The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
Insights from ¨The World Order¨ (Mullins, 1992) Pertaining to GOG´S OP (Global Organized Gang Stalking- Operation Phoenix
New World Order
Articles & Interviews
Part IV: The (Jewish) “Controllers” and Their Destructive Mission
February 8, 2025Part VI: Mind Control: History and Applications
February 3, 2025Appendix 1: Crestone/Baca “Group Dynamics” (2006-2008)
December 27, 2024Books and pdfs by Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist
October 7, 2024“PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order:” Dr. Robert Malone Lecture
September 17, 2024Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 2024Hello
July 9, 2024Gray State (film)
February 19, 2024Appendix 36: Is Colorado the Future Capital of the New World Order?
February 9, 2024Appendix 42. Psychological Operations Blueprint (by Omnisense)
January 26, 2024Appendix 243: DARPA’s Brain Initiative videos
December 7, 2023Appendix 63: NASA’s Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast- 1994
November 1, 2023Appendix 64: The Unified Conspiracy Theory; The Greatest Hoax
November 1, 2023Appendix 66: The Zionist Jew World Order
October 31, 2023The Intra-Body Nano-Network Compilation (Sept. 5, 2023 video)
October 27, 2023Cognitive Warfare June-November, 2020 Francois du Cluzel
March 16, 2023Appendix 148: Kabbalah, Satanic Jewish Black Magic, & Freemasonry
November 24, 2022Appendix 214: Gray State (Movie)
November 26, 2021Timeline of United States Military Operations
December 25, 2020New World Order: UN Agenda 21/2030 Mission Goals
December 19, 2020The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism (Henry Makow, Ph.D.)
November 27, 2020(Choose) Freedom In Christ
October 18, 2020Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
September 19, 2020Are Lawyers Patenting TI’s DNA?
March 30, 2020Some Appropriate Graphics For Covid 19(84) & 5G N(J)ew World Order
February 28, 2020Who Are “They?”… Their Statements Say…. Starts with J….
November 18, 2018USA Freedom Act (2015 Update of USA PATRIOT ACT)
November 9, 2018You Are The Enemy (by Preston James of Veterans Today, 2014)
September 25, 2018The Unified Conspiracy Theory
May 19, 2018Terrorism and War (Dr. E. Karlstrom Lecture Notes, ca. 2000)
March 17, 2018Post-WWII U.S. undeclared and/or secret wars and “war triggers”
January 20, 2018Truth In Quotes and Images: Freedom Fighters Help Yourselves
January 5, 2018Trump’s ‘Jew-nited States of Israel’ (Icke Commentary)
January 5, 2018Chabadniks and Zionists are 9/11 “perpetraitors”
November 26, 2017Dr. Eric Karlstrom: Global Warming (Hoax) is Politics Not Science
November 7, 2017(Jewish) Protocols Explain Almost Everything: Author Hugh Akins Explains
September 27, 2017USAF Squadrons & Satellite Weapons
June 19, 2017Trump is Puppet of Zionist Jews (youtube)
December 6, 2016Synonyms and Fronts for the NWO
February 19, 2016Total Individual Control Technology (by Omnisense)
February 17, 2016The United Nations and Planned World Government (from De Ruiter, 2015)
February 15, 2016Techniques and Strategies of the New World Order
January 23, 2016The Illuminati, Skull and Bones & “The Plan”
January 11, 2016YOU are THE ENEMY by Preston James, Ph.D. (Veterans Today, 2014)
November 27, 2015Secret Records Revealed Highlights
November 25, 2015Appendix 5: Maurice Strong: Godfather of Crestone/Baca
January 24, 2015Introduction to Terrorism: Theirs and Ours
January 21, 2015Post-WWII American War Crimes
January 21, 2015“The Zionist/Jewish-Controlled Media is Public Enemy Number One”
January 21, 2015Oil politics 101
February 28, 2014Merry Christmas, and OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!
February 28, 2014Eco-Politics and Economics
February 28, 2014Alan Watt, Researcher
February 28, 2014Charlotte Iserbyt, Author
February 27, 2014John Taylor Gatto, Author
February 26, 2014Scientific evidence exposes chemtrail spraying as crime against humanity
February 25, 2014Social Engineering 101: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (Against Humanity)
February 25, 2014Dr. Steve Filling
February 25, 2014Jewish “global lies” are collapsing (National Journal, 2011)
February 24, 2014Organized Gang Stalking Quotes
February 23, 2014Commentary and transcription by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor, Dept. of Geography, California State University, Stanislaus (June, 2017)
Epigraph Quotes:
¨The two aims of the party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought¨….. (From) George Orwell (1984)
In combat, the decisive weapon is the one your opponent does not know about.
Despite its present hegemony, the World Order of parasitism realizes that it is always subject to being dislodged, which, in effect, would mean its destruction. Therefore, it is necessary to control not only the channels of communication of the host, but his very thought processes as well; to maintain constant vigilance that the host does not develop any concept of the danger of his situation, or any power to throw off the parasite.
… Mullins, E. (1992), The World Order; Our Secret Rulers, A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism
I. ETK Introduction
The targets of gang stalking (aka GOG´S OP for Global Organized Gang Stalking: Operation Phoenix and GOG´S NeW GESTAPO for Global Organized Gang Stalking Neuro Warfare Groups´ Electronic Slavery, Torture and PsyOp Operations) are the victims of a system of extreme psychological warfare designed to discredit/destroy/dispose of them and/or to use them as human lab rats for the testing of psychotronic-electronic (neuro) weapons. Most targeted individuals (TIs) don´t understand the system that is targeting them or why they are being targeted. Journalist George Webb reports that 2 million Americans are now on the Terrorist Watch List and yet are unaware of that fact. We may assume that a high percentage of these individuals are being targeted by this system.
In ¨Project Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed,¨ ex-CIA ¨mind hacker,¨ Dr. Robert Duncan states:
¨The number of successful kills through mind hacking cannot be estimated due to the extremely large collateral damage numbers.
….Inducing prolonged and intense stress on the target can cause heart failure and strokes. The techniques range from a runaway adrenal process to inducing heart arrhythmias and vascular contractions to raise blood pressure to unsafe levels in order to find a defect and weakness.
Even during the ¨free-torture¨ Bush eras, torture doctrines required a physician present. When purposefully torturing one to death, the rule of law doesn´t apply. Unfortunately, federal rule of law is simply ¨don´t get caught,¨ ¨deny everything,¨ and ¨dead men don´t talk.¨
Killing someone with just information, cellular communication and neurological weapons can be more difficult than one might suspect. It can take a long time in many cases, but the combined probabilities of the thousands of different techniques add up. This is why they are spending so much money and human resources on perfecting this weapon.
… Many of the behavioral modification-to-death techniques can be defeated by faith in religion. (This) can´t stop the torture but it can stop the quick kills and use of the human as an assassin for political and military reasons. However, religion can be used against the target, too, using the ¨Voice of God¨ and omnipotent techniques.¨
Duncan here is referring to the covert system now being used to torture and kill American civilians; a massive criminal violation of the laws of the land and the principles of the U.S. Constitution. Indeed, it amounts to treason. How can ¨they¨ get away with this? Who are ¨they?¨ Are ¨they¨ above the law? Has the U.S. government been captured by forces hostile to the American people and the Constitution? Such colossal, systemic corruption of our institutions assures us that it has.
The objective of this post is to help the reader (and this researcher!) better understand the goals, modus operandi, and ¨psychology¨ of the ¨World Order¨ (aka ¨shadow government¨) in order to determine why it is now deploying these GOG´S NeW GESTAPO against civilian non-combatants at home and abroad.
Certainly, a primary goal of gang stalking/mind control is to neutralize/eliminate dissidents and create a self-policing fascist society (Forwood, 2011). But Forwood also describes Satanic elements in the program that trace to the Satanists in the highest eschelons of society who control the system.
There can also be no doubt that GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, commonly referred to as ¨gang stalking,¨ is the modern extension of previous totalitarian police state programs that were designed to control, manipulate, and suppress civilian populations. These include the Soviet Cheka, East German Stasi police, Nazi Gestapo, FBI´s COINTELPRO and CIA´s MKULTRA, CHAOS, and Phoenix Programs, and the U.S. military´s GARDEN PLOT and Cable Splicer programs. A fundamental goal of all these programs has been to neutralize and/or eliminate internal political enemies of the state.
Thus, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO appears to constitute: a) covert 4th Generation Warfare (¨civil-military operations¨) deployed by the U.S. military, DHS (Department of Homeland Security), private corporations, local police personnel, paid and volunteer civilians, and other agencies against individuals and groups designated as ¨potential terrorist threats¨ at home and abroad (Rich, 2011; Thomas, 2011), b) a method to discredit, destroy and dispose of dissidents and other undesirables, c) a massive electronic-psychotronics (neuro) weapons testing program covertly being carried out on non-consenting civilians, d) a system of covert thought control, perception management, social engineering and political control (Rich, 2011), and e) a covert means to extend MKULTRA mind control testing on unwitting human subjects, perhaps in order to serve black budget programs in artificial intelligence, development of conscious computers, transhumanism, and robotics. These aspects of GOG´S NeW GESATPO are documented on this website.
Evidence also suggests that GOG´S NeW GESATPO is: a) an extremely lucrative make-work program for military, corporate, and civilian sectors of society; collectively termed, the National Security Establishment, b) a method to ¨Divide and Conquer¨ the domestic population…. in effect, by creating a silent and invisible civil war, c) the logical extension of the CIA´s historic, global ¨Murder, Inc.¨ depradations abroad and the inevitable ¨homecoming¨ manifestation of the Anglo-American ¨cultura del muerte¨ (¨culture of death¨), d) a mechanism for rulers to ¨cull the herd¨ of any perceived potential threats, such as, perhaps, veterans, or other groups considered expendable, such as retirees, e) a form of torture and human sacrifice carried out by Satan´s minions for their lord, Satan and/or f) a mechanism by which to drive good people to commit suicide and thus, to eternal damnation, and g) a means of ¨satanizing¨ the entire society.
We also test the hypotheses here that, as one implanted TI (¨targeted individual¨) informed me, ¨Jews are behind the whole thing¨ and ¨¨they¨ create psychopaths.¨ How ¨they¨ (Jews) create psychopaths? Or is this program ultimately directed by Paperclip Nazis? Or by Jewish/British/Nazi/American psychiatrists at the Tavistock Institute and affiliated universities? Or is it the ¨sharp end¨ of the stick¨ of Anglo-American military-intelligence working on behalf of the Judaic-Anglo-American Empire? Is it ultimately controlled by international banksters in Wall Street and the City of London? Is it simply the work of legions of ¨compartmented¨ bureaucrats, ¨useful idiots,¨ or perhaps, mind-control victims who are just following orders and trying to get ahead? Or is it all of the above?
The late researcher, Eustace Mullins, is author of the ground-breaking classic, ¨The Federal Reserve Conspiracy,¨ which exposed the German/Jewish bankers plot that led to the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and basically conferred control of the U.S. economy to foreign banking cartels. Although Mullins may be regarded by some as an ¨alternative historian,¨ his findings in ¨The Federal Reserve Conspiracy¨ are confirmed in numerous other books and sources. In ¨The World Order; Our Secret Rulers: A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism¨ (1992), Mullins names many of the names and dates pertinent to the ¨World Order,¨ which he identifies as the criminal syndicate that rules the world. More importantly for our present purposes, Mullins reveals the nature, modus operandi (m.o.), and goals of the World Order. (¨World Order¨ here, of course, is more or less synonymous with New World Order, ¨shadow government,¨ the Jews, the ¨world revolutionary movement,¨ ¨Order of Death¨, Anglo-American alliance, etc.)
Insights and information provided in ¨The World Order¨ confirm and expand those previously posted in articles and interviews on this website. These nuggets can and should be mined by those trying to defend themselves, their families, and their nations against GOG´S NeW GESTAPO. Why does the ¨World Order¨ now wield GOG´S NeW GESTAPO against the world´s civilian population? To answer this question and to better defend ourselves and our nations against this program, we need to better understand the individuals and groups behind it; as well as their goals and their m.o.
In the ¨The World Order,¨ Mullins also advances an interesting and testable hypothesis: that the ¨World Order¨ is comprised of and controlled by a parasitic group. This group shares common traits and operates collectively to destroy all other nations and cultures with the ultimate objective of controlling the entire world. This parasitic class has achieved hegemony over humanity through their criminal syndicalist operations, which have been ongoing for many centuries. Herein, we examine this hypothesis to determine if it sheds new light on the nature of the World Order and their deployment of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO.
In a recent ¨Power of Prophecy¨ podcast, Christian author, Texe Marrs, relates that he started to write a book about psychopaths. (Psychopaths are the 4-5% of the total population with no conscience which some regard as comprising an entirely different species from human beings.) Marrs relates that the topic was so disturbing that he broke down crying and abandoned the project. He concludes that psychopaths are demonically possessed individuals.
Many authors contend that psychopaths constitute a significant portion of the membership of the ¨World Order.¨ These psychopaths often practice Satanism as a source of personal power. Satanism, psychopaths, Jews, Masons, pedophiles… Many authors believe these words describe the top tiers of ¨The World Order.¨ But how does this system work? How does the World Order maintain its grip on society? And how can we combat this system without succumbing to its evil? I try to address these questions in this article.
Following are 28 characteristics of the ¨World Order,¨ extracted from Mullins (1992), which, I believe, help explain the gang stalking phenomena, aka GOG´S NeW GESTAPO. In parentheses, beneath each of these characteristics, I comment on the apparent connections between these characteristics and GOG´S NeW GESTAPO.
The good news here is that Mullins´ research leads him to conclude that the ¨World Order¨ will soon be overthrown. (But the second edition of the book came out in 1992.) The bad news, though, is that it appears that in order to guarantee their permanent control over all humankind, the minions of the World Order are working hard to:
1) control all human thought and behavior through propaganda, mind control, and gang stalking (GOG´S NeW GESTAPO), and
2) eliminate most of humanity (the host) through transhumanism, genetic engineering, robotics, genocide, etc.
As the epic and millennial struggle between host (humanity) and parasite (psychopathic minions of the Satanic World Order?) moves toward its conclusion, those with a basic understanding of the hidden powers and processes involved will likely be better equipped to help topple this criminal syndicate than the millions (and billions!?) who remain brainwashed, mind controlled, coopted, and clueless. Perhaps GOG´S NeW GESTAPO can best be exposed and defeated by exposing and defeating the criminal syndicalist system that is carrying it out. ¨Necessity is the mother of invention¨….
It is now necessary that a critical mass of humans awaken and that Americans, in particular, reclaim their Constitution and their government, which to a considerable extent, have been stolen from them.
II. World Order Characteristics (from Mullins, 1992) and Their Implications for Understanding GOG´S NeW GESTAPO (ETK)
1) The Rothschild Dynasty is at the apex of the system and Rothschilds comprise a majority of the Council of Five.
