US Government Is Assassinating American Citizens (Blackstone Report youtube, May 7, 2018)
New World Order
Articles & Interviews
Part IV: The (Jewish) “Controllers” and Their Destructive Mission
February 8, 2025Part VI: Mind Control: History and Applications
February 3, 2025Appendix 1: Crestone/Baca “Group Dynamics” (2006-2008)
December 27, 2024Books and pdfs by Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist
October 7, 2024“PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order:” Dr. Robert Malone Lecture
September 17, 2024Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 2024Hello
July 9, 2024Gray State (film)
February 19, 2024Appendix 36: Is Colorado the Future Capital of the New World Order?
February 9, 2024Appendix 42. Psychological Operations Blueprint (by Omnisense)
January 26, 2024Appendix 243: DARPA’s Brain Initiative videos
December 7, 2023Appendix 63: NASA’s Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast- 1994
November 1, 2023Appendix 64: The Unified Conspiracy Theory; The Greatest Hoax
November 1, 2023Appendix 66: The Zionist Jew World Order
October 31, 2023The Intra-Body Nano-Network Compilation (Sept. 5, 2023 video)
October 27, 2023Cognitive Warfare June-November, 2020 Francois du Cluzel
March 16, 2023Appendix 148: Kabbalah, Satanic Jewish Black Magic, & Freemasonry
November 24, 2022Appendix 214: Gray State (Movie)
November 26, 2021Timeline of United States Military Operations
December 25, 2020New World Order: UN Agenda 21/2030 Mission Goals
December 19, 2020The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism (Henry Makow, Ph.D.)
November 27, 2020(Choose) Freedom In Christ
October 18, 2020Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
September 19, 2020Are Lawyers Patenting TI’s DNA?
March 30, 2020Some Appropriate Graphics For Covid 19(84) & 5G N(J)ew World Order
February 28, 2020Who Are “They?”… Their Statements Say…. Starts with J….
November 18, 2018USA Freedom Act (2015 Update of USA PATRIOT ACT)
November 9, 2018You Are The Enemy (by Preston James of Veterans Today, 2014)
September 25, 2018The Unified Conspiracy Theory
May 19, 2018Terrorism and War (Dr. E. Karlstrom Lecture Notes, ca. 2000)
March 17, 2018Post-WWII U.S. undeclared and/or secret wars and “war triggers”
January 20, 2018Truth In Quotes and Images: Freedom Fighters Help Yourselves
January 5, 2018Trump’s ‘Jew-nited States of Israel’ (Icke Commentary)
January 5, 2018Chabadniks and Zionists are 9/11 “perpetraitors”
November 26, 2017Dr. Eric Karlstrom: Global Warming (Hoax) is Politics Not Science
November 7, 2017(Jewish) Protocols Explain Almost Everything: Author Hugh Akins Explains
September 27, 2017USAF Squadrons & Satellite Weapons
June 19, 2017Trump is Puppet of Zionist Jews (youtube)
December 6, 2016Synonyms and Fronts for the NWO
February 19, 2016Total Individual Control Technology (by Omnisense)
February 17, 2016The United Nations and Planned World Government (from De Ruiter, 2015)
February 15, 2016Techniques and Strategies of the New World Order
January 23, 2016The Illuminati, Skull and Bones & “The Plan”
January 11, 2016YOU are THE ENEMY by Preston James, Ph.D. (Veterans Today, 2014)
November 27, 2015Secret Records Revealed Highlights
November 25, 2015Appendix 5: Maurice Strong: Godfather of Crestone/Baca
January 24, 2015Introduction to Terrorism: Theirs and Ours
January 21, 2015Post-WWII American War Crimes
January 21, 2015“The Zionist/Jewish-Controlled Media is Public Enemy Number One”
January 21, 2015Oil politics 101
February 28, 2014Merry Christmas, and OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!
