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Appendix 34: Are Directed Energy Weapons Being Used To Destroy the “Astral Body” (or Souls?) of Targets? (by J.F. Marino)

Directed Energy Weapons
Articles & Interviews

Part VIII: Cult Connections

February 19, 2024

Dr. Nick Begich on HAARP

February 25, 2014

Jerry Smith on HAARP

February 25, 2014

Bruce Gagnon, Researcher

February 25, 2014

Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Researcher

February 25, 2014

Notes from Four Chemtrail DVDs

February 25, 2014

Organized Gang Stalking Quotes

February 23, 2014

ETK INTRODUCTION: This article raises the interesting possibility that directed energy weapons are being used in NSA, FBI, DHS and cult operations/experiments to disrupt and destroy the “bio-energetic fields” (aka “astral body”) of targets. If so, this article could be applicable to what is happening in Crestone/Baca, Colorado. The article also outlines connections between these black government psychological warfare operations, geo-engineering, the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF), satanic ritual abuse, pedophilia, and satanic cults. Refreshingly, the article names (by now familiar!) names of some of the criminal perpetrators/co-conspirators involved. Perhaps most importantly, much (perhaps all) of what “Diana Napolis” states in her declaration to the Superior Court of California (Feb. 19, 2003, below) rings true to this investigator based on other research previously reported on this website.




The Interesting Case Of Diana Napolis — Mind Control Target — The Criminal Use Of Directed Energy Weapons To Destroy The Astral Body Of The Target?

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: JAMES F. MARINO: Independent Investigative Journalist Targeted For Organized Stalking & An Ongoing FBI COINTELPRO STING OPERATION/SMEAR CAMPAIGN — This author’s been used as a target of MK-Ultra non consensual human experimentation for decades via the NSA’s SIGNIT EMF Scanning Network – a covert domestic spy program which uses brain scanners deployed via signals intelligence satellites & HAARP over the horizon radar to remotely scan the brainwaves of any American citizen. This SIGNIT EMF Scanning Network’s an outgrowth of Pentagon/CIA MIND and TAMI (MK-Ultra) “mind control” programs, which use EEG Heterodyning technology to synchronize AI computers with the unique EMF brainwave print of each American citizen, thus turning the EM spectrum into an invisible prison. This technology enables the NSA to brand us like heads of cattle. Google: AKWEI VS NSA & PROJECT: SOUL CATCHER by Dr. Robert Duncan to learn more about this Orwellian attack on the American people’s Constitutional rights.

The following is the case of mind control victim and target of organized stalking by the name of *Diana Napolis. Her account was of particular interest since in it she discusses the assaults being waged against her, as well as the NSA’s ability to use its directed energy weapons to disrupt the natural energy meridians in the body (the 7 chakras). If this is the case, those who perpetrate the use of this technology are now attempting to disrupt the spiritual realm within the bodies of their targets.

In 2003, Napolis was arrested in the alleged stalking of actress Jennifer Love Hewitt and Director Steven Spielberg, claiming that they were part of a satanic cult which was using psychotronic weaponry in which to control her mind. While this story may sound a bit apocryphal, the mind influencing by electronic means of myriad citizens around the globe is not. And it only adds to the conjecture which Ms. Napolis put forth at her trial (which was in reality practically over before it began, given that a judge ordered Napolis to be seen by psychiatrists who found her incompetent to stand trial).

Note that this only occurred when Napolis refused to cooperate with her attorneys, whom she felt were not functioning in her best interests. The incarceration of Ms. Napolis was certainly a boon to the prosecution, who would have had to attempt to keep much of her information regarding psychotronic weaponry from a jury (given the classified nature of such technology). And there are several posts on Websites labeling her as a fraud. Given my own experiences with this technology and the oftentimes overt attempts in which to discredit them, I have a strong suspicion that much of what Diana Napolis was alleging may have been the truth — even if the controllers of this technology may not have been the two Hollywood stars whom she believed were attacking her. The perpetrators of these crimes use voice to skull technology to misdirect the target in regard to who is attacking them.

And in the case of Diana Napolis, having her chase after two high profile people got her more attention than she bargained for — unfortunately, the wrong kind of attention. However, that does (not, sic) mean that Diana was lying or that she is mentally unstable. It is quite possible that the exact opposite is true and that she was setup for incarceration simply because she knew very disturbing things about some very powerful people, who did not want her remaining in society.

It would seem that the perpetrators of these Active Denial system crimes at the NSA (and perhaps other criminal organizations who have access to perhaps lesser forms of similar technologies) are now attempting to usurp the role of the creational force behind the time space continuum. The below quote from Diana is as interesting as it is terrifying. Is it really possible for directed energy weaponry to destroy the chakras of the human body? And if so, what does this portend for those who are being attacked in such horrific ways?

“I was told that there were attempts by some to impact the bioenergetic fields around the human body and interior to the body and that the utter destruction of these fields results, ultimately, in complete technological possession. The lawsuit Akwei vs. NSA refers to the ability of the NSA to impact bioenergetic fields, but various cult organizations have other agendas which include unique abuses personal to their own religious persuasion such as destroying the Chakra system and the actual astral body of the target.”
–Diana Napolis

Usenet psychologists implicated in the Organized Vigilante Stalking of Diana Napolis by “Indomitable” Nov 18, 2006 at 06:12 PM

Superior Court of California
County of San Diego
Central Court


Defendant. Case No. 171331


Date: February 19, 2003
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Dept: 15
Judge: Hon. Howard H. Shore

Diana Napolis declares as follows:

I am the defendant in these proceedings. I make this declaration in response to the RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE BOARD OF BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE filed in these proceedings and presented to the court at the hearing of February 19, 2003, 9:00 a.m. My attorney did not file a response to the Board’s recommendations. The Court did not follow the Board’s recommendations.

