and Stalin, representing the U.S. and Soviet Union, their two design partners. From that small sliver of land in Palestine, they have expanded to take over the entire Middle East. Now notice the Jewish flag, the flag of Israel. They have a six-pointed star in the middle and that is the Rothschild shield. It is not the Star of David; David never used it. The Old Testament David proclaimed that his standard was the shield of God. But we do know from the book of Acts, that the first Christian martyr, Stephen, exposed that star as the star of Moloch, Chium, and Remphan. These three were the ancient Egyptian deities. Behind them all was a great god, Saturn, the sixth planet from the sun… Satan, Lucifer. That was the real god that the Jews worshipped when they left Egypt. And it is the god represented on the six-pointed star.
The six-pointed star is made up of two triangles, one superimposed on the top of another, indicating the fact that Satan, in Isaiah 12 through 14, says I WILL be like the Most High. In fact, he says he will conquer the Most High and he will bring together heaven and hell. And thus, we have two triangles; one heaven, one hell. It is also the sign of the holy sex act that is so honored in the Jewish faith. They believe in a multiplicity of deities, including the great goddess and the god, which they depict as two great serpents, Leviathan and Behemouth. These two continually have sex with one another. And that is a small picture of the Jewish religion.
But in the flag, on either side of the Star of David, on the top and bottom, running across it horizontally, you see two blue lines. What do those blue lines indicate? They indicate that the great kingdom of Israel shall be expanded. One of the lines stands for the great river, the Euphrates, that runs through Baghdad. The other is the Nile River that runs through Egypt. So they believe they will conquer Egypt and have their southern boundary as the Nile River, and then they will go northward, conquer Iraq, and have their other boundary as the Euphrates River. So we know that this is the plan and they actually have expressed it in their flag. And this flag, by the way, was actually designed by the Rothschild family.
So how can a small nation like Israel possibly be so strong? Well, Prime Minister Mahathir of Malaysia said in 2003: “Today the Jews rule this world by proxy, they get others to fight and die for them.” …. particularly, he indicated, the United States. If the United States is the greatest superpower in the world, and if you can control the United States through “kosher politics,” through its banking system, through its media, through its culture, its academics, then you can take a small number of people and control the whole nation. Then you can use that nation to go forth and become your proxy to conquer the world. This is what has been going on in the Middle East, in Europe, and around the world.
Of course, we (the U.S.) have conquered Germany. We did that for the Jews. You can read the book, “The Bad War,” by M.S. King, which you can order through this ministry, and discover why we went to war with Germany in the first place. It wasn’t because Hitler was a bad man. It was because the Jews sought to destroy Hitler, conquer Germany, ruin their culture, and be the king-makers of Europe.
They also sought to destroy Russia. In 1917, Lenin and Trotsky, two Jews, were able to pull off a revolution in Russia. They massacred the family of the Tsar. And then they proceeded to kill…. (Author, Alexander) Solzhenitsyn says, some 66 million people who were Christians. Now thanks to the Cold War, Russia (Soviet Union) has been defeated.
Putin and Modern Russia
Something amazing happened about the time of the Presidency of Boris Yeltsin in the late 1980’s. Yeltsin was a drunk, an alcoholic. The Jewish oligarchy, the rich men, the billionaires, came in and they took over the country of Russia; they took over its banking. And the people were left with nothing. Then Yeltsin died and Putin became President. And Putin has been a strong man. He has not been a lap dog like Yeltsin. He has sought to restore the integrity and the power of the great nation of Russia…. in a diplomatic and democratic way. He has stood for election numerous times. And Putin is the most popular man in all of Russia. He got 89% of the vote last time. Before that, he got over 90% of the vote. Now when has an American president ever gotten 80 or 90% of the vote? Never. Obama won with maybe 53%. And usually it’s even closer than that.
Now why is Putin so popular? Because he took over a very poor country, that was impoverished by the United States and Israel, and he began to arrest and to kick out the Jewish oligarchs….. the ones who control the banks, the transportation system, the oil companies, the gold companies, the hotel industries. He took these Jewish and American monsters that had so denuded Russia and he put them in jail. (Borisovsky and others). Many of them fled to Israel and Great Britain, a few to the United States, where they could cheat people and steal their money in peace.
