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The Lifeline Project Is Complete and Online! Lifeline: Essential Insights & Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom (September 16, 2020)
Directed Energy Weapons
Articles & Interviews
Part VII: Electronic Mind Control and Electronic Weapons
January 26, 2025Part VIII: Cult Connections
January 26, 2025Appendix 7: Human Experimentation in America
November 24, 2024Books and pdfs by Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist
October 7, 2024The Intra-Body Nano-Network Compilation (Sept. 5, 2023 video)
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March 16, 2023Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
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February 8, 2020Counter Intelligence Series Youtubes (Parts 1 Through 5)
March 19, 2019The Truth About 5G- Dr. Graham Downing youtube
January 4, 2019Electronic Warfare Weapons Of Northrup Grumman
December 5, 2018Truth In Quotes and Images: Freedom Fighters Help Yourselves
January 5, 2018Microwave Weapons Explained by Barrie Trower and Others
February 16, 2017Radio Frequency, Active Denial & Psych Weapons, By Ted Twietmeyer
December 5, 2016Laws, Military-Intelligence Papers, and Media Reports re: the New War
December 2, 2015The Invisible War: 21st Century Targeting (youtube)
November 14, 2015Man-Made Climate Change in the Skies
February 28, 2014Persistent Jet Contrails and HAARP
February 27, 2014Weather Modifications / Geo-Engineering
February 26, 2014Hurricanes, Tesla Coils and Field Effects
February 25, 2014Dr. Nick Begich on HAARP
February 25, 2014Jerry Smith on HAARP
February 25, 2014Bruce Gagnon, Researcher
February 25, 2014Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Researcher
February 25, 2014Scientific evidence exposes chemtrail spraying as crime against humanity
February 25, 2014Notes from Four Chemtrail DVDs
February 25, 2014Invisible Energy and Nicola Tesla
February 25, 2014What’s Behind the Global Warming Fraud?
February 24, 2014Organized Gang Stalking Quotes
February 23, 2014Lifeline: Essential Insights & Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom (September 16, 2020)
Lifeline: Essential Insights and Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens
Exposing and Defeating Organized Stalking, Electronic Torture, Mind Control, Illegal Human Experimentation, and Psychological Warfare Operations That Threaten Humanity
By Professor Eric Thor Karlstrom, Ph.D. (September, 2020)
The complete 73-track Lifeline Project (about 5+ hours) is available for digital download for $39.95 and all individual tracks are available for purchase in our Shop as MP3 digital downloads for 99 cents each.
The Lifeline Project: Essential Insights and Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens
Purchase Lifeline Project as Complete Set or As Individual Tracks
Lifeline: Essential Insights and Healing Music for Illegally Targeted Citizens
A. Gangstalking, Mind Control and G5
1. Dr. Kilde’s Warning
2. A Race of Cybernetic Slaves
3. Fourth World Wilderness of the Mind
4. Behind the Lies That Blind
5. Soldiers Lament
6. You Are the Enemy
7. Gangstalking and Government Jobs
8. Mama Don’t Allow
B. The Program
9. NSA Spying: William Binney
10. Structure and Goals of “The Hidden Evil”
11. Homeland Security Protection Racket
12. National Security Racketeering Network
13. TI Tom Dooley
14. The Global Phoenix Program
15. Monarch: The New Phoenix Program
16. On Recruits
17. Conversation Between a Perp and a Target
18. Organized Gangstalking Manual
19. Stalkin’ USA
C. Message to TIs From Dr. Eric Karlstrom
20. The Global Gestapo- Professor Karlstrom’s Introduction
21. Introductory Statement to TIs
22. Operation G5: 2019 Synopsis
23. Operation G5: The Equation
24. Laws of God and Man Violated by Global Stalking Operations
D. CIA No-Touch Torture
25. CIA No-Touch Torture
26. More on CIA No-Touch Torture
27. Globalizing CIA No-Touch Torture
28. The American Torture Gulag
E. Mind Control and The Human Brain Project
29. Quotes on Mind Control
30. The Human Brain Project
31. Bio-Medical Telemetry
32. Bio-Electromagnetic Weapons
33. Electromagnetic Neuro-telecommunication And Cybernetics
34. Neuro-electromagnetic Telecommunication
35. Weaponized Bio-Physics and Neuroscience
36. Mind-Control Symptoms
37. “We Are Targeting the Brain:” Dr. James Giordano