(ETK: Since May 1, 1776, and the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati, the head of the Rothschild Dynasty has been considered ¨King of the Jews.¨ This family is at the apex of the world system. Their collective wealth has been estimated at $100 trillion. It is widely rumored that at family gatherings and events, the Rothschilds maintain an empty seat for Satan. GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is one of many mechanisms by which the very, very few can control the very, very many.)
2) …. The Rothschilds rule the U.S. through their foundations, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Federal Reserve System. ¨Political campaigns¨ are staged, using carefully screened candidates who are pledged to the program of the World Order.
a) ….. John Moody, author of many standard reference works on American finance, stated in McClure´s Magazine, August, 1911, ¨The Seven Men:¨ ¨Seven men in Wall Street now control a great share of the fundamental industry and resources in the United States….¨ What was true in 1911 is even more true in 1984; the seven men are now, as then, merely American agents for London (ETK: and Rothschild) interests.
b) In America, five hundred men, primarily in the major foundations, are actively engaged in transmitting international banker-Socialist orders to our government. Beneath them are ten thousand politicians, businessmen, media personalities, and academicians who, with the aid of religious operatives, implement the orders from London.
c) To protect these traitors, the U.S. government has imported 25 million aliens into the United States, which includes 5000 intensely trained terrorists and 100,000 hardened criminals. This force is intended to neutralize the opposition of the American people to Communism.
d) The federal government uses its armed police, the IRS, the FBI, the BATF and the CIA solely to terrorize its American subjects into compliance with the program of the World Order.
(ETK: GOG´S NeW GESTAPO involves the application of terror tactics against the civilian population in order to suppress dissent and control society. Mullins here affirms that this is the kind of work that the FBI, CIA and other governmental agencies have been performing for many years.
Terrorism itself is a form of warfare, and of low-intensity conflict specifically. It is defined as the use of violence to obtain a political objective. Eqbal Ahmed (¨Confronting Empire¨) points out that by an overwhelming margin, most terrorist activity in the world today is carried out by governments. Is it even possible, then, to have a ¨War on Terrorism,¨ given that terrorism itself is a form of warfare? Can you have a ¨war on war?¨ Such a war only guarantees that there will be perpetual war! )
3) The Guelphs, or Black Nobility, including the Royal Family of England, have ruled the world since the Norman Conquest in 11th century England.
(ETK: The Black Nobility, based largely out of Italy, are said to be comprised mostly of Jewish families. Clearly, there is a symbiotic relationship between and a commonality of purpose shared by the Rothschild Dynasty and the Black Nobility. That commonality of purpose, apparently, is expressed in the doctrines of the Jewish Talmud and Kabbalah, the Communist Manifesto, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, and in the writings of countless individuals, both Jewish and non-Jewish. Because most societies are organized in a hierarchical fashion and have Rothschild-controlled central banks, the Rothschild family and their allies are able to control the nations, indeed, the world system, through their control of the international financial system.
4) The East India Company and the Bank of England have ruled the world since 1700 through their control of banking, international trade, drugs, and espionage.
(ETK: The most important and influential English corporation and bank have ruled not only the ¨City of London¨ financial district but the British Empire colonial system itself. The British East India Co. and the Bank of England have functioned as front organizations to help realize the goals of the Talmudic World Order. The symbiotic relationship and commonality of purpose shared by the Rothschild Dynasty and the Guelphs (Black Nobility); often includes their self-identification as Jews, or in some cases, as ¨crypto- (secret) Jews.¨)
5) Every coup d´etat, war, revolution, subsequent to 1700 AD has been centered on the efforts of the Guelphs to preserve and enhance their power.
(ETK: The World Order understands that wars, revolutions, and coups are the most effective way to enrich its operatives and advance its cause. These kinds of contrived calamities impoverish and destabilize the nations, create rapid and sweeping political and cultural changes, and help to bring the nations under unified ¨Jewish¨-¨British¨-¨international¨ control – the hegemony of the ¨Moneymasters.¨)
6) Two of the most powerful influences in the world today are the international drug trade, which began with the East India Co., and international espionage, which began with the Bank of England.
(ETK: I won´t debate Mullins regarding the exact place and time the international drug trade and international espionage began. No doubt the East India Co. and the Bank of England helped perfect their use. Just as clearly, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is an outgrowth of international espionage in the sense that espionage techniques originally developed to neutralize foreign enemies are now being used to neutralize domestic (civilian) enemies.)
7) To aid their control of finance and politics, the Guelphs have perpetuated a host of cults from the Manicheans, which derived from the cults of Babylonia and Ira, from the Atys cultus of the Caucasian area, and from Hindu pantheism. Offshoots include the Bogomils of the Balkans, the Paulicans of Asia Minor, the anabaptists, communists and antinomians, centering in the (Catharists, the Albigensians of southern France, and patarenes of northern Italy, and the English Savoyards.) These gnostic faiths developed into the Rosicrucians, Swedenborgians, Unitarians, the Fabian Society, and the World Council of Churches.
(ETK: This insight has great relevance to my extended series of articles entitled: ¨Is Crestone/Baca the Vatican City of the New World Order? An Expose of the New World Religion¨ (See, New World Religion? Section). The insight provided here is that gnostic sects are used to help control finance and politics!!!! Texe Marrs, Christian author of four books about the New Age Movement, has discovered that ALL New Age cults and sects have been started by Jews and Masons!!!!!!!)
8) The great American fortunes originated with the Guelph slave trade to the colonies. Many of the slave traders doubled in piracy.
(ETK: This is indirect evidence that the American ¨Eastern Establishment¨ and other wealthy scions are connected with Guelph families, both genetically and other means.)
9) Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams drafted the Monroe Doctrine, which gave the British East India Co. control of all Latin American markets, while keeping out all the competitors.
(ETK: We need to identify different layers of deception operating here…. The Monroe Doctrine guaranteed commercial control of Latin American markets to the British East India Co., which in turn, is controlled by Jews. The offical story (cover story) is that the Monroe Doctrine guaranteed control of Latin American markets to American interests.)
10) In late 1700s and early 1800s, the Bavarian Illuminati and Italian Alta Vendita secret societies were formed. Their revolutionary, anarchist, and ¨leveling¨ goals culminated in the 20th century with the League of Nations, the United Nations, the Communist Party, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the foundations, World Socialism, and a host of lesser groups.
(ETK: Many, including myself, have written extensively about the Bavarian Illuminati. Indeed, it was the Bavarian Illuminati´s founder, Adam Weishaupt, who drew up recent plans for Judaic world conquest that have been followed ever since and which are being implemented. Thus, it is important to understand that the Bavarian Illuminati was a very powerful Jewish secret society. It is also known as the ¨Order of Death,¨ as its American chapter, the Skull and Bones fraternity at Yale University. We see the goal of ¨leveling¨ in recent U.N. attempts to redistribute wealth amongst the nations through their Agenda 21 (Agenda for the 21st Century)).
11) The Council on Foreign Relations (ETK note: comprised of 80% Jews) merely transmits orders to our government officials from the RIIA (Royal Institute of International Affairs) and the House of Rothschild in London. The CFR comprises a ruling elite in the United States, but they are mere colonial governors absolutely responsible to their overseers in the World Order. The CFR not only transmits orders to the White House, the Cabinet, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, and other government institutions, they also maintain absolute control of the foundations, whose duty is to formulate policy or organize it in acceptable form to be transmitted to the government.
(ETK: The World Order exerts its influence primarily through non-elected advisory groups, members of which are selected on the basis of their loyalty to the World Order. A plethora of front groups, the RIIA, the CFR, the Federal Reserve Board, the many foundations, etc., directly and indirectly control the duly constituted government and enforce the dictates of the Rothschild Dynasty and the British Royal Family, as leaders of the Black Nobility.)
12) German Jew, Henry Kissinger, Godfather of the neoconservatives, is a Rockefeller protégé who placed top Zionists in many government agencies, developed ADL (Anti-Defamation League) (ETK: and Zionist) support in key Christian evangelical groups such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, and persuaded Sheldon Cohen, Former Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, to rewrite IRS regulations to ensure that the ADL and hundreds of other Zionist organizations would have permanent tax exempt status…
• But…. Kissinger´s main commitment was/is to the British Secret Service!
• The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), generally thought of as a strictly Jewish operation, is actually an SIS branch, founded by Henry Lord Palmerston, British Foreign Minister. Palmerston created the entire Zionist movement as a weapon of British espionage from 1843 to 1960.
• The ADL began as B´nai B´Rith and was modelled on Ptolemaic Egypt´s death cult of Isis. Palmerston formulated it as an arm of British intelligence which had the specific mission of subverting and destroying the American Republic. This is still its mission today. Palmerston was aided in the development of B´nai B´Rith as a worldwide power by Baruch Rothschild. It subsequently directed the abolitionist movement in the northern U.S., the Southern Secession, and the Civil War, which it capped by the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. The ADL´s favorite weapon to discredit its opponents is the charge of anti-semitism. It is ludicrous for an arm of British intelligence to denounce anyone as ¨anti-semitic.¨
• B´nai B´Rith launched its goal of permanently destabilizing the Middle East with a letter from Secretary Balfour to Lord Rothschild on Nov. 2, 1917, during the First World War.
• As agent for these interests, Kissinger is the author of (George H.W.) Bush´s New World Order program, claiming that it is the heir of Lord Castlereagh´s ¨Balance of power¨ policy which he originated at the Congress of Vienna in 1815…
(ETK: Here we learn that the Jewish ADL, B´nai B´Rith, Zionsim and the Jewish neoconservative movement were created as espionage weapons by British intelligence!!! We also learn that (German Jewish) U.S. Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger,´s main commitment was to the British Secret Service?!!! Here is an enigma wrapped in a riddle! I do not doubt the veracity of Mullins´ observations here for they are consistent with my research and that of many others. However, I´m still scratching my head on this point. Perhaps the simplest and most parsimonious explanation for this apparent contradiction is that British and Jewish interests coalesced a few centuries ago and that the various British and Jewish front groups all work towards the common goal of establishing a ¨Jewish/British Utopia¨ or ¨Pax Judaica-Britannia¨ cum ¨Pax Americana!?¨)
13) When Averill Harriman began doing business with Moscow in 1921, he dealt directly with Felix Dzerzhinsky, head of Cheka, now known as the KGB. Harriman and other Western financiers linked to the terrorist activities of Dzerzhinsky became known as The Trust. As members of the Trust, the owners of these firms served as a colonial government of the Soviet Union, as illustrated by the fact that Averill Harriman spent most of the Second World War at Stalin´s side in Moscow, directing the Russian war effort.
(ETK: Here we have evidence that one of the most heinous terrorist organizations in history, the Soviet Cheka and its ¨Red Terror,¨ was sponsored and controlled by Wall Street bankers! This is an important revelation. Mullins notes that the Harriman family was/is a second tier World Order Dynastic family. Thus, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is, in all probability, a direct descendent of the Soviet Cheka and is also a project sponsored by the top World Order families and financial institutions. This connection helps establish that the real source of terrorism and mass murder is the ruling elite itself.)
14) The United States is the primary target of the missiles of the New World Order because it still retains, however, perverted and distorted, the essential machinery for a republic which provides for the freedom of its citizens.
(ETK: This helps explain why the U.S. Constitution and those Americans who insist on upholding it are primary enemies of the World Order and why Christians, patriots, and constitutionalists are among the targets of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO.)
15) The World Order has no religious, political, or economic program except World Slavery. Only by subduing all potential opposition can the parasite guarantee his position of lodging on the host. The World Order sets up countless groups to promote any type of idea, and then sets up other groups to fanatically oppose them.
(ETK: ¨Subduing all potential opposition¨ under the phony guise of combating terrorism is certainly an apt description of the Department of Homeland Security´s ´global Phoenix program (GOG´S NeW GESTAPO)).
16) Because the ruling families of Europe are direct descendants of William of Orange, who chartered the Bank of England in 1694, the movement to destroy nationalism and individualism has been directed from England, but expressed in the Communist movement. The World Order has planned and executed two World Wars to restore world rule by the oligarchy, a world rule variously called Bolshevism, the League of Nations, or the United Nations, but never the World Order.
(ETK: Again, we see this curious mix of British and Jewish operatives directing the World Order. Certainly, communism was and is entirely based on Talmudic Judaism. Whereas communism seems, at the surface, to be the arch enemy of capitalism, the World Order maintains its control through the Hegelian dialectic of managed conflict. Hence, the World Order created communism. It then backs all opposing groups in order to guarantee conflict. Through their control of finance, espionage, etc., the World Order decides which nations and groups prevail. It is interesting to note that in his book, ¨The Controversy of Zion¨ (1956), English journalist Douglas Reed lays most of the blame for World War II and other wars and revolutions upon Judaism but portrays British figures as consistently opposing the plan for Judaic world conquest (Pax Judaica). However, this could be just half the story. Another riddle wrapped in an enigma?)
17) The World Order functions as a parasitic criminal syndicate.
(ETK: Clearly, this is true….. gang stalking (GOG´S NeW GESTAPO) is illegal, unconstitutional, immoral, and a criminal felony in all 50 American states. And yet it involves all sectors of American society, in effect, criminalizing the entire society. In this manner, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is an integral part of this criminal syndicate and is one means by which our secret rulers covertly destroy their enemies.)
18) The World Order rules through Divide and Conquer, infiltration of all groups, and ¨managed conflict¨ (Hegelian dialectic).
(ETK: GOG´S NeW GESTAPO provides a powerful mechanism by which to divide and conquer society. Gang stalking operations deliberately create a perpetually hostile environment for TIs. Clearly, perpetual hostility will have deleterious effects on society as a whole.)
19) The most striking phenomenon of the twentieth century is the hegemony of parasitism which was attained through the World Order. It was at the Congress of 1815 at Vienna which unleashed the rats from their nest, nor is it accidental that the Viennese School of Economics has become the principle vehicle through which the World Order maintains its political and financial power. After crushing Napoleon, the emerging oligarchy, which owed no allegiance to any nation or to any philosophy of life, attained power because it knew how to defeat its foes, the republicans and individualists of Europe; but its foes had no idea how to combat, or even to identify, its cleverly camouflaged enemy, because these people were a biological throwback in the continuing development of humanity.
The parasites, as ¨biological throwbacks,¨ operate on several principles:
a) They can only exist parasitically, by controlling and devouring the productive output of host nations and cultures that tolerate them.
b) They believe they are a superior, even ¨chosen people,¨ destined to rule all mankind.
c) They have set up techniques of immediately recognizing each other in any part of the world. ,
d) They always act cohesively as well-trained and determined phalanx against their unwitting opposition.
e) Their qualities of non-allegiance and nonalignment disguise their enmity and undying hatred towards all nations, races and creeds of the host peoples who tolerate their presence.
f) This freedom from all loyalties and moral codes of any kinds which governs all other groups gives them an enormous tactical advantage over those whom they plan to enslave and destroy.
g) The parasite denies that there is a world order of the universe, or any desire for form in the universe, or that any form exists. Therefore, the parasite is free to impose his own World Order, which has no organic relationship to the universe or to form. (ETK note: This helps explain persistent propaganda myths, or lies, such as ¨man-caused global warming¨).
h) The hegemony of parasitism is dedicated solely to maintaining its position on the host from which it draws all of its sustenance. The host is the entire universe of the parasite; he knows nothing beyond it, and desires to know nothing beyond it. (Hence, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO).
i) All conspiratorial societies for the past thousand years have sought a single goal – hegemony of parasitism.