Regardless of the fact that the hearing was held six months ago, it is important for my case to make a written record of why the Board’s recommendations are ill-founded and should not be followed by the Court.

This is a complex case that can only be understood within the following context:

I have a Masters degree in Transpersonal Psychology and I worked as a Court Investigative Social Worker for the County of San Diego from the years 1990-96 and as a visitation supervisor for Family Court cases from the years 1995-2000 with one year overlapping due to moonlighting during the last year of work at Child Protective Serves [CPS]. In the year 2000, I obtained my Marriage and Family Therapy License [MFT].

I was following the controversy surrounding the subject of ritual abuse for 10 years within CPS, and in the academic community in general, and had handled several cases involving ritual abuse claims. There was an attempt to cover-up and down- play ritual abuse within the County of San Diego by a Grand Jury in the early 1990’s, led by a woman by the name of Carol Hopkins who insisted this type of abuse did not occur. [F1] Due to her activity,during my tenure at CPS and afterwards, I concentrated on gathering evidence and cases from around the world which proved the existence of ritual abuse.

I then went on the Internet under a pseudonym attempting to bring attention to these crimes and to the irresponsible actions in San Diego County. See my archive of satanic ritual crime cases at:

I then became interested in tracking the various harassment techniques used by cults and the False Memory Syndrome Foundation [FMSF] – a political organization defending those accused of ritual abuse, sexual molestation, and mind control atrocities. The targets are usually therapists, investigators and victims who speak out. The silencing and intimidation techniques used in the 1990’s included harassing lawsuits, threats, and censorship.

In rare cases, unusual assaults classified under the misnomer of “non-lethal” weaponry, electronic harassment, or psychotronic warfare, were also used. Psychotronic warfare utilizes directed energy to negatively affect the mind. It is discussed in various military journals. In 2001, Rep. Dennis Kucinich introduced a bill in the House of Representatives banning “non-lethal” weaponry, including psychotronic weaponry.

There have been several lawsuits filed in the past 10 years in an attempt to bring this technology to the public’s attention and to name the perpetrators in an attempt to seek justice. For example, see John St. Clair Akwei vs. NSA – (Attachment A). It came to the attention of myself and others that not only governments in third world countries use these technologies against enemies of the state, but countries like the United States and Russia do as well. Such weaponry is a convenient way to dispose of political enemies from a distance, causing irreparable injury without being caught.

These weapons also permit experimentation on an unwitting public without needing to adhere to any standards of ethical conduct or legal requirements to obtain informed consent from subjects, requirements of democratic countries like the United States, especially when field-testing very assaultive, unusual technology.

Occasionally a target might be chosen for a specific type of unusual torture outside the parameters of what the perpetrators of these assaults define as acceptable. In these case, the perpetrators may attempt to travel outside their own country to find a rogue, clandestine operator to complete the “project”.

There is a famous couple from Russia who not only kill via this technology, but lead the people they kill through their own version of the death and dying process, with the exact opposite intention of Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, who was a leader in the study of transitioning others through a conscious “death process” towards the light. The ultimate goal of these groups is to silence the political opposition against them and, of course, to escape criminal prosecution when they eventually kill their targets, who usually die in silence and unbelieved because the crime is unseen.

There were several individuals I was following on the Internet during the years 1995-2000 because of their stated politics and clear agendas to undermine victims. Eventually it appeared that several proponents of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation [FMSF] and North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) had established networks staged in several internet newsgroups, clearly operating to censor information and to intimidate others from publicly questioning theirs agendas. They were promoting ideas about child molestation not being very harmful and were in opposition to any claims to the contrary.

They also mocked victims or advocates who publicized information about ritual abuse and mind control. Eventually these people staged themselves in newsgroups such as sci.psychology.psychotherapy, alt.mind control, alt.true-crime, etc., and became unusually malicious, and appeared to function as an organized group. A few individuals attempted to discover my real life identity, which they finally did in the year 2000 after stalking me in San Diego County.

My identity was disclosed in the local newspaper, the San Diego Union-Tribune, on Sept. 24, 2000. This article was authored by Mark Sauer, a friend of Carol Hopkins, whose story will be told in full later in this document. Mark Sauer quoted: a Lt. Col. Michael Aquino who had been pursuing me; Carol Hopkins, an ex-San Diego Grand Jury member; Dr. Elizabeth Loftus, a memory researcher from the FMSF, and Michelle Devereaux, a satanic cult member who oftentimes poses as a private investigator.

Because I had been tracking the propaganda techniques of others, as well as these particular individuals, I was not surprised to see that they did nottell the truth, but instead provided misinformation to my local newspaper. I publicly rebutted their claims [F2] and expected to receive a legal summons as R. Christopher Barden, attorney for the FMSF, promised me in 1998 [F3], or I expected to be killed due to the fact that Michelle Devereaux told me that a group of people pursuing my identity wished to injure me, or worse.

Instead, I found myself the target of psychotronic technology and I have suffered tremendously from the unique usage of it. It is clear that the main motive of these people was to retaliate against me for exposing their network on my web pages, but I also believe they had discovered that several therapists and I had planned to report their network to the FBI to investigate for possible criminal conduct.

