The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
Department of Homeland Security “Government-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism against U.S. Citizens:” Gang Stalking, Fusion Centers, and the Post-9/11 Corporate Police State
New World Order
Articles & Interviews
Part IV: The (Jewish) “Controllers” and Their Destructive Mission
February 8, 2025Part VI: Mind Control: History and Applications
February 3, 2025Appendix 1: Crestone/Baca “Group Dynamics” (2006-2008)
December 27, 2024Books and pdfs by Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist
October 7, 2024“PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order:” Dr. Robert Malone Lecture
September 17, 2024Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 2024Hello
July 9, 2024Gray State (film)
February 19, 2024Appendix 36: Is Colorado the Future Capital of the New World Order?
February 9, 2024Appendix 42. Psychological Operations Blueprint (by Omnisense)
January 26, 2024Appendix 243: DARPA’s Brain Initiative videos
December 7, 2023Appendix 63: NASA’s Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast- 1994
November 1, 2023Appendix 64: The Unified Conspiracy Theory; The Greatest Hoax
November 1, 2023Appendix 66: The Zionist Jew World Order
October 31, 2023The Intra-Body Nano-Network Compilation (Sept. 5, 2023 video)
October 27, 2023Cognitive Warfare June-November, 2020 Francois du Cluzel
March 16, 2023Appendix 148: Kabbalah, Satanic Jewish Black Magic, & Freemasonry
November 24, 2022Appendix 214: Gray State (Movie)
November 26, 2021Timeline of United States Military Operations
December 25, 2020New World Order: UN Agenda 21/2030 Mission Goals
December 19, 2020The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism (Henry Makow, Ph.D.)
November 27, 2020(Choose) Freedom In Christ
October 18, 2020Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
September 19, 2020Are Lawyers Patenting TI’s DNA?
March 30, 2020Some Appropriate Graphics For Covid 19(84) & 5G N(J)ew World Order
February 28, 2020Who Are “They?”… Their Statements Say…. Starts with J….
November 18, 2018USA Freedom Act (2015 Update of USA PATRIOT ACT)
November 9, 2018You Are The Enemy (by Preston James of Veterans Today, 2014)
September 25, 2018The Unified Conspiracy Theory
May 19, 2018Terrorism and War (Dr. E. Karlstrom Lecture Notes, ca. 2000)
March 17, 2018Post-WWII U.S. undeclared and/or secret wars and “war triggers”
January 20, 2018Truth In Quotes and Images: Freedom Fighters Help Yourselves
January 5, 2018Trump’s ‘Jew-nited States of Israel’ (Icke Commentary)
January 5, 2018Chabadniks and Zionists are 9/11 “perpetraitors”
November 26, 2017Dr. Eric Karlstrom: Global Warming (Hoax) is Politics Not Science
November 7, 2017(Jewish) Protocols Explain Almost Everything: Author Hugh Akins Explains
September 27, 2017USAF Squadrons & Satellite Weapons
June 19, 2017Trump is Puppet of Zionist Jews (youtube)
December 6, 2016Synonyms and Fronts for the NWO
February 19, 2016Total Individual Control Technology (by Omnisense)
February 17, 2016The United Nations and Planned World Government (from De Ruiter, 2015)
February 15, 2016Techniques and Strategies of the New World Order
January 23, 2016The Illuminati, Skull and Bones & “The Plan”
January 11, 2016YOU are THE ENEMY by Preston James, Ph.D. (Veterans Today, 2014)
November 27, 2015Secret Records Revealed Highlights
November 25, 2015Appendix 5: Maurice Strong: Godfather of Crestone/Baca
January 24, 2015Introduction to Terrorism: Theirs and Ours
January 21, 2015Post-WWII American War Crimes
January 21, 2015“The Zionist/Jewish-Controlled Media is Public Enemy Number One”
January 21, 2015Oil politics 101
February 28, 2014Merry Christmas, and OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!
February 28, 2014Eco-Politics and Economics
February 28, 2014Alan Watt, Researcher
February 28, 2014Charlotte Iserbyt, Author
February 27, 2014John Taylor Gatto, Author
February 26, 2014Scientific evidence exposes chemtrail spraying as crime against humanity
February 25, 2014Social Engineering 101: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (Against Humanity)
February 25, 2014Dr. Steve Filling
February 25, 2014Jewish “global lies” are collapsing (National Journal, 2011)
February 24, 2014Organized Gang Stalking Quotes
February 23, 2014Department of Homeland Security “Government-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism against U.S. Citizens:”
Gang Stalking, Fusion Centers, and the Post-9/11 Corporate Police State
Compiled by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, March, 2016
ETK Introduction:
This post (on includes nine website articles. Information presented in the following articles is of enormous import to all American citizens for it provides essential details regarding the unconstitutional, illegal, and runaway American Gestapo intelligence-police state:
I. “Has The Department of Homeland Security Become America’s Standing Army?” by John Rutherford (2014)
II. “Is Homeland Security Spying on You?” by Adam Federman (2013)
III. “Terminating the Department of Homeland Security” by Chris Edwards (2014)
IV. “Gang stalking America courtesy of DHS” by Marti Oakley (2013)
VII. “Gang Stalking Part 4: Who Are The Government’s Gang Stalkers?”
VIII. “I Am Being Gang Stalked: Fusion Center Locations Revealed…the Secret Is Out”
IX. “World Wide Intelligence (and defense) Agencies”
X. Comments to articles IV, V, and VI
Information compiled on my website proves beyond any doubt that “Operation 9/11” was a “false-flag, state-sponsored, synthetic terror event” contrived by the global elite (identified as the Anglo-American-Israeli-Nazi alliance aka Judeo-Masonic-Illuminati “Synagogue of Satan”) as pretext for:
1) prosecuting a series of pre-planned wars of aggression in the Middle East that benefit Israel (as per the “neocon” “Project for the New American Century” cabal that has dominated the Bush II and Obama White Houses).
2) constructing a global, corporate-Gestapo police state by expanding and merging intelligence and local police forces throughout America and the world via the Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, etc. (See this and other posts on gang stalking on this website).
3) ushering in the “Jewish Messianic World Empire” (one-world-government/one-world-religion) aka Satanic/occult “Kingdom of Antichrist” that has been described in innumerable sacred texts, including the Book of Revelation, as well as secular documents.
Thus, people need to understand that the phony “war on terrorism” is a fraud cooked up by intelligence agencies to replace the “war on communism” that fueled the post-WWII American economy until the collapse of the Soviet Empire in 1989.
We also need to understand that the “Good News” of the Christian New Testament makes the most sense in terms of the “bad news”- that the “Prince of this World” has temporary control on earth. This has never been as true as it is today. The American government has been seized and is now controlled by a criminal syndicate (“The House of Rothschild”/international bankers/Judeo-Masonic-Illuminati ”Synagogue of Satan”) whose self-confessed m.o. is “creative destruction” of all nations and institutions that stand in the way of their total world control. Thus hi-jacked, our government has itself become a criminal enterprise bent on the domination, enslavement, and extermination of most of humanity. One might ask: How could a relatively small criminal cabal hijack the American government, given that the majority of Americans believe in God (75%) and/or identify themselves as Christian (71%)? “Time-honored” methods used include the deception, lies, and propaganda (of media/entertainment and government), contrived “false-flag, state-sponsored synthetic” terror and wars, and blackmail and bribery of officials. Amongst the most potent and top-secret forms of covert psychological warfare used against the domestic population are a host of mind control techniques applied to the masses and gang stalking of non-compliant “targeted-individuals.” Both of these forms of covert warfare/terrorism against the public utilize electronic (aka “non-lethal”) weapons.
An excellent and comprehensive summary website on this topic is
Epigraph quotes:
DHS was born out of a fear of terrorism, but policymakers and DHS have used that fear to build a vastly bloated budget and to extend federal police power into many areas where it does not belong.
Chris Edwards
GCHQ documents are the first to prove that a major western government is using some of the most controversial techniques to disseminate deception online and harm the reputations of targets. Under the tactics they use, the state is deliberately spreading lies on the internet about whichever individuals it targets, including the use of what GCHQ itself calls “false flag operations” and emails to people’s families and friends…
Claims that government agencies are infiltrating online communities and engaging in “false flag operations” to discredit targets are often dismissed as conspiracy theories, but these documents leave no doubt they are doing precisely that.
My belief is that the US has an overall agenda of nothing less than total global rule. Gang stalking then is an ongoing experiment in population control. Ruling the world necessitates controlling entire populations of individuals. The vast majority will be compliant, but for some an individualized strategy is used. For others, you have been labeled “enemy of the state,” some for your ideologies but for most it is random. Your country will betray you and your lives will be sabotaged…
The US has been a world power arguably for about 70 years. Will it last? Many believe it won’t last for more than another couple of decades as a super power. Many writers, researchers and historians write that the US has modeled itself after NAZI Germany and will start WW3…. Putin in a recent speech said exactly that. The only option for the US is to fast track its secret plans.
“We are in a time of extremism, permanent war, and the unilateral manifestation of ethnocentrism and by a cabal of people in the US government. These power elites have been in operation for decades and are set on nothing less than the total US military domination of the world. They defy the foundational values of the American people to achieve their ends. This is nothing new. The repression of human rights has been present within the US government throughout our history.”
(From “US Magnetic Weapons and Human Rights” by Peter Philips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton (The Sonoma State University Project – Censored Media Freedom Foundation)
So NSA Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino’s military white paper “From Psyops to Mind War” laid out our blueprint for classic US gang stalking tactics. Then we mixed that with NAZI collaborator techniques like civilian spying, neighborhood informants, “see something – say something” and the reward of good citizenship… These methods work well for TIs, but have little use for the masses and have led to thousands of complaints per month to police, civil rights groups, etc…
However, scientists already figured out that all different types of waves, like light, sound, magnetic, micro and ELF waves could affect humans. This was a GREAT discovery for crowd control and weapons of war. They can kill instantly or slowly depending on the type and wavelength. They can burn skin, cause organ damage or cancer. They can penetrate the walls of your home, office or vehicle and can be focused. They are invisible, can’t be heard, felt, are untraceable and their use can easily be denied in the case of injury or death.
It’s the perfect silent kill weapon and another form of no-touch torture. Again “plausible deniability.” That all sounds great, but that isn’t the goal. The goal is controlling thoughts. The US already knew that the mind has no firewall and brainwave frequencies are around 8Hz. So tuning wave-emitting devices to 8Hz can interfere with the mind. Within this range the victim in most cases would never know or be able to prove they were being bombarded.
However the most important aspect to this is that these frequencies can be transmitted globally like radio waves. Then the ultimate goal is to transmit information at 8Hz directly into the minds of the entire population. I’ve written a companion article on this site called “Uncovered Photo Evidence of Global Mind Control Experiment?” Using leaked GOES-10 Naval satellite photos, I show that indeed these very specific 8Hz frequencies are being transmitted globally.
… In a report presented in 2012 to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Aspen Institute of Homeland Security Group advises:
“We move away from a defensive position of protecting the country from foreign terror threats. Instead we should focus on becoming a domestic security architecture concentrating on offensive measures on single adversaries.”
Domestic, offensive? That to me translates to “targeting citizens.” The report suggests that the mechanisms created in the wake of 9-11 be refocused to include drug cartels, organized crime and a more all-inclusive approach or what is described vaguely as “emerging adversaries within our borders.” An anti-terrorist war machine turned into a domestic law enforcement tool.
This makes sense because in this same two-year investigation they found that these “Fusion Center’s” efforts to compile local intelligence data have not yielded any significant useful information on terrorism.
Currently the US trains “Terrorism Liaison Officers” (TLOs) to instead identify potential domestic targets. These TLOs represent their organization and report directly to the fusion centers. TLOs are appointed by their state, local or civilian agencies and go through a 24 to 40 hour federal training. They are made up of police, firemen, paramedics, and civilians. Postal, utility, hospitality and transportation workers are also involved. Everyone else is brought in as civilian collaborators. Friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, police informers are often encouraged to participate often through deception.
I. Has The Department of Homeland Security Become America’s Standing Army?
If the United States is a police state, then the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is its national police force, with all the brutality, ineptitude and corruption such a role implies.
By John Whitehead | The Rutherford Institute | June 17, 2014
“A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty.”—James Madison
“Here [in New Mexico], we are moving more toward a national police force. Homeland Security is involved with a lot of little things around town. Somebody in Washington needs to call a timeout.” —Dan Klein, retired Albuquerque Police Department sergeant
If the United States is a police state, then the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is its national police force, with all the brutality, ineptitude and corruption such a role implies. In fact, although the DHS’ governmental bureaucracy may at times appear to be inept and bungling, it is ruthlessly efficient when it comes to building what the Founders feared most—a standing army on American soil.
The third largest federal agency behind the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Defense, the DHS—with its 240,000 full-time workers, $61 billion budget and sub-agencies that include the Coast Guard, Customs and Border Protection, Secret Service, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)—has been aptly dubbed a “runaway train.”
In the 12 years since it was established to “prevent terrorist attacks within the United States,” the DHS has grown from a post-9/11 knee-jerk reaction to a leviathan with tentacles in every aspect of American life. With good reason, a bipartisan bill to provide greater oversight and accountability into the DHS’ purchasing process has been making its way through Congress.
A better plan would be to abolish the DHS altogether. In making the case for shutting down the de facto national police agency, analyst Charles Kenny offers the following six reasons: one, the agency lacks leadership; two, terrorism is far less of a threat than it is made out to be; three, the FBI has actually stopped more alleged terrorist attacks than DHS; four, the agency wastes exorbitant amounts of money with little to show for it; five, “An overweight DHS gets a free pass to infringe civil liberties without a shred of economic justification”; and six, the agency is just plain bloated.
To Kenny’s list, I will add the following: The menace of a national police force, a.k.a. a standing army, vested with so much power cannot be overstated, nor can its danger be ignored. Indeed, as the following list shows, just about every nefarious deed, tactic or thuggish policy advanced by the government today can be traced back to the DHS, its police state mindset, and the billions of dollars it distributes to police agencies in the form of grants.
Militarizing police and SWAT teams. The DHS routinely hands out six-figure grants to enable local municipalities to purchase military-style vehicles, as well as a veritable war chest of weaponry, ranging from tactical vests, bomb-disarming robots, assault weapons and combat uniforms. This rise in military equipment purchases funded by the DHS has, according to analysts Andrew Becker and G.W. Schulz, “paralleled an apparent increase in local SWAT teams.” The end result? An explosive growth in the use of SWAT teams for otherwise routine police matters, an increased tendency on the part of police to shoot first and ask questions later, and an overall mindset within police forces that they are at war—and the citizenry are the enemy combatants.
Spying on activists, dissidents and veterans. In 2009, DHS released three infamous reports on Rightwing and Leftwing “Extremism,” and another entitled Operation Vigilant Eagle, outlining a surveillance program targeting veterans. The reports collectively and broadly define extremists as individuals and groups “that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely.” (ETK note: In other words, “constitutionalists.”) In 2013, it was revealed that DHS, the FBI, state and local law enforcement agencies, and the private sector were working together to conduct nationwide surveillance on protesters’ First Amendment activities.
Stockpiling ammunition. DHS, along with other government agencies, has been stockpiling an alarming amount of ammunition in recent years, which only adds to the discomfort of those already leery of the government. As of 2013, DHS had 260 million rounds of ammo in stock, which averages out to between 1,300 to 1,600 rounds per officer. The US Army, in contrast, has roughly 350 rounds per soldier. DHS has since requisitioned more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammo, “enough,” concludes Forbes magazine, “to sustain a hot war for 20+ years.”
Distributing license plate readers. DHS has already distributed more than $50 million in grants to enable local police agencies to acquire license plate readers, which rely on mobile cameras to photograph and identify cars, match them against a national database, and track their movements. Relying on private contractors to maintain a license plate database allows the DHS and its affiliates to access millions of records without much in the way of oversight.
Contracting to build detention camps. In 2006, DHS awarded a $385 million contract to a Halliburton subsidiary to build detention centers on American soil. Although the government and Halliburton were not forthcoming about where or when these domestic detention centers would be built, they rationalized the need for them in case of “an emergency influx of immigrants, or to support the rapid development of new programs” in the event of other emergencies such as “natural disasters.” Viewed in conjunction with the NDAA provision allowing the military to arrest and indefinitely detain anyone, including American citizens, it would seem the building blocks are already in place for such an eventuality.
Tracking cell-phones with Stingray devices. Distributed to local police agencies as a result of grants from the DHS, these Stingray devices enable police to track individuals’ cell phones—and their owners—without a court warrant or court order. The amount of information conveyed by these devices about one’s activities, whereabouts and interactions is considerable. As one attorney explained: “Because we carry our cell phones with us virtually everywhere we go, stingrays can paint a precise picture of where we are and who we spend time with, including our location in a lover’s house, in a psychologist’s office or at a political protest.”
Carrying out military drills and lockdowns in American cities. Each year, DHS funds military-style training drills in cities across the country. These Urban Shield exercises, elaborately staged with their own set of professionally trained Crisis Actors playing the parts of shooters, bystanders and victims, fool law enforcement officials, students, teachers, bystanders and the media into thinking it’s a real crisis.
Using the TSA as an advance guard. The TSA now searches a variety of government and private databases, including things like car registrations and employment information, in order to track travelers’ before they ever get near an airport. Other information collected includes “tax identification number, past travel itineraries, property records, physical characteristics, and law enforcement or intelligence information.”
Conducting virtual strip searches with full-body scanners. Under the direction of the TSA, American travelers have been subjected to all manner of searches ranging from whole-body scanners and enhanced pat-downs at airports to bag searches in train stations. In response to public outrage over what amounted to a virtual strip search, the TSA has begun replacing the scanners with equally costly yet less detailed models. The old scanners will be used by prisons for now.
Carrying out soft target checkpoints. VIPR task forces, comprised of federal air marshals, surface transportation security inspectors, transportation security officers, behavior detection officers and explosive detection canine teams have laid the groundwork for the government’s effort to secure so-called “soft” targets such as malls, stadiums, bridges, etc. Some security experts predict that checkpoints and screening stations will eventually be established at all soft targets, such as department stores, restaurants, and schools. DHS’ Operation Shield, a program which seeks to check up on security protocols around the country with unannounced visits, conducted a surprise security exercise at the Social Security Administration building in Leesburg, Fla., when they subjected people who went to pick up their checks to random ID checks by federal agents armed with semi-automatic weapons.
Directing government workers to spy on Americans. Terrorism Liaison Officers are firefighters, police officers, and even corporate employees who have received training to spy on and report back to government entities on the day-to-day activities of their fellow citizens. These individuals are authorized to report “suspicious activity” which can include such innocuous activities as taking pictures with no apparent aesthetic value, making measurements and drawings, taking notes, conversing in code, espousing radical beliefs, and buying items in bulk.
Conducting widespread spying networks using fusion centers. Data collecting agencies spread throughout the country, aided by the National Security Agency, fusions centers—of which there are at least 78 scattered around the U.S.— constantly monitor our communications, collecting and cataloguing everything from our internet activity and web searches to text messages, phone calls and emails. This data is then fed to government agencies, which are now interconnected: the CIA to the FBI, the FBI to local police. Despite a budget estimated to be somewhere between $289 million and $1.4 billion, these fusion centers have proven to be exercises in incompetence, often producing irrelevant, useless or inappropriate intelligence, while spending millions of dollars on “flat-screen televisions, sport utility vehicles, hidden cameras and other gadgets.”
Carrying out Constitution-free border control searches. On orders from the DHS, the government’s efforts along the border have become little more than an exercise in police state power, ranging from aggressive checkpoints to the widespread use of drone technology, often used against American citizens traveling within the country. Border patrol operations occur within 100 miles of an international crossing, putting some 200 million Americans within the bounds of aggressive border patrol searches and seizures, as well as increasingly expansive drone surveillance. With 71 checkpoints found along the southwest border of the United States alone, suspicionless search and seizures on the border are rampant. Border patrol agents also search the personal electronic devices of people crossing the border without a warrant.
Funding city-wide surveillance cameras. As Charlie Savage reports for the Boston Globe, the DHS has funneled “millions of dollars to local governments nationwide for purchasing high-tech video camera networks, accelerating the rise of a ‘surveillance society’ in which the sense of freedom that stems from being anonymous in public will be lost.” These camera systems, installed on city streets, in parks and transit systems, operating in conjunction with sophisticated computer systems that boast intelligent video analytics, digital biometric identification, military-pedigree software for analyzing and predicting crime and facial recognition software, create a vast surveillance network that can target millions of innocent individuals.
Utilizing drones and other spybots. The DHS has been at the forefront of funding and deploying surveillance robots and drones for land, sea and air, including robots that resemble fish and tunnel-bots that can travel underground. Despite repeated concerns over the danger surveillance drones used domestically pose to Americans’ privacy rights, the DHS has continued to expand its fleet of Predator drones, which come equipped with video cameras, infrared cameras, heat sensors, and radar. DHS also loans its drones out to local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies for a variety of tasks, although the agency refuses to divulge any details as to how, why and in what capacity these drones are being used by police. Incredibly, the DHS has also been handing out millions of dollars in grants to local police agencies to “accelerate the adoption” of drones in their localities.
It’s not difficult to see why the DHS has been described as a “wasteful, growing, fear-mongering beast.” If it is a beast, however, it is a beast that is accelerating our nation’s transformation into a police state through its establishment of a standing army, a.k.a. national police force.
This, too, is nothing new. Historically, as I show in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, the establishment of a national police force has served as a fundamental and final building block for every totalitarian regime that has ever wreaked havoc on humanity, from Hitler’s all-too-real Nazi Germany to George Orwell’s fictional Oceania. Whether fictional or historical, however, the calling cards of these national police agencies remain the same: brutality, inhumanity, corruption, intolerance, rigidity, and bureaucracy—in other words, evil.
This commentary was published with permission from the Rutherford Institute.
The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Mint Press News editorial policy.
II. Is Homeland Security Spying on You?
• Posted by Adam Federman (June 6, 2013)
Since 9/11 the United States has spent a staggering $791 billion on homeland security, according to Mattea Kramer and Chris Hellmann of the National Priorities Project. In a post for TomDispatch they describe the Department of Homeland Security, which was formally created in 2002, as a “miniature Pentagon.” It brought together 22 existing government departments, a kind of bureaucratic black hole into which billions of taxpayer dollars are funneled.