So the Jews, the billionaires, fled Russia. Now Putin particularly liberated the oil and gas companies. So now these belong to real people, to share holders. And they don’t have to do what the Americans and the Israelis tell them to do any longer. So Russia has become a more free and open society. The amazing thing is that Israel and the United States have done everything they could to stop Putin. But he continues to gain strength. He is certainly one of the most powerful people in Russia and maybe now the world, because he has brought back the Russian army and he has given them arms. He’s a very crafty guy. He’s a former executive of the KGB, which is their intelligence agency, the equivalent of the CIA. So it seems that this has given him special insight into world powers. His main theme has been to rebuild the Russian economy, which he has done. And to rebuild the Russian military, which he has done. And finally, to strengthen and rebuild the Russian churches…. which he has done.
He actually made laws in Russia and got them passed through the Russian Duma (which is their parliament) which say that homosexuals will not recruit young people. Wow. They will not use propaganda to convert young people to their insane way of life. Now the homos are angry over this. They also cannot publically exhibit their outrageous behavior, like in these gay pride parades. Wow. Now, there were some Jews that complained about this. In fact, these Jews got a girl music group together. And just as in America when we have these filthy, dirty rap singers and others that come on TV and show us the most horrible demonstration of Illuminati symbols and sexual depredations, etc., in Russia, there were similar groups. He told those groups to straighten up and to be modest and to stop their obscenity. One group was a Jewish group named “Pussy Riot.” This group made fun of Putin, made fun of Russia, made fun of Christianity. They stomped into churches during worship service and began playing their instruments and singing loudly their evil songs. They had gotten away with this kind of stuff in the United States. But not in Russia. Putin had them arrested and put in prison. And this gave the signal to all such groups that they were finished in Russia.
He also called on the Russian monks and priests, and he had public appearances with them, in which he said: “We honor Christianity. I will defend the Christian church around the world!” Now since Obama basically says the Christian church can go to hell, we have a big difference here, do we not? Between a man who says I want to protect and defend the Christian church around the world and a man who says gay rights are more important than religious Christian rights. That’s what Obama just recently said. Obama and his Jewish and Catholic Supreme Court say same sex marriage is fine with us. But same sex marriage is not OK in Russia. So we have a reputed homosexual in office in America and then we have a Christian in charge in office in Russia. Now you can see the great divide there. The culture of America is deteriorating… is going to hell in a hand basket. But the culture in Russia is growing in strength because of its Christian roots that are being fostered by Vladimir Putin.
Now at the same time, Israel and the United States have got their heads together and determined how they were going to rule the world. There are only a few nations such as Russia and their ally (also our ally, but a very leery one), Red China. Red China also does not wish to be dictated to by the world’s sole remaining superpower, the United States. So Red China does not agree with the United States on its foreign policy. And they often go along, instead, with Russia. Now also there other nations, a few strange ones, such as Iran, Syria, Zimbabwe, and North Korea. Now the greatest of these, of course, are Russia and China followed by Iran and Syria.
What is Going on Now?
It’s simply this. In the early 90’s a group was formed made of “neo-con” (for neo-conservative) Jews and their favored gentile bootlickers, one of whom is Jeb Bush, who is now running for President. They formed an organization called the “Project for A New American Century.” Basically, the “Project for a New American Century” said that in the 21st century, America will lead the world. Now the real meaning of that is: America will rule the world but Israel shall rule over America. If Israel, with its 2.5% of the American population, can control the colleges and universities, the media, the court system, the military, the politics, and especially the corporations and the banking system, then in controlling America, it will control the world. And that is exactly what has happened. Please read my book, “Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star,” and see exactly who controls, who runs America.
Now what is their plan? First of all, they want to convince Europe to go along with their thinking. So they have Jews or Jewish-favored politicians in high places. In both in France and Britain, there’s a Jew in charge. And many say that Angela Merkel of Germany is a Jew. These have been forced to go along with the plan of the “Project for the New American Century.”
