The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
Thugocracy: U.S. Fed-Police Vigilantes Persecute Citizen Targets (gang stalking explained in series of articles and posts by Geeldon*)
New World Order
Articles & Interviews
Part IV: The (Jewish) “Controllers” and Their Destructive Mission
February 8, 2025Part VI: Mind Control: History and Applications
February 3, 2025Appendix 1: Crestone/Baca “Group Dynamics” (2006-2008)
December 27, 2024Books and pdfs by Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist
October 7, 2024“PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order:” Dr. Robert Malone Lecture
September 17, 2024Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 2024Hello
July 9, 2024Gray State (film)
February 19, 2024Appendix 36: Is Colorado the Future Capital of the New World Order?
February 9, 2024Appendix 42. Psychological Operations Blueprint (by Omnisense)
January 26, 2024Appendix 243: DARPA’s Brain Initiative videos
December 7, 2023Appendix 63: NASA’s Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast- 1994
November 1, 2023Appendix 64: The Unified Conspiracy Theory; The Greatest Hoax
November 1, 2023Appendix 66: The Zionist Jew World Order
October 31, 2023The Intra-Body Nano-Network Compilation (Sept. 5, 2023 video)
October 27, 2023Cognitive Warfare June-November, 2020 Francois du Cluzel
March 16, 2023Appendix 148: Kabbalah, Satanic Jewish Black Magic, & Freemasonry
November 24, 2022Appendix 214: Gray State (Movie)
November 26, 2021Timeline of United States Military Operations
December 25, 2020New World Order: UN Agenda 21/2030 Mission Goals
December 19, 2020The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism (Henry Makow, Ph.D.)
November 27, 2020(Choose) Freedom In Christ
October 18, 2020Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
September 19, 2020Are Lawyers Patenting TI’s DNA?
March 30, 2020Some Appropriate Graphics For Covid 19(84) & 5G N(J)ew World Order
February 28, 2020Who Are “They?”… Their Statements Say…. Starts with J….
November 18, 2018USA Freedom Act (2015 Update of USA PATRIOT ACT)
November 9, 2018You Are The Enemy (by Preston James of Veterans Today, 2014)
September 25, 2018The Unified Conspiracy Theory
May 19, 2018Terrorism and War (Dr. E. Karlstrom Lecture Notes, ca. 2000)
March 17, 2018Post-WWII U.S. undeclared and/or secret wars and “war triggers”
January 20, 2018Truth In Quotes and Images: Freedom Fighters Help Yourselves
January 5, 2018Trump’s ‘Jew-nited States of Israel’ (Icke Commentary)
January 5, 2018Chabadniks and Zionists are 9/11 “perpetraitors”
November 26, 2017Dr. Eric Karlstrom: Global Warming (Hoax) is Politics Not Science
November 7, 2017(Jewish) Protocols Explain Almost Everything: Author Hugh Akins Explains
September 27, 2017USAF Squadrons & Satellite Weapons
June 19, 2017Trump is Puppet of Zionist Jews (youtube)
December 6, 2016Synonyms and Fronts for the NWO
February 19, 2016Total Individual Control Technology (by Omnisense)
February 17, 2016The United Nations and Planned World Government (from De Ruiter, 2015)
February 15, 2016Techniques and Strategies of the New World Order
January 23, 2016The Illuminati, Skull and Bones & “The Plan”
January 11, 2016YOU are THE ENEMY by Preston James, Ph.D. (Veterans Today, 2014)
November 27, 2015Secret Records Revealed Highlights
November 25, 2015Appendix 5: Maurice Strong: Godfather of Crestone/Baca
January 24, 2015Introduction to Terrorism: Theirs and Ours
January 21, 2015Post-WWII American War Crimes
January 21, 2015“The Zionist/Jewish-Controlled Media is Public Enemy Number One”
January 21, 2015Oil politics 101
February 28, 2014Merry Christmas, and OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!
February 28, 2014Eco-Politics and Economics
February 28, 2014Alan Watt, Researcher
February 28, 2014Charlotte Iserbyt, Author
February 27, 2014John Taylor Gatto, Author
February 26, 2014Scientific evidence exposes chemtrail spraying as crime against humanity
February 25, 2014Social Engineering 101: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (Against Humanity)
February 25, 2014Dr. Steve Filling
February 25, 2014Jewish “global lies” are collapsing (National Journal, 2011)
February 24, 2014Organized Gang Stalking Quotes
February 23, 2014From PSYCHOTRONICS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE: Top Secret Government Harassment Programs Against Citizens!!
Thugocracy: U.S. Fed-Police Vigilantes Persecute Citizen Targets
* ETK Introduction: This series of articles and posts, compiled between 2010 and 2012 by Geeldon, may be the single most informative and important post on this website. I recommend that all Targeted Individuals study this post very carefully!
From #2: The New Torture/Murder Surveillance of America
“Microwave Surveillance is Mind Control. Microwave mind control hides government corruption as it destroys the target victims. Target victims are citizens who are a liability to the crime families and syndicates who run and control the United States.”
“The “psychological operations” conducted against targeted persons pale in terms of sheer bestiality when compared to the “final solution” engineered into the fusion center Gestapo plan: silent high-tech torture, impairment, induction of fatigue, stroke, aneurysms, heart attack or other injury and disease — a slow-kill homicide — by means of covert electromagnetic attack.
The covert irradiation of unknowing citizens is facilitated by a U.S. government microwave radio frequency “directed energy” weapon system installed on cell tower masts nationwide — and capable of the precision-targeting of unique individuals — or entire populations. The existence of these weapons of mass or personal destruction in every neighborhood and along every highway in America was first revealed a year ago by this journalist, who himself continues to be a victim of these heinous attacks.”
“We have (been led) out of the industrial society to enslavement in the Information Society” and “there are frightening developments concerning the use of data surveillance, known as biomedical telemetry, mind control, optical electronic surveillance and brain-computer interaction. The properties of this technology enable the monitoring of mental functions, thought, deed and associated cerebral neurophysiological changes as well as the manipulation of behavior, values and personality from limitless geographical distance.”
From #15: Organized Stalking Described
“Organized Stalking is a crime that’s not accepted or addressed by law enforcement. It is a framework of social control. This is used by government to control some targeted individuals without doing anything that’s illegal in the control framework. It includes combination of bogus covert investigation and systemic harassment that involves intelligence agencies, law enforcement, businesses and communities. Organized stalking is a set of techniques used to destroy unwanted persons both mentally and physically without doing anything illegal in the process. The people involved in organized stalking know about law enforcement. The actions in organized stalking are designed considering the loopholes within the law to achieve the goal of destroying the person.
Oftentimes organized stalking is initiated after an informant or Covert Human Intelligence Source flags the targeted individual. Other times profile information of the targeted individual places them on government black lists and community notification lists.
The crimes committed through Organized stalking on an individual are covertly done, hence little in evidence is left behind of the crime, and the target is left with little in the way of recourses to defend himself or herself. The systemic harassment is illegal and the bogus covert investigation provides means to keep the target under surveillance 24/7.
Isolation, through disrupting socio-familial ties in an intense slander campaign, is usually achieved once the actual stalking begins. A pervasive slandering campaign takes place, painting the target as an unstable individual, child molester, a person with hidden dark secrets, or a person prone to psychopathic behavior. All the perceptions of the targeted individual’s life are turned negative. The Organized stalking is done in such a way that all aspects of the targeted individual’s life remain negative permanently and is never given time for cure.
The criminals planning a Organized stalking endeavor study the target long before the stalking begins. Psychological profiling is done, and this is to assist in the overall campaign that includes intense psychological harassments and demoralizations. Tactics used go well beyond fear, demoralization and psychological harassment.
The tactics used have been the protocol in campaigns against common people implemented by the KGB in Soviet Russia, Nazis of Nazi Germany, and the KKK in the early to middle of last century in America. The accumulation of all the tactics and events in this dangerously hurtful organized crime against an innocent human being can led to trauma and will emotionally bankrupt the targeted individual, and may lead to death, as suicide is often induced through the assaults.
The perpetrators of organized stalking are serious criminals who do great damage, and the acts done are very serious crimes by any measure. Organized stalking is a highly criminal campaign, one directed at a target individual, and one that aims to destroy an innocent persons life through covert harassments, malicious slander and carefully crafted and executed psychological assaults.
Organized stalking deprives the targeted individual of their basic constitutional rights and destroys their freedom, setting a stage for the destruction of a person, socially, mental and physical, through a ceaseless assault that pervades all areas of a persons life. What drives such campaigns may be revenge for whistleblowing, or for highly critical individuals, as outspoken people have become targets. Other reasons why a person may become a target individual for stalking: ex-spouse revenge, criminal hate campaigns, politics, or racism.
Organized stalking may be part of a larger phenomena that may have loose threads that extend into a number of differing entities, such as intelligence agencies, military, and large corporations, though it is certain that organized crime is one of Organized stalking’s primary sources, or origins.
The goals of Organized stalking are many. To cause the target to appear unstable mentally is one, and this is achieved through a carefully detailed assault using advanced psychological harassment techniques, and a variety of other tactics that are the usual protocol for Organized stalking, such as street theater, mobbing, and pervasive petty disrespecting.
Targets experience the following:
1. A total invasion of privacy
2. Pervasive and horrific slander
3. Isolation through alienation that is caused by the slander
4. Destruction of, or alienation from all things that the target holds dear.
A discrediting campaign is initiated long before the target is actually stalked. They, the criminal perpetrators, twist and fabricate reality through such a campaign, displaying lies that paint the target as a child molester, a person with hidden dark secrets, a highly unstable individual who may be a threat to society, a prostitute, or a longtime drug user, etc. The slandering or discrediting campaign sets the stage for the target to become alienated in just about every social-familial- work environment, once the actual stalking begins.
This slandering campaign is instrumental in eliminating all resource and avenue of defense for the target, before the actual stalking begins. This stage is one that sees people close to the target, family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers recruited by the perpetrator criminals, who will pose as law enforcement officials, private investigators, or groups of concerned citizens.
The Organized stalking is aimed at achieving one or all of the follow:
1. Induced suicide
2. Financial devastation
3. Homelessness
4. Institutionalization in psyche wards.
Once actual stalking begins:
The target will endure a vast array of tactics: gaslighting, street theater, drugging, gassing, scent harassment, mobbing, subtle but frequent destruction of property, killing of pets.
Psychological profiling will be done so as to initiate an intense psychological harassment assault. Staged happenings and planned or directed conversations will take place around the target in public or places of work, and serves not only to undermine the targets psychology, but also may be used to cause the target to thinking that he or she is under investigation for horrific crimes.
Stalkers will have studied the target to such a level that they know and can predict the persons behavior. Again, often the target will think that they are being investigated for crimes that would be absurd for the target to have actually committed. Not knowing what actually is happening, the target is isolated and lives through a never ending living nightmare.
Once the target finds out that they are a target individual for Organized stalking, or multi stalking, they may have some relief, but from what I have read, the stalking simply changes dimensions a bit, and continues.
Identifying the exact people who initiated Organized stalking campaigns is difficult, or near impossible, and this makes it very difficult for people researching this phenomena to discover, in certainty, the roots and genealogy of the crime. Investigation of a Organized stalking crime would require a great deal of resources, and intensity similar to murder investigations.
What are the motivations for the targeted individual organized stalking system?
1. Organized stalking system is used by the government as a virtual jail for the targeted individual. The O.S. system isolates targeted individual from the community and creates barriers for the targeted individual within the community.
2. The targeted individual’s actions are severely limited to survival. He/she loses confidence in the community and cannot do anything dramatic or revolutionary to impact his/her environment or the community.
3. The targeted individual thinks about the problem of O.S., other pressing life issues are ignored or planned the least.
4. The O.S. system destroys the ego and identity of the targeted individual and stops him/her from pursuing successful life or influential life that cannot be controlled.
5. If the targeted individual complains about O.S. system, he/she will be misdiagnosed with mental illness as the O.S. techniques used mimic the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. The intelligence agencies have perfected this technique of using the mental health system to destroy targeted individuals after 50 years of research. Thus the intelligence agencies achieve perfect deniability in their crimes.”
2. The New Torture/Murder Surveillance of America
3. The Scientific Foundation of No-Touch Torture
4. Interview with a CIA Non-Consensual Human Behavioral Modification Project
5. NSA & “Artificial Thought” Control (IBM Blue Beam)
7. Synthetic Telepathy, Spies, and Near Death Experiences(2011)
8) On the Need for Neuro-technology in the National Intelligence and Defense Agenda: Scope and Trajectory
(Chris Forsythe, James Giordano)
9) Hearing Voices: Audio Implants by Intelligence Agencies
11) Mental Illness or Social Sickness?
13. US Citizen Corps Harassing Other Citizens/Immigrants (11/2010)
15) Pre-crime Technology in Minneapolis Homes (Human Experimentation and Human Subject Protections)
16) Guide To Dealing With Police Harassment
Oct 15, Posted by (Geeldon)
• Multi-agency fusion center- directed, police-protected community “policing” thugs stalk, terrorize, home-invade their targets — including the journalist who has exposed the electromagnetic microwave radio frequency cellular “torture towers” being used to silently assault, torture, impair and harm extra-judicially “targeted individuals.”
• Rule of law breaks down in Bucks County, PA, home of mid-Atlantic states’ MAGLOCLEN-RISS Intelligence Center and no law enforcement agency — local, state or federal — will come to the aid of the unjustly targeted.
Over the past seven years, this veteran major market journalist has been poisoned, gassed, vandalized; relentlessly “gang stalked,” harassed, slandered; violated by home invaders and pervasive surveillance; and horrendously tortured and impaired by a stealth microwave radio frequency weapon system — and no law enforcement agency, local or federal, will pursue credible leads that could unmask the community goons and thugs — vigilantes and some uniformed officers — who continue to terrorize me, imprisoning me in what some are calling a ‘virtual Auschwitz.’
How could law enforcement allow this?
The answer is simple: Law enforcement, together with security and intelligence agencies of federal and local government, is the complicit overseer of a nationwide campaign of extra-judicial targeting, persecution and high-tech, electromagnetic silent torture — an American genocide.
The Gestapo-like mechanism that is committing serial crimes against humanity and the Constitution: the 72 regional “fusion centers” administered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The fusion center “partners” include federal, state and local law enforcement, security, intelligence and revenue agencies, as well as security-related private companies, including telecommunications companies, defense contractors, and financial institutions.
The fusion center Gestapo comprises America’s shadow government, an iron-fisted, centralized apparatus of social and political control, a calculated bypass of elected officials and the courts that arrogantly acts as judge, jury and executioner — an authoritarian regime that makes a mockery of the Constitution and the rule of law.
This fusion center Gestapo is engaged in an inhumane criminal enterprise under the cover of national security and law enforcement. Its structure and tactics echo the efficient, centralized fascism of Nazi Germany. It is directed by a cultish security elite that has quietly usurped power from the nation’s elected lawmakers and judiciary — a federal bureaucrat- directed but grassroots- based American junta.
The fusion center Gestapo, by deliberate calculation, uses the wars on terror, crime and drugs as the pretext, the cover story, for what amounts to a slow-kill genocide — a hate- and ideology-driven silent holocaust directed at persons and entire families it unilaterally and extra-judicially condemns as unworthy of the rights supposedly guaranteed to all Americans under the U.S. Constitution.
The “targets” are untold thousands of citizens, and by extension, their families, who, without benefit of due process under the law, are regarded by faceless bureaucrats in federal and local agencies and commands as dissidents, undesirables, or “enemies of the state.”
As in Nazi Germany, journalists, intellectuals, ethnic minorities and homosexuals are among its prime targets. And it only takes someone in a position of authority within the vast fusion center ambit to set into motion the process that results in a citizen’s designation as a “T.I.” — a targeted individual unjustly condemned to an often foreshortened life of torment, personal and financial sabotage, and physical torture and impairment — slow-kill mass murder.
Politics, ethnic background, and prejudice factor heavily in the decision to extra-legally ruin lives and rip families apart by consigning “targets” to what security and military insiders have labeled “the torture matrix.”
The American Gestapo torture matrix is comprised of four main components:
The extra-legally targeted person first realizes that he or she has been “thrown into the matrix” when their careers and personal lives take a sudden downturn, accompanied by whispered slanders and lies generated by the entity that first targeted them. A relentless campaign of character assassination, often conducted by persons unknown to the target, often results in sudden job loss, as employers are discreetly informed that their previously prized worker is now a “person of interest” to law enforcement. Strained family relations often follow as the slanders reach spouses and other relations. The character assassination is accompanied by financial sabotage — identity theft, stolen checks and important documents, often leading to financial loss, unfavorable credit terms and inflated balances on fabricated, counterfeited credit card and utility billing statements.
It soon becomes clear to the target that even the local bank or merchant, or at least some of their employees, are in on the expropriation scheme. Targets are treated rudely, with open contempt, by local business-people and even by previously friendly neighbors, who likely have been told lies about them by members of the “matrix” — also widely known as “the program.”
By this time, all of the targets’ communications — by telecommunications or in the supposed privacy of their own homes — are under constant surveillance, and often ideologically-driven censorship…
… by fusion center network “information systems” defense contractors, whose pervasive warrantless surveillance facilitates the community-based domestic terrorism that is soon to follow — “organized stalking,” commonly referred to as “gang stalking.” These terms are euphemisms for fusion center- coordinated persecution that often hides behind seemingly respectable, government-funded community policing, town watch, and citizen volunteer organizations such as Infragard, C.O.P.S., USA On Watch and Citizen Corps.
If the target does not already have a GPS-equipped vehicle, making it ready for warrantless tracking, a GPS beacon often is planted on the vehicle. The target’s cellphone also is used for tracking — and even targeting for silent microwave radio frequency attack (more on that later).
Squadrons of vehicle stalkers, often affiliated with town watch or community policing groups, relentlessly follow and often tailgate targets as they come into range of their own GPS units; the federally funded RISSNET network apparently supplies the stalker units with the targets’ GPS locations, often by way of local police departments who lord over the government-enabled vigilantes. Some of the stalkers may weave menacingly in the vicinity of the T.I.’s vehicle — or even try to cause an accident. Police may find the “target” at fault, or even may charge the stalking victim with a traffic violation, or a crime (including, ironically, a charge of “stalking”), should they complain.
Community stalkers often parade by the target’s home or conduct “noise campaigns” on nearby streets, or when T.I.’s venture out onto the road — often with the assistance of local firefighters and emergency medical technicians. Local police sometimes participate in this cruel harassment, which includes the phoning in of false alarms in the vicinity of the target — a drain on taxpayer-funded public safety resources.
Targets also find themselves the victims of serial incidents of surreptitious home entry; harassing phone calls; vandalism of appliances or major systems such as heating and cooling; even sadistic acts such as poisoning of food and water with foul tasting and hazardous chemicals, and the tearing and staining of clothing, rugs and furnishings. Such acts of criminal depravity often occur as the target and his family is sound asleep — and unlikely to awaken, due to silent radio frequency attack. (Again, more on that in a moment.).
The extra-legally targeted also find they no longer can expect good service, whether it’s in-home repair, at the local retailer, or at the auto service shop. They often find their vehicles mechanically or cosmetically vandalized, causing added expense, and a possible danger to vehicle occupants — or to other motorists driving nearby.
The stark fact is that this government-spawned torture matrix has created a subculture of sadism and cruel depravity. Those wondering why “bullying” has become endemic in our communities need look no further than the local fusion center- affiliated community “watch” Gestapo. Indeed, fusion center- affiliated agencies sponsor weekend retreats for “program” members, where, it has been reported, bullying and harassment methods and tactics are carefully taught.
Want to know who’s doing this locally, where you live? Ask a neighbor for the name of the local “block captain.” Then ask him or her whether “community watch” sometimes turns into community-based harassment and acts of malicious vandalism and psychological torment. See if the answer satisfies you after reading this article and the accompanying linked material.
This “death by a thousand cuts” — the stalking, the character assassination and community “shunning,” the financial sabotage, the home intrusions, the vandalism — is expressly designed to wreak psychological damage on targeted persons, to deconstruct their lives and their personalities, erode their self-confidence and their ability to earn a living, destroy their family and social relations — to neutralize them.
These are the same cruel tactics practiced by authoritarian regimes past and present, from the Nazis to the Communist Chinese.
In hopes of using law enforcement and the health care system as instruments of social neutralization, community vigilante stalkers engage their targets in elaborate set-ups and stunts directed and scripted by their “team leaders.” This “street theater” is intended to unnerve their prey and provoke a response. If the target reacts with often justifiable irritation or anger, other stalkers are there as “witnesses,” should the encounter attract the attention of law enforcement — whose officers already may have been tipped off to the attempted entrapment. It has happened to me repeatedly over the past seven years, as in a contrived confrontation that led to my assault, false arrest and false imprisonment by Falls Township, Bucks County, PA police:
But relatively few street theater scenarios involve law enforcement. Most times, the play-acting is done out of sadistic, petty spite, as I describe in a recent article about the night I visited a Lowe’s hardware superstore trying to find a sink disposer part that was deliberately sabotaged by home intruding community terrorists:
The “psychological operations” conducted against targeted persons pale in terms of sheer bestiality when compared to the “final solution” engineered into the fusion center Gestapo plan: silent high-tech torture, impairment, induction of fatigue, stroke, aneurysms, heart attack or other injury and disease — a slow-kill homicide — by means of covert electromagnetic attack.
The covert irradiation of unknowing citizens is facilitated by a U.S. government microwave radio frequency “directed energy” weapon system installed on cell tower masts nationwide — and capable of the precision-targeting of unique individuals — or entire populations.
The existence of these weapons of mass or personal destruction in every neighborhood and along every highway in America was first revealed a year ago by this journalist, who himself continues to be a victim of these heinous attacks:
Nearly eight years of electromagnetic attack have caused serious damage to my physical well-being, including chronic pain; weakened musculature and stamina; chronic fatigue; degraded eyesight and hearing; fibrous tumors; and other physical maladies too disturbing to mention here.
Hospitals and medical facilities in my region, and probably yours, are thoroughly infiltrated by the community stalker brigades; I’ve been subject to sadistic treatment, even to what I believe were harmful procedures such as unnecessary multiple X-rays and even a CAT scan that caused pain — and my outcry elicited a sadistic remark from the technician. This happened at a well-respected central New Jersey hospital center.
When I retrieved the X-ray, I found the name of another person on the actual film, under a sticky label upon which my name had been typed. So I was not surprised when a doctor informed me in 2004, the year I became aware of my targeting, that the X-ray revealed an “aging brain.” I didn’t dare tell her that I believed the X-ray belonged to someone else; if I had, she would have bought the line that I was delusional — just what certain entities may have wanted her to conclude.
I was only 54 years old at the time. I believe I was being set up by unknown authorities seeking to declare me incompetent — a felonious, fraudulent scheme if there ever was one. Perhaps that explains why another patient’s name was on the film. Since no authority will come to my aid, and because it is unlikely that I could have found an attorney to file a lawsuit on a contingency basis absent physical damage arising from the procedure, I just let it drop — and haven’t written about it until today.
So how, readers may ask, can such a nationwide horror escape the attention of the public, and the news media? The answer is simple. It is the same answer to the question as to how the Jews and other oppressed people of pre-war Germany could not fathom the holocaust that was about to consume their livelihoods and their lives:
The belief that “it can’t happen here.”
2. The New Torture / Murder Surveillance of America
Oct 15, Posted by (Geeldon)
An introduction to the effects of “ACOUSTICS” on the human body.
Lately the mainstream television media has addressed the issue of illegal surveillance possibly performed on and against American citizens within the borders of the United States, and has mentioned wiretapping, and reading of e-mails, but no real mention of the heavy duty “ACOUSTICS”. “Acoustics” refers to the more sophisticated type of surveillance devices which can actually be used as WEAPONS when deployed certain ways. The “I.R. laser” can be aimed at an area or focused on a window pane or other part of a building or vehicle and can pick up sounds and conversations which can be transferred through electronic circuitry and amplified to produce recognizable conversations and voices, etc.. Whether this device is aimed directly at a person within the building or vehicle, and how close the device is aimed from may determine how much ear ringing or skull pressure and general aggravation the target-victim may suffer. Also any ability of the operator to alter the modulation of these devices may have an additional effect on the target-victim. Recently there were incidents on mainstream television news in the past few years of aircraft pilots getting lasers aimed into their cockpits, and the reports of persons going blind or partially blind continues as well, though much of the blindness injury reports escapes the media.
In the event the surveillance lasers are used in the attacks on airliner pilots within their cockpits and the unexplained blindness injuries, do you think government agents would actually admit they have abused these surveillance weapon-devices? If one could show a jury in a courtroom the harm these devices are capable of doing to a human body up close, would it not stand for reason that they are harmful at any distance to the body, especially sensitive organs ??!!! I doubt seriously if any law enforcement or military person would want to get in front of one of these devices and stay there for as long as they have aimed them at surveillance target-victims. Why??
Surely the personnel who use these lasers have been trained and briefed on the possible effects of direct exposure. There are other forms of these surveillance weapon devices which use sonar type technology, microwave, etc., etc., and most use radiation. Whether one aims non-nuclear, electromagnetic radiation at a person, or nuclear gamma X-ray at someone, the effects on a long term overall basis to the human body will most always result in some debilitation like cancer or anemia, or chronic fatigue, or possibly even a condition of inflammation of blood vessels which can also result in death.
Regardless of what kind of radiation one cares to mention, if it is applied to the human body the results can be catastrophic if the radiation is re-applied over and over again on a regular basis. How does this relate to today’s topic of surveillance? Once again, if surveillance weapon-devices depend on emitting radiation aimed at target persons to hear the information then the target persons are receiving doses of radiation and we can say the device operators are “radiating” the target victim.
Enough repeated exposure sessions and the target victim person may begin to feel bad. Let’s look at an early form of one of these devices which was used against an American embassy’s personnel later, and for now, let’s concentrate on the significance of how the Patriot Act allows abuses of these surveillance weapons on individuals domestically, that is, within the United States.
Under normal circumstances if the United States was not operating under the Emergency War Powers Act and other emergency laws, it would require a warrant be issued by a court of law in order to wiretap or invade one’s space with a microwave listening or infra red laser device and that would require a show of cause to a judge as in a “show cause” order. At least some form of rudimentary evidence of possible terrorism or dangerous activity to provide “probable cause” for such investigation would need to be produced against the target person to be spied on before authorities could proceed with the sophisticated radiation producing weapon-devices, and the main point of all this is………..this would leave a legal record of when, and, consequently, how many times the targeted subject was radiated !!!! Without this record a person can be relatively burned up with these weapons, having no way to accomplish discovery and form a lawsuit or counter suit against this brutal space-age abuse!!!
According to what I’ve seen, The Patriot Act forbids persons knowing of certain types of investigations from telling the target person he or she is being investigated, and applies even if the target is a relative. Do you see what a perfect setup has been arranged for completely blindsiding, victimizing, and destroying a target-victim by various illegal programs of discrimination by authorities in the United States? Don’t forget the F.B.I. Cointelpro program which may be called something else these days. Remember how the late actress, Jean Seberg, was mentally tortured by the false, planted newspaper rumors and had a miscarriage? She was later found “suicided”, dead for about 11 days, I think.
With no legal recourse, no legal remedy, no redress of grievance, the present day American public is literally falling apart. In California one tortured man ran out of his house using his baby daughter as a human shield as he charged the police, allegedly firing at them with a gun, and he and daughter were gunned down and killed. But, nowhere did anyone I know hear any news reports of whether acoustics were used on him and his family. This man may have been driven mad by acoustics. The press won’t say.
Perhaps those who don’t buy the phony Warren Commission Report just need a big dose of mind control, super duper microwave surveillance radiation, and, gee, without the need of a warrant issued by a judge who knows his or her bill of rights, such a skeptic can, without a doubt, be re-surveilled (radiated and treated) again and again.
Microwave Surveillance is Mind Control. Microwave mind control hides government corruption as it destroys the target victims. Target victims are citizens who are a liability to the crime families and syndicates who run and control the United States.
3. The Scientific Foundation of No-Touch Torture
Sep 16; Posted by (Geeldon)
The scientific foundation of no touch torture by Martin Bott
Electromagnetic fields such as radio frequency and laser radiations always cause an electric current if they are acting on conducting materials such as metals and the human body. To have an effect on the nerves or the muscles this current needs to imitate the currents used by the body, as is the case with the commercially available muscle trainers or other bioelectric apparatus.
The currents used by the nerves have a low frequency in the order between several hertz to several kilohertz. To produce such low frequency currents through high frequency microwave or laser radiation several methods are used.
One technique is to use beats between two high frequency electromagnetic radiations with slightly different frequencies. These beats are actually a low frequency electromagnetic field which then causes a low frequency current. The frequency of the beats is actually the frequency difference between the two high frequency fields.
If an electromagnetic field of 1 Ghz and another of 1 Ghz plus 100 hertz are interacting, the resulting beats have a frequency of 100 hertz. These electromagnetic beats cause a current with a frequency of 100 hertz which then contracts muscles.
If the frequency of the beats is in the audible range, one would hear a sound or voice depending on the signal being used for modulation. Technically spoken one would overlay two high frequency electromagnetic radiations of equal frequency. To one of these microwave or laser radiations the desired low frequency signal, for example recorded nerve pulses or voice is added in a way that leads to an addition of the high frequency and the low frequency signal. The resulting beats between the two high frequency signals consist of a low frequency electromagnetic field which has the characteristics of the added nerve pulses or voice. This electromagnetic Field then causes an electrical current similar to the nerve pulses or voice added to the high frequency signal. And such an artificial nerve current has the same effect as the nerve currents used by the body.
Another possibility is to use an asymmetric electromagnetic field where the positive component has a different frequency from the negative component. Electric currents in the body are not caused by moving electrons as in metals but are mainly ionic currents. That is, they consist of moving electrically charged Atoms. These Atoms have a certain mass and size. Their relative size causes them to have, additional to their electrical resistance, a mechanical resistance in the body fluid. If the ion is moved faster, its mechanical resistance rises even faster.
The mechanical resistance rises as the square of the speed. This means that if the speed is doubled, the resistance is 2×2 which gives a value of 4. And if the speed rises by a factor of 3 the mechanical resistance rises by 3×3 which is 9. This effect can be felt if one moves the hand slow and fast through water.
As a consequence the ions conducting the current in the body experience a higher mechanical resistance if moved at higher frequencies as compared to lower frequencies. If the high frequency signal is asymmetric, meaning that the positive component of the sine wave has a different frequency as the negative component, the ion experiences two different mechanical resistances as well.
Since the energies of both components of the signal are equal, the ions are moved back and forth by the asymmetric field. But because of the lower mechanical resistance during slow movement they move a bit further in the direction enforced by of the lower frequency component.
This is illustrated with a DVD being moved through water in the Film 4 Strahlenwaffen. Such an asymmetric electromagnetic field can be generated with frequencies up to many Ghz by fast synthesizers. These asymmetric high frequency fields are causing ionic electric currents which can simulate nerve pulses in the body.
This techniques are used for brainwashing as well. If the parts of the brain which are passing the nerve signal from the ear to the brain are irradiated with such a speech modulated signal, the resulting voice is not being heard, as it is not coming from the ear. But it is not being thought either as it is not coming from inside the brain. That can make it difficult to decide whether specific thoughts or opinions are the result of brainwashing. Especially if one is not aware of this possibility. Brainwashing can be suspected if opinions or thoughts are openly false or even lead to dangerous behavior like taking drugs, drinking and smoking.
Suitably speech modulated electromagnetic fields are perceived as being heard or thought by certain brain regions involved in hearing. In a similar way the regions of the brain responsible for seeing can be stimulated by electromagnetic fields. The question arises to what extend this can be used. It is known that every point on the surface of the body corresponds to another point on the surface of the brain with regard to feeling, hearing and seeing. The surface of the brain is, so to speak, an image of the surface of the body with regard to data processing. Points being close together on the surface of the body or the retina are as well close together in the respective region of the brain. The region responsible for seeing is situated in the backof the skull, right over the neck and named visual cortex.
This opens the possibility to stimulate this region of the brain with laser using the techniques described in detail elsewhere in this text. A high resolution low frequency or asymmetric electromagnetic field being produced by heterodyning of two laser beams is used to scan the surface of the visual cortex. On its way over the brain surface it stimulates the nerves to cause the impression of seeing. And thus “write” a picture or a film onto the visual cortex.
There are two major obstacles to simply “write” a picture onto the brain. The first is that the structure and organization of every brain is a little different. The second is that the surface of the visual cortex is quite large and as a consequence is bent to fit into the scull resulting in a three dimensional structure.
The laser has to write the picture without the computer exactly knowing which part of the brain surface is matching a given point on the retina. This problem certainly would result in a distorted picture being “seen”. With modern computer techniques, matching a picture or a film to the bent surface of the brain, it is possible to write an exact picture onto the brain. The difficulty is to know which point on the brain corresponds to which point on the retina. This demands a possibility to calibrate the laser weapons.
But how can the brain, the retina and nerves in general be tapped with a sufficient high resolution at some distance? If a microwave signal is interacting with a low frequency signal such as is occurring in a nerve, both are heterodyning. This heterodyning causes signals with the frequencies microwave+nerve signal and another one microwave-nerve signal. As these resulting signals are microwave signals as well, they are radiating from the nerve and can be received at some distance, allowing direct measurement of the electric activity of the nerves.
The voltage of a nerve pulse measures about 50 to 100 millivolts. There are electronic circuits for transmitters operating with 600 millivolt and even less. These of course only have a short range of maybe 10 or 20 meters. However, the alternating voltage in the antenna of such a transmitter may not be much higher than 100 millivolt. Similar oscillating voltages result in similar radiated power. The nerves may not radiate as good as a metallic antenna but with the use of low noise amplifiers this may be compensated to some extend. A range of 5 to 10 meters for such a nerve tapping system seems to be reasonable and is more than what is necessary to map the electric activity of the retina and the brain.
The system needs two high resolution laser beams with slightly different frequencies to produce one beam of beats in the microwave range. These high resolution beats scan the group of nerves to be mapped. The local heterodyning between the electromagnetic beats in the microwave range and the nerve pulses cause microwave signals of different frequencies which are radiated. This allows to measure the nerve activity at some distance with a resolution depending on the resolution of the laser.
The technique is employed in the following way: One system is scanning the retina to exactly measure the local nerve activity with a high resolution. This allows at least to get a precise image of the patterns seen by the nerves of the retina at this moment. Maybe even a coloured picture similar to that seen with the eyes at this moment can be generated. A second system is simultaneously scanning the visual cortex.
During seeing a nerve signal from a spot on the retina is passed through the nerve system to the corresponding spot in the visual cortex. This spot then shows a nerve activity corresponding to the activity on the retina. Patterns seen by the eye show up on the surface of the brain as well.
Due to the irregular structure of the brain these patterns certainly will appear spatially distorted, but always in the same way. The technique described allows to map the retina and the visual cortex within seconds to gain sufficient data concerning the spatial distortion. This data then can be used to match a picture or a film to the spacial distortion in the visual cortex. This corrected picture will then be “seen” undistorted if written onto the brain with laser techniques.
Once this calibration is done any picture or film can be written at great distance onto the visual cortex. Certainly the picture seen by the eyes can be reproduced at great distances as well, using radar and lidar techniques to measure the direction the eyes are looking into. The picture of the area the eyes are looking into can be obtained by radar and lidar as well. This allows the possibility to write a modified or morphing picture or film of the reality into the visual cortex of the brain. This modified picture then interferes with the picture seen through the eyes. This technique seems to be used to simulate hallucinations by introduction of additional pictures or colours. The quality of the pictures and films being transmitted with this technique is unknown but may be very high. Certainly this technique used by the CIA/ NSA/ FBI is very costly and an enormous waste of tax money.
Making visible the picture seen by the eyes through tapping of the nerves seems to be done under favorable conditions for other reasons as well. In this case the tapped nerve signals are used to generate an exact picture of what is seen with the retina, to reveal what a person is looking at. And high resolution laser weapons allow to exactly steer the muscles of the eyes of a victim.
Both techniques combined allow the exact picture seen by a victim to be written on the retina of a CIA/ NSA/ FBI official. Then the movements of the muscles in the eye of the CIA/ NSA/ FBI official can be measured with radar and the data be used to steer the muscles of the victim likewise. This allows the agency preceding the CIA/ NSA/ FBI to cause a victim to see what they want him to see and to prevent the victim from seeing something else. This technique is being used in many ways to force a victim to make decisions, like choosing a certain company from the yellow pages or looking at specific points of a map omitting others.
Obviously crude techniques using electromagnetic radiation to write a picture onto the brain are known for quite some time. Around 1975 when I was about 10 years of age I had been told by classmates that one would have a third eye, situated on the brain right in the middle of the forehead, which I, of course, did not believe. However these children at the age of 10 or 12 years certainly knew a little more despite giving a false location for the visual cortex.
State of the art
According to the techniques published, one would expect a high resolution laser beam being split into two. One of these laser beams would run through a pockels cell where a synthesizer generated microwave signal would be added. This microwave signal would be asymmetric. Additionally it would be a spread spectrum signal, meaning that its frequency would change very fast over several Ghz. The interaction of these two laser beams produces beats in the microwave range.
As a result we have a high resolution and highly directional beam of an asymmetric electromagnetic field in the microwave range which then produces a low frequency current which can imitate the natural currents of the nerves. The target area is then scanned with this high resolution beam. Such beats in the microwave range penetrate an obstacle just like any radio frequency signal of the same frequency.
With this technique it is quite difficult to directly measure the beam due to the spread spectrum signal. Even with the proper measuring equipment it should be possible to shoot right around the sensors due to the very high resolution achievable with a laser. Other possibilities are jamming the sensors or using additional laser radiation which causes destructive interference of the electromagnetic waves within the sensor, nulling theeffect of the laser signal on this sensor.
Promising could be direct measurement of the currents on the surface, or better by electrodes within the body and comparing them with the natural body currents. Another possibility could be to use additional radiation of one or several suitable wavelengths which then interact with the radiation of the laser weapon to produce either beats or harmonics in a spectrum visible to the eye or cameras. A little bit of smoke would then reveal the path and origin of such a radiation used as weapon.
The generation of beats or harmonics can be used in shielding techniques as well. If additional radiation of a suitable wave length is overlaying or heterodyning the relatively low frequency beats of a laser weapon, harmonics can be generated in a frequency range which can not penetrate a certain barrier. An electromagnetic field causes atoms and molecules to move in time with the field. If the frequency of the electromagnetic field is low this movement of the atoms is slow as well, consuming relatively little of the energy being transmitted by the electromagnetic field. This allows microwave signals as well as electromagnetic beats in the microwave range to
penetrate walls.
If high frequency, for example infrared radiation, is overlaying the low frequency microwave signal, this heterodyning causes harmonics in the infrared region. These high frequency electromagnetic harmonics, like infrared radiation, are moving the atoms and molecules in time with their high frequency. These fast movements of atoms and molecules enforced by the harmonics or electromagnetic radiation are consuming the energy very fast, resulting in the radiation being shielded by converting it into heat.
The same physical principles are used for surveillance as well. The resolution achievable with laser radar techniques using infrared and visible light can be evaluated with regard to data storage on CD-ROM and DVD. Using heterodyning it is possible to penetrate one or several barriers. The use of UV-lasers allows a much higher resolution, making it possible to read CD-ROMs and DVDs at quite some distance, especially if they are positioned in a way exposing the optical layer to the laser. Stacks of many DVDґs may be read without any problem.
This makes possible to let organizations being interested in certain information, say voice or film recordings showing victims being tortured, to have a look at it and still being able to plausibly deny any knowledge. However, the material is archived somewhere. And the CIA/NSA/FBI certainly does not want this. And consequently may back off from torturing a person. Otherwise…film it, burn it and expose it.
The application to steering, brainwashing techniques and torture.
During steering the contraction of the muscles of the torturer is being measured with radar techniques. The contraction of the muscles of the torture victim is measured with radar techniques as well. Then electrical pulses are transmitted by laser or microwave techniques into the muscles of the torture victim till the muscles of both persons are contracted likewise, resulting in synchronous movements including speech. Being steered results in exactly following the movements of the person steering and saying what this person says.
Beating as it is frequently shown in the films requires purposeful movements of the body. These movements can be steered as described by a CIA/ NSA/ FBI official or by a person’s own brain. Brainwashing of course does not steer the muscles. Accordingly target is not beating during brainwashing and mood management as this requires deliberate and purposeful aimed movements of the body, not only enforced “thoughts” of any kind.
Brainwashing is done by converting voice into suitable electrical pulses. With theses pulses laser or microwave radiation is modulated in one of the already described ways. This modulated radiation is aimed at the regions of the head transmitting speech from the ears to the brain. This radiation then produces an electric current which is equivalent to the voice used for modulation.
Depending on the part of the head or brain being targeted this voice is perceived in a different way. If the ear is targeted the voice is heard like a normal voice as is the case with cochlear implants in deaf persons. If the areas of the brain are targeted which are transmitting the nerve signals from the ear to the brain, the voice does not come from the ear and is accordingly perceived more or less as thought. This makes it difficult, especially for the unaware, to distinguish between own thoughts and simulated “thoughts” enforced through brainwashing.
Because thoughts are more likely to be accepted as truth than an information given by another person, such enforced “thoughts” are used by the agency like the CIA/ NSA/ FBI to lie more effectively. An effective countermeasure could be to use an exotic language or dialect while thinking. This makes brainwashing more difficult as the CIA/ NSA/ FBI then has to use this language or dialect for brainwashing as well. The more exotic the better. America targeting native speakers of an exotic language for immigration may point to a possible operating field of the CIA/ NSA/ FBI, searching personnel to enable brainwashing in this region.
Additionally, enforced “thoughts” of any kind effectively prohibit a person to think on her own as long as the brainwashing continues. Such a prohibition to think, may result in a reduction of the intellectual capacity if continued over years due to lack of training. And it effectively prevents the targeted person to gain information from independent sources such as the media as a database to make correct decisions or to correct possible false beliefs.
This incident exposes the quality achievable in steering of the voice. Emotional changes in the torturers voice are being perfectly imitated by exactly copying the movements of the muscles to make the steered voice sound as natural as possible.
Obviously the computer processing the data being used for steering of the victims voice recognizes the emotionality of the steering CIA/ NSA/ FBI official to a certain extend. Techniques like stress analysis of the voice and measurement of the electrical resistance of the skin are being used in the polygraph for lie detection. The lower the resistance of the skin the stronger the current induced by radar and the stronger the returning radar signal.
With this data it is possible to a certain extend to automatically steer additional rudimentary mood management in phase with the mood and voice of the steering CIA/ NSA/ FBI official. Additional mood management used against the victim while being steered makes it harder to recognize this steering. Experiencing the own body insulting or even beating someone without being angry would be quite a strange experience, making it obvious that the own body is being steered. As it is sometimes been stated by persons being accused of aggressive behavior. The shouting and insulting carried out by the CIA/ NSA/ FBI official steering the target before beginning to beat could be part of this mood management system as well. To make it more difficult for target to recognize the mood management and the steering by diverting him through additional agitation.
A certain amount of blackout in some regions of the brain seems to be used by the CIA/ NSA/ FBI as well to render more difficult the detection of being steered. This suppression of intellectual capacity and power of recollection can be achieved through slowing down of the brainwaves or by jamming of the communication between the nerve cells using additional electric pulses being transmitted through radio frequency or laser weapons. Such a blackout sometimes as well is reported by persons being involved in violent incidents.
Even the short term memory can be erased to a certain extend as it stores the information electrically before this information finally is being stored chemically through connections of the nerves which can only be erased by destruction of the cells. But such a destruction would be easily detectable using modern medical equipment.
Electrical erasure of the short term memory by purpose can be assumed if one goes a short distance, say into another room for a certain reason and on arrival can not remember this reason.
The experience of a word being on the tip of someoneґs tongue which then slips away without the possibility to get a grip on it, also seems to be caused through erasure of the short term memory.
Committing someone to suicide can be achieved by brainwashing as well. However, directly steering a person into death will be much easier and thus be preferred. The recorded films show target completely being steered. This techniques can be used to assassinate a person by steering, using any of the conceivable methods to commit suicide. While being steered target had been made to shoot himself into the hand with an
air gun.
Causing someone to drive straight ahead into a tree or walk into a passing car can easily be done by producing low frequency beta waves in the brain, prohibiting all conscious action. Simple devices using this mechanism by employing laser or microwave radiation.
4. Interview with a CIA Non-Consensual Human Behavioral Modification Project
Sep 10, Posted by (Geeldon)
Transcript of Interview
Can you describe what mind control feels like?
JD: It takes on different characteristics over time. In the beginning, you simply don’t know that you are being influenced by it. Your brain doesn’t distinguish the external signal from your natural brain signals. Later, you feel that something is wrong and it feels like you are disassociated. Overtime as the intensity is turned up, you almost go into shock that such pain and trauma can be induced into the brain bypassing the normal sensory pathways. Just like turning a knob, full control of the human can be achieved or dissipated.
When full control is achieved it can best be described like a war in the mind. Your freewill is trying to overcome the mind control signal. Imagine a road with deep ruts in it. You are driving 55 miles an hour. Your tires get caught in the ruts and the car begins to steer itself to follow the deep ruts. When the car hops out of the ruts you get control but quickly the front tires get trapped into the ruts again. But unlike a car, you can’t just stop your mind. Even during sleep it continues and must follow the ruts. Later I learned that these ruts are called brain resonance entrainments and has commonalities to hypnosis.
What other kinds of psychological and neurological experiments were run on you?
JD: I counted over 75 different experiments from passing polygraphs and purposely failing polygraphs to memory recall experiments and trying to program me to kill various military leaders whom I didn’t know. They used sentence repetition, subliminal dream programming, a strange kind of brain imprinting using conditioning of emotional states that could be invoked with flashing images of the people I was to kill they told me.
What else can you tell people about your horrific experience and about neurological weapons?
JD: What was truly mind blowing for me is that I was forced to begin thinking in words. Every thought that I had after a while would be perceived as internal audio. They went through a mapping process where they refined and tuned the phonemes of perceived speech. It was as if they forced my brain to learn a way to control a voice synthesizer.
Can you imagine how maddening it is not to be able to think quickly and silently?
What do you think the purpose was of that experiment?
JD: At the time I was so confused as to why this was being done to me that I didn’t know. But in hindsight it was obvious that it served dual purposes at least. It is the perfect interrogation tool and by interjecting false sentences in the same “voice” as my new internal voice, the system would occasionally trick my mind into thinking that I thought it. They have been working on this technology and using it for over half a century. Again, in hindsight, I have seen this technology described in countless movies but didn’t believe that it really existed at the time.
How did they release you from the program?
JD: I don’t know if they fully did. They stopped the torture and violent imagery and repetitive sentence programming that were intensely painful, but not everything has stopped. Maybe I am to be triggered by a keyword to do their bidding. I just don’t know if I am a failed project because I was too aware of what they were trying to do or if I am now a programmed assassin. How could one know that technology to fully control a human as a remote control soldier has been perfected? I feel exactly how someone should feel who was tortured and now cope with post traumatic stress syndrome with flashbacks to the extreme torture methods.
It is difficult to know whether I should consider myself lucky that I survived or if the horror of being betrayed by my government and living with the knowledge on what a massive scale this is done isn’t a fate worse than death. There are no good guys to root for anymore.
5. NSA & “Artificial Thought” Control ( IBM Blue Beam)
Jan 4; Posted by (Geeldon)
Diffuse Artificial Thought
“The advancement of techniques propel us toward the third step in the Blue Beam Project that goes along with the telepathic and electronically augmented two-way communication where ELF, VLF and LF waves will reach each person from within his or her own mind, convincing each of them that their own god is speaking to them from the very depths of their own soul. Such rays from satellites are fed from the memories of computers that have stored massive data about every human on earth, and their languages. The rays will then interlace with their natural thinking to form what we call diffuse artificial thought.”
So how could that be possible you ask? Easy. Enter Project Joshua Blue, currently under development by our favourite business machines company, IBM. Joshua Blue is a program with the stated goal of “Evolving an Emotional Mind in a Simulated Environment”, “to enhance artificial intelligence by evolving such capacities as common sense reasoning, natural language understanding, and emotional intelligence, acquired in the same manner as humans acquire them, through learning situated in a rich environment.”
This is software that is capable of learning and developing ‘emotions’ according to a related document “Feeling Fabricated: Artificial Emotion“. Parts of this project involve the development of Joshua so that emotion is part of it’s reasoning and these guidelines are being followed: Naturalness and believability, social effectiveness, and meaningfulness of displays to human observers. In fact, the main goal of Joshua Blue is to achieve cognitive flexibility that approaches human functioning. In other words – this is artificial intelligence that could be diffused with our own thought because it has been designed to ‘think like a human’.
A computer program which can read silently spoken words by analysing nerve signals in our mouths and throats, has been developed by NASA. In my previous post I outlined the technology that exists. In 1994, the brain wave patterns of 40 subjects were officially correlated with both spoken words and silent thought. This was achieved by a neurophysiologist, Dr Donald York, and a speech pathologist, Dr Thomas Jensen, from the University of Missouri. They clearly identified 27 words / syllables in specific brain wave patterns and produced a computer program with a brain wave vocabulary. It does not take much thinking to realise that the US agencies have access to a perfected version of this technology. In fact the relevant computers have a vocabulary in excess of 60,000 words and cover most languages. In fact, the NSA’s signals intelligence monitor the brainwaves of their targets by satellite and decode the evoked potentials (3.50Hz 5 milliwatts) that the brain emits. So, using lasers / satellites and high-powered computers the agencies have now gained the ability to decipher human thoughts – and from a considerable distance (instantaneously).
With these seemingly far fetched technologies in mind, althought evidently not so far fetched, also consider this final one. Silent subliminal presentation system: A communication system in which non aural carriers (in the very low or high audio frequency range or the ultrasonic frequency spectrum) are amplified or frequency modulated with the desired “intelligence”, and propagated acoustically or vibrationally for inducement directly into the brain. This can be done “live” or recorded/stored on magnetic, mechanical or optical media for delayed/repeated transmission to the target. Sound can also be induced by radiating the head with microwaves (in the range 100 to 10,000 mhz) that are modulated with a waveform consisting of frequency modulated bursts. HAARP of course is going to be handling all the microwaves.
Knowing all of this, Joshua Blue could in fact be being fed with your personal data (facebook, myspace, medical records, driving records, police records, shopping records etc.) and could be simultaniously extracting your actual, real time thought processes. It could then calculate alternate thought trains and depending on the ‘mission’, it could distract you, lead you to the wrong conclusions or drive you insane. It could even manage to make you convince yourself that yes, aliens truly are invading or Jesus really is talking to you from the clouds. With all the data we put out into the internet about ourselves through MSN, I’m 100% certain ‘they’ know how we talk and therefore how we think. This is way too feasible for me to be comfortable. If the thought that was generated artificially by the computer was so accurately precise how could you reasonably differentiate from AI and your own thought? This scares me.
Joshua Blue is specifically being designed to handle emotions, so thought patterns and logically chosen emotions to compliment them are going to be very hard to overcome.
Oct 15; Posted by (Geeldon)
NSA Signals Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimulation
NSA Signals Intelligence uses EMF Brain Stimulation for Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL). EMF Brain Stimulation has been in development since the MKUltra program of the early 1950’s, which included neurological research into “radiation” (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and development. The resulting secret technology is categorized at the National Security Archives as “Radiation Intelligence,” defined as “information from unintentionally emanated electromagnetic waves in the environment, not including radioactivity or nuclear detonation.”
Signals Intelligence implemented and kept this technology secret in the same manner as other electronic warfare programs of the U.S. government. The NSA monitors available information about this technology and withholds scientific research from the public. There are also international intelligence agency agreements to keep this technology secret.
The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyzes electrical activity in humans from a distance. NSA computer-generated brain mapping can continuously monitor all the electrical activity in die brain continuously. The NSA records and decodes individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for national security purposes. EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by the military for Brain-to-computer link. (In military fighter aircraft, for example.)
For electronic surveillance purposes electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject’s verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brain’s auditory cortex thus allowing audio communication direct to the brain (bypassing the ears). NSA operatives can use this to covertly debilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia.
Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject’s brain and show images from the subject’s brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives see what the surveillance subject’s eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex. bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use this to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance subject’s brain while they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain- programming purposes.
Capabilities of NSA operatives using RNM
There has been a Signals Intelligence network in the U.S. since the 1940’s. The NSA, Ft. Meade has in place a vast two-way wireless RNM system which is used to track subjects and non-invasively monitor audio-visual information in their brain. This is all done with no physical contact with the subject. RNM is the ultimate method of surveillance and domestic intelligence. Speech and 3D sound, and subliminal audio can be sent to the auditory cortex of the subject’s brain (bypassing the ears) and images can be sent into the visual cortex. RNM can alter a subject’s perceptions, moods, and motor control.
Speech cortex/auditory cortex link has become the ultimate communications system for the intelligence community. RNM allows for a complete audio-visual brain-to-brain link or brain-to-computer link.
National Security Agency Signals Intelligence Electronic Brain Link Technology
NSA SigInt can remotely detect, identify and monitor a person’s bioelectric fields.
The NSA’s Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability to remotely and non-invasively monitor information in the human brain by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 hz,.5 milliwatt electro-magnetic emissions from the brain.
Neuronal activity in the brain creates a shifting electrical pattern that has a shifting magnetic flux. This magnetic flux puts out a constant 30-50 hz, .5 milliwatt electromagnetic (EMF) wave. Contained in the electromagnetic emission from the brain are spikes and patterns called “evoked potentials.”
Every thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event, and visual image in the brain has a corresponding “evoked potential” or set of “evoked potentials.” The EMF emission from the brain can be decoded into the current thoughts, images and sounds in the subject’s brain.