38. I Want to Map Your Brain
F. The Electronic Concentration Camp (Automated Battlefield)
39. Sensors On the Automated Battlefield
40. GEO-INT And the Automated Battlefield
G. Targeted Individuals’ Testimonies
41. Kay Griggs’ Testimony
42. Dr. Rauni Kilde’s Testimony: 1
43. Dr. Rauni Kilde’s Testimony: 2
44. Let’s Gang Stalk Each Other
45. Stephen O’Keefe’s Testimony: 1
46. Stephen O’Keefe’s Testimony: 2
47. Stephen O’Keefe’s Testimony: 3
48. Stephen O’Keefe’s Testimony: 4
49. Stephen O’Keefe’s Testimony: 5
50. Stephen O’Keefe’s Testimony: 6
51. Letter From Andrew’s Father
52. We Will Stalk You
H. The Organization/Brotherhood
53. The Brotherhood – Kay Griggs
54. The Organization – Dr. Rauni Kilde
I. A Nation Betrayed
55. The Secret Team and the High Cabal
56. CIA As Organized Crime
57. Confessions of CIA Operatives
58. Ode to Jimmy
59. Ode to Jimmy: The Backstory
60. Ruby Ridge
61. Ruby Ridge: Military Police State
62. Ruby Ridge: Military Mind Control
63. How America and Israel Strangle the World
64. White House Blues
65. Illuminati Vision 2025
J. Our Response To Diabolic Evil (Bonus Tracks)
66. Voices of Hope and Inspiration
67. Let’s Get Together
68. Let the Lower Lights Be Burning
69. On the Sea of Life
70. The Old Cross Road
71. Paradise Divide Waltz/Touch of The Master’s Hand
72. Gospel Medley
73. Over In the Glory Land
Introduction: Lifeline: Essential Insights & Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens
“Cursed be he that attacks his neighbor secretly. And all the people shall say, Amen.”
— Deuteronomy27:24
“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.”
— J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Director for 50 years
“There’s a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.”
– John F. Kennedy at Columbia University, Nov. 12, 1963, 10 days before his murder
My hope is that this Lifeline Project will be part of an ongoing effort that will eventually expose and eliminate the greatest crime in human history. Unfolding much like a detective story, “Lifeline” uncovers the many dimensions of this monstrous crime against humanity as well as the psychopathic criminals behind it. Knowledge is power. It is high time that citizens become aware of the phenomenal technologies and weapons being secretly deployed against them. Foremost among our God-given rights is the right and duty we each have to protect ourselves and our loved ones from torture and murder.
Millions of people throughout the world are now being covertly targeted, tracked, terrorized, and tortured in a massive, illegal, and highly profitable government-military-intelligence-corporate black operation that has been ongoing since World War II. “Organized gangstalking-electronic torture,” aka “counter-intelligence/contract stalking,” and the “man-hunting business,” is a cleverly disguised program of torture and murder that has multiple layers, innumerable perpetrators (“perps”), and many facets. Its victims are mostly innocent civilians who have been secretly watchlisted as “terrorist threats.” The lives of these “targeted individuals” (TIs) or “illegally targeted citizens” (ITCs) are systematically destroyed via psychological warfare and remote no-touch torture technologies, including “soft-kill, slow-kill, and silent-kill” directed energy and neuroweapons. The remotely (electronically)-captured biometric data of TIs is trafficked and traded through extensive “dark” networks of military, corporate, private, university, medical, banking and insurance institutions that comprise a vast criminal syndicate.
“The program,” here termed “Global Government Gangstalking Genocide Gestapo” or “G5,” is designed to incapacitate, neutralize, eliminate, and/or to control and criminalize dissenters, whistleblowers, truth-tellers, and other “enemies of the state.” TIs are used as disposable, non-consensual human experimentees in the testing and deployment of a host of electronic weapons that remotely torture, impair, alter, enslave, and/or kill humans. Neuroweapons such as Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation and Brain-To-Computer and Brain-To-Brain Interface (BCI and BBI) can convert people into cybernetic (man-machine) or “cyborg” (cybernetic organisms) slaves. As of this date, it appears that these weapons may soon be deployed against all humanity.