February 28, 2014Eco-Politics and Economics
February 28, 2014Alan Watt, Researcher
February 28, 2014Charlotte Iserbyt, Author
February 27, 2014John Taylor Gatto, Author
February 26, 2014Scientific evidence exposes chemtrail spraying as crime against humanity
February 25, 2014Social Engineering 101: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (Against Humanity)
February 25, 2014Dr. Steve Filling
February 25, 2014Jewish “global lies” are collapsing (National Journal, 2011)
February 24, 2014Organized Gang Stalking Quotes
February 23, 2014
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on May 7, 2018
This story is hard to believe, but it is true. US presidents are ordering the assassination of American citizens, including children, without due process. Of course, the entire global stalking program is another example of this disregard/contempt for constitutional law and due process, and is targeting, torturing, and terrorizing millions throughout the world today.
Jake Morphonios
PO Box 1333
Kernersville, NC 27285
1 week ago
AMEN ! Thanks for reading that heart-felt but tragic letter Jake. I have long-since run completely out of words describing the rat-filth evil that runs this nightmare we call our temporary home. The vast majority of ‘Gulag Amerika’, will never understand even a small aspect of what you, myself and others are saying. I don’t think they have the mental, or spiritual capacity to fathom anything beyond the ‘Fight or Flight’, response, and must be told by their slavemasters what to think, and parrot what they have been indoctrinated to say. I constantly encounter these automatons wherever I go that, STILL do not know what a ‘Chemtrail’ is ! I am sorry but, I do not believe there is any hope for the average Amerikan debt-slave … they are the ‘Walking Dead’.
mary ellison
1 week ago
Amen and amen!!!!
The Experience Project
1 week ago
Escape the Matrix
1 week ago
1 week ago
mary ellison
1 week ago
Jake, I’ve been hearing a lot about the super soldiers, (hybrid soldiers), MK ultra men trained by this military complex to kill. And they are strategically planted all across the planet, and yes right here in our country, ready to carry our orders to kill. Remember, their definition of terrorist is Christian patriots and those who speak against anyone in the g-o-v. We could be the targets of these drones soon!!!!
Aaron Clark
1 week ago
I lived in Afghanistan for years, all we did was lie about 911 so we could start a war, I order to complete a one world government they have to establish a embassy in each country so that’s why we went to war, all we did was grow the poppie seeds because the us makes billions off opium.. Our government is the most corrupt people in the world.
Aaron Clark
1 week ago
American will fall, the us is mystery Babylon and the Bible says we will fall for what we’ve done to people.
1 week ago
Amen! These immoral & illegal wars have to stop! I can imagine Christ is not too happy with America (govt) killing his children around the world in cold blood. ?
Al Demir
1 week ago (edited)
Ameen and again Ameen to humanity, at this point I honestly don’t care about anything no more, how can I without humanity, honesty and dignity.
anglo saxon
1 week ago
Amen brother
1 week ago
Dirty wars is fantastic. Doesn’t matter what country they need something done in.. They’ll do it. 9/11 definitely 100% brought us to this point.. The American morals and values crumbled with those towers.
Jeanne Taurus
1 week ago (edited)
I am being Killed by the US Government. I am a Targeted individual. They’ve used DEW, they use frequencies in my home. I’ve metered their frequencies and the high radiation in my home. Rothschilds own the power companies. I’ve tracked it to Washington State, Idaho, California, Oregon, Colorado. I was penalized for opt out of smart meter by Pacific power $135.00 plus $35.00 per month for them to send out a meter reader guy. You know that’s BS… I have a sneaking suspicion it’s Rothschilds ordering the killings of Americans followed out by Trump…911 gave these fusion centers and police to follow orders for the patriot act grant money allowed by Bush To watch terrorists aka any American for torture. By these greedy liars . This gave all first responders a way to make money on false accusations against the people..Agenda 21? YES.
First responders are the enemies.. corruption and greed is their fame.
It’s a sad day when Americans kill Americans..
God protect us all! I’m 65 & handicap. I’m a real threat to American way of life.