NSA SigInt uses EMF-transmitted Brain Stimulation as a communications system to transmit information (as well as nervous system messages) to intelligence agents and also to transmit to the brains of covert operations subjects (on a non-perceptible level).
EMF Brain Stimulation works by sending a complexly coded and pulsed electromagnetic signal to trigger evoked potentials (events) in the brain, thereby forming sound and visual images in the brain’s neural circuits. EMF Brain Stimulation can also change a person’s brain-states and affect motor control.
Two-way Electronic Brain-Link is done by remotely monitoring neural audio-visual information while transmitting sound to the auditory cortex (bypassing the ears) and transmitting faint images to the visual cortex (bypassing the optic nerves and eyes, the images appear as floating 2-D screens in the brain).
Two-Way Electronic Brain Link has become the ultimate communications system for CIA/NSA personnel. Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM, remotely monitoring bioelectric information in the human brain) has become the ultimate surveillance system. It is used by a limited number of agents in the U.S. Intelligence Community.
RNM requires decoding the resonance frequency of each specific brain area. That frequency is then modulated in order to impose information in That specific brain area. The frequency to which the various brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. Only NSA Signals Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency band.
An example of EMF Brain Stimulation:
Brain Area
Information Induced
Through Modulation
7. Synthetic Telepathy, Spies, and Near Death Experiences(2011)
Aug 24; Posted by (Geeldon)
The U.S. intelligence agencies have extremely top secret technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave transceivers, infrasound and ultrasound transceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet, and the telephone. The pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it at all. The N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of Defense, and a very secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget, and is always headed by a flag officer from one of the branches of the U.S. military. The top secret technologies available to the U.S. military is usually thirty years or maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to the U.S. civilian economy. Who is to know among the general U.S. public what the level of technological development is within the secret laboratories of the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Reserch Projects Agency ].
A system of subliminal, subconscious, wireless microwave remote control is used today against targeted individuals suffering from synthetic telepathy harassment. Synthetic Telepathy is used for conducting torture training and/or experimentation against people suffering from various types and degrees of mental illnesses, as red herring “good cop/bad cop” or tough love acting, diversions, feints, decoys, and smokescreens, as smear campaigns by association, as openly secret intimidation campaigns against targeted dissidents, and as a means of espionage. Sometimes American synthetic telepathy spies can imitate Russian spies.
No doubt, secret agents have microscopic computer chips which are invisible to brain scan detection implanted surgically or injected in them in order to scramble or block the ability of enemy spies to read their silent, private thoughts or mentations, and to place erroneous, misleading thoughts in their minds in order to deceive enemy spies.
8) On the Need for Neurotechnology in the National Intelligence and Defense Agenda: Scope and Trajectory
Jun 25
Posted by (Geeldon)
Chris Forsythe, PhD1, James Giordano, PhD2, 3,4*
1. Sandia National Laboratories, PO Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM, 87185-(mail stop), USA. 2. Center for Neurotechnology Studies, Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, 901 N. Stuart St., Suite 900, Arlington, VA, 22203, USA, 3. Oxford Centre for Neuroethics, Oxford University, UK, 4. Uehiro Centre for Practical Philosophy, Oxford University, UK,
Email: [email protected].
In light of the recent advances in neuroscience and neurotechnology, we posit that intellectual and empirical commitment to brain science is critical to national security. Moreover, we believe it is equally important to have a commitment to translational research, or at very least, devoted attention to the steps essential to progressing science from theory to application. Our position is that while there is no shortage of science and intellectual consideration, there is a substantive gap in our understanding of how to engage this knowledge toward useful — and ethically sound — ends.
Whether the basis for improved human performance or more intelligent machines, the impacts of neuroscience and neurotechnology will be far-reaching, change the landscape of human capabilities, and will necessitate readdress of guidelines, policies and practices (1, 2). The ratio of applications to discoveries in brain science is high, and international advances in neuroscience and neurotechnology highlight the importance of maintaining US competitiveness in these areas. For example, researchers at the Max Planck Institute in Germany have demonstrated capability to predict test subjects’ decisions for simple choices based on neuroimaging-based assessment of brain activity arising prior to the subjects’ conscious awareness of their decision (3).
Employing such findings beyond the laboratory, it might thus be possible to develop human-machine systems that could enable an operator’s intentions to be anticipated and controlled well before conscious initiation of action(s) (4). As well, research institutes in different nations have engineered nanomaterials to sense and manipulate activity to induce specific effects on targeted regions and functions of the brain and/or spinal cord. Researchers at the RIKEN Center in Japan have manipulated the genetics of embryonic stem cells to cultivate neural precursor cellsthat when transplanted into a living mouse, self-organize to form neural circuits that integrate with existing neural tissue to enable normal brain activity (5). This creates the potential to alter the neural genome, phenome and connectome in ways that induce short- and long-term structural and functional changes to affect brain activity relevant to cognition, emotion, and/or behavior. It is not diffi cult to imagine how an increasingly embellished, or widespread use (or misuse) of these technologic applications could impact not only human thought, and action, but also more fundamental constructs of beliefs, intention, and the nature, meaning and contexts of various socio-cultural interactions. These possibilities illustrate the ways that sustained investments in basic and applied neuroscience and neurotechnology can be directed at the structure of the brain and its function(s) — viz. – the “mind” — to incur profound impacts upon aspects of human cognition and behavior that are relevant and important to security and defense.
As with other scientific and technical innovations (e.g., flight, nuclear physics), the dual-use (i.e., civilian and military) capability of neuroscience is apparent. Since the early 20th century, technologies that affect the nervous system, and brain~mind have been employed in national defense (e.g., nerve gas, attempts at “brain-washing” techniques of interrogation, etc.). The speed and sophistication of new developments in neuroscience and neurotechnology (as well as the linking of existing devices and technology to innovative approaches; e.g., nanoscale delivery systems; genetic tools, etc. within a directed program of integrative scientific convergence) are such that the breadth and depth of this progress demands continuous re-address, re-appraisal, and reflective governance (1). While ethical caveats have restricted neuroscientifi c research in US national security and defense (at least to some extent), it cannot (nor should not) be overlooked that other nations are making tremendous investments in brain science, and much of this research could provide a basis for offensive capabilities. In response to these potential threats, we posit that it is important that the United States conduct research to examine and evaluate how and what neuroscientific neurotechnologic advancements may be employed in these ways, so as to anticipate, be prepared for, and perhaps counter such intelligence and military application(s) of brain science by our (current and future) adversaries. But while an emphasis has primarily been upon anticipating threats posed by other nations, we believe that it is equally important to emphasize United States’ capabilities so as to remain ahead of — or at least in step with — any international competition in these areas, and in this way, not render our national security vulnerable. But, surveillance, identification, analysis and a forward-looking program of research development testing and evaluation (RDTE) does not imply our developing and stockpiling potential neuroweapons. If the nuclear age has provided any lesson at all, it is that any programs of mutual, mass accumulation of weaponry is both self-perpetuating, and generally problematic. Rather, we posit that a viable goal is to develop and utilize neurotechnologies to maximize national intelligence efforts, and apply such intelligence methods to deep analysis of the fi eld and the assessment and mitigation of any/all international efforts that might be considered as potential threats. Indubitably, new threats will emerge that could be diffi cult to mitigate without sufficient information and knowledge of the strengths and limitations in other nations’ existing and potential neuroscientifi c and neurotechnological capabilities. Thus, attention to augmented cognition technologies, and its employment in education and training, as well as operational field use, are of vital importance, both at present and in the future. In this light, we have identifi ed four interactive areas of neuroscience that could affect and be important for national security; these are:
1. Nano-neuroscience: Nano-substances and devices may be engineered to alter neural networks, induce changes in properties of the nervous system from periphery to brain, and affect sensitivity to internal and/or external stimuli. Nano-neurotechnologies could therefore be used to modify cognitive, emotional and/or behavioral functions, and in this way affect mental and motor capacity, alter mood or cause near- and long-term disability. Such capability might be used to modify the function of national intelligence and security personnel, and/or could be employed in a) combat (both to enhance performance of troops, as well as impair function of enemy warfi ghters) and/or b) by our enemies as a form of biological-technological terrorism and a means of mass subjugation.
2. Advanced neuropharmacologicals: Augmented cognition and neural performance improvement (and/or degradation) can be achieved through the use of psycho-neuropharmaceuticals. As mentioned above, these agents could be administered via nanodelivery systems that allow enhanced access to the central nervous system (CNS) in ways that maximize biological (and ultimately psycho-social) effect(s), yet could easily elude detection. Similarly, pharmaceuticals can be linked to brain stimulation technologies (vide infra) to synergize effects in modifying specifi c cognitive, motoric, emotional and/or behavioral processes.
3. Neuro-imaging and neuro-manipulative devices: Current and prospective developments in neuroimaging offer the potential to visualize relatively site- and network-specifi c brain processes that are putatively involved in (or may explicitly subserve) various cognitive-emotional and behavioral functions. Identifying these neurological axes could provide means to investigate — if not “detect” and/or “reveal” — mental states. But imaging alone, at least in its current iteration(s), while useful in the scientifi c and medical investigation of cerebral function, may be of limited utility for practical applications of rain~mind science for intelligence and defense purposes. Efforts are underway that focus more upon measuring (i.e., quantifying and qualitatively defining) brain activity, in attempt to provide indications of “what”, if not “why” cognitive and/or emotional processes (such as deceit, intent, aggression, etc.) occur. Obviously, this has given rise to hypothetical “mind reading” scenarios, and, like other aspects of neurotechnological research and applications, has prompted considerable debate about the validity, value and ethical implications of such devices and techniques. Moreover, imaging/ measurement can be yoked to neuro-interventional technologies (e.g., transcranial magnetic stimulation, pharmacologicals) to guide or enable manipulation of neurological activity. Simply put, near-future iterations of these technologies (either as stand-alone modalities, or if used in convergence) makes the notion of biotechnologically “altering brains” to “changing minds” evermore viable.
4. Neuroinformatics and cyber-neurosystems: The linking of rapidly advancing computational capability to neurotechnology has established three major domains of progress. The fi rst is the use of computational systems and models to augment human cognitive processes (i.e., human-computer interfaces), the second is in reverse-engineering cognitive mechanisms to create computational techniques and systems to achieve efficient and robust machine intelligence(s), and the third is the data banking of information (about neural structure — including genotypes — and function) to facilitate real-time access, analyses and use.
1. Giordano J, Gordijn B. Scientifi c and philosophical perspectives in neuroethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2010.
2. Giordano J, Olds J. On the interfluence of neuroscience, neuroethics, and ethical, legal and social issues: the need for (N)ELSI. Am J Bioethics- Neuroscience.2011. 12-14.
3. Soon C, Brass M, Heinze H, Haynes J. Unconscious determinants of free decisions in the human brain. Nature Neuroscience. 2008; 11:543-545.
4. Libet B, Gleason C, Wright E, Pearl K. Time of conscious intention to act in relation to onset of cerebral activity (readiness-potential). Brain. 1983; 106(3): 623-642.
5. Kim T, Nakagawa T, Kita T, Higashi T, Takebayashi S, Matsumoto M, et al. Neural connections between
9) Hearing Voices: Audio Implants by Intelligence Agencies
May 28; Posted by (Geeldon)
The concepts used in audio implants had been discovered in the first half of the 20th century, but the refinement of technology to take advantage of what had been discovered waited until the second half of the century. The development of audio implants ran on two tracks, one was the public medical research and the other was the secret Illuminati/Intelligence Agencies’ research. Audio implants began to be publicly placed into people in the 1960s. The Illuminati was experimenting on some victims at this stage, and the military in the Vietnam war used auditory implant devices to aid communicating to their men who were sent into tunnels and who were placed into forest situations where audible noise would compromise their locations to the enemy. The Illuminati/Intelligence/& Military consortium was keeping the experimentation secret. It appears from looking at the worldwide research on audio implants that the Illuminati realized that the field was so ambiguous, and open to so many different approaches, that rather than straightjacket the research community by a specific strategy, they encouraged a wide variety of approaches in the research. Consequently, research by one group would overlap or duplicate research by another. Much to their credit, a few researchers rejected offers to get involved because they saw the sinister ramifications. By the 1970s, the intelligence agencies were willing to start using hundreds of people to experiment operationally with the implants. People in every state of the U.S. were selected as victims. Many of these implant victims had programmed multiple personalities already.
The controllers were very heavy handed with the people they implanted, and they used the full force of the Illuminati/Intelligence agencies power to keep these people under their control at all times. These innocent victims have had their lives totally destroyed. Some tried to fight back, spending thousands of dollars to get out from underneath the incessant audio messages that the implants sent, but the system was too big and too powerful to fight. Police, congressmen, psychologists and many other people turned their backs on these victims. Some victims who initially fought back gave up resisting, some committed suicide, and some continued to fight. Meanwhile, on the public track during the 1970s & 1980s, medical researchers kept putting more and more audio implants into deaf and hard-to-hear persons. Hundreds of people in the U.S. and many hundreds in other nations such as the U.K., Germany, Austria, Israel, Australia, France and other countries began to receive the cochlear implants. Australia was so proud of their audio implant research/development they issued a postage stamp showing an implant device (“bionic ear”) developed in Australia. The question begs asking, if thousands of people have publicly received audio implants, isn’t obvious that the secret societies and secret intelligence agencies have done at least as much if not far more?
1790–first known attempt by Volta to electrically stimulate the ears. He shot approximately 50 volts of electricity into his auditory system, and experienced the sensation of a blow to the head followed by a sound like the boiling of viscous liquid.
1850–Electro-otiatrics was begun by otologists who hoped electricity could help ear diseases in various ways.
1925–Sounds were created in people by radio engineers by placing electrodes near the ear with a modulated alternating current.
1930–Weaver & Bray discovered the principles used later in the cochlear microphonic implants.
1937–By passing an alternating electrical current in the audible frequency range from an electrode to the skin, Steven, Jones, Lurie and Flottorp found they could have people hear sounds. For a number of years these men studied this phenomena.
1957–Djourno and Eyries in France woke the world up concerning the ability to electrical stimulate the auditory nerves and produce sound with their reports. A patient from France reportedly gets William F. House, MD interested in developing an implant device.
1961–William House implants two patients with short-term audio implants. One patient receives a multiple electrode implant.
1960s–intense research for audio implants is conducted in California in places like Sanford, the Univ. of Calif., in L.A. etc. The military uses audio implants operationally to be able to talk to soldiers in situations where external noise would compromise the location of the American soldiers, such as exploring tunnel system.
1970s–Various researchers around the world begin publicly implanting audio implants into people. The Illuminati and intelligence agencies begin to secretly implant people, this is known because many of the early victims can pin point at time in the 1970s when they got their audio implants.
1980–The FDA establishes Federal regulations regarding cochlear audio implants.
1984–By this year, 369 people have publicly received the House Cochlear Audio Implants, which have been implanted by 36 different clinics. The 3M Cochlear Implant System! House Design for use in adults, which is already in hundreds of adults, receives FDA approval in Nov.
1990s–Audio implants along with other implants begin to be used more aggressively by the mind-control programmers. Successful intelligence operations are carried out with the aid of audio implants.
Thousands have publicly received audio implants, and thousands have received audio implants without their permission by the New World Order. The implants (whether secret or public) basically have to contain A. a receiver(s), B. a processor, C. a transmitter, D. electrodes or electrical stimulating device. When sound waves arrive to the human ear, the sound causes biological reactions all along the auditory pathway–from the cochlea, the auditory nerve, the brain stem nuclei and the primary cortical projection areas. Each of these areas are fair game for machinations of the mind-control researchers. There are brain stem potentials which originate in the auditory brain stem nuclei–primarily in the inferior colliculi. The public auditory implants produce a small electrical stimulus that bypasses damaged hair cells and directly stimulates the remaining auditory neural elements. This means that for the secret implants, the electrical impulse that is generated to stimulate the person to hear a sound or sentence is totally unnoticed by everyone but the victim. As mentioned before, psychologists are being used to shut victims up, by declaring that they are crazy for claiming to hear voices. How do these psychologists know that the person isn’t hearing voices from an implant? Some psychologists are declaring the implant victims are “crazy”, “delusional”, & “insane”, because audio implants supposedly don’t exist–therefore it is useless to give any credence to the complaints of victims. In other words, psychologists are being used as the establishment’s witch doctors to cover up the mind-control activities of the New World Order. What’s new?
Establishment shrinks helped cover up the programmed multiplicity for decades by labelling the programmed-multiple slaves “paranoid schizophrenics”. During experiments, it was discovered that the skin of a person can pick up auditory vibrations, so tests were run to see if implants in other parts of the human body could be used for auditory implants. The vibrotacticle system of the skin has an upper limit of sensitivity to 400 to 500 Hz. In contrast the auditory system had a frequency range between 20 to 20,000 Hz and an optimum range of 300 to 3,000 Hz. The auditory system had a dynamic range of 130 dB (decibels) which the vibrotactile had only a 30-35 dB range. In other words, using the skin like on the chest to send auditory vibrations to the brain was a very limited way to create sound. For most purposes it isn’t a viable approach, even though some experimental auditory implants were placed in places like the chest. The ones that were tested only reconfirmed the suspicions that the best results are by using the inner cochlea and the auditory canal area. Dr. Begich’s and later others showed that a nonlinear function will translate one frequency to another frequency, but although it does jump, this method is inadequate for the current mind control signals, and a linear function is used which operates simply on the energy that the implants have.
Originally single channel devises were used, but then multichannel devices were soon found superior. The processing units of a device, had to have an extraction method to determine the pitch of the signal and then would present a square wave at the rate of that frequency. Soon the miniature computers that made up part of the audio implant were made so that they were programmable. Some of the publicly implanted people (for instance some who got a 4 mm. cochlear auditory implant), who thought they were getting medical help, were later followed up a decade later by the intelligence agencies for their own agenda, and instead of just hearing the world, they got to hear mind-control drivel from some handler communicating via the implant. As sound waves come into the public implants, they are fast Fourier transformed into many channels lying between say 100 and 4000 Hz. Each channel may be assigned to a specific electrode located on an array of electrodes. The electrodes are stimulated for instance at 300 pulses per minute. The transmissions go to receiver/stimulators that then stimulate the subject to hear something. (Fourier transforms have also been identified being used by human brains to encode memory.)
In order to keep their signals to their implanted victims secret, the Network employs a tactic called piggybacking where they piggyback their own audio transmission onto standard FM frequencies.
CANAL is the acronym for an system that is used simultaneously for transmission and reception via the use of a double-frequency shift keying (DFS). Radio transmitters that send quick signals are variously called BURST, SQUIRT, SQUASH, or high-speed transmitters.
a. by themselves
b. with other implants
c. in conjunction with other mind-control devices
Part A. Publicly admitted audio implants
Part. B. Secretly implanted audio implants.
Part A. Publicly admitted audio implants.
The entire world has gotten involved in audio implant research. The British Cochlear Implant Group has been setting up “implanting centres” for the UK. Not all the publicly known implants will be listed here, for instance, some of those I chose not to list include some developed in Spain by Bosch & Colomina, the ones created in Thailand by upgrading american made implants, and several made in East and West Germany before the wall went down, and the Swiss implant which was simply the Austrian audio implant used with their own processor.
BANFAI, EMG –Several models developed by Banfai in Cologne-Dueren, West Germany. It is digital, with a pulsatile signal and a programmable memory. The implant can be communicated with using an interface device hooked to a computer. The patient has a keyboard. It was first implanted in 1977 and has 8/14 and 16 channels. It has been implanted into hundreds of people.
BRITISH, for instance UCH– Developed by Douek, Fourcin and Moore in London and implanted with a single electrode in 1978 and multiple electrodes in 1990. The implant has bioglass, and promontory grooves for the electrode, and neural network programming in its computer memory.
CHEN AUDIO IMPLANT–developed in Guangzhoi, mainland China and first implanted in 1984. It was said by the chinese that 20 people received this implant.
CZECHOSLOVAKIAN–Implants were created by Volvoda and Tichy in Prague and implanted in the 1980s into a few people.
FRASER–Developed in London, and first implanted in 1983. It was notable because it had a round window in the implant. In the first few years it was implanted into 56 people. The encapsulated the implant in a high-grade Silastic rather than an epoxy, as some other European researchers had done
FRAYASE–Developed in Toulouse, France, this audio implant was implanted with its receiver in the chest. It was first implanted in 1981, and 22 people were said to have received it.
GOA–developed in Shanghai, China by Lee and Lin.
INERAID- (fka Symbion) produced by the Richards Company, USA. In the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Mar. 1994, vol. 95, pp. 1677-1678, they have an article about a woman who had an implant in one ear and not the other. She was asked to compare the pitch signals from natural sources versus the right ear audio implant. The most apical implanted electrode was not as accurate as the more basal located electrodes using an Ineraid implant.
IMPLEX COM 12–Comes with an interfacing computer and a Syncom patient self-tester
LAURA–Developed at Antwerp, Belgium. These were first implanted in 1986, and had an internal canal antenna, a microphone entirely internal in the auditory canal, a pre-amp, an antenna, and a data control circuit. Only a few subjects got this implant. It comes with a computer, and an interface unit. It does have a programmable memory.
MED-EL –Developed in Austria at Vienna and Innsbruck by Hochmair, and first implanted in 1977. Hundreds of people were implanted with this audio implant. Some were implanted externally with it and some internally inside the ear canal. It has one channel and a multitude of electrodes stimulating the audio channel. It is analogue, and sends an analogue signal. It does not have a programmable memory.
MXM- -Developed by Chouard in Paris and first implanted in 1974. It had been implanted by 1990 into 179 people.
NUCLEUS 22, NUCLEUS MINISYSTEM 22, and other NUCLEUS AUDIO IMPLANTS (aka CLARK’s Implants)–At least two models developed in Australia at Melbourne. This audio implant was first implanted in 1978. The implant is programmable from the outside. It has been implanted into many hundreds of people. It has a multitude of electrodes that stimulate the audio system. It is digital, sends a pulsatile signal, and has a programmable memory. The implant comes with a diagnostic and programming interface computer. The Australian government heavily subsidized with millions of dollars research into audio implants and got the Cochlear Corporation (Nucleus) going. Nucleus uses what is called MULTIPEAK which provides high-frequency information from 2000 to 7000 Hz. With this 4 electrodes are stimulated in rapid succession, and special algorithms are used which change the relationship between the pulse amplitude and the pulse duration in order to allow 4 pulses to occur within a single frame. The Nucleus Minisystem 22 was approved by the FDA for implantation in both adults and children.
Storz Instrument Co.’s Implant–developed at Univ. of Calif, San Francisco.
Part. B. Secretly implanted audio implants.
There were several profiles of people that were used in the World Order’s selection of secret victims to implant. The following were criteria that they liked in the selection process, a. vulnerable, such as single women, b. people who were already programmed with trauma-based mind-control, c. psychics, who had already told people they heard or saw things ordinary people don’t, d. people, not highly regarded by society such as minorities, criminals, street people, mentally insane, who would not be able to find a support system to help them fight the experimentation. They also did the audio implants into some of their own intelligence agents, apparently to some who were getting somewhat difficult to their superiors. Because of this type of profile, and some other things this author learned, it appears that the initial two decades were used more for experimentation and development than they were for actual operations. However, with more than 2 decades of experience, they are now fully operational. From watching their interaction (messages) with victims of audio implants, it is clear that they are not in the testing stage, but are fully operational, and have a full cadre of trained operatives (men & women) to staff the secret bases from which the monitor and broadcast signals to their slaves. The staff their bases with 3 shifts and the graveyard shift leaves approx. 6 a.m. In other words, from what we can tell they are using standard shift times for the audio implant control staffs.
COCHLEAR IMPLANTS–There are Cochlear implants for auditory control secretly implanted without permission. A rubber molding skin color covers the outer lining of the ear canal. There are tiny slits in this lining, which when pushed to the side would show the presence of coils and a plastic rod/wire embedded in the area. Sometimes burn marks occur on sides of face due to intense heat generated by implants, which is painful.
DENTAL AUDITORY IMPLANTS–At least a dozen victims have complained that after their teeth were capped they began hearing voices. Other sources indicate that during the filing process implants are being put into people. This is the type of implant placed into J. Z. Knight and left dormant for many years until they decided to activate her as New Age guru.
RIDGE IMPLANTS– These implants can produce Theta waves and even voices. They are designed to suppress a particular type of thinking. The body may be sent into paralysis or given various stimulus-response stimuli in order to suppress certain thought patterns. If the slave begins to have certain thought patterns that threaten the programming and programming structures, these implants kick in to divert the person’s mental activity to something else.
Posted in Brainwashing, Gaslighting, Human Experimentation, Implantable Microchips, Torture, Zersetzung
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Tags: audio implants, hearing voices
Hearing Voices: Such Things are Known
May 28; Posted by (Geeldon)
Such Things are Known
Dorothy Burdick New York: Vantage Press Inc., 1982
Reading minds at a distance by deciphering the brain’s magnetic waves has been a project of the Advanced Research Projects Agency [DARPA] of the Defense Department for some time. Many educational and research institutions have contributed to its success with government funding.
Published information indicates that DARPA scientists have learned to identify specific thought patterns through the interpretation of brain waves. These patterns reveal with up to ninety percent accuracy whether a person is: (1) puzzled or uncertain, (2) has made a decision, (3) is paying attention, (4) is observing colors or patterns, or (5) has lost concentration due to fatigue or boredom.
Thought processes have been linked to the computer through Artificial Intelligence [AI]. The autocorrelated Cray, which does one hundred million calculations a second, is specifically designed for problem solving and can carry out biomedical experiments with the computer simulating the human effects. It takes only fifty billionths of a second for an element of data to enter and leave its memory.
Using psychological interviewing techniques. AI has come up with programs which lead the intelligent human to believe that he is talking to another person, when he is actually carrying on a dialogue with a computer. Properly programmed, computers have the capacity to make judgments based on previous performance or experience, predict observed behavior, speech patterns and idiosyncrasies of thought. Computers also convert many types of signals to signs, codes, sound, music and video. Twenty years were spent by Russell Kirsch at the National Bureau of Standards’ Artificial Intelligence Laboratory teaching machines to make judgments called “image pattern recognition.” A well-instructed machine can look at variegated images like brain waves and make decisions concerning them. The marriage of computer programming and brain mapping has been published. To accomplish the wiring and plotting of the functions of the human brain was an incredibly complex task that could only have been accomplished by the invention of the computer itself.
It is known that enough work has been done with large computers and wave averaging on the transmission of neural messages in the brain so that neural activity associated with the word “no” and the word “yes” can be identified whether it is said aloud or not. Near the speech center in the brain is an area that prepares neural messages that drive the muscles associated with speech. Actions of the tongue and mouth and other muscles involved in speech are quite different for these two words. The patterns of nerve signals that go out to make these two words are also unalike. The patterns are formed long before words reach the vocalizing level, and can be read and interpreted in advance of speech by a computer. Pattern recognition computers will read an answer even in a completely uncooperative subject, or specifically read his mind if the thought is mentally put into unspoken words.
Speech is a motor activity which creates electrical signals traveling along neurons. With a computer, these weak signals can be read at a distance by a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID), which almost completely eliminates environmental noise while magnifying the signal one thousand times over that read by previous technology.
To read the mind, wave analyzers must deal with the complex oscillations of the brain in somewhat the same way that a prism separates the colors of a beam of light. The components of this complex wave are isolated by electronic circuits tuned to several frequencies. Statistical averages can be determined from many readings of the mind under investigation. From this information its versatility and repertoire of adaptive stratagems can be assessed and plotted. This frequency analysis of tactics can now be instantly known and evaluated by computer faster than men can think.
Optical and electronic subsystems for spacecraft and artificial intelligence have been under development since 1955. Sophisticated biomedical sensors have been developed to use on animals at a distance without physical contact. The same equipment has been used to test environmental factors on human sensory organs. Laser is used in biomedical displays to pick up brain signals and convert them to sound and color or even music. With current laser techniques verbal and aural communication is possible between any two points on earth with video and via satellite.
The human head is a target which gives off a magnetic field. Suppose that it is capable of being picked up and locked onto at a distance by a supersensitive sensor many times amplified by optics. Depending upon the kind of ray directed at the head the symptoms and sensations of the subject will vary.
The carotid artery and the hypothalamus are easily reached through the thin wall of the ear drum by sonic and ultrasonic radio waves. Stimuli to this area can raise and lower blood pressure and body temperature. Sensations in other parts of the anatomy are similar to those caused by diathermy depending upon which brain signals are played upon. The subject is literally an instrument who may experience numbness, pain, pleasure, muscle jerks, spasm and stimulation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.
It is known that thoughts can be pulsed into the mind through the nervous system by microwaves. This has nothing to do with the auditory nerves. Scientists who have submitted themselves to this process report temporary loss of memory and disorganization of thinking processes.
A subtle method of communication, laser, is used to deliver messages unheard by those close to the receiver. Depending upon the verbal messages received concurrently with physical stimulation, these technological developments become powerful tools combined with psychological techniques to shape, modify, direct, prevent and control human thought and behavior through interference with all known diurnal physiological patterns. Additionally, verbal messages may be delivered at the subliminal level during consciousness and during sleep, so that the subject is unaware that he is receiving them or that his dream sleep is being influenced. Words are emotional triggers. When the subject’s emotional triggers are analyzed he is put in the position of having his thoughts and actions controlled by other individuals. This is mind control.
For at least the last four years every minute of my conscious and unconscious life had been invaded by investigators using state of the art technology. Recently on the “Today Show,” William Colby said that the CIA investigated a device which could read Brezhnev’s mind on his way to work. It is my contention that they not only investigated it but that they made it work.
People have asked me, “What do these voices say?” They say, “We want to be your friends.” As in brainwashing they confuse the issue, and truth becomes obscure. Falsehoods seem reasonable. Indoctrination techniques resemble some techniques used in hypnosis. Like hypnosis they have a soporific effect, reiterating and repeating the same monotonous phrases.
“What you do is up to you. You’ve got to believe in yourself.” This remark is made until you are not really certain whether you know what you want or can rely upon your own opinion.
Pavlov said that a conditioned reflex can be worked out for every stimulus. In brainwashing, brain-changing results. Damage is done to the mind through drugs, hypnotism and other means, so that a memory of what actually happened can be wiped out and a new memory of what never happened inserted. The Voices, by interfering with sleep in a subliminal mode are able to stir up old memories and influence REM Sleep by vocal suggestion. They interfere with normal sleep patterns by inducing physical symptoms which result in jerks, cramps, irritation of the intestinal tract and skin, and in sexual arousal or sudden and unwanted awakening when rest is needed. All the subject is aware of is pain, discomfort, nightmares, unaccountable physical symptoms, fatigue and depression. At other times, he is euphoric with relief.
As in brainwashing, the Voices try to install a feeling of personal satisfaction by making the individual feel that he is needed in some way. The message is combined with physical reinforcement.
“We want you to feel good about yourself.” They specialize in uncertainty. You are always on an up staircase that is going down.
“Dorothy, we don’t know what we are going to do with you.” This comes after occasions of rebuttal, rebellion and general recalcitrance. It may be accompanied by good humor or very unpleasant remarks and physical symptoms.
In the beginning, although one is not incarcerated except mentally and environmentally, the subject feels dreadfully tired and worn out. Returning POWs describe it as being like an automaton or going about in a daze.
The Voices use suggestive interrogation with desired answers implied in the wording. They alternate this with a barrage of denunciation and accusation to make you cringe. The more tired you are, the more it upsets you. They excavate the psyche for areas of sensitivity involving social attitudes, sex, marital and family relationships and feelings about self. Any vulnerability will do, and all the time, fatigue both physical and mental, is working for them. The more sensitive and reasonable the individual, the more vulnerable they are. Pushovers for indoctrinators are very intelligent but uneducated, especially the indecisive minds that always see some valid point in the other side’s argument.
The victim’s feeling is that his thinking is being directed. The brainwasher has been called a corticovisceral psychiatrist, able to interfere with the normal path that every human follows in life. Such a Voice directs or suggests to the subject a new route leading off in an entirely new direction. Conflicts arise in anyone between known emotional responses and those of which he is unaware and which are suppressed. No one actually knows or realizes what is going on in his own subconscious mind. The Brainwasher Voice is trained to increase such conflict and to manipulate these responses.
A great effort is made to arouse guilt feelings. Failures to meet a standard of achievement or conduct are used frequently as guilt stimuli. A decided effort is made to uncover normal failings and to take advantage of them in order to hammer them into a guilt complex. No matter how guilt arises, it is necessary to the Voice Indoctrinator for projection purposes.
The Brainwasher Voice continually attempts to sow doubt in the mind of the subject. Regardless of the strength of conviction of the individual so attacked, the moment doubt clouds the mind, it leads to tension. Tension is related to fear, and guilt also produces fear.
They asked me, “What do you want lo do?” My answer was that I wanted to survive. Fear itself is an expression of unsatisfied need for survival and security. First reactions are nervousness, tension, apprehension and depression. They make the need for security and self-protection even more acutely felt.
Fortunately for me none of this was done in a really controlled environment, yet my privacy in all things was gone and I was isolated from human intercourse because nobody could believe that the Voices I heard were anything but inventions of my subconscious.
As a result of these artificially induced pressures including chronic fatigue, I was deprived of strength to combat repetitious suggestions and started to doubt my own thoughts and convictions.
Suppose in this condition that ideas are suggested at a subconscious level, not positive suggestions used in department store tapes to prevent stealing, but destructive behavioral ideas that will result in a poorer self-image, lowered confidence, both physical and mental, and atypical behavior. The suggestions assume a symbolic significance to the individual. Suppose the assault on the mind, body and nervous system is continual over a twenty-four hour period seven days a week. In this state one begins to live in a realm of fantasies and false beliefs. In the hands of Brainwasher Voices and technologists with Space Age Tools, anyone is malleable. An illusory, surreal, invisible environment is created, real only to the victim.
In a prison camp one can make up one’s mind not to listen. There are other prisoners. As a laser receiving station in your own home and environment one has to listen involuntarily and still try to act normally, perform tasks, drive a car and do routine things as much as possible. The incarceration is real, but unseen.
The tools of mind attack include suggestion, mockery, fear, fatigue, deception and manipulation. As in brainwashing, the Voice sometimes begins with ideas and ideals with which the recipient can agree. The only relief from tension in this insidious process is laughter or drugs like sleeping pills and alcohol. The receiver forgets that he is the one who is suffering from fear, uncertainty, browbeating and the invasion of privacy in sex, toilet and social relationships. When he most fears for public performance and they let up, he feels grateful for no reason at all.
All these things are known to government psychiatrists and psychologists. The government in question is the government of the United States of America. The events I recount began on a May weekend in 1978.
Posted in Brainwashing, Gaslighting, Group Stalking, Psychiatric Reprisal, Synthetic Telepathy, Torture
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Artificial (Synthetic) Telepathy: Hearing Voices
May 23; Posted by (Geeldon)
Hearing Voices
The experience of “Artificial Telepathy” is really not that extraordinary. It’s as simple as receiving a cell-phone call in one’s head.
Indeed, most of the technology involved is exactly identical to that of cell-phone technology. Satellites link the sender and the receiver. A computer “multiplexer” routes the voice signal of the sender through microwave towers to a very specifically defined location or cell. The “receiver” is located and tracked with pinpoint accuracy, to within a few feet of actual location. But the receiver is not a cell phone. It’s a human brain.
Out of nowhere, a voice suddenly blooms in the mind of the target. The human skull has no “firewall” and therefore cannot shut the voice out. The receiver can hear the sender’s verbal thoughts. The sender, in turn, can hear all of the target’s thoughts, exactly as if the target’s verbal thoughts had been spoken or broadcast. For this reason, the experience could be called “hearing voices” but is more properly described as “artificial telepathy”.
Now, if artificial telepathy were entirely voluntary, like a conversation between friends sitting across the room from one other, it might be kind of cool. One could talk back and forth with one’s friend, exchanging verbal thoughts exactly as if speaking on the phone, but without ever using one’s voice or mouth. It’s a completely silent, subvocal form of speech. Between lovers, this would be beautiful.
The problem is that artificial telepathy provides the perfect weapon for mental torture and information theft. It provides an extremely powerful means for exploiting, harassing, controlling, and raping the mind of any person on earth. It opens the window to quasi-demonic possession of another person’s soul.
When used as a “nonlethal” weapons system it becomes an ideal means for neutralizing or discrediting a political opponent. Peace protestors, inconvenient journalists and the leaders of vocal opposition groups can be stunned into silence with this weapon.
Artificial telepathy also offers an ideal means for complete invasion of privacy. If all thoughts can be read, then Passwords, PIN numbers, and personal secrets simply cannot be protected. One cannot be alone in the bathroom or shower. Embarrassing private moments cannot be hidden: they are subject to all manner of hurtful comments and remarks. Evidence can be collected for blackmail with tremendous ease: all the wrongs or moral lapses of one’s past are up for review.
Like a perverted phone caller, a hostile person with this technology in hand can call at any time of day, all day long. Sleep can be disrupted. Prayers can be desecrated, religious beliefs mocked. Business meetings can be interrupted, thoughts derailed. Love can be polluted, perverted, twisted, abused. Dreams can be invaded, fond memories trashed.
The attacker cannot be seen or identified, the attack cannot be stopped, and the psychological damage is enormous. But there is no physical damage, not one single mark is left on the body and there is absolutely no proof that any crime or any violation ever took place! Everything that “happens” to the victim happens inside the victim’s head. What physical evidence is there to give the police? Without physical evidence, how can one photograph the “crime scene” or fingerprint the stalker? There are no footprints leading to or from the scene. Indeed, there is no physical scene at all, and no evidence that an attack ever took place.
Most people who experience this abusive form of “artificial telepathy” feel as if their mind has been raped. They find themselves hunted, stalked, harassed and abused by a person or persons who refuse to give their names, who defile one’s mind with the most foul and perverse language imaginable, and who refuse to hang up or go away. The caller or callers delight in the perverse and sadistic torture of their targets. Furthermore, they delight in violating the privacy of their targets, reading the target’s mind and commenting on everything the target thinks, in an effort to demonstrate as brutally as possible that the target has no privacy at all.
The callers act, in short, exactly like rapists or perverted stalkers. Imagine what a man might do if he found a “magic cell phone” that allowed him to dial into the heads and the private thoughts of anyone on earth. The temptation to choose a target at random and start spying on or abusing that person would be enormous, almost irresistable. It could become a sick and twisted hobby, a guilty pleasure very quickly. Put into the hands of a secret police unit, the potential for abusing such technology is even more chilling.
Now, the natural reaction of a normal and intelligent person who undergoes the horrible experience of mind rape for the first time is to panic and reach for a real phone. They call family, contact their doctor or call police with a bizarre complaint that “someone is beaming voices into my head.”
But if the police are the ones behind the abuse, the victims aren’t going to get much help, are they? And if the police are not the perpetrators, then how are they to make an arrest? It’s much more convenient and easy to believe that the caller is a nutcase.
In short order, the victim of mind rape finds herself or himself undergoing the additional humiliation of being carted off to the psych ward, often being committed involuntarily by a loved one “for one’s own good.”
The more vehement the efforts to prove that the voice or voices in one’s head are “real”, the more smug become the smiles of the medical doctors, who gently insist that such technology does not exist, that the voices cannot possibly be real, and that one must take a powerful psych med and lie down for a good long rest.
Feb 20; Posted by (Geeldon)
The latest advance in electronic mind control is equipment that uses special types of microwave beams called MASERs (Gyrotron Resonance Masers). These are the laser equivalent of microwave beams.
MASER stands for Microwave Amplification by Stimulation Emission of Radiation. A LASER is a MASER that works with higher frequency photons in the ultraviolet or visible light spectrum (photons are bundles of electromagnetic energy commonly thought of as “rays of light” which travel in oscillating waves of various wavelengths) .
These MASER beams have been used to develop something called synthetic telepathy. This is the ability to read people’s minds from a distance. Electronic scanning of victims’ brains by monitoring the electromagnetic (EM) emissions from peoples brains and using amongst other things, the brain waves (as measured on an EEG), to read the victim’s subvocalised thoughts.
In synthetic telepathy, the weak electromagnetic signals in the brain associated with subvocalised thought, are connected to a computer by use of electrodes, or in more advanced mechanisms by MASER beams. Sophisticated computer systems have learnt to read the subvocalised thoughts in the brain, by associating a specific brain exciting potential, with a particular word. In this case, only one specific language can be decoded, as each word in a language has a specific set of frequencies that must be discovered. Once the donkey work of finding the specific frequencies for all the words in a language has been programmed into a super computer, which can carry out massive parallel processing, fuzzy logic software is used to match this with real world excitation potential associated with subvocalised thought obtained from thousands of abductees, who are used to calibrate the synthetic telepathy devices.
Synthetic telepathy detects the I5Hz, 5 milliwatt auditory cortex brain emissions, that are linked with the excitation potentials in the brain associated with subvocalised thought. New technology, involving low frequency microwaves and RF, has enabled devices to be built which can scan through walls and look inside peoples’ bodies like X-rays. This enables security personnel to see a target in his own home and to track him throughout the house. Further to this, being able to see inside the victim’s head, would allow computer controlled targeting of specific brain centres in the victim’s brain, even when he was walking around the house. A scan of the specific brain emissions given off when the victim subvocalises using an array AF pulsed frequency MASERs fired at the specific brain centres of the subversive, while he resides in his own home, enables the victim to be scanned. By finding an array of ELF pulse modulated MASERs, which scan up and down the window of frequency emissions given off by subvocalised thought, interference effects can be measured in the MASER beam. The victim’s ELF brain emissions will interact constructively or destructively with the pulse frequency MASER carrying ELF in the ELF window associated with subvocalised thoughts.
If we fire an array of pulsed MASERs, which are out of phase with each other, extraneous noise can be filtered out in the digital domain. Since the converging ELF modulated MASERs are being effected by the low level emissions in the victim’s brain, the shifts in the ELF pulsed signal going into the subversive’s brain can be detected.
A simplistic version of this would be the LASER beam shone at the window of the person that is being bugged. The vibrations in the window cause modulations in the LASER that can be converted into electrical signals and hence into sound. In this way the subvocalised thoughts in the victim’s brain can be read. Having already built up a library of excitation potential signatures for differing words and groupings of words, a sophisticated computer can begin to decode the emission signatures into word streams. In this way the subvocalised thoughts of the victim can be stored in the memory of a supercomputer and analysed to give a read out of what the target is thinking.
Using ELF audiograms carried by a single pulse-modulated Maser, subvocalised thoughts can be placed in the victim’s brain. This enables synthetic telepathy operators the ability to enter into conversations with the subversive to drive him mad or to bring up key words which will get the victim thinking about the information they wish to find. Visual cortex excitation potentials can also be broadcast into the victim’s brain so that illusory images can be projected into their brain to drive them mad, or to program them to commit suicide.
Posted in Brainwashing, Gaslighting, Group Stalking, Human Experimentation, Psychiatric Reprisal, Remote Neural Monitoring, Synthetic Telepathy, Through Wall Surveillance, Torture
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Tags: maser, surveillance, synthetic telepathy
Masers And Mind Control
Feb 13; Posted by (Geeldon)
“Gyrotron Resonance Masers” are being misused on domestic populations with the seeming tacit consent of Federal law enforcement. It could be FBI “Counterintelligence Division 5” or some other branch of the government with tech. help from CIA or NSA. Masers are frequency weapons that use “extremely low-frequency electromagnetic waves,” “ELF’s;” to interface with the neuronal clusters in the brain, to translate them into cybernetic analogs of conscious and subconscious neurosynaptic communication. By this means the entire concious and subconscious contents of a person’s mind and psyche, can be uploaded and downloaded into a computer and sent back into the subject’s brain.
The mind control aspects of this are obvious, in that dream sequences, messages, and hallucinations can be entrained into the person’s mind to program them, or “ELF”‘s” can be used to saturate the peritol lobe and create auditory hallucinations, or “Psychic Driving” to drive somebody insane with repetitions of sentences and messages that go on all day as a form of torture. Also possible via ELF’s is being able to molecularly change the bio or neuro-chemistry of the blood to a blood volume of lets say 15%, to a drug by changing the blood molecules to the molecules of that drug, and then change the drug molecules back to blood molecules, therein “cleaning” the drug out of the body. People can be poisoned this way, drugged, or have needed medicines taken out of their blood. Torture with “Psychic Driving” via ELF’s repeating the same phrases or music ‘over-and-over’ can also be done with microwaves that impinge on the auditory nerves to create “audiograms” that can be heard just as audibly inside the head as the “psychic driving” torture via “ELF”‘s. Also infrasound at low vibrational densities can program the psyche via bio-morphic communications via cellular memory and manipulate emotional structures. The psyche can be emotionally programmed in this way, negative and painful emotions entrained in a subject/victim at will, and other uses of evoking various emotions for mind control purposes.
You can partition the brain synapses with ELF’s like partitioning a computer, and program subdivisions of the brain, and at the same time create subdivisions of the psyche: “Multiple Personalities” with biomorphic programming with low infrasound, and then use high infrasound to program the amnesiac barriers between “alter personalities” with “crypto-hypnotic code,” to regulate “alter” functioning as well as keep people from using hypnosis to get into the “alter systems” of the programmed person. Also infrasound and microwaves at thermal levels can torture people at the high level, by hitting nerves in the body where it can feel like your body and/or eyes are being cut with knives, or low infrasound and microwaves at thermal levels will cause sensations of burning or burn the skin.
Posted in Brainwashing, Group Stalking, Remote Neural Monitoring, Synthetic Telepathy, Through Wall Surveillance
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Feb 11; Posted by (Geeldon)
by Tim Rifat BSc BEd.
From an article in The Truth Campaign Magazine Spring 99
Torture is alive and well in the UK. MI5, the UK’s secret police, regularly use Non-Lethal Weapons on any dissidents. Since MI5 have a well-documented history of hating the Labour Party, and were instrumental in bringing down the Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson, they naturally took to spying on, and discrediting, any group or person who did not follow their rabid right wing dogma. When Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister of a right-wing Conservative Government in 1979, she soon saw the power in recruiting MI5 to be her own secret police. During the Miner’s strike in the early eighties, Arthur Scargill and his National Union of Miners nearly brought the Conservative Government down, with their year long strike. Margaret Thatcher used MI5 to spy on the miners and discredit Scargill. Leading police officers argued against the use of MI5 on the civilian population, they were ignored or replaced – if they proved too vociferous.
Margret Thatcher was the first Prime Minister for many a year to sit in on the Joint Intelligence Committee’s meetings on a regular basis. Thatcher, as a trained scientist, would have been well aware of the usefulness of microwave weapons. They are impossible to detect unless you have a detector, dissidents have no idea these weapons exist and best of all, they are totally deniable. It may be that MI5 kept this research secret from Thatcher, but the resources the UK has put into these fearsome, so-called non-lethal weapons, is extensive. UK intelligence runs a fleet of microwave weapon carrying vans, as well as portable microwave weapons that can be deployed near the dissident’s home. The vast expense can be disguised as communications equipment, for as well all know, microwave telephone communication is all the rage in our modern world. My research shows that the microwave telephone network also has the potential to be used as a major mind control weapon system to control the behaviour of the microwave phone users.
Developed under the Conservative government, which was in power from 79-97, the UK secret, or black government, has at its disposal a fearsome array of mind control weapons. These abhorrent devices are euphemistically called non-lethal weapons by the UK military. In fact they kill you slowly be causing nerve damage, cancers, mental collapse leading to suicides or tissue failure such as heart attacks due to the cooking effect of the microwaves.
Precisely modulated microwave radiation is used to influence brain function. Human behaviour and reactions can be entirely controlled by using pulse modulated microwave EM radiation. Pulse modulated microwaves are useful as the carrier for the mind control signals as they are able to pass through the skull, which is rather resistant to low level EM. The massive number of microwave antennae that dot the country, some of which are used for the microwave phone network, all use pulse modulated microwaves, which makes their use for a strategic mind control device against the civilian population in times of trouble, or rioting, crucial to modifying the behaviour of the general population. In modern democracies it is no longer viable to shot rioters, or torture dissidents by normal means, as the bad publicity is self defeating. Thus, microwave weapons have been developed by the UK’s military intelligence as they leave no marks, or gaping wounds. This pulse modulated microwave carrier beam can then be used to carry signals. These signals are extremely low frequency recordings of brain electrical potentials, which have been recorded by neuro-medical researchers such as Dr Ross Adey’s. Dr Ross Adey’s research at the Brain Research Institute of the University of California, was funded by the CIA. In their Pandora project a catalogue of different brain signals for specific actions, emotions and pathological states of mind were recorded. It was found that when microwaves were used to fire these signals at victims’ brains, they experienced the moods, behaviour, and the pathological states, carried by the signals. This meant that by mimicking natural brain frequencies, the human brain could be controlled remotely by use of extremely low frequency broadcast carried by pulse modulated microwave beams (ELF pulse modulated microwave remote mind control technology)
It is now possible to broadcast mind control commands directly into the brain by use of microwave beams. All that is needed is a catalogue of every specific brain frequency for each – mood, action and thought. These catalogues of excitation potentials are available from Russian neuro-medical research institutes, so anyone with enough cash can have the same technology at their disposal as UK military mind control groups. (the psychological enforcement arm of MI5). The Aum sect bought microwave weaponry via their 50,000 Russian converts.
Particular excitation potential, is then broadcast by pulse modulated microwave transmitter. This pulse modulated microwave beam has the ELF excitation potential frequency imprinted upon it. It was found that each behavioural set in humans has a distinctive frequency. There was one for anger, suicide, hysteria, trauma, serial killing, paranoia, lust, etc. Intelligence operatives in the UK regularly park microwave transmitters outside targets’ houses and beam specific mood inducing excitation potentials at the victims. To aid them they have sophisticated millimetre wave scanners to look through the victims walls, so they can see the targets in their homes. Pulse modulated microwaves are directed at their victims’ brains, while other people in their homes are oblivious of what is going on. A leading conspiracy researcher, who looks into the GCHQ at Cheltenham, found one of these vans with two spheres on its roof, parked in his road. He took the number plate and through contacts checked who owned it. It was an MOD van.
Hopefully he has found the microwave weapon system before it has done him too much harm.
These microwave weapons were developed allegedly at Marconi.
When firing microwave beams through walls at one target, every material in the way of the beam attenuates or modifies the intensity and frequency of the beam. Since precise frequencies and intensities are needed for mind control, very sophisticated microwave arrays and computer programmes had to be developed so that the microwave beam could be changed in response to the materials which lay between the target and the weapon, as the victim moved around his house. To do this, the reflectivity and refractivity of the materials had to be analysed in real-time and fed to a computer which could change the microwave array in concert with the changing environment between victim and weapon. There also had to be an automatic interrupter if another person walked in front of the beam. The victim needed to be driven mad or disabled, without anyone else being aware that they were being targeted. The technology for this was very complex but eventually it was perfected. Twenty-five or more scientists and military personnel associated with the Marconi project then died in mysterious circumstances. Intelligence regularly kill people to keep them quite. Maybe intelligence personnel killed the entire research team to keep such a diabolical weapon secret.
For if it were made public the scandal would bring down the government. Whatever the real story, by the mid to late eighties, all the problems had been ironed out and these new smart microwave weapons were deployed on the UK’s streets. Northern Ireland would have proved the perfect place to test them out. Pulse modulated microwave weapons had now come of age. By this method, any mood or behavioural set, can be conditioned into the target’s brain. Intelligence agents keep a log of the victim’s behaviour to see if more intense ‘treatment’ is needed and as a guide for future mind control projects.
It is alleged that by this method, UFO and conspiracy researchers, are routinely driven to commit suicide. Having the excitation potential for suicide beamed into your brain day and night by microwave mind control weapons, soon resets the brain into a cycle of depression that spirals out of control ending in suicide. Many intelligence and technical officers in the UK, who have spilled the beans, or could be a potential leak, are driven to commit suicide by the special mind control teams run by MI5. If you look at the long list of UK military and intelligence experts who inexplicably commit suicide, one can see an underlying mind control logic that drives them to kill themselves. Behavioural reinforcement is used in a synergistic way with the mind control. It was found that the effect of the microwave beams could be greatly enhanced by external reinforcement. Intelligence community personnel destroy the target’s property, ruin their financial affairs spread vicious rumour, make sexual peccadilloes public knowledge – such as wearing women’s underwear, while checking oneself – with an orange in one’s mouth. External reinforcement of pulse modulated microwave mind control technology was found to be very effective.
Intelligence chiefs are now in seventh heaven, if some one becomes a problem they get the ‘suicide mind control team’ parked outside their house. Within weeks, the victim kills himself. This is very phasing to the intelligence mandarins, as suicides are easy to explain away – even if the victim was a highly placed politician or military man. If the military intelligence agency does not wish you to commit suicide, they can drive you mad. This is done by beaming the excitation potential of a particular pathological mental state at your brain while you are at home. To aid in this, the intelligence operatives can place sounds and speech in the target victim’s brain. This inter-cerebral hearing is used to drive the victim mad, as no one else can hear the voices transmitted into the brain of the target. Transmission of auditory data directly into the targets’ brains using microwave carrier beams is now common practise. Instead of using excitation potentials, one uses a transducer to modify the spoken word into ELF audiograms, that are then superimposed on the pulse modulated microwave beam.
Discrediting well known people who are causing problems for the shadowy elite, by driving them mad, seems to be standard operating procedure for the intelligence community. Victims are subject to pulse modulated microwaves which carry different types of madness and behavioural abbreviations, encoded as ELF excitation potentials. This makes the troublesome high profile person, display manic or insane behaviour that discredits them. Examples of this technique are allegedly: David Icke, Fergie, Princess Diana…
Outside environmental reinforcement, by use of media agents in league with MI5, makes it assured that the high profile person’s mind controlled madness, will be put in the worst possible light to discredit them. In this way, high profile subversives who cannot be imprisoned, (unlike the Carl Bridgewater, Birmingham Six, Guildford FourÖ) in the normal way by Britain’s police, or killed by assassination squads, such as the Pegasus group, are made to look ridiculous.