In 2013, two years after retiring from a 30-year career as a university geography professor, I became aware that I was being targeted in this program. In response, I began an educational website,, in order to educate myself and others about the nature and purposes of these horrendous and nefarious operations. This website, aka, now has over 1400 posts. The information and insights provided in this website build upon the extensive information base I had already built and partly shared with the public in my other educational websites:,, and
“The Lifeline Project” includes some 73 sound tracks that can be purchased electronically as a complete set for $39.99, or individually for 99 cents per track.
Fifty-seven musical narrations in “The Lifeline Project” comprise the core of the project and present the “headlines” from my website. The “insiders” knowledge provided herein comes from outstanding medical doctors, scientists, researchers, soldiers, spies, Christian pastors, and “targeted individuals” (TIs), including Dr. Rauni Kilde, Dr. Alfred W. McCoy, Dr. James Giordano, Col. L. Fletcher Prouty, General Smedley D. Butler, former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Robert Naeslund, Kay Griggs, Cheryl Welsh, Harlan Girard, Stephen O’Keefe, (ex-NSA whistleblower) William Binney, Marshall Thomas, Mark M. Rich, Douglas Valentine, D.J. Welsh, Dr. XKeyscore, Preston James, Ph.D., Walter Bowart, Radley Balko, Texe Marrs, and yours truly. (See: “Sources and Songs Used in Musical Narrations of Lifeline Project” below.)
Adopting the “spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down” strategy, I combine these narrations with melodic instrumentals I composed and recorded on piano, guitar, and banjo that are featured in the CDs on this website ( Sixteen songs with lyrics are also interspersed in “The Lifeline Project.” These include an original song (Ode to Jimmy) and a number of standard tunes for which I have revised the lyrics to better explicate and expose “the program.” These songs express the viewpoints of both TIs and perps alike and provide some comic relief. “Lifeline” finishes with a number of uplifting gospel songs from my recent Gospel Refrain CD. For, in my estimation, it is virtually impossible to stand up against this diabolical evil without having faith in and the support of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Thus, it is my hope that the information, insights, and inspiration presented in these “musical narrations” and accompanying songs will help:
1) Inform and encourage other TIs (Illegally Targeted Citizens) so they can better survive their hellish ordeal.
2) Expose and defeat this diabolical program and the human devils now profiting from the destruction of so many innocent lives.
3) Prevent this heinous program from “going global” as a component of the Mark of the Beast slave system.
“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4
Dr. Eric Thor Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, California State University, Stanislaus, September 3, 2020.
Sources and Songs Used in Musical Narrations of The Lifeline Project
A. Gangstalking, Mind Control, and G5 (Global Government Gangstalking Genocide Gestapo)
1. Dr. Kilde’s Warning (5:58): “Bright Light on Black Shadows” (2015) by Dr. Rauni Kilde
Song: The Ancient Forest from The River CD by Eric Thor Karlstrom
2. A Race of Cybernetic Slaves (1:39): “The Human Species Is On The Precipice Of Becoming A Race Of Mind-Controlled Cybernetic Slaves” by James F. Marino
Song: On The Rez from Guitar Reflections: Vol. 3: Solos and Duets CD by Eric Karlstrom
3. Fourth World Wilderness of the Mind (6:01): from by George Washington Hunt
Song: Cheyenne Bottoms from Wyoming Waltz CD by Eric Thor Karlstrom
4. Behind the Lies That Blind and Bind (5:44): from by Dr. Eric Karlstrom
Song: Fall to Earth from Guitar Reflections; Vol. 3: Solos and Duets CD by Eric Karlstrom