(ETK: Although Mullins does not specifically state the fact, he is here clearly describing the characteristics of the Jewish ¨race¨. Professor Kevin MacDonald refers to these common Jewish characteristics as comprising the ¨Jewish evolutionary survival strategy.¨ Similarly, Oliver P. Revilo refers to the Jews as a ¨fossil people.¨ Reed (¨The Controversy of Zion,¨ 1956) and others document the same phenomena.
a) the parasite metaphor seems to be an accurate historical metaphor for the Jewish people, who, based on their refusal to assimilate with the nations they inhabit and their pattern of coordinated efforts to destroy those nations , have been expelled from over 100 nations since the time of Christ.
b) The ¨chosen people¨ myth is reinforced in Jews´ holy books, the Torah, the Talmud and the Kabbalah. It is self-serving nonsense! What´s more they have managed to convince a large portion of world Christendom that they are God´s chosen people. Jewish writings are replete with their plans for the Jewish people to rule the entire world.
c) This is an interesting assertion. I do not understand the secret techniques by which Jews recognize each other but based on my experiences, I believe such techniques exist.
d) Jews seem to operate as a collective. There is a tribal dynamic operative here in which Jews, as a collective, intend to overcome all other groups until eventually they possess all the wealth of the world.
e) The undying enmity and hatred Jews feel towards all non-Jews (gentiles or goyim) is carefully disguised. But it is constantly reinforced in the rabbinic teachings of the Babylonian Talmud and the Jewish Kabbalah, where it is expressed unequivocally. Indeed, if Judaism is a religion at all, it is a religion based upon unmitigated hatred of all non-Jews the worship of the Jewish male as God (See Michael Hoffman´s ¨Judaism Discovered¨(2012).
f) Part of the ¨plan¨ for Jewish world takeover involves the corruption of the moral systems of all their host nations and cultures. I have devised an acronym that describes the universal process of Jewish conquest of institutions and nations: ICAE: Infiltration, Contamination, Appropriation, Elimination. This is the methodology by which Jewish fifth columnists have seized control of England (England Revolution of 1600s) France (French Revolution of the late 1700s), Russia (Russian Revolution of 1917), Germany (during World Wars I and II), and now, America.
Yes, the project of Judaic conquest of the world involves the enslavement and/or genocide of all non-Jews.
g) This helps explain such persistent propaganda myths, or lies, such as ¨man-caused global warming.¨ Reality is malleable to this parasitic group. They have no regard for God´s natural laws. In fact, their goal is to replace God´s laws with their own (and Satan´s) laws. Members of this group appear to be so narcissistic and self-obsessed that they believe they can redefine reality in any way that advances their interests. Thus, the scribes of this group have always excelled at plagiarism and myth-making (what the Apostle Paul referred to as ¨Jewish fables.¨ Working at the behest of the Jewish elite, Jews, intelligence agencies, and others have concocted the many false reality constructs that characterize our modern world. These include innumerable false and New Age religions, the man-caused global warming fraud, the 9/11 fraud, the War on Terrorism fraud, etc. The Apostle Paul referred to these kinds of preposterous concoctions as ¨Jewish fables.¨ The intelligence communities call them ¨cover stories,¨
h) The Jewish (parasite´s) fixation on studying the host is manifest in the enormously expensive and wasteful efforts by the NSA and other spy agencies to collect all possible data about everyone! And it helps explain the tremendous emphasis placed on surveillance of everyone in GOG´S NeW GESTAPO.
i) This statement provides the logic behind virtually all secret societies…. To protect the place and advance the interests of the parasite (the ¨Jews¨) relative to the host (gentile societies). What Mullins is saying here implicitly, I believe, is that all secret societies have advanced Judeo-Masonic-Satanic goals and these really amount to the conquest of the world for Satan by Satan´s minions. Hence, this group always has to camouflage itself behind false fronts, secret societies, false identities, etc.)
20) As many citizens in host nations have continued to resist enslavement by the World Order, famines, riots, revolutions, and wars were instigated to get rid of the troublemakers.
(ETK: Here we again see the primary importance to the ¨World Order¨ of gang stalking (GOG´S NeW GESTAPO). It is designed to discredit and destroy ¨troublemakers,¨ ¨dissidents,¨ ¨enemies,¨ ¨subversives,¨ i.e., those who don´t wish to be enslaved by the World Order. Indeed, the parasite wages ceaseless war against the host by many means and mechanisms. GOG´S NeW GESTAPO may be the most odious of these.)
21) Drugs were found to provide a more universal restraint. In the twentieth century, the foundations began to stupefy the European and American population with drugs, the final step in the enthronement of the World Order.
(ETK: This insight helps us to understand why the World Order has manipulated the youth culture, indeed, society at large, through drugs, alcohol, etc. Aldous Huxley´s ¨Brave New World¨ anticipates an anaesthetized society in which the masses enjoyed their slavery, believing it to be freedom.)
22) Freudian psychology was developed by the parasitic order to neutralize the incessant efforts of the host to throw off or dislodge the parasite.
(ETK: Indeed, Freudian psychology and psychology was originally regarded as an entirely ¨Jewish science.¨ This corrupt core morphed into much of what became mainstream (and weaponized) British and American psychology, as represented in the work of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. Tavistock and its innumerable spinoffs, such as Stanford Research Institute, etc., were devoted to finding mechanisms that ensure that civilian populations accept their designated role as slaves in the New World Order! (Jewish) psychiatrist, Collin Ross, author of ¨Bluebird,¨ states that the entire profession of psychology and psychiatry in the U.S. and Canada are complicit in the horrific mind control experiments of the CIA´s MKULTRA and related programs.)
23) Despite its present hegemony, the World Order of parasitism realizes that it is always subject to being dislodged, which would mean its destruction. Therefore, it is necessary to control not only the channels of communication of the host (the media), but his very thought processes as well; to maintain constant vigilance that the host does not develop any concept of the danger of his situation, or any power to throw off the parasite.
(ETK: ¨Control the very thought processes (of the host) as well,¨ Of course, this refers to World Order control of the media, Hollywood, government, and education as well as to the far more invasive and draconian forms of overt and covert mind control such as GOG´S NeW GESTAPO. Again, this helps account for the enormous and now global spying/surveillance efforts of the NSA and other spy agencies. The parasites feel compelled to know everything about everybody. Of course, the U.S. Constitution guarantees that government is the servant, not the ruler, of the people. And it guarantees privacy for its citizens and transparency of government. This has been completely overturned today.)
24) While the World Order has control of the legal system and the courts, it remains vulnerable to any enforcement of the pre-existing body of law which the host had formulated to protect his society. This body of law forbids everything that the parasite is doing, and forces the parasite to maintain a precarious existence outside of the law. If the law were to be enforced at any time, the parasite would be dislodged. The existing body of law clearly forbids the operation of criminal syndicates, which is precisely what the hegemony of parasitism and its World Order is. Criminal syndicalism denies the equal protection of the law to citizens. Only by acting against criminal syndicalism can the state protect its citizens.
(ETK: Here, Mullins hands us a most invaluable weapon with which to defend ourselves: The law! Indeed, skillful exposure and prosecution of the World Order´s criminal syndicalist activities can be sufficient to topple their hegemony!)
25) George Orwell´s ¨1984¨ IS the program…. The World Order wants to expand its dictatorial power over the nations through war, repression, thought control, use of ¨newspeak¨ (double-think) slogans. The primary goals of the World Order are to control the entire surface of the earth and eliminate the possibility of independent thought. Thus, government officials, controlled by the World Order, are stealthily promoting terror and discord in every region and they are also setting up government programs which will step in to set up total dictatorhsip over the warring factions.
(ETK: This is a apt description of what has happened in America and the world over the past century. This program has gone into hyperdrive since the 9/11 state-sponsored, false flag, synthetic terrorist attacks, mandated by the Jewish neconservative think tank, Project for a New American Century, and carried out by British-American-Israeli intelligence, the U.S. military, and a host of other agencies. The DHS-Global Phoenix Program, here referring to as GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, is designed to eliminate any possibility of independent thought, dissent, and protest, just as the neocon-contrived wars abroad are designed to control the entire surface of the world. It goes without saying that it is impossible to have democracy without dissent.)
26) The 1992 Rio Earth Summit, under direction of the Honorable Maurice Strong, was designed to usher in (British-Jewish) World Dictatorship under U.N. Agenda 21 (Agenda for the Twentieth Century).
(ETK: The ¨man-caused global warming¨ fraud was fabricated as the ideological centerpiece of the U.N.-controlled global environmental movement that was/is intended to provide the pretext for changing global governing structures and resource consumption patterns as per U.N.-Agenda 21. In effect, these changes would result in ¨global governmence¨ (world dictatorship) by the United Nations… and its Jewish/British controllers. Thus far, this program has only been partly implemented, perhaps in part, because rational thinkers such as myself keep disproving the hypothesis of man-caused global warming!!!!!)
27) Tavistock Institute originated the mass civilian bombing raids carried out (during WWII) by Roosevelt and Churchill purely as a clinical experiment in mass terror, keeping records of the results as they watched the ¨guinea pigs¨ reacting under ¨controlled laboratory conditions.¨ All Tavistock and American foundation techniques have a single goal – to break down the psychological strength of the individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the World Order. Any technique which helps to break down the family unit, and family inculcated principles of religion, honor, patriotism, and sexual behavior, is used by the Tavistock scientists as weapons of crowd control.
(ETK: Likewise, you can be sure that meticulous records are now being kept regarding every detail of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO´s slow-kill, no-touch torture of victims (human lab rat). TIs´ responses and experiences are clinically monitored by psychologists from Tavistock-affiliated institutions. The goal of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, then, is the same as all other Tavistock projects of the past century- ¨to break down the psychological strength of the individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the World Order¨.)
28) The methods of Freudian psychotherapy induce permanent mental illness in those who undergo this treatment by de-stabilizing their character.
(ETK: Sigmund Freud, the Jewish father of psycho-analysis was a Talmudist and member of B´nai B´Rith. He was one of the first and most famous psychiatrists to join the Tavistock Institute in the early 1920s. In its early years, psychology and psychiatry were referred to as a ¨Jewish science.¨ Tavistock itself was a branch of the British Army´s Psychological Warfare Division originally headed by Sir John Rawlings Reese. In this manner, the fields of psychology and psychiatry have long since between ¨weaponized.¨ Psychological warfare techniques (PsyOp) are currently being applied to break down the personalities of TIs. False diagnoses of delusional schizophrenia in TIs are then used to discredit and institutionalize them.)
III. In His Own Words; Excerpts from Eustace Mullins´ ¨The World Order¨ (1992):
• From ¨The Rule of the Order¨ (Chapter 9)
¨Five men rule the world. This Council of Five consists of Baron Guy de Rothschild, Evelyn de Rothschild, George Pratt Schultz, Robert Roosa (from Bush´s family firm of Brown Brothers Harriman) and one vacancy, at this writing. In the past several years, members of the Council who have died include Averill Harriman, Lord Victor Rothschild, and Prince Thurn un Taxis of Regensburg, Germany. None of them holds public office, but they choose who shall hold office in the nations. These five men comprise the apex of the pyramid of power, the World Order.
…. Some Americans see George Bush´s rapid rise to the Presidency as evidence of the power of the Trilateralists. But Bush´s stars go back much farther than the Trilaterals. He is a distant cousin of the Queen of England, the Black Nobility which traces its power back some five thousand years, and his family firm, Brown Brothers Harriman, has represented the Bank of England since the early 1800s. Through service to the Harrimans, the Bush family achieved the position of a third rank family in the hierarchy of dynastic families.
The World Order dynastic families of the first rank are the Rothschild, and the ruling aristocracy of England and Europe, most of whom have owned stock in the Bank of England since 1700. The second rank of dynastic families consist of those who serve as courtiers to the first rank. The second rank includes families such as the Rockefellers, the Morgans, and the Harrimans. By becoming servants of a dynastic family of the second rank, the Harrimans, the Bush family entered the ranks of the third group of dynastic families of the World Order.
When Averill Harriman began doing business with Moscow in 1921, he dealt directly with Felix Dzerzhinsky, head of Cheka, now known as the KGB. Harriman and other Western financiers linked to the terrorist activities of Dzerzhinsky became known as The Trust. As members of the Trust, the owners of these firms served as a colonial government of the Soviet Union, as illustrated by the fact that Averill Harriman spent most of the Second World War at Stalin´s side in Moscow, directing the Russian war effort.
…. (The World Order was called into being because of) international finance…..
The World Order rules though a simple technique, Divide and Conquer (Divide et impera). Every natural or unnatural division among people, every occasion for hatred or greed, is exploited and exacerbated to the limit. The polarization of racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. is accelerated by a flood of government decrees, originating in foundation ¨studies,¨ which are designed solely to set American against American. Only in this way can the World Order maintain its iron grip on the daily lives of the people. The World Order also rules by the principle of ¨1984¨ – no groups of two or more people are allowed to gather unless the World Order has a representative present. If you start a club of dandelion fanciers, the Order will send someone who will be quietly helpful, avoid taking the front position, and who will offer to pay the rent of a meeting place or the printing of the minutes. In more radical groups, the Order´s representative will be the first to suggest dynamiting a building, assassinating an official, or other violent action.
• Hegelian Dialectic of ¨Managed Conflict¨
The World Order adopted the Hegelian dialectic, the dialectic of materialism, which regards the World as Power, and the World as Reality. It denies all other powers and all other realities. It functions on the principle of thesis, antithesis and a synthesis which results when the thesis and the antithesis are thrown against each other for a predetermined outcome. Thus the World Order organizes and finances Jewish groups: It then organizes and finances anti-Jewish groups; it organizes Communist groups; it then organizes and finances anti-Communist groups. It is not necessary for the Order to throw these groups against each other; they seek each other out like heat-seeking missiles, and try to destroy each other. By controlling the size and resources of each group, the World Order can always predetermine the outcome.
In this technique, members of the World Order are often identified with one side or the other. John Foster Dulles arranged financing for Hitler but he was never a Nazi. David Rockefeller may be cheered in Moscow, but he is not a Communist. However, the Order always turns up on the winning side. A distinguishing trait of a member of the World Order, although it may not be admitted, is that he does not believe in anything but the World Order. Another distinguishing trait is his absolute contempt for anyone who actually believes in the tenets of Communism, Zionism, Christianity, or any national, religious or fraternal group, although the Order has members in controlling positions in all of these groups. If you are a sincere Christian, Zionist or Moslem, the World Order regards you as a moron unworthy of respect. You can and will be used, but you will never be respected.