1 week ago
Amen brother
Al Demir
1 week ago (edited)
How about killing many of our Presidents, government members, bystanders and civiianians, because of greedy, power and money also having govermant to except privately own Federal Reserve just like many European nations. Within in the law, we the people up to neck in the septic tank without knowing it. Oh my dear Americans, same group that finance the both side of the our very own civil war and same group finance the Lenin in Russia and have all of Romano family. much much more of the same shit that I’m under shock and even shame tobe part of sinful government for all my life.
Maga Md
1 week ago (edited)
Abortion of civilians is murder. Amen
Dave G
1 week ago
Chris Vale
1 week ago
1 week ago
We don’t have a representative government. It’s just a show. These people are bought, bribed, blackmailed by those who really run the government. Our military is used to conduct war for Israel.
Even 9/11 was planned by Israel. It was done to get our military into the middle east to fight wars for Israel.
Chris Weinert
1 week ago (edited)
Those without concern about their own mortal souls should continue to blindly serve this murderous cabal, which has infiltrated all industrialized religions, to deceive us into sacrificing our own souls by manipulating our observations in order to dupe people into serving the cabal, while imposing immense hypocrisies that “justify” their awful behaviors.
They do not care they are being hired by the 1%, just to kill off half the global population, beneath the fog of war, the wants of greed, & the haze of apathy.
Scott Smith
1 week ago
Arcane & Rarefied
1 week ago (edited)
I have a valid question…
Jake says he supports the troops…
But it isn’t Donald Trump that is pulling the trigger that results in children’s blood being sprayed across the house walls… It’s one or more of the troops that Jake supports.
How can anyone justify supporting troops that follow orders to kill women, children and babies..?
The troops are NOT helping to protect you… If the troops weren’t invading another peoples land and murdering the indigenous people there, there would probably be no threat to the people of the US at all.
Any sane man that is told to shoot and kill women and kids, should point blank refuse, regardless of what happens to him himself for his refusal to carry out such heinous acts…
You’re not supporting the troops Jake, you’re supporting indoctrinated, mind controlled, corporate terrorists..!
If the globalists, this sick Satanic scum that is steering the world towards their NWO, if they only had a few small pockets of resistance left that was preventing them from achieving their goal of a one world governance… Who do you think the troops you presently support will fight for… You (the resistance)- or their masters (the globalists)..?
Da Perch
1 week ago
AMEN! Just about everything you talk about on your shows is spot on! Especially about the wars and the so called enemies of the State is all bogus. I voted for Trump, but I’m no longer a fan of his when he started going “sideways” on the 2nd Amendment, nominating and then hiring, of all the people, the head of the CIA! What? The CIA (and 20 something other agencies) are deeper than the “Deep State.” Then, the stupid blunder of bombing Syria again for so called Chemical Weapons. The CIA uses the illusion that we are fighting ISIS. An enemy that they created, funded, trained and armed. If that isn’t an illusion, I don’t know what is. And then all these people gang up on me for telling them the way it is, but they need to hold on and believe someone (like Trump’s B.S.) over Clinton. The sooner people call out the President for his blunders (they aren’t blunders, he knows exactly what he’s doing) and put his feet to the fire on his Campaign Promises, the sooner they can let their Trump Hangover wear off. We have no business fighting any war, but looks like we’re going to fighting another 15 yr war in Syria and then Iran and then China and then the whole world.
kris walen
1 week ago
Amen you are a great, stand up man Jake. Thank you Sir!
Curtis Finney
1 week ago
I WAS IN THE MARINE CORPS IN BERUIT IN 1983-84 Still no payback. I lost 4 of my friends. One was my roommate and close friend.
The Insane Chef
1 week ago (edited)
Time to impeach this bum. He fooled me once, will not get my vote again.
This bum preaches law and order in America and then breaks all law and order internationally
Chris Weinert
1 week ago (edited)
Until we realize that “national security” services are nothing more than the banksters’ gestapo, we will never understand the global political situation.
Rothschild & cabal own 193 “national” banks, along with their national “intelligence” organizations, which use national security as an asymetrical mechanism, designed to control their monopolies, guised as something to “protect” us.
