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Episode 3: Opening the Five Eyes: Exposing The Methods of the Spies – Suzie Dawson (Oct. 6, 2019); W/ Video Transcription & Graphics

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Episode 3: Opening the Five Eyes: Exposing The Methods of the Spies – Suzie Dawson (Oct. 6, 2019)

Epigraph Quotes:

The intelligence agencies are obsessed with managing risk, and with anything that might disrupt their control over society. They don’t care which party is in office so it’s not about electoral politics in any given country. But they care deeply about their military-intelligence partnerships within and between nations. This would be the ultimate threat that must be mitigated. For them, it’s about military and intelligence data sharing policies. So they have effectively become an un-elected state. They are a permanent un-elected state.

We don’t get to vote on any of it. They are acting for their own gain and not for ours, as a society. They openly use subtle coercion against politicians who know they can’t take on the military-industrial-intelligence agencies.

… How many elected representatives in America are now being funded by Boeing, General Dynamics, or other private sector partners to the MIC (Military-Industrial-Complex). This is what Donald Rumsfeld calls the “Total Force.” Which includes the companies profiting from the many wars since 9/11. It is virtually impossible for our elected officials’ opponents to prevail if they don’t have the funding of the MIC.

… Intelligence agencies meddle and control the political sphere, technology, economics, and education. We could also add the social layer- they are absolutely controlling social movements. They target activists because activists and activist groups have the potential to move society in directions they disapprove of.

Intel agents infiltrate and sabotage both left and right wing movements. Both pro-choice and pro-life organizations are infiltrated, monitored, spied on, and destabilized. Any group that wants any kind of change is considered a threat to the status quo. They don’t want change. Why? They ARE the status quo. So they don’t want to lose an inch of their control. They are acting to maintain their own global supremacy over all of our societies. And they subvert every aspect of every fundamental pillar of human society in order to do so every single day.

Suzie Dawson, activist, journalist, targeted individual, and former President of New Zealand’s Internet Party; from this video

The beast was permitted to go to war against the saints and conquer them. He was given ruling authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation… If anyone has an ear, he had better listen!

Revelation 13:7 & 9

Webmaster Introduction: “The Global Network” (aka “NSA Global Spy Network”) IS “the architecture of oppression” that rules and shapes the world. Drawing on her experience as a TI and a journalist-researcher, Suzie Dawson exposes this “architecture of oppression” in her 10-part series: “Opening the Five Eyes: Exposing the Spies.” The system is comprised of covert SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) and HUMINT (Human Intelligence) ops carried out by the NSA, CIA, DOD, FBI, DHS, and NATO, etc., in the US, the UK Ministry of Defense GCHQ, JTRIG, MI6, MI5, etc., in Britain, the IDF, Unit 8200, Mossad, Shin Bet, etc., in Israel, and their equivalents in over 100 other nations. Cooperating private security and intelligence contractors and their hired thugs (aka “surveillance role players,” “counterterrorism specialists”) execute street level operations and psychological attacks. The Global Network secretly surveilles, targets, and destroys honest, incorruptible activists, journalists, “dissidents,” scientists, truth-tellers, and innumerable others who have been secretly watchlisted and flagged as “potential terrorist threats” or considered “enemies of the state,” “enemy non-combatants,” “extremists,” “radicals,” or “persons of interest,” etc.

This horrific, reprehensible, and criminal “social engineering” system, aka “The National Security Racketeering Network,” is a “growth industry.” It is the largest black and black-market op AND “Crime Against Humanity” in human history. It radically ramped up after 9/11 and continues to expand across the globe today as a for-profit enterprise.

In episodes 6 through 9, Dawson and guests analyze documents from JTRIG (Joint Threat Response Intelligence Group), a part of GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters; the British equivalent of the NSA) and expose the manuals, psychological tricks, methodologies, and protocols deployed in these nefarious operations. My opinion is that these psychological warfare techniques derive mainly from government-military-intelligence agencies’ weaponization of psychology and other sciences conducted by Britain’s Tavistock Institute (1921 onward) and the US governments’ Macy Conferences-CIA MKULTRA+ mind control programs (1947 onward).

The satanic nature of these programs cannot be dismissed. The Christian ethos of “love thy neighbor,” the very underpinning of Western Christian civilization, is hereby replaced by a comprehensive system of psychological abuse, trauma, and torture which, in effect, is the overt expression of “hate, degrade, deceive, and destroy thy neighbor.”

‘Cursed is anyone who attacks (kills, strikes, smites down, smites) a neighbor in secret.’ And all the people will reply, ‘Amen.’