• Trail of the Conspirators Through History
It has taken centuries of patient effort for the World Order to attain the power it exercises today. Its origins as an international force go back to the Phoenician slave traders, continues through the Phanariot families of the Byzantine Empire, then the Venetian and Genoese traders and bankers of the Middle Ages, who moved into Spain and Portugal, and later into England and Scotland. By the 14th century, the Genoese controlled the Scottish landlords. The Imperial Family of the Byzantine Empire, the Paleologues (meaning ¨the Word¨) were attacked by the Gnostic faction, whose materialistic Aristotelian philosophy was the forerunner of Hegelian dialectic and Marxism. The Paleologues devoutly believed in the Christian faith, as expressed by the Orthodox Rite. The materialistic Venetian and Genoese armies, with the aid of the Turkish ¨infidels,¨ looted and conquered Constantinople, the legendary ¨City of God.¨ Then Byzantine survivors recreated their culture in Russia, with Moscow as ¨the third Rome.¨
The plan to destroy the Orthodox Church and its Romanov (new Rome) leader was the hidden goal of the First World War. The victors came away with one billion dollars of the Romanov fortune, after achieving the defeat of their hated enemy, the Orthodox Church.
During the Middle Ages, European power centers coalesced into two camps, the Ghilbellines, those who supported the Emperor´s Hohenstaufen family (an Italian adaptation of Weinblingen, the name of the Hohenstaufen estate), and the Guelphs, from Welf, the German prince who competed with Frederick for control of the Holy Roman Empire. The Pope then allied himself with the Guelphs against the Ghilbellines resulting in their victory. All of modern history stems directly from the struggle between these two powers. The Guelphs, also called the Neri, or Black Guelphs, and Black Nobility, were the Normans who conquered England in the 11th century; the Genoese who backed Robert Bruce in his conquest of Scotland, and who supported William of Orange in his seizure of the throne of England.
William´s victory resulted in the formation of the Bank of England and the East India Company, which have ruled the world since the 17th century. Every subsequent coup d´etat, revolution and war has centered in the battle of the Guelphs to hold and enhance their power, which is now the World Order.
The power of the Guelphs grew through their control of banking and international trade. It was extended through the Italian centers to the north of Florence, in Lombardy, which became great financial centers. All Italian bankers, including the Genoese, the Venetians, and Milanese, were referred to as ¨Lombards;¨ Lombard, in German, means ¨deposit bank,¨ the Lombards were bankers to the entire Medieval world. Modern history begins with the transfer of their operations north to Hamburg, Amsterdam, and finally to London.
The great American fortunes originated with the Guelph slave trade to the colonies. Many of the slave traders doubled in piracy. Trinity Church, whose leading vestryman later was J.P. Morgan, was originally known as ¨the church of the pirates.¨ Captain William Kidd provided the material to build it in 1697, and a pew was reserved for him. He was arrested the next year, and hanged in chains at Newgate. In 1711, a slave market was set up on Wall Street near the church, and functioned there for many years.
Two of the most powerful influences in the world today are the international drug trade, which began with the East India Co., and international espionage, which began with the Bank of England. The East India Co. was granted a charter in 1600 in the closing days of Queen Elizabeth´s reign. In 1622, under James I, it became a joint stock company. In 1661, in an attempt to retain his throne, Charles II granted the East India Co. the power to make war. From 1700 to 1830, the East India Co. gained control of all India, and wrested the historic monopoly of opium from the Great Moguls.
…. The Order invariably enlists ¨the law¨ against its enemies.
The East India Co. originated as the London Staplers, was later known as the London Mercers Co. It was a direct offshoot of the commercial banking establishments of northern Italy, Venice, and Genoa. Related firms were the German Hansa, and the Hanse of the Low Countries, which was headquartered in Bruges. It was also allied with the Levant Co. and the Anglo-Muscovy Co. Sebastian Cabot, whose descendants are prominent in the American banking and intelligence, raised the seed money for Anglo-Muscovy in Italy and London. The company operated northern overland trade routes from the Baltic to India and China. Other related firms were the London Company, chartered in 1606 to establish The Virginian Plantation on a communistic basis, and the Plymouth Company, whose descendants control the New England business world.
The ¨City¨ banks, which dominate American finance and politics (code name for banks for the ¨City,¨ financial district of London), descend directly from East India and Bank of England operations. The Rockefeller Empire is the most prominent scion of this dynasty.
• British East India Co. and the British Empire
The British Empire has prospered on piracy, slavery and the drug traffic. Drakes Pirates became the Merchants Adventurers Co. (Sebastian Cabot) which later became the Chartered Co. of East India. It was reorganized in 1700. It officially paid the Hong of Canton silver for tea, but they would accept opium instead. This fortuitous arrangement encountered resistance from some Chinese leaders, causing England to prosecute ten Opium Wars against China, from the Opium War of 1840-43 to the Manchurian Conquest of 1931.
In 1715 the British East India Co. opened its Far East office in Canton. Crown Policy deliberately fostered opium addiction among the natives to facilitate British political control. The British Empire was then threatened with bankruptcy if it lost the American colonies. In order to defeat the rebels, the profits of the opium trade with China were sent to the Elector of Hesse via Mayer Amschel Rothschild to hire 16,800 Hessian troops. Thus the drug traffic and the Rothschilds played a pivotal role in American history, although it has been ignored or deleted from the history books.
¨The religion of Marxism is the falsification of knowledge whence comes this fierce hatred of intellectuals for the least barbaric societies of human history, and this rage to destroy the only civilizations to date that have emphatically conferred a dominant role on intelligence?¨
Jean Francois Revel, ¨The Flight from Truth; the Reign of Deceit in the Age of Information¨
Because the ruling families of Europe are the direct descendants of William of Orange, who chartered the Bank of England in 1694, the movement to destroy nationalism and individualism has been directed from England, but expressed in the Communist movement. The World World Order has planned and executed two World Wars to restore world rule by the oligarchy, a world rule variously called Bolshevism, the League of Nations, or the United Nations, but never the World Order.
• Illuminati, Alta Vendita, and the Great ¨Leveling¨ Operations of Socialism, UN, CFR, RIIA, etc.
In Germany, Adam Weishaupt, Prof. Of Canon Law at the University of Munich, and later at Coburg-Gotha, became the Nominal head of the Illuminati; its corresponding branch in Italy was the Alta Vendita, whose first leader was an Italian nobleman, B. Nubius. His principal agent was Piccolo Tigre, a Jewish banker and jeweler who travelled for the Alta Vendita throughout Europe. In 1822, his instructions to the chapters were confiscated and published….
…. Karl Rothschild, son of Mayer Amschel, then became head of the Alta Vendita.
On May 1, 1776, Adam Weishaupt issued further instructions to the Illuminati in Bavaria, ¨We labour first of all to draw into our Association all good and learned writers. This will be the easier obtained, as they must derive an evident advantage from it. Next to such men we seek to gain the masters and secretaries of the Post-Offices, in order to facilitate our correspondence.¨ The Tasso family of Bologna, later Thurn und Taxis, gained control of post offices and intelligence work in Europe and held that power for five centuries. Although these groups surfaced as charitable or fine arts organizations, their goals of anarchy were concealed in all their efforts. In the twentieth century, they culminated in the League of Nations, the United Nations, the Communist Party, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the foundations, and a host of lesser groups.
Coudenhove-Kalergi´s Pan Europe Movement, with its powerful backing by aristocrats and international financiers, was represented in the U.S. by its American branch, founded by Herbert Hoover and Col. House, who were also stumping the U.S. for ratification of the League of Nations. Coudenhove-Kalergi mentioned in his autobiography that he had been financed by the Rothschilds and Warburgs, and in the U.S., by Paul Warburg and Bernard Baruch. (ETK note: All Jews).
….. In short, Montague Norman (Governor of the Bank of England), wished to see the imposition of the World Order over the financial affairs of the nations. It was this agreement among the central banks, rather than the front organization, the League of Nations, which became their final instrument of power. Crucial to these arrangements was the monetist school, the Austrain School of Economics, an outgrowth of the Pan-Europe movement.
….. One of the most influential conspirators was Walter Rathenau (Jew) of Germany. He greeted the First World War ecstatically as the golden opportunity to establish world socialism. He wrote on July 31, 1916, ¨For years I had forseen the twilight of the nations that I had heralded in my speeches and writings. (¨A People´s State¨ by Rathenau). … Rathenau´s dictum was enacted into law by the far-reaching and multi-billion entitlement programs of Lyndon B. Johnson´s Great Society, when he persuaded Congress to levy against all of the capital and icnome of the American people placing it at his disposal to achieve World Order political goals, and finally forcing the nation to the verge of bankruptcy.¨
Rathenau wrote in ¨Days to Come,¨ in 1921:
¨No part of the world is now closed to us. No material tasks are beyond our powers. All the treasures of earth are within our grasp. No thought remains hidden. Every undertaking can be put to the task and realized. The fertilizing distribution of the possessions of the world is our task. We must discover the force that will effect an up and down movement of the masses.
In ¨The New Society,¨ 1921, Rathenau wrote, ¨The goal of the world revolution upon which we have entered means in its material aspect the melting of all society into one.¨
This was the ¨leveling¨ effect which was a key goal of the conspirators, the Illuminati and the Alta Vendita, resulting in anarchy and the breaking down of national and class borders. Before he could realize his dream of World Socialism, Rathenau was murdered.
Ortega noted the phenomenon of levelling in ¨The Revolt of the Masses:¨
¨A hurricane of farcicality, everywhere and in every form, is presently raging over the lands of Europe. Almost all the positions taken up and proclaimed are false ones. We are living in comic fashion, all the more comic the more apparently tragic is the mask adopted put on. The comic exists wherever life has no basis of inevitableness on which a stand is taken without reserves. Never as now have we these lives without substance or art- deracines from their own destiny- who let themselves float on the lightest current.¨
Rothschild, Rhodes, Rockefeller, the RIIA and CFR
….. In 1895, Cecil Rhodes, South African agent of the Rothschilds, established a secret society whose avowed purpose was as follows: ¨In the end Great Britain is to establish a power so overwhelming that wars must cease and the Millennium be realized.¨ To achieve this goal, he left $150 million to the Rhodes Trust. The Rothschilds already had a group with similar aims, The Round Table, set up by Lord Alfred Milner, into which J.P. Morgan had been recruited in 1899.
… Having dominated the Paris Peace Conference (at the close of WWI), Baron Edmond de Rothschild saw the establishment of the World Order through these groups as the crowning achievement of his life. The ¨founders¨ of the RIIA (Royal Institute for International Affairs) were, one and all, Rothschild men; honorary chairman of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) was Elihu Root, lawyer for Morgan and Kuhn, Loeb Co.; Alexander Hemphill, a Morgan banker, and Otto Kahn of Kuhn, Loeb, Co.
A number of popular books now in circulation claim that the Council on Foreign Relations is the secret government of the United States. Nothing could be more incorrect. The members of the Council on Foreign Relations have never originated a single item of policy for the U.S. Government. They merely transmit orders to our government officials from the RIIA and the House of Rothschild in London. It is true that the CFR comprises a ruling elite in the United States, but they are mere colonial governors absolutely responsible to their overseers in the World Order. However, every prominent American mentioned in the present book is a member of the CFR, and therefore it is not necessary to note it each time a name is mentioned. Not only do they transmit orders to the White House, the Cabinet, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, and other government institutions, but they also maintain absolute control of the foundations, whose duty is to formulate policy or organize it in acceptable form to be transmitted to the government.
Shoup´s ¨Imperial Brain Trust,¨ in 1969, notes that the CFR includes 22 trustees of the Brookings Institution, 29 at Rand, 14 at Hudson, 33 at Middle East Institute, 14 of 19 trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation, 10 of 17 at Carnegie, 7 of 16 at Ford Foundation, 6 of 11 at Rockefeller Bros. Fund. This proves that CFR runs these major foundations. In the academic world, CFR members number 58 on the faculty at Princeton, 69 at the University of Chicago, and 30 at Harvard. Of the banks which are the principle owners of Federal Reserve Bank stock, directors of Chase include 7 CFR members, 8 at J.P. Morgan, 7 at 1st National City (now Citibank), 6 at Chemical Bank, and 6 at Brown Bros. Harriman.
…. The RIIA has worked closely with the London School of Economics, which was set up as a training school for the World Order bureaucrats. The school was established in 1920 with financial aid from the Rothschilds and Sir Julius Wernher.
• Cults and Communes
To aid their control of finance and politics, the Guelphs perpetuated a host of cults from the Manicheans, which in turn derived from the cults of Babylonia and Ira, from the Atys cultus of the Caucasian area, and from Hindu pantheism. Their offshoots include the Bogomils of the Balkans, the Paulicans of Asia Minor, the anabaptists, communists and antinomians, centering in the (Catharists, the Albigensians of southern France, and patarenes of northern Italy, and the English Savoyards.) These gnostic faiths developed into the Rosicrucians, Swedenborgians, Unitarians, the Fabian Society, and the World Council of Churches. The English Savoyards became active in the London Staplers and the rise of oceanic commerce, by using the Venetian-Flanders galley, which brought the lateen sail into Europe from Southeast Asia. The Savoyards formed an extreme leftwing party, led by John Ball, which called for the nationalization of all land. The Wycliffe-Lollards-Savoyards-Staplers formed the King´s Party against the landed nobility (republicanism) and parliament. Then, as now, the leftwing sought ownership of all land through an absolute ruler and a totalitarian centralized government.
This leftwing alliance culminated in the University of London. The University of London, which received a $2 million grant in 1924 from Beardsley Ruml as head of the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Fund, and many other grants from American foundations houses Gresham College and the London School of Economics, where Harold Laski taught John F. Kennedy and David Rockefeller the principles of the World Order. The University of London was originally financed by Jeremy Bentham of the East India Co., and John Stuart Mill, whose friend, investment banker George Grote, gave the University of London 6000 pounds to study mental health, the origin of the present worldwide ¨mental health¨ movement. Grote also contributed 500 pounds to finance the July Revolution in France in 1830, which put Louis Philippe on the throne.
• Communism
It was Bentham who first coined the slogan later taken up by Karl Marx, ¨the greatest good for the greatest number,¨ which has been so useful in inflaming the masses, the Marxist flim flam that you can best serve your interests by serving others. Bentham´s business partner was manufacturer Robert Owen, an atheist who taught free love.
In 1824, Owen bought Father Rapp´s anabaptist commune in America, Harmoie on the Wabash, renaming it New Harmony. Owen´s associate at New Harmony was Frances (Fanny) Wright, who inititated the practice of free love in America. She also started the Woman´s Equal Rights Movement, which was intended to break up families by inciting war between husband and wife. She travelled through the South, preacing the amalgamation of the races, and founded a commune in Tennessee for Negro freedmen. In 1829, she helped found the Workingmen´s Party in New York City, which later became the Communist Party.