And what is their plan? Their plan, of course, is to rule the world by running the Middle East. To do that, they must conquer all the nations of the Middle East. But not just conquer them…. leave them hopeless, helpless, in a state of continual chaos and perpetual motion. And that is exactly what has happened.
Operation 9/11
First, they came up with 9/11. Yes, this was done by Israel. Read about the dancing Israeli’s from New Jersey that filmed the whole thing. But you know what happened in 9/11. I don’t have to go over it again. The fact is, the Israeli Mossad, working with the American CIA, and the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the White House of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, were able to pull off 9/11 and blame that on 19 poor, desperate Arabs. But what we know now is that those aircraft had black boxes, electronic boxes, and they told those aircraft where to go. And that’s just the truth. And it was run by Dick Cheney.
Now, 9/11 meant that over 3,000 Americans died in those buildings and at the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania. And those people not only died, we lied about who killed them. But be that as it may, it fired the American people up. Then George W. Bush said we are going to get back at these people. Who were they really? It turns out that of the 19 of the Arabs, 17 were Saudi Arabians. That’s because they were all part of the CIA operation and they came from Saudi Arabia. But we didn’t want to blame Saudi Arabia for the attack. We didn’t want to let anybody to know, for sure, that it was Israel. And so we said it was some poor guy living in a cave 10,000 miles away, called Osama Bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden, of course, said he did not do it, that there was a secret group formed inside the United States that accomplished this thing. He was exactly correct, of course. But we said; “we’re going to go look for Osama Bin Laden.” And then we suddenly let everybody know; “we know where he’s at.” He’s hiding in the mountains of Afghanistan. And so we then determined that we would attack Afghanistan. So we did attack Afghanistan.
U.S. Invasion and Occupation of Afghanistan
What did we do in Afghanistan? We stole the resources… the copper, the uranium… that we are now selling to the Red Chinese. But more than that, we put in the poppy fields. And now Afghanistan is the world’s number one heroin dealer. And it’s our CIA and our military that’s running all of the heroin for the whole world from our opium poppy fields in Afghanistan. And of course, we’ve killed many Taliban.
But there’s been no trace of Osama Bin Laden. We finally found the guy. After years and years of fighting in Afghanistan we find him just living with his wives in a house right next to a military base in Pakistan. And we went in and took him out, supposedly. Our Seal Team 6 took him out. But nobody has ever seen his body. The United States claimed it was dumped in the sea. Was it? No, of course not. He was already dead years before that. He died of a kidney infection (ETK note: in 2001). Who was it that they killed? Some poor slob that they ran into, and they got, and they killed…. in Pakistan.
So we invaded Afghanistan, but Osama Bin Laden wasn’t even there. But Osama Bin Laden never did one crime. He was a CIA agent who had worked with the CIA fighting the Russians (then, Soviets) in Afghanistan many decades before. So we conquered Afghanistan.
The Invasion, Occupation, and Destruction of Iraq
And then Bush and Cheney said we must go and conquer Iraq. Why? They had nothing to do with 9/11. Well, because they have nuclear weapons and there will be mushroom clouds all over America. How is that? They had no bombers. They had no missiles. They had no way to deliver those nuclear weapons even if they had had them. No way to bring them to America. But we still were going to go and take out Saddam. Why? He had nothing to do with 9/11. But we got him. We conquered Iraq. We killed half a million Iraqis (ETK: some estimates are much higher: 3.3 to 4 million). We destroyed half their country. It was worth it. Why? I don’t know. Does anybody know why it was worth it?
Because a few years later, we allowed the ISIS people to come in and the ISIS warriors have now taken about half of Iraq. Wow. And now Afghanistan is being lost. We are losing one city, one town after another, to the Taliban. We’ve lost Iraq. We’ve lost Afghanistan, or we are about to. All of it… for nothing. Thousands of Americans soldiers mutilated, dead… for nothing. Trillions of dollars spent… for nothing. Well, there is something that has been won, and that is Israeli hegemony, Israeli superiority, Israeli ascendance in the world.