In reality, they are fully deceiving their footsoldiers into sacrificing their own souls, as well as the souls of everyone else.
“What, are you a Clinton bot?”
“Come on, join our death cult….”
The NWO is toying with fear, propaganda, & binary psychology to manipulate morons.
Get on facebook, if you need more proof…lol
1 week ago (edited)
More shame to USA. Hopefully we can turn it into the great country we were lead to believe it was for all of our lives. A great country, under God. Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice…
1 week ago
Amen Jake
Emilio Molina
1 week ago
# A M E N . .. from AGGIELAND ”
# A M E N. .. FROM TEXAS .
ps. = heard this on pray,praying ⛪ church station ” =
# # # We pray TO GOD
# —+
1 week ago
Stop. Following. Orders.
1 week ago
You truly are a good man, with a good heart. You see a human as a human and nothing less. Keep up the great work spreading truth and peace. ❤️
1 week ago
Thank you so much for your honesty in all these matters. These are such scary times.
Alicia B
1 week ago
Not in my name. AMEN.
1 week ago
larry miller
1 week ago
Beware of the military industrial complex
Paul Craven
1 week ago
Last night I listened to the top ten protest songs of the 60,s what a vibe amen!!!!!!
Patrick Bellemare
1 week ago
1932 Bonus Army / President Hover called out military/ MacArthur / Eisenhower ordered US Troops to fire on/ and set fire to camps ( Waco) on unarmed WW1 Vets in Washington DC .
Sharon Legnon
1 week ago
Well I see Obama is still walking around……
john Vz
1 week ago
john Vz
1 week ago
1 week ago
Make America God’s Again
Brigitte LM
1 week ago
Dresch Mäher
1 week ago
The Jews destroy america and nobody can say anything against this because its the full Truth
One Mormon
1 week ago
Amen. No killing in my name either.
Constance Klostermeier
1 week ago
Amen. Their blood cries from the ground. God bless you, Jake
Gary Cachia
1 week ago
bobo laska
1 week ago
This is not New, Its part of us now, That is the “The Hegelian Dialectic”, Step One: Create The Problem (That Kills its own citizens/False-flag Attack) , Step Two: Control The Reaction (By Blaming Your Enemy) , Step Three: Offer The Solution To The Problem (By War or A Set Of Regulations usually not accepted by the Public) , So its “PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION”. the same tactics America and its allies uses to dominate and control. its all evil stuff tactics, the new world order. even if u talk about , you are wasting time. its only god who can touch these people. most likely Muslims will win these people because of FAITH. Nothing beats FAITH. And they will win regardless of smearing them with terrorists accusations all fake stuff and dirty evil stuff
Cheryl Pemberton
1 week ago
I believe one reason we are STILL in Afghanistan: HEROIN! CIA has such a huge amount of money & resources invested in this drug machine that they’ll do ANYTHING to keep it! But all those people who are addicted, all those crimes they commit to get their drugs; it’s egregious all the people who are hurt & die, all the families that are torn apart, more than anything all the CHILDREN who suffer, who are sold be their addicted parents (I have a Foster daughter who is nearly 40 & she suffers & fights off suicide every day because of what happened to get as a child before I got her), then the children who end up in that heroin themselves.
This is a main reason for The Wall; it won’t solve all problems, but will stop at least 90% (according to a relative I have in law enforcement) of drugs entering tyre USA!!
looko eyeopener
1 week ago
Come Lord Jesus!!!
1 week ago
Dirty Wars not on Netflix but is free from Amazon if you have Prime.
Galaxycoco Lacey
1 week ago
I can hardly take news of any kind anymore ??
1 week ago
I’ve been following the patriots, and holding out hope for Trump to drain the swamp. So…I thank you for presenting this information in a way that I can hear and add to my bank of information. Personally, I think killing, period, is wrong.
1 week ago
I disagree on one point, if they still support Trump then they support the killing of innocent people. This is what America has come to. A friend told me she went to a church where they were saying that killing was what Christians should do. If the churches are teaching this Satanic doctrine what chance does this country have that God would ever bless it?