By this measure the $103,000 no-bid contract awarded by the Pennsylvania Department of Homeland Security to the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response (ITRR) in 2009 is a drop in the bucket. ITRR, a private security firm headed by a former PA chief of police, was given the task of providing the department with thrice-weekly intelligence bulletins that identified threats to the state’s critical infrastructure. Instead of focusing on real threats, however, ITRR turned its attention to law-abiding activist groups including Tea Party protesters, pro-life activists, and anti-fracking environmental organizations. The bulletins included information about when and where local environmental groups would be meeting, upcoming protests, and anti-fracking activists’ internal strategy. As I recently wrote in my Investigative Fund/Earth Island Journal story, the bulletins were then distributed to local police chiefs, state, federal, and private intelligence agencies, and the security directors of the natural gas companies, as well as industry groups and PR firms. The state’s Department of Homeland Security was essentially providing intelligence to the natural gas industry about their detractors. And Pennsylvania taxpayers were footing the bill.
Perhaps because it was a relatively small contract the Pennsylvania spy scandal was brushed aside as an unfortunate mistake. Then-Governor Ed Rendell, whose own ties to the natural gas industry have recently been exposed, called the episode “deeply embarrassing.” The state terminated its contract with ITRR, a one-day Senate hearing was held, and the matter largely forgotten. But the Pennsylvania story is not an isolated case. In fact, it represents a larger pattern of corporate and police spying on activists and everyday citizens exercising their First Amendment rights.
A report published by the Center for Media and Democracy last month detailed how Homeland Security fusion centers, corporations, and local law enforcement agencies have teamed up to spy on Occupy Wall Street protesters. Fusion centers, created between 2003 and 2007 by the Department of Homeland Security, are centers for the sharing of federal-level information between the CIA, FBI, US military, local governments, and more. The more than 70 fusion centers, whose primary task is to analyze and share information with public and private actors, are part of Homeland Security’s growing “Information Sharing Environment” (ISE). According to their website, ISE “provides analysts, operators, and investigators with integrated and synthesized terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, and homeland security information needed to enhance national security and help keep our people safe.”
The other big domestic public-private intelligence sharing ventures are Infragard, managed by the FBI’s Cyber Division Public/Private Alliance Unit, and the Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC), which openly states that its mission includes “advancing the ability of the U.S. private sector to protect its employees, assets and proprietary information.”
The little known DSAC brings together representatives from the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis, and some of the nation’s most powerful corporations. Twenty-nine corporations and banks are on the DSAC Leadership Board, including Bank of America, ConocoPhillips, and Wal-Mart. The Department of Homeland Security also has a Private Sector Information-Sharing Working Group, which includes representatives from more than 50 Fortune 500 companies. They have pushed for increased funding of public-private intelligence sharing partnerships, largely through the expansion of fusion centers. According to the Department of Homeland Security website, “Our nation faces an evolving threat environment, in which threats not only emanate from outside our borders, but also from within our communities. This new environment demonstrates the increasingly critical role fusion centers play to support the sharing of threat related information between the federal government and federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial partners.”
But these fusion centers are only part of the picture. Corporations are also investing heavily in building up their own intelligence networks. As I reported in Earth Island Journal, annual spending on corporate security and intelligence is now roughly $100 billion, double what it was a decade ago (To give some perspective, the DHS budget was about $60 billion last year). If cyber security and surveillance were included, the figure would be much higher (ETK: I’ve recently read it was $225 billion). In this light it is hardly surprising that groups like the Pennsylvania-based anti-fracking group Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition and Occupy Wall Street have been swept up in the national security net. As Mike German, an FBI special agent for 16 years who now works for the ACLU told me, “These systems and this type of collection is so rife with inappropriate speculation and error — both intentional and unintentional — that your good behavior doesn’t protect you.”
Indeed, because of its enormous shale gas reserves, the United States is already being talked of as a future petro-state, and shale gas development a matter of national security. In his keynote address at the 2011 Shale Gas Insight Conference sponsored by the Marcellus Shale Coalition, Tom Ridge, former head of the Department of Homeland Security, described shale gas as vital to US national security. Everything that goes along with it — the rigs, pipelines, and compressor stations (not to mention air and water pollution) — will be viewed as part of the nation’s critical infrastructure. According to the Center for Media and Democracy report, “The stated purpose of protecting ‘critical infrastructure/key resources’ has come to serve as the single largest avenue for corporate involvement in the ‘homeland security’ apparatus.”
So the kind of public-private partnerships that led to the surveillance of environmental groups in Pennsylvania and Occupy Wall Street protesters in Phoenix are likely to receive more and more funding as the Homeland Security boondoggle nears the $1 trillion mark. It is part of an ever-widening corporate-police state, which gives new meaning to the very notion of a “fusion center.”
III. Terminating the Department of Homeland Security
By Chris Edwards (November 2014)
Congress created the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in 2002 by combining 22 existing federal agencies responsible for a vast array of activities. President George W. Bush promised that the new department would “improve efficiency without growing government” and would cut out “duplicative and redundant activities that drain critical homeland security resources.”1
The lean and efficient DHS that the president promised did not materialize. The department’s spending increased from $18 billion in 2002 to $43 billion in 2014.2 Its workforce expanded from 157,000 employees in 2003 to 190,000 by 2014.3 And far from being efficient, DHS agencies are some of the most poorly managed in the federal government. DHS agencies include the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Customs and Border Protection, Transportation Security Administration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Citizenship and Immigration Services, Coast Guard, and Secret Service.4
This essay describes some of the failures of DHS and its agencies and proposes that Congress close down the department. DHS agencies that perform important work should be moved to other federal departments or structured as stand-alone organizations reporting directly to the president. Other DHS agencies, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), should be terminated because their activities would be better carried out by state governments and the private sector.
General Mismanagement
The creation of DHS was a mistake. Since the beginning the department has suffered from management failures and been on the “high-risk” list of troubled federal organizations put out by the Government Accountability Office. Employee surveys find that DHS is the worst department to work for in the federal government.5
The results from a 2014 survey of 40,000 DHS employees are grim.6 Only 42 percent of DHS employees say they are satisfied with the department, only 25 percent have a positive view of their leaders’ ability to “generate high levels of motivation and commitment in the workforce,” and only 39 percent say department leaders “maintain high standards of honesty and integrity.”
A 2014 Washington Post investigation found that many DHS employees say they have “a dysfunctional work environment” with “abysmal morale.”7 Not surprisingly, DHS has a very high employee turnover rate.8 Current and former DHS officials told the Post that “the department can be an infuriating, exhausting place to work” with “stifling bureaucracy.”9
One of the exhausting factors is that DHS leaders have to devote extraordinary amounts of time dealing with the complex tangle of 90 congressional committees and subcommittees that oversee the department.10 Congress is partly to blame for DHS’s failings, having created such an inefficient oversight structure.
One might have hoped that putting a layer of expert DHS officials over top of the 22 agencies would help improve governance, but it has not. Consider FEMA, which had been a stand-alone agency before 2002. It had already been known for sluggish responses to disasters, but FEMA’s performance during Hurricane Katrina in 2005 was worse than ever.
Or consider the Secret Service, which has had a series of management failures in recent years, despite being overseen by DHS. The Service has spent huge amounts on security during foreign presidential trips, yet trips have been undermined by scandals related to prostitution and drunken agents.11 At home, the Service had a series of embarrassing security failures leading up to the remarkable White House intruder incident of September 2014.12
TSA has long struggled with poor management. In 2012 a House committee report found that the agency’s operations are “costly, counterintuitive, and poorly executed.”13 A separate House report the same year said that the agency “suffers from bureaucratic morass and mismanagement.”14 Former TSA chief Kip Hawley argued in an op-ed that the agency is “hopelessly bureaucratic.”15 And former acting TSA chief Kenneth Kaspirin said that the agency has “a toxic culture” with “terrible” morale.16
Employee misconduct is a problem in numerous DHS agencies, including the TSA.17
One concern at TSA is employee theft from passenger baggage.18 Meanwhile, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) appears to have a growing problem with agent corruption related to drug and human smuggling.19 Also, according to a Washington Post editorial on CBP, there has been “an alarming number of incidents involving the use of lethal force . . . all too frequently under circumstances that suggest the agency is indifferent or hostile to the most basic standards of restraint, transparency, and self-policing.”20
Many organizations have occasional management problems. But DHS leaders allow problems within agencies to fester for years, promising to make changes only after major scandals erupt. In the wake of the recent White House intruder incident, the head of the Secret Service resigned. But the head of DHS did not resign and said very little about it, presumably to evade responsibility. If DHS does not proactively correct agency problems, and DHS leaders do not take responsibility for failures, then the DHS superstructure provides little management value.
Poor Decision-making
Federal departments frequently make wasteful spending decisions, and DHS and its agencies are no exception. In one recent case, CBP built 21 small homes for border agents in Ajo, Arizona, at a cost of $680,000 each, in a town where the average home price is just $86,500. A 2014 DHS inspector general review of the project concluded, “this is a classic example of inadequate planning and management leading to wasteful spending.”21
This was a small project, but these sorts of problems plague major DHS projects as well. In their 2011 book, Terror, Security, and Money, homeland security experts John Mueller and Mark Stewart discuss how DHS often fails to rigorously evaluate projects to see whether the benefits outweigh the costs.22 A 2010 National Academy of Sciences (NAS) report made similar criticisms, as have GAO reports on numerous DHS projects.23
Without a rigorous process to steer spending to high-value uses, DHS has funded many boondoggle projects, including:
• Radiation Detectors: DHS spent $230 million over five years on radiation detectors for cargo containers before withdrawing the project as a failure in 2011.24 The GAO and NAS were highly critical of DHS’s handling of the project.25
• Full-Body Scanners: TSA spent hundreds of millions of dollars installing and operating Rapiscan scanners at U.S. airports, but research found that they were easy for terrorists to foil.26 The machines were withdrawn in 2013, but a different type of body scanner is now widely used. Mueller and Stewart found that such scanners fail a cost-benefit analysis “quite comprehensively.”27 As for the TSA, it did not perform a cost-benefit analysis of full-body scanners before rolling them out nationwide.28
• SPOT Program: TSA spends about $230 million a year on the Screening of Passengers by Observation Techniques (SPOT) program, which tries to catch terrorists by their suspicious behaviors in airports.29 GAO found that TSA “deployed SPOT nationwide before first determining whether there was a scientifically valid basis” for it.30 TSA also did not perform a cost-benefit analysis of SPOT.31 GAO says that there is little, if any, evidence that SPOT works, and has recommended that the program be cancelled.32
• High-Tech Border Control: CBP spent $1 billion on the SBInet virtual fence project for a 53-mile portion of the Arizona-Mexico border. The project, which involved video cameras, radar, sensors, and other technologies, was begun in 2006 and cancelled in 2011 as a failure.33 Another high-tech system for the Arizona border is now moving ahead, but its effectiveness is yet to be proven.34
The concern is not that DHS makes unavoidable mistakes, but that it puts too little effort into researching how best to allocate spending to improve safety. In their book, Mueller and Stewart make an assessment of the costs and benefits of homeland security spending since 2001. They conclude that “increases in American homeland security expenditures have been wildly inefficient.”35 DHS has been too willing to throw money at any idea that might conceivably prevent a worst-case scenario, instead of balancing the benefits and costs of projects based on hard data. Policymakers eventually cancel some boondoggles after years of failure, but agencies should be performing rigorous analyses on projects up front before they spend hundreds of millions of dollars.
Civil Liberties Concerns and Mission Creep
DHS is a powerful department that conducts a wide range of intelligence, investigative, and law enforcement activities. But the DHS “mission is not entirely clear” says the Washington Post , and indeed it has grown broader and more amorphous over time.36 DHS has expanded into law enforcement activities that are properly the role of the states, and also into areas that should be free of government encroachment altogether. Put another way, “mission creep” is a serious problem at the DHS, creating an ongoing threat to our civil liberties.
Here are examples illustrating the expansive and intrusive activities of DHS and its agencies:
• CBP pursues warrantless searches of general aviation aircraft, and the TSA engages in warrantless searches of valet parked cars at airports.37
• TSA is aggressively conducting searches at rail stations, transit stations, and other public venues across the country, resulting in arrests for minor offenses such as drug possession.38
• TSA is teaming with state governments to put checkpoints on highways to perform searches of trucks for drugs and other items.39
• DHS provides grants to towns and cities for license plate readers and video surveillance systems.40 DHS agencies have also gained access to national license plate databases built from the license reader systems.41
• DHS provides grants to towns and cities to purchase military-style equipment for their police forces, such as heavily fortified vehicles and sound cannons.42 Meanwhile, the Department of Defense has transferred 800 armored vehicles and other military equipment to hundreds of towns and cities in recent years.43
• DHS provides grants to towns and cities to purchase aerial drones, and it uses a growing number of drones itself.44
• DHS gave a grant to Tacoma, Washington, to buy a Stingray device that local police “quietly used for five years.”45 These surveillance devices “sweep up records of every mobile telephone call, text message, and data transfer up to a half-mile from the device.”46 The equipment is becoming widely used by police across the nation.
Perhaps the most serious threat to civil liberties is the growth in “fusion centers,” which are jointly operated by DHS and other federal, state, and local agencies. The more than 70 fusion centers across the nation are supposed to combat terrorism, but they generate little useful intelligence to that end and yet cost hundreds of millions of dollars a year.47 The centers amass information about Americans that is generally already in the public domain, and often relates to lawful political activities. For example, fusion centers were active in spying on the Occupy Wall Street movement.48
A bipartisan Senate report in 2012 concluded that fusion centers produced intelligence of “uneven quality-oftentimes shoddy, rarely timely, sometimes endangering citizens’ civil liberties and Privacy Act protections, occasionally taken from already-published public sources, and more often than not unrelated to terrorism.” 49 Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is right that fusion centers are “providing very little in terms of counterterrorism capabilities”and should be abolished.50
A growing number of incidents suggest that DHS is trying to act as a domestic police force on matters that have nothing to do with national threats. In July, a North Carolina woman was surprised to see six DHS vehicles full of agents pull up to her house and seize her Land Rover. DHS has refused to return the vehicle, apparently because it was an imported vehicle that did not meet emissions standards.51 The same month, a small-scale army led by DHS including two helicopters, numerous armored vehicles, and 10 police cars swooped into the small town of Livingston, Illinois, to arrest a single individual on child pornography charges.52
A recent investigative article by the Albuquerque Journal’s Michael Coleman summarized other DHS activities:
Today, in addition to protecting America’s borders and airports, the department is interrogating people suspected of pirating movies at Ohio theaters, seizing counterfeit NBA merchandise in San Antonio and working pickpocket cases alongside police in Albuquerque. Homeland Security agents are visiting elementary schools and senior centers to warn of dangers lurking on the Internet.53
These incidents reflect vast mission creep. Coleman further reports, “Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents are now working with local police all over New Mexico, aiming to become an integral part of domestic crime fighting in the state.”54 HSI agents in New Mexico are training adult dancers about the dangers of sex trafficking, organizing seminars at retirement centers to inform residents about fraud schemes, and teaching school kids about the dangers of Internet predators.
DHS was born out of a fear of terrorism, but policymakers and DHS have used that fear to build a vastly bloated budget and to extend federal police power into many areas where it does not belong. Even former Homeland Security secretary Tom Ridge noted about DHS: “They’ve kind of lost their way . . . I was proud to be associated with those men and women, but it just seems to me . . . the focus-the primary focus-has been substantially diminished.”55
Proposed Reforms
A huge new DHS headquarters is planned for a 176-acre site in Washington, D.C. The project is years behind schedule and $1.5 billion over budget.56 It may prove to be too much of a boondoggle even for Congress, and some lawmakers are leaning toward cancelling it.
That would be a good reform, and it should be followed by shutting down DHS itself.57 Of course, there are many DHS agencies that perform important functions, and they should be moved to other departments or set up as stand-alone agencies. Other DHS agencies should be terminated, including the TSA and FEMA.
TSA operates security screening at commercial airports across the nation. This Cato study discusses TSA’s poor track record and argues that we should privatize airport screening, which is the successful approach taken in Canada and much of Europe.
FEMA distributes disaster aid to individuals and state and local governments, and it subsidizes flood insurance. FEMA has often been slow, disorganized, and wasteful in its disaster operations, and its flood insurance program has backfired by spurring development in flood-prone areas. This Cato study argues that FEMA should be abolished and its activities performed by the states and the private sector.
DHS illustrates a fundamental problem with the federal government: it tries to do far too much and ends up doing little well. Congress should task the executive branch with only those activities that provide added value not provided by the states and the private sector. And it should narrow the missions of federal agencies to reduce inefficient overlap. Currently, DHS’s activities are so broad and ill-defined that it has created unproductive turf wars in the federal bureaucracy.58 DHS’s analysis of intelligence overlaps with duties of the FBI, for example, and its cybersecurity activities overlap with those of the National Security Agency.
Congress should also reform itself by streamlining the oversight of federal agencies. It should restructure committees so that each current DHS agency is overseen by a single House and a single Senate committee. That way citizens would know which politicians are responsible for ensuring that particular agencies perform effectively.
A way to narrow and focus the role of DHS agencies is to reform broad policies. Overhauling immigration policies, for example, should aim to simplify the system and reduce the costs of administration and enforcement. Liberalizing drug policies would reduce federal enforcement and incarceration costs. Information on immigration and drug policy reforms is available here and here .
Many Americans are understandably worried about terrorism and domestic security. But a much smaller and more focused set of homeland security agencies would deal with the threats we face more effectively and efficiently. A leaner array of federal security and intelligence agencies would also be less likely to encroach on state responsibilities and less able to undermine our personal freedoms.
1 President George W. Bush, “The Department of Homeland Security,” June 2002,, pp. 1, 7, 16.
2 Office of Management and Budget, Budget of the U.S. Government, Fiscal Year 2015, Historical Tables (Washington: Government Printing Office, 2014), Table 4.1.
3 U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Fedscope database, The 2014 figure is for June.
4 Office of Management and Budget, Budget of the U.S. Government, Fiscal Year 2015 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 2014).
5 “Best Places to Work Agency Index Scores,” Partnership for Public Service, 2014,
6 Survey results reported in Jerry Markon, “DHS Morale Sinks Further Despite New Leadership at the Top, Survey Shows,” Washington Post , October 10, 2014.
7 Jerry Markon, Ellen Nakashima, and Alice Crites, “Top-Level Turnover Makes It Harder for DHS to Stay on Top of Evolving Threats,” Washington Post , September 21, 2014.
8 Jerry Markon, Ellen Nakashima, and Alice Crites, “Top-Level Turnover Makes It Harder for DHS to Stay on Top of Evolving Threats,” Washington Post , September 21, 2014.
9 Jerry Markon, Ellen Nakashima, and Alice Crites, “Top-Level Turnover Makes It Harder for DHS to Stay on Top of Evolving Threats,” Washington Post , September 21, 2014.
10 Jerry Markon, “DHS Chafing at Hill Oversight,” Washington Post , September 26, 2014.
11 Carol D. Leonnig and David Nakamua,”Document: Major Resources Needed for Obama Africa Trip,” Washington Post , June 13, 2013. And See Carol D. Leonnig, David Nakamua, and Michael Birnbaum, ” Secret Service Incident in Netherlands was on Heels of Car Wreck During Obama’s Miami Trip,” Washington Post , March 26, 2014.
12 Carol D. Leonnig, “White House Fence-Jumper Made It Far Deeper into Building Than Previously Known,” Washington Post , September 29, 2014.
13 House Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Transportation Security, “Rebuilding TSA into a Smarter, Leaner Organization,” September 10, 2012, p. 1.
14 House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, “A Decade Later: A Call for TSA Reform,” November 16, 2011, pp. 2, 18.
15 Kip Hawley, “Why Airport Security Is Broken and How to Fix It,” Wall Street Journal , April 15, 2012. Hawley was TSA administrator from July 2005 to January 2009.
16 Jerry Markon, Ellen Nakashima, and Alice Crites, “Top-Level Turnover Makes It Harder for DHS to Stay on Top of Evolving Threats,” Washington Post , September 21, 2014.
17 GAO report summarized in Ruth Tam, “TSA to Reform Misconduct Review Policy,” Washington Post , August 1, 2013.
18 Caitlin O’Neil, “400 TSA Employees Fired for Stealing from Passengers from 2002 to 2011,”, October 24, 2012.
19 Joseph J. Kolb, “Study Finds Corruption on Rise among Border Agents, Rep Says Security at Risk,” , January 15, 2013.
20 Washington Post , “Policing the Border Patrol,” editorial, September 29, 2014.
21 Quoted in Luis Carrasco, “Feds Ajo Housing Project for Border Agents Mismanaged, Too Costly,” Arizona Daily Star , September 11, 2014.
22 John Mueller and Mark G. Stewart, Terror, Security, and Money: Balancing the Risks, Benefits, and Costs of Homeland Security (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011).
23 The National Academy report is summarized in ibid., pp. 6-8.
24 This was the Advanced Spectroscope Portal program. See Martin Matishak, “Homeland Security Cancels Troubled Radiation Detector Effort,” Global Security Newswire (National Journal ), July 26, 2011.
25 GAO and NAS criticism is summarized in Martin Matishak, “Homeland Security Cancels Troubled Radiation Detector Effort,” Global Security Newswire (National Journal ), July 26, 2011.
26 Keaton Mowery et. al., “Security Analysis of a Full-Body Scanner,” Proceedings of the 23rd USENIX Security Symposium, August 2014,
27 John Mueller and Mark G. Stewart, Terror, Security, and Money: Balancing the Risks, Benefits, and Costs of Homeland Security (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011), p. 152.
28 John Mueller and Mark G. Stewart, Terror, Security, and Money: Balancing the Risks, Benefits, and Costs of Homeland Security (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011), pp. 6, 147.
29 SPOT is discussed in Chris Edwards, “Privatizing the Transportation Security Administration,” Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 742, Cato Institute, November 19, 2013.
30 Government Accountability Office, “Aviation Security: 9/11 Anniversary Observations on TSA’s Progress and Challenges in Strengthening Aviation Security,” GAO-12-1024T, September 11, 2012, p. 4.