We are talking about what America and Israel have determined they will do in coming years in the Middle East. I want you to know this so that when you see headlines, you will know what’s really going on. Now the U.S. and the neo-cons who ran the government behind the scenes believed that the United States was so strong and had such high tech weaponry in place that no one could go against the United States. So they began by attacking Iraq. And they defeated it in 30 days or so. They took Saddam Hussein, who had been a friend of the Christian church. And friends, every Christian church was protected. There were no Christians being harmed. Of course now, there are almost no churches in that country. Do you see what George W. Bush did, friends? He destroyed the Christian churches in Iraq by killing the man who had protected them, Saddam Hussein. Now Saddam Hussein was a dictator. But he was no more a dictator than our president is a dictator. After all, is not everyone claiming and showing and proving that Barak Obama does what he wants? He’s says; “I’m king.” He doesn’t obey immigration law. Why do we fault Saddam Hussein?
Saddam Hussein was so popular that he would walk the streets of Baghdad and huge crowds would come out to see him. They would scream and holler his name. He would jump on the back of a pickup truck and give a speech. And many Iraqis would pull out their guns and shoot them in the air, indicating their wild acceptance of their president. We don’t do that in America. Here, they’re trying to get rid of all of our guns. If somebody pulled out a gun at a presidential rally, the secret service would quickly arrest him. But not Saddam Hussein. Now we were told that Hussein was hated so much that the Iraqis wanted to kill him. But they didn’t want to kill him at all. After he had fallen and was taken prisoner, we staged a big takedown of his statue in a square in Baghdad. No one showed up. So our fifteen or twenty lackeys got rope and got pickup trucks and pulled down the statue. It lay there in the street. No one came out to demonstrate. No one was happy about it. What they wanted was for the United States forces to get out of their country.
We said we’re going to remake the world. That’s what Bush said: “I’m going to bring democracy to the Middle East.” Don’t ever think we are going to bring democracy to Arab, Moslem countries. They have Sharia law. They don’t believe in a democracy. They don’t have democracy in Israel either. It is a Jewish country and only Jews can take office. They make laws that are for the Jews, by the Jews, and of the Jews. If you are not a Jew, there’s no democracy, there’s only tyranny.
“The Plan:” 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, ISIS: What really happened?
Now here’s what happened. In the New York Times an article was printed which admitted that 25 to 30 neocons (overwhelmingly Jews) ran America: “Cooperating with Vice President Dick Cheney and President George W. Bush, they basically told America what to do. Here was their plan. First 9/11. 9/11 would infuriate the American people so much that we would allow, in fact, we would demand that our government go in and kill whoever is responsible for killing these Americans. So we went in. We took Iraq, even though Iraq had nothing to do with it. We took Afghanistan, even though Afghanistan had nothing to do with it.
But we haven’t stopped there. There’s a war going on in Yemen. There’s war going on in Somalia, in Africa. There’s a war going on in countries like Liberia, where we want the gold and the diamonds. And then, of course, there’s Egypt, where even though the media is not reporting it, there’s a terrible revolution going on, with thousands of people being killed by our puppet leader there. We also went into Libya. We assured Gaddafi he was our friend. He got rid of any semblance of anything even related to nuclear weapons. And he offered to have our inspectors come into his country to inspect. Instead we chose to go in and kill him. Then we took the country’s money, it’s oil, its gold, and we left the country a decadent wreck. And now people are being killed, they lock their doors at night, and terrorists are roaming the streets.
Then Benghazi happened. What was Benghazi? Benghazi was a depot, a way station that we used for armaments we had used in Libya to overthrow the government, and now that we had done that, we were sending them to Jordan where we set up bases and we were training ISIS troops. Let me read something interesting. Remember Carl Bernstein, the Washington Post reporter who reported on the Watergate case. Here is what he said at a conference in 2012 regarding the Iraqi war:
“This was an insane war that brought us low economically and morally. We went to war against a guy, Saddam Hussein, who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. It was a total pretext. It is inexplicable. And there you go to Cheney. There you go to Bush. There you go to the Jewish neo-cons who wanted to remake the world (maybe I can say that because I’m Jewish) to bring about a certain result. They want to remake the world, “Tikkun Olam,” re-mend the world, reconstruct, revise the world for a certain result: The Jewish New World Order.”
