The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
Organized Stalking/Mind Control & “Covert Social Credit System” Are “Risk Management” In “Secret Global Government’s” “Control Grid” & Coup Against Humanity: Catherine Austin Fitts Interview- 1/28/22
New World Order
Articles & Interviews
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November 25, 2015Appendix 5: Maurice Strong: Godfather of Crestone/Baca
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February 24, 2014Organized Gang Stalking Quotes
February 23, 2014Dr. Mercola Interviews Catherine Austin Fitts and Aleks Svetski (Jan. 28, 2022)
Webmaster’s Comment: In this interview, economist, Catherine Austin Fitts, offers many essential insights into humanity’s present extremely dangerous situation. Her insights into the “control grid” of “Mr. Global’s” “secret governance system” help provide the context for the global system of organized stalking/targeting of civilians now being prosecuted under the guise of “risk management.”
Aleks Svetski also participates in the dialogue and focuses on the merits of bitcoin as a means of regaining freedom and sovereignty. In the following selected transcript of the video, I highlight Catherine’s insights into our present dilemma and mostly ignore Aleks’ sales pitch for bitcoin.
Summary Quote:
Catherine Austin Fitts:“What we are experiencing is a coup. The current secret, central governance system is harvesting this planet for enormous amounts of resources. Sometimes I call this system “the tapeworm.” Unbeknown to most of us, we have a Covert Social Credit System, which has developed over centuries. It has three primary lines of control:
1) financial carrots and sticks (bribes and blackmail, rewards and punishment)
2) surveillance and mind control; telecommunications, media, propaganda and education
3) covert operations; regulatory enforcement, taxation and covert physical intervention
They control everything through people. Person by person.
This control system is phenomenally wasteful. They have AI, they have software. And the more money the taxpayer pays for this system to operate, the more money that Mr. Global makes. So from a financial viewpoint, there is no amount of money you can’t (they won’t) spend on the control grid.
Very few people understand how this control grid works. They don’t even see the control grid, let alone perceive its dangers. How do we get people to see this control grid before it snaps shut on them?
(Webmaster Comment: These “covert physical interventions”, I surmise, include gangstalking-electronic torture and harassment of “enemies of the state”/targeted individuals up to and including their murder. And yes, CAF has been targeted by the US government and is now living in Europe. So she knows from first-hand experience about these covert ops.
Excerpts from Catherine Austin Fitts:
We all want freedom and want to free ourselves from the Secret Governance System (aka “Mr. Global”). Essentially, to do this, we have to have a currency system that is not 100% digital.
The global leaders are trying to move the global financial system off of our traditional currencies to a 100% digital control grid on the Smart Grid where they have 100% control.
Unbeknown to most of us, we have a Covert Social Credit System, which has developed over centuries, which has three primary lines of control:
1) financial carrots and sticks
2) surveillance and mind control; telecommunications, media, propaganda, and education
3) covert operations; regulatory enforcement, taxation, or covert physical intervention
(Webmaster Comment: i.e., gangstalking-electronic torture and harassment of “enemies of the state”/targeted individuals up to and including their murder.
They really control people. They control everything through people. One by one. Person by person.”
(Webmaster Comment: Catherine’s discussion of the three lines of control of the Covert Social Credit System, point 3 (covert operations/sabotage) converges with the idea of social engineering and targeting of civilians as a part of the elites’ “risk management” strategy*. (See below statement by Suzie Dawson, journalist/activist/politician, New Zealand Targeted Individual) In her podcasts (posted on this website), Suzie Dawson, also states that intelligence agencies view their covert sabotage/targeting/stalking of civilians as “risk management.”)
Catherine Austin Fitts: Anybody who wants freedom wants transparency. If we permit 100% digital transaction system, we will be forfeiting all our freedom. It will be the end of human liberty in the West. The control grid has already been built.
The current secret, central governance system is harvesting this planet for enormous amounts of resources. Sometimes I call this system “the tapeworm.” This creates a huge, hidden drain on the economic system.
We need to bring transparency to the financial system. How does control work? We can help people see it. Control happens one person at a time. Financial harvesting happens one person at a time. And freedom also happens one person at a time.