However, the pain and suffering I have experienced during the past two years has been of sufficient intensity and duration to divert attention from this goal – until recently. Fortunately this particular network left a paper trail in their pursuit of me. Some of the people I was following over the past several years are:

Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, cult leader of a satanic organization called the Temple of Set. He was a High Priest while simultaneously serving in the armed forces as a military intelligence operative and psychological/propaganda warfare expert. Lt. Col. Aquino was processed out of the Army Active Reserves in 1990 after a ritual child molestation investigation.

Peter and Pamela Freyd, founders of the False memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF).
John M. Price, Ph.D., co-moderator of the newsgroup sci.psychology.psychotherapy.moderated – affiliated with University ofCalifornia (UC)-Davis.

Ralph Underwager, Ex-advisory Board Member of the FMSF, who claimed pedophilia was “God’s will” in the journal Paidika.


Phil Shaver, Ph.D., from UC Davis, co-wrote a research study, which I was questioning, entitled “Characteristics of Ritual Abuse Allegations”. Leslie E. Packer, Ph.D., a self-described “child advocate and Tourettes Syndrome Specialist” from the New York area.

John Singleton, aka “Raven”, wrote in the newsgroup, Sci.psychology.psychotherapy.
Nancy Alvarado, Ph.D., affiliated with UC San Diego. John Clark, affiliated with UC San Diego. R. Christopher Barden, JD, Ph.D., lawyer and psychologist who works with
the FMSF and threatened to sue me in 1998 when we were both covering a Federal

Trial from opposite perspectives.

Roby Roberson, alleged perpetrator, Wenatchee Sex Ring Case. Carol Hopkins and Mark Sauer, from San Diego. Ms. Hopkins was Deputy Foreperson for, and co-authored, the 1991-1992 San Diego Grand Jury Report No. 8, “Child Sexual Abuse, Assault, and Molest Issues”. She defended alleged perpetrators in the Wenatchee Sex Ring Case and in Cuernevaca, Mexico. Mark Sauer is a reporter for the San Diego Union-Tribune. Elizabeth Loftus; Ph.D., memory researcher and FMSF Advisory Board member.

She defended alleged perpetrators in the Wenatchee Sex Ring Case. Lorne D. Gilsig, ex-LAPD officer and colleague of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino. David Pierce, computer expert from Austin, Texas, possibly working with SETI programs.

Gary Schons, Attorney General Representative, San Diego, and legal counsel for the 1991-1992 San Diego Grand Jury Report No. 8, “Child Sexual Abuse, Assault, and Molest Issues”. David G. Hall, reportedly a physicist intern affiliated with UC Irvine. Ron Locklin, a computer programmer, reportedly working with SETI programs,is an ex-employee of Livermore Lab.

Scott Locklin, aka Lupo Le Boucher, satanist, physics major, computer expert, possibly working with SETI programs, reported ex-employee of the National Security Agency [NSA], and affiliated with UC Davis after graduating from University of Pennsylvania.

Jeanette Runyan, from the Order of Astarte.

Tanya Lysenko, aka Tani Jantsang, satanist who publicly stated I should be dismembered after my identity was discovered, and reportedly has an uncle in the KGB in Russia.

Kevin Filan is from the Church of Satan.

Zeena LaVey, lives and works with Michael Aquino.

Michelle Devereaux, satanist, computer expert, and co- moderator of the WITCHHUNT EGROUPS LIST.

More Details About Some Individuals Involved in This Network My interaction with R. Christopher Barden, JD, PHD, began in 1998 after he played the role of legal analyst on the FMSF’s web site during the Federal Trial against Judith Peterson and several other therapists in Houston, Texas in 1998. I constructed a web page dedicated to providing a defense for them because the indictment read, in part, that diagnosing Dissociate Identity Disorder [DID] and sending the insurance claim through the mail constituted “mail fraud” and that acknowledging that clients were self-disclosed victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse [SRA] constituted unprofessional conduct since SRA “did not exist”.

I responded by collecting and publicizing my archive of 65 SRA cases from around the world and I became active, promoting my web site, attempting to offer a balance to the FMSF’s skewed coverage. This Federal case ultimately resulted in a mistrial and the prosecutor refused to refile the charges.

While covering this case, Dr. Christopher Barden threatened to sue me if I did not retract claims that he “promoted pseudoscience and provided legal defenses for the FMSF”. I responded to this frivolous threat by constructing a web page highlighting the absurdity of his complaint.

After examining Dr. Barden’s malpractice claims against therapists, it became clear that all of the allegations were remarkably similar and it began to look like a concerted effort to target therapists frivolously, but devastatingly, destroying their reputations and careers by making cookie cutter legal and licensing board complaints. It also became clear that Dr.

Elizabeth Loftus and the other Advisory Board members of the FMSF were not addressing a conspiracy of inept therapists attending the same “unprofessional” conferences, from whom the public needed protection. Instead, the FMSF appeared to actively canvas for recanting victims of SRA,who, in turn, accused their therapists of implanting “false memories,” resulting in astronomical insurance settlements divided by all. So-called “recantors” have their own newsletter and, they too, are quite organized.

As of 1998, Dr. Christopher Barden described participating in “22 or 23 similar cases” in a news article discussing a recent and unusual court loss.