31 Government Accountability Office, “Transportation Security Administration: Progress and Challenges Faced in Strengthening Three Key Security Programs,” GAO-12-541T, March 26, 2012, p. 9.
32 GAO study summarized in Ashley Halsey III, “GAO Says There Is No Evidence That a TSA Program to Spot Terrorists Is Effective,” Washington Post , November 13, 2013.
33 Jeremy Pelofski, “Administration Giving Up on Full Virtual Fence on Border,” Washington Post , January 15, 2011.
34 This is the Arizona Border Surveillance Technology Plan. See Brian Bennett, “GAO Says Border Technology Plan May Be $700-million Waste,” Los Angeles Times , March 12, 2014.
35 John Mueller and Mark G. Stewart, Terror, Security, and Money: Balancing the Risks, Benefits, and Costs of Homeland Security (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011), p. 11.
36 Jerry Markon, Ellen Nakashima, and Alice Crites, “Top-Level Turnover Makes It Harder for DHS to Stay on Top of Evolving Threats,” Washington Post , September 21, 2014.
37 Robert Poole, “More DHS Mission Creep,” Airport Policy and Security News no. 97, Reason Foundation, January 23, 2014.
38 Ron Nixon, “T.S.A. Expands Duties beyond Airport Security,” New York Times , August 6, 2013.
39 CBS News, “TSA Expands from Airports to Tenn. Highways,” November 4, 2011.
40 Sen. Tom Coburn, “Safety at Any Price: Assessing the Impact of Homeland Security Spending in U.S. Cities,” December 2012, p. 26.
41 Ellen Nakashima, “ICE Twice Breached Privacy Policy with License-Plate Index,” Washington Post , October 30, 2014. And see Josh Hicks, “Homeland Security Wants National Database Using License-Plate Scanners,” Washington Post , February 18, 2014.
42 Jennifer Levitz, “Towns Say No Tanks to Militarized Police,” Wall Street Journal , February 7, 2014. And see Matt Apuzzo, “Officer Friendly, in a Tank? War Gear Flows to Local Police,” New York Times , June 9, 2014.
43 Emma Roller, “How Congress Helped Create Ferguson’s Militarized Police,” National Journal , August 14, 2014.
44 Robert Beckhusen, “5 Homeland Security ‘Bots Coming to Spy on You (If They Aren’t Already),” Wired , February 2, 2013.
45 Peter Robison, “Homeland Security Arms Local Cops with Super Spy Bug,” Bloomberg Businessweek , August 27, 2014.
46 Peter Robison, “Homeland Security Arms Local Cops with Super Spy Bug,” Bloomberg Businessweek , August 27, 2014.
47 Julian Sanchez, “Your Homeland Security Dollars at Work: Tracking Occupy,” Downsizing Government, May 23, 2014. And see Julian Sanchez, “Our Broken Panopticon: Senate Report Finds Fusion Centers Expensive and Useless,” Cato@Liberty, October 4, 2012.
48 Colin Moynihan, “Officials Cast Wide Net in Monitoring Occupy Protests,” New York Times , May 22, 2014.
49 Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, Subcommittee on Investigations, “Federal Support for and Involvement in State and Local Fusion Centers,” October 3, 2012.
50 Office of Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), “$1.4 Trillion in Savings: Recommendations for the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction,” September 2011, p. 8.
51 Steve Ohnesorge, “Couple Has Questions after Agents Seize Land Rovers,” WBTV, July 21, 2014. And see Fox News Insider , “Feds Raid Women’s Home to Seize . . . A Land Rover?!” August 1, 2014.
52 Curt Libbra, “Federal Raid Near Alhambra Results in Child Porn Charges,” Highland News Leader (Southwestern Illinois), July 11, 2014. And see Roche Madden, “Federal Agents Swarm Livingston, Ill.,” (St. Louis), July 10, 2014.
53 Michael Coleman, “Mission Creep: Homeland Security a ‘Runaway Train,'” Albuquerque Journal , April 27, 2014. And see Radley Balko, “DHS: A Wasteful, Growing, Fear-Mongering Beast,” Washington Post, May 7, 2014.
54 Michael Coleman, “Mission Creep: NM Footprint Grows: ‘We’ve Up-Armored’,” Albuquerque Journal , April 28, 2014. Radley Balko discusses the Albuquerque article in Radley Balko, “DHS: A Wasteful, Growing, Fear-Mongering Beast,” Washington Post , May 7, 2014
55 Michael Coleman, “Mission Creep: Homeland Security a ‘Runaway Train’,” Albuquerque Journal , April 27, 2014.
56 Jerry Markon, “DHS Headquarters Funding in Jeopardy,” Washington Post , July 4, 2014.
57 David Rittgers discusses reforms needed to shut down DHS in David Rittgers, “Abolish the Department of Homeland Security,” Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 683, September 8, 2011.
58 Jerry Markon, Ellen Nakashima, and Alice Crites, “Top-Level Turnover Makes It Harder for DHS to Stay on Top of Evolving Threats,” Washington Post , September 21, 2014.
IV. Gang stalking America courtesy of DHS
July 17, 2013
ppjg corruption, Police State armed drones in America, biometric markers, DOMESTIC TERRORISM, Edward Snowden a hero, Fusion Center data mining, gang stalking America, Homeland security terrorism, national security” secrets., NSA a threat to America, Snowden blew the whistle, whistleblower 17 Comments
Marti Oakley ©Copyright 2013 All rights reserved
“Edward Snowden blew the whistle on the covert, unlawful, unconstitutional spying and data collection by a pseudo-government entity, against the people of the states. I cannot imagine the courage it took for this young man to step out there, risk his life and tell what he knew about what was happening under the blanket lie of national security. Neither can I imagine what it must be doing to him to know that every government employed psychopathic killer has been set loose on the globe to end his life.”
Whistle blower: Snowden is not a leaker! DHS engages in gang stalking….
On every channel of Lame Street Media, Edward Snowden is referred to as a “leaker”. This is no accident: word came down from the AP that the word leaker was to be used when talking about Snowden’s release of documents showing the unconstitutional and unlawful surveillance taking place within the NSA of every phone call, text message, Internet search and even the snail mail we send and receive. .
And every Lame Street Media outlet has dutifully complied and portrayed Snowden as not only a leaker, but as someone who has exposed dangerously sensitive “national security” secrets.
Actually, Snowden blew the whistle on the fact that what the government activity entailed has nothing to do with national interests with regards to keeping us safe from anything, especially them.
It is imperative for the Justice Department and the federal corporation to portray Snowden as having leaked vital information and claimed he damaged national security. IF he is defined as what he actually is and the public identifies him as a whistleblower, the bogus federal felony charges they have levied against him fall apart. And they did so quickly. There is not one of us out here who does not identify Snowden as a whistleblower. Nothing of vital intelligence importance or that would damage the efforts supposedly underway to identify terrorists (that word has almost become an old joke) was exposed. What was exposed was the unwarranted and unlawful activity of a threatening federal agency against the people of the states.
As for Lame Street Media: It must be hell to be so spineless.
Snowden meets even the most simple definition of a Whistle blower: ():
The disclosure by a person, usually an employee in a government agency or private enterprise, to the public or to those in authority, of mismanagement, corruption, illegality, or some other wrongdoing.
What Snowden revealed was the corruption of a government so wildly out of control, so viciously paranoid, that even the people it continues to claim it is protecting have been targeted as possible enemies. The paranoia is so deep-seated, that even our returning war veterans are classified by Homeland Security as terrorists….
(see original article for complete article)
V. Rudy2’s Multilingual Blog
Official confirms what thousands of victims have long known: an evil U.S. shadow government is conducting a covert, taxpayer-funded genocidal purge of American society — while Congress and an apparently entrained Obama administration sleep.
Author’s note: Former FBI official Ted Gunderson died of cancer on July 31, 2011. Was his illness induced by silent electromagnetic assault or by other nefarious means? We will never know — and that’s just the way certain entities want it.
A former senior official of the Federal Bureau of Investigation says “rogue” military intelligence and law enforcement units of the federal government oversee a nationwide network of community-based “gang stalking” harassment, intimidation and domestic terrorism directed at thousands of U.S. citizens who have been extra-judicially targeted as “dissidents” or undesirables.
Ted Gunderson, 82, who has served as the special agent in charge of the FBI’s Los Angeles, Memphis and Dallas field offices, has stated in a series of public speaking appearances that he is now targeted by these same elements, and fears for his life and for the safety of his family. He reports that the windows of his home have been shot out, and he believes he has been poisoned and physically sickened by those seeking to silence him.
Since his retirement from the FBI in the 1979, Gunderson has been a Southern California- based private investigator. He is most noted for his defense work on the murder case involving former Army physician Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald.
The ex-FBI official’s comments represent the most compelling testimony to date indicating that “black operations” of the federal government are dedicated to waging a covert war of terror and persecution targeting American citizens.
“Based on my thirty years’ experience and research, I have determined there are thousands of victims who have been targeted by an illegal U.S. government rogue criminal enterprise — military intelligence, probably, tied into CIA and FBI and so forth — that is active 24 hours a day throughout the United States,” Gunderson stated in an October 2008 speech posted last fall on YouTube.
NOTE: It appears that the link to the Ted Gunderson YouTube video has been sabotaged. Please search “Ted Gunderson” and “YouTube” and look for the link to his speech at the Gulf Symposium. I believe this is more blatantly illegal and malicious interference with telecommunications by operatives of Lockheed Martin, under contract to U.S. Homeland-mil-intel, or another entity representing the agencies, commands and corporations of the U.S. fusion center network.
“It is far too extensive to be controlled by private enterprise,” Gunderson said. “I believe this well organized and sophisticated operation has a central command located somewhere in the United States, with multiple satellite offices scattered throughout the country.”
Said Gunderson:
“It appears those who administer the program can call any location in the United States for surveillance, a telephone tap, or… harassment directed at a victim, and immediately dispense manpower to the source… This well-greased, covert operation makes the old FBI counterintelligence program (code-named “Cointelpro”) look like a Sunday school class.”
Gunderson also maintains that federal security and law enforcement agencies and commands have been infiltrated by members of secret societies such as the Illuminati, which he has described as a satanic criminal cult.
This correspondent has reported that Lockheed Martin, the world’s largest defense contractor and the prime cyber-security and information technology supplier to the federal government, coordinates the communications and trains the “team leaders” of a nationwide Gestapo-like apparatus, which has tentacles into every security and law enforcement agency in the nation, including state and local police and 72 regional “fusion centers” administered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. According to company literature, Lockheed Martin has operations in 46 of the 50 states.
Lockheed Martin also has operational command and control over a U.S. government microwave radio frequency weapon system, deployed on cell tower masts throughout the U.S., that is being used to silently torture, impair, subjugate and electronically incarcerate so-called “targeted individuals.” The nexus of this American “torture matrix” appears to be Lockheed Martin’s Mission and Combat Support Solutions central command center in Norristown, Montgomery County, PA., which employs several thousand workers. The defense contractor’s global headquarters is in Bethesda, MD, just outside the nation’s capital.
Lockheed Martin, under contract to U.S. security and intelligence agencies and commands, also conducts warrantless surveillance of the telecommunications of targeted persons, and routinely censors and tampers with the content of their communications, as this reporter has documented in a series of recent articles:
Thousands of Americans, including this veteran journalist, have publicly reported being the victims of silent electromagnetic assault and community-based home intrusions, vandalism, and even the poisoning of food, water and air. Federal and local law enforcement routinely dismiss their reports as the product of delusions or mental illness, and refuse to investigate their complaints.
These “targets” and their families have been physically harmed and financially destroyed as a result of taxpayer-funded “psychological operations,” police-protected community “stalking” harassment and malicious vandalism, and other covert programs of personal destruction, including government-assisted financial sabotage. Many appear to have been targeted as a result of their politics; their activism or corporate whistle-blowing activities; their ethnic background; or as a result of score-settling vendettas by persons in positions of power — in government and in the private sector.
The former FBI executive’s remarks are only now attracting widespread exposure on this and other web sites. This correspondent believes that recent revelations of government-sponsored domestic terrorism against U.S. citizens have prompted some conscientious insiders to call attention to Gunderson’s public statements.
Gunderson has said that government-sponsored gang stalking terrorism is financed “through illegal black operations,” such as sales of illegal drug; gambling; prostitution; and even sexual exploitation of children. But this reporter believes it is more likely that programs of government-sponsored domestic terrorism are funded from military and security “black ops” budgets that have been illegally diverted to covert domestic programs administered and conducted primarily by defense contractors.
Late last year, The New York Times disclosed that an official of the U.S. Air Force had set up an unauthorized military intelligence spy ring in Pakistan and Afghanistan, run by Lockheed Martin and funded by defense appropriations.
This correspondent suspects that a similar arrangement could be funding government-sponsored “gang stalking” operations throughout the nation, and has urged Congress to immediately hold public hearings as part of a comprehensive investigation of military-style “black ops” targeting American citizens and their families — a silent, slow-kill genocide motivated by ideology and hate.
Just another weblog
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How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations
A page from a GCHQ top secret document prepared by its secretive JTRIG unit
One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. It’s time to tell a chunk of that story, complete with the relevant documents.
Over the last several weeks, I worked with NBC News to publish a series of articles about “dirty trick” tactics used by GCHQ’s previously secret unit, JTRIG (Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group). These were based on four classified GCHQ documents presented to the NSA and the other three partners in the English-speaking “Five Eyes” alliance. Today, we at the Intercept are publishing another new JTRIG document, in full, entitled “The Art of Deception: Training for Online Covert Operations.”
By publishing these stories one by one, our NBC reporting highlighted some of the key, discrete revelations: the monitoring of YouTube and Blogger, the targeting of Anonymous with the very same DDoS attacks they accuse “hacktivists” of using, the use of “honey traps” (luring people into compromising situations using sex) and destructive viruses. But, here, I want to focus and elaborate on the overarching point revealed by all of these documents: namely, that these agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself.
Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends:
a) “false flag operations” (posting material to the internet and falsely attributing it to someone else),
b) fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and
c) posting “negative information” on various forums.
Here is one illustrative list of tactics from the latest GCHQ document we’re publishing today:
Other tactics aimed at individuals are listed here, under the revealing title “discredit a target”:
Then there are the tactics used to destroy companies the agency targets:
GCHQ describes the purpose of JTRIG in starkly clear terms: “using online techniques to make something happen in the real or cyber world,” including “information ops (influence or disruption).”
Critically, the “targets” for this deceit and reputation-destruction extend far beyond the customary roster of normal spycraft: hostile nations and their leaders, military agencies, and intelligence services. In fact, the discussion of many of these techniques occurs in the context of using them in lieu of “traditional law enforcement” against people suspected (but not charged or convicted) of ordinary crimes or, more broadly still, “hacktivism”, meaning those who use online protest activity for political ends.
The title page of one of these documents reflects the agency’s own awareness that it is “pushing the boundaries” by using “cyber offensive” techniques against people who have nothing to do with terrorism or national security threats, and indeed, centrally involves law enforcement agents who investigate ordinary crimes:
No matter your views on Anonymous, “hacktivists” or garden-variety criminals, it is not difficult to see how dangerous it is to have secret government agencies being able to target any individuals they want – who have never been charged with, let alone convicted of, any crimes – with these sorts of online, deception-based tactics of reputation destruction and disruption. There is a strong argument to make, as Jay Leiderman demonstrated in the Guardian in the context of the Paypal 14 hacktivist persecution, that the “denial of service” tactics used by hacktivists result in (at most) trivial damage (far less than the cyber-warfare tactics favored by the US and UK) and are far more akin to the type of political protest protected by the First Amendment.
The broader point is that, far beyond hacktivists, these surveillance agencies have vested themselves with the power to deliberately ruin people’s reputations and disrupt their online political activity even though they’ve been charged with no crimes, and even though their actions have no conceivable connection to terrorism or even national security threats. As Anonymous expert Gabriella Coleman of McGill University told me, “targeting Anonymous and hacktivists amounts to targeting citizens for expressing their political beliefs, resulting in the stifling of legitimate dissent.” Pointing to this study she published, Professor Coleman vehemently contested the assertion that “there is anything terrorist/violent in their actions.”
Government plans to monitor and influence internet communications, and covertly infiltrate online communities in order to sow dissension and disseminate false information, have long been the source of speculation. Harvard Law Professor Cass Sunstein, a close Obama adviser and the White House’s former head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, wrote a controversial paper in 2008 proposing that the US government employ teams of covert agents and pseudo-”independent” advocates to “cognitively infiltrate” online groups and websites, as well as other activist groups.
Sunstein also proposed sending covert agents into “chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups” which spread what he views as false and damaging “conspiracy theories” about the government. Ironically, the very same Sunstein was recently named by Obama to serve as a member of the NSA review panel created by the White House, one that – while disputing key NSA claims – proceeded to propose many cosmetic reforms to the agency’s powers (most of which were ignored by the President who appointed them).
But these GCHQ documents are the first to prove that a major western government is using some of the most controversial techniques to disseminate deception online and harm the reputations of targets. Under the tactics they use, the state is deliberately spreading lies on the internet about whichever individuals it targets, including the use of what GCHQ itself calls “false flag operations” and emails to people’s families and friends. Who would possibly trust a government to exercise these powers at all, let alone do so in secret, with virtually no oversight, and outside of any cognizable legal framework?
Then there is the use of psychology and other social sciences to not only understand, but shape and control, how online activism and discourse unfolds. Today’s newly published document touts the work of GCHQ’s “Human Science Operations Cell,” devoted to “online human intelligence” and “strategic influence and disruption”:
Under the title “Online Covert Action”, the document details a variety of means to engage in “influence and info ops” as well as “disruption and computer net attack,” while dissecting how human beings can be manipulated using “leaders,” “trust,” “obedience” and “compliance”:
The documents lay out theories of how humans interact with one another, particularly online, and then attempt to identify ways to influence the outcomes – or “game” it:
We submitted numerous questions to GCHQ, including: (1) Does GCHQ in fact engage in “false flag operations” where material is posted to the Internet and falsely attributed to someone else?; (2) Does GCHQ engage in efforts to influence or manipulate political discourse online?; and (3) Does GCHQ’s mandate include targeting common criminals (such as boiler room operators), or only foreign threats?
As usual, they ignored those questions and opted instead to send their vague and nonresponsive boilerplate: “It is a longstanding policy that we do not comment on intelligence matters. Furthermore, all of GCHQ’s work is carried out in accordance with a strict legal and policy framework which ensures that our activities are authorised, necessary and proportionate, and that there is rigorous oversight, including from the Secretary of State, the Interception and Intelligence Services Commissioners and the Parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee. All our operational processes rigorously support this position.”
These agencies’ refusal to “comment on intelligence matters” – meaning: talk at all about anything and everything they do – is precisely why whistleblowing is so urgent, the journalism that supports it so clearly in the public interest, and the increasingly unhinged attacks by these agencies so easy to understand. Claims that government agencies are infiltrating online communities and engaging in “false flag operations” to discredit targets are often dismissed as conspiracy theories, but these documents leave no doubt they are doing precisely that.
Whatever else is true, no government should be able to engage in these tactics: what justification is there for having government agencies target people – who have been charged with no crime – for reputation-destruction, infiltrate online political communities, and develop techniques for manipulating online discourse? But to allow those actions with no public knowledge or accountability is particularly unjustifiable.
VII. Gang Stalking Part 4: Who Are The Government’s Gang Stalkers?
Sunday, November 23, 2014 5:35
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Who Are The Government’s Gang Stalkers?
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” —Voltaire.
Hello everyone, this is part four of five on this website of my series on gang-stalking using excerpts from my book “Sin Thesis”.
Here we will try to answer who the government’s gang stalkers are. My belief is that the US has an overall agenda of nothing less than total global rule. Gang stalking then is an ongoing experiment in population control. Ruling the world necessitates controlling entire populations of individuals. The vast majority will be compliant, but for some an individualized strategy is used. For others you have been labeled “enemy of the state” some for your ideologies but for most it is random. Your country will betray you and your lives will be sabotaged…
The methods have varied, but this has been going on since the beginning of civilizations. Some tyrants of old would pacify the peoples with food or by creating work to give them the appearance of a just state. Of course between then and now we’ll have to skip the history lessons. The evolution of tyrants into seemingly possessed almost non-human EVIL entities befell the 20th century. Committing inhuman atrocities, war crimes, mass-torture and mass-exterminations on industrial levels. Control was achieved through terror. Only now the evildoers desired global control.
Throughout history, many world powers have come and gone. Some lasted for several hundred years and some for very short periods. The US has been a world power arguably for about 70 years. Will it last? Many believe it won’t last for more than another couple of decades as a super power. Many writers, researchers and historians write that the US has modeled itself after NAZI Germany and will start WW3…. Putin in a recent speech said exactly that. The only option for the US is to fast track its secret plans.
—”The rest of the world believes that the US poses the greatest threat to the world” — Huffington World Post—
In their study paper “US Magnetic Weapons and Human Rights” by Peter Philips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton (The Sonoma State University Project – Censored Media Freedom Foundation) they write:
“We are in a time of extremism, permanent war, and the unilateral manifestation of ethnocentrism and by a cabal of people in the US government. These power elites have been in operation for decades and are set on nothing less than the total US military domination of the world. They defy the foundational values of the American people to achieve their ends. This is nothing new. The repression of human rights has been present within the US government throughout our history.”
I have to agree with this study, it’s all about US military domination of the world! Did you think it was only about torturing innocent citizens? For many of those targeted it probably feels that way but many books and studies have the US positioned as the modern day Third Reich. So how did we get to this dark place?
During the cold war the US learned that the Soviet Union was experimenting with mind control and of course the US had to compete. Without getting too involved, there are plenty of books on the subject. Also after WW2 the US gave haven to some NAZI scientists and obtained their human research experiment data from the Dachau prison camp. Using prisoners as test subjects they compiled massive amounts of information. Like, how long a pilot could survive after being plunged into 40 degree ocean water from a shot down aircraft.
Now the US doesn’t openly do human experiments here, right? No! We do them SECRETLY… The truth is, much of the experimentation would turn to the mind because a more passive control was required. These new technologies would still need test subjects but with possible illness, injury or death being side effects, random unwitting citizens were used. When your goal is to control the people of the world they aren’t necessarily going to go along with it. But what if they didn’t know? Timothy L Thomas wrote in the U.S. Army War College Quarterly; “The Mind has no Firewall.” Therefore is susceptible to all form of non-detectable intrusions.