We are now working with a model I call the Central Banking-Military Model. They need a monopoly on violence and a monopoly on money. I would argue that we could make the current financial system much more viable by removing the corruption. How we create a social covenant and a culture that supports the financial system.
Control happens one person at a time, financial harvesting happens one person at a time, and freedom happens one person as a time. Dr. Mercola helps us to maintain our health.
Mind control also plays a huge role in maintaining the control grid. So in addition to transparency, people also need resiliency from mind control. I have done everything in my power to protect myself and my ( team from the influence of mind control. And I’d say I’m lucky to get a C- in this regard.
Being healthy and sovereign is extremely important in this war. How can a significant percent of the sovereign people help others to do the same? We need a critical mass of intelligent, committed, sovereign individuals who are willing to work so that food, energy, and shelter can also be independent and resilient. A currency to be in balance needs the assets to be in balance. The assets are food, energy, and shelter.
The satellites and mind control will try to stop us. So these (sovereign) people need to be able to outwit the satellites.
We are better off dead than going to where Mr. Global intends to go. There is nothing I would not do to stay out of Mr. Global’s trap. It’s clear we have to rebuild a healthy economy through cooperation and specialization … community.
Aleks: 80% of people are fucking lemmings. So it’s up to the 20% of us to create a model of a free society as an alternative to the penopticon of what is being created for us.
Catherine: I’ve found that 10% of people are what I call net energy plus. 80% will follow whoever is in charge and 10% are net energy minus. So I feel quite positive about the 80%. If we can put the 10% plus in charge and keep the 10% net energy minus people in the corner, things can change overnight. But Mr. Global is great at promoting the net energy minus people to positions of leadership.
Mr. Global’s minions are recruiting, managing. and financing people. The leaders (net energy plus) will naturally emerge unless they are suppressed.
Predator evasion is where I have never seen us excel. I’d like to see us excel here.
Aleks: Mr. Global is a parasite. He wants something for nothing.
Catherine: However, Mr. Global manages a lot of risk issues. In a secret system, he can’t share with us what that risk is.
… People who have no idea of what’s going on, can’t make good decisions. The governance system is completely broken.
One of my favorite quotes is: “To be a hero, you must first survive.”
I’m watching a control grid snap into place. They are trying to morph the green/vaccine passport into a private digital identity wallet and now they are adding biometrics. So we are watching the financial system slowly getting closer and closer to building a control grid…. it is a control grid of people and everything.
The Brits are saying that cyber security efforts have to be professionalized. And of course everybody has to be mind controlled through their computers and their cell phones.
(The system) works like a covert, invisible social credit score system. It hasn’t been made over because they haven’t yet been able to bring the Constitutions down. But their efforts to do so are very significant. But they are making progress with the vaccine passports. So the question is, how do we stop that?
Aleks: Bitcoin is the way to stop it.
Catherine: The main goal of the control grid to is to control thought and desire. Money is only a piece of the control system.
This control system is phenomenally wasteful. They have AI, they have software. And the more money the taxpayer pays for this system to operate, the more money that Mr. Global makes. So from a financial viewpoint, there is no amount of money you can’t (they won’t) spend on the control grid.
Very few people understand how this control grid works. They don’t even see the control grid, let alone perceive its dangers. How do we get people to see this control grid before it snaps shut on them?
What we are experiencing is a coup. We have been up against an invisible machinery. The control system operates out of the federal credit, the telecommunications, the covert operations. Until now, the majority could not see this coup until very recently. The control grid goes back centuries, well before the Constitution.
I’d say most people in my generation have felt their interests were better served by going along with power structure. Only now, are they questioning this.
Reset refers to balancing finances/currencies and real assets and people. Starting in 1998, this financial coup has been going on in America. Between 1998 and 2015, we issued $21 trillion in debt and pulled that $21 trillion out the back door. So they have to abrogate their commitments to retirement, medical care, etc. As a political matter, how do you engineer the fact that there is no longer money for pensions, medical care, etc. You use the magic virus.
The reset has to be how you get the real assets and the people back in balance.
The United States is one of the most amazing pieces of real estate in the world. If you re-engineer and re-align the financial system, there could be fantastic progress for all.