Pat Bowling
1 week ago
Not in my name?Amen
1 week ago
Marco Zerpa
1 week ago
Robbie Gentle
1 week ago (edited)
“The People are`nt the same as the Government.” I always thought the Government was FOR the people… I can feel a change in the air. Thanks Jake, for your information. Can you send me one of those hats? Amen.
Sub Zero
1 week ago
Ah yes. The great Satan. These Jewnited States of Amerikkka and the synagogue of Satan. Match made in hell. Wonderful….
Briar Mascheretti
1 week ago
John Smith
1 week ago
Amen ! Thank you for your viewpoint. I have long wondered how “Christians” can do what our government does in our name.
Drew Pate
1 week ago
No more killing children in my name!
Curtis Finney
1 week ago
Bryan Ekberg
Bryan Ekberg
1 week ago
I just picked up a Wi-Fi signal that said ‘nsa surveillance van’ when taking a ride today. It’s getting deep.
Vince Bruno
1 week ago
This world makes me sick. This is not our fight this is Gods fight. Our job to awake people and hopefully exterminate some evil
along the way. Jesus is coming God Bless.
Craig Mouldey
1 week ago
Wow, right from Trump’s own mouth! And the crowd cheering what he said? There will be no MAGA. There will be much more war and maybe the U.S. will be getting back what they have been doing in one country after another. Very sad.
1 week ago
(((The US Government)))
1 week ago
These are not Americans they are invaders that became a citizen , Stop calling them Americans.
Sid Smith
1 week ago
Amen from Canada.
LaYadi Mayan Banyamyan
1 week ago
If your a Christian your on the American threat list as well. I don’t know if you know that or not.
1 week ago
This is the rawest most accurate and truthful alternative news programme on the internet….Simple…So Thank you Jake for trouble you go to and through to get the TRUTH to the people or at least the very few who want to know the truth about what is being done in “their name”…
Thanks again!
Nona Yabizness
1 week ago
My daughters father is Lebanese people forget there were Christians there being murdered . Praying for that man and I agree we are all part of one race , the human one. Many members in my family served in the United states military and yet we see none of the elites family members coming home in body bags or messed up having to deal with the V.A. and their horrible level of care. The U.S is not murdering these people in MY NAME or anyone in my family for that matter . I love American citizens and think our Government is Evil and corrupt .
rod helms
5 days ago
hum GMO food, and CHEM TRAILS both killing lots of Americans and it will not end
Don Drone
1 week ago
This guy is a schmuck
Lee Turner
1 week ago
w0w !!!! YOUTUBE CENSORSHIP HAS JUST STOLEN 300 of your comments!!
What happened to
Thanks Jake!!!
Best reliable news source for the TRUTH!!!
Rana Ashuri
1 week ago
Alana Cartes
1 week ago
There is NO threat of enemies other than that of Misplaced POWER that has control of everything and everyone, most especially government. Make no mistake, all governments, ESPECIALLY ours.
Keri Watt
1 week ago (edited)
Its a mob and cartel mentality….
And the israeli soldiers kill kids the same way
Pierre Flamand
1 week ago
Why does’nt Trump do the same to himself??? This monster is a freeking narsistic pshycho peace of human disgrace. Shame on him and his handlers.
1 week ago
Lee Turner
1 week ago
Ouch! Comments count went down by 100 then….
Hmmm I am sure Jake knows there are many more people than what it says following him and sharing his messages!!
Thanks Jake and stay safe with your family ???☮️????
JustDismalThinking OnADismalDay
1 week ago
Waco.. Attack on American soil with close to 80 dead
Craig Butterfield
1 week ago (edited)
President Trump did not have complete control over all parts of our Military , that was Deep State controlled . That is why ,he is draining the swamp Now ! ( You cannot put the blame on President Trump of killings that were done and controlled by the Deep State ). I like how you cherry picked President Trump ‘s tough talk , to discourage the terrorists attacks Jake ! Shame on you , this is no way to get more views on your site , everybody knows you are struggling to survive Jake.