A principle offspring of the East India Co. Was the Fabian Society, founded by Sidney and Beatrice Potter Webb.
Robert Owen, promoter of the New Harmony commune, was a principle backer of John Quincy Adam´s Presidential campaign. Adams had withheld support from Madison during the War of 1812, and had threatened succession from the Union. As Secretary of State, Adams had drafted the Monroe Doctrine, which gave the British East India Co. control of all Latin American markets, while keeping out all the competitors.
The New England banking and shipping interests controlled by Adam´s group created the Second Bank of the United States by repeated stock speculation campaigns, marked by typical bouts of hyperinflation and sudden deflation, which gave them control of millions of acres of farm lands throughout the Mississippi Valley from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. This gave them enormous political influence in the entire region, allowing them to seed the southern Mississippi Valley with fanatical Secessionists and Abolitionists, whose revolutionary acts made the Civil War inevitable. Owen coined the term Socialism; he was a business partner of a cotton manufacturer named Engels, whose son later became his political disciple, and still later became the partner of Karl Marx in founding the world Communist movement.
The trail of the conspirators has been evident throughout the history of Europe since the Middle Ages. In 1547, the Republic of Venice had learned of an anti-Christian conspiracy, and strangled its leaders, Julian Trevisano and Francis de Rugo. The surviving conspirators, Ochinus, Laelius Socinus, Peruta, Gentilis, Jacques Chiari, Francis Lenoir, Darius Socinas, Alicas, and the Abbe Leonard, now spread their poisonous doctrines of hatred throughout Europe. Their message of anarchy, atheism and immorality, levelling and revolution brought bloodshed in every subsequent upheaval on the Continent.
• The Bolshevik Revolution and Communist Soviet Union: Made in the City of London and Wall Street
…. What really happened in Russia in 1917? Through the furtive acts of British Secret Intelligence Service agents in Moscow, the Romanov government was overthrown, and a provincial government installed. In 1917, Russia joined the United States as a colony of the Bank of England. The Czar´s fortune was used, among other things, to purchase the stock of the Federal Reserve Banks for $144,000,000. Today, the rightful owners of that stock are the heirs of the Romanovs.
…. When Leon Trotsky (real name, Lev Braunstein) was in New York in 1917, he received word to return to Russia at once to help bring off the Bolshevik seizure of power. The Rockefellers gave him $10,000 in cash for his journey, procured a special passport for him from President Woodrow Wilson, and sent Lincoln Steffans to safeguard him on the journey….. Trotsky continued on his way to Russia, and became Lenin´s chief deputy in the extermination of Russian citizens: he also organized the Red Army with the able help of Wall Street lawyer Thomas D. Thacher.
…. The world headquarters of the Bolshevik movement was now at 120 Broadway on Wall Street.
…. No one would seriously believe that bankers of this magnitude (Rockefeller, Morgan, etc.) would finance an ¨anti-capitalist¨ revolution for the Communists (the Bolshevik Revolution), yet this is exactly what happened. These same men financed Woodrow Wilson´s political campaigns, and it was these same men to whom Wilson referred in his opening address to the Paris Peace Conference, when he said: …. There are men in the United States of the finest temper who are in sympathy with Bolshevism because it appears to them to offer that regime of opportunity to the individual which they desire to bring about. (The Great Conspiracy Against Russia, Seghers and Kahn). The men of ¨the finest temper¨ to whom Wilson referred, the Morgans and the Rockefellers, did not really desire opportunity for the individual; what they desired was the lifelong Imposition of slavery under the World Order, and this is the goal which they continue to strive to achieve, on a worldwide basis.
These Americans ¨of the finest temper¨ chose Lenin to do their work because he had outlined the plan they wanted in ¨The Threatening Catastrophe¨ in September, 1917. (1. Nationalization of the banks… The state for the first time would be in a position to survey all the monetary operations, then to control them, then to regulate economic life…)
… The Lenin program is not only the program of Soviet Russia – it is the program of Roosevelt´s New Deal, Truman´s Socialism, the postwar Labor Government in England, and the guiding principle of subsequent American Administrations.
…. In a typical move to disguise their operations, Otto Kahn and several officials of Guaranty Trust then founded an ¨anti-Communist¨ group, United Americans, which circulated virulent anti-Communist and anti-Jewish propaganda. Like most such organizations, it was designed to discredit and render impotent anyone opposed to Communism who became involved in its work.
Soviet Russia was allowed to emerge from the destruction of World War II as one of the victors, solely because she was needed as the next ¨evil empire¨ against which the civilized West could launch a new Crusade. Because Russia was bankrupt, had lost 40 million of her population in the war, plus another 66 million murdered by the Bolshevik since 1917, and was unable to feed herself, once again the World Order was obliged to step in with enormous subsidies of food and material from the U.S. in order to maintain an ¨enemy power.¨ The Belgian Relief Commission of 1916 became the Marshall Plan of 1948. Once again, the loads of supplies were shipped into Europe, ostensibly for our Allies, but destined to maintain the Soviet bloc.
…. The World Order has no religious, political, or economic program except World Slavery. Only by subduing all potential opposition can the parasite guarantee his position of lodging on the host. The World Order sets up countless groups to promote any type of idea, and then sets up other groups to fanatically oppose them, but the masters have no dedication to anything except slavery. As R.E. McMaster wrote in The Reaper, ¨The goal of international communism is not to destroy Western international debt capitalism. The goal of international communism is to enslave mankind at the behest of Western international debt capitalism.¨ This is all you can ever know about the present world situation, and it is all you need to know.
• Israel, Henry Kissinger, the ADL, the Neoconservatives, and…. British Intelligence!
We have mentioned the CIA-Mossad connection of James Angleton (of the CIA). The State of Israel was largely created by a Hungarian Jew named Tibor Rosenbaum, who procured arms and money through his Swiss base for both the Haganah and Stern gangs of terrorists, through his control of the International Credit Bank in Switzerland. International Credit Bank was the foreign bank for Meyer Lansky´s Mafia operations, and also handled Mossad´s European funds for secret operations. Rosenbaum was the mastermind of Bernie Cornfield´s operation. Cornfield´s successor at IOS, Robert Vesco, later fled to Central America with $224 million of IOS fund, and is now the partner of Fidel Castro in a huge drug operation which netted $20 billion profit between 1980-1984. Castro´s cut, $50 million, has been deposited in Swiss banks.
The Godfather of the neoconservatives is Henry Kissinger. A German (Jewish) national, Kissinger returned to his birthplace as a sergeant in the U.S. Army, soon identified as a recruit to the KGB with the code name of ¨Bor.¨ He became a student at Harvard University, and was soon hired by the Rockefellers as the protégé of an even more mysterious personage, one Helmut Sonnenfeldt, who remains a Washington insider…
(When) President Nixon, acting under orders, named him (Kissinger) Secretary of State, Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Abba Eban quoted terrorist Menachim Begin, ¨The appointment of Dr. Kissinger as secretary of state has as much significance as the United Nations vote to create the State of Israel.¨
Kissinger later appeared as speaker at more than twenty-five Anti-Defamation League events during his term of office. He placed top Zionists in many government agencies, developed ADL support in key evangelical groups such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, and persuaded Sheldon Cohen, Former Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, to rewrite IRS regulations which ensured that the ADL and hundreds of other Zionist organizations would have permanent tax exempt status… However, his main commitment was to the British Secret Service, as he boasted in a speech at Chatham House, home of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, in London, May 10, 1982, ¨In my White House incarnation then, I kept the British Foreign Office better informed and more closely engaged than I did the American State Department.¨
Why did Kissinger, the Zionist, work so closely with the British Foreign Office? The answer is in the origin of the Anti-Defamation League, which is generally thought of as a strictly Jewish operations. It is actually an SIS branch, which was founded by Henry Lord Palmerston, British Foreign Minister, who also created the entire Zionist movement as a weapon of British espionage from 1843 to 1960.
The ADL began as B´nai B´Rith, and was modelled on Ptolemaic Egypt´s death cult of Isis. Palmerston formulated it as an arm of British intelligence which had the specific mission of subverting and destroying the American Republic. This is still its mission today. Palmerston was aided in the development of B´nai B´Rith as a worldwide power by Baruch Rothschild. It subsequently directed the abolitionist movement in the northern U.S., the Southern Secession, and the Civil War, which it capped by the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. The ADL´s favorite weapon to discredit its opponents is the charge of anti-semitism, which it recently leveled at columnist Pat Buchanan because of his Presidential bid. It is ludicrous for an arm of British intelligence to denounce anyone as ¨anitsemetic.¨
B´nai B´Rith launched its goal of permanently destabilizing the Middle East with a letter from Secretary Balfour to Lord Rothschild on Nov. 2, 1917, during the First World War.
¨Dear Lord Rothschild: I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty´s Government the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations, which been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet. His Majesty´s Government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people….¨
As agent for these interests, Kissinger is the author of Bush´s New World Order program, claiming that it is the heir of Lord Castlereagh´s ¨Balance of power¨ policy which he originated at the Congress of Vienna in 1815…
• Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
The English control of this world movement is demonstrated by the ideology of American foundations, which is created by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London, In 1921, the Duke of Bedford, Marquess of Tavistock, the 11th Duke, gave a building to the Institute to study the effect of shellshock on British soldiers who survived World War I. Its purpose was to establish the ¨breaking point¨ of men under stress, under the direction of the British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare, commanded by Sir John Rawlings Reese.
Tavistock Institute is headquartered in London because its prophet, Sigmund Freud, settled here in Maresfield Gardens when he moved to England. Tavistock´s pioneer work in behavioural science along Freudian lines of ¨controlling¨ humans established as the world center of foundation ideology.
Tavistock Institute developed the mass brain-washing techniques which were first used experimentally on American prisoners of war in Korea. It´s experiments in crowd control methods have been widely used on the American public, a surreptitious but nevertheless outrageous assault on human freedom by modifying individual behavior through topical psychology. A German (Jewish) refugee, Kurt Lewin, became director of Tavistock in 1932. He came to the U.S. in 1933 as a ¨refugee,¨ the first of many (Jewish, Frankfurt School) infiltrators, and set up the Harvard Psychology Clinic, which originated the propaganda campaign to turn the American public against Germany and involve us in World War II.
In 1938, Roosevelt executed a secret agreement with Churchill which in effect ceded U.S. sovereignty to England, because it agreed to let Special Operations Executive control U.S. policies. To implement this agreement, Roosevelt sent Gen. Donovan to London for indoctrination before setting up OSS (now CIA) under the aegis of SOE-SIS. The entire OSS program, as well as the CIA, has always worked on guidelines set up by the Tavistock Institute.
Tavistock Institute originated the mass civilian bombing raids carried out by Roosevelt and Churchill purely as a clinical experiment in mass terror, keeping records of the results as they watched the ¨guinea pigs¨ reacting under ¨controlled laboratory conditions.¨ All Tavistock and American foundation techniques have a single goal – to breakdown the psychological strength of the individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the World Order. Any technique which helps to break down the family unit, and family inculcated principles of religion, honor, patriotism, and sexual behavior, is used by the Tavistock scientists as weapons of crowd control.
The methods of Freudian psychotherapy induce permanent mental illness in those who undergo this treatment by de-stablilizing their character. The victim is then advised to ¨establish new rituals of personal interaction,¨ that is, to indulge in brief sexual encounters which actually set the participants adrift with no stable personal relationships in their lives, destroying their ability to establish or maintain a family.
…. The experiment in compulsory racial integration in the U.S. was organized by Ronald Lippert, of the OSS and the American Jewish Congress, and director of child training at the Commission on Community Relations. The program was designed to break down the individual´s sense of personal knowledge in his identity, his racial heritage.
… A single common denominator identifies the common Tavistock strategy- the use of drugs. The infamous MK Ultra program of the CIA, directed by (Jew) Dr. Sidney Gotlieb, in which unsuspecting CIA officials were given LSD, and their reaction studied like guinea pigs, resulted in several deaths. The U.S. Government had to pay millions in damages to the families of the victims, but the culprits were never indicted. The program originated when Sandoz AG, a Swiss drug firm, owned by S.G. Warburg Co. of London, developed Lysergic acid. Roosevelt´s advisor, James Paul Warburg, son of Paul Warburg who wrote the Federal Reserve Act, and nephew of Max Warburg who had financed Hitler, set up the Institute for Policy Studies to promote the drug. The result was the LSD ¨counter-culture¨ of the 1960´s, the ¨student revolution,¨ which was financed by $25 million from the CIA.
…. Because all efforts of the Tavistock Institute are directed toward producing cyclical collapse, the effect of the CIA programs are tragically apparent. R. Emmett Tyrell Jr., writing in the Washington Post Aug. 20, 1984, cites the squalid consequences of the 60´s radicals in SDS¨ as resulting in ¨the growing rate of illegitimacy, petty lawlessness, drug addiction, welfare, VD, and mental illness.¨ This is the legacy of the Warburgs and the CIA.
Today, the Tavistock Institute operates a $6 billion a year network of foundations in the U.S., all of it funded by U.S. taxpayers´ money. Ten major institutions are under its direct control, with 400 subsidiaries, and 3000 other study groups and think tanks which originate many types of programs to increase the control of the World Order over the American people.
Tavistock has developed such power in the U.S. that no one achieves prominence in any field unless he has been trained in behavioral science at Tavistock or one of its subsidiaries. Henry Kissinger, whose meteoric rise to power is otherwise inexplicable, was a German refugee and student of Sir John Rawlings Reese at SHAEF.
… Tavistock maintains two schools at Frankfort, birthplace of the Rothschilds, the Frankfurt School, and the Sigmund Freud Institute.
• World War II and Vietnam War
….. World War II delivered the people of the world into the hands of the World Order, with the predictable result that they have been systematically despoiled, terrorized, oppressed and massacred in further ¨managed conflicts,¨ not the least of which was the Vietnam War, in which American boys with little or no combat training were sent into battle against the highly trained guerilla troops of Ho Chi Minh and General Giap, communist troops whose leaders had been intensively trained by the special OSS Deer team.
The French were dismayed to learn that their ¨American allies¨ were training and arming Ho´s Viet Minh forces. Ho was informed that General Donovan represented large economic interests (the World Commerce Corp.) which planned to rebuild Vietnam´s railroads and highways, in exchange for ¨economic privileges¨ in Indochina. In Oct. 1945, the OSS (Office of Strategic Services, which morphed into the CIA) sponsored the ¨Vietnam Friendship Association¨ headed by OSS Lt. Col. Carleton Swift. The OSS armed Ho Chi Minh´s forces with the latest weapons, and gave intensive training in infiltration and demolition to 200 selected men of General Giap´s arm. It was these men who later led the attacks against American troops in the Vietnam War. The OSS sponsorship of the Vietn Minh and other terrorist groups around the world led Robert Welch to charge that: ¨The OSS has thrown the weight of American supplies, arms, money and prestige behind the Communist terrorist organizations of Europe and Asia.¨
The OSS trained forces of Ho Chi Minh kept up a steady onslaught against the French Colonial Government John Foster Dulles, playing a double game, met with Georges Bidault, and urged the French to make a stand. ¨We will provide support,¨ he promised. When the French forces were surrounded at Dien Bien Phu, Bidault, to explain his strategy, read Dulles´ commitment to the French parliament. Dien Bien Phu collapsed after a 77 day siege, and the French government was lost. Le Figaro (newspaper) claimed that the State Dept., the White House and the Kremlin, had made a secret deal to partition French Indo China into U.S. and Soviet zones, as had been done in Korea. Whatever agreement may have been reached, it is a fact that the Soviet Army and Navy now have full use of the billion dollar Da Nang airport and the vast naval facilities built in Viet Nam by Lyndon B. Johnson´s financial backers, Brown & Root.