[F4] Dr. Elizabeth Loftus described reviewing another 50 or 80 cases that were to be filed. The FMSF newsletter published online regularly reports on the outcome of these cases as well as the outcome of licensing board complaints in their “Legal Corner” section.

The sad reality is that the FMSF, and the cults they appear to support, staged a war and the therapeutic community did not know what hit them until it was too late. Due to these events, several therapists and I decided to report what we suspected was a criminal network encompassing cult groups, child abuse, insurance fraud and the cover-up which included investigating agencies, and Grand Juries. Before I could report my particular concerns to the FBI, I was stalked in San Diego by a cult member by the name of Michelle Devereaux, terrorized by her friend, William Scherk, and then later, targeted with the technology which will be described at the end of this paper.

The trail of stalking was both initiated and substantiated for law enforcement by Michelle Devereaux, who attempted to flush out my identity by phoning law enforcement, claiming I was in danger from a network of individuals. Apparently she was hoping I would give my real name to law enforcement and then the cult would retrieve my real name from them after she changed tactics and began making false claims about me. This ruse actually did work for them in my case. [F5]

As a side note, in another example of a cult technique from California, an alleged cult member (CM) was attempting to give testimony to law enforcement about the Jon Benet Ramsey case. CM’s relatives reported her as missing to the local police department, then that Dept., in turn, traced her to the Boulder Police for her relatives, apparently not understanding that CM was in the process of disclosing information about the criminal network that her family was involved in and therefore wanted her location kept private.

These are two examples of sophisticated cult tactics, proving that naive law-enforcement can be easily manipulated by them. Other tactics include breaking into therapists’ homes or offices and moving objects around, commonly referred to as “gaslighting” or an attempt to make one’s victim feel “crazy.” Another technique is for the perpetrator to immediately stage an aggressive offense and accuse all investigating officials of incompetence or malfeasance, after which an expensive lawsuit might cause an agency to hesitate about investigating similar claims.

These tactics are used nationwide and case law around the country reflect them as well as other techniques which are used. Another way for perpetrators to deflect others from their own agenda is to accuse others of what they themselves are doing. For instance, accusing therapists of implanting “false memories” can be a reversal of intentional mind control that perpetrators implement to cover up their crimes, commonly referred to as screen memories.

If one evaluates the FMSF online web site from this perspective, it makes quite an interesting read. In my opinion, the Wenatchee Sex Ring defendants used some of the above tactics. I constructed a web-page on this case highlighting several red-flag issues that raised serious questions about their innocence.

The other area of concern is that the FMSF, in many court cases involving claims of repressed memory, files Amicus Briefs to the Appellate courts in an effort to have the court remand the case back to the local court level.

The authors of these Briefs state that “repressed memory” is not accepted by the “majority of the scientific community.” This is a blatantly false statement, nevertheless it indicates that a small minority of “scientists” can get away with speaking for the majority by the usage of both sophisticated and simple propaganda techniques.

An example of a sophisticated technique would be the rigging of an experimental study and the manipulation of the experimental subjects. An example of a simple technique would be an FMSF Advisory Board member lying about the number of research studies proving Traumatic Amnesia and Repressed memory.

There are several examples available proving the above statements [F6]. The media outlets describing these issues report the particular bias of the editorial staff, or newspapers, in particular, copy other news outlets. If a piece of misinformation is reported in one article, that same misinformation will be repeated in all articles. This state of affairs is a well known phenomenon among propaganda specialists or those purposely attempting to cover up their activities. [F7] At the point in time when the perpetrators are misinforming the public, staging publicity stunts or demonstrations in attempts to correct the travesty of justice might be advised.

Carol Hopkins and Mark Sauer During 1998, I constructed several web sites, one of which was devoted to publicizing the cover-up of ritual abuse in San Diego County, which I held Carol Hopkins and reporter Mark Sauer responsible for.

In 1991-1992, Ms. Hopkins co-authored a Grand Jury Report and critiqued several cases from the District Attorney office and Child Protection Services. She quoted the opinions of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation in this report four months after its inception and argued for the dismantling of the standing ritual abuse protocol at CPS. It became clear that several years afterwards that the FMSF was actually a political group devoted to denying the existence of these crimes using confabulation and intimidation as their principle modus operandi.

In 1992-1993, another Grand Jury was convened and they discovered that Ms. Hopkins’ rendition of cases was incorrect. The 1992-1993 Report, entitled, “Protect the Child, Preserve the Family Report”, provided accurate case information and concluded that the previous report had caused needless harm to many involved in the offices of the District Attorney and CPS. It was also discovered that Ms. Hopkins had an affair with Attorney General Representative Gary Schons after it was decided that the District Attorney could not represent the 1991-1992 Grand Jury due to a conflict of interest.

Schons and Hopkins maintain their affair began after their Grand Jury’s work was concluded; however I find that claim highly doubtful. [F8] Over the years, Mr. Schons has continued to be quoted in the San Diego Union-Tribune repeating FMSF propaganda.

Carol Hopkins then formed a group called the Justice Committee and she testified in Sacramento, California, in hearings discussing the merit of the social work immunity laws. These would make individual CPS social workers liable in case any irate parent chose to sue instead of holding the Department of Social Services accountable, which had previously been the

This law did pass and it created even more of a climate of intimidation when investigating volatile and politically- incorrect forms of child abuse, such as ritual abuse or multi- offender cases involving sex rings. In approximately 1993, after Carol Hopkins’ Grand Jury report and subsequent negative publicity in the local newspapers, the San Diego nion-Tribune, (courtesy of her friend, Mark Sauer), social workers, and supervisors,were told ritual abuse cases were virtually non-existent and statistics on sexual molestation were grossly inflated.