1 week ago
Amerika is a horrible country. In a just universe the spineless people who do such things would have the same visited on them. Amerika is hated the world over, and justifiably so. These poor, poor people
Brian Rosenberg
1 week ago
I can’t believe trump okd death of 8 year old. that’s false news in my eyes
Evilmatrix Ronin
1 week ago
What America sows, America reaps.
Ashley Lala
1 week ago
Appalling! These demons will put out a hit on a little girl, but not Hillary Clinton, a child trafficking war criminal.
Gerrit Jaap
1 week ago
It’s interesting to keep in mind that Trump indeed did that. His policy during the course of his office will show if he made a mistake and recognizes that (won’t do again), or that he will keep up these kind of surgical strikes on families.
Mor Rari
1 week ago
good thing sanity has not gone completely! Good Job keep going; BIN never back down and never give in, Righteousness will prevail
Western Restoration
1 week ago
Bob Willing
6 days ago
Sounds like Bert still raking in da dough. Amen
Bob Willing
6 days ago
They in Afghanistan to babysit their opium poppy fields. Then they enslave us with the herion. Then they take money and go screw up other innocent people with black ops in other countries or in USA. They are Satanists.
1 week ago
Amen A world without Zionists is a world in peace
Narjija K-pop
1 week ago
There needs to be an anti-war movement in the US again.
1 week ago
1 week ago
Native American saying (from long ago):
“What they (meaning the government) have done to us (Native Americans), they will eventually do to you (Americans)”.
As Russel Means, an Oglala Lakota activist accurately said: “Welcome to the reservation!”. America is now like a reservation, and you will increasingly be treated as prisoners of war, as were Indians…surveilled, pronounced guilty until proven innocent, without any rights and legal recourses, and forbidden to do anything at all without the authorities’ permission. Study the way Native Americans were treated on the reservations and you will see your future!
Joss Ambrose
1 week ago
The only death I wish to see is that of Zionist scum. They will not stop until the entire world is subjugated at their feet. They MUST be removed permanently.
Otherwise, Amen.
1 week ago
countessarcadius Ty
1 week ago
well I do have footage of the’ ARMED SYRIAN OPPOSITION REBELS.. THAT are ‘ funded by the USA,, that’ make videos of themselves’ EATING the organs of their victims…. I have video of PUTIN expressing his’ DISGUST’ that the US funds’ these cannibal rebels… I have video of the’ SYRIAN AMBASSADOR TO THE UN at a Security Council Meeting’ admitting outright that the’ ARMED SYRIAN OPPOSITION funded by the USA’ are ‘ GENETICALLY MODIFIED…. the US has helped displace over 4 million people in Syria… AND THE PEOPLE HERE IN THE WEST gladly TURN THEIR HEADS… how about the US funding the’ military group in the UK with the’ BLACK SUN in the logo? –
Giovanni Beazzi
1 week ago
The zionist mind virus has infected our soldiers and sailors. This shows that these order followers will not hesitate to kill American citizens if their government overlords give them the order to confiscate American citizen’s guns.
1 week ago
Considering the bold facts, I do not believe that Trump is in control of the United States.
Facts show that zionist deep state is in control of United States.
1 week ago
world peace
1 week ago
America is a democracy and elect their politicians to do things in their name. When American government assesinate political leaders activists kids and women which they often do, American people are directly responsible for these murders. When Trump clealy says he will kill the entire families and commit torture and he still get elected to represent American people then what does that say about American people. It makes you criminal murderers.
exposing Secret Societies Bullshit
3 days ago
The brainwashed never wonder
Brigitte LM
1 week ago
Because Yemen was on the list of the planned future wars from way back in 2010-2012
Paul Wittekind
1 week ago
Hello out there to all the other second class citizens in the Israeli Colony.I still liked it better when we were the USA!