Public humiliation is the finest weapon the authorities have to make harmless a potential well known figure, who is making trouble.
If the VIP needs to be made temporarily ill, microwave beams containing the signal the brain gives off during a vicious bout of flu can be fired at the victim. This causes the target to display all the symptoms of flu, even though they have not caught the virus. Major Ed Dames the remote viewing specialist, who has close links with the US secret military, alluded to this device on a US TV programme.
The intelligence agents can also use low level microwaves to cause mental and physical confusion that leads to illness. Beaming microwaves at victims makes them fatigued, damages their immune system, causes neurological damage that effects their thinking and ability to carry out tasks, induces premature ageing, cancer and cataracts. Sussex police regularly use this low level microwave to clear drunks from city centres. While researching this matter , I was subject to high levels of microwave >|Omw/cm2 whenever I approached their headquarters, whilst MI5 irradiated my home continually with microwaves. It seem I touch a raw nerve while researching mind control weapons usage in the UK.
Organisations that irritate the authorities have their building turned into a hot spot by microwave transmitters, so the staff all suffer sick building syndrome caused by microwave damage. Or the staff of the target organisation have their behaviour changed to cause discord. UFO Reality a leading UFO and conspiracy magazine have complained of mysterious health problems, while another new age group complained of eye damage, nausea and headaches brought on when ever they had a meeting, which may have been caused by microwaves. Heating the victim to death by microwave cooking is caused by increasing the field intensity of the radiation, to cause local hotspots in the victims eyes and gaul bladder, which have poor circulation, so cannot carry away the heat. Irradiating the optic nerve of the victim with the same signal that is sent to the brain by this nerve, causes the nerve tissue to overload. This way, subversives can be blinded by the intelligence community without them knowing what has occurred. An American researcher complained of this problem to me and warned me that this weapon system was being used on my person by MI5.
Neurological research found the brain to have specific frequencies for each voluntary movement called preparatory sets. By firing at your chest with a microwave beam containing the ELF signals given off by the heart, this organ can be put into a chaotic state, the so-called heart attack. In this way, high profile leaders of political parties who are prone to heart attacks can be killed off before they cause any trouble.
Neil Kinnocks’ Labour Government was allegedly cheated out of an election victory by postal vote rigging in twenty key marginal seats. When a new even more electable Labour leader was found, it is rumoured that John Smith, the then Labour leader, was prompted to have a fatal heart attack, while walking in the country with his family, by means of a concealed microwave device which operated on the Vagus nerve to bring about a massive heart attack. Since MI5 have a long history of naked hatred towards the Labour party, there may be some truth in the above, though no hard evidence had yet been found.
Paralysis can be induced in the target by use of this method of broadcasting preparatory sets encoded on microwave beams. A pulse modulated microwave beam, carrying an ELF signal, which is identical to the one in the motor neurone centre of the brain, is used to jam the victims motor co-ordination. This is analogous to radar jamming, using a more powerful signal at the same frequency to swamp out the enemies radar. Motor neurone preparatory set potentials are jammed by a bigger signal carried by a microwave carrier beam, that literally overloads the brain, so it cannot control the body. Pulse modulated microwave weapons which broadcast the ELF preparatory sets of the motor cortext of the victim, will paralyse the victim without killing them. Breathing and heartbeat are involuntary actions controlled by another set of frequencies in another part of the brain This technique can be used to abduct people for secret government mind control experiments, under the guise of alien abduction. A microwave beam of this nature will paralyse the victim, so they can be bundled into a black helicopter and airlifted away for experimentation.
Once the procedure is complete, hypnosis can be used to plant false memories of alien abduction . In this way, real alien abductions can be used by the authorities to enable them to obtain a limitless supply of guinea pigs for their mind control experiments. Real memories of government involvement are erased electronically. This technique clears all short-term memories from the victims consciousness by broadcasting microwave beams at the target which carry the signals used for memory retention. When you remember something, it is first stored in your short-term memory. After approximately twelve hours, this short-term memory is converted in the brain to long term memory, after which you remember this information for the rest of your life. If this conversion from short-term memory to long term memory does not occur, the data is lost. We see details around us, but try to recall the dÈcor in a restaurant you eat at some weeks ago and you’ll see how tenuous memory is.
Microwave radiation of a specific frequency can interfere with the transfer of memories from short to long term memory. Microwave radiation of a specific frequency can interfere with the synapses of the brain. By interfering with the connections between brain cells, memory of people can by disrupted. In this way, Seal special force assassins can be brain-wiped after a mission, so they have no idea of the target they killed. Using hypnosis, false memories can then be planted in the brain, so the gap left by the real memory is papered over.
The latest advance in electronic mind control were discussed in my previous articles in Nexus, but for those who missed the ESP of Espionage, this equipment uses special types of microwave beams called MASERs. These are the laser equivalent of microwave beams.
These MASER beams have been used to develop something called synthetic telepathy. This is the ability to read people’s minds from a distance. Electronic scanning af victims’ brains by monitoring the electromagnetic (EM) emissions from peoples brains and using amongst other things, the brain waves (as measured on an EEG), to read the victim’s subvocalised thoughts.
Head of US Special Forces Major-General Schaknow, talked about synthetic telepathy during a lecture in July 1992 at Fort Bragg North Carolina. The US military is hard at work perfecting synthetic telepathy. In synthetic telepathy, the weak electromagnetic signals in the brain associated with subvocalised thought, are connected to a computer by use of electrodes, or in more advanced mechanisms by MASER beams. Sophisticated computer systems have learnt to read the subvocalised thoughts in the brain, by associating a specific brain exciting potential, with a particular word. In this case, only one specific language can be decoded, as each word in a language has a specific set of frequencies that must be discovered. Once the donkey work of finding the specific frequencies for all the words in a language has been programmed into a super computer, which can carry out massive parallel processing, fuzzy logic software is used to match this with real world excitation potential associated with subvocalised thought obtained from thousands of abductees, who are used to calibrate the synthetic telepathy devices.
GCHQ Cheltenham, the intelligence gathering arm of MI5, possess the advanced computer systems needed for synthetic telepathy. Synthetic telepathy detects the I5Hz, 5 milliwatt auditory cortex brain emissions, that are linked with the excitation potentials in the brain associated with subvocalised thought. New technology, involving low frequency microwaves and RF, has enabled devices to be built which can scan through walls and look inside peoples’ bodies like X-rays. This enables security personnel to see a target in his own home and to track him throughout the house. Further to this, being able to see inside the victim’s head, would allow computer controlled targeting of specific brain centres in the victim’s brain, even when he was walking around the house. A scan of the specific brain emissions given off when the victim subvocalises using an array AF pulsed frequency MASERs fired at the specific brain centres of the subversive, while he resides in his own home, enables the victim to be scanned. By finding an array of ELF pulse modulated MASERs, which scan up and down the window of frequency emissions given off by subvocalised thought, interference effects can be measured in the MASER beam. The victim’s ELF brain emissions will interact constructively or destructively with the pulse frequency MASER carrying ELF in the ELF window associated with subvocalised thoughts.
If we fire an array of pulsed MASERs, which are out of phase with each other, extraneous noise can be filtered out in the digital domain. Since the converging ELF modulated MASERs are being effected by the low level emissions in the victim’s brain, the shifts in the ELF pulsed signal going into the subversive’s brain can be detected.
A simplistic version of this would be the LASER beam shone at the window of the person that is being bugged. The vibrations in the window cause modulations in the LASER that can be converted into electrical signals and hence into sound. In this way the subvocalised thoughts in the victim’s brain can be read. Having already built up a library of excitation potential signatures for differing words and groupings of words, a sophisticated computer can begin to decode the emission signatures into word streams. In this way the subvocalised thoughts of the victim can be stored in the memory of a supercomputer and analysed to give a read out of what the target is thinking.
Using ELF audiograms carried by a single pulse-modulated Maser, subvocalised thoughts can be placed in the victim’s brain. This enables UK synthetic telepathy operators the ability to enter into conversations with the subversive to drive him mad or to bring up key words which will get the victim thinking about the information they wish to find. Visual cortex excitation potentials can also be broadcast into the victim’s brain so that illusory images can be projected into their brain to drive them mad, or to programme them to commit suicide.
My research has led me to uncover a truly nation-wide mind control weapon system. Each UK police station is equipped with a vast array of microwave antennae. The Sussex Police headquarters has a two hundred foot antenna. The building is surrounded by a fence and is off limits to the public. This microwave complex sits in the middle of a council housing estate, which means the people in this area are being bathed in low level microwaves. New research has shown that low level microwaves give mice cancer, since the emitters tested by the scientists, were the new ultra safe mobile phones which give of much smaller intensities than the police antennae, the Police microwave system is a serious health hazard. It seems that low level microwave radiation excites the hydrogen bonds in the cell and can interfere with meiosis. This causes cell division to go wrong, which leads to cancerous cells and hence tumours.
Secondly, the police have been granted the exclusive use of the 450 MHz microwave frequency range. This is exactly the frequency used by Dr Ross Adey, the CIA mind control expert, in his experiments on behavioural modification. It seems the police have the exclusive use of this mind control frequency and a vast array of antennae to broadcast this frequency all over the country.
Very useful for mass mind control in times of emergency. Adey found that by using 0.75mW/cm2 intensity of pulse modulate microwave at a frequency of 450 MHz, it was discovered that an ELF modulation could be used to control all aspects of human behaviour.
The Sussex police headquarters is connected to CCTV, close circuit television cameras, throughout the town. Some of these cameras have microwave telemetry devices that could easily be used the broadcast this frequency. The large antenna, that bracket the town could also be used.
The most insidious aspect of this, is that the entire mobile phone network could easily be used to control the behaviour of the phone users. By use of my microwave detector, have found that mobile phones of the newer type, give off a pulse modulated microwave signal of around 0.75m W/cm2 at the ear piece.
This may be coincidence, but it is exactly the intensity required for behavioural control as found by Dr Ross Adey, the pioneer of microwave mind control.
So in theory, an ELF signal could be added to the microwave network to feed a precise behavioural pattern into every mobile phone user in the UK. If their were widespread riots, the ability to broadcast behavioural stimuli to mollify all the mobile phone users in the country would prove useful.
Since mobile phone users are generally middle class, it means authority has a useful method of controlling the behaviour of the key voters. Microwave carrier beams are perfect for transmitting the excitation potential of docility to the phone user to keep them servile in times of trouble. When no ELF signal is broadcast the phone acts in a completely different manner on behaviour in humans. In this case the microwave phones causes the neurones to release calcium ions which makes the user tired, irritable and when stressed likely to emotional outbursts such as road rage.
In Brighton, the local Ml5 headquarters has a large microwave array on its roof. Secret bunkers in the area also have large microwave arrays above them. It is child’s play to transmit an ELF modulated signal to be broadcast by the entire mobile phone network – if need be. By this means, all mobile phone users can be behaviourally modified, at the cost of developing cancer from low level microwave exposure from the phones they constantly use, stressing the neural network by constant calcium ion efflux and interference with bioelectric fields.
It seems strange that a few millicuries of ionising radiation will get the National Radiological Protection Board exceed, whilst high intensity cancer-inducing non-ionising microwave radiation, goes unchecked. So high are levels near transmitters, that litter the countryside, that light bulbs will explode near them. If the intelligence community is using microwaves on a large scale as mass mind control weapons, then the NRPB’s silence is easily explainable.
To add to this, the numerous microwave detectors that were cheaply available to check leakage from microwave ovens are no longer made by any company in the country. It seems the UK authorities do not want the population to be able to detect when they are being microwaved. In conclusion, it can be seen that the UK intelligence and police, have a dizzy array of high-tech mind control devices. They regularly target their own populations and thousands of people are made ill by microwave weapons. With the advent of synthetic telepathy, ‘CCTV of the mind’ becomes a reality.
With the election of a New Labour government unaware of microwave weapons and untainted, as they had no part in their development and deployment. it is certain that Tony Blair’s government will outlaw these abhorrent microwave weapons – as they have done land mines. The only problem will be convincing the Labour government that MI5’s microwave communication equipment is in fact microwave mind control weaponry.
With the total secrecy the MI5 organisation operates under, one can be sure they will be mendacious as to how their £200 million pound budget is used to hone their leading edge microwave mind control torture weapons that are used on the public. Even more disturbing is the use of EMP and microwave weapons by the police on anyone researching into this area. With over £1 billion of tax payers money going to the intelligence community in Britain, it is a certainty that Britain will continue to be the centre of Soviet style psychotronic torture and mind control equipment well into the 21st century.
[ 1 ] Non lethality. John B Alexander, the Pentagon’s Penguin, by Armen Victorian, Lobster June 1993. This is an excellent article on the US black governments ‘hard-man’ of the mind control world – recommended for those who really would like to know how these people think and work
UF0 Reality No 1-3, Jon King, Mind Control.
Mind Control and UFO’s, by Alex Constantine, Feb. 1996.
[2] UFO Reality No 4.
[3] Enigma Vol. 2, It’s All In The Mind, T Rifat.
[4] Ross W Adey. Neurophysiologic Effects of Radio frequency and Microwave Radiation, Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine Vol.55 No 1 1, DEC 1979; The influences of impressed Electrical Fields at EEG Frequencies on Brain and Behaviour in Behaviour and Brain Electrical Activity, Burch, N and Altshuler, H.l., eds, Plenum press, 1975.
Effects of Modulated Very High Frequency Fields on Specific Brain Rhythms in Cats, Brain Research, Vol. 58, 1973;
Spectral Analysis of Low Frequency Components in the Electrical of the Hippocampus During learning, Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 23, 1967
Dr Ross Adey, formally of the Brain Research centre at the University of Southern Califomia, Los Angeles, now at Loma Linda University . Medical School, Loma Linda, Califomia.
He worked on the CIA Pandora Project and was concerned with inducing specific behavioural modification by electromagnetic means well as induction of calcium efflux events to interfere with brain function – the so called ‘confusion weaponary’.
C.S. Blackman is a researcher who worked in the US on theoretical research that underlies the electronic RMCT devices now deployed world-wide.
Electronics World and Wireless World: The healing face of electromagnetic fields; 1993
[5]. Martin Cannon, The Controllers.
[6]. Secret and Suppressed, Jim Keith.
[7]. Psychic Dictatorship in the USA, Alex Constantine.
[8]. Encounters, Vol. 7, Psi Spies, Marie-Louise Small. Cosmic Top Secret: America’s Secret UFO Program,1992 William Hamilton III.
[9] Encounters, Vol. 10, Room with a Remote View, by Richard Forsyth. This is an article about the author.; Paranormal Management Systems’ web site. For an information pack on RV/RI, send £3 plus a SAE to PMS, PO Box 2749, Brighton, BN2 2DR, UK. Correspondence and normal courses are available, phone 01273 690424 to book for courses. We also offer consultancy on mind control problems.
Nexus Vol. 3 No 6, Remote Viewing; The ESP of Espionage, by T Rifat.
Nexus Vol. 4 No 1 The Esp of Espionage, Part 1, by T Rifat.
Nexus VoL 4 No 2, The Esp of Espionage, by T Rifat. These three articles cover the theory of RV, RI and ESP in very great detail. Recommended for the serious RV/RI student. For more information contact the author.
Alien Encounters No 11 Alien and Government Mind control, T Rifat. Sightings Nol2, Losing Your Mind Control Technology, by T Rifat.
UFO Reality No 8, Mind Control, Big Brother is All In The Mind, T Rifat.
Enigma 6, Mind Control, by T Rifat.
Fortean Times 95, Police State of’ Mind, by David Guyatt. US Synthetic Telepathy info supplied by David Guyatt. Guyatt, David. “Some Aspects of Antipersonnel Elctromagnetic Weapons (paper prepared for ICRC Symposium for the medical profession.
Posted in Brainwashing, Group Stalking, Human Experimentation, Remote Neural Monitoring, Synthetic Telepathy, Through Wall Surveillance
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Spies for Hire: Key Officers at Booz Allen Hamilton (C4ISR or Artificial Telepathy)
Feb 11; Posted by (Geeldon)
Spies for Hire: Key Officers at Booz Allen Hamilton
As a key player in the Intelligence-Industrial Complex that spawned artificial telepathy, Booz Allen Hamilton deserves special attention.
The central importance of BAH becomes clear when one considers some of the stunning information unearthed by reporter Tim Shorrock in his new book Spies for Hire: The Secret World of Intelligence Outsourcing (Simon & Schuster: New York, 2008).
In Chapter 2, titled “Booz Allen Hamilton and the Shadow IC,” Shorrock informs us that the spy business is booming, and BAH enjoys top ranking among those contractors who serve the “intelligence community.”
In 2002, Booz Allen had more than 1000 former intelligence officers on its staff, and its government contracts rose dramatically after 9/11, “from $626,000 in 2000 to $1.6 billion in 2006. Most of the latter figure, $932 million, was with the Department of Defense, where Booz Allen’s major customers included the NSA, the Army, the Air Force, the Defense Logistics Agency, and the National Guard. In 2006, it was one of seven firms awarded a ten-year contract to bid on up to $20 billion worth of work in command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaisance — a mouthful of a term usually referred to as C4ISR — for the Army’s Communications and Electronics Command, which is based in Fort Monmouth, New Jersey.
The term C4ISR is a perfect descriptor for Artificial Telepathy — a powerful fusion of signal processing technologies that allows technicians to remotely gather and collect human intelligence (HUMINT) from the brain signals (SIGINT) of other human beings. As with C4ISR, Artificial Telepathy automates “signals collection” (eavesdropping) and “intelligence analysis” (figuring out what people intend to do) by utilizing satellites and computers, and the overall goal is military command and control.
Indeed, one might define Artificial Telepathy as a subset of C4ISR with a special focus on neurology, psychology and mind control. Artificial Telepathy is an exotic form of C4ISR that allows warriors to communicate nonvocally with soldiers in the field, enables spies and intelligence agents to perform reconnaisance and surveillance nonlocally by means of “remote viewing,” and allows military officers to command and control the behavior of human minds at a distance, with the artificial aid of carefully networked satellite and computer technology.
Booz Allen Hamilton certainly has close ties to the contractors who worked on the Pentagon’s “Stargate” program for psychic spying in the 1990s, and it took a lead role in development of the NSA’s “Total Information Awareness” projects, mentioned in earlier posts.
BAH must certainly be on the short list of firms capable of designing and launching a system of space-based, mind-invasive weaponry. It has all the people, pull and know-how needed to put an “electronic concentration camp system” in place.
Posted in Brainwashing, Group Stalking, Human Experimentation, Remote Neural Monitoring, Synthetic Telepathy, Through Wall Surveillance
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“Inception,” Dream Invasion, is This a Possibility in Our Future?
Feb 11; Posted by (Geeldon)
“Inception,” the Movie Provokes Thoughts on the Latest Advances in Technology Regarding Dreams
By Claire Luna-Pinsker
Can our dream state and thought process be altered by outside influences?
“Inception,” the movie, provokes conversation about dream extraction.
Webster’s New World Dictionary defines the word, “Inception,” as, “the beginning of something, or, the start.” While we’re in a dream state, can our life be altered? Can thoughts be planted or extracted in our dream state by outside forces?”Inception,” starring, Leonardo DiCaprio, is a superb movie centered on the power of the dream state. Leonardo DiCaprio plays a character named, Cobbs, a thief. Not just an ordinary thief but one quite unique, invading people’s dreams to extract information. A futuristic concept of corporate espionage, or is it? Can it be possible to manipulate one’s dreams? Leonardo DiCaprio acts as a tortured individual, one on the run because of his specific extraction ability. He must face his most difficult challenge when he’s offered a job to plant information in an individual’s dream state in order to alter a decision by this individual. It seems dream thought extraction and dream thought plant invasion are complicated and risky to all people involved. I won’t divulge the entire plotline, but suffice it to say, “Inception,” will leave you thinking long after you leave the theatre.I’m a chronic dreamer, often having multiple dreams a night that I recall the next morning. I can continue a dream the following night like I’m watching a television sitcom, and I’ve altered the way my dreams were going many times. I’ve woken up out of my dreams covered in sweat, uncertain of what my reality is. Sometimes I’ve even felt angry because I didn’t want to wake up from my dream, but other times I’ve screamed in my dream, hoping to wake up. I do have a vivid imagination, so wonder if this is the reason my dreams are so vivid. Am I a candidate for inception?Inception, are we ready for the start of a world where dreams do matter and influence our actions. We spend time attempting to understand the meaning of our dreams with therapists analyzing dreams and scientists studying the dream state in order to find out more regarding how our brain works. Is this education going to initiate the next step, a form of inception, by invading other’s dreams?I enjoy following certain conspiracy theories, and do believe science and government communities only inform citizens about a fragment of what topics they’ve researched. Government espionage using CIA agents to invade and determine different country’s government secrets certainly exists today, not only in movies. Could the government be proceeding by experimenting on the power of the dream state, to further espionage? Using inception to induce a dream state, hypnotize, implant or extract secret data? Hypnotism using voice and electronics are realistic procedures being used in a regular citizen’s life, so why not regarding matters of government security? Chemical espionage, in the example of drugs, possibly truth serum is another method possible to invade a dream state. Can technological inception be far off? These are merely questions to make you think further about the possibility of inception being more than just a definition, a simple word, or a fiction thriller movie.Leonardo DiCaprio, in his role as, Cobbs, in, “Inception,” gives an excellent performance, surely handing inquisitive minds food for thought. The entire cast along with the amazing special effects will only draw you in, making you realize dreams and reality only have a thin line between them.Below is a link for further information regarding the movie, “Inception,” including information about characters, plot and summary. End
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Tags: Inception
Lucidity Institute & Dream Invasion (Inception)
Feb 11; Posted by (Geeldon)
A sub-contractor to SAIC was the Lucidity Institute of Napa, California, founded in 1987 by Dr. Stephen LaBerge for the conduct of “research on lucid dreams” and to help people learn to use them to enhance their lives. Lucid dreaming means dreaming while knowing that one is dreaming and allows people to consciously guide the direction of their dreams.” Ironically, one of this summer’s blockbuster movies, “Inception,” dealt with the subject of invading people’s dreams to steal secrets. Leonardo DeCaprio plays a secretive agent named Dorn Cobb who is an “extractor” agent operating in the para-psychological dream invasion program. What may be fiction in Hollywood was far from it in the CIA research with SAIC, SRI, and the Lucidity Institute (
Posted in Brainwashing, Group Stalking, Human Experimentation, Remote Neural Monitoring, Synthetic Telepathy, Through Wall Surveillance
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Tags: lucidity institute
Feb 11; Posted by (Geeldon)
Mr. AxB,
I am German and was in Australia as permanent resident for a half year. I am “connected” since my visit to perth June 2002. Probably, I disturbed the basic economical order.
Mind reading in a very accurate manner (inclusive images)
comments to every thought by neurophone voice
Voice Simulation (Hi-fi quality) so you get the impression your whole environment is involved
For a short time television modulation Perth and Munich until I tried to tape them.
Since Jan 2003 very special dreams
I am electrical engineer and very interested to get that technology in my hands to bring them in prison. Every technical hint is welcome. I am very glad to know other people now in the same situation.
American Psychotronics Victim
Mark Cohen’s account tells how his promising studies in Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison were interrupted by the CIA. Impeding his studies and employability, the psychotronics brigades made Mark a pincushion for their remotely beamed bodily experiments as well as their mind attacking holographic dreams.
mdcohen@, markcohen@
His story:
Hello. My name is Mark Cohen. I have been the victim of CIA harrasment since 1988.
It all started in March of 1988 when I found a CIA agent reading my e-mail at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I had a nervous breakdown that lasted several months. The CIA first started attacking me by reducing my attention span. This hurt my studies seriously, and I was forbidden from going on in my Ph.D. program in Sociology. I looked for a job for two and a half years; I am sure the CIA told my prospective employers not to hire me.
The CIA has made me gain over 100 pounds in the past five years. They also make me itch constantly, have tortured me twice, and are constantly breaking my appliances and my cars.
The CIA attacks my sleep mercilessly. They are constantly waking me up with implanted dreams, often having to do with sex or violence. My energy level is very low. I suffer from severe agoraphobia and only go to a few places in Madison.
The creativity of the CIA is amazing. They are constantly coming up with new ways to attack me. There are CIA stooges all over Madison, including in the apartment above mine and the apartments to either side of me.
The CIA attacks my defecations. If I am writing on the internet about something personal, they often make me defecate. I have found some good friends who believe me. My advice is to network and keep in touch with other victims. It makes you feel better.
Mark Cohen, Madison, Wisconsin
Harassment, abuse and molestation using ultrasonics, microwaves and hypnosis.
I have been subjected to a campaign of harassment, abuse and molestation using ultrasonics, microwaves and hypnosis by a hostile entity since 1995. I believe agents of Britain, United States or Israel are responsible, though I am told that they are the Freemasons. The perpetrators are extremely aggresive and hostile and their intent, as they put it, is to use me. My repeated complaints to legal authorities have been derided or ignored and only psychiatrists were asked to deal with them who immediately diagnosed me as mentally ill (schizophrenic), while the treatment in question continued throughout. Initially I did not know about the technology and complained of emission devises and of being talked to on the airwaves. This inhumane treatment includes vibrations, voices of various distances and volume levels, vivid dreams or visions, emissions, restiction of blood circulation to body membranes as well as mind control techniques. They have been able to reach me regardless of my location. I am unable to tell whether an implant is needed to effect this treatment.
I am asking anyone who can help to bring this atrocious ordeal to a halt and to expose these weapons to the public and bring the groups and forces who use them to justice and ensure that they are not used against anybody in the future.
I’ve been targeted for reasons not completely clear to me and I HAVE DONE NO WRONG.
Met a gentlement RAT in 1994 who set me up to believe he was understanding and completely accepting of me. He worked at a closed circuit tv station. After 2 years of trusting him I found out he was involved in porn and incest.
Problems started for me thru the media then. They stopped for awhile in 2002 – Aug. 2004. I have had some health problems but found alternative medicine very helpful and not as harmful as what I was taking.
They I guess didn’t like me being so vocal and angry that their drugs were dangerous to me.
Because I do believe in the goodness of a loving God I pray and ask for his help. So it seems some of the mysterious satanic little problems like having things out of place in my house have stopped for awhile.
But my dreams have become very vivid and it seems that when I go to sleep I go into a very deep trance. I remember nothing except a little of the vivid dreams but I feel as if something has happened that I had no control over when I wake up.
Dream Invasion Researcher and MC Activist
For anybody experiencing dreams involving abduction by or interactions with agents remembered as aliens or as ordinary humans, wherein occurs mistreatment with unusual technologies, or time travel, or “hive” like over-controlled gatherings, my accounts may be familiar. I am coming to the conclusion that widespread dream abduction and brainwashing is happening, supported by a media which bends all it’s imagery around subliminal reenforcement of the brainwashing experience.
There is one technology central to this program; a face mounted device, like sunglasses, which shines a bright light (probably a scanning laser) into one eye, over an extended period of time. I believe it to be the replacement or the old “reichian red-blue” brainwashing hardware. You will see this device “[—@]” barely concealed in commercial graphics everywhere ( take a look around you now, or check the next ad break on tv ).
If any of this means anything to you, please e-mail me.
Don’t be a victim. Be an activist.
Robert Joseph Pacatte
I have in depth conversations with my psychic controllers everyday 24 hours a day and they influence my dreaming my tyhoughts my emotions my feelings my everything , JUST LIKE YOU
Imagine that if they (controllers) took your mind and put it on public radio and intercoms Radio hypnotic intracerebral control (rhic) so that everyone can hear you. That is me. I am tired all the time as you are too. Our oxygen has been greatly reduced to our noodle. Oh, yes you are tired. Have feelings that are unexplainable? guess why. Have evil thoughts ? Guess where it comes from. Have interactive dreams? Since when do you hear sound when you are dreaming! I AM JUST LIKE YOU AND AA/NA has a group I NEED A GROUP. I WANT TO MEET OTHER MKULTRA VICTIMS, JUST FOR THE SAKE OF OUR SANITIES LOL HOWEVER MANY THEY ARE.
I don’t exactly know how long I have been a mind control victim, but these people from time to time tell me things of my childhood (go figure) I lived a life of drugs, not dealing, just getting myself medicated. I have legal cases that I want to come to light but I trust nobody (most likely the same as you considering the way that I am treated) I have been to the hospital three times because of being driven crazy. Schizophrenia (go figure) of course after this type of treatment who wouldn’t be.
my personal account is being withheld, however I would like to offer advice and assistance to people so long as they are serious (even your darkest hour) you are severely intelligent people. Don’t let them bastards in your head treat you stupid. I will keep my email up for serious inquiries only for as long as possible. And as always (always)! Live your life it is yours not theirs yours and you keep on dreaming and living you are not dead spiritually emotionally and physically get busy livin
Duncan E. Simpson
I have been under attack for about 11 months now and have had muscles quakes, itching, hot needles, bee stings, eyes were made to turn red as if infected, they even found a way to enter my dreams and the sensations that bugs are crawling on me. Now, I know that most people are unable to figure out who is behind their ordeals, but I know exactly who is behind mine. Believe it or not it is someone in my very own family (even though I have disowned them now considering the situation), I have been able to learn over the past 11 months that it is all because of jealousy, even thought I have never done anything to make him want to hurt me in this way. Our father passed away about 13 months ago and I know believe that my brother could have used this device to disrupt our dads pacemaker, seeing how he was the only one in the family to gain anything from his death. He got the house and he lied to everyone about the money in the bank,and when the retirement checks continued to come he kept withdrawing the money, up to 1 year even though he knew that the money was not in his name and he was not entitled to one red cent. I have been made by the doctors to take drugs because they believe it is a mental illness, in my mind and heart that it is electronic harassment. Unless something is done and I do mean soon there may be another death in the family, I know I am not losing my mind, I also know that I am not going to take this sitting down or standing up. It is a shame that someone in one could to such a thing to their own family, I find anyone that could is lower than a piece of shit (the runny kind) I hope that he is exposed for the dog that he is! Thanks for allowing me to express myself!
11) Mental Illness or Social Sickness?
Jan 29; Posted by (Geeldon)
by Susan Rosenthal / May 19th, 2008
When you are sick or injured, you want to know what’s wrong and what can be done. You want a diagnosis. A correct diagnosis reveals what is wrong, what is the preferred treatment and what is the likely outcome. For example, a diagnosis of pneumonia indicates a serious lung infection that can usually be cured with antibiotics.
While medical diagnoses are based on science, psychiatric “diagnoses” are not at all scientific. They do not reveal what is wrong, what is the preferred treatment, and what is the likely outcome. Nor are they reliable. Different psychiatrists who examine the same patient typically offer different “diagnoses.” Moreover, psychiatric “diagnoses” move in and out of favor, depending on a variety of social factors.
Psychiatric “diagnosis” is actually a labeling process, where the patient’s symptoms are matched with a grouping of symptoms listed in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders (DSM). As we shall see, this psychiatric “bible” was developed and is maintained by financial and political interests.1
Sigmund Freud
Who decides what is normal or healthy and what is deviant or sick?
Before the 20th century, life stresses were generally seen as spiritual problems or physical illnesses, and people turned to religious advisors and physicians for help. Medical doctors treated “hysteria” and “nerves” as physical problems. Psychiatry was restricted to the treatment of severely disturbed people in asylums.2 The first classification of psychiatric disorders in the United States appeared in 1918 and contained 22 categories. All but one referred to various forms of insanity.
In 1901, Sigmund Freud revolutionized psychiatry by breaking down the barrier between mental illness and normal behavior. In The Psychopathology of Everyday Life,3 Freud argued that commonplace behaviors — slips of the tongue, what people find humorous, what they forget and the mistakes they make — indicate repressed sexual feelings that lurk beneath the surface of normal behavior.
By linking everyday behavior with mental illness, Freud and his followers released psychiatry from the asylum. Between 1917 and 1970, as psychiatrists cultivated clients with a broad range of problems, the number of psychiatrists practicing outside institutions swelled from eight percent to 66 percent.4
The social movements of the 1960′s opposed psychiatry’s focus on inner conflict and emphasized the social sources of sickness instead. Dr. Alvin Poussaint recalls the 1969 convention of the American Psychiatric Association (APA).
“After multiple racist killings during the civil rights movement, a group of black psychiatrists sought to have murderous bigotry based on race classified as a mental disorder. The APA’s officials rejected that recommendation, arguing that since so many Americans are racist, racism in this country is normative.”5
Growing the industry
In 1980, the APA overhauled the DSM. The Task Force established to create the new manual declared that any disorder could be included,
“If there is general agreement among clinicians, who would be expected to encounter the condition, that there are significant number of patients who have it and that its identification is important in the clinical work it is included in the classification.”6
In other words, the new DSM was not based on science, but on the need to maintain existing patients and include new ones who might seek help for any number of problems. A profitable and self-perpetuating industry was born. The more people could be encouraged to seek treatment, the more conditions could be entered into the DSM, and the more people could be encouraged to seek treatment for these new conditions.
By 1994, the DSM listed 400 distinct mental disorders covering a wide variety of behaviors in adults and children. Significantly, racism, homophobia (fear of homosexuality) and misogyny (hatred of women) have never been listed as mental disorders. In 1999, the chairperson of the APA’s Council on Psychiatry and the Law confirmed that racism “is not something that is designated as an illness that can be treated by mental health professionals.”7 Homosexuality was listed as a mental disorder until activists campaigned to have it removed.8
The women’s liberation movement condemned labeling symptoms of oppression as mental illnesses. In They Say You’re Crazy: How the World’s Most Powerful Psychiatrists Decide Who’s Normal, Paula Caplan explains,
“In a culture that scorns and demeans lesbians and gay men, it is hard to be completely comfortable with one’s homosexuality, and so the DSM-III authors were treating as a mental disorder what was often simply a perfectly comprehensible reaction to being mocked and oppressed.”9
Caplan describes efforts to prevent “Masochistic Personality Disorder” from being included in the DSM. This disorder assumes that women stay with abusive spouses because like to suffer, not because they lack the resources to leave. Despite protest, “Masochistic Personality Disorder” was added to the 1987 edition of the DSM, although it was later dropped.
The inclusion of “Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder” (PMDD) in the DSM also raised a protest. According to Caplan,
“The problem with PMDD is not the women who report premenstrual mood problems but the diagnosis of PMDD itself. Excellent research shows that these women are significantly more likely than other women to be in upsetting life situations, such as being battered or being mistreated at work. To label them mentally disordered — to send the message that their problems are individual, psychological ones — hides the real, external sources of their trouble.”10
As soon as PMDD was listed in the DSM, Eli Lilly repackaged its best-selling drug, Prozac, in a pink-pill format, renamed it Serafem, and promoted it as a treatment for PMDD. By creating Serafem, Lilly was able to extend its patent on the Prozac formula for another seven years.
A marketing gold mine
The DSM is a marketing gold mine for the drug industry. The FDA will approve a drug to treat a mental disorder only if that disorder is listed in the DSM. Therefore, each new listing is worth millions in potential drug sales. Most of the experts who construct the DSM have financial ties to pharmaceutical companies, and every new edition of the DSM contains more conditions than the previous one.
Once the DSM lists a new mental disorder, drugs for that disorder are heavily marketed for everyone who might fit the symptom checklist. (Doctors are also encouraged to prescribe these drugs for “off-label use,” which means to anyone they think might benefit.) Not surprisingly, the numbers of people “diagnosed” with a mental condition rise rapidly after a drug is approved to treat that condition.
In 2005, a major study announced that “About half of Americans will meet the criteria for a DSM-IV disorder sometime in their life…”11 How is this possible? Has it become normal to be mentally ill, or has the definition of mental illness expanded beyond reason? Both could be true.
Capitalism damages people in many ways. It’s also true that the more people can be labeled as sick, the more profits can be made from selling them treatments. In Creating Mental Illness, Alan Horowitz warns,
“…a large proportion of behaviors that are currently regarded as mental illnesses are normal consequences of stressful social arrangements or forms of social deviance. Contrary to its general definition of mental disorder, the DSM and much research that follows from it considers all symptoms, whether internal or not, expected or not, deviant or not, as signs of disorder.”12
Most people know the difference between normal behavior (such as grief over the death of a loved one) and abnormal behavior that could indicate an internal disorder (such as prolonged grief for no apparent reason). However, the DSM does not consider what happens in people’s lives. With one exception (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), the DSM lists and categorizes symptoms outside of any social context. As a result, DSM-based surveys artificially increase the numbers of people suffering from mental disorders and, therefore, the market for drug treatments.
DSM-inflated rates of mental illness are typically accompanied by the warning that not enough people are getting treatment.13 The question of whether or not they are actually sick is never raised.
Social control
Psychiatry has a long history of medicating the oppressed, including children, for social control.14
Using DSM criteria, at least six million American children have been diagnosed with serious mental disorders, triple the number in the early 1990′s. The rate of boys aged 7 to 12 diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder more than doubled between 1995 and 2000 and continues to rise.
A 2007 survey of 8- to 15-year-olds discovered that nine percent met the DSM criteria for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The survey found that fewer than half of these children had been diagnosed or treated, “suggesting that some children with clinically significant inattention and hyperactivity may not be receiving optimal attention.” Noting that poor children were least likely to receive medication, the authors of the study recommend “further investigation and possible intervention.”15
Instead of addressing the stressful social conditions that agitate children, psychiatry imposes conformity through medication. To force compliance with this oppressive system, access to insurance benefits, medical care and social services depends on “having a diagnosis.”
The psychiatric-pharmaceutical industry treats illness as strictly individual and internal — the result of faulty genes or chemical imbalances. In reality, human problems exist in a social context.
Most of the symptoms listed in the DSM describe human responses to deprivation and oppression (anxiety, agitation, aggression, depression) and the many ways that people try to manage unbearable pain (obsessions, compulsions, rage, addictions). Depression is strongly linked with poverty,16 and alleviating poverty can lift depression.17
Under capitalism, addressing the social causes of misery is politically risky and unprofitable. So psychiatry extracts the individual from society, splits the brain from the body, severs the mind from the brain and drugs the brain.18
A sick society
Capitalism is a system that requires the majority to have no control over their lives and to believe that this condition is normal. Therefore, all reactions to inequality and deprivation must be viewed as signs of personal inadequacy, biological defect, mental illness — anything other than reasonable responses to unreasonable conditions.
During slavery days, experts argued that Black people were psychologically suited for a life of slavery, so there must be something wrong with those who rebelled.19 In 1851, the diagnosis of “drapetomania”(runaway fever) was developed to explain why slaves try to escape.20 Not much has changed. Today, exploitation and oppression are considered normal, and those who rebel in any way are considered to be sick or deviant and in need of medication or incarceration.
What’s the diagnosis for a sick society? We know what’s wrong. Most people are kept in sick social conditions so that a few can maintain their wealth and power. What is the treatment? Putting human needs first would eliminate most human misery. Who will deliver the medicine? The majority must organize to take collective control of society.
I don’t expect this diagnosis to appear in the DSM anytime soon.
Kirk, S.S. & Kutchins, H. (1992). The selling of DSM: The rhetoric of science in psychiatry. New York: Aldine De Gruyter. [↩]
Horowitz, A.V. (2002). Creating mental illness. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. [↩]
Freud, S. (1901/1991). The psychopathology of everyday life. New York: Penguin [↩]
Shorter, E. (1997). A history of psychiatry: From the era of the asylum to the age of Prozac. New York: John Wiley & Sons. [↩]
Poussaint, A.F. & Alexander, A. (2000). Lay my burden down: Suicide and the mental health crisis among African-Americans. Boston: Beacon Press, p.125. [↩]
Spitzer, R.L., Sheeney, M. & Endicott, J. (1977). DSM III: Guiding principles. In Psychiatric diagnosis, (Eds). Rakoff, V., Stancer, H. & Kedward, H. New York: Brunner Mazel. [↩]
Egan, T. (1999). Racist shootings test limits of health system and laws. New York Times, August 14, p.1. [↩]
“DSM and homosexuality: A cautionary tale.” in Kirk, S.A., Kutchins, H. (1992). The selling of DSM: The rhetoric of science in psychiatry. New York: Aldine De Gruyter p 81-90 [↩]
Caplan, P. (1995). They say you’re crazy: How the world’s most powerful psychiatrists decide who’s normal. New York: Addison-Wesley, pp.180-181. [↩]
Caplan, P.J. (2002). Expert decries diagnosis for pathologizing women. Journal of Addiction and Mental Health. September/October 2001, p.16. [↩]
Kessler, R.C., Berglund, P., Demler, O., Jin, R. & Walters, E.E. (2005). Lifetime prevalence and age-of-onset distributions of DSM-IV disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Arch Gen Psychiatry. Vol.62, No.6, pp.593-602. [↩]
Horowitz, A.V. (2002). Creating Mental Illness. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. p.37. [↩]
Talen, J. (2005). Survey says nearly half of all Americans will be affected by a mental illness, some before adulthood. Newsday, June 7. [↩]
Breggin, P.R. & Breggin, G. R. (1994). The war against children: How the drugs, programs, and theories of the psychiatric establishment are threatening America’s children with a medical ‘cure’ for violence. New York: St. Martin’s Press. [↩]
Froehlich TE, (2007). Prevalence, recognition, and treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in a national sample of US children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. Vol.161, pp.857-864. [↩]
Duenwald, M. (2003). “More Americans Seeking Help for Depression.” New York Times, June 18. [↩]
Costello EJ, Compton SN, Keeler G, Angold A.(2003). Relationships between poverty and psychopathology: a natural experiment. JAMA. Oct 15, Vol.290, No. 15, pp.2023-9. [↩]
Ross, C.A., & Pam, A., (1995). Pseudoscience in biological psychiatry: Blaming the body. New York: Wiley. [↩]
Poussaint, A.F. & Alexander, A. (2000). Lay my burden down: Suicide and the mental health crisis among African Americans. Boston: Beacon Press. [↩]
Cartwright, S. (1851). Report on the diseases and physical peculiarities of the Negro race. New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal. May, p. 707. [↩]
Dec 25; Posted by (Geeldon)
The British Mind Control Agent
By C L Heywood (Copyright 2006)
Battle for the Mind
The Mind Controllers (MCs)
The Human Brain and Behaviour
Covert Wars With Civilian Populations – Human Experimentation and MKULTRA
2. Electronic Harassment and Implant Technology (Mind Control in Practice)
Alien Abduction and Medical Exploration
The Human Body, Radio Communication and Electromagnetic Stimulation
The Implant Specialists
The Gaffer
The Design, Testing and Analysis of Implants
3. The Human Body and Private Home is a Sacred Temple?
The British MindControl Agent
(An Introduction)
Conspiracy theory is a very controversial subject and has captivated the media’s attention for countless years. Journalists, due to their exceptional capability to sniff out a story, have actively leaked and exposed information of a classified nature in an effort to prove to themselves and anyone who will listen just how prominent government corruption really is.
On a global scale every nation funds its own team of secret police and military enforcers whose prime objective is to sustain and develop national-security strategies and policy. Understandably the majority of their activities are conducted covertly on an extensive level; MI6, the CIA and the KGB being prime examples. Their various dealings have always been enlightening if not interesting, suggesting they have murdered, poisoned, gassed, drugged and brainwashed enemies of the state and unwitting citizenry on a surprisingly frequent basis. It is also proven fact that these intelligence-gathering establishments have conducted unethical testing on their own soldiers and intelligence personnel using a varied range of lethal arsenal. Journalists have detailed these arcane schemes and suspicious goings-on in their books, magazines, movies and television documentaries. ‘Mind Control’ in particular has taken centre stage. John Marks’ The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, for instance, highlighted extensive CIA pursuits of mind-control intelligence and weaponry.
Undoubtedly the pungent cocktail of national-security legislation and lack of primary sources to interview places restrictions on the research avenues that journalists may pursue. As a result, the secrecy surrounding mind control developments has now piqued unquenchable global curiosity.
Battle for the Mind
Since the beginning of civilisation topical issues concerning the human brain have always attracted substantial attention for a number of obvious reasons. The human brain is a most valuable asset and extremely unique, as it holds the precious cocktail of individuality and personality. It is what separates the timid from the aggressive and the academically gifted from Mr Average. The brain controls physical movement, all cognitive capabilities (memory, counting and language) and regulates a vast array of bodily functions.
Although substantial headway has been made in pursuit of understanding the brain and its function, scientists are still a long way from mastering and controlling the mechanisms that work within it. This situation has uncovered many dilemmas for law-enforcement agencies, the military and medical communities, who all believe there is great potential to be found in mastering physical control of the brain and mind.
Criminal psychologists, for example, are no longer blaming environmental circumstance and adverse social conditioning as the sole cause of criminal activity. They stress some individuals may be more susceptible to committing murders and assaults due to their inherited genetic wiring. This theory asserts that there are chemicals within the brain which can trigger anger and antisocial behaviour. Those who commit grievous bodily harm may be victims of chemical imbalances which they are unable to control without the intervention of drugs and other inhibitors. Naturally it is hoped that brain exploration will offer some answers.
Medical practitioners and surgeons believe chemicals in the brain that influence behaviour may be supplemented or suppressed by drugs which in the long run can make an individual’s behaviour more desirable and manageable. They foresee great potential in the use of implants and other artificial aids to assist the body’s performance and maintain organs to optimal working condition. Consultants view the exploration and control of the brain as a fascinating realm of discovery where new breakthroughs in psychiatric treatment and disease can be made. Utilising medical research and analysis, their sole objective is to rid the world of every brain dysfunction and life-threatening condition known to mankind.
The military, unlike the medical and law-enforcement professions, hold slightly different interests in brain exploration. The brain, in their eyes, contains the ultimate secret to world domination, biological warfare and intelligence gathering. They wish to discover newfound ways to torture, interrogate and annihilate enemy troops and civilians of opposing nations. They strongly believe that the man who can crack the complex code of human behaviour is the man who has the power to manipulate, control and modify the actions and thoughts of another.
It is abundantly clear why so many government-funded establishments are interested in methods which control human brains and minds because the capability to detect criminals, advance medical technology and win wars runs paramount with the security and advancement of British society.
1. Criminals cost the British government millions of pounds in surveillance, rehabilitation, punishment and victim-support services.
2. An unhealthy nation places pressure on the social services and hospital staff, as well as spreading disease and infections which are difficult to eradicate. Humans with permanent illnesses are repeatedly forced into unemployment as a consequence.
3. Intelligence agents and soldiers are very expensive to pay; the government could cut MoD, MI6, police service and MI5 workers by a quarter if they could infiltrate plots, assassinations, expose spies and ascertain threats to national security using quality technological surveillance and interrogation techniques.
Scientists who can unravel the mysteries of brain function are worth billions of pounds to the British government and are now in mass abundance. Ultimately, it is the unhealthy and often stressful state of government politics, and heightened security fears, which have led to the emergence of the mind-control professional.
Many will have their own definitions of mind control and its meaning, and these definitions often vary slightly. This paper follows the assertion that ‘Mind Control’ encompasses all theoretical and technological applications which are used to gain minimal or complete control over an individual’s brain or psychological state of mind and behaviour, both covertly and overtly. The aim of the game is to control an individual to the point where he will do the manipulator’s bidding against his will or, alternatively, to adjust his behaviour in a desirable way in order to satisfy an expressed agenda, whatever this may be.
British research into mind control technology is a very important issue and stands high on the political agenda.
The Mind Controllers (MCs)
Scientists who conduct mind control research for British intelligence agencies are commonly referred to as Mind Controllers (MCs). Their main aim is to:
-design and produce lethal and non-lethal mind-control weaponry which can be used against criminals, foreign government spies and military personnel;
-design and use equipment which can counter the affects of foreign mind-control techniques, and prevent spies and terrorists from extracting/intercepting information from British agents, military scientists and politicians.
MCs are a special task force of multi-skilled professionals who are funded by the British government as secret agents. These operatives are deployed and assigned to a diverse range of projects depending on their expertise and, as a cohesive force, comprise doctors, psychiatrists, neurologists, teachers, criminologists, forensics, IT specialists, telecommunications technicians and child-development professionals, etc. For the most part MCs are employed within the social care and public service sectors and, as a result, have primary contact with members of the public. This brings them closer to observing human behaviour in its rawest form and enables interactivity with personalities and, ultimately, functioning brains. They are by necessity a rather corrupt lot as their research methods often take them down roads which lead to performing both invasive and non-invasive procedures on the brains and psyches of well-adjusted citizens without legal consent. These operatives, for instance, are notoriously known for their involvement with implant technology, psycho chemicals and the brainwashing of military captives.
As active behavioural scientists MCs are great believers in trial-and-error experimentation and follow this principal like a bible. A practising mind controller must torture a real human being to acquire credible information on torture and its effect on the physical body and mental state.
Mind Control Applications:
Sensory deprivation (to create disorientation and fear)
Torture/physical assault (kicks, punches, burning, cutting, electrocution, sexual assault, chronic induced sickness, cramps, vomiting, temporary blindness)
Verbal abuse (shouting, threats and insults)
Starvation and dehydration
Positive and negative reinforcement/ punishment versus reward
Hallucinogens (induced paranoia) and narcotics
Sleep deprivation
Induced personality disorders
Electromagnetic frequencies (the use of electromagnetic waves to influence the human brain)
Sound technology (the incessant use of music and voices to arouse certain thoughts and feelings)
Brainwashing and totalitarianism
Lobotomy and neurosurgery
Interrogation techniques and lie detectors – polygraph tests
This table represents just a snippet of the work MCs are primarily responsible for, and accounts for the substantial amount of mind and behaviour research circulating university lecture theatres and colleges.
The most alarming aspect of mind control research is that experimentation on the unwitting human being is condoned by security bureaucrats and military personnel, who have convinced themselves and the involved parties that their sometimes ruthless investigations are honest attempts to search for scientific truth. It is of small consequence if the pregnant mother is given LSD without her knowledge as the investigative results may revolutionise the way LSD is used in the future by the British population; and by business sectors who treat LSD addicts, and pharmaceutical companies that produce and examine LSD properties.
The case of Frank Olson, for instance, in 1953 highlighted the dangerously dark side of human experimentation when the scientist plunged to his death from an upper-floor window after CIA mind-control agents spiked his drink with LSD.
The phrase ‘one life for many’ is the core golden rationalization here and, irrespective of links with law enforcement, MCs aren’t strangers to unconstitutional murder as some of their projects are terminal, meaning the victim’s life is expendable and the objectives of the study must be fulfilled by any means necessary.
Mind-control operatives establish themselves as law abiding social scientists whose prime objective is to nurture society to help it flourish and develop to its full potential. In the idyllic society man is co-operative, productive, law abiding and happy to help his fellow man. He is flawless, a well-balanced individual with the drive and motivation to promote and encourage happiness wherever he goes. There is no place in harmonious society for his exact antithesis. Via tampering with the human brain MCs hope to determine what causes differences in behaviour and find ways of manipulating the natural processes of thought and behaviour with the intention of ultimately dictating it.
British security acts legislate MI5 (the security service), MI6 (the secret intelligence service), GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) and national crime services to work in partnership and direct support of one another’s schemes. Mind-control agents are no exception to this rule and have the full use of government services at their disposal, including the Metropolitan Police Force. Their use of covert torture, expansive spy network and spates of criminal activity identify them as some of the most influential and dangerous civil servants functioning in political arenas today.
The Human Brain and Behaviour
To run a plausible mind control operation MCs must remain informed about new developments within their field. This means being open to the idea that theorists from a variety of occupational sectors may inadvertently offer new, healthy, innovative notions from which feasible mind control strategies may be born. This section explores two fundamental mind and behaviour theories.
One very famous pioneer interested in the advancement of brain exploration was Dr Jose Delgado. He became the Professor of Physiology at Yale University and wrote the controversial book ‘Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society’. Dr Delgado highlights the need to study the brain as a quest for human survival. He stresses that man survived life where other species, like the dinosaur, failed because of his unique ability to acquire knowledge and adapt his behaviour to the harsh elements. He insists man has come a long way since realising he could increase his welfare and wealth by investigating the properties of the planet and manipulating their function to his own devices. He portrays the human being as a master manipulator of the environment, flawless in many ways but ignorant of the conscious mind working behind the innovations and formations he creates. Ideally the doctor hoped to use his findings of brain exploration as a stepping stone to creating a healthier society.
His genius lies within his ability to carefully weigh up the advantages and relevance of brain activity in everyday living. He states the following issues as being at the foundation of his theory.
“There are basic mechanisms in the brain responsible for all mental activities, including perceptions, emotions, abstract thought, social relations, and the most refined artistic creations. These mechanisms may be detected, analyzed, influenced, and sometimes substituted for by means of physical and chemical technology. This approach does not claim that love or thoughts are exclusively neurophysiological phenomena, but accepts the obvious fact that the central nervous system is absolutely necessary for any behavioural manifestation.” (Delgado J, 1969)
What Dr Delgado highlights is the fact that the human body is a machine (controlled by the brain), and that its overall behaviour, response and function may be predicted and modified. This theory reaffirms the MCs’ suspicion that, with the right selection of armaments and expertise to hand, they could manipulate a human into doing anything they so desired.
A prisoner of war may be brainwashed into another way of thinking using advanced conditioning and thought-reform techniques. Ultimately, the soldier switches sides and starts working in partnership with the enemy feeling and believing the enemy’s pain.
A human being may be drugged and suspended in an emotional high of acute depression or prolonged euphoria for weeks at a time.
Mind-reading machines could extract a human being’s personal thoughts and decode them into actual verbal or textual output. Intelligence hidden within the realms of the brain would no longer be inviolable.