One explanation of the fall of French Indo China was a behind the scenes struggle to control the dope trade in Asia. Alfred McCoy points out that during World War II, Lucky Luciano and Meyer Lansky (Italian and Jewish mafia dons, respectively) secretly worked for the OSS. Through their influence, the OSS became deeply involved in dope running. After the war, Lansky moved the headquarters of the dope traffic to Miami, where Paul Helliwell, OSS chief of special operations in Asia, was his front man. Helliwell also operated a CIA front in Maimi called Sea Supply, Inc.; one of his agents was Howard Hunt. Helliwell later served as paymaster for CIA sponsorship of the Bay of Pigs operation. He opened secret accounts for American mobsters in Miami banks, working closely with Sandro Trafficante and Louis Chesler….
Helliwell, protected by powerful friends in the Mob and the CIA, epitomized the ties between organized crime, intelligence agencies, and the national government, all overseen, of course, by the World Order.
…. The American ¨free press,¨ known to the cognoscenti as ¨the drug press¨ because of (Henry) Luce´s longstanding China connection, consistently portrays the source of the world´s drugs as ¨The Golden Triangle,¨ an area of Laos, Thailand, and Burma. However, this is merely a staging area for the world´s drug trade. Review of the News in 1970 identified Red China as the world´s largest producer of opium, its usual source of hard currency from non-communist nations. The refined opium reaches the ¨free world,¨ that is, ¨the cash world,¨ through Canton and Hong Kong. It also includes heroin, which had been synthesized from opium in 1898 by the Bayer Co., and became one of their most important products.
….. Future historians will refer to the Vietnam War as the ¨the drug war¨ akin to the British Opium Wars of the nineteenth century. In 1964, the number of U.S. addicts had dropped to 48,000 down from 60,000 in 1950. Then 15% of all American soldiers in Vietnam returned home as addicts. The drug monopoly was back in business. Two of the leading CIA operatives in Vietnam during that war are Mitch Werbell from Powder, Ga., and Three Fingered Louie Conein, who wore a gold decoration from Union Corse, the Sicilian Mafia, around his neck.
…. The United States is the primary target of the missiles of the New World Order because it still retains, however, perverted and distorted, the essential machinery for a republic which provides for the freedom of its citizens. The Order´s present goals were originated by Lord Castlereagh at the Congress of Vienna in 1815, when he handed over Europe to the victorious Money Power, as exemplified by the presence of the House of Rothschild. This was ¨the balance of power,¨ which was never a balance of power at all, but rather a worldwide system of control to be manipulated at the pleasure of the conspirators.
Henry Kissinger has been busily reviving the program for renewed control, as he wrote in a think piece for Newsweek, January 28, 1991:
¨We now face ¨a new balance of power.¨ Today, it translates into the notion of a ¨new world order,¨ which would emerge from a set of legal arrangements to be safeguarded by collective security.¨
When minions of the World Order such as Henry Kissinger call for ¨collective security,¨ what they are really seeking is a protective order behind which they can safely carry out their depredations against all mankind.
…..Since 1948, Americans have asked this writer when the Communists will seize power in the U.S. The answer is that they will seize power after they have confiscated the 200,000 guns… Criminals understand only one law- the law of force. The criminal syndicalists who seek to enslave the entire world cannot be defeated by humility or compassion, but only by the most determined and the harshest measures.
• The 1992 Rio Earth Summit and Planned World Dictatorship
…. These are physical manifestations of preparations for a worldwide dictatorship, which the Trilateral Commission Report, drafted at a Commission meeting in Washington, April 22, 1990, calls ¨Beyond Interdependence, The Meshing of the World´s Economy and the Earth´s Ecology.¨ David Rockefeller, in his preface to the report, states:
….. ¨(The) Rio (Earth Summit) will be the largest summit conference ever held, and it will have the political capacity to produce the basic changes needed in our national and international economic agendas and in our institutions of governance to ensure a secure and sustainable future for the world community. By the year 2012, these changes must be fully integrated into our economic and political life.¨
(ETK note: Rockefeller is referring to U.N. Agenda 21, or Agenda for the 21st Century. Maurice Strong, protégé of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, was organizer and U.N. Secretary General of the Rio Earth Summit (UNCED) Conference of 1992 as well as the Rio Plus 20 conference in 2012.)
What Rockefeller demands is that we change our institutions of government by 2012 to encompass all the goals of the World Order. The Trilateral Commission: Questions and Answers (1990. Obtainable from the North American office, 345 E. 46th St., NY 10017, tel. 2 12 66 11180) asks: ¨What are the goals of the Trilateral Commission?¨
1. Growing interdependence is a fact of life in the contemporary world. It transcends and influences national systems. It requires new and more intensive forms of international cooperation to realize its benefits and to counteract economic and political nationalism.¨
Also proposed is a new Constitution for the United States. Art. VIII Sec 12. No person shall bear arms or possess lethal weapons except police, members of the armed forces, or those licensed under law.¨ This has been the law in all Communist countries for many years. The would-be dictators hope to confiscate the 200,000,000 weapons now in private hands in the United States. Section 8 of the new Constitution provides, ¨The use of public lands, the air, or waters shall be a privilege granted only in the national interest and with restrictions imposed by authorized agencies.¨
Art II, The Electoral Board, provides for an Overseer to supervise all political parties and candidates. This is the same overseer which had absolute power on the pre-Civil War plantations. History does repeat itself.
• ¨1984¨ IS the Program
In 1984, as these words are written, we are observing the Year of 1984. George Orwell´s book, written in 1949, was thought to be only a warning against what was to come. It was not a warning. ¨1984¨ is the Program! Orwell, a lifelong Socialist, fought for many days in the front lines for the Communists in Spain. He was wounded, but this did not lessen his dedication to the goals of World Socialism. The most practical way to achieve these goals was to formulate the program, as Col. House had done in ¨Phillip Dru, Administrator.¨ Orwell laid down the dictim that slogans must be in Newspeak, ¨War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.¨ This is the program of the hegemony of parasitism through the World Order. Orwell posited three superstates, Eurasia, Oceania, and Eastasia, ¨permanently at war in one combination or another.¨ He continues;
¨War, however, is no longer the desperate annihilating struggle that it was in the early decades of the 21st century. It is a warfare of limited aims, between combatants who are unable to destroy one another, have no material cause for fighting, and are not divided by a genuine ideological difference…. There is no longer in a material sense anything to fight about, the balance of power will always remain roughly even, and the territory which forms the heartland of each superstate always remains inviolate. (NOTE: The present writer has pointed out that the CIA does not commit sabotage in Russia, and the KGB does not commit sabotage in the U.S.)…. The primary aim of modern warfare (in accordance with the principle of doublethink, the aim is simultaneously recognized and not recognized by the directing brains of the Party) is to use up the products of the machine without raising the general standard of living…. the essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labor. The two aims of the party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought.¨
Orwell concludes ¨1984¨ with a denial that the victims of the World Order have any hope. He claims the World Order will always triumph, which is a great propaganda achievement for the hegemony of parasitism. He writes, ¨If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.¨ He disposes of his ¨hero,¨ a citizen who had vainly tried to oppose the Party, by ending the book with the ¨hero¨ whimpering that ¨He loved Big Brother.¨
The peoples of the world not only will never love Big Brother, but they will soon dispose of him forever.
The program of the World Order remains the same; Divide and Conquer. ¨And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall fight everyone against his brother and every one against his neighbor: city shall fight against city: and kingdom against kingdom.¨ Isaiah XIX: 2.
At the same time that government officials are stealthily promoting discord in every region of the land, they are also setting up government programs which will step in to set up total dictatorhsip over the warring factions. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, now controls the FBI, state and local police departments, and have extensive plans for national concentration camps throughout the United States. George Bush and Col. North in 1984 ran Rex 84 Readiness Exercise in 1984 as a shakedown run for a national dictatorship. Houston researcher William Pabst released a pamphlet in 1983, Concentration Camp Plans for U.S. Citizens, formulated under an operations plan named GARDEN PLOT and Cable Splicer, calling for martial law. Bush now has a secret hideout, Mt. Weather, near Berryville, Va., which is three hundred feet underground, as headquarters for the New World Order. It already has 240 workers. The Federal Reserve System bunker at Culpepper, Va., was built twenty-two years ago as a Communications and Record Center. IT formerly contained enormous quantities of cash, which have quietly been removed.
• Hegemony of the Parasites
Ortega was commenting on the most striking phenomenon of the twentieth century, the hegemony of parasitism which was attained through the World Order. It was at the Congress of 1815 at Vienna which unleashed the rats from their nest, nor is it accidental that the Viennese School of Economics has become the principle vehicle through which the World Order maintains its political and financial power. After crushing Napoleon, the emerging oligarchy, which owned no allegiance to any nation or to any philosophy of life, attained power because it knew how to defeat its foes, the republicans and individualists of Europe; but its foes had no idea how to combat, or even to identify, its cleverly camouflaged enemy, because these people were a biological throwback in the continuing development of humanity.
(ETK note: In the above and the following paragraphs, Mullins describes the ¨Jewish Conspiracy¨ without using the J word! There can be no doubt whatsoever that he is referring to the Jewish tribe here.) They were people who were unable to become productive members of any society, and who could exist only by maintaining a parasitic attachment upon a host. Incredibly, they seized upon this striking difference as a sign that they had been chosen to rule all of mankind! Initially no more than a harmless illusion, this self-deception was transformed into an evidence of ¨superiority.¨ Their biological uniqueness, their committal to a parasitic mode of life, became their principal advantage in attaining their goals. They set up techniques of immediately recognizing each other in any part of the world. They resolved to act always cohesively as well-trained and determined phalanx against their unwitting opposition. They made full use of their qualities of non-allegiance and nonalignment, which was actually enmity, undying hatred towards all nations, races and creeds of the host peoples who tolerated their presence. This freedom from all loyalties and moral codes of any kinds which governed all other groups gave them an enormous tactical advantage over those whom they planned to enslave and destroy.
The conspirators knew that their parasitic way of life would not be long endured by any host. They had to set up a program to subdue and overcome all governments, all religious creeds, all group loyalties, and replace them with their own World Order, which would allow any type of perversion, as long as the host peoples tolerated the presence of the parasite. The old morality had been based upon the duties and responsibilities of the citizen to raise a family, attend church, and support his nation. The ¨new morality,¨ the ¨liberation theology,¨ swept away all duties of the citizen. He now only had a single duty, to obey the World Order. In return, he was relieved of duties, and was free to gratify his ¨needs,¨ his sexual desires, perverted gratifications with children and animals, abandonment of monogamous life. The new morality reduced the citizen to a mere animal, which was what the World Order required in order to perpetuate its parasitic way of life… (Hence, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO).
Society was now replaced by a mere façade of society. Only one crime would be severely punished- any resistance to the World Order.… (Hence, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO). Murder, rape, arson, armed robbery, incest, child molestation, alcoholism, drug addiction, homosexuality – all would be excused as minor aberrations, as long as the World Order was allowed to function without hindrance. One former crime, treason, now vanished, because national loyalties no longer existed. No one was expected to be ¨loyal¨ to the World Order, except its own members. The host peoples, the slaves, would never be asked for loyalty – only for obedience…. (Hence, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO).
Despite this new ¨tolerance,¨ which was in itself a revolution against the innate moral codes of all peoples, many citizens continued to resist enslavement by the World Order. Famines, riots, revolutions, and wars were instigated to get rid of the troublemakers, but a more universal restraint was required. This was found in drugs. In Asia, for centuries assassins had been sent to carry out their duties after being given quantities of drugs (assassin comes from the word hasheesh). The World Order realized that drugs would provide the means of ¨behavioral psychology¨ or people control, which they had been seeking. The opium clippers began to sail from England to the Far East. By pushing drugs among the Asian masses, they stupefied and controlled them, reaping not only a substantial cash flow, but the raw materials needed for their Industrial Revolution. In the twentieth century, the foundations began to stupefy the European and American population with drugs, the final step in the enthronement of the World Order. They had eradicated the last serious resistance to their program.
All conspiratorial societies for the past thousand years have sought a single goal – hegemony of parasitism. Bharati Darma holds that the world is an order or Cosmos – that is not chaos- it is not thrown together. Parasitism´s existential philosophy holds that man is thrown into the world without plan or program. (ETK note: This is also the basic philosophy of existentialism.) This is the basic concept of parasitism, which finds itself in the world with only one mission: to find a host or perish. Many physicists now claim that the universe is the result of an accidental explosion which threw its components hither and yon, with no plan or order, an atheistic concept which denies that there is either a Logician or Logic to the universe. Dar Darma states that is the desire for the life of form which produces the universe, that there is a World Order by which the universe is upheld.
The parasite denies that there is a world order of the universe, or any desire for form in the universe, or that any form exists. Therefore, the parasite is free to impose his own World Order, which has no organic relationship to the universe or to form. (ETK note: This helps explain persistent propaganda myths, or lies, such as ¨man-caused global warming¨). The hegemony of parasitism is dedicated solely to maintaining its position on the host from which it draws all of its sustenance. The host is the entire universe of the parasite; he knows nothing beyond it, and
desires to know nothing beyond it. (Hence, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO).
Geoffrey LaPage writes in ¨Parasitic Animals:¨ ¨Some species of parasitic animals are among the most powerful enemies of man and his civilization.¨ He posits a Law of Nature- that the parasite is always smaller and weaker than its host, and that the parasite always disguises itself and its aim in order to carry out its parasitic mission. LaPage says, ¨The struggle between host and parasite went on according to the laws of evolution, and this battle is constantly being waged today.¨
LaPage notes that the parasite can cause biological change, citing particular species which cause changes in the host´s reproductive glands. The parasite sometimes castrates the host in order to weaken it, such as the parasitic crustacean Sacculina, which destroys the reproductive organs of its host, the short-tailed spider crab, Inacus Mautitanicus. We see the identical process today in which the hegemony of parasitism seeks to alter the reproductive process of the host by converting the younger generation to unisex and homosexuality, and to render ineffective distinctive sexual characteristics of male and female. This is a classic instance of castration by the parasite.