Twenty-five to thirty neo-cons- and they are still there today. And they are still telling Obama what to do. And when the Republicans get in, if its not Donald Trump or maybe even if it is, they will really have power. At the last presidential debate, when asked what will America look like if you are elected president, four of the ten candidates said: “America and Israel will be… blah, blah, blah.” They are not running for president of Israel. But they just had to bring in Israel. Ann Coulter, the writer, said: “Why were they pandering to Israel? How many f…ing Jews are there in the world?” Well, she knew it wasn’t the number of Jews in the world; it was their money, and their power and influence. So they have to kiss up, they have to pander to Israel. Ted Cruz. Every one of them. Huckabee… just name the guy. Kiss-ups to Israel. They have to be.
Now here’s what their deal is. They want to go into the Middle East and conquer the Middle East. But they don’t want to set up democratic governments because democratic governments would be free and would produce great economies. Then those countries could become stronger than Israel. Israel wants to bring these countries down. Wants to bring chaos and de-stabilization to these countries. Think about it. We didn’t want to replace Gaddafi with a democratic leader. In other words, with a freedom-loving or liberty-loving man. No, we wanted to replace him with a bunch of terrorists who go around killing people and the whole country would be in total chaos. That’s what the Jews like. They want to bring chaos and destabilization to all these countries. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria… all of them, to be destabilized. This was their plan.
And finally, they would de-stabilize America because America would spend trillions of dollars to do all these wars. And then because of the refugees that came out of those countries into America, America would have to change its culture. And now we’re having 200,000 Syrians come to the United States as refugees. Obama is bringing them over. We are changing our culture; we are becoming Moslems. Now, they say there is an Islamic mosque in every city in America. And now you see Moslems everywhere.
So one after another of these countries has been conquered and destroyed. They aren’t nation building, they are nation destroying. And they leave them destroyed. They want them left destroyed. Just like the Jews did in Lebanon some years ago.
There was one problem in Lebanon though. In southern Lebanon, they met a group. They called it a terrorist group, but it was a patriot group. It was a patriot group that fought Israel and defeated them. You didn’t know about that, did you? The newspapers and TV didn’t tell you that. But there was a group called Hezbollah, it still exists, made up of Palestinians and other Arabs. They are patriotic. They want the Khazar Jews to leave their country. The Khazar Jews, who are not really Jews genetically- DNA science proves that- they wanted the Khazar Jews to leave their country. And Hezbollah are fighters, strong men. And Hezbollah says we will fight you in Lebanon.
And Israel attacked Lebanon, a separate country, and they lost the war. But they’ve hidden it. You won’t find that in the newspapers. But the Israelis know it. The Zionists know it. They’re angry. And they say we want to destroy Hezbollah. But first we have to defeat Syria. Why? Because Syria gave the arms to Hezbollah. Syria supported Hezbollah. If they can destroy Syria, then Hezbollah will immediately fall apart. It will not have the arms and support.
So their (the Jews’) goal has been to use the United States as their proxy to destroy Syria. Why? Because the Hezbollah fighters are in Syria and in southern Lebanon. They are supported by Syria. They call them terrorists. But they are not terrorists; they are patriots. They want to destroy Syria too. They’ve put a target on Assad, the Prime Minister of Syria’s, head. “We want his head. He’s the new Haman of the 21st century.” That’s what they called Saddam Hussein, the “Haman” (a reference to the Old Testament Book of Esther). The Rabbis actually voted on him around the world to make Saddam Hussein the “Haman of the Year.” Every year they choose the worst enemy of the Jews around the world and designate him the “Haman of the Year.” This year it’s Assad. They want to kill him.
Now in Iraq… we had conquered Iraq, but we weren’t finished. Iraq was getting back together and becoming a country again. We didn’t want that. And the Senate Foreign Relations Committee under Joe Biden voted a bill to divide Iraq into three pieces. One would be the Republic of the Kurds- in the north, in the east it would be the Republic of the Shias, and in the west, it would be the Republic of the Sunnis. But the Congress didn’t want to go along with a war to make Iraq into three components. Obama couldn’t get Congress to go along with the plan.