To understand further the full implications of brain activity on human behaviour, academics Mark Vernon (neurologist) and Ervin Frank (psychiatrist), who are both active researchers in violence and anger management, highlight some interesting points in their book ‘Violence and the Brain’. Although Vernon and Frank agree there are a number of factors such as poverty, family background and negative social conditioning that may contribute and nurture violent behaviour, they also believe the functioning brain holds substantial influence. They claim that all states of being and behaviour are an indication of the functioning areas of the brain; the brain’s interaction with the external world, memory and the association the brain makes with past and present information and experience. Chemical balances within the brain, its physical composition and response to transmitted information from the rest of the body are all significant influences.
Vernon and Frank stress that there are parts of the brain that, in ‘susceptible individuals’, help trigger violence. These areas can be pinpointed clearly and are often associated with aggression-based feeding, fleeing, sexual activity and fighting. Their general viewpoint asserts that there are different types of violent behaviour, and that these negative outbursts can be analysed and categorised into predictable causes, influences and outcomes.
From a political perspective, violent acts help to whittle away and undermine respect and co-operation for the laws the British government uphold in the regulation of civilian behaviour. On a global perspective, governments are placed in the inevitable position where they must spend billions of pounds on an annual basis paying for the damage that (foreign and native) rioters, terrorists and vigilantes inflict on property. It is, understandably, the MCs’ responsibility to help contain this problem and redress the balance of power.
Due to the nature of their work (espionage, sabotage and military enforcement) MCs are active participants in violence and aggression, but are also frequent casualties themselves. It is only logical, therefore, that they maintain a vested interest in this arena.
Covert Wars With Civilian Populations – Human Experimentation and MKULTRA
Mind-control victims (MCVs) are very diverse characters of differing background, age, race and class. Individual claims of victimisation tend to be extremely uncommon and are especially sparse in relation to the world’s population as a whole. One is more likely to come across witches and Santa Claus than genuine MCVs.
First of all, there aren’t any apparent limitations as to where MCVs and MCs are found. Evidence clarifies that they are actively resident in America, Sweden, England and Canada, and most likely the rest of the world too. Secondly, human subjects are usually ‘Mr Average’ and have no social links with either government agencies or dissident groups. Only a sparse number are members of spy networks, or terrorists who pose a genuine threat.
The general characteristics of mind control victimisation suggest MCs are running extensive experiments on MCVs ranging across continental borders.
The British are deploying their MCs to foreign countries to acquire experimental subjects.
2. Operatives are picking to order individuals of varying background and personality trait for experimentation at home and abroad. Subjects are administered mind control arsenal unwittingly in hospitals, military bases, psychiatric institutes and jails. These environments are most beneficial and conducive to mind control research as potential victims are incarcerated for the immediate. This provides MCs with the opportunity to control the treatment that subjects receive, enabling greater flexibility. Operatives are able to use the results provided as indicators of how their arsenal would realistically perform in the field.
3. Victims range from the newborn child to the elderly, suggesting there is a great need for extensive studies spanning a possible eighty years of an individual’s life. Undoubtedly human development and age influence the efficiency and practicality of some forms of arsenal. When administering hallucinogens, for example, the dosage must be customised to the size of the person, and gender is an obvious issue.
Perhaps the most notorious mind control experiments known to mankind were those conducted by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) in the mid-twentieth century. They began their research in the early 1950s under the code name MKULTRA and it was rumoured that superpowers Great Britain and Canada joined the MKULTRA scheme as a partnership, aiding with the testing and intelligence gathering. The CIA were particularly interested in studies concerned with memory enhancement, psychotherapy for psychological-warfare purposes, truth serums, poisons and electroconvulsive therapy.
The CIA had an extensive requirement for human subjects and strove hard to find them. Unwitting victims were the most prized as their reactions to arsenal realistically put theory into practice and was the ultimate indication of success or failure.
Mr Harvey Weinstein, a qualified psychiatrist (in partnership with the American Psychiatric Press), published the book ‘Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control’ to shed some light on the entire MKULTRA affair. In the book, Harvey passionately makes firm reference to his father’s admission to the Allan Memorial Psychiatric Institute (Canada), where he was treated by the renowned professional Dr Ewen Cameron who at the time had been commissioned by the CIA to undergo testing on his patients. The experiments hoped to provide exceptional insight into the effects of sensory deprivation, electroconvulsive therapy, LSD, Chlorpromazine, coercion and thought reform. Dr Ewen Cameron called his technique ‘Psychic Driving’.
Following unrelenting global exposure and prosecution from MKULTRA victims, the CIA were rumoured to have burned all their mind-control files during the 1980s. However, conspiracy theorists and members of the American military remain sceptical, believing that the MKULTRA project is thriving but has evolved into a new scheme utilising exactly the same techniques and regimes.
Britain’s MI6 might not have officially been charged with MKULTRA dealings like the CIA but were equally active in the programme, and were major players in the race for political power and world domination. Whilst mind control techniques and strategies may have changed throughout the decades, the ethos and concept remains the same. The British Empire hasn’t faired badly in war on a global perspective and their pursuit of mind control strategy may be one of the many reasons why.
Definitions of some of the most prevalent mind control specialisms are listed below.
ESB (Electrical Stimulation of the Brain)
ESB involved the transmission of electrical currents (using electrodes) to different parts of the human brain. Using ESB, MCs could influence the human thinking process, manipulate motor movements and place victims under a number of different emotional states, like anger, happiness and fear. ESB proved the human body could be controlled externally via the brain by use of permanently implanted electrodes and a remote control.
Sound Technology
Sound technology focused on the effects music and sound have on mental health; how certain lyrics, melodies and frequencies of sound conjure up specific fantasies, thoughts and feelings within the mind. Tunes that were played repetitively, for instance, induced depression, violent thoughts, and a sense of loss and helplessness. Others cheered people up and invoked thoughts of freedom, anarchy and happiness. This led to the understanding that concentrated, prolonged, highly explicit lyrics could aid interrogations and the ‘breaking’ of captives. This is because musical lyrics and their topical content (love, family, aspirations, sex and guns) linger within the realms of the brain’s thoughts via association even after the tracks have stopped being played. MCs ensure the captive hears music prior to and after interrogation to invoke emotional instability and lack of confidence.
Brain Mapping
Brain mapping was of great interest and concerned research that helped MCs pinpoint which parts of the brain and body were responsible for different physical capabilities, e.g. the ability to recognise smells, hear, talk, read, count numbers, be sympathetic and memorise. This line of research was pursued primarily with the intention of finding ways to understand and define human behaviour for eventual manipulation.
Sensory Deprivation
Sensory-deprivation studies investigated the psychological and physical effects the prolonged absence of touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste had on human behaviour. Popular techniques included those of:
blindfolding captives using goggles and bags;
forcing captives to wear sound-proof earmuffs;
afflicting the ears with loud, frightening noises for prolonged periods in pitch darkness;
bright, fluorescent, flashing lights, which blinded the eyes;
exposure to severe temperatures of heat and freezing conditions.
Military captives who were consistently denied their physical senses for weekly and monthly periods were prone to extreme fear, disorientation, dizziness, nausea, trauma and suicidal thoughts. Captives also lost track of time and were unaware whether it was night or day.
Brainwashing and Behaviour Modification
The capability to surreptitiously alter an individual’s point of view and direct him towards another way of thinking attracted radical attention from MI6. They believed human beings could be influenced during interrogation and incarceration periods with greater efficiency, manipulating individual viewpoint and attacking personality trait. This strategy was achieved in the following three ways.
Attacking the identity of the person. Subjects are racially abused; prominent physical features, like a large or small nose, are ridiculed; religious and occupational beliefs are questioned. This depletes the subject’s confidence in himself and, in an ideal scenario, the subject takes on the manipulator’s viewpoint and wallows in self-hatred and pity whilst striving for new perfection.
Stripping the person of all decency. The subject is denied clothes and forced to face the humiliation of being in the nude whilst perpetrators persecute him. He is made to beg for food and water, and asked to complete outlandish tasks, such as standing on one leg and hopping up and down for an hour. This technique reinforces the idea (in the subject’s mind) that he is owned property (a slave) and that to cough, laugh or urinate without being granted permission to do so is a sin and a direct act of defiance, punishable through death.
Enforcing morality and conformity. Using a mixture of positive and negative reinforcement, the subject is rewarded minor praise and gifts for his efforts when his behaviour is deemed acceptable. This means extra recreation time, larger food rations, a clean shower and the acquirement of items like books, pens and paper. In the case of negative reinforcement, the subject is beaten, verbally abused, sexually harassed and tortured using a wide range of arcane instruments. The subject lives by the perpetrator’s rules without questioning them and does what he is told. Out of genuine necessity the subject sees conformity as a means to survival.
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep deprivation arises when captives are denied sleep for two days or more, thereby stifling the nervous system’s ability to function to optimal performance. The manifestations of prolonged sleep deprivation produce, in human subjects, loss of balance, hallucinations, slurred speech, heightened confusion, exhaustion, disorientation, constant irritability and forgetfulness. British agents involved in the interrogation of suspects rely heavily on this method as it makes the extraction of information from prisoners easier.
Torture Techniques
Torture basically incorporates any act used to cause pain and suffering of a captive with the intent of orchestrating severe punishment, obtaining a confession, coercing individuals to take on a given viewpoint or enforcing behaviour modification. Torture is an ancient technique often favoured for its aid in interrogations. Usually the inflictions made on an individual result in bruises, weeping wounds or breakages to the skeleton. MCs, for obvious reasons, felt that prisoners of war could effectively be coerced into disclosing intelligence information through fear for their lives. The torture of enemy troops has always been deemed beneficial because even the smallest details of information can turn a war around and gain the captor a substantial advantage. Strategies utilised included the following.
Stretching. Parts of the body are pulled and strained beyond their full range of motion, causing uncontrollable spasms of pain within the joints and muscles. This can be achieved using the old-fashioned rack, placing ropes on the wrists and ankles so the body is fully suspended and taut.
Cutting, piercing, burning and scolding. This is a slow form of torture where the pressure of discomfort is gradually applied under verbal interrogation. Naked flame, hot coals, heated iron rods and a range of instrumental knives and pins are applied to sensitive parts of the body. Skin gradually sizzles and cuts fester, leaving flesh raw and splotched. Cutting and burning are century-old techniques, valued because the instruments used are cheap and easy to come by, and most British soldiers carry matches and knives as a basic utility. MI6 don’t value this highly as a preferred technique because permanent marks of disfigurement are clearly noticeable and wounds caused by cutting and burning, if left uncleansed, turn sceptic.
Starvation. The captive is denied food and water. The body left without basic sustenance begins to deteriorate. Within one to two weeks the captive is desperate to divulge information that the captors have requested; anything to relieve the demoralising, painful and desperate suffering of dehydration and malnutrition.
Electrocution. Electrocution is utilised because it doesn’t leave cuts or abrasions to the body, and the intensity can be amplified and decreased using a remote control. The use of electrocution as a torture technique is illegal in most nations but is utilised on civilians in the form of an electroshock stun gun or taser gun by American and UK police forces.
Hypnosis is a state of mind which is induced using concentrated focus and thought aided by the guidance of an interrogator’s reassuring and convincing voice. Visual stimulation, physical movement, external noise and environmental influence are restricted so that verbal suggestions are easily assimilated into the target’s subconscious mind. It is hoped that, once the target leaves the hypnotist’s presence, the information assimilated into the subconscious mind will be recalled by the brain at relevant intervals. The target then believes the knowledge/information which pops up from his subconscious is the ultimate truth and follows this truth as a gut reaction without questioning its logicality. MCs often administer drugs to help induce heightened hypnotic states.
As with all mind control techniques, it is the careful mixing of various applications, i.e. LSD, hypnosis and torture or sleep deprivation, brainwashing and concentrated interrogation, which makes mind control a worthy adventure.
MCs have managed to unravel an entire realm of questions and answers regarding humans and behaviour. They have divulged the great possibilities empowered to civilisation if the brain is controlled right down to the minutest components.
If mind-control scientists succeed in their technological pursuits, society will undoubtedly have to make way for these new developments and evolve with them. Over a period of countless centuries, MCs will manipulate human-being behaviour using a range of artificial devices, biological technology and social conditioning to create the British government’s ideal harmonious civilisation. MCs will also utilise this same technology to bring down populations and foreign armed forces to the brink of destruction. Mind control is a developing science, which is becoming ever more sophisticated as greater numbers of contract-funded intellectuals join the rat race.
(Mind Control in Practice)
Alien Abduction and Medical Exploration
Human beings throughout the twentieth century have always claimed to be victims of mind control technology. Aliens from outer space have arrived in UFOs and whisked them away to unknown planets and subjected them to endless routines of torture. Implants have been surgically affixed to the ears and sinuses, and biological mechanisms have been monitored on a frequent basis. Some individuals claim to have been abducted more than twice and believe they suffer continuous harassment from their alien antagonists.
Dr Helmut Lammer, author of the book ‘MILABS: Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction’, brings to attention his analysis of implant technology and the alien abduction saga. The doctor claims mind control practice is rife, and pays particular attention to the CIA and global-warfare history, both past and present. He suggests that some alien abductees are disillusioned subjects of CIA-funded research and, in rare circumstances, have remembered what atrocities have befallen them. He backs up this theory with case studies of abductees who have proof of medical tampering, and the unauthorised deployment of treatments which physicians haven’t mentioned in the consultation room. Brain implants in particular (of various designs) are most commonly discovered by chance due to a patient’s persistent pursuit of a competent doctor and satisfactory diagnosis. The implants themselves are detected by MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and x-rays, and can be as small as a grain of rice.
He claims the existence of aliens and their extraterrestrial implants are, therefore, not a reality, rather some fabrication of the truth brought into existence by mind-control professionals attempting to quash suspicion and hide illegal activities.
Dr Helmut Lammer alleges implant technology was developed sometime after World War II due to increased global military competition, and that the research conducted encompassed aspects of ESB, radio communication and telemetric monitoring. Electrodes relay information from brain activity to a computer. The correlations of biological activity are in eventuality decoded into actual behavioural manifestations, allowing the subject’s lifestyle to be understood and analysed. The doctor states that the similarities between alien implants and man-made telemetric devices are uncanny, and follows the assertion that the implants abductees refer to are readily available and marketed to research professionals across the world. Coincidentally, Dr Delgado (clinical biologist) was the specialist responsible for the telemetric implant called the ‘stimoceiver’, which he designed in the 1960s.
The stimoceiver is an implantable device used for direct communication with the brain. The instrument is fitted with electrodes, which monitor the electrical emissions occurring within different parts of the skull and, most importantly, can send electrical signals to defined parts of the brain to produce involuntary actions and mental states. The bio-feedback from the stimoceiver is relayed to a computer for analysis. The doctor used his stimoceivers on psychiatric patients undergoing treatment and surmised that he could block the thinking process, inhibit speech and movement, and produce fear and hallucinations. The doctor engineered research which helped establish the fact that correlations of electrical activity within the brain directly correspond with specific types of behaviour.
Modern stimoceivers are often referred to as acute probes and have been miniaturised to a mere 4mm in size. The acute probe is still in its early stages of development and, on a legal medical note, is being used to treat illnesses like dystonia and severe depression in suicidal patients. University students and lecturers also utilise them (usually in the operating theatre and in animal experimentation) for scientific inquiry.
The alien-abduction conspiracy follows the assertion that humans are experimented on: first, as a means to impregnate them for racial mixing; and second, to cause the eventual downfall of the human race using a strong concoction of biological warfare and space-age technology. It appears that in twenty-first century Britain extra-terrestrials have some mighty stiff competition from a growing number of laboratory technicians and medics.
The Human Body, Radio Communication and Electromagnetic Stimulation
Since the mid-1990s the World Wide Web has become a major player in global communications and hosts a wide range of forums, clubs and privately run chat rooms where conspiracy theorists converge and exchange information. Mind-control websites are in clear abundance and victimisation claims of electronic harassment highlight that MCs are using a number of prevalent tactics and techniques.
Audible Voice to Skull and Microwave Hearing
Voice to skull is a form of radio communication, which enables MCs to transmit conversation directly to the brain. The sound (as described by victims) appears to radiate from behind the head, the soundwaves transmitting verbal conversation like a walkie-talkie. The sound distance and intensity of radio signal remains the same regardless of the head’s orientation.
The hearing of voices in the head has always been associated with the onset of schizophrenia but military science suggests the transmission of spoken word to the brain isn’t an enormous impossibility, and that the science behind its application is coveted by MI6.
The truth is that humans can hear themselves think in spoken word and perceive sound without the aid of their external ears, and it is the complexity of the brain which empowers this. When human ears detect acoustic sound frequencies from external sources the sound waves are funnelled via the external ear, hit the eardrum and are translated into nerve impulses, which travel to the brain and are decoded by the brain as sound/verbal speech.
When MCs transmit voice to skull, they speak into a microphone, which transforms verbal speech/sound signals into encoded electrical pulses. These radio-frequency pulses are directed at the auditory nerve (bypassing the human ear) directly to the brain, which decodes the electrical pulses into understandable spoken word and sound. Ensuring the encoded electrical pulses hit the auditory nerve directly guarantees that only the intended victim hears the contact and, like radio DJs (Disc Jockeys), MCs may increase or decrease the volume and communicate with a subject many miles away.
Academics Joseph C Sharp and Dr A Frey were actually the first scientists to transmit voice-modulated microwaves at the auditory nerve during their time at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. The transmission of sound via the auditory nerve has been practised since the mid-twentieth century and has proven successful even in hard-of-hearing subjects. The employment of ESB enables targeted subjects to perceive sound depending on the frequency and amplitude of stimulation. The auditory symptoms include those of constant buzzing, clicks and what is called ‘ringing in the ears’. If utilised for extended periods of time the loudness and variation in noise causes lack of concentration, distress and high irritability.
Rumour has it that voice to skull was intended for soldiers, ensuring headquarters had unlimited communication, thus enabling the abandonment of conventional earpiece/microphone headgear, which is a visible target on the battlefield.
Voice to skull brings into focus the growing number of psychics, alien abductees, witches and psychiatric patients claiming they can speak to extra-terrestrials, can contact ghosts and liaise with the devil on a frequent basis. The realisation that MCs may effectively talk themselves into a human being’s life and pose as supernatural powers seems blasphemous. What is clear is that intelligence agents and medics have tried hard to master this skill and that there are a growing number of MCVs confirming its deployment.
Electromagnetic Torture – Involuntary Motor Movements and Actions
A brief consultation with any practising neurologist would confirm that the brain is primarily responsible for all voluntary movements and the co-ordination of a vast number of muscles within the body. The fluid movements and precision of muscle control executed by break dancers and gymnasts are very much representative of the brain’s capability. Neurologists can map the functional areas of the brain in diagram form, enabling them to pinpoint the regions most responsible for independent movement. The motor cortex, for example, is responsible for muscle control within the shoulders, arms, hands, eyes, lips, tongue, fingers and thumbs.
MCVs have long claimed that MCs have the capability to physically torture them irrespective of global whereabouts. Interestingly, the manipulation of bodily functions, inexplicable muscle movements, pain and weeping wounds MCVs claim to endure are profoundly symptomatic of the acute probe and the electrical signals it produces to cause involuntary actions.
MCs aren’t content with the medical profession’s notion of brain stimulation as consultants utilise electromagnetic research primarily to improve health, not damage it. MCs are interested in the acute probe as an intelligence aid, so it helps to know what happens when levels of brain stimulation are increased beyond the brain’s natural capacity and capability. Unsurprisingly, increased exploration of electromagnetic waves has led to the understanding that ESB may realistically be used as a torture weapon that surpasses conventional methods.
MCs, for instance, may inflict muscle spasms (fasciculation) and cramps (muscle shortening contractions) within the human body by applying variations of electrical stimulation, causing pain as the muscles and tendons are strained beyond their maximum range of motion. This form of torture is useful, the main advantage being that sensitive areas of the body, like the genitals, eyes and tongue, may be isolated and afflicted independently. The acute probe’s electrical signals travel from the brain into the spinal cord and stimulate the nerves and then the muscles; the muscle tissue then contracts. In general the severity of pain and wounds inflicted is dependent upon the longevity and levels of stimulation targeted at the brain and spine.
Symptoms of Electromagnetic Torture:
Severe pins and needles Prickly burning sensations
Heightened body temperature Increased heart rate
Back strain Chronic headaches
Involuntary hand, finger and toe movements Stomach cramps
Spot blanking of memory Harassment of the auditory hearing with ringing, clicking and buzzing
Repeated spasms and contracting of muscles and tendons within the body Bleeding and discharge from the nasal cavity
Electromagnetic torture is unique as it is performed without the necessity of incarceration, so MCs needn’t be in close proximity. The victim may, in fact, be over 5,000 miles away on a distant continent. The greater advantage is that the victim can’t escape his tormentor without appropriate medical intervention, i.e. surgical removal of the implant.
The Implant Specialists
The culprits responsible for the upsurge in implant technology are unsurprisingly not alien invaders but human beings. Implant Specialists (IS) are MCs whose research is specific to implant technology and for the sake of espionage work for the British government under the umbrellas of MI5 and MI6. They are reflective of the modern warfare practitioner in the sense that, by preference, enemies are fought not in the field using guns and bombs but through utilising electronic-communications technology. This way they may collect information, analyse it and aid counter-intelligence operations, both covertly and overtly, limiting the potential number of casualties lost in battle. Implantable devices are just one of the many sophisticated communications products British security forces employ, and they are granted ample funding because they are multifunctional devices favoured for the following three reasons.
Tracking. Tracking devices are inserted within the human body in a variety of places dependant on their exact function, and enable researchers to establish the whereabouts of their target using a receiver that detects the implant’s transmitter signal. This scientific technique is frequently used on mammals like sharks where their movements are tracked within the vast open seas. Conservationists, as a result, are able to locate their shark many miles away and monitor its feeding and migration habits. Modern designs of transmitter are so incredibly small now that they have permitted scientists to keep tabs on the smallest of creatures, like Harvest Mice roaming wild and cultivated fields.
Recording and Monitoring. Implants are designed to act as interactive devices offering a direct link between the human body and computer, like electrocardiograms. These devices enable researchers to study the intimate functions of the body closely by monitoring organ activity and reactivity. They are frequently used in the monitoring and assessment of mental illness, heart activity and brain dysfunction. From an intelligence agency’s perspective, monitoring devices may reveal the biological affects of drugs, dehydration, physical exertion and chronic depression. This type of research is essentially useful to the MoD (Ministry of Defence) as these common conditions often influence soldiers and their performance on the battlefield, interfering with perception, physical co-ordination, eyesight and, ultimately, performance.
Manipulation and Control. These implants are probably the most controversial of all as they are both intrusive and obtrusive to the human body. They empower an external party to influence the thoughts, functional body parts and behaviour of another. The devices themselves are often telemetric instruments and are frequently inserted into laboratory animals undergoing behavioural testing, e.g. a remote control enables researchers to send painful electric shocks to a dog’s brain every time the animal disobeys a command. The dog quickly learns via association and negative reinforcement that if he doesn’t sit when told to he’ll be harmed.
Implants are attractive in the sense that they are hidden from view within the body and are difficult to detect and remove without professional intervention. One would have to gain access to sanitised operating equipment, x-rays, anaesthesia and a skilled surgeon.
Bearing in mind the surveillance perspective, the possibilities are vast for intelligence agencies: audio equipment may be inserted under the skin, possibly within the face or arms, and enable operatives to eavesdrop on all of an implanted subject’s verbal conversations. This tactic surpasses all opportunities offered by phone tapping and roof surveillance, which are limited once the subject leaves his bugged household. Interaction with strangers and associates in the street is also acquirable without operatives having to rely on second-hand information from bystanders and culprits who may deceive. The most advanced implantable device is undoubtedly one which incorporates all five features of tracking, monitoring, manipulation, audio technology and radio communication.
The Gaffer
Perhaps the easiest way to understand the IS strategy is to view the entire operation as a business where there is a clear, identifiable organisational aim and staff hierarchy; a unified, cohesive workforce of multi-talented professionals working a nine-to-five shift to ensure there is twenty-four hour monitoring of a victim’s life.
Project Co-ordinators
Mind-control operations always involve an appointed project co-ordinator. The co-ordinator is the strategic driving force behind the operation and is often in control of funding initiatives, equipment, staffing levels and the distribution of workloads. The co-ordinator knows his department and subject area well, and may spend precious time holding talks and presentations throughout Great Britain at renowned universities, such as Cranfield. He is a well-paid specialist and more often than not has a Masters degree or PhD title to his name. As the head co-ordinator it is his task to be on the lookout for new opportunities to market, network, expand and spread the word about his work and team. Primarily the co-ordinator services the government but, dependant on the political environment, secrecy acts and commercial influences, expertise and implantable devices are granted deployment by private institutes and overseas military forces. A project co-ordinator’s investigations, for example, may uncover a way to cause temporary paralysis in implanted victims without the use of drug administration but using electromagnetic stimulation. This research is likely to remain classified for the immediate but, eventually, could be used for mob-management strategy on a global perspective. The traditional utilisation of police batons, tear gas, dogs and horses to calm rioting crowds would be replaced with an electromagnetic beam (transmitted from portable transmitters and receivers), which would hit all human brains within a ten-metre radius. The beam would cause immediate paralysis in marching rioters, making the booking and arrest process considerably easier. This strategy would lessen the damage to property, decrease the number of police casualties and relieve pressure from emergency services. An electromagnetic beam like this transmitted from a tank could also be utilised on the battlefield to incapacitate enemy forces without killing them, instead rendering them too sick to fight.
The consultants comprise an invaluable team. Like the project co-ordinator, they are high-flying, wealthy academics – the best and brightest specialists Britain has to offer. They are the intelligence scientists who oversee projects and advise on all aspects of the mind control scheme.
The development of an implant in general requires the full attention and expertise of many consultants, some of them foreign if absolutely necessary. They comprise of the following.
Neurologists and associate medical staff who understand the brain and its complicated activity.
Engineers and medical/pharmaceutical establishments who can design and work the circuitry for miniaturised implants to be tested on animals and, eventually, humans. These implants must be easy to insert, hygienically clean and safe to use on a permanent basis.
Sociologists and statisticians who understand human culture, economic trends and factors that influence them, e.g. birth rate, life expectancy, educational standards, the British population’s health, racial ratios, religious persuasion, class and finance, migration rates and gender studies.
Factory contractors who can mass produce implant technology in secret and at a reasonable price.
Psychologists and psychiatrists who can predict human behaviour under diverse environmental influences and produce behavioural models based on induced mental states.
IT and telecommunications staff at GCHQ who can produce customised communication systems, software and interactive devices to enable the safe, covert detection, monitoring and transmission of information over vast areas of space quickly.
Without appropriate input from consultants to advise, research, direct observations and analyse data, the project co-ordinator and the rest of the mind-control team are completely lost in their pursuits and lack the skills to forward the project to greater heights.
Field Agents
Field Agents are the mind control administrators. Their role is primarily concentrated on interacting with the victim in liaison with the project co-ordinator and consultants’ requests. They ensure the close monitoring of the victim’s life and the networking of information between internal staff.
Field agents must find an effective way to induce and nurture the behaviour that the consultants wish to observe in the victim. This means attempting to control the environment and anything else that may influence the victim’s behaviour. Harassment revolves around the victim’s lifestyle and identity, which may be split into two major areas of activity.
Home Life and Recreation.
Work Life.
Where home life is concerned, field agents concentrate on family relations and activities. In this arena agents make frequent contact with the subject’s kin, flashing law-enforcement badges to establish authority. A study on depression and trauma, for instance, requires that the subject be depressed for extended periods of time, and sometimes chronic depressive states have to be induced to acquire the necessary electrode readings. Family contacts ensure the subject is spoken to at necessary intervals and treated accordingly to aid the research process. This may entail boosting the subject’s self-confidence or lowering it using instructed verbal communication, physical body language and inclusion/exclusion tactics. Families are more often than not happy to comply with demands, especially if led to believe that co-operation may improve their loved one’s welfare in some way.
Observation of the employment work-place routine enables agents to familiarise themselves with the layout of the building and environmental psychology – the lunch room, toilet facilities, common rooms, entrances and exits, and so on. This is so they may quickly identify where the victim’s work station is situated and how he will move in and around the office on a daily basis. Agents endeavour to create an artificial environment where the victim’s every move is interacted with, controlled and manipulated on cue to produce prolonged depressive states. Work associates and managers are spoken to in attempts to ensure the environmental psychology is in the correct balance and remains so for the duration.
Field agents work in numbers of two or more and, in cases of voice-to-skull harassment, it’s the radio communication from these agents which victims hear. They are also active networkers who keep intact the sourcing of contacts like the local GP. Victims suffering electromagnetic torture are likely to visit the doctor more often perhaps than average. The subject will convey information to the GP about his health, which may be of extreme interest and aids the research gathering process. In this event, field agents ensure the victim is sent to the relevant specialist and receives meticulous medical examination. Copies of the results are forwarded to the IS who, upon receipt, will understand the influence their electronic harassment is having.
Field agents are great believers in economic sabotage, which is often utilised in attempts to force a victim’s lifestyle to diversify in accordance with research expansion. Great Britain, for instance, is run by hundreds of different governmental authorities who as a collective help manage citizenry and divvy up benefits. Agents understand that the careful, orchestrated withdrawal of these services can both damage and improve human welfare relatively swiftly. The following two theories identify the key ideologies behind economic sabotage.
Employment = Pay Cheque
The ‘employment = pay cheque’ concept surmises that human survival in Britain comes down to career prospects and financial status. The capital raised from employment ultimately dictates the quality of lifestyle and opportunity a subject may pave for himself. This encompasses educational advantage, his stake in the property market, travel capability, nutritional diet and size of family he may comfortably afford, investment opportunities in the stock market, recreational activities and the possession of commodities like cars, computers, digital TV and telephones. Using their law-enforcement status, field agents illegally force subjects into substantial bouts of employment and falsified redundancy to best accommodate their mind control project.
Welfare State = Public Welfare
The ‘welfare state = public welfare’ theory surmises that partial aspects of a British citizen’s welfare aren’t necessarily dictated by individual financial status. The welfare state and tax system ensures funds are allotted to those who most require them as this strategy creates a sense of equality and inclusion amongst the classes. Most importantly, the minimal human requirements of food, water and shelter are met because British citizens are granted access to a number of statutory public services. Organisations like the Home Office, NHS, Social Services, Citizen Advice Bureaus, city councils, police forces and legal aid firms are instrumental to this welfare strategy. In this arena the field agents’ aim is to manipulate the advice, welfare service quality and customer care that the subject receives in a way which meets project criterion. The ‘marginalisation’ of the victim within society is most essential; it is important that every aspect of the subject’s life is under magnified analysis and is controllable down to the minutest components.
Experimental Subjects – Locating Specimens
Acquiring subjects to serve as guinea pigs for research has never been easier for the IS. The NHS (National Health Service) has an ever growing waiting list of citizens scheduled to visit consultants for a vast variety of ailments and treatments. Registered citizens across Britain have an allocated NHS number and medical record, which enables security forces to identify individuals by:
Name and address Date of Birth Gender
Medical History Height Active Treatments
Family Relations
The IS search the NHS medical-file databases for potential victims of relevant identity, and also have access to medical departments within prisons, military bases and psychiatric institutes to maximise catchments.
In this arena, operating-theatre staff are sworn to secrecy under security act legislation. This isn’t to say, however, that medical staff are acutely aware that the patient concerned might be molested while under the influence of anaesthesia.
In a realistic scenario how does a surgeon tell whether an acute probe is designed for medical intervention or for surveillance and torture?
If a doctor does, in fact, suspect foul play, how does he deny an agent access to a patient without falling foul of the law himself?
Doctors have no jurisdiction over their patients’ welfare where security forces are concerned. Security forces still retain the legal right:
to transfer a patient to another hospital against his wishes;
to extradite a patient without medical treatment; and
to administer whatever medical intervention to a patient they so wish, with or without his consent and knowledge.
Looking at the ‘experimental subjects’ theory, it’s easy to understand how MCs ‘pick to order’ their subjects and distribute implants to so many.
The Design, Testing and Analysis of Implants
There are six essential stages to the IS testing and analysis strategy.
1) Research
2) Design
3) Testing and Refinement
4) Implementation
5) Analysis
6) Conclusion
Where Research is concerned, consultants analyse the success of bygone experiments as well as appreciate the modern. This entails briefings with professionals of the relevant field and scouring the bookshelves of medical and military libraries for data-collection purposes. Case studies will be sought and investigated (depicting both success and failure) to highlight potential complications and spark innovative ideas. Foreign intelligence, if available, dictates the plans of action and overall development of implant design, which must be competitive on a global scale and outperform those already in circulation.
Using all the relevant research the consultants have collated, they must then Design a strategy that will help them achieve their objective. They will have to decide whether or not it is feasible to conduct the project overtly or covertly. In the case of a proposed experiment on a human being, the individual’s identity, age, race, class and occupation will be important. It will be decided whether or not the experimentee is consenting or unwitting, and how one is to go about finding an individual who meets the criteria and specified characteristics. The IS work in networked multi-disciplinary groups, so at some point relevant participants like doctors, military men and psychologists will meet and discuss the options available, and the feasibility and funding of the proposed operation. Various implant designs are sought and their properties investigated.
A pilot study will be performed for Testing and Refinement purposes. Obviously there is the chance of the project design being flawed; it may be that newly programmed equipment is faulty, staff aren’t sure of their role or invaluable resources and funding are withdrawn or dwindled away too quickly for the study to be concluded. Mistakes are corrected at this point and extensive adjustments made to the overall scheme of things. It is possible in rare circumstances that the entire project is abandoned and that the IS decide to start anew. At this point in the testing phase they have a vague idea of how the study will pull together, the budgeting costs, the risks involved and the quality of research likely to be acquired.
At the Implementation stage the team have ascertained where and when the research will be conducted. They will have acquired a number of human subjects who they may tap for research at relevant intervals. Surveillance and monitoring equipment is set up and professionals who can translate the output are hired. Telemetric data is recorded and archived whilst undercover field agents are deployed to subjects’ places of domicile to cover environmental and social influences. The manipulation and sabotage of the subjects’ lives will commence only if deemed crucial to the objective.
The Analysis and Conclusion involves the dissemination of research. Dependant on the surveillance systems used, results may be sent away to laboratory scientists who test and analyse data. The majority of scientists approached aren’t necessarily part of the IS team and are unaware that the research has been acquired illegally.
Once the reports are compiled, the IS set about building a picture of individual case files and eventually incorporate the information into a larger overview. They can look for common correlations and patterns of behaviour in the data and statistics. How the data is analysed will obviously vary, dependent on whether the study was to offer investigative, interventive or preventive insight.
The experimentees don’t have faces; they are simply part of a statistic, which is extracted from a computer database for intelligence committees to scrutinise. The final conclusion basically encompasses all the information based on the extensive analysis. If the experiments proved successful there is the option of pursuing research further or remaining content and assessing ways of incorporating the intelligence into future operations.
From a military perspective the IS have made substantial headway with implant technology. They have come to the realisation that the human body is a magnificent weapon in itself, and that all they need do is add a few refined capabilities.
Radio Equipment. Surgically implanted sound-sensitive microphones enable operatives to eavesdrop on the verbal interactions occurring within their target’s physical range. This replaces the often favoured ordeal of bugging household premises. Voice to skull (microwave hearing) also enables field agents to speak to their target by transmitting electromagnetic radio frequencies directly to the auditory nerve.
Electromagnetic Stimulation of the Spine/Brain. Permanently implanted electrodes can inflict serious illness, physical wounds and pain. This replaces the common requirement of torture instruments.
Self-destruct Equipment. Throughout military history it hasn’t been uncommon for captives to carry poison pills as a means to commit suicide in the event of capture. Nor has it been uncommon for agents to plant bombs within buildings to kill VIP adversaries at close range. A miniaturised bomb may be implanted within the target’s body and detonated on cue. This way bombs get through Customs undetected and may be carried into high-security establishments, such as the Pentagon.
Tracking Implants. Operatives may locate their targeted victim on a global scale and ascertain their whereabouts by country, borough and street name.
Telemetric Monitoring. Devices implanted in the right regions of the brain or body would alert operatives to their target’s general state of health, like levels of pain and sleep patterns. Operatives are also able to ascertain, from bio-readings, psychological state of mind, stress, body temperature and breathing, etc.
Realistically a surgically implanted intelligence agent could infiltrate the most dangerous of terrorist groups, identifying culprits and hierarchy, how the terrorist group forms and disperses, and where funding and resources are sourced. The agent may sabotage the operation from the inside whilst adding to Her Majesty’s Secret Service’s wealth of intelligence.
MCVs engulfed in the design, testing and analysis strategy are simply pawns on a chess board. The implants they carry are the early indicators of the British government’s ‘Big Brother’ nation. Mind-control implants are primarily designed to be carried by British spies and dissidents (for covert-surveillance purposes) to track and annihilate the operations of terrorists, criminals and other enemies of state. MCVs are, therefore, the unfortunate casualties of the government’s experimental testing phase, not the long-term ultimate targets. Civilians are the safe alternative to testing on the real thing where, if the outcome is disastrous, the knock-on effects are limited.
To deploy a bugged British spy to the Pentagon and be rumbled would be a catastrophic embarrassment to the British government and could, in extreme circumstance, damage American and British relations. The Americans would detain the spy, torture him for intelligence and demand a full explanation from the British. If a suitable explanation wasn’t forthcoming, they would consider the death penalty if their security had been compromised. Preliminary testing phases are only extended to those whose identity is inconsequential. Only once a technique has been tried and tested over and over with guaranteed results will it be used on an enemy of the state.
The IS are repeatedly committing crimes in attempts to enhance the safety and security of their country. In this vicious game of silent warfare all casualties are expendable.
Mind-control developments bring into question a number of moralistic issues, which are fundamental in preserving the British legal system and human rights.
Britain has willingly signed up to the European Convention on Human Rights, United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and, of course, created the British Human Rights Act 1998. The British constitution believes:
everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person;
no one shall be held in slavery or servitude – slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms;
no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;
no one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, or to attacks upon his honour and reputation – everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks;
everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment;
no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation;
everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression – this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.
The Right to Privacy, Freedom of Thought and Health
The right to privacy grants citizens to live in domestic domicile without interference from the government. Citizens may develop close relationships with whom they wish whether they be social or sexual. The right to undress and bathe oneself in a dignified fashion goes without debate.
Humans are private creatures and in their element when they have unlimited control of their environment. They may control who enters their house, may divulge information about themselves in private conversation, and dictate what they wear and eat. The privately owned house and the goings-on which occur within it give the individual an impression of territory, ownership and power.
Brains enable humans to be independent thinkers; to thrive on the freedoms and opportunities free thought provides. The right to personal autonomy, to develop personal interests, dictate direction and seek stimulus are major components of a healthy, balanced mental state.
MCs work hard to challenge the longstanding assertion that a man’s home environment is sacred ground, that his physical body and psyche are inviolable, and that any proposed manipulation or violation is an unholy adventure. They believe the following.
It is dangerous for humans to have freedom of thought, as it isn’t always in check with government idealism.
Humans shouldn’t have a right to privacy if it distorts truth. Who knows what information the average human is concealing?
Agents want to live and breathe (in real time) the target’s domesticated lifestyle to ultimately investigate and understand it. They have so many questions regarding human behaviour and must violate human privacy to make way for their research team of prying eyes and surveillance equipment. Only by accomplishing this will they learn how a human personality is formed and understand the intimacy of relationships.
Unfortunately for the victim, betraying every private thought and intimate moment with government agents is highly likely to traumatise him to the point of severe depression and humiliation and, in an extreme scenario, provoke suicidal thoughts.
Mind control is a form of brain rape and torture; whether the affliction is caused by drug administration, electromagnetic stimulation, brainwashing or the nurture of personality disorders, the end result remains the same. The target is forced to endure continued harassments. IS mind control, in particular, is likened to slavery because the target’s brain and mind are tapped for research against his will. He is helpless to prevent the intrusion and resist the brain’s physical and mental reaction to electrode stimulation.
To date the American Guantanamo military base displays the most public flagrant disregard for human rights where systematic mind control is highly prevalent. Freed captives have accused the CIA of utilising sensory-deprivation and sound-technology techniques to install in them fear and hypnotic suggestions. They’ve been denied physical exercise, exposed to severe temperatures and prevented from prayer and conversation. When captives have disobeyed they have been beaten, kicked, stripped naked, sexually harassed and threatened with dogs. On the odd occasion captives have been doused with urine and threats have been made towards their families if information wasn’t forthcoming in the interrogation room. Slowly but surely the restraints which have kept the human brain and mind inviolable are being eroded by science.
So long as it remains national policy to protect the security of the British nation and its interests, the government will strive to produce mind control techniques that are ever more invasive and efficient. Mind control is such an integrative component of military warfare now that research pertaining to its use is highly classified.
The government, of course, denies that Mind Controllers exist. Exposure of their antics would prove undoubtedly that the government is committing criminal acts against the people it is sworn to protect. Exposure would also make folly of the laws which govern civilised society.
The answer to the problem is certainly clear; MCs are criminals and should be prosecuted as such. Greater openness and education regarding mind control will help aid the legal process and eventual conviction of the perpetrators who wish to make political and financial gain from the suffering of others. It is especially important that those involved in mental health understand mind control methodology and find ways to effectively treat and reverse the prolonged physical and psychological effects endured by victims and their families.
Andrew, George (2001). MKULTRA: The CIA’s Top Secret Program in Human Experimentation & Behavior Modification, Healthnet Press.
Chavkin, Samuel (1978). The Mind Stealers: Psychosurgery & Mind Control, Houghton Mifflin Company.
Delgado, Jose (1969). Physical Control of the Mind: Towards a Psychocivilized Society, Harper Colophon Books.
Frank, R & Vernon, Mark (1970). Violence and the Brain, Harper and Row.
Lammer, Helmut & Lammer, Marion (1999). MILABS: Military Mind Control & Alien Abduction, IllumiNet Press.
Lifton, Robert J (1989). Thought Reform; the Psychology of Totalism, University of North Carolina Press.
Marks, John (1979). The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, W W Norton & Company.
Scheflin, A & Opton, Edward (1978). The Mind Manipulators, Paddington Press.
Victorian, Armen (1999). The Mind Controllers, Vision Paperbacks.
Weinstein, Harvey (1990). Psychiatry & the CIA: Victims of Mind Control, American Psychiatric Press.
MCs – Mind Controllers
Government-funded agents who conduct mind control-research.
MCVs – Mind Control Victims
Human beings who are used for human experimentatio
IS – Implant Specialists
Mind-control agents who specialise in implant technology.
13. US Citizen Corps Harassing Other Citizens/Immigrants (11/2010)
Nov 17; Posted by (Geeldon)
Before I begin, two paragraphs to put this in context: This has to do with a secretive group receiving money to use emerging technologies (see footnote 1. and others ) to experiment, and able to sanction crimes. They have sought and succeeded in making most all people I associate with, controlled in regards to me, for negative and illegitimate purposes. This includes strangers, who have on average, fill destinations or places visited, present offensive jestures or harassment in my presence, and have been involved in stealing from anything that may be carried by me, ie: printed material, contents of backpack, important personal items or documents.
One has to question what sort of recruitment is involved in this locally, and elsewhere this has happened.
US Citizens Corp data base of citizens:
From the Operation TIPS (Terrorist Information and Prevention)
quote: “Each file or entry contains an interested individual’s name, mailing address, e-mail address, and Volunteer Program area of interest. The database contains and tracks names of each individual and the date of expression of interest, type of interest expressed (e.g., Community Emergency Response Team, Neighborhood Watch, Citizen Corps
Councils), and similar information.”-[Federal Register: May 7, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 88)]
The experience I have daily, with evidence in names of businesses, from the Mid West to the current location, is the use of an enormous pool of people, to arrive before, the same time, or after, I do, at almost all destination, daily, for purposes stated below. In one area, over a hundred people on call, so that differing people are used each time.
There should be investigation as to whether this system is being used to create pools of people in all the country, for the purpose of assigning them to harassment for emeriging technologies experiments. There has been many people daily for 4 years, that in all locations, daily, fill to one extent or another, all spaces occupied by myself. This takes many people in that there are different people used, to harass, distract for theft, taunt, play on associations for criminal ends. Police in all locations are aware of this, and used. Offices, like FBI or Attorney General, when approached for concerns regarding incidences or crimes that fall within their respective juristiction, are sometimes informed before I call on their offices, and have been ordered to confront me in particular ways, never claiming the seriousness of what I attempt to report.
It takes a vast database to come up with people for specific tasks, from stalking or harassment to serious crimes, over long distances. I have been met with in airports en route cross country by groups who evidently have been coached for specifics in harassment.
Here are some quotes from the Citizen Corp website, regarding Operation TIPS:
”This new system of records contains information gathered by the Citizen Corps, which is part of the USA
Freedom Corps established by President George W. Bush under Executive Order 13254, January 29, 2002.”
2002: Pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a),
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to establish a new system of records entitled “Citizen Corps Database Tracking System..
Operation TIPS found in Report by Lawyers Committee for Human Rights 2002.
I have placed below as a footnote quotes and link from Lawyers Committee for Human Rights Report mentioning Operations TIPS, from A Year Lost, Reexamining Civil Liberties Since September 11. (footnote 1.). A data pool to outsource actions of crime and harassment, trained and coached, is indeed a real thing.
Harassment using many citizens Sometimes more than 100 citizens per day are used to fill cafes, restaurants, mob at every outing to a mini mart. People have been placed on airlines for this purpose, with seating arranged beforehand. I have evidence of this in records, though all boarding passes for 2006 have been stolen from me.
How these citizens are instructed to do:
Cruel attention includes cutting hair from behind, tampering with backpack, stealing anything I carry, instructing stores to short change when others distract, and malicious tricks using seeming friendly people, etc.. They even use children to steal from me, mob and stalk, etc.
There is mobilization daily, filling destinations, day to day places, vehicles used as well.
There is never any short supply, and no one seems to have a conscience. This is right out of Nazi play books.
If one checks the internet Google: gang stalking; covert harassment, you will find misinformation, a flood of it. Nothing regarding gang stalking, or the internet people claiming to be victims can be confirmed.
Thus stated, a structure similar to Operation TIPS ( is used as a pool of people, all ages and classes, so that sadistic exercises using emerging technologies, can pervasively fill the subjects every moment with intrusions, some playing on themes, psychological conditioning.
And if you ever wonder why police stations look like a sealed ticket booth at a theater, well, it has some advantages in denying a subject of what is referred to here, access to police for reporting crimes from felony to malicious acts.
“Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to establish a new system of records entitled “Citizen Corps Database Tracking System..
Posted in Gaslighting, Group Stalking, Remote Neural Monitoring, Synthetic Telepathy, Through Wall Surveillance, Torture
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Tags: citizen corps, electronic harassment, FEMA, harassment, synthetic telepathy
Part III: Mental Firewalls
Nov 16
Posted by (Geeldon)
Part III: Mental Firewalls
Allen Barker, Feb 17, 2002
This is the third of a three-part series of essays on mind control. As the earlier essays explained, “mind control” is the term commonly and historically used to describe clandestine operations to alter human behavior and thought. The series focuses mainly on high-technology techniques involving, for example, surveillance devices and electromagnetic weapons — though victims of all sorts of mind control techniques have common experiences and sequelae. The first essay of the series, “Motives for Mind Control,” dealt with some of the reasons that mind control harassment, torture, and exploitation happens and why it continues. The second part, “Resisting the Mind Control State,” dealt with ways to protest and resist mind control abuses in a supposedly “free” society. In this final part, I explore some of the methods and techniques that victims have developed to help them resist these ongoing human rights atrocities committed every day against their bodies and minds. In a sense we are going to have a look at mind control torture from the torture victim’s point of view, from “inside” the mind of the victim.
This essay is written from the point of view of someone experiencing real torture from externally induced mind control phenomena, including induced voices in the head, surveillance, harassment from various sources, and nonlethal aversive jolts. While I make no secret of the fact that I have personally been subjected to a similar sort of mind control torture, this is not my story. Of course it is influenced by events I have experienced, but the essay is a composite from my interactions with many mind control victims (and provocateurs) over the past few years. I will save the actual details of my own experiences for my lawyers or for prosecutors when that time comes, or perhaps for other writings I might choose to make public. Thus, in keeping with the earlier parts of the series, you do not even have to believe me about my having been tortured — though it all happened. There are many people in the world, including many American citizens, who have experienced very similar things. You can even think that all of those people made it all up, and still have to be concerned despite your Holocaust denial. The technology undoubtedly exists right now to carry out the sorts of torture operations described in this essay, and will only become more advanced with time.
I cover a lot of different techniques and possibilities in this essay, but keep in mind that the truth is bad enough. What we already know and can document is bad enough, and is only the tip of the iceberg. In the spirit of mentioning all the possibilities, though, let me briefly discuss mental illness here. There truly are some people with mental illnesses which occur naturally. There are also people with mental illnesses which were externally and purposely inflicted, for example by harassment operations. And there are mind control victims who are completely normal except that they have undergone years and years of some of the most hideous torture imaginable — in a lying, despicable society that denies it, ignores it, and further tortures the victims. We know this from documented sources; what the government has admitted is bad enough. I hope this essay will prove helpful even to victims who suffer from true mental illness. I call them victims also because the cowardly U.S. government has hidden behind the skirts of the mentally ill to commit some of the worst atrocities imaginable, and the truly mentally ill are victimized by this as well. The mentally ill are also known to have been used as guinea pigs in mind control experiments precisely because they would tend to be disbelieved and are relatively powerless victims for torturers to experiment on. Some victims may have been poisoned by drugs engineered to cause them psychological problems — and I do not mean ordinary street drugs. Others have had psychosurgery, microwave harassment, etc., which can cause organic problems in addition to psychological problems. And of course, the mind is really not separate from the body and psychological torture is just as bad as direct physical torture.
Most people are still free to think what they want — to the extent that that still means anything — and some will try to second guess the victims and provide armchair diagnoses of the victims’ problems. People who try to dismiss true torture victims as just mentally ill will receive and deserve the utmost contempt from the victims and from those decent people who know what is really going on. And we will remember. For the reasons described in Part II, the psychiatric and psychological “communities” cannot be trusted, except for a few actual healers here and there.
Much of this essay contains a sort of analysis that it is fashionable among the pseudo-intelligentsia to dismiss as just black-and-white thinking. These people have their sixth-grade epiphany that not everything is black-and-white, and for the rest of their lives go around justifying anything convenient with this amoral relativism. They never realize (or it just does not suit their lies) that while nothing is black-and-white, some things are close enough that they might as well be. I will be writing about Nazi pigs, and I mean this in the sense of “Mengele the Nazi pig,” not any other cultural pig association. Those who dismiss this sort of thinking perhaps would think differently if they had ever experienced real torture or were capable of the slightest bit of empathy. There is no doubt that this sort of thinking has been misused and misapplied at various times, but I cannot worry about how every moron might misunderstand or misapply what I write. People may well misapply things I have written here, or use them to create some propaganda distraction from what I am actually writing about, but I am describing it the way it is. If you don’t call a Nazi a Nazi you end up with Nazism by some other name.
Every victim has had to develop his or her own method of coping with the torture. I am not trying to impose my methods on anyone. A religious person under torture finds strength in his or her religion, so some Zen Buddhist philosophy may necessarily be apparent in my writing. In the ignorant U.S. there are still people who will blame a victim for being Buddhist, a major world religion. Of course Mengele the pig tries to justify and rationalize his acts of torture in any and all ways possible. There are the usual myriad ways of blaming and smearing the victims and rationalizing away the acts of the torturer.
I hope that this essay will help some victims. I know that I have benefited from the work of other victims who had the courage to speak out about their experiences. Much of this essay deals with the mental “game” of mind control, which is of course not a game at all to the torture victims. You can compare it to having to face mock executions each day. There is also the physical intimidation many victims experience. As a victim might put it, if it is all in my head then who harassed me on the highway? Why did my mail all arrive opened? Why did my phone regularly ring twice a day with hang-up calls? Why did many of my internet posts stop propagating anywhere? Why did a police car pull up beside mine every time I talked about China, on the drive to my honeymoon? The unfortunate reality is that the victims have to develop their own methods to deal with the constant, credible physical threats of death or worse. I wish I could help there, but I do what I can. This is a barbaric and savage nation.
What is a Firewall?
For the purposes of this essay, let me digress a bit here and describe the concept of a firewall. A firewall, in the historical sense, is a wall built between connected buildings and specifically constructed so that a fire in one unit of the structure will not spread to the other units. In a more recent sense, a firewall is a device on a computer network that keeps nodes of the network separated, for instance so that a hacker attack on one node of the network cannot spread to connected nodes of the network.
For our purposes, we can consider all the computers on a network to be like houses on a street. (Network engineers, please bear with me.) Each house has several doors into it, which correspond to what are called ports on a networked computer. A computer actually has thousands of ports, but the principle is illustrated by considering a house with several doors. All the houses have inhabitants in them, who send out messengers to the other houses: But some houses send out the equivalent of burglars also. When the inhabitants of one house want to communicate with the inhabitants of another, they send a messenger to a particular door of the house they want to communicate with. The messenger knocks on the door.
Now, the inhabitants of the house can either open the door and let the messenger in or ignore the knock. If they let the messenger in, they can restrict what he is allowed to do while in the house. The messenger may, for example, pick up a piece of paper and carry it back to his house. This would correspond to a file transfer over a network. If the inhabitants of the house accidentally leave a door open, though, a messenger may be able to come in the house without permission and do whatever they like, again without permission. (There are many doors because a messenger occupies a particular door the whole time he is “in the house.”)