So NSA Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino’s military white paper “From Psyops to Mind War” laid out our blueprint for classic US gang stalking tactics. Then we mixed that with NAZI collaborator techniques like civilian spying, neighborhood informants, “see something – say something” and the reward of good citizenship… These methods work well for TIs, but have little use for the masses and have led to thousands of complaints per month to police, civil rights groups, etc…
However, scientists already figured out that all different types of waves, like light, sound, magnetic, micro and ELF waves could affect humans. This was a GREAT discovery for crowd control and weapons of war. They can kill instantly or slowly depending on the type and wavelength. They can burn skin, cause organ damage or cancer. They can penetrate the walls of your home, office or vehicle and can be focused. They are invisible, can’t be heard, felt, are untraceable and their use can easily be denied in the case of injury or death.
It’s the perfect silent kill weapon and another form of no-touch torture. Again “plausible deniability.” That all sounds great, but that isn’t the goal. The goal is controlling thoughts. The US already knew that the mind has no firewall and brainwave frequencies are around 8Hz. So tuning wave-emitting devices to 8Hz can interfere with the mind. Within this range the victim in most cases would never know or be able to prove they were being bombarded.
However the most important aspect to this is that these frequencies can be transmitted globally like radio waves. Then the ultimate goal is to transmit information at 8Hz directly into the minds of the entire population. I’ve written a companion article on this site called “Uncovered Photo Evidence of Global Mind Control Experiment?” Using leaked GOES-10 Naval satellite photos, I show that indeed these very specific 8Hz frequencies are being transmitted globally.
The biggest drawback to the US is that the rest of the world leaders including the UN want to permanently ban all of these types of weapons because of the potential for misuse. Vladimir Putin banned mind altering (psychotronic) weapons in Russia back in 2001.
OK, we all know that most targeted individuals as with MK-Ultra are random. The rest I believe pick themselves by standing out. They become classified “enemies of the state.” They are often writers, journalists, politicians, organizers, protestors, whistle blowers, lobbyists, etc… The fact is, most of the population of the US is on some list. Some Tea Party members, animal rights activists and gay rights advocates are just a few that we know of.
Before the current incarnations of civilian spying agencies, there were agencies like TIA (Total Information Awareness). TIA however was never looking for terrorism. Their official mission statement in 2003 was to gather and store information on every single US citizen. Every job you worked, income history, medical records, education, family, friends, associates, organizations, activities, spending habits, travel. Everything you can possibly think of.
Who looks at all this information? Probably no one unless you are targeted or do something to become someone of interest. Then they pull up the info. Who decides which citizens get targeted and who coordinates the stalking? Well first we need targets to justify Homeland Security’s 75 billion dollar budget. So as author David Icke said “Problem = Reaction = Solution.” It goes back much further to the formula “Thesis = Antithesis = Synthesis” this is credited to German philosopher Hegel circa 1800.
Decide what you want and in this case “population control.” Create a problem “false flag terrorism” and the people will demand a solution. We satisfy this formula by curtailing civil liberties with more government control.
The government then employs a police state under the guise of homeland security. The DHS in turn created 78 state and regional Fusion Centers to gather information. They do this through local law enforcement, emergency management, public health and corporations. They also work with federal agencies like the FBI and believe it or not the military. Data is then shared throughout the network of participants.
In a report presented in 2012 to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Aspen Institute of Homeland Security Group advises:
“We move away from a defensive position of protecting the country from foreign terror threats. Instead we should focus on becoming a domestic security architecture concentrating on offensive measures on single adversaries.”
Domestic, offensive? That to me translates to “targeting citizens.” The report suggests that the mechanisms created in the wake of 9-11 be refocused to include drug cartels, organized crime and a more all-inclusive approach or what is described vaguely as “emerging adversaries within our borders.” An anti-terrorist war machine turned into a domestic law enforcement tool.
This makes sense because in this same two-year investigation they found that these “Fusion Center’s” efforts to compile local intelligence data have not yielded any significant useful information on terrorism.
(Photo above shows Fusion Center flow chart. Private sector bottom left and yellow marking fictitious events.)
Currently the US trains “Terrorism Liaison Officers” (TLOs) to instead identify potential domestic targets. These TLOs represent their organization and report directly to the fusion centers. TLOs are appointed by their state, local or civilian agencies and go through a 24 to 40 hour federal training. They are made up of police, firemen, paramedics, and civilians. Postal, utility, hospitality and transportation workers are also involved. Everyone else is brought in as civilian collaborators. Friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, police informers are often encouraged to participate often through deception.
VIII. I Am Being Gang Stalked
Fusion Center Locations Revealed…the Secret Is Out
I am going to print these here and give website.. they may vanish this site..
Well, here they are
Public Intelligence
Since 9/11, the U.S. Government has engaged in a multibillion-dollar effort to construct a domestic intelligence network for the ostensible purpose of combating terrorism, criminal activity and violent extremism. One of the central components of this system is the network of “fusion centers” that have sprung up around the country over the last several years. These entities integrate local law enforcement with a state’s police force, Department of Justice, or Office of Emergency Management and are designed to facilitate law enforcement intelligence activities throughout the jurisdiction, providing federal authorities access to local information and databases, while simultaneously allowing federal agencies to disseminate classified intelligence materials to local authorities. There are almost always federal representatives present in local fusion centers and Secretary of Homeland Security Napolitano has recently testified that DHS is “committed to having an officer in each fusion center.” Most fusion centers also work with representatives of the private sector, particularly those industries related to so-called “critical infrastructure and key resources.”
Due to past examples of fusion centers vastly overstepping their original mandates, including monitoring political events, bumper sticker preferences and even constitutionally-protected protest activities, many civil-rights organizations have worked to monitor fusion centers and their activities. However, public scrutiny has proved difficult in most cases as the majority of fusion centers operate in a highly secretive manner without revealing who works for them, what government agencies they work with or what their basic capabilities are. Many lack websites or any sort of public presence and information about their activities is often unavailable from official sources. There is no national authority overseeing their activities and many fusion centers even lack basic privacy policies concerning the collection of information on law-abiding citizens. Some states have even worked to exempt fusion center activities from public records requests. In fact, the majority of fusion centers have failed to even identify their most basic attribute: their physical location. Instead, many fusion centers simply provide a mailing address that leads to a post office box or generic government building. Some fusion centers do not even provide an address.
Public Intelligence has acquired a dataset that identifies the actual physical locations of nearly all of the 72 DHS-recognized fusion centers operating in the country today. The information, which includes physical addresses, phone numbers, as well as email addresses for all of the fusion centers, is believed to have been compiled and distributed throughout the Homeland Security Information Network, a government information portal for “information sharing and collaboration between federal, state, local, tribal, territorial, private sector, and international partners engaged in the homeland security mission.” Given the incomplete nature of information distributed previously by EPIC, the ACLU, and other groups attempting to document fusion center activities, this information is of great importance for working towards transparency in an area of domestic surveillance that remains largely unreported.
Name of Fusion Center Mailing Address Physical Address
Alabama Fusion Center Post Office Box 1511 Montgomery, AL 36102 201 S Union St Montgomery, AL 36104
Alaska Information and Analysis Center (AKIAC) 101 East Sixth Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501 101 East Sixth Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501
Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center (ACTIC) Post Office Box 6638 Phoenix, AZ 85005 16212 N 28th Ave Phoenix, AZ 85053
Arkansas State Fusion Center 1 State Police Plaza Drive Little Rock, AR 72209 1 State Police Plaza Drive Little Rock, AR 72209
Orange County Intelligence Assessment Center 2644 Santiago Canyon Road Silverado, CA 92676-9791 2644 Santiago Canyon Road Silverado, CA 92676-9791
Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center (LAJRIC) 12440 East Imperial Highway Norwalk, CA 90650 12440 East Imperial Highway Norwalk, CA 90650
Northern California Regional Intelligence Center (NCRIC) P.O. Box 36102 San Francisco, CA 94102 450 Golden Gate Ave., 14th Floor San Francisco, CA 94102
Central California Intelligence Center/Sacramento Regional Terrorism Threat Assessment Center 3720 Dudley Blvd. McClellan, CA 95652
State Terror Threat Assessment Center Post Office Box 944255 Sacramento, CA 94244 3741 Bleckley St. Mather, CA 95655
San Diego Law Enforcement Coordination Center (SD-LECC) 4181 Ruffin Road San Diego, CA 92123
Colorado Information Analysis Center 690 Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 80215 690 Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 80215
Connecticut Intelligence Center (CTIC) 600 State Street New Haven, CT 06511 600 State Street New Haven, CT 06511
Delaware Information Analysis Center Post Office Box 430 Dover, DE 19904 1575 McKee Rd. Dover, DE 19904
Washington Regional Threat and Analysis Center 2720 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, S.E., Washington, D.C. 20032 300 Indiana Ave NW Washington, DC 20001
Florida Fusion Center P.O. Box 1489 Tallahassee, FL 32302 2331 Phillips Road Tallahassee, FL 32308
Miami Dade Fusion Center 11200 NW 20th St Doral, FL 33172
Central Florida Intelligence Exchange (CFIX) PO Box 608423 Orlando, Florida 32860 6643 Hazeltine National Drive Orlando, FL 32860
Georgia Information Sharing and Analysis Center (GISAC) Post Office Box 29649 Atlanta, GA 30359 2635 Century Parkway, N.E. Atlanta, GA 39345
Pacific Regional Information Clearinghouse 500 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96813 500 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96813
Idaho Criminal Intelligence Center 700 S Stratford Dr, Meridian, Ada, Idaho 83642 700 S Stratford Dr, Meridian, Ada, Idaho 83642
Statewide Terrorism & Intelligence Center (STIC) 2100 S. Dirksen Parkway Springfield, IL 62703 2100 S. Dirksen Parkway Springfield, IL 62703
Indiana Intelligence Fusion Center 302 W. Washington Street Room E243 Indianapolis, IN 46204 302 W. Washington Street Room E243 Indianapolis, IN 46204
Iowa Fusion Center 215 East 7th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50319 215 East 7th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50319
Kansas Threat Integration Center (KSTIC) 2722 Southwest Topeka Blvd Topeka, KS 66611 2722 Southwest Topeka Blvd Topeka, KS 66611
Kentucky Fusion Center Post Office Box 1757 Frankfort, KY 40602 200 Mero St Frankfort, KY 40622
Louisiana State Analytical and Fusion Exchange (LA-SAFE) 376A East Airport, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 376A East Airport, Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Maine Intelligence Analysis Center 45 Commerce Drive, Suite 1 Augusta, ME 04330 164 State House Station Augusta, ME 04330
Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center (MCAC) 7125 Ambassador Road Woodlawn, MD 21244
Boston Regional Intelligence Center (BRIC) One Schroeder Plaza Roxbury, MA 2120
Commonwealth Fusion Center 124 Acton Street, 2d Floor Maynard, MA 01754 124 Acton Street, 2d Floor Maynard, MA 01754
Michigan Intelligence Operations Center 714 S. Harrison Road East Lansing, MI 48823
Detroit Southeast Michigan Information and Intelligence Center 28 Adams Ave E Detroit, MI 48226
Minnesota Joint Analytical Center Suite 820 111 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55401
Mississippi Analysis and Information Center 1 MEMA Drive Pearl, MS 39208 1 MEMA Drive Pearl, MS 39208
KC Regional TEW 635 Woodland Ave., Suite 2105B Kansas City, MO 64106 635 Woodland Ave., Suite 2105B Kansas City, MO 64106
Missouri Information Analysis Center 2302 Militia Drive Jefferson City, MO 65101
St. Louis Terrorism Early Warning Group 7900 Forsyth Blvd St. Louis, MO 63105
Montana All-Threat Intelligence Center (MATIC) Post Office Box 4789 Ft. Harrison, MT 59636 2225 11th Ave Helena, MT 59601
Nebraska Information Analysis Center 3800 NW 12th St Lincoln, NE 68521
Nevada Threat Analysis Center 555 Wright Way Carson City, NV 89711 2478 Fairview Drive Carson City, NV 89701
Southern Nevada Counter-Terrorism Center 6767 Spencer Street, Las Vegas Nevada 89119 6767 Spencer Street, Las Vegas Nevada
New Hampshire Information and Analysis Center 110 Smokey Bear Blvd Concord, NH 03305
New Jersey Regional Operations Intelligence Center Post Office Box 7068 West Trenton, NJ 08628-0068 2 Schwarzkopf Drive West Trenton, NJ 08628
New Mexico All Source Intelligence Center (NMASIC) PO Box 27111 87502 13 Bataan Blvd., Santa Fe, NM 87504
New York State Intelligence Center 630 Columbia Street Extension Latham, NY 12110 630 Columbia Street Extension Latham, NY 12110
North Carolina Information Sharing and Analysis Center 310 New Bern Ave. Raleigh, NC 27601
North Dakota State and Local Intelligence Center 400 Fraine Barracks Rd Bismarck, ND 58506
Cincinnati/Hamilton Regional Terrorism Early Warning Group 2000 Radcliff Drive Cincinnati, OH 45204
Strategic Analysis and Information Center 2855 West Dublin Grandville Road Columbus, OH 43235 2855 West Dublin Grandville Road Columbus, OH 43235
Oklahoma Information Fusion Center 6600 N Harvey Oklahoma City, OK 73116 6600 N Harvey Oklahoma City, OK 73116
Terrorism Fusion Center (TITAN) 610 Hawthorne Ave., Suite 210 Salem, OR 97301 610 Hawthorne Ave., Suite 210 Salem, OR 97301
Pennsylvania Criminal Intelligence Center (PaCIC) 1800 Elmerton Avenue Harrisburg, PA 17110 1800 Elmerton Avenue Harrisburg, PA 17110
Rhode Island State Fusion Center 10 Dorrance St Providence, RI 02903
South Carolina Intelligence and Information Center 1731 Bush River Road, Columbia, SC 29210
South Dakota Fusion Center 1302 US 14 Pierre, SD 57501
Tennessee Regional Information Center 901 R.S. Gass Boulevard Nashville, TN 37243
Houston Regional Intelligence Service Center 5320 N. Shepherd Drive Houston, TX 77091
North Central Texas Fusion Center 4300 Community Avenue McKinney, TX 75071 4300 Community Avenue McKinney, TX 75071
Texas Intelligence Center 5805 N. Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78752
Statewide Information & Analysis Center (SIAC) 410 West 9800 South, Suite 370 Sandy, Utah 84070 410 West 9800 South, Suite 370 Sandy, Utah 84070
Vermont Fusion Center 188 Harvest Lane Williston, VT 09405 188 Harvest Lane Williston, VT 09405
National Capital Region Intelligence Center 4100 Chain Bridge Road Fairfax, VA 22030
Virginia Fusion Center 7700 Midlothian Turnpike Richmond, VA 23235
Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC) Post Office Box 42600 Olympia, WA 98504 1110 Third Ave, Seattle, WA 98101
Southeastern Wisconsin Terrorism Alert Center 749 West State St Milwaukee, WI 53233
Wisconsin Statewide Intelligence Center Post Office Box 7857 Madison, WI 53707-7857 2445 Darwin Rd Madison, WI 53703
Wyoming Criminal Intelligence Center 316 West 22 Street Cheyenne, WY 82002
IX. World Wide Intelligence (and defense) Agencies
Here are the web site of MANY official intelligence agencies from many different countries around the world. Many of the links give direct access to the English version of the web site, unless it does not exist. Enjoy!
Global Intelligence Agencies
• International Criminal Police Organization – INTERPOL
• NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
USA Intelligence Agencies
• Dept. of Homeland Security
• National Counter Intelligence Executive
• Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
• National Security Agency (NSA)
• National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
• National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
• Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
• Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
• Coast Guard Intelligence
• Air Force Intelligence
• Army Intelligence
• Navy Intelligence
• The Secret Service
• Australian Secret Intelligence Service
• Australian Secret Intelligence Organization
• Australian Federal Police
• Australian Protective Service (APS)
• Indonesia – State Intelligence Agency (BIN)
• New Zealand Security Intelligence Service
• New Zealand Police
• Security Intelligence Review Committee
• Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)
• Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
• Criminal Intelligence Service Canada (CSIC)
United Kingdom
• Mi5
• Mi6
• Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)
• National Criminal Intelligence Service
• Metropolitan Police [Scotland Yard]
• Office of Surveillance Commissioners
• GCHQ- Government Communications Headquarters
• UK Home Office – Terrorism
European Intelligence Agencies
• Belgium Military Intelligence and Security Service
• Croatia National Security Office
• Czech Republic Security Information Service (BIS)
• Danish Intelligence Service Politiets Efterretningstjeneste (PET)
• Estonia Security Police Board
• Finish Security Police
• France DGSE – General Directorate for External Security
• France DAS – Délégation aux Affaires Stratégiques (Delegation of Strategic Affairs)
• German – The Federal Intelligence Service (BND)
• German – Military Intelligence Services (MAD)
• German – Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BFV)
• Greece – National Intelligence Service
• Hungarian National Security Office
• Hungarian Information Agency
• Hungarian Military Intelligence Office
• Italy – Italian Intelligence Community
• Netherlands – General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD)
• Netherlands – Military Intelligence and Security Service (MIVD)
• Norway – National Police Security Service
• Norwegian Intelligence Service
• Poland – Government Intelligence Community
• Poland – Foreign Intelligence Community
• Portugal Intelligence System
• Portugal – Security Intelligence Service
• Romanian – Intelligence Service (SRI)
• Romanian – Foreign Intelligence Service (SIE)
• Serbian – Security Intelligence Agency
• Slovenian Intelligence and Security Agency
• Spain – National Intelligence Center (CNI)
• Sweden – Military Intelligence and Security Service (MUST)
• Swedish Security Police (SAPO)
• Sweden – SIGINT Intelligence Organization (FRA)
• Switzerland – Strategic Intelligence Service (SIS)
• Switzerland – Federal Office of Police
• Ukraine – National Security Services
Central and South America
• Argentina – Federal Police
• Argentina – National Gendarmerie
• Brazil – Brazilian Intelligence Agency (ABIN)
• Colombia – Administrative Department of Security (DAS)
• Mexico – Center for Research on National Security (CISEN)
• Mexico – Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA)
• Mexico – Secretariat of the Navy (SM)
• Mexico – Secretariat of Foreign Relations (SRE)
• Mexico – Secretariat of Public Security (SSP)
• Mexico – Attorney General of the Republic (PGR)
• Mexico – Federal District Judicial Police (PJDF)
• Peru – Consejo Nacional de Inteligencia (National Intelligence Council)
African Intelligence
• South Africa – South African Secret Service
• South Africa – Department of Defense
• South Africa – National Intelligence Agency
• South Africa – Police Services
• China – Ministry of Public Security
• Japan – Cabinet Office
• Japan – Cabinet Secretariat
• Japan – Public Security Intelligence Agency
• Japan – Defense Facilities Administration Agency
• Japan – Ground Self Defense Force
• Japan – Defense Agency
• Japan – Maritime Self-Defense Force
• Japan – Air Self Defense Force
• Japan – National Police Agency
• Japan – National Public Safety Commission
• Japan – Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• Japan – Ministry of Justice
• Japan – Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
• Japan – Japanese External Trade Organization
South Korea
• Korea – Ministry of National Defense
• Korea – Defense Security Command
• Korea – Central Intelligence Agency
• Korea – National Police Agency
• Korea- Presidential Security Services
• Korea – National Intelligence Services
• Philippines – National Intelligence Coordinating Agency
• Philippines – Army
• Philippines – Department of National defense
• Philippines – Air Force
• Philippines – Navy
• Philippines – National Police
• Philippines – Marine Corps
• Philippines – Armed Forces
• Taiwan – Ministry of National Defense
• Taiwan – National Security Bureau
• Taiwan – National Police Administration
• Taiwan – Investigation Bureau
• India – Cabinet Secretariat
• India – Ministry of External Affairs
• India – Armed Forces
• India – Army
• India – Navy
• India – Air Force
• India – Coast Guard
• India – Ministry of Home Affairs
• India – Central Bureau of Investigation
• India – Central Reserve Police Force
• India – Central Security Industrial Force
• India – Border Security Force
• India – Narcotics Control Bureau
• Pakistan – National Accountability Bureau
• Pakistan – Ministry of Defense
• Pakistan – Ministry of Interior
• Pakistan – Ministry of Narcotics Control
• Russia – Foreign Intelligence Services (SVR)
• Russia – Federal Security Services (FSB)
• Russia – FSB Voronej Oblast Website
• Russia – Interlinked System for Recognizing Enemies (SOUD)
Middle East
• Israel – Mossad: Institute for Intelligence and Special Task
• Israel – Shabak: Security Services
• Israel – Aman: Military Intelligence
• Israeli Foreign Ministry Official Homepage
• Jordan – General Intelligence Department
• Turkey – National Intelligence Organization (MIT)
X. Comments
Comments to IV: Gang Stalking Courtesy of DHS
God bless Snowden
Snowden is a hero.
DHS FBI InfagGard …..Gang Stalking
I hated politics and now I know why.
If HAARP is Homeland security and Homeland Security is HAARP then why are we, as American citizens’, stuck in the middle? Why are our homes less secure as if we did not know that they were already corrupt.
Why is there so much staging when ‘We the People’ already know the truth?
Could it be that maybe they assumed that the population had no idea that a huge portion of the population already knew the truth?
As I am now only speaking for myself… As long as I was able to live my life and build my own dreams for my family and for myself, I, quite frankly, did not care.
This may sound pretty ugly to some but, quite honestly, who wants to fight a fortress of cult-friends all by themselves?
And whatever they may call themselves does not change their ultimate agenda. It is obvious that their lives have always taken front stage to ours.
It doesn’t change the fact that they are all still liars to anyone who will listen. So where is the REAL security?
It is shocking that even in the United States, not one of us have any real protection.
Maybe we should thank them for showing us their version of reality. I had no idea.
Haarp is Homeland
They harass people for Delta 32 CCR5 bone marrow, it’s the cure for aids. They drive people to suicide and dig up their bones. They get a wire tap order. Break in your house and put in a Digital Angel, then they Frey you.