Deuteronomy 27:24

I believe this curse now extends to the agencies, police units, businesses, nations, scientists, academics, populations, and individuals that participate in, financially support, and/or tacitly acquiesce to this (beyond) despicable torture-murder system. Apparently, hell is now expanding exponentially both in this world and the next.

Courageous Kiwi journalist Suzie Dawson takes us to school on how Western intelligence agencies are controlling every aspect of human society.

Watch the full first episode here:​

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Webmaster’s Trascription of Highlights From Episode 3:

Suzie Dawson: 1) In the first week of this 10-part series, we had a very high level overview of what the 5 Eyes intelligence apparatus is and some of my concerns around the way that it functions. And we had a slide show presentation I put together.

2) In the second week, I had my friend Elizabeth Mueller, who is a fellow targeted activist and researcher, on to talk about her findings from the WikiLeaks project’s ICWatch. And we had a look at some of the different job descriptions and details of what various subcontractors of the global intelligence apparatus have been doing based on information from their own CVs.

This is a fund-raising stream for the ivs5i campaign. I am endeavoring to take legal action against the agencies that have violated my rights and the rights of many other citizens around the world. So we need a war chest to take on these agencies.

In the first week, we showed this slide and talked about who the Five Eyes are and the different collections of eyes:

And we talked about the relationships of what the NSA calls it’s Global Network has with its partner agencies from various countries around the world who are effectively vassals of this International Security State. We talked about their adversaries and targets and we talked about the prospective countries who are not owned by the Global Network yet but are on the agenda to be. That is depicted in this slide

Then we talked about the way that NSA sucks up all the data from all the countries around the world but then gives some portion of that data back to those countries, as per this slide:

We talked about the legislation and policy framework that underpins all of this, as in this slide:

And we talked about the latest legislative trends, including anti-privacy and anti-due process trends.

How the Global Network controls society:

There are four key areas in our modern life that I have proven are either under attack by or under the control of the NSA.

“Pertebations” basically means disruptions. The intelligence agencies are obsessed with managing risk, and with anything that might disrupt their control over society. They don’t care which party is in office so it’s not about electoral politics in any given country. But they care deeply about their military-intelligence partnerships within and between nations. This would be the ultimate threat that must be mitigated. For them, it’s about military and intelligence data sharing policies. So they have effectively become an un-elected state. They are a permanent un-elected state.

We don’t get to vote on any of it. They are acting for their own gain and not for ours, as a society. They openly use subtle coercion against politicians. They know they can’t take on the military-industrial-intelligence agencies.

We now see infiltration of institutions by NSA-CIA dispatched foreign spies from Five Eyes to infiltrate French politics. Covert electoral interference. We now have overt infiltration of the political process by the “CIA democrats.”

Alumni of intelligence agencies are openly running for office. The interference is now out in the open.

Subversion of the political realm. They openly spy on oversight committees. Policies and actions of intelligence agencies don’t match those of their supposed bosses. Whitlam, the Australian PM, in 1975, did not even know that Australia was part of the Five Eyes.

The MIC subverts the will of the people.

Coercion is about tacit, implied, or open threats. The threat of terrorism is used by the Global Network to threaten potential partners (nations, etc.). Politicians who may want to cut funding to certain agencies are quickly silenced by the threat of terrorism. It is the eternal justification for the endless growth of these agencies. No politician wants to be the one who could have stopped the terrorist attack if he hadn’t blocked the funding.

How many elected representatives in America are now being funded by Boeing, General Dynamics, or other private sector partners to the MIC. This is what Rumsfeld calls the “total force.” Which includes the companies profiting from the many wars since 9/11. It is virtually impossible for our elected officials’ opponents to prevail if they don’t have the funding of the MIC.

The media has begun hiring ex- or current intelligence personnel and executives as talking heads and experts. The covert has now become the overt.

Many organizations have the appearance of serving the people but are staffed by ex-military and intelligence people. The liaison offices at NSA proactively put a choke hold on intelligence reaching other agencies. Intel agency executives just flat out lie to the public and to Congress. They do so with impunity.

NSA has tremendous obsession with “budget day.” This is the day they submit their budget requests to Congress. They put the highest priority on receiving as much money as possible. They are also obsessed with stopping the flow of information to Congress. They have no qualms about lying to justify all this.

The technological sphere:

Telco and the internet providers are under the control of the intelligence agencies. Every ISP is mandated to cooperate directly with the intelligence services and to provide an open door to their systems.