5. Soldiers Lament (6:36): “War is a Racket” by Brigadier General Smedley D. Butler
Song: Angels Lament from The River CD by Eric Thor Karlstrom
6. YOU Are THE ENEMY (6:00): “YOU Are THE ENEMY” (2014) by Preston James, Ph.D.
Song: After the Storm from Guitar Reflections; Volume 1: Solos CD by Eric Karlstrom
7. Gangstalking and Government Jobs (5:26): “Gangstalking Is Torture Funded Through Entitlements and Government Jobs”
Song: Meadows of Dan from The Refuge CD by Eric Thor Karlstrom
8: Mama Don’t Allow (4:51)
B. “The Program”
9. NSA Spying – William Binney (3:22): from youtube on “Operation Stellar Wind” featuring Ex-NSA Whistleblower, William Binney
Song: Sombra Del Alma from Wyoming Waltz CD by Eric Thor Karlstrom
10. Structure and Goals of The Hidden Evil (10:24): “The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against the Civilian Population” (2008) by Mark M. Rich
Song: Opus 1 from The Refuge CD by Eric Thor Karlstrom
11. Homeland Security Protection Racket (10:49): “CIA As Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World” by Douglas Valentine (2017)
Song: Race To Knowhere from Guitar Reflections Volume 1: Solos by Eric Karlstrom
12. National Security Racketeering Network (3:47): “The National Security Racketeering Network” by Dr. XKeyScore
Song: Waltz of the Road from All God’s Critters CD by Eric Karlstrom
13. TI Tom Dooley (6:30)
14. The Global Phoenix Program (3:22): “CIA As Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World” by Douglas Valentine (2017)
Song: Return to Dixie from Stone River Banjo Anthology CD by Eric Thor Karlstrom
15. Monarch: The New Phoenix Program (4:59): From “Monarch: The New Phoenix Program” by Marshall Thomas (2011)
Song: The Storm from The River CD by Eric Thor Karlstrom
16. Conversation Between a Perp and a Target (16:53): “Bright Light on Black Shadows” (2015) by Dr. Rauni Kilde
Song: Sustain Ability from Paradise Divide CD by Eric Karlstrom
17. On Recruits (5:24): “Bright Light on Black Shadows” (2015) by Dr. Rauni Kilde
Song: Wet Valley Waltz from All God’s Critters CD by Eric Karlstrom
18. Organized Gangstalking Manual (40:16): “Bright Light on Black Shadows” (2015) by Dr. Rauni Kilde
19. Stalkin’ USA (2:39)
C. Message to TIs From Dr. Eric Karlstrom
20. The Global Gestapo (14:05): From by Dr. Eric Karlstrom
Song: The Clearing from The Refuge (CD) by Eric Thor Karlstrom
21. Introductory Statement To TIs (8:36): From by Dr. E. Karlstrom
Song: Tears From the Land of the Snow from Wyoming Waltz CD by Eric Thor Karlstrom
22. Operation G-5: 2019 Synopsis (5:29): From by Dr. Eric Karlstrom
Song: Hobo’s Daydream from Guitar Reflections Volume 1: Solos CD by Eric Karlstrom
23. Operation G – 5: The Equation (4:32): From by Dr. E. Karlstrom
Song: Oregon Coast from Guitar Reflections Volume 1: Solos CD by Eric Karlstrom
24. Laws of God and Man Violated by Global Gangstalking Operations (4:37): From by Dr. E. Karlstrom
Song: El Toreador from Guitar Reflections Volume 1: Solos CD by Eric Karlstrom
D. CIA No-Touch Torture
25. CIA No-Touch Torture (3:17): From Dr. Alfred W. McCoy outline
Song: Fall To Earth from Guitar Reflections Volume 3: Solos and Duets CD by Eric Karlstrom
26. More on CIA No-Touch Torture (6:31): “Making Sense Of Mind Control and No-Touch Torture: In Contravention of Conventional Wisdom” (2012) by Cheryl Welsh
Song: Sangre de Cristo Reverie from The Refuge CD by Eric Thor Karlstrom
27. Globalizing CIA No-Touch Torture (6:29): “Making Sense Of Mind Control and No-Touch Torture: In Contravention of Conventional Wisdom” by Cheryl Welsh (2012)
Song: Mary from Guitar Reflections Volume 2: Solos and Duets CD by Eric Karlstrom