1 week ago (edited)
Don’t think for a second Muslim Scum is innocent……
What our people must understand is that Throughout Islam’s existence, Jews have collaborated with Muslims against Christians and Europeans . Indeed, a strong case can be made that Jews created Islam in the first place to weaponize Arabs against Christians and Europeans in order to gain re-admission to their homeland, from which they had been expelled centuries before by the Romans and rightfully so….
Its absolutely AMAZING how many countries have expelled these people when they saw their evil…The SYNOGUE OF Satan….
The Jewish collaboration with Muslims during their invasion of Spain is one of the best-documented Jewish betrayals, one that has eerie parallels with our own times.
The Hebrew language shares much with Arabic, and Judaism shares much with Islam; on the most abstract level, both are religions of law, while Christianity and European Paganism is a religion of faith. More specifically, they share many features such as pedocircumcision, dietary regulations that want inhumane brutal torturing and suffering of animals for their food, and similar perverted sexual codes. Further, because the Muslims were preeminent in the medieval centuries, “Jews themselves associated Jew with Muslim.” When this became known among the Christians, it much harmed the Jews’ position. Most damaging of all, Jews on occasion helped Muslim troops against Christians (as in the initial Arab conquest of Spain) and some Jews held prominent positions in Muslim governments at war with the Christians. Even when they did not actually take part in the fighting, “Jews usually rejoiced when Christian territory fell into Islamic hands.”
Now Muslims are threatening Europe again. Again we see Jews playing the collaborative or facilitating role for their incursions into our lands. And, tragically, almost the entirety of the resistance movement to this invasion is in Jewish hands. Even the Counterjihadists in Europe who aren’t themselves Jewish are so utterly under their thumb that they’re afraid to say anything bad about them or even link to a site that does!
Escape the Matrix
1 week ago
Insanity is the rule of the day.
Escape the Matrix
1 week ago
It took them a while, but they finally figured out that a perpetual war was the way to go. It seems like with their ridiculous “War on Drugs,” they would have figured it out sooner. This is all political theater, a scam to bilk the American people out of TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS.
1 week ago
Love your videos ?? Keep up the good work ✌ Shared!
1 week ago
You are savage, Jake. I love how you double-down, when it comes to the truth, justice and universal human values. Never surrender to evil!
1 week ago
tHIS IS OUTRIGHT MURDER. I do not agree with this at all.
1 week ago
As a ‘US Citizen’, you have NO Constitutional Rights whatsoever. What you have are ‘Granted Privileges’, only that, can be taken away from you at anytime without warning. The last thing you want to be is a ‘US Citizen’, because, you are classified as, ‘Chattel’, or ‘Soulless Unit of Commerce’ and or a ‘Corpse’, as in ‘Corp-oration’. I am sure this post is going to be ‘shadow banned’, like most of my posts. Trump like Obama, are agents of the Satanic Rothschild criminal banking cartel. Trump is CEO of USA Incorporated, and NOT the president of the American people. WE have no lawful representation whatsoever.
1 week ago
I never would knew that if not you, thank you
Colette Spencer
2 days ago
diane jarvis
5 days ago
Dave G
1 week ago
Jake always bringing facts. Good work as always.
1 week ago
I highly doubt any president is going to make the perfect decision we expect. No. I do not support any of these killings. In fact, we shouldn’t be in Syria or any other place. When it comes to military actions, I question a lot of it. Most of it sounds evil to me. But like Nephi killing Laban who was actually passed out drunk. Yeah, I know the story and I know why Nephi did it. But I guess my point is, perhaps we just don’t have all the facts either. Keep praying for our leaders to make the best decisions. My 2 cents
Bob Papadopoulos
1 week ago
50 views 74 likes and 1 dislike… must be the new common core math!!!
MelindaAnn Byrns
1 week ago
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Deplorable Patriot
1 week ago
Nobody said war was pretty!
1 week ago
Amen to all my peace loving brothers and sisters!
TRUMP2016 Local187 WallBuilders Union
1 week ago
Thankyou for the education Jake !
my lilly
1 week ago (edited)
NWO is in full swing! Amen
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