So they devised another plan. They wanted to attack Syria also, as you know. So Obama said what we’ll do is claim that Syria has nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. (Sound familiar?) And he did that. And just before he was going to destroy Syria with our air power…. just when our airplanes were poised to strike, comes Russia’s Vladimir Putin. Thank God for him. And he says: “Wait just a minute. Before you attack Syria, let me talk to Mr. Assad. Syria is our friend.” We tried to tell Putin: “No, Syria is our enemy.” Well, he knew why. Because Israel wanted us to attack Syria. And that’s the only reason we would attack it. So Putin went to Syria and Assad told him; “We will get rid of our chemical and biological weapons. We will turn them over to the United Nations and other powers.” And he did it. He didn’t have very many as it turned out. He had no nuclear weapons. But he cooperated in turning over these weapons.
So America and Israel got their heads together again to try to figure out what to do. Hmm…. “I’ll tell you what, let’s create an army- an Islamic caliphate. Let’s call it ISIS.” And that’s what we did. And we got with our friends, Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and we got them to agree. And we began to train the ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists and armies up in Jordan. When they got strong enough, they attacked in Syria. Then they attacked in Iraq. The Kurds fought them. They hadn’t done anything in the Kurd area. But they captured the Sunni area. They captured over half of Iraq. Why did they capture it? Because we told the Iraqi generals, “Turn over all your weapons to them.” Can you believe that? The Iraqi generals turned over all their weapons, all their tanks, all their guns to ISIS. And they went over into the eastern section, the Shiaites.
So that’s what happened with ISIS. We set up ISIS. They are our army. We sponsored them. And we gave them over half of Iraq. And then we told them; “We want you now to attack Syria.” And there they were in western Iraq so they attacked Syria. Syria is the country next door. They attacked from Iraq, Turkey and Jordan. And we are spending all our money and sending arms over there. We’ve spent billions and given it to the ISIS. They had all those Toyota trucks with those machine guns on them. Where do you think they got all those Toyota trucks? We’ve given them every weapon they’ve got. And the Jihadis, the leaders of these groups, are mostly Americans and Israelis! They are leading ISIS.
And then we claim that ISIS is killing people. They are cutting off the heads of Americans, they’re killing Yaseedes. And we faked all these films to make it look like they were really doing it. To scare Americans, so that we will say: “Oh what are we going to do? Oh… Well, if they are killing Americans, if they’re cutting off the heads of Christians, we’ve got to stop this ISIS. Why, let’s start fighting them, let’s send our Air Force over there.” And guess what? Obama was happy to do it. So he sent our Air Force over and they start bombing. But he didn’t bomb ISIS, he’s bombing Syria! We are at war with Syria and we’ve been at war with them for four years. That’s why Obama, in one of his weaker moments, said: “Oh, they’re just the J.V.- the Junior Varsity.” Because we control them, we tell them what to do. They would evaporate overnight if it wasn’t for America’s support.
And by the way, we also give billions of dollars to Turkey. So Turkey takes its Air Force in and starts bombing Syria. Do you get that? Turkey is bombing Syria. Syria has lost half of its territory. Syria has lost half its population. Its cities are bombed out. Still, Assad holds on. He’s a brave man. He’s a good man. But FOX News will tell you that Assad has killed 300,000 of his people. No, he hasn’t. He has fought the ISIS armies run by American and Israel, and they’ve killed the 300,000. That’s the truth. So ISIS still exists. It’s run by America and Israel. It operates from Jordan. It operates from Iraq. And the Turkey Air Force is helping them. And by the way, where is Turkey getting all of its armaments, all of its bombs, all of its aircraft? From the United States. We have an Air Force base, Incirlik, in Turkey. I’ve sent many troops there as a commanding officer.
Now, for four years we’ve sent our airplanes over Syria. But Obama says; “I don’t want to send people on the ground.” He thought ISIS would take care of it for him. But Syria is fighting hard. But now, Russia says; “Syria is about to fall. Assad can’t take much more. We Russians must go in to help them.”