Intelligence agencies are obsessed with getting backdoors to hardware and software. The entire planet is now on two operating systems for mobile communications. The intelligence agencies actively restrict innovation especially in this field because they want to control who supplies hardware and software services to the consumer market.

Thus, they like monopolies. We probably have a billion cell phones. But only two operating systems for the entire planet.

The CIA has IN Q TEL; they use money as another form of coercion. In funding agencies, they control the direction of the projects, who is or isn’t involved, the corporate relationships of the project. If you don’t take their money and work with them, they can effectively destroy anyone or any company that won’t cooperate.

They can destroy any startup that gets in their way. Subversion techniques are the same as for TIs. They choose which entrepreneurs will succeed. In the Western world, we operate under this fallacy of the “meritocracy.” This is B.S. Kim Dotcom is a good example. He was vastly successful, he had products that hundreds of millions of people were using. His house was raided by a 100-armed police unit with helicopters and attack dogs. He has gone through several years of litigation. He is being prosecuted for “copyright infringement,” which is a civil and not a criminal charge. Yet he is relentlessly persecuted, smeared and attacked. They are attempting to extradict him. His home was raided, his business was seized, his customer data was erased.

Why? He took a stand against the intelligence agencies. And he refused to allow his business to be run by them, so he became a target of them. If you succeed with a project outside their systems, you will either be bought out or you will be destroyed. The carrot or the stick. They will waive the money first and then the stick.

The exact same tactics and methods get used as against targeted individuals in the activism and other spheres. The “lawfare”, arrest on false pretenses, the attempted extraditions, etc.

The reason is that the persecutors/perpetrators are the same: the intelligence agencies of the NSA’s Global Network.

The NSA documents from 2002 show that NSA knew the future of the internet would be Wifi- and everyone would have access to this. So they wanted to control the strategic development of the technology. They control when we receive these technologies. They want to have access to it before we do. Secondly, they want to have already honed and controlled that technology.

They exploit these technologies before the rest of us have any access to the technologies. Access….

In December, 2014, I wrote an article entitled “Deciphering the TOR Project:” From “the level playing field.”

Access to technology has always been the dividing line between the haves and the have-nots. Serving the general public is at the bottom of the access spectrum. First, comes the military, then the Military-commercial sector, then the commercial sector, then the American public, and then other countries in the order in which they are favored by Americans.

Access to Technology Waterfall:

1) The Military = top of the food chain, they run the governments
2) Military–Industrial Complex
3) Rich- The Global Elite- have amazing technology in their homes
4) US Commercial Markets
5) US-MIC favored partner countries (the rest of the 5 Eyes)
6) US-MIC least favored non-partner countries

All this information is derived from research I’ve done over the past years. This shows how access to technology is staggered in favor of the war mongers of the world. So we little people are the last to participate in these innovations.

AI is the missing piece. Surveillance is also really key. But I’ll do separate streams on these topics later. But they are integral to everything we are speaking about.

You can tell who the legitimate activists are because either: 1) they are viciously smeared, or 2) they are met with a wall of silence and totally ignored.

Good people don’t want to live in societies in which there is wanton, complete top-down control. So we need to work together.

Intel agencies are obsessed with economics. The FBI and others have claimed they don’t spy for economic gain. Obama and an FBI director made many such comments. This is total and complete BS. They spy every single day for economic gain. Not only do they spy for economic gain, but they form partnerships with other agencies to maintain their economic supremacy.

They are obsessed with trade. This is closely linked with economic gain. For example, the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership); the heads of all intelligence services signed letters to Obama and other leaders claiming it was critical to the National Security of America that TPP be passed. This is because the intel agencies have their fingers in every pie. TPP established transnational tribunals that usurped national laws and legislators. So then henceforth, laws written by corporations would supercede those of nation states.

All Five Eyes agencies were spying to make sure they got their guy appointed to the World Trade Organization. They are also obsessed with the World Bank, World Economic Forum- these are active espionage targets.

The CIA, FBI, and partner countries of the Global Network are NSA customers. (Ex-NSA whistleblower) Bill Binney stated: “The NSA track them, the CIA whack them.” This is accurate. Or you could say, the NSA harvests the information and the CIA and others act on it. The NSA will spy on the attendees of the World Economic Forum or the UN, etc. But the CIA will actually physically infiltrate it. They are the human intelligence- HUMINT.

NSA does the SIGINT (signals intelligence); they are the system spies, compromising the systems and the networks. The CIA are the HUMINT; they are compromising the individuals and organizations. SIGINT is collected for the benefit of the human intelligence agencies.

They have their own economic fora. This is “Economic Security Day.” They bring experts in economics all around the world and ask them “how better can we serve you?” In other words, what kind of information can we steal for you?”