The NWO (assuming that the NWO is real) is nothing more than a National robbery. Nothing more. Why else would they try so hard to torture and convict so many innocents? My question to the ‘real’ terrorists’ would be, “How much do you actually need in order to feel fulfilled and what would it take for you to actually leave those alone that were actually doing the job they were trained to do (the right way) in the name of National Security? Where do you draw the line?
These are acquaintances and family, that have Electronically Harassed me. Either on their own, coerced to do so, or someone impersonating their likeness. And keep in mind that many of the Minnesota Officials have had knowledge of this and sponsor this STATE RUN CRIME SYNDICATE! The FBI Also has COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE OF THE CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES OF THESE Spies. Terrorists. Hackers. Pedophiles. Mobsters. Gang leaders/stalkers and conspiring killers! If it looks familiar, it’s an outline of what the FBI Investigates! See more including every single service provider I utilize to sustain life listed and their crimes committed against me and my father who they MURDERED April 2013!~
My Story of Gang Stalking, Corruption and Domestic Terrorism They call themselves Christian, many of the perps stalking me are PROFESSED CATHOLICS! Some give an impression of strict devout Catholics… PROFESSED AND IMPRESSION BEING THE OPERATIVE WORDS! Gang Stalkers behavior breaks nearly every single one of the 10 commandments! THINK ABOUT IT!
(Kelly Biondich, Kent Biondich, John Atkins, Curt (Kurt) Leppa, One I’m unsure of (Sissy), Francesca Biondich, Alice Maki, Kim Brletich, Celeste Hoglund~Paris, Sandy Paris Chamernick, Marie Westlund, Judy Clark
Cliff Tobey, Jennifer Tobey, Leo Schaefbauer, Joe or Mark or both Joe has also assumed the FBI Agent role, Impostor FBI Agent Jimmy Scartozzi, Villery Koski (deceased since 1990), My Dad, ABSOLUTELY UNWILLING! Also Targeted!, Dorothy Fishel Marks (deceased since 1993), Arthur and Hilma Koski (both deceased), Roy Koski (deceased since 2005), Kathleen vulnerable adult incapable of partaking of her own will. Charlotte Koski, Eugene Scartozzi, Ed Jonak a Federal Agent with the FBI(?), Arlan Matheny ex-husband
Sarah Matheny, Jessica Matheny, Jim Monetti, Scott Broker ties to 1997 EH Harassment, Jim King ties to 1997 EH Harassment, Terry Erickson ties to 1997, Shelly Strouss ties to 1997, Kelly Perfetti, Gladys (Unknown) Staff Fairview Hospital Hibbing, Small children I know, Former Special Agent in Charge, Minneapolis Division FBI, Donald E. Oswald! Steve Antley, Vicki Koschak, Jodi Oborn Perizzo passed away suddenly 01/31/14 Vacationing in Florida, Sandy Stoddard, Mike Houghton, Steve Marks, Several St Louis County Sheriff Deputies, Hibbing Police Department Electronic Surveillance Specialist (Hired late 2006, early 2007. When my online difficulties started!
Read more about My Story of Gang Stalking, Corruption and Domestic Terrorism in Rural Hibbing MN. here~
Petitioning Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton
Order an Independent Investigation Addressing the Corruption
In Edward Snowden’s defense, What the hell happened to “Open Government’? Where do they drawn the line as to too much information? Can our government lie to us some more. Please. We beg of you…
Per Obama… “My administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. We will work together to ensure public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government.” 01/21/09
See it…
We Love it When a Plan Comes Together…
“Federal agencies are currently hard at work developing revised Open Government Plans — blueprints that are published every two years, highlighting agency progress towards making their work more transparent, participatory, and collaborative, and outlining new open government commitments going forward.”
*Whose administration are they speaking of here? Is it American?
Mar 07, 2014 @ 21:15:15
Reblogged this on Gangstalked and slandered.
Gang stalking America courtesy of DHS
• Gang Stalking – The government considers you a terrorist if you do any of the things below. | Neverending1’s Blog
I prefer life here in the Philippines, where no one gives a rodent’s posterior what I think or what I do. The article forgot to mention “Executive Order — National Defense Resources Preparedness”, which you can find at “” and which President Obama signed into law on Friday, March 16, 2012. It enables the Executive Branch, through the Cabinet departments and independent agencies, to confiscate your property — financial, real estate and personal — and your person, through the “civilian labor draft”. That’s why I established a relocation consultancy, to help fed-up Americans move their families, their money, and themselves to Australia, New Zealand, and the Philippines. If you’d like to learn more, contact me anytime at “caballafamily[at]”.
Comments to V. Rudy2’s Multilingual Blog
What can a TI do ?
◦ 1) Research Gang Stalking – the more you study their methods and tactics less you will fear them and the more you will take steps to safegaurd yourself
◦ 2) EXPOSE THEM – this is the best part , Exposure hurts them like bullets and weapons, the more you expose them the more you do yourself good
◦ 3) Ignore them- remember they are looking for response statistics to see how you react to their harassment , Ignoring them is probably one f the best things you can do.
◦ 4) Network with fellow TIs in your city and hold regular meetings , this will not only be a big emotional support for you but also help everyone put an end to this evil in society.
◦ oschennai
August 27, 2014 at 13:15
Organized Stalking / Gang Stalking in Chennai, India, starts as Cyberstalking.
▪ Please visit my Youtube Channel ‘OrganizedStalking ChennaiCity’ to see Dr John Hall’s Interviews (16 interviews) in the PLAYLISTS Section.
▪ oschennai
September 10, 2014 at 05:56
▪ #comment-##
— Very good advice, I have been persecuted for about 25 and counting. Its almost impossible to meet and make true honest friends with other T.I.´s because the stalkers don’t want you to have any friends at all. I have also thought of creating a local T.I. support group in my hometown or church but, then its not a good idea also because you will get fake victims claiming they are real T.I.´s and they will infiltrate themselves in the support group. But, if you can create a group just be very careful. God bless.
— If this gets through. I am gang stalked by a very covert group. Nobody tells me but What these people say keep them from it. They call me gay and try to make me gay. I AM NOT. This is a 24/7 operation. They tell me me they won’t stop until they destroy my life or I say I am Gay. Who are these Fucking People. they are the most evil scum of the earth I have ever seem. My Own son and my Girl Friend won’t say. My co-workers joined them. I am a Good Man being Killed. Its been 24 years and I have proof of frequencies being omitted from me by a expert who did a scan. The FBI won’t help I am going to do what ever I can to get rid of them. Sacramento Calif
— good article my dad use to work for lockheed martin. Not sure if that had anything to do with this?
—- I am the victim of gang stalking because I am an MK ULTRA “victim” who is being gang stalked into silence. I have grown up in the US where I was harassed and stalked, drugged and poisoned, and all the bells and whistles of gang stalking and mind control (almost, there’s so many methods they use but I’ve experienced quite a lot of these methods of control and torture). And I left the country, trying to find peace. I moved to Europe, where immediately followed me on their schedule. Then I went to Asia, and it follows me here on a daily basis, 24 hours a day. It’s not based in the US, it’s a worldwide system of control that thousands or even millions of “ordinary” citizens are happy to participate in. I didn’t know there was this much hate in the world, but it’s very bad and extensive. We can’t just look at the US Government as the culprit.
— I’m a victim too. Have been stalked for 4 years. Phone hacked for the same. Poisoned by fumigation pesticide, ingredient sulfuryl fluoride. It has a cumulative effect and is taking its toll.
Make no mistake this is sponsored by the FBI here.
— Been there done that. The children of these sick demented families that continue to gang stalk are brain washed from generation to generation at an early age to be cowards and bullies. It is a world wide system. It was let known to me that it is a network of over 4 million in US alone. They are very sick people. The governments of the world are corrupt and allows the underground, societies within societiies to continue this injustice. I know it goes way to the top of all governments.
— 24/7 remote neural monitering with me for over 30 yrs. no investigation yet.
◦ petitioner.
◦ respondent.
Daniel J. Laveau, presents in a “Due Diligence Petition”, in the office of the United State’s Inspector General, files a petition for the essential, Immediate needed Investigation, into the”Chicago Federal Bureau of Investigations” & “Special Prosecution Bureau of Anita Alvarex’s office”, that in numerous planned series of criminal events, after unlawfully Targeting “Laveau”, as a “Serial Murderer”, taking Evidence of “Solved Closed Crime Scenes”, to operate a Special Task Force, between the Chicago Police, F.B.I., and Illinois Department of Corrections, have entered into a criminal undertaking, to “Suppress Factual Exonerating Evidence”, and Intentionally mislead the “PUBLIC”, in a “Continual Wrong Wielding The Powers of the Dangerous Chicago Law Enforcement Infrastructure”, using the “Immmediate Threats of death”, “Outrageous Sexual Harassment”, and creating a highly dangerous planned Coersive environment doing a “Unlawful Enhanced Roving Interrogation, Using Saturation Units”, operating in a Malicicous criminal design to Stop/Hinder any type of Investigation from being done into their personal criminal activities,etc.
◦ “Laveau”, after filing in the office’s of the “United States Inspector General & Illinois Inspector General’s”, the factual Suppression of Evidence, and the Atrocious Reckless Intentional Endangerment the Saturation units used, making in a planned series of events, intentional misleading statements of him being a “Child Murderer”, “Serial Murderer”,”Convicted Sex Offender”,”To Have assaulted Numerous Children”,(there are no record of Assault on,that are deceased friends children), and to be obsessed with Serial Murderer “John Gacy”, to create a “Fraudulent Threat to Sociaty”, to keep a on going “Behavior Science Unit”, operating and Hinder/stop any Profesional Investigation and “Laveau” from being Interviewed by a Law Enforement Official, that does not have a Internal Conflict of Interest, entered into a vicious planned criminal series of a premeditated criminal designs to Torture a Confession to Homicides & Kidnapping they have Intentionally Suppressed Factual Exonerating Evidence,and real suspect of committing on, to solely protect their professional careers and avoid their personal criminal Investigation and Indictments.
◦ The Inspector General’s of the United states & Illinois State of Illinois, after Diligently filing serious nature complaints, involving the “Immediate Threats of Death, Sexual Organ Mutilation, and Immediate Threats toward his Family of Mutilation by Organized Chicago street gangs origanazations, and/or Polish/& Latino Imagrants, wielding powers of Chicago’s, underground law enforcement infrastruture”, instead of Immediately Scheduling a appointment and a Investigator of their respective office INTERVIEWING LAVEAU, THEY ACTED IN A PLANNED SERIES OF EVENTS OF A MALICICIOUS, PUBIC INTENTIONAL CRIMINAL DESIGN, TO MAKE THREATS TO SOCIETY, MISLEADING THE PUBLIC, OF HIM BEING A CHILD MURDERER, CHILD PREDITOR, CAUSING INTENTIONAL HATRED & HARASSMENT OF A VIGAL-ANTI DEATH THREAT, USING MEXICAN & POLISH INFORMANTS, TO DIRECTLY THREATEN “LAVEAU & HIS FAMILY”
◦ There are numerous Law Enforcement officials that want “Laveau”, Dead or Lost in Mental Health, in a planned series of Factually Fraudulent created Malicious Planned Propaganda and events, of Threats to Society, to stop any, type of Investigation done into their personal criminal involvement, and only the truth being exposed and facts Investigated in the high profile Media & United States Justice Department Investigation, and United States Federal appointed JUDGES & United States Attorneys (Patrick Fitzgerald & Robert Grant,Nelson,and Holley,etc.),empeached & Indictments, from office & Indicted by real American fighting law enforcement Honest OFFICIALS, what is what is right official’s, they can not accept, non-for profit law enforcement official, that will admit to their wrong, before trying outrageously to place a Innocent man in prison for a crime THEY ,know he NEVER COMMMITTED.
◦ Now as a United States Citizen , after diligently reporting, this factual Unlawful, ATRICOIUS MICONDUCT AND TORTURE, the United States Governement & State Illinois have a Criminal/Civil Responsibility to at the minimun Conduct, professionally investigate, and Schediule a face to face Interview to make a factual evidence inquiry, and sort out the Truth, and nothing more,as appointed officials of over sight Investigative bodies of Government, they have a criminal resposibility to Investigate every claim that is meritoriosly presented to them , to protect the citizen from “Rogue/Dangerous”, governement officials,The offficials that are operating the unit as of time are every day common criminals hiding as cowards behind a badge , exploiting missing/dead children to survive, and have never worked a professional Investigaton aheeding/abiding by Federal/State Laws, and have operated in a fraudulent enterprise in the Chicago Infrastructure…To mislead the Chicago Infrastructure and Public, creating one fraudulent delusional crime hypotheses after the other to only stop/hinder their personal criminal involvement from being exposed,etc,,,….using on going misleading Intentional statements to protect their, careers,etc..
◦ The misconduct and criminal activities are so Infered/self evident that a school law student or any law enforcement official could/would see the Internal conflict of interest and the area of every day Chicago Politics as usual , operating in the powers of the criminals hiding behind bagdes, Exploiting Children as shield to get Carte Blanche operating powers.
◦ THIS COMPLAINT IS FILED DEMANDING/NEEDING THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE and law enforcement intervention to Investigate/prosecute all the alleged criminally involved official,s of the Chicago Federal Bureau of Investigation,Chicago Police Department,and State of Illinois, in all warranted diligence ,and respect,,..
◦ Daniel Laveau
February 27, 2014 at 04:29
— Upon posting a you tube video numerous white fbi/chicago terrorist agents come out their neck talking retarded and malicious and because their using to survive 75 cent a mile and free carte blanche operating powers with expense accounts , etc low life scums political employment, same thing as the nigger/middle eastern confidential informant they try to conceal the corruption with by making fraudulent data and threats of death,etc,,…
— They often recruit from the college campuses for their Psy-ops. We had an entire color code pack up and move away when they discovered cameras are more effective than hacking and almost anyone can enter their home at any time and do the same.Following the trends online doesn’t serve them well. I had to go to another library because the closest one include me being stalked in there, two.
It is located near a location where they stole a meter readers truck and drove into an area I once lived and left it at a bank-with a mask inside. Basic psychobabble to line their own wallets.
—I beleave this is all done by fbi sponsored groups I still am os eh daily and I recognize my x neighbors voice who I hear daily in the air and it tracks on to speakers in cells and radios at will. I have seen a lot of flags and that x neighbors house and I believe they are in infraguard or a neighborhood watch type group.
— I agree, FBI and InfagGard.
— going on here in Dallas, TX
— I live in Dallas as well and am being gang stalked. What area specifically for you?
— Me to…. Here in Plano…. Pretty fascinated by it… A little concerned. But at least I can pick them out miles away…. Think Ill write a book… Complete with picks and video… Wanna compare notes….
— Im harassed daily by gangstalkers and v2k radiation .these peope ard probably to some extent gov. Funded but also by illegal drug runni.g a.d moneylaundering just like cia. Covert operations have been in the past, its an aliance of crooks and g-men -3 big crime syndicates in the us, and they Re making money milking it from every direction.they are hierarchical and do not let one hand k.ow what the other is do not have to be any salient figure to be a victim-the largest demographic these sadistic cowards prey on are single women under 40 . you only have to be unfortunate enough to have h ad one OF THESE RFID CHIPS PUT IN YOUR EAR WHEN YOU WERE ASLEEP AND YOU FE A MONEY MAKER FOR THESE VERMINE . THEY WILL STUDY YOU FOR A NY VULNERABILITY BOTH PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SITUATIonal and exploit it mercilessly .
— lm used for target practice or training. They will get people to harass you acting as though they the perps are good people and so homeowners association folks will think they are doin thier civic duty mms MLK by mobbing you and being members of the fbi community reach out program. Some
call them perpetrAtors. I call them pervert traitors and believe they all belong in prison attending sex offender treatment programs. They are heartless psychopatholgical Vermine and i hope a bounty is put out on them and they have to seek political assylum elsewhere or if you could get all of the scum on one boat and sink it in international waters that would be just peachy.
— was gang stalked when I was a student at Ulster University (Coleraine) in 1979. It was mainly a slander campaign which resulted in a lot of weirdos hanging around my house. The neighbour on one side sold up and the elderly man on the other, who had lived there all his life, became fearful and bought a guard dog. It was made impossible for me to get work. When I moved to Birmingham I lived at Birmingham International house (1984). The slander campaign continued. Then I worked at Balham Sorting and Delivery Office, Sth London, until 2011. I was slandered there too, but my boss and co-workers did not believe the lies, so life was tolerable. But my equipment at work kept breaking. I now live in Spring Grove in Harrogate. This is a multiple occupancy address. When I moved in, all the previous tenants (14 rooms) were moved out and new people moved in. I only discovered the term gang stalking a few months ago when I was subjected to outrageous behaviour from a relative. Wiki told me it was “gaslighting”. When I researched gaslighting, I found gang stalking and realised that is what had happened to me at Ulster University, and ever since. I am curious how gang stalking is financed. Two of my previous landlords lost their houses. ITwo days into researching gang stalking on the net, my IPS/Administrator banned me from writing on virtually every site. I keep trying though. Sometimes I manage to get an entry on
— the us used advanced satellite tech and bio metrics on all and any type of surveillance and then mislead the victims with the many non existent technologies…the united national security administration.dept defence and fb.,dea.atf, and cia….,etc…..
— They find dirt on everone i know. no one will help me my family thinks im crazy
they are focusing on the Meth crowd in Montana
— Have a look at exposegangstalking , targetedindividuals and stoporganstalking. These give a lot of information. Other sites Targeted Individuals chat about their problems. Good luck.
— Thank you. I have also found their most recent blog recommended is very good. also exposegangstalking.
— Gang stalking of my family for 3yrs they use noise tactics circle us with their vehicles they have driven onto the sidewalk with us on it pluck cigs at us chased my child on his bike they try to make me out to be a drug user witch is not the case at all today when I was getting ready to leave my home they had a man at the back stair just standing there i opened the door so I could film him he looked at me and started texting I closed the door and went to the window at the front of the building they had 2 ladies coming from the back where the man was I filmed them leaving from the side of the building i went picked my kids up from school .I got 2 my stop I take the bus i was approached by a young man riding a bike he kept trying to get me to stop he kept asking me for a lighter I told him no to leave me alone he kept riding closer getting more aggressive he said all I want to do is light my blunt holding it up in the air so it could be seen as I kept walking I felt uncomfortable with the situation so I crossed the st. He started calling me a ho and my p isn’t all that as I kept walking away I picked my kids up from school when we got back to our usual bus stop the 2 ladies that where behind my house where there a truck cut us off and circled us. As we entered our home they blaired their sirens. This is just 1 day of 3yrs they do this on a daily basis.
— They are using x-rays in two manners. They use very high radiation x-ray backscatter imaging to see everything you do inside your home, work etc. it works like the airport body scanners or the x-ray imagers made by American Science and Engineering, but they don’t use the low radiation version because they want to see into your body, they save money and they harm you more with the high radiation version. They also do what they cake “cooking”. That’s when they expose you to an extremely high level of x-rays, gamma rays or neutrons by putting a radiation source as close as they can to you for an extended period of time. It causes health problems, brain damage, psychological problems, death etc. They are digging tunnels here in the Houston area and possibly elsewhere. They can be right under the slab of your home under your bed. They probably dig through the deep clay layer so the clay keeps most of the water out and gives support. They are all super sex offenders.
Marlon Jeffrey Bowen
— I was stalked for two years due to a lawsuit’ I blew the whistle on wrong doing
— Yes, thank You. I am being tortured and have serious physical injuries requiring major surgery. I am being tortured worse all the time. I have a nasal implant surgically and painfully implanted. The person who did this to me is cousin Joni Barrett Martin, 3614 Gertrude ST Bellevue, NE 68147 USA. The other location of this equipment is a Mr. Marty Buss, 2204 Jackson ST, Bellevue NE 68005 SE Corner of the house.It has been a drug house for 34 years, I bought dope there in 1980 as a kid. I have long since stopped. The problem is: he lets his drug customers get loaded and they seriously abuse the equipment and me. I keep my mouth shut about this. If I must be a part of this, then please cut off his drug supply. It has made him exceedingly cruel and injurious to me. They had a drug party and they suffocated me in an ambulance to the Hospital. I couldn’t breathe and they laughed at it. Just get rid of his drugs. He shows the equipment to many people. He left the microwave equipment long enough to produce pneumonia in me and my 78-year old Mother and he bragged about doing this. How sick! He’s been a professional drug addict for 34 years.
— Yeah, i was shown by my perp A Mr. Marty Buss 2204 Jackson ST Bellevue, ne 68005 USA SE Corner of Basement. He has SHOWN me that My Implant can receive VIDEO transmissions from his MIND and EYES from Location above. He had Gotten Extremely Just waisted on his COCAINE or something that got him Very Angry. I tried to take a NAP, of course as usual he would not let me sleep. He then ACTUALLY with VIDEO to my implant to my Brain. i know it sounds too Far Out, but he showed me all kinds of VIDEO from his mind and his EYES. I know this is probably VERY SECRET TECHKNOWLEDE. I keep my mouth closed about this. i am not talking at all about this. Why can’t someone SHUT DOWN his Transmitter Station at above Location? He is not suppose to get LOADED on DRUGS and show this to me and many others, He actually BRAGS that POLICE and other Agencies CAN”T TOUCH HIM! Well, I bet they CAN! If not, then CUT OFF HIS DRUG SUPPLY! I bet this ABUSE and LEAKAGE of SECRET KNOWLEDGE WILL STOP! Thank You.
Feb. 2014: Daniel Levaux: went to the bitches at 219 dearborne/Queerborne 2/13/14, spoken to United states ATTY gen, upon leaving the building harassed by all white what looked as attys or law enforcement officials operating in a retalitorial manner in violation to 18 USFC. The Chicago joint terrorist task force,federally funded…premadonna worms…
Went to illinois state building Lisa madigan and her misfit realms of scums , relating data, harass in retaliation after listening to numerous recorded FBI, phone compaints,operatimg with saturation unit and emplotees of their food court, stating children missing, to get Carte Blanche , operting powers, in a premeditated criminal undertaking wielding powers of the Chicago/state of illinois law enforcement establishment.
2/18/2014; after following up on the complaint filed with the UNITED STATES INPECTOR GEN, numerous white woman Polocks(Scums) can out to harass stating serial muderer ” John Gacy” intetional harassment because of the euro trash personal criminal involvement in the c.p.d. cook county atty’s office,etc.