28. The American Torture Gulag (3:17): “A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation From the Cold War To The War On Terror” by Dr. Alfred C. McCoy
Song: Winter Waltz from Guitar Reflections Volume 2: Solos and Duets CD by Eric Karlstrom
E. Mind Control and The Human Brain Project
29. Quotes on Mind Control (5:27)
Song: Opus 1 from Wyoming Waltz CD by Eric Thor Karlstrom
30. The Human Brain Project (5:34): “The Human Brain Project” lecture by Robert Naeslund
Song: Twinkle Little Star Twinkle; Guitar Reflections Volume 3: Solos and Duets CD by Eric Karlstrom
31. Bio-Medical Telemetry (4:08): “Bio-Medical Telemetry” by Robert Naeslund
Song: Drivin’ Blind from Guitar Reflections Volume 1: Solos CD by Eric Karlstrom
32. Bio-electromagnetic Weapons (6:51): From “Bio-electromagnetic Weapons: The Ultimate Weapon” (2007) and “A Current US Program of Involuntary Human Experimentation” (2005) by Harlan Girard
Song: Why Should It Be? From Guitar Reflections; Volume 1: Solos CD by Eric Karlstrom
33. Electromagnetic Neuro-telecommunication And Cybernetics (10:49): “Electromagneticneurotelecommunication And Cybernetics” (2000) Abstract by Dr. Rauni Kilde, MD
Song: The Fall from The River CD by Eric Thor Karlstrom
34. Neuro-Electromagnetic Telecommunication (3:29): “Neuro-Electromagnetic Telecommunication” 2001 Abstract by Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanin-Kilde, MD
Song: The Fall by Wyoming Waltz CD by Eric Thor Karlstrom
35. Weaponized Bio-Physics and Neuroscience (6:57): “The Secret 1950’s Discovery of the Code of the Brain” (1998) by Cheryl Welsh
Song: Wind River from Guitar Reflections Volume 1: Solos CD by Eric Karlstrom
36. Mind-Control Symptoms (7:32): From “1996” Addendum by Gloria Naylor and Cheryl Welsh’s (2003)
Song: The Old House from Guitar Reflections Volume 2: Solos and Duets CD by Eric Karlstrom
37. We Are Targeting the Brain – Dr. James Giordano (2:04): From “Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield: The Realities and Risks of Neuroweapons” lecture by Dr. James Giordano
Song: Em Twins; Guitar Reflections Volume 3: Solos and Duets CD by Eric Karlstrom
38. I Want to Map Your Brain (4:41)
F. The Electronic Concentration Camp (Automated Battlefield)
39. Sensors On the Automated Battlefield (9:38): “The Secret 1950’s Discovery of the Code of the Brain” (1998) by Cheryl Welsh
Song: Sailing Away from Guitar Reflections Volume 1: Solos CD by Eric Karlstrom
40. GEO-INT And the Automated Battlefield (7:25): From Two 2016 Interviews of D.J. Welsh Interviews on “GEOINT” and “The Purpose and Scope of Jade Helm 2015”
Song: Winds of Fire from The Refuge CD by Eric Thor Karlstrom
G. Targeted Individuals’ Testimonies
41. Kay Griggs’ Testimony (5:20): From 1998 and 2005 Youtube Interviews
Song: A Patch of Blue from Guitar Reflections Volume 1: Solos CD by Eric Karlstrom
42. Dr. Rauni Kilde’s Testimony: 1 (7:28): “Bright Light on Black Shadows” (2015) by Dr. Rauni Kilde
Song: Ode to My Cold Woman from Stone River Banjo Anthology CD by Eric Thor Karlstrom
43. Dr. Rauni Kilde’s Testimony: 2 (7:43): “Bright Light on Black Shadows” (2015) by Dr. Rauni Kilde
Song: Reflections from Guitar Reflections Volume 1: Solos CD by Eric Karlstrom
44. Let’s Gangstalk Each Other (4:20)
45. Stephen O’Keefe’s Testimony: 1 (6:12): “Targeted Individual As Lone Wolf Terrorist” from Op Catalyst website
Song: Rocky Mountain Boogie from The Refuge CD by Eric Thor Karlstrom
46. Stephen O’Keefe’s Testimony: 2 (5:58): “Targeted Individual As Lone Wolf Terrorist” from Op Catalyst website
Song: Flute Song from Guitar Reflections Volume 2: Solos and Duets CD by Eric Karlstrom
47. Stephen O’Keefe’s Testimony: 3 (8:07): “Targeted Individual As Lone Wolf Terrorist” from Op Catalyst website