A firewall, in this analogy, would correspond to a complete facade built around a house (or group of houses, to be picky). The actual house is not even visible from the street. The doors of the original house are only visible to messengers if the inhabitants of the house build corresponding doors in the facade. To enter the house in this scenario, a messenger would have to first knock at some visible door of the facade, be allowed in, and then knock at and be allowed into the actual door of the house. In this way the security of the house is greatly increased from unwanted intrusions. (And you can have a collection of trusted houses “inside the fort” which are less protected from each other.)
The title of this essay, “Mental Firewalls,” comes from an article by Timothy L. Thomas which appeared in the Army War College journal Parameters in Spring 1998. It was titled “The Mind Has No Firewalls.” The Army has an often honorable tradition going back to the Revolutionary War, the minutemen, and so forth. But it also has had and still has some treason in its ranks. This is just the “ground truth,” the “facts on the ground.” An army that tortures the domestic population is an occupation army. Treasonous Nazi pigs, in this real sense rather than some spin machine crap or some pathological liar’s bullshit, must be dealt with accordingly. This holds for all branches of the military. This holds for law enforcement as well. It holds for all intelligence agencies also. It holds even when they pretend the torture devices “don’t exist.” Even if the victim does not realize what is happening to him or her, it is still torture. Informed consent must be truly informed. Torturing an American citizen is at least as treasonous as selling the nation’s top secrets to a foreign power.
Thomas’ article was in fact entered into evidence as part of a lawsuit by Harlan Girard of the International Committee for the Convention Against Offensive Microwave Weapons. The article’s central metaphor is that human beings are like the computers on a network, except that they do not have the ability to control the information traffic entering and leaving them. Their ports, or doors, are wide open. This sort of analogy was prevalent during the military “information warfare” buzzword phase, and illustrates the sort of thinking that was going on at the time. [On a note of caution, not all of Thomas’ article should be taken literally; whether purposefully or not there is some likely disinfo there.]
Deception Operations Against the Human “Biocomputer”
What is it that corresponds to your reality? What do you perceive, and how do you make your decisions? You receive information through your eyes, ears, and other senses. You read the information from the writers you choose to read, and listen to the speakers you have access to — very often these days from TV, radio, or the internet. You think to yourself, in your private inner voice. You visualize and imagine. In information warfare against individuals all of these are thought of as nothing but information channels that can be blocked, censored, co-opted, faked, forged, impersonated, or otherwise controlled to manipulate an individual. If you can control all the information an individual receives then you can control their whole perceived reality. Like the hypnotized subject who does something which violates his ethics while being persuaded to imagine he is doing something else entirely, the information warfare subject is acting in a fantasy world created precisely to manipulate him to do what his controllers want. This is known as a deception operation.
Such complete control, as far as I know, is not yet possible, but the principles still hold for whatever approximation can be achieved. And the principles have been put into practice. Of course “information warfare” is a buzzword and most of it is just a take on the ages-old practices of propaganda, lying, and manipulation. But a new buzzword generates funding, and perhaps more importantly serves to morally distance the new “clean” practices from the dirty, filthy business of amorally manipulating human beings like pawns, with complete disregard for unalienable human rights. What was new at the time of information warfare was 1) the internet as a widespread societal force, and 2) the wider development of neuroinfluencing and so-called nonlethal weapons that can directly influence people’s brains.
As medicine and technology develop ever more advanced prosthetic devices, people will increasingly become cyborgs — as is already happening. Because of this trend these issues will become increasingly clear with time. That is, it will become increasingly common to have computer devices implanted in one’s body. If someone hacks into your home computer and steals or manipulates your data then a crime has been committed and you should rightly be angry. But if someone hacks into your physical body, brain, and mind the violation is incomparably greater.
The Basic Modern Mind Control Torture Operation
In this section I will describe the basic torture setup used against our hypothetical, composite mind control torture victim. The focus is on the effects that the victim experiences, not necessarily the particular technology that is used to inflict it. Remember in all of this that the torture any individual receives can vary. It will vary according to the torturers’ motives and technology, but will also be tailored to the psychology of the victim. What might bother one person would not bother another. The “professional” torturers will start according to how their torture manuals say to go about torturing someone with your profile, but almost all torturers will refine the torture to the individual if they can. As they learn what bothers you they can focus on that more and more in their torture. As you read this, keep that in mind. These torturers are not any different from the sort you might read about in Red Cross literature, who shock the genitals of victims, etc., except that they have access to abuse the most advanced technology and hide behind an evil U.S. government which sinks to the lowest common denominator of the torturers it protects.
First of all, the victim is under constant surveillance. The victim is harassed overtly and covertly, on the street, on internet, etc. All forms of taunting and goading tend to occur. For example, there is a “Marco Polo” type of “can you catch me” taunting. Any and all sorts of high-tech and low-tech harassment are used. (Just because it is sophomoric or pathetic does not mean they will not do it. In fact, this increases the likelihood that the victims will be ridiculed if they complain. Remember the shoe powder to make Castro’s beard fall out?) The victim soon has to wonder about everything that breaks or goes wrong in their lives. The harassers use their surveillance to see what troubles the victim is having and then try to “take credit” for causing them. The torturers are often arrogant and even incompetent at their vile torture “jobs” despite using the most advanced technology to commit treason.
The victim is purposely isolated. People close to them are threatened or deceptions are created to make the victim suspect those closest to him or her. Deceptions are launched so victims will blame innocent neighbors for the harassment. (Unfortunately, in the despicable circles of mind control torture, it sometimes is a neighbor or even a close family member that truly is responsible. There might be an out-of-control “safe house” next door, for example.)
The victim is zapped inside his or her home (or a deception operation is launched so the victim thinks this is what is happening). Heart rhythm palpitations induced by remote technology can cause terror to an individual inside his or her home.
The victim’s mind is under assault with voice projection, voice cloning. The Village Voice, in an article from July 2001 titled “Psycho Warfare,” described an Air Force report uncovered by Nick Begich. Quoting from the article,
…the technology may be able to create high-fidelity speech in humans, “raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction.” It may be possible to “talk” to selected adversaries “in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them.” This is exactly what they do, and there are several different technologies documented in the open literature which can achieve this. Some victims may be test cases for such psychological harassment techniques, or the method may already be “perfected” and in covert operational use. [They don’t mention this in psych textbooks or in movies about “schizophrenics,” do they?]
Twenty-four hours a day, the victim is subjected to commands, ridicule, and distractions inside his or her private mind. How would it feel if you heard a voice in your head asking, “Can you hear this?” as if someone were calibrating a torture device? The brain wants to respond; it was never meant to be violated in these ways. Interrogation. What might bother you? Any secrets, etc., the pigs might tease out and harass you with? Anything that would insult you they could focus on? Anything that might distract you they could keep you distracted with?
Finally, the victims’ supposedly private, subvocalized thoughts are somehow read, or inferred and analyzed. There are various levels at which this can occur, from remote heartbeat and eye gaze analysis all the way up to brain implants telemetering EEG signals. Not all victims report this level of surveillance, and certainly just the other harassment techniques mentioned above result in a grotesque human rights abuse. But many victims discover that even their supposedly private thoughts are being violated and manipulated.
Living with Constant Harassment
How do you deal with “ordinary” social interactions with the pigs harassing you constantly in your mind? Do you act “ethically” and warn everyone you interact with that their privacy is also being invaded, by way of you, against your consent? People you interact with either believe you or they don’t, but either way the social dynamic is completely changed. The pigs invade the privacy of everyone around you, by using you, even that of your spouse and children. They may also impersonate anyone you see, in your mind, to make it seem as if that person is the one “contacting” you. They try to make it seem like everyone can hear your private thoughts, that you are “broadcasting” to everyone. (Of course some victims might actually be doing that; if they can read your thoughts they could then broadcast them wide-field or local-field…)
What sort of career are you “allowed” to have in a system where your intellectual property is stolen the minute you think it up and where you have to cope with both “regular” harassment as well as harassment in your mind? All this is in addition to the ordinary stresses of the job — and not to mention that some jobs require actual mental concentration. How sociable are long-term harassment victims with serious cases of Ongoing Traumatic Stress Disorder? In American society there are also plenty of vicious jerks who, while not Nazis or torturers, are quick to sense perceived weaknesses in people and home in on them. The Nazis can often just wound a person and then throw him or her to the sharks, bleeding.
It is natural for humans to think about other people. It is even natural to run a mental simulacrum process to imagine and empathize with other people. Monkey see, monkey do, air guitar, “I was just thinking of you…” etc. The rapist pigs try to turn this against the human beings they torture. Sex is also a natural process, as is farting, masturbation, defecation, burping, spats with people, fantasy, and so forth. The rapist torturers try to turn this against their victims. They constantly attempt to demean their victims. Worrying and anxiety are also normal human emotions. The torturers, though, try to turn all of these human properties against their victims.
One technique the Nazi pigs use is to try to reinforce anything you might worry about or feel anxious about. It is like taking a dynamical system and driving it at its natural frequency in order to purposely destroy it. Of course this is not to say the idiots know anything about dynamical systems. If you ever read Lord of the Flies in junior high school you know about the level that these pig idiots operate at, but when they rape your brain to inflict such ridicule and hatefulness it sets up positive feedback processes in the brain that constitute torture. (If I am teaching these idiots anything by this, then you had better watch out because they have already tortured me.) They will purposely injure you and then pick at your scabs if you start to heal.
This process also happens because you know damn well you are under surveillance and the pig ridicule squad is there to taunt you. Try not thinking about something you are conditioned with “cattle prods” into knowing will result in harassment. You know the torturers will zap you — that is why they goad you with triggers at times — but it is like not thinking of a pink elephant on command. Yins produce yangs, so to speak. Transcending the yins and yangs is hard enough without the torture.
The torturers treat your personal, private, internal speech as if it were your public speech. They try to subject you to all the ignorance and “political correctness” and everything else that someone at a podium in a public place might be subjected to. The sadist nanny state is not just concerned with what you say in your own home, they want to regulate what you think inside your head also. That can really cause your “moron anticipator” thought pattern to distract from your normal private thinking, because you cannot even think your private thoughts without knowing they will be “reviewed” for you by rapist morons.
The Possibility of Magician-Like Illusions to Deceive Victims
The technology for thought inference does exist, but it is important to keep in mind the ways in which magician-like deception operations can be applied to a person to make it seem to them that their mind is being read. While some victims’ thoughts are read, all of these techniques have likely been tested on nonconsenting American citizens. The classic example is where the “magician” first subliminally “inserts” a thought into a victims brain and then later the magician “reveals” what the person was thinking. By waving his hands and strongly suggesting to the victim that his thoughts are being read, the victim sees the phony “evidence” and tends to believe that is what is happening. The outrage, indignation, and terror responses the victim is feeling will also tend to interfere with his or her reasoning processes. Advanced profiling and prediction, based on standard surveillance techniques, is another possible means for deceiving a person into thinking their mind is being read. While some victims have undoubtedly had such deceptions inflicted on them, the black budget torturers — before they will admit the true extent of technological advancement — will likely try to claim this is what was done in all cases. Purposefully setting up the illusion of mind reading on a victim, though, is every bit as despicable and criminal as actually doing it.
The setup for the elementary example above can be carried out with only a basic voice-to-skull projection device with the victim in range for some period of time. Suppose you wanted the victim to think about blue violets, for example. You could beam at the victim very quiet suggestions of “blue violet.” You could send them a song that they thought just got stuck in their heads. You could use voice cloning technology and try to fake their own voice in their head. Another technique is to transmit a word or phrase that is closely associated with what you want the victim to think about or do, and let their brain’s associative memory do the rest. Now, after the subliminal send, the tension and drama build until the sadist magician culminates this particular deception operation against the mark (a.k.a. human being). The magician sends an email to, say, a public mailing list the victim is known to read. In the text of the message the magician works in the phrase “blue violet” — perhaps combined with a subtle threat.
Multiple Victims, Multiple Perpetrators
The above example is only the most elementary, of course. What if two victims were interacting, how could a pair of them be manipulated? The variations include two nonconsensual victims, or a consensual harasser messing with a nonconsensual victim. There are also witting and unwitting victims; some have figured out parts of what is going on (intended or not) while others have not. Some have been purposely duped into misinterpreting what is going on — they may think they are psychic, for example. What about wide-field projection devices? If two interacting people are given the same subliminal stimuli, how might they interpret it? If you weren’t paying close attention, would you know if you were the sender or the receiver? Especially if the manipulation continued for a long period without your awareness, perhaps even from childhood. When PTSD is purposely induced, the victim is that much more susceptible. Then you can consider the case where there are far more than two victims interacting: a society of would-be slavemasters and those they would hold as slaves. The general situation involves multiple victims and multiple perpetrators, all interacting.
There are many, many different scenarios. I even considered writing an academic paper on the topic, something like “Mind Control Games People Play.” Suppose you assume a particular set of technologies is available. What logically follows from that? It is like science fiction except that the reality these days is beyond science fiction. The military might call it wargaming. It is amazing the hideous sorts of operations that are possible with only your basic secret video/audio surveillance of an individual. Now assume that a targetable voice projection device exists. What could the people controlling it do in the worst case? What sorts of deceptions could they carry out? What countermeasures could be adopted? When it really does exist and the consequences are so far-reaching, isn’t it unconscionable to leave the public in the dark about it? Could a politician resist abusing this secret power?
For the purposes of the rest of this essay I will assume our composite victim has been “injected” or implanted somehow with a “brain bug” that transmits tracking information as well as audio and video of the sights, sounds, and internal subvocalized “thoughts” the nonconsenting victim experiences. This is something like an advanced form of the CIA’s “Acoustic Kitty” project from the 1960s, where a cat was wired up as a motor-controlled listening device to be used in spying. The difference is many years of technological refinement — integrated circuits were not even available then, let alone nano-scale devices — and the obvious difference that a human being is being tortured. I assume that this device can also inject sounds which the victim perceives as if he or she “heard” or “thought” them in internal speech. This is somewhat less control than what some victims report experiencing, but nonetheless is sufficient to illustrate most of the methods. Even if such devices are not available to some particular group, variations of most of the techniques can be created by lower-tech methods like standard surveillance devices and external “zapping” or voice projection devices which are publicly known to exist. The point is not the particular technological implementation, but what the victim experiences.
The Realtime Idiot and the Autopig
The term I use for an external voice projected into a victim’s mind is the realtime idiot. For an illustration of what the realtime idiots “seem like,” consider a secret studio like at a radio station. The “DJs” in this case are the rapists “monitors” who sit and listen to the violated thoughts of the victim. These torturers also have microphones where they can “converse” with the unfortunate victim in realtime. The victim hears these transmitted voices in his or her head. Perhaps the rapists also have a virtual reality computer display of everything the victim is doing at the time, or even a display of exactly what the victim “sees” through his or her eyes. Any thoughts the victim has, the realtime idiots try to pretend it is like a conversation with them. You could not think a rhetorical question to yourself in your own private thoughts without the realtime idiot’s comments. You could not pause for a moment of silent mental reflection. They comment on things, they harass, they goad, they distract, they try to issue “commands,” they attempt to demean the victims (“Go brush your teeth”). This all while the victim tries to live his or her regular, “ordinary” life and interact in the phony society.
At this point I have described the technique whereby Nazi pigs beam words and voices into the mind of the victims in order to harass and torture them. This requires too many low-level Auschwitz guards, though. These dumb sadists may get drunk and start talking, or they may get religion and try to expose their former activities. The need for personnel also limits the number of victims, or “subscribers,” who can be controlled by the system. The American answer, of course, is to use technology to automate the process and increase productivity. This results in a device I call the autopig (or the Cameron/Delgado memorial autopig).
The autopig at its simplest is just a digital recorder that sends fixed “messages” to the victims at random times. This is very similar to Cameron’s psychic driving torture that he inflicted on people coming in for psychiatric health care. I sometimes call these random “pulses” Bergeron pulses after Vonnegut’s short story “Harrison Bergeron” (not the movie, which is good but different from the short story). In the story all people were forced to be “equal” by handicapping those with exceptional abilities, and strong thinkers had to wear a device which would periodically emit a loud tone designed to disrupt the their thought stream.
Of course an autopig could also be used as a computer-aided torture device so that a single human torturer could switch between victims, secure in knowing that none of them was being left alone in their “private” minds. The Delgado part comes in when the device gets feedback from the victim’s brain and sends an “appropriate” message. That is, the sensor system analyzes the brain rape data, an AI-like algorithm decides what sort of response to send to the victim, and then the digital voice simulator constructs it and sends it. Thus each victim has his or her own “electric fence” or something like the invisible fencing they use on dogs but more technologically sophisticated. (You can consider things like stateful autopigs and stateless, or memoryless, autopigs, and so forth. It is basic engineering.)
Besides realtime idiots and autopigs, there is something I call a Delgado button. A Delgado button is a button the harassers can press and which stimulates some part of the brain. There may be many Delgado buttons, for example, and the harassers learn what each one does empirically by observing the victims. To the victim a Delgado button would just feel like some sensation, experience, or emotion came over them all of a sudden. It might occur at a particularly inappropriate time, for example. It might also serve as a distraction when the pigs wanted to stop some particular thought train you were having. It might be difficult to notice; some subjects in published research would rationalize such induced behaviors and say that they just decided to do whatever behavior the buttons evoked. A Delgado button also need not literally be a button and a brain electrode, it could also be something like a microwave beam at a particular frequency and with a particular modulation aimed at a person. Metaphorically there can also be conditioned “software” Delgado buttons in addition to the hardware wired-in electrode buttons.
Data Analysis Under Torture
Now that I have described the basic mind control operation, in this section I consider the problem of data analysis for a victim of such crimes. Don’t blame the victims; try to understand the hideous position they were thrown into and which they in no way got to choose. Naive science-dude has probably not spent 5 minutes considering what victims are forced to agonize over for years. The situation is closer to game theory with a malicious “opponent” rather than to the usual study of natural science, where natural phenomena are considered to be repeatable (or at least indifferent).
The victims must rely mostly on their own sensations and introspection; that is just the nature of this sort of advanced, secret torture. This is not to say that evidence of the “ordinary” sorts of harassment should not be collected, or that a breakthrough will not occur and someone will learn how to detect whatever signals or devices are used to inflict the mind control torture and make it available to the victims. The first challenge for the victim, though, is just to figure out what is really going on. Many do not even have the language to describe what is happening to them. They have to see beyond the stagecraft (“tradecraft”) of the Nazi technical illusionists. The victims need to live their lives each day with whatever mental firewall countermeasures they can adopt in their minds. Beyond this they can gather evidence to convince other people or for a lawsuit. They will discover, though, that for the time being the court system, like the psychiatric system, is part of the problem.
How many times does someone have to beam a clearly external voice into your head before you have to question all your thoughts? Not too many times, once really. Some victims of this “one-shot” voice projection mind control may still suffer for years. When will you believe they are not reading your thoughts or that they are not trying to manipulate you? When the truth commission reveals the crimes? No, you will never believe them again once you know how the pigs operate. Most victims suffer from far more than just one voice projection experience, though.
Internal and External Thoughts and Sensory Inputs
Inside the mind, the torture victims really are human beings just like everyone else (even though they are treated worse than anyone would treat a dog). They see with their eyes, hear with their ears, etc., have internal dialogs thinking about things, sparks of intuition, and all the usual features of the human mind. As mentioned earlier, these are the processes the mind controllers attempt to hijack. For the victims we can consider that their thoughts fall into three categories: internals, conditioned internals, and externals.
An internal is a normal, natural thought grounded in external sensory input that the person consensually engages in. The usual thought model that most people have the luxury of believing is that all of their interactions are consensual and that their private thoughts are actually private and not tampered with. That is, they only experience internals.
An external is a nonconsensual input, like Cameron’s psychic driving where a person is strapped down and forced to listen to manipulative recording loops. In the modern sense, the externals are the voices projected into a person’s mind from an external source. (You can theoretically have consensual externals, even of this sort, but the victims certainly never saw a consent form and you’d be a fool to consent to having the pigs the victims are familiar with have anything to do with your mind.) The signal from a programmed autopig chip in the head would also count as an external. An external could also be an email from a Nazi that is based on mind-raped data. Any normally consensual interaction becomes an external when mind-raped data or psychological triggers are purposely embedded there.
A conditioned internal, in the sense being discussed here, is an internal thought process that is a direct result of the torture by externals. The mental “fruit of the poisoned tree,” so to speak. After a week or so of having “you are a good marine” drilled into your head from nonconsensual externals, then when the machine is turned off there will likely still be the tendency to hear the phrase. (Besides whatever other damage such harassment causes.) This is especially true if the conditioning was specifically focused on certain stimuli — though random stimuli also become conditioned in the same way that a bell ring is associated to the bowl of food by the salivating dog. A similar-sounding phrase, for example, can serve as a trigger for a conditioned internal. Conditioning during trauma is also strong and long-lasting and can bring back vivid feelings of the original torture experience.
The manipulators can probably get some unwitting victims to march around their own homes like controlled robots. People’s sensitivity to what is internal or external “in their head” would vary according to the person. Age, length of abuse, and the particular technology and techniques used would also influence who becomes “witting nonconsensual.” Perhaps this is a part of what determines who they harass and try to “break” and who they secretly control. Those susceptible to hypnosis might be especially vulnerable, and some victims may be influenced only while they sleep. (Is it terrorism to call for blowing up a Nazi torture center that “doesn’t exist”?)
The Protocol
A way to verify that a signal is purely external is via the protocol. This protocol assumes you have a cooperative person on the other end of the external channel you wish to authenticate. In practice, what you learn is that if there is such an external channel you do not have a “friendly witting” on the other end. (And victims know from long experience that there is such an external channel.) That is, the protocol is a way that a “friendly witting” could authenticate to you the existence of an information channel that supposedly “doesn’t exist.”
If you have visual, auditory, or tactile contact with a person the protocol is easy. (It is better if they cannot see or hear you, since that constitutes another, uncontrolled data path.) Suppose you can hear a person talking. Then the protocol is to think to yourself something like, “say 4533.” You may wish to choose something else they could say without attracting attention, if that is a problem, but be sure it is something which is very unlikely without a mental send. Count, say, five seconds for a response. Either they hear your thoughts or not, and they either respond or not. In this case the channel is specific to a person and may not exist or the person may not be a “friendly.” For visual contact the situation is similar, you can think something like, “hold up three fingers.” Notice that this protocol also works for something like listening to a realtime broadcast such as radio. A similar protocol works for written media, think “write the number 6423” and email it to me or put it in your newspaper column. Note, though, that in all cases there may still be a hidden “man in the middle.”
You can actually verify a pure external send and receive without visual, auditory, or tactile contact. Just the “mental” contact. This applies to anyone and everyone who can hear your thoughts and send a reply. It requires that you have a calculator, and a cooperative person with a calculator on the other end of the channel. The protocol is, “What is the cosine of 1999?” The first four digits after the decimal, in radians, one at a time. If the pigs cannot send that data they are either retarded or engaging in a conspiracy. There are a couple of other possibilities, including pure internals, but the point is to have a cryptographic authentication challenge to verify a pure external send and receive. Anyone can punch the buttons 1, 9, 9, 9, cos on a calculator. I do not know the answer, but I can check it easily. [You should change the number 1999 to something else for your own protocol, since you want to be able to conclude a pure external read and send. The number is something you only think “to yourself,” and choose a new challenge number each time you check a response with a calculator.]
They never send valid four-digit numeric data, let alone the correct answer. They do send numerics, though, and could presumably program the answer into the autopig. And they get sloppy sometimes and you get a good strong piece of data that indicates external reads and sends, even though they do not send the protocol. This is one reason such a protocol is useful: It illustrates what the ideal data would look like for a remote read and send, and can help clarify more ambiguous situations. But keep in mind possible magician-like deceptions as were mentioned earlier.
The Calibration Problem
In evaluating uncertain data in the real world, including that from hostile sources, it is important to calibrate the expected level of background noise. If you are reading the torture between the lines, you also need to keep your head and not go off on too much unconnected symbolism. Keep this in mind when reading items that truly could not possibly relate to you or your situation. This gives you an idea of the basic background level for symbols, etc., to appear. Keep a threshold and discard any questionable data. The good data points tend to be frequent enough, and at some point even they do not tell you much you do not already know.
As an example, suppose you cursed the pigs, just in your head, sometimes. If you get them angry they sometimes screw up. Say you were taunting them by asking them whether they picked up your thoughts in Niger (as an random example of a far-off place). By the way, you can taunt them all you want in your head, since it is only you and the Nazis there. Likewise, curse the pigs that bug your house all you want. They just do not seem to understand that if they reveal anything they know about your private mentation or private conversations in your home they cannot call you crazy. It would be like entering the FBI tapes of Martin Luther King saying the FBI was out to get him as evidence that he was paranoid. “The voice in my head said I was crazy.” Back to the Niger example, suppose you then get email from someone claiming to be a victim, who has a name very similar to yours, and who claims that he went to Niger and could not escape the harassment. That seems pretty unlikely for a coincidence. Then the question is, is the person a witting or unwitting harassment agent, i.e., is it another victim manipulated into harassing you or is it a cointelpro agent? How many people have been to Niger? Many victims are understandably afraid to talk about such experiences, though.
Reasoning Under Uncertainty
One thing that the mind controllers do — and which manipulators and propagandists have done for all time — is to exploit weaknesses in human reasoning. The brain is a fantastic, beautiful organ of the human body; no human being on the earth should ever be tortured. But humans also tend to have some weaknesses in evaluating data compared to, say, a mathematical algorithm. One difficulty lies in dealing with uncertainty. The mind control victim is literally overwhelmed with uncertainty and must sort things out as best as he or she can. The victim has to consider every weird thing that has ever happened to him or her, whether it is related, and knowing that the mind rapists will see this thought process and try to reinforce any misconceptions. Another difficulty is dealing with distractions, especially when they come in on a hostile “channel” that the brain was never meant to be accessed on. Proportionality and scale are another difficulty, and people tend to think binary rather than continuous, and one-dimensional rather than multi-dimensional. People often have a tendency toward superstitious thinking. Finally, in a social sense, people are very bad at dealing with big lies, i.e., conspiracies of liars.
Understand aggregate statistics. You can sometimes reason better with them. As an example, you know that there are some people in the world you can trust; you just don’t know exactly which ones they are. You can often estimate aggregate statistics better, since if you get one wrong here or there it all averages out. Suppose you estimate, based on a great deal of data, that posters on some mailing list are, say, 40% agents and provocateurs, 35% real victims and activists, 15% who probably consider themselves scientific, nonsuperstitious thinkers looking for the truth, and another 10% who are unclassifiable. There are some who you are sure enough about to not worry with percentages, but in general any particular person on that list is “suspect.” Nonetheless, the list can still function as a way to reach and connect the 35% of mind control victims and activists. It may also serve as a way to convince and educate some of the actual open-minded decent people who are not mind control victims. Another use of aggregate statistics is to reason from historical records. We know that there are thousands of mind control victims in the population, at the least. We just do not know which particular people claiming to be victims are the actual victims (or which still unwitting people were/are victims). Never forget the humanity of the real human beings involved in the statistics, though.
The Asymmetry of Dignity
You are a human being with unalienable human rights. Unalienable means that they cannot be taken away. They can be violated, infringed, ignored, and even legislated away, but the acts of a tyrant do not change the fact that you are a human being with unalienable human rights. This means that the tyrant is always a tyrant, and remains a tyrant, to meet the fate of tyrants. The same holds for the lackeys and collaborators of tyrants. This is a fundamental asymmetry between the citizen and the tyrant.
Torture demeans the torturer. The dignity of the torture victim cannot be taken away by the torturer, but the act of torture destroys the dignity of the torturer. This is not enough punishment for such hideous crimes, but gives cause to pity the torturer even as you work to hang the pig. Let me explain about what I mean about justice for the victims of these treasonous Nazis, who commit crimes against their fellow American citizens in peacetime which would be war crimes even against an enemy in warfare. Under a legitimate government such people would receive life sentences in a humane prison system. That would be my preference, but the United States currently has neither. So when I talk about hanging the pigs I am referring to whatever justice-type processes can be set into motion. That was the subject of Part II. Get the right ones. We will not forget, and when these pigs are 75 years old they are still Nazi pigs and still serve the rest of their worthless lives in a humane prison cell if such exists. The legitimate government treats mind control torture like the true crime it is, even when government agents are involved in committing the crimes.
You have absolute free mentation in your brain and mind. Your freedom of thought is unalienable.
The Nazi Pig Theorem
The adjective, “Auschwitz-level,” to describe these crimes, is not hyperbole. If you do not feel like you need to vomit, you probably do not really understand the full sickness of mind control crimes. Gordon Thomas wrote in the introduction to his book Journey Into Madness: The True Story of CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse: “In working on this book I have had to come to terms with my own emotions — disbelief, bewilderment, disgust, and anger and, more than once in the early stages, a feeling that the subject was simply too evil to cope with. Nothing I had researched before could have prepared me for the dark reality of doctors who set out to deliberately destroy minds and bodies they were trained to heal.” Torturers can never blame their victims, though they invariably try. These torturers are the sorts of people who will repeatedly hit a bound and gagged victim with a stick and then try to claim the victim caused it. They’ll steal from you and then complain about the property they stole; they’ll rape you and sneer at the quality of the “sex.”
This brings me to what I refer to as the Nazi Pig Theorem (NPT). Strictly speaking it is a metaphorical axiom, but it can be very useful to the torture victim. It basically asserts that if you act like Mengele then you are a Nazi pig. Then there are a few obvious conclusions that are also part of the “theorem.”
The Nazi Pig Theorem (NPT):
Anyone who nonconsensually violates your brain/mind/mentation using Mengele-like methods is a Nazi pig.
You do not care what a Nazi pig thinks. You do not care about a Nazi pig’s opinions. You do not respond to a Nazi pig ridiculing you, threatening you, trying to distract you, or otherwise trying to manipulate you.
You work to get a Nazi pig hanged.
Isn’t that obvious? Don’t you believe it? Then remember it and act like you know it. NPT is as sharp as a razor.
The contrapositive of NPT is also useful: If they are not Nazi pigs then they are not raping your brain. So you can think anything about anyone; it’s just you and the Nazis in your mind, and their opinions do not matter at all. If you have a passing thought about someone and the Nazis try to harass you with it or make you feel guilty about it, it does not matter. The Nazi pigs’ opinions do not matter (unless they somehow help to get the pigs hanged). If you think some thought about someone who really is raping your brain, then you have some worse things to think about that Nazi piece of human garbage than what floated through your brain originally.
One use of the Nazi Pig Theorem is to try to go on with ordinary life even as you are being tortured and you know the true, evil nature of the society you are living in. Spend some time each day working for justice in the physical world, and the rest of the time try to ignore the Nazi pigs and get on with your life as best as you can. My philosophy is basically to wish people well, and any differences I have had with people are all water under the bridge after not too long. But atrocities never, ever pass under the bridge. The victims never forget, and never should forget. Of course any victim is free to choose to forgive his or her torturers, but for torturers to lecture their victims about forgiveness is the “Christianity” of the oppressor. Forgiveness also does not preclude justice.
The unfortunate reality is that when dealing with anyone, they are either a Nazi or a non-Nazi. Torture makes it that clear. This is the top node of the decision tree for the torture victim, and it is a stark split. The following diagram illustrates the split:
That is clear enough. Of course the difficult part is that you do not know exactly who is a Nazi pig and who is not. So you might start off with a reasonable benefit of the doubt and collect evidence from there to update your current assumptions. But how do you deal with someone you think has a 10% chance of being a Nazi pig? How do you deal with someone you think has an 80% chance of being a Nazi pig? That is your own utility/decision function and it is not easy. People have to make decisions based on imperfect information all the time, but this purposefully inflicted torture pushes it past what people are accustomed to have to deal with in ordinary situations. Nonetheless, the government is accountable for the aggregate situation where torture occurs regularly and systematically in American society.
The NPT is your firewall. As a corollary, the external firewall theorem states that you do not care in the slightest bit what Mengele thinks. Analyze the external incomings for nature and source, as well as for other evidence if you choose to, and then send them straight to your mental /dev/null. Then work each day to get the pigs hanged in the real world, in the best way you can figure to do it (see Part II). There is also an internal firewall theorem: Your brain is your own to think whatever you want with. Simply invoke IFT and think about something entirely different if you are thinking something that you don’t want to be thinking about. Train yourself toward that, at any rate.
Some Suggestions for Thinking about the Harassment
The way to think of a nonconsensual external is as an advanced cattle prod that can be modulated in various ways to cause you pain. The modulation happens to be with words or clicks, but that is secondary. It is a modulated cattle prod. Notice it and try to get a feel for the nature and source of the signal. Where does it seem to be coming from? What is the quality of the signal? Later you can analyze the psyop sentence the pigs modulated onto the cattle prod signal if you feel like it. (This may reveal more about them than about you; the modulation is based on “you” reflected off of their filthy Nazi distorting mirror — with their intention being to cause you harm.) You might keep a rough histogram count on the autopig phrases, for example. Does the signal ever have a foreign accent or speak a foreign language? Probably not. But basically understand that the Nazi pigs are complete, pathological liars. If they flatter you one second they’ll kick you in the head three beats later, you can almost count on it. Pathological liars only tell the nominal truth as part of a larger lie, and the purpose is to destroy your mental well-being and your life.
Source before semantics (signal before semantics). The source is where the signal comes from, both the “person” sending it and the sensory input method by which you receive it. The semantics is the meaning of the signal: it is the interpretation of the signal and its modulation. For example, the semantics of a signal will often be its interpretation as an English sentence. If the signal comes in on a rape channel, do not even give it a semantics except perhaps as part of an evidence-gathering process. It is just a sensation you feel from the external cattle prod. The presence of the nonconsensual external signal itself is torture and is the only real information, since the modulation is by pathological liars whose intention is to cause you harm.
Don’t debate the autopig (or the realtime idiot). Even if it’s easy. (Unless you feel like it.) They hate it when you ignore them. Go on with your ordinary life, meeting people, etc., and especially speaking out and working for justice in the real world. You can only really ignore them when you know what is going on, though. Some of the people who they march around their own homes like robots probably think they are just ignoring it. There is a big difference between an experienced victim deciding to ignore future signals and some well-meaning advice-giver who has never been tortured telling you to “just ignore it.”
If it is indistinguishable from an autopig, treat it as if it were an autopig. With some basic voice-recognition type software applied to raped subvocalized thoughts, I could write an AI-like program that sounded just like the repetitive, simple-patterned Nazi pigs I am familiar with. In this sense, the realtime idiots do not even pass the Turing test. Actual people (who are not torturers) have names, they do not repeat things endlessly, they think things other than harassing you and commenting on your thoughts, and they can push a few calculator buttons. For instance, why do you never hear someone driving their car down the street thinking “use a turn signal, you asshole”?
Don’t explain your thinking to the Nazi pigs, it is better if they misunderstand what they rape from you. By default you are only ever thinking to yourself. Work toward the rapid extinction of the Nazi conditioning imposed on you, at least as rapidly as you can manage. Try to extinguish your conditioned responses and replace them with only an awareness of the triggering sensation. Some are random events acting as triggers, while others are purposely inflicted.
It may help to write about what you experience or keep a journal. There are pros and cons to this, though, since the pigs will have access to what you write also. It might provide them with feedback to help them torture you or others. If you complain about something they will almost surely start doing it to you more. You have to weigh whether writing about it helps you to deal with it, like when you can share it with other people or when you see how stupid it really looks when written out. Stupidity is no barrier to the torturers, in fact it is part of the torture. For example, if you make a self-deprecating joke it will not be long before the pigs are goading you with the subject of that joke for real. Of course much of the torture is never anything clever the torturers do, but your own knowledge that these people who do not even know you nonetheless hate you enough to violate your mind and then go to a great deal of effort to try to inflict serious harm on you — often seemingly for their own entertainment.
Try tuning out the pigs like you might cure yourself of hiccups. It might work, or at least help you train yourself to ignore the pigs. Notice the nature and source of the signals, the mental gnats meant to annoy you. Parasitic mind fleas. If you think like the monkey, you’ll be as dumb as the monkey. If you watch that TV too much you’ll be as dumb as the morons on it. They will entertain you right into digging your own grave.
How Can a Society I Detest Defile Me?
How do you deal with a secrecy-bred society of dumb-as-cows “innocent” people, Nazi pigs, and victims? Or the collaborators, apologists, and profiteers? What about the people who idiotically ask, “Why are you ongoing torture victims so obsessed with your torture (and human rights, etc.)?” The social system where no one can talk about the elephant in the living room, even though many people know at least that something is there. Did people not get born with tongues to speak with? Or is this a conspiracy of idiots and cowards? What the hell is wrong with these people? What kind of people complacently live in a society where torture regularly and systematically occurs, pretending it doesn’t? Is it still that old pig slaver mentality, or the ability to look away from such abominations as an everyday thing? For centuries it was forbidden to teach slaves basic skills like reading. Is it better if you can read but only have access to lies?
Every day for the mind control victims, it is like the rape victim who has to go out and interact in the society where her rapist is still at large. The difference is that there is a whole conspiracy of rapists and they rape the victims each and every day. So perhaps it is closer to what were euphemistically called “comfort girls.” How do you think it feels to wake up with a pig in your head? Is that the only alternative to being dumb as a cow and wearing a gag in this society? The “consensus reality” of the average citizen is far, far from the real truth on the ground.
Americans are the best liars and biggest hypocrites on the planet. They will probably even be flattered by that description. They love being number one, after all. Hypocrisy is like lies, in the sense that there is ordinary hypocrisy and there is big hypocrisy. If you credibly call an American a big-sense hypocrite they will often start spewing propaganda that celebrates ordinary, everyday hypocrisy like not telling someone their new haircut looks bad. Americans want to be both peepers and prudes, they want to rig the game and call it free enterprise, and they want to be known for freedom and liberty regardless of any domestic atrocities they commit. You can never un-torture someone.
If people are capable of outrage there will be far fewer outrages. How dare those pigs do that to anybody.
Posted in Gaslighting, Group Stalking, Human Experimentation, Implantable Microchips, Psychiatric Reprisal, Remote Neural Monitoring, Synthetic Telepathy, Through Wall Surveillance, Torture
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Part II: Resisting the Mind Control State
Nov 16; Posted by (Geeldon)
Part II: Resisting the Mind Control State
Allen L. Barker April 29, 2001
This essay is a compilation of thoughts on methods to resist governmentally and societally supported mind control torture, repression, and exploitation. It is part II of a series of three, and deals only with social and political issues. Part I, “Motives for Mind Control,” describes some of the motives for mind control and why it continues. Part III of the series, “Mental Firewalls” deals with the techniques and methods that survivors of this torture have developed to resist having their very mentation tampered with, their bodies and lives violated, and their minds turned into battlefields.
The purpose of this essay is not to try to convince anyone of what is truly going on, but rather to analyze the situation and consider what can be done about it (after you know well enough what is going on and are willing to act as if you know it). I have talked to a good number of mind control victims over the past few years, and many ask me what we can do about the situation. That has been a difficult question. There are many possible actions to take, but ineffective actions only waste time. It is a complicated and disgusting situation in the U.S. with regard to mind control abuses, and it does no good to pretend otherwise or mince words. This essay is perhaps part of an answer, such as it is, to those questions.
A Brief Description of Mind Control Torture
First, I should explain what I mean by mind control. Some so-called “rebuttals” of explanations of mind control harassment and technology focus on narrow semantic interpretations of the term, for example by setting up the straw man that any mind control technology must be able to completely control someone’s mind. I am using the term in the more general sense that is now the common usage. By mind control I am referring to covert attempts to influence the thoughts and behavior of human beings against their will (or without their knowledge), particularly when surveillance of an individual is used as an integral part of such influencing. I am especially dealing with situations where individuals are singled out for campaigns of influencing and harassment using advanced technology. I am not referring to such things as everyday TV commercials trying to convince you that you need the latest shampoo — unless the commercials are being used in a way deeper than this surface level such as with the inclusion of subliminals and triggers. (For more details and descriptions, see for example the Mind Control: Technology, Techniques, and Politics web site at .)
The technology is rooted in surveillance devices, such as audio and video bugs, through-the-wall and remote sensing devices, and biosensors both remote and implanted. This provides the feedback for the influencing, as well as any “entertainment” value for voyeur/sadists and intellectual property theft for thieves. Coupled with the surveillance is some sort of “effector” or feedback path for influencing an individual. This may be as simple as spreading rumors and gossip based on the surveillance. It may include acting out “street theater” to the individual, letting them know they are under surveillance and putting them in bizarre situations to see what they do or to cause trauma and disorientation. This may even include spreading the information for use by “assets” in the newspaper, television, radio, and advertising businesses and on the internet. In some individuals hypnosis may have been used to condition certain reactions and behavior to be triggered by later cues. The use of technology ranges from using harassing phone calls coupled with surveillance-based feedback to provide aversive stimuli in a person’s home, to abusing the media and the internet as a means for harassment, to the use of pulsed microwave beams to cause pain, anxiety, or heart palpitations, to the use of brain implants to record and affect the brain directly, to…
Thus there are several categories of mind control operations, for example covert druggings, hypnosis and trauma conditioning, one-shot EM-type brain blasting, short-term mind fucks, and ongoing feedback control setups for long-term torture and exploitation of victims, to mention a few. What they have in common is the attack against the mind of the victim, as well as the deniable and denied nature of the attack. The exact means being used in any particular case are beside the point here. These techniques do not just violate one or two of what everyone knows are fundamental human rights: In one fell swoop they violate almost every fundamental human right a person has.
Standing Up and Resisting
I am sure that most if not all of the strategies I will discuss in this essay have occurred to people involved in the area of mind control for any length of time. I hope this essay will prove useful by collecting these various ideas together and providing a big-picture overview of some possibilities. I have tried to cover the whole range of possible actions, including violent action. I know the torturers and their apologists may take this as some sort of propaganda coup, and that these state-sponsored terrorists may go around shouting “terrorist,” but the list would not be complete if I did not include those possibilities. Thinking about all the possible reactions can yield insights into seemingly unrelated matters.
Some people’s response to ideas for action is to criticize the person putting forth the ideas. Remarks like, “what have you done,” “why didn’t you do this or that,” and “what is your hidden agenda” are to be expected, indirectly if not directly. I am confident enough about my efforts over the past years to expose and stop these human rights violations to not let that bother me — whether or not someone else might agree with my approaches. Developing a thick skin against smears and dirty tricks is necessary in American politics in general these days, and especially when trying to expose horrible atrocities carried out by well-funded and secretive groups. Everyone has his or her own skills, abilities, and situation, and knows if he or she is making his or her best effort in the circumstances.
I am coming out and saying a lot here, and I have given it a lot of consideration. Some people might argue that incremental progress is the way to present things, to preserve some notion of “credibility.” To me, preserving “credibility” means to point out what I know is the case after I know quite well it is the case. There have been denials every step of the way, even of technology that definitely exists like microwave voice projection and implanted tracking devices. Does that not impugn the “credibility” of the deniers, or the professional liars who are known to have tortured American citizens for decades? Why should anyone think that such programs of torture ever stopped? They have not.
The signers of the Declaration of Independence pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. I present this essay in the same spirit. If people are afraid to say that they are being tortured in the U.S. then the torturers will be free to keep on torturing. As the song goes, “it starts when you’re always afraid.”
I have already been subjected to torture-level extrajudicial surveillance and harassment by “my fellow Americans,” inside my own home and mind, for the past four [now six] years. This has sharpened my awareness in some ways, and I have seen quite directly how this stinking society and culture operate. So I know something about how these pathetic, juvenile and barbaric rapists work — though it is difficult to imagine and it would make you feel sorry for them if it weren’t for their many victims. So yes, I will write it. I will stake my credibility, career, family, and life on it because I know damn well it is true and there is no real alternative but slavery.
(Why didn’t the colonists “prove” in a corrupt and controlled court that the soldiers of King George III oppressed the citizens of the colonies?)
The Actual Situation
This is a very brief rundown of the current situation in the United States today. Similar situations exist in other “advanced” countries, but my focus in this essay is on the U.S. (Though other countries have adopted or will adopt the American model of repression.) The situation has been described at length in other essays and books by various authors, so this is just a summary.
The United States is, for all practical purposes, a military/intelligence police state. This reality is hidden behind a facade of representative government and media psyops and lies. The evil empire had an evil twin. Citizens can be selected at random for horrible experimentation and abuse. Those who seriously challenge the corrupt system face covert harassment and abuse. Collaborators, apologists, and profiteers. Our elected representatives have no real power at all over the military/intelligence complex in the United States. They are generally bought and paid for by groups interested only in making ever more money, in any way possible.
There still are many decent people in the United States. At least that is what little faith I have left in America. The stated principles of this country still stand strong, even as they are ignored. That might be some slight hope for the country, but I hate this country now. I hate the United States. Read this paragraph again from the beginning. I hate the phony culture of lies and exploitation. I hate its stinking loudmouth hypocrite “rulers” and their goon squad torturers. I hate its ongoing atrocities and its phony veneer of “civilization” pasted over its blatant barbarity. The fourth reich is alive and well in North America, Americanized with lawyers, PR men, marketing, and advertising. The death camps are kept well-hidden as they continue operating for decades, as slaves are taunted with lies of freedom, free enterprise, and a “strong economy.”
Great masses of people are not knowingly touched by this repressive system because they do not need to be: They are kept “blissfully ignorant” (or pretend it out of expedience). They think they are living in the phony nation the propaganda advertises, and are compliant subjects for their hidden and self-determined overlords. This might be called government from underneath a rock. The persecutions and exploitations are just as vile, if not more vile, because they are hidden. The entire culture suffers, but no one seems to notice the absence of real dissent or fresh ideas or leaders coming from outside the corrupt two-party system. It is like Disneyland, where everything is a facade. The difference is that in Disneyland everyone knows it is a facade, and people are not being tortured back behind the facades
American marketers might even portray this new feudal and repressive state as some sort of advance. For greedy fascists without consciences and who can manage to stay on the exploiting side rather than becoming one of the exploited it might be a real “paradise.” I hope historians for centuries hence will see the current American leadership as the Vichy government it is, collaborating with and profiteering from crimes against humanity. These leaders are either real fools or they know damn well what is going on in their repressive nation. Look at them on TV. They want to condition you to feel some phony nationalism and well-being at their slick lies; condition yourself instead to feel revulsion and disgust at propaganda reels. That box in your living room lies constantly, and to personify it further, it is one of the biggest and most culpable collaborators in American atrocities. Always another lie, always blaming a victim, always spinning this way and that, always an excuse or rationalization. Keep your mental distance from this mind poison and see it for the controlling tool it is (as well as for what it could be and could have been).
Let us assume a counterfactual for a moment and suppose that the U.S. government is not involved, that it is “only” private groups or foreign governments attacking and exploiting American citizens. In that case the U.S. government is still guilty and complicitous. They have kept the technology secret, have helped in the repression and discrediting of victims, and have done essentially nothing to stop the abuse. They have failed in the most basic functions of government. These are serious, serious crimes we are talking about here: literally torture and enslavement. (Should, say, Russian or Chinese government agents be free to mind control torture American citizens here in the U.S.? Should organized crime groups? Should industrial espionage agents or “friendly” intelligence services? Obviously not.)
It really is that bad: evolved torture techniques, a neutron bomb that destroys the person from within while society can ignore it. Understand, this is known stuff and much is admitted by the government; but still no actions are taken. While the government has only admitted a grain of sand in the desert of its atrocities, what we know is bad enough. And still nothing happens and the politicians go on grandstanding, pretending nothing is wrong, and stuffing their pockets. If someone came into your home and did this to you or your family directly you would be completely justified in shooting them dead — and any jury in the country would agree with you. But when government agents do the same things, its Nazi pigs are protected and the victims are further smeared. If there is any use for “Old Sparky” it is to fry these torturing, treasonous, Nazi pigs.
The Community Against Mind Control
The community against mind control is a varied one. There are researchers who have uncovered mind control abuses (and then encountered the mind control coverups), there are victims and their families and friends, and there are other citizens who have heard and seen what is going on, recognized its truth, and acted on it. There are a few organizations set up to resist mind control, and several researchers and activists who have worked on the issue and with victims for many years. I will not name them here to avoid leaving anyone out. Fortunately or unfortunately, there is no real unified leadership fighting mind control in the United States, not to disparage anyone’s work in the area.
First of all, being an outspoken critic of American mind control atrocities is not helpful to one’s career, finances, or health. Things may get better as the atrocities gradually come more and more to light, but harassment and surveillance are to be expected. People working against mind control, especially when they are victims themselves, must deal with the fact that they are being watched and their every move (and even thought) is being analyzed. The criminal factions can move to thwart or counter any move even before it happens. Remember, these are atrocities committed against men, women, and children for years on end, committed by vicious and amoral people with powerful connections and funding sources. They will threaten, blackmail, harass, and murder to conceal their crimes. The lie of American freedom serves them well as cover for their fascist tactics, but also makes them especially fear exposure for what they are and what they have done against their own people.
Mind control victims themselves can be somewhat difficult to work with, and for good reason. They have survived and are still coping with almost unimaginable torture experiences and the associated psychological and physical trauma (these would be called torture sequelae, but the torture generally has not stopped and is ongoing). They have been betrayed in the worst way imaginable by their own people. They have been exploited and been put through experiences meant to demean them. They have been slandered, blackmailed, and threatened. They have had their minds repeatedly violated and often their bodies as well. They have seen provocateurs disrupting anything that looks like it might achieve something and know all too well about infiltration. They have watched their society and seen how pervasive this modern-day system of torture and exploitation is in the United States. They tend not to be financially well-off, for obvious reasons. They have often had such incredible and hard-to-believe experiences on an ongoing basis that they do not even mention the most outrageous ones, knowing they will face ridicule enough for describing their other experiences.
There are victims of various sorts of mind control experiments and operations, from childhood induced trauma and conditioning, to hypnosis abuses, to electromagnetic harassment, to covert drugging, to implanted devices, to street theater to… In short, any sort of mind control technology and technique the government has wanted to test it has tested on its unconsenting citizens. Thus there are many different experiences, or clusters, of mind control victims. The people themselves have varied backgrounds and have as an unfortunate commonality that for whatever reason they were singled out and tortured. There are some victims who have suffered brain damage and severe psychological problems as a result of their torture. There also are truly mentally ill people, true kooks, and provocateurs impersonating both to help discredit the real victims. Many victims have a history of some connection to the military or to an intelligence agency, which is sad but not surprising, and thus face realistic suspicions that they are agents or plants. Altogether these factors point to why mind control victims are reluctant to trust anyone, much less someone claiming to be or touted as their leader. Thus there is currently a sort of leaderless resistance to mind control, which I hope can be more effective than it currently is.
Mind control victims are very much like prisoners of war who have been tortured. The difference is that they generally do not know why they have been tortured, they do not have their own army or support system, and they have been tortured by citizens of their own country. That, and the torture is generally ongoing and has not stopped. Rather than any sort of sympathy or respect for having “served their country” by being selected for exploitation and torture for the sake of what is billed as “national security” or “freedom,” these veterans of mind control abuse are subjected to ridicule and abuse. The psychological torture, and often the physical torture, is ongoing.
The torture victims are supposed to second guess the reason for their torture. Why were they selected? What is so special about them? Their being selected for torture might even be portrayed as some sort of flattering attention that needs a special explanation, lest they be accused of having delusions of grandeur.
State and Societal Methods to Continue and Conceal Ongoing Mind Control Operations
The primary method used to conceal and continue ongoing mind control operations is secrecy. The weapons used are highly classified, and those who abuse them to summarily torture American citizens benefit from a conspiracy — as defined in the dictionary — to conceal their crimes. Secrecy is the American passion; it is the way the United States institutes fascist repression against its citizens while pretending to be a democracy respecting human rights. Secrecy has only grown more entrenched in the U.S. since some of the mind control abuses against citizens were exposed in the 1970s.
The psychiatric and psychological communities are also used as tools in the repression and torture of American citizens. Sometimes wittingly, sometimes unwittingly, mental health workers aid in and help cover up mind control operations in the United States. First, these communities aid in the repression by advertising mental illnesses and their symptoms while ignoring technological means for inflicting the same symptoms. They ignore the reality of government harassment campaigns and nonconsensual experimentation on the public. This lays the groundwork for mind control victims to be labeled as mentally ill and dismissed, or for some half-educated person to think they are helping by suggesting the victim “get psychiatric help.” Deniability is one of the first principles of covert action, and inflicting torture which mimics the symptoms of mental illness is not especially novel. The deniability is preserved by publicizing mental illnesses while denying mind control technology and harassment techniques.
Secondly, the mental health community aids in repression by directly diagnosing and even institutionalizing against their will people who claim to be mind control victims. This is nothing short of the former Soviet system of using psychiatry to discredit and silence dissidents and others, though with a typical American spin involving layers of lies and secrecy. There truly are mentally ill people, and their illnesses are unfortunately used as cover lies for torture. This is just another sad reflection on a profession sworn to “do no harm.” Aside from a few trusted practitioners, the mental health community and system should be considered collaborators in American repression, at least until their diagnostic manuals have entries for electronic and other mind control, nonconsensual experimentation, and trauma and torture sequelae due to harassment campaigns like those the U.S. government has carried out for years against its own people. The psychiatric community is used to enforce belief in the socially demanded delusion that the U.S. government does not engage in extrajudicial torture and harassment of its own citizens (and the delusion that the psychiatric community does not have years of mind control blood on its hands).
Next, there is the American press. These liars participate in coverups of all sorts of intelligence community atrocities, while at the same time preaching about freedom of the press and their mythical watchdog roles. A recent canonical example is provided by the mainstream papers’ attempts at discrediting and smearing the few journalists who dared to report CIA knowledge of Contra drug trafficking — even though it was already known from Senate hearings years earlier. [In an interesting two-birds scenario, at the same time this cocaine was being imported the zero-tolerance just-say-no campaign was going full force, and our prisons were being filled to world-record levels with inner city users and sellers of some of this same cocaine.] Even when the CIA finally admitted as much in its own reports, the press would not report it accurately, let alone apologize to the actual reporters they had smeared. This is what the dictionary and the law define as a conspiracy. Most media outlets in the U.S. are de facto propaganda outlets for the government, especially for the intelligence agencies. The shameful refusal of the press to cover human radiation experiments by the government for almost a decade after the information was released by a Congressional committee is another canonical example, perhaps even closer to the case of mind control torture.