All this time, Obama has been claiming that ISIS is this horrible, monstrous, radical, Islamic force that is killing Christians and cutting off their heads. And they (i.e., we) stage these films to make it look like that. In reality, we gave them that part of Iraq and they are attacking and fighting and killing Syrians. So that’s our enemy, Syria.
But Russia says: “Syria is our friend. We are going to send our Air Force troops in.” And so they built two Air Force bases and a Naval base in Syria as well, with ships, destroyers, and so forth. And yesterday (Oct. 8, 2015), they began to use their Air Force. For the first time ever, Russia began to attack. Who did they attack in Syria? ISIS. And the Russian general made a statement. He said:
“If anyone else, for example the United States, has military forces in Syria, you better take them out, because we are going to kill them.”
Oh my goodness. Well, America doesn’t have any forces in Syria, do we? (Laughs) Yes, we do. We have our special forces there, our Green Berets. We also have our trainers there, and we have our ISIS people, these so-called monsters that we are supporting.
And now Russia is helping Syria. Russia is using its aircraft and their bombs to attack ISIS. And America is all up in arms saying: “No, no, we can’t let you do that. No, no. We don’t want you helping us.” Because, you see, Putin is saying: “We are going to help you, America. For four years you’ve been fighting ISIS, but you’ve been wasting your time. You’re air strikes have been ineffective.” When in reality, we’ve been attacking Syria. Here, Putin is making fun of America. He’s mocking them, you see? Putin is saying: “Look I know you are attacking Syria, but they haven’t given up yet, have they? And now we are going to go help them. We’re going to attack your forces, the ISIS.”
And Obama is about to have a heart attack. The neo-con Jews are going nuts! They don’t know what to do. Russia is fowling up their plans. They (the “neo-cons”) are saying: “Russia is a tyrant. Russia is going to conquer the Middle East. Russia is going to work with Iran. Iran is the one. Oh yes. Russia is working with Iran. And they are going to use nuclear bombs. And they’re going to go destroy Israel. And they are going to do blah, blah, blah….” Shut up, propaganda bags. America is spreading all this propaganda. Russia, meanwhile, sits back and says: “we are attacking ISIS, we are going to kick them out of Syria. And if you, United States, have your armed forces here, we can’t discriminate, they are going to die, we are going to destroy them too.” Now America has to figure out what to do. We need to get our forces out of there. And of course, ISIS is going to be defeated by the Russians. The Russians are brutal.
That’s what’s really going on. Chaos has descended. The Russians are trying to liberate, to free up the Syrians. And we want to conquer the Syrians. We want to bring de-stabilization. We don’t want to bring a democratic government to Syria. Israel doesn’t want democracy in Syria. They want to destroy Hezbollah and the Syrians.
I’m glad that Russia is helping the Syrians. It’s been too long. Four years of destruction. All of these hundreds of thousands of refugees. Two hundred thousand Syrians are coming to the United States. And they should; we should give them the money because look what we’ve done to their nation!
What we need to do is pull out. Now Donald Trump wants to pull out. Donald Trump said so on the FOX News The O’Reilly Report. O’Reilly like to went crazy thinking about it. But Donald Trump says: “Well, you don’t want to go there. You don’t want to send American troops there, do you? What good would it do for us to control and to run Syria?” He knows there will be no democracy in Syria. There’s no democracy in Iraq, or Afghanistan, or Jordan. And there’s certainly no democracy in Israel.
Well, this has been Texe Marrs with a report on the Middle East and Israel. You see how they are strangling the Middle East. But there is hope. It’s in the form of Russia- a country that once was our great enemy. A country that killed millions through communism. But now it’s a free country. The freedom of the Russian people is greater than that of the United States. And the Russian people are not, 50% of them, afraid of their own government. But in America we are, and we should be. We have tyrants at the top.
(Earlier in the broadcast, Marrs noted that 50% of Americans admitted in a recent poll that they are afraid that the government is about to take our liberties.)
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