—At daley center, after filing complaint via inspector gen’s web page washington/chicago, the fbi upon sending same to local media and lawyers,they in a premeditated design to stop/hinder blocked the legal communications from being sent,operating in a advanced tech via fbi satellite infrastructure.
2/19/2014 4:30 a.m. fbi upon sending legal communications to “Leovy & Leovy” police misconduct atty’s, knocked me off the Net 6 times after pasting he complaint sent to the O.I.G.,seeking immediate legal protection and litigation, news media coverage,etc.
— At 5:00 a.m. (approx)fbi made threats of rhe euro trash polock law enforcement establishment I’m diligently seeking prosecution on using their advanced satellite tech,etc…
— at 5:44 a.m. fbi use their computer tech to select all cut/paste what I just drafted,to copy/spy on this note pad,….
—Summary of the situation is the feds are trying any malicicious propaganda stunt to stop/hinder any type of professional over site special prosector from investigating the true/factual atricious misconduct and criminal design of all parties involved wielding powers of the dangerous chicago law enforcement infrastructure…
—at 9:00 a.m fbi knocked off net to alter photos of mic stand I was placing on craigslist altered them to look rusted and the items are shiny crome, in one of numerous malice attepts to harass and cause financial injuries, taint items and make non desorable to impede finances,etc “stating school bus and shcool time ftrying mentally condition crime hypotheses of a vehicle to a fire and use multi-re-inforcement outgageous practice of psychology in a criminal magnitude and injurius design to cause irrepairable harm/injuries, in of many planned criminal designs to mentally condition me to have committed crimes they factuallly know I never committed” using advanced satellite bio-metric imaging tech in a continual enhanced unlawful Interrogation trying to program in a premeditated criminal design , solely to protect euro-trash scums in the chicago police/federal bureau of Bitched inc…Using a unlawful “Magic microphone type radio broadcasting design to subject to a continual Interrogation,trying to torture a confession or condition me to believe I committed crimes I never committed and had sexual relationships with individuals I never have…to protect the scums of the chicago infrastructure’s carrers,etc…
—2.45 p.m. fbi knocking off webstore upon posting wooden cat, outrageously trying to M/C contion factual fraud witness to their criminally design, wanting to allege he/said she/saw trying to use people and objects in a atrocious multi-reinforcement reckless practice of psychology in a criminal desig to condition/program false believes/memories, trying to use repeated harassment and shocking threats and harassment.
— 3:07 p.m fbi subject after documenting their design in the 2:45 p.m. entry that I want blow boys/children in a shocking outrageous malice practice of harssment and torture in criminal retaliation operating to make me look in light of a sexual predator sexually dangerous person in one of many planned series of event placed in motion by they euro trassh white chicago police department and fbi,because they don’t have no sex crime arrest/conviction to have done the unlawful community alert and authorized the operation of their unit on saturation that can only be legally done on convicted child murderers and repeat violent sex offenders.
— at 4:24 p.m fbi upon trying to sent via google drive video of O.I.G., they knocked off net to impede legal representation from see the video and the intenal stone walling and criminal cronyism in the federal chicago corrupt machine.
— at 6:28 p.m upon sending Congressman Quigley a request for the Immediate congressional inquiry in to the present conflict of interest in the illinois chicago infrastructure the fbi knocked off net to intentionally impede hinder contact exposing their personal criminal misconduct,etc…Then only by spy tech on my computer after learing on me drafting this legal ledger turned it back on in one of numerous criminal event to stop/hinder …etc..Then they started to move my curser around to be unfound inside the computer…
—7.34 fbi stopped communication to sheila simon of where they messed with the computer and altered the document I had to send her and then upon me viewing to correct it stopped by interferring with web upon posting it ….Then alleging when I go out therir going throw acid on my face all white scared scumss
—2\20\2014 AT 7:40 fbi intentionally knocked of net upon attemting to contact my Moiher inlaw Michele Korhonon via face book asking her to visit chicagocorruption , the fbi knows she holds testimony of the fact of the cpd and federal bureau of bitches conduct and fraud,etc…-+
=== since 11:00p.m fb[ medum[ng computer in a nalice undwetaking to harass and mentally condition/altered pictures blackening eyes amd creating red spots,swelling and intentionally trying to stop/hinder from completing cam sites to m\ke moneyto stop any type social entertainment,to keep a continual rapport up,wear down…
—5;50 am fbi mentally condition ‘Clem’ trying to use vicks video and outrageous deranged tactics of reckless psychology intentionally to cause harm…surveillance detail and all judges,prosecutors know that any type of discovery will put them in prison so fbi trying to mentally condition relationship to save their washed up careers thinking their going to condition program and sell their factually fraudulent crime hypotheses.
—2/22.2014 fbi’s trying to threaten, stop net access to m/c and retaliate,operating to conceal their personal criminal activities,trying to over burden and keep in a contiual controlled environment program , bus, relationship,ang multi-re-inforcement …,,,fraudulent actually fraudulent hypotheses, operating as common criminals,, hindering access to United states Inspector general’s officee congressman senator to get the essential investigation into their / chiocag’s personal conflict of interest of criminal behavior,retaliation and operaing unlawful practices of enhanced interrogation, after contacting “legal rep” earliar,,,etc…And threatening while drafting this to inretaliation import animal feces to my residences,,,deranged ACTUALLY FRAUDULENT OFFICIALS …..
— 6:10 p.m. chicago fbi stopped the following from going out in a premeditated criminal undertaking because everything I place forth is the facts they cannot accept
I write your office for it’s Immediate attention involving the Chicago FBI field office, of deranged agents operating a unlawful surveillance doing a unlawful Enhanced Interrogation Behavior Science project involving advanced satellite and bio-metric technology,in the chicago area operating with Saturation units.
I diligenty have filed a complaint in your office and washington d.c., and after leaving your office the saturation unit and all joint law enforcement agencies involved have in a criminal malice intentional design retaliated against me using shocking outrageous,statements to the pubic to cause harm and unlawfully subjected me to a invasion of the protections of my rights invading the my house/apartment via advanced satellite imaging , subjecting my to how they allege I committed crimes I never committed,using deranged practices of psychology to mentally condition how they allege/wish I done homicides and kidnappings.
Now in all due respect these deranged fbi agents and their unlawful tactics of Interrogation and mental conditioning/programming are Illegal and unprofessional, and your office after I have reported theses agents unlawful practices to your office,it has a criminnal responsibility to IMMEDIATELY iNVESTIGATE, PROSECUTE THIS SERIOUS CORRUPTION INVOLVING 10000’S OF mILLIONS OF TAX PAYER DOLLARS AND THOUDANDS OF MAN POWER HOURS.
DANIEL J. LAVEAU, petitioner.
Daniel J. Laveau, presents in a “Due Diligence Petition”, in the office of the United State’s Inspector General, files a petition for the essential, Immediate needed Investigation, into the”Chicago Federal Bureau of Investigations” & “Special Prosecution Bureau of Anita Alvarex’s office”, that in numerous planned series of criminal events, after unlawfully Targeting “Laveau”, as a “Serial Murderer”, taking Evidence of “Solved Closed Crime Scenes”, to operate a Special Task Force, between the Chicago Police, F.B.I., and Illinois Department of Corrections, have entered into a criminal undertaking, to “Suppress Factual Exonerating Evidence”, and Intentionally mislead the “PUBLIC”, in a “Continual Wrong Wielding The Powers of the Dangerous Chicago Law Enforcement Infrastructure”, using the “Immediate Threats of death”, “Outrageous Sexual Harassment”, and creating a highly dangerous planned Coercive environment doing a “Unlawful Enhanced Roving Interrogation, Using Saturation Units”, operating in a Malicicous criminal design to Stop/Hinder any type of Investigation from being done into their personal criminal activities, etc.
“Laveau”, after filing in the office’s of the “United States Inspector General & Illinois Inspector General’s”, the factual Suppression of Evidence, and the Atrocious Reckless Intentional Endangerment the Saturation units used, making in a planned series of events, intentional misleading statements of him being a “Child Murderer”, “Serial Murderer”,”Convicted Sex Offender”,”To Have assaulted Numerous Children”,(there are no record of Assault on,that are deceased friends children), and to be obsessed with Serial Murderer “John Gacy”, to create a “Fraudulent Threat to Sociaty”, to keep a on going “Behavior Science Unit”, operating and Hinder/stop any Professional Investigation and “Laveau” from being Interviewed by a Law Enforcement Official, that does not have a Internal Conflict of Interest, entered into a vicious planned criminal series of a premeditated criminal designs to Torture a Confession to Homicides & Kidnapping they have Intentionally Suppressed Factual Exonerating Evidence, and real suspect of committing on, to solely protect their professional careers and avoid their personal criminal Investigation and Indictments.
The Inspector General’s of the United states & Illinois State of Illinois, after Diligently filing serious nature complaints, involving the “Immediate Threats of Death, Sexual Organ Mutilation, and Immediate Threats toward his Family of Mutilation by Organized Chicago street gangs organizations, and/or Polish/& Latino Immigrants, wielding powers of Chicago’s, underground law enforcement infrastruture”, instead of Immediately Scheduling a appointment and a Investigator of their respective office INTERVIEWING LAVEAU, THEY ACTED IN A PLANNED SERIES OF EVENTS OF A MALICIOUS, PUBIC INTENTIONAL CRIMINAL DESIGN, TO MAKE THREATS TO SOCIETY, MISLEADING THE PUBLIC, OF HIM BEING A CHILD MURDERER, CHILD PREDATOR, CAUSING INTENTIONAL HATRED & HARASSMENT OF A VIGAL-ANTI DEATH THREAT, USING MEXICAN & POLISH INFORMANTS, TO DIRECTLY THREATEN “LAVEAU & HIS FAMILY”
There are numerous Law Enforcement officials that want “Laveau”, Dead or Lost in Mental Health, in a planned series of Factually Fraudulent created Malicious Planned Propaganda and events, of Threats to Society, to stop any, type of Investigation done into their personal criminal involvement, and only the truth being exposed and facts Investigated in the high profile Media & United States Justice Department Investigation, and United States Federal appointed JUDGES & United States Attorneys (Patrick Fitzgerald & Robert Grant, Nelson,and Holley,etc.), empeached & Indictments, from office & Indicted by real American fighting law enforcement Honest OFFICIALS, what is what is right official’s, they can not accept, non-for profit law enforcement official, that will admit to their wrong, before trying outrageously to place a Innocent man in prison for a crime THEY ,know he NEVER COMMITTED.
Now as a United States Citizen , after diligently reporting, this factual Unlawful, ATROCIOUS MISCONDUCT AND TORTURE, the United States Government & State Illinois have a Criminal/Civil Responsibility to at the minimum Conduct, professionally investigate, and Schedule a face to face Interview to make a factual evidence inquiry, and sort out the Truth, and nothing more,as appointed officials of over sight Investigative bodies of Government, they have a criminal responsibility to Investigate every claim that is meritoriously presented to them , to protect the citizen from “Rogue/Dangerous”, government officials,The officials that are operating the unit as of time are every day common criminals hiding as cowards behind a badge , exploiting missing/dead children to survive, and have never worked a professional Investigation aheeding/abiding by Federal/State Laws, and have operated in a fraudulent enterprise in the Chicago Infrastructure…To mislead the Chicago Infrastructure and Public, creating one fraudulent delusional crime hypotheses after the other to only stop/hinder their personal criminal involvement from being exposed,etc,,,….using on going misleading Intentional statements to protect their, careers,etc..
The misconduct and criminal activities are so Infered/self evident that a school law student or any law enforcement official could/would see the Internal conflict of interest and the area of every day Chicago Politics as usual , operating in the powers of the criminals hiding behind bagdes, Exploiting Children as shield to get Carte Blanche operating powers.
THIS COMPLAINT IS FILED DEMANDING/NEEDING THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE and law enforcement intervention to Investigate/prosecute all the alleged criminally involved official,s of the Chicago Federal Bureau of Investigation,Chicago Police Department,and State of Illinois, in all warranted diligence ,and respect,,..—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–
— 8;30 fbi altered pay pal account pass word to harass stoping from accessing acount and then m/c and use their deranged hypotheses in one ofmany series of planned seies of events of torture,harassment and doing anything they can hinder/wear down outrageou white scum euro trash that know their the only bitches going to prison for their personal criminal behavior and nothing more then scum polock scums in the fbi\ \& chicago police dept…trying an harasssment to over burden in shocking outrageous harassment after they learned i was contacting the office the united states inspector generals seeking the essential congressional inquiry…and admitted to it alleging threat of finances to cause intentional harm and nothing more white scums not real german folke of resoect but scunm polck maggot that know their going to nothing but federal prison while all get immunity but their nasty asses!!!!!!!!!!!!
—9;00pm fbi stop/hinder posting on ebay to acause financial injury and harass to wear down in retaliation and euro scums , of facts drafted earlier deranged tactics to over burden, in a planne series of evens by euro trash polcks in the cook county law enforcemennt establishment that know their going to prison amd nothing more scums that been living off me for the last 20 yaers exploiting children the only way the euro scums can survive and what nothing more fbi scum slut sunglasses and all,,worthless maggots and nothing more,etc…. cunts soklely living off children to open the doors they cant open themselves,,,,,—-
–The fbi and their euro trash scums with their nasty cunt Spic’ Alarez since I started CONTACTING REAL LAWYERS THAT FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT AGAINT THE TYRANT SCUM SURVIVING AS SCUMS SUCKING SCABS OFF A DEAD MAN ASS , AND NOTHING MORE EURO TRASH MAGGOTTS,,,,..HAVE TAKEN THEIR TECh. TO MEDIUM MY COMPUTER ALL WHITE WORTHLESS “HONKY AS TO US IS A COMMON TERM TO a.t.f,fbi,dea,united states gov.,,,”–our enimies of keeping our white race pure and some what clean,etc..have to protect their lilly pad white sorry scums living off me”THE ONLY WAY THE EURO TRASH CAN SURVIVE’ ,,,from essential prosecution cpd,etc…joint task force,,,,careers…question my friend which are not non…..hey what the big gov …so ,,scared to sit down for 5-10- maybe —learn the truth instead of a free drink down the stret in the restaurant or a appetizer in the cafe,,,white worthless scums that live off my ass, to survive and nothing more ,,,,they in a planned series of events murdered a gay femmie after they learned she was being used to cover up , set me up,,,and learned tha factual evidence of their fraud and protect her scum sister that in a under cover operation recruited her and her corrupt mother to operate to lurenus into threats of IMMEDIATE DEATH to ilicit a incriminating statement….
—fbi in a common, design,off line unlawfully accessimg my comuter manipulated and intetionaly{via Satellite} altered cam / video that would show tha truth of what i am doing and thae factual euro scum trawsh crook county ALAVEREZ,MAGGOT,THAT KNOW SHE GOES TO FEDERAL PRISON WITH DATR FAGGOT,,ASSES.ETC [n \ planned series of criminal events///.malice retLIATION OF WHITE FEMALE COOK COUNTY AND iLLINIOS PROSON RATS.AND C.P.D. THE FCYUALLT GOING TO FED JAOL…FOR ALL. NPYHONG OR LESS MORE…ETC..WHE THE TRUTH IS SPOKEN THEY ALL GET SCARE,ETC…~~~!!@#$%&*((|+_)(*&ut^%$ewqt^&”
—2/23/2014 ,fbi in a premeditated design to cause fanancial injuries mediuming net server intentionally impeting from listing Gloves on e bay, and threatening with assault via advanced tech, mentally condition anything but the truth white scum united steate cook county and federal 219 s dearborne Judges.and trying condition other people to be responsible then them stincking selves,and the united staes Justice dept,,and nothing more,……operating in a deranged criminal undertaking to conceal the united states justice dept’s personal criminal behavior///
—3;45 p.m fbi intentionally impede net access upon cam/site registration, to stop/hinder any type of social life that could threaten exposing their common criminal design and outrageous tactics of criminally unlawful enhanceed interrogation,while subjecting me via a magic microphone unlawful invading home 24/7 to mentally condition program any type of profile to save their washed upm careers,etc…..
—-3;50 then feds threaten with assault via adanced tech,,stating you’ll be crippled on your back,torture threats and nothing more ecause the factual exonerating evidence I present is all real,factual misconduct of the united statws justice dept….
— 7;47p.m. FBI, after contacting federal senator Jan SHCACENKOWSY, kIRK, AND ,others, and demecratic face book posting, impeded net, and allege retaliation, upon wanting get Congressional inquiry,because I’m placing facts us doj,and illinois politicians cant accept their criminal investigation and prosecution\.
—8;3o pm Feds turning net on off to harass, hinder any type ocf communic\tion, social life in one many planned seies of event to wear down m/c anything but the guilty parties in a contiual rapport trying program and retaliate against after contacting gov. reps ,etc…And after I start yyping this turn net back on,,,,cybore fed police operaing with the fbi profiler at 2111 w. Rooosevelt…..
—2/24/2014 fbi , WHILE ON ADULT SITE STOP AND MEDIUM SITE VIA SATELLITE AND THEN MAKE FRAUDULENT SOULD OF THEIR SOCIOPATH AND CRIMES IN A SHOCKING MALICE UNDERTAKING TO OUTRAGEOUSLY MENTALLY CONDITION IN NUMEROUS PLANNED SERIES OF EVENT TO PROGRAM AND CREATE FACTUALLY FRAUDULENT DATA TO PRESENT TO SAVE WHITE SCUM UNITED STATES JUSTICE DEPT. OPERATIVES 3rd shift warped manner of operationnthe corruptist scum that have crated every and all data of defamation in a premeditated criminal undetaking to protect trash white ‘HONKY PALE FACE JUDGES AT 219 S, QUEERBORNE,AKA…!!!bitches you know who & WHt u scums are,,…//garbagwe inc…maggots,,and what bitches ,,nothing more then scared ,,,corrupt scums,inc…
— 11;15 pm come back from store apt smells of sex, fbi m/c clem with cum,…outrageous tactics after crashing computer,after contacting judje buklo, and sendin numerous people cories of the o.i.g. petition and what was sent to congressman/woman,etc….
— fbi agents left a ensentes burning on my night stand lefta burn mark and I never set a insent on the night stand in my life,,,,creating fraudulent data upon entering my house to conceal corrution and criminaal activities,etc…while subjecting me to outrageous shocking barbaric harassment in a contiual wrong to m/c, program their factually fraudulent crime hypotheses in a criminal undertaking…
Daniel Laveau
February 27, 2014 at 04:23
Daniel contact me I am going thru the same harassment ..pls contact me
— Bentley
June 24, 2015 at 00:22
—- I am a victim of electronic harassment today going on in morristown Tn. I am a RNBSN and I continue to work full time . Along with the harassment is the use of supra intelligence/government mind control- to implant the thoughts and beliefs and lies of the operators into the victims head. I have emailed and written the president, Tn govern officials in Nov 2013 asking for help- I received nothing. Does anyone need to ask why Edward Snowden left this country?
— Police and fbi types…military nsa…..I’d assume racial comments have angry rich minorities stalking me….hang in there…use it as an opportunity for.personal growth…unlike some people.
◦ — The Chicago FBI and its local task force have in numerous planned criminal series of premeditated events,have made intentional reckless statements to the public stating I assaulted numerous of my friends dead children and being a convicted sexual predator (NEVER HAVE HAD ANY SEX CASE IN MY LIFE!!) AND THE HAVE “SYPHLUS S.T.D, and to have transmitted it the the kids…I have had numerous S>T>D> tests done and have never showed to have had any s.t.d. after I presented factual evidence of the Chicago field office of the FBI ever having any S.T.D., the FBI have made intentional statement to social relationships via informants stating I have S.T.D.’S I do not have to their lay knowledge to cause harm and impede social ACTIVITIES ,AND HAVE ENTERED INTO PLACES I SEEK EMPLOYMENT STATING I AM A SEX OFFENDER KNOWING I HAVE NEVER HAD ANY ARREST OR CONVICTION OF A SEX CASE IN MY LIFE.
The conduct is to keep me in a continual rapport and impede any social life that could/would be a threat to exposing the Chicago FBI field office criminal activities involving 100’s millions of tax dollars,all to get Carte Blanche operating powers with the public in one of many planned series of criminal events…
◦ — included is a copy of a complaint …your office has a criminal and civil responsibility to ensure that theses communications get forwarded and log in offices that do not have a internal conflict of interest…
◦ DANIEL J. LAVEAU, Presents a Demand/Request for the Immediate “United States Congress”, to appoint “Independent counsel”, to investigate and criminally prosecute numerous “Chicago Federal Bureau of Investigation’s”, special agents and “Chicago Police Department Operatives”, that have a Severe Internal Conflict of Interest, after in a joint task force. using “Unlawful Enhanced Interrogation Techniques”,operating using “Saturation units”, that have used “Advanced Satellite Imaging and Bio-Metric Technology”, to do a unlawful Roving Interrogation, wielding powers of the dangerous Chicago Corrupt Machine,using Immagrants and organized criminals and the Chicago law enforcement agents own families,and the Chicago Terrorist task force net work,exploiting Missing/Dead Children.
◦ In numerous planned series of events the Chicago Field office of the “F.B.I. and Chicago Police”, after “Laveau”,presenting Factual Exonerating Evidence, to the “Illinois Attorney General (Lisa Madigan).”Federal Bureauu of Investigation’s”(Robert Grant,Cory Nelson and Robert Hollely),and the United States Attorney (Patrick Fitzgerald,Shapiro,and Fardon),and “United States Inspector General in Chicago and Washington D.C.”, of numerous Homicides and Kidnappings he was targeted for, because of the “Internal Severe Conflict of Interest inside the Chicago and Washington United States Justice Department, in a operation that is a CONTIUAL WRONG SINCE 1994, involving 100’s of millions of dollars and 10’s of thousands of manpower hours, and were they used “Threats of Immediate death, Sexual Organ Mutilation,and direct Threats toward ‘LAVEAU’s’ family,of Tit for tat Murders and mutilation Home Invasions,etc.Trying to coerce/elisit a incriminating statement to crimes the lead detectives and any form of professional discovery will prove He never committed with the appointment of professional Independent counsel.