I continued to handle one or two more cases with cult allegations after this time when concerned supervisors specifically gave me these cases to investigate after they attended one of these mandated meetings when required to by Director of CPS, Ivory Johnson.

At that time, Carol Hopkins was considered instrumental in the election of the then-new District Attorney, Paul Pfingst. Afterwards, I was told she was then on a special committee reviewing criminal cases for a short time.

As of September, 2002, Paul Pfingst was still claiming there was no evidence to prove ritual abuse existed. He was publically quoted by reporter Mark Sauer as stating two workshops regarding ritual abuse, hosted by an annual international conference on family violence, should not be offered to the public.

Pfingst said; “This theory [ritual abuse] was completely debunked in the early ’90s”. Sauer wrote; “District Attorney Paul Pfingst expressed grave concerns that a widely attended and influential conference would feature workshops on ritual abuse, since he has seen no evidence that such cases exists”. And Pfingst threatened; “If someone wants to go back to teaching that satanic ritual abuse claptrap, we’re going to have a serious discussion about whether law enforcement in San Diego should respond and expose it for what it is.”

Ms. Hopkins also wrote a formal complaint to the San Diego Grand Jury in an attempt to intimidate the organizations sponsoring the conference. Members of the San Diego Grand Jury attended these workshops to investigate. Further research revealed that in 1996 Carol Hopkins had a teenage witness in her custody during the high-profile child molestation case evidencing multiple offenders in Wenatchee, Washington. It was disclosed in a news article written by Mark Sauer, that CPS director Ivory Johnson personally supervised this placement, which Carol Hopkins again confirmed on the WITCHHUNT E-groups list in the year 2000. Many of the Wenatchee child witnesses and confessed perpetrators eventually recanted and all of them were ultimately released after the successful appeal of their case.

Having the Director of Social Services, Ivory Johnson, personally supervise this placement was highly unusual, if not unethical, as there were rumors that Hopkins and Johnson were friends. In addition, favorable articles for Ms. Hopkins, against the reality of ritual abuse, were authored by Mark Sauer over several years time. In 1998 I was contacted by a local citizen in Cuernevaca, Mexico, who had read my web pages about Carol Hopkins. She was concerned because of Ms. Hopkins’ position defending a child molestation case in that town.

Several people were threatened and they decided to write an article disclosing Ms.Hopkin’s background which would be written using information gathered from my web page, including the web site address for reference purposes.

All of my web pages were eventually taken down because Michelle Devereaux made complaints to the owners of the web sites I was using. She then began following me in San Diego County and later made false claims to campus police at the school site I was visiting when accessing the internet in order to formally identify me. Ms. Devereaux can be found on the internet under various pseudonyms, such as “Lurker” and “cyberforensics”. She created a web page and took all of the documentation I had on my web site about cult crime, making it appear as if this work were her own.

In the year 1999 I had contacted Gail Goodman Ph.D. from UC Davis. She,Phil Shaver Ph.D. and Bette Bottoms authored a research study entitled “Characteristics of Ritual Abuse Allegations”. I requested the underlying data as well as the surveys which were used to form the conclusions their report was based on. I along with another researcher wanted to hallenge this study because based on my years at CPS and with the legal community attempting to argue for the collection of statistics on ritual abuse cases, I found the statistical analysis within the body of their report to be highly suspect.


John M. Price Ph.D., attended school at UC Davis, majoring in psychology and also claimed at one time to be a faculty member there. He was a co-moderator of the internet newsgoup sci.psychology.psychotherapy in 1996 when I discovered him.

He came to my attention because of his unusual views about child molestation. It eventually became clear in my opinion that a small group of people including Nancy Alvarado, Ph.D., Leslie Packer, Ph.D.,Bill Goodrich, MFT, John Clark, and John Singleton, using the pseudonym of “Raven” were all staged there attempting to skew public opinion about child molestation without using any of the usual, subtle social persuasion techniques commonly used by social science interest groups as described by Margaret Singer in her book, “Cults in Our Midst”.

After a few months of reading this newsgroup, a man by the name of Lorne D. Gilsig, an LAPD officer, began interacting with everyone. He mocked victims, compared ritual abuse claims to stories about “Albino alligators and organ stealing”, then began sending me harassing e-mail for 6 months. Shortlyafterward, Lt. Co. Michael Aquino acknowledged knowing Lorne Gilsig. I sent several of Mr. Gilsig’s outrageous claims to the LAPD along with a copy of Aquino’s public court papers and suggested that they might want to watch Mr.Gilsig’s activity.

In retrospect, it became clear that this particular “science group” was awaiting publication of a research study titled “A meta-analytic examination of assumed properties of child sexual abuse using college samples”, (Rind, B., Tromovitch, P., & Bauserman, R. (1998)., Psychological Bulletin, 124, 22-53). One of the authors of this paper was traced to the political writing of NAMBLA- North American Man-Boy Love Association. Some members of NAMBLA are extremely dangerous. (See Curleys vs. NAMBLA- a lawsuit filed by two parents who sued NAMBLA after the sexual molestation and murder of their son).

It is my opinion that this group to varying degrees was clearly attempting to normalize pedophilia via the Rind study along with the authors who succeeded in having their work published in the APA’s mainstream journal.