We have an economy that has a negative return on investment. But we could generate fantastic amounts of wealth quite readily. The wealth is there to be create. We need to create transparency in the financial system and in the corruption. They see that opportunity too, but they are moving to do in a different way than we would.
Aleks: They want to do it in a way that they acquire 80+% of the wealth for themselves.
Catherine: Absolutely. We need to find a way to bring widespread transparency to the control grid and widespread transparency to who is Mr. Global.
The problem that a secret governance system is harvesting us and has created a massive culture of corruption. Ultimately, there is no work-around this problem.
We are having a global coup. That’s the problem that needs to be dealt with. I would say that the elite are trying to drain off too much. The system is becoming more and more unstable. It is consolidating into central control.
I’m having a hard time finding sovereign people who can protect themselves from the mind control and the sabotage. We want each individual to be free and to collaborate with others. And find ways not to have their wealth siphoned off by Mr. Global.
Secrecy is extremely expensive.
I understand control because I have spent so much time dealing with control on the overt side and the covert side. Until we have a serious understanding of the control grid we don’t have a chance of effecting positive change.
Aleks: What methods could a state use to crash the value of bitcoin?
Catherine: Have you really seriously studied how brainwashing and mind control work? I’m talking about entrainment (of the brain) that comes through digital methods. I’m talking about high-tech manipulation of people’s minds.
How much is entrainment being used to market bitcoin or other cryptos? It’s a pump an dump.
I don’t think we have a common map of what (sabotage/mind control) tactics are available and what they do?
I think I’ve gotten “whacked” by the control grid more than most people. I’ve had a phenomenal education at the hands of the National Security State.
Follow-Up Perspectives On The Corporate-Governance Predator Class’s Coup Against Humanity
1) * Suzie Dawson (New Zealand activist/politician/journalist/targeted individual on targeting of individuals as “risk management” for government departments and their “customers” in the private sector:
“Almost everything we are talking about comes under the umbrella of “counter-terrorism.” But they expand their definition of counter-terrorism to mean any threat to national security. Then they expand what a threat to national security is, thus, deliberately broadening the scope of what it means to be a threat to national security. They decided private corporations and banks, credit card companies, etc. are considered part of “critical infrastructure.” So if you are a threat to critical infrastructure, like a bank, you become a threat to national security. Then all the apparatus of the state is used to target you.
The government departments justify spying on their own citizens as being part of “risk management.” We’ve seen the invoices of governments hiring private intelligence agencies to spy on “threats” (targets) on the ground. This is put on the general ledger as a security expense. Hence, the targeting of citizens around the world who oppose some government policy or activity; we are being deemed a risk either to the government or to the police and security state, or to corporate entities. And then these military Fusion Centers, are trading in our data and pushing them up through the military networks.
The Fusion Centers became propagated right across the domestic homelands of the western world. There are 78 in the United States. And there are also international Fusion Centers. This is a military initiative which has been brought to the homeland which is obviously a total violation of human rights and countless historical principles. The domestic police intelligence units and the government departments and corporate entities don’t like to do dirty work themselves, so they hire private intelligence and private security contractors. And those contractors are the ones that hire teams of people that go and stalk, target, interfere with, sabotage, and destroy the lives of whoever is deemed to be a risk to the state. They are literally billing the government. So the government is identifying who should be targeted and then these are the goons that are actually doing it.”
2) Relevant Quote From “The Controversy of Zion,” by Douglas Reed, 1978:
“The bid to capture the civil service in America was made in 1943, the fourth year of he Second World War, and was partially exposed (by chance) in 1947, when the fog was clearing. The aim was to interpose between the American people and their public services a secret, deflationist black-list which would prevent men of patriotic duty from entering them, and open them wide to approved agents of the conspiracy. The lists then compiled were at one period being so rapidly extended that they would soon have included every person in the United States whose employment in public office was not desired by the secret arbiters. The defamatory dossiers of the A.D.. were being incorporated in the official files of the American Civil Service. This could have provided the basis for secret police action at a later stage. (“Political opponents” were round up on the strength of such lists by Goering’s new secret police on the night of the Reichstag fire.). All unknown to the American people, then and now, a coup of the first order was far advanced in preparation.
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