Customers of the NSA include the Federal Reserve Bank of America and the US Departments of Treasury and Energy. And each customer has its customers. USDA customers include major agriculture corporations such as Monsanto. So the corporations could be the secondary customers.

They obtain this information by espionage…. by spying on, usurping, and obtaining intellectual property from around the world. They may go after particular strands of DNA- and DNA code. Science and research, and research and development.

The NSA built relationships with credit-scoring companies in the US. They wanted the algorithms. and find out how these companies make their determinations about their customers and score them. 2004-2006. These companies were moonlighting as intel agencies too.

My research suggests China is probably not responsible for developing the social credit score system. It was developed and used first in the West. They have the technology to do it.

This could well relate to the watch-listing and targeting programs. Social-credit scoring technologies are probably used in determining who to target and the level of targeting involved. This should be of intense interest to all of us.

The NSA has created slush funds, has siphoned off money to the NSA Corporation. They have private equity and have developed two-way relationships with their partner organizations. The NSA bills their customers. They create “products.” They bill for their services. They are a commercial enterprise. They call themselves “the business.” They create invoices. It’s not just about the public funding. It’s also about the money they squeeze out of the corporate sector. They have access to the highest technology and the most sensitive trade secrets.

They have access to and control education. They invite and pay university experts to come to the CIA and NSA and hold special training sessions… Professors are on payroll to come and lecture to the employees of the intelligence agencies. And vice versa. And intelligence agency experts are invited to give presentations to universities.

The privatization of education increases the veracity of this. The Chancellors earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. So universities cannot maintain independence from the intelligence agencies. Also, there are the big endowments that fund universities.

The NSA consider the universities to be “recruiting pools.” John Kiriakou was recruited this way. Intelligence professionals are involved in terrorism intelligence programs… There is a revolving door between intelligence agencies and universities. Talking heads of corporate media. And as infiltrating as faculty. There are specific disciplines most affected: These include linguistics and international relations. These are basically spy disciplines. This is not even hidden. ICWatch docs feature, time and time again, a focus on linguistics and international relations. These disciplines have been taken over by the spy agencies. The practice of these disciplines has been taken over by people who require war to expand their own profits and for their own careers.

Diplomacy is about war…. “war is peace.” NSA talked about having 15,000 employees in 2004: about half of these specialized in linguistics. This makes a mockery of the disciplines themselves and it gives a dirty name to anyone who studies these disciplines who doesn’t become part of the war machine.

Spies are also obsessed with strategy…. What is the world going to be like in 5, 10, 20 years? They develop these long range plans, trying to stay ahead of the trajectory of the progress of human society. They decided the best way to predict was to have an intermediary organization, an NGO, to sponsor a competition for high school kids, and have them write what the world would be like in 20 years. Then the NSA usurped the ideas of these high school students and incorporated these ideas into their strategic plans. What your kid writes in school could become NSA policy!

They use a variety of ruses, including entire organizations that are used to create a buffer between the NSA and other organizations.

Then we have the think tanks; all of them have agendas. A lot of them have ties to intel agencies- and many are directly funded by the MIC. They perform research that serve those who fund them.

Intel agencies meddle and control the political sphere, technology, economics, and education…. We could also add the social layer- they are absolutely controlling social movements. They target activists because activists and activist groups have the potential to move society in directions they disapprove of.

Intel agents infiltrate and sabotage both left and right wing movements. Both pro-choice and pro-life organizations are infiltrated, monitored, spied on, and destabilized. Any group that wants any kind of change is considered a threat to the status quo. They don’t want change. Why? They ARE the status quo. So they don’t want to lose an inch of their control. They are acting to maintain their own global supremacy over all of our societies. And they subvert every aspect of every fundamental pillar of human society in order to do so every single day.


Suzie: 1) CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) is one of those globalist organizations. Like the intel agencies, they want control over every inch of the globe. They want visibility and the ability to collect all information and data. I believe in decentralization. I don’t want there to be one master, international intelligence-data scam cabal in control of everything like we have now. Unfortunately, they are probably 85-90% of the way to getting complete control and total global domination. This is what CFR exists for.

2) The credit rating probing and scoring system is a method of harvesting targets and also a way of identifying people for recruitment. It is a way for them to determine- do they want to recruit you or destroy you. They want to know everything about every one.

3) Re: the latest NDAA…. National Defense Authorization Act..

4) We have to band together to make a difference. Einstein: “It’s not important that we win, it’s important that we try. Alice Walker: “Activism is the rent I pay for living on this planet.”. Every bit of progress has come from people getting off their butts and fought the power.