Not only will the press not openly report ongoing mind control abuses and torture, many in the press act as apologists for it and even as participants in the torture. Many mind control victims have become very familiar with the way that symbols and codewords are used to both let the victims know they are under surveillance and to attempt to smear and discredit them. This coded and between-the-lines speech is apparently standard issue in the intelligence and diplomatic communities, while ordinary citizens tend to scoff at the notion of basic “English 101”-type symbolism being used by journalists and spies. Deniability is the principle. Have your cake and deny it too.
The techniques for deniable smears include making the smears either be so specific or so general that they can be denied — and these deniable smears can be distributed across the entire media spectrum like other concerted propaganda campaigns. An example of the specific sense would be what the victim ate last night or what the victim’s spouse said during sex (intended to harass and goad). The general smear could be general stories about things the victim has recently done or been interested in. These are deniable, though the victim knows, and is supposed to know, but cannot say or do much for fear of being called insane. This is combined with symbolic and between-the-lines “stories” dealing with the victim in a deniable way, smears by juxtaposition, soundalike phrases, and the whole bag of psyop tricks and ways to communicate (or in this case harass) between the lines. [When you start to pick up the messages between the lines, be aware that there are often more lies between the lines than on them.] Some of these smears are so stupid that you would laugh in the torturer’s face if the smear did not reveal human rights violations against the victim or you did not know the absolutely vicious intent the torturer had.
The press techniques used mirror some of those reported to have been used by the CIA in manipulating South and Central American populations via psychological operations carried out through the media. It is no surprise at all that these techniques would have been brought back and diffused into the U.S. covert political reality. Who is watching the spies and national security complex in the current political climate? The American press consists of some of the most arrogant, manipulative, thin-skinned, and provincial people imaginable, always rationalizing away their own criminal complicity in crimes against humanity. The few exceptions know who they are.
To discredit mind control victims, the media will play them up as schizophrenic kooks. Acts of physical and psychological terror by the government are ignored, while those speaking out against such terror are ridiculed. The United States is so transparent in its propaganda it is amazing anyone is gullible enough to believe it, except that it is so pervasive. Many Americans fall for the lies and misinformation because they have been so inundated with propaganda and lies for all of their lives that they cling to their adult Santa Clauses and refuse to confront differing facts.
In a larger sense, the press engages in what Jeff Cohen has called propaganda from the center. I would modify that by saying that the press and the government engage in both propaganda and terrorism from the phony center. The phony center is the place where the system works. It is the place where no human rights violations happen within the U.S., and where everything runs smoothly so businesses and corporations can go on making money. It is not Republican or Democratic. It is the status quo minus all the unfortunate and ugly realities and events that might cause ripples. Crime and crime coverage fit right into the phony center, though, because this gives the system some bad guys to chase and catch, showing how the system works and even polices itself. State crimes are almost never mentioned, and white-collar crimes are not mentioned often. It is mostly crimes by people who are in what might be called the lower classes, except that in the phony center there is no such thing as class in America. Crime coverage also serves very effectively to scare the public, so they will willingly accede to authority and, increasingly of late, surrender more of their liberties. (There are also the high-profile “entertainment crimes” which can displace real news for months.) Terrorism from the center is any act of terrorism that tends to reinforce the impression of the phony center. It can serve to discredit “extremists” as well as to terrorize dissidents who might threaten the power of the elites. This terrorism might include public acts to be misreported on the news or cointelpro actions secretly carried out against people and groups.
In the service of the phony center, the press also utilizes a “triangulation strategy” to soften and minimize the most egregious atrocities taking place in the country. If there were a chance that people might learn of the secret government literally holding people as electronic slaves in distributed concentration camps created from the victim’s own homes and minds, the CIA would be portrayed as fighting the slave trade overseas. See, I cannot argue with fighting slavery overseas. It is a good thing, assuming it is real and not just more PR propaganda. But now it has purposely distracted from the domestic abuses. The general rule is to triangulate by emphasizing something similar to the domestic problem except that it is not quite so bad or is committed by bad criminals the government is chasing or by foreign groups or governments. It masks the most serious abuses (people can only concentrate on so many things). Someone not familiar with the idea of masking by triangulation might even think someone in the press was trying to help but, gosh, here at least is a watered-down something.
Triangulation here is similar to the “limited hang-out” strategy so often used by intelligence agencies when they fear worse exposures of their crimes. That is, they admit a few abuses that are bad but hardly the worst abuses or the bulk of the abuses, play up those admissions for a time, and then declare that “it’s time to move on.” Amazingly enough, after a few years they often begin denying and hiding the few admissions they actually made and we have what Robert Parry has called lost history (though most of the actual history was never revealed anyway).
Finally, in denying and covering up mind control crimes there are witting “assets” and collaborators in all parts of society. To say it is Stasi-like is not going too far. Some are profiting directly from this exploitation and enslavement, while others profit indirectly or hope to not become another victim by collaborating. Too many Americans are just plain cruel and barbaric. There are “assets,” apologists, and collaborators in the advertising and entertainment businesses, in academia, in science and engineering, anywhere you might look. Some are likely just following the cues of the unspoken dialogue and symbolism, while others are directly connected. Some may be mind control victims themselves, aware of it or not. This is a real, live conspiracy of the sort that Americans love to ridicule others for pointing out. I do not put anything past people who would participate in systematic torture, including manufacturing news “events” for distracting, discrediting, and as a launching point for their desired spin.
Consider that the Church report only scratched the surface of the abuses then, and that things got worse through the 80s and 90s, and you may get some inkling of the true situation.
Methods of Protest and Resistance
This is a listing of various possible methods to protest and resist the crime against humanity that mind control torture really is. They are listed very roughly in order of increasing severity and confrontation. They are not mutually exclusive, of course, and several or many could and should be employed at once. I would urge people not to act in rage, especially on some of the more extreme actions. Acting in rage may result in your being manipulated by others. Any actions should be undertaken with premeditated thought and understanding of the implications. On the more extreme actions there is no rush (unless you feel like it, with your true free mind). Be prepared from the start for the long term, and keep your eyes on the prize, so to speak.
Contacting law enforcement, like the FBI. This is typically the first thing someone does when a violent crime has been committed. (It may take a mind control victim some time to realize what is going on, and that such vicious mind manipulations are in fact being directed against him or her in a concerted manner. That is, it may take some time to realize that it can and does “happen here” even though we do not see such crimes openly reported in the paper or on the evening news.) In the case of mind control and electromagnetic harassment crimes this option has proved to be of no value whatsoever. I do not know of one case where this resulted in any investigation or anything other than polite dismissal, at the very best. Some mind control victims are afraid to contact the authorities. This may be because they fear further abuse or fear that any investigation will turn against them when back channels are utilized by their torturers. Psyops typically employ such threats, including blackmail threats based on anything observed over years of torture/surveillance, physical threats against loved ones, and purposely instilled distrust of anyone who might be able to help.
There is also good reason to believe that the FBI is in fact directly involved as the harasser in many cases. Historically, the FBI has made both a study and a practice of targeting and harassing American citizens. The FBI without a doubt knows about the sort of electronic weaponry that many victims say has been used to harass and torture them. They have held classified conferences where they discuss such weapons and plan for sharing this technology with other law enforcement agencies — yet they still deny that the technology exists. These would be called secret police tactics in most other nations, but the perception management of the American citizenry requires that such descriptions not become commonly used here.
Legal actions. When the authorities are no help, many people turn to the judicial system for relief. First, one has to find a lawyer willing to take the case. This can be difficult in itself, as many lawyers either refuse to believe the victims or else want nothing to do with challenging the secret government. Even lawyers willing to take the cases may lack the specific expertise needed in national security law. Assuming a lawyer has been found, there remains the problem of gathering evidence for use in court — evidence of a crime that has been tailored over the years precisely not to leave such evidence. Surveillance and harassment will be used to attempt to thwart any effective actions of the victim, he or she will not be able to act in private, and certainly will not be allowed private counsel with lawyer-client privilege. Finally, assuming a lawyer has been found and a case put together there remains the problem that the courts are heavily stacked in favor of secret government agencies.
At some point, if any progress is being made at all, there will be a claim of national security and the government will move for dismissal. If the victim is lucky enough to get to this stage the trial will be dragged out for years and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars — all while the torture goes on and the victim’s whole life is derailed and devoted to regaining his or her fundamental human rights. (This process in practice reveals what a farce the American participation in international treaties like those against torture and slavery is, since the U.S. claims that its current laws, Constitution, and courts provide implementation of these protections for its citizens.)
A common misconception is that there is no law against what the mind control torturers are doing, that it is somehow “legal.” While it would be helpful and useful to have new laws on the books to more specifically protect the mind control victims and make people aware of such crimes, there are plenty of laws currently on the books that could be used to stop the torture and punish the torturers. In American law it a matter of if there is a will there is a way. (This is illustrated in the selective prosecutions and in the ignoring of the clear crimes of the powerful that happens all the time in American “justice.”) While this trend that mocks the rule of law usually works against justice, if we can generate the political will we may be able to get some justice.
Letter writing, direct contact with legislators. In a functioning representative government, citizens should be able to contact their representatives when the usual system has failed them. Mind control victims can indeed contact their representatives, but to little effect. Some representatives simply ignore or throw away letters from mind control victims. Others may make a few inquiries that get nowhere and then give up. The political facts are that most representatives have almost no power when it comes to investigating abuses of the intelligence apparatus (though they do not want to let on that they are powerless in that regard). Some representatives have been co-opted into the intelligence community and actually run interference for the agencies rather than representing their constituents who are undergoing torture. This is terribly expedient for them, since they know they cannot be held accountable for actions they take in secret. (Some representatives may just be naive and fall for the slide shows of lies that spies like to give to representatives in secret sessions, knowing that no one has the chance to counter their misinformation.) Nonetheless, one can hope that there are some decent people left in government who recognize what is happening. Phone calls and paper letters to legislators tend to be more effective than email.
Our nation is wealthy and we are continually assured that the economy is good. The cold war supposedly ended. If the American political system cannot deal with the nation’s continuing atrocities under these conditions, when can it?
Direct political activity. Voting is only a part of the direct political activities that can be undertaken. The problem is the lack of candidates and politicians willing to deal with these issues. Even a few politicians with real spines, not worried about their own reelection but about doing what is right, could start to make a difference. For now, working at the primary and grass-roots level may be more effective than waiting until the standard Democrat and Republican are selected and presented as a choice. Third parties can bring new issues to the table. If we can figure out who in the government is secretly anti-human rights we can work to ensure that those people are not reelected, since they have no place in public government — and if they are themselves responsible for torture they belong in prison. The barrier here is the abuse of secrecy in government to keep the public from knowing. If we could get a few roll-call votes on important human rights issues those could be used as a voting guide — but always watch out for phony legislation designed only to give the illusion of human rights support. The important part of the voting is not just your single vote but to campaign tirelessly yourself and with others against modern-day Nazis hiding anywhere in government.
Appeals to human rights organizations. Mind control victims have appealed to human rights organizations for years, trying to get them to focus their attention on domestic, covert human rights abuses. For years they have been rebuffed or ignored. Human rights organizations, many based in the U.S., freely point their fingers at human rights abuses overseas while ignoring domestic human rights abuses and victims. Recently, though, there has been some progress made in getting a few organizations to begin to address these abuses. It is only a small step so far, but at least it is something. As far as I know no organizations have dealt directly with the issues of mind control victims (even those acknowledged by the government). The World Organization Against Torture, USA, did recently discuss human experimentation without consent in its report on American compliance with the Convention Against Torture. Continued appeals to other groups to follow this lead and to deal directly with mind control issues may be productive. Remember, though, that the setting up of phony front organizations, groups, and “charities” is a long practiced way to co-opt, control, and neutralize opposition.
Appeals to the press. The American press has already been discussed at length in this essay. Nonetheless, there are still a few decent people in the press acting as real journalists who may have the ability to get the truth out. People should also support those decent journalists if the propagandist media turns on them, and remember who the propagandists are. Support press organizations who tell the hard but important truths.
Appeals to churches, religious organizations and other groups who might be sympathetic. You can appeal to your minister, priest, rabbi, roshi, etc., and the congregation, sangha, or whatever the congregants are called, in the name of whatever God or spirit or force or practice the religion worships or advocates. Most religions at least give lip service to human rights. It might help. You cannot have freedom of religion without the freedom of thought, and some religious people have the sense to understand this.
Some victims can also be helped, at least helped to cope with the torture, by practicing whatever faith they still follow or believe. It is important to always know that this has nothing to do with the Nazi pigs playing at God and trying to steal away human dignity and free will.
I have thought for some time that mind control survivors might benefit from contact with Holocaust survivors, if only to hear how they have coped for so many years with the knowledge that their fellow human beings and countrymen tried to exterminate them. How this lasting scar affected their families and views (after their torture ordeal was actually over). I would hope they at least see that these are Auschwitz-level atrocities, being committed for decade after decade here in the U.S. But not everyone you think ought to understand something will, and we are all embedded in a lying propaganda society.
Teaching and educating the public. One thing mind control victims can do is to try to teach and educate the public about the sorts of abuses that have taken place in the past, as well as those which are ongoing. The media and standard educational systems barely touch on these abuses. Much of the technology involved in some of the abuse is actively denied, even that which is definitely known to exist. There is no corresponding lack of education regarding mental illnesses, which tend to be used to dismiss and ridicule claims of mind control abuse. Possible methods are leaflets and flyers, web sites, mailing lists, bumper stickers (“Visualize Domestic State-Sponsored Terrorists in Prison”), and so forth, as well as just broaching this forbidden topic in polite company. Trying to inform and work with scientists, engineers, psychiatrists, historians, decent military people, real journalists, etc., could be helpful.
Teach the young, if no one else, that their elders and societal leaders — and in some cases their own parents — are stinking hypocrite liars who are in league with Nazi-style criminals and torturers. Teach them what “adulthood” really means in a sick society based on lies. This is the case just from known and acknowledged facts, though one has to dig a bit to find them out in our information-controlled society. Think about when and how, in the process of growing up, some people “put on the swastika armband” — and how it can be prevented.
Do not back away from mental illness just because it has been used as a cover lie for experimentation and abuse. This Soviet-style repression is a reflection on American society and not on the unfortunate people repressed in that manner. The truly mentally ill have it bad enough without their government and society using their illnesses as a cover for torture and repression. Not to mention the psychological scars inflicted by torture on its victims.
If nothing else, record what has happened and what is happening for the sake of history. Ethical standards were not “different back then,” when back then is now (a favorite excuse of apologists). Make it so that years from now any historian looking back will have to evaluate the lies and speeches of the current politicians taking into account the vicious atrocities they are complicit in. People so small as to support slavery and exploitation, implicitly or explicitly, in the twenty-first century — not the 1850s. “Never again” as an empty slogan (or referring to historical Nazi conditions that are never likely to happen again exactly) is worse than nothing, especially if it helps in dismissing current atrocities that can “never again happen” but really are happening. Or if it gives a misleading and false sense that someone might care and take some action when new atrocities arise.
Researching mind control technologies and techniques. Gathering any and all evidence and information on mind control harassment and technology is a very positive thing, and I encourage it wholeheartedly. One should not, though, mistake this for some preliminary step that must be “completed” before any other action can be taken. The main problem now is a political one, not a technical one to show that the covert harassment and devices exist. That it exists is clear to anyone who has really looked into the situation. Those with a vested interest in denial will deny forever if they have the chance.
Art. Various artistic media can be used to help people understand, feel, and act. It can also help victims heal somewhat from the ongoing abuse. But government propagandists can form rock bands, paint paintings, etc., too. Perhaps more importantly, the propagandists can help market any artists who are willing to sell their souls to torturers for some fame and money — or whose messages unwittingly happen to fit in with the propagandists’ current campaign.
Formal lobbying. These days in Washington it takes money and connected lobbyists to get anything done. If the money became available to a person or group involved in resisting mind control abuses it might be worth hiring a professional lobbying firm. That firm would have the connections to at least get the message heard in the corridors of power that American citizens are being tortured and perhaps we should stop it. I do not see such large sums of money materializing anytime soon, and mainly this is a cynical and true comment on the U.S. government up for sale. (Slaves forced to buy their own freedom?)
Publicity stunts. Sometimes it can take outrageous stunts to get media attention. News is entertainment, after all, and sometimes entertainment and ratings can be productively leveraged against the prerogative of protecting the national security establishment. (Perhaps I should say phony national security establishment, since “national security” is only a buzzword that has long been rendered meaningless and divorced from anything of the sort. Like “sources and methods” it is a magical incantation that means “I am not telling you anything, and watch out if you push it.”)
Greenpeace used to use publicity stunts to excellent effect. One can hang huge signs, for example. Vietnam war protesters used to claim that squirt guns full of water actually had LSD in them, or they would “levitate” the Pentagon. How about spamming millions of people to alert them to human rights abuses, rather than try to sell them the usual ripoff? A problem with this approach in resisting mind control fascism is that it might play into claims that it was just some nutty schizophrenic acting up: “We can laugh at it and get some ratings points, but we all know that it is just some poor deluded mentally ill person.”
Something like a hunger strike is hardly a “stunt,” but it can bring attention to the matter and make clear what a life or death situation it is. In the callous culture of the U.S. today a hunger strike tends not to have much effect on the public at large, and will even bring on ridicule. It does inform the hunger striker’s family, friends, and acquaintances, in a very painful way (that sometimes is necessary). Unfortunately, a mind control victim has to consider that he or she might not even be allowed the freedom to starve to death: claims of mental illness might be used to forcibly stop the hunger striker at some point as well as to discredit the powerful protest. (This might even be done by a “well-meaning,” ill-informed, or complicitous family member, supposedly for the victim’s “own good.”)
Appealing to world opinion and international organizations. Organizations like the World Court can be petitioned for redress against the United States. The U.S. ignores international law, of course, unless it suits American interests, so any progress here would be strong but largely symbolic. The U.S. also manipulates international organizations in myriad ways and with lots of money. One can also appeal to foreign governments, but they are not likely to respond openly for fear of the U.S. or because they have an interest in the continuation of the mind control abuses and secrecy. Appealing directly to citizens of other countries may be helpful, because their media may be freer to report on American abuses and they may be freer to speak out and take actions to help the mind control victims.
Calls for boycotts. Boycotts could be called against any companies known to be involved in producing mind control equipment or in covering up the ongoing atrocities. This might include weapons producers, newspapers, psychological organizations, etc. Beyond this, there could be a general call for people around the world to avoid buying American products and traveling to the United States. Tourists could be asked not to indirectly support the current repressive regime in the U.S., and warned that they might take home more than just memories in their heads. As with all boycotts, if they are successful some innocent people will be penalized. Some economic hardship hardly compares to the suffering of the victims of the criminal American government, and segments of American society that profit directly or indirectly from this ongoing crime and repression that they ignore. (Perhaps I should not say that, since in the United States profits trump all suffering, torture, and exploitation.) To be successful, of course, a boycott needs to be well-advertised and have a number of people willing to keep promoting it.
Street protests. Taking to the streets with signs and chants is a classic means of protest. Citizens who pass by wonder what is going on, and can be given literature. A large demonstration may get some notice in the local press. This could be an effective method for drawing more attention to the problem. It does take some organization to put together a demonstration, and investigation of local laws for conducting demonstrations. A fair number of people need to be in the same geographic area or willing to travel there. The government has also in the past few decades studied and refined techniques to disrupt and discredit street protests, and developed a whole new generation of crowd-control weapons.
Building demonstration weapons. One technique to get beyond the denials that mind control technology exists is to build demonstration weapons. If someone were to build a microwave voice projection weapon and publicly demonstrate it, it might get some publicity and might make people aware of the very real threat that such weapons pose. This still might not get through to hard-headed types with no imagination or empathy who cannot understand — or pretend not to understand — the extreme violation of having one’s mind tampered with even when inside one’s home, potentially at any time of the day or night. That is, the horror of not being able to trust your own thoughts, of being aversively conditioned by nonconsensual behavior modification inside your home, and of knowing that your tormentors are purposely inflicting psychological damage on you. All this taking place in a society that pretends it is not happening, where the economy is good so everything must be all right, and where the rhetoric all drips with mention of freedom, liberty, and human rights.
On the positive side, it would not take especially advanced technology to demonstrate to people the basic capacity to turn someone’s home into a personal concentration camp. Basic electronic surveillance coupled with an aversive stimulus generator like a targetable microwave beam able to interfere with heart rhythms would suffice. One could throw in devices based on the microwave hearing principle for good measure.
On the negative side is the money and expertise required. Most victims, like most citizens, are not technically trained and even those who are may lack the specific training to design and construct such specialized devices. Testing would also be necessary, and unlike the government’s methods I do not think randomly selected people should be used as guinea pigs. As a matter of safety I might suggest testing a microwave voice projection device on dogs who were trained to obey spoken commands. If they would perform their tricks with no other cues than the microwave induced commands played from an audio tape it could reasonably be assumed that they heard the command (or at least perceived the microwave stimulation if correct responses to the microwave signals are reinforced).
An added benefit of this animal testing, or of stating an intention to do such testing, is that it would generate outrage. Americans can be totally indifferent when human beings are being systematically tortured for years on end, but let them hear that you might fry a dog’s brain and they would suddenly be outraged and appalled. [We are human beings interacting in a human society; that is why human rights are so important. For example, if animal rights activists were to begin to make serious progress in their cause, and were then seen as a threat rather than as a useful but harmless distraction for people who might otherwise seriously challenge the state, they would soon find their human rights to speak, associate, and organize to be in grave peril.] Practically speaking the frequencies for dog skulls may differ from those of humans. And of course these weapons have already been tested for years both on animals and humans by their developers.
Another negative to demonstration weapons is that even after all the demonstrations the public may still be indifferent. The usual naysayers would say that now you have demonstrated this one method, but that it still does not explain effect X or Y that a given victim has experienced. Or else they would say that now all you have to do is shield against microwaves or measure them to get tangible proof. But microwaves used in this fashion are only one small (and perhaps long obsolete) part of the arsenal of electromagnetic and acoustic weapons that can be used in mind control operations. It is a losing proposition for a few poorly funded citizens to attempt to re-engineer all the results of literally decades of research on which billions of dollars have been directly or indirectly spent. Building demonstration weapons might further the proliferation of these denied weapons, but they are out there already.
As far as getting attention, imagine the following scenario. Suppose someone built, or simply claimed to have built, a subliminal influencing device capable of subtly influencing a whole town full of people — perhaps by generating some form of modulated ELF radiation. Suppose they then claimed that they were going to turn it on full blast on the day before a general election. That might at least get people thinking about the fragility of democracy (and with truly advanced technology the farce of democracy) when such weapons are shrouded in secrecy and used on the general population.
Leaving the country. I am sure that most people who have been victimized by state-sanctioned terror here in the United States have thought at some point about leaving the country. Others who know what really goes on here have probably thought about it too. There is some resistance to being driven out of one’s homeland, especially when you only want your fundamental human rights. This is especially true in the United States where we enshrine the Bill of Rights while at the same time having secret torture squads to covertly trample it. Most people have family and friends in their country and region, if the torturers do not succeed in isolating the victim like they try to do.
One problem with leaving the country is where to go. Where does the long arm of U.S. covert action not reach? Where do satellites not pass overhead regularly? What country would the U.S. not carry out covert actions in, even if the local government were opposed to it? Going overseas might even make the harassment and surveillance legal under U.S. law (for what that is worth since those laws are either ignored or have been rendered impotent anyway). On the other hand, some places might provide more freedom to live, work, and think, and to continue working against the U.S. mind control tyranny from exile.
Currently, most countries would probably not grant official political asylum since it would be a slap in the face of a powerful and vengeful United States government. While other governments surely know of the technological advancements in mind control technology, they also participate in the denials of its existence. In some sense, there is a conspiracy of governments and intelligence agencies around the world against the ordinary citizens around the world. Some countries are as repressive in other ways as the United States is to its mind control victims, and so one would hesitate to leave one form of fascism for another — depending on the level of torture being imposed. [Morons like to use this as some sort of excuse for American atrocities: “See, we are not the absolute worst country in the world.” Worst or not, Americans are the biggest hypocrites and rank right up there with the worst torturers.]
There is uncertainty about whether there is any place one can go to escape the torture and surveillance. There may be psyops aimed at keeping some victims from leaving the country, especially if they might obtain something like MRI evidence of what was done to them here or if their exploitation is considered especially valuable. There may also be psyops aimed at getting other people to leave the country if they are making too many waves here. In the ways of American society, one might be subjected to playground taunts for leaving, like you are “running away from a fight,” and so forth. Playground taunts mean nothing compared to having ones mind, life, and family constantly violated and I would not hold it against anyone if they took the next plane out. I may yet do the same.
Civil disobedience. Historically, civil disobedience has included actions like people chaining themselves to doorways, blocking traffic, and trespassing on government property to protest its policies. Other possible actions might include painting anti-mind control graffiti on walls, buildings and monuments. Civil disobedience might also include using the judicial system in ways to purposely slow it down and interfere with its normal operation, as a protest against its unwillingness to deal with government atrocities. I have wondered at times about the engineering feasibility of putting a cable around the neck of the Lincoln monument and pulling its head off with a pickup truck. (Not as a protest against Lincoln or emancipation but to tear down a symbol of stinking American hypocrisy.) You know how Goebbels will portray this.
Tax revolt. This is essentially a form of civil disobedience, to refuse to pay taxes to the illegitimate government that tortures and holds its own citizens as slaves. Having to pay the torturers’ salaries is like adding insult to injury. Morally there is nothing wrong with a truly conscientious decision not to pay taxes to an illegitimate occupation government, but practically speaking this may not be the best way to resist. Setting people up for politically motivated audits is an old American trick, and if there is something there for auditors to catch it is that much more effective.
If the IRS agents cart you off to jail for tax evasion you will likely not get out the message you would have wanted to. Tax collectors, like law enforcement officers, would also still be necessary under a legitimate government. In a sense they are the pawns of the people really calling the shots (which is not to excuse knowing abuses by such officials). The people calling the shots would love to incite a proxy war between, say, police officers and demonstrators because they then have discredited the demonstrators, hardened the police citizens and other citizens against the cause of the demonstrators, and gained a platform for more militarization of law enforcement.
Economic sabotage. The ancient Egyptians would not free Moses’ people until a host of plagues was called down on their kingdom. Human nature has not changed since then, and Americans have a long and sad history of clinging to blatantly exploitative practices at all costs — while always pontificating about freedom. Some people might decide that if they are not allowed to receive equal benefits in a society then those who implicitly or explicitly benefit from their exploitation should not have the fruits of that exploitation. The idea of economic sabotage is to disrupt the economy and cost it money. Americans, at least those in charge, simply do not care about the cries of domestic torture victims. What they do care about is money. The idea then is to make their repression and torture cost them money. In some sense this is the same philosophy as in calling for boycotts, but more direct. This is the first of the ideas on the list that the American state-sponsored terrorists and propagandists would likely shout “terrorist” about.
To conduct such economic sabotage it first has to be clear to those in charge (and preferably to the public at large) what was done and why it was done. Let me describe an example where one or a few people can incur huge costs. It is only an example, of course. Suppose someone were able to obtain a quantity of toxic waste, for example several drums of PCBs. Suppose they then drove around a major city at night spreading those chemicals and then announced to a newspaper, to authorities, and on the internet what they had done it and why. Publicity is important here because otherwise the government could ignore it like it does so many other things. It could then take literally tens or hundreds of millions of dollars to clean up that toxic waste. The idea is to cost money, and not to harm people, so this particular plan would have to be tailored for that. As for environmentalists who might react with horror to this very suggestion, I feel about the same to them as I do toward animal rights activists who are horrified that a dog might be experimented on: There are human beings being subjected to systematic, long term torture. I’ll take their outrage too, as preferable to their indifference to vicious ongoing atrocities. Environmental activists have been the target of enough cointelpro actions that they should be in a better position than many others to understand something about the daily torture inflicted on mind control victims.
Various economic sabotage methods have been perfected and practiced by covert organizations like the CIA for years. If nothing else, this is telling about how segments of the U.S. government think. One can obtain good insights into these methods by studying the methods the U.S. used to destroy the Cuban economy covertly (thus “proving” the Cuban government a failure). For example, introducing a crop pest into a major growing region can ultimately cost hundreds of millions of dollars. Much of the American infrastructure is vulnerable, from power stations to gas lines to water supplies.
Even though these are tried and true CIA methods, used on peasants and ordinary men, women, and children around the world to incite unrest against their governments, a drawback is that the American propaganda machine will portray these as terrorist acts rather than as acts of freedom fighters. If these acts so much as cause the hair on someone’s head to get ruffled, the film crews will roll and the same media that would not touch years of systematic domestic torture will have a field day empathizing with and pointing out the ruffled hair inflicted by those horrible terrorists.
One predictable consequence would be for those feeding at the trough of government to write neat little proposals to obtain money to strengthen and defend the infrastructure — with the implicit but always unspoken purpose of “defending” from possible attack by other Americans fighting against domestic U.S. state-sponsored torture.
Direct violent action. This option is often considered taboo to even mention, but years of American principles actually support the right of the people to resist tyrants who would enslave them. These principles mean something to me, if not to lying hypocrites who think the Constitution is just a big poster to put up behind themselves at a photo op. Sometimes it is a time for war, especially in self-defense against those who would enslave you and violate your home and family. People like to cite Martin Luther King, Jr. as an example of non-violence in practice. First of all, as much as I respect King, I suspect he might not have been nearly as successful as he was if there were not more extreme elements that the elites could consider him as a moderating influence to. Even so, the power elites attempted to replace him with their own puppets, they harassed him, they placed him under surveillance, they spread around embarrassing tapes of him to the press and to their friends attempting to discredit him, and then he was shot dead. The elites finally decided that the day of overt repression and exploitation had passed. So, rather than ending, such exploitation “went black” behind a wall of lies, secrecy, and propaganda.
As an example of direct violent action, suppose someone developed a demonstration weapon like a portable microwave beam weapon, and set out to use it against legislators, government officials, and journalists who were deemed to be collaborators or apologists for the torture of innocent American citizens. If nothing else these people would get a good idea of the sort of fascist torture they directly or indirectly support against other Americans.
Thinking along these lines you realize that the secret government already poses such a threat to these people, and that the secret government’s weapons are more advanced and can be employed more subtly. This very threat, with or without the blackmail that spies are known for, may be enough to keep these collaborators in the fascist camp. A critical mass of cowards and expedient, greedy, amoral fascists. An aversive directed energy experience in the middle of the night might serve as a “wake-up call.”
One problem with direct violent action is where and against whom to direct that action. A fortified base or command and control center involved in coordinating or conducting mind control operations, even if its location were known, is not likely to be very vulnerable to anything a regular citizen could muster against it. Any attack would be symbolic at best and quite likely result in the death of the attacker. (Then again, someone driven to suicide anyway by being harassed and tortured might reason that it is better to take one or two of the torturing Nazis with him or her rather than to die alone in misery.) Of course someone under constant surveillance anyway is not going to have the element of surprise.
Beyond these problems, though, there are active efforts by the torturers to conceal the guilty parties and to confuse and misdirect the victims. They would probably think it was really funny to goad someone into attacking a completely innocent person — or better, a person who for some reason they wanted to see hurt. Suppose a mind control victim took a gun to a government building and shot some people he had determined were complicitous in some way with his torture. First, we all know how the press would play it: a lone nut schizophrenic went crazy and shot someone. His claims of being mind controlled would be held up as supporting that.
Now, the targeted people or organization might be the actual mind controllers, or the person might have been tricked by what is called a deception operation. Suppose the victims were not directly involved, but that they had plenty of collaborator, profiteer, apologist blood on their hands and were easier to get to than cowardly torturers hiding in a fortified bunker. Suppose the mind control victim were crying out from torture to send a message. Would the targeted organization or society at large get the actual message? They might, or they might get another message entirely. They might consider that the person was goaded and directed by the mind controllers into attacking them, and take this as an implicit threat by the mind controllers that they had better not cause any trouble because there are more Manchurians out there.
Besides the direct propaganda use, there would be a greater tendency for members of society to develop a fortress mentality and barricade themselves against the “ordinary people.” For example, after targeting a known pseudo-journalist propagandist and torturer, the resulting propaganda storm might be used to drive even the few decent journalists into high-security enclaves and further accelerate their separation from ordinary people that has been going on for some time.
Even assuming that the targeting of directly complicitous torturers could be done correctly, the use of direct violence might be counterproductive. A standard propaganda technique to distract from protest and resistance is to highlight (or create) instances of unpopular groups like racists engaging in similar resistance tactics. The usual propaganda war…
For all these reasons and more, violence is a last resort. When it is realistically the only way to possibly secure fundamental human rights within a tangible time period, though, it is a way that must be taken.
Summary and Conclusions
First, I will re-list all of the possible methods for protest and resistance given above. After having read the descriptions above it may be helpful to now see just the paragraph headers all together.
Contacting law enforcement, like the FBI.
Legal actions.
Letter writing, direct contact with legislators.
Direct political activity.
Appeals to human rights organizations.
Appeals to the press.
Appeals to churches, religious organizations and other groups who might be sympathetic.
Teaching and educating the public.
Researching mind control technologies and techniques.
Formal lobbying.
Publicity stunts.
Appealing to world opinion and international organizations.
Calls for boycotts.
Street protests.
Building demonstration weapons.
Leaving the country.
Civil disobedience.
Tax revolt.
Economic sabotage.
Direct violent action.
Believe me, I know the sorts of reactions that this essay may cause, both from people who know it is true and from the sorts of people who just cannot believe that their TV would actually deceive them and lie to them. Nonetheless, it must be said and actions must be taken. A current euphemism is that the government is developing non-lethal “weapons of mass protection,” but the reality is that these are weapons of mass enslavement. We either arbeit for our freedom or we arbeit for our slavemasters. This is not a short term thing, and all citizens need to be made aware that their remaining freedoms are at risk. No one is going to “do it for us,” but if we all do what we can and get others to join in we can change things together. A million small actions can bring about a large positive change; a million wrenches in the works can shut down a corrupt machine.
Everyone has their own special talents, opportunities, and situation, and can focus on what he or she can best do to start setting things right. It can help to form alliances, but beware of alliances that are meant to tear down or discredit real human rights movements such as those against mind control abuses. We cannot afford to tie our demands for basic human rights to anything trivial, though of course I would not put down people for working on other causes too. This is a long term problem which will require a commitment to keep pushing for freedom and justice, so people need to also live the their “regular” lives as best as they can at the same time. But focusing only on the equivalent of a highway beautification project in Nazi Germany is not truly a “good cause.”
We need to try to form alliances with other groups working for fundamental human rights, or who recognize how such rights underlie our entire society. You cannot build any sort of civil, legitimate society without the foundation of human rights. Good people can disagree on many things, but fundamental human rights is not one of them.
It’s the torture, stupid. The sorts of things that are being done to people in the U.S. cannot be tolerated in a civilized nation (or any nation). Phony American “human rights,” which are only propaganda campaigns for the U.S. to wage against its enemies while ignoring its own abuses, and any others it finds expedient to ignore, are one of the biggest obstacles to actual human rights in the world.
Posted in Gaslighting, Group Stalking, Human Experimentation, Implantable Microchips, Psychiatric Reprisal, Remote Neural Monitoring, Synthetic Telepathy, Through Wall Surveillance, Torture
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Part I: Motives for Mind Control
Nov 16; Posted by (Geeldon)
Part I: Motives for Mind Control Allen Barker, June 13, 2001
This essay is the first in a series of three on mind control. It discusses some of the motives for mind control and why it continues. Part II of the series, “Resisting the Mind Control State,” describes some methods to protest and resist mind control abuses and atrocities. Part III, “Mental Firewalls,” discusses some of the techniques victims have developed to survive the ongoing torture operations.
For the purposes of this essay, mind control refers to any method used nonconsensually on a victim to covertly and deniably attempt to control or modify that person’s behavior. This occurs in settings where a person has a reasonable expectation not to be violated, such as in his or her home or in his or her private mentation. It is this sort of violation that differentiates a mind control crime from an ordinary social interaction, just as the lack of consent turns sex into rape.
Consider “street theater” as an example. Street theater refers to a form of harassment where a group of torturers act out little skits, either literally on the street or on the internet, in the media, etc., intended to harass and disturb an individual or to otherwise modify the victim’s behavior. So if a group of people act out “street theater” to a random person to disturb him or her then, while this might be a crime, I would not necessarily call it mind control. It is when surveillance is combined with the “skits” to both track a person over time for harassment and to obtain personal information about a person to be used in the harassment that I would say a mind control operation is being carried out.
Of course there are many sorts of mind control operations, but they all tend to have this sort of feedback setup: violate a person with extreme surveillance and use that surveillance information to target the influencing. It is a classic sort of feedback setup that might be described in terms of the mathematical and engineering fields of control theory, at least in the abstract sense. The surveillance devices can range from phone taps, audio and video bugs in a home or car, internet monitoring, and basic tracking devices, all the way up to advanced satellite surveillance methods, super-sensitive electromagnetic sensor systems with computer analysis, and devices implanted in people’s bodies without their consent. The “effector” or the control variables can range from harassing phone calls, street theater, rumor spreading, power-line dimming, and internet messages all the way up to harassment with microwave devices, acoustic weapons, messages in the media such as TV and newspapers, projecting “voices” to a person that only he or she can hear, and direct brain stimulation and manipulation.
Other mind control methods use techniques such as hypnosis and drugs to influence people, but the methods all have the common thread of the denied and deniable attack against the mind of an individual. The purpose of this essay is not to specifically describe the methods of mind control. More specifics will be given in the later essays of this series, and one can consult books and articles by various authors for the documented history of mind control technology and operations in the U.S. See, for example, the articles at the Mind Control: Technology, Techniques, and Politics web site at
Even if you do not believe that all of this is currently happening — though it is — you should still be concerned. Based on public, open sources it is clear to almost anyone that the technology will be available in the near future. But there are victims now. You do not even have to think the U.S. government is doing this, but it is. “Our boys” will be targeted with these sorts of weapons in future wars.
For the purposes of this essay, I assume that the reader has a general grasp of the type of mind control manipulations being discussed and I consider possible motivations a harasser, monitor, or controller (or group thereof) might have to commit such vicious crimes. Because this essay is intended to get people thinking, the possible motives will not necessarily be linked to any particular technological method, but the reader with some common sense will see what methods might be used in each case and will no doubt be able to think of combinations and motivations not directly mentioned here.
To spoil the rest of the essay, the reasons boil down to money and power.
Technological Equivalent of the Atomic Bomb
Many items appear on the list of motivations for mind control abuses, but the one primary reason why the technology was developed is because it is a weapon. This is the first motivation and why billions of dollars have been covertly spent on the technology. Of course, once the technology and techniques are developed they tend to proliferate. Other application tend to be found, depending on the level of corruption in a society, and organized crime groups other than the government tend to obtain such weapons and techniques. But the primary reason such devices were first developed and tested is that governments were and are developing and testing weapons.
A recent Air Force Times article about a microwave crowd control weapon being prepared for deployment described such weapons as “perhaps the biggest breakthrough in weapons technology since the atomic bomb,” and the particular weapon they were describing is far, far from the covert cutting edge. Indeed, a government would be negligent if it did not investigate such technology. But using the technology on people without their consent, either in testing or in applications, is either an act of war if committed on foreign individuals or an act of treason if committed on domestic citizens. It is almost always an act of torture.
It is important not to confuse the real motivation with the rationalizations or the cover reasons. Terrorists, terrorists, terrorists, and pedophiles are the currently popular rationalizations for usurping citizens’ inalienable liberties now that the cold war is over. A week of American TV would convince any unindoctrinated viewer of that. There is also the phenomenon I call “spreading the blood around.” This is the idea that the more people who can be made to take part in some way in a large-scale atrocity — to get some of the blood on their hands — the more political support that can be generated for continuing the atrocities.
Some differences between the atomic bomb and mind control technology need to be pointed out. First, mind control technology is meant to be used covertly and deniably. It is not meant necessarily to kill, though it can, but rather to ultimately control a human being like an automaton. Secondly, mind control technology is designed for use against the domestic population, rather than just against foreign targets.
Who Would Want to Rule the World?
At some level it is stunning that an essay such as this is necessary at all. People have always wanted to “control men’s minds” — not to mention women’s minds. But people historically have also been manipulated again and again, by one group of people followed by another, by one big lie followed by another — often convinced that it cannot possibly be happening now. There is also a “moral big lie” where decent people cannot imagine that anyone could have the capacity to carry out such heinous atrocities and conspiracies over long periods of time, because they could not imagine themselves doing it. They have minor moral lapses like everyone (like ordinary people tell small lies) but they just cannot grasp the notion of the big moral atrocity because they would never consider such abominations.
There always have been and always will be people among us who yearn for nothing but to be tyrants over other people. Let us be clear here on that point and never forget it. There will always be someone who wants to be the next Stalin — to choose one historical example from countlessly many — and who will stop at absolutely nothing to achieve this. This also means that there are Americans among us now who are just this sort of person — or a lackey for such a person — living among us in our society. Do not let the big lie and ubiquitous American propaganda fuzzy your thinking. The threat is more likely to come from within the government than from someone’s garage. Eternal vigilance is indeed the price of liberty.
Motives for Mind Control
We finally come to the list of possible motivations for mind control. It is important to remember, though, that it is not the responsibility of the torture victim to second-guess the reasons the torture was committed. In this sense the “reason” for the torture is generally that the torturer had the opportunity to commit the torture and thought he or she could get away with it. Nonetheless, it is useful to examine more mercenary or mercantile sorts of possible motivations to better see why mind control torture is happening, why it continues, and maybe gain some insight into how it can be abolished.
Remember that in any group of people there is politics. This is also the case with the people involved in the conspiracy of mind controllers. So when considering questions such as “why don’t they just kill everyone who speaks out at all” or other such questions — which can be useful to consider even if you cannot know the exact answer — it is important to keep this in mind. Mind control conspirators tend to come from the same culture and live in the same society with the victims. When they leave the underground bunker — literally or metaphorically — they go to live in homes and with families among us. [The low-level mind controllers, like Auschwitz guards, probably do not know the whole mind control system either. Also, with advanced electronic sorts of harassment the harasser could be half a world away with a good connection, but presumably still lives in a community among some decent people.]
Many interrelated motives are mentioned on the following list, but that does not imply that exactly one listed motive is the true motive in any case, or that the list is exhaustive. A useful comparison for how a victim might be used is a comparison to a slaughterhouse, where an animal comes in and is cut up and almost every usable scrap that can be used for anything is used. To use a slave auction analogy, if one slaver has a slave that is good for X but needs Y, and another slaver has a slave that is good for Y and wants X, then perhaps they can strike up a commercial transaction on their human chattel.
Some might object that publicizing this list will only give new ideas to harassers. It might, but the only alternative is to keep the people uninformed and to allow the atrocities to continue. I also suspect that the people with access to this technology for some years have already thought of (and applied) all of these reasons, even if they did not express them this way.
Here is the list of motives, in no particular order.
Low-intensity warfare against the domestic population. This has long been the policy of the U.S. government, though it typically is not so directly stated. Cointelpro actions are covertly undertaken to harass and discredit people who, for whatever reason, are “in the way.” Frank Donner, in his 1980 book Age of Surveillance, makes this point with example after example. In his phrase, convert surveillance and harassment has become an unspoken “mode of governance” in the U.S. So this newer technology simply fits right in as a more high-tech way to continue carrying out this “mode of governance.” A key concept which Donner points out, and which many Americans cannot quite seem to grasp is that the government does not need to accuse you of a crime or charge you or try you if they can just punish you. A paranoid government does not even need to suspect that you are committing any crime, wrongdoing, or organizing at all: only that you might do so. These sorts of programs usually tend to target potential leaders and whistleblowers, though anyone can be cointelproed.
Ideas to mine/steal. In some sense this is just a form of old-fashioned spying updated with new technology that obliterates the notion of human rights. Consider what might be the first step on a slippery slope of rationalizations. Suppose an Iraqi nuclear scientist, or any brilliant “foreign” scientist or engineer, was of concern to the U.S. Suppose there is now this new technology, that can literally “get inside the head” of such a scientist and watch him or her as he or she thinks and works. Not only that, it can be used to influence that scientist. Armed with such a rationalization, the covert action crew goes to work and sets up the massively invasive surveillance. Then, for years afterward, analysts can study the subject and extract any “intelligence” they can from him or her.
Would such a program, if “successful,” be contained and only be used on foreign scientists? I do not think so. It would be used on any people at all, only limited by the cost and the perceived risk of being caught. Domestic targets might even be more tempting because the risk of discovery could be better “managed.” You would not even have to be a brilliant scientist, some bureaucrat only needs to think you are, or that you are somehow “of interest.” If enough people are targeted then almost all levels of scientists and engineers could be targeted. (If they had a golden goose they’d dissect it.)
Intellectual property theft from scientists and engineers is only listed first because of the slippery slope example above; there are many classes of people who might be targeted for similar reasons. Einstein is quoted as having said that imagination is more important than intelligence, and imagination is even more important to covert organizations who effectively select against employees with real imagination.
Other sorts of creative people who might be vulnerable are writers (plagiarism), other types of artists or craftspeople, inventors, programmers, etc. In an economic espionage sense, any sort of innovative or high-volume stock trader or business leader might be a tempting and very lucrative target. Dialogue and situations stolen from people’s real lives can become tomorrow’s “drama.” Patents, copyrights, trademarks, and any sort of intellectual property can be deniably stolen from these victims. This can deny them their livelihoods and makes them literal slaves.
Statistical profiling of a population. This is like using nonconsensual subjects in a focus group, to understand what their likes, dislikes, needs, and trends are. It might be most effective with unwitting subjects (who have not realized they are under monitoring), but can still be used on subjects who know they are being monitored. It is like having the ability to take an instant poll of a captive population, who may not even be able to hide what their innermost secrets are. Anyone who knows anything about modern U.S. elections knows how influential and widely used polls are. This is just one aspect of the power of being able to statistically profile a large population. It is the statistics of population control, where some sample of people — which does not even need to be especially large relative to the hundreds of millions in the population — can be used to predict trends in the larger population.
Suppose, for example, that an individual were put under surveillance and found useful to serve as an exemplar of a statistical demographic group, say of 100,000 people. That is, that person’s perspective, ideas, and reactions could be used to both predict and manipulate the entire social group on a large scale. This sort of analysis is already known to take place; it becomes that much more effective with a focus group under even more invasive monitoring. In a commercial sense, the power to manipulate a demographic group is the power to get them to purchase goods and provide a profit. Every sort of thing is marketed these days. Advertising campaigns are created to sell politicians, soap, ideas, slurs, and anything else.
Interrogation for secrets. This is another advanced technology application to old-fashioned spying. People can be “brain interrogated” for secrets they know. This may be used to reveal critical passwords, uncover blackmailable incidents, and obtain national and commercial secrets.
Psyop BDA. BDA is the military abbreviation for bomb damage assessment. In order to most effectively bomb a target you need to know which bombs hit their target and how much damage was inflicted by the bombing. This feedback is then used to both improve the subsequent bombings and to revisit targets that were missed. One of Noam Chomsky’s main theses has for years been that “democratic” governments use propaganda similarly to the way direct totalitarian governments use violence. Therefore, it is important for the cloistered elites to know how well their propaganda “bombs” are playing with the masses. Like with the statistical profiling use of “maximally invasive surveillance,” nonconsensual monitoring can provide this sort of political control feedback data.
Entertainment freak show. Sadism and voyeurism are powerful motivations for some people. Mind control victims can provide a live torture-cam of an individual 24 hours a day, and may even allow the sadist to play at the controls and inflict damage or influence the “show.” It would be like an ongoing snuff film you could participate in. This may also be a part of “spreading the blood around” by appealing to some of the baser human instincts and then having a person on the hook for having participated (like has been alleged for some “satanic” rituals where people take a small part in a ritual crime so they are inextricably linked to the conspiracy).
To suppress technology they cannot control. Many people believe that you can always be the best if you can harass and put down anyone better. This seems to be the modus operandi of the U.S. secret sector, where if they do not control the technology then it is stolen, the original inventor or developer (or just student) is harassed, and it can then be developed in secret. Even if they are not themselves interested in the new technology, the temptation to suppress any possible disruption to the status quo is always there. There is a law in Washington that there can be no building taller than the Capitol. When secrecy-bred mediocrity and lack of accountability are taken into account the Capitol becomes a very low building.
Hired harassment squad for billionaires. It does not take long for some personnel involved in this technology and experienced with these techniques to leave for the private sector. This opens the possibility for deniable mercenary harassment squads.
Distributed concentration camps. The federal government has historically made plans for “emergencies” which have included lists of people to lock up in internment camps. With this new technology perfected, the concentration camps can be “distributed,” by turning each listed person’s home and mind into an electronic prison.
Vigilante groups. To control “crime,” or whatever they choose to claim they are targeting people for, a vigilante group can select people they do not like for extrajudicial punishment. Like most such groups, actually “controlling crime” is just an excuse to pick people for victimization and to rationalize it to the members of the group.
To control a person, like a world leader or assassin (or any sort of leader). This is probably the ultimate dream of a mind controller (or their own controllers): to take control of a world leader or other important person. This could even start from a young age, with the person groomed for the position of power and with members of the secret team influencing and increasing the opportunities for the chosen “asset” to reach a position of power. When trained from a young age an unfortunate child might not even realize that the influencing was not normal (the “secret friend” that is not imaginary). Subtle advanced techniques could influence an adult without his or her knowledge. Even if he or she suspected, there would likely already be a pool of blackmail information and powerful psychological levers to employ against the person.
The quest for controlled assassins, or Manchurian candidates, is well-known. The search for such techniques never stopped and is still ongoing. Similarly, sexual blackmail operations are an ongoing reality and mind control victims may be utilized in setting up such traps.
If the technology is cheap enough or if you have a wide-field multi-target device you do not even need to target the leaders. Your army can covertly “capture” more and more of the inhabitants (or flick a switch on a wide-field device) until it can march into town down main street to a hero’s welcome. Then again, once this is accomplished there is no need to march in at all, just keep milking out “tribute” from the conquered people — who never even knew there was a war against them. It is easy to parody this as just some sort of “body snatchers” scenario, but to military planners it is a very real thing.
To infiltrate a group. In order to control, influence, or install a puppet leader in a group the controllers do not know much about and really do not understand, it could be useful to monitor a member or leader in order to learn what might be effective responses, ideas, or actions. For example, a religious sect they wanted to control. Another example would be for a mind controller to use information gained from the monitoring of a victim in order to better pose as a victim, say on the internet.
Genocide. This could be the implicit or explicit result of a mind control operation. The group here is whatever group is selected for torture, which may be racial, religious, socioeconomic, or related to whatever other selection criteria is used. People under long-running extrajudicial torture are not free to just “choose life” even if they wanted to. People are forced to decide whether they should bring a child into the world to also be monitored and violated every day, without the child’s or the parent’s consent. They have to wonder about supporting a child when they are under ongoing torture which may intensify at any moment. They know that, at the least, the life of any child will be threatened in order to further torture them and harass them, and they know that the threat is credible.
As a medical scam for money. These days medicine and pharmaceuticals represent big money. If the cover lie for mind control abuses is mental illness them some mind control victims will be misdiagnosed as mentally ill (rather than as torture victims) and given (or even forced) treatment and medication. An unscrupulous company or group of individuals could exploit this fact to make money off the suffering of the mind control victims.
To predict and preempt actions. Besides wanting to just control behavior, a running trend is to want to predict behavior, obviously before it happens. But the sort of data that is needed to predict behavior in detail is exactly the same as the invasive surveillance data used to control and harass individuals. Prediction is also a component in more effective control.
We are already seeing instances where people’s rights are infringed upon not because they have done anything but because someone predicted they would do something, based upon whatever methodology. Much of this prediction is just snake oil and pseudoscience, but that does not change the fact that the rights infringement is very real. There is also a statistical and scientific methodology to prediction which undoubtedly will improve with time. If you can accurately predict someone’s actions you can move to preempt those actions even before they are taken.
To train agents to perform any of these actions. As professional torturing scum either retire, move into other sectors, or quit in disgust, new agents must be hired to take their places. If the system is expanding then new people need to be hired to enlarge the system (or to automate the system with computers so fewer monitors can control more and more people). These people need to be trained in the special juvenile and idiotic barbarity the U.S. mind controllers love to inflict. Therefore fresh victims must continually be selected from the population so these sadistic pigs can practice their torture techniques.
To intimidate a population by making “examples” of people. If it were an open secret that people can be selected for any reason for mind control torture, then the population in on the open secret would be intimidated, if not terrified, that any one of them could be the next victim. This is just a new method of violence by which a regime of thugs can control a population using a long-practiced terror tactic.
To perfect the technology and techniques and make it less detectable. This is the human guinea pig testing of the weapons technology, much like radiation tests on unwitting citizens. Weapons are built, human subjects are chosen from the population, and the weapons are tested on the nonconsensual subjects. (Some consensual subjects are no doubt also used, but that is not a human rights violation if the consent was truly informed.) After these tests, the weapons lab analyzes the terrorized or influenced or manipulated responses of the subjects (in a “successful” test) and refines the weapon system.
A part of this testing also serves to help close all avenues of response and redress which might be open to the human subjects (and which later domestic targets of the weapon might have). Any response the victim tries to make is monitored, and if it might be successful then this “loophole” in the system of denying justice is closed. For example, a lawyer might be used to attempt to see what legal strategies he or she might think of so they could be rendered ineffective. A technical person would be observed as he or she tried to understand, measure, and block the effects of the weapons system. This would be valuable feedback to the designers, and might even provide them with ideas. Note that for this particular aspect of the torture it is important that the victim know he or she is being attacked/violated.