Song: Old Man, What Do You See? from Guitar Reflections Volume 2: Solos and Duets CD by Eric Karlstrom
48. Stephen O’Keefe’s Testimony: 4 (7:49): “Targeted Individual As Lone Wolf Terrorist” from Op Catalyst website
Song: Given Time from Guitar Reflections Volume 2: Solos and Duets CD by Eric Karlstrom
49. Stephen O’Keefe’s Testimony: 5 (8:14): “Targeted Individual As Lone Wolf Terrorist” from Op Catalyst website
Song: The Ancient Forest from The Refuge CD by Eric Thor Karlstrom
50. Stephen O’Keefe’s Testimony 6 (5:34): “Deceive and Hide: Jewish Mob Stalking Culture” youtube by Stephen O’Keefe
Song: Lake Song from The River CD by Eric Thor Karlstrom
51. Letter From Andrew’s Father (5:40)
Song: Kirsten; Guitar Reflections from Volume 1: Solos CD by Eric Karlstrom
52. We Will Stalk You (1:41)
H. The Brotherhood/Organization
53. The Brotherhood – Kay Griggs (10:16): From 1998 and 2005 Interviews
Song: Cottonwood Creek from The Refuge CD by Eric Thor Karlstrom
54. The Organization – Dr. Rauni Kilde (7:50): “Bright Light on Black Shadows” (2015) by Dr. Rauni Kilde
Song: Cottonwood Creek from The Refuge CD by Eric Thor Karlstrom
I. A Nation Betrayed
55. The Secret Team and the High Cabal (4:40): “The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies In Control of the United States and the World” by Col. L. F. Prouty
Song: The Golden Sword from Guitar Reflections: Vol. 3: Solos and Duets CD by Eric Karlstrom
56. CIA As Organized Crime (4:07): “CIA As Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World” by Douglas Valentine (2017)
Song: Highland Fling from Guitar Reflections; Volume 2; Solos and Duets CD by Eric Karlstrom
57. Confessions of CIA Operatives (4:05): Several Sources
Song: Early Autumn from Guitar Reflections; Vol. 3: Solos and Duets CD by Eric Karlstrom
58. Ode to Jimmy (5:19): from Reflections CD by Eric Karlstrom
59. Ode to Jimmy: The Backstory (3:16): “Whiteout:” The CIA, Drugs, and the Press” (1998) by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Claire
Song: Ode to Jimmy from Guitar Reflections from Volume 1: Solos CD by Eric Karlstrom
60. Ruby Ridge (2:53): From Bluegrass Conspiracy CD, written by Peter Rowan
61. Ruby Ridge: Military Police State (5:36): “Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces” (2014) by Radley Balko
Song: Dark Hollow Blues from Stone River Banjo Anthology CD by Eric Thor
62. Ruby Ridge: Military Mind Control (7:22): “Operation Open-Eyes: Disaffected Spook Spills SEAL Mind Control Experiences” by Walter Bowart in “Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness” (1999)
Song: Lake Song from The River by Eric Thor Karlstrom
63. How America and Israel Strangle the World (14:55): From “How America and Israel Strangle The World,” Power of Prophecy program by Texe Marrs
64. White House Blues (2:54): From Bluegrass Conspiracy CD
65. Illuminati Vision 2025 (11:36): From Illuminati Vision 2025 by Texe Marrs
J. Our Response To Diabolic Evil (Bonus Tracks)
66. Voices of Hope and Inspiration (3:43): Various Sources
Song: West Fork from Guitar Reflections Volume 3: Solos and Duets CD by Eric Karlstrom
67. Let’s Get Together: from Colorado Colors CD by Kindred Folk
68. Let the Lower Lights Be Burning: from Gospel Refrain CD by Eric Karlstrom
69. On the Sea of Life: from Gospel Refrain CD by Eric Karlstrom
70. The Old Cross Road: from Gospel Refrain CD by Eric Karlstrom
71. Paradise Divide Waltz/Touch of The Master’s Hand: from Gospel Refrain CD by Eric Karlstrom
72. Gospel Medley: from Gospel Refrain CD by Eric Karlstrom
73. Over In the Glory Land: from Gospel Refrain CD by Eric Karlstrom
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