5) The Global Network can target individuals and groups but it can’t overcome all of us. Get people to buy out of the spectacle of the electoral system. Step 1): Educate people. Step 2): Buy out of the Global Network.

6) There is an endless elite-network of relationships. The revolving doors between intel agencies and corporations, etc. The Clinton Foundation: look at the client list, it inclues most of the nations of the world. So this is one of the greatest all mafia scams. Corruption on epic scale. So many of these ex-CIA and ex-FBI guys- Phillip Mudd, often a CNN host, openly brags about the money he makes. Do the intel agencies work for banks or vice versa? They are one and the same thing and you can’t separate them.

The systems are the problem here.

7) Infiltrators into activist movements- sabateur X or Y or Z….. but if you get rid of that person, he is simply replaced with another one. There will always be another Stasi opportunist to take the money. At the end of the day, none of them can operate without the Global Network. If Global Network was shut down, this couldn’t function any more.

This is why the system came down so hard on Snowden, Assange, etc. We have to go after the systems of control.

8) I know organizations that have run counter-surveillance operations…. in UK and Europe.

9) I am way past the point of believing that the political control system we have will provide justice. The things we are talking about will require large sectors of society to understand these issues. It needs to be socially unacceptable to have any affiliation with the intelligence agencies. Social stigmas are powerful. They are facilitating wars every single day.

If we don’t want war, we can’t like the spies. This is the system that allows the wars to be perpetuated.

10) The political system is a field in which the MIC is comfortable operating within- and has achieved control over. Decentralized social movements are our best chance of countering that.

11) I literally was a high school dropout. I failed science. So I have limitations.

There is very little discussion about whose careers have been funded by intelligence services.


Kenneth Peartree
1 year ago
Very interesting stuff Suzi. I like to record the best info when I run across hard hitting factual information. I found that this type of stuff often is taken down quickly. When I tried to grab it, I found that all downloads have been blocked. The advantage to them is that when they make this information disappears, it will not ever bee seen again. Just thought you should know. Keep spreading the truth! Ken

Mayel M
1 year ago
Hello Suzie! I’m a Mexican Target who wants to help #1vs5i and by the moment let you know that our current president Andrés Manuel López Obrador is a Person of Interest too. I’ll send you an e-mail with more info from his official youTube channel and Mexican media.

Thank You so much for all your activism! ‘

Pariahs Of Vindication
1 year ago
Thank you so much for what you’re doing Suzie. By the way if you haven’t already check out what William Binney (Ex Technical Director at the NSA) has to say about funding in addition to everything else he has acknowledged;)

1 year ago
wow Suzie def impressed with this Fiona Barnett closes on the the many paradigms as well via her new book pdf free online

Suzie Greer
1 year ago
Hello Suzie i take a long time to get used to people of authority im very privaliged to speak to you i am not here to threaten you i dont think i ever have but the companies you mention i fear must have the power to pressurise people like you and i. If the people around you think i am a threat i can assure you i am not the true threat i am realising are the ones who are trying to slur me destroy me and my family i had a really big shock when you showed me what you had to show me i say had to show me because i now realise just what this means to you they arent nice people and we should all recognise as im sure you do just what non intelligence clods they really are. Ive had nothing but terrorism all my life what in some style or another

1 year ago (edited)
Get Diplomatic immunity !! Your wise to stay where you are ! Not going to change it’s going global some believe !

Boy Levendis
1 year ago
Stigmatise the surveillance state!

1 year ago
Telecom: Carlos Slim Helu & Family

1 year ago
There’s a “Terrible Thing that CHINA AND RUSSIA did without consulting with the Empire first…. They kinda unleashed the Ghost of Human Creativity to everybody within their sphere of influence, like their home Countries for example.. Now this is something that West didn’t exactly anticipated to say the least ! hehe The Empire sorta underestimated the Power of Human Creativity in a way. And it is starting to show slowly but surely… The Chinese and Russians have already surpassed the West’s Technology level on many crucial levels… But they intend to share the technology with less developed nations all over the world (belt and Road initiative). The Empire already lags behind in technology and the gap is only getting bigger by the day… ?

Suzie Greer
1 year ago
Im sorry if youre feeling ot just cant be as bad as you and believe me i would not like to pigeon hole ive been involved with the intell all my life and i feel numb and i just cant believe they have planned this from the beginning if you feel im lying please look into it if you cant, please understand my life is at stake you dont seem to be noticing my family has been torn appart surely you must understand certain people are really happy about this i have a gross misstust in certain people in power

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