Of course a victim has little choice but to try to resist or else to willingly become a slave (which still would not likely stop the harassment). He or she must constantly think about the “testing” because it is typically ongoing, day and night. That is just the vicious catch 22 that victims must deal with and is a part of why it is torture. I am not trying to discourage any victim from taking whatever action they decide is the best course in such a horrible situation.
Various unwitting spy scenarios. Perhaps the best spy is one who does not even know he or she is a spy. He or she cannot reveal it even under the most extreme torture because he or she does not know it. Such people can be infiltrated into any group or just selected out of any particular group and “wired up.” In a domestic social sense, inmates in prisons can be wired up before they are released so their monitors can peep into any criminal underworld activity which they might enter into after being “freed.” (Of course it is important not to confuse the secret police with the regular police and law enforcement, though there is certainly overlap.)
To steal negotiating strategies or information. Arms control, treaties, business negotiations.
To conceal scientific and philosophical insights into human existence. One of the things repressive societies fear is new ideas and new ways of thinking. Scientific advances have been made which could revolutionize the ways man views himself (to use the masculine form); but for some people this represents a potential threat to their power. The new technologies could also potentially help our aging relatives, for example, if used in a humane and consensual way. But it is a difficult philosophical shift to acknowledge that now our own “silent” thoughts might not be private — or might not really be our own. This is one of the difficulties in getting people to understand mind control crimes. (Remember also that mind controllers have no compunction or restriction against using any lies or deceptions or defiling and desecrating any religion in an attempt to manipulate people.)
Human guinea pigs for medical or psychological research. Once people are under ongoing, invasive surveillance they can become guinea pigs for any sort of medical or psychological human testing that needs continued monitoring. This is a lucrative business now. For example, if a person were were “knocked out” one day by whatever method and had a patch of skin rubbed with some chemical under development or of concern then the experimenters could watch the person’s own response to the potential poisoning. Psychological research has even larger potential for abuse. Real “field testing.”
To maintain the ongoing mind control conspiracy. Because atrocities have been committed, atrocities continue to be committed to conceal them. The mind control technology and harassment network is used to keep the secret system secret, punish whistleblowers, and of course increase profits at whatever cost to human dignity.
Given that there is a long list of possible motives, hundreds of people (at the least) claiming to be victims of exactly this sort of technology, the known development of the technology, a history of such abuses, and the continued coverups of acknowledged MKULTRA and other mind control victims in the population, it seems reasonable to conclude that nonconsensual testing and harassment is still going on with the latest technology. The questions are, who are the victims, how many are there, what was and is being done to them, and how can this extrajudicial torture of the domestic population be stopped as soon as possible.
Posted in Gaslighting, Group Stalking, Human Experimentation, Implantable Microchips, Psychiatric Reprisal, Remote Neural Monitoring, Synthetic Telepathy, Through Wall Surveillance, Torture
Sep 28; Posted by (Geeldon)
Secretly the reality of a totally controlled society has been emplaced. While we were looking at political control, the technological mechanisms for a Big Brother state are being installed, secretly in the hope no one will notice.
Congress once again is at fault, it allowed vast billion dollar “black budgets” to escape oversight control. For decades, research and development on population control systems has been funded by a complacent Congress, and the Intelligence Committees in the House and Senate have allowed these systems to go operational. We are going to give you hard information and hard proof. This is not guesswork, it is reality. And Congress is to blame for lack of oversight.
Fortunately (for the United States), Sweden has applied these control systems overtly to entire segments of the population (in the U.S. apparently only selected individuals are under control.)
Our information comes from a Swedish researcher who has followed the Swedish system of people control i.e., the replacement of individual values, standards and beliefs by state authority.
Our Swedish source says, “We have (been led) out of the industrial society to enslavement in the Information Society” and “there are frightening developments concerning the use of data surveillance, known as biomedical telemetry, mind control, optical electronic surveillance and brain-computer interaction.”
Then comes the clincher:
“The properties of this technology enable the monitoring of mental functions, thought, deed and associated cerebral neurophysiological changes as well as the manipulation of behavior, values and personality from limitless geographical distance.”
These systems form the basis of the Information Society (so beloved by Newt Gingrich) and eliminate the power of the individual to make personal decisions. Maybe Newt Gingrich is not aware of this, but his emphasis on individuality is a fraud so long as control mechanisms exist to over ride individual values and decision making. (We are not accusing Gingrich, he may not know. We’ve spent a lifetime following these developments and only now can visualize the technology emerging.) These are black budget systems hidden from the public and ignored by the leadership in Congress.
Let’s summarize the information we received from our Swedish source, then we can sketch development in the U.S.
Cyber is the science of control. It consists of transmission of electromagnetic wavelengths for cerebral radio communication. The subordinate technologies include brain-computer interfacing, data surveillance, mind control, biomedical telemetry, man-machine interaction, all designed to transmit the basic ideology of the Information Society. (That’s why Gingrich’s mentor Alvin Toffler says the Constitution is “out of date.”)
Telemetry requires transmission of data not normally available i.e., your thoughts and plans. It is a two way communication system enabling remote control of individuals. (Official U.S. terminology-RNM or “remote neural monitoring.”)
This (our source continues) is a global system. (Is that why we have hundreds of satellites up there?) It operates at the speed of light and over any distance.
The surveillance system is operated by implanted transmitters in the head or electrodes in the brain but also injectable microchips, substances or micro transmitters implanted in any part of the body.
These implantations take place “in unwitting patients” during hospital operations, in patients at psychiatric clinics. In Sweden all elderly persons are implanted when “taken into long term care” (ah ha, Clinton’s universal health care!) and in all persons taken into police custody or in prison. Implants are also in the form of dental material and false teeth, and can be mixed into pharmacological products (i.e., medicine.)
Therefore, the Toffler school futurist’s emphasis on nanotechnology–the devices are hardly seen in x-rays.
These implants are, up to now, inserted into persons under state control (i.e., mental patients, prisoners, elderly sick.) This program has been funded, developed and implemented in complete secrecy. Experience has been that when governments hide something, it’s probably not to our benefit.
So how do the systems work?
The implant receives radio signals via satellites. These have known and specific effect on the brain. Many years of research on effects of radio signals on monkey and human behavior is in the open nonclassified literature. The black budgets have generated more advanced systems given the sophistication of the implants we know about.
The returned signals, from the individual brain through the satellite are processed by a central computer and the information presented on a screen to the controller. The technology has advanced to the stage where individual dreams or vision (i.e., mental picture) can be monitored on a three dimensional screen. So that as you read this and have a mental image of Big Brother at a screen this image in your mind can be (or is being) relayed back to a central processing facility.
Posted in Human Experimentation, Implantable Microchips, Psychiatric Reprisal, Remote Neural Monitoring, Synthetic Telepathy, Torture
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Tags: experimentation, RNM, torture
The Militarization of Neuroscience
Sep 23; Posted by (Geeldon)
When military scientists begin to combine “cognitive engineering” and neuroscience with genetic engineering, we could see a nightmarish new generation of biological weapons and nerve agents that radically alter the minds, emotions, memories and beliefs of everyone on earth.
That’s the opinion of Mark Wheelis and Malcolm Dando, authors of “Neurobiology: A Case Study of the Imminent Militarization of Biology” published September 30, 1995 in the International Review of the Red Cross. See this site for a PDF of the full article:
Abstract: The revolution in biology, including advances in genomics, will lead to rapid progress in the treatment of mental illness by advancing the discovery of highly specific ligands that affect specific neurological pathways. The status of brain science and its potential for military application to enhance soldier performance, to develop new weapons and to facilitate interrogation are discussed. If such applications are pursued, they will also expand the options available to torturers, dictators and terrorists. Several generic approaches to containing the malign applications of biology are shown, and it is concluded that success or failure in doing so will be significantly dependent on the active involvement of the scientific and medical communities.
Translation: The medical community has got to stop sitting on its duff and get some international legislation passed prohibiting the development of these bioweapons NOW.
I would add: An equally serious effort needs to be made to block military application of EM weapons to the human brain. The pretence that such weapons are “less than lethal” is a serious misunderstanding of the immense threat that they pose to the privacy and civil liberties of every man, woman and child on the face of the globe.
Posted in Gaslighting, Group Stalking, Human Experimentation, Psychiatric Reprisal, Remote Neural Monitoring, Synthetic Telepathy, Torture, Zersetzung
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Tags: psychiatric reprisal, psychotronics, synthetic telepathy
Thought Police: The Next Logical Step in a Total Surveillance Society
Sep 23; Posted by (Geeldon)
George Orwell introduced the concept of the “Thought Police” in his dystopian novel 1984. See the Wikipedia article on Thought Police here:
According to Kathleen Taylor in her own book, Brainwashing: The Science of Thought Control (Oxford University Press, 2006) “It is the job of the Thought Police to uncover and punish thoughtcrime and thought-criminals, using psychology and omnipresent surveillance from telescreens to find and eliminate members of society who were capable of the mere thought of challenging ruling authority.”
Does such a system exist in the United States today? Signs point to yes.
Granted, the United States remains a republic, and it has just completed a new cycle of elections. Its liberal constitution and principles of democratic representation seem to be standing firmly in place. Its flag waves proudly.
But there is a growing body of evidence that this country, once “conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal,” has devolved into a paranoid police state, much like the authoritarian state described by George Orwell in 1984.
One may find, simply by searching the internet, plenty of evidence that the United States government is actively involved in all the basic activities of the “Thought Police” exactly as listed above:
1. The uncovering and punishment of thought crime and thought criminals
2. The use of psychology to profile and identify “potential” criminals, terrorists and subversives within society; and
3. the use of “omni present surveillance from telescreens” to create what Harlan Girard calls “an Electronic Concentration Camp System” — a grid or matrix from which no person can escape.
In each of these activities, the new mind-invasive technologies known collectively as artificial telepathy play a key role.
Uncovering and Punishing Thought Crime
As documented in many other posts on this blog, mind-invasive technologies have begun to play a key role in the uncovering and punishment of “thoughtcrime.”
The prime example is the Department of Homeland Security’s new Malintent program mentioned in the previous post (q.v.) By scanning the faces of people at airports and reading other vital signs like heart rate, temperature and blood pressure, new sensors and computer algorithms can be used to read the intentions of airplane passengers — and presumably to prevent “potential terrorists” from boarding planes by means of “pre-emptive arrest.”
One must emphasize here that reading a person’s intentions with a camera and a computer is probably not much more reliable than a classic lie detector test, and very little scientific evidence exists to support the claims that these machines are accurate. The important thing to note is that the Department of Homeland Security seriously intends to use these machines as a pretext for pre-emptive arrest — that is, they intend to arrest people for crimes not yet committed.
Arresting a person for a crime not yet committed, on the basis of perceived intent, amounts to arresting people for thought crimes.
Use of Psychological Profiling to Detect and Detain “Potential” Criminals
As Jim Marrs points out in his new book The Rise of The Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America (William Morrow, 2008), these “mind reading” computer systems are “reminiscent of prewar Nazi plans to preempt crime and dissent.” (p. 333)
For example, Nazi psychologists used pseudo-scientific examinations and the doctrine of preemption to remove “uneducable” children from grade schools. If a number of symptoms indicated that a child was “bad student material,” their name would be registered on a list. It was stated that “genetic and national health considerations recommend their preventative registration.”
“Of course,” says Marrs, “such registration led to the euthanasia centers.”
Marrs rightly calls “disturbing” the new trend to identify and detain potential troublemakers before they have actually committed a crime.
Terrorist Watch List — or Black List?
In its efforts to intercept “suspected terrorists,” the Department of Homeland Security has added more than one million names to its terrorist watch list. The American Civil Liberties Union suggests this number is way too high.
“Terrorist watch lists,” it says, “must be tightly focused on true terrorists who pose a genuine threat. Bloated lists are bad because they ensnare many innocent travelers as suspected terrorists, and because they waste screeners’ time and divert their energies from looking for true terrorists.”
Among the individuals whose names were found on the list by 60 Minutes and other media organizations: Sen. Edward Kennedy, Nelson Mandela, Bolivian President Evo Morales, Saddam Hussein (in custody at the time), Rep. John Lewis, James Moore (author of Bush’s Brain), and John William Anderson, age 6.
Now one must admit that certain children really are terrible brats, who ought to be watched more closely by their parents, but is it really necessary for the secret police to become involved? And if a United States Senator can be listed as a “suspect,” then who is above suspicion?
A “terrorist” watch list that includes the names of more than one million people seems to be clear evidence that the Department of Homeland Security is either a) very paranoid indeed, or b) very interested in using terrorism as a pretext for spying on U.S. citizens who have committed no crimes.
That is, they have established a system that allows them to “find and eliminate members of society who are capable of the mere thought of challenging existing authority.”
FTAC: The Fixated Threat Assessment Center
Psychological profiling, black listing and preemptive arrests are “Thought Police” tactics used in Europe, too, not just in the U.S. The British have their own system, called FTAC.
In a chapter titled “Psychology and Public Control,” Jim Marrs writes: “The British government, in May 2007, responding to news accounts, acknowledge it had secretly established a new national antiterrorist unit to protect VIPs by first profiling, then arresting persons considered to be potentially dangerous. Amazingly, this power to detain suspects even before they actually committed a crime was based on mental health laws.”
Marrs cites a news story by London Times reporter Joanna Bale. She reports that “until now it has been up to mental health professionals to determine if someone should be forcibly detained, but the new unit uses the police to identify suspects, increasing fears that distinctions are being blurred between criminal investigations and doctors’ clinical decisions.”
Experts believe that this arrangement “is set to reignite controversy over the detention of suspects without trial.”
“There is grave danger of this being used to deal with people where there is insufficient evidence for a criminal prosecution,” said Gareth Crossman, policy director for Britain’s National Council for Civil Liberties.
“This blurs the line between medical decisions and police actions. If you are going to allow doctors to take people’s liberty away, they have to be independent. That credibility is undermined when the doctors are part of the same team as the police. This raises serious concerns. First, that you have a unit that allows police investigation to lead directly to people being sectioned without any kind of criminal proceedings. Secondly, it is being done under the umbrella of antiterrorism at a time when the government is looking for ways to detain terrorists without putting them on trial.”
Scotland Yard has refused to discuss how many suspects have been forcibly hospitalized by the team, because of “patient confidentiality.” Meanwhile, conservative members of the British government have hailed FTAC as the first joint mental health – police unit in the United Kingdom and a “prototype for future joint services” in other areas. They are introducing legislation to broaden the definition of mental disorders to give doctors — and now police — more power to detain people.
Mass Surveillance and the ‘Electronic Concentration Camp’
Jim Marrs worries that joint psychologist-police units like the FTAC in Britain might serve as a prototype for similar units in the U.S. “Is this coming to America soon?” Marrs asks.
Harlan Girard would probably answer: “It’s already here!”
Mr. Girard is the Managing Director of the International Committee Opposing Microwave Weapons (ICOMW), and he firmly believes that the United States government has already established what he calls an “Electronic Concentration Camp System.”
See the homepage of his website here:
Essentially, the ECCS is a network of microwave towers and broadcast centers that can virtually imprison any citizen of the United States that the Thought Police wish to target. It’s a people zapping system, used to track, torture and psychologically harrass inconvenient people who, for one reason or another, have been placed on the government’s long list of enemies.
To support this claim, Girard has amassed an impressive collection of documents, posted at the website’s archive, here:
The documents in this archive clearly indicate that the U.S. government has no need of the small FTAC units used by the British Government. The number of peace protestors and politically “inconvenient” people who have suddenly begun to hear voices in their heads strongly suggests that the U.S. government has built and fielded something much bigger, much more powerful, and much more scary: a fully developed and fully operational Electronic Concentration Camp System.
If the secret police, operating under the umbrella of counterterrorism, wish to “section” an inconvenient citizen “without any criminal proceedings,” they simply enroll that individual into the ECCS.
Technically, the “Targeted Individuals” remain free, but they are tortured 24/7 with microwave weapons, often to the point of losing their minds. They hear voices and experience a wide variety of horrible sensations. If they voluntarily turn themselves in to a psychiatric hospital, they are immediately diagnosed as schizophrenic and sectioned. Thus they are discredited and stigmatized for life. Those who turn to mainstream media are openly mocked.
In 2007, The Washington Post did a profile on Mr. Girard and other voice hearers, who are commonly called “wavies.” (See the link among the News links lists to the left.)
While the reporter kept a skeptical distance from Mr. Girard, she did at least do some background research on mind-invasive technologies. The Post filed an FOIA request with the U.S. Air Force and did manage to obtain documents showing that the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) has conducted several “voice to skull” experiments during the past decade.
It may be interesting to note that AFRL is also one of the primary research sponsors (along with the Navy) for the High-Frequency Active Auroral Reasearch Project (HAARP) — a 35-acre antenna farm near Fairbanks, Alaska, that is powerful enough to focus microwave beams anywhere on the face of the earth.
According to Dr. Nick Begich, author of the book Angels Don’t Play This HAARP (, the Air Force can broadcast from these antennae at frequencies that match the frequency range of the human brain.
In Chapter 23 “Psychocivilized Society and the CIA,” Dr. Begich explores “the use of electromagnetic waves for mind manipulation,” and concludes that it would be very possible to use HAARP as a non-lethal weapon that could be rationalized as an alternative to military force.
Whether HAARP acts as the hub of the ECCS is another question. HAARP certainly operates as part of the Air Force’s “Star Wars” ballistic missile early warning system, scanning for Soviet Missile launches. That means it is a subordinate wing of NORAD, the North American Air-Defense Command — an underground city buried beneath Cheyenne Mountain near Colorado Springs.
NORAD is a “hardened” and extremely secure underground site, equipped with supercomputers and direct uplinks to a wide variety of top secret space platforms and space-based beam weapons. It makes an excellent candidate for the HQ of the kind of “Electronic Concentration Camp” that Harlan Girard has envisioned.
NORAD certainly does have full access to the kinds of spy satellites and laser beams that worry the “wavies.” It may incorporate many other systems besides HAARP, and it may be no accident that the Sci-Fi series “Stargate” is supposedly set in NORAD’s underground bunker.
Given NORAD’s vast array of high-tech toys and its direct links to the Pentagon and the NSA, the possiblity that it might be HQ for a top secret “Thought Police” unit does not seem to be entirely out of the question.
Total Information Awareness
Civil liberties groups cried “Thought Police” in 2002 when they first discovered the U.S. Defense Department’s Information Awareness Office and its Total Information Awareness doctrine. Run for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) by former Vice Adm. John Poindexter, the TIA “counterterrorism” program caused quite a brouhaha because it advocated pre-emptive policing through use of a massive data mine that would interconnected a wide array of powerful surveillance systems:
DARPA’s own website tells us that “The goal of the Total Information Awareness program is to revolutionize the ability of the United States to detect, classify and identify foreign terrorists — and decipher their plans — and thereby enable the U.S. to take timely action to successfully pre-empt and defeat terrorist acts.”
See also this article on the “Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act” from Project Censored (The Top 25 Censored Stories of 2009):
Under this act, which nearly became law in 2007, local police departments might have been given legal cover for the use of nonlethal, mind-invasive technology against their own populace. They could zap “suspects” in the name of preventing “homegrown terror.”
Indeed, pre-emptive policing can be used to rationalize almost every form of privacy violation. One need simply argue that the rights of the individual can and must be overriden by police in order to protect and defend the physical safety of society as a whole. It’s for the greater good.
What Orwell did was simply to carry the twin doctrines of total information awareness and preemptive policing to their logical extreme. He imagined a world in which no one had any right to privacy whatever. None. All personal privacy is sacrificed on the altar of national security — for the greater good.
In the sacred name of “national security,” the technocrats who run the nightmarish police state of 1984 arrogantly assume the right to invade the inner sanctum of the mind itself. They read the thoughts of every citizen, dabble their fingers in the stuff that souls are made of, and sit in arrogant, authoritarian judgement over all.
Perhaps the vision of such a police state being realized in 1984 may cause people to smirk. That was, after all, more than 25 years ago, and we don’t have such a police state now, do we?
To those who smirk, however, one might call attention to the many patents on mind-invasive technology that may be found listed in the left-hand column of this blog. One must also point out that the U.S. Department of Defense did not necessarily do away with DARPA’s Information Awareness Office or its Total Information Awareness doctrine.
As with most black programs that are discovered by Congress and the media, these programs have been given new names and parked under the camouflage of other departments within the intelligence community. They still exist.
See Schneier on Security “Total Information Awareness Is Back”
“Report: NSA’s Warrantless Spying Resurrects Banned Total Information Awareness Program”
Now consider this: If the doctrines of pre-emptive policing and total information awareness remain in place, can the massive use of mind-invasive technology be far behind?
Orwell may have been off by a few years. But his understanding of the basic arrogance of intelligence agencies and his vision of a nightmarish police state were frightfully accurate. With the quiet advent of mind-reading technologies, the chilling age of the Thought Police has secretly, stealthily and finally arrived.
Posted in Remote Neural Monitoring, Synthetic Telepathy
Tags: RNM, synthetic telepathy, torture
Remote Neural Monitoring
Sep 22; Posted by (Geeldon)
How The NSA Harasses Thousands Of Law Abiding Americans Daily By The Usage Of Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM)
John St. Clair Akwei vs. NSA, Ft. Meade, MD, USA
Table of Contents
Cover Page
NSA Mission & Operations
Communications Intelligence
Signals Intelligence
Domestic Intelligence
Independently Operating Personnel Target Citizens
NSA’s Domestic Electronic Surveillance Network
Signals Intelligence Remote Computer Tampering
Detecting EMF Fields in Humans for Surveillance
NSA Signals Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimulation
Capabilities of NSA operatives using RNM
NSA Signals Intelligence Electronic Brain Link Technology
Table: An example of EMF Brain Stimulation
NSA Techniques and Resources
Remote RNM Devices
Spotters and Walk-Bys in Metropolitan Areas
Chemicals and Drugs
Intelligence/Anti-Terrorist Equipment
Further Resources
Evidence for the Lawsuit filed at the US courthouse in Washington, D.C.
(Civil Action 92-0449)
John St.Clair Akwei vs. NSA Ft George G. Meade, MD
My knowledge of the National Security Agency’s structure, national security activities, proprietary technology,and covert operations to monitor individual citizens.
Table of Contents
The NSA’s mission and the NSA’s domestic Intelligence operation.
Communications Intelligence (COMINT)
Blanket coverage of all electronic communication in the U.S. and the world to ensure national security. The NSA at Ft. Meade, Maryland has had the most advanced computers in the world since the early 1960’s. NSA technology is developed and implemented in secret from private corporations, academia, and the general public.
Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)
The Signals Intelligence mission of the NSA has evolved into a program of decoding EMF waves in the environment for wirelessly tapping into computers and tracking persons with the electrical currents in their bodies. Signals Intelligence is based on the fact that everything in the environment with an electric current in it has a magnetic flux around it which gives off EMF waves. The NSA/DoD has developed proprietary advanced digital equipment which can remotely analyze all objects whether man-made or organic that have electrical activity.
Domestic Intelligence (DOMINT)
The NSA has records on all U.S. citizens. The NSA gathers information on U.S. citizens who might be of interest to any of the over 50,000 NSA agents (HUMINT). These agents are authorized by executive order to spy on anyone. The NSA has a permanent National Security Anti-Terrorist surveillance network in place. This surveillance network is completely disguised and hidden from the public.
Tracking individuals in the U.S. is easily and cost-effectively implemented with the NSA’s electronic surveillance network. This network (DOMINT) covers the entire U.S., involves tens of thousands of NSA personnel, and tracks millions of persons simultaneously. Cost effective implementation of operations is assured by NSA computer technology designed to minimize operations costs.
NSA personnel serve in Quasi-public positions in their communities and run cover businesses and legitimate businesses that can inform the intelligence community of persons they would want to track. N.S.A. personnel in the community usually have cover identities such as social workers, lawyers and business owners.
Individual citizens occasionally targeted for surveillance
by independently operating NSA personnel.
NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in the U.S. by using the NSA’s domestic intelligence network and cover businesses. The operations independently run by them can sometimes go beyond the bounds of law. Long-term control and sabotage of tens of thousands of unwitting citizens by NSA operatives is likely to happen. NSA Domint has the ability to covertly assassinate U.S. citizens or run covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed with ill mental health.
Table of Contents
NSA’s domestic electronic surveillance network
As of the early 1960’s the most advanced computers in the world were at the NSA, Ft. Meade. Research breakthroughs with these computers were kept for the NSA. At the present time the NSA has nanotechnology computers that are 15 years ahead of present computer technology.
The NSA obtains blanket coverage of information in the U.S. by using advanced computers that use artificial intelligence to screen all communications, irregardless of medium, for key words that should be brought to the attention of NSA agents/cryptologists. These computers monitor all communications at the transmitting and receiving ends. This blanket coverage of the U.S. is a result of the NSA’s Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission.
The NSA’s electronic surveillance network is based on a cellular arrangement of devices that can monitor the entire EMF spectrum. This equipment was developed, implemented, and kept secret in the same manner as other electronic warfare programs.
With this technology NSA personnel can non-obtrusively tap into any communication device in existence. This includes computers, telephones, radio and video-based devices, printers, car electronics, and even the minute electrical fields in humans (for tracking individuals).
Signals Intelligence Remote Computer Tampering
The NSA keeps track of all PCs and other computers sold in the U.S. This is an integral part of the Domestic Intelligence network.
The NSA’s EMF equipment can tune in RF emissions from personal computer circuit boards (while filtering out emissions from monitors and power supplies). The RF emission from PC circuit boards contains digital information in the PC. Coded RF waves from the NSA’s equipment can resonate PC circuits and change data in the PC’s. Thus the NSA can gain wireless modem-style entry into any computer in the country for surveillance or anti-terrorist electronic warfare.
Radio and Television signals can be substituted at the receiving end with special EMF equipment. Replacing signals in Radios and Televisions is another outgrowth of the NSA’s Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission.
Detecting EMF Fields in Humans for Surveillance.
A subject’s bioelectric field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are. With special EMF equipment NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials (from EEGs). These can be decoded into a person’s brain-states and thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance.
NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA’s computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day. The NSA can pick out and track anyone in the U.S.
Table of Contents
NSA Signals Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimulation
NSA Signals Intelligence uses EMF Brain Stimulation for Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL). EMF Brain Stimulation has been in development since the MKUltra program of the early 1950’s, which included neurological research into “radiation” (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and development. The resulting secret technology is categorized at the National Security Archives as “Radiation Intelligence,” defined as “information from unintentionally emanated electromagnetic waves in the environment, not including radioactivity or nuclear detonation.”
Signals Intelligence implemented and kept this technology secret in the same manner as other electronic warfare programs of the U.S. government. The NSA monitors available information about this technology and withholds scientific research from the public. There are also international intelligence agency agreements to keep this technology secret.
The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyzes electrical activity in humans from a distance. NSA computer-generated brain mapping can continuously monitor all the electrical activity in die brain continuously. The NSA records aid decodes individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for national security purposes. EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by the military for Brain-to-computer link. (In military fighter aircraft, for example.)
For electronic surveillance purposes electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject’s verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brain’s auditory cortex thus allowing audio communication direct to the brain (bypassing the ears). NSA operatives can use this to covertly debilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia.
Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject’s brain and show images from the subject’s brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives see what the surveillance subject’s eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex. bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use this to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance subject’s brain while they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain-programming purposes.
Table of Contents
Capabilities of NSA operatives using RNM
There has been a Signals Intelligence network in the U.S. since the 1940’s. The NSA, Ft. Meade has in place a vast two-way wireless RNM system which is used to track subjects and non-invasively monitor audio-visual information in their brain. This is all done with no physical contact with the subject. RNM is the ultimate method of surveillance and domestic intelligence. Speech and 3D sound, and subliminal audio can be sent to the auditory cortex of the subject’s brain (bypassing the ears) and images can be sent into the visual cortex. RNM can alter a subject’s perceptions, moods, and motor control.
Speech cortex/auditory cortex link has become the ultimate communications system for the intelligence community. RNM allows for a complete audio-visual brain-to-brain link or brain-to-computer link.
Table of Contents
National Security Agency Signals Intelligence
Electronic Brain Link Technology
NSA SigInt can remotely detect, identify and monitor a person’s bioelectric fields.
The NSA’s Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability to remotely and non-invasively monitor information in the human brain by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 hz, .5 milliwatt electro-magnetic emissions from the brain.
Neuronal activity in the brain creates a shifting electrical pattern that has a shifting magnetic flux. This magnetic flux puts out a constant 30-50 hz, .5 milliwatt electromagnetic (EMF) wave. Contained in the electromagnetic emission from the brain are spikes and patterns called “evoked potentials.”
Every thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event, and visual image in the brain has a corresponding “evoked potential” or set of “evoked potentials.” The EMF emission from the brain can be decoded into the current thoughts, images and sounds in the subject’s brain.
NSA SigInt uses EMF-transmitted Brain Stimulation as a communications system to transmit information (as well as nervous system messages) to intelligence agents and also to transmit to the brains of covert operations subjects (on a non-perceptible level).
EMF Brain Stimulation works by sending a complexly coded and pulsed electromagnetic signal to trigger evoked potentials (events) in the brain, thereby forming sound and visual images in the brain’s neural circuits. EMF Brain Stimulation can also change a person’s brain-states and affect motor control.
Two-way Electronic Brain-Link is done by remotely monitoring neural audio-visual information while transmitting sound to the auditory cortex (bypassing the ears) and transmitting faint images to the visual cortex (bypassing the optic nerves and eyes, the images appear as floating 2-D screens in the brain).
Two-Way Electronic Brain Link has become the ultimate communications system for CIA/NSA personnel. Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM, remotely monitoring bioelectric information in the human brain) has become the ultimate surveillance system. It is used by a limited number of agents in the U.S. Intelligence Community.
RNM requires decoding the resonance frequency of each specific brain area. That frequency is then modulated in order to impose information in That specific brain area. The frequency to which the various brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. Only NSA Signals Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency band.
An example of EMF Brain Stimulation:
Motor Control Cortex 10 HZ Motor Impulse Co-ordination
Auditory Cortex 15 HZ Sound which bypasses the ears
Visual Cortex 25 HZ Images in the brain, bypassing the eyes
Somatosensory Cortex 09 HZ Phantom Touch Sense
Thought Center 20 HZ Imposed Subconscious Thoughts
This modulated information can be put into the brain at varying intensities from subliminal to perceptible.
Each person’s brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment frequencies. Sending audio information to a person’s brain at the frequency of another person’s auditory cortex would result in that audio information not being perceived.
The Plaintiff learned of RNM by being in two-way RNM contact with the Kinnecome group at the NSA, Ft. Meade. They used RNM 3D sound direct to the brain to harass the Plaintiff from 10/90 to 5/91. As of 5/91 they have had two-way RNM communications with the Plaintiff and have used RNM to attempt to incapacitate the Plaintiff and hinder the Plaintiff from going to authorities about their activities against the Plaintiff in the last twelve years.
The Kinnecome group has about 100 persons working 24-hours-a-day at Ft Meade. They have also brain-tapped persons the Plaintiff is in contact with to keep the Plaintiff isolated. This is the first time ever that a private citizen has been harassed with RNM and has been able to bring a lawsuit against NSA personnel misusing this intelligence operations method.
Table of Contents
NSA Techniques and Resources
Remote monitoring/tracking of individuals in any location. inside any building, continuously, anywhere in the country.
A system for inexpensive implementation of these operations allows for thousands of persons in every community to be spied on constantly by the NSA.
Remote RNM Devices
a) NSA’s RNM equipment remotely reads the evoked potentials (EEGs) of the human brain for tracking individuals and can send messages through the nervous system to affect their performance.
b) [Information missing from original]
c) RNM can electronically identify individuals and track then anywhere in the U.S. This equipment is on a network and is used for domestic intelligence operations, government security, and military base security, and in case of bioelectric warfare.
Spotters and Walk-Bys in Metropolitan Areas
a) Tens of thousands of persons in each area working as spotters and neighborhood/business place spies (sometimes unwittingly) following and checking on subjects who have been identified for covert control by NSA personnel.
b) Agents working out of offices can be in constant communication with Spotters who are keeping track of the NSA’s thousands of subjects in public.
c) NSA Agents in remote offices can instantly identify (using RNM) any individual spotted in public whom is in contact with surveillance subject.
Chemicals and Drugs into Residential Buildings with hidden NSA-lnstalled and maintained plastic plumbing lines.
a) The NSA has kits for running lines into residential tap water and air ducts of subjects for the delivery of drugs (such as sleeping gas or brainwashing aiding drugs). This is an outgrowth of CIA pharmapsychology.
Brief Overview of Proprietary U.S.
Intelligence/Anti-Terrorist Equipment Mentioned.
Fixed network of special EMF equipment that can read EEGs in human brains and identify/track individuals by using digital computers. ESB (Electrical Stimulation to the Brain) via EMF signal from the NSA Signals Intelligence is used to control subjects.
EMF equipment that gathers information from PC circuit boards by deciphering RF emissions thereby gaining wireless modem-style entry into any personal computer in the country.
All equipment hidden, all technology secret, all scientific research unreported (as in electronic warfare research).
Not known to the public at all, yet complete and thorough implementation of this method of domestic intelligence has been in place since the early 1980’s.
Posted in Remote Neural Monitoring, Uncategorized
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Tags: DEW, directed energy weapons, gaslighting, RNM
Organized Stalking Described
Sep 22; Posted by (Geeldon)
Organized Stalking is a crime thats not accepted or addressed by law enforcement. It is a framework of social control. This is used by government to control some targeted individuals without doing anything that’s illegal in the control framework. It includes combination of bogus covert investigation and systemic harassment that involves intelligence agencies, law enforcement, businesses and communities. Organized stalking is a set of techniques used to destroy unwanted persons both mentally and physically without doing anything illegal in the process. The people involved in organized stalking know about law enforcement. The actions in organized stalking are designed considering the loopholes within the law to achieve the goal of destroying the person.
Oftentimes organized stalking is initiated after an informant or Covert Human Intelligence Source flags the targeted individual. Other times profile information of the targeted individual places them on government black lists and community notification lists.
The crimes committed through Organized stalking on an individual are covertly done, hence little in evidence is left behind of the crime, and the target is left with little in the way of recourses to defend himself or herself. The systemic harassment is illegal and the bogus covert investigation provides means to keep the target under surveillance 24/7.
Isolation, through disrupting socio-familial ties in an intense slander campaign, is usually achieved once the actual stalking begins. A pervasive slandering campaign takes place, painting the target as an unstable individual, child molester, a person with hidden dark secrets, or a person prone to psychopathic behavior. All the perceptions of the targeted individual’s life are turned negative. The Organized stalking is done in such a way that all aspects of the targeted individual’s life remain negative permanently and is never given time for cure.
The criminals planning a Organized stalking endeavor study the target long before the stalking begins. Psychological profiling is done, and this is to assist in the overall campaign that includes intense psychological harassments and demoralizations. Tactics used go well beyond fear, demoralization and psychological harassment.
The tactics used have been the protocol in campaigns against common people implemented by the KGB in Soviet Russia, Nazis of Nazi Germany, and the KKK in the early to middle of last century in America.. The accumulation of all the tactics and events in this dangerously hurtful organized crime against an innocent human being can led to trauma and will emotionally bankrupt the targeted individual, and may lead to death, as suicide is often induced through the assaults.
The perpetrators of organized stalking are serious criminals who do great damage, and the acts done are very serious crimes by any measure. Organized stalking is a highly criminal campaign, one directed at a target individual, and one that aims to destroy an innocent persons life through covert harassments, malicious slander and carefully crafted and executed psychological assaults.
Organized stalking deprives the targeted individual of their basic constitutional rights and destroys their freedom, setting a stage for the destruction of a person, socially, mental and physical, through a ceaseless assault that pervades all areas of a persons life. What drives such campaigns may be revenge for whistleblowing, or for highly critical individuals, as outspoken people have become targets. Other reasons why a person may become a target individual for stalking: ex-spouse revenge, criminal hate campaigns, politics, or racism.
Organized stalking may be part of a larger phenomena that may have loose threads that extend into a number of differing entities, such as intelligence agencies, military, and large corporations, though it is certain that organized crime is one of Organized stalking’s primary sources, or origins.
The goals of Organized stalking are many. To cause the target to appear unstable mentally is one, and this is achieved through a carefully detailed assault using advanced psychological harassment techniques, and a variety of other tactics that are the usual protocol for Organized stalking, such as street theater, mobbing, and pervasive petty disrespecting.
Targets experience the following:
1. A total invasion of privacy
2. Pervasive and horrific slander
3. Isolation through alienation that is caused by the slander
4. Destruction of, or alienation from all things that the target holds dear.
A discrediting campaign is initiated long before the target is actually stalked. They, the criminal perpetrators, twist and fabricate reality through such a campaign, displaying lies that paint the target as a child molester, a person with hidden dark secrets, a highly unstable individual who may be a threat to society, a prostitute, or a longtime drug user, etc. The slandering or discrediting campaign sets the stage for the target to become alienated in just about every social-familial- work environment, once the actual stalking begins.
This slandering campaign is instrumental in eliminating all resource and avenue of defense for the target, before the actual stalking begins. This stage is one that sees people close to the target, family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers recruited by the perpetrator criminals, who will pose as law enforcement officials, private investigators, or groups of concerned citizens.
The Organized stalking is aimed at achieving one or all of the follow:
1. Induced suicide
2. Financial devastation
3. Homelessness
4. Institutionalization in psyche wards.
Once actual stalking begins:
The target will endure a vast array of tactics: gaslighting, street theater, drugging, gassing, scent harassment, mobbing, subtle but frequent destruction of property, killing of pets.
Psychological profiling will be done so as to initiate an intense psychological harassment assault. Staged happenings and planned or directed conversations will take place around the target in public or places of work, and serves not only to undermine the targets psychology, but also may be used to cause the target to thinking that he or she is under investigation for horrific crimes.
Stalkers will have studied the target to such a level that they know and can predict the persons behavior. Again, often the target will think that they are being investigated for crimes that would be absurd for the target to have actually commited. Not knowing what actually is happening, the target is isolated and lives through a never ending living nightmare.
Once the target finds out that they are a target individual for Organized stalking, or multi stalking, they may have some relief, but from what I have read, the stalking simply changes dimensions a bit, and continues.
Identifying the exact people who initiated Organized stalking campaigns is difficult, or near impossible, and this makes it very difficult for people researching this phenomena to discover, in certainty, the roots and genealogy of the crime. Investigation of a Organized stalking crime would require a great deal of resources, and intensity similar to murder investigations.
What are the motivations for the targeted individual organized stalking system?
1. Organized stalking system is used by the government as a virtual jail for the targeted individual. The O.S. system isolates targeted individual from the community and creates barriers for the targeted individual within the community.
2. The targeted individual’s actions are severely limited to survival. He/she loses confidence in the community and cannot do anything dramatic or revolutionary to impact his/her environment or the community.
3. The targeted individual thinks about the problem of O.S., other pressing life issues are ignored or planned the least.
4. The O.S. system destroys the ego and identity of the targeted individual and stops him/her from pursuing successful life or influential life that cannot be controlled.
5. If the targeted individual complains about O.S. system, he/she will be misdiagnosed with mental illness as the O.S. techniques used mimic the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. The intelligence agencies have perfected this technique of using the mental health system to destroy targeted individuals after 50 years of research. Thus the intelligence agencies achieve perfect deniability in their crimes.
Posted in Gaslighting, Group Stalking
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Tags: Organized stalking, psychiatric reprisal
Zersetzung (Ministerium für Staatssicherheit)
Sep 20; Posted by (Geeldon)
Zersetzung (Ministerium für Staatssicherheit)
Die Zersetzung als vom Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (MfS) der DDR eingesetzte geheimpolizeiliche Arbeitstechnik diente zur Bekämpfung vermeintlicher und tatsächlicher politischer Gegner. Die im Rahmen einer 1976 erlassenen Richtlinie definierten Zersetzungsmaßnahmen wurden vom MfS vornehmlich in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren in Operativen Vorgängen gegen oppositionelle Gruppen und Einzelpersonen eingesetzt. Zumeist konspirativ angewandt, ersetzten sie den offenen Terror der Ära Ulbricht. Durch gezielte Beeinträchtigung oder Schädigung versuchte das MfS Gegnern die Möglichkeiten für feindliche Handlungen zu nehmen. Als repressive Verfolgungspraxis beinhaltete die Zersetzung dabei umfangreiche Steuerungs- und Manipulationsfunktionen bis in die persönlichsten Beziehungen der Opfer hinein. Das MfS griff hierbei auf das Netz an „Inoffiziellen Mitarbeitern“ (IM), staatliche Einflussnahmemöglichkeiten sowie „Operative Psychologie“ zurück. Durch die Offenlegung zahlreicher Stasi-Unterlagen in Folge der politischen Wende in der DDR ist der Einsatz von Zersetzungsmaßnahmen durch das MfS besonders gut dokumentiert.
* 1 Begriffsherkunft und MfS-Definition
* 2 Politische und gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen
* 3 Praktische Anwendung
* 4 Zielgruppen für Zersetzungsmaßnahmen
* 5 Gesellschaftliche und juristische Aufarbeitung
* 6 Literatur
* 7 Film
* 8 Weblinks
* 9 Siehe auch
* 10 Einzelnachweise
Begriffsherkunft und MfS-Definition
Neben der chemischen Bedeutung des Verbs zersetzen bezeichnet Zersetzung auch die Zerstörung einer Gemeinschaft, Ordnung oder politischen Partei.[1] Die Herkunft des Wortes im MfS-Gebrauch stammt aus der Militärsprache: „Zersetzung“ bezeichnet eine strategische Maßnahme aus der psychologischen Kriegsführung, um die Kampfmoral gegnerischer Soldaten zu schwächen. Während der Weimarer Republik wurde der Begriff für die gegenseitige Unterwanderung politischer Organisationen sowie der Reichswehr mit dem Ziel ihrer inneren Schwächung gebraucht.[2] Das MfS verwendete den Begriff erstmals umfassend in ihrer als „Geheime Verschlusssache“ eingestuften Richtlinie Nr. 1/76 zur Entwicklung und Bearbeitung Operativer Vorgänge (OV). Diese beschrieb auf insgesamt vier Seiten die „Anwendung von Maßnahmen der Zersetzung“.
Eine Definition der Zersetzung einschließlich deren Ziele und Methoden lieferte das MfS im Rahmen der zweiten Auflage ihres 1981 erarbeiteten und 1985 erschienenen Wörterbuchs zur politisch-operativen Arbeit. Die erste Auflage aus dem Jahr 1970 enthielt diesen Begriff noch nicht.[3]
„[Die operative Zersetzung ist eine] operative Methode des MfS zur wirksamen Bekämpfung subversiver Tätigkeit, insbesondere in der Vorgangsbearbeitung. Mit der Z. wird durch verschiedene politisch-operative Aktivitäten Einfluß auf feindlich-negative Personen, insbesondere auf ihre feindlich-negativen Einstellungen und Überzeugungen in der Weise genommen, daß diese erschüttert und allmählich verändert werden bzw. Widersprüche sowie Differenzen zwischen feindlich-negativen Kräften hervorgerufen, ausgenutzt oder verstärkt werden.
Ziel der Z. ist die Zersplitterung, Lähmung, Desorganisierung und Isolierung feindlich-negativer Kräfte, um dadurch feindlich-negative Handlungen einschließlich deren Auswirkungen vorbeugend zu verhindern, wesentlich einzuschränken oder gänzlich zu unterbinden bzw. eine differenzierte politisch-ideologische Rückgewinnung zu ermöglichen.
Z. sind sowohl unmittelbarer Bestandteil der Bearbeitung Operativer Vorgänge als auch vorbeugender Aktivitäten außerhalb der Vorgangsbearbeitung zur Verhinderung feindlicher Zusammenschlüsse. Hauptkräfte der Durchführung der Z. sind die IM. Die Z. setzt operativ bedeutsame Informationen und Beweise über geplante, vorbereitete und durchgeführte feindliche Aktivitäten sowie entsprechende Anknüpfungspunkte für die wirksame Einleitung von Z.-Maßnahmen voraus.
Die Z. hat auf der Grundlage einer gründlichen Analyse des operativen Sachverhaltes sowie der exakten Festlegung der konkreten Zielstellung zu erfolgen. Die Durchführung der Z. ist einheitlich und straff zu leiten, ihre Ergebnisse sind zu dokumentieren.
Die politische Brisanz der Z. stellt hohe Anforderungen hinsichtlich der Wahrung der Konspiration.“
– Ministerium für Staatssicherheit: Wörterbuch zur politisch-operativen Arbeit, Stichwort: „Zersetzung“[4]
Politische und gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen
Während der ersten zehn Jahre der DDR wurde politische Opposition überwiegend als Kriegs- und Boykotthetze mit Methoden des Strafrechtes bekämpft.[5] Mit der Abschottung der DDR in Folge des Mauerbaus wurde ab 1963 auch der justizielle Terror aufgegeben.[6] Vor allem seit Beginn der Ära Honecker 1971 verstärkte das MfS seine Bemühungen, oppositionelles Verhalten ohne Anwendung des Strafrechtes zu sanktionieren.[7] Wichtige Anlässe hierfür waren das Streben der DDR nach internationaler Anerkennung und die deutsch-deutsche Annäherung ab Ende der 1960er Jahre. So hatte sich die DDR sowohl im Grundlagenvertrag mit der BRD[8] als auch mit dem Beitritt zur UN-Charta[9] und der Unterzeichnung der KSZE-Schlussakte[10] zur Achtung der Menschenrechte verpflichtet beziehungsweise diese Absicht bekundet. Da letztere auch im Neuen Deutschland publiziert wurde, stand deren Umsetzung – insbesondere in Bezug auf die beschlossene Verbesserung der Ausreiseregelung – auch innenpolitisch zur Diskussion. Zudem versuchte das SED-Regime, die Zahl politischer Häftlinge zu reduzieren und hierzu die versprochenen Konzessionen durch Repressionspraktiken unterhalb der Schwelle von Verhaftung und Verurteilung zu kompensieren.[11][12]
Praktische Anwendung
Das MfS setzte die Zersetzung vor allem als psychologisches Unterdrückungs- und Verfolgungsinstrument ein.[13] Es nutzte die an der Juristischen Hochschule der Staatssicherheit (JHS) gewonnenen Erkenntnisse der „Operativen Psychologie“ gezielt,[14] um das Selbstvertrauen und Selbstwertgefühl der Opfer zu untergraben. Diese sollten verwirrt oder verängstigt, permanenten Enttäuschungen ausgesetzt und durch Störung der Beziehungen zu anderen Menschen sozial entwurzelt werden. Auf diese Weise sollten Lebenskrisen hervorgerufen werden, die politische Gegner verunsichern und psychisch belasten sollten, sodass dem Opfer die Zeit und Energie für staatsfeindliche Aktivitäten genommen wurde.[15] Das MfS als Drahtzieher der Maßnahmen sollte hierbei nicht erkennbar sein.[16][2] Der selbst betroffene Schriftsteller Jürgen Fuchs sprach deshalb auch von „psychosozialen Verbrechen“ und einem „Angriff auf die Seele des Menschen“.[15]
Wenngleich sich bereits für die späten 1950er Jahre Methoden der Zersetzung nachweisen lassen, wurde die Zersetzung als Methode erst Mitte der 1970er Jahre „wissenschaftlich“ definiert und vornehmlich in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren angewendet.[17] Die Zahl der betroffenen Personen kann nur schwer ermittelt werden, da die Quellenlage wegen bewusster Verschleierung oft lückenhaft ist, die angewendeten Methoden jedoch vielfältig und die beteiligten Abteilungen zahlreich waren. Insgesamt dürften eine vier- bis fünfstellige Zahl an Personen in Gruppen, sowie eine dreistellige Zahl an Einzelpersonen mit Zersetzungsmaßnahmen belegt worden sein.[18] Andere Quellen gehen von etwa 5000 betroffenen Personen aus.[19] An der Juristischen Hochschule wurde eine zweistellige Zahl an Dissertationen zu Themen der Zersetzung vorgelegt.[20] Zudem existiert ein etwa 50 Seiten umfassendes „Lehrmaterial“ zur Zersetzung mit zahlreichen praktischen Beispielen.[21]
Angewandt wurden die Maßnahmen von nahezu allen Abteilungen des MfS, vor allem jedoch von der Hauptabteilung XX des MfS in Berlin sowie den Abteilungen XX der Bezirksverwaltungen und Kreisdienststellen des MfS. Mit der Überwachung von Religionsgemeinschaften, Kultur- und Medienbetrieben, Blockparteien und gesellschaftlichen Organisationen, des Bildungs- und Gesundheitssystems sowie des Sports deckte die Linie XX praktisch das gesamte öffentliche Leben in der DDR ab.[22] Das MfS nutzte hierbei die Möglichkeiten, die sich aus der geschlossenen Gesellschaftsform der DDR ergaben. Durch politisch-operatives Zusammenwirken besaß das MfS umfangreiche Eingriffsmöglichkeiten wie beispielsweise berufliche oder schulische Strafen, Ausschluss aus Massenorganisationen und Sportvereinen, zeitweise Verhaftungen durch die Volkspolizei[2] sowie die Nichtgewährung von Reisegenehmigungen ins sozialistische Ausland bzw. das Zurückweisen an den visafreien Grenzübergängen zur Tschechoslowakei und Volksrepublik Polen. Zu den „Partnern des operativen Zusammenwirkens“ zählten ferner die Räte der Kreise, Universitäts- und Betriebsleitungen, Wohnungsverwaltungen, Sparkassenfilialen oder unter Umständen behandelnde Ärzte.[23] Wichtige Grundlagen für die Ausarbeitung von Zersetzungsmaßnahmen lieferten die Linie VIII (Observation) sowie die Abteilungen 26 (Telefon- und Raumüberwachung) und M (Postkontrolle) des MfS, notwendige Technik beschaffte die Abteilung 32.[24]
Das MfS wendete die Zersetzung vor, während, nach oder an Stelle einer Inhaftierung der „Zielperson“ an. Die operativen Vorgänge verfolgten hierbei in der Regel nicht das Ziel, Beweise für eine strafbare Handlung des Opfers zu erbringen, um ein Ermittlungsverfahren zu eröffnen. Vielmehr betrachtete das MfS Zersetzungsmaßnahmen als eigenständiges Instrument, welches zum Einsatz kam, wenn strafrechtliche Maßnahmen aus politischen oder „politisch-operativen“ Gründen (beispielsweise um das internationale Ansehen der DDR nicht zu gefährden) nicht erwünscht waren.[25][26] In einigen Fällen versuchte das MfS jedoch einzelne Personen bewusst zu kriminalisieren, indem es beispielsweise Wolf Biermann Minderjährige zuführte, mit dem Ziel ihn später strafrechtlich belangen zu können.[27] Als Delikte für eine derartige Kriminalisierung wurden unpolitische Vergehen wie Drogenbesitz, Zoll- und Devisenvergehen, Diebstahl, Steuerhinterziehung oder Vergewaltigungen angestrebt.[28]
Als bewährte Formen der Zersetzung nennt die Richtlinie 1/76 unter anderem:
„systematische Diskreditierung des öffentlichen Rufes, des Ansehens und des Prestiges auf der Grundlage miteinander verbundener wahrer, überprüfbarer und diskreditierender, sowie unwahrer, glaubhafter, nicht widerlegbarer und damit ebenfalls diskreditierender Angaben; systematische Organisierung beruflicher und gesellschaftlicher Misserfolge zur Untergrabung des Selbstvertrauens einzelner Personen; […] Erzeugung von Zweifeln an der persönlichen Perspektive; Erzeugen von Misstrauen und gegenseitigen Verdächtigungen innerhalb von Gruppen […]; örtliches und zeitliches Unterbinden beziehungsweise Einschränken der gegenseitigen Beziehungen der Mitglieder einer Gruppe […] zum Beispiel durch […] Zuweisung von örtlich entfernt liegender Arbeitsplätze“
– Richtlinie Nr. 1/76 zur Entwicklung und Bearbeitung Operativer Vorgänge vom Januar 1976[29]
Mit dem durch Bespitzelung erlangten Wissen erstellte das MfS Sozio- und Psychogramme und wendete diese für persönlichkeitsorientierte Formen der Zersetzung an. Dabei wurden gezielt persönliche Eigenschaften und Neigungen sowie charakterliche Schwächen der „bearbeiteten Feindperson“ – beispielsweise berufliches Versagen, Vernachlässigung elterlicher Pflichten, Homosexualität, pornographische Interessen, Ehebruch, Alkoholismus, Abhängigkeit von Medikamenten, Neigung zu kriminellen Handlungen, Sammler- und Spielleidenschaften sowie Kontakte zu rechtsextremen Kreisen – aufgegriffen, oder diese wurden zur Bloßstellung des Opfers als Gerücht in dessen Umfeld gestreut.[30][31] Aus Sicht des MfS waren die Maßnahmen umso erfolgreicher, je persönlichkeitsbezogener sie angewendet wurden, jeglichen „Schematismus“ galt es zu vermeiden.[30]
Im Namen der Opfer schaltete das MfS Kontakt- oder Kleinanzeigen, löste Warenbestellungen aus oder setzte Notrufe ab, um diese zu terrorisieren.[32][33] Zur Drohung bzw. Einschüchterung sowie zur Erzeugung von Psychosen verschaffte sich das MfS Zugang zu den Wohnungen der Opfer und hinterließ dort offensichtliche Spuren der Anwesenheit, indem Gegenstände hinterlassen, entfernt oder verändert wurden.[28]
Freundschafts-, Liebes-, Ehe- und Familienbeziehungen manipulierte das MfS durch anonyme Briefe, Telegramme und Telefonanrufe sowie (oftmals gefälschte) kompromittierende Fotos[34]. Auf diese Weise sollten Eltern und Kinder systematisch entfremdet werden.[35] Zur Provokation von Beziehungskonflikten sowie außerehelicher Beziehungen unternahm das MfS mittels sogenannter Romeo-Agenten gezielte Umwerbungsversuche.[27]
Für die Zersetzung von Gruppen wurden gezielt (auch minderjährige[36]) IM innerhalb der Gruppe angeworben und eingesetzt. Oppositionelle Gruppen wurden in ihrer Arbeit behindert, indem durch IM permanent Korrekturen und Gegenvorschläge in deren programmatische Diskussionen eingebracht wurden.[37] Um Misstrauen innerhalb der Gruppe zu erzeugen, erweckte das MfS gelegentlich nur den Eindruck, einzelne Gruppenmitglieder seien als IM tätig. Neben der Verbreitung von Gerüchten oder manipulierten Fotos[38] fingierte das MfS hierbei Indiskretionen über angebliche IM-Treffen oder lud einzelne Gruppenmitglieder zu staatlichen Stellen vor, um den Eindruck einer IM-Tätigkeit zu erwecken.[2] Auch durch die gezielte Gewährung von Privilegien – zum Beispiel bei Urlaubs- und Reisegenehmigungen oder der Zuteilung von Wohnungen oder PKW – sollte der Eindruck einer MfS-Tätigkeit einzelner Gruppenmitglieder erzeugt werden.[27] Zweifel entstanden zudem durch die Inhaftierung nur einiger Mitglieder einer Gruppe.[37]
Ferner gehörten zu den Zersetzungsmethoden offene, verdeckte oder vorgetäuschte Bespitzelung, Brief- oder Telefonkontrolle, das Beschädigen privaten Eigentums, Manipulationen an Fahrzeugen bis hin zur Vergiftung von Lebensmitteln, falscher medizinischer Behandlung und strategisch gezieltem Treiben in den Suizid.[39]
Nicht abschließend geklärt werden konnte, ob das MfS Röntgenstrahlung einsetzte, um bei politischen Gegnern gesundheitliche Langzeitschäden hervorzurufen.[40] So starben mit Rudolf Bahro, Gerulf Pannach und Jürgen Fuchs im Abstand von zwei Jahren drei zum gleichen Zeitpunkt inhaftierte, prominente DDR-Dissidenten an Krebserkrankungen.[41] Eine Studie der BStU schloss jedoch auf Grundlage der vorhandenen Akten eine derart vorsätzliche Anwendung von Röntgenstrahlung aus und dokumentierte stattdessen nur einzelne Fälle fahrlässiger gesundheitsgefährdender Verwendung von radioaktiver Strahlenquellen, beispielsweise zur Markierung von Dokumenten.[42]
Das MfS setzte Zersetzungsmaßnahmen auch in Zusammenarbeit mit Bruder-Geheimdiensten anderer Ostblock-Staaten um. So leitete beispielsweise der polnische Geheimdienst gemeinsam mit dem MfS ab Anfang der 1960er Jahre gezielte Maßnahmen gegen die Zeugen Jehovas ein, welche als „innere Zersetzung“[43] bezeichnet wurden.[44]
Zielgruppen für Zersetzungsmaßnahmen
Maßnahmen der Zersetzung wurden seitens des MfS gegen Einzelpersonen und Personengruppen angewandt. Es existierte jedoch keine homogene Zielgruppe für Zersetzungsmaßnahmen, da oppositionelles Verhalten in der DDR vielfältig in Erscheinung trat und das MfS daher differenzierte Maßnahmen zu dessen Bekämpfung ergriff.[45] Dennoch nannte das MfS als Hauptzielgruppen:[2]
* Zusammenschlüsse von Ausreiseantragsstellern
* feindliche Gruppen unter kritischen Künstlern
* kirchliche Oppositionsgruppen
* Gruppierungen von Jugendlichen
* sowie deren Unterstützer (Menschenrechts- und Fluchthilfeorganisationen, ausgereiste und ausgebürgerte Oppositionelle).