The natural World Order, which is based upon the irrevocable laws of the universe, has been temporarily replaced on Earth by the unnatural World Order of the parasite. All the programs and energies of the parasite are devoted to a single goal, maintaining his feeding position upon the host. Freudian psychology was developed by the parasitic order to neutralize the incessant efforts of the host to throw off or dislodge the parasite. …. (Hence, the use of PsyOp in GOG´S NeW GESTAPO).
Any move to dislodge the parasite is viewed as ¨reactionary.¨ It is defined and outlawed as an act of aggression, hostility, and alienation. In fact, the host is merely trying to survive by throwing off the parasite. Another law of nature is that the parasite, not only by sucking off the life sustenance of the host, but also by altering its life cycle, will inevitably kill the host. This process is called ¨the decline and fall of civilization.¨
LaPage notes that a parasite is not a particular species, but one which has adopted a certain way of life, the way of the parasite. Whether or not it is a virus, the parasite has a viral effect on the host, slowly poisoning and destroying it. Viruses are classic parasites. The spirochete, virus of syphilis, is a classic parasitic organism. In biological parlance, a collection of spirchetes is known as a ¨Congress.¨
The U.S. Congress has specifically chartered many parasitic functions in the philanthropic foundations. These groups now dominate educational and governmental institutions, laying down financial and social goals which are designed solely to maintain the hegemony of parasitism through its World Order. The American foundations are not even run by Americans; their policies are formulated in London by the financiers and transmitted to this country through the British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare front Tavistock Institute. This is a typical disguised parasitic operations.
Despite its present hegemony, the World Order of parasitism realizes that it is always subject to being dislodged, which, in effect, would mean its destruction. Therefore, it is necessary to control not only the channels of communication of the host, but his very thought processes as well; to maintain constant vigilance that the host does not develop any concept of the danger of his situation, or any power to throw off the parasite. … (Hence, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO).
Therefore, the parasite carefully instructs the host that he exists only because of the ¨benign¨ presence of the parasite, his religion, his social order, his monetary system, and his educational system. The parasite deliberately inculcates in the host the fear that if the parasite happens to be dislodged, the host will lose all these things, and be left with nothing.
• How to Legally Beat the World Order Parasites
Although the World Order has control of the legal system and the courts, it remains vulnerable to any enforcement of the pre-existing body of law which the host had formulated to protect his society. This body of law forbids everything that the parasite is doing, and forces the parasite to maintain a precarious existence outside of the law. If the law were to be enforced at any time, the parasite would be dislodged. The existing body of law clearly forbids the operation of criminal syndicates, which is precisely what the hegemony of parasitism and its World Order is. Criminal syndicalism denies the equal protection of the law to citizens. Only by acting against criminal syndicalism can the state protect its citizens.
Corpus Juris Secundum 16: Constitutional Law 213 (10) states: ¨The Constitutional guaranty of freedom of speech does not include the right to advocate, or conspire to the effect, the violent destruction or overthrow of the government or the criminal destruction of property. 214: The Constitutional guaranty of the right of assembly was never intended as a license for illegality or invitation for fraud- the right of freedom of freedom of assembly may be abused by using assembly to incite violence and crime, and the people through their legislatures may protect themselves against the abuse.¨
The assembly of any World Order organization, such as the Council on Foreign Relations or any foundation, is subject to the laws against fraud (their charters claim they are engaged in philanthropy), and enforcement of the laws against criminal syndicalism would end the institutions through which the World Order illegally rules the people of the United States, the illegal conspiracies and the introduction of alien laws into our system by the foundations´ instructions to Congress.
We have already shown that the Rockefeller Foundation and other key organizations of the World Order are ¨Syndicates¨, which are engaged in the practice of criminal syndicalism. But what is a ¨syndicate?¨ The Oxford English Dictionary notes that the word stems from ¨syndic.¨ A syndic is defined as ¨an officer of government, a chief magistrate, a deputy.¨ In 1601 R. Johnson wrote in King and common ¨especiall men, called Syndicates, who haue the managing of the whole commonwealth.¨ Thus the Rockefeller Foundation and its associated groups are carrying out their delegated function of managing the entire commonwealth, but not for the benefit of the people, or of any government except the secret super-government, the World Order, which they serve. The OED further defines a syndic as ¨a censor of the actions of another. To accuse.¨ Here too, the syndicate functions according to its definition- the syndicate censors all thought and media, primarily to protect its own power. (Hence, GOG´s NeW GESTAPO!).
It also brings accusations – as many American citizens have found to their sorrow. Not even Sir Walter Raleigh was immune. When he interferred with the international money trade, he was accused of ¨treason¨ and beheaded.
The OED defines as a ¨syndicate¨ as follows: 3. A combination of capitalists and financiers entered into for the purpose of prosecuting a scheme requiring large sources of capital, especially one having the object of obtaining control of the market in a particular commodity. To control, manage or effect by a syndicate.¨ Note the key words in this definition – a combination – prosecuting – obtaining control. The scheme does not require ¨large capital¨ – it requires ¨large sources of capital,¨ the Bank of England or the Federal Reserve System.
Corpus Juris Secundum 22 A says of Criminal Syndicalism, ¨In a prosecution for being a member of an organization which teaches and abets criminal syndicalism, evidences of crimes committed by past or present members of the organization in their capacity as members is admissible to show its character.¨ People v. LrUE 216 P 627 C.A. 276. Thus testimony about John Foster Dulles financing the Nazi Government of Germany, his telegram starting the Korean War, and other evidence can be used to indict any member of the Rockefeller Foundation in any state or locality in which the Rockefeller Foundation has ever been active in any way. Since these organizations are all closely interlocked, and there is so much available evidence of their illegal operations, it will be relatively simple to obtain criminal convictions against them for their criminal syndicalist operations.
Corpus Juris Secundum 22, Criminal Law 185 (10); Conspiracy and Monopolies: ¨Where the statute makes mere membership in an organization formed to promote syndicalism a crime, without an overt act, this offense is indictable in any country into which a member may go during the continuance of his membership, and this is true although such member comes into a country involuntarily. People v. Johansen, 226 P 634, 66 C.A. 343.¨
Corpus Juris Secundum 22, Criminal Law sec. 182 (3) states: ¨A prosecution for conspiracy to commit an offense against the U.S. may also be tried in any district wherein any overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy is performed. U.S. v. Cohen C. A.N.J. 197 F 2d 26.¨ Thus a publication by the Council on Foreign Relations promoting the stripping of sovereignty of the United States of America, mailed into any county of the U.S.; the county authorities can bring the Council on Foreign Relations, or any member therein, to trial in that county, and any action by any mmember of the Council on Foreign Relations in the past is admissible as evidence, such as starting World War II, subsidizing the Nazi Government, or subsidizing the USSR.
Criminal syndicalism can also be prosecuted according to Corpus Juris Secundum 46, Insurrection and Sedition: sec. 461c. ¨Sabotae and syndicalism aiming to abolish the present political and social system, including direct action or sabotage.¨ Thus any program of a foundation which seeks to abolish the present political and social system of the United States can be prosecuted. Of course every foundation program seeks to accomplish just that, and is indictable.
Not only individuals, but any corporation supporting criminal syndicalism can be prosecuted, according to Corpus Juris Secudnum 46 462b. Criminal Syndicalism. ¨Statutes against criminal syndicalism apply to corporations as well as to individuals organizing or belonging to criminal syndicalist society; evidence of the character and activities of other organizations with which the organization in which the accused is a member is affiliated is admissible.¨
Not only can the members of the World Order be arrested and tried anywhere, since they function worldwide in their conspiratorial activities to undermine and overthrow all governments and nations, but because their organizations are so tightly interlocked, any evidence about any one of them can be introducted in prosecuting any member of other organizations in any part of the U.S. or the world. Their attempts to underrmine the political and social orders of all peoples make them subject to legal retribution. The People of the U.S. must begin at once to enforce the statutes outlawing criminal syndicalist activities, and bring the criminals to justice.
Being well aware of their danger, the World Order is working frantically to achieve even greater dictatorial powers over the nations of the world. They constantly intensify all problems through the foundations, so that political and economic crises prevent the peoples of the world from organizing against them. The World Order must paralyze its opponents. They terrorize the world with propaganda about approaching nuclear war, although atomic bombs have been used only once, in 1945, when the Rockefeller Foundation director Karl T. Compton ordered Truman to drop the atomic bomb on Japan.
Because of the billions of lives which have been blighted and destroyed by the conspiracies of the World Order through its hegemony of parasitism, vengeance for these atrocities demands the most thorough going and relentless retribution against the criminal syndicalists. Their record is clear.
• Demise of the World Order
…. Unfortunately for the megalomanical plans of the minions of the World Order, they are fighting a losing battle. Time is running out for them. Their world order, which they tried to revive by hastily terming it ¨a new world order,¨ is slowly collapsing, speeded in its demise by the rapid increase in communications, the computer, television, and other factors of modern life. The World Order, which has always been based upon naked force, worked best in the pre-Industrial Age. Because it depends on planning and total control of the economy, World order programs are too inflexible to survive in the fast moving world of today. Within the next several years, if not, indeed, in the next few months, we shall see an exasperated and aroused public complete what has already taken place in the Communist satellites and in Soviet Russia, the final dismantling of the Communist system of the World Order in the United States itself. This is not romanticism or optimism: it is the result of many years of studying present developments, and of a realistic assessment of the prospect before us. It will be a very rewarding one, except for the parasites whose curse on humanity will at last be removed. This is the twenty-first century as I see it.¨
IV. Why The ¨World Order¨ Needs Gang Stalking (GOG´S NeW GESTAPO – Global Organized Gang Stalking Neuro Warfare Groups´ Electronic Slavery, Torture, and PsyOp Operations)!
¨The World Order record is one of horror, as the ghosts of massacred billions cry out for retribution…. God made the earth for the living, and we are overdue in our attack on the Brotherhood of Death. We must not be inveigled into more contrived ¨wars¨ for the profit of the World Order, nor can we afford to continue to be misled by their control over the media, the educational process, and our governmental institutions.
The program of the World Order remains the same; Divide and Conquer.
¨And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall fight everyone against his brother, and every one against his neighbor: city shall fight against city, and kingdom against kingdom.¨ Isaiah XIX: 2.
At the same time that government officials are stealthily promoting discord in every region of the land, they are also setting up government programs which will step in to set up total dictatorship over the warring factions. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, now controls the FBI, state and local police departments, and have extensive plans for national concentration camps throughout the United States. George Bush and Col. North in 1984 ran Rex 84 Readiness Exercise in 1984 as a shakedown run for a national dictatorship. Houston researcher William Pabst released a pamphlet in 1983, Concentration Camp Plans for U.S. Citizens, formulated under an operations plan named GARDEN PLOT and Cable Splicer, calling for martial law.
George Orwell: ¨The primary aim of modern warfare (in accordance with the principle of doublethink, the aim is simultaneously recognized and not recognized by the directing brains of the Party) is to use up the products of the machine without raising the general standard of living… the essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labor.
The World Order must paralyze its opponents. They terrorize the world with propaganda about approaching international nuclear war, although atomic bombs have been used only once, in 1945, when the Rockefeller Foundation director, Karl T. Compton, ordered Truman to drop the atomic bomb on Japan.
V. ETK Conclusions:
For those who seek a better understanding of global organized gang stalking operations (here called GOG´S OP and GOG´S NeW GESTAPO), Mullins ¨The World Order; The Hegemony of Parasitism¨ provides important insights into the historical and geo-political context of these diabolical programs. By providing us a basic understanding of the history and m.o. of the parasitic World Order criminal syndicate, Mullins indirectly helps us to understand the ¨raison d´etre¨ (¨reason to be¨) of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, as well, perhaps, as some of the weaknesses.
As noted, in ¨The World Order,¨ Mullins does far more than just name the names of those in the criminal syndicate that rule the world from behind the scenes. He identifies them as a parasitic class that can only live by devouring its host, which is the rest of humanity. The fact that this hypothesis has great explanatory power helps to demonstrate its accuracy.
In ¨The World Order,¨ Eustace Mullins avoids using the terms, Jew and Jewish, in favor of words such as ¨parasite,¨ ¨criminal syndicalism,¨ ¨Rothschild Dynasty,¨ ¨Bank of England,¨ etc. And yet Mullins´ other works make it plain that he was fully aware of the Jewish nature of the World Conspiracy. The basic pattern that emerges here is that the history of the last few hundred years has been guided principally by the Rothschild Dynasty and the Black Nobility families (including the British Royal Family) through their control of finance, the British East India Company, the Bank of England, and their many front groups and think tanks, including British intelligence, Tavistock, the RIIA, CFR, PNAC, etc. and through these agencies, the United States, intelligence agencies, banking institutions, etc.
Mullins´ book also provides sound legal advice through which this criminal syndicate can be brought to justice, exposed, and defeated.
• Putting the Parasites on the Couch
Let me begin with the caveat that there can be no doubt that the U.S. government-military-industrial complex is behind GOG´S NeW GESTAPO. But who controls the U.S. government? Certainly not the American people. Comments that one Jewish TI made to me bear repeating. He said; ¨Jews are behind the whole (gang stalking) thing¨ and ¨they make psychopaths.¨
Indeed, my own research, in combination with that of Mullins and many others, indicates that this parasitic class is comprised largely of Jews. And assuming that Jews stand the most to gain from the establishment of their Jewish Universal Empire (Jewish Utopia/Tikkun Olam), it goes without saying that they will be the most enthusiastic participants in the programs, including GOG´s NeW GESTAPO, designed to usher in their one world Jewish dictatorship.
Based on my research (see and this website), I have little doubt that the psychopathic criminal syndicate Mullins describes here is the same Pharisaic sect that Jesus Christ identified as the ¨Synagogue of Satan.¨ Texe Marrs, documents in ¨Holy Serpent of the Jews: The Rabbis Secret Plan for Satan to Crush Their Enemies and Vault the Jews to Global Dominion,¨ that the Jewish religion involves the worship of Satan! This revelation should give us great pause and show us what is really at stake in our lives and the lives of our friends, family, and nation.
But how does this diabolical system work?
1) How do ¨they,¨ the parasitic class, control nations?
2) How do they turn human beings into psychopaths?
3) Are they behind GOG´s NeW GESTAPO?
4) How does the system of psychopathic parasites operate? What keeps it going?
5) What should our response be to this pernicious evil?
Suggested answers:
1) Central to the World Order´s influence over the nations, of course, is their ability to control international finance and coordinate the activities of secret societies such as the Masons. We see the repeated dynamic of ICAE: ¨Infiltration, Contamination, Appropriation, Elimination¨ in which Jews act collectively as an enemy ¨fifth column¨ to destroy all gentile host nations and institutions. Today, the U.S. seems poised between the third and fourth phases of this process, ¨Appropriation and Elimination.¨ We have already been thoroughly infiltrated, contaminated/corrupted, and appropriated by the Jewish fifth column and we are poised now for destruction. The primary reason, I believe, that our Jewish/British overlords haven´t destroyed America already is that they still need us to fight their wars in the Middle East and elsewhere for them.