◦ The unit of the “United States Behavior Science Division”, used unlawful Saturation Joint Task Force Units, that made Intentional Misleading Malicious, statements to the Public and Media, of Laveau being a convictewd Child Predator, in a intentional Reckless design, to get “Carte Blanche” operating powers,while unlawfully using advanced satellite surveillacne technology to invade the protected privacy of his apartment,and use live satellite roving technology, while subjecting him to a direct unlawful radio broadcast of a Magic Microphone type device,that he was subjected to and in a reckless endagerment to the public, to keep him in a unlawful continual rapport of Interrogation trying to Torture a Incriminating statement, and Mentally Condition him to believe he committed crimes he never committed, in a criminal design to protect high ranking federal/State law enforcement officials(federal Judges,attorneys,and Illinois officials involved in the operation)
◦ As a exibit “Laveu” present the original petiton presented to the United States Inspector General and Illinos Inspector general as a showing of the Internal severe Conflict ofInterst=============================================================================================================
◦ DANIEL J. LAVEAU, petitioner.
Daniel J. Laveau, presents in a “Due Diligence Petition”, in the office of the United State’s Inspector General, files a petition for the essential, Immediate needed Investigation, into the”Chicago Federal Bureau of Investigations” & “Special Prosecution Bureau of Anita Alvarez’s office”, that in numerous planned series of criminal events, after unlawfully Targeting “Laveau”, as a “Serial Murderer”, taking Evidence of “Solved Closed Crime Scenes”, to operate a Special Task Force, between the Chicago Police, F.B.I., and Illinois Department of Corrections, have entered into a criminal undertaking, to “Suppress Factual Exonerating Evidence”, and Intentionally mislead the “PUBLIC”, in a “Continual Wrong Wielding The Powers of the Dangerous Chicago Law Enforcement Infrastructure”, using the “Immediate Threats of death”, “Outrageous Sexual Harassment”, and creating a highly dangerous planned Coercive environment doing a “Unlawful Enhanced Roving Interrogation, Using Saturation Units”, operating in a Malicious criminal design to Stop/Hinder any type of Investigation from being done into their personal criminal activities,etc.
◦ “Laveau”, after filing in the office’s of the “United States Inspector General & Illinois Inspector General’s”, the factual Suppression of Evidence, and the Atrocious Reckless Intentional Endangerment the Saturation units used, making in a planned series of events, intentional misleading statements of him being a “Child Murderer”, “Serial Murderer”,”Convicted Sex Offender”,”To Have assaulted Numerous Children”,(there are no record of Assault on,that are deceased friends children), and to be obsessed with Serial Murderer “John Gacy”, to create a “Fraudulent Threat to Society”, to keep a on going “Behavior Science Unit”, operating and Hinder/stop any Professional Investigation and “Laveau” from being Interviewed by a Law Enforcement Official, that does not have a Internal Conflict of Interest, entered into a vicious planned criminal series of a premeditated criminal designs to Torture a Confession to Homicides & Kidnapping they have Intentionally Suppressed Factual Exonerating Evidence,and real suspect of committing on, to solely protect their professional careers and avoid their personal criminal Investigation and Indictments.
◦ The Inspector General’s of the United states & Illinois State of Illinois, after Diligently filing serious nature complaints, involving the “Immediate Threats of Death, Sexual Organ Mutilation, and Immediate Threats toward his Family of Mutilation by Organized Chicago street gangs organizations, and/or Polish/& Latino Immigrants, wielding powers of Chicago’s, underground law enforcement infrastructure”, instead of Immediately Scheduling a appointment and a Investigator of their respective office INTERVIEWING LAVEAU, THEY ACTED IN A PLANNED SERIES OF EVENTS OF A MALICIOUS, PUBIC INTENTIONAL CRIMINAL DESIGN, TO MAKE THREATS TO SOCIETY, MISLEADING THE PUBLIC, OF HIM BEING A CHILD MURDERER, CHILD PREDATOR, CAUSING INTENTIONAL HATRED & HARASSMENT OF A VIGIL-ANTI DEATH THREAT, USING MEXICAN & POLISH INFORMANTS, TO DIRECTLY THREATEN “LAVEAU & HIS FAMILY”
◦ There are numerous Law Enforcement officials that want “Laveau”, Dead or Lost in Mental Health, in a planned series of Factually Fraudulent created Malicious Planned Propaganda and events, of Threats to Society, to stop any, type of Investigation done into their personal criminal involvement, and only the truth being exposed and facts Investigated in the high profile Media & United States Justice Department Investigation, and United States Federal appointed JUDGES & United States Attorneys (Patrick Fitzgerald & Robert Grant,Nelson,and Holley,etc.),impeached & Indictments, from office & Indicted by real American fighting law enforcement Honest OFFICIALS, what is what is right official’s, they can not accept, non-for profit law enforcement officials, that will admit to their wrong, before trying outrageously to place a Innocent man in prison for a crime THEY ,know he NEVER COMMITTED.
◦ Now as a United States Citizen , after diligently reporting, this factual Unlawful, ATROCIOUS MISCONDUCT AND TORTURE, the United States Government & State Illinois have a Criminal/Civil Responsibility to at the minimum Conduct, professionally investigate, and Schediule a face to face Interview to make a factual evidence inquiry, and sort out the Truth, and nothing more,as appointed officials of over sight Investigative bodies of Government, they have a criminal responsibility to Investigate every claim that is meritoriously presented to them , to protect the citizen from “Rogue/Dangerous”, government officials,The officials,that are operating the unit as of time are every day common criminals hiding as cowards behind a badge , exploiting missing/dead children to survive, and have never worked a professional Investigation heeding/abiding by Federal/State Laws, and have operated in a fraudulent enterprise in the Chicago Infrastructure…To mislead the Chicago Infrastructure and Public, creating one fraudulent delusional crime hypotheses after the other to only stop/hinder their personal criminal involvement from being exposed,etc,,,….using on going misleading Intentional statements to protect their, careers,etc..
◦ The misconduct and criminal activities are so Inferred/self evident that a school law student or any law enforcement official could/would see the Internal conflict of interest and the area of every day Chicago Politics as usual , operating in the powers of the criminals hiding behind badges, Exploiting Children as shield to get Carte Blanche operating powers.
◦ THIS COMPLAINT IS FILED DEMANDING/NEEDING THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE and law enforcement intervention to Investigate/prosecute all the alleged criminally involved official,s of the Chicago Federal Bureau of Investigation,Chicago Police Department,and State of Illinois, in all warranted diligence ,and respect,,..
◦ Daniel Laveau
July 1, 2014 at 22:05
◦ #comment-##
Daniel LaVeueaux
◦ 4:10 PM (2 hours ago)
to william.ridgway
◦ petitioner
◦ No.
◦ respondent
◦ Daniel J. LaVeau, presents a serious petition for the “Immediate Investigation and Essential Protection From Dangerous Chicago Law Enforcement Officials”, wielding the powers of the dangerous Chicago corrupt law enforcement establishment, after “LaVeau” presented factual exonerating evidence and premeditated fraud on the part of the “Chicago F.B.I.”, “Illinois State police”, “Cook County States Attorney”, “Cook County Sheriff”, and “Chicago Police Department”, that involves a 25 year unlawful Behavior Science Project of the joint task force offices, and millions of taxpayer dollars and thousands of man power hours.
◦ The original “F.B.I.” Chicago field office in a premeditated criminal design to operate a special “Serial Murder, Violent Crime, Child kidnapping, Behavior Science Multi Discipline Task Force”, to get funding and approval to use “Saturation Units” consisting of 30 – 100 special agents, and “Advanced Satellite Imaging and Bio-Metric Voice Print Technology”, to do a “Unlawful Roving Enhanced Interrogation”, involving the use of “Immediate Threats of Death”, “Sexual Organ Mutilation” Death by Burning of being Doused with Gasoline, and placing Gasoline cans outside the “LaVeau” family home next to the premises, a “Tit for Tat Threats of Murder”, “Mutilation”, and “Kidnapping of his family members”, and to do “Home Invasions” on his family’s homes, trying to elicit a incriminating statement to numerous kidnappings and Homicides. He never committed.
◦ The Chicago Field office of the F.B.I., after “LaVeau” presented Factual fraud on their part of taking evidence from the following solved closed crime scenes;
◦ a. 1426 N. Greenview St. Chicago Ill, Where pior to “LaVeau” Residing Between Late Nov. 92 – Mar. 1993, A Latino couple in Approx. July 1991 Abused 2 of their kids tying them to window bars, bunk beds, ans space heaters, and unfortunately murdered 1 of the children, thats body stayed in the basement for 2- weeks, till removed by the chicago Police.( all evidence verifiable by Chicago Police reports , Cook County States Attorney court transcript, Cook County Coroner reports, and department of family services that had to place the surviving child in foster care or relocate with family.)
◦ b. 3113 W. Lake St. Glenview Ill, Where “Philip LaVeau”, (petitioners Uncle) tied his wife “Marie LaVeau” up in the attic prior to 1965, where was discovered his trousers, sweater, underwear, her night gown, wrist restraints, and numerous toys belonging to “Philip LaVeau &/or the “Eastman family”, that resided in the dwelling from approx. 65 – 1980. All items manufactured prior to 1965.( forensics and testimony to the original detectives also suppressed that fact a individual named “Jerry Mahalic” used I/V drugs in the attic in 1988 during a keg party where was discovered his blood D.N.A., and he admitted to using drugs in the attic in 1988 to the lead detectives in 1995.
◦ 4. The unit of the F.B.I., started their operation between a joint task force of the “Illinois State Police’, Illinois Department of Corrections”, and Special prosecution Bureau of the Cook County States Attorney’s office, and Cook County Sheriff, creating factually fraudulent crime hypotheses using “Geographical Profiling” of placing missing children inside the closed crime scenes believing “LaVeau” never knew there histories, and nobody would ever discover them, operating in a premeditated design of major fraud against the “United States and Illinois”.
◦ 5. They created factually fraudulent crime hypotheses of using a “bone saw”, discovered inside “William LaVeau’s” basement (where William LaVeau operated a Coffee Machine restaurant repair shop since approx. 1976) suppressing the fact the device was wrapped in news paper dated in 1980 with over 15 years of accumulated dust on it and welding soot from were “William LaVeau” had the devise welded and repaired in 1980 after receiving the saw from a butcher at “Georges restaurant” at 230 Kinzie Chicago Ill, and having it repaired.
◦ 6. The Chicago F.B.I. then suppressed and operated in a premeditated criminal undertaking to alter the clothing of “Philip LaVeau” alleging it was “LaVeau’s” fishing outfit to conceal their fraud, having lay knowledge that “Philip LaVeau” owned a Hunting/Fishing cabin in “upper Michigan on Paint Lake” that the forensics of the clothing having fish evidence on them and the fact the clothing had over 30 years of accumulation dust on it, and believed would deny “philip LaVeau” ever existed.
◦ 7. After the Chicago F.B.I. were proven to have undermined the law enforcement establishment to use “Geographical profiling”, and to have solely used solved closed crime scene evidence and / or suppressed factual exonerating evidence, and the atrocious “Roving Interrogation” Tactics of Threats of Immediate Death, Sexual Organ Mutilation, using deranged saturation units in a “Highly Dangerous Vigil Anti Style Stalking”, operating with the Illinois State Police, Illinois Department of Corrections, and Chicago Police agents and their personal family members, they then created numerous factually fraudulent crime hypotheses of altering a solved closed homicide to be a “Home Invasion” that transpired at 1358 N. Ashland ave Chicago, ILL suppressing how garbage got into a abandon building at 1423 N. Greenview St. Chicago, ILL by a couple named “Sam & Carol”, and created a delusional crime hypotheses of “LaVeau”, being transvestite prostitute residing in the building with a “Clem Williamson” (Williamson was discovered dead in the building in approx. Mar. 1993), and also created a factually fraudulent crime hypotheses of a abandon school bus discovered at “Lemoyne & Ashland ave Chicago , ILL” to have been related to a Childs body discovered in a fire at Clybourne, Cortland, and Armitage St. Chicago, ILL in approx. July 1992 that no time frame matches and suppressing the vehicle was placed there by a “Polish Street Bum Junky named Marty”, that lived inside the vehicle, stripped the vehicle down and that when the incident of their alleged fire transpired the individual “Marty” was with in 6 blocks of the area.
◦ 8. After the Chicago F.B.I. were proven to have errored or operated in a premeditated design of major fraud against the United States government and the high ranking Federal, State, and Chicago law enforcement officials learned that “Laveau” was seeking/demanding their full criminal investigation by a official with out a internal conflict of interest (United States Inspector General, Congressional Independent Appointed Special Counsel, etc), they operating in a premeditated series of planned criminal events created Propaganda of “Laveau” being obsessed with serial murderer “John Gacy”(to be praying to him/making love to him,etc), alleging LaVeau” Sexual Assaulted numerous of his friends children, (children that are dead and never alleged any type of mistreatment or assault), alleging “LaVeau” transmitted S.T.D’S. to the children Syphilis,( to lay knowledge of all law enforcement officials “LaVeau” has never been diagnosed or ever been treated for any type of S.T.D.) stating “LaVeau” was a Convicted Sex Offender/Child Predator, to create a Threat to Society to get Carte blanche operating powers, to stop/hinder any type of investigation from being done into the factual intentionally suppressed evidence on all crimes “LaVeau” was/is targeted to have committed. And create a hostile dangerous environment to stop/hinder any type of social life, employment and stop any communication from anyone that is a threat to exposing the truth Chicago Federal Bureau of Investigations corruption, Chicago police, Cook County States Attorney, Illinois attorney General, Illinois State Police, Illinois Department of Corrections, etc.
◦ 9. The United States Government has a criminal/Civil responsibility to protect the people from dangerous multi millionaire Federal and state politicians that are wielding powers of the dangerous City of Chicago Law enforcement establishment, believing their going to keep “LaVeau” in a continual rapport of highly deranged shocking to the conscious enhanced Interrogation, Programing, and Reckless Mental Conditioning till they make him believe he committed crimes and get a confession, so they can get Immunity and “LaVeau” would sit 10- 20 years in state prison till a appeal or post conviction attorney made the court by order give the forensic science up of the solved closed crime scenes.
And as a exhibit here is the last demand request sent to the united state office of accountability..————————————————————————————————————————————
◦ Daniel Laveaux
Jul 11 (2 days ago)
to Webmaster
I have filed numerous very serious natured complaints with your office involving the dangerous Chicago FBI field office and it’s deranged tactics to conceal criminal activities operating with the dangerous Chicago law enforcement establishment.
◦ These corrupt officials have used threats of death, saturation units, and have stalked me in a vigil anti style operation using polish immigrants (Informants/law enforcement family members,etc), to in a reckless design to the local of a body was discovered and then state they wanted a confession to crimes I never committed or I was going to be mutilated and murdered in a outrageous display of a immediate death threat.
◦ The FBI and local Chicago law enforcement officials have used Immigration dangerous African Americans, Middle Eastern, and Latino’s and their families to place in my Immediate way of travel their Children and then subject me to how they alleged they were my friends deceased children (That died of A.I.D’S OVER 15 YEARS AGO), and/or the victims they alleged kidnapped and murdered,to how the chicago FBI alleges I Sexually Assaulted,and then disposed of their human remains,which i never did or is there any complaint or conviction of, to mentally condition for me to be a convicted sex offender and a murderer, because of the Intentional Reckless planned series of events and outrageous propaganda the chicago law enforcement establishment put in the public and have operated in a numerous planned series of event to get Carte Blanche operating powers with the public.
◦ the Chicago FBI have entered into a series of planned event to use a continual deranged outrageous rapport to program and mentally condition me to believe I committed crimes I never committed so they can/would get Immunity after torturing a confession and then I would languish in state prisons for 10-20 years …
◦ I’m including a copy of the original complaint filed with your criminally/civilly responsible office and need the Immediate assignment of the United States Marshals protection services and the essential assigned Independent counsel and or field investigator from the washington Inspector Generals office to professionally interview me investigate and prosecute the deranged Chicago Violent Crime, Serial Murder, Missing Children/Exploited Children special agent behavior science project,and profilers that have a 20 year internal severe conflict of interest…
◦ Daniel LaVeaux
Jun 22
to Webmaster
DANIEL J. LAVEAU,Presents a Damand/Requst for the Immediate “United States Congress”, to appoint “Independent counsel”, to investigate and criminally prosecute numerous “Chicago Federal Bureau of Investigation’s”, special agents and “Chicago Police Department Operatives”, that have a Severe Internal Conflict of Interest, after in a joint task force. using “Unlawful Enhanced Interrogation Techniques”,operating using “Saturation units”, that have used “Advanced Satellite Imaging and Bio-Metric Technology”, to do a unlawful Roving Interrogation, wielding powers of the dangerous Chicago Corrupt Machine,using Immagrants and organized criminals and the Chicago law enforcement agents own families,and the Chicago Terrorist task force net work,exploiting Missing/Dead Children.
◦ In numerous planned series of events the Chicago Field office of the “F.B.I. and Chicago Police”, after “Laveau”,presenting Factual Exonerating Evidence, to the “Illinois Attorney General (Lisa Madigan).”Federal Bureauu of Investigation’s”(Robert Grant,Cory Nelson and Robert Hollely),and the United States Attorney (Patrick Fitzgerald,Shapiro,and Fardon),and “United States Inspector General in Chicago and Washington D.C.”, of numerous Homicides and Kidnappings he was targeted for, because of the “Internal Severe Conflict of Interest inside the Chicago and Washington United States Justice Department, in a operation that is a CONTIUAL WRONG SINCE 1994, involving 100’s of millions of dollars and 10’s of thousands of manpower hours, and were they used “Threats of Immediate death, Sexual Organ Mutilation,and direct Threats toward ‘LAVEAU’s’ family,of Tit for tat Murders and mutilation Home Invasions,etc.Trying to coerce/elisit a incriminating statement to crimes the lead detectives and any form of professional discovery will prove He never committed with the appointment of professional Independent counsel.
◦ The unit of the “United States Behavior Science Division”, used unlawful Saturation Joint Task Force Units, that made Intentional Misleading Malicious, statements to the Public and Media, of Laveau being a convictewd Child Predator, in a intentional Reckless design, to get “Carte Blanche” operating powers,while unlawfully using advanced satellite surveillacne technology to invade the protected privacy of his apartment,and use live satellite roving technology, while subjecting him to a direct unlawful radio broadcast of a Magic Microphone type device,that he was subjected to and in a reckless endagerment to the public, to keep him in a unlawful continual rapport of Interrogation trying to Torture a Incriminating statement, and Mentally Condition him to believe he committed crimes he never committed, in a criminal design to protect high ranking federal/State law enforcement officials(federal Judges,attorneys,and Illinois officials involved in the operation)
◦ As a exibit “Laveu” present the original petiton presented to the United States Inspector General and Illinos Inspector general as a showing of the Internal severe Conflict ofInterst=============================================================================================================
◦ DANIEL J. LAVEAU, petitioner.
◦ Daniel J. Laveau, presents in a “Due Diligence Petition”, in the office of the United State’s Inspector General, files a petition for the essential, Immediate needed Investigation, into the”Chicago Federal Bureau of Investigations” & “Special Prosecution Bureau of Anita Alvarez’s office”, that in numerous planned series of criminal events, after unlawfully Targeting “Laveau”, as a “Serial Murderer”, taking Evidence of “Solved Closed Crime Scenes”, to operate a Special Task Force, between the Chicago Police, F.B.I., and Illinois Department of Corrections, have entered into a criminal undertaking, to “Suppress Factual Exonerating Evidence”, and Intentionally mislead the “PUBLIC”, in a “Continual Wrong Wielding The Powers of the Dangerous Chicago Law Enforcement Infrastructure”, using the “Immediate Threats of death”, “Outrageous Sexual Harassment”, and creating a highly dangerous planned Coercive environment doing a “Unlawful Enhanced Roving Interrogation, Using Saturation Units”, operating in a Malicious criminal design to Stop/Hinder any type of Investigation from being done into their personal criminal activities,etc.
◦ “Laveau”, after filing in the office’s of the “United States Inspector General & Illinois Inspector General’s”, the factual Suppression of Evidence, and the Atrocious Reckless Intentional Endangerment the Saturation units used, making in a planned series of events, intentional misleading statements of him being a “Child Murderer”, “Serial Murderer”,”Convicted Sex Offender”,”To Have assaulted Numerous Children”,(there are no record of Assault on,that are deceased friends children), and to be obsessed with Serial Murderer “John Gacy”, to create a “Fraudulent Threat to Society”, to keep a on going “Behavior Science Unit”, operating and Hinder/stop any Professional Investigation and “Laveau” from being Interviewed by a Law Enforcement Official, that does not have a Internal Conflict of Interest, entered into a vicious planned criminal series of a premeditated criminal designs to Torture a Confession to Homicides & Kidnapping they have Intentionally
◦ Suppressed Factual Exonerating Evidence,and real suspect of committing on, to solely protect their professional careers and avoid their personal criminal Investigation and Indictments.
◦ The Inspector General’s of the United states & Illinois State of Illinois, after Diligently filing serious nature complaints, involving the “Immediate Threats of Death, Sexual Organ Mutilation, and Immediate Threats toward his Family of Mutilation by Organized Chicago street gangs organizations, and/or Polish/& Latino Immigrants, wielding powers of Chicago’s, underground law enforcement infrastructure”, instead of Immediately Scheduling a appointment and a Investigator of their respective office INTERVIEWING LAVEAU, THEY ACTED IN A PLANNED SERIES OF EVENTS OF A MALICIOUS, PUBIC INTENTIONAL CRIMINAL DESIGN, TO MAKE THREATS TO SOCIETY, MISLEADING THE PUBLIC, OF HIM BEING A CHILD MURDERER, CHILD PREDATOR, CAUSING INTENTIONAL HATRED & HARASSMENT OF A VIGIL-ANTI DEATH THREAT, USING MEXICAN & POLISH INFORMANTS, TO DIRECTLY THREATEN “LAVEAU & HIS FAMILY”
◦ There are numerous Law Enforcement officials that want “Laveau”, Dead or Lost in Mental Health, in a planned series of Factually Fraudulent created Malicious Planned Propaganda and events, of Threats to Society, to stop any, type of Investigation done into their personal criminal involvement, and only the truth being exposed and facts Investigated in the high profile Media & United States Justice Department Investigation, and United States Federal appointed JUDGES & United States Attorneys (Patrick Fitzgerald & Robert Grant,Nelson,and Holley,etc.),impeached & Indictments, from office & Indicted by real American fighting law enforcement Honest OFFICIALS, what is what is right official’s, they can not accept, non-for profit law enforcement officials, that will admit to their wrong, before trying outrageously to place a Innocent man in prison for a crime THEY ,know he NEVER COMMITTED.