Zudem setzte die Stasi vereinzelt Methoden der Zersetzung auch gegen missliebige unpolitische Organisationen wie die Wachtturm-Gesellschaft ein.[46]
Zu den prominentesten Opfern von Zersetzungsmaßnahmen zählten Jürgen Fuchs, Gerulf Pannach, Rudolf Bahro, Robert Havemann, Rainer Eppelmann, Reiner Kunze, die Eheleute Gerd und Ulrike Poppe, sowie Wolfgang Templin.
Gesellschaftliche und juristische Aufarbeitung
Sofern ihnen dies bewusst wurde, versuchten DDR-Oppositionelle wie Wolfgang Templin zum Teil erfolgreich die Zersetzungstätigkeiten des MfS über westliche Journalisten öffentlich zu machen.[33] Der Spiegel veröffentlichte 1977 die fünfteilige Serie Du sollst zerbrechen! des exilierten Jürgen Fuchs, in der er die „operative Psychologie“ der Stasi beschrieb.[47] Das MfS versuchte derartigen Veröffentlichungen entgegen zu wirken, indem es Fuchs in Redaktionen als Stasi-Paranoiker diskreditierte,[48] sodass der Spiegel und andere Medien davon ausgingen, Fuchs leide an Verfolgungswahn.[49][33] Dies konnte erst durch die Einsicht der Stasi-Akten nach der politischen Wende in der DDR widerlegt werden.
Im Wesentlichen gelten Methoden der Zersetzung auf Grund des Rückwirkungsverbots auch nach 1990 als nicht strafwürdig, eine Beteiligung an der Planung oder Durchführung von Zersetzungsmaßnahmen zog daher in der Regel keine juristischen Folgen nach sich.[50] Da ein eigener Straftatbestand der Zersetzung nicht existiert,[51] müssen Zersetzungsmaßnahmen einzeln zur Anzeige gebracht werden. Handlungen, die auch nach DDR-Recht Straftatbestände waren (etwa die Verletzung des Briefgeheimnisses), hätten bereits kurz nach der Tat bei DDR-Behörden angezeigt werden müssen, um einer Verjährung zu entgehen.[52] Erschwerend kam für viele Betroffene hinzu, dass das MfS als Urheber persönlicher Schäden und Misserfolge nicht erkennbar war. Oftmals besitzen zudem Stasi-Unterlagen vor Gericht keine Beweiskraft.
Opfer von Zersetzungsmaßnahmen erhalten – sofern sie nicht mindestens 180 Tage inhaftiert waren – keine Opferpension gemäß §17a des Strafrechtlichen Rehabilitierungsgesetzes (StrRehaG). Bei nachweislicher systematischer, beruflicher und/oder gesundheitlicher Schädigung durch das MfS kann gemäß Unrechtsbereinigungsgesetz (2. SED-UnBerG) eine verwaltungsrechtliche und sowie eine berufliche Rehabilitierung beantragt werden. Diese heben bestimmte Verwaltungsmaßnahmen von DDR-Organen auf und stellen deren Rechtsstaatswidrigkeit fest. Dies ist Voraussetzung für soziale Ausgleichszahlungen nach dem Bundesversorgungsgesetz. Bei einer anerkannten Verfolgungszeit von mindestens drei Jahren und nachgewiesener Bedürftigkeit können zudem Ausgleichszahlungen für Verdienstausfälle und Rentenschäden beantragt werden.[53] Als besondere Hürden erweisen sich in den genannten Fällen jedoch der Nachweis des Eingriffs des MfS in Gesundheit, Vermögen, Ausbildung und Beruf des Betroffenen, sowie die Anerkennung von (zum Teil psychischen) Gesundheitsschäden als direkte Folge von Zersetzungsmaßnahmen.[54]
Posted in Gaslighting, Group Stalking, Psychiatric Reprisal, Torture, Zersetzung
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Tags: MsF, Organized stalking, zersetzung
Implant Issues More than Skin Deep
Sep 20
Posted by (Geeldon)
Implant Issues More than Skin Deep
August 1, 2006 By: Tracy Cozzens GPS World
Applied Digital Solutions created a buzz when it tested a prototype of a GPS implant in the spring of 2003. The disc-shaped personal location device measured more than 6 centimeters in diameter and more than a centimeter deep — about the size of a heart pacemaker.
While Applied Digital Solutions suggested the market for the device would be potential hostage targets and outdoorsmen who want to be found, the GPS implant idea stirred controversy among privacy advocates and skepticism among scientists.
Today, Applied Digital Solutions is concentrating on marketing a much less power-hungry radio frequency identification (RFID) implant.
“VeriChip Corporation conducted R&D on the feasibility of a human-implantable GPS-capable chip but shelved the project after determining that current power source technologies have not yet scaled down to a size compatible with an implantable device,” said company spokesman John Procter. Instead, VeriChip is focused on developing its FDA-approved human-implantable RFID chip, particularly in the health-care market, where it’s used to link patients to their electronic medical records.
A GPS implant might be the size of this VeriChip implant, which uses RFID technology to carry scannable information.
That doesn’t mean the idea of a GPS implant has died. “The justice system is interested in an implantable device,” said Steve Aninye, president of Omnilink Systems of Alpharetta, Georgia. “We’re working with research and manufacturing entities to work through the challenges.”
Omnilink Systems manufactures bracelets and anklets tracking devices used by the justice system to track parolees. The company’s current system uses GPS, cell phones, RFID, and situation-specific sensors to monitor people and objects, and inform clients immediately if their status changes. Besides the justice market, the devices are being used in public safety (such as alerting children and parents to the proximity of sex offenders through a cell phone), healthcare, and emergency response.
While Omnilink hasn’t yet developed a GPS implant, the company is researching the main roadblocks to such a device: power, removal, and impaired environment.
An Omnilink tracking bracelet, now used by numerous justice agencies, could be the forerunner of a GPS implant.
An Omnilink tracking bracelet, now used by numerous justice agencies, could be the forerunner of a GPS implant.
Power. Getting enough power to the implant is probably the largest obstacle. In the traditional areas for tracking, such as fleet optimization, size and power aren’t a problem because the devices are installed in cars or on equipment. But an implant would naturally have to be small.
“Some schools of thought believe you can use biometric readings in humans to generate power,” Aninye said, but such a technology isn’t yet commercially viable.
As for people-tracking bracelets, because they’re external they can be easily recharged. In the justice market, batteries last only three or four days because of intense around-the-clock monitoring. In other markets, the batteries can last 14 days or more. “Our devices are designed to go 21 days between charges,” Aninye said. “Omnilink hopes to achieve a 21-to 30-day life cycle.”
Removal. For a GPS implant to be useful to law enforcement, the recipient should be unable to remove it by picking it from under the skin. “Removal is a critical challenge,” Aninye said. “A person can’t be able to visit a tattoo shop and have it removed.”
Removal isn’t an issue with the wrist and ankle bracelets now in use. Omnilink’s ankle and wristbands detect tampering or any removal attempt. Even if the wearer is crafty enough to slip off the device without tampering with its body or strap, the device detects a change in body temperature and sends an alert to the monitoring system.
GPS-Impaired Environments. A final challenge is ensuring that the GPS implant works reliably in GPS-impaired environments, such as underground subway tunnels that lack direct line-of-sight to GPS satellite signals.
For its external tracking devices, Omnilink works with cell-phone network providers such as Qualcomm to penetrate impaired environments with assisted GPS and advanced forward link trilateration (AFLT), which measures signals from nearby cellular towers.
Privacy Concerns. Assuming the issues of sufficient power, preventing removal, and an unimpaired signal are addressed, another major issue looms for GPS implants: privacy.
“The fact you can covertly figure out where people have been and are going is a huge concern,” Aninye said. “As these issues are being sorted out, Omnilink has decided to focus on markets where people voluntarily opt in, or where community laws require tracking of convicted criminals. “Outside the public safety arena, a person would have to choose to be protected for us to monitor you.”
Omnilink does have such customers. They are required to sign a one-page agreement consenting to monitoring. While the technology could ostensibly be used to monitor people covertly, Omnilink has no plans to use it in such a way, Aninye said. Even people who want to be monitored, such as employees at a secure workplace, are no longer monitored once they leave the office.
Omnilink is participating on a new Location Based Services Action Team sponsored by the CTIA Wireless Internet Caucus. The committee is tussling with privacy issues as it explores the legal and social ramifications of tracking people. Its members plan to recommend best practices, guidelines for terminology, and standards of use.
In the meantime, an implantable GPS device exists only in the realm of speculation.
Posted in Implantable Microchips, Torture
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Tags: gps, implant, microchip
Binding U.S. law requires prosecutions for those who authorize torture (E-Weapons)
Sep 19
Posted by (Geeldon)
CONVENTION AGAINST TORTURE and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (signed by the U.S. under Ronald Reagan):
Article 2
1. Each State Party shall take effective legislative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent acts of torture in any territory under its jurisdiction.
2. No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat or war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture.
3. An order from a superior officer or a public authority may not be invoked as a justification of torture. . . .
Article 4
1. Each State Party shall ensure that all acts of torture are offences under its criminal law. The same shall apply to an attempt to commit torture and to an act by any person which constitutes complicity or participation in torture.
Article 7
1. The State Party in territory under whose jurisdiction a person alleged to have committed any offence referred to in article 4 is found, shall in the cases contemplated in article 5, if it does not extradite him, submit the case to its competent authorities for the purpose of prosecution.
Article 15
Each State Party shall ensure that any statement which is established to have been made as a result of torture shall not be invoked as evidence in any proceedings, except against a person accused of torture as evidence that the statement was made.
Ronald Reagan, 5/20/1988, transmitting Treaty to the U.S. Senate:
The United States participated actively and effectively in the negotiation of the Convention. It marks a significant step in the development during this century of international measures against torture and other inhuman treatment or punishment. Ratification of the Convention by the United States will clearly express United States opposition to torture, an abhorrent practice unfortunately still prevalent in the world today.
U.S. Constitution, Article VI:
This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.
Soon-to-be Attorney General Eric Holder, 1/15/2009 (repeatedly):
“No one is above the law.”
Posted in Human Experimentation, Torture, Uncategorized
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Tags: directed energy weapons, E-weapons, torture
International and U.S. Law Prohibiting Torture ( E-Weapons)
Sep 19; Posted by (Geeldon)
Summary of International and U.S. Law Prohibiting Torture and Other Ill-treatment of Persons in Custody
Last Updated May 24, 2004
International and U.S. law prohibits torture and other ill-treatment of any person in custody in all circumstances. The prohibition applies to the United States during times of peace, armed conflict, or a state of emergency. Any person, whether a U.S. national or a non-citizen, is protected. It is irrelevant whether the detainee is determined to be a prisoner-of-war, a protected person, or a so-called “security detainee” or “unlawful combatant.” And the prohibition is in effect within the territory of the United States or any place anywhere U.S. authorities have control over a person. In short, the prohibition against torture and ill-treatment is absolute.
The following summary sets out the major international legal obligations of the United States and various legal bases by which U.S. officials, military personnel and others could be prosecuted for torture or other mistreatment of persons held at U.S. military and intelligence detention facilities. Included are web links to the cited international conventions and federal statutes.
I. International Humanitarian Law and the Geneva Conventions
The primary source of international humanitarian law (also called the laws of war) is the four Geneva Conventions of 1949, which the United States ratified in 1955. The Third Geneva Convention concerns prisoners-of-war; the Fourth Geneva Convention safeguards so-called “protected persons,” most simply described as detained civilians. Detainees must at all times be humanely treated (Geneva III, art. 13, Geneva IV, art. 27). Detainees may be questioned, but any form of “physical or mental coercion” is prohibited (Geneva III, art. 17; Geneva IV, art. 31). Women shall be protected from rape and any form of indecent assault (Geneva IV, art. 27).
Torture or inhuman treatment of prisoners-of-war (Geneva III, arts. 17 & 87) or protected persons (Geneva IV, art. 32) are grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, and are considered war crimes (Geneva III, art. 130; Geneva IV, art. 147). War crimes create an obligation on any state to prosecute the alleged perpetrators or turn them over to another state for prosecution. This obligation applies regardless of the nationality of the perpetrator, the nationality of the victim or the place where the act of torture or inhuman treatment was committed (Geneva III, art.129; Geneva IV, art. 146).
Detainees in an armed conflict or military occupation are also protected by common article 3 to the Geneva Conventions. Article 3 prohibits “
[v]iolence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture; …outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment.”
Even persons who are not entitled to the protections of the 1949 Geneva Conventions (such as some detainees from third countries) are protected by the “fundamental guarantees” of article 75 of Protocol I of 1977 to the Geneva Conventions. The United States has long considered article 75 to be part of customary international law (a widely supported state practice accepted as law). Article 75 prohibits murder, “torture of all kinds, whether physical or mental,” “corporal punishment,” and “outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment, … and any form of indecent assault.”
II. Human Rights Law
Torture and other mistreatment of persons in custody are also prohibited in all circumstances under international human rights law, which applies in both peacetime and wartime. Among the relevant treaties are the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (arts. 7 & 10) and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Convention against Torture), both of which the United States has ratified. The standard definition of torture can be found in article 1 of the Convention against Torture.
In its reservations to the Convention against Torture, the United States claims to be bound by the obligation to prevent “cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment” only insofar as the term means the cruel, unusual and inhumane treatment or punishment prohibited by the Fifth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Furthermore, U.S. reservations say that mental pain or suffering only refers to prolonged mental harm from: (1) the intentional infliction or threatened infliction of severe physical pain or suffering; (2) the use or threat of mind altering substances; (3) the threat of imminent death; or (4) that another person will imminently be subjected to the above mistreatment.
Prohibitions on torture and other ill-treatment are also found in other international documents, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the U.N. Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment, and the U.N. Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners.
Additionally, the prohibition on torture is considered a fundamental principle of customary international law that is binding on all states (what is known as a “peremptory norm” of international law because it preempts all other customary laws). All states are bound to respect the prohibition on torture and ill-treatment whether or not they are parties to treaties which expressly contain the prohibition. They are also obliged to prevent and to punish acts of torture, even if they are not parties to treaties that expressly require them to do so.
The widespread or systematic practice of torture constitutes a crime against humanity. (See, e.g., art. 5 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court)
III. U.S. Law
The United States has incorporated international prohibitions against torture and mistreatment of persons in custody into its domestic law. The United States has reported to the Committee Against Torture that: “Every act of torture within the meaning of the Convention is illegal under existing federal and state law, and any individual who commits such an act is subject to penal sanctions as specified in criminal statutes. Such prosecutions do in fact occur in appropriate circumstances. Torture cannot be justified by exceptional circumstances, nor can it be excused on the basis of an order from a superior officer. “
Military personnel who mistreat prisoners can be prosecuted by a court-martial under various provisions of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ, arts. 77-134).
The War Crimes Act of 1996 (18 U.S.C. § 2441) makes it a criminal offense for U.S. military personnel and U.S. nationals to commit war crimes as specified in the 1949 Geneva Conventions. War crimes under the act include grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions. It also includes violations of common Article 3 to the Geneva Conventions, which prohibits “violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture; …outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment.
A federal anti-torture statute (18 U.S.C. § 2340A), enacted in 1994, provides for the prosecution of a U.S. national or anyone present in the United States who, while outside the U.S., commits or attempts to commit torture. Torture is defined as an “act committed by a person acting under the color of law specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering (other than pain or suffering incidental to lawful sanctions) upon another person within his custody or physical control.” A person found guilty under the act can be incarcerated for up to 20 years or receive the death penalty if the torture results in the victim’s death.
Military contractors working for the Department of Defense might also be prosecuted under the Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-778), known as MEJA. MEJA permits the prosecution in federal court of U.S. civilians who, while employed by or accompanying U.S. forces abroad, commit certain crimes. Generally, the crimes covered are any federal criminal offense punishable by imprisonment for more than one year. The MEJA remains untested because the Defense Department has yet to issue necessary implementing regulations required by the law.
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 113C > § 2340
§ 2340. Definitions
As used in this chapter—
(1) “torture” means an act committed by a person acting under the color of law specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering (other than pain or suffering incidental to lawful sanctions) upon another person within his custody or physical control;
(2) “severe mental pain or suffering” means the prolonged mental harm caused by or resulting from—
(A) the intentional infliction or threatened infliction of severe physical pain or suffering;
(B) the administration or application, or threatened administration or application, of mind-altering substances or other procedures calculated to disrupt profoundly the senses or the personality;
(C) the threat of imminent death; or
(D) the threat that another person will imminently be subjected to death, severe physical pain or suffering, or the administration or application of mind-altering substances or other procedures calculated to disrupt profoundly the senses or personality; and
(3) “United States” means the several States of the United States, the District of Columbia, and the commonwealths, territories, and possessions of the United States.
§ 2340A. Torture
(a) Offense.— Whoever outside the United States commits or attempts to commit torture shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both, and if death results to any person from conduct prohibited by this subsection, shall be punished by death or imprisoned for any term of years or for life.
(b) Jurisdiction.— There is jurisdiction over the activity prohibited in subsection (a) if—
(1) the alleged offender is a national of the United States; or
(2) the alleged offender is present in the United States, irrespective of the nationality of the victim or alleged offender.
(c) Conspiracy.— A person who conspires to commit an offense under this section shall be subject to the same penalties (other than the penalty of death) as the penalties prescribed for the offense, the commission of which was the object of the conspiracy.
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 113C > § 2340B
§ 2340B. Exclusive remedies
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as precluding the application of State or local laws on the same subject, nor shall anything in this chapter be construed as creating any substantive or procedural right enforceable by law by any party in any civil proceeding.
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U.S. and International Standards Against Torture ( E-weapons)
Sep 19
Posted by (Geeldon)
United States Bill of Rights (1789), Amendment 8
” …nor (shall) cruel or unusual punishment be inflicted.”
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), Article 5
“No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment.”
Geneva Conventions (1949) Article 99, Third Convention
“no moral or physical coercion may be exerted on a prisoner of war in order to admit himself guilty of the act of which he is accused ”
UN Minimum Standards for the Treatment of Prisoners (1957), Rule 31
“Corporal punishment, punishment by placing in a dark cell, and all cruel, inhumane or degrading punishments shall be completely prohibited…”
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
?… to guarantee the right of everyone, without distinction to race, color or national or ethnic origin, to equality before the law, notably in the enjoyment of the following rights:
” (b) The right to security of person and protection by the State against violence or bodily harm, whether inflicted by government officials or by any individual group or institution…”
America Convention on Human Rights (1969)
“…All persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person.”
UN Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1975)
“No State may permit or tolerate torture…Exceptional circumstances such as a state of war …or any other public emergency may not be invoked as a justification of torture or other cruel inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment.”
UN Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials (1979), Article 5
“No law enforcement official may inflict, instigate or tolerate any act of torture…nor may any law enforcement official invoke superior order or exceptional circumstances…as a justification of torture…In this code of conduct, the term “law enforcement officials is said to include all officer of the law who exercise police powers, especially the powers of arrest or detention.”
15) Pre-crime Technology in Minneapolis Homes
Aug 24; Posted by (Geeldon)
Pre-crime Technology in Minneapolis Homes
The world has entered “a new age” in criminality, an era in which common murders and thieves have become less perils to society than “new age” criminals who use technology to commit their crimes. The main aim of any criminal is A) to get an easy target and B) to get away without punishment. Technology can both be the medium to commit bias motivated crime and vehicle to get away from the victim. It provides a means as well as barrier. This gets more complicated if hate crime offenders infiltrate law enforcement as crime can be easily covered up without forensic traces.
The FBI defines a bias motivated crime as “a criminal offense committed against a person, property or society which is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity or national origin.”
American society is diverse and US laws protect against bias motivated crimes. American society is society based on clear and certain truths intended for all citizens and communities and stated in the Declaration of Independence –certain rights that are unalienable such as the right to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.
A good example of “new age crime” would be organized crime syndicates following their business competitors and victims via the internet to commit crime by infiltrating law enforcement and local municipalities. Public-Private Partnerships sometimes evaluate deployment of vendor’s technology in an operational environment within a State or local law enforcement agency. These Public-Private Partnerships abuse minorities as subjects for their evaluation of equipment without compensation and that amounts to bias motivated crime. These Public-Private Partnerships are open to loop holes and corruption. Another example of “new age crime” would be overseas organized crime following their victims from overseas to America to destroy business competition.
The items to be tested for spy ware vendors include wireless ear piece, eyelash camera and because of serendipity the robotic system in 610 E 15th St, MPLS. The subject person becomes property of the vendor. The vendor will always monitor its secret gadgets like the ear piece (spy ware that’s implantable in ears). Russians become translators and operators for the ear piece, camera and robotic system. The Russian immigrants or Soviet Émigré have taken advantage of the Public-Private Partnerships and commit bias motivated crimes on US soil.
The only option for the vendors to shut down the operation is to pay out the subject or conspire to demonize him. Vendors hope that, like in MINORITY REPORT, some PRECRIME department will arrest/kill him in violation of the constitution. For this purpose the vendors collude with local informants and set up a website to follow the story of the subject person. These informants and visitors of the website harass the subject whenever they see him.
The vendors of Minnesota State and Local law enforcement in Minneapolis have violated the US constitution by installing neurological brain scanners in people’s homes without their knowledge. They targeted the most defenseless of all the citizens – namely the disabled and refugees for this human experimentation without consent. These scanners are part of the construction and hard to discover. By using software that’s open to manipulation these scanners can read people’s intentions or inner voices before they act, thus detecting whether or not a person has “hostile intent”.
This human experimentation is against the Common Rule & Nuremberg Code Article # 1:
“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.”
The apartment has robotic system that’s part of the renovation construction in 2005-2006. The robotic system is hidden in the walls and the ceiling and is part of the construction. Some of the apartments in 610 E 15th St building have the equipment. It is to be tested on people with MI disabilities. The planners would not have known who’d occupy the apartment except people with MI disabilities. The intelligence agencies’ vendors are testing the robotic system in operational setting.
The robotic system has infrared cameras, lasers, and neurological brain scanners. It includes equipment that can shoot magnetic pulse from light bulb. The robotic system includes chemical dispensers like sprinkler that highly accurate.
The robotic system is complex and includes the telepathic system that is to be used for interrogations. The work of the intelligence agencies is to gather background information. The background information is used to construct “fake dreams” using the robotic system. The telepathic equipment projects snippets of subjects’ background information and then solicits a comment. Sometimes it plays /projects a short video onto the fore lobe of the brain and the subjects’ brain reads/copies the story. The videos include stories from background history or even sex videos. It’s sort of like the equipment in the movie INCEPTION. The monitors try to plant an idea or copy story into the subjects’ brain.
The robotic system is used to train agents from all over the US especially Illinois (IL) and Minnesota (MN). The subjects of the training are people with disabilities / immigrants. After noticing the equipment, low-income persons with disabilities have limited options when it comes to housing. The cops who are training consider the subjects as real “future” criminals.
These technologies will be used for the introduction of pre-crime laws that are against the current justice system in which presumption of innocence is used. The technology testers in Minneapolis use the subjects’ FBI / CIA intelligence file and background or from another intelligence org for projecting future behavior. FBI and CIA are prohibited from engaging in illegal experimentation by the COMMON RULE.
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Computers predict what crime will be committed where, by who and when
Aug 24; Posted by (Geeldon)
Pre-Crime Technology To Be Used In Washington D.C.
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Computers predict what crime will be committed where, by who and when
Steve Watson
Tuesday, Aug 24th, 2010
Pre-Crime Technology To Be Used In Washington D.C.
Law enforcement agencies in Washington D.C. have begun to use technology that they say can predict when crimes will be committed and who will commit them, before they actually happen.
The Minority Report like pre-crime software has been developed by Richard Berk, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania.
Previous incarnations of the software, already being used in Baltimore and Philadelphia were limited to predictions of murders by and among parolees and offenders on probation.
According to a report by ABC News, however, the latest version, to be implemented in Washington D.C., can predict other future crimes as well.
“When a person goes on probation or parole they are supervised by an officer. The question that officer has to answer is ‘what level of supervision do you provide?’” Berk told ABC News, intimating that the program could have a bearing on the length of sentences and/or bail amounts.
The technology sifts through a database of thousands of crimes and uses algorithms and different variables, such as geographical location, criminal records and ages of previous offenders, to come up with predictions of where, when, and how a crime could possibly be committed and by who.
The program operates without any direct evidence that a crime will be committed, it simply takes datasets and computes possibilities.
“People assume that if someone murdered then they will murder in the future,” Berk also states, “But what really matters is what that person did as a young individual. If they committed armed robbery at age 14 that’s a good predictor. If they committed the same crime at age 30, that doesn’t predict very much.”
Critics have urged that the program encourages categorizing individuals on a risk scale via computer mathematics, rather than on real life, and that monitoring those people based on such a premise is antithetic to a justice system founded on the premise of the presumption of innocence.
Pre Crime Technology To Be Used In Washington D.C.
Other police departments and law agencies across the country have begun to look into and use similar predictive technologies. The Memphis Police Department, for example uses a program called Operation Blue CRUSH, which uses predictive analytics developed by IBM.
Other forms of pre-crime technology in use or under development include surveillance cameras that can predict when a crime is about to occur and alert police, and even neurological brain scanners that can read people’s intentions before they act, thus detecting whether or not a person has “hostile intent”.
It is not too far fetched to imagine all these forms of the technology being used together in the future by law enforcement bodies.
The British government has previously debated introducing pre-crime laws in the name of fighting terrorism. The idea was that suspects would be put on trial using MI5 or MI6 intelligence of an expected terror attack. This would be enough to convict if found to be true “on the balance of probabilities”, rather than “beyond reasonable doubt”.
The government even has plans to collect lifelong records on all residents starting at the age of five, in order to screen for those who might be more likely to commit crimes in the future.
Another disturbing possibility for such technology comes in the form of a financial alliance of sorts between Internet search engine giant Google and the investment arm of the CIA and the wider U.S. intelligence network.
Google and In-Q-Tel have recently injected a sum of up to $10 million each into a company called Recorded Future, which uses analytics to scour Twitter accounts, blogs and websites for all sorts of information, which is used to “assemble actual real-time dossiers on people.”
The company describes its analytics as “the ultimate tool for open-source intelligence” and says it can also “predict the future”.
Recorded Future takes in vast amounts of personal information such as employment changes, personal education and family relations. Promotional material also shows categories covering pretty much everything else, including entertainment, music and movie releases, as well as other innocuous things like patent filings and product recalls.
Those detached from any kind of moral reality will say “If you’ve got nothing to hide then what is the problem with being scanned for pre-crime? If it keeps us all safe from murderers, rapists and terrorists I’m all for it”.
How far towards a literal technological big brother police state will we slip before people wake up to the fact?
Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor at Alex Jones’, and regular contributor to He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.
In the video below, Alex Jones explains how Google’s plan to end the Internet as we know it ties in to the wider surveillance agenda and the total information awareness network under the CIA and Homeland Security.
16) Guide To Dealing With Police Harassment
Jul 13; Posted by (Geeldon)
AMER the Alliance for Magical and Earth Religions
Here in the United States, the freedom to think and believe as you choose are protected by law. Unfortunately, our legal system is not perfect; there are some few people out there who would use it against those who believe differently from themselves.
It is important to remember that religious belief is not a crime. If you are ever harassed for your religious beliefs, whether by corrupt police following their own agendas or by honest police misled by dishonest citizens, you must bear in mind that the legal system is designed to protect you. This pamphlet will show you how to use the system to your own advantage: what to do, and especially what not to do.
It is assumed that you are, in fact, not guilty of committing a crime. While it is true that the system works as well for the guilty as for the innocent, our purpose here is to address only the issue of harassment on the basis of religion or personal beliefs. If there is an actual crime involved, even if it is religious in nature or motivation, AMER will not endorse it or support its perpetrators.
There are several types of action available to law enforcement officers which can be used to harass the ordinary citizen. Some of these are questioning, search and seizure, arrest, and accusation. We will touch on each of these, with information about what the police have to do, and what they cannot do. This knowledge can help you to steer your own course through difficult times.
One thing you must never, never do: DO NOT, under any circumstances, physically resist the police. To do so justifies their use of force to compel you; don’t give a police officer an opportunity to misjudge the level of force required. If he is honest and unwise, or corrupt and out to get you, the result will be the same: you will be injured (or even killed!), and he will be free to continue to harass citizens. Your resistance must be passive – in what you don’t do – to be effective. If you feel that you are being mistreated by the police, accept it and go along with it; you will still be alive and free to obtain redress later, through the Courts.
Law Enforcement Officers have the right and the duty to stop and question any citizen, whenever a felony has been committed and they have reasonable grounds to believe that the citizen may have been involved in that felony. If this should happen to you, your first reaction should be to cooperate fully with the officer. This is not harassment, unless the questions asked do not or cannot pertain to any real crime.
At your first opportunity, when you suspect that you are being harassed, you should ask, “Am I under arrest?” This forces the officer to inform you of your official status. If he or she does not formally arrest you at that point, then you are still a “private citizen” with all the civil rights thereof. You do not have to answer any questions, or allow the officer into any premises for which he or she does not have a warrant. Ask the officer, “What crime is under investigation?” The answer to this question should allow you to decide whether the officers questions are legitimate. Only then, if you are being harassed, should you use any of the following tactics.
You should not volunteer information about any persons or incidents, no matter what is promised to you. Anything you say can be used against you and others, and could be used out of context to mean something you had never intended. You will not clear yourself by naming others or describing events. It is best not to say a word until you have legal representation present.
Sometimes you could be subjected to bigotry, insult, or epithets from police who feel that intimidation will get them results from otherwise reticent subjects. Do not go into shock, do not lose your temper and do not respond in kind; it will only serve to pour more fuel on the fire and make matters worse. If you can remember exact words and details, write them down at the first opportunity and talk with a lawyer about whether you have adequate grounds for a civil rights complaint.
The police may take you to the station to talk. If this happens, ask to have an attorney present. Then, shut up. Don’t say anything until the lawyer is there with you, and speak only if he advises it.
If you are in a public place with a multitude of neutral witnesses, like an event in a public park, you can speak a little more freely. Just remember, witnesses can work against you, too, so watch what you say and keep your temper.
If you are at another’s home when the police come in, you should keep quiet also. Avoid incriminating your host. You really don’t know what grounds are being used for the raid, and you probably don’t know they are innocent of whatever it is; so avoid incriminating yourself or others. In this case, the time to act is afterwards; see an attorney.
In your own home, if the police ask permission to come in, the answer should be “NO.” You should step outside and talk with them. If the weather is too inclement for that, or if they don’t like this approach, offer to go to McDonald’s or to the police station. You don’t have to let them in without a warrant. If you are asked, “What do you have to hide?” turn it around and ask “What kind of question is that?” If they are not asking to come in, but breaking down your door, give way and let them in. Don’t fight them or make any insults or threats, but remember all that is said and done, make notes, and get a lawyer.
If the officer looks frightened or angry, take extreme precautions not to do anything to startle him or make him think you are about to do him harm. This is a time of maximum risk to yourself, so be very polite and don’t do anything that may be interpreted as a threat.
If the worst happens and you are injured during the course of an improper police action, go to the nearest Emergency Room for treatment. Even if the injury appears to be superficial, the hospital is required by law to notify the police in the case of an assault. This will begin the process of documentation for your eventual complaint or lawsuit. The hospital’s report will be instrumental in substantiating such a complaint.
While the law recognizes many different circumstances under which the police may conduct a search of persons or property, only a few are relevant to this discussion. Of course, you are perfectly within your rights to ask the officer why he is searching you; his answer will help you to determine whether you have grounds for a complaint. (You always submit to the search; if the officer is acting improperly, you may file a complaint later.)
The Limited Protection Search is most easily used for harassment purposes. The law enforcement officer is permitted, if he has cause to suspect that a person is armed, to “frisk” that person for weapons. While this may be undignified, it is no more than that; if you are armed, surrender the weapon voluntarily before the search begins. This establishes that you are willing to cooperate with the officer, and limits the scope of further harassment. (Of course, if the weapon you carry is illegal, there are other consequences.) If you are not armed, it doesn’t matter; even if he were to find contraband on your person, he probably could do no more than confiscate it, because it might not be admissible evidence.
If you are a female, you have the right to have a female witness present during the search. Another harassment tactic involves the “Plain View” search, which is not a search at all. This involves the officer’s simply seeing some item which he defines as contraband; he has the right to confiscate it, as well as to take any further action as appropriate. Though this can be a major inconvenience, you can file a complaint against the officer through his department’s Internal Affairs division, and you may be able to recover your property.
If you are actually arrested, then the officer may search your person and all of the surrounding area within your reach. This “Search Incident to Arrest” is permitted to insure that the arrested person cannot obtain a weapon or destroy evidence; any contraband or evidence relating to the reason for the arrest is admissible. You can do nothing about this, so relax. (It may be a tactic to rattle you. Don’t let it.)
when the property to be searched is an automobile, the requirement for a search warrant is waived. The officer must still be able to prove to the Court that his search is “reasonable,” but he does not have to obtain a warrant to make the search. This is because the vehicle is mobile, and could be gone by the time a warrant could be obtained.
Once again, we cannot make the warning strong enough: DO NOT resist a police officer or other law enforcement officer when he insists on making a search! Better to submit to the search than to the arrest or other consequences that could result from resistance! If you believe that the search was not reasonable, take notes as soon as you can. See an attorney. If you have a case, your attorney will deal with it.
“You are under arrest.” These are words that the common, upstanding citizen never expects to hear. However, as a Pagan or magical practitioner, you must be realistic. As the world stands, Pagans, Satanists, Witches and others deemed “radical,” “non-conformist,” or (in extreme cases) “dangerous to society”, face the very real possibility that they may be harassed, arrested, charged with supposed crimes, or actually prosecuted for those “crimes.” Whether your arrest is the end of a long series of harassments, or happens abruptly and surprisingly, there are certain procedures that the police are required by law to follow if they don’t want the arrest to be deemed invalid in any future court proceedings. This section deals with that process, and hopefully, will include some useful advice on how to deal with being arrested.
You have probably already been stopped and questioned. The officer has informed you that you are under arrest, and your situation has radically changed. You are no longer a private citizen, but rather a ward of the State until such a time as you are released. You are protected under Criminal Code from certain indignities or atrocities (you may not be questioned without an attorney present, for example, and you cannot be physically abused), but your civil rights are severely limited. Let’s examine what rights you do have, and how you should exercise them.
Most people have heard the almost ritual language of the Miranda Warning, mandated by the United States Supreme Court; but many do not know what those words mean. It is important to understand this warning; its provisions will govern your behavior from this point on:YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT.This means what it says. You do not have to say anything from this point on, even to give your name or social security number. It is strongly recommended that you exercise this right. ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN AND WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU IN A COURT OF LAW.
Again, this means exactly what it says. Every word you utter may be used against you or others in a future Court proceeding. Before you say anything, to anybody, you should examine it from all angles to see that it cannot be used to incriminate you or others in the commission of some crime. Anyone, including fellow prisoners or jailers, can be called as witnesses in a courtroom; they can testify as to conversations you had with them, or to those which they merely overheard.
Also, many prisons and detention facilities are equipped with video and audio recording devices; be careful not only of what you say, but how you act in these facilities. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO AN ATTORNEY, AND TO HAVE THAT ATTORNEY PRESENT DURING QUESTIONING. It is strongly suggested that you exercise this right as soon as possible, if for no other reason than to signal your captors that you cannot be mistreated with impunity. Further, it is strongly suggested that you have your attorney present during any questioning, by police, prosecutors, or anyone else. Your attorney will know what questions may and may not be legally asked, and will advise you as to which questions you should or should not answer. Also, remember that the police will take anything that they can get; if your attorney is not present, you may be subject to more badgering from them than otherwise.
It is suggested that you retain a private criminal defense attorney, if at all possible, rather than take a Court-appointed Public Defender. Not that there aren’t some very good public defenders out there, but most of them are either very young lawyers right out of law school or old veterans who have become somewhat cynical. Most of all, in virtually every city, public defense attorneys are extremely overworked; your public defender will not – and cannot – give your case the concern and effort that you need at this point. What you need is a good attorney who has your best interests at heart, and who will take a strong stand with his counterpart in the Prosecutor’s office.
Most people have no idea of exactly what this means. These formal words, uttered by a Law Enforcement Officer or other official who holds the power of arrest, take you out of the realm of the private citizen and make you a ward of the State. Your captors literally have control over every aspect of your life.Take this very seriously! Your captors will exercise control over what you wear, what and when you eat, even when you used to demoralize a prisoner and make him as docile as possible. You must submit to this, or you will be compelled by force.
Until you have been physically transported to a detention facility, the police do not have to let you do anything. (Even if you were skyclad when they interrupted your ritual, they do not have to let you get dressed. They might simply hand you a blanket to drape around yourself.) Be prepared for this. Also, be prepared to have all of your personal belongings (purse or wallet, wristwatch, jewelry, belt and shoes, even eyeglasses) taken from you. If you wear contact lenses, you do have the right to ask to remove them and put them in their wetting solution. (This is because the State is now responsible for your property, and is required to take reasonable action to keep it from harm.) You will be given an inventory and a receipt for everything confiscated, and it must be returned to you when you are released. The only exception to this is property seized as evidence. (Your attorney can advise you as to how to recover this property, after your case is closed.)
Once you reach the police station, you will be fingerprinted. Your name, the reason for your detention, and the date and exact time of your arrest will be noted in a log book, and your picture will be taken. Take careful note of the date and time of your arrest; the law states that you may only be held for a maximum of 72 hours (less in some states) before the police have to either formally charge you with a crime (and take you before a judge for a hearing to set bail) or release you. If you are held longer than that without a bail hearing, your attorney can file a writ of habeas corpus (wrongful detention) and have you released immediately.
During this 72-hour period, you must be allowed one telephone call. Use it wisely! It is the one and only one you will get. It might be wise, if you think it likely that you will be arrested or detained, to make arrangements with some trusted friend or relative beforehand. That way, you can call this person, who can act freely in your behalf. He or she can make as many phone calls as necessary to secure you a good attorney, a bail bondsman, or whatever is needed.
As a ward of the State, you are under the State’s care. Police and prison officials can be held personally liable if you are mistreated, and they know it. You will be given the basics of sustenance; do not expect more. If, for example, you are under a physician’s care and are taking prescribed medicine for a medical condition, they must continue that medication. If you are injured in the course of the arrest, you have the right to receive medical treatment from a physician. You will be fed and clothed. If you wear corrective eyewear or a hearing aid, you will have them when you see your attorney or when you appear in Court.
If you haven’t done so by now, you can’t put it off any longer. Get an attorney! A public defender just won’t do; most of the time, he would try to persuade you to accept a plea bargain (you plead Guilty to a lesser offense in exchange for the prosecutor dropping the greater charge). Almost 80% of publicly defended cases are disposed of in this manner. Having retained a good attorney, take his advice; it’s what you pay him for.
One other thing you can do: to the extent permissible by law, make sure that your case is made public. The glaring light of public attention is a potent weapon; it forces the legal system to operate as it should. Make sure that the media is informed of the injustice being done. AMER may be able to help you with this.
We don’t want to make you think that there is no hope for fair treatment from the police. A new member of AMER recently told us a story which illustrates that innocence and persistence can be your best defense. The member (let’s call him Zack for convenience) was spending a quiet evening at home when someone suddenly began beating on his front door. Zack’s neighborhood is a little rough, and there had been a number of robberies there recently. When he opened his door a crack to see who was there and the muzzle of a handgun was shoved into his face, Zack decided to cooperate to save his life from what he thought were robbers. Several poorly-dressed men shoved their way into his apartment and began to threaten him.
With a gun barrel shoved into his mouth, Zack begged the men to take anything they wanted but to let him live. They ransacked his apartment, apparently looking for drugs. Zack’s religious beliefs forbid him to use drugs, and the searchers evidently did not find anything to satisfy them, until one man found Zack’s altar! At that point, religious epithets joined the other threats and insults.
One of the men then produced an official-looking form, and held it in front of Zack and demanded that he sign it. Zack looked at the paper, and was astonished to discover that it was an official police “Consent to Search” form. Mindful of the gun then pressed to his temple, Zack reached for a pen, but his hands shook so badly that he could not sign his name. When the man threatened him with the pistol, Zack managed to sign the form shakily, and the man lowered the gun.
The leader of the group identified himself as a police officer, but did not produce a badge or search warrant. He seized one of Zack’s occult books and his membership card from an occult organization, and the group left.
Zack was shaken and in pain, and decided to visit a hospital emergency room. When he told a doctor how he was injured, the hospital called the police, as is mandatory in assault cases. An officer took his statement, and told him that his story would be followed up officially. The next day, Zack was visited by a police investigator, who told him that the raid on his apartment was part of a “drug sweep” through his neighborhood, but could not indicate whether or when his property would be returned. At this point, Zack contacted AMER. On our advice, he wrote a detailed account of his experiences, and began to work on an official complaint. When Zack contacted Police Headquarters and asked to speak to someone in Internal Affairs, he was granted an interview. He showed his written statement to a Police Lieutenant, who indicated that he was not going to be charged with any crime, since no drugs were found in his home. Zack asked that his property be returned, and indicated that he would pursue legal action if needed to obtain its return. A few days later, Zack received a call from a police officer who told him to come and pick up his property. Although he was treated somewhat brusquely on his final visit to the police department, his property was returned without comment on his religious beliefs.
Zack has had no further difficulty with the police, and has come to the conclusion that the “raid” was the result of a complaint by neighbors who wished to harass him. He has no plans to file suit against the police department.
Though Zack’s experience is unfortunate, it shows the value of a prompt visit to a hospital, a careful written record of his experience, and his persistent insistence on his rights as a citizen. This story also shows that the system, though misused by some corrupt police officers, was designed to protect the innocent; Zack’s property was returned to him and he was not falsely charged with a crime he did not commit.
The Nuremberg Code
Jul 3; Posted by (Geeldon)
The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that, before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject, there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person, which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.
The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study, that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.
The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
No experiment should be conducted, where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.
The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
During the course of the experiment, the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end, if he has reached the physical or mental state, where continuation of the experiment seemed to him to be impossible.
During the course of the experiment, the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgement required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.
“Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. 10”, Vol. 2, pp. 181-182. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1949.]
Human Experimentation and Human Subject Protections
Jul 3; Posted by (Geeldon)
Human Experimentation and Human Subject Protections
The Bush administration’s legal framework to protect CIA interrogators from violating US statutory and treaty obligations prohibiting torture47 effectively contravened well-established legal and ethical codes that, had they been enforced, should have protected prisoners against human experimentation, and should have prevented the EIP itself from being initiated in the first place. This strategy therefore may have effectively employed one criminal act to protect against liability for another, as illegal and non-consensual human experimentation can constitute a war crime and a crime against humanity, when its perpetration is systematic and widespread.
The Nuremberg Code
International and US prohibitions restricting human experimentation were developed in response to some of the most serious human rights violations of the 20th century. Following the trials of German health professionals at Nuremberg after World War II, international attention was focused on the practice of human experimentation inflicted upon vulnerable human subjects. The fundamental right of individuals to choose not to be subjected to human experimentation was first codified in the form of the Nuremberg
Code—a direct response to atrocities that took place during the war. Among other protections, the Nuremberg Code states that the voluntary informed consent of the human subject in any experiment is absolutely essential, and that volunteer subjects should always be at liberty to end their participation in the experiment. In addition, the Nuremberg Code states that any experiment should be conducted so as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury. Implementation of the Nuremberg Code was neither immediate nor consistent. Despite the experiences of World War II, human experimentation on vulnerable populations without the participants’ consent continued in the United States into the second half of the 20th century. One of the most egregious examples was the Tuskegee syphilis experiment, in which poor African-American men in the South were denied treatment for syphilis so that researchers could study the natural progression of the untreated disease.
The National Commission
In the wake of public outrage surrounding these nonconsensual experiments, the US Congress created the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research (National Commission), a group of leading experts in medicine, law, and ethics, charged with developing guidelines on human subject research based on ethical principles. The National Commission made its recommendations in the Belmont Report, establishing “respect, beneficence and justice” as principles guiding the ethical conduct of research, including the right of informed consent.51 The Belmont Report established the concept that the ethical conduct of research required that volunteer subjects be informed about the risks and benefits, if any, that might accrue to them before they gave their consent. Additional protections were established for vulnerable populations, such as prisoners, whose ability to give truly informed consent may be problematic. As further protection for human subjects, the National
Commission called for establishment of institutional review boards within medical and scientific organizations. These bodies comprise combinations of researchers, ethics experts, and laypeople that oversee study design based upon ethical principles.
The Common Rule
These human subject protections became codified in federal regulations,52 as well as in codes of professional conduct. Collectively, these regulations are known as the Common Rule. The Common Rule applies to all federally funded human subject experimentation, including all research conducted by the CIA and the DoD. By the end of the 20th century, therefore, all people who were subject to US experimentation were protected by three interconnected bodies of law: customary international law, US federal statute, and federal regulations — specifically, the Common Rule. Although the Nuremberg Code is a code of conduct and not, by its terms, a treaty binding explicitly named parties, in the decades following the 1947 articulation of Nuremberg, prohibitions against human experimentation without the informed consent of the volunteer subjects have been deemed by international legal scholars to be part of “customary international law.” This makes human experimentation without the informed consent of volunteer subjects one of a small number of acts (including genocide and torture) that are so heinous that they are universally considered to be crimes against humanity.
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Experiments on Detainees
Jul 3; Posted by (Geeldon)
CIA medics ran experiments on detainees, group charges
By William Fisher | Last updated: Jun 21, 2010 – 4:57:44 PM
NEW YORK (IPS/GIN) – A major human rights organization claims it has uncovered evidence indicating that the administration of former U.S. President George W. Bush conducted “illegal and unethical human experimentation” and research on detainees in CIA custody.
The group, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), claims “the apparent experimentation and research appear to have been performed to provide legal cover for torture, as well as to help justify and shape future procedures and policies governing the use of the ‘enhanced’ interrogation techniques.”
Its new report, “Experiments in Torture: Human Subject Research and Evidence of Experimentation in the ‘Enhanced’ Interrogation Programme,” claims to be the first to provide evidence that CIA medical personnel engaged in the crime of illegal experimentation after 9/11, in addition to the previously disclosed crime of torture.
“This evidence indicating apparent research and experimentation on detainees opens the door to potential additional legal liability for the CIA and Bush-era officials. There is no publicly available evidence that the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel determined that the alleged experimentation and research performed on detainees was lawful, as it did with the ‘enhanced’ techniques themselves,” PHR contends.
“The CIA appears to have broken all accepted legal and ethical standards put in place since the Second World War to protect prisoners from being the subjects of experimentation,” said Frank Donaghue, PHR’s chief executive officer. “Not only are these alleged acts gross violations of human rights law, they are a grave affront to America’s core values.”
PHR is calling on President Barack Obama to direct the attorney general to investigate these allegations, and if a crime is found to have been committed, to prosecute those responsible.
Additionally, the group said, Congress must immediately amend the War Crimes Act to remove changes made to the act in 2006 by the Bush administration that allow a more permissive definition of the crime of illegal experimentation on detainees in U.S. custody. The more lenient 2006 language of the act was made retroactive to all acts committed by U.S. personnel since 1997.
“In their attempt to justify the war crime of torture, the CIA appears to have committed another alleged war crime—illegal experimentation on prisoners,” said Nathaniel A. Raymond, director of PHR’s Campaign Against Torture and lead report author. “Justice Department lawyers appear to never have assessed the lawfulness of the alleged research on detainees in CIA custody, despite how essential it appears to have been to their legal cover for torture.”
PHR says its report is relevant to present-day national security interrogations, as well as Bush-era detainee treatment policies. As recently as February 2010, President Obama’s then director of national intelligence, Admiral Dennis Blair, disclosed that the U.S. had established an elite interrogation unit that will conduct “scientific research” to improve the questioning of suspected terrorists. Admiral Blair declined to provide important details about this effort.
“If health professionals participated in unethical human subject research and experimentation they should be held to account,” said Scott A. Allen, MD, a medical advisor to Physicians for Human Rights and lead medical author of the report. “Any health professional who violates their ethical codes by employing their professional expertise to calibrate and study the infliction of harm disgraces the health profession and makes a mockery of the practice of medicine.”
Several prominent individuals and organizations in addition to PHR planned to file an early June complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Human Research Protections and call for an investigation of the CIA’s Office of Medical Services.
The PHR report indicates that there is evidence that health professionals engaged in research on detainees that violates the Geneva Conventions, The Common Rule, the Nuremberg Code and other international and domestic prohibitions against illegal human subject research and experimentation. Declassified government documents indicate that: Research and medical experimentation on detainees was used to measure the effects of large-volume waterboarding and adjust the procedure according to the results.
After medical monitoring and advice, the CIA experimentally added saline, in an attempt to prevent putting detainees in a coma or killing them through over-ingestion of large amounts of plain water.
Health professionals monitored sleep deprivation on more than a dozen detainees in 48-, 96- and 180-hour increments. This research was apparently used to monitor and assess the effects of varying levels of sleep deprivation to support legal definitions of torture and to plan future sleep deprivation techniques.
Health professionals appear to have analysed data, based on their observations of 25 detainees who were subjected to individual and combined applications of “enhanced” interrogation techniques, to determine whether one type of application over another would increase the subject’s “susceptibility to severe pain.”
The alleged research appears to have been undertaken only to assess the legality of the “enhanced” interrogation tactics and to guide future application of the techniques.
The “Experiments in Torture” report is the result of six months of investigation and the review of thousands of pages of government documents. PHR says it has been peer-reviewed by outside experts in the medical, biomedical and research ethics fields, legal experts, health professionals and experts in the treatment of torture survivors.
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