I was viciously verbally attacked by members of this newsgroup sci.psychology.psychotherapy, after questioning their agenda, then I discovered Dr. Leslie E. Packer and John Price were working with Lt. Co. Michael Aquino and others in an attempt to track my identity, which they finally did.

Dr. Laura Schlesinger, a radio talk show host in Los Angeles, began publicizing the Rind study along with a series of damning critiques. Dr. Nancy Alvarado and John Price then began writing in Dr. Laura’s news group, along with an aggressive group of unknown others, who began calling for protests after viciously attacking her.

Reportedly, John Price was asked to leave UC Davis after controversial material was found on his computer. Scott Locklin is a Satanist, physics student, computer expert/hacker and reported ex-NSA employee. I had a long-standing e-mail relationship with him a few years ago at which time he gave me advice about anonymity. He e-mailed me once from a National Security Agency office [NSA], telling me it was a secure e-mail system and they would be the only people reading my e- mail.

Scott Locklin led me to believe he was working undercover while posting information to the newsgroup alt.satanism and writing under the pseudonym of Lupo Le Boucher. He ultimately betrayed my confidence and I consider Mr. Locklin to be quite dangerous and I hold him personally accountable for the way in which I was targeted.

It appears Scott Locklin claimed that he graduated from the University of Pennsylvania- home base of the FMSF- then transferred to UC-Davis where he was working on a project involving Experimental Atomic Particle Physics, and later, Fifth Dimensional and Plasma Physics, with a group of others in the UC system and elsewhere. He was also reportedly interning at Lawrence
Livermore Laboratory.

I’m told Scott Locklin sold his software and hardware to a very wealthy Jewish couple from Los Angeles, California, that includes the latest in virtual reality, NSA tracking software, and more. This particular Jewish couple are known for their interest in Sci-Fi-like technology and their company specializes in unique special effects software.

This couple also has a reputation for being humanitarians, having funded a project that documented the testimony of Holocaust survivors many years ago. But unfortunately in their zeal to play God and destroy what they did not understand, they, along with a few of their friends, are guilty of a number of travesties. When confronted, they responded with an aggressive counter-play, consisting of misinformation and absurd claims to the court system and to the media which other media outlets repeated.

Kevin Filan was a member of the Church of Satan in 1997. During that time, he challenged the validity of Lt. Col. Aquino’s lawsuit against my internet company and hosted volatile documents on his web page, which was a public service, but a dangerous action to take. I publicly thanked Mr. Filan, but I now know that thank-you was premature due to later events in which he participated.

Lt. Col. Michael Aquino

In 1996 I accessed internal documents from Lt. Col. Michael Aquino’s legal case Aquino vs. Stone 957 F.2d 139 in which he was Titled as a suspect in a ritual child molestation case. Unfortunately the Criminal Investigative Division [CID] of the Army released their report several months after the statute of limitation ran. Lt. Col. Aquino contested the Titling Action, but the Appellate court ruled in the Army’s favor which resulted in his process out of the Army in 1990.

It appears that Lt. Col. Aquino was forced from the Active to the Inactive Reserves, but according to documents Aquino attached to the case Aquino vs. Electriciti, Case #984751, located in San Francisco, CA, he served several days out of the year at US SPACE COMMAND until 1993, after which he reportedly “voluntarily retired.”

The Army case against Lt. Col. Aquino involved multiple children in several jurisdictions: The Presidio Army Base itself, Sonoma and Mendocino Counties, and the town of Ukiah, all communities which are located in Northern California. Apparently a child was questioned in Washington, D.C. as well.

Many of these children reported electroshock, submersion in water,kidnapping, being bled, and victimization within satanic sexual ritual rites. There were questions raised as to if Lt. Col. Aquino was guilty, whether he was simply following the dictates of his own religious system (Satan worship), or whether he was conducting a clandestine mind control experiment involving these particular children.

There are dozens of individuals who have come forward over the years claiming victimization by him and several who have reported his unusual interests. It is possible now to project Virtual Reality Scenarios to a victim from a distant location via computer tracking and nanotechnology, as documented in the lawsuit Akwei vs. NSA and elsewhere. Some of this technology appears Orwellian, at the very least.

Approximately 25 years ago Lt. Col. Michael Aquino initiated a ritual in an SS castle in Wellwersburg, Germany, where he claimed to have brought in the “forces of darkness” at that specific site. The location was known to be a seat of much suffering where the SS hierarchy of the Nazi Party was rumored to have participated in Satanic rites.

Curiously, Aquino has alternately claimed and denied at various times to be the son of a Nazi officer from Hitler’s Regime; [F9] in Newsweek Magazine he has claimed to be the Anti-Christ and the Second Beast of Revelation. [F10] This may explain his interest in Armageddon scenarios and points to activity that is much more devastating than anyone had previously thought. After exposing the documentation detailing the demise of Lt. Col. Aquino’s formal military career, he traced me to my internet company, Electriciti,and sued them in an effort to discover my identity.

In 1997 the Court dismissed his lawsuit and the owners of Electriciti reportedly refused to search for my real name for him, as I signed up with a pseudonym. Christopher Alan, President of Electriciti, gave several newspaper interviews, stating he would never disclose my real name to Lt. Col. Aquino, even if he did know it, because he would never be able to live with the consequences of his actions afterwards if any harm came to me, given Lt.Col. Aquino’s satanic cult leadership status.