In this regard, there is the historic phenomenon of ¨sayanim,¨ the ¨Jewish secret agents¨/citizen spies, estimated at about one million in the U.S., that can be enlisted to assist Mossad and other Jewish spy agents. Indeed, my sense is that all Jews, by virtue of their primary identification as Jews, automatically give their first allegiance to Israel and are willing to help the common cause of all Jews, Judaic world conquest. Because all Jews evidently anticipate reaping significant material rewards in ¨the world to come¨ (Jewish Utopia), they can be enlisted to perform virtually any function that will aid this greater cause, and hence can be drafted as ¨sayanim.¨ Members of the parasitic class seem particularly adept at acting out whatever roles are required of them. For example, Monica Lewinsky, the Jewess from L.A. who became a White House intern, was trained by Mossad in Israel to fulfill her appointed role- to discredit President Bill Clinton via sexual encounters. Since many others in this group, both in America and Israel, supported all aspects of this ¨operation,¨ this indiscretion proved sufficient to impeach an American President.
Because of these various traits, then, Jews seem to make ideal spies, gang stalkers, surveillance role players, perpetrators, etc. Indeed, if you scratch beneath the surface, you get the sense that all Jews are basically ¨role playing.¨ Trained from childhood to fear and hate all non-Jews, they must nonetheless appear to be friendly and good neighbors in order to survive and thrive in their host nations- the very nations they are bent on destroying! One may speculate that this internal tension itself causes a personality split and that all Jews, then, are basically schizophrenic. Even as they smile at you, they hold you in contempt and really want to kill you, cheat you, rob you, etc.
Many Jews and other members of the parasite class, it appears, have bought into the Serpent´s lie of the Book of Genesis that they can be as gods and live forever. Hence, Judaism has been described as worship of the Jewish male as god (Hoffman, 2012). As noted, Marrs (2016a, 2016b) shows that Jews also actually worship the Serpent (Satan) as god. What is the logical deduction? If A = B and B = C then A = C. Jews worship the Serpent (Satan), Jews worship themselves, hence, Jews are the Serpent (Satan), just as Jesus stated. In this regard, books by Christian authors Hugh Akins, Dr. E. Michael Jones, and Michael Hoffman are also very informative.
2) I am tempted to agree with Texe Marrs (Power of Prophecy program, Secrets, June 17, 2017); that psychopaths are demonically-possessed individuals. This conclusion, of course, is only viable if demons exist. In this regard, Dr. M. Scott Peck´s book, ¨People of the Lie,¨ is instructive. Peck, an agnostic psychiatrist, was present at an exorcism in which he observed a possessed individual´s face and voice change completely into those of a demon. There are many, many such accounts, of course.
It stands to reason that those who worship Satan and summon demons may become demon-possessed. Once demonic possession occurs, then other, presumably powerful, entities are in control of the human… and these other spirits/entities may have capabilities of which most of us are unaware. This could explain the ¨hive mind¨ characteristics of such groups and the fact that they have ways to secretly recognize and communicate with one another. It also might explain why they operate collectively to work toward common ends: They are being directed from an invisible, exterior force.
If this is so, it might be that these individuals have already entered the Satanic kingdom right here on earth. The founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, wanted to rename his ¨Order of Perfectibilists¨ (the Illuminati) the ¨Order of Bees.¨ The image here is that of a hive of bees busily working to do the will of its Queen.
The way to ¨make psychopaths,¨ then, evidently, is to ¨satanize¨ them and/or provide the circumstances under which demonic possession may occur. This can be accomplished through many methods, apparently, the most obvious being participation in Satanic blood rituals. Another method that is supposedly combined with Satanic rituals is the application traumatic abuse, such as rape, to young children, which causes their young minds to split into multiple personalities. Researchers document that ¨trainers¨ may then assign demon spirits to particular sub-alter personalities. (See my article: ¨Mind Control: History and Applications¨ on this website.) The Jewish Kabbalah apparently provides instructions for these kinds of procedures.
Marrs documents that pedophilia is rampant in Jewish communities and indeed, is sanctioned in Jewish holy books, the Talmud and Kabbalah. Since the act of pedophilia results in severe trauma and the dissociation and splitting of young minds, this may account for the fact that this tribe has relatively high percentages of psychopaths/Satanists. It also seems self-evident that the child victims of pedophilia often grow up to become pedophiles themselves, thus perpetuating the cycle into the third, fourth, and fiftieth generations.
No doubt there are other methods to create psychopaths/Satanists that have been perfected over time. In ¨Holy Serpent of the Jews,¨ Marrs suggests that studying the Jewish Kabbalah system, perhaps the most diabolical form of Babylonian black magic on earth, is one method:
¨The Kabbalist is a psychopath without conscience, able to sin against self and others without pity, seeking only immediate gratification. The Kabbalist says we shall engage in ¨Tikkun Olam.¨ We must mend and repair the world, when in reality, they are thinking, we must devastate and destroy this world. We must do evil to achieve good. For good and evil are flip sides of Deity. And Deity can only be achieved through a simultaneous doublethink process in which the individual is made to experience both good and evil. The Kabbalah teaches what the Gnostics call ¨dualism,¨ the worship of two opposite deities at the same time. This is the secret doctrine of Judaism, the fact that Satan and God are both worshipped.¨
Thus, apparently, ¨satanization¨ of an individual can be accomplished by adhering to certain dualistic, Gnostic belief systems which cause the person to become ¨double-minded.¨ (We may also posit that much of what passes for media entertainment and culture today has the hidden objective of creating double-mindedness in this manner.)
3) We can also speculate that psychopaths/Satanists/Jews play a considerable role in perpetrating all aspects of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO (gang stalking), from lowest levels of ¨street perps¨ to the dynastic families that control the system. Since these terms describe the parasitic class that seeks world control, it stands to reason they would be most actively engaged in GOG´S NeW GESTAPO as a means of bringing this world fascist dictatorship into fruition. It also stands to reason that psychopaths would be ideal stalkers and might derive pleasure from harassing and torturing others. And if they are demonically possessed, they may have little choice but to obey commands of their lord and master anyway. My sense is that many TIs would agree with me in their impression that many of the perps they encounter seem to be soulless and/or are already victims of the same system.
Additionally, we may speculate that the program is designed to make the TI into a psychopath/satanist as well! Indeed, the program may be designed to provide sufficient torture, pain, etc. as to simulate demonic ¨oppression¨/trauma-based mind control and that one of its goals is to produce demonic possession.
Certainly, GOG´s NeW GESTAPO is associated with a number of predictable side effects. Targeted individuals typically lose their trust in others, become more paranoid, and may become more hostile to other people. The stated goal of the program is to ¨break the will¨ of the target (Rich, 2011), at which point he/she will no longer be able to retain their previous functionality and/or may succumb to demonic possession. Another primary goal of the program is to produce symptoms in the TI that will be interpreted as representing schizophrenia and delusional disorder, thus leading to their institutionalization and discrediting.
The above discussion certainly helps explain why the parasite class does not feel constrained to abide by any moral systems of their host populations. It may also reveal how members of the parasite class secretly communicate with one another; for if indeed these individuals are demon-possessed, these demons may have capabilities that we humans do not understand.
At this point, it is important to consider the possibility that the so-called ¨demons¨ that possess TIs minds may in fact just be other human minds.
This would be the logical interpretation represented in Duncan´s ¨Project Soul Cather¨ (2010). Similarly, Bryan Tew´s testimony on a youtube interview (included on this website) suggests that TI´s minds may be remotely accessed, monitored, and manipulated through a process called Remote Neural Manipulation (RNM) by ¨hive mind teams¨ in numerous universities and that this process is now occurring worldwide. In ¨The Ways of the Serpent¨, Christina Stoddard (1936) notes a common practice in various occult secret societies can be described as: ¨Jewish minds projecting Jewish thoughts into non-Jewish minds.¨ Whether or not these modern and pre-modern human ¨mind-hackers¨ are demons or not is another interesting question to ponder.
In either case, ¨possession¨ of people´s minds by other minds (human or not human) does seem to be occurring and may be an important component of global mind control operations, including GOG´S NeW GESTAPO.
4) Do Satanism, Judaism, pedophilia, and schizophrenia provide the glue that binds the multi-century conspiracy we are calling ¨The World Order?¨ The Bible posits that the sins of the parents are visited upon the third and fourth generations of children. Certainly, if Jewish parents sacrifice their children to Moloch (Satan), as they have done through the centuries, and if parents, Jewish or otherwise, rape their own children and/or allow Kabbalistic trainers to split their childrens´ young minds through rape or other torture this would be a sure way by which ¨they make psychopaths.¨
Alas, these kinds of satanic techniques have now been scientifically perfected by the Nazis, the CIA, and the U.S. military in programs such as MKULTRA and they have been applied to the general population. Child victims of these tortures, regardless of their religion or racial or social class, are probably forever mind-controlled victims of their handlers. Again, we can postulate that many of these individuals comprise a significant percentage gang stalking (GOG´S NeW GESTAPO) perpetrators.
We may further speculate, and I repeat the word ¨speculate¨ here, that multi-generational satanic family´s which perform various Satanic rituals such as blood sacrifice of humans, may, over time, undergo psycho-physical changes that may or may not manifest as genetic (DNA) changes. If so, multi-generational Satanist families, many of whom self-identify as Jews, may actually comprise a distinct ¨race.¨ This is a claim Jews have long made which seems to be contradicted by their highly varied physical characteristics. Such psycho-physical and/or genetic changes could conceivably also result in ¨shape shifting¨ capabilities in some members of this population. Assuming that Satan is real, and most Americans (and I) believe he is, it seems at least possible that these kinds of changes and abilities may occur in some of his multi-generational servants. If so, this dynamic may also help explain the so-called ¨alien¨ phenomena. Alternatively, the apparent ¨shape-shifting¨ could be the result of temporary but complete possession of the individuals by demons, fallen angels, etc.
In this regard, Christians, at least, may recall that Jesus Christ referred to the Pharisaic Jews of his day as a ¨generation of vipers,¨ that is, a race of serpents. Is He here merely referring to a spiritual reality? Or might there also be identifiable genetic or other psycho-physical markers that distinguish this group, or perhaps, the highest tiers within this group? Forgive my asking the question if it is preposterous. However, it might be an important test nonetheless. If such testing does not reveal distinctive genetic differences amongst those who self-identify as Jews, the implications are obvious: There is no distinct Jewish race and the claims of Jewish exceptionalism and their claim to Palestine are fraudulent. If, on the other hand, there are distinguishing genetic features amongst members of this group, then this could be a fertile area for future research.
Regardless, it does seem that the World Order, perhaps as directed by Kabbalistic Jews, is using the Bible as a script or ¨road map¨ in their manipulation of world events. I´m not a Bible scholar and certainly am no expert on the Kabbalah, but my understanding is that these systems are connected in the sense that one is more or less the reverse mirror image of the other; that Satanism deliberately mimics Christianity, but turns everything upside down as a form of mockery of God´s laws.
5) The bottom line is this: It is essential that we, the host species, thoroughly investigate and ¨neutralize¨/expel the parasite species BEFORE the parasite kills the host. This possibility now seems increasingly likely. Perhaps the energies and intelligence of our alphabet soup agencies could be diverted from their present preoccupation with surveilling and terrorizing American citizens rather to the study and surveillance of the psychopathic ruling class, the criminal syndicalists in Wall Street and elsewhere. By utilizing existing laws prohibiting criminal syndicalism, it may be possible to bring this group to justice and remove them from power.
Indeed, this seems to be the most basic survival strategy for non-Jews. This is how President Trump could ¨drain the swamp.¨ If the ¨swamp¨ (influence of the World Order) keeps growing exponentially, America could go the way of Russia a century ago and be destroyed by another banker-led communist revolution. If this were to occur, the consequences for Americans and the world would be catastrophic.
A viable first step to prevent such a calamity would be to identify and prosecute the architects and executors of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, shut this program, restore constitutional law, and place an international ban on all electronic-psychotronic weapons, as per recommendations in Thomas (2011). The second step would be to scrap the Department of Homeland Security and halt the phony ¨War on Terrorism¨ at home and abroad. The third step would be to radically reduce the military budget, stop the illegal wars in the Middle East, and bring American troops home. The fourth step would be to repeal the National Security Act of 1947 and dismantle the CIA, as President Kennedy evidently intended to do before the CIA and their affiliates took him out first. The fifth step would be to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and require Congress to issue the American currency, as stipulated in the U.S. Constitution. A sixth step would be to close down the foundations and think tanks (CFR, PNAC, etc.) that exert indirect World Order control over America. A seventh step, If my conclusions in this article prove to be correct, would be to pass laws that severely curtail the number of professions available to members of the ¨Synagogue of Satan,¨ perhaps limiting them to minimum wage jobs without benefits. Then, America could once again focus on solving American problems rather than on implementing policies that benefit the Rothschild Dynasty, Israel, and the ¨Synagogue of Satan.¨
As a final note, many, many other books also offer essential and invaluable insights into this International Conspiracy. And there is a growing body of credible research on the global organized gang stalking operations (GOG´S OP or GOG´S NeW GESTAPO). Perhaps these books, articles, websites, etc. taken collectively, can supply the critical threshold of insights and evidence that will help the American people finally awaken from their long sleep and reclaim their Constitution and their nation.
In his acceptance speech for the Republican nomination for the Presidency, Donald Trump stated that; ¨any government that cannot protect its own people does not have the right to govern.¨ He´s absolutely right. However, the U.S. government is presently not only not protecting the victims of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, the U.S. government is actively engaged in killing them with GOG´S NeW GESTAPO. This treason must not go unpunished. Many of the traitors are identified in Mullins´ ¨The World Order¨ and my websites as well as in many other sources.
Akins, H., 2012, Synagogue Rising; A Catholic Worldview of Anti-Christian Judaism and Counterrevolutionary Resistance, Catholic Action Resource Center, Orlando, FL, 729 pp.
Duncan, R., 2010, Project: Soul Catcher; Volume Two; Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed, Higher Order Thinkers Publishing, Boise, Idaho, 306 pp.
Forwood, A.K., 2011, Gang Stalking and Mind Control, Lulu Publishing, 97 pp.
Marrs, T., 2016, Holy Serpent of the Jews; The Rabbis´ Plan for Satan to Crush Their Enemies and Vault the Jews to Global Dominion, RiverCrest Publishing, Austin, TX, 224 pp.
¬¬¬¬¬_____, 2016, The Destroyer: The Antichrist is At Hand, RiverCrest Publishing, Austin, TX, 184 pp.
Mullins, E., 1992, The World Order, Our Secret Rulers; A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism, Omnia Veritas Ltd., 366 pp.
_____, 2014, The Federal Reserve Conspiracy, Martino Publishing, Mansfield Centre, CT, 144 pp.
Rich, M.M., 2011, New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control, Lulu Enteprises, Inc., 416 pp.
Thomas, M., 2011, Monarch: The New Phoenix Program, 266 pp.
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