◦ Now as a United States Citizen , after diligently reporting, this factual Unlawful, ATROCIOUS MISCONDUCT AND TORTURE, the United States Government & State Illinois have a Criminal/Civil Responsibility to at the minimum Conduct, professionally investigate, and Schediule a face to face Interview to make a factual evidence inquiry, and sort out the Truth, and nothing more,as appointed officials of over sight Investigative bodies of Government, they have a criminal responsibility to Investigate every claim that is meritoriously presented to them , to protect the citizen from “Rogue/Dangerous”, government officials,The officials,that are operating the unit as of time are every day common criminals hiding as cowards behind a badge , exploiting missing/dead children to survive, and have never worked a professional Investigation heeding/abiding by Federal/State Laws, and have operated in a fraudulent enterprise in the Chicago Infrastructure…To mislead the Chicago Infrastructure and Public, creating one fraudulent delusional crime hypotheses after the other to only stop/hinder their personal criminal involvement from being exposed,etc,,,….using on going misleading Intentional statements to protect their, careers,etc..
◦ The misconduct and criminal activities are so Inferred/self evident that a school law student or any law enforcement official could/would see the Internal conflict of interest and the area of every day Chicago Politics as usual , operating in the powers of the criminals hiding behind badges, Exploiting Children as shield to get Carte Blanche operating powers.
◦ THIS COMPLAINT IS FILED DEMANDING/NEEDING THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE and law enforcement intervention to Investigate/prosecute all the alleged criminally involved official,s of the Chicago Federal Bureau of Investigation,Chicago Police Department,and State of Illinois, in all warranted diligence ,and respect,,..
Attachments area
◦ Preview YouTube video 110023
July 15, 2014 at 00:13
▪ —- Dear Dan, I am with you. Stalked from birth. I believe it is muti-generational over the entire globe. Been there done that. The children of these sick demented families that continue to gang stalk are brain washed from generation to generation at an early age to be cowards and bullies. I have witnessed this with my own eyes in disgust! It is a worldwide system of corruption. It was let known to me that it is a network of over 4 million in US alone. They have infiltrated all aspects of our lives. They are very sick people. The governments of the world are corrupt and allow the underground, societies within societiies to continue this injustice. I know it goes to the top of all governments of the earth. So sad that we must realize that it a grand illusion to what we were lead to believe.
September 28, 2014 at 04:31
— July 2014. The latest FBI tool, Fluoride Gas, causes “skeletal fluorosis”, I’am in phase 4. Crippling. PLS HELP I have moved 5 times. also see: Dominator1, Meganet, FBI’s cell interceptor capabilities
— New Interceptor detector, the “CryptoPhone 500” detects fake towers (actually laptops) the price is $3.5K. There have been 17 towers found in the US recently. It is likely these mystery towers “interceptors” are used by criminals / citizen groups like InfagGard to spy on citizens. The governments wild card, to fight domestic terrorism.
— I am sorry to hear of your problem. I don’t know what else to say except search for God. They will get theirs in time. You cannot run away from it, though if you go overseas, I did notice that the nature and type of harassment changed from country to country – like in Europe compared to US or even the UK. Mabye if you had some funds you could go to a different country and see if your personalised program has different tweaks to it that makes it more manageable? Beware though, for Tis funds are limited and it is important to preserve these.
— FBI hires “neighborhood watch” kooks.
Together targeting mostly women, minorities, the old and singles.
— FBI + InfagGard = Stalking!
—- Fluoride poisonings: sulfuryl fluoride (pesticide fumigation gas), sodium fluoride and fluorine gas. Odorless, tasteless undetectable (pre or post mortem) and cumulative.
pls read my prior posts.
— My name is Joshua Brown from Ft. Worth TX, and have been a T.I for a few years now. My ex girlfriend was behind my targeting and her grandfather retired from Lockheed Martin. I also live in Ft. Worth where one of there main facilities are located. Stay strong everyone, they will be exposed.
—- I’ve heard it called mk ultra, cointel pro, gang stalking, etc. What it really is, is full time sabotage and abuse. They can call anything an operation, program, or an experiment. The problem is that they have a history of experimenting on humans, when they already know that the results/outcome is going to be negative. It’s working wonderful for the few who have made assassination, vigilante justice, extortion legal. To the rest of the arrogant degenerates it’s just cheap entertainment. Once you are a test subject Guinea pig of this “program” it lasts the rest of your life.
The investigation is job security to a bankrupt cannibalistic agency. Think in terms of ignorant, crusty, evil old senile people you might run across in a nursing home. These would be the ones who call you names, spit on you, throw things at you, make deliberate messes for their care givers to clean up, etc. They’ll probably tell you you’re ugly, stupid, you look like Satan, you’re going to hell….. just viscous and malicious. They want to bring you back to the year 1800.
Gang stalking is like this, but on Steroids. It lasts a lifetime. They are literally murdering people for drama, gossip, ego, money, or shits and giggles. Most of the time it’s premeditated murder. Don’t think for a second that they need a good reason to do this. This is entertaining to them as well as a power trip. To many it’s also a paycheck.
They will poison and electronically torture you until you die. While you’re waiting to die they will mock and torment you as much as possible. Many probably die from cancer or other illnesses without ever realizing that they are the prey of sadistic sociopaths and psychopaths. I don’t believe everything I read on the internet, but all one needs to do is look around to see that things are not as they appear. Talking can also get you dead. They sabotage vehicles, create accidents, (of all kinds) run major extortion operations, harass family members, commit theft, assault, intimidation, they blackmail, use religious persecution, etc. Whatever is necessary. They don’t mind collateral
damage. (murdering multiple people or entire families) to destroy their target.
Their authority came from corruption, and it would appear as though their disdain for law, truth, equality, knows no bounds. Don’t worry yourself brethren, for people this deficient are certain to self destruct. They are the lowest common denominator. Judge them by their fruits and their deeds. Now that they have robbed and plundered, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if they tried to bring in their own version of Armageddon or revelations.
They also like to set up sites like this to monitor their victims behavior, and find new guinea pigs. They call this program “death by 1000 paper cuts” because it’s like being psychologically and physically tortured to death. One should not be at all surprised when a few people decide to revolt, or that they don’t like being victimized by narcissistic predatory genetically inclined psycho’s.
If you missed out on what’s happening.
1) murder or assassinations are now legal.
2) money laundering, extortion, fraud, libor, insider trading are perfectly acceptable if you’re the right person.
3) assault, theft by legislation, experimentation, political affiliation profiling, financial sabotage, are all legal if you’re on the right side. Writing legislation that financially benefits you/
rigs the market/helps you to monopolize and makes it impossible for your competition to compete.
All legal. Anything goes.
4)Truth-illegal and can get you black listed, locked up, persecuted, murdered,
suicided, homeless, bankrupt.
Let them play with your food, environment, health, finances, land, children, let them dictate your science, and reality. Now let them play God.
November 20, 2014 at 07:57
— I’m a victim of gang stalking by the government the feds the police the Mexican Mafia and they chipped me a used to be friend trapped my mind through drugs I’m a native american they put me in some bitch faggot porn game poisiong my mind got a shitload of satalites look like fake stars that are connected to my brain I believe in god so they made me play the role of Jesus without consent I could smell my brain cooking I feel the poision in my bones and I CAN’T brake free how can I get it to stop the hacking of my life? Fake motherfuckers follow me around I know they used me to make money I never got shit I just keep getting poisioned fake motherfuckers say around me im an actor. Musician I know im a victim yes its devil worshippers illuminati pagan witchcraft bullshit mostley its satalites and drones I need help or im going to get my own guns and hunt those down that I know did it to me one is Cathy Ramos Reyes another Gary Mirkos and Haroldine Pringle hacking Facebook MySpace and Twitter accounts cant retrieve them to ant stop it either I neex to figure how to break, their signal
— FBI + InfagGard = Organized Stalking.
◦ — What can you do? Nothing. This is a Coup. They have hijacked every branch of Law and Government. Now all they have to do is continue to deliberately obstruct justice. It’s a bit of an “inside joke” , meaning that the perps get great pleasure from control debauchery and harassment. It makes them feel special and powerful. Unfortunately, this war isn’t being fought legally. It is covert and they particularly enjoy egging you on, torture, and narcissistic harassment.
◦ When it’s all said and done, these arrogant perpetrators are jeapordizing all of our security through deceit, misinformation, assault, break ins, theft, vehicular sabotage, financial sabotage, economic warfare, work place sabotage, personal relationship sabotage, environmental sabotage, they undermine our health, and in typical sociopath fashion they actually encourage, enjoy, laugh about their treason. They spend so much of their time conspiring, and planning new ways to destroy and sabotage your life. That is the secret” or inside joke. They are murdering people for vengeance, greed, money, children, ego, power, control. The whole idea that someone is bad (some truly are) is often a fallacy. They design these campaigns for money, and revenge. Without a target/victim the psychos and sociopaths wouldn’t have jobs or anything productive to do. They are currently culling / murdering the tax payers that elected them. This is a wonderful Imperialist Oligarch program in which he who makes the money gets to keep more of it. He who makes the laws gets to decide who has to obey the laws while the major crime mafias operate through force, intimidation, deception, and impunity.
One last note is that these criminal cults, lawless fraternities, oligarchs and their henchmen created their own delusional selfish fairytale. Now they need you and I to subscribe to it, in order to prolong the privilege, entitlement, disease, environmental destruction, human experimentation, the economic ponzi scheme farce, and encourage the pain and suffering of innocent human beings who have not done anything to deserve the wrath of the sociopathological degenerates.
This may work for them for a time, but every tyrant throughout history has met his demise. I’m predicting that there will be backlash that is met with cold blooded contempt, and that when decent humans have exhausted all of their legal options, they will attack these narcissistic predatory psychopaths head on. (Not shoot up a movie theater or school house) How long do you suspect that Americans will pay bureaucrats, selfish sociopaths, and psychopaths to destroy their environment, economy, children, freedom, pursuit of happiness, or be slowly experimented on and murdered? They have been playing this arrogant game of Russian Roulette for quite some time unscathed by facts, reality, law, or reason. It’s just a guess, but I’m sure that people are not happy and that retaliation is the logical conclusion. Just a guess. We can’t allow devils free reign of the earth and all of its inhabitants. Life is precious not the joke our idol masters make it out to be. Only time will tell. Their extermination genocide program has become very evident where I am. There is no denying what they’ve done to the environment, economy or their own people. These public servants don’t represent us and really never have.
◦ Jewrod of the USSA
January 18, 2015 at 22:23
◦ #comment-##
— Well…. They fried the beautiful live oak outside our window, and tore up the bushes by the window where we sit”… Dropped every leaf within 72hrs back in June. I call it the tree of Death
— I have read all the comments. And all of this saddens me to the bone… Gangstalking happens all over the World. It’s a horrible form of bullying. It has ruined families, friendships, careers…. It has caused premature deaths, suicide, mass murder and crime spree. It can cause school shootings, work place shootings, mall shootings, the list goes on. It can make one feel alone, desolate, frightened, hopeless.. I’m here to help validate your fears.. I’m so very sorry this has been happening to you. I have been harassed for many many years. Many terrible things… Beyond belief.. has been done to me. Street theatrics, mail tampering, my son, my car, my friendships, my home, my workplace, my medical records, media harassment, Disc Jockeys, utilities, cable, phone. My car, tires… I have been almost killed on the road… Through it all I have held my head high. I have The Lord with me everyday. I pray everyday. And when the theatrics start up, I repeat over and over to myself the Lords Prayer. Please know he hears you. I know everything feels hopeless. I really do. I even pray for the Perps children. I pray because the perps themselves are putting their children in danger… Some are in a public position, I feel sooner or later, something’s go to snap…so prayer for deliverance. On bad days, take a deep breath, visualize all positive things in life. Nature, God, Prayer, Music ( yours) turn of tv and radio if you feel media involved. Meditate. Pray that the perps will become kind, compassionate, that they love their children and family enough to stop a legacy of hating others, of taunting others, hurting others.. Prayer for The Lord to forgive them.
I have spoken to a few in the Government that manned up, and were honest enough to admit what was happening, was real. I also know the airwaves played their part too… Along with a few others that had a vendetta or two. My gangstalking was so Universal…that it caused great harm and danger to my community. Finally I found a hero.. I’ll never meet this person, but I know he helped calm the community down. God is our hero too. Please please hang on. Write the Justce Department. Plead for their help. Help to abolish this terrible crime against humanity. Let all of us join together in our hearts and souls.. researching the web. And if we find the downtrodden, the hopeless, the hurt.. Let’s lift them up, above all of this.. Valid at their fears. Pray with them, please, we can become a circle, of strength, love, peace, we will keep our circle strong with our support for one another. You’re not crazy. You’re not alone. You are here on this earth because God planned you. Don’t give in to the harassment. I’ll pray for you and yours everyday. I promise.
—cointelpro 2015 FBI DHS InfagGard
society conformity thru stalking
— I was a victim of gang stalking!!!! For 3 years, 24/7.
It is real, targets are really experiencing this.
It needs to be brought to the attention of the American public; who are in the dark. It is funded by OUR American tax dollars and by big corporations; like Home Depot!
◦ — magnetic shielding/room
◦ magnetic shielding is the only way for DEW Directed Energy Weapons Aluminum, Iron, Nickel
◦ In layers insulated between newspaper will work. they want u to feel there is no way to block it.
◦ When the beam hits u your teeth will chatter the muscles in your jaw will vibrate. If you just touch your teeth together if they are jumping YOU ARE BEING DEW-ED
◦ Notice the tapping it will like a voice modulation. Not so stealthy if u know what to look for.
◦ The AI computer they r using is an idiot so saying things like how many oranges does it take to make an apple pie will confuse the F out of it. What is the great whats it? lol What time is it? It never knows the time. When the preds try to glitch you call them a murderer your a murder how many have you killed. Talk about the guys wife and kids did u kill her cause she left u etc. The guy is likely a shrink and a hypnotist.
◦ They want the back of your head that is their target. Where does it hurt that is the direction
◦ the beam is coming from. They can use more than one beam. Research the Lilly Wave getting a or
◦ listening to a copy of the Lilly wave will piss them off and build a defense against it. The Lilly wave bypasses the subconscious gate guard allowing subliminal mind raping programming.
◦ Credit to Patric Flanagan for his incite and the neurophone which the us navy ripped off
◦ and suppressed stalled and then had Patric dew-ed. Zinc oxide sunscreen shampoo
◦ diaper rash cream supplements for radiation poisoning krill oil astaxanthin nano oatmeal
◦ for skin. NLP hypnoses there is much more but with just this u will say screw u nice and loud.
◦ Jon Smith
November 26, 2015 at 00:20
◦ #comment-##
◦ —
I am gang stalked in Louisiana my family also. They are decriminating against my sons education. Car Set on fire, mother’s garage burned down, hit by numerous cars. In Louisiana our black politicians, judges, mayors, athelete, teachers, doctors, policemen, firemen participates in this kkk hate crime. I had a simple disagreement with my supervisor at LSU and my supervisor sent these thugs behind me and my family.
— Hi im cesar and in the los angeles area and i am currently beings stalked and harrased.
— They are blocking ALL my communications, and they do all this and worse..THE TERRORIST U>S> goon gov. My You Tube channel is censored: Nosheol Tarsus, and the few respondents, are agents themselves, lying scum.
—- Hi, I live in Adelaide, South Australia, this plus more has been happening for 24 years to me, they manipulate, lie play, mind games to justify themselves. The worst part is how they convince everyone to use this against me, former friends, my family, anybody. I believe there pathetic reasoning is that I do not respect anyone, which is true now, or I whinge about this. What I think is what they do, only the negative of course. I can go on and on. I have tried to stop this through human rights, police, politicians, lawyers etc but they just make excuses for this sick crap. Disappointing!!
— Interesting article. But newer high tech programs that I have read about, such as Psy programs, are easily defeated.
— I too am a victim of government organized gang stalking. first was racism hate crimes by police for having black friend which lead to more hate crimes under color of law.then to death threats to murder to rape then attempted murders made to look like accident. torture exsposed to all kinds of toxic stuff fungus blackmold putting mangemites in home other bug killing pets to putting toxic stuff in my food drinks.trying now to get rid of evedince which is my hair teeth nails.which would prove being exsposed to chemicals toxins poisons black mold steroids trying to make hair fall out some type of acid making teeth fall out.why doing this to me to cover up there involvement in murder rape torture attempted murders made to look like accident. or try drive you crazy hoping you kill your self. getting others to bully you. They sabotage your cars break into your home steal kill pets to future pets people. why to keep victim’s from talking or telling something they don’t want the public to know they done wrong. cover up. silence the victim’s of there crimes. they are truly evil they recently smashed out my car window sabotaged many cars involving all kinds of people cops mostly getting drug people and none drug people to do their dirty works for them threw bribes pay offs or blackmailing them by holding prison over them. forcing them to commit worse crimes against the victims.the people involved willingly are purely satanic. normal people could never do such things to anyone. Only Satan’s little slave’s could destroy peoples lives health looks belongings. this is what happens when people stand by and do nothing. This is what happens when good men do nothing. then nothing good gets done and evil prevails. All who stand by and turn their heads and do nothing are as guilty as the ones who are doing it.
— Hi fellow TIs… Unlike most of you I know why I’m being target and by whom. They reveal themselves in acts of arrogance thinking they cannot be caught. Jokes on them. My story: in November 2013 I accidentally discovered my roommate was involved in a HUGE Identity Theft ring in the Dallas, TX area. Upon my discovery I called my attorney in Seattle and asked what to do. I estimated about $50 million had been stolen by she and her violent felon boyfriend and a few others. I had no idea who they were when she moved in. Attorney said call the cops, turn in evidence and pack car and leave town, that night. So I did.
Cops came, collected evidence. I expressed my concern for our safety due to the size of the operation and boyfriends violent offender status. Cops told me I was over reacting. They took evidence and left. I packed car and my kids and headed for Seattle where we have family. 4 days later the perps broke into my home in Texas, ransacked it, sent me photos of themselves inside my home, holding up old mail with Seattle addresses. Bombarded me with texts threatening bodily harm and that they’d find me.
Would it surprise you all to know that the police department NEVER EVEN INVESTIGATED THE CASE?
I begged for help from the police in Texas, got nothing. Contacted DA myself, no response.
Then things seemed to quiet down so I thought the crooks forgot about me. So I thought.
In the meantime I fell in love with and married a British guy, real charmer. Who once he relocated here permenantly began a psychological and physical assault on me making me a prisoner in my own mind. I was drugged, beaten, assaulted, victim of satanic ritual abuse, lost 3 months of memory. Everything I own has been hacked. Every person I’ve met since moving back to Seattle has been one of “them.” And my husband told me he was “here to destroy me.”
The refer to themselves as “family” so I believe they are NWO RKM/Freemasons/illumi-lizards. And yesterday I found a listening device in my bedroom and for about six weeks now my children and I have been victims of VHF sonic attacks making us all sick.
Yesterday I started fighting back. Contacted my attorney because I know if I don’t do something this will never stop. My attorney made some phone calls and have enlisted two PIs , two family law lawyers, and a friend who does intelligence work for the government. He’s made calls to the DA here and once the PIs are done with their investigation we will make a police report and bring charges to my loving husband and every single person we can prove is connected to this, including the police department in Dallas who never investigated the ID theft case to begin with. Thousands of victims and $50 million stolen and I gave them literally a room full of evidence … And they did nothing.
So friends, I too am a victim and am here to tell you these scum will stoop as low as marrying the target in order to get optimum intimate infiltration.
My feeling is that likely in most cases you are not being hounded by government agencies. It’s more likely the case it’s these NWO scum. LOW level technology. The mic in my room could have been made by a 4th grader, very easy and they used old existing phone line. The RF attacks are coming through our cable/internet provider. Cell phones all been hacked on the T-Mobile network.
So check your homes where telephone lines run into home. Look for wire freshly cut, two wires with an inch of rubber stripped off exposing copper and bent like fish hooks, the other two wires, wrapped neatly around cable. That is an eavesdropping device. Perps can hack into local phone company, flip the switch to activate line and listen in 24/7.
Second if your getting the DEW attacks, try disconnecting your broadband, physically, from your home. They hack into that system and piggyback a signal on the one already going into your home.
Cell phones, get a burner phone, pay with cash. GIVE NO ONE YOUR NUMBER UNTIL YOU ARE FACE TO FACE.
I was suicidal a few months ago. Now that I realize how low tech and cheap these guys really are I have gained a tremendous amount of confidence in the last 24 hours. They’re not so scary after all, AND they are about to know the power of the technology the good guys have at our disposal… And they are going to be EXPOSED, which is the thing they hate most. Message me if you like, just know all communications are monitored. Stay strong!
— is there meetings held in Memphis TN … there is alot of this activity in our city. I work at St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital … I have been a victim of harassment on the job … it increased after I went to the EEOC for sexual harrasment … i have experienced electromagnetic harassment in the workplace … I notice after the EH event someone from the Psychology Dept. Inquires. From certain people of my behavior … I am very blessed … Im sane and still in good health … hope theres people in my area I can communicate with.
L. Davidson
March 21, 2016 at 03:15
— I get attacked on forums all the time, though less so these days – the attacks have spread to anyone who questions the official narrative, especially if they are anti-zionist.
— Seems to me that the technique of using deception came from Mossad who has a sign on their wall that says “And by deception, we will conduct war”. So, I am assuming they have taken over our gov and are conducting war against us. At least the Khazars are doing so.
— I believe all these acts are mainly to discover possible strong minds, that then can be abuse in at a multilevel purpose. From marketing strategies to weaponizion without the need of mechanical ineteraction other than a laptop, pad or cell phones.
I’m currently fighting this group of ignorant idiots that think they can get away with it. My harassment started about 5 years ago and as of today still is.
I have been able to uncover a lot of facts and perform my own private research.
I have also been able to track and inventory different sources and criminals posing as everyday people.
I will start posting my story. In phases.
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