However my identity was publicly disclosed in the San Diego Union-Tribune in the year 2000 by Mark Sauer and afterwards I believe Aquino and others came after me with a vengeance, using the latest high tech equipment available to him. For further information about Lt. Col. Aquino, I refer the reader to the books: “Why Johnny Can’t Come Home”, by Noreen Gosch (2000); “The New Satanists”, by Linda Blood (1994); and “The Franklin Cover-up”, by John
DeCamp (1992).

‘Psychotronics, Electronic Harassment, Mind Control and Mental Illness’ From John St. Clair Akwei vs. NSA [National Security Agency], Ft. Meade, MD,USA

p. 4:
“A subject’s bioelectric field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are. With special EMF equipment NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials (from EEGs). These can be decoded into a person’s brain-states and thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance.

NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA’s computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day. The NSA can pick out and track anyone in the U.S.

Later on p. 4
For electronic surveillance purposes electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject’s verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brain’s auditory cortex thus allowing audio communication direct to the brain (bypassing the ears). NSA operatives can use this to covertly debilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia.

Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject’s brain and show images from the subject’s brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives see what the surveillance subject’s eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also be seen.

RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex. bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use this to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance subject’s brain while they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain-programming purposes.” [emphasis added].

Page 3.

“NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in the U.S. by using the NSA’s domestic intelligence network and cover businesses. The operations independently run by them can sometimes go beyond the bounds of law. Long-term control and sabotage of tens of thousands of unwitting citizens by NSA operatives is likely to happen. NSA Domint has the ability to covertly assassinate U.S. citizens or run covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed with ill mental health.”

As clearly stated, the technology just described has not only the ability to mimic the symptoms of mental illness, but the degree of dysfunction can be directly attributed to the malice of the individual user accessing the computer and the relative coping skills of the target. Until this information is acknowledged and understood, people will continue to be mis-diagnosed according to the current criteria used in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM).

In addition, a bonafide brief or prolonged mental illness can occur after exposure to this technology. The ongoing trauma itself could lead to a psychological disorder.The sources of funding for some illicit mind control experiments have been traced to the CIA, proven by the public exposure of Canada’s Dr. Ewen Cameron, by Dr. Harvey Weinstein and Dr. Colin Ross. [F11] These funds are then diverted to major research institutions which design illegal experimentation on sub-populations, which was documented in Ross’ work.

The research committees that implement changes in the DSM are faculty members of these institutions and if one reads the signs and symptoms of mental illness in the 1970s, one can see they mimic symptoms of mind control research. Reportedly others were involved field-testing their private research projects from various institutions rumored to be funded by the military or CIA such as Carnegie Mellon, John Hopkins University, and select schools from the California UC system.

Another group reportedly involved in these research projects is a UFO research group called the Aviary. The Aviary includes several military personnel among their membership. Allegedly, one gentleman involved is a Col. John Alexander who is interested in studies involving the process of Death and Dying. [F12] As of today, it is possible to remotely assault a person, by the usage of technology developed by the NSA. That means it is possible to design mind control programs and implement them from a distance, and torture someone from a distance, depending on the creativity and agenda of the perpetrator.

However, there may or may not be any medical documentation to prove the existence of any of this activity for some time. The new sophisticated mind control programs are implemented in the inner eyelid so that when the victim closes his or her eyes, one sees a computer screen on which any image can be projected. I’m told that these developments are a product of Nanotechnology.

In addition, according to an article in the Daily Telegraph, dated July 18, 1996, titled, “Scientists offer the ‘end of death’; ‘Soul Catcher’ computer chip implanted behind the eye”; “… A computer chip implanted behind the eye that could record a person’s every lifetime thought and sensation is to be developed by British scientists…he predicted that within three decades, it would be possible to relive other people’s lives by playing back their experiences on a computer. By combining this information with a record of the person’s genes, we could recreate a person, physically, emotionally, and spiritually…” BTs’ Martlesham Health Laboratories near Ipswich, England, is the private company quoted in this article.</em>

<em>They cite the ability and intent to implant computer chips into people as of 1996 in the optic nerve. In lawsuit Akwei vs. NSA, filed in the early 1990’s, there is reference to the NSA’s ability to “see what the surveillance eyes are seeing” after they are monitored from a distance.

Oftentimes, private companies are sold the clandestine research of government organizations and this is what appears to have occurred. If members of the public are being used to field test the research of private companies against their will, they would be in great jeopardy, notonly physically, but psychologically, because they would not readily be believed when trying to disclose their distress. Obviously, psychotropic medication is not going to be helpful in these instances.

The combination of this technology along with the long-term agendas of research facilities such as Ames Lab, Los Alamos Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore Lab, and other research facilities, is cause for great alarm. Dr. Nick Begich writes, in “Angels Don’t Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology” (by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeanne Manning), p. 148, discussing electronic research:

“The Soviets went on to discover that by slight manipulation- by reversing brain polarity (by passing very low voltage current through the front of the brain to the back)- they could endure deep sleep. Mounting evidence also indicated that they may have perfected ‘telepathic hypnosis’ which could be deployed from hundreds of miles away from the target person.”

Colonel John Alexander expresses interest in this area as well. [F12] According to the writer, Armen Victorian, Alexander is on the board of a “remote-viewing” company called PSI-TECH, which also employs a “former microwave scientist”.

Lt. Col. Aquino also wrote a paper, published in the Military Review, at least 20 years ago called “From PSYOP to Mind War: The Psychology of Victory”. The entire paper is photocopied in Milton Cooper’s book; “Behold a Pale Horse”, p. 369. In this paper, Lt. Col Aquino argues in favor of the usage of psychotronics on individuals in his response to Col. John Alexander’s article in the same journal:

“There are some purely natural conditions under which minds may become more or less receptive to ideas, and Mindwar should take full advantage of such phenomenon as atmospheric electromagnetic activity, air ionization, and extremely low frequency waves.”

According to Dr. Nick Begich, extremely low frequency [ELF] waves, also called “microwaves”, are detrimental to human health.

There have also been questions raised among investigators about what activity could be hidden behind “screen memories” and if an other agenda lurked behind some instances of alleged ritual abuse or “UFO abductions” that was more horrifying than, or what was in addition to, the scenarios depicted. I believe “screen memories” may be designed to hide experiments with computer-brain interface, which in combination with the destruction of bio- energetic fields is tantamount to spiritual murder and is a complete abomination.

I was told that there were attempts by some to impact the bioenergetic fields around the human body and interior to the body and that the utter destruction of these fields results, ultimately, in complete technological possession. The lawsuit Akwei vs. NSA refers to the ability of the NSA to impact bioenergetic fields, but various cult organizations have other agendas which include unique abuses personal to their own religious persuasion such as destroying the Chakra system and the actual astral body of the target.

This technology is now being directed at political targets. See this web page for information about psychotronics and the Chakra system [13] and the discussion of both at a conference about non-lethal warfare.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) introduced a bill in the House of Representatives in late 2001 that would ban weapons in space. Among the weapons that it would proscribe the new measure includes “psychotronic” devices that are “directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of … mood management, or mind control.” The bill is published in full on the internet. [F14] The Kucinich bill was hailed by Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse (CAHRA), one of a number of organizations of people who say they are victims of government experimentation involving electromagnetic and other psychotronic weapons.

CAHRA has a web site [F15] and a page listing symptoms in people targeted by such weaponry. [F16]
More web sites on electronic harassment include:[EMAIL
There is a saying by someone trying to explain how an entire country could have turned a blind eye when the Nazi Germans cremated millions of citizens from their own and neighboring countries. Loosely translated, it reads: “When they came for the shop owner down the street, I turned my head cause I could not be bothered; when they came for my neighbor, I looked the other way so they would not see me; when they finally came for me, there was nobody left to resist.”

Millions of people were exterminated in Germany in complicity with a passive public and the paid propagandists of the state stating the extreme claims were not true. Organizations like the False Memory Syndrome Foundation and others will continue to cover up for, and deny, the existence of Satanic cults, an excellent sub-population to experiment on without having concern about the disclosures of these children.

This is due to these families’ and collateral networks’ ability to cover up crimes as well as the ability to shut down investigations in the large community, as was documented to have occurred in San Diego County. I believe it is important for a Federal Grand Jury to investigate the FMSF as soon as possible.

1. San Diego County Grand Jury, Report No. 8, “Child Sexual Abuse,
Assault, and Molest Issues”, June 29, 1992, and later report, No. 13, “Protect the
Child, Preserve the Family” dated June 29, 1993.

2. See Response by “Karen Curio Jones” to Mark Sauer’s article, “A Web of
Intrigue” dated January 1, 2001, located on various newsgroups, also
3. Correspondence between Dr. Christopher Barden and Karen Jones (my
pseudonym) was posted on the internet newsgroups in 1998.

4. See “Jurors Believe Therapists”, The (NC) Charlotte Observer, August

5. SDSU Incident Report, June 13, 2000, posted on January 12, 2001, at
04:52:07 PST on newsgroup alt.Satanism.

6. Crook, L.S., & Dean, M. (1999). “Lost in a shopping mall”–A breach of
professional ethics. Ethics & Behavior, 9(1), 39-50 and Crook, L.S., &
Dean, M. (1999).

Logical fallacies and ethical breaches. Ethics & Behavior,9(1),

7. See Cults in Our Midst, by Margaret Thaler Singer, Janja Lalich, Robert
Jay Lifton (1996) Josey Bass, and Memory, Trauma Treatment, and the Law,
by Daniel P. Brown, Alan W. Scheflin, D. Corydon Hammond (1998) Norton.

8. Gary Schons, Assistant Attorney General in San Diego, is known in San
Diego for debunking repressed memory as “Voodoo Science”, according to
Mark Sauer of the San Diego Union-Tribune. Search newspaper for key words.

9. See Linda Blood, “The New Satanists”, Times-Warner, 1994.

10. “The Second Beast of Revelation, Claims of Satanism And Child
Molesting”, Newsweek, November 16, 1987.

11. Bluebird : Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists,by Colin A. Ross (2000) Manitou. Dr. Ross documented the money trail of illicit mind control experiments and other activity to major academic

12. Alexander, Lieutenant Colonel John B., “The New Mental Battlefield:
Beam Me Up Spock” in Military Review, Vol. LX, No. 12, December, 1980, and see

13.See: , a web-page publicizing military conference on the chakras, “non- lethal” weaponry,and concern about an impending eschatological event.


15. See:

16. See:

17. “Microwave Detection: Remote Mind Control Technology”, by Anna Keeler,
states that Los Alamos National Laboratory is now under the supervision of
University of California (p. 8). I declare under penalty of perjury and the
laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true correct.

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